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Parent’s Knowledge of Autism
Courtney DeNicola
A Research Paper
Submitted to the Faculty of the Frances M. Maguire School of Nursing
Gwynedd Mercy University
Research Processes in Nursing Practice- Nursing 412
This study was completed through the use of simulation data and with a hypothetical setting.
Findings are not intended to change practice.
December 2016
Gwynedd Valley, PA
Parent’s Knowledgeii
The purpose of this descriptive research study is to identify and describe the general
knowledge that parents have of Autism Spectrum Disorder. A sample of 30 participants that have
at least one child was utilized. A ten item questionnaire was used to measure the knowledge that
parents have of facts, signs, and symptoms of Autism. Demographic information was obtained at
the end of the questionnaire as well. The questions were assigned one point for a correct answer
and zero points for an incorrect answer. A score of seven demonstrates average knowledge of
Autism. The mean score of the questionnaire was 8.1, showing that overall, parents of this
sample have an average knowledge of Autism. Out of the thirty participants, only two received a
score of below 7, indicating below average knowledge of Autism. Adequate knowledge of
Autism and the warning signs is crucial for early diagnosis. Early diagnosis of Autism can lead
to early intervention, which has shown the best outcomes for children diagnosed with the
disorder. This study shows that parents have an adequate knowledge of Autism, and may be able
to benefit from more in depth teaching by nurses.
Keywords: Autism, parent’s, questionnaire, descriptive research
Parent’s Knowledgeiii
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Title Page ..........................................................................................................................................i
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ii
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................ iii
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................................iv
List of Figures ..................................................................................................................................v
Chapter One: The Conceptual Phase ...............................................................................................1
Statement of the Problem.............................................................................................................1
Review of Literature ....................................................................................................................1
Conceptual Framework................................................................................................................6
Statement of Purpose ...................................................................................................................6
Definition of Terms......................................................................................................................6
Chapter Two: Methodology.............................................................................................................8
Research Approach/Technique for Data Collection ....................................................................8
Study Subjects/Setting Description..............................................................................................8
Limitations ...................................................................................................................................9
Chapter Three: Presentation of Data..............................................................................................10
Chapter Four: Discussion...............................................................................................................14
Limitations .................................................................................................................................14
Implications ...............................................................................................................................16
Translation into Nursing Practice .............................................................................................16
Appendix A: Questionnaire ...........................................................................................................21
Appendix B: Permission Letter......................................................................................................24
Appendix C: Cover Letter..............................................................................................................25
Parent’s Knowledgeiv
List of Tables
Table 1: Average Scores by Age Category....................................................................................11
Table 2: Average Scores by Experience with Autism ..................................................................12
Parent’s Knowledgev
List of Figures
Figure 1: Ethnicity of Participants involved in study ....................................................................11
Figure 2: Variation of Scores by Knowledge Influence of Autism ..............................................13
Chapter 1
There have been numerous studies regarding early diagnosis and intervention in autistic
children as the most important part of treatment. Early intervention allows for proper support and
treatment to take place as soon as possible to avoid or lessen effects of a developmental or
intellectual disability. According to the Center of Disease Control, the prevalence of Autism in
children in the United States has increased by 119% from 2000-2010 (CDC 2016). Additionally,
the cost of lifelong care of a person with Autism can be reduced by two-thirds with early
diagnosis and intervention (National Autism Network 2016). Since most parents interact with
and care for their children more than anyone else, parents should be well versed on early signs
and symptoms of a developmental disability, such as autism. Parents can relay their observations
to their primary care providers, who can then recommend treatment and support to limit the
problem. Nurses have the potential to be exposed to autism when caring for patients in the
hospital, primary, or school setting. If nurses are able to teach parents about signs and symptoms
to be aware of, then parents may be more motivated to reach out for help to prevent chronic
problems with their child. Since the prevalence of Autism is rapidly increasing by 6-15% each
year, the chances of encountering a child with Autism are much more likely (CDC 2016).
Statement of Problem
What are parent’s knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Review of Literature
There are a number of studies published in recent years that relate to developmental
disabilities and early detection. There are few that go in depth regarding the average parents’
Parent’s Knowledge2
knowledge of early signs of a disability. Nonetheless, the following articles all contribute
valuable information that can be of importance to this research study.
One study discusses and investigates the development and feasibility of a structured
interview to be used to assess both parenting and developmental problems in children. The study
implements and examines the validity of the use of an instrument for early detection and
assessment of problems in toddlers that uses the perspectives and experiences of the parents as
well as the professional (Staal, van den Brink, Hermanns, Schrijvers, & Stel 2011). The
instrument, developed with an expert group of experienced nurses, examined twelve areas of
parent and child development using a structured interview with the parents. The areas examined
ranged from infancy review, motor, speech, language, and thought development, behavior,
parenting approach, early education, how the child spends their time, living environment, social
contacts, family issues, and an opportunity to discuss anything not mentioned during the
interview. The instrument first detected problems and concerns. Then, the researchers clarified
and determined the seriousness of the problems. Finally, the problems were analyzed and a plan
to address them was devised. The parents of 1000 toddlers were interviewed by a group of
trained nurses. The researchers’ goal was to develop a tool to identify problems and were
successful in doing so. They were able to obtain quality information from parents that could lead
to a conversation about the possibility of a developmental delay. They found that the topics with
the highest level of support needed were family issues, living environment, motor development,
and day care (Staal et al 2011). From this information collected by the health care providers,
83% of parents followed-up with their nurses. The researchers determined this instrument could
be useful for early detection of parenting and developmental problems in toddlers, but needs
Parent’s Knowledge3
further studies to determine validity and reliability. This tool, if valid and reliable, could be
extremely useful in helping identify the earliest signs of autism for early intervention.
Another study explored barriers to early intervention evaluations among referred infants
and toddlers. The method of data collection used was semi-structured interviews with parents of
children referred for early intervention services (Jimenez, Barg, Guevara, Gerdes, & Fiks 2012).
The researchers used an interview guide developed from literature reviews and consultations
with pediatricians, developmental psychologists, early intervention employees, and experts in
qualitative research. They used open ended questions regarding their child’s learning and
development. The researchers found five primary themes: parents reported communication
problems with their pediatrician, parents saw themselves as experts on their child’s development
and chose not to pursue services, families preferred to wait for the concern to resolve or work
with their child themselves, practical obstacles limited the completion of the evaluation, or early
intervention employees felt the parents avoided the evaluation because they mistook them for
child protective services. This study does show some causation as to why a referral would not be
followed up, which is helpful information for healthcare professionals. If a nurse can understand
why a family may neglect to follow up with an early intervention, they may be able to
compromise or work with that family to get the child resources.
