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Yoga & Lifestyle
Cheat Notes
Unit Contents
3.1 Asanas as preventive measures
3.2 Obesity : Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for
Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana, Ardh
3.3 Diabetes : Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for
Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Pavan Muktasana,
Ardh Matsyendrasana
3.4 Asthema : Procedure, Benefits & contraindications
for Sukhasana, Chakrasana, Gomukhasana,
Parvatasana, Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana,
3.5 Hypertension : Tadasana, Vajrasana, Pavan
Muktasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Bhujangasana,
The term yoga is derived form a Sanskrit
word 'Yuj' which means join or union.
In fact joining the individual self with the
divine or universal spirit is called yoga. It
is a science of development of man's
3.1 Asanas as preventive measure :
Meaning of Asana :
To sit in a comfortable position for everlasting
period of time is called asana.
Asana can be preventive measures as they
provide various physiological benefits which
ultimately helps in avoiding various lifestyle
The Yog sutras of Patanjali define Asana as a
position that in steady and comfortable.
The following are the benefits of asana
for prevention of diseases :
a) Bones and joints become strong :
b) Circulation of blood becomes normal
c) Immune system is strengthened:
d) Respiratory organs become efficient
e)Efficiency of excretory system
f) Muscles become strong
3.2 Obesity
Obesity is that condition of the body
in which the amount of fat increases
to extreme levels.
Now A days obesity has become a
problem for the whole world obesity
is a condition in which the amount
of fat in the body increase to a very
large extent.
If a person is having BMI > 30 he/she
would be considered as obese.
Obesity :
Vajrasana Hastasana Trikonasana
3.3 Diabetes
Diabetes is such a disorder that it causes
sugar to build up in our blood stream
instead of being used by the cells in the
Diabetes is commonly known as
metabolic disorder characterized by high
blood sugar level over a prolonged period.
Diabetes is due to either the pancreas
not producing enough insulin or the cells
of the body not responding properly to
the insulin produced.
Types of Diabetes :
(a) Type I Diabetes : In that type of diabetes
blood sugar
level rises very high due to non secretion of
hormone by pancreas. In that of diabetes
effected person
has to take artificial insulin through injection.
(b) Type II Diabetes : In that type of diabetes
blood sugar level rises but not as such as
high in type I diabetes. In that type of
diabetes our pancreas secreting the insulin
hormone but it may be insufficient to control
the blood sugar level normal or body cell are
not able to respond insulin properly.
Diabetes : B A P P
Bhujangasana Pavan
Diabetes sab disease
ka “BAPP” hai
3.4 Asthma
Asthma is a disease of
lungs in which the
airways become
blocked or narrowed
difficulty in breathing.
The airways also swells
It usually triggers
coughing, wheezing or
whistling or shortness
of breath.
Common symptoms of asthma are :
• coughing,
• heavy breathing,
• chest tightness,
• fatigue,
• pain in hands, feet, shoulders and
Reasons are dust, smoke, air
pollution, pollen grains, animals
skin, hair or feather etc. are the
main reasons.
Asthema : Parvat Bhai M S C P G
Parvat Bhai ne
MSC PG kiya
3.5 Hypertension :
Hypertension is another
name for high blood
It can lead to severe
complications and increases
the risk of heart disease,
stroke, and death.
High blood pressure :
A condition in which the strength of
blood against the walls of the artery
is very high.
Reasons for high blood pressure
increased with age, Genetic, obesity,
lack of physical activity, smoking,
alcohol, more intake of salt in food,
tension or mental stress, diabetes,
pregnant women are more prone to
high B.P.
All these factors can lead to high
blood pressure.
Unit is millimeter of mercury.
The normal blood pressure of
an adult is considered
The person whose blood
pressure readings are beyond
140/90 mm/Hg are said to be
having hypertension.
Hypertension : Ac B S Pe T V
V Bhujangasana
Ardh Chakrasana
Unit Contents
4.1 Concept of Disability & Disorder
4.2 Types of Disability, its causes & nature
(cognitive disability, intellectual disability,
physical disability)
4.3 Types of Disorder, its cause & nature (ADHD,
4.4 Disability Etiquettes
4.5 Strategies to make Physical
Activities assessable for children
with special need.
4.1 Concept of Disability &
Concept of Disability :
Disability is understood as a
condition that produces a
long-term impairment that
affects activities of daily
living, such as eating,
walking, and maintaining
personal hygiene.
All persons with all types of
disabilities must enjoy all
human rights and
fundamental freedoms.
To give the effect to the
United Nations Convention
on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities an act
names the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities Act
2016 (RPWD Act 2016) was
passed by Indian Parliament
on 27th December 2016.
According to the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities
Act, 2016, definition of
“Person with disability”
A person with long term
physical, mental,
intellectual or sensory
impairment which, in
interaction with barriers,
hinders his full and
effective participation in
society equally with others.
Concept of Disorder :
Disorder is usually used for
mental disabilities. Disorder is
any ailment that disturbs the
health of an individual.
Disorder creates hindrance in
an individual’s performance
and reduces his efficiency. In
the beginning disorder seems
to be ordinary but they usually
grow or spread in a harmful
manner in an individual.
4.2 Types of disability
1.Cognitive Disability:
It is a neurological disorder
that creates hindrances or
obstruction for an individual
to store, process and
produce information.
This ability can affect an
individual’s ability to read,
compute, speak and write.
2. Intellectual disability:
It is a disability characterized
by significant limitations both
in intellectual functioning
(reasoning, learning, problem
solving) and in adaptive
behavior, which covers a range
of everyday social and practical
skills. Indeed, this disability is
related to the individual’s
thought process,
communication, money,
learning, problem solving and
3. Physical disability :
It is a limitation on individual’s
physical functioning, mobility,
dexterity or stamina.
