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Penis	Enlargement	Bible
Penis	Enlargement	Bible	
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Copyright	©	All	rights	reserved.	
The eBook is supplied for information purposes only, even though the contributors of
this material are well conversed in the subject matter printed. The material content in
this ebook does not constitute professional advice.
This eBook is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regards
to the subject matter contained. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher and
its contributors are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional
advice. If professional advice or other professional assistance is required, the services
of a competent professional should be sought. The readers are advised to consult
with any appropriately qualified professional before taking any decisions.
If you have or suspect an illness or have a health concern, always consult with your
physician or health care provider. We have used our best judgment in compiling this
information, however, the information presented may not have been evaluated by the
Food and Drug Administration. Any reference to a specific product is for your
information only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Table	of	Contents	
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 4
Know Your Penis ................................................................................................................... 6
Measuring Your Penis............................................................................................................ 8
Penis Exercises: The Basics................................................................................................... 10
Penis Exercises: Stepping It Up A Gear (Advanced Exercises) ................................................ 16
Penis Exercises: The Schedule.............................................................................................. 20
Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 24
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First of all, congratulations on your choice to download this ebook.
This ebook may be free, but I can assure you it‟s priceless. Soon you will know exactly
how to enlarge your penis! So consider yourself lucky, my friend, because normally you
have to pay $49 just to read guides that are less good than this one. This is a real treat
Now let‟s talk about penis. Your penis, to be exact.
I„d bet that your woman has not said in your presence that a bigger penis feels much
better during sex than a small penis. It‟s no surprise because she doesn't want to hurt
your feelings.
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You see, one of the top complaints from women about their sex life is their
partner's small penis size. So what can you do now to make sure your penis causes
compliments, not complaints?
Don‟t worry, I‟m here to help.
If you want to know how to enlarge your penis, then doing exercises is one of most
popular ways to increase the size of a man's penis. Nonetheless, there is some effort
required - and a catch!
By doing some penis enlargement exercises, you can train your penis to let more blood
into it which will give you a harder erection and assist in penis growth if you follow the
other necessary steps to cause big growth. (This is what the exercise "gurus" didn't
want you to know!)
But of course, exercises alone DON'T work.
In the same way that your body does, your penis needs nutrients and biochemicals to
repair itself and - more importantly for us - to grow. What's more, you can trick your
body into restarting puberty style penis enlargement (i.e. natural growth) with
biochemicals that were present in your body during puberty, but which left when it
ended! When they left your body, penis growth ground to a sudden halt.
A cool video all about biochemicals and their function in penis enlargement can be
found at
However, right now you can read this amazing free penis exercise ebook and start
straight away to improve your sex life. What I can say is that this guide has been
changing the way a bucket-load of men think about treating their "size" problem.
Within a few minutes, you will learn how to become a much better lover with a bigger
Now enjoy this free report and please pass it on to your family and friends. Tell them
about They need your help too. :)
Let's get started!
John Collins,
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Know	Your	Penis	
I'm not going to waste this space (and your valuable time) by telling you all about your
penis. You know what a penis is already, right?! :)
But there is some important stuff that you need to know if you want to make your penis
As you know, the penis is not a muscle. It's also not a bone. Instead, it's made up of
delicate spongy tissue which grew because biochemicals in your body made it bigger as
you went through puberty.
The most important thing you've gotta remember is that the penis isn't a muscle that can
be exercised in the conventional way.
You can use exercises to accelerate penis growth. And this free guide is all about those
exercises which are most effective at accelerating the growth of your penis.
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Unlike muscle, your penis consists of three cylinders or tubes of tissue. These are
arranged with two cylinders on top (as you look down on the penis) and one on the
bottom. They are each roughly the size and shape of a pencil. Running through the
bottom cylinder is the urethra, the tube through which urine and sperm pass.
These cylinders of tissue are firmly held together by a wrap of tissue called Buck„s
fascia. If you want to make your penis bigger then you have to enlarge these 3 cylinders
and the Buck's fascia.
Here's a diagram of the male sexual organs:
Our objective is to make the shaft of your penis bigger in length and girth from the base
all the way to the tip. When we do that you get a bigger penis.
Penis exercises, unlike muscle exercises, are focused on trapping blood in the penis for
longer than is natural. When I implemented my method of penis growth, this accelerated
results and took me from a lowly 5” to a big 8”.
This guide is focused on getting you gains that are between 2 and 4 inches personally.
Before we look at the exercises themselves let's talk about measuring your penis...
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Measuring	Your	Penis	
The truth is, the majority of men have no idea how to measure penis length accurately.
To accurately measure your penis is vital if you want to record the increases in size.
Here are the steps to measure your penis size accurately so you can give yourself an
honest measurement about how you jack up to the male average of six inches…
FIRST.... find a measuring device. A cloth measuring tape works best. IF you can't find
one - then a piece of string will do. After measuring yourself with a piece of string you
can place that string along a wooden ruler or some other measuring device! (I hope that
makes sense)
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IF your penis 'curves' or 'bends' [and many penises do!!] be sure to measure along the
curve or bend. Don't measure STRAIGHT from your pubic bone to the tip of your penis -
in other words!
Now the fun part...
Take your measuring device and measure your penis from your pubic bone (the 'pubic
bone' is the bone you feel when you press in the area that is covered by your pubic
Don't press TOO hard - but hard enough to be firmly against that bone. Now hold your
penis - if you have to! - and place the measuring device (whatever it is that your using)
along the top of your penis. (That„s the part of your penis that YOU see!)
You are measuring from the pubic bone along the TOP of the penis to the tip of your
penis. THAT measurement [whether in inches, centimeters or millimeters] is your
OFFICIAL length.
The reason I suggest measuring FROM the pubic bone is because it puts every guy on
a level playing field. It's a way of being more accurate. Some heavier guys have extra
fat behind their pubic hairs - making the penis APPEAR smaller. But we're going for the
scientific method to measure your actual size.
If you are using a piece of string or whatever, find the distance from your pubic bone to
the tip of your penis and then measure the piece of string.
To measure the thickness or 'girth' or your penis - stay erect and find the thickest part of
your penis (along the shaft). Take your measuring device and wrap it around your penis
to get your actual girth measurement.
Take note of how many inches, centimeters or millimeters it takes to go all the way
around. That measurement will be the official girth of your penis.
That's it. That's all there is to it. Now, onto the basics of exercises... J
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Penis	Exercises:	The	Basics	
Penis exercises are a way of trapping blood in the penis. While some people sell
systems on penis exercises this guide is free. And it's free because I'm not going to lie
to you about penis exercises. I'm not here to make a quick buck. I was once where you
are – trying to get a bigger penis – and I was scammed countless times.
Here is what “gurus” who rip you off with exercise programs will tell you:
o “Penis exercises are a great way to make your penis bigger. They're all you
need to grow by 2-6 inches!!!”
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o “Buy my stuff!!!”
o “Exercises work because the enlarge the blood vessels in the penis and then
your penis can accommodate more blood. That means you get a bigger
I gotta tell you right now though. That's total BS! What you need is the two-step
biochemical method to penis enlargement. One of these steps is exercises.
So here's what you need to know about exercises. This is basic exercises, advanced
exercises and finally a schedule for when to do what.
Here's what you need to know...
Some men, all too eager to see gains, have gone straight in at the deep end and done
harm to their penis by not following the routine structure. Please be careful!
Warming up
Just like any sports, warming up is very important to make sure that you protect your
penis from any undue damage. If you fail to warm up properly then you're really putting
a penis risk. I'll say it again, warming up is vital!
First of all, you need to prepare your penis. Soak a washcloth in warm or hot water, then
squeeze it out. Take the warm cloth and wrap it around the shaft of your penis (either
flaccid or erect). Hold it right there for a minute, remove it, repeat at least twice. Next is
to dry off your penis well. Many people have come up with different ways of warming up
but I find the simplest to be dunking a towel in hot, but not boiling, water and wrapping it
around your penis. The hotter the better – but please be careful not to burn yourself.
Before you begin your daily exercises, you have to start off with this procedure for at
least 5 minutes. The hot compress is useful because it draws blood to the area of your
penis, thereby escalating the blood flow and making the skin more elastic. Another
advantage is that this also ensures a good grip for the exercises you will be carrying
Lubrication is necessary for all of the techniques we recommend here. Using the right
lubricant will help you avoid irritation to the sensitive skin of your love gear.
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There are many types of lubricants are used around the world. Of course, the most
popular types are water-based personal lubricants. The water-based lubricants are so
simple and easy to clean up, but tend to dry out quicker while you are exercising your
penis. Therefore you may need to add more lube as you progress through your workout.
While the petroleum-based lubricants are fine to use but they seem to be thicker and
harder to clean up.
Vaseline is the most popular of the petroleum-based lubricants, but we believe that Vig-
RX oil works the best. This oil has been specially formulated to boost male
Now you are going to learn is standard stretching and standard Jelqing.
Standard stretching involves stretching penis so that the ligaments get longer under
penis therefore gains length. The purpose of this method is to create tension in the
erectile tissues by stretching the skin of the penis while in an erect state.
Not only does this make the skin of your penis slightly elastic, it also expands the
amount of the space in your penis chambers, the corpora cavernosa. The higher the
amount of blood that can fill these spaces results in an enlarging of the overall mass of
your penis.
Stretching is so simple that you need to do is stretch the penis to make it longer. This
involves gripping the penis just below the head and stretching it out with force to the
ligaments gain size. There are six stretches.
 Stretch one: While sitting on the edge of a sofa or bed, begin stroking your penis
using your thumb and forefinger (the same "a-ok" symbol used in our other
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Pulling the penis directly in front of you. You put the penis out directly in front of
you from 30 to 40 seconds. As you stroke the penis from the base toward the
head, maintain a firm grip and stretch the skin as best as you can.
 Stretch two: you put the penis directly down for 30 to 40 seconds.
 Stretch three: people the penis directly up for 30 to 40 seconds.
 Stretch four: you pull the penis directly to the left for 30 to 40 seconds.
 Stretch five: you pull the penis directly to the right for 30 to 40 seconds.
 Stretch six: you rotate the penis all the way in a circular movement for 30 to 40
Repeat each direction 2-3 times. With these six stretches all you have to do is four sets
of each everyday. Only do this after you have warmed up correctly.
After you've finished the exercise you can release the grip on the base of your penis.
You should feel the blood begin flowing again. Go ahead, you may ejaculate at this
point if you feel the urge.
Remember to use a firm grip and enough lubrication, always exercise caution! Do not
grip your penis too tight so that you lose the circulation. If you are in pain or feel any
discomfort, then you are doing the technique in the wrong way. Read the instructions
again and retry the technique slowly.
Stretching exercises are useful for lengthening your penis. But in order for one man to
increase the circumference, you have to perform stretching exercise while your penis is
in a partially-erect state. Jelqing is the technique that develops the whole penis so that
its length, thickness, weight, and density all become proportionately enlarged.
Jelqing (also called "milking") is actually one of those ancient practices that has been
performed for centuries by various tribes and cultures around the world. It's considered
the most successful method of enlarging the penis. These “milking” exercises could
force the blood into your penis. Over the course of several months, the blood spaces in
the penis will gain volume. In other words; they can hold more blood.
As a result, your penis gets larger.
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Jelqing is slightly different from stretching. Standards Jelqing involves forcing blood
through the shaft of the penis by using your hand to trap it so that the blood vessels
The standards jelq, the one that you'll be using for the first number of weeks, requires
that you make a shape with your thumb and forefinger. To make this easier to explain
simply make an okay symbol with your hand. The 'O' that you create through doing
this will form the basis of your jelq.
The Standards jelq involves gripping the penis at the very base, squeezing tightly, and
milking penis as you would a cow so that blood is forced to the tip. Standard jelqs
should each last 3 seconds from the base to the tip.
1. Apply your lubricant all over the skin of your penis. Keep your lubricant close by
since you will want it to last for as long as you need it. Don‟t use the soap
because it tends to dry the skin.
2. With your thumb and forefinger, squeeze the base of the penis shaft. Pull
downward. Stop at the head. Repeat, alternating hands. Each stroke should last
about three seconds. The stimulation will certainly help you reach an erection.
3. When your penis becomes semi-erect (not fully-erect), make the "A-OK" sign
with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. With this hand, grip tightly
around the base of your penis.
4. Now starting from the base, pull the penis gently yet firm. Stretch downward and
outward. You have to maintain your semi-erect penis at this point. Make certain
to start from the base the head with each stroke. Note that the head of your penis
will get bigger with blood.
5. Switch to your right hand and repeat the stroke, starting from the base and
stretching downward to the head. Alternate both hands in a smooth rhythmic
("milking") movement, touching upon every part of the penis except the very top
part of the penis head. This is the very foundation of jelqing.
Don‟t forget that jelqing exercises are not performed during fully-hard erection. Make
sure that your penis is between half to 3/4 erect. Results cannot be obtained until a
partial erection is present. After this exercise has been done for quite some time, you
will notice that your penis appears both longer and thicker.
This is a fact.
And we can assure you that from within one to several months of routine exercise, your
penis will emerge quite huge; this is due to the impaction of blood in the penile tissues.
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Carefully choose ONE of these jelqing exercise techniques that you feel comfortable
with to include in your daily routine.
PC Muscle Workout
What nearly everyone doesn‟t know is that the pubococcygeus muscle (pyoo-bo-
cocksee-gee-us) or PC muscle plays a critical role in the functioning of the penis.
The pubococcygeus muscle is actually a group of muscles that run from the pubic bone
to the tailbone. The PC muscle is the muscle you bring into play to stop the flow of urine
from the bladder. It is also the muscle that contracts whenever you ejaculate, moving
the semen up through the penis and out of the body. The PC muscle is a busy little
muscle, you know? But as far as most men are concerned, it is still grossly unknown.
Mastering the techniques of male multiple orgasms is easy once you know how to train
your pubococcygeus muscle.
When you urinate and you want to get the last drop out, you use your PC muscle in the
opposite direction. By doing this you'll feel your anus open and the feeling will be
somewhat different.
Most men can do Kegels anywhere, since they're seldom aroused by the exercises.
Continued over a lifetime, the exercises can help men and women avoid urinary
incontinence as they age. That, plus greater arousal, enhanced orgasms and longer-
lasting sex, make Kegels one of the simplest, most beneficial exercises a man or
woman can do throughout their lifetime.
Be careful though. Using your PC muscle can have negative effects. If you produce too
much testosterone then you will find that you ejaculate prematurely. However if you
follow our guidelines you will actually enhance your ejaculation control.
The basics of the PC muscle work out involve you clenching your muscle as hard as
you can for a certain amount of time. To find the muscle in question all you have to do is
stop the flow of urine when you are in the toilet. In the e-mails that we send you we will
give you an exact routine every week.
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Penis	Exercises:	Stepping	It	Up	A	Gear	
(Advanced	Exercises)	
These next exercises are more advanced. You will use these as your penis becomes
more used to being exercised in this way. They introduce more strain to the penis. If you
were to use more advanced exercises immediately then you would do far more damage
than good. The stretches and jelqs are slightly more complex.
You will not be using these exercises for a number of weeks. You will be e-mailed
exactly what you should be doing that week, and these exercises will make up a part of
your later routines.
Advanced Stretching
Advanced stretching it's just different ways of forming stretching exercises. They stretch
different parts of the penis.
The Wrist Stretch
The wrist stretch is a way of applying pressure to the middle section of your penis mid-
stretch. It stretches the ligaments more authority, but could also do more damage to
your penis if your penis hasn't been trained by doing the simpler exercises first.
The Wrist Stretch involves gripping your penis just below the head, as with the standard
stretch, and stretching penis directly in front of you, to the left, to the right, up and down.
To add more pressure to this stretch, you take the wrist of your free hand and apply
pressure to middle of your shaft as you stretch before force.
So, if you were stretching to the left, you would apply the wrist pressure on the left hand
side of your shaft. If you were stretching up, you would apply wrist pressure to the other
side of your shaft. If you stretching down, it would apply pressure to the bottom etc.
Please don't attempt the Wrist Stretch unless directed by one of our e-mails.
The Big Seated Stretch
This is a very long stretch for those of you who have time and privacy. Each stretch
takes 10 minutes to complete. By that I mean literally 10 minutes of nonstop stretching.
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To perform the stretch, grip your penis while seated by raising one leg up and putting
your hand underneath it then gripping just below the head. Then, pull with full force and
hold for 10 minutes. For the next set, lift up your other leg and using your other hand
repeat the process.
The Big Squeeze
The Big Squeeze is placed in this section because it is more a stretch than a Jelq. This
routine simply involves squeezing your penis by putting it on the table, and using the
flattened palm of your hand, push down on the penis.
For this you push firmly by placing one hand on top of the other and using all your
weight to squash the penis. You separate the penis into the upper and lower parts, and
push down on each for 45 seconds
Advance Jelqing
Advanced Jelqing is for those of you who want to see big girth and length gains. We've
already seen standard Jelqing, but these advanced techniques will do much more to
improve your size.
You will notice there are quite a lot of Jelqing exercises that you can do. After you have
completed our program, you will be a pro, and then you can develop your own jelqs.
However, by the end of our program you will probably have reached the size that you
desire anyway -- so you can forget all about Jelqing!
