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IFI6094.DT Kasutajakeskse disaini meetodid
(Leinonen, Toikkanen, & Silfvast, 2008)
Cooper, A., Reimann, R., & Cronin, D. (2007).
About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction
Design. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Persoonade kasutuseesmärgid
• Määrata kindlaks, millised on toote peamised kasutajagrupid
ning nende eesmärgid seoses tootega
• Olla kommunikatsioonivahendiks disainerite, arendajate ja
erinevate osapoolte vahel
• Luua ühine arusaam disainimeeskonnas
• Mõõta disainilahenduste efektiivsust
• Anda sisendit toote turundamise kavandamiseks
(Cooper, Reimann & Cronin, 2007)
Persoonad põhinevad taustauuringul
• Intervjuud
• Kasutajate vaatlus
• Kirjanduse analüüs
• Konkurentsianalüüs
(Cooper et al., 2007)
Age: 26
Education: Master student
Occupation: librarian
Maria has studied information science and now she is doing her
Masterʼs studies in interactive media. At the same time she has a full
time job as a school librarian. Therefore she is interested in combining
school assignments with her work as much as possible. At the same
time she is a self-directed learner who likes to go in depth in topics that
are interesting for her.
Personalization: “It is hard to have a full time job and be a master
student at the same time. If possible, then I try to choose assignments
that can be connected with my work.”
Scaffolding: “I feel that often it is difficult to specify all the resources
and actions that I have to make in order to achieve my learning
objectives. Good examples from other learners help me to refine my
Awareness: “It was good that we had to review our learning
contracts. This way I was constantly aware of my objectives and
thinking about the strategy to achieve my goals.”
Photo by Alessandro Valli,
taken from
(LeContract blog, 2010)
Persoona osad
• Nimi
• Foto
• Taustainfo (vanus, amet, haridus, …)
• Kirjeldus (lühitutvustus, tüüpilised kasutussituatsioonid,
arvutioskus, erivajadused, …)
• Eesmärgid
Persoonade kavandamise protsess
1. Määra olulised käitumistunnused
2. Paiguta intervjueeritud kasutajad käitumistunnuste teljele
3. Määra olulised käitumismustrid
4. Koosta nende põhjal persoonad ja eesmärgid
5. Kontrolli terviklikkust ja võimalikke kattumisi
6. Lisa persoonadele kirjeldus, foto ja nimi
7. Määra persoona tüübid
(Cooper et al., 2007)
doesn’t matter if an interviewee falls at precisely 45% or 50% on the scale. Ther
often no good way to measure this precisely; you must rely on your gut feeli
based on your observations of the subject. The desired outcome of this step is
accurately represent the way multiple subjects cluster with respect to each signi
cant variable (see Figure 5-4).
Figure 5-4 Mapping interview subjects to behavioral variables. This example is
from an online store. Interview subjects are mapped across each behavioral axis
Precision of the absolute position of an individual subject on an axis is less
important than its relative position to other subjects. Clusters of subjects across
multiple axes indicate significant behavior patterns.
