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Penis	Enlargement	Bible
Penis	Enlargement	Bible	
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Copyright	©	All	rights	reserved.	
The eBook is supplied for information purposes only, even though the contributors of
this material are well conversed in the subject matter printed. The material content in
this ebook does not constitute professional advice.
This eBook is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regards
to the subject matter contained. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher and
its contributors are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional
advice. If professional advice or other professional assistance is required, the services
of a competent professional should be sought. The readers are advised to consult
with any appropriately qualified professional before taking any decisions.
If you have or suspect an illness or have a health concern, always consult with your
physician or health care provider. We have used our best judgment in compiling this
information, however, the information presented may not have been evaluated by the
Food and Drug Administration. Any reference to a specific product is for your
information only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Table	of	Contents	
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 4
Know Your Penis ................................................................................................................... 6
Measuring Your Penis............................................................................................................ 8
Penis Exercises: The Basics................................................................................................... 10
Penis Exercises: Stepping It Up A Gear (Advanced Exercises) ................................................ 16
Penis Exercises: The Schedule.............................................................................................. 20
Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 24
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First of all, congratulations on your choice to download this ebook.
This ebook may be free, but I can assure you it‟s priceless. Soon you will know exactly
how to enlarge your penis! So consider yourself lucky, my friend, because normally you
have to pay $49 just to read guides that are less good than this one. This is a real treat
Now let‟s talk about penis. Your penis, to be exact.
I„d bet that your woman has not said in your presence that a bigger penis feels much
better during sex than a small penis. It‟s no surprise because she doesn't want to hurt
your feelings.
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You see, one of the top complaints from women about their sex life is their
partner's small penis size. So what can you do now to make sure your penis causes
compliments, not complaints?
Don‟t worry, I‟m here to help.
If you want to know how to enlarge your penis, then doing exercises is one of most
popular ways to increase the size of a man's penis. Nonetheless, there is some effort
required - and a catch!
By doing some penis enlargement exercises, you can train your penis to let more blood
into it which will give you a harder erection and assist in penis growth if you follow the
other necessary steps to cause big growth. (This is what the exercise "gurus" didn't
want you to know!)
But of course, exercises alone DON'T work.
In the same way that your body does, your penis needs nutrients and biochemicals to
repair itself and - more importantly for us - to grow. What's more, you can trick your
body into restarting puberty style penis enlargement (i.e. natural growth) with
biochemicals that were present in your body during puberty, but which left when it
ended! When they left your body, penis growth ground to a sudden halt.
A cool video all about biochemicals and their function in penis enlargement can be
found at
However, right now you can read this amazing free penis exercise ebook and start
straight away to improve your sex life. What I can say is that this guide has been
changing the way a bucket-load of men think about treating their "size" problem.
Within a few minutes, you will learn how to become a much better lover with a bigger
Now enjoy this free report and please pass it on to your family and friends. Tell them
about They need your help too. :)
Let's get started!
John Collins,
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Know	Your	Penis	
I'm not going to waste this space (and your valuable time) by telling you all about your
penis. You know what a penis is already, right?! :)
But there is some important stuff that you need to know if you want to make your penis
As you know, the penis is not a muscle. It's also not a bone. Instead, it's made up of
delicate spongy tissue which grew because biochemicals in your body made it bigger as
you went through puberty.
The most important thing you've gotta remember is that the penis isn't a muscle that can
be exercised in the conventional way.
You can use exercises to accelerate penis growth. And this free guide is all about those
exercises which are most effective at accelerating the growth of your penis.
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Unlike muscle, your penis consists of three cylinders or tubes of tissue. These are
arranged with two cylinders on top (as you look down on the penis) and one on the
bottom. They are each roughly the size and shape of a pencil. Running through the
bottom cylinder is the urethra, the tube through which urine and sperm pass.
These cylinders of tissue are firmly held together by a wrap of tissue called Buck„s
fascia. If you want to make your penis bigger then you have to enlarge these 3 cylinders
and the Buck's fascia.
Here's a diagram of the male sexual organs:
Our objective is to make the shaft of your penis bigger in length and girth from the base
all the way to the tip. When we do that you get a bigger penis.
Penis exercises, unlike muscle exercises, are focused on trapping blood in the penis for
longer than is natural. When I implemented my method of penis growth, this accelerated
results and took me from a lowly 5” to a big 8”.
This guide is focused on getting you gains that are between 2 and 4 inches personally.
Before we look at the exercises themselves let's talk about measuring your penis...
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Measuring	Your	Penis	
The truth is, the majority of men have no idea how to measure penis length accurately.
To accurately measure your penis is vital if you want to record the increases in size.
Here are the steps to measure your penis size accurately so you can give yourself an
honest measurement about how you jack up to the male average of six inches…
FIRST.... find a measuring device. A cloth measuring tape works best. IF you can't find
one - then a piece of string will do. After measuring yourself with a piece of string you
can place that string along a wooden ruler or some other measuring device! (I hope that
makes sense)
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IF your penis 'curves' or 'bends' [and many penises do!!] be sure to measure along the
curve or bend. Don't measure STRAIGHT from your pubic bone to the tip of your penis -
in other words!
Now the fun part...
Take your measuring device and measure your penis from your pubic bone (the 'pubic
bone' is the bone you feel when you press in the area that is covered by your pubic
Don't press TOO hard - but hard enough to be firmly against that bone. Now hold your
penis - if you have to! - and place the measuring device (whatever it is that your using)
along the top of your penis. (That„s the part of your penis that YOU see!)
You are measuring from the pubic bone along the TOP of the penis to the tip of your
penis. THAT measurement [whether in inches, centimeters or millimeters] is your
OFFICIAL length.
The reason I suggest measuring FROM the pubic bone is because it puts every guy on
a level playing field. It's a way of being more accurate. Some heavier guys have extra
fat behind their pubic hairs - making the penis APPEAR smaller. But we're going for the
scientific method to measure your actual size.
If you are using a piece of string or whatever, find the distance from your pubic bone to
the tip of your penis and then measure the piece of string.
To measure the thickness or 'girth' or your penis - stay erect and find the thickest part of
your penis (along the shaft). Take your measuring device and wrap it around your penis
to get your actual girth measurement.
Take note of how many inches, centimeters or millimeters it takes to go all the way
around. That measurement will be the official girth of your penis.
That's it. That's all there is to it. Now, onto the basics of exercises... J
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Penis	Exercises:	The	Basics	
Penis exercises are a way of trapping blood in the penis. While some people sell
systems on penis exercises this guide is free. And it's free because I'm not going to lie
to you about penis exercises. I'm not here to make a quick buck. I was once where you
are – trying to get a bigger penis – and I was scammed countless times.
Here is what “gurus” who rip you off with exercise programs will tell you:
o “Penis exercises are a great way to make your penis bigger. They're all you
need to grow by 2-6 inches!!!”
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o “Buy my stuff!!!”
o “Exercises work because the enlarge the blood vessels in the penis and then
your penis can accommodate more blood. That means you get a bigger
I gotta tell you right now though. That's total BS! What you need is the two-step
biochemical method to penis enlargement. One of these steps is exercises.
So here's what you need to know about exercises. This is basic exercises, advanced
exercises and finally a schedule for when to do what.
Here's what you need to know...
Some men, all too eager to see gains, have gone straight in at the deep end and done
harm to their penis by not following the routine structure. Please be careful!
Warming up
Just like any sports, warming up is very important to make sure that you protect your
penis from any undue damage. If you fail to warm up properly then you're really putting
a penis risk. I'll say it again, warming up is vital!
First of all, you need to prepare your penis. Soak a washcloth in warm or hot water, then
squeeze it out. Take the warm cloth and wrap it around the shaft of your penis (either
flaccid or erect). Hold it right there for a minute, remove it, repeat at least twice. Next is
to dry off your penis well. Many people have come up with different ways of warming up
but I find the simplest to be dunking a towel in hot, but not boiling, water and wrapping it
around your penis. The hotter the better – but please be careful not to burn yourself.
Before you begin your daily exercises, you have to start off with this procedure for at
least 5 minutes. The hot compress is useful because it draws blood to the area of your
penis, thereby escalating the blood flow and making the skin more elastic. Another
advantage is that this also ensures a good grip for the exercises you will be carrying
Lubrication is necessary for all of the techniques we recommend here. Using the right
lubricant will help you avoid irritation to the sensitive skin of your love gear.
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There are many types of lubricants are used around the world. Of course, the most
popular types are water-based personal lubricants. The water-based lubricants are so
simple and easy to clean up, but tend to dry out quicker while you are exercising your
penis. Therefore you may need to add more lube as you progress through your workout.
While the petroleum-based lubricants are fine to use but they seem to be thicker and
harder to clean up.
Vaseline is the most popular of the petroleum-based lubricants, but we believe that Vig-
RX oil works the best. This oil has been specially formulated to boost male
Now you are going to learn is standard stretching and standard Jelqing.
Standard stretching involves stretching penis so that the ligaments get longer under
penis therefore gains length. The purpose of this method is to create tension in the
erectile tissues by stretching the skin of the penis while in an erect state.
Not only does this make the skin of your penis slightly elastic, it also expands the
amount of the space in your penis chambers, the corpora cavernosa. The higher the
amount of blood that can fill these spaces results in an enlarging of the overall mass of
your penis.
Stretching is so simple that you need to do is stretch the penis to make it longer. This
involves gripping the penis just below the head and stretching it out with force to the
ligaments gain size. There are six stretches.
 Stretch one: While sitting on the edge of a sofa or bed, begin stroking your penis
using your thumb and forefinger (the same "a-ok" symbol used in our other
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Pulling the penis directly in front of you. You put the penis out directly in front of
you from 30 to 40 seconds. As you stroke the penis from the base toward the
head, maintain a firm grip and stretch the skin as best as you can.
 Stretch two: you put the penis directly down for 30 to 40 seconds.
 Stretch three: people the penis directly up for 30 to 40 seconds.
 Stretch four: you pull the penis directly to the left for 30 to 40 seconds.
 Stretch five: you pull the penis directly to the right for 30 to 40 seconds.
 Stretch six: you rotate the penis all the way in a circular movement for 30 to 40
Repeat each direction 2-3 times. With these six stretches all you have to do is four sets
of each everyday. Only do this after you have warmed up correctly.
After you've finished the exercise you can release the grip on the base of your penis.
You should feel the blood begin flowing again. Go ahead, you may ejaculate at this
point if you feel the urge.
Remember to use a firm grip and enough lubrication, always exercise caution! Do not
grip your penis too tight so that you lose the circulation. If you are in pain or feel any
discomfort, then you are doing the technique in the wrong way. Read the instructions
again and retry the technique slowly.
Stretching exercises are useful for lengthening your penis. But in order for one man to
increase the circumference, you have to perform stretching exercise while your penis is
in a partially-erect state. Jelqing is the technique that develops the whole penis so that
its length, thickness, weight, and density all become proportionately enlarged.
Jelqing (also called "milking") is actually one of those ancient practices that has been
performed for centuries by various tribes and cultures around the world. It's considered
the most successful method of enlarging the penis. These “milking” exercises could
force the blood into your penis. Over the course of several months, the blood spaces in
the penis will gain volume. In other words; they can hold more blood.
As a result, your penis gets larger.
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Jelqing is slightly different from stretching. Standards Jelqing involves forcing blood
through the shaft of the penis by using your hand to trap it so that the blood vessels
The standards jelq, the one that you'll be using for the first number of weeks, requires
that you make a shape with your thumb and forefinger. To make this easier to explain
simply make an okay symbol with your hand. The 'O' that you create through doing
this will form the basis of your jelq.
The Standards jelq involves gripping the penis at the very base, squeezing tightly, and
milking penis as you would a cow so that blood is forced to the tip. Standard jelqs
should each last 3 seconds from the base to the tip.
1. Apply your lubricant all over the skin of your penis. Keep your lubricant close by
since you will want it to last for as long as you need it. Don‟t use the soap
because it tends to dry the skin.
2. With your thumb and forefinger, squeeze the base of the penis shaft. Pull
downward. Stop at the head. Repeat, alternating hands. Each stroke should last
about three seconds. The stimulation will certainly help you reach an erection.
3. When your penis becomes semi-erect (not fully-erect), make the "A-OK" sign
with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. With this hand, grip tightly
around the base of your penis.
4. Now starting from the base, pull the penis gently yet firm. Stretch downward and
outward. You have to maintain your semi-erect penis at this point. Make certain
to start from the base the head with each stroke. Note that the head of your penis
will get bigger with blood.
5. Switch to your right hand and repeat the stroke, starting from the base and
stretching downward to the head. Alternate both hands in a smooth rhythmic
("milking") movement, touching upon every part of the penis except the very top
part of the penis head. This is the very foundation of jelqing.
Don‟t forget that jelqing exercises are not performed during fully-hard erection. Make
sure that your penis is between half to 3/4 erect. Results cannot be obtained until a
partial erection is present. After this exercise has been done for quite some time, you
will notice that your penis appears both longer and thicker.
This is a fact.
And we can assure you that from within one to several months of routine exercise, your
penis will emerge quite huge; this is due to the impaction of blood in the penile tissues.
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Carefully choose ONE of these jelqing exercise techniques that you feel comfortable
with to include in your daily routine.
PC Muscle Workout
What nearly everyone doesn‟t know is that the pubococcygeus muscle (pyoo-bo-
cocksee-gee-us) or PC muscle plays a critical role in the functioning of the penis.
The pubococcygeus muscle is actually a group of muscles that run from the pubic bone
to the tailbone. The PC muscle is the muscle you bring into play to stop the flow of urine
from the bladder. It is also the muscle that contracts whenever you ejaculate, moving
the semen up through the penis and out of the body. The PC muscle is a busy little
muscle, you know? But as far as most men are concerned, it is still grossly unknown.
Mastering the techniques of male multiple orgasms is easy once you know how to train
your pubococcygeus muscle.
When you urinate and you want to get the last drop out, you use your PC muscle in the
opposite direction. By doing this you'll feel your anus open and the feeling will be
somewhat different.
Most men can do Kegels anywhere, since they're seldom aroused by the exercises.
Continued over a lifetime, the exercises can help men and women avoid urinary
incontinence as they age. That, plus greater arousal, enhanced orgasms and longer-
lasting sex, make Kegels one of the simplest, most beneficial exercises a man or
woman can do throughout their lifetime.
Be careful though. Using your PC muscle can have negative effects. If you produce too
much testosterone then you will find that you ejaculate prematurely. However if you
follow our guidelines you will actually enhance your ejaculation control.
The basics of the PC muscle work out involve you clenching your muscle as hard as
you can for a certain amount of time. To find the muscle in question all you have to do is
stop the flow of urine when you are in the toilet. In the e-mails that we send you we will
give you an exact routine every week.
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Penis	Exercises:	Stepping	It	Up	A	Gear	
(Advanced	Exercises)	
These next exercises are more advanced. You will use these as your penis becomes
more used to being exercised in this way. They introduce more strain to the penis. If you
were to use more advanced exercises immediately then you would do far more damage
than good. The stretches and jelqs are slightly more complex.
You will not be using these exercises for a number of weeks. You will be e-mailed
exactly what you should be doing that week, and these exercises will make up a part of
your later routines.
Advanced Stretching
Advanced stretching it's just different ways of forming stretching exercises. They stretch
different parts of the penis.
The Wrist Stretch
The wrist stretch is a way of applying pressure to the middle section of your penis mid-
stretch. It stretches the ligaments more authority, but could also do more damage to
your penis if your penis hasn't been trained by doing the simpler exercises first.
The Wrist Stretch involves gripping your penis just below the head, as with the standard
stretch, and stretching penis directly in front of you, to the left, to the right, up and down.
To add more pressure to this stretch, you take the wrist of your free hand and apply
pressure to middle of your shaft as you stretch before force.
So, if you were stretching to the left, you would apply the wrist pressure on the left hand
side of your shaft. If you were stretching up, you would apply wrist pressure to the other
side of your shaft. If you stretching down, it would apply pressure to the bottom etc.
Please don't attempt the Wrist Stretch unless directed by one of our e-mails.
The Big Seated Stretch
This is a very long stretch for those of you who have time and privacy. Each stretch
takes 10 minutes to complete. By that I mean literally 10 minutes of nonstop stretching.
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To perform the stretch, grip your penis while seated by raising one leg up and putting
your hand underneath it then gripping just below the head. Then, pull with full force and
hold for 10 minutes. For the next set, lift up your other leg and using your other hand
repeat the process.
The Big Squeeze
The Big Squeeze is placed in this section because it is more a stretch than a Jelq. This
routine simply involves squeezing your penis by putting it on the table, and using the
flattened palm of your hand, push down on the penis.
For this you push firmly by placing one hand on top of the other and using all your
weight to squash the penis. You separate the penis into the upper and lower parts, and
push down on each for 45 seconds
Advance Jelqing
Advanced Jelqing is for those of you who want to see big girth and length gains. We've
already seen standard Jelqing, but these advanced techniques will do much more to
improve your size.
You will notice there are quite a lot of Jelqing exercises that you can do. After you have
completed our program, you will be a pro, and then you can develop your own jelqs.
However, by the end of our program you will probably have reached the size that you
desire anyway -- so you can forget all about Jelqing!
Most Jelqing improves your length and girth. Stretching is reserved for length gains, but
then length can also be obtained from Jelqing correctly. However, the main reason for
using Jelqing is to improve your girth.
The Double-Handed Jelq
Erection strength: 95%
This is a variation of the standard jelq, the difference lies in using both of your hands
instead of one. What you must to his start a standard jelq using your right hand, moving
it up your shaft by about an inch, then with your other hand grip at the very base i.e.
where your first hand started. Your left-hand is being used to trap the blood.
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Now, with your right hand, jelq all the way up to just below the head of your penis. At
this stage lots of blood will be trapped. Now, to gain length, finish your jelq with the first
hand (your right hand) and slowly move your left hand up to just below the head. Then,
take your right hand and gripped the very base again and continue this cycle.
Important things to remember: your penis must be, and remain 95% erect. Only ever do
this exercise after you have warmed up properly.
This exercise is mainly for length gains, but by making a small variation you can turn it
into a girth jelq. That is what we shall be looking at now...
The Double-Handed Girth Jelq
Erection strength: 95%
This Jelqing exercise is designed solely for improving girth. Start as you did the previous
exercise -- so that your hands are either end (one at base, one just below the head).
The only difference with this exercise compared to the last one is that this is your
starting point.
Now all you have to do, when there is lots of blood trapped in your penis, is to slowly
push to hands together while maintaining a tight grip. What you will notice is that your
shaft is being expanded as the blood is forced outwards.
This is held for 30-60 seconds.
Important things to remember: again, your penis must be, and remain, 95% erect. Only
ever do this exercise after you have warmed up properly.
The Double-Handed Girth Bend
Erection strength: 95%
This exercise is similar to the last. With one hand at either end of your shaft, literally
bend the penis forwards slowly, ruling it so that the bend moves from top to the bottom.
Do this for 30-45 seconds. Repeat the exercise but in reverse i.e. bend it the other way.
The Ultimate Girth Jelq
Erection strength: 95%
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Similar to the Double-Handed Girth Jelq, the object of this is to force your hands closer
until they almost touch. The time spent on the movement from each end of your shaft to
the center point should be 30-45 seconds.
You can concentrate on different parts of your penis shaft while doing this. If you want
to see more gains at the base than simply don't move your base and. If you want to see
more gains closer to the tip, then don't move your upper hand. You can mix up the
exercise depending on whether your girth gains are level or different at different points
of your penis.
Important things to remember: 95% erection. Ensure that you warm up.
Warming Down
Each step of exercises should be ended with a gentle massage and a warming down
session with the help of a hot towel. When you give a massage to your penis and apply
some heat to it, it helps healing and rebuilding of the cell tissue.