Most Jelqing improves your length and girth. Stretching is reserved for length gains, but
then length can also be obtained from Jelqing correctly. However, the main reason for
using Jelqing is to improve your girth.
The Double-Handed Jelq
Erection strength: 95%
This is a variation of the standard jelq, the difference lies in using both of your hands
instead of one. What you must to his start a standard jelq using your right hand, moving
it up your shaft by about an inch, then with your other hand grip at the very base i.e.
where your first hand started. Your left-hand is being used to trap the blood.
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Now, with your right hand, jelq all the way up to just below the head of your penis. At
this stage lots of blood will be trapped. Now, to gain length, finish your jelq with the first
hand (your right hand) and slowly move your left hand up to just below the head. Then,
take your right hand and gripped the very base again and continue this cycle.
Important things to remember: your penis must be, and remain 95% erect. Only ever do
this exercise after you have warmed up properly.
This exercise is mainly for length gains, but by making a small variation you can turn it
into a girth jelq. That is what we shall be looking at now...
The Double-Handed Girth Jelq
Erection strength: 95%
This Jelqing exercise is designed solely for improving girth. Start as you did the previous
exercise -- so that your hands are either end (one at base, one just below the head).
The only difference with this exercise compared to the last one is that this is your
starting point.
Now all you have to do, when there is lots of blood trapped in your penis, is to slowly
push to hands together while maintaining a tight grip. What you will notice is that your
shaft is being expanded as the blood is forced outwards.
This is held for 30-60 seconds.
Important things to remember: again, your penis must be, and remain, 95% erect. Only
ever do this exercise after you have warmed up properly.
The Double-Handed Girth Bend
Erection strength: 95%
This exercise is similar to the last. With one hand at either end of your shaft, literally
bend the penis forwards slowly, ruling it so that the bend moves from top to the bottom.
Do this for 30-45 seconds. Repeat the exercise but in reverse i.e. bend it the other way.
The Ultimate Girth Jelq
Erection strength: 95%
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Similar to the Double-Handed Girth Jelq, the object of this is to force your hands closer
until they almost touch. The time spent on the movement from each end of your shaft to
the center point should be 30-45 seconds.
You can concentrate on different parts of your penis shaft while doing this. If you want
to see more gains at the base than simply don't move your base and. If you want to see
more gains closer to the tip, then don't move your upper hand. You can mix up the
exercise depending on whether your girth gains are level or different at different points
of your penis.
Important things to remember: 95% erection. Ensure that you warm up.
Warming Down
Each step of exercises should be ended with a gentle massage and a warming down
session with the help of a hot towel. When you give a massage to your penis and apply
some heat to it, it helps healing and rebuilding of the cell tissue.
You see, heat promotes faster growth of tissue cells and it restores the sensibility
problems you may have had during your enlargement exercises. So after each
exercise, you have to massage your penis softly for about 1 minute.
You should perform a soft and circular motion with your forefinger and middle finger
along the base and the shaft of the penis. Be very gentle with your moves here since
your penis has just been through some serious hard workout.
Following the massage session, you should apply another hot towel around your penis,
just like you did for the warm up. This part of the practice is as essential as the first one
because the heat will stimulate the damaged parts and will make them function well
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Penis	Exercises:	The	Schedule	
This is the schedule that you can start today. Alone, it won't have any affect. Until you
have assimilated all of the required nutrients and biochemicals into your body, you will
just get improved erections and maybe a very small amount of growth. Usually it takes
10 weeks to see real gains, but you will notice a harder penis after a few weeks.
Biochemical growth will cause rapid growth – it's what worked for me when I finally -
after years of trying – stumbled upon the secret to getting a bigger penis. But exercises
increased the speed at which I gained by about 22% when those biochemicals were
Here is the exact exercise schedule that I used...
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Weeks 1-3 Time spent on exercises per day: 15-20 minutes.
Gently massage your penis and surrounding area with a warm cloth.
You want to loosen up your penis and the muscles around it. Do this for
2-3 minutes.
Standard stretching is the only way to begin! For this hold each stretch
(outwards, up, down, left, right and around) for 30 seconds. Your penis
must be flaccid to do this or you will hurt yourself. Go through this cycle
Exercise you PC muscle in the process by flexing it in the manner
similar to controlling your bladder flow. This technique helps you
preclude premature ejaculation. After 20 minutes, give your penis a
rest. Wrap a warm towel around your penis and then repeat the routine
after a few minutes of sufficient rest.
Now continue on to the standard jelq. Do this for 10 minutes, and then
warm down.
Perform these exercises 5 days a week. Give yourself the weekend (or
any two days) off. You will notice that your erections become harder
and you may see a little growth.
In week 3 spend 10 minutes doing the Double-Handed Jelq as well.
Exercises to use:
Standard Stretching
Standard Jelqing
Weeks 4-5 Time spent on exercises per day: 15-20 minutes.
Exercises to use:
Standard Stretching
Take a seat with you back vertically straight and mare sure to lubricate
you penis. With one hand, grab the base of your penis squeezing the
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penis shaft as you move towards the penile head. Once there, use your
other hand and start anew.
Do the squeezing routine for 3-5 seconds as you moved from the penis
base to the head. Repeat this action over a 5 minute period without
attaining a full erection or ejaculation.
Standard Jelqing
Gently encircle your penis and moving your hand up to the head,
concentrate of pushing the blood up the penis. On reaching the head of
your penis, take your other hand to the base and perform the same
motion with your other hand.
The Wrist Stretch
Grip your penis firmly just below the head and stretch it gently to the
left, to the right, up and down. Repeat this technique for about 5
The Big Squeeze
Place your penis on the table, squeeze and put pressure on your penis
with your palm firmly. But don‟t be so hard on your penis. Keep
repeating this for about 2 minutes.
Weeks 6-8 At the end of this cycle you will have your body at its optimum. This is
the last transitional stage. Because of that you shouldn't do everything
However, you can split your exercises into morning and night. You
should do more advanced, intensive jelqs and stretches as your penis
starts to get ready for growth.
Spend between 20-30 minutes a day exercising. Now you can do
everything but the Ultimate Girth Jelq and the Double-Handed Girth
If at this stage you have already begun to see growth then by all means
do the others. You'll now know the feeling of a good workout so you will
know which exercises you respond to best.
Also, mix up what you do. Keep your routines fresh for the best results.
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Week 8 Well done, my friend! You have been through a great experience
towards enlarging your penis. Don‟t get too excited though because
your first week is nothing.
But now you can create your own routine. You‟ll have noticed what you
respond to best. Tailor-make your exercises and growth will happen.
Spend at least 15 minutes a day on intense workouts.
Note: Before any exercise you have to warm up and afterwards you have to warm down.
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That's the basis of penis exercises! This is a complete part of the system that I
discovered (almost by accident!) which caused my penis to get bigger by 3 inches in
length and 2 in girth.
Why am I sharing this?
I'm sharing this information because some really sneaky “gurus” are selling this
information and making a profit out of it. That would be cool, and I'd be fine with it if it
worked. But, here's the thing, it doesn't on its own!
I personally wasted hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on penis enlargement stuff.
And ALL of it failed until I stumbled upon the solution that worked wonders for me. So,
this free guide is here to stop you getting ripped off.
I am not a wealthy guy and at some points when I shelled out a fortune on these
products I was really frickin' poor. So if I help one guy save a bit of money and get better
educated then I think this guide is a good thing.
So how do natural size gains happen?
I've said exercises accelerate growth, and here's how my complete system worked for
me. Please remember that I'm not an expert! I'm just a regular dude who found
Penis	Enlargement	Bible	
Page	25	Copyright © All rights reserved.
something that's worked incredibly well for me and the few people I shared this info
The way that my biochemical method works is by making your penis naturally grow. All
you need to do is to restart the production of certain biochemicals in the body. These
biochemicals were responsible for growth when you were going through puberty, and
can be made to be produced in the body now, just like they were then. If you can do this
then you will begin penis growth.
Most people don't know about this vital technique because the enlargement industry
makes much more money selling very expensive methods which don't deliver results.
However, getting your body ready to make your penis bigger is the only way (other than
surgery) that you can cause real gains in your penis size. That is the reason why other
products (as you probably have discovered) fail, because they ignore this highly
important aspect of growth.
The way to make your penis bigger is by getting those biochemicals (which caused
penis growth during puberty) back in the body. Then: BOOM! You will start to see gains.
If you guys are interested in this then let me know. If you're not part of my members
email list then sign up now - and you can email me directly from there! It's at
If you guys want these secrets badly enough then I'll tell you them! I would rather that
than you getting scammed by the big businesses like I did.
All the best.
Your friend,
John Collins
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or no longer. FETAURES. Remove the blurs from the game when sims are naked or on the bathroom. Your sims males and
females can walk round inside the nude. Includes clothing for topless and complete body nude for both males, women and
young adults. The f-phrase mod Changes all the WooHoo textual content in the game to FUCK, 1st woohoo to lose virginity,
ALL flirty text to attractive and all non flirty text to flaccid. Better nude skins for male and woman and higher lady nipples and
3d clit introduced. Males have 3d nipples additionally. Also mounted skin overlays to provide females crimson nipples OR
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additionally included if you do not want different sims glaring at your bare sims. Female strap on mod absolutely well suited
with FFM. Fantastic FUCK mod provides real live hardcore intercourse animations. Fantastic FUCK mod provides
Exhibitionism . Bondage gadgets and glory holes. Add a bare pie menu option so that you can strip nude each time without
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bare outfit in CAS Set u. Penile Enhancement Drugs sex golf equipment and advantage membership points from having sex
the use of the FFM. Add a porn channel changing romance channel with actual sims having sex. Add a bulge to default male
Speedos (budgie smugglers.) A unique sexy trait that makes sims continuously flirty and need to woohoo. Add unique trait
that turns your sim into a Succubus. Special sliders that increase the breast sliders taking into account bigger knockers.
Make all the employed help have intercourse with you. No restrictions for thin dipping. Make your sims woohoo in the nude
routinely. Paint your personal hentai replaces all emotional artwork with warm hentai. Over 50 art work to find out. Allows
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use to put in mods! Before attempting to set up the superb nude patch or ANY mods please ensure to run via this checklist!
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longer try to installation it. Some mods are incompatible with enlargement packs/patches it will say beneath in massive red
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menu enable custom content AND allow script mods IS checked! More info click right here. WINRAR OR WINZIP IS
Fantastic FUCK mod (respectable distributor) The first rate Fuck mod provides real sims four hardcore intercourse
animations for your sport in addition to different functions. With greater animations being brought all of the time you will truly
need to sign on to keep experiencing all new intercourse animations! No want to sign on to lame consumer debts for one
damned mod I've were given all of it right here and a part of the extraordinary nude patch making it higher, faster, less difficult
and greater convenient to install! Complete listing of features. SEX. Real hardcore sex animations! Condom use Starting
intercourse interactions with one or sims Inviting any amount of sims to the intercourse interaction (organization sex)
Changing intercourse kind and role Swapping actors inside the sex interactions Undressing actors inside the intercourse
interplay Making sims go far from watching sex of your sims through the usage of the F OFF interplay Blocking of objects
used for intercourse to keep away from different sims the use of them Needs are affected therefore whilst in intercourse.
Customization of sex positions Modify sex function period and genders Set which garb ought to be eliminated for sex role
Create degrees of sex positions to play them one after the other Female sims can use strap-ons Incest reward trait Strapon
components are actually present in the CAS Parts config report so if there could be all people else that desires to make
strapon apparel, WW will locate them and unencumber the strapon interplay in the cloth wardrobe. Sex whims Sex with
partner, intercourse with new romantic hobby, sex with a person, intercourse along with your date, sex with a person in
public. Guide for special NPC intercourse interplay. Ability to begin NPC sex interactions. Intercourse autonomy cause from
romance related chatter Question dialog when NPC Sim wants to ask for intercourse a participant Sim Player Sims
Autonomy Settings' to permit player Sims sex autonomy (enabled by way of default) Next' button in the Wicked menu to
quickly progress to the next intercourse animation. Jiggle boob physics (available when enabled in some animations)
Compatible with drug mod. Hypersexual' Lot Trait. Sexually Alluring' Sim Reward Trait for 3000 Satisfaction Points. Asexual'
Sim Reward Trait for 500 Satisfaction Points. Gender Recognition Joining Sex Autonomy integration with Drugs mod
Menstrual Cycles Wicked Sex Shop available on any laptop in the game now gives a field of beginning manage pills and a
field of condoms. Order them, obtain them for your mailbox, and unpack them to get birth control pills and condoms. Solo
intercourse autonomy (masturbation) plumbob hide mechanically for the duration of intercourse Talk about Fantasies'
romantic social interaction to boom sexual pleasure elders get "dangerously tired" from a variety of intercourse Get Together
Expansion golf equipment support (enlargement isn't always required to use WickedWhims) Have Sex' club activity Have
Sex (Swinging)' club hobby Pee on the Spot interactions allowed interior Sims can watch porn on computer systems Sex
Autonomy Signs Nudity Autonomy Signs. Ability to change intercourse interaction development: class progression (random
animations), stage development, disabled Ability to begin sex interplay (by myself or with associate.) Teasing, Handjob,
Footjob, Oraljob, Vaginal, Anal. Ability to stop the sex interaction with climax (if to be had in that animation.) Ability to disable
gender regulations and use any animation for any gender Ability to allow 'Always Accept' putting which makes every sim
accept each sex proposition Ability to permit/disable decided on animations Ability to change intercourse initiation and make
sims right away teleport to the intercourse location (calls for Always Accept putting to be enabled) Ability to disable
commencing shoes whilst in sex interplay Ability to allow automobile complete outfit undressing while in intercourse
interaction Ability to disable undressing whilst in intercourse interaction Objects get locked whilst using them for intercourse
(with ability to disable that.) Relationship checks can be turned on or off in case you do not want all people to just accept all
the time. Autonomy Question Dialog Settings. Teens Nudity Switch' placing to permit/disable nudity for teen Sims Teens Sex
Switch' putting to enable/disable sex for teenager Sims Animations Disabler menu Autonomy Animations Disabler menu to
disable animations just for autonomy sex Asking for Sex Dialogs Settings' menu setting to disable base sport interactions
throughout intercourse Respect Children's Eyes Setting Respect Undressing to Underwear Setting Menstrual Cycle Fertility
Level' setting Pregnancy Duration' placing. Capacity to set soft and tough penis for every sim in the game capability to
randomize penis for each sim in the sport (which includes the choice to exclude default penis mesh) you get a full menu to
control The Penis Overworld putting soft and hard penis globally will practice decided on penis to every sim that has a penis
in the sport and each new sim that appears in the world. The randomized choice lets in to randomly select a penis for each
sim that has a penis in the game with the capacity to exclude the default penis mesh and every new sim that appears within
the international could have a random penis too. Extra_Skin_Tones' package with 80 more pores and skin tones. Cum is
carried out after sex interaction is finished. Face, Chest, Back, Vagina, Butt, Feet. Ability to easy Cum via acting cleansing
interactions. Affects NPC autonomy to clean the Cum off. Cum outs > first period warning notification Sims period delayed
after giving start Sims Premenstrual Syndrome and Period itself now proportion a set of symptom moodlets that indicate Sim
present day Menstrual Cycle scenario. PMS/Period Symptom moodlets: 'Nauseous' , 'Irritated' , 'Dizziness' , 'Oversensitive' ,
'Cramping' , 'Anxious' , 'Aroused' , 'Neutral' . Menstrual Bleeding with specific bleeding strengths. Tampons and Pads to the
Computer Sex Store. Tampons And Pads absorb blood and leak when overused PMS/Period Symptom moodlets:
'Nauseous' , 'Irritated' , 'Dizziness' , 'Oversensitive' , 'Cramping' , 'Anxious' , 'Aroused' , 'Neutral' Menstrual Cycle Tampon/Pad
Absorbency' settings. Extra Absorbency' trait to improve tampons/pads absorbency. Ask for a Tampon or Pad' social
interplay. Menstrual Bleeding reason garments to get filthy. Intercourse, masturbation, and cleansing interactions temporarily
suppress menstrual bleeding. Used pads begin smelling after a few hours. Sims round react to smelling used pads. Sims
mechanically cast off their used pad when undressing pants to nude. Menstrual Cycle Tampon/Pad Auto Use' settings.
Vampires preference increase be stricken by the menstrual blood drift energy. Usable condom object buy it from Activities
and Skills class. Ability to reserve condoms the usage of a pc. Ability to use the condom even as in sex interaction to save
you being pregnant (can be used on a set.) Pregnancy from vaginal intercourse interaction (with ability to disable that.) Trait
'Hates Children' uses condoms automatically. Trait 'Hates Children' refuses vaginal sex without protection (Always Accept or
disabled pregnancy ignores this rule.) Traits 'Lazy' and 'Clumsy' increase the risk of being pregnant in some conditions.