Necessity only Entertainment
Service-oriented Price-oriented
User 3 User 2 User 1, 4, 5
User 3User 2 User 5User 1, 4
(Cooper et al., 2007)
Persoona tüübid
• Peamine (ingl primary) persoona
• Teisene (ingl secondary) persoona
• Täiendav (ingl supplemental) persoona
• Kliendi (ingl customer) persoona
• Teenindatud (ingl served) persoona
• Negatiivne (ingl negative) persoona
(Cooper et al., 2007)
Peamine persoona
• Peamine persoona kirjeldab kõige olulisemat kasutajatüüpi
• Iga kasutajaliidese jaoks on ainult üks peamine persoona
• Keerulisematel süsteemidel võib olla mitu kasutajaliidest ning
iga kasutajaliidese jaoks eraldi peamine persoona
Teisene persoona
• Teisene persoona on enamjaolt samade vajadustega, mis
peamine persoona
• Teisesel persoonal on mõned täiendavad vajadused, mis ei
ole konfliktis peamise persoona vajadustega
Täiendav persoona
• Ei kuulu peamiste ega teiseste persoonade hulka
• Täiendavate persoonade vajadused on täielikult rahuldatud
peamise ja teiseste persoonade vajadusi kombineerides
• Tüüpiliselt koostatakse erinevate osapoolte (nt kliendid)
soovide rahuldamiseks
Kliendi persoona
• Kirjeldab kliendi, mitte kasutajate vajadusi
• Võetakse arvesse võrdselt teiseste persoonadega
• Mõningatel juhtudel võib kliendi persoona olla peamiseks
persoonaks haldusliidesele
Teenindatav persoona
• Teenindatavad persoonad ei kasuta toodet ise
• Teenindatavad persoonad on mõjutatud sellest, kuidas teine
isik toodet kasutab
• Võetakse arvesse võrdselt teiseste persoonadega
Negatiivne persoona
• Kindlad kasutajatüübid, kellele toode ei ole mõeldud
• Näide: tehniliselt väga kogenud kasutajad
Näide: kasutajatest persoonadeks
Digitehnoloogiate instituudi teemaderegistri kasutajad:
• DTI üliõpilased
• DTI õppejõud ja teadurid (juhendajad)
• DTI-välised juhendajad
• õppekavade kuraatorid
• õppenõustajad
• õppejuht, juhiabi, instituudi direktor
• külalised (teiste instituutide õppejõud, teiste ülikoolide õppejõud-üliõpilased, tulevased üliõpilased, …)
• …
Kasutajate eesmärgid
Elu eesmärgid
• Olla parim selles, mida ma teen
• Õppida kõike mingi uue teema kohta
Kogemusega seotud eesmärgid
• Mitte tunda ennast rumalana
• Mitte teha vigu
• Nautida toota kasutamist
• Leida parima hinnaga pakkumine
• Broneerida hotellituba
(Cooper et al., 2007)
Mittekasutajate eesmärgid
Kliendi eesmärgid
• Olla kindel oma lapse turvalisuses
Ettevõtte eesmärgid
• Suurendada turuosa
• Kasutada ressursse säästlikumalt
Tehnilised eesmärgid
• Toetada kõiki levinud brausereid
• Pakkuda sarnast kasutajakogemust kõigil platvormidel
(Cooper et al., 2007)
Age: 34
Education: PhD student
Occupation: university lecturer
Diana is a PhD student and university lecturer in educational sciences.
She completed her Masterʼs as a biology teacher and worked in a
school for several years. She was eager to try various pedagogical
methods and finally decided to start PhD studies in educational
Now she is teaching a few courses in the university. One of the
methods that she is using in her courses is a personal learning
contract. She can really see how the learning contracts help some
students to improve the way they learn. On the other hand for some
students it is difficult to come up with a meaningful learning contract.
Thinking in details: “I can give feedback to studentsʼ goals and help
them to refine their learning contracts already in the beginning of the
course. This encourages them to think in details.”
Planning the learning environment: “It is good to know what kind of
resources and tools students are planning to use. This way I can
design the learning environment according to their needs.”
Staying on track: “We are reviewing the learning contracts in the
middle of the course. I can see what kind of progress the students
have made and make necessary changes to the course.”Photo by Russell James Smith,
taken from
(LeContract blog, 2010)
Age: 38
Education: Bachelorʼs degree, taking
online courses from foreign universities
Occupation: photographer
Carl has completed BA in computer science. He worked as a
programmer for more than a decade. Carl is interested travelling,
photography, history and foreign cultures. He is also an active user of
Web 2.0 environments.
With years of experience he has become quite good photographer. A
few years ago he decided to quit his programming job and started to
work as a freelancer wedding photographer. Now he has more time for
He has found out that quite a few foreign universities provide online
courses in foreign cultures, history, etc. He likes the fact that he can
study many interested topics but on the other hand he is worried about
the lack of community feeling in online courses.
Social networking: “I think that collaboration with other participants is
very important in e-learning courses. Learning contracts help me to
find other people with whom I have similar learning goals.”