You see, heat promotes faster growth of tissue cells and it restores the sensibility
problems you may have had during your enlargement exercises. So after each
exercise, you have to massage your penis softly for about 1 minute.
You should perform a soft and circular motion with your forefinger and middle finger
along the base and the shaft of the penis. Be very gentle with your moves here since
your penis has just been through some serious hard workout.
Following the massage session, you should apply another hot towel around your penis,
just like you did for the warm up. This part of the practice is as essential as the first one
because the heat will stimulate the damaged parts and will make them function well
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Penis	Exercises:	The	Schedule	
This is the schedule that you can start today. Alone, it won't have any affect. Until you
have assimilated all of the required nutrients and biochemicals into your body, you will
just get improved erections and maybe a very small amount of growth. Usually it takes
10 weeks to see real gains, but you will notice a harder penis after a few weeks.
Biochemical growth will cause rapid growth – it's what worked for me when I finally -
after years of trying – stumbled upon the secret to getting a bigger penis. But exercises
increased the speed at which I gained by about 22% when those biochemicals were
Here is the exact exercise schedule that I used...
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Weeks 1-3 Time spent on exercises per day: 15-20 minutes.
Gently massage your penis and surrounding area with a warm cloth.
You want to loosen up your penis and the muscles around it. Do this for
2-3 minutes.
Standard stretching is the only way to begin! For this hold each stretch
(outwards, up, down, left, right and around) for 30 seconds. Your penis
must be flaccid to do this or you will hurt yourself. Go through this cycle
Exercise you PC muscle in the process by flexing it in the manner
similar to controlling your bladder flow. This technique helps you
preclude premature ejaculation. After 20 minutes, give your penis a
rest. Wrap a warm towel around your penis and then repeat the routine
after a few minutes of sufficient rest.
Now continue on to the standard jelq. Do this for 10 minutes, and then
warm down.
Perform these exercises 5 days a week. Give yourself the weekend (or
any two days) off. You will notice that your erections become harder
and you may see a little growth.
In week 3 spend 10 minutes doing the Double-Handed Jelq as well.
Exercises to use:
Standard Stretching
Standard Jelqing
Weeks 4-5 Time spent on exercises per day: 15-20 minutes.
Exercises to use:
Standard Stretching
Take a seat with you back vertically straight and mare sure to lubricate
you penis. With one hand, grab the base of your penis squeezing the
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penis shaft as you move towards the penile head. Once there, use your
other hand and start anew.
Do the squeezing routine for 3-5 seconds as you moved from the penis
base to the head. Repeat this action over a 5 minute period without
attaining a full erection or ejaculation.
Standard Jelqing
Gently encircle your penis and moving your hand up to the head,
concentrate of pushing the blood up the penis. On reaching the head of
your penis, take your other hand to the base and perform the same
motion with your other hand.
The Wrist Stretch
Grip your penis firmly just below the head and stretch it gently to the
left, to the right, up and down. Repeat this technique for about 5
The Big Squeeze
Place your penis on the table, squeeze and put pressure on your penis
with your palm firmly. But don‟t be so hard on your penis. Keep
repeating this for about 2 minutes.
Weeks 6-8 At the end of this cycle you will have your body at its optimum. This is
the last transitional stage. Because of that you shouldn't do everything
However, you can split your exercises into morning and night. You
should do more advanced, intensive jelqs and stretches as your penis
starts to get ready for growth.
Spend between 20-30 minutes a day exercising. Now you can do
everything but the Ultimate Girth Jelq and the Double-Handed Girth
If at this stage you have already begun to see growth then by all means
do the others. You'll now know the feeling of a good workout so you will
know which exercises you respond to best.
Also, mix up what you do. Keep your routines fresh for the best results.
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Week 8 Well done, my friend! You have been through a great experience
towards enlarging your penis. Don‟t get too excited though because
your first week is nothing.
But now you can create your own routine. You‟ll have noticed what you
respond to best. Tailor-make your exercises and growth will happen.
Spend at least 15 minutes a day on intense workouts.
Note: Before any exercise you have to warm up and afterwards you have to warm down.
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That's the basis of penis exercises! This is a complete part of the system that I
discovered (almost by accident!) which caused my penis to get bigger by 3 inches in
length and 2 in girth.
Why am I sharing this?
I'm sharing this information because some really sneaky “gurus” are selling this
information and making a profit out of it. That would be cool, and I'd be fine with it if it
worked. But, here's the thing, it doesn't on its own!
I personally wasted hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on penis enlargement stuff.
And ALL of it failed until I stumbled upon the solution that worked wonders for me. So,
this free guide is here to stop you getting ripped off.
I am not a wealthy guy and at some points when I shelled out a fortune on these
products I was really frickin' poor. So if I help one guy save a bit of money and get better
educated then I think this guide is a good thing.
So how do natural size gains happen?
I've said exercises accelerate growth, and here's how my complete system worked for
me. Please remember that I'm not an expert! I'm just a regular dude who found
Penis	Enlargement	Bible	
Page	25	Copyright © All rights reserved.
something that's worked incredibly well for me and the few people I shared this info
The way that my biochemical method works is by making your penis naturally grow. All
you need to do is to restart the production of certain biochemicals in the body. These
biochemicals were responsible for growth when you were going through puberty, and
can be made to be produced in the body now, just like they were then. If you can do this
then you will begin penis growth.
Most people don't know about this vital technique because the enlargement industry
makes much more money selling very expensive methods which don't deliver results.
However, getting your body ready to make your penis bigger is the only way (other than
surgery) that you can cause real gains in your penis size. That is the reason why other
products (as you probably have discovered) fail, because they ignore this highly
important aspect of growth.
The way to make your penis bigger is by getting those biochemicals (which caused
penis growth during puberty) back in the body. Then: BOOM! You will start to see gains.
If you guys are interested in this then let me know. If you're not part of my members
email list then sign up now - and you can email me directly from there! It's at
If you guys want these secrets badly enough then I'll tell you them! I would rather that
than you getting scammed by the big businesses like I did.
All the best.
Your friend,
John Collins
Penile Size Chart Frequently Used Expressions. (Well, a number of them are) A GLOSSARY OF CIRCUMCISION AND
THE MOVEMENT TO END IT. Ar. = Arabic; Fr. = French; Heb. = Hebrew; Gk = Greek; L. = Latin; pl. = plural; pr = reported In
Ar. Phrases a capital letter manner a consonant has a dot underneath it, a vowel has a macron over it. LISTS: (Glossary of
the intact penis: Penile Anatomy; Skinonyms ) Surgical Circumcision Other Surgery Ritual Circumcision Restoration
Intactivism Abbreviations. Back to the Intactivism index page. SURGICAL CIRCUMCISION. Remove. (ablation = removal)
(L., = convey away) The situation of having been circumcised; circumcision, especially as a BDSM (Bondage & Discipline /
Sadism $ Masochism) practice. (Gk acu- = point, cull- = reduce, -phallia = of the penis) The condition of being sexually
aroused only by way of circumcised males. (Gk acu- = factor, cull- = cut, -philia = love) One-piece circumcision tool
(seemingly based totally on a bottle-opener or cork puller). A blunt probe at one cease to tear the synechia, to split the
foreskin from the glans, and at the other quit a damaged ring that can be slid inside the foreskin. The main device is then slid
down the probe to weigh down and cut the foreskin in one motion. More (Apparently from accu[rate]+circ[umcision]. The root
of "correct" is L. Cura , care) adamant father syndrome. The circumstance of being determined to circumcise one's son "to
appear to be me" no matter all difficulty or argument. First and second individual statements from and about adamant dad
and mom and others. Alexithymia A state of deficiency in know-how, processing, or describing feelings. Bollinger & Van
Howe have studied whether or not circumcision causes alexithymia. (Gk a-=with out, lexis= word, thumos=soul, as seat of
emotion, feeling, and notion, literally "with out phrases for feelings", coined by psychotherapist Peter Sifneos in 1973)
anasagnosia A neurological situation related to lesions in the mind, inflicting the incapability to comprehend elements of
one's very own frame as one's very own, sometimes called Anton's Syndrome. Bizarre and dramatic whilst the component is
an arm or a leg, the affected person reveals their very own limb foreign and disgusting, and from time to time wishs to
amputate it. (See "A Leg to Stand On" by Oliver Sacks, 1984, p 53) The possibility arises that this may practice to a man's
foreskin, ensuing in a desire to be circumcised. Trade name (of Organogenesis Inc.) for a skin-tissue cultured from human
foreskins. Others are Dermagraft (TM) , OrCel (TM) and TranCyte (TM) . Ethical issues involved within the change in
foreskins, especially their ownership, are generally neglected. One foreskin generates a huge amount of the tissue, however
that could be no excuse if any other tissue were worried. Excellent substitutes are typically utilized in non-circumcising
countries. Both corporations filed for bankrupcy protection late in 2002; Organogenesis seems to have recovered. An
asymmetrical circumcision is one that leaves more pores and skin putting off one facet than the opposite, as inside the case
of child Flatt. A not often-mentioned unaesthetic downside to circumcision. If carried out earlier than puberty, it becomes less
prominent after. The end result of circumcision achieved by means of scientific students / interns / residence surgeons as part
of their training. Term coined with the aid of John Geisheker of Doctors Opposing Circumcision. (from beta, second letter of
the Greek alphabet, subsequently beta testing, 2nd stage of soltware checking out, by using customers in place of
programmers) Euphemism for an extremely low, tight circumcision in which the maximum amount of mucosa is eliminated
and the scar lies inside the sulcus. Causes the best lack of erogenous tissue. The penis's proprietor may not agree that it's
miles lovely. A circumcised guy (UK slang, additionally a term of abuse, specially for top-elegance men, "toffs") See also
bellend. Instrument used for haemostasis in freehand circumcision. They resemble double-performing bolt-cutters and might
actually reduce bone, so damage to the glans from this method become no longer uncommmon - specifically because the
glans could not be seen after they had been applied. Ulcers on the urethral meatus, as a result of ammonia burns to the
unprotected tissue (the ammonia generated through the breakdown of urine). When the ulcers heal, the scar formation
causes meatal stenosis. The mindset that the foreskin is "more" and circumcision is the norm, from which being
"uncircumcised" deviates. (from circumcision + orthodoxy, coined by using Hugh Young, June 14, 2011) See additionally
circumcisionism. Person with a compulsion to circumcise. Hence also circopathy , the compulsion to circumcise; and
circopathology , the psychological basis of that compulsion. (coined with the aid of Gary Harryman on July thirteen, 2001) A
euphemism for MGM, but typically used to mean cutting off the entire of the foreskin. It might also leave much less or extra of
the internal mucosa and of the frenulum (see high, low, free and tight.), at the whim of the circumcisor, to the more or lesser
detriment of the man or woman circumcised. Circumcision isn't always medicinal drug. It isn't "surgical procedure" either,
within the eyes of many. It is a "method" -- a vast time period that encompasses things like eliminating a splinter, adjusting a
spine, lysing a foreskin, or appearing the Heimlich maneuver. What are the guidelines governing the safety, efficacy and
necessity of "approaches"? Pretty vague. If circumcision have been surgery, or even actual remedy, it'd need a ton of hints,
such as how lots tissue to eliminate, what elements (just like the frenulum) to preserve or excise, and a way to acquire a
"neat" cut. There doesn't even exist a actual definition of what circumcision is, due to the fact there is no way to continually
pick out the organ or tissue being removed. It's now not like appendectomy or tonsillectomy, where the purpose is apparent.
There isn't any dotted line indicating where the foreskin ends and the shaft pores and skin begins. Circumcisions are like
snowflakes; no are exactly alike. And those fathers who insist on having their sons circumcised to "appear like them" do not
recognise the remarkable odds against the circumcisions being some thing like their very own. "Circumcision" is not a
particular operation. It isn't like a vasectomy or the extraction of a know-how tooth. Circumcision is merely a vague term that
says "a person went after the give up of my toddler's penis with a probe, knife and/or clamp". Fathers are not actually signing
up for Junior's penis to match -- what do you inform the dad who has no clean scar to talk of, but the son has a thick, Gomco-
brought about racing stripe around his johnson? The dad with an all-American "excessive-'n-tight" job whose son is handed
lower back to him with a loose, bunched reduce (as occurs extra regularly these days)? With 30 years among the processes
and modifications in strategies, how can a dad realistically expect the attack on his son's penis to be similar to the attack on
his very own? Circumcision is not anything more than how a given medical doctor, on a given day, could hack away at the
tissue of a regular, healthy penis. No doctors do it precisely the same; no two boys have exactly the equal anatomy to work
on. Clamps and bells were brought in an try to bring some consistency to the "procedure", however even they're now not
continuously carried out. Doctors can nevertheless pull the skin tighter, can nonetheless slip and slice a glans, can
nonetheless reason grievous hemorrhage. Given that this isn't always a important surgical operation in any experience on
wholesome kids, it's miles sincerely not possible to do it "properly". There is not any "properly" on the subject of circumcision
inside the absence of sickness or deformity (from harm, and so on.). We all just hack at the bits as high-quality we are able to,
attempting to expose the glans, and then inform the mother and father that it's 'achieved'." (L. Circumc isn't always an option.)
The attitude that the foreskin is "more" and circumcision is the norm, from which being "uncircumcised" deviates. (coined by
way of Travis Wisdom, June, 2011) See additionally circodoxy. Not to be harassed with the above: in theology, phrases
regarding the connection among the 3 Persons of the Trinity (L. Circum, around + in + sedere, to sit; or incedere, to move).
Torture-board with straps to maintain down a toddler sensibly struggling against being circumcised. Advertisement (". Velcro
straps . [deprive] him/her of leverage. The infant is held . With out threat of break out. ). See keratinisation. (L. Cornus = horn)
A useful reminder that the circumcised glans hardens like a employee's hands (but watch out for the double which means of
"horny"). Looking for a correlation in which none exists with the aid of studying facts greater fastidiously, for example
extracting information for a (small) subsample within the look for a connection among "lack of circumcision" and some
disorder. This vein terminates within the foreskin. After circumcision it ought to locate such connections as it could. On
erection it swells (becomes varicose) in a circumcised penis but hardly ever or much less so in an intact one - indicating that
circumcision dramatically alters the circulation of the penis. Gaping open of a wound. A worry of circumcision, particularly
when performed with a Gomco clamp. Click right here for a primary-hand account. (L. Gaping aside) Trade name (of
Advanced Tissue Sciences Inc. - in liquidation) for a skin-tissue cultured from human foreskins. See Apligraf (TM) . The use
of power to cauterise (burn) reduce tissues, seal blood vessels and so save you bleeding. Electrocautery devices can be
bipolar (wherein the strength flows among carefully spaced electrodes) or unipolar, wherein one electrode is placed at the
frame faraway from the surgery. Unipolar electrocautery must by no means be used on an extremity together with the finger or
penis because the heating impact takes region along its whole duration. Several circumcisions done this way have resulted
in ablation of the penis. In the case of David Reimer, using an electrocautery tool with a metal clamp in place contributed to
the harm. Epidermal inclusion cyst. A rare worry of circumcision, wherein an outer layer of pores and skin is folded into the
circumcision scar, which develops an enclosed mass of tissue. A tubular difficulty of circumcision, as while a skin br >
foreskin regression. The re-covering of the glans with the aid of the foreskin remnant in older men who've had a low and/or
loose circumcision, as a result of the natural shrinking of the penis. In some cases and in bloodless situations, this could
cause the arrival of intactness. Frankenpenis Circumcised penis, on account that it is artificial, and implying it's far
tremendous (Germany, from Franken[stein's creature]+ penis, in line with Andy on Network54, May 12, 2012) (circumcision)
with out a cause-designed clamp. One is proven on every other web page. Giorgi removal of the foreskin from a healthful
child, whether or not surgical or ritual. (Coined by using San Francisco Intactivists, July 28, 2011, after Loretta Giorgi, San
Francisco choose who struck down a circumcision poll to shield non secular hobbies, due to the fact doctors also do it.) A
circumcision tool together with a metallic bell and a flat plate with a hole in it, brought collectively via a screw to use circular
crushing and fusing pressure at the placement of excision. Greater. (from GOldstein Manufacturing COmpany, later Gomco
Surgical Manufacturing Co.) prevention of bleeding. (Gk., blood stopping) lockable scissors-like clamp utilized in freehand
circumcision. It crushes the foreskin distal to the glans, and the skin is cut with a scalpel distal to it. It may additionally
inadvertantly weigh down the tip of the glans as nicely, and with the aid of squeezing the cylindrical foreskin flat at handiest
one cease, can seldom make certain a fair reduce. A hassle of too-tight circumcision in which bushy scrotal pores and skin is
drawn directly to the penile shaft. A circumcision is called "high" when greater shaft-skin and much less mucosa is
eliminated. This leaves the scar especially excessive up the flacc >Picture of excessive circumcison Picture of low
circumcison. Overgrown, of scarring that has thickened (Gk, excess growth) (Damage) because of a doctor (or nurse or
parent) eg, phimosis caused by untimely try to retract the foreskin. (Gk. Iatros = physician) 'It took weeks for Alex to be
returned to his old self' Alison Westbury is mom to two boys and a girl. When her eldest son Alex become born, he suffered
from phimosis and his foreskin changed into very tight. At the age of seven he had a circumcision. "Alex became born with a
very tight foreskin. [ This is normal.] It couldn�t be retracted back over the penis [ normal ] and became hard to smooth. It
also prompted him to have repeated infections [ No, it was the misguided attempts to retract it that exposed the surfaces to
infection ] wherein we might should supply him antibiotics or special cream. We talked to the health worker about it while he
was younger and he or she informed us to hold an eye on it. But as he grew, it become still a hassle. For a few purpose,
he�d get extra infections at some point of the summer time � perhaps because he became hot and sweaty. [ Because
chlorine in swimming pools upset the normal bacterial balance under his foreskin. ] "We talked to our GP and he sa >[ wrong
] when he became secure and inside the bathtub, but this glaringly hurt him and it didn�t make things any higher, so we
didn�t try that very regularly. "In the give up, when it became apparent that it wasn�t getting any better, we were referred
to a representative on the sanatorium who endorsed an operation. He said it was higher to do it early. If we waited till Alex
become older, it might be a miles larger operation with an extended healing time. If we didn�t do something, we have
been informed he�d preserve getting infections and he may not be capable of have a full intercourse life. "We have been
given a choice of either a circumcision or a different operation called a preputioplasty, in which the foreskin is reduce to
permit it to retract. My husband determined that a circumcision might be a higher choice. As Alex�s foreskin was very tight,
we weren�t positive how a preputioplasty could appearance and idea that if it appeared distinctive, it might embarrass
Alex while he changed into older. "We talked to Alex about the operation a chunk, but he became very embarrassed, so in
the long run we didn�t inform him an excessive amount of. . "When the anaesthetic wore off, Alex became very sore. It
turned into too sore for him to put on pants and shorts, so he spent a couple of weeks after the op sporting his dad�s T-
shirts. It become hard to stop him f >[ Finding an important par. Penile Size Chart of your penis missing also has that effect. ]
"I hadn�t been given any information approximately what to do after the operation, and Alex was very nervous
approximately whether or not it would hurt while he urinated. I wasn�t really certain what to do, so I�d been getting Alex
to urinate within the tub to attempt to make it less complicated for him. However, when I spoke to the health center (due to the
fact the wound saved bleeding), they said it became the wrong issue to do and I ought to be preserving it dry. "It took
approximately weeks for Alex to become himself again. It stopped hurting after the wound had dried up, and after 3 weeks he
changed into again at school and going swimming together with his class. "He's very conscious that his penis appears one of
a kind to other boys� of his age and that it can look a chunk smaller. But when he instructed his high-quality buddy that
he�d had an operation, his friend simply said, �Well, we are able to�t all be the identical�, which I suppose has
helped to reassure him a piece." Bias at the a part of physicians and the scientific community to intervene, whether or not it's
far with pills, diagnostic assessments, non-invasive approaches, or surgical procedures, whilst now not intervening might be
an inexpensive alternative. The Case for Intervention Bias in the Practice of Medicine. Andrew J. Foy, MD, and Edward J.