Ability to terminate pregnancy the use of telephone. Incest being pregnant possible. Notification after Sim were given
probably pregnant Birth Control Mode' placing with 'Perfect' and 'Realistic' options Perfect Birth Control will always prevent
being pregnant with a a hundred% fulfillment rate. Realistic Birth Control has a small danger to fail and purpose being
pregnant. Condoms are 95% effective and incoming birth manage tablets may be ninety one% powerful. Birth Control
Automatic Use' placing Auto use of condoms for the duration of any sex that can purpose pregnancy Auto use of delivery
manipulate pills as soon as an afternoon Teens can get pregnant cramps pain animation Fertility Treatment carrier handy via
phone to temporarily growth pregnancy possibilities NPC Sims will now very own and use start control (condoms and pills)
on their personal. You can regulate this by way of changing the 'NPC Birth Control Mode' putting. By default. Capacity to
disable birth control for indiv > Sims gain choice from romantic interactions, seeing nudity and other flirt associated moves.
Sims lose desire on a few unsuccessful interactions. Sim with high sufficient choice degree will gain nice sex desire buff.
Sim with too high desire stage will get a poor buff, feeling uncomfortable with out freeing the anxiety. Sims with active
positive preference buff can have higher sex experience. Sex resets desire stage and gets rid of preference buffs from sims.
Sims with Alluring trait help gaining more desire. Sims with Romantic trait gain more choice. Made sims with Unflirty trait
benefit much less choice. Sims with high exhibitionism ability degree will no longer react. Sims with equal or more nude outfit
will no longer react. Setting to disable sims reacting to nudity (no longer blanketed in exhibitionism transfer) After intercourse
brief buff while having intercourse outside in public. Pregnancy arise in line with sim in place of according to intercourse
interaction. Sex growth romantic affection (makes romantic sims satisfied) Sims with excessive enough preference get an
erection. Romantic social interactions supply greater preference. Social exhibitionism interactions boom sims preference.
Seeing sims in sleepwear/swimming wear provide a little little bit of desire. Nudist lot trait must help you make nudity oriented
masses, in which Sims feel secure being bare. Embrace Nudity' club pastime Flash' membership hobby. Sims will react with
6 extraordinary jealousy approaches (base on dating, respects Player trait.) Sims will react with nine one-of-a-kind
wellknown approaches (base on temper, relationship and circle of relatives family members.) putting to disable sims reacting
to intercourse (includes jealousy reaction.) 23 romance interactions for incest and grownup+teen. Toddler sims constantly
react to nude grownup sims. Cuckold sims. Allows for multiple marriages (restricted through one engagement straight away.)
Allows for multiple boyfriends/girlfriends. Polyamory and polygamy relationships are now supported and feasible with FFM
after you enable them in the Relationship Settings. You have to now be able to create relationships with a couple of sims
immediately but be cautious, that does not exclude jealousy (unless you disable it), you have to cope with it otherwise.
Polyamorous' praise trait: These Sims are open to having a couple of romantic or sexual devoted relationships and don't get
jealous about their loved ones having a couple of associate. The polyamorous trait is pretty lots required to create running
polyamory/polygamy relationships. Nothing stops you from looking to do them with out it, but you may have to be careful with
inevitable jealousy of different sims. This trait is pretty plenty the alternative of the 'Player' trait. Neutral, for sims that just
actually d > Setting 'Risk Roll Switch' permits to disable Sims trying out for hazard of having intercourse Setting 'Random
Sex Frequency Modifier' lets in to speed up or gradual down random intercourse autonomy Setting 'Random Solo Sex
Probability' lets in to trade the danger of random Sims performing solo intercourse Setting 'Random Club Sex Probability' lets
in to change the threat of Sims performing intercourse in intercourse clubs Setting 'Watching Sex Random Solo Probability'
permits to alternate the chance of Sims acting solo sex whilst looking sex Setting 'Romance Sex Probability' lets in to trade
the risk of Sims initiating sex from romantic conversations Setting 'Trigger Attempts Count' lets in to alternate how regularly
autonomy tries to provoke Setting 'Sims Sex Pairs Sample Size' lets in to change how many sex pairs are considered for
autonomy Setting 'Sex Locations Sample Size' permits to change how many sex places are taken into consideration for
autonomy Setting 'Minimum Sex Actors Limit' allows to alternate the minimum number of Sims that may join intercourse
Setting 'NPC Sims Relationship Modifier' permits to add extra factors to NPC Sims relationships Setting 'Player to NPC Sims
Relationship Modifier' permits to feature greater points to relationships between Player and NPC Sims Setting 'Outside Lots
Style Locations' permits to enable intercourse locations in public Setting 'Outdoors Style Locations' lets in to disable sex
locations outdoors Setting 'Risky Style Locations' permits to disable volatile sex places Setting 'Comfort Style Locations'
permits to disable relaxed sex places Setting 'Private Style Locations' lets in to disable personal sex places Setting 'Sims
Risky Factor' allows to increase the riskiness of sex round Sims Setting 'NPC Household Relationship Modifier' allows to
add greater factors to dating towards visited family Sims Setting 'Random Sex Minimum/Maximum Cooldown Time' permits
to alternate the variety of time of the way lengthy Sims could wait between sex interactions Setting 'Club Sex
Minimum/Maximum Cooldown Time' allows to exchange the variety of time of how lengthy Sims would wait among club
intercourse interactions. Exhibitionism/Naturism. Naturism. Nude Sims will gain a +2 Happiness moodlet Nude Sims will
lose 16% less hygiene for each ability stage Sims advantage extra ability development around family and friends Sims
require less ability to undress around circle of relatives and friends Child Sims will benefit impact from seeing nude family
members and will benefit development quicker when they develop up. Exhibitionism. Requires the Exhibitionist Reward Trait
for 500 Satisfaction Points Nude Sims will benefit a +1 Happiness moodlet Sims require less ability to undress in popular
Flashing and Streaking interactions Sims could have improved chance to pick open spaces for autonomy intercourse
Undressing pinnacle and/or bottom underclothes components Undressing pinnacle and/or bottom outfit elements Flashing
bare body components Auto-applying penis mesh cas part for males whilst bare Auto-undressing pants while the usage of a
rest room Modification of privacy machine to avo > Settings. Ability to disable exhibitionism checks (skill, autonomy, tale
progression) Change autonomy settings Change notifications settings Change household only notifications settings Change
story development settings. Positive reaction to nudity Sims won't react to undies outfit as though it's nudity Sims that are
near in terms of courting will not react with shock all the time and some Sims, in wellknown, can be satisfied in preference to
bowled over to see nudity. Voyeurism. Window Peeping. No one knows what you'll see whilst peeking thru a window into
your neighbor’s residence. Any Sim can do it, via any accessible window, at any residence, or maybe public venue.
Peeping at others can get actually uninteresting when not anything is going on, or overly interesting whilst a few naked our
bodies enter the view. Sex Autonomy and Nudity Autonomy are luckily on your facet, encouraging movement to take vicinity
when you’re looking forward to it. Showtime & Risk. When bare bodies gift themselves within the window, specifically
through sexual activities, the showtime starts offevolved. Be cautious, getting caught can damage your recognition, specially
whilst the owner of the house sees you. If a Sim is not short enough, they may effortlessly get beat up and experience the
consequences of peeping for the next few days. Sometimes getting stuck isn’t so bad. You by no means recognise,
perhaps the Sim on the opposite aspect of the window is into it. Exhibitionist Sims can get quite pleased about having an
admirer and even invite them interior for a few amusing. Shady Business. Why depend upon the memories themselves while
you can take pix. Save the uncommon occasion of peeping on Sims having sex. Beside Sims taking pics automatically, at
any point, you could snap a image your self and upload it on your collection. Pictures of bare Sims and Sims having
intercourse keep a whole lot of fee, particularly if they contain celebrities. When you sense in particular mischievous, take
into account promoting them on the dark aspect of the net. Each image taken automatically is well worth a few cash, however
do not overdo it, as flooding the internet with pictures of the identical Sims will ultimately decrease the interest. Peeping Tom
& Tina. Do you sense the feeling of someone looking at you? Could they be peeping thru the window? Enjoy the fun, or no
longer, of being observed by using neighbors creeping around your property, trying to seize you naked. Peeping Sims will
occasionally appear near your home and search for an possibility to have a few amusing. The Sim that indicates up is
usually picked primarily based at the gender preference of the household citizens. FFM comes with two creepy premade
Sims to peep on you, however you're welcome to delete them, remake them, or add your own. Technical Details. Peeping
NPC Sims may be both disabled or the chance of them displaying up can be altered inside the Nudity Settings. Any Sim can
be assigned as a Peeping NPC by way of giving them the 'Trait_Peeping_NPC_Sim_Hidden' trait. Autonomy of NPC Sims
inviting participant peeping Sims inside can be disabled and the chance of it happening ma. Penile Enhancement Drugs be
altered in the Sex Autonomy Settings. Impressions. It takes just a few seconds to start making an awesome affect, however it
is able to take a while to affect a person together with your character. Good looks, right manners, performing optimistic, and
being respectful isn't what you attention on whilst trying to build chemistry. Impressing someone together with your
personality is going plenty deeper, and normally calls for a few level of compatibility. Until you are hiding who you in reality
are. Establishing a dating doesn't rely upon compatibility, however it really enables to speed up the method. So are you
inclined to fake who you truely are, simply so that you can speedy get closer to a person? Although humans's personality
matures with time, it remains pretty steady, and with that during mind, every Sim is assigned one or Personality Archetypes
that healthy their trends. These personality archetypes discover who Sims virtually are, however it would not pressure them
to be seen as such. Matching Personality Archetypes assist Sims to decide if they're like minded and permit to affect with
their comparable view of the sector. Appearing as well suited allows constructing chemistry, which eventually allows to affect
and immediately boost the connection. Sage Sims are looking for information and focus on finding the fact in each situation.
However, their information-looking for nature causes them to suppose too much and no longer act sufficient. Sims which can
be fascinated and targeted on expertise will most likely grow to be being a Sage. Artist Sims attempt to create things of
tolerating price and reap their vision. In many instances, but, the worry of not being fantastic prevents their growth. Sims
which are creative and interested in crafting will most likely emerge as being an Artist. Hero Sims are eager to illustrate the
braveness to show their really worth and confidence. Subsequently, they could turn out to be performing arrogant by using
searching out faults in others to be ok with themselves or pick fights. Sims which can be positive of themselves and
continually equipped to combat will most likely turn out to be being a Hero. Caregiver Sims are driven by way of their
empathy and compassion to shield and care. Unfortunately, others can exploit their precise nature for their personal ends.
Sims which might be focused on constructing a circle of relatives and caring for others will maximum likely turn out to be
being a Caregiver. Innocent Sims positivity and happiness has a first-rate energy to uplift others. But they can appear very
childish and their positive angle causes them to be too naive. Sims that are pleased, kind, or desirable in nature will
maximum probably emerge as being Innocent. Lover Sims crave intimacy, live to enjoy pride, and are very passionate.
Nonetheless, with their desire to rouse love in others, they threat losing their personal identity and seem shallow. Sims which
can be very romantic, loving, or delight looking for, will maximum in all likelihood come to be being a Lover. Greedy Sims
cognizance on generating as lots revenue as possible and saving as a lot capital as viable, no matter the results. But their
stingy approach to reality makes them seem egocentric, green with envy, and villainous. Sims which can be best centered on
making money, seem snobby, or are simply evil will most probable become being Greedy. Everyman Sims just want to
belong and feel like part of something. They lack any different identity and infrequently stand out. Sims that don't healthy into
any precise Personality Archetype grow to be being simply an Everyman. This happens whilst Sim has no personality
defining developments or has conflicting character tendencies. Sims persona can trade with new developments they gain for
the duration of their lifestyles, however it truly is a reasonably uncommon prevalence. Knowing what is substantial in a
person's lifestyles and learning their character is the key to impressing. Get to recognise them, speak interests, get into deep
conversations, and attempt to locate topics that resonate with their personality. Every Personality Archetype is related to
matching verbal exchange topics and springs with extra social interactions. Discussing things that are related to sure
personalities permits spotting them in Sims and builds up chemistry. That chemistry directly impacts Sim influence. Good
influence immediately improves the connection and makes it less difficult to connect without deeply understanding the
alternative man or woman. That is a super foundation for constructing the relationship quicker. Diverse conversations with
various human beings immensely enhance your social enjoy, which is contemplated in gained air of secrecy and persuasion
skills. The Charisma ability enables lots whilst trying to analyze Sims persona and quickens the procedure of impressing. It's
recommended to enhance your Charisma earlier than trying to impress all of us, specially while taking into consideration
faking a personality. The Persuasion skill has a primary impact on impressing Sims and reduces the threat of being observed
out whilst faking. Successful impressions will make it less difficult and less complicated to be more persuasive. Learning
correct persuasion capabilities is tough but in reality worth it. Unfortunately, simplest around 15% to twenty% of Sims
populace is like minded, which means that that if you want to impress a person, you would possibly need to faux it. That isn't
always as bad as it'd sound in view that impressing is simplest a temporary element of building the connection, now not to
maintain it. When finding out to faux it, the point of interest is on mastering Sim character by means of gaining knowledge of
them, discussing pursuits, and truely talking. Improving the Charisma skill quickens the process as properly. Brute forcing
your fake personality will simplest make you seem as a poser and spoil the relationship. As long as you put together and
learn the Sim persona, there's no immediate disadvantage to trying a faux out. Social connections are a delicate count which
may be without difficulty disturbed while a deceitful man or woman joins in. Attempting to attempt every personality on a Sim
to look what clicks goes to quickly fail. Sims are not that stupid and may inform while you're brute forcing your way into the
connection. What you'll become with is a ruined relationship and being visible as a poser. In the future, faking your character
with a high variety of Sims will be met with a misplaced reputation. Lying to all and sundry ultimately fails and makes you
seem as a poser in all and sundry's eyes. Sex commands. Sex interactions are based on animations which you may deploy.
Every animation has a distinctive vicinity it may be used at. Look around, in all likelihood your mattress offers few animations.