Another study aimed to identify parent, child, community, and health care provider
characteristics associated with early intervention referral and multidisciplinary evaluation by
early intervention (Jimenez, Fiks, Ramirez Shah, Gerdes, Ni, Pati, & Guervara 2014). The
problem these researchers focused on was the fact that while children are being identified with a
developmental concern, only a small percentage were actually being referred for early
intervention. The method for data collection was from a secondary data analysis and qualitative
Parent’s Knowledge4
interviews. The secondary analysis was conducted from the Translating Evidence Based
Developmental Screening (TEDS) study, which tested the effectiveness of developmental
screening protocols. The interviews were conducted with the physicians who participated in that
study. The results of the data analysis showed that of a total of 2083 families who participated in
the TEDS study, 21% were identified with a developmental concern, but only 58% of that
number were referred to early intervention. The qualitative interviews showed common themes
among the pediatricians: office processes played an important role in facilitating the screenings
and referrals, family preference may discourage or promote the referral, and providers may defer
a referral if they thought the parents misunderstood a screening question. The researchers
determined that many children who were positively screened for a developmental concern were
not referred to early intervention for a variety of reasons. The researchers cannot assume
causation, but their findings open doors to other researchers to look into further understanding
the causes for these deferrals.
Another study, “Assessing early communication skills at 12 months: a retrospective study
of Autism Spectrum Disorder”, written by Swain, Eadie, Prior, & Reilly, aimed to investigate if
differences in early social communication skills could be detected at twelve months of age,
compared to children who were later diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and to
determine whether differences remain when groupings are based on age and subsequent Autism
diagnosis (2015). The researchers collected data on children in early life, and then conducted
retrospective analyses for the children who were later diagnosed with Autism by age seven. They
used the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales- Developmental Profile Behavior
Sample when the participants were twelve months of age. This tool is a face-to-face evaluation
with the child and parent, which is videotaped and analyzed (Swain et al 2015). The researchers
Parent’s Knowledge5
found that there were clear differences in the abilities of twelve month old children later
diagnosed with Autism compared to a control group in social communication skills (Swain et al
2015). This study shows that there is reliable evidence of the importance of social
communication skills for the early detection of Autism. This is useful information for both
parents and healthcare professionals. If a parent or nurse was able to identify a symptom as early
as one-year-old, that could lead to a diagnosis and allow for timely early intervention.
One nurse performed a study interviewing a variety of nurses regarding their particular
professional contribution to the assessment of pre-school children for autism. The researcher
used written reflective accounts and transcripts from one-to-one interviews about their practice
as a method of data collection. To begin, each participant wrote an account of a time in their
practice that they contributed to an assessment of a child for autism. Then, those accounts were
reflected upon with the researcher in a discussion, where the researcher could ask questions and
gain an understanding of their feelings. The final phase included a discussion with a group of
participants, where they reflected on their actions and how they were influenced in the context of
their practice. The researcher found that the participants shared certain beliefs and values that
influenced their practice. First, they believed autism is real: meaning, they believe it is a medical
condition with a biomedical cause, not a “socially defined construct” (Halpin 2016). They also
believed the notion that “parents want perfect”, in that parents perceive that any kind of disability
as undesirable, but the nurses also noted they have empathy for the emotional distress the parents
go through (Halpin 2016). Nurses also stated that they believe that their knowledge and practical
expertise can serve as a great resource for parents, but acknowledge that parents know their
children best. The participants described nursing as “key” to the child’s care because the care is
holistic. The nurses value knowledge development, the nurse-patient relationship, and the
Parent’s Knowledge6
parent’s views when caring for the child. The most common notion was that holistic care is
important because it provides the most well-rounded care for the child. This study is similar to
the research question purposed in the purpose of this paper, only questioning parents on their
knowledge of autism.
Conceptual Framework
The concept behind this study is that early diagnosis and intervention of children with
Autism leads to better outcomes. Many studies have been conducted that test the effectiveness of
early intervention in children with Autism. In these studies, the interventions almost always yield
positive results in the improvement of the child’s social and communication skills. If a child is
diagnosed at an early age with autism, special initiative can be taken to enroll the child in an
early intervention program to improve the outcome. Some children with Asperger’s syndrome, a
variant of autism spectrum disorder, can go on to live normal lives if they have the proper
resources during their childhood. On the other hand, some children will regress and lose any
skills they once had if they do not receive prompt and proper intervention. If parents have
knowledge of autism and early symptoms, they may be able to refer their child for an early
diagnosis if they believe there is a problem.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this research study is describe of the knowledge parents have of Autism
Spectrum Disorder.
Definition of Terms
a. Early signs and symptoms: Includes inability to point to show interest, does not look at
objects when another person points at them, avoiding eye contact, dislikes being held or
cuddled, unaware when someone talks to them, inability to communicate, play, and relate
Parent’s Knowledge7
to others, repeats or echo’s works or phrases, will not play pretend games, repeats actions
over and over, trouble adapting to a new routine, unusual reactions to smell, taste, feel,
b. Autism Spectrum Disorder: According to the CDC, autism is “a developmental disability
that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges” (2016).
c. Early Intervention: As simple as talking to the primary healthcare provider, seeing a
developmental pediatrician, neurologist, or psychologist, enrolling in special classes for
school aged children, support/parenting groups, and most importantly good parenting
d. Parent: a father or mother; person who cares for a child
Parent’s Knowledge8
Chapter 2
ResearchApproach/Technique for Data Collection
The study used a descriptive research approach with a questionnaire. The questionnaire
(Refer to Appendix A) included a section of multiple choice questions to test knowledge of
autism. The questionnaire also included a demographic section. The participants were asked if
they were a parent, their age, their ethnicity, if they had a child with autism or had ever
interacted with a child with Autism, and what most greatly influenced their knowledge about the
disorder. The results of the questionnaire were then interpreted to conclude the level of
knowledge parents have regarding Autism. A score of 7 out of 10 indicated average knowledge
of Autism. Scores of parents of children with autism and parents without were also compared.
Study Subjects/Setting Description
A convenience sample was utilized for this study. The study subjects ranged in age from
under 24 to 55-64 years. The study was conducted online using Google Forms. The subjects
studied were parents of children in a local, suburban elementary school. The target population
were parents with at least one child.
Permission to perform this study was granted by the International Review Board (IRB). A
letter of permission (Refer to Appendix B) and a copy of the cover letter (Refer to Appendix C).
explaining the purpose of this study were sent to the suburban elementary school’s principal. The
principal granted permission to perform this study. The cover letter was also given to parents
participating in the study informing them of the procedure. (Refer to Appendix C). The
questionnaire was sent to a large local elementary school to parents via e-mail. The participants
were asked to voluntarily participant in the study. They were informed that by participating, they
Parent’s Knowledge9
agree to do so voluntarily and answer all questions to the best of their ability. The school sent out
an email with a link to the questionnaire to 100 parents at random. The participants filled out the
questionnaire via Google Forms at their convenience, and submitted it for the researcher to
analyze. Each knowledge based question was given a score of 0 or 1, based on if it was answered
correctly. The highest potential score was a 10, and the lowest a 0. A score of above a 7 and
above indicated average knowledge of autism.
The limitations of the questionnaire include limited time to carry out the study, a small
sample size, a low return rate, inexperience of the researcher, and the use of a new questionnaire
tool. A greater time allotted may have yielded a higher return rate and greater sample size. A
greater sample size would allow for more generalizability. The questionnaire developed by the
researcher was never used before and lacked reliability and validity.
Parent’s Knowledge10
Chapter 3
Presentation of Data
The aim of this research study was to identify the knowledge of parents regarding autism.
