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      PAPYRUS                                                              VOL. 11, NO. 2   SUMMER–FALL 2010



                                                    The 20th Annual
        IAMFA                                      IAMFA Conference                                  Reflections on
The First Twenty Years                            in San Francisco, CA                                  Papyrus
Letter from the Editor                                                    Facility Managers Lead the Move
1                                                                         to Green with Improvements in
                                                                          Energy Efficiency
Message from the President /                                              30
Mot du président /
Mensaje del Presidente                                                    Benchmarking:
2                                                                         A Comparison over Time
IAMFA . . . The First Twenty Years
6                                                                         Reflections on Papyrus
The Twentieth Annual IAMFA Conference
in San Francisco /                                                        Auckland Art Gallery Toi o T¯
La Vingtième Conférence de l'IAMFA                                        Building Development Update
à San Francisco /                                                         39
La Vigésima Conferencia Anual de IAMFA
en San Francisco                                                          Regional Updates/Member News
15                                                                        42
2010 IAMFA Conference Schedule                                            IAMFA Members—Organizations
24                                                                        46
The National Gallery:                                                     Puzzle Page
Casting New Light on Old Masters                                          48
Cover photo: San Francisco's famous Golden Gate Bridge. Photo: Joe May

IAMFA BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                   REGIONAL CHAPTERS
President                           Secretary and Papyrus Editor           Atlanta, U.S.A. — Kevin Streiter,      Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada —
John de Lucy                        Joseph E. May                          High Museum of Art                     Ian MacLean, Canada Science and
                                                                       Technology Museum Corporation
The British Library                 Sustainability Engineer                                             
London, United Kingdom              Los Angeles, CA, USA                   Australia — Ray McMaster, Australian                           National Maritime Museum               Philadelphia, USA — John Castle,
                                                                                   Winterthur Museum & Garden
V.P., Administration                Chairman — Conference 2010             Bilbao, Spain — Rogelio Diez,
Alan Dirican                                                               Guggenheim Museum                      San Francisco, USA — Joe Brennan,
                                    Joe Brennan                               San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Baltimore Museum of Art             San Francisco Museum of                                             
Baltimore, MD, USA                     Modern Art                          Chicago, USA — William Caddick,                                                        Art Institute of Chicago               United Kingdom — Jack Plumb,
                                    San Francisco, CA                                 National Library of Scotland
V.P., Regional Affairs                                                     Los Angeles, USA — Randy Murphy,
John Castle                                                                Los Angeles County Museum of Art       Washington/Baltimore, USA —
                                    Head of International Affairs                      Maurice Evans, Smithsonian
Winterthur Museum,
                                    Guy Larocque                                                                  Institution
Garden and Library                                                         New England, USA — John H.
                                    Canadian Museum of                                                  
Winterthur, DE, USA                                                        Lannon, Boston Athenaeum
                                      Civilization                                                                                                               For more information on
                                    Gatineau, QC, Canada
                                                                           New York, USA — Mark Demairo,            becomming a member of the
Treasurer                            Neue Galerie                             International Association of
Larry Bannister                                                  
                                                                                                                   Museum Facility Administrators,
Milwaukee Public Museum             For additional contact information,    New Zealand — Patricia Morgan,                   please visit
Milwaukee, WI, USA                      please visit our website at        Auckland Art Gallery                                          

IAMFA/ Papyrus                       Vincent Magorrian                    Editing                                 Statements of fact and opinion
Vol. 11, Number 2                    Joe May                              Artistic License (English)              are made on the responsibility of
Summer–Fall 2010                     Patricia Morgan                      Guy Laroque (French)                    authors alone and do not imply an
                                     Marla Neustadt                                                               opinion on the part of the editors,
                                                                          Printed in the U.S.A. by                officers, or members of IAMFA. The
Editor                               David Redrup
                                                                          Knight Printing                         editors of IAMFA Papyrus reserve the
Joe May                              Steve Vandyke                                                                right to accept or to reject any Article
                                     Thomas A. Westerkamp                                                         or advertisement submitted for
Papyrus Correspondents                                                    ISSN 1682-5241
John Castle                          Design and Layout
Daniel Davies                        Phredd Grafix                                                                While we have made every attempt to
Peter Fotheringham                                                                                                ensure that reproduction rights have
Guy Larocque                         Translation                                                                  been acquired for the illustrations
John de Lucy                         Marina Pascal (French)                                                       used in this newsletter, please let
                                                                                                                  us know if we have inadvertently
Maurice Evans                        Jeanne Pascal (Spanish)
                                                                                                                  overlooked your copyright, and
Pierre Lepage                                                                                                     we will rectify the matter in a
                                                                                                                  future issue.
Past issues of Papyrus can be found on IAMFA's website:
Letter from the Editor

Joe May
Editor, Papyrus

Greetings from Los Angeles!                  Pierre was responsible for turning the          I haven’t missed an IAMFA confer-
                                             original two-page Papyrus newsletter into   ence since attending my first one in

   AMFA is celebrating a significant         the journal that it is today. He was also   San Francisco in 2003. By the end of
   birthday this year: Twenty Years!         one of the early members of IAMFA, and      that conference, I knew that I wanted
     The Association’s origins date back     his article provides some interesting       to become an active member of the
to a first meeting at the Art Institute      background on the Association.              organization. If you’ve attended an
of Chicago in 1990, organized by the            As always, we also have some great       IAMFA conference before, you already
Institute’s Director of Facilities, George   articles on the nuts and bolts of what      know the benefits of belonging to an
Preston. To begin our twentieth anni-                                                    organization made up of colleagues
versary celebration, I hope you will read                                                with responsibilities similar to yours.
the retrospective article in this issue of                                               If you haven’t attended before, now
Papyrus, which looks back over our first
                                             IAMFA is thriving, and it                   is the time to get involved. Details of
twenty years. And please . . . if you have                                               this fall’s 20th Anniversary conference
                                             will continue to be the
special memories of your involvement                                                     in San Francisco can be found in this
with IAMFA, I encourage you to send          leading organization for                    issue. If you haven’t made your plans
them to me so we can add them to the                                                     yet, please make them soon. The block
Association’s official record. IAMFA is      facilities professionals at                 of rooms at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel
thriving, and it will continue to be the                                                 is limited, and there is an early regis-
leading organization for facilities pro-     cultural institutions for                   tration discount if you register soon.
fessionals at cultural institutions for                                                  Don’t wait to secure your reservations
decades to come. Our twentieth anni-         decades to come.                            —and be sure to show the guest agenda
versary is a good opportunity to gather                                                  to your family. San Francisco is an
the best possible historical record of                                                   amazing city for our fall conference,
those early years for future members         we do, including Steve Vandyke’s article    and you won’t find a better value for
of the organization.                         on blind controls at the National Gallery   this level of learning and networking.
   In addition to the retrospective a        in London, Tom Westerkamp’s article             Lastly, thank you to everyone who
few pages on, you are certain to enjoy       on energy conservation, and Patricia        contributed content to this issue of
Pierre Lepage’s reflections on the orga-     Morgan’s update on the Auckland Art         Papyrus. I hope you enjoy learning about
nization. For those of you who have          Gallery building project. You will also     our history, and I look forward to seeing
been members of IAMFA for a few years,       find an article from Stacey Wittig with     you this fall in San Francisco!
you may recall Guy Larocque intro-           some interesting trends from the first
ducing Pierre Lepage at the closing          ten years of the IAMFA annual bench-        Joe May
Gala of the 2007 conference in Ottawa.       marking exercise.                           Editor, Papyrus