If you need to start a intercourse interaction with other sims then make sure they are nearby while doing it. You can disable
gender restrictions and use every animation for each sim and understand that you can swap positions of sims within the
interaction. If you need to have a threesome or more, invite different sims to the interplay, however understand that you need
animations that assist more than two sims. Cum is being carried out on sims after the intercourse interaction is finished and
the kind of cum is trusted the animation and it is distinctive by using the creator of the animations. For example, if you prevent
the intercourse interplay with running blowjob, the cum can be applied on the sim face. Climax is every other sort of
animations which can be being unlocked while in sex interplay. Not every sims combination and region have climax
animations. If climax is available the choice will be visible. Climax isn't at once connected with cum and it is no longer
required for cum. Condoms can most effective be utilized in already running sex interaction by using clicking on them in sim
stock. To initiate sex choose naked options you can do this by means of clicking your sims and changing the settings
indexed in FFM OR use the furnished get bare mod to hurry matters up. 1st click your sims and pick out alternate outfit and
choose nude (easiest manner.) Now pick a area and click on and select wicked, than sex. Make sure you've got animations
hooked up that may be used in that region. Choose a companion than select which function you would really like. To
exchange positions/animations during intercourse click on the sim that initiated the intercourse and choose depraved, whims
than pick out a different animation. You can do that for the duration of sex or pause and installation every animation to be
performed so all you have to do is sit down again and fap watch the show! Animations are quite lengthy in the interim so sims
would possibly take some time. You can even do that with more than one sims inside the same region for group sex! For
organization intercourse 1st you need to provoke any animation with two actors at the region that you want to apply for 3p
anims. And then ask anyone to enroll in by using clicking sim select wicked, whim, be part of in. Not all animations guide
organization intercourse it's going to say within the percent if it does. Exhibitionism/Naturism commands. FFM has absolutely
implemented exhibitionism skill that decides what your can do. Every level unlocks new possibilities as your sim gains
greater confidence. Sims ought to begin as a Naturist. After gaining few ranges, Sims can convert their Naturism talent into
Exhibitionism skill in the event that they want to and liberate few extra alternatives, however lose on blessings that the
Naturism talent was giving them. To start simply change into more revealing outfit or admire yourself in a replicate . Because
Sims 4 doesn't have anything that defines revealing of given outfit element the disclosing clothing are swimming gear and
sleepwear (both do not encompass undies). The greater sims see you in revealing outfit, the greater you benefit for your
talent and this rule applies to some thing you do in the destiny. With every stage you get a small notification explaining new
things you may do, so from that point the entirety must be clean. Downloads Name Description Download Super nude patch
FULL self installer Super nude patch complete i nstaller report if you choose this report you do not need to download any of
the documents underneath they're blanketed in it. Choose which ones to put in and it will positioned them robotically into the
right folder to be lively in the game. PC MASTER RACE ONLY. 200 MB report! Super nude patch additionally now available
on patreon for just $5!! Click below Custom/manual installation files If you're not able to apply the SNP than you'll need to
install the mods manually. Download and extract all mods to: C:UsersyournameDocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4Mods
folder. If you want to see what animations are to be had in each % also scroll down. Fantastic Fuck Mod Name Description
Download FFM/WW main mod This is the one that does it all it MUST be hooked up 1st! Contains cowgirl and
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Animations of hobby Download Group SEX percent Group intercourse Full animations list (group FMF) Missionary and
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Position KAMASUTRA The Cock KAMASUTRA The SittingBull KAMASUTRA Bamboo's Position KAMASUTRA Cow's
Union KAMASUTRA The Apple DJ Woohoos 4P Vaginal DJ Woohoos 4P Climax PepSpeech Blowjob podium MF
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FFF Rubthigh FemOnly FFF Orgasm CLIMAX FemOnly FF 2P Variant Fingering FemOnly FF 2P Variant Licking FemOnly
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Deepthroat RedSteamy MF Vaginal RedSteamy MF Creampie It's A Trap 7xM 1xF HandsMouthAnalVaginal STAGE 1 It's A
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ESTБGIO Sensual Lips MM Anal ETAPA Sensual Lips MM CLIMAX RedMILF ForcedBoy Rubbing MF RedMILF Blowjob
MF RedMILF Sex MF RedMILF Cum Inside MF CLIMAX "RedForced" Animations (MF - Double Bed) "Wrestling" Animations
(MM - Floor) "Bossdinner" Animations (MMF & MF - MultiObject -> Start the table) "Pajama Party" Animations (FFF - Double
Bed) "Cuckold" Animations (MMMMMF - Floor) "Boss's Slave" Animations (MMF - Double Bed) "Don't Disturb" Animations
(M - Desk) "Don't Disturb" Animations (F - Desk) "Game Of Cock" Animations (MM - Double Bed) "Game Over" Animations
(MF - Chess Table) "HandWork" Animations (MF - Chair Dining) Animations (M - Toilet/Chair) "SelfPleasure" Animations ( M
- Floor " Sucking" Animations (FF (Strap-on) - Floor) "Teacher" Animations (MF - Table) "PlayAlone" Animations (F - Dildo
from sex toys percent.) "Bad Girl" Animations (MF - Dining Chair) "PostCoitum" Animations (MF - Double Bed) "Boxe"
Animations (MF - Punch Bag) "Chair" Animations (MMMM - Floor) "Blessed" Animations ( MFFFFFFF - Floor.) Tan With
Tom" Animations (MF - Floor) Softly Breast" Animations (MF - Sofa - LoveSeat) BigToy" Animations (MFF - Floor) Dildo from
sex toys percent required for this. SelfSuck" Animations (M - Floor) Under The Table" Animation (MF - Desk [START] +
Chair) After Dinner" Animation (MF - Toilet) Mirror Job" Animation (MF - Mirror) Happy Ending" Animation (MF - Massage
Table) Fatigue" Animation (MFF/MF - Workout Machine) ShyGuy" Animation (MF - DoubleBed) Tools" Animation
(MMMMMMMF - Double Bed) "Pleasure" Animation (MF - LoveSeat) "KrazyDepth" Animation (MF - Floor) "His Touch"
Animation (M - Sofa) "Touching" Animation (F - Floor) "Lending Hands" Animation (MM - Double Bed) "Thinker" Animation
(M - Shower) "Her Touch" Animation (F - Sofa/Loveseat) "Jerking" Animation (M - Floor) "RedCorruption" Animation (MF -
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- wall Mirror Standing Doggy institution MFF Oraljob - Hot bath blowjob with a s > Vaginal - Gentle Missionary X legged bed
and floor MFF Oral- Hot Tub Cowgirl and Ass Licking MF Vaginal - Sofa Cowgirl MF Vaginal - S > MFF Oral - Girl Sandwich
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Interrogation Table) MF Anal - Cowgirl Interrogation (Female Dominator) (Table, Interrogation Table) MF Vaginal - Doggy in
the water (Bathtub) Strip Search (Male Dominator) (Booking Station) MF Anal - Holding Anal (Counter) MFFF Oral - Reverse
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  • 2. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 2 Copyright © All rights reserved. Copyright © All rights reserved. The eBook is supplied for information purposes only, even though the contributors of this material are well conversed in the subject matter printed. The material content in this ebook does not constitute professional advice. This eBook is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regards to the subject matter contained. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher and its contributors are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If professional advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The readers are advised to consult with any appropriately qualified professional before taking any decisions. If you have or suspect an illness or have a health concern, always consult with your physician or health care provider. We have used our best judgment in compiling this information, however, the information presented may not have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any reference to a specific product is for your information only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • 3. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 3 Copyright © All rights reserved. Table of Contents Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 4 Know Your Penis ................................................................................................................... 6 Measuring Your Penis............................................................................................................ 8 Penis Exercises: The Basics................................................................................................... 10 Penis Exercises: Stepping It Up A Gear (Advanced Exercises) ................................................ 16 Penis Exercises: The Schedule.............................................................................................. 20 Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 24
  • 4. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 4 Copyright © All rights reserved. Introduction First of all, congratulations on your choice to download this ebook. This ebook may be free, but I can assure you it‟s priceless. Soon you will know exactly how to enlarge your penis! So consider yourself lucky, my friend, because normally you have to pay $49 just to read guides that are less good than this one. This is a real treat indeed. Now let‟s talk about penis. Your penis, to be exact. I„d bet that your woman has not said in your presence that a bigger penis feels much better during sex than a small penis. It‟s no surprise because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings.
  • 5. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 5 Copyright © All rights reserved. You see, one of the top complaints from women about their sex life is their partner's small penis size. So what can you do now to make sure your penis causes compliments, not complaints? Don‟t worry, I‟m here to help. If you want to know how to enlarge your penis, then doing exercises is one of most popular ways to increase the size of a man's penis. Nonetheless, there is some effort required - and a catch! By doing some penis enlargement exercises, you can train your penis to let more blood into it which will give you a harder erection and assist in penis growth if you follow the other necessary steps to cause big growth. (This is what the exercise "gurus" didn't want you to know!) But of course, exercises alone DON'T work. In the same way that your body does, your penis needs nutrients and biochemicals to repair itself and - more importantly for us - to grow. What's more, you can trick your body into restarting puberty style penis enlargement (i.e. natural growth) with biochemicals that were present in your body during puberty, but which left when it ended! When they left your body, penis growth ground to a sudden halt. A cool video all about biochemicals and their function in penis enlargement can be found at However, right now you can read this amazing free penis exercise ebook and start straight away to improve your sex life. What I can say is that this guide has been changing the way a bucket-load of men think about treating their "size" problem. Within a few minutes, you will learn how to become a much better lover with a bigger penis. Now enjoy this free report and please pass it on to your family and friends. Tell them about They need your help too. :) Let's get started! John Collins,
  • 6. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 6 Copyright © All rights reserved. Know Your Penis I'm not going to waste this space (and your valuable time) by telling you all about your penis. You know what a penis is already, right?! :) But there is some important stuff that you need to know if you want to make your penis bigger... As you know, the penis is not a muscle. It's also not a bone. Instead, it's made up of delicate spongy tissue which grew because biochemicals in your body made it bigger as you went through puberty. The most important thing you've gotta remember is that the penis isn't a muscle that can be exercised in the conventional way. BUT... You can use exercises to accelerate penis growth. And this free guide is all about those exercises which are most effective at accelerating the growth of your penis.
  • 7. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 7 Copyright © All rights reserved. Unlike muscle, your penis consists of three cylinders or tubes of tissue. These are arranged with two cylinders on top (as you look down on the penis) and one on the bottom. They are each roughly the size and shape of a pencil. Running through the bottom cylinder is the urethra, the tube through which urine and sperm pass. These cylinders of tissue are firmly held together by a wrap of tissue called Buck„s fascia. If you want to make your penis bigger then you have to enlarge these 3 cylinders and the Buck's fascia. Here's a diagram of the male sexual organs: Our objective is to make the shaft of your penis bigger in length and girth from the base all the way to the tip. When we do that you get a bigger penis. Penis exercises, unlike muscle exercises, are focused on trapping blood in the penis for longer than is natural. When I implemented my method of penis growth, this accelerated results and took me from a lowly 5” to a big 8”. This guide is focused on getting you gains that are between 2 and 4 inches personally. Before we look at the exercises themselves let's talk about measuring your penis...
  • 8. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 8 Copyright © All rights reserved. Measuring Your Penis The truth is, the majority of men have no idea how to measure penis length accurately. To accurately measure your penis is vital if you want to record the increases in size. Here are the steps to measure your penis size accurately so you can give yourself an honest measurement about how you jack up to the male average of six inches… FIRST.... find a measuring device. A cloth measuring tape works best. IF you can't find one - then a piece of string will do. After measuring yourself with a piece of string you can place that string along a wooden ruler or some other measuring device! (I hope that makes sense)
  • 9. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 9 Copyright © All rights reserved. IF your penis 'curves' or 'bends' [and many penises do!!] be sure to measure along the curve or bend. Don't measure STRAIGHT from your pubic bone to the tip of your penis - in other words! Now the fun part... GET ERECT! Take your measuring device and measure your penis from your pubic bone (the 'pubic bone' is the bone you feel when you press in the area that is covered by your pubic hairs). Don't press TOO hard - but hard enough to be firmly against that bone. Now hold your penis - if you have to! - and place the measuring device (whatever it is that your using) along the top of your penis. (That„s the part of your penis that YOU see!) You are measuring from the pubic bone along the TOP of the penis to the tip of your penis. THAT measurement [whether in inches, centimeters or millimeters] is your OFFICIAL length. The reason I suggest measuring FROM the pubic bone is because it puts every guy on a level playing field. It's a way of being more accurate. Some heavier guys have extra fat behind their pubic hairs - making the penis APPEAR smaller. But we're going for the scientific method to measure your actual size. If you are using a piece of string or whatever, find the distance from your pubic bone to the tip of your penis and then measure the piece of string. To measure the thickness or 'girth' or your penis - stay erect and find the thickest part of your penis (along the shaft). Take your measuring device and wrap it around your penis to get your actual girth measurement. Take note of how many inches, centimeters or millimeters it takes to go all the way around. That measurement will be the official girth of your penis. That's it. That's all there is to it. Now, onto the basics of exercises... J
  • 10. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 10 Copyright © All rights reserved. Penis Exercises: The Basics Penis exercises are a way of trapping blood in the penis. While some people sell systems on penis exercises this guide is free. And it's free because I'm not going to lie to you about penis exercises. I'm not here to make a quick buck. I was once where you are – trying to get a bigger penis – and I was scammed countless times. Here is what “gurus” who rip you off with exercise programs will tell you: o “Penis exercises are a great way to make your penis bigger. They're all you need to grow by 2-6 inches!!!”
  • 11. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 11 Copyright © All rights reserved. o “Buy my stuff!!!” o “Exercises work because the enlarge the blood vessels in the penis and then your penis can accommodate more blood. That means you get a bigger penis!!!” I gotta tell you right now though. That's total BS! What you need is the two-step biochemical method to penis enlargement. One of these steps is exercises. So here's what you need to know about exercises. This is basic exercises, advanced exercises and finally a schedule for when to do what. Here's what you need to know... Some men, all too eager to see gains, have gone straight in at the deep end and done harm to their penis by not following the routine structure. Please be careful! Warming up Just like any sports, warming up is very important to make sure that you protect your penis from any undue damage. If you fail to warm up properly then you're really putting a penis risk. I'll say it again, warming up is vital! First of all, you need to prepare your penis. Soak a washcloth in warm or hot water, then squeeze it out. Take the warm cloth and wrap it around the shaft of your penis (either flaccid or erect). Hold it right there for a minute, remove it, repeat at least twice. Next is to dry off your penis well. Many people have come up with different ways of warming up but I find the simplest to be dunking a towel in hot, but not boiling, water and wrapping it around your penis. The hotter the better – but please be careful not to burn yourself. Before you begin your daily exercises, you have to start off with this procedure for at least 5 minutes. The hot compress is useful because it draws blood to the area of your penis, thereby escalating the blood flow and making the skin more elastic. Another advantage is that this also ensures a good grip for the exercises you will be carrying out. Lubrication Lubrication is necessary for all of the techniques we recommend here. Using the right lubricant will help you avoid irritation to the sensitive skin of your love gear.
  • 12. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 12 Copyright © All rights reserved. There are many types of lubricants are used around the world. Of course, the most popular types are water-based personal lubricants. The water-based lubricants are so simple and easy to clean up, but tend to dry out quicker while you are exercising your penis. Therefore you may need to add more lube as you progress through your workout. While the petroleum-based lubricants are fine to use but they seem to be thicker and harder to clean up. Vaseline is the most popular of the petroleum-based lubricants, but we believe that Vig- RX oil works the best. This oil has been specially formulated to boost male enhancement. Now you are going to learn is standard stretching and standard Jelqing. Stretching Standard stretching involves stretching penis so that the ligaments get longer under penis therefore gains length. The purpose of this method is to create tension in the erectile tissues by stretching the skin of the penis while in an erect state. Not only does this make the skin of your penis slightly elastic, it also expands the amount of the space in your penis chambers, the corpora cavernosa. The higher the amount of blood that can fill these spaces results in an enlarging of the overall mass of your penis. Stretching is so simple that you need to do is stretch the penis to make it longer. This involves gripping the penis just below the head and stretching it out with force to the ligaments gain size. There are six stretches.  Stretch one: While sitting on the edge of a sofa or bed, begin stroking your penis using your thumb and forefinger (the same "a-ok" symbol used in our other methods).
  • 13. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 13 Copyright © All rights reserved. Pulling the penis directly in front of you. You put the penis out directly in front of you from 30 to 40 seconds. As you stroke the penis from the base toward the head, maintain a firm grip and stretch the skin as best as you can.  Stretch two: you put the penis directly down for 30 to 40 seconds.  Stretch three: people the penis directly up for 30 to 40 seconds.  Stretch four: you pull the penis directly to the left for 30 to 40 seconds.  Stretch five: you pull the penis directly to the right for 30 to 40 seconds.  Stretch six: you rotate the penis all the way in a circular movement for 30 to 40 seconds. Repeat each direction 2-3 times. With these six stretches all you have to do is four sets of each everyday. Only do this after you have warmed up correctly. After you've finished the exercise you can release the grip on the base of your penis. You should feel the blood begin flowing again. Go ahead, you may ejaculate at this point if you feel the urge. Remember to use a firm grip and enough lubrication, always exercise caution! Do not grip your penis too tight so that you lose the circulation. If you are in pain or feel any discomfort, then you are doing the technique in the wrong way. Read the instructions again and retry the technique slowly. Jelqing Stretching exercises are useful for lengthening your penis. But in order for one man to increase the circumference, you have to perform stretching exercise while your penis is in a partially-erect state. Jelqing is the technique that develops the whole penis so that its length, thickness, weight, and density all become proportionately enlarged. Jelqing (also called "milking") is actually one of those ancient practices that has been performed for centuries by various tribes and cultures around the world. It's considered the most successful method of enlarging the penis. These “milking” exercises could force the blood into your penis. Over the course of several months, the blood spaces in the penis will gain volume. In other words; they can hold more blood. As a result, your penis gets larger.
  • 14. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 14 Copyright © All rights reserved. Jelqing is slightly different from stretching. Standards Jelqing involves forcing blood through the shaft of the penis by using your hand to trap it so that the blood vessels expand. The standards jelq, the one that you'll be using for the first number of weeks, requires that you make a shape with your thumb and forefinger. To make this easier to explain simply make an okay symbol with your hand. The 'O' that you create through doing this will form the basis of your jelq. The Standards jelq involves gripping the penis at the very base, squeezing tightly, and milking penis as you would a cow so that blood is forced to the tip. Standard jelqs should each last 3 seconds from the base to the tip. 1. Apply your lubricant all over the skin of your penis. Keep your lubricant close by since you will want it to last for as long as you need it. Don‟t use the soap because it tends to dry the skin. 2. With your thumb and forefinger, squeeze the base of the penis shaft. Pull downward. Stop at the head. Repeat, alternating hands. Each stroke should last about three seconds. The stimulation will certainly help you reach an erection. 3. When your penis becomes semi-erect (not fully-erect), make the "A-OK" sign with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. With this hand, grip tightly around the base of your penis. 4. Now starting from the base, pull the penis gently yet firm. Stretch downward and outward. You have to maintain your semi-erect penis at this point. Make certain to start from the base the head with each stroke. Note that the head of your penis will get bigger with blood. 5. Switch to your right hand and repeat the stroke, starting from the base and stretching downward to the head. Alternate both hands in a smooth rhythmic ("milking") movement, touching upon every part of the penis except the very top part of the penis head. This is the very foundation of jelqing. Don‟t forget that jelqing exercises are not performed during fully-hard erection. Make sure that your penis is between half to 3/4 erect. Results cannot be obtained until a partial erection is present. After this exercise has been done for quite some time, you will notice that your penis appears both longer and thicker. This is a fact. And we can assure you that from within one to several months of routine exercise, your penis will emerge quite huge; this is due to the impaction of blood in the penile tissues.
