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Israel General Elections to the 18th Knesset - 10 February 2009
       A Summary of Political Party Platforms from A to Z

              Party Platforms of the Major Parties

The Israeli Labor Party - ‫מפלגת העבודה הישראלית‬
Current Knesset Seats (1-2009): Labor = 18
Candidate for Prime Minister: Ehud Barak

Socio-economic Issues                     Peace & Diplomacy                        Religion & State          Security, Settlements

Social justice, responsibility, social    Two states for two peoples.         A Peace agreement and two      The Security Fence is a vital defensive measure
inclusion. The economy is not saved by    Seeks a just and lasting peace with states will ensure a Jewish,   and should be completed. Its route will be
cuts in social welfare that aggravate     secure and defensible borders for democratic state.                based on legal and security considerations.
poverty. Narrow the social gap by a       Israel.
fairer distribution of resources and                                          Opposes the passage of         Israel will retain major settlement blocs. Settlers
measures to reduce poverty.               Supports land for peace formula; legislation in the Knesset        who leave will receive fair compensation.
                                          supported Disengagement Plan denying the rights of non-
Accept free market economy, while         from Gaza. Seeks a return to the Orthodox religious groups in      Open to division of Jerusalem and separate
protecting the jobs, conditions and       Road Map for Peace, towards a final Israel.                        sovereignty.
wages of workers. Raise minimum           status agreement based on pre-67
wage, improve NI payments to the          status quo. Jerusalem remains Affirms the legitimacy of all
elderly, create compulsory contributory   Israel's capital.                   religious streams.
pension, invest to reduce
unemployment. Increase investment in      No direct negotiations with Hamas.
development of infrastructure, culture    Israel should work to isolate Hamas
and social welfare programs, public       internationally and should apply
housing. Comprehensive educational        pressure on Hamas to change its
reform; free public education and         doctrine. Partners for negotiation
health services.                          must recognize Israel's right to exist
                                          in secure and recognized borders.
Equal rights and opportunities for all

Balad - National Democratic Assembly ‫בל"ד - הברית הלאומית הדמוקרטית‬
Current Knesset Seats (1-2009) = 3
Party Head: Jamal Zahalka

Socio-economic Issues                            Peace & Diplomacy                      Religion & State                  Security, Settlements

Israel is the state of all its citizens. Balad   Supports a peace agreement             Opposes any religious laws that   Settlements should be dismantled in the
reflects interests in the Arab sector and        ensuring "the withdrawal of Israel     are discriminatory towards the    framework of a comprehensive peace
aims to eliminate all state institutions         from all occupied Arab territories     national minorities.              agreement.
and laws that discriminate against               and the establishment of an
Arabs in Israel, including prejudice in          independent Palestinian state" in      Supports the separation of        Jerusalem as capital of Palestinian state.
the national budget.                             the "Occupied Territories, with East   Religion and State
Israel should recognize and protect              Jerusalem as its capital."
Arab national minority rights and grant                                                 Annul official recognition of
cultural autonomy to Arabs in matters            Supports the Right of Return for all   Zionist organizations: Jewish
that distinguish them from the national          Arab refugees (1948, 1967).            Agency, Keren Kayemeth
majority. Demands recognition of                                                        LeIsrael.
unrecognized Arab villages. Rejects
compulsory military service for Arab
citizens. (Hebrew)

Gil - Pensioners of Israel to the Knesset ‫גיל – גימלאי ישראל לכנסת‬
Current Knesset Seats (1-2009)=6
Party Head - Rafael Eitan

Socio-economic Issues                 Peace & Diplomacy                   Religion & State                Security,

Improvement of Pensioners' rights:    No clear policy: Coalition with a   Separation of Religion and      No clear
housing, health and culture.          government that seeks to achieve    State.                          platform.
                                      secure borders for Israel.
Promotion of democratic society,
educational opportunities, hi-tech,
economic prosperity. (Hebrew) (Hebrew, 2006)

Hadash - The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality ‫חד"ש - החזית הדמוקרטית לשלום ולשוויון‬
Current Knesset Seats=3
Party Head - Mohammad Barakeh

Socio-economic Issues                       Peace & Diplomacy                          Religion & State                Security, Settlements

A Jewish-Arab party relatively classic      2 states for 2 peoples.                    Israel as a state of all its    All settlements over pre-1967 borders are illegal
communist – socialist position on:                                                     citizens, full equality for     and should be evacuated, including East
economy, labor, social welfare, health,     Establishment of a Palestinian capital     Arab citizens.                  Jerusalem.
education. Aims to draw larger Jewish       in the areas of Jerusalem annexed to
Israeli vote and membership through         Israel after June 1967 (East Jerusalem).   Separation of religion and      Division of sovereignty in Jerusalem.
merger with Tarabut socio-political                                                    state. Civil marriage and
movement.                                   Complete withdrawal from all areas         divorce. Abolition of           Merged with Tarabut the Anti-Fence
                                            conquered in the Six Day War.              coercive religious law.         movement/lobby, on Israeli political left.
Primary issues: Social justice, equality;   Pursue a "just settlement of the           Freedom of conscience.
recognition of the national Arab-           refugee issue"; All provisions should
Palestinian minority and its rights –       be anchored by peace agreements.           "... opposed to the passage
positive ethnic discrimination; greater                                                of legislation in the Knesset
cultural integration of the Arab            Opposes the Security Fence.                which would deny the
minority; sexual equality. Investment in                                               rights of non-Orthodox
schools, urban rehabilitation.                                                         religious groups in Israel."
Transparency of government, freedom
of information.

Strong green (ecological) platform on:
protection of environment, pollution,
cellular antennae. (Hebrew, English) (Hebrew)

Habayit Hayehudi - The New Mafdal Party ‫הבית היהודי -מפד"ל החדשה‬
Current Knesset Seats (1-2009)=5
Party Head: Prof. Daniel Hershkovitz

Split from: Ichud Leumi-Moledet –Tekuma-Mafdal/NRP, New Religious Zionism

Socio-economic Issues                  Peace & Diplomacy                          Religion & State                  Security, Settlements

Right-wing, focusing on a redemptive   Supports direct peace negotiations         "Israel is a Jewish and            Emphasis on renewing significance of Judaism
religious Zionist platform.            with all the Arab states and with the      democratic state. As such it      and Zionism in Eretz Yisrael, and the settlements.
                                       Arabs of Israel, based on the following    will protect equal rights for     Promotes active settlement in all areas of Eretz
Better employment, immigration         principles: ensuring full and abiding      all its citizens and residents.   Yisrael to create a vibrant economy, and a strong
assistance; housing, education         security for the individual and the        The standing of the               Jewish presence and ensure security.
programs; improve medical care and     state; uncompromising battle against       legislative authority will be
social welfare; ensure reasonable      terror; no Palestinian state west of the   strengthened and the              Opposes all uprooting of settlements and
income level.                          Jordan; unified Jerusalem as the           independence of the               territorial compromise on Jerusalem.
                                       eternal capital of the people of Israel    judiciary will be honored."
Promote and finance excellence in      and the State of Israel alone;                                               Affirmation of Israeli sovereignty over the Temple
education, with integration of         negotiated autonomy for Arabs of the       To ensure Israel's Jewish         Mount.
Jewish/Zionist values.                 Territories; no Arab "right of return".    character by promulgating
                                                                                  the heritage and values of
Advocates a democratic Jewish state.                                              the Jewish People. Favors
                                                                                  legislation to ensure the
                                                                                  Jewish nature of the State. (Hebrew ) (NRP Hebrew) (Hebrew) (Hebrew)