The sample was composed of 30 parents from a local elementary school. The parents were
emailed an online questionnaire and asked to voluntarily complete the questionnaire. Of 100
parents that were randomly sent the survey, 30 completed it, giving the research study a 30%
return rate. The questionnaire contained ten knowledge based questions and six demographic
questions. The demographic questions asked whether or not the participant was a parent, their
age, whether they have a child with Autism, whether they have interacted with a child with
Autism, their ethnicity, and what they feel most greatly has influenced their knowledge of
The researcher determined that a score of 7 or above indicated an adequate knowledge of
Autism. The participants scores ranged from 6 to 10, with an average score of 8.1 out of 10.
100% of participants stated they were parents. Of the parents that responded, four were
under the age of 24, six were 25-34 years old, eight were 35-44 years old, seven were 45-54
years old, and five were 55-64 years old. No participants were over the age of 65. As shown in
Table 1, the 35-44 age category scored highest with a score of 8.6 on average. The lowest
scoring age category was under 24 with a score of 6.
Parent’s Knowledge11
Table 1: Average Scores by Age Category
Age Category Average Score
Under 24 6
25-34 7
35-44 8.6
45-54 7.25
55-64 7.5
The majority of participants were Caucasian, as identified in Figure 1. 93.3% of
participants identified as Caucasian, with the remaining 6.7% identifying as African American.
Caucasian participants had an average score of 8.1 and African American participants had an
average score of 8.0, which shows no real variance of knowledge between the two races in this
Parent’s Knowledge12
Figure 1: Ethnicity of Participants involved in study
All but one parent stated that they did not have a child diagnosed with Autism. The score
of the parent with a child with Autism was 9, while those without scored an average of 8.1. Both
groups still have sufficient knowledge by the researcher’s term, but the parent with a child with
Autism did score slightly higher. 73.3% of parents stated that they had interacted with a child
with Autism before, while 26.7% said they did not. As shown in Table 2, the scores did not vary
Table 2: Average Scores by Experience with Autism
Category Average Score
Parent has interacted with child with Autism 7.6
Parent has never interacted with child with
Ethnicity of Participants
Caucasian African American
Parent’s Knowledge13
The researcher’s final demographic question asked what the participant felt had the
greatest influence on of their knowledge of autism. The majority of respondents stated that word
of mouth by family and friends was the greatest influence of their knowledge of autism. 26.7%
replied formal education, 13.3% replied social media, and 13.3% replied television. As shown in
Figure 2, there was a slight variation between the groups. Those who said word of mouth from
family and friends influenced their knowledge had an average score of 8, and those who said that
formal education influenced their knowledge had a score of 7.8. Those who said social media
influenced their knowledge had an average score of 6.2, which was deemed insufficient by the
researcher’s standard.
Figure 2: Variation of Scores by Knowledge Influence of Autism
Television Social Media Formal Education Word of Mouth
KnowledgeInfluenceof Autism
Parent’s Knowledge14
Chapter 4
The purpose of this study was to determine parent’s knowledge of autism. Based on the
analysis of the data from this study and sample, the following conclusions were made:
1. Overall, parents have adequate knowledge of autism.
2. Parents under the age of 24 do not have adequate knowledge of autism.
3. There is no significant variance of scores among different ethnicity groups.
4. Parents of children with autism have a greater knowledge of those without.
5. Parents who interact with children with autism have a slightly higher knowledge of
6. Parents who allow social media to influence their knowledge of autism have insufficient
knowledge of the disorder.
Several limitations can be identified in this study. The first limitation is the small sample
size. Only thirty participants were used to describe a large population. The second limitation was
that the questionnaire was online, so it is possible that not every participant had access to the
internet to complete it. The participant could have been distracted when completing the study as
well since it was done at their convenience. The third limitation was the use of the questionnaire.
Questionnaires lack validity and reliability. Another limitation is the researcher’s inexperience
with questionnaires and research studies. Finally, time constraint was identified as a limitation,
due to only having 3 months to complete the entire study.
Parent’s Knowledge15
Ongoing research is needed to indicate the validity of these results. Given the
interpretations, the researcher suggests that the study should be replicated, with a different group
of questions. Another questionnaire with more in-depth questions may elicit a different response.
The questionnaire used in this study only discussed broad, generalized questions related to
autism. Incorporating questions about new research theories, different types of interventions, and
specific diagnostic criteria, for example, may affect the scores. This will also further assess
knowledge of parents.
The sample size should also be increased. This study only had thirty participants to
represent a large population. Having a sample size of 100 or more participants would most likely
show a more valid indication of parent’s knowledge of Autism. Future studies should also
incorporate and encourage more diversity. A large majority of participants were Caucasian, and
only two of the thirty were African American. A more diverse population could potentially show
differences of scores among ethnic groups, since different cultures are known to have different
views on disorders such as autism. The sample used in this study was also of parents with
elementary school-aged children. Future studies in different settings, such as middle or high
school, could elicit different responses.
Using a different tool or research method in the future could also unveil more information
about parent’s knowledge of Autism. Many studies discussed, including one performed by
Jimenez, Barg, Guevara, Gerdes, & Fiks in 2012, used semi-structured interviews to collect data.
Using a guide with open-ended questions that allows for parents to explain their views and
beliefs on different topics related to autism may show more insight about their knowledge level.
Parent’s Knowledge16
Nursing Education
Studies show that early detection of symptoms and early diagnosis is key in successful
treatment of Autism. Nursing education should stress the importance of developmental
milestones, as the inability of a child to reach a milestone could be a symptom of autism. During
a nursing student’s pediatric rotation, they should practice observing patients in the clinical
setting to determine if the child has reached a milestone for their age. They should be given the
opportunity to practice with a screening tool as well, ideally in a primary care setting.
Nursing Practice
If the results of the study were accepted, this study shows there is room for teaching for
parents about Autism. While the overall score was deemed sufficient by the researcher, it was
not a perfect score. Nurses have a responsibility to teach and educate patients. While nurses
assess the child in the doctor’s office or hospital setting, they could educate the parents about
warning signs for autism, as well as explain some facts they may not already know. They may
give examples of milestones the child should be reaching and when to call the pediatrician for an
opinion or screening. Teaching parents about autism before the child is diagnosed could be key
in an early diagnosis. Usually, parents are with their child more than anyone else. If a parent is
aware of what milestones should be reached and can identify warning signs, they may be able to
receive early intervention for their child and prevent impaired functioning.
Translation into Nursing Practice
The researcher will present the research study and its findings at the Gwynedd Mercy
University Senior Research Day held on November 30th. The results of the study will be
discussed with peers and professors, as well as various other members of the nursing and
Parent’s Knowledge17
university community. Returning the questionnaire with an answer key to the original
participants would also provide an opportunity for them to see which questions were incorrect
and learn any mistakes or misconceptions. Fact sheets or check lists with different milestones
according to age groups may also be useful for parents. These would be discussed and distributed
at doctor’s offices during visits. As mentioned, the overall score identified adequate knowledge
among this group of parents, but there was still room for improvement, so teaching is necessary.
Parent’s Knowledge18
Autism Society. (2016). Facts and Statistics. Retrieved from: http://www.autism-
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). Developmental Milestones. Retrieved from:
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2016). Facts About Developmental
Disabilities. Retrieved from:
Halpin, J. (2016). What do nurses think they are doing in pre-school autism assessment? British
Journal of Nursing, 25(6), 319-323.