Other impairments such as
respiratory disorders,
blindness, and sleep
disorders, which limit other
facets of daily living are also
included in physical
4.3 Types of disorders
a) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD)
b) Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
c) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
d) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
e) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) :
It is a group of behavioral
symptoms that include
inattentiveness, hyperactivity and
impulsiveness. It is medical
conditions that affects how well
can someone sit still, focus and pay
The individual with ADHD
have some problems focusing in
some activities. This type of
disorder is found more common
in boys than in girls.
Sensory Processing Disorder
(SPD) :
It is a condition in which the
brain has difficulty in receiving
and responding to the
information that comes in
through senses.
It refers to the way the nervous
system receives messages from
the senses and then turns them
into proper motor and
behavioral responses.
Sensory Processing Disorder
may affect one sense such as
touch, sight, taste or
movement. It may also affect
multiple senses.
In fact, the person may
scream when touched or may
vomit or dive under the table
after hearing the sound of a
leaf blower outside the
Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD) :
It is characterized by social
interaction difficulties,
communication challenges.
It is a neurological and
developmental disorder in
which have difficulty with
communication, language,
social skill and behavior.
Oppositional Defiant
Disorder (ODD) :
It is a set or group of behavioral
disorders called disruptive
behavior disorders. It is called by
this name because children with
such disorders always tend to
disrupt those around them.
Physicians define this disorder
as a pattern of disobedient,
hostile and defiant behavior
directed toward authority
The individuals
affected by this
disorder usually
rebel, argue with
adults, refuse to
obey and are
Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder (OCD):
It is a mental health disorder
that affects people of all ages
and walks of life. It occurs
when an individual gets
caught in a cycle of
obsessions and compulsions.
It can be said that persons
with OCD are plagued to
constant thoughts of fears
that cause them to perform
rituals or routines.
4.6 Strategies to make physical activities
accessible for children with special needs
a) Medical check-up
b) Activities based on interests
c) Different instructional strategies
d) Modification of rules
e) Specific environment
Physiology & Injuries in Sports
Unit Contents
7.1 Physiological factor determining component of
Physical Fitness
7.2 Effect of exercise on Cardio Respiratory System
7.3 Effect of exercise on Muscular System
Unit Contents
7.4 Sports injuries : Classification (Soft Tissue
Injuries:(Abrasion, Contusion, Laceration, Incision,
Sprain & Strain) Bone & Joint Injuries: (Dislocation,
Fractures: Stress Fracture, Green Stick, Commutated,
Transverse Oblique & Impacted) Causes, Prevention&
7.5 First Aid – Aims & Objectives
7.1. Physiological factors determining Components
of Physical Fitness.
Physiological factors for
determining Strength.
1. Muscle size
2. Muscle composition
3. Body weight
1. Muscle strength
2. Joint structure
3. Internal environment
4. Injury
5. Age and gender
6. Active and sedentary life style
7. Heredity
Physiological factors determining Flexibility :
1. Explosive strength
2. Muscle composition
3. Mobility of nervous
4. Elasticity and Relaxing
capacity of muscle
5. Bio-chemical Reserves
and Metabolic Power
Physiological factors for determining speed.
1.Aerobic capacity
2. Oxygen Uptake
3.Cardiac Output
Physiological factors determining endurance :
7.2 Effect of exercise on the cardio-respiratory system.
7.3 Effects of exercise
on muscular system.
“Muscle is a specialized tissue,
which enables
the body and its part to move
and give shape to the body”
Effects of Exercise
– Change in shape and size
of muscle
– More energy supply to
– Improve in reaction
– Capillarization
– Reduction fat
– Muscular endurance
– Posture
– Controls extra fat
– Delays fatigue
– Increase food
– Strength and speed
The formation and
development of a
network of
capillaries to a part
of the body; it is
increased by aerobic
1. Contusion (नील) : Muscle
injury occurs due to direct hit,
with or without any sports
equipment. Blood vessels in the
muscles are broken, bleeding
may occur in the muscles .
Stiffness & swelling common
sign. Muscle may not respond
or may become totally
Common in : Boxing,
Wrestling, Kabaddi.
2. Strain (मांसपे'शय*
क- चोट) :
Mild or severe muscle
injury. In severe case,
muscle may rupture. In
case of complete
rupture movement of
limb is not possible
due to severe pain.
May happen during
practice or clash.
3. Sprain (मोच ) :
May occur due to over
stretching or tearing of
ligament. Occurs at wrist joint
and ankle joint. Some time
fracture is possible along
with sprain.
Swelling, inflammation,
severe pain & tenderness
are common symptoms.
4. Abrasion
(घष&ण) :
Skin Injury that
Occurs due to
friction with any
equipment or a
fall over the area
where the bone is
close to skin.
5. Bruises (चोट) :
An injury
appearing as an
area of discolored
skin ( red to blue or
dark purple ) on
the body Caused
by a blow or
impact rupturing
underlying blood
6. Laceration :
Lacerations are
wounds that are
torn, rather than
cut. They have
ragged, irregular
edges and torn
tissue underneath.
These wounds are
usually made by a
blunt, rather than a
sharp, object.
7. Incision :
A surgical cut made in skin or flesh.
Preventive measures of soft
tissue injuries :
1. Proper warming up
2. Proper conditioning of body
3. Scientific equipment &
4. Clean & plain surface of
play grounds
5. Knowledge rules &
regulation of sports
6. Actively & alertness
participation during
the sports training &
7. Fatigue, sickness &
injuries condition to
avoid participation in
the sports training.