  • 15. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 15 Copyright © All rights reserved. Carefully choose ONE of these jelqing exercise techniques that you feel comfortable with to include in your daily routine. PC Muscle Workout What nearly everyone doesn‟t know is that the pubococcygeus muscle (pyoo-bo- cocksee-gee-us) or PC muscle plays a critical role in the functioning of the penis. The pubococcygeus muscle is actually a group of muscles that run from the pubic bone to the tailbone. The PC muscle is the muscle you bring into play to stop the flow of urine from the bladder. It is also the muscle that contracts whenever you ejaculate, moving the semen up through the penis and out of the body. The PC muscle is a busy little muscle, you know? But as far as most men are concerned, it is still grossly unknown. Mastering the techniques of male multiple orgasms is easy once you know how to train your pubococcygeus muscle. When you urinate and you want to get the last drop out, you use your PC muscle in the opposite direction. By doing this you'll feel your anus open and the feeling will be somewhat different. Most men can do Kegels anywhere, since they're seldom aroused by the exercises. Continued over a lifetime, the exercises can help men and women avoid urinary incontinence as they age. That, plus greater arousal, enhanced orgasms and longer- lasting sex, make Kegels one of the simplest, most beneficial exercises a man or woman can do throughout their lifetime. Be careful though. Using your PC muscle can have negative effects. If you produce too much testosterone then you will find that you ejaculate prematurely. However if you follow our guidelines you will actually enhance your ejaculation control. The basics of the PC muscle work out involve you clenching your muscle as hard as you can for a certain amount of time. To find the muscle in question all you have to do is stop the flow of urine when you are in the toilet. In the e-mails that we send you we will give you an exact routine every week.
  • 16. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 16 Copyright © All rights reserved. Penis Exercises: Stepping It Up A Gear (Advanced Exercises) These next exercises are more advanced. You will use these as your penis becomes more used to being exercised in this way. They introduce more strain to the penis. If you were to use more advanced exercises immediately then you would do far more damage than good. The stretches and jelqs are slightly more complex. You will not be using these exercises for a number of weeks. You will be e-mailed exactly what you should be doing that week, and these exercises will make up a part of your later routines. Advanced Stretching Advanced stretching it's just different ways of forming stretching exercises. They stretch different parts of the penis. The Wrist Stretch The wrist stretch is a way of applying pressure to the middle section of your penis mid- stretch. It stretches the ligaments more authority, but could also do more damage to your penis if your penis hasn't been trained by doing the simpler exercises first. The Wrist Stretch involves gripping your penis just below the head, as with the standard stretch, and stretching penis directly in front of you, to the left, to the right, up and down. To add more pressure to this stretch, you take the wrist of your free hand and apply pressure to middle of your shaft as you stretch before force. So, if you were stretching to the left, you would apply the wrist pressure on the left hand side of your shaft. If you were stretching up, you would apply wrist pressure to the other side of your shaft. If you stretching down, it would apply pressure to the bottom etc. Please don't attempt the Wrist Stretch unless directed by one of our e-mails. The Big Seated Stretch This is a very long stretch for those of you who have time and privacy. Each stretch takes 10 minutes to complete. By that I mean literally 10 minutes of nonstop stretching.
  • 17. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 17 Copyright © All rights reserved. To perform the stretch, grip your penis while seated by raising one leg up and putting your hand underneath it then gripping just below the head. Then, pull with full force and hold for 10 minutes. For the next set, lift up your other leg and using your other hand repeat the process. The Big Squeeze The Big Squeeze is placed in this section because it is more a stretch than a Jelq. This routine simply involves squeezing your penis by putting it on the table, and using the flattened palm of your hand, push down on the penis. For this you push firmly by placing one hand on top of the other and using all your weight to squash the penis. You separate the penis into the upper and lower parts, and push down on each for 45 seconds Advance Jelqing Advanced Jelqing is for those of you who want to see big girth and length gains. We've already seen standard Jelqing, but these advanced techniques will do much more to improve your size. You will notice there are quite a lot of Jelqing exercises that you can do. After you have completed our program, you will be a pro, and then you can develop your own jelqs. However, by the end of our program you will probably have reached the size that you desire anyway -- so you can forget all about Jelqing! Most Jelqing improves your length and girth. Stretching is reserved for length gains, but then length can also be obtained from Jelqing correctly. However, the main reason for using Jelqing is to improve your girth. The Double-Handed Jelq Erection strength: 95% This is a variation of the standard jelq, the difference lies in using both of your hands instead of one. What you must to his start a standard jelq using your right hand, moving it up your shaft by about an inch, then with your other hand grip at the very base i.e. where your first hand started. Your left-hand is being used to trap the blood.
  • 18. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 18 Copyright © All rights reserved. Now, with your right hand, jelq all the way up to just below the head of your penis. At this stage lots of blood will be trapped. Now, to gain length, finish your jelq with the first hand (your right hand) and slowly move your left hand up to just below the head. Then, take your right hand and gripped the very base again and continue this cycle. Important things to remember: your penis must be, and remain 95% erect. Only ever do this exercise after you have warmed up properly. This exercise is mainly for length gains, but by making a small variation you can turn it into a girth jelq. That is what we shall be looking at now... The Double-Handed Girth Jelq Erection strength: 95% This Jelqing exercise is designed solely for improving girth. Start as you did the previous exercise -- so that your hands are either end (one at base, one just below the head). The only difference with this exercise compared to the last one is that this is your starting point. Now all you have to do, when there is lots of blood trapped in your penis, is to slowly push to hands together while maintaining a tight grip. What you will notice is that your shaft is being expanded as the blood is forced outwards. This is held for 30-60 seconds. Important things to remember: again, your penis must be, and remain, 95% erect. Only ever do this exercise after you have warmed up properly. The Double-Handed Girth Bend Erection strength: 95% This exercise is similar to the last. With one hand at either end of your shaft, literally bend the penis forwards slowly, ruling it so that the bend moves from top to the bottom. Do this for 30-45 seconds. Repeat the exercise but in reverse i.e. bend it the other way. The Ultimate Girth Jelq Erection strength: 95%
  • 19. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 19 Copyright © All rights reserved. Similar to the Double-Handed Girth Jelq, the object of this is to force your hands closer until they almost touch. The time spent on the movement from each end of your shaft to the center point should be 30-45 seconds. You can concentrate on different parts of your penis shaft while doing this. If you want to see more gains at the base than simply don't move your base and. If you want to see more gains closer to the tip, then don't move your upper hand. You can mix up the exercise depending on whether your girth gains are level or different at different points of your penis. Important things to remember: 95% erection. Ensure that you warm up. Warming Down Each step of exercises should be ended with a gentle massage and a warming down session with the help of a hot towel. When you give a massage to your penis and apply some heat to it, it helps healing and rebuilding of the cell tissue. You see, heat promotes faster growth of tissue cells and it restores the sensibility problems you may have had during your enlargement exercises. So after each exercise, you have to massage your penis softly for about 1 minute. You should perform a soft and circular motion with your forefinger and middle finger along the base and the shaft of the penis. Be very gentle with your moves here since your penis has just been through some serious hard workout. Following the massage session, you should apply another hot towel around your penis, just like you did for the warm up. This part of the practice is as essential as the first one because the heat will stimulate the damaged parts and will make them function well again.
  • 20. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 20 Copyright © All rights reserved. Penis Exercises: The Schedule This is the schedule that you can start today. Alone, it won't have any affect. Until you have assimilated all of the required nutrients and biochemicals into your body, you will just get improved erections and maybe a very small amount of growth. Usually it takes 10 weeks to see real gains, but you will notice a harder penis after a few weeks. Biochemical growth will cause rapid growth – it's what worked for me when I finally - after years of trying – stumbled upon the secret to getting a bigger penis. But exercises increased the speed at which I gained by about 22% when those biochemicals were present. Here is the exact exercise schedule that I used...
  • 21. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 21 Copyright © All rights reserved. Exercises Weeks 1-3 Time spent on exercises per day: 15-20 minutes. Gently massage your penis and surrounding area with a warm cloth. You want to loosen up your penis and the muscles around it. Do this for 2-3 minutes. Standard stretching is the only way to begin! For this hold each stretch (outwards, up, down, left, right and around) for 30 seconds. Your penis must be flaccid to do this or you will hurt yourself. Go through this cycle twice. Exercise you PC muscle in the process by flexing it in the manner similar to controlling your bladder flow. This technique helps you preclude premature ejaculation. After 20 minutes, give your penis a rest. Wrap a warm towel around your penis and then repeat the routine after a few minutes of sufficient rest. Now continue on to the standard jelq. Do this for 10 minutes, and then warm down. Perform these exercises 5 days a week. Give yourself the weekend (or any two days) off. You will notice that your erections become harder and you may see a little growth. In week 3 spend 10 minutes doing the Double-Handed Jelq as well. Exercises to use: Standard Stretching Standard Jelqing Weeks 4-5 Time spent on exercises per day: 15-20 minutes. Exercises to use: Standard Stretching Take a seat with you back vertically straight and mare sure to lubricate you penis. With one hand, grab the base of your penis squeezing the
  • 22. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 22 Copyright © All rights reserved. penis shaft as you move towards the penile head. Once there, use your other hand and start anew. Do the squeezing routine for 3-5 seconds as you moved from the penis base to the head. Repeat this action over a 5 minute period without attaining a full erection or ejaculation. Standard Jelqing Gently encircle your penis and moving your hand up to the head, concentrate of pushing the blood up the penis. On reaching the head of your penis, take your other hand to the base and perform the same motion with your other hand. The Wrist Stretch Grip your penis firmly just below the head and stretch it gently to the left, to the right, up and down. Repeat this technique for about 5 minutes. The Big Squeeze Place your penis on the table, squeeze and put pressure on your penis with your palm firmly. But don‟t be so hard on your penis. Keep repeating this for about 2 minutes. Weeks 6-8 At the end of this cycle you will have your body at its optimum. This is the last transitional stage. Because of that you shouldn't do everything yet. However, you can split your exercises into morning and night. You should do more advanced, intensive jelqs and stretches as your penis starts to get ready for growth. Spend between 20-30 minutes a day exercising. Now you can do everything but the Ultimate Girth Jelq and the Double-Handed Girth Bend. If at this stage you have already begun to see growth then by all means do the others. You'll now know the feeling of a good workout so you will know which exercises you respond to best. Also, mix up what you do. Keep your routines fresh for the best results.
  • 23. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 23 Copyright © All rights reserved. Week 8 Well done, my friend! You have been through a great experience towards enlarging your penis. Don‟t get too excited though because your first week is nothing. But now you can create your own routine. You‟ll have noticed what you respond to best. Tailor-make your exercises and growth will happen. Spend at least 15 minutes a day on intense workouts. Note: Before any exercise you have to warm up and afterwards you have to warm down.
  • 24. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 24 Copyright © All rights reserved. Conclusion That's the basis of penis exercises! This is a complete part of the system that I discovered (almost by accident!) which caused my penis to get bigger by 3 inches in length and 2 in girth. Why am I sharing this? I'm sharing this information because some really sneaky “gurus” are selling this information and making a profit out of it. That would be cool, and I'd be fine with it if it worked. But, here's the thing, it doesn't on its own! I personally wasted hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on penis enlargement stuff. And ALL of it failed until I stumbled upon the solution that worked wonders for me. So, this free guide is here to stop you getting ripped off. I am not a wealthy guy and at some points when I shelled out a fortune on these products I was really frickin' poor. So if I help one guy save a bit of money and get better educated then I think this guide is a good thing. So how do natural size gains happen? I've said exercises accelerate growth, and here's how my complete system worked for me. Please remember that I'm not an expert! I'm just a regular dude who found
  • 25. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 25 Copyright © All rights reserved. something that's worked incredibly well for me and the few people I shared this info with. The way that my biochemical method works is by making your penis naturally grow. All you need to do is to restart the production of certain biochemicals in the body. These biochemicals were responsible for growth when you were going through puberty, and can be made to be produced in the body now, just like they were then. If you can do this then you will begin penis growth. Most people don't know about this vital technique because the enlargement industry makes much more money selling very expensive methods which don't deliver results. However, getting your body ready to make your penis bigger is the only way (other than surgery) that you can cause real gains in your penis size. That is the reason why other products (as you probably have discovered) fail, because they ignore this highly important aspect of growth. The way to make your penis bigger is by getting those biochemicals (which caused penis growth during puberty) back in the body. Then: BOOM! You will start to see gains. If you guys are interested in this then let me know. If you're not part of my members email list then sign up now - and you can email me directly from there! It's at If you guys want these secrets badly enough then I'll tell you them! I would rather that than you getting scammed by the big businesses like I did. All the best. Your friend, John Collins