Jimenez, M. E., Fiks, A. G., Ramirez Shah, L., Gerdes, M., Ni, A. Y., Pati, S., & Guevara, J. P.
(2014). Factors Associated with Early Intervention Referral and Evaluation: A Mixed
Methods Analysis. Academic Pediatrics, 14(3), 315-323.
Jimenez, M. E., Barg, F. K., Guevara, J. P., Gerdes, M., & Fiks, A. G. (2012). Barriers to
Evaluation for Early Intervention Services: Parent and Early Intervention Employee
Perspectives. Academic Pediatrics, 12(6), 551-557.
National Autism Network. (2016). The Importance of Early Intervention for Autism. Retrieved
Staal, I. E., van den Brink, H. G., Hermanns, J. A., Schrijvers, A. P., & van Stel, H. F. (2011).
Assessment of parenting and developmental problems in toddlers: development and
feasibility of a structured interview. Child: Care, Health & Development, 37(4), 503-511.
Parent’s Knowledge19
Swain, N. R., Eadie, P. A., Prior, M. R., & Reilly, S. (2015). Assessing early communication
skills at 12 months: a retrospective study of Autism Spectrum Disorder. International
Journal Of Language & Communication Disorders, 50(4), 488-498. doi:10.1111/1460-
Parent’s Knowledge20
Novak, C., Lingam, R., Coad, J., & Emond, A. (2012). 'Providing more scaffolding': parenting a
child with developmental co-ordination disorder, a hidden disability. Child: Care, Health
& Development, 38(6), 829-835. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2011.01302.x
Wankoff, L. S. (2011). Warning Signs in the Development of Speech, Language, and
Communication: When to Refer to a Speech-Language Pathologist. Journal Of Child &
Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 24(3), 175-184. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6171.2011.00292.x
Parent’s Knowledge21
Appendix A: Questionnaire
Autism Knowledge Questionnaire
Please select the best answer, to the best of your knowledge. Circle the letter that
corresponds with your answer. Please answer questions truthfully, without researching any
Percentages to the right of each question reflect the number of participants that answered the
question correctly. Correct answers are bolded.
1. Which of the following is an example of an early sign that may indicate Autism? 96.7%
A. Baby does not respond to their name by 12 months of age
B. Baby waves to family members
C. Baby becomes excited when a stranger enters the room
D. Baby throws toys across the room
2. Of the following factors, which is the most common link to Autism? 62.1%
A. Receiving vaccinations at a young age
B. Certain genetic conditions
C. Asian ethnicity
D. Being born a twin
3. Which of the following is the best definition of Autism? 93.3%
A. A problem where the child does not have the ability to focus.
B. A developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and
behavioral challenges.
C. A disorder where the child does not achieve a normal rate in height or weight.
D. A developmental disability caused by a combination of genetics and poor parenting.
4. How early can interventions begin in a child who shows signs of Autism? 86.7%
A. 5 years old.
B. 3 years old.
C. When the parent deems necessary
D. As soon as the child is diagnosed
5. What is the best action for a parent to take if they feel their child is displaying an early
symptom of Autism? 83.3%
A. Take the child to the Emergency Room
B. Mention it at the child’s next well visit
C. Contact your doctor as soon as possible and schedule a screening test
D. No action is needed.
Parent’s Knowledge22
6. When does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend children be screened for
developmental delays and disabilities? 60%
A. Ages 9 months, 18 months, and 24 months.
B. Birth, once they begin preschool, and once they begin first grade
C. Every well visit
D. Screening is only necessary if the child has a high risk factor
7. Which statement is true? 56.7%
A. Autism Spectrum Disorder is 4.5 times more common in boys than girls
B. Autism Spectrum Disorder is 2 times more common in girls than boys.
C. Autism Spectrum Disorder is more common in families with a history of cancer
D. Autism Spectrum Disorder is just as common in boys as it is girls.
8. Which of the following is (potentially) NOT a sign or symptom of Autism? 83.3%
A. A one-year-old child is shy and nervous around strangers
B. A four-year-old child does not understand “same” and “different”
C. A five-year-old child cannot brush their teeth, wash their hands, or get undressed
without help
D. A four-month old baby doesn’t smile at people
9. Which, of the following, is a potential sign of Autism? 93.3%
A. Child plays “pretend” games
B. Child does not point at an object to show interest
C. Child enjoys hugs from parents
D. Child is social with new people
10. Which best describes a child with Autism? 93.3%
A. A young boy has poor handwriting
B. A young boy cleans up his toys after playing
C. A young girl “tests” her parents by not following their directions
D. A school aged girl has trouble forming complete thoughts and sentences
Are you a parent of at least one child?
____ Yes
____ No
Please identify which age category you fall into.
A. Under 24 years
B. 25-34 years
C. 35-44 years
D. 45-54 years
E. 55-65 years
Parent’s Knowledge23
F. older than 65
Has/have any of your children been diagnosed with any form of Autism Spectrum Disorder?
____ Yes
____ No
Have you ever interacted with a child with any form of Autism Spectrum Disorder?
____ Yes
____ No
Which ethnicity do you most identify with?
A. Caucasian
B. Asian
C. African American
D. Middle Eastern
E. Other (Please Specify): ________
Which of the following has most greatly influenced your knowledge of Autism Spectrum
A. Television
B. Social Media
C. Formal Education (school)
D. Word of Mouth from family and friends
E. Other (Please specify): ________
By submitting this questionnaire, you attest that you have answered the above questions
truthfully and to the best of your knowledge, and are voluntarily and anonymously participating
in this study.
Parent’s Knowledge24
Appendix B: Permission Letter
205 Maplewood Drive
Phoenixville PA, 19460
October 18, 2016
Dear Principal:
I am a registered nurse currently enrolled in Gwynedd Mercy University’s Bachelor of
Science in Nursing program. To fulfill the requirements for my course, Research Processes in
Nursing Practice, I must carry out a limited descriptive research project. I would like to conduct
this study at your elementary school.
The purpose of my research study is to determine the knowledge of parents regarding
Autism. In order to achieve this purpose, I plan to use a descriptive research approach. A short
questionnaire would be sent out via email to parents of children in the school to complete
voluntarily. I would like to collect data and send out the email on November 5th.
All information will remain confidential and all participants anonymous. A summary of
the research findings will be made available to you upon completion of the study.
Enclosed is a copy of the cover letter and questionnaire I plan to use. Also enclosed is a
card for you to indicate permission to conduct this study.
Thank you for your consideration.
Courtney DeNicola, RN
Dear Courtney:
_______ Permission has been granted to proceed with your research
_______ Permission has not been granted to proceed with your research
Appendix C: Cover Letter
Parent’s Knowledge25
Dear Participant,
As part of my Research Processes in Nursing Practice course at Gwynedd Mercy
University, I must carry out a limited research study. The purpose of my study is to assess the
knowledge parents have of Autism.
I would appreciate your participation in this study if you are a parent. Participation is
voluntary. This questionnaire should take less than ten minutes to complete. It consists of ten
knowledge-based questions about Autism, followed by 6 demographic questions. All information
is confidential and anonymous. By completing the questionnaire, you give permission and
consent to be a part of this study. Please answer the questions to the best of your knowledge.