Filippone, MD. Conclusion In conclusion, intervention bias is a hassle in cutting-edge medicine. It corrupts the informed
selection-making procedure and leads physicians to adopt futile and potentially harmful interventions and maintain the usage
of them after their blessings have been disproven. Futile interventions situation patients to unnecessary physical damage
and consequently violate the principle of �primum non nocere.� From an economic perspective, the adoption and full-
size use of such interventions confers a personal and social welfare loss. Penile Size Chart Recognition is the first step
towards overcoming bias, and physicians ought to recognize the constraints that intervention bias poses to the exercise of
drugs. To protect towards it, we should usually stay skeptical, insist on rigorous experimentation and reporting of trials that
involve tough endpoints, and be unafraid to protest the extensive usage of interventions that do not skip this take a look at.
Restriction of blood supply, a worry of circumcision. (Gk. Isch- = restrict, haema = blood) Of scars, pulling on the pores and
skin (Gk chele, a claw). The time period also refers to extremes of hypertrophic scarring, an extraordinary difficulty of
circumcision. Hardening of the mucosa of the glans after circumcision, leading to reduced sensitivity. (Gk. Keras = horn) All
pores and skin has a layer of dead cells at the outer surface of the outer main layer, the epidermis. These useless cells are in
large part made from a dried-up fibrous protein referred to as keratin that was part of the internal skeleton of the residing cells,
before they matured and died on their manner toward the surface. Therefore, human beings talk of keratinisation of the
various elements of the penile pores and skin. What they're interested in is the hypothesis that, in view that this accretion
makes the pores and skin watertight in each instructions and keeps out all other foreign matter (i.E. Acts as a barrier), the
thicker this deposit the much more likely it's far to hold out invading organisms, along with viruses. Hence the obsession with
keratin by people who agree with that the inner foreskin does no longer have sufficient keratin to provide a barrier in
opposition to HIV. And the longstanding factoid that circumcision dries-up the closing mucous membranes (the internal floor
of the foreskin and glans) suggests to the circumcision sponsors that boom in the depth of keratin effects, thereby growing
protection. This is the underlying speculation for the organic mechanism at the back of the findings in Africa. However, a
Chicago take a look at showed the inner layer to have thicker keratin than the outer (25.37 +/- 12.Fifty one vs 20.Fifty four +/-
12.51 mm, respectively; P = 0.451). If those figures were showed with the aid of any other have a look at with enough
electricity for importance, they would entirely 'rot-up' the keratinisation-with-circ protection mechanism argument of the
darkside. A Chinese take a look at disproves the opinion (frequently expressed with the aid of the seasoned-circumcision
lobby) that Langerhans cells are extra plentiful in the internal mucosa than the outer pores and skin. It discovered the exact
opposite.Outer foreskin is simply the extension of the shaft pores and skin over the glans to the preputial orifice. A
circumcision (whether "high" or "low") is referred to as "free" when the penis's proprietor is allowed to preserve extra of his
pores and skin and/or mucosa. A low and loose circumcision may additionally resemble a evidently brief foreskin, however
even the loosest of conventional circumcisions will nevertheless get rid of all of the r >Picture of loose circumcison Picture of
tight circumcison. A circumcision is known as "low" while extra mucosa and less shaft-skin is removed. This leaves the scar
incredibly low down the flacc >Picture of low circumcison Picture of high circumcison. Rotation of the shaft-skin with
recognize to the glans at some point of circumcision, causing the raphe no longer to line up with the frenulum. A life-long
aesthetic blemish, effortlessly devoted (when the shaft is included in blood) with the aid of a health practitioner who may not
even understand that it is a possibility. (L. = horrific putting collectively) Narrowing of the meatus, a completely not unusual
worry of circumcision. Click for large. Ulcer at the meatus, a totally common problem of circumcision. Inflammation of the
meatus, one of the viable consequences of circumcision. Operation to accurate meatal stenosis via enlarging the opening of
the meatus. In the 19th century, meatal stenosis after circumcision, and consequently meatotomy, became so common that in
Jewish folklore, meatotomy changed into called the "2nd circumcison". (Van Howe, R. S. And Cold, C. J.: Etiology of
idiopathic anterior urethritis. Urology, 53: 658, 1999) A circumcision tool together with flat blades introduced collectively and
held through a rotating cam. It then closes to overwhelm the foreskin earlier than it's miles cut. Described as "the least painful
approach" even though there is no reason this have to be so, and "capable of be used with out preceding experience." .
Greater (Heb. = protect) Death of tissue. (adj. Necrotic) "Galloping gangrene", a possible consequence of circumcision.
Newborn child. (adj. Neonatal) nerve pressure principle. 18 th -19 th Century principle whereby "anxious ether" radiating
from the brain set the body in motion. "Nerve pressure" turned into believed to circulate within the frame just like the 4
humours, and a shortage or an excess, believed to motive ailment. "Irritability" (i.E. Sensitivity, however stressed with
irritation) of the genitals caused an imbalance in nerve pressure. Thus masturbation became to be condemned and
prevented on health in addition to moral grounds. See additionally reflex theory. Abnormal increase of a nerve, particularly at
a reduce end, a trouble of circumcision, inflicting confusion of sensations. (Gk neur- = nerve -oma = growth. Pl neuromata,
neuromas) sanatorium-obtained (contamination). (from Gk, nosokomeion , clinic) See also iatrogenic. Nerve specialised for
the detection of painful stimuli. (L. Nocere, to harm + [re]ceptor) Brand name of foreskin-derived tissue, like Apligraf (TM)
Peyronie's ailment (Peyronie's fibroid) A plaque of dense tissue within the penis causing painful erections and deformity,
along with a unethical penis (in lots of cases a canine-leg or "J" shape, or twisting the penis around almost a complete 360
tiers - a corkscrew) whilst erect. A man with Peyronie's "can pee round a tree". An image of Peyronies, from the American
Academy of Family Physicians' internet site. (The penis proven is circumcised). True Peyronie's is extraordinarily rare and
does not have any regarded dating to circumcision. The condition can be inherited or the result of trauma, even minor. A easy
curve of the penis, however, could be the result of, or worsened via, a circumcision performed extra poorly than usual. A
video of an operation for Peyronie's disease. A disposable circumcision tool which includes a grooved plastic dome (with a
handle, designed to be broken off) placed under the foreskin (which should be slit and forcibly separated from the glans to
allow entry). A ligature (thread) is tied tightly around the foreskin, crushing it into the groove, causing it to emerge as necrotic
(to die) and drop off. Extra. [moved link] Medical Gk for circumcision (posthe = foreskin, -ectomy = cutting off) pseudo-foreskin
False foreskin; may additionally confer with an artificial foreskin made to conceal circumcision (as devised by means of the
boy Roman Polanski as a defence in opposition to detection by way of Nazis) an articificial foreskin made to re-sensitize the
glans (eg the Manhoodâ„¢) shaft pores and skin that pushes over the glans in vintage age because the shaft shrinks and/or
the fat pad at the bottom of the penis grows a secondary foreskin grown via recuperation strategies (this usage isn't always
favoured by means of restorers). (Gk pseudo- = fake) More than a person (apart from the owner) feels secure with. There is
not any rule about how an awful lot foreskin anybody should be blessed with. (Well, maybe if it journeys him up while he
walks. ) Babies and small boys pretty usually have as a whole lot as 1cm (zero.5 in) of overhang. This has been better
defined as "ample foreskin". Parents who're concerned that their son has an excessive amount of foreskin must be informed,
"Don't worry, he'll develop into it." In infants, �redundancy of the foreskin is not unusual [and] everyday; the skin awaits the
development of the corpora cavernosa and spongiosum so that it will occur at puberty. - "Some observations On the anatomy
of phimosis", Geoffrey Jefferson, M. S. LOND., F. R. C. S., (ENG.), VICTORIA, B. C. Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics
(Chicago), Volume 23, Number 2: pages 177-181, August 1916. Mid-19 th to early 20 th Century concept that "nervous
connections regulated all bodily organs and contributors impartial of human will and that ailment in an organ or body element
should produce consequences at remote places which might be handled by way of techniques on the element idea to be
exercise the consequences." In the male, those sites often turned out to be the penis and foreskin. Hence using circumcision
to "cure" such numerous troubles as epilepsy and paralysis. See also nerve pressure concept. Routine , of toddler
circumcision: 1. Done as a rely o. Penile Size Chart route, with out session. This changed into common thru the early part of
the 20 th century. 2. Finished without scientific symptoms, the widespread majority of circumcisions. Medical associations
generally use a chunk of linguistic sleight-of-hand while they say "recurring circumcision must no longer be peformed." This
appeases each supporters of circumcision, who apprehend them to intend feel 1, and fighters, who expect them to mean
experience 2. (physician) over-geared up to resort to surgical operation (cf cause-glad) A circumcision device which include
concentric plastic jewelry that "sandwich" (unlucky expression) the foreskin, permitting it to be reduce away. Extra (after Jian-
Zhong Shang (inventor) + ring) Picture of ShangRing. Sheldon clamp (TM) A circumcision tool with two units of jaws. The
first set grasps the acroposthion, the second one set, the foreskin proper, in advance of the glans - if the boy is lucky. The cut
is made among the 2 sets. A complication of circumcision wherein the recuperation excision scar fuses to the broken mucosa
of the glans, normally at the corona. A sort of skin bridges can be seen on Circumcision web page 1. A technique of freehand
circumcision. A mark is made on the outer skin, generally on the coronal bulge, and another at the mucosa at a desired
distance from the corona. A circular cut thru the pores and skin is crafted from every mark, disconnecting a 'sleeve' of pores
and skin among the 2 marks. Scissors are used to cut along the sleeve so that it is able to be eliminated. The two circular
cuts are added together and stitched. An actual quantity of each outer and internal skin may be eliminated, and the complete
of the action is visible. With different techniques, the internal pores and skin is cut blind. Sleeve resection isn't always used
on newborns. Sleeve resection became used inside the randomised controlled trial at Rakei in Uganda, and there it became
described as ". The foreskin was retracted and a distal incision made 0�five-1�zero cm proximal to the coronal sulcus,
followed through a proximal incision on the unretracted prepuce at the corona." A non-reusable circumcision device product
of plastic, similar to the Tara KLamp, that cuts off circulate to the foreskin, using a plastic ring clamped in region over a tube.
Greater. Excessive waft of "sperm" [i.E. Semen], a 19 th century "sickness" and an early excuse for circumcision. "Excessive"
(like "redundant foreskin" nowadays) meant "more than the physician or mother and father felt comfy with" and "symptoms"
blanketed nocturnal emissions (wet goals) that the health practitioner now not loved. A disfigurement of circumcision in which
a despair is left inside the pores and skin whilst a stitch is eliminated or dissolves. A disposable circumcision tool
manufactured from plastic, that cuts off circulate to the foreskin, the usage of a plastic ring clamped in place over a tube .
Extra. (From the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur = K.L., for this reason KLamp) [Click for a picture of a Tara KLamp (TM) .]
A circumcision (whether "high" or "low") is called "tight" when the penis's proprietor has greater of his pores and skin and
mucosa taken from him. Tight circumcisions are possibly to cause painful erections (maybe even tearing on the scar) and
draw the pubic hair up the shaft. Circumfetishists seem to love them, but. Brand name of foreskin-derived tissue, like Apligraf
(TM) . Among the urethra and the skin, as a urethrocutaneous fistula. Because the inner and outer skins of the penis do no
longer obviously match together around the frenulum whilst the foreskin is cut away, a spherical function or functions may
additionally shape with spiral ridging beneath and behind the glans near the centre. Alternative name for Gomco clamp. (co-
inventor) Zoon's balanitis, Zoon's ailment. An infection of the foreskin and/or glans, affecting specifically older men. Until
currently, considered a watertight reason to circumcise, however this article indicates otherwise. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2010
Apr 29. [Epub ahead of print] Ablative erbium:YAG laser treatment of idiopathic chronic inflammatory non-cicatricial
balanoposthitis (Zoon's disease) - A series of 20 patients with long-term final results. Abstract Background: Chronic
inflammatory non-cicatricial balanitis/balanoposthitis (Zoon 1952) isn't uncommon amongst elderly uncircumcised males.
The route is persistent and will lead to intense epidermal atrophy. This disease is poorly attentive to topical treatment. The
golden popular for remedy is circumcision. Objective: This examine changed into carried out to assess the efficacy and
safety of ablative erbium:YAG laser treatment. Methods: An uncontrolled trial changed into completed with 20 Caucasian
male sufferers (mean age 64.8 years) who provided with continual inflammatory non-cicatricial balanitis or balanoposthitis.
The patients obtained more than one topical treatments. The ailment length ranged from 1 to more than 7 years. Diagnosis
became showed by way of histology. Topical anaesthesia become executed before erbium:YAG laser ablation (cognizance
1.6-5 mm; frequency eight Hz; impulse power broadly speaking 800 mJ; fluence between eleven.3 and 20 J cm -2 . The
pulses had been in part overlapping. The pain sensation became recorded through visual analogue scale (VAS). Complete
clearance was defined as whole absence of erythematous, easy-faced, 'moist'-looking patches or erosions. Patients had
been requested to wait a everyday follow-up as soon as a year. The outcome turned into further assessed by affected
person's international evaluation (PGA). Results: In all patients a whole re-epithelialization could be accomplished inside 2-3
weeks. During comply with-up among 3 months and 30 months (suggest 12.1 +/- 7.2 months), a complete and strong clearing
became accomplished in 20 sufferers (100%). There have been no intense detrimental effects. With topical anaesthetic
cream the VAS became very low (mean 1.Five +/- 4.1 mm for 18 sufferers and 22 treatments). All however three sufferers
were 'absolutely satisfied' with the manner and the outcome; 3 had been 'happy'. Conclusions: Ablative erbium:YAG laser
remedy is a safe, powerful and minimally invasive treatment choice [ unlike circumcision ] in persistent inflammatory non-
cicatricial balanitis/balanoposthitis. PMID: 20429688 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] OTHER SURGERY. Sexual
enchantment to amputees (Gk, acro=excessive, tomo=reduce, philia=love) (Gk apotemno- = reduce off, philia = love) a fetish
for amputees and/or amputations. The term turned into coined in 1977 with the aid of Dr John Money, who stated "The
apotemnophiliac obsession is defined as an idée fixe in place of a paranoid myth, going on both predominantly or
exclusively in adult males. It is associated with erotization of the healed stump and to overachievement no matter the
adversity of a handicap. The precise etiology is not recognized and there may be no agreed-on remedy method." A individual
who eroticises the existing amputations of other humans ought to likely be prominent from person who desires to have any of
his very own extermities amputated. See additionally Body Dysmorphic Disorder, circumfetishism. Refinement of the Byars'
flaps approach of hypospadias restore, pioneered by using Hoebeke et al., wherein a triangle-fashioned flap is spread out
over the prepuce (like Batman's cape). Body Dysmorphic (or Dismorphic) Disorder. (Gk dys = faulty, morph- = form) The myth
that one's frame is malformed. The fine-acknowledged instance is the fantasy that one is fats, related to anorexia/bulimia.
This web page mooted the preference to be circumcised as a ramification of BDD, but a higher term is now available, Body
Integrity Identity Disorder. Body Integrity Identity Disorder. Condition of being disillusioned with having a complete body.
Coined to keep away from the fetishistic connotations of apotemnophilia. People with BIID searching for remedy through
amputation, and mockingly declare it'd cause them to feel entire. The desire to be circumcised is obviously an instance, and
an insistence on having a toddler circumcised is probably considered BIID with the aid of proxy. A growing frame of literature
shows that body focus issues along with BIID arise due to extraordinary activity in the proper parietal lobe, which is
understood to be vital for constructing a mental illustration of the frame. Specifically, this body photo is constructed inside the
advanced parietal lobule (SPL), which plays a characteristic called multisensory integration, wherein distinctive styles of
sensory data coming into the brain are introduced collectively. Thus, facts from the visual elements of the brain and the
number one somatosensory cortex, which approaches tactile sensations and proprioceptive information referring to the
placement of the body within space, is despatched to the superior parietal lobule. There, it's miles combined with statistics
from the motor cortex, which controls movement, and all is processed further to generate an inner model of the frame. If those
strategies are perturbed, the body image is compromised. Paul McGeoch of the Brain and Perceptual Process Laboratory at
UCSD and his colleagues . Recruited 4 male BIID patients (or apotemnophiles) from internet aid agencies to test their
speculation. Three of those expressed a choice to have their left leg amputated, at the same time as the fourth desired each
legs removed. For their look at, the researchers certainly tapped the contributors' ft with a package of fibre-optic filaments,
and on the identical time, recorded the electrical pastime of their brains the use of magnetoencephalography (MEG). Their
responses to the tactile stimulation have been as compared to the ones of four controls. In all four controls, tapping either foot
triggered an nearly instantaneous activation of the proper SPL. In the 3 apotemnophiles who desired one leg amputated,
tapping the unaffected foot evoked a reaction inside the right SPL, however tapping the affected one did now not, and in the
fourth apotemnophile, who sought amputation of both legs, neither foot evoked a reaction. These findings affirm the
researchers' speculation that BIID arises due to extraordinary characteristic inside the right parietal lobe. The brain does not
sign up the limb as a part of the frame, and carries no illustration of it, so it is not incorporated into the body photo. As a end
result, the apotemnophile has no sense of ownership over the limb, and feels strongly that it does now not "belong" to him. It
feels extraneous or redundant, so he desires to have it removed. Technique of hypospadias repair wherein the foreskin is
preserved. Excess dorsal pores and skin is used to cover the ventral shaft. Charity promoting surgical reconstruction of ladies
who've been concern to genital slicing. Clitoraid is organised by using the Raëlians, a cult based through Raël
(previously Claude Vorilhon) after a pronounced encounter with extraterrestrial beings in 1973. In 2006-7, Clitoraid raised
much less than $forty eight,000 worldwide and accomplished 3 operations. It planned to start building a hospital in Burkina
Faso in May 2007, however its website has not been up to date on the grounds that April of that yr. (file replace) In the
foreskin, a crude shape of posthioplasty to relieve phimosis. Very much like super[in]cision. A dorsal slit is likewise made as
a part of freehand, Gomco â„¢ and Plastibell â„¢ circumcisions. Reshaping-surgery on the frenulum, particularly as a
treatment for frenulum breve. Rajan et al. Located excessive tiers of pride with the operation, about 1 in 9 requiring
circumcision afterward. A mechanical retractor designed for the self-treatment of phimosis. Installation of a sealed cord loop
via holes within the foreskin, to make erection painful in an try to save you masturbation. Through the courtesy of Dr.
Archibald, Superintendent of the Iowa Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children, we have come to be acquainted with a method of
treatment of this ailment [ masturbation ] which is applicable in refractory cases, and we've got employed it with complete
delight. It consists inside the application of one or more silver sutures in the sort of way as to save you erection. The prepuce,
or foreskin, is drawn forward over the glans, and the needle to which the twine is attached is handed through from one s > -
John Harvey Kellogg, Plain Facts for Old and Young, pp 295-6. [ It is now also impossible to clean under the foreskin.