Ichud Leumi – ‫האיחוד הלאומי‬
Current Knesset Seats – 10
Party Head – Yehuda Katz (Running with HaBayit HaLeumi for 18th Knesset)

Split from: Ichud Leumi-Moledet –Tekuma-Mafdal/NRP, New Religious Zionism

Socio-economic Issues                       Peace & Diplomacy                         Religion & State              Security, Settlements

Right wing, nationalist platform;           "Peace for peace" – with Israel           Democratic Jewish state.      Eretz Yisrael is the Jewish national home of all the
promotion of a democratic Jewish state      retaining current borders - to be         Enhance Jewish and            Jewish People.
and Zionist renewal                         achieved by agreement, and                national Zionist identity
                                            resolution of the refugee problem .       through education to          Opposes all uprooting of settlements. Promotes
Advocates for: A liberal economy,           via "population exchange."                Jewish history and values,    active settlement in all areas of Eretz Yisrael to
elimination of monopolies, narrow social                                              based on Jewish sources.      create a vibrant economy, a strong Jewish
gap and fostering equality; drastic         Supports direct peace negotiations                                      presence, and ensure security.
reduction of the public sector,             with all the Arab states and with the     Supports a constitution that
encouragement of private enterprise.        Arabs of Israel, based on: ensuring       legislates for the Jewish and Opposes territorial compromise on Jerusalem.
Promote and finance excellence in           full and abiding security for the         Zionist nature of the State   Affirmation of Israeli sovereignty over the Temple
education. Reinforce the status of Hebrew   individual      and     the      state;   of Israel.                    Mount.
language.                                   uncompromising battle against
                                            terror; no Palestinian state west of      No specific religious         Israel will not surrender to terror. Destroy Terror
Pledge of loyalty as condition for          the Jordan; unified Jerusalem as the      platform: aims to represent   infrastructure by removing all terrorists, weapons
citizenship. Clean government,              eternal capital of the people of Israel   a broader constituency of     and bomb factories from Judea, Samaria & Gaza.
elimination of financial and media          and the State of Israel alone;            the Israeli right-wing.
connection to political power.              negotiated autonomy for Arabs of                                        Will work to preserve the integrity of Eretz Yisrael
                                            the Territories; no Arab "right of                                      and its environment.
Only those who serve in the IDF should      return" to Israel.
have the right to be elected to the
Knesset. (Hebrew) (Hebrew) (Hebrew)

Kadima ‫קדימה‬
Current Knesset Seats -29
Candidate for Prime Minister - Tzipi Livni

Socio-economic Issues                           Peace & Diplomacy                                      Religion & State       Security, Settlements

Israel has lost its international competitive   "Two nation states, based on existing                  Importance of core
edge and the widening social gap threatens      demographic realities," living side by         Jewish and
the fabric of Israeli society.                  peace and security.                                    democratic values,
                                                                                                       improve relations
                                                                                                                              Objective is a sovereign, democratic,
A regulated, liberal market economy will        Territorial compromise is required to ensure a         with Jewish
                                                                                                                              secure, Jewish national state.
increase prosperity, Need for equality of       sovereign, democratic Jewish national state, and       communities in the
funding     in    education;    encouraging     will be based on bilateral processes/agreements.       Diaspora.
                                                                                                                              Security Fence must be completed to
increased employment and retraining
                                                                                                                              ensure maximum security for Israeli
through adult education; a social safety        Peace agreement establishing Palestinian               Resolve the issue of
                                                                                                                              citizens, taking into account
network for the disabled and the aged;          statehood to include the "cessation of all             those who cannot
                                                                                                                              humanitarian needs of Palestinians.
reform of the health system; development        Palestinian claims towards Israel, including           marry in Israel.
of the Negev and Galilee; reduce number of      refugees."; as well as renunciation of terror,
                                                                                                                              Dismantling of illegal settlements.
foreign workers. Investment in R&D              dismantling of terrorist infrastructure; Palestinian
                                                                                                                              Retention of major settlement blocs.
technologies, support for small businesses.     state will be demilitarized.
Further privatization; curbs on monopolies.
                                                                                                                              Need for "unremitting war" on terrorists,
                                                Israel will:
                                                                                                                              terrorist infrastructure.
Reduction of government expenditure,                 o retain areas that are crucial for its
streamlining of government infrastructure                 security.
                                                                                                                              Position on Jerusalem: Jerusalem as the
and offices. Transparency of government              o retain Jewish holy places that are of
                                                                                                                              capital of Israel and open to separation
                                                          central religious and national
                                                                                                                              of Arab villages; unclear on Old City.
Integration and complete equality of rights               importance.
for Israel's minorities.                             o retain the large Jewish settlement blocs."

Likud ‫הליכוד‬
Current Knesset Seats (12), with Achi ‫)2( אחי‬
Candidate for Prime Minister - Benjamin Netanyahu

Socio-economic Issues                      Peace & Diplomacy                          Religion & State                   Security, Settlements

A strong, competitive market economy       Support peace negotiations, but will        “We shall have to ease tensions
creates a strong society.                  negotiate only with sincere partners       between the secular and
                                           who reject terrorism, recognize Israel's   religious, Arab and Jew,           Unilateral territorial concessions offer a
Rapid economic growth based on             right to exist, and engage in a process    Diaspora Jews and Israelis. The    reward for terror, and weakens moderate
private investment, with necessary         based upon reciprocity.                    intensity of these tensions is     Arab voices.
reforms due to the prevailing economic                                                often exaggerated, but they do
crisis including tax reform to encourage   Israel's borders will be based on the      exist. They should be              The pre-1967 borders are not secure and are
investment and employment;                 security value of decisive geographic      ameliorated through dialogue       only a staging point for the terrorist
reduction of budget deficit, especially    features. Rejects a return to pre-1967     and compromise, not judicial       movements.
bureaucracy and waste in the public        borders, or any resolution of borders      coercion, abrasive legislation
sector, reduction of welfare benefits to   without an adequate strategic security     and offensive rhetoric..."         Israel should defend itself against terror and
those who can work; promotion of           envelope, and a stable and reciprocal                                         protect its citizens: Gaza is a mini-state of
return to work for unemployed; new         peace agreement                                                               terror, under Hamas control. In Judea and
jobs for high unemployment areas.                                                                                        Samaria, this potential is greater and
                                           "Peace agreements will include full                                           represents a threat to Jerusalem, too.
Improve transport infrastructure to the    diplomatic relations, borders open to
periphery; open skies policy on air        free movement, economic cooperation,                                          The Security Fence should be completed and
transport. Law and order: safety of        and the establishment of joint projects                                       illegal outposts removed, to reduce friction
citizens; zero tolerance for organized     in the fields of science, technology,                                         with the Palestinian population.
crime.                                     tourism, and industry."
                                                                                                                         Opposes any territorial compromise on
                                           De facto, has acknowledged that Israel                                        Jerusalem.
                                           is proceeding towards a two-state
                                           resolution of the conflict. [Hebrew]