Courtney DeNicola, RN
Gwynedd Mercy University

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Parent’s Knowledge of Autism

  • 1. PARENT’S KNOWLEDGE OF AUTISM Parent’s Knowledge i Parent’s Knowledge of Autism Courtney DeNicola A Research Paper Submitted to the Faculty of the Frances M. Maguire School of Nursing Gwynedd Mercy University Research Processes in Nursing Practice- Nursing 412 This study was completed through the use of simulation data and with a hypothetical setting. Findings are not intended to change practice. December 2016 Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437
  • 2. Parent’s Knowledgeii Abstract The purpose of this descriptive research study is to identify and describe the general knowledge that parents have of Autism Spectrum Disorder. A sample of 30 participants that have at least one child was utilized. A ten item questionnaire was used to measure the knowledge that parents have of facts, signs, and symptoms of Autism. Demographic information was obtained at the end of the questionnaire as well. The questions were assigned one point for a correct answer and zero points for an incorrect answer. A score of seven demonstrates average knowledge of Autism. The mean score of the questionnaire was 8.1, showing that overall, parents of this sample have an average knowledge of Autism. Out of the thirty participants, only two received a score of below 7, indicating below average knowledge of Autism. Adequate knowledge of Autism and the warning signs is crucial for early diagnosis. Early diagnosis of Autism can lead to early intervention, which has shown the best outcomes for children diagnosed with the disorder. This study shows that parents have an adequate knowledge of Autism, and may be able to benefit from more in depth teaching by nurses. Keywords: Autism, parent’s, questionnaire, descriptive research
  • 3. Parent’s Knowledgeiii Table of Contents Table of Contents Title Page ..........................................................................................................................................i Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ii Table of Contents............................................................................................................................ iii List of Tables ..................................................................................................................................iv List of Figures ..................................................................................................................................v Chapter One: The Conceptual Phase ...............................................................................................1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................1 Statement of the Problem.............................................................................................................1 Review of Literature ....................................................................................................................1 Conceptual Framework................................................................................................................6 Statement of Purpose ...................................................................................................................6 Definition of Terms......................................................................................................................6 Chapter Two: Methodology.............................................................................................................8 Research Approach/Technique for Data Collection ....................................................................8 Study Subjects/Setting Description..............................................................................................8 Procedures....................................................................................................................................8 Limitations ...................................................................................................................................9 Chapter Three: Presentation of Data..............................................................................................10 Chapter Four: Discussion...............................................................................................................14 Conclusions................................................................................................................................14 Limitations .................................................................................................................................14 Recommendations......................................................................................................................15 Implications ...............................................................................................................................16 Translation into Nursing Practice .............................................................................................16 References......................................................................................................................................18 Bibliography...................................................................................................................................20 Appendix A: Questionnaire ...........................................................................................................21 Appendix B: Permission Letter......................................................................................................24 Appendix C: Cover Letter..............................................................................................................25
  • 4. Parent’s Knowledgeiv List of Tables Table 1: Average Scores by Age Category....................................................................................11 Table 2: Average Scores by Experience with Autism ..................................................................12
  • 5. Parent’s Knowledgev List of Figures Figure 1: Ethnicity of Participants involved in study ....................................................................11 Figure 2: Variation of Scores by Knowledge Influence of Autism ..............................................13
  • 6. PARENT’S KNOWLEDGE OF AUTISM Parent’s Knowledge 1 Chapter 1 Introduction There have been numerous studies regarding early diagnosis and intervention in autistic children as the most important part of treatment. Early intervention allows for proper support and treatment to take place as soon as possible to avoid or lessen effects of a developmental or intellectual disability. According to the Center of Disease Control, the prevalence of Autism in children in the United States has increased by 119% from 2000-2010 (CDC 2016). Additionally, the cost of lifelong care of a person with Autism can be reduced by two-thirds with early diagnosis and intervention (National Autism Network 2016). Since most parents interact with and care for their children more than anyone else, parents should be well versed on early signs and symptoms of a developmental disability, such as autism. Parents can relay their observations to their primary care providers, who can then recommend treatment and support to limit the problem. Nurses have the potential to be exposed to autism when caring for patients in the hospital, primary, or school setting. If nurses are able to teach parents about signs and symptoms to be aware of, then parents may be more motivated to reach out for help to prevent chronic problems with their child. Since the prevalence of Autism is rapidly increasing by 6-15% each year, the chances of encountering a child with Autism are much more likely (CDC 2016). Statement of Problem What are parent’s knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder? Review of Literature There are a number of studies published in recent years that relate to developmental disabilities and early detection. There are few that go in depth regarding the average parents’
  • 7. Parent’s Knowledge2 knowledge of early signs of a disability. Nonetheless, the following articles all contribute valuable information that can be of importance to this research study. One study discusses and investigates the development and feasibility of a structured interview to be used to assess both parenting and developmental problems in children. The study implements and examines the validity of the use of an instrument for early detection and assessment of problems in toddlers that uses the perspectives and experiences of the parents as well as the professional (Staal, van den Brink, Hermanns, Schrijvers, & Stel 2011). The instrument, developed with an expert group of experienced nurses, examined twelve areas of parent and child development using a structured interview with the parents. The areas examined ranged from infancy review, motor, speech, language, and thought development, behavior, parenting approach, early education, how the child spends their time, living environment, social contacts, family issues, and an opportunity to discuss anything not mentioned during the interview. The instrument first detected problems and concerns. Then, the researchers clarified and determined the seriousness of the problems. Finally, the problems were analyzed and a plan to address them was devised. The parents of 1000 toddlers were interviewed by a group of trained nurses. The researchers’ goal was to develop a tool to identify problems and were successful in doing so. They were able to obtain quality information from parents that could lead to a conversation about the possibility of a developmental delay. They found that the topics with the highest level of support needed were family issues, living environment, motor development, and day care (Staal et al 2011). From this information collected by the health care providers, 83% of parents followed-up with their nurses. The researchers determined this instrument could be useful for early detection of parenting and developmental problems in toddlers, but needs