"Hygiene" to Kellogg and his peers meant only "moral hygiene". ] the labia, to save you sex. Drastic scraping and removal of
girl genitalia, leaving only a small hollow. (L. Fibula = brooch) A disease characterized with the aid of the presence of a
higher than everyday degree of methemoglobin (metHb) inside the blood. Methemoglobin is a shape of haemoglobin that
does not bind oxygen. When its attention is expanded in crimson blood cells, tissue hypoxia (scarcity of oxygen) can arise.
Methemoglobinaemia is a risk of priloocaine, a constituent of EMLA anaesthetic cream, used in circumcision. (not surgical
operation but) every other scientific treatment regarded as a univeral preventative for almost 2000 years, now unknown.
Severing of nerves (Gk. Neur- = nerve, -ect- = out, -tomy = slicing), an operation to dispose of sensation, finished on cause at
the base of the penis within the 19th century with a purpose to reduce sexual satisfaction. Clark, A. Campbell and Henry E.
Clark, 'Neurectomy a preventive of masturbation', Lancet, 23 September 1899, p. 838. Hamilton, J.A.G., 'Treatment of
nymphomania by way of division of branches of internal pudic and inferior pudendal nerves', Australasian Medical Gazette,
Vol. XXII, 20 May 1903, pp. 205-6 refers also to "successful" treatment of a male affected person. Spratling, Edgar,
'Masturbation within the grownup', Medical Record, Vol. Forty eight, 1895, pp. 442-three describes reducing the nerve as too
draconian; prefers circumcision. Invariably accomplished within the path of circumcision on the sulcus with the effect of
decreasing sexual satisfaction. (Strictly speaking, neurectomy entails putting off some nerve tissue, neurotomy is severing
handiest. Nerves heal together with problem, so the consequences are comparable.) Cutting off of the penis. A treatment of
remaining lodge for penile most cancers. Distinct from castration/orchidectomy (removal of the testicles) though both is
probably finished collectively. Reshaping-surgical treatment at the foreskin (consisting of circumcision-reversal). One
physician's term for his untimely forcible retration of the foreskin, breaking the synechia. Literally "reducing the synechia"
(Gk). A greater accurate term could be synechialysis (breaking the synechia). Form of posthioplasty (eg to correct phimosis or
penoscrotal webbing or to taper a non-surgically restored foreskin) concerning a Z-formed incision. RITUAL
CIRCUMCISION. Traditional Xhosa circumcision nurse. Yugoslav Muslim circumcisor. Intact male (Heb., pl = arelim) Slotted
plate utilized in Brit Milah to isolate the glans from the foreskin to be eliminated.(Heb., = iron, knife) Heb., = covenant, pl.,
Britot (Contrary to the perception of the British Israelite movement, the words "Britain" and "British" are from Celtic, and
unconnected to the Hebrew phrase.) Jewish circumcision ceremony, performed on the eighth day after birth. (Heb., =
covenant of slicing, pl. Brit Milot). (Often burdened with Bar Mitzvah, a Jewish boy's coming of age rite, typically held
approximately age thirteen, whilst he first reads a part of the Torah in the Synagogue or Temple.) Surgery-free Jewish
naming ceremony, done in Israel. (Heb., = covenant of phrases) Surgery-unfastened Jewish naming rite. (Heb., = covenant of
wholeness) much less commonplace than: Surgery-loose Jewish naming rite. (Heb., = covenant of peace) NB The Brit
Shalom Society had not anything to do with circumcision: it turned into an employer of Jewish intellectuals in the 1920s-30s
promoting Jewish-Arab reconciliation. Contact information for celebrants. Person who derives sexual pleasure from the act of
circumcision. Circumfetishism , such pleasure. Circumfetishism must be outstanding from just eroticising the circumcised
penis, as many girls and gay men may do, only for need of understanding every other - but see apotemnophilia and
acrotomophilia. Circumfetishism may additionally contain fantasies of energy and control, which may be ritualistically acted
out. They can be active (sadistic) fantasies of circumcising, or passive (masochistic) fantasies of being circumcised, and the
rituals, once they occur, of course contain each. Circumfetishists have at the least one internet site and 3 golf equipment. The
circlist internet site links to a dialogue group ("Circlist has continually accepted, and will keep to allow, circumcision
associated fetish /sexual postings/substances, directly, gay or in any other case. Indiv >circ-fetish , sexual info, scientific info
and an area to fulfill up with fellow circumcision fanatics and proponents. "). In June 2005 they held the first International
Circumsexual Symposium, in Washington, D.C.. Circumfetishist "Ben Winkie" blogs approximately it. ("Interests: Being
masturbated at the same time as circumcision is being discussed. Watching circumcisions with others. Etc.") His profile
opens new vistas ("circumcision mood tune"?). The quantity of circumfetishism among medical doctors and others who carry
out little one circumcisions is unknown. There is not any article on circumfetishism in Wikipedia (even though there may be
one on foreskin fetishism), ostensibly because it isn't always yet "encyclopaedic" - no one has written a systematic paper on
it. (One Wikipedian, for reasons of his very own, movements heaven and earth to keep Intactivist statistics out of that in any
other case treasured aid.) " Some obstetricians have made early circumcision almost a fetish, reaching [a] reductio advert
absurdum in one example with which we are familiar in which the operation become accomplished whilst the hips been
brought and pending expulsion of the upper half of of the frame.". - Diseases of the Newborn, Schaffer and Avery, 4th ed,
W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1977, p 420. Circumfetishists' preferred term for themselves and their condition, possibly
because it elevates their fetish to the status of a sexual orientation (cf heterosexual, gay). "Circumsexual has properly over
2,000 members, making us one in every of the largest circumfetishist organizations on the net! "Circumsexual is a set for men
which are became on by using circumcised penises, the process of circumcision, or the myth of being circumcised and/or
performing circumcisions on others. "It is not an anti-circ nor seasoned-circ discussion board, nor is it a place to debate such
affairs. It's definitely for guys 18 and older that find everything approximately CIRCUMCISION to be EROTIC. "Where
CIRCLIST is more about the critical s >- message touting the circumsexual internet site. Pygmy circumcision rite. Bedouin
circumcision ceremony. Maasai circumcision rite. Feast of the Circumcision. January 1 (the eighth day after Christmas),
Christian competition of Jesus' circumcision (commonly used to don't forget his human susceptibility to wounding, and his
circumcision as a precursor of his crucifixion, in preference to his Judaism). Hatifat dam berit. Ritual replacement for Brit
Milah (for whilst a converting guy is already circumcised, or a child is born with out a foreskin or won't be circumcised for
medical motives) concerning a pinprick to the penis, drawing as a minimum a drop of blood (Heb.) traditional Xhosa
physician-circumcisor. Circumcision ritual of the Bagisu of Uganda. Double-edged knife used for Jewish circumcision. Both
aspects are sharp to keep away from the risk of seeking to use the blunt facet. Turkish circumcision rite. Woman who excises
girls' genitalia (Arabic = she who lowers the clitoris) Circumcisor (Ar. Fem. Khatinah) Circumcision (classical Ar.) Islamic
ritual circumcisors (from khitAn) The call is utilized in parts of Egypt, throughout the Levant, Iraq, the Arab Peninsula and the
Gulf. Khitoum are barber-surgeons. The sucking of blood from the wound. (Heb., = sucking, not to be burdened with
Mezuzah, a holder for a scroll, nailed to a door-post). Metzitzah p beh, sucking via mouth, become extensively believed to be
out of date in all but difficult to understand European Jewish groups, until three toddlers in New York, all circumcised through
the same mohel have been found to have herpes. There observed an brilliant amount of bending over backward. Only one
commentater has even hinted at less than the highest motivation for the practice. Another infant died in 2011. (Heb. From
m.H.L, reduce, circumcise, cognate with milah) Jewish ritual circumcisor. Need not be a rabbi or a man. May be a medical
doctor. (pl. Mohalim, fem. Mohalet, fem. Pl. Mohalot.) Mohalot are an innovation of the Reform motion, no longer recognized
through Orthodox Judaism. There has been no corresponding agitation with the aid of mohalot to be allowed to circumcise
baby girls. Bengali, to circumcise, literally "to make Muslim" Whether circumcision should be called "mutilation" is
contentious. A discussion of this is on its personal web page. Purified, circumcised (Ar., passive participle of TaThIr) Islamic
ritual circumcisor (Ar., = cleaner) Barber. (pl. MuzayyinUn -In.) The call utilized in Islamic North Africa from Morocco to Egypt.
Barbers commonly perform circumcisions. Nolad mahul born without a foreskin, see aposthia (Heb. Born circumcised)
Slotted board used in Malay ritual circumcision (cf barzel) The radical shape of Jewish circumcision instituted (or formalised)
within the second century CE to save you concealment. (Heb., = whole) Anglicised Gk = circumcision. St Paul sa >
posthephagy. Ritual consuming of the foreskin. An advertisement on the Craig's List internet site from anon-19728116
obliquely refers to this exercise as an factor of circumfetishism: I would emphasize that every one who choose my methods
are consenting adults -- indiv >dietary cost of surgically excised foreskin most of the select institution of cultural pioneers who
carry out the procedure. Given the existing repressive political weather, the culinary interests of this community of
practitioners should remain out of the public arena for the instant future. An ad-hoc Yiddish form of smegma. Carries a tone of
contempt via similarity with words like schmegegge , schlemiel , schmo and the "X----? Schm----!" catchphrase. (Old Yiddish
might have very little use for a phrase for smegma.) Split the penis ("like a hotdog" - Glenn Epps), an even more extreme form
of subincision. A ventral slit within the penis thru to the urethra, from the meatus a few way alongside the shaft, normal among
a few Australian aboriginal peoples. (Malay) circumcision in Malaysia. According to Hull and Budiharsana, on Maluku in
1996, many Muslim guys had been said to have passed through sunatan "without any foreskin being reduce". According to
legend, Islamic leaders had modified the custom after some of deaths. Further information had been now not given. (Hull,
Terence J., and Meiwita Budiharsana, "Male circumcision and penile enhancement in Southeast Asia: Matters of Pain and
Pleasure" Reproductive Health Matters, vol 9 no 18, November 2001, 60-7) Turkish ritual circumcision, accomplished pre-
puberty, by using a . Turkish circumcisor. (Reportedly these days changed via a physician.) A dorsal slit inside the foreskin,
used by/on the priestly and royal castes of historical Egypt and still customary amongst some Pacific peoples, along with the
ones of Tikopia. A not unusual technique is to push a sliver of bamboo underneath the foreskin to shield the glans and make
the slit ahead to the brink of the foreskin. If executed pre-puberty, the final results seems similar to circumcision and has the
advantage over circumcision that no tissue is lost. In Samoa and the Philippines, under missionary influence, it's been
medicalised and changed by complete circumcision. Circumcision (Ar. = purification) Circumcise (Ar., = make natural)
(Malay) Ritual circumcisor. Ritual circumcision inside the Ciskei of Southern Africa (Xhosa) RESTORATION. A restoration
technique promoted via BUFF, regarding everyday stretching. (Dual-movement Incremental Longitudinal Expander) A
foreskin recovery device the use of an inner screw to push at the glans at the same time as pulling the skin. Its internet site
has greater info. Fauxskin (pr. Foe-skin, but greater regularly written than spoken) Restored foreskin. (Fr. Fake=fake) Many
restored men dislike the time period, in view that their foreskin is not "fake", booking it for synthetic foreskin substitutes along
with the ManHood, Senslip and Docker. Dumbbell-shaped steel device for overdue levels of healing. The skin is taped over
one ball, the other used to attach weight or elastic. Restoration method advanced by Johnny: for info. McCuiston, James J.
Kernersville N.C. Inventor of an artificial foreskin-substitute comprising a foreskin-shaped sleeve (probably containing
silicone) held on through a cylinder ribbed for relative tension. Patent No 5,074,315, Dec 24, 1991. Trade name for an
synthetic foreskin-alternative worn over the glans. The reality that such products are manufactured and sold is an indictment
of toddler circumcision. Closed-foam plastic (The trademark "Nerf®" is property of Hasbro® business enterprise). A plug
made of it, used inside the DILE gadget of foreskin healing between the glans and the attachment tool. Point Of Equilibrium.
The factor (genuinely a line across the penis) wherein anxiety in the direction of the glans and toward the base is identical
whilst T-tape attracts the pores and skin forward. Early name for the Restor-EZ. Restored foreskin, from "prepuce", coined via
Hugh Young, January 25, 2009 as an alernative for those who dislike the "faux" factor of "fauxskin". Return penis to as near
as possible to the way it'd be if now not circumcised, by a) the use of mild tension over time to encourage boom, b) surgery. A
web page offers some more information about this. System of recuperation concerning a cylindical splint. Restore Skin
gadget. A kitset inclusive of T-tape, suspender-like elastics, and a special oil to take away the tapes and their adhesive.
Surgical tape made in a T-shaped pass-segment, with the pinnacle of the crossbar adhesive, gripping each sides of the
pores and skin to be pulled forward, and the upright used to use anxiety. A recovery device made from silcone cones, held on
by friction, the inner one with a loop for anxiety. (TLC: TapeLess Conical) A approach of foreskin recuperation regarding
plastic shells, the outer one fitting so snugly over the restoring foreskin and the inner one which no adhesive is needed.
Tension is carried out thru the internal shell, so that that the foreskin is honestly pushed rather than pulled. Brandon Marr's
internet site has extra details. A weight fashioned to in shape the the front of the glans, to which the restoring foreskin can be
taped, with a hole for urination. (Formerly P.U.D., Penis Uncircumcising Device) Not to be burdened with the TLC Tugger.
Restore foreskin. "Uncircumcised" isn't usually utilized in Intactivist circles to describe intact penises or guys. INTACTIVISM.
Frame of mind common inside the US (and no doubt the Muslim international) in which the circumcised penis is "everyday"
the whole penis is "uncircumcised" the foreskin is "more skin" the foreskin is "now not a part of the penis" and many others.
Circumcised thinking see circumcised mind-set. Reduce endowment. A phrase (tailored to this feel in 1996 by means of John
Antonopoulos of Montreal) whose derivatives, disendowment, and so forth., usefully remind humans that circumcision
reduces the dimensions of the penis - something some guys are said to care approximately. Whole (of guy or penis, along
with his or its authentic foreskin) (L. = now not touched) The motion to shield children (whether male, woman or intersexed)
from having wholesome components of their genitals cut off. The highest shape of human existence, one that selflessly
devotes him/herself to the purpose of Intactivism. (Word coined by way of Richard DeSeabra in 1995 - despite the fact that
not with this definition.) July 1, as far as viable from the Feast of the Circumcision, a yet-to-be-celebrated competition of
intactness, whether or not completed, wished for or labored for. A institution of intact and restoring men, and ladies, selling
Intactivism via the "Intact Network" e-newsletter. A -month-to-month e-newsletter promoting Intactivism, edited with the aid of
Ken Derifield. A yet-to-be-fashioned body on the way to retire Circumstraints (tm), rescue babies, spill mock-blood on health
facility steps, disrupt meetings of circumcisors and (non-violently) bomb circumcision chambers. (Date to be determined) A
day set apart for celebrating the penis. (Some women will ask, "What day isn't always?") At least one Japanese city already
celebrates Penis Day ( Hounen Matsuri ), on March 15: A National Penis Day (September five) has been held in New
Zealand. The New Zealand AIDS Foundation turned into frustrated in 2002 that it became no longer allowed to erect a
billboard displaying men's bare torsos to publicise the occasion and to demystify the penis and male sexuality. In 2003 a
radio station were given big numbers of people to take their clothes off in public locations to raise focus of prostate most
cancers. Photographs from the event show that intactness is now everyday in New Zealand. ABBREVIATIONS. First
International Symposium on Circumcision, at Anaheim, California, March 1-3, 1989. Second International Symposium on
Circumcision, in San Francisco, California, April 30-May 3, 1991. Third International Symposium on Circumcision, at the
University of Maryland, May 22-25, 1994. Fourth International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations, at Lausanne, Switzerland,
August Sept. 11, 1996. Fifth International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations, at Oxford, England, 5-7 August 1998. Sixth
International Symposium on Genital Integrity, on the University of Sydney, Australia, December 7-nine, 2000. Seventh
International Symposium on Genital Integrity, Washington DC, March-April 2002. Eighth International Symposium on Genital
Integrity, Padova (Padua), Italy, September 2-4 2004. Ninth International Symposium on Circumcision, Genital Integrity and
Human Rights, Seattle, Washington, August 24-26, 2006. Tenth International Symposium on Circumcision, Genital Integrity
and Human Rights, Keele, Staffordshire, UK, September 4-6, 2008. Eleventh International Symposium on Circumcision,
Genital Integrity and Human Rights, Berkeley, California, July 29-31, 2010. American Academy of Pediatrics. American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. American Hospital Association. Albanian Medical Association; American
Medical Association. British Journal of Urology. British Medical Journal. Brothers United for Future Foreskins, a recuperation
enterprise ("in the main married heterosexuals" - Bud Berkeley) circumcise, circumcision. Many people try to keep away from
the words. Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project, an advocacy institution dedicated to �foreskin training, appreciation
and stimulation,� founded by means of Glen Callender. Circumcised Fathers [or Dads] of Intact Sons, a guide
organization. Circumcise, circumcision. Many Intactivists dislike this abbreviation because it trivialises ( and - sounding like
"dirk" - "masculinises? - HY ) the operation. Circumcision. A euphemism utilized by a few nurses to nonetheless further
trivialise the operation and infantilise the mom. Canadian Medical Association. Canadian Paediatric Society. Evidence-
based Medicine, usually considered a Good Thing (mainly with the aid of individuals who can discover evidence to guide
their case, regardless of its high-quality). Female Genital Cutting, a more neutral time period than Female Genital Mutilation.
Female Genital Mutilation (previously known as girl circumcision) Female Genital Surgery, an inaccurate term for Female
Genital Cutting whilst it's miles performed out of doors a surgical setting. Fear, Ignorance, Greed - 3 of the principle
motivations for circumcision. Friends of Foreskin, an Intactivist umbrella institution (New Zealand) Human Genital Mutilation
(FGM + MGM) Healing Our Wounds, a San Francisco help institution for circumcised guys. Contact Wayne Goodman.
Journal of the American Medical Association. Intact Men Against Circumcision, an Intactivist business enterprise. They
should sue Apple Computer for breach of copyright. Keep On Tugging, farewell used by restoring guys. Law Commission
(UK) Male Circumcision, a time period favoured by using its proponents. Male Genital Cutting, neutral term shaped to parallel
Female Genital Cutting. National Organi[s/z]ation of Restoring Men, a recovery organisation. The US one has the domain
call NORM.ORG. Obstetrician/Gyn[a]ecologist. A medical doctor specialising in childbirth/ladies, without a precise know-how
in male genitalia or infant boys. (L = person who stands in front / Gk = one who discourses on ladies) Randomised Controlled
Trial. Medical test in which participants are randomly assigned into two or extra companies, one institution, (the manage
institution) now not having the take a look at technique done to it. The Gold Standard of scientific exams is the Double
Blinded Placebo Controlled Randomised Trial, in which neither experimenters nor subjects know that is receiving the
experimental process, and the control group gets a remedy that doesn't encompass the process being examined for.
Randomised Clinical Trial. "RCTs are greater usually termed randomized managed trials, but the RCTs in this example [for
circumcision and HIV in South Africa, Kenya and Uganda] had been clinical experiments and are called randomized clinical
trials." - Dowsett & Couch. Routine Infant Circumcision (an in-house Intactivist expression) Stop Mutilating Every Goy
Manchild Automatically, a transient 3-member agency on a Compuserve holistic health group, headed by John Chastain.