Dislocation :
A dislocation is a separation
of two bones where they
meet at a joint. Joints are
areas where two bones come
1. Dislocation of Lower Jaw :
Generally, it occurs when
the chin strikes to any
other object. It may also
occur if mouth is opened
2. Dislocation of Shoulder Joint : Dislocation of shoulder joint may
occur due to sudden jerk or a fall on hard surface. The end of the
hummers comes out from the socket.
Types of Bone Fractures :
1. Greenstick fracture : An
incomplete fracture in which
a bone bends and cracks. This
type of fracture usually occurs in
children because their bone are
soft and flexible.
2. Transverse fracture : A
fracture at a right angle to the
bones axis or a straight break
right across a bone.
3. Oblique fracture : A
fracture is a slanted
fracture that occurs when
a force is applied
diagonally an angle to a
bone’s long axis.
4. Impacted fracture: It is
loss of continuity in the
of bones.
5. Stress fractures : It is a
crack in bone due to high
impact physical activity.
6. Comminuted Fracture : A
fracture in which the bone
7.4 Prevention from Sports Injuries :
1. Warming up, stretching and cooling
2. Undertaking training prior to
competition to ensure readiness to play.
3. Including appropriate speed work in
training program so muscles are capable
of sustaining high acceleration forces.
4. Including appropriate stretching and
strengthening exercises in weekly training
5. Gradually increasing the intensity
and duration of training.
6. Maintaining high levels of
cardiovascular fitness and muscle
endurance to prevent fatigue.
7. Allowing adequate recovery time
between workouts or training sessions.
8. Wearing protective equipment, such
as shin guards. Mouth guards and
9. Pre participation-medical check up.
7.5 First aid Aim &
First aid: “It is care that is
give to an injured or sick
person prior to treatment
by medically trained
Aim of first aid:
The Aim of first aid to save
the life of an injured & ill
Psychology & Sports
Unit Contents
9.1 Personality; its definition & types – Trait & Types
(Sheldon & Jung Classification) & Big Five Theory
9.2 Motivation, its type & techniques
9.3 Meaning, Concept & Types of Aggressions in
The word personality is derived from
the Latin word ‘Persona’, which
means ‘the mask’. So we say that
personality is a mask that is used by
an individual to deal with the society
or the environment.
Personality covers all the physical,
mental, social, emotional interest and
behavioral qualities of an individual.
9.1 Personality; its definition & types – Trait & Types
1. Endomorphy :
People with endomorph body
structure have rounded
Their excessive mass hinders
their ability to compete in
sports. Suitable games weight
lifting and power lifting.
2. Mesomorphy :
People with mesomorphy
body structure have thick
bones and muscles with
rectangular shaped body.
They have larger and broader
chest and shoulders can be
top sports person in any
3. Ectomorphy :
These realism person
because their muscles and
limbs are elongated. They
have flat chest and have less
muscle mass.
They have less strength
but dominate endurance
Jung’s human personality
can be classified into three
1. Introvert :
If an individual is motivated
or energized by the internal
world of thoughts, feelings
and reflections is known as
Introvert. They are having
poor self confidence, moody,
unsocial, quiet and
2. Extrovert :
This kind of individual
associated with
external world of
object and other
people. They believe in
action, social settings,
interacting. They are
friendly, confident
responsive and lively
3. Ambivert :
This kind of
people have
the mix trait
of Introvert
and Extrovert.
They are
having few
Big 5 Theory
9.2 Motivation :
The word motivation is
derived from the latin word
which means to move so in
the condition of motivation
an individual is moved by
internal & external forces
towards the goal.
It is widely accepted that
“Miracle is possible only
when you are motivated”
9.3 Aggression :
It is a physical or verbal behavior which is directed
towards the goal of harming other living being either
physically or psychologically.
Types of Aggression
Training in Sports
Unit Contents
10.1 Strength – Definition, types & methods of
improving Strength – Isometric, Isotonic &
10.2 Endurance - Definition, types & methods to
develop Endurance – Continuous Training,
Interval Training & Fartlek Training
Unit Contents
10.3 Speed – Definition, types & methods to develop
Speed – Acceleration Run & Pace Run
10.4 Flexibility – Definition, types & methods to
improve flexibility
10.5 Coordinative Abilities – Definition & types
It is the
ability to
act or to
over come
10.1 Strength
The following are its types :
(a) Maximum strength : - Ability
to act a against maximum
(b) Explosive strength : Ability
to act against resistance with
(c) Strength Endurance : Ability
to act against resistance under
condition of fatigue.
Following mention methods are
used to improve strength :
1. Isometric Exercise : The word
Isometric is comprised of 2 words
“Iso”, “same” and “metric”,
“length”. Means when we do these
exercises work done cannot be
observed. These
exercise require less time and
equipments and can be carried
out anywhere.
2. Isotonic Exercises :- “Iso” Means
‘same’ and ‘tonic’ means
In these types of exercise when we
do movements it can be observed
directly. The length of muscles can
be seen and called eccentric
contraction and concentric
contraction accordingly.
Example When we throw a ball,
jump, run, weight training, these type
of contraction occurs.
3. Iso-Kinetic Exercises :
“Iso” - ‘Same’ “and’
kinetic - motion’.
These exercises were
introduced by J.J. perrine
in 1968.
These exercise are done
by specially design
machine and are
combination of Isotonic
and Iso-metric exercises.
10.2 Endurance
It is ability to continue the
activity under the condition of
fatigue or for a long time.
the capacity of something to last
or to withstand wear and tear.