                                                                                              PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010         1
Message from the President
                                      Message du président
                                      Mensaje del Presidente
John de Lucy
President / Président / Presidente,

San Francisco—                               San Francisco,                             ¡San Francisco—
Here We Come!                                on y va!                                   Estamos en Camino!

T                                            L                                          E
       he U.K. Chapter has had such a             e chapitre du Royaume-Uni, j’ai             l Capítulo del Reino Unido ha
       successful year that, I understand,        entendu, a eu tellement de succès           experimentado tanto éxito este
       there will be 14 members plus              qu’il y aura 14 membres de plus             año que tengo entendido que
guests attending from this side of the       parmi les invités présents de ce côté      asistirán más de 14 miembros de este
pond—an excellent turnout. Must be           de l’étang – un taux de participation      lado del charco a la conferencia—una
something in the air!                        excellent. Il doit y avoir quelque chose   representación excelente. ¡Debe haber
   San Francisco in 2003 was my first        dans l’air!                                algo en el aire!
IAMFA conference, and Joe Brennan               San Francisco en 2003 a été ma pre-        La conferencia en San Francisco
and his team are putting together            mière conférence de l’IAMFA et Joe         en 2003 fue mi primera conferencia
another fabulous treat for us all this       Brennan et son équipe sont en oeuvre       de IAMFA, y Joe Brennan y su equipo
fall. The one activity I particularly        pour nous faire une autre tournée fabu-    están preparando otra fabulosa experi-
remember from 2003 was the California        leuse cet automne. L’activité dont je      encia para todos nosotros este otoño.
BBQ in an old dairy barn on the              me souviens particulièrement de 2003       La actividad de 2003 que más me trae
Runnymede Sculpture Farm. I am               était le barbecue à la Californie à une    recuerdos es la barbacoa de California
delighted that we are returning there        ancienne laiterie dans la Grange aux       que tuvo lugar en una vieja instalación
this year, so that you will be able to       sculptures Runnymede. Je suis ravi que     lechera de la Granja con esculturas
enjoy a similar event on Monday,             nous y retournions cette année, de         Runnymede. Me complace saber que
October 18. This will be a unique            sorte que vous aussi pourriez profiter     vamos a regresar allí otra vez este año
experience in a private park that you        d’un événement similaire, le lundi         para que Ustedes también puedan
cannot otherwise visit. Members and          18 octobre. Ce sera une expérience         disfrutar de un evento parecido, el
their guests will also have an oppor-        unique dans un parc privé que vous         lunes 18 de octubre. Será una experi-
tunity to walk together across the           ne pouvez pas autrement visiter. Les       encia única en un parque privado que
Golden Gate Bridge on Wednesday              membres et leurs invités auront égale-     normalmente es de acceso restringido.
afternoon, enjoying stunning views of        ment l’occasion de marcher ensemble        Los miembros y sus invitados tendrán
the city and Alcatraz. In the evening,       à travers le Pont Golden Gate, mercredi    la oportunidad de caminar juntos a
we will attend the Gala dinner at the        après-midi, profitant d’une vue impre-     través del Puente Golden Gate en la
Maritime Museum with panoramic               nable sur la ville et sur Alcatraz. Dans   tarde del miércoles, y disfrutar de unas
views of the bay at sunset.                  la soirée, nous allons assister au dîner   vistas impresionantes de la ciudad y de
   Along with these unique events, the       de gala au Musée maritime avec une vue     Alcatraz. Por la tarde, asistiremos a la
programme is packed with behind-             panoramique sur la baie au coucher         comida de gala en el Museo Marítimo
the-scenes tours, fabulous events and        du soleil.                                 con vistas panorámicas del ocaso en
educational visits, making this is a con-        Parallèlement à ces événements         la bahía.
ference that is not to be missed. If you     uniques, le programme est emballé             En conjunto con estos eventos úni-
haven’t looked at the proposed pro-          avec des visites dans-les-coulisses, de    cos, la agenda esta repleta de giras tras
gramme in detail, please do so in this       fabuleuses activités et des visites édu-   bastidores, actividades fabulosas y visitas
issue of Papyrus, or online at www.iamfa.    catives, ce qui démontre qu’il s’agit      educacionales, demostrándoles así que
org/agenda2010—it is sure to entice          d’une conférence à ne pas manquer.         no deben perderse esta conferencia. Si
members and, just as importantly,            Si vous n’avez pas regardé le pro-         no se han fijado bien en el programa,
their guests.                                gramme proposé dans le détail, s’il        por favor mírenlo en este ejemplar