Meretz /New Movement ‫מרץ התנועה החדשה‬
Current Knesset Seats=5
Party Head: Haim Oron

Was Meretz-Yahad in the 17th Knesset

Socio-economic Issues                                    Peace & Diplomacy                Religion & State                    Security, Settlements

Social and financial legislation to create a stronger,   Supports a 2-state solution,     Advocates a liberal approach to     Illegal settlements should be removed; small and
more cohesive democratic society and ensure              based on the pre-1967            religious issues: supports          isolated settlements are a security burden. End
equality of social rights and opportunity for all:       borders, with necessary          separation of religion from         expropriation of Palestinian lands for settlements
providing universal health services, free education      modifications in a formal        state, civil rights and equality,   construction. Settlements should be dismantled:
and adequate welfare benefits for those who              agreement.                       civil marriage and divorce.         offer incentives to families that choose to live
cannot work.                                                                              Advocates the freedom to open       inside Israel's pre-1967 borders.
                                                         Israel should strive to          shops and run transport on
Provision for underrepresented sectors –                 integrate itself in the          Shabbat, although Shabbat will      Territorial compromise over Jerusalem as capital
handicapped, homosexuals, women, and non-                Middle East and seek a           continue to be the public day of    city of Israel and Palestinian state.
Jewish minorities, elderly, children.                    regional settlement.             rest.
                                                                                                                              Opposes the current route of the Security Fence,
Improvement of minimun wage and reform of                Dialogue with the                Argues that the Law of Return       but supports the existence of a security barrier
labor conditions. Retraining for the unemployed.         Palestinian Authority, in        should apply to any person who      along the pre-67 border, although not inside
Improved access to higher education and culture.         order to strengthen              declares in good faith that         Jerusalem.
                                                         moderates against Hamas.         he/she is Jewish and not just by
Tax reform similar to other developed countries,         Avoid collective                 Halachic standards.                 Opposes the use of administrative detention for
and the institution of inheritance tax.                  punishment of the                                                    Palestinian suspects.
Fund new housing for tens of the thousands of            Palestinian people in            Opposed the Tal Law because of
homeless families; realistic mortgages for young         response to terror. The          exemptions for Yeshiva
couples, purchase of public housing.                     Palestinian Authority must       students.
Reduction of length of military service, equality of     prove though its actions
service commitments.                                     that it is making every effort   Strives for the annulment of any
                                                         to prevent terrorist acts        law that conflicts with the Basic
Strong democratic platform on clean government,          against Israel.                  Law on the Dignity of Man and
enforcement of the law.                                                                   Personal Freedom.
Significant green platform on the environment. (Hebrew, English) (Hebrew)

Ra'am-Ta'al The United Arab List/ The Arab Movement For Renewal ‫רע"מ-תע"ל רש' ערבית מאוחדת‬
Current Knesset Members =4
Party Head – Ahmad Tibi

Socio-economic Issues                                  Peace & Diplomacy                  Religion & State               Security, Settlements

Seeks equality of rights and opportunities for Arab    Supports a 2-state solution        Equality should be given to    Dismantling of all settlements over the Green
citizens of Israel, including dedicated funding.       for 2 peoples, based on            all religions in Israel.       Line.
Reflects Arab, Islamic and Beduin sectors.             June 4, 1967 borders, with         Separation of religion and
                                                       Arab Jerusalem as its capital      state.                         Jerusalem to be divided between Israel and a
Seeks to close the economic and social gap existing    [division of Jerusalem].                                          Palestinian State.
between the Arabs and Jews through affirmative         Palestine will live side by        Educate youth towards the
action type projects in fields such as: agriculture,   side with the Israeli state.       identity and history of the
industry, education, housing communication, and                                           Arab Palestinian population
health. Promotes establishment of an Arab university Calls for a fair solution for        in Israel,” paralleling the
in Israel.                                           Palestinian refugees, based          Jewish emphasis in the
                                                     on UN resolutions.                   state religious educational
Develop the infrastructure of the streets in Arab                                         system.
regions and promote road safety; cancel the VAT      Relinquishing weapons of             Moslem holy sites should
imposed on properties; recognize the non-            mass destruction by Israel           revert to legal owners; all
recognized villages; resolve the internal refugee    and other states.                    religious sites should enjoy
problem.                                                                                  financial support. Sharia
                                                                                          court system should be
Rejects military service for Israel's Arab minority.                                      independent. (Hebrew)

Shas ‫שס‬
Current Knesset Seats = 12
Party Head: Eliyahu Yishai

Socio-economic Issues                                       Peace & Diplomacy                Religion & State                    Security, Settlements

A social rights law covering: education, housing, health,   Shas opposed the Oslo            Israel is the state of the Jewish   Views the development of all of Eretz Yisrael
welfare, work.                                              Accords and the Road             People. Public bodies should        as equally important, including:
                                                            Map; opposed the                 reflect the Jewish nature of        government authorized settlement
Minimum wage for unskilled labor and fair professional      Disengagement Plan               the country, within the             development in Judea & Samaria;
wage demands for skilled labor and qualified workers;       on the grounds that it           preservation of the status quo      development of the Negev & Galilee;
end of sub-contracted government/ public positions to       was unilateral, not an           [e.g.: no transport on Shabbat,     development of Hi-Tech in the periphery;
manpower companies; inclusion of all wage components        agreement, and thus              no businesses on Shabbat].          improved transport infrastructure, housing
towards pension; positive discrimination for women.         presented a danger to                                                and education subsidies in the peripheral
Return and improvement of child allowances to previous      the security of Israeli          The state is responsible for        regions of Israel.
levels, as the true form of "negative taxation" – Israel    citizens.                        providing essential religious
almost halved its family allocations in recent years.                                        services, protection of places      Opposes any territorial division of Jerusalem
                                                            However R. Ovadiah               of worship; it should also          and any territorial compromise that poses a
Education: equal allocations for all schools, in all        Yosef has in the past            provide for research into           security threat to Israel.
education systems, especially in the periphery; improved    voiced support for               Jewish heritage and support
teacher salaries; free education from kindergarten          territorial compromise           Torah institutions.
through high school; subsidized higher education;           if it can prove to
education for women; partial subsidies for school           prevent the loss of life.        Accepts the Tal Law and
lunches.                                                                                     professionalization of the
Compulsory, adequate pension; investment in the                                              ultra-orthodox community.
economy and infrastructure; tax incentives for low wage
earners; recognition of child care charges for tax
purposes; reduce number of foreign workers; health
system reform.
Shas (Party website in Hebrew) (Hebrew)

United Torah Judaism ‫יהדות התורה‬
Current Knesset Seats=6
Party Head - Yaakov Litzman

Union of Agudat Yisrael and Degel HaTorah

Socio-economic Issues                                   Peace & Diplomacy       Religion & State                          Security, Settlements

No major declared economic platform; represents         No declared platform.   Non-Zionist party.                        No declared security platform – largely
its demographically growing ultra-                                                                                        pragmatic approach.
orthodoxconstituency throughout Israel.                                         Believes that Israeli culture leads to
                                                                                loss of Jewish identity.                  UTJ enjoys growing support by settlers but
Campaigns for welfare system and education                                                                                attributes trend to its religious policies, rather
through financial support for its constituency and                              Seeks to strengthen its                   than to any pro-settlement policy.
institutions, incl. state-supported Chinuch Atzma'i -                           understanding of the Jewish nature
independent education system.                                                   of Israel.

