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"Waste is a result of Bad Design"
                Eric Lombardi of EcoCycle, a recycler in Boulder, Colorado
Global Warming is the observed average
temperature increase in the earth’s
atmosphere and oceans, sufficient enough to cause
climate change.

                                                    Average global temperatures
CO2                 N2O              Methane   CFC 11   CFC 12

The increased amount of carbon dioxide
and greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the
Earth’s atmosphere—through fossil fuel
burning, land-clearing, waste disposal,
Etc.—Is the major component of the Greenhouse
Power stations     Industrial Process       Transport Fuels


   Fossil fuels
                     Residential and
                                               Land use and
                                             Biomass Burning

Waste management is the collection, transport,
processing, recycling or disposal, and monitoring of
waste materials.
Chennai   Bangalore   Bombay   Delhi   Kolkatta

Paper                 8.38      11.58       8.85     6.92    6.07

Metals                0.19      0.35        0.44     0.38    0.19

Glass                 0.29      0.78        0.92     0.42    0.34

Textiles              3.11      2.29        4.42     7.10    1.87

Plastics              7.48      9.72        10.30    7.80    4.88

Ash and dust          26.11     17.34       14.12    18.55   29.60

Organics              51.34     51.84       55.25    54.42   50.56

Source- KK plastics
Chennai   Bangalore   Bombay   Delhi   Kolkatta

Paper                 8.38      11.58       8.85     6.92    6.07

Metals                0.19      0.35        0.44     0.38    0.19

Glass                 0.29      0.78        0.92     0.42    0.34

Textiles              3.11      2.29        4.42     7.10    1.87

Plastics              7.48      9.72        10.30    7.80    4.88

Ash and dust          26.11     17.34       14.12    18.55   29.60

Organics              51.34     51.84       55.25    54.42   50.56

Source- KK plastics

                      Soda bottle   Milk, water   Clear food   Bread       Ketchup        Meat trays   Some
                                    and juice     Packaging    bags        Bottles                     Juice
                      Shampoo                                                             Egg          bottles
                      Bottle        Detergent     Shampoo      Frozen      Marine         cartons
                                    bottle        Bottles      food        Tubes                       3 and 5
                      Water                                    Packaging                  cups and     gallon
                                    Yogurt                                                plates       bottles
                                    tubs                       Squeezy
                      Jars                                     Bottles

PLASTIC                         PYRAMID RANKED BY HAZARD


                                                                           PS, ABS, PC


                                                                              PE, PP

                                                                 BIO BASED POLYMERS
PET flakes are used as the raw material for a range of products that would
otherwise be made of polyester.

PVC- or Vinyl Recycling has historically been difficult to perfect on the industrial

The most-often recycled plastic[citation HDPE or number 2, is down cycled
into plastic lumber, tables, roadside curbs, benches, truck cargo liners, trash
receptacles, stationery (e.g. rulers) and other durable plastic products and is
usually in demand.

 Environmental Hazardous                                          Issues related to plastic

 Grinding Scrap Increases Noise levels                            Marking and codification on the product is
 Hygienic conditions of the Units                                 Inappropriate
 Infections to the Rag Pickers.                                   Quality of raw material and scrap
 Workers exposed to severe Health conditions                      The multi level film packaging is not recyclable.
 Once used to the maximum, it goes to the dump
 Products that are recycled are not very safe.
The growth rate of the plastic manufacturing Industry is rising
by 24% every year since the past 19 years.

Total waste in bangalore is 3500 tonnes per day
Plastic Waste is 35 tonnes per day

Out of the plastic waste created 82.84% is recovered - Through
primary and secondary sources.
17.11% is waste dumped in the environment

BANAGLORE                                                   THE PLASTIC INDUSTRY IS THE MAJOR OFFENDER

Out of 82.84% only 40% is recycled in bangalore the rest is

Out of 40% of it being recycled , 2.3% is dumped in the

In total 17.11% + 5.0% = 22.11% is the garbage just out there

( These figures may not be exact but will give you a round about situation in the
Source: KK plastics
Air pollution   Marine life        Clogged drains   Infertility of the soil   Toxins in groundwater


Heath Issues     Prevents rain water Animals die     Chemicals harm            Oil consumption
                 from seeping down                   body
GHG                GHG                GHG                  GHG                  GHG

Energy             Energy             Energy             Energy               Energy




 materials         Plastic
                    Production       Product
                                      Manufacture        Product
                                                          Use                Disposal