Joe Brennan has chosen the dates        vous plaît faites-le dans ce numéro du      de Papyrus, o en la dirección en línea
to ensure fabulous weather and a full       Papyrus, ou en ligne à—no cabe
moon (what, I wonder, is the signifi-       agenda2010 – on y est sûr de capturer       duda que llamará la atención de los
cance of that!). I know he will have        l’attention des membres et, tout aussi      miembros y sus invitados, quienes son
something up his sleeve to surprise         important, de leurs invités.                de igual importancia para nosotros.
us. At our April Board meeting, the             Joe Brennan a choisi les dates pour         Joe Brennan ha escogido las fechas
last activity on the agenda was a Sunday    assurer une météo fabuleuse avec la         para que coincidan con la luna llena y
morning meeting at 5:00 a.m. to wit-        pleine lune (je me demande quelle est       asegurarnos un tiempo fabuloso (¡me
ness an annual ceremony marking the         la signification de cela!). Je sais qu’il   pregunto cuál será el significado de
anniversary of the devastating 1906         aura quelque chose dans son sac pour        la luna llena!) Estoy seguro que estará
earthquake and fire. Joe May and I met      nous surprendre. En avril, lors de la       tramando algo especial para sorpren-
Joe Brennan in reception at 4:45 a.m.       réunion du Conseil, la dernière activité    dernos—en la reunión de la Junta
and walked to a firehouse close to the      sur l’ordre du jour a été une réunion       Directiva de abril, la última actividad
hotel, where sirens sounded to mark         dimanche matin à 5h00 pour assister à       en el programa era una visita a las
the event (I pity the poor residents of     la cérémonie annuelle marquant l’an-        5:00 a.m. a una ceremonia anual que
surrounding hotels). We then had to         niversaire de terribles tremblements        conmemora el aniversario del terre-
have a glass of port, and Joe Brennan       de terre et feu de 1906. Joe May et         moto e incendio devastadores de 1906.
gave us a keepsake of a black handker-      moi avons rencontré Joe Brennan à la        Joe May y yo nos reunimos con Joe
chief covered in red and orange flames.     réception à 4:45 am et nous sommes          Brennan en la recepción a las 4:45 a.m.
    This year’s conference hotel, the       allés vers une caserne de pompiers à        y caminamos hacia una estación de
Sir Francis Drake Hotel, already has        proximité de l’hôtel où les sirènes son-    bomberos cerca del hotel, donde sona-
firm bookings for 40 of the allocated       naient à l’occasion des événements (je      ron las sirenas para marcar el evento
50 rooms available at the reduced con-      suis désolé pour les pauvres habitants      (lo lamento por los pobres ocupantes
ference rate. So, if you have not already   des hôtels environnants). Ensuite, il       de los edificios cercanos). Luego nos
booked, make sure you register soon         a fallu que nous buvions un verre de        tomamos una copa de vino oporto, y
for one of the last 10 rooms!               porto et Joe Brennan nous a donné           Joe Brennan nos regaló como recuerdo
    Our American and Canadian col-          comme souvenir un mouchoir noir             un pañuelo negro cubierto con un
leagues suffered badly last year with       couvert de flammes ardentes en rouge        diseño de llamas rojas y anaranjadas.
cutbacks, yet the very successful 2009      et orange.                                      El hotel de la conferencia de este
Washington conference had a record              L’hôtel de la conférence de cette       año, el Sir Francis Drake, ya tiene reser-
turnout, so let’s hope this year’s con-     année, le Sir Francis Drake, a déjà         vaciones para 40 de los 50 cuartos
ference in San Francisco can be prior-      des réservations fermes pour 40 des         disponibles, a los precios reducidos
itized above any other conferences          50 chambres disponibles, allouées au        de la conferencia. Así que si no han
you may be considering attending. If        taux réduit de conférence. Donc, si         reservado todavía, asegúrense de reg-
your boss is having trouble with the        vous n’avez pas déjà en réservé, assurez-   istrarse pronto para uno de los últimos
word “conference”, assure him/her           vous de vous inscrire rapidement pour       10 cuartos!
that this is the best training session      l’un des 10 dernières chambres!                 Nuestros colegas americanos y cana-
value of the year!                              Nos collègues américains et cana-       dienses han pasado por tiempos difíciles
    The last 18 months have focused         diens ont beaucoup souffert l’an            este último año debido a recortes de
our minds on matters financial—none         dernier en raison des compressions          presupuesto, sin embargo la asisten-
more so than those related to facilities    budgétaires, mais l’édition très réussie    cia a la muy exitosa conferencia de
management. Reducing costs and add-         de la Conférence de Washington 2009         Washington 2009 rompió record, así
ing value for money has been one way        a eu un taux de participation record;       que esperemos que al hacer la lista
in which facilities managers have proven    alors, espérons que celle de cette année    de prioridades de este año le den más
their worth to organisations, particu-      à San Francisco puisse être priorisée       peso a la conferencia de San Francisco
larly in a time of economic crisis—         au dessus d’autres conférences que          que a todas las demás. Si a su super-
but is it a fair picture of all that you    vous envisagez assister. Si votre patron    visor le incomoda la palabra “confer-
as facility managers could achieve for      a des problèmes avec le mot « confé-        encia”, ¡explíquele que ésta será la
your cultural organisations? There are      rence », assurez-lui que c’est la plus      sesión de entrenamiento más valiosa
opportunities ahead that we will need       précieuse session de formation de           del año!
to address in order to continue main-       l’année!                                        Los eventos de los últimos 18 meses
taining our vital role within our organi-       Les 18 derniers mois ont porté notre    han enfocado nuestras mentes en
sations. We need to take this changing      attention sur les questions financières,    asuntos financieros—sobre todo en
world into account, and realign our         mais plus encore sur celles liées à la      el caso de los relacionados con mante-
roles and purpose if we wish to deliver     gestion des installations. Réduire les      nimiento de instalaciones. Reducir
sustainable value to our organisations.     coûts et maximiser le côut-bénéfice         costos y maximizar costo-beneficio es
How are you going to improve your           a été une des façons dont les gestion-      una de las maneras en que los gerentes
game? Come to San Francisco and tell        naires d’installations ont pu démontrer     de mantenimiento han demostrado