  • 8. Parent’s Knowledge3 further studies to determine validity and reliability. This tool, if valid and reliable, could be extremely useful in helping identify the earliest signs of autism for early intervention. Another study explored barriers to early intervention evaluations among referred infants and toddlers. The method of data collection used was semi-structured interviews with parents of children referred for early intervention services (Jimenez, Barg, Guevara, Gerdes, & Fiks 2012). The researchers used an interview guide developed from literature reviews and consultations with pediatricians, developmental psychologists, early intervention employees, and experts in qualitative research. They used open ended questions regarding their child’s learning and development. The researchers found five primary themes: parents reported communication problems with their pediatrician, parents saw themselves as experts on their child’s development and chose not to pursue services, families preferred to wait for the concern to resolve or work with their child themselves, practical obstacles limited the completion of the evaluation, or early intervention employees felt the parents avoided the evaluation because they mistook them for child protective services. This study does show some causation as to why a referral would not be followed up, which is helpful information for healthcare professionals. If a nurse can understand why a family may neglect to follow up with an early intervention, they may be able to compromise or work with that family to get the child resources. Another study aimed to identify parent, child, community, and health care provider characteristics associated with early intervention referral and multidisciplinary evaluation by early intervention (Jimenez, Fiks, Ramirez Shah, Gerdes, Ni, Pati, & Guervara 2014). The problem these researchers focused on was the fact that while children are being identified with a developmental concern, only a small percentage were actually being referred for early intervention. The method for data collection was from a secondary data analysis and qualitative
  • 9. Parent’s Knowledge4 interviews. The secondary analysis was conducted from the Translating Evidence Based Developmental Screening (TEDS) study, which tested the effectiveness of developmental screening protocols. The interviews were conducted with the physicians who participated in that study. The results of the data analysis showed that of a total of 2083 families who participated in the TEDS study, 21% were identified with a developmental concern, but only 58% of that number were referred to early intervention. The qualitative interviews showed common themes among the pediatricians: office processes played an important role in facilitating the screenings and referrals, family preference may discourage or promote the referral, and providers may defer a referral if they thought the parents misunderstood a screening question. The researchers determined that many children who were positively screened for a developmental concern were not referred to early intervention for a variety of reasons. The researchers cannot assume causation, but their findings open doors to other researchers to look into further understanding the causes for these deferrals. Another study, “Assessing early communication skills at 12 months: a retrospective study of Autism Spectrum Disorder”, written by Swain, Eadie, Prior, & Reilly, aimed to investigate if differences in early social communication skills could be detected at twelve months of age, compared to children who were later diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and to determine whether differences remain when groupings are based on age and subsequent Autism diagnosis (2015). The researchers collected data on children in early life, and then conducted retrospective analyses for the children who were later diagnosed with Autism by age seven. They used the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales- Developmental Profile Behavior Sample when the participants were twelve months of age. This tool is a face-to-face evaluation with the child and parent, which is videotaped and analyzed (Swain et al 2015). The researchers
  • 10. Parent’s Knowledge5 found that there were clear differences in the abilities of twelve month old children later diagnosed with Autism compared to a control group in social communication skills (Swain et al 2015). This study shows that there is reliable evidence of the importance of social communication skills for the early detection of Autism. This is useful information for both parents and healthcare professionals. If a parent or nurse was able to identify a symptom as early as one-year-old, that could lead to a diagnosis and allow for timely early intervention. One nurse performed a study interviewing a variety of nurses regarding their particular professional contribution to the assessment of pre-school children for autism. The researcher used written reflective accounts and transcripts from one-to-one interviews about their practice as a method of data collection. To begin, each participant wrote an account of a time in their practice that they contributed to an assessment of a child for autism. Then, those accounts were reflected upon with the researcher in a discussion, where the researcher could ask questions and gain an understanding of their feelings. The final phase included a discussion with a group of participants, where they reflected on their actions and how they were influenced in the context of their practice. The researcher found that the participants shared certain beliefs and values that influenced their practice. First, they believed autism is real: meaning, they believe it is a medical condition with a biomedical cause, not a “socially defined construct” (Halpin 2016). They also believed the notion that “parents want perfect”, in that parents perceive that any kind of disability as undesirable, but the nurses also noted they have empathy for the emotional distress the parents go through (Halpin 2016). Nurses also stated that they believe that their knowledge and practical expertise can serve as a great resource for parents, but acknowledge that parents know their children best. The participants described nursing as “key” to the child’s care because the care is holistic. The nurses value knowledge development, the nurse-patient relationship, and the
  • 11. Parent’s Knowledge6 parent’s views when caring for the child. The most common notion was that holistic care is important because it provides the most well-rounded care for the child. This study is similar to the research question purposed in the purpose of this paper, only questioning parents on their knowledge of autism. Conceptual Framework The concept behind this study is that early diagnosis and intervention of children with Autism leads to better outcomes. Many studies have been conducted that test the effectiveness of early intervention in children with Autism. In these studies, the interventions almost always yield positive results in the improvement of the child’s social and communication skills. If a child is diagnosed at an early age with autism, special initiative can be taken to enroll the child in an early intervention program to improve the outcome. Some children with Asperger’s syndrome, a variant of autism spectrum disorder, can go on to live normal lives if they have the proper resources during their childhood. On the other hand, some children will regress and lose any skills they once had if they do not receive prompt and proper intervention. If parents have knowledge of autism and early symptoms, they may be able to refer their child for an early diagnosis if they believe there is a problem. Statement of Purpose The purpose of this research study is describe of the knowledge parents have of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Definition of Terms a. Early signs and symptoms: Includes inability to point to show interest, does not look at objects when another person points at them, avoiding eye contact, dislikes being held or cuddled, unaware when someone talks to them, inability to communicate, play, and relate
  • 12. Parent’s Knowledge7 to others, repeats or echo’s works or phrases, will not play pretend games, repeats actions over and over, trouble adapting to a new routine, unusual reactions to smell, taste, feel, sound b. Autism Spectrum Disorder: According to the CDC, autism is “a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges” (2016). c. Early Intervention: As simple as talking to the primary healthcare provider, seeing a developmental pediatrician, neurologist, or psychologist, enrolling in special classes for school aged children, support/parenting groups, and most importantly good parenting techniques. d. Parent: a father or mother; person who cares for a child
  • 13. Parent’s Knowledge8 Chapter 2 ResearchApproach/Technique for Data Collection The study used a descriptive research approach with a questionnaire. The questionnaire (Refer to Appendix A) included a section of multiple choice questions to test knowledge of autism. The questionnaire also included a demographic section. The participants were asked if they were a parent, their age, their ethnicity, if they had a child with autism or had ever interacted with a child with Autism, and what most greatly influenced their knowledge about the disorder. The results of the questionnaire were then interpreted to conclude the level of knowledge parents have regarding Autism. A score of 7 out of 10 indicated average knowledge of Autism. Scores of parents of children with autism and parents without were also compared. Study Subjects/Setting Description A convenience sample was utilized for this study. The study subjects ranged in age from under 24 to 55-64 years. The study was conducted online using Google Forms. The subjects studied were parents of children in a local, suburban elementary school. The target population were parents with at least one child. Procedures Permission to perform this study was granted by the International Review Board (IRB). A letter of permission (Refer to Appendix B) and a copy of the cover letter (Refer to Appendix C). explaining the purpose of this study were sent to the suburban elementary school’s principal. The principal granted permission to perform this study. The cover letter was also given to parents participating in the study informing them of the procedure. (Refer to Appendix C). The questionnaire was sent to a large local elementary school to parents via e-mail. The participants were asked to voluntarily participant in the study. They were informed that by participating, they
  • 14. Parent’s Knowledge9 agree to do so voluntarily and answer all questions to the best of their ability. The school sent out an email with a link to the questionnaire to 100 parents at random. The participants filled out the questionnaire via Google Forms at their convenience, and submitted it for the researcher to analyze. Each knowledge based question was given a score of 0 or 1, based on if it was answered correctly. The highest potential score was a 10, and the lowest a 0. A score of above a 7 and above indicated average knowledge of autism. Limitations The limitations of the questionnaire include limited time to carry out the study, a small sample size, a low return rate, inexperience of the researcher, and the use of a new questionnaire tool. A greater time allotted may have yielded a higher return rate and greater sample size. A greater sample size would allow for more generalizability. The questionnaire developed by the researcher was never used before and lacked reliability and validity.