LIFE CYCLE                        MANUFACTURING
GHG                  GHG                  GHG                    GHG                       GHG

Energy               Energy               Energy               Energy                    Energy




 materials           Plastic
                      Production         Product
                                          Manufacture          Product
                                                                Use                     Disposal

ALTERNATIVE                                   MANUFACTURING


                                                         RECYCLE TO PRODUCT

                                    RECYCLE TO PLASTIC


                     RECYCLE TO


                     RECYCLE TO

                     RECYCLE TO
                     LIQUID FUEL

                     RECYCLE TO
                     ENERGY RECOVERY
PRODUCT             Collection and
                     Transportation   
                                      and washing          Refurbishing
                                                                              Manufacturing

PLASTIC             Collection and
                     Transportation      Sorting and
                                          Washing          Grinding and
                                                            Melting           Polymer

APPROACH                       THE AREAS WE CAN FOCUS ON
Households,Retail                                      Broker
and Industraial

                                                 Rag pickers

                              Collection bins





                                                                                                        Rag pickers
                                                       Transfer Points

                    Recycle route

                    Waste Route
                                                                                   Dumps and Landfill
                                                  RETAIL SPACES: GARUDA MALL, COMMERCIAL STREET, MG ROAD

Neeta singh has been married for over 20 years to Sunil Singh.          near by shop if there is less quantity and they usually deliver in
They have shifted to Bangalore about 7 years back. She has one          plastic bags. She usually visits Spencer’s or Nilgirs, which is just
son and one daughter, they are both currently in college. Neeta         walking distance from her house. She doesn’t carry her own bag
takes care of all the household chores herself and a House help to      to these places as its not allowed inside and she would have to
just assist her. Neeta has many friends in Bangalore.                   take the plastic bags anyway. The bags she receives from these
Neeta’s day typically starts of with laying out the breakfast for her   retail chains are usually used to line the dustbins, or then stored
husband and children, She offers them a lot of Healthy food like        till there is a need again to use them to carry things.
fruits, cornflakes, almonds etc.                                        She thinks the government should be doing something about it.
She usually packs rolls for children in Klin- wrap and gives it to      She also admits that she throws all the plastic packaging into the
them in a plastic bag, as it is easy to dispose. Once they all leave    dustbin and has no clue where it goes, all she knows is that the
the house, she starts with preparing the lunch and she instructs        maid takes it down to the bin and she thinks that the truck comes
the house help on the various tasks to do. She then if necessary        and takes it.
goes to the grocery store to buy things or then she orders from a
PERSONAS                                         NAME: UMESH DALAL AGE: 50 OCCUPATION: CEO STATUS: MARRIED
                                                 RETAIL SPACES: GARUDA MALL, JAYANAGAR MAIN MARKET

Mr Umesh Dalal Is a CEO of a mid size company at Jayanagar. He          delivered from home, which includes the evening snack as well.
has two sons that are both studying abroad. His wife is a school        This is well packaged in a plastic tiffin and other Ziploc packaging
teacher at the nearby nursery school. Umesh heads a large team          for the roti’s, sandwiches etc. Sometimes he visits the canteen
of people in his office and is constantly traveling around the world.   with his team and there he is served food on reusable plates. On
Umesh’s day at office starts with a cup of coffee in a plastic cup      the technical front he is trying to make Eco friendly products in
from café coffee day at the office canteen. He then visits several      his company, where there would be as little as plastic used.
meetings scheduled by his personal assistant around where he is         Umesh is aware about the Environmental hazards of plastic and
offered bottled water, and some biscuits on a kiln wrapped plate.       they are trying to cut down as much plastic as possible. He has
Every time he wants water in the middle of work he is given a new       even set aside a budget for corporate social responsibility. He
bottle. He consumes over 20 bottles in a day. His lunch is usually      feels that plastic should be completely banned.
                                                RETAIL SPACES: GARUDA MALL, COMMERCIAL STREET, MG ROAD