See also smegma. Tender Loving Care, but in TLC Tugger, TapeLess Conical. (additionally) Uncircumcised Society of
America, a club particularly for homosexual men with a foreskin fetish. The overdue Glenn M. J. Epps the late John Erickson
Sami Aldeeb Rudy the Alphacub Mario I. Calderó (o-acute) Peter Daniels Geoffrey T. Falk Al Fields Dr Maarire Goodall
Nicholas Heer George Hill Jono Hoch Frederick Hodges Menahem Luz Ken McGrath Robert Meigs Mr Martin B L Novoa
Chris Price Karol Tees R. Wayne John Willcocks Miles Witt.

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Penile Size Chart

  • 2. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 2 Copyright © All rights reserved. Copyright © All rights reserved. The eBook is supplied for information purposes only, even though the contributors of this material are well conversed in the subject matter printed. The material content in this ebook does not constitute professional advice. This eBook is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regards to the subject matter contained. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher and its contributors are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If professional advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The readers are advised to consult with any appropriately qualified professional before taking any decisions. If you have or suspect an illness or have a health concern, always consult with your physician or health care provider. We have used our best judgment in compiling this information, however, the information presented may not have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any reference to a specific product is for your information only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • 3. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 3 Copyright © All rights reserved. Table of Contents Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 4 Know Your Penis ................................................................................................................... 6 Measuring Your Penis............................................................................................................ 8 Penis Exercises: The Basics................................................................................................... 10 Penis Exercises: Stepping It Up A Gear (Advanced Exercises) ................................................ 16 Penis Exercises: The Schedule.............................................................................................. 20 Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 24
  • 4. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 4 Copyright © All rights reserved. Introduction First of all, congratulations on your choice to download this ebook. This ebook may be free, but I can assure you it‟s priceless. Soon you will know exactly how to enlarge your penis! So consider yourself lucky, my friend, because normally you have to pay $49 just to read guides that are less good than this one. This is a real treat indeed. Now let‟s talk about penis. Your penis, to be exact. I„d bet that your woman has not said in your presence that a bigger penis feels much better during sex than a small penis. It‟s no surprise because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings.
  • 5. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 5 Copyright © All rights reserved. You see, one of the top complaints from women about their sex life is their partner's small penis size. So what can you do now to make sure your penis causes compliments, not complaints? Don‟t worry, I‟m here to help. If you want to know how to enlarge your penis, then doing exercises is one of most popular ways to increase the size of a man's penis. Nonetheless, there is some effort required - and a catch! By doing some penis enlargement exercises, you can train your penis to let more blood into it which will give you a harder erection and assist in penis growth if you follow the other necessary steps to cause big growth. (This is what the exercise "gurus" didn't want you to know!) But of course, exercises alone DON'T work. In the same way that your body does, your penis needs nutrients and biochemicals to repair itself and - more importantly for us - to grow. What's more, you can trick your body into restarting puberty style penis enlargement (i.e. natural growth) with biochemicals that were present in your body during puberty, but which left when it ended! When they left your body, penis growth ground to a sudden halt. A cool video all about biochemicals and their function in penis enlargement can be found at However, right now you can read this amazing free penis exercise ebook and start straight away to improve your sex life. What I can say is that this guide has been changing the way a bucket-load of men think about treating their "size" problem. Within a few minutes, you will learn how to become a much better lover with a bigger penis. Now enjoy this free report and please pass it on to your family and friends. Tell them about They need your help too. :) Let's get started! John Collins,
  • 6. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 6 Copyright © All rights reserved. Know Your Penis I'm not going to waste this space (and your valuable time) by telling you all about your penis. You know what a penis is already, right?! :) But there is some important stuff that you need to know if you want to make your penis bigger... As you know, the penis is not a muscle. It's also not a bone. Instead, it's made up of delicate spongy tissue which grew because biochemicals in your body made it bigger as you went through puberty. The most important thing you've gotta remember is that the penis isn't a muscle that can be exercised in the conventional way. BUT... You can use exercises to accelerate penis growth. And this free guide is all about those exercises which are most effective at accelerating the growth of your penis.
  • 7. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 7 Copyright © All rights reserved. Unlike muscle, your penis consists of three cylinders or tubes of tissue. These are arranged with two cylinders on top (as you look down on the penis) and one on the bottom. They are each roughly the size and shape of a pencil. Running through the bottom cylinder is the urethra, the tube through which urine and sperm pass. These cylinders of tissue are firmly held together by a wrap of tissue called Buck„s fascia. If you want to make your penis bigger then you have to enlarge these 3 cylinders and the Buck's fascia. Here's a diagram of the male sexual organs: Our objective is to make the shaft of your penis bigger in length and girth from the base all the way to the tip. When we do that you get a bigger penis. Penis exercises, unlike muscle exercises, are focused on trapping blood in the penis for longer than is natural. When I implemented my method of penis growth, this accelerated results and took me from a lowly 5” to a big 8”. This guide is focused on getting you gains that are between 2 and 4 inches personally. Before we look at the exercises themselves let's talk about measuring your penis...
  • 8. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 8 Copyright © All rights reserved. Measuring Your Penis The truth is, the majority of men have no idea how to measure penis length accurately. To accurately measure your penis is vital if you want to record the increases in size. Here are the steps to measure your penis size accurately so you can give yourself an honest measurement about how you jack up to the male average of six inches… FIRST.... find a measuring device. A cloth measuring tape works best. IF you can't find one - then a piece of string will do. After measuring yourself with a piece of string you can place that string along a wooden ruler or some other measuring device! (I hope that makes sense)
  • 9. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 9 Copyright © All rights reserved. IF your penis 'curves' or 'bends' [and many penises do!!] be sure to measure along the curve or bend. Don't measure STRAIGHT from your pubic bone to the tip of your penis - in other words! Now the fun part... GET ERECT! Take your measuring device and measure your penis from your pubic bone (the 'pubic bone' is the bone you feel when you press in the area that is covered by your pubic hairs). Don't press TOO hard - but hard enough to be firmly against that bone. Now hold your penis - if you have to! - and place the measuring device (whatever it is that your using) along the top of your penis. (That„s the part of your penis that YOU see!) You are measuring from the pubic bone along the TOP of the penis to the tip of your penis. THAT measurement [whether in inches, centimeters or millimeters] is your OFFICIAL length. The reason I suggest measuring FROM the pubic bone is because it puts every guy on a level playing field. It's a way of being more accurate. Some heavier guys have extra fat behind their pubic hairs - making the penis APPEAR smaller. But we're going for the scientific method to measure your actual size. If you are using a piece of string or whatever, find the distance from your pubic bone to the tip of your penis and then measure the piece of string. To measure the thickness or 'girth' or your penis - stay erect and find the thickest part of your penis (along the shaft). Take your measuring device and wrap it around your penis to get your actual girth measurement. Take note of how many inches, centimeters or millimeters it takes to go all the way around. That measurement will be the official girth of your penis. That's it. That's all there is to it. Now, onto the basics of exercises... J
  • 10. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 10 Copyright © All rights reserved. Penis Exercises: The Basics Penis exercises are a way of trapping blood in the penis. While some people sell systems on penis exercises this guide is free. And it's free because I'm not going to lie to you about penis exercises. I'm not here to make a quick buck. I was once where you are – trying to get a bigger penis – and I was scammed countless times. Here is what “gurus” who rip you off with exercise programs will tell you: o “Penis exercises are a great way to make your penis bigger. They're all you need to grow by 2-6 inches!!!”
  • 11. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 11 Copyright © All rights reserved. o “Buy my stuff!!!” o “Exercises work because the enlarge the blood vessels in the penis and then your penis can accommodate more blood. That means you get a bigger penis!!!” I gotta tell you right now though. That's total BS! What you need is the two-step biochemical method to penis enlargement. One of these steps is exercises. So here's what you need to know about exercises. This is basic exercises, advanced exercises and finally a schedule for when to do what. Here's what you need to know... Some men, all too eager to see gains, have gone straight in at the deep end and done harm to their penis by not following the routine structure. Please be careful! Warming up Just like any sports, warming up is very important to make sure that you protect your penis from any undue damage. If you fail to warm up properly then you're really putting a penis risk. I'll say it again, warming up is vital! First of all, you need to prepare your penis. Soak a washcloth in warm or hot water, then squeeze it out. Take the warm cloth and wrap it around the shaft of your penis (either flaccid or erect). Hold it right there for a minute, remove it, repeat at least twice. Next is to dry off your penis well. Many people have come up with different ways of warming up but I find the simplest to be dunking a towel in hot, but not boiling, water and wrapping it around your penis. The hotter the better – but please be careful not to burn yourself. Before you begin your daily exercises, you have to start off with this procedure for at least 5 minutes. The hot compress is useful because it draws blood to the area of your penis, thereby escalating the blood flow and making the skin more elastic. Another advantage is that this also ensures a good grip for the exercises you will be carrying out. Lubrication Lubrication is necessary for all of the techniques we recommend here. Using the right lubricant will help you avoid irritation to the sensitive skin of your love gear.
  • 12. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 12 Copyright © All rights reserved. There are many types of lubricants are used around the world. Of course, the most popular types are water-based personal lubricants. The water-based lubricants are so simple and easy to clean up, but tend to dry out quicker while you are exercising your penis. Therefore you may need to add more lube as you progress through your workout. While the petroleum-based lubricants are fine to use but they seem to be thicker and harder to clean up. Vaseline is the most popular of the petroleum-based lubricants, but we believe that Vig- RX oil works the best. This oil has been specially formulated to boost male enhancement. Now you are going to learn is standard stretching and standard Jelqing. Stretching Standard stretching involves stretching penis so that the ligaments get longer under penis therefore gains length. The purpose of this method is to create tension in the erectile tissues by stretching the skin of the penis while in an erect state. Not only does this make the skin of your penis slightly elastic, it also expands the amount of the space in your penis chambers, the corpora cavernosa. The higher the amount of blood that can fill these spaces results in an enlarging of the overall mass of your penis. Stretching is so simple that you need to do is stretch the penis to make it longer. This involves gripping the penis just below the head and stretching it out with force to the ligaments gain size. There are six stretches.  Stretch one: While sitting on the edge of a sofa or bed, begin stroking your penis using your thumb and forefinger (the same "a-ok" symbol used in our other methods).
  • 13. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 13 Copyright © All rights reserved. Pulling the penis directly in front of you. You put the penis out directly in front of you from 30 to 40 seconds. As you stroke the penis from the base toward the head, maintain a firm grip and stretch the skin as best as you can.  Stretch two: you put the penis directly down for 30 to 40 seconds.  Stretch three: people the penis directly up for 30 to 40 seconds.  Stretch four: you pull the penis directly to the left for 30 to 40 seconds.  Stretch five: you pull the penis directly to the right for 30 to 40 seconds.  Stretch six: you rotate the penis all the way in a circular movement for 30 to 40 seconds. Repeat each direction 2-3 times. With these six stretches all you have to do is four sets of each everyday. Only do this after you have warmed up correctly. After you've finished the exercise you can release the grip on the base of your penis. You should feel the blood begin flowing again. Go ahead, you may ejaculate at this point if you feel the urge. Remember to use a firm grip and enough lubrication, always exercise caution! Do not grip your penis too tight so that you lose the circulation. If you are in pain or feel any discomfort, then you are doing the technique in the wrong way. Read the instructions again and retry the technique slowly. Jelqing Stretching exercises are useful for lengthening your penis. But in order for one man to increase the circumference, you have to perform stretching exercise while your penis is in a partially-erect state. Jelqing is the technique that develops the whole penis so that its length, thickness, weight, and density all become proportionately enlarged. Jelqing (also called "milking") is actually one of those ancient practices that has been performed for centuries by various tribes and cultures around the world. It's considered the most successful method of enlarging the penis. These “milking” exercises could force the blood into your penis. Over the course of several months, the blood spaces in the penis will gain volume. In other words; they can hold more blood. As a result, your penis gets larger.
  • 14. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 14 Copyright © All rights reserved. Jelqing is slightly different from stretching. Standards Jelqing involves forcing blood through the shaft of the penis by using your hand to trap it so that the blood vessels expand. The standards jelq, the one that you'll be using for the first number of weeks, requires that you make a shape with your thumb and forefinger. To make this easier to explain simply make an okay symbol with your hand. The 'O' that you create through doing this will form the basis of your jelq. The Standards jelq involves gripping the penis at the very base, squeezing tightly, and milking penis as you would a cow so that blood is forced to the tip. Standard jelqs should each last 3 seconds from the base to the tip. 1. Apply your lubricant all over the skin of your penis. Keep your lubricant close by since you will want it to last for as long as you need it. Don‟t use the soap because it tends to dry the skin. 2. With your thumb and forefinger, squeeze the base of the penis shaft. Pull downward. Stop at the head. Repeat, alternating hands. Each stroke should last about three seconds. The stimulation will certainly help you reach an erection. 3. When your penis becomes semi-erect (not fully-erect), make the "A-OK" sign with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. With this hand, grip tightly around the base of your penis. 4. Now starting from the base, pull the penis gently yet firm. Stretch downward and outward. You have to maintain your semi-erect penis at this point. Make certain to start from the base the head with each stroke. Note that the head of your penis will get bigger with blood. 5. Switch to your right hand and repeat the stroke, starting from the base and stretching downward to the head. Alternate both hands in a smooth rhythmic ("milking") movement, touching upon every part of the penis except the very top part of the penis head. This is the very foundation of jelqing. Don‟t forget that jelqing exercises are not performed during fully-hard erection. Make sure that your penis is between half to 3/4 erect. Results cannot be obtained until a partial erection is present. After this exercise has been done for quite some time, you will notice that your penis appears both longer and thicker. This is a fact. And we can assure you that from within one to several months of routine exercise, your penis will emerge quite huge; this is due to the impaction of blood in the penile tissues.
  • 15. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 15 Copyright © All rights reserved. Carefully choose ONE of these jelqing exercise techniques that you feel comfortable with to include in your daily routine. PC Muscle Workout What nearly everyone doesn‟t know is that the pubococcygeus muscle (pyoo-bo- cocksee-gee-us) or PC muscle plays a critical role in the functioning of the penis. The pubococcygeus muscle is actually a group of muscles that run from the pubic bone to the tailbone. The PC muscle is the muscle you bring into play to stop the flow of urine from the bladder. It is also the muscle that contracts whenever you ejaculate, moving the semen up through the penis and out of the body. The PC muscle is a busy little muscle, you know? But as far as most men are concerned, it is still grossly unknown. Mastering the techniques of male multiple orgasms is easy once you know how to train your pubococcygeus muscle. When you urinate and you want to get the last drop out, you use your PC muscle in the opposite direction. By doing this you'll feel your anus open and the feeling will be somewhat different. Most men can do Kegels anywhere, since they're seldom aroused by the exercises. Continued over a lifetime, the exercises can help men and women avoid urinary incontinence as they age. That, plus greater arousal, enhanced orgasms and longer- lasting sex, make Kegels one of the simplest, most beneficial exercises a man or woman can do throughout their lifetime. Be careful though. Using your PC muscle can have negative effects. If you produce too much testosterone then you will find that you ejaculate prematurely. However if you follow our guidelines you will actually enhance your ejaculation control. The basics of the PC muscle work out involve you clenching your muscle as hard as you can for a certain amount of time. To find the muscle in question all you have to do is stop the flow of urine when you are in the toilet. In the e-mails that we send you we will give you an exact routine every week.
  • 16. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 16 Copyright © All rights reserved. Penis Exercises: Stepping It Up A Gear (Advanced Exercises) These next exercises are more advanced. You will use these as your penis becomes more used to being exercised in this way. They introduce more strain to the penis. If you were to use more advanced exercises immediately then you would do far more damage than good. The stretches and jelqs are slightly more complex. You will not be using these exercises for a number of weeks. You will be e-mailed exactly what you should be doing that week, and these exercises will make up a part of your later routines. Advanced Stretching Advanced stretching it's just different ways of forming stretching exercises. They stretch different parts of the penis. The Wrist Stretch The wrist stretch is a way of applying pressure to the middle section of your penis mid- stretch. It stretches the ligaments more authority, but could also do more damage to your penis if your penis hasn't been trained by doing the simpler exercises first. The Wrist Stretch involves gripping your penis just below the head, as with the standard stretch, and stretching penis directly in front of you, to the left, to the right, up and down. To add more pressure to this stretch, you take the wrist of your free hand and apply pressure to middle of your shaft as you stretch before force. So, if you were stretching to the left, you would apply the wrist pressure on the left hand side of your shaft. If you were stretching up, you would apply wrist pressure to the other side of your shaft. If you stretching down, it would apply pressure to the bottom etc. Please don't attempt the Wrist Stretch unless directed by one of our e-mails. The Big Seated Stretch This is a very long stretch for those of you who have time and privacy. Each stretch takes 10 minutes to complete. By that I mean literally 10 minutes of nonstop stretching.
  • 17. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 17 Copyright © All rights reserved. To perform the stretch, grip your penis while seated by raising one leg up and putting your hand underneath it then gripping just below the head. Then, pull with full force and hold for 10 minutes. For the next set, lift up your other leg and using your other hand repeat the process. The Big Squeeze The Big Squeeze is placed in this section because it is more a stretch than a Jelq. This routine simply involves squeezing your penis by putting it on the table, and using the flattened palm of your hand, push down on the penis. For this you push firmly by placing one hand on top of the other and using all your weight to squash the penis. You separate the penis into the upper and lower parts, and push down on each for 45 seconds Advance Jelqing Advanced Jelqing is for those of you who want to see big girth and length gains. We've already seen standard Jelqing, but these advanced techniques will do much more to improve your size. You will notice there are quite a lot of Jelqing exercises that you can do. After you have completed our program, you will be a pro, and then you can develop your own jelqs. However, by the end of our program you will probably have reached the size that you desire anyway -- so you can forget all about Jelqing! Most Jelqing improves your length and girth. Stretching is reserved for length gains, but then length can also be obtained from Jelqing correctly. However, the main reason for using Jelqing is to improve your girth. The Double-Handed Jelq Erection strength: 95% This is a variation of the standard jelq, the difference lies in using both of your hands instead of one. What you must to his start a standard jelq using your right hand, moving it up your shaft by about an inch, then with your other hand grip at the very base i.e. where your first hand started. Your left-hand is being used to trap the blood.
  • 18. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 18 Copyright © All rights reserved. Now, with your right hand, jelq all the way up to just below the head of your penis. At this stage lots of blood will be trapped. Now, to gain length, finish your jelq with the first hand (your right hand) and slowly move your left hand up to just below the head. Then, take your right hand and gripped the very base again and continue this cycle. Important things to remember: your penis must be, and remain 95% erect. Only ever do this exercise after you have warmed up properly. This exercise is mainly for length gains, but by making a small variation you can turn it into a girth jelq. That is what we shall be looking at now... The Double-Handed Girth Jelq Erection strength: 95% This Jelqing exercise is designed solely for improving girth. Start as you did the previous exercise -- so that your hands are either end (one at base, one just below the head). The only difference with this exercise compared to the last one is that this is your starting point. Now all you have to do, when there is lots of blood trapped in your penis, is to slowly push to hands together while maintaining a tight grip. What you will notice is that your shaft is being expanded as the blood is forced outwards. This is held for 30-60 seconds. Important things to remember: again, your penis must be, and remain, 95% erect. Only ever do this exercise after you have warmed up properly. The Double-Handed Girth Bend Erection strength: 95% This exercise is similar to the last. With one hand at either end of your shaft, literally bend the penis forwards slowly, ruling it so that the bend moves from top to the bottom. Do this for 30-45 seconds. Repeat the exercise but in reverse i.e. bend it the other way. The Ultimate Girth Jelq Erection strength: 95%
  • 19. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 19 Copyright © All rights reserved. Similar to the Double-Handed Girth Jelq, the object of this is to force your hands closer until they almost touch. The time spent on the movement from each end of your shaft to the center point should be 30-45 seconds. You can concentrate on different parts of your penis shaft while doing this. If you want to see more gains at the base than simply don't move your base and. If you want to see more gains closer to the tip, then don't move your upper hand. You can mix up the exercise depending on whether your girth gains are level or different at different points of your penis. Important things to remember: 95% erection. Ensure that you warm up. Warming Down Each step of exercises should be ended with a gentle massage and a warming down session with the help of a hot towel. When you give a massage to your penis and apply some heat to it, it helps healing and rebuilding of the cell tissue. You see, heat promotes faster growth of tissue cells and it restores the sensibility problems you may have had during your enlargement exercises. So after each exercise, you have to massage your penis softly for about 1 minute. You should perform a soft and circular motion with your forefinger and middle finger along the base and the shaft of the penis. Be very gentle with your moves here since your penis has just been through some serious hard workout. Following the massage session, you should apply another hot towel around your penis, just like you did for the warm up. This part of the practice is as essential as the first one because the heat will stimulate the damaged parts and will make them function well again.