10.2 Endurance
It is ability to continue the activity under
the condition of fatigue or for a long
Types of endurance :
On the Basis of nature of activity :
1. Basic Endurance :-
It is the ability of an Individual to do the
movement in which large no. of body and
muscles involve at slow pace for a
duration such as Walking, Jogging,
Swimming at a moderate speed.
2. General Endurance :- It is the ability of
an individual to resist fatigue satisfactorily
caused by different type of activities.
3. Specific Endurance :- It is the ability of
an individual to complete the task without
any fatigue. It’s requirement
depends upon the nature of activity
(Games and Sports) requirement of
specific endurance of a boxer is different
from that of a wrestler.
On the Basis of duration of activity :
• Speed Endurance :- It is the ability of an
individual to perform a movement with
high speed to resist of fatigue in activities
upto 45 seconds.
• Short term endurance :- Short term
endurance is needed to resist fatigue in
sports activities lasting from 45 seconds to
2 minutes. Ex. 800 m race.
• The medium term endurance :- It is the
activity lasting from 2.min to 11 minutes.
Ex. 1500 & 3000 mts.
• Long term Endurance :- It is
needed for those sports which
require more than 11 minutes
time ex. 5000m to 1000m
cross country race.
1. Continuous Method :-
In continuous of method, the
exercise is done for a long
duration without taking rest.
The intensity of work is low. The
heart rate during the exercise for
a sportsman should be between
140-160 beats per minutes.
For fast continuous method the
heart rate of an athlete should be
increased about 175 - 180.
Its duration of exercise should be
more than 30 minutes. Ex.
running walking, cycling, etc.
2. Interval Method :-
This method is very effective for
developing endurance for track
runners. Intervals are given to
the athlete in between the
repetition for recovery.
The recovery period for athlete
varies from person to person.
The Heart should go up to 180
beat/ min. and when the heart
rate comes down to 120-130
beats/ min again the repetition/
work starts.
Fartlek Training Method :
It is another method to develop the
endurance ability. This method was
developed by Swedish coach “ Gosta
Holmer” in 1930 in Sweden. So it is also
known as “Swedish play” or “Speed play”
Athlete changes his/her speed
accordingly. So it is self-disciplined in
The heart rate fluctuate between 140 -
180 beats/ minute. Fartlek training
involves varying our pace throughout our
run. Alternating between fast and slow
10.3 Speed
It is the ability to do movement as quick as possible.
Types of speed Ability :
1. Reaction speed ability :
It is the ability to act against a
2. Acceleration speed ability :
It is the ability to achieve max
speed in minimum possible time.
3. Movement speed ability :
It is the ability to do a single
small movement in minimum
possible time.
Types of speed Ability :
4. Locomotor speed ability :
It is the ability to maintain
max speed as long as
5. Speed Endurance :
It is the ability to do the
movement as quick as
possible under the condition
of fatigue.
Pace run :
Pace run means running
the whole distance with
a constant speed.
Generally 800 metre
and above races are
included in pace races.
Acceleration Run :
Acceleration run are usually
used to develop speed
indirectly by improving
explosive strength, technique,
flexibility and movement
It is the ability of a sprinter to
achieve high speed from a
stationary position.
Sufficient intervals should be
provided between the
10.4 Flexibility
Flexibility is the range of movement of the joint of a sports person.
Methods to develop
Flexibility :
• Slow Stretch and hold method –
We stretch our joint to maximum
limit and hold it for a few seconds
before returning to the initial
The holding period must be not
more than 3 to 8 sec. The method
is also use for improving passive
Methods to develop
Flexibility :
• Ballistic Method –
In this method the stretching
exercises are done in a swing, so
this is called the ballistic method.
A proper warm - up should be done
before these exercise.
Stretching of the muscle can be
done in a rhythm.
• Post - Isometric
Stretch Method –
The post-isometric
relaxation technique begins
by placing the muscle in a
stretched position.
Then an isometric
contraction is exerted
against minimal resistance.
Relaxation and then gentle
stretch follow as the muscle
10.5 Coordinative Abilities :
Co-ordinative abilities :
Coordinative abilities mainly
depend on the central
nervous system.
The coordinative abilities are
those abilities of an individual
which enable the individual to
do various related activities
properly as well as efficiently.
Our accuracy, rhythm, flow
and constancy depend on our
coordinative abilities.
(a)Differentiation ability :
It is the ability to achieve a high level of
fine tuning or harmony of individual
movement phases and body part
It is a high degree of accuracy and high
level of mastery over sports movements
for effective application in competition.
For example: In gymnastics differential
ability enables highly precise and accurate
movements according to given model of
movement. In football harmony of feet and
head counts.
(b) Orientation ability :
It is the ability to change
the position and
movements of the body in
time and space in relation
to a definite field of
In gymnastics the position
and the movement of
head and eyes is
important for orientation.
(c) Coupling ability :
It is the ability to coordinate
body part movements in relation to a
definite goal.
For example: In football, the foot-
movement for all control or dribbling
have to be coupled with the whole
body movement of running. jumping,
Likewise in wrestling the movements
of hands, legs and head have to be
successfully combined.
(d) Reaction ability :
It is the ability to react quickly
and effectively to a signal. To a
great extent it depends on sense
organs, coordinative processes of
CNS, decision-making,
concentration and anticipation.
(e) Balance ability :
It is the ability to maintain
balance between body
movements. Both static as well
as dynamic balance is important
in sports.
(f) Rhythm ability :
It is the ability to produce a rhythm,
existing in motor memory, in motor
For example, In Gymnastics the
sportsman has to perceive an
external rhythm, given in the form of
music and to express it in his
movements. in other sports rhythm
is not given from outside, the
sportsman has to make use of
rhythm stored in his motor memory.