Awadhi Gupta is a student of Mount Carmel College in Bangalore.        usually disposed of in the dustbin, as she is aware of how she
She is originally from Delhi and has been living in Bangalore. She     should not litter on the roads. She usually always carries a
lives with four of her friends in a two-bed room apartment. They       disposable water bottle which in case she can crush and throw.
have house help who comes and cleans for them and also cooks           She loves going shopping with her friends in the by- lanes of
them lunch and dinner. Since they are living by themselves they        Commercial Street. When she picks up one or two things she
use a lot of packaged junk food, like magi, Lays chips, chips, Ready   tries to avoid taking a bag from the shopkeeper.
to eat food.                                                           She says she tries reducing plastic at home as far as possible
Her day typically starts with a glass of milk from her tetra pack      and even educates her maids about it. But she doesn’t really
Milk. She leaves for college in an auto and if on the way she is       know where to go out and put the garbage so that it reaches the
hungry, she buys herself a packet of chips or biscuits, which is       right source.
PERSONAS                                          NAME: P.N. RAO AGE: 35 OCCUPATION: POLICE OFFICER STATUS: SINGLE
                                                  RETAIL SPACES: COMMERCIAL STREET, SHIVAJI NAGAR, KR MARKET.

PN Rao is police officer at the commercial street police station. He     places. Incase he forgets his bottle; He buys or borrows from
lives in the government quarters with his fellow colleagues. He is       nearby localities.
usually given lunch at the station and dinner in the quarters. He        He usually has a fixed location to have coffee in a day. He has
has a family back in                                                     about 4 coffees in a day in those small plastic cups, which he just
His day starts, with either a duty at the station or a position          litters anywhere around.
somewhere around the location of Shivaji Nagar. His Walkie-talkie        He is aware that people throw plastic and litter all over. He
usually informs him early in the morning of his location. When he        feels nothing can be done about it because people don’t care
is stationed outside, His duty is too monitor the traffic and penalize   and neither do the government. He feels that there is very little
anyone who breaks traffic rules. While he is at duty, he usually         he can do as it is not in his capacity. He is not aware about the
tries carrying his own bottle of water, which he refills from various    environmental hazardous that plastic.
                                                 RETAIL SPACES: JC NAGAR, SHIVAJI NAGAR

Vijaya is house help at the Neeladri Mahal building. She visits over   all the garbage in the common dustbin in the building. In all the
6 houses in a day and assists people of the house with cleaning,       houses she demands them to put plastic liners so that it is easier
cooking and all household chores. She has two children and both        for her. She just ties the bag and dumps it in the bin. She takes
are going to an English medium school. Her husband expired             all the extra bottles and big waste in the house and sells it to the
over 8 years back and ever since she has been taking care of the       cabadiwalla opposite the house.
family.                                                                She says she has heard that plastic harms the environment, but
Her day starts at 8:00 am in one house where she does all the          does not know how. She says she will try in her capacity to do
cleaning and mopping and washing the clothes. She has to throw         whatvever it takes if she is taught what to do.
The survey covered a large demographic of the Middle class, Upper middle class
segment of society

The most frequently used plastic is Bottles 71%, Bags: 69%

60% of the people think their garbage goes to the municipal dump
And only 40% think it gets recycled

SURVEY                        A DEMOGRAPHIC OF 100

61% of the people think plastic should not be completely banned

62% of the demographic do not mind paying for there own bag as long as it is

85% of the people would want to be a part of an initiative
State and central Government- Losing credibility and public criticism

Muncipalities- Costs and reduction

Plastic Producers- Ban on plastic Packaging

FMGC’s- Branded litter= Erosion of Brand Value

Retailers- Supply Infefficiencies

NGO’s - Government and Industry support.

Recycler - Steady stream of materials and Information.
NGO's- collection and seggregation centers

KK plastics- plastics for the road

Strong system of collection by Cabadiwallas

Recycling technologies for most plastics

Identification numbers for segregation

Policy of banning 20 microns plastic
National policy - Ranging from voluntary to Regulatoray

Societal engagement - Scope for social Innovation

Infrastructure for collection and separation - A challenge in our country

Technologies, Market and prices for recycled products- Designing for the Next life
                     to Bring your                   De- centralize
                     own bag                         segregation and
         A strong policy        Awarness
         and enforcement        Campaign

Discovering New                       Education and          Packager being
technology and                        Uplifting of the       Responsible
Innovation                            Ragpickers

   Collaboration                       Street
                                       committees             Piolt project
                           Seggregation at
         Shared agenda
         on SWM
                   A database                      Self help groups
FINDING ALTERNATIVES - Bring your own bags