  • 20. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 20 Copyright © All rights reserved. Penis Exercises: The Schedule This is the schedule that you can start today. Alone, it won't have any affect. Until you have assimilated all of the required nutrients and biochemicals into your body, you will just get improved erections and maybe a very small amount of growth. Usually it takes 10 weeks to see real gains, but you will notice a harder penis after a few weeks. Biochemical growth will cause rapid growth – it's what worked for me when I finally - after years of trying – stumbled upon the secret to getting a bigger penis. But exercises increased the speed at which I gained by about 22% when those biochemicals were present. Here is the exact exercise schedule that I used...
  • 21. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 21 Copyright © All rights reserved. Exercises Weeks 1-3 Time spent on exercises per day: 15-20 minutes. Gently massage your penis and surrounding area with a warm cloth. You want to loosen up your penis and the muscles around it. Do this for 2-3 minutes. Standard stretching is the only way to begin! For this hold each stretch (outwards, up, down, left, right and around) for 30 seconds. Your penis must be flaccid to do this or you will hurt yourself. Go through this cycle twice. Exercise you PC muscle in the process by flexing it in the manner similar to controlling your bladder flow. This technique helps you preclude premature ejaculation. After 20 minutes, give your penis a rest. Wrap a warm towel around your penis and then repeat the routine after a few minutes of sufficient rest. Now continue on to the standard jelq. Do this for 10 minutes, and then warm down. Perform these exercises 5 days a week. Give yourself the weekend (or any two days) off. You will notice that your erections become harder and you may see a little growth. In week 3 spend 10 minutes doing the Double-Handed Jelq as well. Exercises to use: Standard Stretching Standard Jelqing Weeks 4-5 Time spent on exercises per day: 15-20 minutes. Exercises to use: Standard Stretching Take a seat with you back vertically straight and mare sure to lubricate you penis. With one hand, grab the base of your penis squeezing the
  • 22. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 22 Copyright © All rights reserved. penis shaft as you move towards the penile head. Once there, use your other hand and start anew. Do the squeezing routine for 3-5 seconds as you moved from the penis base to the head. Repeat this action over a 5 minute period without attaining a full erection or ejaculation. Standard Jelqing Gently encircle your penis and moving your hand up to the head, concentrate of pushing the blood up the penis. On reaching the head of your penis, take your other hand to the base and perform the same motion with your other hand. The Wrist Stretch Grip your penis firmly just below the head and stretch it gently to the left, to the right, up and down. Repeat this technique for about 5 minutes. The Big Squeeze Place your penis on the table, squeeze and put pressure on your penis with your palm firmly. But don‟t be so hard on your penis. Keep repeating this for about 2 minutes. Weeks 6-8 At the end of this cycle you will have your body at its optimum. This is the last transitional stage. Because of that you shouldn't do everything yet. However, you can split your exercises into morning and night. You should do more advanced, intensive jelqs and stretches as your penis starts to get ready for growth. Spend between 20-30 minutes a day exercising. Now you can do everything but the Ultimate Girth Jelq and the Double-Handed Girth Bend. If at this stage you have already begun to see growth then by all means do the others. You'll now know the feeling of a good workout so you will know which exercises you respond to best. Also, mix up what you do. Keep your routines fresh for the best results.
  • 23. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 23 Copyright © All rights reserved. Week 8 Well done, my friend! You have been through a great experience towards enlarging your penis. Don‟t get too excited though because your first week is nothing. But now you can create your own routine. You‟ll have noticed what you respond to best. Tailor-make your exercises and growth will happen. Spend at least 15 minutes a day on intense workouts. Note: Before any exercise you have to warm up and afterwards you have to warm down.
  • 24. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 24 Copyright © All rights reserved. Conclusion That's the basis of penis exercises! This is a complete part of the system that I discovered (almost by accident!) which caused my penis to get bigger by 3 inches in length and 2 in girth. Why am I sharing this? I'm sharing this information because some really sneaky “gurus” are selling this information and making a profit out of it. That would be cool, and I'd be fine with it if it worked. But, here's the thing, it doesn't on its own! I personally wasted hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on penis enlargement stuff. And ALL of it failed until I stumbled upon the solution that worked wonders for me. So, this free guide is here to stop you getting ripped off. I am not a wealthy guy and at some points when I shelled out a fortune on these products I was really frickin' poor. So if I help one guy save a bit of money and get better educated then I think this guide is a good thing. So how do natural size gains happen? I've said exercises accelerate growth, and here's how my complete system worked for me. Please remember that I'm not an expert! I'm just a regular dude who found
  • 25. Penis Enlargement Bible Page 25 Copyright © All rights reserved. something that's worked incredibly well for me and the few people I shared this info with. The way that my biochemical method works is by making your penis naturally grow. All you need to do is to restart the production of certain biochemicals in the body. These biochemicals were responsible for growth when you were going through puberty, and can be made to be produced in the body now, just like they were then. If you can do this then you will begin penis growth. Most people don't know about this vital technique because the enlargement industry makes much more money selling very expensive methods which don't deliver results. However, getting your body ready to make your penis bigger is the only way (other than surgery) that you can cause real gains in your penis size. That is the reason why other products (as you probably have discovered) fail, because they ignore this highly important aspect of growth. The way to make your penis bigger is by getting those biochemicals (which caused penis growth during puberty) back in the body. Then: BOOM! You will start to see gains. If you guys are interested in this then let me know. If you're not part of my members email list then sign up now - and you can email me directly from there! It's at If you guys want these secrets badly enough then I'll tell you them! I would rather that than you getting scammed by the big businesses like I did. All the best. Your friend, John Collins
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  • 38. Penile Size Chart Frequently Used Expressions. (Well, a number of them are) A GLOSSARY OF CIRCUMCISION AND THE MOVEMENT TO END IT. Ar. = Arabic; Fr. = French; Heb. = Hebrew; Gk = Greek; L. = Latin; pl. = plural; pr = reported In Ar. Phrases a capital letter manner a consonant has a dot underneath it, a vowel has a macron over it. LISTS: (Glossary of the intact penis: Penile Anatomy; Skinonyms ) Surgical Circumcision Other Surgery Ritual Circumcision Restoration Intactivism Abbreviations. Back to the Intactivism index page. SURGICAL CIRCUMCISION. Remove. (ablation = removal) (L., = convey away) The situation of having been circumcised; circumcision, especially as a BDSM (Bondage & Discipline / Sadism $ Masochism) practice. (Gk acu- = point, cull- = reduce, -phallia = of the penis) The condition of being sexually aroused only by way of circumcised males. (Gk acu- = factor, cull- = cut, -philia = love) One-piece circumcision tool (seemingly based totally on a bottle-opener or cork puller). A blunt probe at one cease to tear the synechia, to split the foreskin from the glans, and at the other quit a damaged ring that can be slid inside the foreskin. The main device is then slid down the probe to weigh down and cut the foreskin in one motion. More (Apparently from accu[rate]+circ[umcision]. The root of "correct" is L. Cura , care) adamant father syndrome. The circumstance of being determined to circumcise one's son "to appear to be me" no matter all difficulty or argument. First and second individual statements from and about adamant dad and mom and others. Alexithymia A state of deficiency in know-how, processing, or describing feelings. Bollinger & Van Howe have studied whether or not circumcision causes alexithymia. (Gk a-=with out, lexis= word, thumos=soul, as seat of emotion, feeling, and notion, literally "with out phrases for feelings", coined by psychotherapist Peter Sifneos in 1973) anasagnosia A neurological situation related to lesions in the mind, inflicting the incapability to comprehend elements of one's very own frame as one's very own, sometimes called Anton's Syndrome. Bizarre and dramatic whilst the component is an arm or a leg, the affected person reveals their very own limb foreign and disgusting, and from time to time wishs to amputate it. (See "A Leg to Stand On" by Oliver Sacks, 1984, p 53) The possibility arises that this may practice to a man's foreskin, ensuing in a desire to be circumcised. Trade name (of Organogenesis Inc.) for a skin-tissue cultured from human foreskins. Others are Dermagraft (TM) , OrCel (TM) and TranCyte (TM) . Ethical issues involved within the change in foreskins, especially their ownership, are generally neglected. One foreskin generates a huge amount of the tissue, however that could be no excuse if any other tissue were worried. Excellent substitutes are typically utilized in non-circumcising countries. Both corporations filed for bankrupcy protection late in 2002; Organogenesis seems to have recovered. An asymmetrical circumcision is one that leaves more pores and skin putting off one facet than the opposite, as inside the case of child Flatt. A not often-mentioned unaesthetic downside to circumcision. If carried out earlier than puberty, it becomes less prominent after. The end result of circumcision achieved by means of scientific students / interns / residence surgeons as part of their training. Term coined with the aid of John Geisheker of Doctors Opposing Circumcision. (from beta, second letter of the Greek alphabet, subsequently beta testing, 2nd stage of soltware checking out, by using customers in place of programmers) Euphemism for an extremely low, tight circumcision in which the maximum amount of mucosa is eliminated and the scar lies inside the sulcus. Causes the best lack of erogenous tissue. The penis's proprietor may not agree that it's miles lovely. A circumcised guy (UK slang, additionally a term of abuse, specially for top-elegance men, "toffs") See also bellend. Instrument used for haemostasis in freehand circumcision. They resemble double-performing bolt-cutters and might actually reduce bone, so damage to the glans from this method become no longer uncommmon - specifically because the glans could not be seen after they had been applied. Ulcers on the urethral meatus, as a result of ammonia burns to the unprotected tissue (the ammonia generated through the breakdown of urine). When the ulcers heal, the scar formation causes meatal stenosis. The mindset that the foreskin is "more" and circumcision is the norm, from which being "uncircumcised" deviates. (from circumcision + orthodoxy, coined by using Hugh Young, June 14, 2011) See additionally circumcisionism. Person with a compulsion to circumcise. Hence also circopathy , the compulsion to circumcise; and circopathology , the psychological basis of that compulsion. (coined with the aid of Gary Harryman on July thirteen, 2001) A euphemism for MGM, but typically used to mean cutting off the entire of the foreskin. It might also leave much less or extra of the internal mucosa and of the frenulum (see high, low, free and tight.), at the whim of the circumcisor, to the more or lesser detriment of the man or woman circumcised. Circumcision isn't always medicinal drug. It isn't "surgical procedure" either, within the eyes of many. It is a "method" -- a vast time period that encompasses things like eliminating a splinter, adjusting a spine, lysing a foreskin, or appearing the Heimlich maneuver. What are the guidelines governing the safety, efficacy and necessity of "approaches"? Pretty vague. If circumcision have been surgery, or even actual remedy, it'd need a ton of hints, such as how lots tissue to eliminate, what elements (just like the frenulum) to preserve or excise, and a way to acquire a "neat" cut. There doesn't even exist a actual definition of what circumcision is, due to the fact there is no way to continually pick out the organ or tissue being removed. It's now not like appendectomy or tonsillectomy, where the purpose is apparent. There isn't any dotted line indicating where the foreskin ends and the shaft pores and skin begins. Circumcisions are like snowflakes; no are exactly alike. And those fathers who insist on having their sons circumcised to "appear like them" do not recognise the remarkable odds against the circumcisions being some thing like their very own. "Circumcision" is not a particular operation. It isn't like a vasectomy or the extraction of a know-how tooth. Circumcision is merely a vague term that says "a person went after the give up of my toddler's penis with a probe, knife and/or clamp". Fathers are not actually signing up for Junior's penis to match -- what do you inform the dad who has no clean scar to talk of, but the son has a thick, Gomco- brought about racing stripe around his johnson? The dad with an all-American "excessive-'n-tight" job whose son is handed lower back to him with a loose, bunched reduce (as occurs extra regularly these days)? With 30 years among the processes and modifications in strategies, how can a dad realistically expect the attack on his son's penis to be similar to the attack on his very own? Circumcision is not anything more than how a given medical doctor, on a given day, could hack away at the tissue of a regular, healthy penis. No doctors do it precisely the same; no two boys have exactly the equal anatomy to work on. Clamps and bells were brought in an try to bring some consistency to the "procedure", however even they're now not
  • 39. continuously carried out. Doctors can nevertheless pull the skin tighter, can nonetheless slip and slice a glans, can nonetheless reason grievous hemorrhage. Given that this isn't always a important surgical operation in any experience on wholesome kids, it's miles sincerely not possible to do it "properly". There is not any "properly" on the subject of circumcision inside the absence of sickness or deformity (from harm, and so on.). We all just hack at the bits as high-quality we are able to, attempting to expose the glans, and then inform the mother and father that it's 'achieved'." (L. Circumc isn't always an option.) The attitude that the foreskin is "more" and circumcision is the norm, from which being "uncircumcised" deviates. (coined by way of Travis Wisdom, June, 2011) See additionally circodoxy. Not to be harassed with the above: in theology, phrases regarding the connection among the 3 Persons of the Trinity (L. Circum, around + in + sedere, to sit; or incedere, to move). Torture-board with straps to maintain down a toddler sensibly struggling against being circumcised. Advertisement (". Velcro straps . [deprive] him/her of leverage. The infant is held . With out threat of break out. ). See keratinisation. (L. Cornus = horn) A useful reminder that the circumcised glans hardens like a employee's hands (but watch out for the double which means of "horny"). Looking for a correlation in which none exists with the aid of studying facts greater fastidiously, for example extracting information for a (small) subsample within the look for a connection among "lack of circumcision" and some disorder. This vein terminates within the foreskin. After circumcision it ought to locate such connections as it could. On erection it swells (becomes varicose) in a circumcised penis but hardly ever or much less so in an intact one - indicating that circumcision dramatically alters the circulation of the penis. Gaping open of a wound. A worry of circumcision, particularly when performed with a Gomco clamp. Click right here for a primary-hand account. (L. Gaping aside) Trade name (of Advanced Tissue Sciences Inc. - in liquidation) for a skin-tissue cultured from human foreskins. See Apligraf (TM) . The use of power to cauterise (burn) reduce tissues, seal blood vessels and so save you bleeding. Electrocautery devices can be bipolar (wherein the strength flows among carefully spaced electrodes) or unipolar, wherein one electrode is placed at the frame faraway from the surgery. Unipolar electrocautery must by no means be used on an extremity together with the finger or penis because the heating impact takes region along its whole duration. Several circumcisions done this way have resulted in ablation of the penis. In the case of David Reimer, using an electrocautery tool with a metal clamp in place contributed to the harm. Epidermal inclusion cyst. A rare worry of circumcision, wherein an outer layer of pores and skin is folded into the circumcision scar, which develops an enclosed mass of tissue. A tubular difficulty of circumcision, as while a skin br > foreskin regression. The re-covering of the glans with the aid of the foreskin remnant in older men who've had a low and/or loose circumcision, as a result of the natural shrinking of the penis. In some cases and in bloodless situations, this could cause the arrival of intactness. Frankenpenis Circumcised penis, on account that it is artificial, and implying it's far tremendous (Germany, from Franken[stein's creature]+ penis, in line with Andy on Network54, May 12, 2012) (circumcision) with out a cause-designed clamp. One is proven on every other web page. Giorgi removal of the foreskin from a healthful child, whether or not surgical or ritual. (Coined by using San Francisco Intactivists, July 28, 2011, after Loretta Giorgi, San Francisco choose who struck down a circumcision poll to shield non secular hobbies, due to the fact doctors also do it.) A circumcision tool together with a metallic bell and a flat plate with a hole in it, brought collectively via a screw to use circular crushing and fusing pressure at the placement of excision. Greater. (from GOldstein Manufacturing COmpany, later Gomco Surgical Manufacturing Co.) prevention of bleeding. (Gk., blood stopping) lockable scissors-like clamp utilized in freehand circumcision. It crushes the foreskin distal to the glans, and the skin is cut with a scalpel distal to it. It may additionally inadvertantly weigh down the tip of the glans as nicely, and with the aid of squeezing the cylindrical foreskin flat at handiest one cease, can seldom make certain a fair reduce. A hassle of too-tight circumcision in which bushy scrotal pores and skin is drawn directly to the penile shaft. A circumcision is called "high" when greater shaft-skin and much less mucosa is eliminated. This leaves the scar especially excessive up the flacc >Picture of excessive circumcison Picture of low circumcison. Overgrown, of scarring that has thickened (Gk, excess growth) (Damage) because of a doctor (or nurse or parent) eg, phimosis caused by untimely try to retract the foreskin. (Gk. Iatros = physician) 'It took weeks for Alex to be returned to his old self' Alison Westbury is mom to two boys and a girl. When her eldest son Alex become born, he suffered from phimosis and his foreskin changed into very tight. At the age of seven he had a circumcision. "Alex became born with a very tight foreskin. [ This is normal.] It couldn�t be retracted back over the penis [ normal ] and became hard to smooth. It also prompted him to have repeated infections [ No, it was the misguided attempts to retract it that exposed the surfaces to infection ] wherein we might should supply him antibiotics or special cream. We talked to the health worker about it while he was younger and he or she informed us to hold an eye on it. But as he grew, it become still a hassle. For a few purpose, he�d get extra infections at some point of the summer time � perhaps because he became hot and sweaty. [ Because chlorine in swimming pools upset the normal bacterial balance under his foreskin. ] "We talked to our GP and he sa >[ wrong ] when he became secure and inside the bathtub, but this glaringly hurt him and it didn�t make things any higher, so we didn�t try that very regularly. "In the give up, when it became apparent that it wasn�t getting any better, we were referred to a representative on the sanatorium who endorsed an operation. He said it was higher to do it early. If we waited till Alex become older, it might be a miles larger operation with an extended healing time. If we didn�t do something, we have been informed he�d preserve getting infections and he may not be capable of have a full intercourse life. "We have been given a choice of either a circumcision or a different operation called a preputioplasty, in which the foreskin is reduce to permit it to retract. My husband determined that a circumcision might be a higher choice. As Alex�s foreskin was very tight, we weren�t positive how a preputioplasty could appearance and idea that if it appeared distinctive, it might embarrass Alex while he changed into older. "We talked to Alex about the operation a chunk, but he became very embarrassed, so in the long run we didn�t inform him an excessive amount of. . "When the anaesthetic wore off, Alex became very sore. It turned into too sore for him to put on pants and shorts, so he spent a couple of weeks after the op sporting his dad�s T- shirts. It become hard to stop him f >[ Finding an important par. Penile Size Chart of your penis missing also has that effect. ]