Maintains that Jewish education for all the                                     Rabbinical courts should have the
children of Israel should always be prime on                                    same status as other courts of law.
government agenda.                                                              Actively opposes civil marriage and
                                                                                recognition of non-Orthodox
                                                                                conversions inside or out of Israel, as
                                                                                well as non-Orthodox participants
                                                                                on local religious councils.

                                                                                Opposed the Tal Law on IDF service.
                                                                                Women should not serve in the

Yisrael Beitenu ‫ישראל ביתנו‬
Current Knesset Seats = 11
Party Head - Avigdor Lieberman

Socio-economic Issues                       Peace & Diplomacy                                Religion & State           Security, Settlements

Law and Order.                              Israel faces internal, local and regional
                                                                                    A Citizenship Law should be         No Security Fence in history has prevented
                                            threats, as well as a demographic       legislated to ensure equal rights   war or provided security over a long
No declared platform on other issues, but   threat that can be addressed in         and equal responsibilities. Every   period.
promotes the integration of olim into       different ways.                         citizen should declare
Israeli life, equal rights and equal                                                allegiance to the Israel            The Hamas election victory in the PA is
obligations for all.                        Israel must negotiate the final borders Declaration of Independence,        proof of the serious threat of Palestinian
                                            and work only towards a final status    including olim who immigrate        terror.
                                            agreement which ensures an end to all under the Law of Return.
                                            claims against Israel.                                                      The final status agreement should preserve
                                                                                    The State should endeavor to        major Israeli settlement blocs close to the
                                            Set definitive borders with Egypt,      bring olim from the USSR/Russia     pre-1967 borders; prefers an exchange of
                                            Jordan and Lebanon.                     closer to Jewish values.            territories rather than territorial
                                            A final status agreement should                                             concession. The terms should be accepted
                                            preserve major Israeli settlement blocs Every citizen should be obliged     by consensus in Israel and supported by
                                            close to the pre-1967 borders.          to fufill the obligation to         major international players.
                                                                                    military or national service:
                                                                                    those who refuse should lose        No territorial compromise over Jerusalem.
                                                                                    their citizenship and be granted
                                                                                    permanent residency.
Yisrael Beytenu (English) (Hebrew)

Breakaway Parliamentary Groups inside the 17th Knesset

National Arab Party ‫המפלגה הלאומית הערבית‬
Current Knesset Members=1
Muhamad Kanan

Arab Center Party/Hizb Al Wasat Al-Arabi (ex-UAL moderate Islamic)
Current Knesset Members=1
Abbas Z'koor

Not standing for election for the 18th Knesset

Socio-economic Issues                                         Peace & Diplomacy                Religion & State   Security, Settlements

Focus on addressing equal rights and hardships of all sects   Would join a leftist coalition   Equal rights.      Similar to Ra'am/UAL
of Israeli Arab citizens, through resolving issues of         that supports peace.
education, infrastructure, industry, and poverty.
Distinguishes Israeli Arab population from the Palestinian

The Right Way ‫הדרך הטובה‬
Current Knesset Members= 1)
Elhanan Glazer

Breakaway from the faction that broke with Gil (which later rejoined Gil) in the 17th Knesset.

Socio-economic Issues                                         Peace & Diplomacy                Religion & State   Security, Settlements

Pensioners' rights, social democracy.

Other Political Parties (Not Represented in the 17th Knesset)

Green Leaf Party – Ale Yarok ‫עלה ירוק‬
Party Head - Gil Kopatch

Socio-economic Issues                           Peace & Diplomacy             Religion & State                Security, Settlements

Would propose legislation to legalize           2 secure states for 2         Supports separation of          No declared platform
cannabis for medical and recreative             peoples. Peace can only be    religion from state and the
purposes.                                       achieved by painful           recognition of all streams of
                                                territorial concessions by    Judaism.
Supports a more balanced tax system;            both sides.
improved social support systems for victims                                   Opposes state funding of
of crimes; subsidies to environmentally         Green Leaf supports 2-state   religious institutions that
friendly economic ventures.                     solution based on pre-67      do not meet educational
                                                borders, with minor           criteria; opposes the Tal
Supports animal rights, controlled              adjustments.                  Law and exemption from
prostitution, equal rights for gays and                                       military service.
lesbians, and strengthened rights for
foreign workers.                                                              Supports public transport
                                                                              on Shabbat, civil marriage.
Substantial increased state aid for Holocaust
survivors. (Hebrew)

The Green Movement/Meimad - Hatenu'ah Hayerukah/ Meimad ‫הירוקה התנועה-מימד‬
Party Heads - Eran Ben-Yemini; Michael Melchior

MK Melchior sits in the 17th Knesset representing Meimad

Socio-economic Issues                          Peace & Diplomacy              Religion & State                   Security, Settlements

Development of sustainable energy              Peace as an economic and       Democracy and equality of all      Peace as an economic and environmental necessity.
resources, and affordable public transport.    environmental necessity.       citizens, personal freedom..
                                               (Meimad) Accepts the           Multiculturalism and               (Similar to the Labor Party)
Green platform needs to be holistic with all   principle of land for peace.   tolerance. Dialogue within
other factors.                                 Though Jews have right to      Judaism.
                                               Land of Israel, the good of    (Meimad)
Equality of opportunity and education.         the people of Israel takes
Democracy and equality of all citizens,        precedence over the land       Incorporate Orthodox
personal freedom. Multiculturalism and         itself.                        religious practice in Israeli
tolerance.                                                                    public life, without restrictive
                                               Jerusalem is and should        legislation.
                                               remain united capital of
                                               Israel.                        Supports democratic
                                                                              practices in the Jewish state,
                                                                              education to democratic
                                                                              values in the school system. (Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish) (Hebrew) (Hebrew) (Hebrew) (Hebrew)

Green Party ‫הירוקים‬
Peer Weissner

Socio-economic Issues                                  Peace & Diplomacy         Religion & State                                Security, Settlements

End destruction of the environment: fight against      Will work towards peace   To preserve the Jewish character of the         No declared platform.
health and environmentally damaging factors,           between Israel and her    State of Israel, while allowing for religious
such as cellular antenna transmissions, pollution of   neighbors, and            pluralism.
Israel’s air and water aquifers.                       cooperation, which will
                                                       also bring economic       To preserve an obligatory day of rest to
Increased government support and development           prosperity.               prevent worker exploitation, which will be
for clean energy, transport, clean agriculture.                                  Shabbat. Limited public transport should
                                                                                 run on Shabbat.
Foster growth of civil society, equality and
freedom for citizens.                                                            Supports institution of civil marriage in
                                                                                 Israel, recognition of single sex couples.
Legislate a constitution for Israel. Increased                                   Foster growth of civil society, equality and
transparency of government.                                                      freedom for citizens.
                                                                                 National Service for all.
Foster development, education, personal dignity.