CREATING AWARENESS: Schools, colleges, IT firms

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Personas and scenarios

  • 2. "Waste is a result of Bad Design" Eric Lombardi of EcoCycle, a recycler in Boulder, Colorado
  • 3. GLOBAL WARMING Global Warming is the observed average temperature increase in the earth’s atmosphere and oceans, sufficient enough to cause climate change. 2008 14.8 2000 14.5 1994 14.4 Average global temperatures
  • 4. CO2 N2O Methane CFC 11 CFC 12 CAUSES The increased amount of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the Earth’s atmosphere—through fossil fuel burning, land-clearing, waste disposal, Etc.—Is the major component of the Greenhouse Effect
  • 5. Power stations Industrial Process Transport Fuels ❉ Agriculture Byproducts REASON WHERE DO GHG’S COME FROM ?  Fossil fuels Retrieval,Process Residential and Commercial Land use and Biomass Burning Waste management
  • 6. REASON WHERE DO GHG’S COME FROM ? Waste management
  • 7. WASTE MANAGEMENT Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal, and monitoring of waste materials.
  • 8. Chennai Bangalore Bombay Delhi Kolkatta Paper 8.38 11.58 8.85 6.92 6.07 Metals 0.19 0.35 0.44 0.38 0.19 Glass 0.29 0.78 0.92 0.42 0.34 Textiles 3.11 2.29 4.42 7.10 1.87 WASTE CONTENT Plastics 7.48 9.72 10.30 7.80 4.88 Ash and dust 26.11 17.34 14.12 18.55 29.60 Organics 51.34 51.84 55.25 54.42 50.56 Source- KK plastics
  • 9. Chennai Bangalore Bombay Delhi Kolkatta Paper 8.38 11.58 8.85 6.92 6.07 Metals 0.19 0.35 0.44 0.38 0.19 Glass 0.29 0.78 0.92 0.42 0.34 Textiles 3.11 2.29 4.42 7.10 1.87 WASTE CONTENT Plastics 7.48 9.72 10.30 7.80 4.88 Ash and dust 26.11 17.34 14.12 18.55 29.60 Organics 51.34 51.84 55.25 54.42 50.56 Source- KK plastics
  • 10. PLASTIC RESIN CODES Soda bottle Milk, water Clear food Bread Ketchup Meat trays Some and juice Packaging bags Bottles Juice Shampoo Egg bottles Bottle Detergent Shampoo Frozen Marine cartons bottle Bottles food Tubes 3 and 5 Water Packaging cups and gallon Yogurt plates bottles tubs Squeezy Jars Bottles Grocery Bags PLASTIC PYRAMID RANKED BY HAZARD PVC PS, ABS, PC PET PE, PP BIO BASED POLYMERS
  • 11. PET flakes are used as the raw material for a range of products that would otherwise be made of polyester. PVC- or Vinyl Recycling has historically been difficult to perfect on the industrial scale The most-often recycled plastic[citation HDPE or number 2, is down cycled into plastic lumber, tables, roadside curbs, benches, truck cargo liners, trash receptacles, stationery (e.g. rulers) and other durable plastic products and is usually in demand. RECYCLE ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDOUS OF RECYCLING Environmental Hazardous Issues related to plastic Grinding Scrap Increases Noise levels Marking and codification on the product is Hygienic conditions of the Units Inappropriate Infections to the Rag Pickers. Quality of raw material and scrap Workers exposed to severe Health conditions The multi level film packaging is not recyclable. Once used to the maximum, it goes to the dump Products that are recycled are not very safe.
  • 12. The growth rate of the plastic manufacturing Industry is rising by 24% every year since the past 19 years. Total waste in bangalore is 3500 tonnes per day Plastic Waste is 35 tonnes per day Out of the plastic waste created 82.84% is recovered - Through primary and secondary sources. 17.11% is waste dumped in the environment BANAGLORE THE PLASTIC INDUSTRY IS THE MAJOR OFFENDER Out of 82.84% only 40% is recycled in bangalore the rest is exported. Out of 40% of it being recycled , 2.3% is dumped in the environment. In total 17.11% + 5.0% = 22.11% is the garbage just out there floating. ( These figures may not be exact but will give you a round about situation in the city) Source: KK plastics
  • 13. Air pollution Marine life Clogged drains Infertility of the soil Toxins in groundwater IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT Heath Issues Prevents rain water Animals die Chemicals harm Oil consumption from seeping down body
  • 15. GHG GHG GHG GHG GHG Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy v v v v v Raw materials  Plastic Production  Product Manufacture  Product Use  Disposal LIFE CYCLE MANUFACTURING
  • 16. GHG GHG GHG GHG GHG Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy v v v v v Raw materials  Plastic Production  Product Manufacture  Product Use  Disposal ALTERNATIVE MANUFACTURING RE-USE RECYCLE TO PRODUCT RECYCLE TO PLASTIC RECYCLE TO RAW MATERIAL OR ENERGY