(g) Adaptation ability :
It is the ability to adjust or
completely change the
movement on the basis of
changes or anticipated
changes in the situation.
The situational changes may
be expected ones or may
suddenly take place. It
depends heavily on

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  • 2. PE – TERM 2 Cheat Notes
  • 3. Unit Contents 3.1 Asanas as preventive measures 3.2 Obesity : Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana 3.3 Diabetes : Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana
  • 4. 3.4 Asthema : Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Sukhasana, Chakrasana, Gomukhasana, Parvatasana, Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Matsyasana 3.5 Hypertension : Tadasana, Vajrasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Bhujangasana, Shavasana
  • 5. YOGA The term yoga is derived form a Sanskrit word 'Yuj' which means join or union. In fact joining the individual self with the divine or universal spirit is called yoga. It is a science of development of man's Consciousness.
  • 6. 3.1 Asanas as preventive measure : Meaning of Asana : To sit in a comfortable position for everlasting period of time is called asana. Asana can be preventive measures as they provide various physiological benefits which ultimately helps in avoiding various lifestyle disease. The Yog sutras of Patanjali define Asana as a position that in steady and comfortable.
  • 7. The following are the benefits of asana for prevention of diseases : a) Bones and joints become strong : b) Circulation of blood becomes normal c) Immune system is strengthened: d) Respiratory organs become efficient e)Efficiency of excretory system enhances f) Muscles become strong
  • 8. 3.2 Obesity Obesity is that condition of the body in which the amount of fat increases to extreme levels. Now A days obesity has become a problem for the whole world obesity is a condition in which the amount of fat in the body increase to a very large extent. If a person is having BMI > 30 he/she would be considered as obese.
  • 9. Obesity : V H A T V Vajrasana Hastasana Trikonasana Ardh Matsyendrasana
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  • 15. 3.3 Diabetes Diabetes is such a disorder that it causes sugar to build up in our blood stream instead of being used by the cells in the body. Diabetes is commonly known as metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar level over a prolonged period. Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the cells of the body not responding properly to the insulin produced.
  • 16. Types of Diabetes : (a) Type I Diabetes : In that type of diabetes blood sugar level rises very high due to non secretion of insulin hormone by pancreas. In that of diabetes effected person has to take artificial insulin through injection. (b) Type II Diabetes : In that type of diabetes blood sugar level rises but not as such as high in type I diabetes. In that type of diabetes our pancreas secreting the insulin hormone but it may be insufficient to control the blood sugar level normal or body cell are not able to respond insulin properly.
  • 17. Diabetes : B A P P V Bhujangasana Pavan Muktasana Ardh Matsyendrasana Diabetes sab disease ka “BAPP” hai Paschimottasan
  • 19. 3.4 Asthma Asthma is a disease of lungs in which the airways become blocked or narrowed causing difficulty in breathing. The airways also swells up. It usually triggers coughing, wheezing or whistling or shortness of breath.
  • 20. Common symptoms of asthma are : • coughing, • heavy breathing, • chest tightness, • fatigue, • pain in hands, feet, shoulders and back. Reasons are dust, smoke, air pollution, pollen grains, animals skin, hair or feather etc. are the main reasons.
  • 21. Asthema : Parvat Bhai M S C P G VBhujangasana Sukhasana Parvatasana Paschimott anasana Matsyasana Gomukhasana Parvat Bhai ne MSC PG kiya Chakrasana
  • 23. 3.5 Hypertension : Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. It can lead to severe complications and increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and death.
  • 24. High blood pressure : A condition in which the strength of blood against the walls of the artery is very high. Reasons for high blood pressure increased with age, Genetic, obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking, alcohol, more intake of salt in food, tension or mental stress, diabetes, pregnant women are more prone to high B.P. All these factors can lead to high blood pressure.
  • 25. Unit is millimeter of mercury. The normal blood pressure of an adult is considered 120/80mm/Hg. The person whose blood pressure readings are beyond 140/90 mm/Hg are said to be having hypertension.
  • 26. Hypertension : Ac B S Pe T V V Bhujangasana Pavan Muktasana Ardh Chakrasana Tadasana Shavasana Vajrasana
  • 29. Unit Contents 4.1 Concept of Disability & Disorder 4.2 Types of Disability, its causes & nature (cognitive disability, intellectual disability, physical disability) 4.3 Types of Disorder, its cause & nature (ADHD, SPD, ASD, ODD, OCD)
  • 30. 4.4 Disability Etiquettes 4.5 Strategies to make Physical Activities assessable for children with special need.
  • 31. 4.1 Concept of Disability & Disorder Concept of Disability : Disability is understood as a condition that produces a long-term impairment that affects activities of daily living, such as eating, walking, and maintaining personal hygiene.
  • 32. All persons with all types of disabilities must enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms. To give the effect to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities an act names the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 (RPWD Act 2016) was passed by Indian Parliament on 27th December 2016.
  • 33. According to the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, definition of “Person with disability” A person with long term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairment which, in interaction with barriers, hinders his full and effective participation in society equally with others.
  • 34. Concept of Disorder : Disorder is usually used for mental disabilities. Disorder is any ailment that disturbs the health of an individual. Disorder creates hindrance in an individual’s performance and reduces his efficiency. In the beginning disorder seems to be ordinary but they usually grow or spread in a harmful manner in an individual.
  • 35.
  • 36. 4.2 Types of disability 1.Cognitive Disability: It is a neurological disorder that creates hindrances or obstruction for an individual to store, process and produce information. This ability can affect an individual’s ability to read, compute, speak and write.
  • 37. 2. Intellectual disability: It is a disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning (reasoning, learning, problem solving) and in adaptive behavior, which covers a range of everyday social and practical skills. Indeed, this disability is related to the individual’s thought process, communication, money, learning, problem solving and judgment.