Reduce rate of population growth and
inducements for immigration.

Strong Israel -Yisrael Hazakah ‫ישראל חזקה‬

Party Head - Efraim Sneh

Efraim Sneh is a former MK from the Labor Party. The party combines supporters from Labor (Avodah), with Shinui activists, but has no current
members of Knesset.

Socio-economic Issues                         Peace & Diplomacy             Religion & State       Security, Settlements

Center-Left party with a strong welfare       Two states for two peoples.   Equal status for all   Two states for two peoples.
state and social democratic platform, but                                   streams of Judaism.
aligned with economic growth. Promotion
of: human rights, education, law
enforcement, security; transparency and
integrity of government.

Significant green platform.
ShowFull&cid=1222017466546 (Hebrew, English, Russian) (Hebrew)

Israeli Political Parties - Web Resources
                                                     In English                                                                           ‫בעברית‬
At the Knesset Website:                                                                                                                                                   :‫באתר הכנסת‬

17th Knesset: Current Functioning Parliamentary Groups                                                                                                              18‐ ‫בחירות לכנסת ה‬                                                          

Current Members of Knesset by Parliamentary Group                                                                                                           (1‐09) – ‫סיעות המכהנות כיום‬                                                   

Factional and Government Make-Up of the Seventeenth Knesset                                                                                                17‐‫רשימות המועמדים לכנסת ה‬
Lists and Candidates
                                                                                                                                                        ‫רשימת המעומדים לפי סדר הגשתם‬

At the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs:                                                                                                                      :‫אתרים ממשלתיים נוספים‬

Elections in Israel – February 2009                                                                                                       ‫משרד המשפטים – רשם המפלגות – רשימת מפלגות‬

Leading Personalities from A-Z                                                                                                                                           2009 ‫בחירות‬                                                                 

Other Sources:                                                                                                                                                           :‫מקורות נוספים‬

Haaretz Special Report – Elections 2009                                                                                                          2009 ‫המכון הישראלי לדמוקרטיה – בחירות‬                                           

The Israel Democracy Institute - Elections 2009                                                                                                                    ‫ ישראל בוחרת‬YNET                                                                   ,7340,L-6974,00.html

Jpost Special Report - Elections 2009                                                                                                                            2009 ‫ בחירות‬nrg ‫מעריב‬                                                                 

              Gila Ansell Brauner & Scott Copeland
              Feb-09 / ‫י' שבט תשס"ט‬


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Party Platform Selections 2009 - Website DEMOCRACY