  • 18. RECYCLE TO PRODUCT  Collection and Transportation  Dismantaling and washing  Refurbishing  Manufacturing Product THERMO MECHNANICAL TREATMENT RECYCLE TO PLASTIC  Collection and Transportation  Sorting and Washing  Grinding and Melting  Polymer Product APPROACH THE AREAS WE CAN FOCUS ON
  • 19. Cab adiw alla Industrial Households,Retail Broker and Industraial Rag pickers Collection bins WHAT WE HAVE s er Merchants ick DISPOSABILITY gp Ra Rag pickers Transfer Points Streets Recycle route Waste Route Dumps and Landfill
  • 20. PERSONAS NAME: NEETA SINGH AGE: 45 OCCUPATION: HOUSEWIFE STATUS:MARRIED RETAIL SPACES: GARUDA MALL, COMMERCIAL STREET, MG ROAD Neeta singh has been married for over 20 years to Sunil Singh. near by shop if there is less quantity and they usually deliver in They have shifted to Bangalore about 7 years back. She has one plastic bags. She usually visits Spencer’s or Nilgirs, which is just son and one daughter, they are both currently in college. Neeta walking distance from her house. She doesn’t carry her own bag takes care of all the household chores herself and a House help to to these places as its not allowed inside and she would have to just assist her. Neeta has many friends in Bangalore. take the plastic bags anyway. The bags she receives from these Neeta’s day typically starts of with laying out the breakfast for her retail chains are usually used to line the dustbins, or then stored husband and children, She offers them a lot of Healthy food like till there is a need again to use them to carry things. fruits, cornflakes, almonds etc. She thinks the government should be doing something about it. She usually packs rolls for children in Klin- wrap and gives it to She also admits that she throws all the plastic packaging into the them in a plastic bag, as it is easy to dispose. Once they all leave dustbin and has no clue where it goes, all she knows is that the the house, she starts with preparing the lunch and she instructs maid takes it down to the bin and she thinks that the truck comes the house help on the various tasks to do. She then if necessary and takes it. goes to the grocery store to buy things or then she orders from a
  • 21. PERSONAS NAME: UMESH DALAL AGE: 50 OCCUPATION: CEO STATUS: MARRIED RETAIL SPACES: GARUDA MALL, JAYANAGAR MAIN MARKET Mr Umesh Dalal Is a CEO of a mid size company at Jayanagar. He delivered from home, which includes the evening snack as well. has two sons that are both studying abroad. His wife is a school This is well packaged in a plastic tiffin and other Ziploc packaging teacher at the nearby nursery school. Umesh heads a large team for the roti’s, sandwiches etc. Sometimes he visits the canteen of people in his office and is constantly traveling around the world. with his team and there he is served food on reusable plates. On Umesh’s day at office starts with a cup of coffee in a plastic cup the technical front he is trying to make Eco friendly products in from café coffee day at the office canteen. He then visits several his company, where there would be as little as plastic used. meetings scheduled by his personal assistant around where he is Umesh is aware about the Environmental hazards of plastic and offered bottled water, and some biscuits on a kiln wrapped plate. they are trying to cut down as much plastic as possible. He has Every time he wants water in the middle of work he is given a new even set aside a budget for corporate social responsibility. He bottle. He consumes over 20 bottles in a day. His lunch is usually feels that plastic should be completely banned.
  • 22. PERSONAS NAME: AWADHI GUPTA AGE: 23 OCCUPATION: STUDENT STATUS: SINGLE RETAIL SPACES: GARUDA MALL, COMMERCIAL STREET, MG ROAD Awadhi Gupta is a student of Mount Carmel College in Bangalore. usually disposed of in the dustbin, as she is aware of how she She is originally from Delhi and has been living in Bangalore. She should not litter on the roads. She usually always carries a lives with four of her friends in a two-bed room apartment. They disposable water bottle which in case she can crush and throw. have house help who comes and cleans for them and also cooks She loves going shopping with her friends in the by- lanes of them lunch and dinner. Since they are living by themselves they Commercial Street. When she picks up one or two things she use a lot of packaged junk food, like magi, Lays chips, chips, Ready tries to avoid taking a bag from the shopkeeper. to eat food. She says she tries reducing plastic at home as far as possible Her day typically starts with a glass of milk from her tetra pack and even educates her maids about it. But she doesn’t really Milk. She leaves for college in an auto and if on the way she is know where to go out and put the garbage so that it reaches the hungry, she buys herself a packet of chips or biscuits, which is right source.