                                                                                             PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010          3
us, or send Joe May an article for the       leur valeur aux organisations, en par-       su importancia a las organizaciones,
next edition of Papyrus.                     ticulier en temps de crise économique        especialmente en los tiempos de crisis
   So, as the next generation of Facili-     – mais est-ce que c’est une image fidèle     económica—¿pero realmente es una
ties Managers, are you prepared to be        de tout ce que vous, en tant que ges-        imagen representativa de todo lo que
workplace enablers, become carbon-           tionnaires d’installations, pourriez         Ustedes como gerentes de mantenimi-
driven, link energy to maintenance, be       atteindre pour vos organisations cul-        ento pudieran lograr para sus organiza-
led by partnerships, invest in relations     turelles? Il y a des opportunités à venir    ciones culturales? Hay oportunidades
with suppliers, ensure that you become       auquelles nous devons faire face afin        en el futuro que nos veremos obligados
a Board Room item, be smart about            de maintenir notre rôle vital au sein        a enfrentar para mantener nuestros
asset transfers, be intelligent about ser-   de nos organisations. Nous devons            papeles críticos dentro de nuestras
vice delivery, and become integrated         prendre en compte ce monde en mu-            organizaciones. Necesitamos tomar en
with your colleagues in HR, Finance          tation et réaligner nos rôles et nos         cuenta este mundo que está en proceso
and IT? And that’s just for starters!        buts si nous voulons offrir une valeur       de cambio y rediseñar nuestros papeles
                                             durable pour nos organisations. Com-         y objetivos si queremos seguir sumi-
                                             ment allez-vous améliorer votre jeu?         nistrando valor sostenible a nuestras
                                             Venez à San Francisco et dites-nous          organizaciones. ¿Cómo pueden mejorar
This conference will
                                             ou envoyez à Joe May un article pour         sus estrategias de juego? Vengan a
provide an opportunity                       sa prochaine édition du Papyrus.             San Francisco y dígannos, o mándenle
                                                Donc, comme la prochaine généra-          un artículo a Joe May para su próxima
to exchange ideas and                        tion des gestionnaires d’installations,      edición de Papyrus.
                                             êtes-vous prêt à: dynamiser le milieu           Así que, como la próxima generación
develop a learning
                                             de travail, devenir un « conducteur-à-       de gerentes de mantenimiento, están
partnership . . .                            carbon », lier l’énergie vers l’entretien,   Ustedes preparados para: ser capaci-
                                             être guié par des partenariats, investir     tadores del lugar de trabajo, tomar
                                             dans les relations avec les fournisseurs,    decisiones en ¿base del manejo de la
Cette conférence sera                        veiller à ce que vous devenez un élé-        huella de carbono? ligar la energía al
l’occasion d’échanger des                    ment discuté par le Conseil, être à          mantenimiento, ser guiados por equipos
                                             puce sur les transferts d’actifs, être       de trabajo, invertir en relaciones con
idées et de développer un                    intelligent sur la prestation des services   los proveedores, asegurar que sus metas
                                             et vous intégrer avec vos collègues des      formen parte de la agenda de la Junta
partenariat éducatif . . .                   ressources humaines, des finances et         Directiva, saber llevar a cabo las trans-
                                             des TI? Et ce n’est qu’un début!             ferencias de bienes con inteligencia,
Esta conferencia nos                            Au Royaume-Uni, le nouveau gou-           optimizar el plan de suministros, e
                                             vernement de coalition a annoncé une         integrarse con sus colegas de Recursos
brindará la oportunidad                      réduction minimale prévue de 25 %            Humanos, Finanza, e Informática? ¡Y
                                             dans les budgets de toutes les institu-      todo esto es solamente el comienzo!
de intercambiar ideas y
                                             tions culturelles; nous sommes donc             En el Reino Unido, el nuevo
desarrollar un equipo                        confrontés à réfléchir sur la façon dont     gobierno de coalición ha anunciado
                                             nous offrons nos services avec une           que prevé un recorte del 25% mínimo
de aprendizaje . . .                         réduction importante des ressources          de todos los presupuestos de las insti-
                                             financières. Profitez de cette occasion      tuciones culturales, así que nos vemos
                                             à la conférence pour aider vos cousins       forzados a enfocarnos en cómo pode-
    In the U.K., the new coalition gov-      du Royaume-Uni avec les expériences et       mos suministrar nuestros servicios con
ernment has announced an intended            les idées novatrices que vous avez trou-     una reducción realmente significativa
minimum 25% cut in the budgets of            vées! Voyons comment nos membres             de los recursos financieros. Aprove-
all cultural institutions, so we are faced   ont réussi à maintenir les services dans     chen esta conferencia para ayudar a
with having to think hard about how we       un environnement de réduction sévère         sus primos del Reino Unido con las
deliver our services with a major reduc-     des coûts.                                   experiencias e ideas innovadoras exi-
tion in financial resources. Do use this        Je crains que notre gouvernement          tosas que han descubierto! Discutamos
conference opportunity to help your          pourrait essayer de fusionner nos insti-     cómo nuestros miembros han logrado
U.K. cousins with the experiences and        tutions afin de réduire le nombre de         seguir suministrando servicios en
innovative ideas you have found that         musées individuels. Quelqu’un d’entre        un contexto de reducciones severas
work! Let’s discuss how our members          vous a eu cette expérience dans votre        de costos.
have managed to keep services going in       propre pays? Le ministère britannique           Temo que nuestro gobierno intente
an environment of severe cost reduction.     de la Culture, des Médias et du Sport        unir a nuestras instituciones para redu-
    I am apprehensive that our govern-       a demandé des précisions sur toutes          cir la cantidad de museos individuales.
ment might try to amalgamate our             les dates de la fin de nos contrats indi-    ¿Alguno de Ustedes ha experimentado
CONTINUED ON PAGE 29                         SUITE À LA PAGE 29                           SIGUE EN LA PÁGINA 29

IAMFA . . .
The First Twenty Years

       010 marks the twentieth anni-               attend the meeting, but had no idea           Washington, D.C. —1991
       versary of IAMFA, and our                   what to expect. At the time, Vinny was        Greg Reynolds was in charge of mak-
       San Francisco conference host               a member of the Building Owners and           ing preparations for this inaugural
Joe Brennan thought it fitting that we             Managers Association (BOMA) and               IAMFA conference, with help from
publish an article about the Associa-              remembers that, while BOMA did                colleagues at other local museums.
tion’s history. Many of us have been               provide the means to keep abreast of          What was obvious at this first IAMFA
members of IAMFA for years, but I                  changes in technology, it was geared          conference was that the early members
think most would agree that we really              more toward commercial buildings. This        were very eager to share their ideas.
don’t know exactly how IAMFA came                  left him feeling that he needed more.         Included were educational sessions
into existence. Fortunately, there are             The host of the meeting in Chicago
still active members who were present              was George Preston, who was Facilities
during those initial years, and they have          Director at the Art Institute. He was a
helped us document IAMFA’s history.                large man—not just physically, but intel-
One of these individuals is Vincent                lectually—and he was very determined.
Magorrian, who is the retired Facilities           George believed that this group could
Director for the Museum of Modern                  organize and become the first true
Art in New York City. Vinny is a charter           museum facilities organization. All
member of IAMFA, and also served as                of the individuals in attendance intro-
President of IAMFA during the Asso-                duced themselves, and spoke about
ciation’s early years. Please read on to           their own institutions, then collectively
learn more about IAMFA’s history.                  spent a lot of time brainstorming about
                                                   what kind of organization they could
                                                   be. Above all, George wanted to charter
Chicago —1990                                      the organization, and he wanted bylaws
In 1990, Vinny Magorrian received                  like APPA (the Association of Physical
an invitation from the Art Institute               Plant Administrators). From the first
of Chicago to attend a meeting in                  day, George worked to establish bylaws;
Chicago, along with representatives                and if George wanted to accomplish            The National Gallery of Art in Washington,
from other museums. He decided to                  something, he did.                            D.C.