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  • 38. Penile Enhancement Drugs Purchase penis boom patch. Warning very naughty stuff and awful words are in those sections continue at your very own chance. Oh it's just you oh well in no way thoughts keep than under! The exceptional nude patch is a self putting in software that installs all the necessary mods to make your sims game fully nude and 18+ I've taken the excellent mods, finished all the work and made a program to do all the be just right for you! If your just looking to remove the blurs in the sport than you could download the regular nude patch by using clicking right here. Only subscribers can down load the top notch nude patch take a look at out it's listing of functions under every be be chosen to be established or no longer. FETAURES. Remove the blurs from the game when sims are naked or on the bathroom. Your sims males and females can walk round inside the nude. Includes clothing for topless and complete body nude for both males, women and young adults. The f-phrase mod Changes all the WooHoo textual content in the game to FUCK, 1st woohoo to lose virginity, ALL flirty text to attractive and all non flirty text to flaccid. Better nude skins for male and woman and higher lady nipples and 3d clit introduced. Males have 3d nipples additionally. Also mounted skin overlays to provide females crimson nipples OR real cleavage. Click the X next to pinnacle or bottom garb to make sims naked. As nicely as invisible top and bottom clothing additionally included if you do not want different sims glaring at your bare sims. Female strap on mod absolutely well suited with FFM. Fantastic FUCK mod provides real live hardcore intercourse animations. Fantastic FUCK mod provides Exhibitionism . Bondage gadgets and glory holes. Add a bare pie menu option so that you can strip nude each time without having invisible apparel. However other sims would possibly react badly to you taking walks around naked :P Erect penis bare outfit in CAS Set u. Penile Enhancement Drugs sex golf equipment and advantage membership points from having sex the use of the FFM. Add a porn channel changing romance channel with actual sims having sex. Add a bulge to default male Speedos (budgie smugglers.) A unique sexy trait that makes sims continuously flirty and need to woohoo. Add unique trait that turns your sim into a Succubus. Special sliders that increase the breast sliders taking into account bigger knockers. Make all the employed help have intercourse with you. No restrictions for thin dipping. Make your sims woohoo in the nude routinely. Paint your personal hentai replaces all emotional artwork with warm hentai. Over 50 art work to find out. Allows teens to date adults. Set gender desire on any sim together with your energetic sim. Fully computerized simply pick out the alternatives you need hooked up the program will scan for the best folders and installation the whole thing where it's supposed to cross (windows vita and higher ONLY.) NO ready! NO adfly hyperlinks that install MALWARE in the history. NO BS DO NOT EVER allow adfly allow you to send notifications! NO down load timers! NO having to join up to 10+ patreon accounts getting charged $10 every time from greedy devs Screen photographs. Choose a download underneath in case you pick the entire deploy document once downloaded and extracted double click on the EXE file and comply with the on display screen instructions. You can down load and install any of the mods and installation them in case you want if you don't have your video games set up into the default directories or in case your having trouble walking the exe document consisting of macs. Remember simplest subscribers have the luxury of downloading and your purchasing the convenience and clean use to put in mods! Before attempting to set up the superb nude patch or ANY mods please ensure to run via this checklist! Before you do something you MUST be up to date to the ultra-modern patch if you have not achieved this pass do it proper now by way of opening beginning and allow it replace. If you are the usage of a mac you CANNOT use the first-rate mod patch self installer exe it will now not set up. You should down load and deploy the mods manually under. If you don't know how to do that than head to the FAQ and examine the manual. If you wish to install mods manually on a PC additionally take a look at the guide. Before putting in any mods make sure you've got the enlargement % it calls for in case you do not do no longer try to installation it. Some mods are incompatible with enlargement packs/patches it will say beneath in massive red letters. Make certain not to put in those mods. You must allow mods in your sport options. Make certain in trendy alternatives menu enable custom content AND allow script mods IS checked! More info click right here. WINRAR OR WINZIP IS REQUIRED TO EXTRACT THESE FILES. CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD. WINRAR WINZIP RAR expander (MACS) Fantastic FUCK mod (respectable distributor) The first rate Fuck mod provides real sims four hardcore intercourse animations for your sport in addition to different functions. With greater animations being brought all of the time you will truly need to sign on to keep experiencing all new intercourse animations! No want to sign on to lame consumer debts for one damned mod I've were given all of it right here and a part of the extraordinary nude patch making it higher, faster, less difficult and greater convenient to install! Complete listing of features. SEX. Real hardcore sex animations! Condom use Starting intercourse interactions with one or sims Inviting any amount of sims to the intercourse interaction (organization sex) Changing intercourse kind and role Swapping actors inside the sex interactions Undressing actors inside the intercourse interplay Making sims go far from watching sex of your sims through the usage of the F OFF interplay Blocking of objects used for intercourse to keep away from different sims the use of them Needs are affected therefore whilst in intercourse. Customization of sex positions Modify sex function period and genders Set which garb ought to be eliminated for sex role Create degrees of sex positions to play them one after the other Female sims can use strap-ons Incest reward trait Strapon components are actually present in the CAS Parts config report so if there could be all people else that desires to make strapon apparel, WW will locate them and unencumber the strapon interplay in the cloth wardrobe. Sex whims Sex with partner, intercourse with new romantic hobby, sex with a person, intercourse along with your date, sex with a person in public. Guide for special NPC intercourse interplay. Ability to begin NPC sex interactions. Intercourse autonomy cause from romance related chatter Question dialog when NPC Sim wants to ask for intercourse a participant Sim Player Sims Autonomy Settings' to permit player Sims sex autonomy (enabled by way of default) Next' button in the Wicked menu to quickly progress to the next intercourse animation. Jiggle boob physics (available when enabled in some animations) Compatible with drug mod. Hypersexual' Lot Trait. Sexually Alluring' Sim Reward Trait for 3000 Satisfaction Points. Asexual' Sim Reward Trait for 500 Satisfaction Points. Gender Recognition Joining Sex Autonomy integration with Drugs mod Menstrual Cycles Wicked Sex Shop available on any laptop in the game now gives a field of beginning manage pills and a
  • 39. field of condoms. Order them, obtain them for your mailbox, and unpack them to get birth control pills and condoms. Solo intercourse autonomy (masturbation) plumbob hide mechanically for the duration of intercourse Talk about Fantasies' romantic social interaction to boom sexual pleasure elders get "dangerously tired" from a variety of intercourse Get Together Expansion golf equipment support (enlargement isn't always required to use WickedWhims) Have Sex' club activity Have Sex (Swinging)' club hobby Pee on the Spot interactions allowed interior Sims can watch porn on computer systems Sex Autonomy Signs Nudity Autonomy Signs. Ability to change intercourse interaction development: class progression (random animations), stage development, disabled Ability to begin sex interplay (by myself or with associate.) Teasing, Handjob, Footjob, Oraljob, Vaginal, Anal. Ability to stop the sex interaction with climax (if to be had in that animation.) Ability to disable gender regulations and use any animation for any gender Ability to allow 'Always Accept' putting which makes every sim accept each sex proposition Ability to permit/disable decided on animations Ability to change intercourse initiation and make sims right away teleport to the intercourse location (calls for Always Accept putting to be enabled) Ability to disable commencing shoes whilst in sex interplay Ability to allow automobile complete outfit undressing while in intercourse interaction Ability to disable undressing whilst in intercourse interaction Objects get locked whilst using them for intercourse (with ability to disable that.) Relationship checks can be turned on or off in case you do not want all people to just accept all the time. Autonomy Question Dialog Settings. Teens Nudity Switch' placing to permit/disable nudity for teen Sims Teens Sex Switch' putting to enable/disable sex for teenager Sims Animations Disabler menu Autonomy Animations Disabler menu to disable animations just for autonomy sex Asking for Sex Dialogs Settings' menu setting to disable base sport interactions throughout intercourse Respect Children's Eyes Setting Respect Undressing to Underwear Setting Menstrual Cycle Fertility Level' setting Pregnancy Duration' placing. Capacity to set soft and tough penis for every sim in the game capability to randomize penis for each sim in the sport (which includes the choice to exclude default penis mesh) you get a full menu to control The Penis Overworld putting soft and hard penis globally will practice decided on penis to every sim that has a penis in the sport and each new sim that appears in the world. The randomized choice lets in to randomly select a penis for each sim that has a penis in the game with the capacity to exclude the default penis mesh and every new sim that appears within the international could have a random penis too. Extra_Skin_Tones' package with 80 more pores and skin tones. Cum is carried out after sex interaction is finished. Face, Chest, Back, Vagina, Butt, Feet. Ability to easy Cum via acting cleansing interactions. Affects NPC autonomy to clean the Cum off. Cum outs > first period warning notification Sims period delayed after giving start Sims Premenstrual Syndrome and Period itself now proportion a set of symptom moodlets that indicate Sim present day Menstrual Cycle scenario. PMS/Period Symptom moodlets: 'Nauseous' , 'Irritated' , 'Dizziness' , 'Oversensitive' , 'Cramping' , 'Anxious' , 'Aroused' , 'Neutral' . Menstrual Bleeding with specific bleeding strengths. Tampons and Pads to the Computer Sex Store. Tampons And Pads absorb blood and leak when overused PMS/Period Symptom moodlets: 'Nauseous' , 'Irritated' , 'Dizziness' , 'Oversensitive' , 'Cramping' , 'Anxious' , 'Aroused' , 'Neutral' Menstrual Cycle Tampon/Pad Absorbency' settings. Extra Absorbency' trait to improve tampons/pads absorbency. Ask for a Tampon or Pad' social interplay. Menstrual Bleeding reason garments to get filthy. Intercourse, masturbation, and cleansing interactions temporarily suppress menstrual bleeding. Used pads begin smelling after a few hours. Sims round react to smelling used pads. Sims mechanically cast off their used pad when undressing pants to nude. Menstrual Cycle Tampon/Pad Auto Use' settings. Vampires preference increase be stricken by the menstrual blood drift energy. Usable condom object buy it from Activities and Skills class. Ability to reserve condoms the usage of a pc. Ability to use the condom even as in sex interaction to save you being pregnant (can be used on a set.) Pregnancy from vaginal intercourse interaction (with ability to disable that.) Trait 'Hates Children' uses condoms automatically. Trait 'Hates Children' refuses vaginal sex without protection (Always Accept or disabled pregnancy ignores this rule.) Traits 'Lazy' and 'Clumsy' increase the risk of being pregnant in some conditions. Ability to terminate pregnancy the use of telephone. Incest being pregnant possible. Notification after Sim were given probably pregnant Birth Control Mode' placing with 'Perfect' and 'Realistic' options Perfect Birth Control will always prevent being pregnant with a a hundred% fulfillment rate. Realistic Birth Control has a small danger to fail and purpose being pregnant. Condoms are 95% effective and incoming birth manage tablets may be ninety one% powerful. Birth Control Automatic Use' placing Auto use of condoms for the duration of any sex that can purpose pregnancy Auto use of delivery manipulate pills as soon as an afternoon Teens can get pregnant cramps pain animation Fertility Treatment carrier handy via phone to temporarily growth pregnancy possibilities NPC Sims will now very own and use start control (condoms and pills) on their personal. You can regulate this by way of changing the 'NPC Birth Control Mode' putting. By default. Capacity to disable birth control for indiv > Sims gain choice from romantic interactions, seeing nudity and other flirt associated moves. Sims lose desire on a few unsuccessful interactions. Sim with high sufficient choice degree will gain nice sex desire buff. Sim with too high desire stage will get a poor buff, feeling uncomfortable with out freeing the anxiety. Sims with active positive preference buff can have higher sex experience. Sex resets desire stage and gets rid of preference buffs from sims. Sims with Alluring trait help gaining more desire. Sims with Romantic trait gain more choice. Made sims with Unflirty trait benefit much less choice. Sims with high exhibitionism ability degree will no longer react. Sims with equal or more nude outfit will no longer react. Setting to disable sims reacting to nudity (no longer blanketed in exhibitionism transfer) After intercourse brief buff while having intercourse outside in public. Pregnancy arise in line with sim in place of according to intercourse interaction. Sex growth romantic affection (makes romantic sims satisfied) Sims with excessive enough preference get an erection. Romantic social interactions supply greater preference. Social exhibitionism interactions boom sims preference. Seeing sims in sleepwear/swimming wear provide a little little bit of desire. Nudist lot trait must help you make nudity oriented masses, in which Sims feel secure being bare. Embrace Nudity' club pastime Flash' membership hobby. Sims will react with 6 extraordinary jealousy approaches (base on dating, respects Player trait.) Sims will react with nine one-of-a-kind wellknown approaches (base on temper, relationship and circle of relatives family members.) putting to disable sims reacting
  • 40. to intercourse (includes jealousy reaction.) 23 romance interactions for incest and grownup+teen. Toddler sims constantly react to nude grownup sims. Cuckold sims. Allows for multiple marriages (restricted through one engagement straight away.) Allows for multiple boyfriends/girlfriends. Polyamory and polygamy relationships are now supported and feasible with FFM after you enable them in the Relationship Settings. You have to now be able to create relationships with a couple of sims immediately but be cautious, that does not exclude jealousy (unless you disable it), you have to cope with it otherwise. Polyamorous' praise trait: These Sims are open to having a couple of romantic or sexual devoted relationships and don't get jealous about their loved ones having a couple of associate. The polyamorous trait is pretty lots required to create running polyamory/polygamy relationships. Nothing stops you from looking to do them with out it, but you may have to be careful with inevitable jealousy of different sims. This trait is pretty plenty the alternative of the 'Player' trait. Neutral, for sims that just actually d > Setting 'Risk Roll Switch' permits to disable Sims trying out for hazard of having intercourse Setting 'Random Sex Frequency Modifier' lets in to speed up or gradual down random intercourse autonomy Setting 'Random Solo Sex Probability' lets in to trade the danger of random Sims performing solo intercourse Setting 'Random Club Sex Probability' lets in to change the threat of Sims performing intercourse in intercourse clubs Setting 'Watching Sex Random Solo Probability' permits to alternate the chance of Sims acting solo sex whilst looking sex Setting 'Romance Sex Probability' lets in to trade the risk of Sims initiating sex from romantic conversations Setting 'Trigger Attempts Count' lets in to alternate how regularly autonomy tries to provoke Setting 'Sims Sex Pairs Sample Size' lets in to change how many sex pairs are considered for autonomy Setting 'Sex Locations Sample Size' permits to change how many sex places are taken into consideration for autonomy Setting 'Minimum Sex Actors Limit' allows to alternate the minimum number of Sims that may join intercourse Setting 'NPC Sims Relationship Modifier' permits to add extra factors to NPC Sims relationships Setting 'Player to NPC Sims Relationship Modifier' permits to feature greater points to relationships between Player and NPC Sims Setting 'Outside Lots Style Locations' permits to enable intercourse locations in public Setting 'Outdoors Style Locations' lets in to disable sex locations outdoors Setting 'Risky Style Locations' permits to disable volatile sex places Setting 'Comfort Style Locations' permits to disable relaxed sex places Setting 'Private Style Locations' lets in to disable personal sex places Setting 'Sims Risky Factor' allows to increase the riskiness of sex round Sims Setting 'NPC Household Relationship Modifier' allows to add greater factors to dating towards visited family Sims Setting 'Random Sex Minimum/Maximum Cooldown Time' permits to alternate the variety of time of the way lengthy Sims could wait between sex interactions Setting 'Club Sex Minimum/Maximum Cooldown Time' allows to exchange the variety of time of how lengthy Sims would wait among club intercourse interactions. Exhibitionism/Naturism. Naturism. Nude Sims will gain a +2 Happiness moodlet Nude Sims will lose 16% less hygiene for each ability stage Sims advantage extra ability development around family and friends Sims require less ability to undress around circle of relatives and friends Child Sims will benefit impact from seeing nude family members and will benefit development quicker when they develop up. Exhibitionism. Requires the Exhibitionist Reward Trait for 500 Satisfaction Points Nude Sims will benefit a +1 Happiness moodlet Sims require less ability to undress in popular Flashing and Streaking interactions Sims could have improved chance to pick open spaces for autonomy intercourse Undressing pinnacle and/or bottom underclothes components Undressing pinnacle and/or bottom outfit elements Flashing bare body components Auto-applying penis mesh cas part for males whilst bare Auto-undressing pants while the usage of a rest room Modification of privacy machine to avo > Settings. Ability to disable exhibitionism checks (skill, autonomy, tale progression) Change autonomy settings Change notifications settings Change household only notifications settings Change story development settings. Positive reaction to nudity Sims won't react to undies outfit as though it's nudity Sims that are near in terms of courting will not react with shock all the time and some Sims, in wellknown, can be satisfied in preference to bowled over to see nudity. Voyeurism. Window Peeping. No one knows what you'll see whilst peeking thru a window into your neighbor’s residence. Any Sim can do it, via any accessible window, at any residence, or maybe public venue. Peeping at others can get actually uninteresting when not anything is going on, or overly interesting whilst a few naked our bodies enter the view. Sex Autonomy and Nudity Autonomy are luckily on your facet, encouraging movement to take vicinity when you’re looking forward to it. Showtime & Risk. When bare bodies gift themselves within the window, specifically through sexual activities, the showtime starts offevolved. Be cautious, getting caught can damage your recognition, specially whilst the owner of the house sees you. If a Sim is not short enough, they may effortlessly get beat up and experience the consequences of peeping for the next few days. Sometimes getting stuck isn’t so bad. You by no means recognise, perhaps the Sim on the opposite aspect of the window is into it. Exhibitionist Sims can get quite pleased about having an admirer and even invite them interior for a few amusing. Shady Business. Why depend upon the memories themselves while you can take pix. Save the uncommon occasion of peeping on Sims having sex. Beside Sims taking pics automatically, at any point, you could snap a image your self and upload it on your collection. Pictures of bare Sims and Sims having intercourse keep a whole lot of fee, particularly if they contain celebrities. When you sense in particular mischievous, take into account promoting them on the dark aspect of the net. Each image taken automatically is well worth a few cash, however do not overdo it, as flooding the internet with pictures of the identical Sims will ultimately decrease the interest. Peeping Tom & Tina. Do you sense the feeling of someone looking at you? Could they be peeping thru the window? Enjoy the fun, or no longer, of being observed by using neighbors creeping around your property, trying to seize you naked. Peeping Sims will occasionally appear near your home and search for an possibility to have a few amusing. The Sim that indicates up is usually picked primarily based at the gender preference of the household citizens. FFM comes with two creepy premade Sims to peep on you, however you're welcome to delete them, remake them, or add your own. Technical Details. Peeping NPC Sims may be both disabled or the chance of them displaying up can be altered inside the Nudity Settings. Any Sim can be assigned as a Peeping NPC by way of giving them the 'Trait_Peeping_NPC_Sim_Hidden' trait. Autonomy of NPC Sims inviting participant peeping Sims inside can be disabled and the chance of it happening ma. Penile Enhancement Drugs be