  • 38. 3. Physical disability : It is a limitation on individual’s physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina. Other impairments such as respiratory disorders, blindness, and sleep disorders, which limit other facets of daily living are also included in physical disabilities.
  • 39.
  • 40. 4.3 Types of disorders a) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) b) Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) c) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) d) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) e) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • 41. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) : It is a group of behavioral symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. It is medical conditions that affects how well can someone sit still, focus and pay attention. The individual with ADHD have some problems focusing in some activities. This type of disorder is found more common in boys than in girls.
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  • 44. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) : It is a condition in which the brain has difficulty in receiving and responding to the information that comes in through senses. It refers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and then turns them into proper motor and behavioral responses.
  • 45. Sensory Processing Disorder may affect one sense such as touch, sight, taste or movement. It may also affect multiple senses. In fact, the person may scream when touched or may vomit or dive under the table after hearing the sound of a leaf blower outside the window.
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  • 48. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) : It is characterized by social interaction difficulties, communication challenges. It is a neurological and developmental disorder in which have difficulty with communication, language, social skill and behavior.
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  • 51. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) : It is a set or group of behavioral disorders called disruptive behavior disorders. It is called by this name because children with such disorders always tend to disrupt those around them. Physicians define this disorder as a pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior directed toward authority figures.
  • 52. The individuals affected by this disorder usually rebel, argue with adults, refuse to obey and are obstinate.
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  • 55. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): It is a mental health disorder that affects people of all ages and walks of life. It occurs when an individual gets caught in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. It can be said that persons with OCD are plagued to constant thoughts of fears that cause them to perform rituals or routines.
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  • 59. 4.6 Strategies to make physical activities accessible for children with special needs a) Medical check-up b) Activities based on interests c) Different instructional strategies d) Modification of rules e) Specific environment
  • 61. Unit Contents 7.1 Physiological factor determining component of Physical Fitness 7.2 Effect of exercise on Cardio Respiratory System 7.3 Effect of exercise on Muscular System
  • 62. Unit Contents 7.4 Sports injuries : Classification (Soft Tissue Injuries:(Abrasion, Contusion, Laceration, Incision, Sprain & Strain) Bone & Joint Injuries: (Dislocation, Fractures: Stress Fracture, Green Stick, Commutated, Transverse Oblique & Impacted) Causes, Prevention& treatment 7.5 First Aid – Aims & Objectives
  • 63. 7.1. Physiological factors determining Components of Physical Fitness. Physiological factors for determining Strength. 1. Muscle size 2. Muscle composition 3. Body weight
  • 64. 1. Muscle strength 2. Joint structure 3. Internal environment 4. Injury 5. Age and gender 6. Active and sedentary life style 7. Heredity Physiological factors determining Flexibility :
  • 65. 1. Explosive strength 2. Muscle composition 3. Mobility of nervous system 4. Elasticity and Relaxing capacity of muscle 5. Bio-chemical Reserves and Metabolic Power Physiological factors for determining speed.
  • 66. 1.Aerobic capacity 2. Oxygen Uptake 3.Cardiac Output Physiological factors determining endurance :
  • 67. 7.2 Effect of exercise on the cardio-respiratory system.
  • 68. 7.3 Effects of exercise on muscular system. “Muscle is a specialized tissue, which enables the body and its part to move and give shape to the body” Effects of Exercise – Change in shape and size of muscle – More energy supply to muscle
  • 69. – Improve in reaction time – Capillarization – Reduction fat – Muscular endurance – Posture – Controls extra fat – Delays fatigue – Increase food storage – Strength and speed The formation and development of a network of capillaries to a part of the body; it is increased by aerobic exercise.
  • 70. 1. Contusion (नील) : Muscle injury occurs due to direct hit, with or without any sports equipment. Blood vessels in the muscles are broken, bleeding may occur in the muscles . Stiffness & swelling common sign. Muscle may not respond or may become totally inactive. Common in : Boxing, Wrestling, Kabaddi.
  • 71. 2. Strain (मांसपे'शय* क- चोट) : Mild or severe muscle injury. In severe case, muscle may rupture. In case of complete rupture movement of limb is not possible due to severe pain. May happen during practice or clash.
  • 72. 3. Sprain (मोच ) : May occur due to over stretching or tearing of ligament. Occurs at wrist joint and ankle joint. Some time fracture is possible along with sprain. Swelling, inflammation, severe pain & tenderness are common symptoms.
  • 73. 4. Abrasion (घष&ण) : Skin Injury that Occurs due to friction with any equipment or a fall over the area where the bone is close to skin.
  • 74. 5. Bruises (चोट) : An injury appearing as an area of discolored skin ( red to blue or dark purple ) on the body Caused by a blow or impact rupturing underlying blood vessels.
  • 75. 6. Laceration : Lacerations are wounds that are torn, rather than cut. They have ragged, irregular edges and torn tissue underneath. These wounds are usually made by a blunt, rather than a sharp, object.
  • 76. 7. Incision : A surgical cut made in skin or flesh.
  • 77. Preventive measures of soft tissue injuries : 1. Proper warming up 2. Proper conditioning of body 3. Scientific equipment & facilities 4. Clean & plain surface of play grounds
  • 78. 5. Knowledge rules & regulation of sports events. 6. Actively & alertness participation during the sports training & competition. 7. Fatigue, sickness & injuries condition to avoid participation in the sports training.
  • 79. Dislocation : A dislocation is a separation of two bones where they meet at a joint. Joints are areas where two bones come together. 1. Dislocation of Lower Jaw : Generally, it occurs when the chin strikes to any other object. It may also occur if mouth is opened excessively.