  • 1. Israel General Elections to the 18th Knesset - 10 February 2009 A Summary of Political Party Platforms from A to Z Party Platforms of the Major Parties 1
  • 2. The Israeli Labor Party - ‫מפלגת העבודה הישראלית‬ Current Knesset Seats (1-2009): Labor = 18 Candidate for Prime Minister: Ehud Barak Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Social justice, responsibility, social Two states for two peoples. A Peace agreement and two The Security Fence is a vital defensive measure inclusion. The economy is not saved by Seeks a just and lasting peace with states will ensure a Jewish, and should be completed. Its route will be cuts in social welfare that aggravate secure and defensible borders for democratic state. based on legal and security considerations. poverty. Narrow the social gap by a Israel. fairer distribution of resources and Opposes the passage of Israel will retain major settlement blocs. Settlers measures to reduce poverty. Supports land for peace formula; legislation in the Knesset who leave will receive fair compensation. supported Disengagement Plan denying the rights of non- Accept free market economy, while from Gaza. Seeks a return to the Orthodox religious groups in Open to division of Jerusalem and separate protecting the jobs, conditions and Road Map for Peace, towards a final Israel. sovereignty. wages of workers. Raise minimum status agreement based on pre-67 wage, improve NI payments to the status quo. Jerusalem remains Affirms the legitimacy of all elderly, create compulsory contributory Israel's capital. religious streams. pension, invest to reduce unemployment. Increase investment in No direct negotiations with Hamas. development of infrastructure, culture Israel should work to isolate Hamas and social welfare programs, public internationally and should apply housing. Comprehensive educational pressure on Hamas to change its reform; free public education and doctrine. Partners for negotiation health services. must recognize Israel's right to exist in secure and recognized borders. Equal rights and opportunities for all citizens.,7340,L-3498355,00.html 2
  • 3. Balad - National Democratic Assembly ‫בל"ד - הברית הלאומית הדמוקרטית‬ Current Knesset Seats (1-2009) = 3 Party Head: Jamal Zahalka Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Israel is the state of all its citizens. Balad Supports a peace agreement Opposes any religious laws that Settlements should be dismantled in the reflects interests in the Arab sector and ensuring "the withdrawal of Israel are discriminatory towards the framework of a comprehensive peace aims to eliminate all state institutions from all occupied Arab territories national minorities. agreement. and laws that discriminate against and the establishment of an Arabs in Israel, including prejudice in independent Palestinian state" in Supports the separation of Jerusalem as capital of Palestinian state. the national budget. the "Occupied Territories, with East Religion and State Israel should recognize and protect Jerusalem as its capital." Arab national minority rights and grant Annul official recognition of cultural autonomy to Arabs in matters Supports the Right of Return for all Zionist organizations: Jewish that distinguish them from the national Arab refugees (1948, 1967). Agency, Keren Kayemeth majority. Demands recognition of LeIsrael. unrecognized Arab villages. Rejects compulsory military service for Arab citizens. (Hebrew) 3
  • 4. Gil - Pensioners of Israel to the Knesset ‫גיל – גימלאי ישראל לכנסת‬ Current Knesset Seats (1-2009)=6 Party Head - Rafael Eitan Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Improvement of Pensioners' rights: No clear policy: Coalition with a Separation of Religion and No clear housing, health and culture. government that seeks to achieve State. platform. secure borders for Israel. Promotion of democratic society, educational opportunities, hi-tech, economic prosperity. (Hebrew) (Hebrew, 2006) 4
  • 5. Hadash - The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality ‫חד"ש - החזית הדמוקרטית לשלום ולשוויון‬ Current Knesset Seats=3 Party Head - Mohammad Barakeh Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements A Jewish-Arab party relatively classic 2 states for 2 peoples. Israel as a state of all its All settlements over pre-1967 borders are illegal communist – socialist position on: citizens, full equality for and should be evacuated, including East economy, labor, social welfare, health, Establishment of a Palestinian capital Arab citizens. Jerusalem. education. Aims to draw larger Jewish in the areas of Jerusalem annexed to Israeli vote and membership through Israel after June 1967 (East Jerusalem). Separation of religion and Division of sovereignty in Jerusalem. merger with Tarabut socio-political state. Civil marriage and movement. Complete withdrawal from all areas divorce. Abolition of Merged with Tarabut the Anti-Fence conquered in the Six Day War. coercive religious law. movement/lobby, on Israeli political left. Primary issues: Social justice, equality; Pursue a "just settlement of the Freedom of conscience. recognition of the national Arab- refugee issue"; All provisions should Palestinian minority and its rights – be anchored by peace agreements. "... opposed to the passage positive ethnic discrimination; greater of legislation in the Knesset cultural integration of the Arab Opposes the Security Fence. which would deny the minority; sexual equality. Investment in rights of non-Orthodox schools, urban rehabilitation. religious groups in Israel." Transparency of government, freedom of information. Strong green (ecological) platform on: protection of environment, pollution, cellular antennae. (Hebrew, English) (Hebrew) 5
  • 6. Habayit Hayehudi - The New Mafdal Party ‫הבית היהודי -מפד"ל החדשה‬ Current Knesset Seats (1-2009)=5 Party Head: Prof. Daniel Hershkovitz Split from: Ichud Leumi-Moledet –Tekuma-Mafdal/NRP, New Religious Zionism Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Right-wing, focusing on a redemptive Supports direct peace negotiations "Israel is a Jewish and Emphasis on renewing significance of Judaism religious Zionist platform. with all the Arab states and with the democratic state. As such it and Zionism in Eretz Yisrael, and the settlements. Arabs of Israel, based on the following will protect equal rights for Promotes active settlement in all areas of Eretz Better employment, immigration principles: ensuring full and abiding all its citizens and residents. Yisrael to create a vibrant economy, and a strong assistance; housing, education security for the individual and the The standing of the Jewish presence and ensure security. programs; improve medical care and state; uncompromising battle against legislative authority will be social welfare; ensure reasonable terror; no Palestinian state west of the strengthened and the Opposes all uprooting of settlements and income level. Jordan; unified Jerusalem as the independence of the territorial compromise on Jerusalem. eternal capital of the people of Israel judiciary will be honored." Promote and finance excellence in and the State of Israel alone; Affirmation of Israeli sovereignty over the Temple education, with integration of negotiated autonomy for Arabs of the To ensure Israel's Jewish Mount. Jewish/Zionist values. Territories; no Arab "right of return". character by promulgating the heritage and values of Advocates a democratic Jewish state. the Jewish People. Favors legislation to ensure the Jewish nature of the State. (Hebrew ) (NRP Hebrew) (Hebrew) (Hebrew) 6
  • 7. Ichud Leumi – ‫האיחוד הלאומי‬ Current Knesset Seats – 10 Party Head – Yehuda Katz (Running with HaBayit HaLeumi for 18th Knesset) Split from: Ichud Leumi-Moledet –Tekuma-Mafdal/NRP, New Religious Zionism Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Right wing, nationalist platform; "Peace for peace" – with Israel Democratic Jewish state. Eretz Yisrael is the Jewish national home of all the promotion of a democratic Jewish state retaining current borders - to be Enhance Jewish and Jewish People. and Zionist renewal achieved by agreement, and national Zionist identity resolution of the refugee problem . through education to Opposes all uprooting of settlements. Promotes Advocates for: A liberal economy, via "population exchange." Jewish history and values, active settlement in all areas of Eretz Yisrael to elimination of monopolies, narrow social based on Jewish sources. create a vibrant economy, a strong Jewish gap and fostering equality; drastic Supports direct peace negotiations presence, and ensure security. reduction of the public sector, with all the Arab states and with the Supports a constitution that encouragement of private enterprise. Arabs of Israel, based on: ensuring legislates for the Jewish and Opposes territorial compromise on Jerusalem. Promote and finance excellence in full and abiding security for the Zionist nature of the State Affirmation of Israeli sovereignty over the Temple education. Reinforce the status of Hebrew individual and the state; of Israel. Mount. language. uncompromising battle against terror; no Palestinian state west of No specific religious Israel will not surrender to terror. Destroy Terror Pledge of loyalty as condition for the Jordan; unified Jerusalem as the platform: aims to represent infrastructure by removing all terrorists, weapons citizenship. Clean government, eternal capital of the people of Israel a broader constituency of and bomb factories from Judea, Samaria & Gaza. elimination of financial and media and the State of Israel alone; the Israeli right-wing. connection to political power. negotiated autonomy for Arabs of Will work to preserve the integrity of Eretz Yisrael the Territories; no Arab "right of and its environment. Only those who serve in the IDF should return" to Israel. have the right to be elected to the Knesset. (Hebrew) (Hebrew) (Hebrew) 7