  • 41. altered in the Sex Autonomy Settings. Impressions. It takes just a few seconds to start making an awesome affect, however it is able to take a while to affect a person together with your character. Good looks, right manners, performing optimistic, and being respectful isn't what you attention on whilst trying to build chemistry. Impressing someone together with your personality is going plenty deeper, and normally calls for a few level of compatibility. Until you are hiding who you in reality are. Establishing a dating doesn't rely upon compatibility, however it really enables to speed up the method. So are you inclined to fake who you truely are, simply so that you can speedy get closer to a person? Although humans's personality matures with time, it remains pretty steady, and with that during mind, every Sim is assigned one or Personality Archetypes that healthy their trends. These personality archetypes discover who Sims virtually are, however it would not pressure them to be seen as such. Matching Personality Archetypes assist Sims to decide if they're like minded and permit to affect with their comparable view of the sector. Appearing as well suited allows constructing chemistry, which eventually allows to affect and immediately boost the connection. Sage Sims are looking for information and focus on finding the fact in each situation. However, their information-looking for nature causes them to suppose too much and no longer act sufficient. Sims which can be fascinated and targeted on expertise will most likely grow to be being a Sage. Artist Sims attempt to create things of tolerating price and reap their vision. In many instances, but, the worry of not being fantastic prevents their growth. Sims which are creative and interested in crafting will most likely emerge as being an Artist. Hero Sims are eager to illustrate the braveness to show their really worth and confidence. Subsequently, they could turn out to be performing arrogant by using searching out faults in others to be ok with themselves or pick fights. Sims which can be positive of themselves and continually equipped to combat will most likely turn out to be being a Hero. Caregiver Sims are driven by way of their empathy and compassion to shield and care. Unfortunately, others can exploit their precise nature for their personal ends. Sims which might be focused on constructing a circle of relatives and caring for others will maximum likely turn out to be being a Caregiver. Innocent Sims positivity and happiness has a first-rate energy to uplift others. But they can appear very childish and their positive angle causes them to be too naive. Sims that are pleased, kind, or desirable in nature will maximum probably emerge as being Innocent. Lover Sims crave intimacy, live to enjoy pride, and are very passionate. Nonetheless, with their desire to rouse love in others, they threat losing their personal identity and seem shallow. Sims which can be very romantic, loving, or delight looking for, will maximum in all likelihood come to be being a Lover. Greedy Sims cognizance on generating as lots revenue as possible and saving as a lot capital as viable, no matter the results. But their stingy approach to reality makes them seem egocentric, green with envy, and villainous. Sims which can be best centered on making money, seem snobby, or are simply evil will most probable become being Greedy. Everyman Sims just want to belong and feel like part of something. They lack any different identity and infrequently stand out. Sims that don't healthy into any precise Personality Archetype grow to be being simply an Everyman. This happens whilst Sim has no personality defining developments or has conflicting character tendencies. Sims persona can trade with new developments they gain for the duration of their lifestyles, however it truly is a reasonably uncommon prevalence. Knowing what is substantial in a person's lifestyles and learning their character is the key to impressing. Get to recognise them, speak interests, get into deep conversations, and attempt to locate topics that resonate with their personality. Every Personality Archetype is related to matching verbal exchange topics and springs with extra social interactions. Discussing things that are related to sure personalities permits spotting them in Sims and builds up chemistry. That chemistry directly impacts Sim influence. Good influence immediately improves the connection and makes it less difficult to connect without deeply understanding the alternative man or woman. That is a super foundation for constructing the relationship quicker. Diverse conversations with various human beings immensely enhance your social enjoy, which is contemplated in gained air of secrecy and persuasion skills. The Charisma ability enables lots whilst trying to analyze Sims persona and quickens the procedure of impressing. It's recommended to enhance your Charisma earlier than trying to impress all of us, specially while taking into consideration faking a personality. The Persuasion skill has a primary impact on impressing Sims and reduces the threat of being observed out whilst faking. Successful impressions will make it less difficult and less complicated to be more persuasive. Learning correct persuasion capabilities is tough but in reality worth it. Unfortunately, simplest around 15% to twenty% of Sims populace is like minded, which means that that if you want to impress a person, you would possibly need to faux it. That isn't always as bad as it'd sound in view that impressing is simplest a temporary element of building the connection, now not to maintain it. When finding out to faux it, the point of interest is on mastering Sim character by means of gaining knowledge of them, discussing pursuits, and truely talking. Improving the Charisma skill quickens the process as properly. Brute forcing your fake personality will simplest make you seem as a poser and spoil the relationship. As long as you put together and learn the Sim persona, there's no immediate disadvantage to trying a faux out. Social connections are a delicate count which may be without difficulty disturbed while a deceitful man or woman joins in. Attempting to attempt every personality on a Sim to look what clicks goes to quickly fail. Sims are not that stupid and may inform while you're brute forcing your way into the connection. What you'll become with is a ruined relationship and being visible as a poser. In the future, faking your character with a high variety of Sims will be met with a misplaced reputation. Lying to all and sundry ultimately fails and makes you seem as a poser in all and sundry's eyes. Sex commands. Sex interactions are based on animations which you may deploy. Every animation has a distinctive vicinity it may be used at. Look around, in all likelihood your mattress offers few animations. If you need to start a intercourse interaction with other sims then make sure they are nearby while doing it. You can disable gender restrictions and use every animation for each sim and understand that you can swap positions of sims within the interaction. If you need to have a threesome or more, invite different sims to the interplay, however understand that you need animations that assist more than two sims. Cum is being carried out on sims after the intercourse interaction is finished and the kind of cum is trusted the animation and it is distinctive by using the creator of the animations. For example, if you prevent the intercourse interplay with running blowjob, the cum can be applied on the sim face. Climax is every other sort of
  • 42. animations which can be being unlocked while in sex interplay. Not every sims combination and region have climax animations. If climax is available the choice will be visible. Climax isn't at once connected with cum and it is no longer required for cum. Condoms can most effective be utilized in already running sex interaction by using clicking on them in sim stock. To initiate sex choose naked options you can do this by means of clicking your sims and changing the settings indexed in FFM OR use the furnished get bare mod to hurry matters up. 1st click your sims and pick out alternate outfit and choose nude (easiest manner.) Now pick a area and click on and select wicked, than sex. Make sure you've got animations hooked up that may be used in that region. Choose a companion than select which function you would really like. To exchange positions/animations during intercourse click on the sim that initiated the intercourse and choose depraved, whims than pick out a different animation. You can do that for the duration of sex or pause and installation every animation to be performed so all you have to do is sit down again and fap watch the show! Animations are quite lengthy in the interim so sims would possibly take some time. You can even do that with more than one sims inside the same region for group sex! For organization intercourse 1st you need to provoke any animation with two actors at the region that you want to apply for 3p anims. And then ask anyone to enroll in by using clicking sim select wicked, whim, be part of in. Not all animations guide organization intercourse it's going to say within the percent if it does. Exhibitionism/Naturism commands. FFM has absolutely implemented exhibitionism skill that decides what your can do. Every level unlocks new possibilities as your sim gains greater confidence. Sims ought to begin as a Naturist. After gaining few ranges, Sims can convert their Naturism talent into Exhibitionism skill in the event that they want to and liberate few extra alternatives, however lose on blessings that the Naturism talent was giving them. To start simply change into more revealing outfit or admire yourself in a replicate . Because Sims 4 doesn't have anything that defines revealing of given outfit element the disclosing clothing are swimming gear and sleepwear (both do not encompass undies). The greater sims see you in revealing outfit, the greater you benefit for your talent and this rule applies to some thing you do in the destiny. With every stage you get a small notification explaining new things you may do, so from that point the entirety must be clean. Downloads Name Description Download Super nude patch FULL self installer Super nude patch complete i nstaller report if you choose this report you do not need to download any of the documents underneath they're blanketed in it. Choose which ones to put in and it will positioned them robotically into the right folder to be lively in the game. PC MASTER RACE ONLY. 200 MB report! Super nude patch additionally now available on patreon for just $5!! Click below Custom/manual installation files If you're not able to apply the SNP than you'll need to install the mods manually. Download and extract all mods to: C:UsersyournameDocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4Mods folder. If you want to see what animations are to be had in each % also scroll down. Fantastic Fuck Mod Name Description Download FFM/WW main mod This is the one that does it all it MUST be hooked up 1st! Contains cowgirl and masturbation animations. Make sure to install a nude pores and skin default alternative AND intercourse components too for the whole impact! Fantastic Fuck animation packs Name Animations of hobby Download Mega SEX p.C. Multiple positions and locations Full animations listing Missionary On double Bed Cowgirl On double Bed Blowjob On double Bed Blowjob On f loor Doggy On double Bed Missionary on bar Cowgirl on lengthy bar Blowjob on bar Doggy on bar Blowjob on desk or dining table licking on table or dining desk Doggy on desk or dining table Anal on table or eating table Missionary on table or dining desk Masturbate on mattress Masturbate on sofa sixty nine on couch Lesbian licking on double mattress Blowjob in shower Licking in shower Doggy in bathe Blowjob in bathe Standing intercourse in bathe Standing intercourse from at the back of in shower Blowjob in warm bathtub Cowgirl in hot bath Doggy in warm tub Licking in hot bathtub Missionary in hot bathtub Reverse cowgirl in warm bath sitting pose on mattress anal spoon on bed bar stool sex Dj table intercourse. Name Animations of hobby Download Group SEX percent Group intercourse Full animations list (group FMF) Missionary and Licking on double bed (organization FMF) bl owjob and teasing on double mattress (group FMF) Cowgirl and Licking on double mattress (institution FMF) Cowgirl and Licking on fl oor (institution FMF) Licking and Kissing on ground (group FMF) Licking and Kissing on double bed (organization FMF) blowjob and kissing on floor (institution FMF) blowjob and kissing on double bed (organization FMF) pup and licking on floor (organization FMF) puppy and licking on double mattress (institution FMF) cowgirl and looking on sofa (group FMF) double blowjob on couch (group MFM) cowgirl and teasing on double mattress (organization MFM) doggy and handjob on double bed (group MFM) Classical DP on double mattress (institution MFM) Reverse DP on double mattress (institution MFM) status DP on double bed (organization MFM) doggy and blowjob on double mattress (institution MFM) missionary and facefuck on double mattress (institution MFM) missionary and teabag on double bed (group MFM) double blowjob on the floor. You can use FMF animations with any genders (even MMM/FFF). Name Animations of interest Download KAMASUTRA SEX % Hot bath institution intercourse DJ booth sex Podium sex massage table sex exercising equipment intercourse MM intercourse and KAMASUTRA. Full animations listing KAMASUTRA the wolf on double bed KAMASUTRA the antelope on double bed KAMASUTRA the rider on ground KAMASUTRA The Grip on floor KAMASUTRA Afternoon satisfaction on ground KAMASUTRA The Bridge on ground KAMASUTRA Bandoleer in double bed Cunnilingus on desk blowjob on desk contact intercourse on desk climax on table blowjob in eating chair Cunnilingus on monkey ladder blowjob on on monkey ladder Vaginal on monkey ladder climax on monkey ladder Vaginal On Yoga mat Climax On Yoga mat institution MFF Vaginal On Yoga mat institution MFF climax On Yoga mat Cunnilingus On Pool Ladder Vaginal On Pool Ladder Climax On Pool Ladder organization blowjob FMF on PILLORY (Need Bondage Devices installed) group Climax FMF on PILLORY Blowjob On Workout Machine Vaginal On Workout Machine Climax On Workout Machine institution FMF Blowjob On Workout Machine institution FMF Vaginal On Workout Machine organization FMF Climax On Workout Machine Masturbate On Loveseat M organization MMF blowjob on loveseat group MMF Vaginal on loveseat group MMF Climax on loveseat blowjob on loveseat vaginal on loveseat climax on loveseat Masturbate in sauna M/F group Masturbate in sauna group MF Vaginal M Masturbate On Hot bath institution MFM Vaginal On Hot tub institution MFM Climax On Hot bathtub institution MF Vaginal MF Oraljob On Hot bathtub organization