Collaboration: “I realized that learning contracts are specially
valuable for group work. This way we can easily divide roles and
responsibilities in a group.”
Photo by greenkozi,
taken from
(LeContract blog, 2010)
Age: 58
Education: PhD
Occupation: professor
Jakob is a professor of industrial design. He has been working in the
university for almost 30 years. As a designer and researcher he has
participated in many R&D projects but his real love is teaching.
In last few years Jakob has decided to spend less time on projects and
travelling. This means that he has more time for preparing his courses
and trying out different things. He has experimented with blogs and
social software. In his last course he decided to try personal learning
contracts. It took quite a lot of time but he hopes that learning
contracts will help him to give a more personal learning experience for
his students.
Adjusting the course: “I would like to know what the students expect
to learn in my course. Then I can adjust the course assignments
according to their needs.”
Personalized support: “I want to give more personalized guidance
and support for my students.”
Fair grading: “I donʼt like grading but in some courses I am required to
do it. I have found that learning contracts help me on fair grading. I rely
on learning contracts when I negotiate grades with my students.”
Photo by Jesse Courtemanche,
taken from
(LeContract blog, 2010)
● Find a place in particular are of London
● Make decision online, and travel only to few places
● Looking for same size apartment, so all his stuff would fit
● Need a room/corner to park his bike
Attitudes/Mood: Time is money
I need just a place to sleep with cool nabours
young, single, looking
for apartment in
● 30, single
● MA in Engineering
● Advanced level in IT, database management
● Ms Office & Internet Pro user
● Use iPhone 6, non stop
● Time -saving
● Maximal information about location, surrounding facilities
● Place to keep a bike
Personal Story
Ben is young, single guy from Manchester, now living in London for 8
years. He is renting 1 bedroom 30 sq.m. apartment in London South,
Wimbledon. Ben is a contract based consultant in engineering &
construction. He has established his career, and has a decent client &
reference base. His working day regularly is 10-12 hours long.
Recently he got a new 12 month contract in Stratford, North London, and
decided to move for the same size apartment in Stratford, to save time &
money traveling to workplace every day, as transport is so expensive.
Frustrations/Pain points
● Hates traveling with public transport
● Hates to spend useless time looking at all the ugly
apartments before some good one shows up
Primary persona
Mõned soovitused
Mõned soovitused
• Alustage ajurünnakut märkmepaberitega
• Pidage silmas kindlaid isikuid, kuid kombineerige nende
eesmärgid ja kirjeldused persoonadeks
• Ideekaartide kasutamine aitab persoonade kavandamisel
EduFeedr personas
Primary persona
Secondary persona
Supplemental personas
To get a quick overview of latest posts in
the course
34 years old lecturer, long time doctoral
student, has background in education but
is quite technically savvy, early adopter of
new technologies, has long experience in
online learning, wantʼs to try out
something different in each course, is
participating in several projects and
travelling quite often, has a constant lack
of time, often reads the blog posts from his
iphone but is planning to write comments
later, sometimes leaves the laptop at work
and writes comments from his iPad.
Understands that the technology may
have certain limitations when it is still
under development.
To give better feedback for the students
To have multiple ways for browsing the
To create a functional learning community
To give support and feedback for all
To use course data for research purposes
28 years old PhD student, teaching her
second online course, average computer
user, experienced in using web 2.0 tools,
very systematic, wants to use course data
for research purposes. Wantʼs to have a
reliable system. Is using desktop RSS
reader in addition to EduFeedr.
Not to spend to much time on managing
the course
To make students to submit their
assignments on time
To be sure that the system is reliable
Teacher in a vocational school, has some
experience both in using Moodle and in
using social software. Wantʼs to have his
first blog-based course. Is not using RSS
To find inspiration from other student
To explore other open courses
Customer personaEducational technologist
Negative persona
To have one learning platform that
satisfies all her needs
To customize the learning platform
according to her taste and needs
To get teachers using the system
To be sure that the system is reliable
Not to spend too much time on supporting
the users
To get statistics about the use in their
Primary persona
To get a quick overview of latest posts in
the course
34 years old lecturer, long time doctoral
student, has background in education but
is quite technically savvy, early adopter of
new technologies, has long experience in
online learning, wantʼs to try out
something different in each course, is
participating in several projects and
travelling quite often, has a constant lack
of time, often reads the blog posts from his
iphone but is planning to write comments
later, sometimes leaves the laptop at work
and writes comments from his iPad.