  • 80. 2. Dislocation of Shoulder Joint : Dislocation of shoulder joint may occur due to sudden jerk or a fall on hard surface. The end of the hummers comes out from the socket.
  • 81. Types of Bone Fractures : 1. Greenstick fracture : An incomplete fracture in which a bone bends and cracks. This type of fracture usually occurs in children because their bone are soft and flexible. 2. Transverse fracture : A fracture at a right angle to the bones axis or a straight break right across a bone.
  • 82. 3. Oblique fracture : A fracture is a slanted fracture that occurs when a force is applied diagonally an angle to a bone’s long axis. 4. Impacted fracture: It is loss of continuity in the structure of bones.
  • 83. 5. Stress fractures : It is a crack in bone due to high impact physical activity. 6. Comminuted Fracture : A fracture in which the bone fragments.
  • 84. 7.4 Prevention from Sports Injuries : 1. Warming up, stretching and cooling down. 2. Undertaking training prior to competition to ensure readiness to play. 3. Including appropriate speed work in training program so muscles are capable of sustaining high acceleration forces. 4. Including appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises in weekly training programs.
  • 85. 5. Gradually increasing the intensity and duration of training. 6. Maintaining high levels of cardiovascular fitness and muscle endurance to prevent fatigue. 7. Allowing adequate recovery time between workouts or training sessions. 8. Wearing protective equipment, such as shin guards. Mouth guards and helmets. 9. Pre participation-medical check up.
  • 86. 7.5 First aid Aim & objectives First aid: “It is care that is give to an injured or sick person prior to treatment by medically trained personnel.” Aim of first aid: The Aim of first aid to save the life of an injured & ill person.
  • 88. Unit Contents 9.1 Personality; its definition & types – Trait & Types (Sheldon & Jung Classification) & Big Five Theory 9.2 Motivation, its type & techniques 9.3 Meaning, Concept & Types of Aggressions in Sports
  • 89. The word personality is derived from the Latin word ‘Persona’, which means ‘the mask’. So we say that personality is a mask that is used by an individual to deal with the society or the environment. Personality covers all the physical, mental, social, emotional interest and behavioral qualities of an individual. 9.1 Personality; its definition & types – Trait & Types
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  • 92. 1. Endomorphy : People with endomorph body structure have rounded physique. Their excessive mass hinders their ability to compete in sports. Suitable games weight lifting and power lifting.
  • 93. 2. Mesomorphy : People with mesomorphy body structure have thick bones and muscles with rectangular shaped body. They have larger and broader chest and shoulders can be top sports person in any sport.
  • 94. 3. Ectomorphy : These realism person because their muscles and limbs are elongated. They have flat chest and have less muscle mass. They have less strength but dominate endurance sports.
  • 95. Jung’s human personality can be classified into three category. 1. Introvert : If an individual is motivated or energized by the internal world of thoughts, feelings and reflections is known as Introvert. They are having poor self confidence, moody, unsocial, quiet and pessimist.
  • 96. 2. Extrovert : This kind of individual associated with external world of object and other people. They believe in action, social settings, interacting. They are friendly, confident responsive and lively leader.
  • 97. 3. Ambivert : This kind of people have the mix trait of Introvert and Extrovert. They are having few friends.
  • 99. 9.2 Motivation : The word motivation is derived from the latin word “movere” which means to move so in the condition of motivation an individual is moved by internal & external forces towards the goal. It is widely accepted that “Miracle is possible only when you are motivated”
  • 100.
  • 101. 9.3 Aggression : It is a physical or verbal behavior which is directed towards the goal of harming other living being either physically or psychologically.
  • 103.
  • 105. Unit Contents 10.1 Strength – Definition, types & methods of improving Strength – Isometric, Isotonic & Isokinetic 10.2 Endurance - Definition, types & methods to develop Endurance – Continuous Training, Interval Training & Fartlek Training
  • 106. Unit Contents 10.3 Speed – Definition, types & methods to develop Speed – Acceleration Run & Pace Run 10.4 Flexibility – Definition, types & methods to improve flexibility 10.5 Coordinative Abilities – Definition & types
  • 107. It is the ability to act or to over come the resistance. 10.1 Strength
  • 108. The following are its types : (a) Maximum strength : - Ability to act a against maximum resistance (b) Explosive strength : Ability to act against resistance with Speed (c) Strength Endurance : Ability to act against resistance under condition of fatigue.
  • 109. Following mention methods are used to improve strength : 1. Isometric Exercise : The word Isometric is comprised of 2 words “Iso”, “same” and “metric”, “length”. Means when we do these exercises work done cannot be observed. These exercise require less time and equipments and can be carried out anywhere.
  • 110. 2. Isotonic Exercises :- “Iso” Means ‘same’ and ‘tonic’ means tone. In these types of exercise when we do movements it can be observed directly. The length of muscles can be seen and called eccentric contraction and concentric contraction accordingly. Example When we throw a ball, jump, run, weight training, these type of contraction occurs.
  • 111. 3. Iso-Kinetic Exercises : “Iso” - ‘Same’ “and’ kinetic - motion’. These exercises were introduced by J.J. perrine in 1968. These exercise are done by specially design machine and are combination of Isotonic and Iso-metric exercises.
  • 112. 10.2 Endurance It is ability to continue the activity under the condition of fatigue or for a long time. Or the capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear.
  • 113.
  • 114. 10.2 Endurance It is ability to continue the activity under the condition of fatigue or for a long time. Types of endurance : On the Basis of nature of activity : 1. Basic Endurance :- It is the ability of an Individual to do the movement in which large no. of body and muscles involve at slow pace for a duration such as Walking, Jogging, Swimming at a moderate speed.