  • 43. MFMF Vaginal On Hot bathtub group MFMF Climax On Hot tub Oraljob On Vertical Pillory (want bondage devices hooked up) anal on dwelling chair MM hand process on ground reflect blowjob on counter MM climax on counter MM group Anal Orgy On double Bed MMMF institution Anal Orgy On Bed climax MMMF Vaginal On Bed institution Vaginal On Bed MFF organization Double blowjob On Bed FMF institution Vaginal On Bed FMF group Climax On Bed FMF Cowgirl On Bed Cowgirl Climax On Bed group Femdom Vaginal On Double Bed MFFFF Femdom Climax On Double Bed MFFF Vaginal On Toilet FF Lesbian (strap-on) blowjob On Floor Face Fuck blowjob On Floor Face Fuck Climax group blowjob On Floor MFF organization Anal On Floor MFF blowjob on floor Missionary Floor Climax Floor institution MFF Oral task floor group MFF Vaginal on floor organization MFF Climax ground Oraljob On Massage Table Vaginal On Massage Table Vaginal On Massage Table climax institution Oraljob On Massage desk FMF organization Vaginal On Massage desk FMF organization Climax On Massage desk FMF KAMASUTRA Union Of The Elephant KAMASUTRA the Airplane KAMASUTRA The Scorpion KAMASUTRA The Angel KAMASUTRA The Tractor KAMASUTRA The Ambush KAMASUTRA Suspended KAMASUTRA The Fishing KAMASUTRA The 69 KAMASUTRA The Calf KAMASUTRA The Scissor KAMASUTRA The Star KAMASUTRA The Leaf KAMASUTRA The Cyclette Ipsilon(Y) KAMASUTRA The Balloon KAMASUTRA The Cot KAMASUTRA The Wheel KAMASUTRA The Flip intercourse on medical institution bed Lover's Touch on dining table Blowjob UnderBlanket MF Sex UnderBlanket MF Blowjob UnderWater Sex UnderWater Climax UnderWater MF Rubbing Dildo and Penetration Dildo F (makes use of RealisticDildo01) HorsePentration Handjob MF, HorsePenetration Vaginal and HorsePenetration Climax MF (makes use of HorseDildo02.) KAMASUTRA Dirty Dancing KAMASUTRA Andromaca's Position KAMASUTRA The Cock KAMASUTRA The SittingBull KAMASUTRA Bamboo's Position KAMASUTRA Cow's Union KAMASUTRA The Apple DJ Woohoos 4P Vaginal DJ Woohoos 4P Climax PepSpeech Blowjob podium MF PepSpeech podium Vaginal MF Stuffing MF Teasing STAGE 1 FemOnly FFF Fingering FemOnly FFF Licking FemOnly FFF Rubthigh FemOnly FFF Orgasm CLIMAX FemOnly FF 2P Variant Fingering FemOnly FF 2P Variant Licking FemOnly FF 2P Variant Rubthigh FemOnly FF 2P Variant Orgasm CLIMAX BlowBlow MF Blowjob Redsteamy MF Penis Lick Jackhammer MF Anal Abused MMF Double Handjob Abused MMF Blowjob Handjob Abused MMF Vaginal Blowjob FemDom MFF Pillory FemDom MFF Pillory CLIMAX RedSteamy MF TongueSlap RedSteamy MF Handjob RedSteamy MF Deepthroat RedSteamy MF Vaginal RedSteamy MF Creampie It's A Trap 7xM 1xF HandsMouthAnalVaginal STAGE 1 It's A Trap 5xM 1xF HandsMouthAnalVaginal STAGE 1 Sensual Lips MM Kissing ESTБGIO Sensual Lips MM Blowjob ESTБGIO Sensual Lips MM Anal ETAPA Sensual Lips MM CLIMAX RedMILF ForcedBoy Rubbing MF RedMILF Blowjob MF RedMILF Sex MF RedMILF Cum Inside MF CLIMAX "RedForced" Animations (MF - Double Bed) "Wrestling" Animations (MM - Floor) "Bossdinner" Animations (MMF & MF - MultiObject -> Start the table) "Pajama Party" Animations (FFF - Double Bed) "Cuckold" Animations (MMMMMF - Floor) "Boss's Slave" Animations (MMF - Double Bed) "Don't Disturb" Animations (M - Desk) "Don't Disturb" Animations (F - Desk) "Game Of Cock" Animations (MM - Double Bed) "Game Over" Animations (MF - Chess Table) "HandWork" Animations (MF - Chair Dining) Animations (M - Toilet/Chair) "SelfPleasure" Animations ( M - Floor " Sucking" Animations (FF (Strap-on) - Floor) "Teacher" Animations (MF - Table) "PlayAlone" Animations (F - Dildo from sex toys percent.) "Bad Girl" Animations (MF - Dining Chair) "PostCoitum" Animations (MF - Double Bed) "Boxe" Animations (MF - Punch Bag) "Chair" Animations (MMMM - Floor) "Blessed" Animations ( MFFFFFFF - Floor.) Tan With Tom" Animations (MF - Floor) Softly Breast" Animations (MF - Sofa - LoveSeat) BigToy" Animations (MFF - Floor) Dildo from sex toys percent required for this. SelfSuck" Animations (M - Floor) Under The Table" Animation (MF - Desk [START] + Chair) After Dinner" Animation (MF - Toilet) Mirror Job" Animation (MF - Mirror) Happy Ending" Animation (MF - Massage Table) Fatigue" Animation (MFF/MF - Workout Machine) ShyGuy" Animation (MF - DoubleBed) Tools" Animation (MMMMMMMF - Double Bed) "Pleasure" Animation (MF - LoveSeat) "KrazyDepth" Animation (MF - Floor) "His Touch" Animation (M - Sofa) "Touching" Animation (F - Floor) "Lending Hands" Animation (MM - Double Bed) "Thinker" Animation (M - Shower) "Her Touch" Animation (F - Sofa/Loveseat) "Jerking" Animation (M - Floor) "RedCorruption" Animation (MF - Double Bed) "Spicy Passion" Animation (FMM - Double Bed) "Intimate" Animation (F - Bathtub) Name Animations of interest Download Outdoor SEX % Outdoor intercourse cop station intercourse BDSM piano and snowman LOL library intercourse bowling alley sex (calls for bowling p.C..) Fr > Hospital intercourse Femdom intercourse Full animations list Vaginal - Doggy kneeling Floor Vaginal - Standing Doggy ground Vaginal - Drunken Doggy ground Vaginal - Doggy All Fours ground organization MF Anal - Double Penetration ground organization MMMF Oraljob - Doubly Handy and a Windy ground organization MMMF Anal - Double Penetration with a s > organization MMMMF - Group fun of five ground organization MMMMMF - Group fun of 6 floor institution MFF Vaginal - Floor Facesitting and Cowgirl ground Anal - Floor Standing in the back of choking floor Vaginal - Floor Missionary Vaginal - Floor Cowgirl Anal- Floor Reverse Cowgirl Anal - Acrobatic Anal Fuck Anal - Flat Doggy (That works on each mattress sorts and the ground) vaginal - Standing R > Standing Tit activity floor Vaginal - Rough Doggy ground institution MFF Teasing - Double Thighjob Floor Anal - Reverse Cowgirl Loving Anal ground vaginal - Leghold (on the quick cease of a eating table) Anal - Rough dining desk Vaginal - Sitting Loving coffee table organization MMF Vaginal - Spitroast coffee desk Anal - Coffee Table Doggy Anal - Coffee Table DP organization MFF Oraljob - Threesome bed organization FF Oraljob - Lesbian Oral bed Vaginal - Bed R > institution MFF Anal - Bed Assisted Doggy Vaginal - The Frog bed Vaginal - Cowgirl in tub Oraljob - Male Massage Blowjob Vaginal - Male Massage Cowgirl Vaginal - Female Massage Missionary Anal - Female Massage Butt intercourse Climax - Female Massage Climax Vaginal - Window Leghold Oraljob - Piano Blowjob Vaginal - Piano Loveseat Anal - Piano Anal Anal - Bar Stool Anal organization MFF Oraljob - Double Blowjob couch Teasing - Sofa Titjob Vaginal - Sofa Standing S > Vaginal - Sofa Rough Cowgirl Vaginal - dwelling Chair Reverse Cowgirl Oraljob - Shower Anal - Snowman Anal (LOL WAT) Oraljob - The Snowblower Snowman (LMAO) Oraljob - Tree Blowjob Vaginal - Tree Cowgirl Anal - Tree Bentover Handjob - Pillory Femdom Handjob (bondage gadgets must be set up) institution MMF Vaginal - Pillory Spitroast vertical stockade Oral - Hanging Ups > Vaginal
  • 44. - wall Mirror Standing Doggy institution MFF Oraljob - Hot bath blowjob with a s > Vaginal - Gentle Missionary X legged bed and floor MFF Oral- Hot Tub Cowgirl and Ass Licking MF Vaginal - Sofa Cowgirl MF Vaginal - S > MFF Oral - Girl Sandwich Vaginal Climax MF Handjob - Handjob From Behind Mf Handjob - Handjob From Behind Vampire MF Oral - Blowy Through The Bars (Prison Bars) MF Vaginal - From Behind Through The Bars (Prison Bars) MF Anal - Rough Interrogation From Behind (Male Dominator) (Table, Interrogation Table) MF Oral Waterboarding Interrogation (Female Dominator) (Table, Interrogation Table) MF Anal - Cowgirl Interrogation (Female Dominator) (Table, Interrogation Table) MF Vaginal - Doggy in the water (Bathtub) Strip Search (Male Dominator) (Booking Station) MF Anal - Holding Anal (Counter) MFFF Oral - Reverse Gangbang Blowjob MFFF Teasing - Reverse Gangbang Teasing MFFF Vaginal - Reverse Gangbang Cowgirl MFFF Climax - Reverse Gangbang Climax MF Teasing - Butt Rubb (Chair) MF Teasing - Spanking Punishment (Desk, Table, Interrogation Table) MF Vaginal - Forcefull Cowgirl (Female Dominator) (Prison cellular bench) MF Anal - Loving Sex From Behind Standing MFF Oraljob - Girl Sandwich - Blowjob Sandwich (Double Bed) MFF Teasing - Double Buttjob (Double Bed) MF Vaginal - Standing Doggy Spanking Punishment (Desk, Table, Interrogation Table) MF Anal - Gentle Anal On The Side (Desk, Table, Interrogation Table) MF Anal - Interrogation Femdom Cowgirl (Female Dominator) (Desk, Table, Interrogation Table) MF Teasing - Naughty Woman - Teasing MF Handjob - Naughty Woman - Handjob MF Oral - Naughty Woman - Blowjob MF Vaginal - Naughty Woman - Sitting Missionary MF Climax - Naughty Woman - Climax FFF Teasing - Lesbian Threesome Teasing FFF Oraljob - Lesbian Threesome Oral F Teasing - BDSM Rest Pose aster and their Pet MF Teasing(Chair) Naughty Woman - Footjob MF Footjob Groupsex Sex MMMFF Anal Squatting MF Anal Double Penetraition at the Sofa MMF Anal Sex over armrest MF Anal Doggy Spitroast over Sofa MMF Anal Rough Doggy Holding the Pole MF Vaginal (Four Poster Bed) Groupsex Foreplay 1 MMMFF Oral and anal Anal Piledriver MF Anal Reverse Cowgirl MF Vaginal Reverse Cowgirl with knee fuck MMF Vaginal. H orny librarian Series MF Vaginal - Up Against The Stacks MF Vaginal - From The S > MF Oraljob - A Blowy among the Stacks MF Oraljob - Pussy Licking inside the Stacks MF Teasing - Teasing within the Stacks MF Climax - Climaxing inside the Stacks MF Oraljob - Pet deliver Master Blowjob MF Vaginal - Pet Rides Master MF Oraljob - Forcefull Blowjob Tied up MF Anal - Anal Bridge over the Lane (bowling % required) MF Vaginal - From in the back of among the balls (bowling percent required.) MF Vaginal - Male Massage Cowgirl MF Vaginal - Female Massage Spooning MF Teasing - Scolding Her MF Anal - Rough Anal MF Oraljob - Rough Tied up Blowjob MF Oraljob - Rough Blowjob and Handy MF Oraljob - Roughish Cunnilingus MF Vaginal - Rough Sex on The Side of The Bed MF Climax - Rough Missionary Climax MF Vaginal - Rough Missionary MF Oraljob - Rough Cunnilingus MF Climax - Rough Missionary Climax MF Vaginal - Doggy up in opposition to the Statue (Vampire statue) Having Fun on Company Time - Cowgirl - MF Vaginal Having Fun on Company Time - Rubbing His Crotch - MF Teasing Having Fun on Company Time - Handjob - MF Handjob Having Fun on Company Time - Kissing the Crotch of the Pants - MF Teasing Having Fun on Company Time - Cowgirl Climax - MF Climax (Vampire Statue) Holding her up in opposition to the Statue - MF Vaginal Up Against the Fridge - MF Vaginal Doggy Against The Fridge - MF Vaginal Doggy Against The Fridge Climax - MF Climax Fingering Pushed down over the back - MF Handjob couch (Four Poster Bed) Rough Doggy Up Against The Pole (Four Poster Bed) - MF Vaginal Showing whats wrong with the refrigerator MF Teasing The Schmapple Fridge Analingus in opposition to the fridge MF Oraljob The Schmapple Fridge The Naughty spouse is punished MF Teasing Floor Doggy Over Girl MFF Vaginal Double Bed Loving Sex on the ground MF Vaginal Floor Cunnilingus over the returned MF Oraljob Sofa Wishboning MF Vaginal Whishing Well Doggy on the Balcony MF Vaginal Boxed Balcony Over The Ledge MF Vaginal Boxed Balcony Missionary Over The Back MF Vaginal Sofa Doggy Over The Back MF Vaginal Sofa Legs Spread Jumping MF Vaginal Double Bed She do not have plenty of a desire - Teasing MMF Teasing Floor She do no longer have a good deal of a desire - Oral MMF Oraljob Floor GangBang through the Bed - Oral (8P) 7M1F Oraljob Double Bed GangBang with the aid of the Bed - Oral (6P) 5M1F Oraljob Double Bed GangBang through the Bed - Triple Penetration (8P) 7M1F Anal Double Bed GangBang through the Bed - Triple Penetration (6P) 5M1F Anal Double Bed Groupsex Climax - MMMF Sofa WorkoutBlowout - MF Oraljob Workout Machine Rough Doggy Holding Her Up - MF Vaginal Floor Fast Cowgirl - MF Vaginal Table Horse Play - MF Teasing Floor Intimate Cowgirl at the armrest - MF Vaginal Sofa Chair Kissing Standing - MF Teasing Floor Kissing with the aid of the Bed - MF Teasing Double Bed Kissing on the Bed - MF Teasing Double Bed Gang Bang Series 7M 1F Gangbang by means of the mattress - Double Penetration Gangbang by means of the bed - Double Handjob and Cunnilingus Gangbang by the bed - Blowjobs in a Row Gangbang with the aid of the mattress - Taking Care of Her Gangbang with the aid of the mattress - Cum Shower Kissing - Couples Time MF Teasing Sofa Blowjob MF Oraljob Cashbag Blowjob - Couples Time MF Oraljob LoveSeat Handjob - Couples Time MF Handjob LoveSeat Kissing - Couples Time MF Teasing LoveSeat Nude Photo Shoot MF Teasing Photo Studio Between The Thighs MF Teasing Cashbag Handjob MF Handjob Cashbag Missionary - Couples Time MF Vaginal Sofa Caught inside the act! MF Teasing Cashbag Cowgirl MF Vaginal Cashbag Cowgirl Climax MF Climax Cashbag Missionary Climax - Couples Time MF Climax Sofa 69 - Couples Time MF Oraljob Sofa Scolding MF Teasing Floor Thigh and hand Job MF Teasing Floor Blowjob, man sitting at the ground MF Oraljob Floor Cowgirl on the ground MF Vaginal Floor Climax on the floor MF Climax Floor Crouching Handjob MF Handjob Floor Teasing: What can we have right here? MF Teasing Statue Blowjob: Helping from the front MF Oraljob Statue Cunnilingus: Helping from in the back of MF Oraljob Statue ANAL: Evaluating the structure MF Teasing Statue Doggy: Trying to unstuck with force MF Vaginal Statue The final thrust MF Climax Statue Triping into his arms MF Teasing Glass Counter Assisted Interrogation 2on1 MFF Vaginal Table 1on1 Interrogation MF Vaginal Table Assisted Interrogation 4on1 MFFFF Vaginal Table Waterboarding Threesome MFF Vaginal Table Waterboarding Orgy MFFFF Vaginal Table Seduction: Paying homage to the founder MF Teasing Our Founder Statue Cunnilingus: Taking care of SimCity girls MF Oraljob Our Founder Statue Handjob: Handling the sticks MF Handjob Our Founder Statue Blowjob: Polishing the sticks MF Oraljob Our Founder Statue Reverse Cowgirl: Cuckhold founder MF Vaginal Our Founder Statue
  • 45. Climax: Founder’s advantages! MF Climax Our Founder Statue Passenger Blowjob MFF/MF Oraljob Car Walk into his palms MF Teasing Glass Counter Standing Vaginal: Hold on! MF Vaginal Our Founder Statue Split at the sofa MF Vaginal Sofa Harem Orgy: Slowly getting him Ready MFFFF Handjob Floor Teasing: Visiting the patient MF Teasing Medical Bed Oraljob: Checking what’s incorrect MF Oraljob Medical Bed Teasing: Comforting the affected person MF Teasing Medical Bed Handjob: Hand and tongue checkup MF Handjob Medical Bed Treating the illness MF Vaginal Medical Bed Climax: Injecting The Cure MF Climax Medical Bed Intimate in the rest room MF Vaginal Bathtub Scolding the Secretary MF Teasing Chair Exhausted Rev.Cowgirl - Don’t Stop 'Til You Get Every Drop MF Vaginal Floor/Double Bed Teasing - Feeling daring MF Trasing Big City Eye Catcher Cunnilingus – Getting geared up for movement MF Oraljob Big City Eye Catcher Blowjob Sucking the adrenaline MF Oraljob Big City Eye Catcher Standing intercourse 1 – Against the Eye Catcher MF Vaginal Big City Eye Catcher Standing sex 2 – Sneaky quickie MF Vaginal Big City Eye Catcher Climax – An Eye for and Eye MF Climax Big City Eye Catcher Harem Orgy: The Tower MFFFF Anal Floor Femdom Harem: Riding him 1 Man 9 Girls Vaginal Double Bed Harem Orgy: Ride him 1 Man 4 Girls Vaginal Double Bed Harem Orgy: Bury him 1 Man five Girls Vaginal Double Bed Femdom Harem: Use him 1 Man 6 Girls Vaginal Double Bed Femdom Harem: Stroke him to the end line and prevent 1 Man nine women Handjob Double Bed Femdom Harem: Stroke him to the end line and stop 1 Man 6 women Handjob Double Bed Harem Orgy: Handjobs and fingering 1 Man 5 girls Handjob Double Bed Femdom Harem: Stroke him to the end line and forestall 1 Man 7 ladies Handjob Double Bed Loving Couple: Cunnilingus MF Oraljob Dining Table Loving Couple: Kissing MF Teasing Dining Table Loving Couple: Kissing and Fingering MF Handjob Dining Table Loving Couple: Kissing, Fingering and Handjob MF Handjob Dining Table Loving Couple: Long Blowjob MF Oraljob Dining Table Slow moving Blowjob MF Oraljob Dining Table Fast shifting Blowjob MF Oraljob Dining Table Fast moving Fingering MF Handjob Dining Table Slow moving Fingering MF Handjob Dining Table Loving Couple: Fingering, Long MF Handjob Dining Table Teach him manners MF Vaginal Cell Bars Anal Spitroasting MFM Anal Cell Bars Anal up towards the bars MF Anal Cell Bars Loving Couple: Fucking on the edge MF Vaginal Dining Table Femdom Harem: The Lineup 1 man nine girls Vaginal Double Bed Femdom Harem: The Lineup (four ladies) 1 man four girls Vaginal Double Bed Femdom Harem: The Lineup (5 ladies) 1 guy 5 girls Vaginal Double Bed Femdom Harem: The Lineup (7 ladies) v1 1 man 7 girls Vaginal Double Bed Femdom Harem: The Lineup (7 girls) v2 1 man 7 girls Vaginal Double Bed Femdom Harem: The Lineup (6 ladies) 1 guy 6 women Vaginal Double Bed Hungry for Cock via the bars MF Oraljob Cell Bars Amazonian intercourse at the bench MF Vaginal Cell Bench Jerk him off when he's caught MF Handjob Cell Bench Loving Couple: Kissing Cowgirl MF Vaginal Dining Table Loving Couple: Missionary at the desk MF Vaginal Dining Table Choked Handjob MF Handjob Cell Bars Choosing, left or proper? BOTH! (2 versions, MFF, MFFF) MFFF Oraljob Cell Bars Lunging Facefuck MF Oraljob Cell Bench Held in area 69 Facefuck MF Oraljob Cell Bench Tittjob and a Facefuck MF Oraljob Floor Femdom Harem: Ride Him Hard (3 variations) M1 F9 Vaginal Double Bed Make him finger you MF Handjob Cell Bars Gather Around 4 guys three ladies Vaginal Double Bed Slamming on the side of the bed MF Vaginal Double Bed Femdom Harem: Reverse Cowgirl Stack 1 man 9 girls Vaginal Double Bed Femdom Harem: Reverse Cowgirl Stack 1 guy 8 ladies Vaginal Double Bed Femdom Harem: Reverse Cowgirl Stack 1 guy 6 ladies Vaginal Double Bed Kneeling at the facet MF Oraljob Floor/Shower Tick Tock MF Oraljob Living Chair, Sofa, Bench outside. Name Animations of hobby Download Climax SEX percent Climax (cumming) Full animations listing Missionary on sofa blowjob on ground with climax spoon anal in mattress with climax missionary in mattress with climax puppy in bed with climax handjob in mattress blowjob in mattress with climax cowgirl in bed with climax girl solo on mattress with climax institution FF face sitting in mattress with climax Foot activity with climax (organization) 3P - Double Doggy couch 3P - DoubleDoggy - CLIMAX sofa Cowgirl On LoveSeat - Climax Blowjob On Toilet/Armchair Blowjob On Toilet/Armchair CLIMAX Reverse Cowgirl On LivingChair Lesbians Tribadism On Bed Lesbians Tribadism On Bed 2 Reverse Cowgirl On LivingChair CLIMAX Missionary On Bed 3P - Floor - FMF - Handjob 3P - Floor - FMF - Oraljob 3P - Bed - FMF - Vaginal Lesbians Tribadism - CLIMAX 3P - Bed - FMF - Vaginal 3P - Bed - FMF - Vaginal CLIMAX Missionary On Bed Cowgirl On Bed Cowgirl On Bed - CLIMAX Lesbians FaceSittin Lesbians FaceSittin CLIMAX Lesbians Trib Cowgirl On Bed Cowgirl On Bed CLIMAX Cowgirl On Armchair Cowgirl On Armchair CLIMAX Missionary On Couch Missionary On Couch CLIMAX Blowjob on Floor (Handjob) Blowjob on Floor Blowjob on Floor CLIMAX Blowjob on Toilet Blowjob on Bed Blowjob on Bed CLIMAX Spoon On Bed Reverse Cowgirl On Armchair Reverse Cowgirl On Armchair CLIMAX Female Masturbate On Bed Female Masturbate On Bed CLIMAX Doggy Stand Rough FLOOR Doggy Stand Rough FLOOR - CLIMAX Missionary Rough On Floor Missionary Rough On Floor - CLIMAX Rework Genitals Animations Oral On Bed - HANDJOB Oral On Bed - ORALJOB Oral On Floor - HANDJOB Oral On Floor - ORALJOB Oral On Floor - ORALJOB - CLIMAX Doggy On Ottoman Doggy On Ottoman - CLIMAX Doggy Pool - ANAL Doggy Pool - ANAL - CLIMAX Missionary Pool - VAGINAL Missionary Pool - ORAL Missionary Pool - VAGINAL - CLIMAX 3P Handjob ON COUCH 3P Oral ON COUCH 3P Doggy ON COUCH Doggy Rough On Floor Doggy Rough On Floor - CLIMAX Doggy Rough On TableDinning Doggy Rough On TableDinning - CLIMAX Spoon On Couch Spoon On Couch - Stage CLIMAX Missionary On Shower Missionary On Shower - Stage CLIMAX Spoon On Bed Spoon On Bed - Stage CLIMAX Missionary On Table Coffee Missionary On Table Coffee CLIMAX Foreplay On Loveseat Doggy On Loveseat Doggy On Loveseat CLIMAX Reverse Cowgirl On Bed Reverse Cowgirl On Bed - CLIMAX Cowgirl On Sofa DF Oraljob On Floor DF Oraljob On Floor - CLIMAX MF Licking Pussy On Bed MF Licking Pussy On Bed - CLIMAX FF Oraljob On Armchair FF Oraljob On Armchair - CLIMAX MF Counter - Doggy MF Counter - Doggy - CLIMAX MF & MM Oraljob on Table MF & MM Oraljob on Table - CLIMAX 3P - BED - MMF - ROUND 1 3P - BED - MMF - ROUND 1 - CLIMAX Les Trib On Sofa ForePlay Les Cunnilingus On Sofa Cunnilingus On Sofa CLIMAX 3P MMF - BED - ROUND 2 3P MMF - BED - ROUND 2 - CLIMAX Table Picnic - Round 1 Table Picnic - Round 1 - STAGE - CLIMAX Table Picnic - Round 2 Table Picnic - Round 2 - STAGE CLIMAX 3P - MMF - Round 3 3P - MMF - Round 3 - STAGE CLIMAX Missionary Rough On Table Missionary Rough On