  • 23. PERSONAS NAME: P.N. RAO AGE: 35 OCCUPATION: POLICE OFFICER STATUS: SINGLE RETAIL SPACES: COMMERCIAL STREET, SHIVAJI NAGAR, KR MARKET. PN Rao is police officer at the commercial street police station. He places. Incase he forgets his bottle; He buys or borrows from lives in the government quarters with his fellow colleagues. He is nearby localities. usually given lunch at the station and dinner in the quarters. He He usually has a fixed location to have coffee in a day. He has has a family back in about 4 coffees in a day in those small plastic cups, which he just His day starts, with either a duty at the station or a position litters anywhere around. somewhere around the location of Shivaji Nagar. His Walkie-talkie He is aware that people throw plastic and litter all over. He usually informs him early in the morning of his location. When he feels nothing can be done about it because people don’t care is stationed outside, His duty is too monitor the traffic and penalize and neither do the government. He feels that there is very little anyone who breaks traffic rules. While he is at duty, he usually he can do as it is not in his capacity. He is not aware about the tries carrying his own bottle of water, which he refills from various environmental hazardous that plastic.
  • 24. PERSONAS NAME: VIJAYA CHANDRA AGE: 37 OCCUPATION: HOUSE HELP STATUS: WIDOW RETAIL SPACES: JC NAGAR, SHIVAJI NAGAR Vijaya is house help at the Neeladri Mahal building. She visits over all the garbage in the common dustbin in the building. In all the 6 houses in a day and assists people of the house with cleaning, houses she demands them to put plastic liners so that it is easier cooking and all household chores. She has two children and both for her. She just ties the bag and dumps it in the bin. She takes are going to an English medium school. Her husband expired all the extra bottles and big waste in the house and sells it to the over 8 years back and ever since she has been taking care of the cabadiwalla opposite the house. family. She says she has heard that plastic harms the environment, but Her day starts at 8:00 am in one house where she does all the does not know how. She says she will try in her capacity to do cleaning and mopping and washing the clothes. She has to throw whatvever it takes if she is taught what to do.
  • 25. The survey covered a large demographic of the Middle class, Upper middle class segment of society The most frequently used plastic is Bottles 71%, Bags: 69% 60% of the people think their garbage goes to the municipal dump And only 40% think it gets recycled SURVEY A DEMOGRAPHIC OF 100 61% of the people think plastic should not be completely banned 62% of the demographic do not mind paying for there own bag as long as it is Reasonable. 85% of the people would want to be a part of an initiative
  • 26. State and central Government- Losing credibility and public criticism Muncipalities- Costs and reduction Plastic Producers- Ban on plastic Packaging THE INDUSTRY IS WORRIED FMGC’s- Branded litter= Erosion of Brand Value Retailers- Supply Infefficiencies NGO’s - Government and Industry support. Recycler - Steady stream of materials and Information.
  • 27. NGO's- collection and seggregation centers KK plastics- plastics for the road Strong system of collection by Cabadiwallas WHAT IS IN PLACE? Recycling technologies for most plastics Identification numbers for segregation Policy of banning 20 microns plastic
  • 28. National policy - Ranging from voluntary to Regulatoray Societal engagement - Scope for social Innovation WHAT WE NEED Infrastructure for collection and separation - A challenge in our country Technologies, Market and prices for recycled products- Designing for the Next life
  • 29. Encourage to Bring your De- centralize own bag segregation and collection A strong policy Awarness and enforcement Campaign Discovering New Education and Packager being technology and Uplifting of the Responsible Innovation Ragpickers CHANGES REQUIRED Collaboration Street committees Piolt project Seggregation at source Shared agenda on SWM A database Self help groups
  • 30. BIG IDEAS FINDING ALTERNATIVES - Bring your own bags METHOD OF DISPOSABILITY/COLLECTION/ SEGREGATION Collection centers, Ragpickers CREATING AWARENESS: Schools, colleges, IT firms