  • 8. Kadima ‫קדימה‬ Current Knesset Seats -29 Candidate for Prime Minister - Tzipi Livni Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Israel has lost its international competitive "Two nation states, based on existing Importance of core edge and the widening social gap threatens demographic realities," living side by Jewish and the fabric of Israeli society. peace and security. democratic values, improve relations Objective is a sovereign, democratic, A regulated, liberal market economy will Territorial compromise is required to ensure a with Jewish secure, Jewish national state. increase prosperity, Need for equality of sovereign, democratic Jewish national state, and communities in the funding in education; encouraging will be based on bilateral processes/agreements. Diaspora. Security Fence must be completed to increased employment and retraining ensure maximum security for Israeli through adult education; a social safety Peace agreement establishing Palestinian Resolve the issue of citizens, taking into account network for the disabled and the aged; statehood to include the "cessation of all those who cannot humanitarian needs of Palestinians. reform of the health system; development Palestinian claims towards Israel, including marry in Israel. of the Negev and Galilee; reduce number of refugees."; as well as renunciation of terror, Dismantling of illegal settlements. foreign workers. Investment in R&D dismantling of terrorist infrastructure; Palestinian Retention of major settlement blocs. technologies, support for small businesses. state will be demilitarized. Further privatization; curbs on monopolies. Need for "unremitting war" on terrorists, Israel will: terrorist infrastructure. Reduction of government expenditure, o retain areas that are crucial for its streamlining of government infrastructure security. Position on Jerusalem: Jerusalem as the and offices. Transparency of government o retain Jewish holy places that are of capital of Israel and open to separation central religious and national of Arab villages; unclear on Old City. Integration and complete equality of rights importance. for Israel's minorities. o retain the large Jewish settlement blocs." 8
  • 9. Likud ‫הליכוד‬ Current Knesset Seats (12), with Achi ‫)2( אחי‬ Candidate for Prime Minister - Benjamin Netanyahu Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements A strong, competitive market economy Support peace negotiations, but will “We shall have to ease tensions creates a strong society. negotiate only with sincere partners between the secular and who reject terrorism, recognize Israel's religious, Arab and Jew, Unilateral territorial concessions offer a Rapid economic growth based on right to exist, and engage in a process Diaspora Jews and Israelis. The reward for terror, and weakens moderate private investment, with necessary based upon reciprocity. intensity of these tensions is Arab voices. reforms due to the prevailing economic often exaggerated, but they do crisis including tax reform to encourage Israel's borders will be based on the exist. They should be The pre-1967 borders are not secure and are investment and employment; security value of decisive geographic ameliorated through dialogue only a staging point for the terrorist reduction of budget deficit, especially features. Rejects a return to pre-1967 and compromise, not judicial movements. bureaucracy and waste in the public borders, or any resolution of borders coercion, abrasive legislation sector, reduction of welfare benefits to without an adequate strategic security and offensive rhetoric..." Israel should defend itself against terror and those who can work; promotion of envelope, and a stable and reciprocal protect its citizens: Gaza is a mini-state of return to work for unemployed; new peace agreement terror, under Hamas control. In Judea and jobs for high unemployment areas. Samaria, this potential is greater and "Peace agreements will include full represents a threat to Jerusalem, too. Improve transport infrastructure to the diplomatic relations, borders open to periphery; open skies policy on air free movement, economic cooperation, The Security Fence should be completed and transport. Law and order: safety of and the establishment of joint projects illegal outposts removed, to reduce friction citizens; zero tolerance for organized in the fields of science, technology, with the Palestinian population. crime. tourism, and industry." Opposes any territorial compromise on De facto, has acknowledged that Israel Jerusalem. is proceeding towards a two-state resolution of the conflict. [Hebrew] 9
  • 10. Meretz /New Movement ‫מרץ התנועה החדשה‬ Current Knesset Seats=5 Party Head: Haim Oron Was Meretz-Yahad in the 17th Knesset Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Social and financial legislation to create a stronger, Supports a 2-state solution, Advocates a liberal approach to Illegal settlements should be removed; small and more cohesive democratic society and ensure based on the pre-1967 religious issues: supports isolated settlements are a security burden. End equality of social rights and opportunity for all: borders, with necessary separation of religion from expropriation of Palestinian lands for settlements providing universal health services, free education modifications in a formal state, civil rights and equality, construction. Settlements should be dismantled: and adequate welfare benefits for those who agreement. civil marriage and divorce. offer incentives to families that choose to live cannot work. Advocates the freedom to open inside Israel's pre-1967 borders. Israel should strive to shops and run transport on Provision for underrepresented sectors – integrate itself in the Shabbat, although Shabbat will Territorial compromise over Jerusalem as capital handicapped, homosexuals, women, and non- Middle East and seek a continue to be the public day of city of Israel and Palestinian state. Jewish minorities, elderly, children. regional settlement. rest. Opposes the current route of the Security Fence, Improvement of minimun wage and reform of Dialogue with the Argues that the Law of Return but supports the existence of a security barrier labor conditions. Retraining for the unemployed. Palestinian Authority, in should apply to any person who along the pre-67 border, although not inside Improved access to higher education and culture. order to strengthen declares in good faith that Jerusalem. moderates against Hamas. he/she is Jewish and not just by Tax reform similar to other developed countries, Avoid collective Halachic standards. Opposes the use of administrative detention for and the institution of inheritance tax. punishment of the Palestinian suspects. Fund new housing for tens of the thousands of Palestinian people in Opposed the Tal Law because of homeless families; realistic mortgages for young response to terror. The exemptions for Yeshiva couples, purchase of public housing. Palestinian Authority must students. Reduction of length of military service, equality of prove though its actions service commitments. that it is making every effort Strives for the annulment of any to prevent terrorist acts law that conflicts with the Basic Strong democratic platform on clean government, against Israel. Law on the Dignity of Man and enforcement of the law. Personal Freedom. Significant green platform on the environment. (Hebrew, English) (Hebrew) 10
  • 11. Ra'am-Ta'al The United Arab List/ The Arab Movement For Renewal ‫רע"מ-תע"ל רש' ערבית מאוחדת‬ Current Knesset Members =4 Party Head – Ahmad Tibi Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Seeks equality of rights and opportunities for Arab Supports a 2-state solution Equality should be given to Dismantling of all settlements over the Green citizens of Israel, including dedicated funding. for 2 peoples, based on all religions in Israel. Line. Reflects Arab, Islamic and Beduin sectors. June 4, 1967 borders, with Separation of religion and Arab Jerusalem as its capital state. Jerusalem to be divided between Israel and a Seeks to close the economic and social gap existing [division of Jerusalem]. Palestinian State. between the Arabs and Jews through affirmative Palestine will live side by Educate youth towards the action type projects in fields such as: agriculture, side with the Israeli state. identity and history of the industry, education, housing communication, and Arab Palestinian population health. Promotes establishment of an Arab university Calls for a fair solution for in Israel,” paralleling the in Israel. Palestinian refugees, based Jewish emphasis in the on UN resolutions. state religious educational Develop the infrastructure of the streets in Arab system. regions and promote road safety; cancel the VAT Relinquishing weapons of Moslem holy sites should imposed on properties; recognize the non- mass destruction by Israel revert to legal owners; all recognized villages; resolve the internal refugee and other states. religious sites should enjoy problem. financial support. Sharia court system should be Rejects military service for Israel's Arab minority. independent. (Hebrew) 11
  • 12. Shas ‫שס‬ Current Knesset Seats = 12 Party Head: Eliyahu Yishai Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements A social rights law covering: education, housing, health, Shas opposed the Oslo Israel is the state of the Jewish Views the development of all of Eretz Yisrael welfare, work. Accords and the Road People. Public bodies should as equally important, including: Map; opposed the reflect the Jewish nature of government authorized settlement Minimum wage for unskilled labor and fair professional Disengagement Plan the country, within the development in Judea & Samaria; wage demands for skilled labor and qualified workers; on the grounds that it preservation of the status quo development of the Negev & Galilee; end of sub-contracted government/ public positions to was unilateral, not an [e.g.: no transport on Shabbat, development of Hi-Tech in the periphery; manpower companies; inclusion of all wage components agreement, and thus no businesses on Shabbat]. improved transport infrastructure, housing towards pension; positive discrimination for women. presented a danger to and education subsidies in the peripheral Return and improvement of child allowances to previous the security of Israeli The state is responsible for regions of Israel. levels, as the true form of "negative taxation" – Israel citizens. providing essential religious almost halved its family allocations in recent years. services, protection of places Opposes any territorial division of Jerusalem However R. Ovadiah of worship; it should also and any territorial compromise that poses a Education: equal allocations for all schools, in all Yosef has in the past provide for research into security threat to Israel. education systems, especially in the periphery; improved voiced support for Jewish heritage and support teacher salaries; free education from kindergarten territorial compromise Torah institutions. through high school; subsidized higher education; if it can prove to education for women; partial subsidies for school prevent the loss of life. Accepts the Tal Law and lunches. professionalization of the Compulsory, adequate pension; investment in the ultra-orthodox community. economy and infrastructure; tax incentives for low wage earners; recognition of child care charges for tax purposes; reduce number of foreign workers; health system reform. Shas (Party website in Hebrew) (Hebrew) 12