  • 115. 2. General Endurance :- It is the ability of an individual to resist fatigue satisfactorily caused by different type of activities. 3. Specific Endurance :- It is the ability of an individual to complete the task without any fatigue. It’s requirement depends upon the nature of activity (Games and Sports) requirement of specific endurance of a boxer is different from that of a wrestler.
  • 116. On the Basis of duration of activity : • Speed Endurance :- It is the ability of an individual to perform a movement with high speed to resist of fatigue in activities upto 45 seconds. • Short term endurance :- Short term endurance is needed to resist fatigue in sports activities lasting from 45 seconds to 2 minutes. Ex. 800 m race. • The medium term endurance :- It is the activity lasting from 2.min to 11 minutes. Ex. 1500 & 3000 mts.
  • 117. • Long term Endurance :- It is needed for those sports which require more than 11 minutes time ex. 5000m to 1000m cross country race.
  • 118. 1. Continuous Method :- In continuous of method, the exercise is done for a long duration without taking rest. The intensity of work is low. The heart rate during the exercise for a sportsman should be between 140-160 beats per minutes. For fast continuous method the heart rate of an athlete should be increased about 175 - 180. Its duration of exercise should be more than 30 minutes. Ex. running walking, cycling, etc.
  • 119. 2. Interval Method :- This method is very effective for developing endurance for track runners. Intervals are given to the athlete in between the repetition for recovery. The recovery period for athlete varies from person to person. The Heart should go up to 180 beat/ min. and when the heart rate comes down to 120-130 beats/ min again the repetition/ work starts.
  • 120. Fartlek Training Method : It is another method to develop the endurance ability. This method was developed by Swedish coach “ Gosta Holmer” in 1930 in Sweden. So it is also known as “Swedish play” or “Speed play” Athlete changes his/her speed accordingly. So it is self-disciplined in nature. The heart rate fluctuate between 140 - 180 beats/ minute. Fartlek training involves varying our pace throughout our run. Alternating between fast and slow pace.
  • 121. 10.3 Speed It is the ability to do movement as quick as possible.
  • 122. Types of speed Ability : 1. Reaction speed ability : It is the ability to act against a signal. 2. Acceleration speed ability : It is the ability to achieve max speed in minimum possible time. 3. Movement speed ability : It is the ability to do a single small movement in minimum possible time.
  • 123. Types of speed Ability : 4. Locomotor speed ability : It is the ability to maintain max speed as long as possible. 5. Speed Endurance : It is the ability to do the movement as quick as possible under the condition of fatigue.
  • 124. Pace run : Pace run means running the whole distance with a constant speed. Generally 800 metre and above races are included in pace races.
  • 125. Acceleration Run : Acceleration run are usually used to develop speed indirectly by improving explosive strength, technique, flexibility and movement freuqency. It is the ability of a sprinter to achieve high speed from a stationary position. Sufficient intervals should be provided between the repetitions.
  • 126. 10.4 Flexibility Flexibility is the range of movement of the joint of a sports person.
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  • 128. Methods to develop Flexibility : • Slow Stretch and hold method – We stretch our joint to maximum limit and hold it for a few seconds before returning to the initial Phase. The holding period must be not more than 3 to 8 sec. The method is also use for improving passive flexibility.
  • 129. Methods to develop Flexibility : • Ballistic Method – In this method the stretching exercises are done in a swing, so this is called the ballistic method. A proper warm - up should be done before these exercise. Stretching of the muscle can be done in a rhythm.
  • 130. • Post - Isometric Stretch Method – The post-isometric relaxation technique begins by placing the muscle in a stretched position. Then an isometric contraction is exerted against minimal resistance. Relaxation and then gentle stretch follow as the muscle releases.
  • 132. Co-ordinative abilities : Coordinative abilities mainly depend on the central nervous system. The coordinative abilities are those abilities of an individual which enable the individual to do various related activities properly as well as efficiently. Our accuracy, rhythm, flow and constancy depend on our coordinative abilities.
  • 133. (a)Differentiation ability : It is the ability to achieve a high level of fine tuning or harmony of individual movement phases and body part movements. It is a high degree of accuracy and high level of mastery over sports movements for effective application in competition. For example: In gymnastics differential ability enables highly precise and accurate movements according to given model of movement. In football harmony of feet and head counts.
  • 134. (b) Orientation ability : It is the ability to change the position and movements of the body in time and space in relation to a definite field of action. In gymnastics the position and the movement of head and eyes is important for orientation.
  • 135. (c) Coupling ability : It is the ability to coordinate body part movements in relation to a definite goal. For example: In football, the foot- movement for all control or dribbling have to be coupled with the whole body movement of running. jumping, etc. Likewise in wrestling the movements of hands, legs and head have to be successfully combined.
  • 136. (d) Reaction ability : It is the ability to react quickly and effectively to a signal. To a great extent it depends on sense organs, coordinative processes of CNS, decision-making, concentration and anticipation. (e) Balance ability : It is the ability to maintain balance between body movements. Both static as well as dynamic balance is important in sports.
  • 137. (f) Rhythm ability : It is the ability to produce a rhythm, existing in motor memory, in motor action. For example, In Gymnastics the sportsman has to perceive an external rhythm, given in the form of music and to express it in his movements. in other sports rhythm is not given from outside, the sportsman has to make use of rhythm stored in his motor memory.
  • 138. (g) Adaptation ability : It is the ability to adjust or completely change the movement on the basis of changes or anticipated changes in the situation. The situational changes may be expected ones or may suddenly take place. It depends heavily on experience.