  • 40. "I hadn�t been given any information approximately what to do after the operation, and Alex was very nervous approximately whether or not it would hurt while he urinated. I wasn�t really certain what to do, so I�d been getting Alex to urinate within the tub to attempt to make it less complicated for him. However, when I spoke to the health center (due to the fact the wound saved bleeding), they said it became the wrong issue to do and I ought to be preserving it dry. "It took approximately weeks for Alex to become himself again. It stopped hurting after the wound had dried up, and after 3 weeks he changed into again at school and going swimming together with his class. "He's very conscious that his penis appears one of a kind to other boys� of his age and that it can look a chunk smaller. But when he instructed his high-quality buddy that he�d had an operation, his friend simply said, �Well, we are able to�t all be the identical�, which I suppose has helped to reassure him a piece." Bias at the a part of physicians and the scientific community to intervene, whether or not it's far with pills, diagnostic assessments, non-invasive approaches, or surgical procedures, whilst now not intervening might be an inexpensive alternative. The Case for Intervention Bias in the Practice of Medicine. Andrew J. Foy, MD, and Edward J. Filippone, MD. Conclusion In conclusion, intervention bias is a hassle in cutting-edge medicine. It corrupts the informed selection-making procedure and leads physicians to adopt futile and potentially harmful interventions and maintain the usage of them after their blessings have been disproven. Futile interventions situation patients to unnecessary physical damage and consequently violate the principle of �primum non nocere.� From an economic perspective, the adoption and full- size use of such interventions confers a personal and social welfare loss. Penile Size Chart Recognition is the first step towards overcoming bias, and physicians ought to recognize the constraints that intervention bias poses to the exercise of drugs. To protect towards it, we should usually stay skeptical, insist on rigorous experimentation and reporting of trials that involve tough endpoints, and be unafraid to protest the extensive usage of interventions that do not skip this take a look at. Restriction of blood supply, a worry of circumcision. (Gk. Isch- = restrict, haema = blood) Of scars, pulling on the pores and skin (Gk chele, a claw). The time period also refers to extremes of hypertrophic scarring, an extraordinary difficulty of circumcision. Hardening of the mucosa of the glans after circumcision, leading to reduced sensitivity. (Gk. Keras = horn) All pores and skin has a layer of dead cells at the outer surface of the outer main layer, the epidermis. These useless cells are in large part made from a dried-up fibrous protein referred to as keratin that was part of the internal skeleton of the residing cells, before they matured and died on their manner toward the surface. Therefore, human beings talk of keratinisation of the various elements of the penile pores and skin. What they're interested in is the hypothesis that, in view that this accretion makes the pores and skin watertight in each instructions and keeps out all other foreign matter (i.E. Acts as a barrier), the thicker this deposit the much more likely it's far to hold out invading organisms, along with viruses. Hence the obsession with keratin by people who agree with that the inner foreskin does no longer have sufficient keratin to provide a barrier in opposition to HIV. And the longstanding factoid that circumcision dries-up the closing mucous membranes (the internal floor of the foreskin and glans) suggests to the circumcision sponsors that boom in the depth of keratin effects, thereby growing protection. This is the underlying speculation for the organic mechanism at the back of the findings in Africa. However, a Chicago take a look at showed the inner layer to have thicker keratin than the outer (25.37 +/- 12.Fifty one vs 20.Fifty four +/- 12.51 mm, respectively; P = 0.451). If those figures were showed with the aid of any other have a look at with enough electricity for importance, they would entirely 'rot-up' the keratinisation-with-circ protection mechanism argument of the darkside. A Chinese take a look at disproves the opinion (frequently expressed with the aid of the seasoned-circumcision lobby) that Langerhans cells are extra plentiful in the internal mucosa than the outer pores and skin. It discovered the exact opposite.Outer foreskin is simply the extension of the shaft pores and skin over the glans to the preputial orifice. A circumcision (whether "high" or "low") is referred to as "free" when the penis's proprietor is allowed to preserve extra of his pores and skin and/or mucosa. A low and loose circumcision may additionally resemble a evidently brief foreskin, however even the loosest of conventional circumcisions will nevertheless get rid of all of the r >Picture of loose circumcison Picture of tight circumcison. A circumcision is known as "low" while extra mucosa and less shaft-skin is removed. This leaves the scar incredibly low down the flacc >Picture of low circumcison Picture of high circumcison. Rotation of the shaft-skin with recognize to the glans at some point of circumcision, causing the raphe no longer to line up with the frenulum. A life-long aesthetic blemish, effortlessly devoted (when the shaft is included in blood) with the aid of a health practitioner who may not even understand that it is a possibility. (L. = horrific putting collectively) Narrowing of the meatus, a completely not unusual worry of circumcision. Click for large. Ulcer at the meatus, a totally common problem of circumcision. Inflammation of the meatus, one of the viable consequences of circumcision. Operation to accurate meatal stenosis via enlarging the opening of the meatus. In the 19th century, meatal stenosis after circumcision, and consequently meatotomy, became so common that in Jewish folklore, meatotomy changed into called the "2nd circumcison". (Van Howe, R. S. And Cold, C. J.: Etiology of idiopathic anterior urethritis. Urology, 53: 658, 1999) A circumcision tool together with flat blades introduced collectively and held through a rotating cam. It then closes to overwhelm the foreskin earlier than it's miles cut. Described as "the least painful approach" even though there is no reason this have to be so, and "capable of be used with out preceding experience." . Greater (Heb. = protect) Death of tissue. (adj. Necrotic) "Galloping gangrene", a possible consequence of circumcision. Newborn child. (adj. Neonatal) nerve pressure principle. 18 th -19 th Century principle whereby "anxious ether" radiating from the brain set the body in motion. "Nerve pressure" turned into believed to circulate within the frame just like the 4 humours, and a shortage or an excess, believed to motive ailment. "Irritability" (i.E. Sensitivity, however stressed with irritation) of the genitals caused an imbalance in nerve pressure. Thus masturbation became to be condemned and prevented on health in addition to moral grounds. See additionally reflex theory. Abnormal increase of a nerve, particularly at a reduce end, a trouble of circumcision, inflicting confusion of sensations. (Gk neur- = nerve -oma = growth. Pl neuromata, neuromas) sanatorium-obtained (contamination). (from Gk, nosokomeion , clinic) See also iatrogenic. Nerve specialised for the detection of painful stimuli. (L. Nocere, to harm + [re]ceptor) Brand name of foreskin-derived tissue, like Apligraf (TM)
  • 41. Peyronie's ailment (Peyronie's fibroid) A plaque of dense tissue within the penis causing painful erections and deformity, along with a unethical penis (in lots of cases a canine-leg or "J" shape, or twisting the penis around almost a complete 360 tiers - a corkscrew) whilst erect. A man with Peyronie's "can pee round a tree". An image of Peyronies, from the American Academy of Family Physicians' internet site. (The penis proven is circumcised). True Peyronie's is extraordinarily rare and does not have any regarded dating to circumcision. The condition can be inherited or the result of trauma, even minor. A easy curve of the penis, however, could be the result of, or worsened via, a circumcision performed extra poorly than usual. A video of an operation for Peyronie's disease. A disposable circumcision tool which includes a grooved plastic dome (with a handle, designed to be broken off) placed under the foreskin (which should be slit and forcibly separated from the glans to allow entry). A ligature (thread) is tied tightly around the foreskin, crushing it into the groove, causing it to emerge as necrotic (to die) and drop off. Extra. [moved link] Medical Gk for circumcision (posthe = foreskin, -ectomy = cutting off) pseudo-foreskin False foreskin; may additionally confer with an artificial foreskin made to conceal circumcision (as devised by means of the boy Roman Polanski as a defence in opposition to detection by way of Nazis) an articificial foreskin made to re-sensitize the glans (eg the Manhoodâ„¢) shaft pores and skin that pushes over the glans in vintage age because the shaft shrinks and/or the fat pad at the bottom of the penis grows a secondary foreskin grown via recuperation strategies (this usage isn't always favoured by means of restorers). (Gk pseudo- = fake) More than a person (apart from the owner) feels secure with. There is not any rule about how an awful lot foreskin anybody should be blessed with. (Well, maybe if it journeys him up while he walks. ) Babies and small boys pretty usually have as a whole lot as 1cm (zero.5 in) of overhang. This has been better defined as "ample foreskin". Parents who're concerned that their son has an excessive amount of foreskin must be informed, "Don't worry, he'll develop into it." In infants, �redundancy of the foreskin is not unusual [and] everyday; the skin awaits the development of the corpora cavernosa and spongiosum so that it will occur at puberty. - "Some observations On the anatomy of phimosis", Geoffrey Jefferson, M. S. LOND., F. R. C. S., (ENG.), VICTORIA, B. C. Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics (Chicago), Volume 23, Number 2: pages 177-181, August 1916. Mid-19 th to early 20 th Century concept that "nervous connections regulated all bodily organs and contributors impartial of human will and that ailment in an organ or body element should produce consequences at remote places which might be handled by way of techniques on the element idea to be exercise the consequences." In the male, those sites often turned out to be the penis and foreskin. Hence using circumcision to "cure" such numerous troubles as epilepsy and paralysis. See also nerve pressure concept. Routine , of toddler circumcision: 1. Done as a rely o. Penile Size Chart route, with out session. This changed into common thru the early part of the 20 th century. 2. Finished without scientific symptoms, the widespread majority of circumcisions. Medical associations generally use a chunk of linguistic sleight-of-hand while they say "recurring circumcision must no longer be peformed." This appeases each supporters of circumcision, who apprehend them to intend feel 1, and fighters, who expect them to mean experience 2. (physician) over-geared up to resort to surgical operation (cf cause-glad) A circumcision device which include concentric plastic jewelry that "sandwich" (unlucky expression) the foreskin, permitting it to be reduce away. Extra (after Jian- Zhong Shang (inventor) + ring) Picture of ShangRing. Sheldon clamp (TM) A circumcision tool with two units of jaws. The first set grasps the acroposthion, the second one set, the foreskin proper, in advance of the glans - if the boy is lucky. The cut is made among the 2 sets. A complication of circumcision wherein the recuperation excision scar fuses to the broken mucosa of the glans, normally at the corona. A sort of skin bridges can be seen on Circumcision web page 1. A technique of freehand circumcision. A mark is made on the outer skin, generally on the coronal bulge, and another at the mucosa at a desired distance from the corona. A circular cut thru the pores and skin is crafted from every mark, disconnecting a 'sleeve' of pores and skin among the 2 marks. Scissors are used to cut along the sleeve so that it is able to be eliminated. The two circular cuts are added together and stitched. An actual quantity of each outer and internal skin may be eliminated, and the complete of the action is visible. With different techniques, the internal pores and skin is cut blind. Sleeve resection isn't always used on newborns. Sleeve resection became used inside the randomised controlled trial at Rakei in Uganda, and there it became described as ". The foreskin was retracted and a distal incision made 0�five-1�zero cm proximal to the coronal sulcus, followed through a proximal incision on the unretracted prepuce at the corona." A non-reusable circumcision device product of plastic, similar to the Tara KLamp, that cuts off circulate to the foreskin, using a plastic ring clamped in region over a tube. Greater. Excessive waft of "sperm" [i.E. Semen], a 19 th century "sickness" and an early excuse for circumcision. "Excessive" (like "redundant foreskin" nowadays) meant "more than the physician or mother and father felt comfy with" and "symptoms" blanketed nocturnal emissions (wet goals) that the health practitioner now not loved. A disfigurement of circumcision in which a despair is left inside the pores and skin whilst a stitch is eliminated or dissolves. A disposable circumcision tool manufactured from plastic, that cuts off circulate to the foreskin, the usage of a plastic ring clamped in place over a tube . Extra. (From the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur = K.L., for this reason KLamp) [Click for a picture of a Tara KLamp (TM) .] A circumcision (whether "high" or "low") is called "tight" when the penis's proprietor has greater of his pores and skin and mucosa taken from him. Tight circumcisions are possibly to cause painful erections (maybe even tearing on the scar) and draw the pubic hair up the shaft. Circumfetishists seem to love them, but. Brand name of foreskin-derived tissue, like Apligraf (TM) . Among the urethra and the skin, as a urethrocutaneous fistula. Because the inner and outer skins of the penis do no longer obviously match together around the frenulum whilst the foreskin is cut away, a spherical function or functions may additionally shape with spiral ridging beneath and behind the glans near the centre. Alternative name for Gomco clamp. (co- inventor) Zoon's balanitis, Zoon's ailment. An infection of the foreskin and/or glans, affecting specifically older men. Until currently, considered a watertight reason to circumcise, however this article indicates otherwise. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2010 Apr 29. [Epub ahead of print] Ablative erbium:YAG laser treatment of idiopathic chronic inflammatory non-cicatricial balanoposthitis (Zoon's disease) - A series of 20 patients with long-term final results. Abstract Background: Chronic inflammatory non-cicatricial balanitis/balanoposthitis (Zoon 1952) isn't uncommon amongst elderly uncircumcised males.
  • 42. The route is persistent and will lead to intense epidermal atrophy. This disease is poorly attentive to topical treatment. The golden popular for remedy is circumcision. Objective: This examine changed into carried out to assess the efficacy and safety of ablative erbium:YAG laser treatment. Methods: An uncontrolled trial changed into completed with 20 Caucasian male sufferers (mean age 64.8 years) who provided with continual inflammatory non-cicatricial balanitis or balanoposthitis. The patients obtained more than one topical treatments. The ailment length ranged from 1 to more than 7 years. Diagnosis became showed by way of histology. Topical anaesthesia become executed before erbium:YAG laser ablation (cognizance 1.6-5 mm; frequency eight Hz; impulse power broadly speaking 800 mJ; fluence between eleven.3 and 20 J cm -2 . The pulses had been in part overlapping. The pain sensation became recorded through visual analogue scale (VAS). Complete clearance was defined as whole absence of erythematous, easy-faced, 'moist'-looking patches or erosions. Patients had been requested to wait a everyday follow-up as soon as a year. The outcome turned into further assessed by affected person's international evaluation (PGA). Results: In all patients a whole re-epithelialization could be accomplished inside 2-3 weeks. During comply with-up among 3 months and 30 months (suggest 12.1 +/- 7.2 months), a complete and strong clearing became accomplished in 20 sufferers (100%). There have been no intense detrimental effects. With topical anaesthetic cream the VAS became very low (mean 1.Five +/- 4.1 mm for 18 sufferers and 22 treatments). All however three sufferers were 'absolutely satisfied' with the manner and the outcome; 3 had been 'happy'. Conclusions: Ablative erbium:YAG laser remedy is a safe, powerful and minimally invasive treatment choice [ unlike circumcision ] in persistent inflammatory non- cicatricial balanitis/balanoposthitis. PMID: 20429688 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] OTHER SURGERY. Sexual enchantment to amputees (Gk, acro=excessive, tomo=reduce, philia=love) (Gk apotemno- = reduce off, philia = love) a fetish for amputees and/or amputations. The term turned into coined in 1977 with the aid of Dr John Money, who stated "The apotemnophiliac obsession is defined as an idée fixe in place of a paranoid myth, going on both predominantly or exclusively in adult males. It is associated with erotization of the healed stump and to overachievement no matter the adversity of a handicap. The precise etiology is not recognized and there may be no agreed-on remedy method." A individual who eroticises the existing amputations of other humans ought to likely be prominent from person who desires to have any of his very own extermities amputated. See additionally Body Dysmorphic Disorder, circumfetishism. Refinement of the Byars' flaps approach of hypospadias restore, pioneered by using Hoebeke et al., wherein a triangle-fashioned flap is spread out over the prepuce (like Batman's cape). Body Dysmorphic (or Dismorphic) Disorder. (Gk dys = faulty, morph- = form) The myth that one's frame is malformed. The fine-acknowledged instance is the fantasy that one is fats, related to anorexia/bulimia. This web page mooted the preference to be circumcised as a ramification of BDD, but a higher term is now available, Body Integrity Identity Disorder. Body Integrity Identity Disorder. Condition of being disillusioned with having a complete body. Coined to keep away from the fetishistic connotations of apotemnophilia. People with BIID searching for remedy through amputation, and mockingly declare it'd cause them to feel entire. The desire to be circumcised is obviously an instance, and an insistence on having a toddler circumcised is probably considered BIID with the aid of proxy. A growing frame of literature shows that body focus issues along with BIID arise due to extraordinary activity in the proper parietal lobe, which is understood to be vital for constructing a mental illustration of the frame. Specifically, this body photo is constructed inside the advanced parietal lobule (SPL), which plays a characteristic called multisensory integration, wherein distinctive styles of sensory data coming into the brain are introduced collectively. Thus, facts from the visual elements of the brain and the number one somatosensory cortex, which approaches tactile sensations and proprioceptive information referring to the placement of the body within space, is despatched to the superior parietal lobule. There, it's miles combined with statistics from the motor cortex, which controls movement, and all is processed further to generate an inner model of the frame. If those strategies are perturbed, the body image is compromised. Paul McGeoch of the Brain and Perceptual Process Laboratory at UCSD and his colleagues . Recruited 4 male BIID patients (or apotemnophiles) from internet aid agencies to test their speculation. Three of those expressed a choice to have their left leg amputated, at the same time as the fourth desired each legs removed. For their look at, the researchers certainly tapped the contributors' ft with a package of fibre-optic filaments, and on the identical time, recorded the electrical pastime of their brains the use of magnetoencephalography (MEG). Their responses to the tactile stimulation have been as compared to the ones of four controls. In all four controls, tapping either foot triggered an nearly instantaneous activation of the proper SPL. In the 3 apotemnophiles who desired one leg amputated, tapping the unaffected foot evoked a reaction inside the right SPL, however tapping the affected one did now not, and in the fourth apotemnophile, who sought amputation of both legs, neither foot evoked a reaction. These findings affirm the researchers' speculation that BIID arises due to extraordinary characteristic inside the right parietal lobe. The brain does not sign up the limb as a part of the frame, and carries no illustration of it, so it is not incorporated into the body photo. As a end result, the apotemnophile has no sense of ownership over the limb, and feels strongly that it does now not "belong" to him. It feels extraneous or redundant, so he desires to have it removed. Technique of hypospadias repair wherein the foreskin is preserved. Excess dorsal pores and skin is used to cover the ventral shaft. Charity promoting surgical reconstruction of ladies who've been concern to genital slicing. Clitoraid is organised by using the Raëlians, a cult based through Raël (previously Claude Vorilhon) after a pronounced encounter with extraterrestrial beings in 1973. In 2006-7, Clitoraid raised much less than $forty eight,000 worldwide and accomplished 3 operations. It planned to start building a hospital in Burkina Faso in May 2007, however its website has not been up to date on the grounds that April of that yr. (file replace) In the foreskin, a crude shape of posthioplasty to relieve phimosis. Very much like super[in]cision. A dorsal slit is likewise made as a part of freehand, Gomco â„¢ and Plastibell â„¢ circumcisions. Reshaping-surgery on the frenulum, particularly as a treatment for frenulum breve. Rajan et al. Located excessive tiers of pride with the operation, about 1 in 9 requiring circumcision afterward. A mechanical retractor designed for the self-treatment of phimosis. Installation of a sealed cord loop via holes within the foreskin, to make erection painful in an try to save you masturbation. Through the courtesy of Dr.