Understands that the technology may
have certain limitations when it is still
under development.
To give better feedback for the students
To have multiple ways for browsing the
Fotode kasutamine
• Fotode kasutamisel tuleb järgida autoriõigusi. Kõige lihtsam
on kasutada Creative Commons Attribution litsentsiga või nn
royalty free fotosid.
• Creative Commons Attribution litsentsiga fotod Flickris: http://
Tüüpilised vead persoonade tegemisel
• Proovitakse teha üks persoona igast persoona tüübist
• Kattuvad eesmärgid persoonade vahel
• Liigsed detailid persoona kohta (nt perekonnanimi)
• Ebasobiv foto (kirjeldusega mittesobiv, ebarealistlik, nägu
pole selgelt näha, …)
Kasutatud allikad
• Cooper, A., Reimann, R., & Cronin, D. (2007). About Face 3: The Essentials of
Interaction Design. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
• LeContract blog (2010).
• Leinonen, T., Toikkanen, T., & Silvfast, K. (2008). Software as Hypothesis:
Research-Based Design Methodology. In Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary
Conference on Participatory Design 2008 (pp. 61–70). Indianapolis, IN:
Indiana University.
• TLU Giraffe Experience. (2016). Personas. https://
• Nicolas Nova: Personas,
See materjal on avaldatud Creative Commons Autorile viitamine–Jagamine
samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti litsentsi alusel. Litsentsi terviktekstiga tutvumiseks
külastage aadressi
Hans Põldoja
IFI6094.DT Kasutajakeskse disaini meetodid
Digitehnoloogiate instituut
Tallinna Ülikool

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  • 2. (Leinonen, Toikkanen, & Silfvast, 2008)
  • 3. Cooper, A., Reimann, R., & Cronin, D. (2007). About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
  • 4. Persoonade kasutuseesmärgid • Määrata kindlaks, millised on toote peamised kasutajagrupid ning nende eesmärgid seoses tootega • Olla kommunikatsioonivahendiks disainerite, arendajate ja erinevate osapoolte vahel • Luua ühine arusaam disainimeeskonnas • Mõõta disainilahenduste efektiivsust • Anda sisendit toote turundamise kavandamiseks (Cooper, Reimann & Cronin, 2007)
  • 5.
  • 6. Persoonad põhinevad taustauuringul • Intervjuud • Kasutajate vaatlus • Kirjanduse analüüs • Konkurentsianalüüs (Cooper et al., 2007)
  • 7. Age: 26 Education: Master student Occupation: librarian Maria Maria has studied information science and now she is doing her Masterʼs studies in interactive media. At the same time she has a full time job as a school librarian. Therefore she is interested in combining school assignments with her work as much as possible. At the same time she is a self-directed learner who likes to go in depth in topics that are interesting for her. Goals: Personalization: “It is hard to have a full time job and be a master student at the same time. If possible, then I try to choose assignments that can be connected with my work.” Scaffolding: “I feel that often it is difficult to specify all the resources and actions that I have to make in order to achieve my learning objectives. Good examples from other learners help me to refine my contract.” Awareness: “It was good that we had to review our learning contracts. This way I was constantly aware of my objectives and thinking about the strategy to achieve my goals.” Photo by Alessandro Valli, taken from (LeContract blog, 2010)
  • 8. Persoona osad • Nimi • Foto • Taustainfo (vanus, amet, haridus, …) • Kirjeldus (lühitutvustus, tüüpilised kasutussituatsioonid, arvutioskus, erivajadused, …) • Eesmärgid
  • 9. Persoonade kavandamise protsess 1. Määra olulised käitumistunnused 2. Paiguta intervjueeritud kasutajad käitumistunnuste teljele 3. Määra olulised käitumismustrid 4. Koosta nende põhjal persoonad ja eesmärgid 5. Kontrolli terviklikkust ja võimalikke kattumisi 6. Lisa persoonadele kirjeldus, foto ja nimi 7. Määra persoona tüübid (Cooper et al., 2007)