The Art Institute of Chicago. The individuals at this first meeting in
Chicago decided that their next meeting would be in Washington,           From an early IAMFA meeting. Front left: Vinny Magorrian; right:
D.C., and in the year leading up to that meeting, IAMFA was               Ron Puska; back centre: Myro Resnick. The two others are
incorporated as a not-for-profit organization.                            unknown.

focusing on museum environmental              IAMFA wanted to grow interna-               everyone always shared problems (and
requirements, and conference organi-       tionally, and our first success was with       solutions) from their institutions. It
zers invited guests from other museum      Canada. The Canadians were very inter-         seemed that technology was advancing
departments to discuss what facilities     ested in having a museum facilities            so fast that, if you missed these sessions,
departments did to achieve optimal         organization, and it is likely that, with-     you could be left behind. Members
environmental conditions. There were       out their help, we would not have grown        also decided at this meeting that they
vendors who made presentations,            into the organization that we are today.       would volunteer to make a presenta-
as well as conservators and curators.      We had our second annual banquet,              tion at the American Association of
According to Vinny, this was the begin-    which became the traditional closing           Museums annual conference.
ning of our becoming professional in       of the conference; in future we would
the eyes of directors, curators, and       call it a Gala, and it truly was every year.
conservators. The attendees visited           Kansas City was the first meeting
                                                                                          Toronto —1994
several local museums for behind-the-      attended by Peter Fotheringham, who            Our next meeting was hosted by the Art
scenes tours, and enjoyed sessions dur-    at the time was Facility Director at the       Gallery of Ontario and Ron Yurchuck.
ing which curatorial members explained     National Gallery in Scotland. Peter            This was the first time IAMFA included
works of art through their eyes.           would go on to host a conference, and          vendor displays the night before the
                                           later became IAMFA’s President. Peter          annual general meeting. A few vendors
                                           remembers the friendly coercion that           had become members by this time, and
Kansas City—1992                                                                          they made presentations at the confer-
                                           went into his accepting the 1998 con-
The following year, the IAMFA confer-                                                     ence, but were always careful to focus
                                           ference date for Edinburgh, but he
ence was hosted at the Nelson-Atkins                                                      on educational content, rather than
                                           was delighted to do it, having been
Museum of Art, and began with a                                                           sales. We were progressing as an orga-
                                           warmly welcomed by everyone in Kansas
general session as it did in subsequent                                                   nization. We discussed problems expe-
                                           City. With Canadian members now—
conferences. Members reviewed meet-                                                       rienced by Russian museums at the
                                           and with Peter, who soon attracted
ing minutes and introduced the Board                                                      time, and discussed sending IAMFA
                                           individuals from other European coun-
of Directors to attendees. We learned in                                                  delegates to Russia to offer our support.
                                           tries—we began gaining recognition
Kansas City that everyone who attended                                                    At the closing banquet, there were two
                                           as a growing museum organization.
needed to have a hand in the confer-                                                      members—Mark DeMairo and Marty
ence if we were to be successful. We                                                      Cavanaugh—from the New York City
went on to have educational sessions       Cincinnati—1993                                delegation who were away from their
in areas such as controls, codes and       In 1993, we were hosted by the Cincin-         table for a few minutes. When they
regulations, curatorial-defined differ-    nati Museum Center at Union Terminal.          returned, they found out that they
ences required for different art media,    It was a museum centre composed                had volunteered to host the next
and many others. We also planned free      of several museums. It was a history           year’s conference!
time so we could network with each         museum, a science museum, and a
other, and began to set up focus groups.   children’s museum, and it also had an
It was challenging, as we were just        OMNIMAX® Theater. This was Vinny               New York—1996
starting to grow. We met for breakfast,    Magorrian’s first year as IAMFA’s              When it sank in that New York City
and visited various museum facilities,     President. George Preston, IAMFA’s             would be the next conference host,
which would become our custom in           founder, had retired by now. As usual,         the chapter began monthly meetings,
future conferences. We observed that       we began with our general meeting,             according to Vinny Magorrian. With
by doing this, our membership began        then split into educational groups—            Marty Cavanaugh, Myro Resnick, and
to expand.                                 which were really sharing groups, as           Mark DeMairo, they worked together

The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in         The Cincinnati Museum Center at Union          The Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto,
Kansas City, Missouri.                     Terminal in Cincinnati, Ohio.                  Canada, following renovations completed
                                                                                          in 2009.