  • 15. Parent’s Knowledge10 Chapter 3 Presentation of Data The aim of this research study was to identify the knowledge of parents regarding autism. The sample was composed of 30 parents from a local elementary school. The parents were emailed an online questionnaire and asked to voluntarily complete the questionnaire. Of 100 parents that were randomly sent the survey, 30 completed it, giving the research study a 30% return rate. The questionnaire contained ten knowledge based questions and six demographic questions. The demographic questions asked whether or not the participant was a parent, their age, whether they have a child with Autism, whether they have interacted with a child with Autism, their ethnicity, and what they feel most greatly has influenced their knowledge of Autism. The researcher determined that a score of 7 or above indicated an adequate knowledge of Autism. The participants scores ranged from 6 to 10, with an average score of 8.1 out of 10. 100% of participants stated they were parents. Of the parents that responded, four were under the age of 24, six were 25-34 years old, eight were 35-44 years old, seven were 45-54 years old, and five were 55-64 years old. No participants were over the age of 65. As shown in Table 1, the 35-44 age category scored highest with a score of 8.6 on average. The lowest scoring age category was under 24 with a score of 6.
  • 16. Parent’s Knowledge11 Table 1: Average Scores by Age Category Age Category Average Score Under 24 6 25-34 7 35-44 8.6 45-54 7.25 55-64 7.5 The majority of participants were Caucasian, as identified in Figure 1. 93.3% of participants identified as Caucasian, with the remaining 6.7% identifying as African American. Caucasian participants had an average score of 8.1 and African American participants had an average score of 8.0, which shows no real variance of knowledge between the two races in this sample.
  • 17. Parent’s Knowledge12 Figure 1: Ethnicity of Participants involved in study All but one parent stated that they did not have a child diagnosed with Autism. The score of the parent with a child with Autism was 9, while those without scored an average of 8.1. Both groups still have sufficient knowledge by the researcher’s term, but the parent with a child with Autism did score slightly higher. 73.3% of parents stated that they had interacted with a child with Autism before, while 26.7% said they did not. As shown in Table 2, the scores did not vary significantly. Table 2: Average Scores by Experience with Autism Category Average Score Parent has interacted with child with Autism 7.6 Parent has never interacted with child with Autism 7.3 Ethnicity of Participants Caucasian African American
  • 18. Parent’s Knowledge13 The researcher’s final demographic question asked what the participant felt had the greatest influence on of their knowledge of autism. The majority of respondents stated that word of mouth by family and friends was the greatest influence of their knowledge of autism. 26.7% replied formal education, 13.3% replied social media, and 13.3% replied television. As shown in Figure 2, there was a slight variation between the groups. Those who said word of mouth from family and friends influenced their knowledge had an average score of 8, and those who said that formal education influenced their knowledge had a score of 7.8. Those who said social media influenced their knowledge had an average score of 6.2, which was deemed insufficient by the researcher’s standard. Figure 2: Variation of Scores by Knowledge Influence of Autism 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Television Social Media Formal Education Word of Mouth KnowledgeInfluenceof Autism
  • 19. Parent’s Knowledge14 Chapter 4 Conclusions The purpose of this study was to determine parent’s knowledge of autism. Based on the analysis of the data from this study and sample, the following conclusions were made: 1. Overall, parents have adequate knowledge of autism. 2. Parents under the age of 24 do not have adequate knowledge of autism. 3. There is no significant variance of scores among different ethnicity groups. 4. Parents of children with autism have a greater knowledge of those without. 5. Parents who interact with children with autism have a slightly higher knowledge of autism. 6. Parents who allow social media to influence their knowledge of autism have insufficient knowledge of the disorder. Limitations Several limitations can be identified in this study. The first limitation is the small sample size. Only thirty participants were used to describe a large population. The second limitation was that the questionnaire was online, so it is possible that not every participant had access to the internet to complete it. The participant could have been distracted when completing the study as well since it was done at their convenience. The third limitation was the use of the questionnaire. Questionnaires lack validity and reliability. Another limitation is the researcher’s inexperience with questionnaires and research studies. Finally, time constraint was identified as a limitation, due to only having 3 months to complete the entire study.
  • 20. Parent’s Knowledge15 Recommendations Ongoing research is needed to indicate the validity of these results. Given the interpretations, the researcher suggests that the study should be replicated, with a different group of questions. Another questionnaire with more in-depth questions may elicit a different response. The questionnaire used in this study only discussed broad, generalized questions related to autism. Incorporating questions about new research theories, different types of interventions, and specific diagnostic criteria, for example, may affect the scores. This will also further assess knowledge of parents. The sample size should also be increased. This study only had thirty participants to represent a large population. Having a sample size of 100 or more participants would most likely show a more valid indication of parent’s knowledge of Autism. Future studies should also incorporate and encourage more diversity. A large majority of participants were Caucasian, and only two of the thirty were African American. A more diverse population could potentially show differences of scores among ethnic groups, since different cultures are known to have different views on disorders such as autism. The sample used in this study was also of parents with elementary school-aged children. Future studies in different settings, such as middle or high school, could elicit different responses. Using a different tool or research method in the future could also unveil more information about parent’s knowledge of Autism. Many studies discussed, including one performed by Jimenez, Barg, Guevara, Gerdes, & Fiks in 2012, used semi-structured interviews to collect data. Using a guide with open-ended questions that allows for parents to explain their views and beliefs on different topics related to autism may show more insight about their knowledge level.
  • 21. Parent’s Knowledge16 Implications Nursing Education Studies show that early detection of symptoms and early diagnosis is key in successful treatment of Autism. Nursing education should stress the importance of developmental milestones, as the inability of a child to reach a milestone could be a symptom of autism. During a nursing student’s pediatric rotation, they should practice observing patients in the clinical setting to determine if the child has reached a milestone for their age. They should be given the opportunity to practice with a screening tool as well, ideally in a primary care setting. Nursing Practice If the results of the study were accepted, this study shows there is room for teaching for parents about Autism. While the overall score was deemed sufficient by the researcher, it was not a perfect score. Nurses have a responsibility to teach and educate patients. While nurses assess the child in the doctor’s office or hospital setting, they could educate the parents about warning signs for autism, as well as explain some facts they may not already know. They may give examples of milestones the child should be reaching and when to call the pediatrician for an opinion or screening. Teaching parents about autism before the child is diagnosed could be key in an early diagnosis. Usually, parents are with their child more than anyone else. If a parent is aware of what milestones should be reached and can identify warning signs, they may be able to receive early intervention for their child and prevent impaired functioning. Translation into Nursing Practice The researcher will present the research study and its findings at the Gwynedd Mercy University Senior Research Day held on November 30th. The results of the study will be discussed with peers and professors, as well as various other members of the nursing and
  • 22. Parent’s Knowledge17 university community. Returning the questionnaire with an answer key to the original participants would also provide an opportunity for them to see which questions were incorrect and learn any mistakes or misconceptions. Fact sheets or check lists with different milestones according to age groups may also be useful for parents. These would be discussed and distributed at doctor’s offices during visits. As mentioned, the overall score identified adequate knowledge among this group of parents, but there was still room for improvement, so teaching is necessary.