  • 10. doesn’t matter if an interviewee falls at precisely 45% or 50% on the scale. Ther often no good way to measure this precisely; you must rely on your gut feeli based on your observations of the subject. The desired outcome of this step is accurately represent the way multiple subjects cluster with respect to each signi cant variable (see Figure 5-4). Figure 5-4 Mapping interview subjects to behavioral variables. This example is from an online store. Interview subjects are mapped across each behavioral axis Precision of the absolute position of an individual subject on an axis is less important than its relative position to other subjects. Clusters of subjects across multiple axes indicate significant behavior patterns. Necessity only Entertainment Service-oriented Price-oriented User 3 User 2 User 1, 4, 5 User 3User 2 User 5User 1, 4 (Cooper et al., 2007)
  • 11. Persoona tüübid • Peamine (ingl primary) persoona • Teisene (ingl secondary) persoona • Täiendav (ingl supplemental) persoona • Kliendi (ingl customer) persoona • Teenindatud (ingl served) persoona • Negatiivne (ingl negative) persoona (Cooper et al., 2007)
  • 12. Peamine persoona • Peamine persoona kirjeldab kõige olulisemat kasutajatüüpi • Iga kasutajaliidese jaoks on ainult üks peamine persoona • Keerulisematel süsteemidel võib olla mitu kasutajaliidest ning iga kasutajaliidese jaoks eraldi peamine persoona
  • 13. Teisene persoona • Teisene persoona on enamjaolt samade vajadustega, mis peamine persoona • Teisesel persoonal on mõned täiendavad vajadused, mis ei ole konfliktis peamise persoona vajadustega
  • 14. Täiendav persoona • Ei kuulu peamiste ega teiseste persoonade hulka • Täiendavate persoonade vajadused on täielikult rahuldatud peamise ja teiseste persoonade vajadusi kombineerides • Tüüpiliselt koostatakse erinevate osapoolte (nt kliendid) soovide rahuldamiseks
  • 15. Kliendi persoona • Kirjeldab kliendi, mitte kasutajate vajadusi • Võetakse arvesse võrdselt teiseste persoonadega • Mõningatel juhtudel võib kliendi persoona olla peamiseks persoonaks haldusliidesele
  • 16. Teenindatav persoona • Teenindatavad persoonad ei kasuta toodet ise • Teenindatavad persoonad on mõjutatud sellest, kuidas teine isik toodet kasutab • Võetakse arvesse võrdselt teiseste persoonadega
  • 17. Negatiivne persoona • Kindlad kasutajatüübid, kellele toode ei ole mõeldud • Näide: tehniliselt väga kogenud kasutajad
  • 18. Näide: kasutajatest persoonadeks Digitehnoloogiate instituudi teemaderegistri kasutajad: • DTI üliõpilased • DTI õppejõud ja teadurid (juhendajad) • DTI-välised juhendajad • õppekavade kuraatorid • õppenõustajad • õppejuht, juhiabi, instituudi direktor • külalised (teiste instituutide õppejõud, teiste ülikoolide õppejõud-üliõpilased, tulevased üliõpilased, …) • …
  • 19. Kasutajate eesmärgid Elu eesmärgid • Olla parim selles, mida ma teen • Õppida kõike mingi uue teema kohta Kogemusega seotud eesmärgid • Mitte tunda ennast rumalana • Mitte teha vigu • Nautida toota kasutamist Lõpp-eesmärgid • Leida parima hinnaga pakkumine • Broneerida hotellituba (Cooper et al., 2007)
  • 20. Mittekasutajate eesmärgid Kliendi eesmärgid • Olla kindel oma lapse turvalisuses Ettevõtte eesmärgid • Suurendada turuosa • Kasutada ressursse säästlikumalt Tehnilised eesmärgid • Toetada kõiki levinud brausereid • Pakkuda sarnast kasutajakogemust kõigil platvormidel (Cooper et al., 2007)