                                                                                               PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010           7
to develop a program, and began to           did that thinking it would give them        we visited too, but the Getty Center
schedule speakers and solicit support        the true feeling of an opening.             was overwhelming in its grandeur.
from member facilities. The banquet              The highlight for many during the       This was the first year awards were
was to be held at the Guggenheim,            April 1996 conference was a boat trip       presented at the Gala; and the first
and our meeting would be at Doral            to Ellis Island. It was amazing to walk     presented was the George Preston
Hotel in Manhattan, with visits to           the halls where so many came to the         Memorial Award. It was presented to
various museums.                             United States. But it was also eerie as     Ron Puska, who had served in several
   Peter Fotheringham made a pre-            members went to areas not open to           capacities within IAMFA, and who was
sentation about emergency prepared-          the public, such as hospital rooms with     always willing to offer his time to the
ness, in which he related events at the      a single light bulb, and crumbling walls.   organization. Vinny Magorrian was
National Gallery and an attack with          According to Vinny, you could feel the      proud to receive “The Member of the
explosives by the IRA, as well as collec-    hurt of those who were sent back to         Year Award”, which Vinny thinks Mark
tion storage practices in salt mines dur-    their original countries because of         DeMairo had something to do with.
ing the Second World War. There was          illness; the most common cause being        Maybe the time will come soon to
a major opening of Matisse’s work at         pink eye, which is so easily treated        resurrect the George Preston Award?
the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA),             now. Vinny remembers feeling many           Without George, there would be no
and Vinny got tickets for attendees;         emotions while visiting those areas         IAMFA. George was a mentor, and a
however, he reports that he is still in      where families were broken up, and felt     driving force in establishing IAMFA,
trouble with his wife and others for         he was changed from then on. The            and he always pushed the officers to
having them wait in line, and says he        team shared a sense of pride for the        make IAMFA better.
                                             success of the New York conference.
                                                                                         Edinburgh, Scotland —1998
                                             Los Angeles—1997                            Our next IAMFA annual conference
                                             Our next conference was held at the         was held in Edinburgh, and was hosted
                                             Getty Center, which was still under         by Robert Galbraith, with help from
                                             construction in Los Angeles at the          Peter Fotheringham. Peter had agreed
                                             time. It was a beautiful site, and mas-     to host the 1998 conference while in
                                             sive, and knowing that there was not        Kansas City, but moved to the National
                                             really a budget made us all envious.        Gallery in London in 1994, leaving
                                             The host was Lloyd Randolph. We             Robert with the responsibility! The con-
                                             also visited the Old Getty Museum in        ference in Edinburgh was a big step
                                             Malibu, and celebrated Cinco de             for IAMFA, as we now had a presence
                                             Mayo at the Museum of Contempo-             in Europe. In the year leading up to
                                             rary Art. There were other museums          the May 10–13, 1998 conference in

The Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

The Guggenheim Museum in New York City.      The new Getty Center in Los Angeles.

Edinburgh, Pierre Lepage conducted                and, above all, we were now a truly inter-      Randolph found out that the Buffalo
                    a year-long benchmarking survey with              national organization. Following the            Bill Museum Center in Cody, Wyoming,
                    66 museums, and presented the results             Edinburgh conference IAMFA mem-                 which was to have hosted the confer-
                    at the Edinburgh conference. It was               bers, along with Ian Follett’s company,         ence in 1999, could not do it due to
                    then that a proposal was made for                 Facility Management Services, Ltd. spent        delays with their museum construction
                    IAMFA to support this activity as an              nearly two years developing the first           project. Pierre Lepage was asked if he
                    ongoing endeavor. The Edinburgh                   formal benchmarking questionnaire               could chair the conference in Ottawa-
                    conference was a great one. We visited            of 89 questions.                                Gatineau—with a year to prepare. The
                    Edinburgh Castle and viewed the crown                                                             conference organization committee
                    jewels of Scotland, and even had bag-                                                             included Pierre Lepage of the Canadian
                    pipers at the Gala, which was truly fit           Ottawa, Canada—1999                             Museum of Civilization and Canadian
                    for a king. The sessions were informa-            During the 1998 conference in                   War Museum, Jim Trim of the National
                    tive, we all learned from one another             Edinburgh, IAMFA President Lloyd                Gallery of Canada, Carole Beauvais of
                                                                                                                      the National Archives and Library of
                                                                                                                      Canada, Gerry Potoczny of the Cana-
                                                                                                                      dian Museum of Nature, and Toby
                                                                                                                      Greenbaum of Public Works Canada
                                                                                                                      historic properties.
                                                                                                                         Conference participants and their
                                                                                                                      spouses stayed at the Chateau Laurier,
                                                                                                                      a historic landmark in Ottawa next to
                                                                                                                      Parliament Hill. The welcoming recep-
                                                                                                                      tion took place at the Chateau Laurier
                                                                                                                      on the Sunday evening, and the con-
                                                                                                                      ference sessions were hosted at the
                                                                                                                      Museum of Nature, the National Gallery
                                                                                                                      of Canada, the newly opened National
                                                                                                                      Archives facility, and the Canadian
                                                                                                                      Museum of Civilization, where the
                                                                                                                      closing ceremonies and Gala were
                                                                                                                      hosted. During the conference, there
                                                                                                                      was an evening dinner in the restau-
                                                                                                                      rant of the House of Commons on
                                                                                                                      Parliament Hill, with the Minister
                                                                                                                      of Public Works Canada as keynote
                    Edinburgh Castle.                                                                                 speaker. The guest program included
                                                                                                                      a day trip to Upper Canada Village on
                                                                                                                      the St. Lawrence Seaway: a sixty-acre

                                                                                                                      historical site with forty heritage build-
                                                                                                                      ings, where one can experience the
                                                                                                                      traditional life of the mid-nineteenth
                                                                                                                      century. Guests also enjoyed a tradi-
                                                                                                                      tional afternoon tea on the Mackenzie
                                                                                                                      King Estate in Gatineau Park. It was
                                                                                                                      a very successful conference, with
                                                                                                                      splendid weather and lots of sun for
                                                                                                                      this May event held on both sides of
                                                                                                                      the Ottawa River.

                                                                                                                      Our next conference was held in
                                                                                                                      Chicago at the Art Institute, and our
                                                                                                                      host was Bill Caddick. There were many
                                                                                                                      highlights at the Chicago conference,
                                                                                                                      including a speakeasy gangster dinner,
                    The Canadian Museum of Civilization from the opposite side of the Ottawa River. The               a river tour, drinks atop the Hancock
                    domed building contains the public galleries; to its right is the curatorial and administrative   Building, and the Tutankhamun Exhi-
                    building, which also houses all collection storage.                                               bition. Bill Caddick went on to become

                                                                                                                           PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010          9
United Kingdom
                                                   Washington, D.C./Baltimore