  • 23. Parent’s Knowledge18 References Autism Society. (2016). Facts and Statistics. Retrieved from: http://www.autism- Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). Developmental Milestones. Retrieved from: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2016). Facts About Developmental Disabilities. Retrieved from: Halpin, J. (2016). What do nurses think they are doing in pre-school autism assessment? British Journal of Nursing, 25(6), 319-323. Jimenez, M. E., Fiks, A. G., Ramirez Shah, L., Gerdes, M., Ni, A. Y., Pati, S., & Guevara, J. P. (2014). Factors Associated with Early Intervention Referral and Evaluation: A Mixed Methods Analysis. Academic Pediatrics, 14(3), 315-323. Jimenez, M. E., Barg, F. K., Guevara, J. P., Gerdes, M., & Fiks, A. G. (2012). Barriers to Evaluation for Early Intervention Services: Parent and Early Intervention Employee Perspectives. Academic Pediatrics, 12(6), 551-557. National Autism Network. (2016). The Importance of Early Intervention for Autism. Retrieved from: intervention.html Staal, I. E., van den Brink, H. G., Hermanns, J. A., Schrijvers, A. P., & van Stel, H. F. (2011). Assessment of parenting and developmental problems in toddlers: development and feasibility of a structured interview. Child: Care, Health & Development, 37(4), 503-511. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2011.01228.x
  • 24. Parent’s Knowledge19 Swain, N. R., Eadie, P. A., Prior, M. R., & Reilly, S. (2015). Assessing early communication skills at 12 months: a retrospective study of Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Journal Of Language & Communication Disorders, 50(4), 488-498. doi:10.1111/1460- 6984.12150
  • 25. Parent’s Knowledge20 Bibliography Novak, C., Lingam, R., Coad, J., & Emond, A. (2012). 'Providing more scaffolding': parenting a child with developmental co-ordination disorder, a hidden disability. Child: Care, Health & Development, 38(6), 829-835. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2011.01302.x Wankoff, L. S. (2011). Warning Signs in the Development of Speech, Language, and Communication: When to Refer to a Speech-Language Pathologist. Journal Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 24(3), 175-184. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6171.2011.00292.x
  • 26. Parent’s Knowledge21 Appendix A: Questionnaire Autism Knowledge Questionnaire Instructions Please select the best answer, to the best of your knowledge. Circle the letter that corresponds with your answer. Please answer questions truthfully, without researching any information. Percentages to the right of each question reflect the number of participants that answered the question correctly. Correct answers are bolded. Questions 1. Which of the following is an example of an early sign that may indicate Autism? 96.7% A. Baby does not respond to their name by 12 months of age B. Baby waves to family members C. Baby becomes excited when a stranger enters the room D. Baby throws toys across the room 2. Of the following factors, which is the most common link to Autism? 62.1% A. Receiving vaccinations at a young age B. Certain genetic conditions C. Asian ethnicity D. Being born a twin 3. Which of the following is the best definition of Autism? 93.3% A. A problem where the child does not have the ability to focus. B. A developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. C. A disorder where the child does not achieve a normal rate in height or weight. D. A developmental disability caused by a combination of genetics and poor parenting. 4. How early can interventions begin in a child who shows signs of Autism? 86.7% A. 5 years old. B. 3 years old. C. When the parent deems necessary D. As soon as the child is diagnosed 5. What is the best action for a parent to take if they feel their child is displaying an early symptom of Autism? 83.3% A. Take the child to the Emergency Room B. Mention it at the child’s next well visit C. Contact your doctor as soon as possible and schedule a screening test D. No action is needed.
  • 27. Parent’s Knowledge22 6. When does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend children be screened for developmental delays and disabilities? 60% A. Ages 9 months, 18 months, and 24 months. B. Birth, once they begin preschool, and once they begin first grade C. Every well visit D. Screening is only necessary if the child has a high risk factor 7. Which statement is true? 56.7% A. Autism Spectrum Disorder is 4.5 times more common in boys than girls B. Autism Spectrum Disorder is 2 times more common in girls than boys. C. Autism Spectrum Disorder is more common in families with a history of cancer D. Autism Spectrum Disorder is just as common in boys as it is girls. 8. Which of the following is (potentially) NOT a sign or symptom of Autism? 83.3% A. A one-year-old child is shy and nervous around strangers B. A four-year-old child does not understand “same” and “different” C. A five-year-old child cannot brush their teeth, wash their hands, or get undressed without help D. A four-month old baby doesn’t smile at people 9. Which, of the following, is a potential sign of Autism? 93.3% A. Child plays “pretend” games B. Child does not point at an object to show interest C. Child enjoys hugs from parents D. Child is social with new people 10. Which best describes a child with Autism? 93.3% A. A young boy has poor handwriting B. A young boy cleans up his toys after playing C. A young girl “tests” her parents by not following their directions D. A school aged girl has trouble forming complete thoughts and sentences Demographics Are you a parent of at least one child? ____ Yes ____ No Please identify which age category you fall into. A. Under 24 years B. 25-34 years C. 35-44 years D. 45-54 years E. 55-65 years
  • 28. Parent’s Knowledge23 F. older than 65 Has/have any of your children been diagnosed with any form of Autism Spectrum Disorder? ____ Yes ____ No Have you ever interacted with a child with any form of Autism Spectrum Disorder? ____ Yes ____ No Which ethnicity do you most identify with? A. Caucasian B. Asian C. African American D. Middle Eastern E. Other (Please Specify): ________ Which of the following has most greatly influenced your knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder? A. Television B. Social Media C. Formal Education (school) D. Word of Mouth from family and friends E. Other (Please specify): ________ By submitting this questionnaire, you attest that you have answered the above questions truthfully and to the best of your knowledge, and are voluntarily and anonymously participating in this study.
  • 29. Parent’s Knowledge24 Appendix B: Permission Letter 205 Maplewood Drive Phoenixville PA, 19460 October 18, 2016 Dear Principal: I am a registered nurse currently enrolled in Gwynedd Mercy University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. To fulfill the requirements for my course, Research Processes in Nursing Practice, I must carry out a limited descriptive research project. I would like to conduct this study at your elementary school. The purpose of my research study is to determine the knowledge of parents regarding Autism. In order to achieve this purpose, I plan to use a descriptive research approach. A short questionnaire would be sent out via email to parents of children in the school to complete voluntarily. I would like to collect data and send out the email on November 5th. All information will remain confidential and all participants anonymous. A summary of the research findings will be made available to you upon completion of the study. Enclosed is a copy of the cover letter and questionnaire I plan to use. Also enclosed is a card for you to indicate permission to conduct this study. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Courtney DeNicola, RN 610-724-2245 Enclosures Dear Courtney: _______ Permission has been granted to proceed with your research _______ Permission has not been granted to proceed with your research Signature Title Date Appendix C: Cover Letter
  • 30. Parent’s Knowledge25 Dear Participant, As part of my Research Processes in Nursing Practice course at Gwynedd Mercy University, I must carry out a limited research study. The purpose of my study is to assess the knowledge parents have of Autism. I would appreciate your participation in this study if you are a parent. Participation is voluntary. This questionnaire should take less than ten minutes to complete. It consists of ten knowledge-based questions about Autism, followed by 6 demographic questions. All information is confidential and anonymous. By completing the questionnaire, you give permission and consent to be a part of this study. Please answer the questions to the best of your knowledge. Sincerely, Courtney DeNicola, RN Gwynedd Mercy University