  • 43. Archibald, Superintendent of the Iowa Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children, we have come to be acquainted with a method of treatment of this ailment [ masturbation ] which is applicable in refractory cases, and we've got employed it with complete delight. It consists inside the application of one or more silver sutures in the sort of way as to save you erection. The prepuce, or foreskin, is drawn forward over the glans, and the needle to which the twine is attached is handed through from one s > - John Harvey Kellogg, Plain Facts for Old and Young, pp 295-6. [ It is now also impossible to clean under the foreskin. "Hygiene" to Kellogg and his peers meant only "moral hygiene". ] the labia, to save you sex. Drastic scraping and removal of girl genitalia, leaving only a small hollow. (L. Fibula = brooch) A disease characterized with the aid of the presence of a higher than everyday degree of methemoglobin (metHb) inside the blood. Methemoglobin is a shape of haemoglobin that does not bind oxygen. When its attention is expanded in crimson blood cells, tissue hypoxia (scarcity of oxygen) can arise. Methemoglobinaemia is a risk of priloocaine, a constituent of EMLA anaesthetic cream, used in circumcision. (not surgical operation but) every other scientific treatment regarded as a univeral preventative for almost 2000 years, now unknown. Severing of nerves (Gk. Neur- = nerve, -ect- = out, -tomy = slicing), an operation to dispose of sensation, finished on cause at the base of the penis within the 19th century with a purpose to reduce sexual satisfaction. Clark, A. Campbell and Henry E. Clark, 'Neurectomy a preventive of masturbation', Lancet, 23 September 1899, p. 838. Hamilton, J.A.G., 'Treatment of nymphomania by way of division of branches of internal pudic and inferior pudendal nerves', Australasian Medical Gazette, Vol. XXII, 20 May 1903, pp. 205-6 refers also to "successful" treatment of a male affected person. Spratling, Edgar, 'Masturbation within the grownup', Medical Record, Vol. Forty eight, 1895, pp. 442-three describes reducing the nerve as too draconian; prefers circumcision. Invariably accomplished within the path of circumcision on the sulcus with the effect of decreasing sexual satisfaction. (Strictly speaking, neurectomy entails putting off some nerve tissue, neurotomy is severing handiest. Nerves heal together with problem, so the consequences are comparable.) Cutting off of the penis. A treatment of remaining lodge for penile most cancers. Distinct from castration/orchidectomy (removal of the testicles) though both is probably finished collectively. Reshaping-surgical treatment at the foreskin (consisting of circumcision-reversal). One physician's term for his untimely forcible retration of the foreskin, breaking the synechia. Literally "reducing the synechia" (Gk). A greater accurate term could be synechialysis (breaking the synechia). Form of posthioplasty (eg to correct phimosis or penoscrotal webbing or to taper a non-surgically restored foreskin) concerning a Z-formed incision. RITUAL CIRCUMCISION. Traditional Xhosa circumcision nurse. Yugoslav Muslim circumcisor. Intact male (Heb., pl = arelim) Slotted plate utilized in Brit Milah to isolate the glans from the foreskin to be eliminated.(Heb., = iron, knife) Heb., = covenant, pl., Britot (Contrary to the perception of the British Israelite movement, the words "Britain" and "British" are from Celtic, and unconnected to the Hebrew phrase.) Jewish circumcision ceremony, performed on the eighth day after birth. (Heb., = covenant of slicing, pl. Brit Milot). (Often burdened with Bar Mitzvah, a Jewish boy's coming of age rite, typically held approximately age thirteen, whilst he first reads a part of the Torah in the Synagogue or Temple.) Surgery-free Jewish naming ceremony, done in Israel. (Heb., = covenant of phrases) Surgery-unfastened Jewish naming rite. (Heb., = covenant of wholeness) much less commonplace than: Surgery-loose Jewish naming rite. (Heb., = covenant of peace) NB The Brit Shalom Society had not anything to do with circumcision: it turned into an employer of Jewish intellectuals in the 1920s-30s promoting Jewish-Arab reconciliation. Contact information for celebrants. Person who derives sexual pleasure from the act of circumcision. Circumfetishism , such pleasure. Circumfetishism must be outstanding from just eroticising the circumcised penis, as many girls and gay men may do, only for need of understanding every other - but see apotemnophilia and acrotomophilia. Circumfetishism may additionally contain fantasies of energy and control, which may be ritualistically acted out. They can be active (sadistic) fantasies of circumcising, or passive (masochistic) fantasies of being circumcised, and the rituals, once they occur, of course contain each. Circumfetishists have at the least one internet site and 3 golf equipment. The circlist internet site links to a dialogue group ("Circlist has continually accepted, and will keep to allow, circumcision associated fetish /sexual postings/substances, directly, gay or in any other case. Indiv >circ-fetish , sexual info, scientific info and an area to fulfill up with fellow circumcision fanatics and proponents. "). In June 2005 they held the first International Circumsexual Symposium, in Washington, D.C.. Circumfetishist "Ben Winkie" blogs approximately it. ("Interests: Being masturbated at the same time as circumcision is being discussed. Watching circumcisions with others. Etc.") His profile opens new vistas ("circumcision mood tune"?). The quantity of circumfetishism among medical doctors and others who carry out little one circumcisions is unknown. There is not any article on circumfetishism in Wikipedia (even though there may be one on foreskin fetishism), ostensibly because it isn't always yet "encyclopaedic" - no one has written a systematic paper on it. (One Wikipedian, for reasons of his very own, movements heaven and earth to keep Intactivist statistics out of that in any other case treasured aid.) " Some obstetricians have made early circumcision almost a fetish, reaching [a] reductio advert absurdum in one example with which we are familiar in which the operation become accomplished whilst the hips been brought and pending expulsion of the upper half of of the frame.". - Diseases of the Newborn, Schaffer and Avery, 4th ed, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1977, p 420. Circumfetishists' preferred term for themselves and their condition, possibly because it elevates their fetish to the status of a sexual orientation (cf heterosexual, gay). "Circumsexual has properly over 2,000 members, making us one in every of the largest circumfetishist organizations on the net! "Circumsexual is a set for men which are became on by using circumcised penises, the process of circumcision, or the myth of being circumcised and/or performing circumcisions on others. "It is not an anti-circ nor seasoned-circ discussion board, nor is it a place to debate such affairs. It's definitely for guys 18 and older that find everything approximately CIRCUMCISION to be EROTIC. "Where CIRCLIST is more about the critical s >- message touting the circumsexual internet site. Pygmy circumcision rite. Bedouin circumcision ceremony. Maasai circumcision rite. Feast of the Circumcision. January 1 (the eighth day after Christmas), Christian competition of Jesus' circumcision (commonly used to don't forget his human susceptibility to wounding, and his circumcision as a precursor of his crucifixion, in preference to his Judaism). Hatifat dam berit. Ritual replacement for Brit
  • 44. Milah (for whilst a converting guy is already circumcised, or a child is born with out a foreskin or won't be circumcised for medical motives) concerning a pinprick to the penis, drawing as a minimum a drop of blood (Heb.) traditional Xhosa physician-circumcisor. Circumcision ritual of the Bagisu of Uganda. Double-edged knife used for Jewish circumcision. Both aspects are sharp to keep away from the risk of seeking to use the blunt facet. Turkish circumcision rite. Woman who excises girls' genitalia (Arabic = she who lowers the clitoris) Circumcisor (Ar. Fem. Khatinah) Circumcision (classical Ar.) Islamic ritual circumcisors (from khitAn) The call is utilized in parts of Egypt, throughout the Levant, Iraq, the Arab Peninsula and the Gulf. Khitoum are barber-surgeons. The sucking of blood from the wound. (Heb., = sucking, not to be burdened with Mezuzah, a holder for a scroll, nailed to a door-post). Metzitzah p beh, sucking via mouth, become extensively believed to be out of date in all but difficult to understand European Jewish groups, until three toddlers in New York, all circumcised through the same mohel have been found to have herpes. There observed an brilliant amount of bending over backward. Only one commentater has even hinted at less than the highest motivation for the practice. Another infant died in 2011. (Heb. From m.H.L, reduce, circumcise, cognate with milah) Jewish ritual circumcisor. Need not be a rabbi or a man. May be a medical doctor. (pl. Mohalim, fem. Mohalet, fem. Pl. Mohalot.) Mohalot are an innovation of the Reform motion, no longer recognized through Orthodox Judaism. There has been no corresponding agitation with the aid of mohalot to be allowed to circumcise baby girls. Bengali, to circumcise, literally "to make Muslim" Whether circumcision should be called "mutilation" is contentious. A discussion of this is on its personal web page. Purified, circumcised (Ar., passive participle of TaThIr) Islamic ritual circumcisor (Ar., = cleaner) Barber. (pl. MuzayyinUn -In.) The call utilized in Islamic North Africa from Morocco to Egypt. Barbers commonly perform circumcisions. Nolad mahul born without a foreskin, see aposthia (Heb. Born circumcised) Slotted board used in Malay ritual circumcision (cf barzel) The radical shape of Jewish circumcision instituted (or formalised) within the second century CE to save you concealment. (Heb., = whole) Anglicised Gk = circumcision. St Paul sa > posthephagy. Ritual consuming of the foreskin. An advertisement on the Craig's List internet site from anon-19728116 obliquely refers to this exercise as an factor of circumfetishism: I would emphasize that every one who choose my methods are consenting adults -- indiv >dietary cost of surgically excised foreskin most of the select institution of cultural pioneers who carry out the procedure. Given the existing repressive political weather, the culinary interests of this community of practitioners should remain out of the public arena for the instant future. An ad-hoc Yiddish form of smegma. Carries a tone of contempt via similarity with words like schmegegge , schlemiel , schmo and the "X----? Schm----!" catchphrase. (Old Yiddish might have very little use for a phrase for smegma.) Split the penis ("like a hotdog" - Glenn Epps), an even more extreme form of subincision. A ventral slit within the penis thru to the urethra, from the meatus a few way alongside the shaft, normal among a few Australian aboriginal peoples. (Malay) circumcision in Malaysia. According to Hull and Budiharsana, on Maluku in 1996, many Muslim guys had been said to have passed through sunatan "without any foreskin being reduce". According to legend, Islamic leaders had modified the custom after some of deaths. Further information had been now not given. (Hull, Terence J., and Meiwita Budiharsana, "Male circumcision and penile enhancement in Southeast Asia: Matters of Pain and Pleasure" Reproductive Health Matters, vol 9 no 18, November 2001, 60-7) Turkish ritual circumcision, accomplished pre- puberty, by using a . Turkish circumcisor. (Reportedly these days changed via a physician.) A dorsal slit inside the foreskin, used by/on the priestly and royal castes of historical Egypt and still customary amongst some Pacific peoples, along with the ones of Tikopia. A not unusual technique is to push a sliver of bamboo underneath the foreskin to shield the glans and make the slit ahead to the brink of the foreskin. If executed pre-puberty, the final results seems similar to circumcision and has the advantage over circumcision that no tissue is lost. In Samoa and the Philippines, under missionary influence, it's been medicalised and changed by complete circumcision. Circumcision (Ar. = purification) Circumcise (Ar., = make natural) (Malay) Ritual circumcisor. Ritual circumcision inside the Ciskei of Southern Africa (Xhosa) RESTORATION. A restoration technique promoted via BUFF, regarding everyday stretching. (Dual-movement Incremental Longitudinal Expander) A foreskin recovery device the use of an inner screw to push at the glans at the same time as pulling the skin. Its internet site has greater info. Fauxskin (pr. Foe-skin, but greater regularly written than spoken) Restored foreskin. (Fr. Fake=fake) Many restored men dislike the time period, in view that their foreskin is not "fake", booking it for synthetic foreskin substitutes along with the ManHood, Senslip and Docker. Dumbbell-shaped steel device for overdue levels of healing. The skin is taped over one ball, the other used to attach weight or elastic. Restoration method advanced by Johnny: for info. McCuiston, James J. Kernersville N.C. Inventor of an artificial foreskin-substitute comprising a foreskin-shaped sleeve (probably containing silicone) held on through a cylinder ribbed for relative tension. Patent No 5,074,315, Dec 24, 1991. Trade name for an synthetic foreskin-alternative worn over the glans. The reality that such products are manufactured and sold is an indictment of toddler circumcision. Closed-foam plastic (The trademark "Nerf®" is property of Hasbro® business enterprise). A plug made of it, used inside the DILE gadget of foreskin healing between the glans and the attachment tool. Point Of Equilibrium. The factor (genuinely a line across the penis) wherein anxiety in the direction of the glans and toward the base is identical whilst T-tape attracts the pores and skin forward. Early name for the Restor-EZ. Restored foreskin, from "prepuce", coined via Hugh Young, January 25, 2009 as an alernative for those who dislike the "faux" factor of "fauxskin". Return penis to as near as possible to the way it'd be if now not circumcised, by a) the use of mild tension over time to encourage boom, b) surgery. A web page offers some more information about this. System of recuperation concerning a cylindical splint. Restore Skin gadget. A kitset inclusive of T-tape, suspender-like elastics, and a special oil to take away the tapes and their adhesive. Surgical tape made in a T-shaped pass-segment, with the pinnacle of the crossbar adhesive, gripping each sides of the pores and skin to be pulled forward, and the upright used to use anxiety. A recovery device made from silcone cones, held on by friction, the inner one with a loop for anxiety. (TLC: TapeLess Conical) A approach of foreskin recuperation regarding plastic shells, the outer one fitting so snugly over the restoring foreskin and the inner one which no adhesive is needed. Tension is carried out thru the internal shell, so that that the foreskin is honestly pushed rather than pulled. Brandon Marr's
  • 45. internet site has extra details. A weight fashioned to in shape the the front of the glans, to which the restoring foreskin can be taped, with a hole for urination. (Formerly P.U.D., Penis Uncircumcising Device) Not to be burdened with the TLC Tugger. Restore foreskin. "Uncircumcised" isn't usually utilized in Intactivist circles to describe intact penises or guys. INTACTIVISM. Frame of mind common inside the US (and no doubt the Muslim international) in which the circumcised penis is "everyday" the whole penis is "uncircumcised" the foreskin is "more skin" the foreskin is "now not a part of the penis" and many others. Circumcised thinking see circumcised mind-set. Reduce endowment. A phrase (tailored to this feel in 1996 by means of John Antonopoulos of Montreal) whose derivatives, disendowment, and so forth., usefully remind humans that circumcision reduces the dimensions of the penis - something some guys are said to care approximately. Whole (of guy or penis, along with his or its authentic foreskin) (L. = now not touched) The motion to shield children (whether male, woman or intersexed) from having wholesome components of their genitals cut off. The highest shape of human existence, one that selflessly devotes him/herself to the purpose of Intactivism. (Word coined by way of Richard DeSeabra in 1995 - despite the fact that not with this definition.) July 1, as far as viable from the Feast of the Circumcision, a yet-to-be-celebrated competition of intactness, whether or not completed, wished for or labored for. A institution of intact and restoring men, and ladies, selling Intactivism via the "Intact Network" e-newsletter. A -month-to-month e-newsletter promoting Intactivism, edited with the aid of Ken Derifield. A yet-to-be-fashioned body on the way to retire Circumstraints (tm), rescue babies, spill mock-blood on health facility steps, disrupt meetings of circumcisors and (non-violently) bomb circumcision chambers. (Date to be determined) A day set apart for celebrating the penis. (Some women will ask, "What day isn't always?") At least one Japanese city already celebrates Penis Day ( Hounen Matsuri ), on March 15: A National Penis Day (September five) has been held in New Zealand. The New Zealand AIDS Foundation turned into frustrated in 2002 that it became no longer allowed to erect a billboard displaying men's bare torsos to publicise the occasion and to demystify the penis and male sexuality. In 2003 a radio station were given big numbers of people to take their clothes off in public locations to raise focus of prostate most cancers. Photographs from the event show that intactness is now everyday in New Zealand. ABBREVIATIONS. First International Symposium on Circumcision, at Anaheim, California, March 1-3, 1989. Second International Symposium on Circumcision, in San Francisco, California, April 30-May 3, 1991. Third International Symposium on Circumcision, at the University of Maryland, May 22-25, 1994. Fourth International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations, at Lausanne, Switzerland, August Sept. 11, 1996. Fifth International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations, at Oxford, England, 5-7 August 1998. Sixth International Symposium on Genital Integrity, on the University of Sydney, Australia, December 7-nine, 2000. Seventh International Symposium on Genital Integrity, Washington DC, March-April 2002. Eighth International Symposium on Genital Integrity, Padova (Padua), Italy, September 2-4 2004. Ninth International Symposium on Circumcision, Genital Integrity and Human Rights, Seattle, Washington, August 24-26, 2006. Tenth International Symposium on Circumcision, Genital Integrity and Human Rights, Keele, Staffordshire, UK, September 4-6, 2008. Eleventh International Symposium on Circumcision, Genital Integrity and Human Rights, Berkeley, California, July 29-31, 2010. American Academy of Pediatrics. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. American Hospital Association. Albanian Medical Association; American Medical Association. British Journal of Urology. British Medical Journal. Brothers United for Future Foreskins, a recuperation enterprise ("in the main married heterosexuals" - Bud Berkeley) circumcise, circumcision. Many people try to keep away from the words. Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project, an advocacy institution dedicated to �foreskin training, appreciation and stimulation,� founded by means of Glen Callender. Circumcised Fathers [or Dads] of Intact Sons, a guide organization. Circumcise, circumcision. Many Intactivists dislike this abbreviation because it trivialises ( and - sounding like "dirk" - "masculinises? - HY ) the operation. Circumcision. A euphemism utilized by a few nurses to nonetheless further trivialise the operation and infantilise the mom. Canadian Medical Association. Canadian Paediatric Society. Evidence- based Medicine, usually considered a Good Thing (mainly with the aid of individuals who can discover evidence to guide their case, regardless of its high-quality). Female Genital Cutting, a more neutral time period than Female Genital Mutilation. Female Genital Mutilation (previously known as girl circumcision) Female Genital Surgery, an inaccurate term for Female Genital Cutting whilst it's miles performed out of doors a surgical setting. Fear, Ignorance, Greed - 3 of the principle motivations for circumcision. Friends of Foreskin, an Intactivist umbrella institution (New Zealand) Human Genital Mutilation (FGM + MGM) Healing Our Wounds, a San Francisco help institution for circumcised guys. Contact Wayne Goodman. Journal of the American Medical Association. Intact Men Against Circumcision, an Intactivist business enterprise. They should sue Apple Computer for breach of copyright. Keep On Tugging, farewell used by restoring guys. Law Commission (UK) Male Circumcision, a time period favoured by using its proponents. Male Genital Cutting, neutral term shaped to parallel Female Genital Cutting. National Organi[s/z]ation of Restoring Men, a recovery organisation. The US one has the domain call NORM.ORG. Obstetrician/Gyn[a]ecologist. A medical doctor specialising in childbirth/ladies, without a precise know-how in male genitalia or infant boys. (L = person who stands in front / Gk = one who discourses on ladies) Randomised Controlled Trial. Medical test in which participants are randomly assigned into two or extra companies, one institution, (the manage institution) now not having the take a look at technique done to it. The Gold Standard of scientific exams is the Double Blinded Placebo Controlled Randomised Trial, in which neither experimenters nor subjects know that is receiving the experimental process, and the control group gets a remedy that doesn't encompass the process being examined for. Randomised Clinical Trial. "RCTs are greater usually termed randomized managed trials, but the RCTs in this example [for circumcision and HIV in South Africa, Kenya and Uganda] had been clinical experiments and are called randomized clinical trials." - Dowsett & Couch. Routine Infant Circumcision (an in-house Intactivist expression) Stop Mutilating Every Goy Manchild Automatically, a transient 3-member agency on a Compuserve holistic health group, headed by John Chastain. See also smegma. Tender Loving Care, but in TLC Tugger, TapeLess Conical. (additionally) Uncircumcised Society of America, a club particularly for homosexual men with a foreskin fetish. The overdue Glenn M. J. Epps the late John Erickson
  • 46. Sami Aldeeb Rudy the Alphacub Mario I. Calderó (o-acute) Peter Daniels Geoffrey T. Falk Al Fields Dr Maarire Goodall Nicholas Heer George Hill Jono Hoch Frederick Hodges Menahem Luz Ken McGrath Robert Meigs Mr Martin B L Novoa Chris Price Karol Tees R. Wayne John Willcocks Miles Witt.