  • 13. United Torah Judaism ‫יהדות התורה‬ Current Knesset Seats=6 Party Head - Yaakov Litzman Union of Agudat Yisrael and Degel HaTorah Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements No major declared economic platform; represents No declared platform. Non-Zionist party. No declared security platform – largely its demographically growing ultra- pragmatic approach. orthodoxconstituency throughout Israel. Believes that Israeli culture leads to loss of Jewish identity. UTJ enjoys growing support by settlers but Campaigns for welfare system and education attributes trend to its religious policies, rather through financial support for its constituency and Seeks to strengthen its than to any pro-settlement policy. institutions, incl. state-supported Chinuch Atzma'i - understanding of the Jewish nature independent education system. of Israel. Maintains that Jewish education for all the Rabbinical courts should have the children of Israel should always be prime on same status as other courts of law. government agenda. Actively opposes civil marriage and recognition of non-Orthodox conversions inside or out of Israel, as well as non-Orthodox participants on local religious councils. Opposed the Tal Law on IDF service. Women should not serve in the army. 13
  • 14. Yisrael Beitenu ‫ישראל ביתנו‬ Current Knesset Seats = 11 Party Head - Avigdor Lieberman Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Law and Order. Israel faces internal, local and regional A Citizenship Law should be No Security Fence in history has prevented threats, as well as a demographic legislated to ensure equal rights war or provided security over a long No declared platform on other issues, but threat that can be addressed in and equal responsibilities. Every period. promotes the integration of olim into different ways. citizen should declare Israeli life, equal rights and equal allegiance to the Israel The Hamas election victory in the PA is obligations for all. Israel must negotiate the final borders Declaration of Independence, proof of the serious threat of Palestinian and work only towards a final status including olim who immigrate terror. agreement which ensures an end to all under the Law of Return. claims against Israel. The final status agreement should preserve The State should endeavor to major Israeli settlement blocs close to the Set definitive borders with Egypt, bring olim from the USSR/Russia pre-1967 borders; prefers an exchange of Jordan and Lebanon. closer to Jewish values. territories rather than territorial A final status agreement should concession. The terms should be accepted preserve major Israeli settlement blocs Every citizen should be obliged by consensus in Israel and supported by close to the pre-1967 borders. to fufill the obligation to major international players. military or national service: those who refuse should lose No territorial compromise over Jerusalem. their citizenship and be granted permanent residency. Yisrael Beytenu (English) (Hebrew) 14
  • 15. Breakaway Parliamentary Groups inside the 17th Knesset National Arab Party ‫המפלגה הלאומית הערבית‬ Current Knesset Members=1 Muhamad Kanan Arab Center Party/Hizb Al Wasat Al-Arabi (ex-UAL moderate Islamic) Current Knesset Members=1 Abbas Z'koor Not standing for election for the 18th Knesset Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Focus on addressing equal rights and hardships of all sects Would join a leftist coalition Equal rights. Similar to Ra'am/UAL of Israeli Arab citizens, through resolving issues of that supports peace. education, infrastructure, industry, and poverty. Distinguishes Israeli Arab population from the Palestinian people.,7340,L-3632929,00.html The Right Way ‫הדרך הטובה‬ Current Knesset Members= 1) Elhanan Glazer Breakaway from the faction that broke with Gil (which later rejoined Gil) in the 17th Knesset. Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Pensioners' rights, social democracy. 15
  • 16. Other Political Parties (Not Represented in the 17th Knesset) Green Leaf Party – Ale Yarok ‫עלה ירוק‬ Party Head - Gil Kopatch Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Would propose legislation to legalize 2 secure states for 2 Supports separation of No declared platform cannabis for medical and recreative peoples. Peace can only be religion from state and the purposes. achieved by painful recognition of all streams of territorial concessions by Judaism. Supports a more balanced tax system; both sides. improved social support systems for victims Opposes state funding of of crimes; subsidies to environmentally Green Leaf supports 2-state religious institutions that friendly economic ventures. solution based on pre-67 do not meet educational borders, with minor criteria; opposes the Tal Supports animal rights, controlled adjustments. Law and exemption from prostitution, equal rights for gays and military service. lesbians, and strengthened rights for foreign workers. Supports public transport on Shabbat, civil marriage. Substantial increased state aid for Holocaust survivors. (Hebrew) 16
  • 17. The Green Movement/Meimad - Hatenu'ah Hayerukah/ Meimad ‫הירוקה התנועה-מימד‬ Party Heads - Eran Ben-Yemini; Michael Melchior MK Melchior sits in the 17th Knesset representing Meimad Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Development of sustainable energy Peace as an economic and Democracy and equality of all Peace as an economic and environmental necessity. resources, and affordable public transport. environmental necessity. citizens, personal freedom.. (Meimad) Accepts the Multiculturalism and (Similar to the Labor Party) Green platform needs to be holistic with all principle of land for peace. tolerance. Dialogue within other factors. Though Jews have right to Judaism. Land of Israel, the good of (Meimad) Equality of opportunity and education. the people of Israel takes Democracy and equality of all citizens, precedence over the land Incorporate Orthodox personal freedom. Multiculturalism and itself. religious practice in Israeli tolerance. public life, without restrictive Jerusalem is and should legislation. remain united capital of Israel. Supports democratic practices in the Jewish state, education to democratic values in the school system. (Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish) (Hebrew) (Hebrew) (Hebrew) (Hebrew) 17
  • 18. Green Party ‫הירוקים‬ Peer Weissner Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements End destruction of the environment: fight against Will work towards peace To preserve the Jewish character of the No declared platform. health and environmentally damaging factors, between Israel and her State of Israel, while allowing for religious such as cellular antenna transmissions, pollution of neighbors, and pluralism. Israel’s air and water aquifers. cooperation, which will also bring economic To preserve an obligatory day of rest to Increased government support and development prosperity. prevent worker exploitation, which will be for clean energy, transport, clean agriculture. Shabbat. Limited public transport should run on Shabbat. Foster growth of civil society, equality and freedom for citizens. Supports institution of civil marriage in Israel, recognition of single sex couples. Legislate a constitution for Israel. Increased Foster growth of civil society, equality and transparency of government. freedom for citizens. National Service for all. Foster development, education, personal dignity. Reduce rate of population growth and inducements for immigration. 18
  • 19. Strong Israel -Yisrael Hazakah ‫ישראל חזקה‬ Party Head - Efraim Sneh Efraim Sneh is a former MK from the Labor Party. The party combines supporters from Labor (Avodah), with Shinui activists, but has no current members of Knesset. Socio-economic Issues Peace & Diplomacy Religion & State Security, Settlements Center-Left party with a strong welfare Two states for two peoples. Equal status for all Two states for two peoples. state and social democratic platform, but streams of Judaism. aligned with economic growth. Promotion of: human rights, education, law enforcement, security; transparency and integrity of government. Significant green platform. ShowFull&cid=1222017466546 (Hebrew, English, Russian) (Hebrew) 19
  • 20. Israeli Political Parties - Web Resources In English ‫בעברית‬ At the Knesset Website: :‫באתר הכנסת‬ 17th Knesset: Current Functioning Parliamentary Groups 18‐ ‫בחירות לכנסת ה‬ Current Members of Knesset by Parliamentary Group (1‐09) – ‫סיעות המכהנות כיום‬ Factional and Government Make-Up of the Seventeenth Knesset 17‐‫רשימות המועמדים לכנסת ה‬ Lists and Candidates ‫רשימת המעומדים לפי סדר הגשתם‬ At the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs: :‫אתרים ממשלתיים נוספים‬ Elections in Israel – February 2009 ‫משרד המשפטים – רשם המפלגות – רשימת מפלגות‬ Leading Personalities from A-Z 2009 ‫בחירות‬ Other Sources: :‫מקורות נוספים‬ Haaretz Special Report – Elections 2009 2009 ‫המכון הישראלי לדמוקרטיה – בחירות‬ The Israel Democracy Institute - Elections 2009 ‫ ישראל בוחרת‬YNET,7340,L-6974,00.html Jpost Special Report - Elections 2009 2009 ‫ בחירות‬nrg ‫מעריב‬ Gila Ansell Brauner & Scott Copeland Feb-09 / ‫י' שבט תשס"ט‬ 20