                                               Washington, D.C.—2001
                                               The Washington, D.C. conference was
                                               originally scheduled for September
                                               2001, but was cancelled due to 9/11.
                                               The Committee, led by Fletcher
                                               Johnston and coordinated by Marla
                                               Chanin Tobar (now Marla Neustadt),
The Field Museum: one of the featured sites    faced a challenge: reorganize and           The Natural History Museum in Washington,
of the 2000 IAMFA annual conference.           reschedule all the arrangements, or         D.C. during the 2001 IAMFA conference.
                                               let the D.C. conference slip away. The
IAMFA’s President in 2002. Regional            choice was to pull ourselves up by the
                                                                                           the first benchmarking exercise were
chapters were formally established at the      bootstraps—as many others did in the
                                                                                           presented to participating members on
IAMFA annual conference in Chicago             wake of 9/11—and put together another
                                                                                           Sunday, December 2, 2001. Today, this
in September 2000.                             amazing program for December 2–5.
                                                                                           valuable exercise is in its tenth year.
   Over the years, regional chapters           An Indian summer welcomed members
were founded in metropolitan areas to          to tours, the benchmarking workshop,
                                               educational sessions, and festivities at    London—2002
give local members an opportunity to
meet on their own, both to learn from          the Smithsonian, Meridian International     Peter Fotheringham was the organizer
one another and to network. Regional           Center, and the Holocaust Museum,           of the 2002 London conference. This
chapters have become effective forums          among others, and an infamous clos-         was Peter’s final year as President of
for the exchange of information among          ing Gala at the National Gallery of Art.    IAMFA, and Bill Caddick from the
local members, while also attracting           IAMFA’s members showed their resi-          Art Institute of Chicago was elected
non-members and encouraging them               lience and spirit by absorbing the impact   new President during the conference.
to join our organization. Today, IAMFA         of 9/11 and rallying to attend the D.C.     The program spanned three days,
has 13 local chapters, located in:             conference in December. The results of      and included the National Gallery, the
                                                                                           British Museum, and the British Library.
   Atlanta                                                                                 Pierre Lepage recalls the meeting as
   Australia                                                                               being a very informative one and,
   Bilbao, Spain                                                                           among other things, remembers the
   Chicago                                                                                 stunning new geodesic dome over the
   Los Angeles                                                                             British Museum’s inner court and
   New England                                                                             library, as well as a presentation on
   New York City                                                                           operations and maintenance at the
   New Zealand                                                                             British Library’s new St. Pancras com-
   Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada                                                                 plex. We visited the newly opened Tate
   Philadelphia                                Recent meeting of the Washington,           Modern Gallery, and learned about
   San Francisco                               D.C./Baltimore Chapter.                     lighting and natural light control at

Recent meeting of the U.K. Chapter in Liverpool.                      Philadelphia Chapter members meeting at the Winterthur Museum
                                                                      and Country Estate in nearby Delaware.

                                            The 2004 conference was held in
                                            Boston, Massachusetts. Jim Moisson
                                            led this incredible effort. A hotel room
                                            had been booked for vendors to display
                                            their products and services. We toured
                                            Boston Harbor by boat, and visited the
                                            Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum—
                                            known as the site of the biggest art
                                            theft in history. Shortly after midnight
The British Library during the 2002 IAMFA   on the morning of March 18, 1990,          The Fogg Museum of Art at Harvard
conference in London.                       thieves disguised as police officers       University in Boston, Massachusetts.
                                            talked their way into the Museum.
                                            They handcuffed the two security
the National Gallery. A highlight for       guards on duty and stowed them             sentations from the architects and
many was the bus trip to the conference     out of sight, then stole 13 works of       engineers responsible for design and
dinner in a Routemaster Bus: the            art valued at over $500 million. The       construction of the Guggenheim, itself
traditional London doubledecker.            crime still remains unsolved.              a fabulous work of art. In addition to
                                               We visited the Boston Athenaeum,        our annual general meeting, we also
                                                                                       had a brainstorming session aimed at
San Francisco—2003                          had lunch at the Union Club, then
                                            walked across Boston Common. We            shaping future strategy for IAMFA, and
The conference in San Francisco was                                                    we will do this again in San Francisco
Joe May’s first, and he says he knew        learned about LED lighting at this
                                            conference, and at the 2010 confer-        this fall at the 2010 IAMFA conference.
by the end of the conference that he                                                   We visited the Maritime Museum, the
wanted to become an active member           ence in San Francisco, LSI Lighting
                                            will once again make a presentation        Fine Arts Museum and Old Town, and
of IAMFA. There was a presentation                                                     we heard from Pat Morgan on plans
on security requirements in the post-       on new developments in LED lighting.
                                            We visited the Museum of Fine Arts,        for the redevelopment project at the
9/11 era, and on base isolation as a                                                   Auckland Art Gallery Toi o T¯ maki
means of protecting buildings in seis-      and the Peabody Essex Museum. Guy
                                            Larocque was elected the next IAMFA        in New Zealand. We’ll see this project
mically active areas. We visited the                                                   firsthand in the fall of 2011 when
deYoung Museum—then still under             President in Boston, and he went on to
                                            become our longest-serving President.      New Zealand hosts the 21st IAMFA
construction—to see a base isolation                                                   conference, and you can read more
system being installed, and we will be      One big question from the Boston con-
                                            ference was whether the lobster boil       about recent developments in this
visiting the deYoung again during the                                                  issue of Papyrus. We headed into the
2010 IAMFA conference. We visited           in the countryside was the highlight
                                            of the conference, or whether it was       Spanish countryside for dinner, and
the Cable Car Museum, had lunch at                                                     heard about the Getty Center’s recent
Fisherman’s Wharf, and travelled by         the Fogg Museum of Art at Harvard
                                            University for the Gala. Both were         LEED-EB Certification, as well as the
boat to Alcatraz Island. We visited the                                                British Library’s plans to build a low-
Aquarium in its last months, prior to       amazing!
                                                                                       oxygen storage facility near York. His-
the site being cleared for construction                                                tory has shown that we’ve often had
of the New California Academy of            Bilbao, Spain—2005                         opportunities to visit places we’ve
Sciences. We visited SFMOMA and             IAMFA’s 2005 annual conference was         heard about in IAMFA conference
other institutions in San Francisco.        held in Bilbao, Spain. We heard pre-       presentations.
Joe also remembers that the Legion
of Honor, where the conference Gala
was held, was the most elegant setting
he had ever seen.

The Legion of Honor, site of the closing
Gala for the 2003 conference in
San Francisco.                              The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain.