  • 22. Age: 34 Education: PhD student Occupation: university lecturer Diana Diana is a PhD student and university lecturer in educational sciences. She completed her Masterʼs as a biology teacher and worked in a school for several years. She was eager to try various pedagogical methods and finally decided to start PhD studies in educational sciences. Now she is teaching a few courses in the university. One of the methods that she is using in her courses is a personal learning contract. She can really see how the learning contracts help some students to improve the way they learn. On the other hand for some students it is difficult to come up with a meaningful learning contract. Goals: Thinking in details: “I can give feedback to studentsʼ goals and help them to refine their learning contracts already in the beginning of the course. This encourages them to think in details.” Planning the learning environment: “It is good to know what kind of resources and tools students are planning to use. This way I can design the learning environment according to their needs.” Staying on track: “We are reviewing the learning contracts in the middle of the course. I can see what kind of progress the students have made and make necessary changes to the course.”Photo by Russell James Smith, taken from (LeContract blog, 2010)
  • 23. Age: 38 Education: Bachelorʼs degree, taking online courses from foreign universities Occupation: photographer Carl Carl has completed BA in computer science. He worked as a programmer for more than a decade. Carl is interested travelling, photography, history and foreign cultures. He is also an active user of Web 2.0 environments. With years of experience he has become quite good photographer. A few years ago he decided to quit his programming job and started to work as a freelancer wedding photographer. Now he has more time for hobbies. He has found out that quite a few foreign universities provide online courses in foreign cultures, history, etc. He likes the fact that he can study many interested topics but on the other hand he is worried about the lack of community feeling in online courses. Goals: Social networking: “I think that collaboration with other participants is very important in e-learning courses. Learning contracts help me to find other people with whom I have similar learning goals.” Collaboration: “I realized that learning contracts are specially valuable for group work. This way we can easily divide roles and responsibilities in a group.” Photo by greenkozi, taken from (LeContract blog, 2010)
  • 24. Age: 58 Education: PhD Occupation: professor Jakob Jakob is a professor of industrial design. He has been working in the university for almost 30 years. As a designer and researcher he has participated in many R&D projects but his real love is teaching. In last few years Jakob has decided to spend less time on projects and travelling. This means that he has more time for preparing his courses and trying out different things. He has experimented with blogs and social software. In his last course he decided to try personal learning contracts. It took quite a lot of time but he hopes that learning contracts will help him to give a more personal learning experience for his students. Goals: Adjusting the course: “I would like to know what the students expect to learn in my course. Then I can adjust the course assignments according to their needs.” Personalized support: “I want to give more personalized guidance and support for my students.” Fair grading: “I donʼt like grading but in some courses I am required to do it. I have found that learning contracts help me on fair grading. I rely on learning contracts when I negotiate grades with my students.” Photo by Jesse Courtemanche, taken from (LeContract blog, 2010)
  • 25.
  • 26. Ben Goals ● Find a place in particular are of London ● Make decision online, and travel only to few places ● Looking for same size apartment, so all his stuff would fit in ● Need a room/corner to park his bike Attitudes/Mood: Time is money I need just a place to sleep with cool nabours young, single, looking for apartment in London About ● 30, single ● MA in Engineering ● Advanced level in IT, database management ● Ms Office & Internet Pro user ● Use iPhone 6, non stop Triggers/Motivators ● Time -saving ● Maximal information about location, surrounding facilities ● Place to keep a bike Personal Story Ben is young, single guy from Manchester, now living in London for 8 years. He is renting 1 bedroom 30 sq.m. apartment in London South, Wimbledon. Ben is a contract based consultant in engineering & construction. He has established his career, and has a decent client & reference base. His working day regularly is 10-12 hours long. Recently he got a new 12 month contract in Stratford, North London, and decided to move for the same size apartment in Stratford, to save time & money traveling to workplace every day, as transport is so expensive. Frustrations/Pain points ● Hates traveling with public transport ● Hates to spend useless time looking at all the ugly apartments before some good one shows up Primary persona
  • 28. Mõned soovitused • Alustage ajurünnakut märkmepaberitega • Pidage silmas kindlaid isikuid, kuid kombineerige nende eesmärgid ja kirjeldused persoonadeks • Ideekaartide kasutamine aitab persoonade kavandamisel
  • 29. EduFeedr personas Primary persona Examples Teemu Hans Mart Secondary persona Examples Terje Kairit Supplemental personas Goals To get a quick overview of latest posts in the course Description 34 years old lecturer, long time doctoral student, has background in education but is quite technically savvy, early adopter of new technologies, has long experience in online learning, wantʼs to try out something different in each course, is participating in several projects and travelling quite often, has a constant lack of time, often reads the blog posts from his iphone but is planning to write comments later, sometimes leaves the laptop at work and writes comments from his iPad. Understands that the technology may have certain limitations when it is still under development. To give better feedback for the students To have multiple ways for browsing the course Teacher Examples Varje Heikki Student Examples Maris Elyna Goals To create a functional learning community To give support and feedback for all students To use course data for research purposes Description 28 years old PhD student, teaching her second online course, average computer user, experienced in using web 2.0 tools, very systematic, wants to use course data for research purposes. Wantʼs to have a reliable system. Is using desktop RSS reader in addition to EduFeedr. Goals Description Goals Not to spend to much time on managing the course To make students to submit their assignments on time To be sure that the system is reliable Description Teacher in a vocational school, has some experience both in using Moodle and in using social software. Wantʼs to have his first blog-based course. Is not using RSS reader. To find inspiration from other student blogs To explore other open courses Customer personaEducational technologist Examples Krista Marge Marko Negative persona ExamplesAnne Goals To have one learning platform that satisfies all her needs To customize the learning platform according to her taste and needs Goals Description To get teachers using the system To be sure that the system is reliable Not to spend too much time on supporting the users ... ... Description... Ilya To get statistics about the use in their institution
  • 30. Primary persona Examples Teemu Hans Mart Goals To get a quick overview of latest posts in the course Description 34 years old lecturer, long time doctoral student, has background in education but is quite technically savvy, early adopter of new technologies, has long experience in online learning, wantʼs to try out something different in each course, is participating in several projects and travelling quite often, has a constant lack of time, often reads the blog posts from his iphone but is planning to write comments later, sometimes leaves the laptop at work and writes comments from his iPad. Understands that the technology may have certain limitations when it is still under development. To give better feedback for the students To have multiple ways for browsing the course
  • 31. Fotode kasutamine • Fotode kasutamisel tuleb järgida autoriõigusi. Kõige lihtsam on kasutada Creative Commons Attribution litsentsiga või nn royalty free fotosid. • Creative Commons Attribution litsentsiga fotod Flickris: http:// •
  • 33.
  • 34. Tüüpilised vead persoonade tegemisel • Proovitakse teha üks persoona igast persoona tüübist • Kattuvad eesmärgid persoonade vahel • Liigsed detailid persoona kohta (nt perekonnanimi) • Ebasobiv foto (kirjeldusega mittesobiv, ebarealistlik, nägu pole selgelt näha, …)
  • 35. Kasutatud allikad • Cooper, A., Reimann, R., & Cronin, D. (2007). About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc. • LeContract blog (2010). • Leinonen, T., Toikkanen, T., & Silvfast, K. (2008). Software as Hypothesis: Research-Based Design Methodology. In Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Conference on Participatory Design 2008 (pp. 61–70). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University. • TLU Giraffe Experience. (2016). Personas. https://
  • 36. Photos • Nicolas Nova: Personas,
  • 37. See materjal on avaldatud Creative Commons Autorile viitamine–Jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti litsentsi alusel. Litsentsi terviktekstiga tutvumiseks külastage aadressi Hans Põldoja IFI6094.DT Kasutajakeskse disaini meetodid Digitehnoloogiate instituut Tallinna Ülikool