                                                                                          PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010            11
Los Angeles—2006                            the Canada Aviation Museum, and                British Museum, the National Gallery,
In 2006, the conference was held            the Canadian War Museum. We had                the British Library, the Maritime
in Los Angeles at the Getty Villa and       dinner one evening at the l’Orée du            Museum and Royal Observatory and
Center, the LA County Museum of             bois Restaurant in the countryside. We         the Natural History Museum. The
Art (LACMA), the Museum of Con-             stayed next door to Parliament Hill at         conference reception was held in the
temporary Art (MOCA), the Disney            the Chateau Laurier Hotel. We learned          King’s Library at the British Museum
Concert Hall, the Petersen Auto-            about fire-suppression systems, micro-         and, following the opening program,
motive Museum, and the Japanese             climate displays, preparing for redevel-       we wandered through the dimly lit
American Art Museum. Guests also            opment programs, maintenance issues            galleries to see such exhibits as the
visited Universal Studios and the           today and tomorrow, and the Library of         Rosetta Stone and the Elgin Marbles.
Reagan Presidential Library. We heard       Congress’s new Audio Visual Center,            It was a great kick-off to a memorable
presentations on the renovation pro-        which we would have the opportunity            conference. We attended presentations
ject at the Getty Villa (the predecessor    to visit in 2009. The conference closed        focusing on several themes, including
of the Getty Center), building com-         with a very elegant Gala Dinner at the         energy savings and performance audits,
missioning, fire-protection strategies,     Canadian Museum of Civilization.               facilities management and contracts,
and an FBI agent discussed art theft           During 2007, we also saw Papyrus            capital projects, and climate change.
issues that museums face. We heard          printed in full color for the first time.      This year, the conference was extended
presentations on LACMA’s construc-                                                         an optional fourth day, and members
tion program, and the Smithsonian’s         London—2008                                    and guests traveled by rail to York to
new asset management system, and            In 2008, we met in London for the              visit the new British Library low-oxygen
cruised Marina Del Rey for dinner,          IAMFA conference hosted by the                 storage facility. We also traveled down
complete with a rumored marriage
proposal at dinner (sorry, no update
available). We toured MOCA and the
Disney Concert Hall, which is another
Frank Gehry design (as was the Guggen-
heim in Bilbao). Facility Issues Inc.,
led by Keith McClanahan, took over
this year as facilitator of the museum
benchmarking exercise.

In 2007 we met in Ottawa-Gatineau,
where we visited the National Gallery,
the Canadian Museum of Civilization,
the Library Archives Canada Gatineau
Preservation Centre, the Canada             The closing Gala of the 2008 IAMFA conference in London, held in the Earth Gallery at the
Science and Technology Museum,              Natural History Museum.

Members and guests at the Getty Center during the 2006 IAMFA        Members and guests on the plaza at the Canadian Museum of
conference.                                                         Civilization during the 2007 IAMFA conference.

the Thames by boat to Greenwich,               We visited war memorials and monu-            the United States. This year the confer-
where we walked the Meridian Line              ments at night under a full moon. This        ence was extended an optional fourth
and attended a presentation in the             year, guests visited Baltimore while mem-     day again, with a visit to the new Library
Peter Harrison Planetarium. Refresh-           bers attended the Sunday benchmarking         of Congress National Audiovisual Con-
ments afterward were at the Trafalgar          workshop at the Baltimore Museum              servation Center in Virginia. Follow-
Pub, a well-known institution where            of Art, hosted by Alan Dirican. During        ing lunch at a winery, we visited the
we all enjoyed a pint or two. Confer-          their visit, guests were given guided         Smithsonian Institution’s Air and
ence guests had a very busy agenda,            tours by BMA Director Doreen Bolger           Space Museum near Dulles Airport.
including a visit to the Tower of              of the exhibitions Edgar Allan Poe: A            During 2009, Papyrus was given
London, a private meeting with the             Baltimore Icon and Matisse as Printmaker.     another facelift, becoming more like a
Queen’s Jeweller, a viewing of the crown       They also visited the Baltimore Aquar-        magazine, and members increasingly
jewels, a visit to Kensington Palace—          ium. The opening ceremony was held            contributed content.
and with numerous other activities,            at the Donald W. Reynolds Center, and
there was still ample time to shop             the first full day began with breakfast
London! The 2008 conference                    at the National Gallery of Art, where

                                                                                                   hese were our first twenty years
culminated with a very memorable               we heard a summary of the museum                    of IAMFA—and IAMFA has now
closing Gala in the Earth Gallery at           benchmarking exercise, which also set               grown to more than 200 members
the Natural History Museum. John               a record for participation. We heard          in eight countries.
de Lucy was elected President at the           presentations on building automation             But . . . where in the world will
annual business meeting during the             systems, sustainability, budget planning      IAMFA go next?
London conference.                             and reliability-centered maintenance.
   In 2008, IAMFA also became an               We visited the National Museum of
Affiliated Association of the International    the American Indian, which was in the         San Francisco—2010
Council of Museums (ICOM).                     process of applying for LEED Certifica-       We will be meeting in San Francisco
                                               tion. We toured the Library of Congress,      on October 17–20, 2010. You can read
Washington, D.C.—2009                          the National Archives Building, and the       more about the upcoming conference
In 2009, IAMFA members met in                  new Capitol Visitor Center, as well as        in this issue of Papyrus. See you there!
Washington, D.C., attending venues             the oldest Smithsonian Building, The
in both Washington and Baltimore.              Castle. The closing Gala was held in
Nancy Bechtol was our host, and we set         the Thomas Jefferson Building of the
attendance records again this year, just       Library of Congress, which contains
as we had the previous year in London.         some of the richest public interiors in

                                                                                             The New LEED Platinum California Academy
                                                                                             of Sciences in San Francisco.

                                                                                             Auckland, New Zealand—

                                                                                             The 2011 IAMFA conference will be held
The closing Gala for the most recent IAMFA annual conference was held in the Great Hall of   in Auckland, New Zealand on November
the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building in Washington, D.C. in November 2009.      13–17, 2011.

                                                                                               PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010           13
Mid-Atlantic, U.S.—2012                    We believe doing so will allow our               From Pierre Lepage, the original
                                           members to be better educated and             editor of IAMFA’s Papyrus publication,
                                           better equipped to serve the mission          “This Association has taken a quantum
                                           of their institutions.                        leap in the development of its annual
                                              In pursuit of these goals, the associa-    conferences. The change of location
                                           tion sponsors an annual conference, and       each year creates tremendous potential
                                           communicates quarterly with its mem-          for conference organizers to diversify
                                           bership and friends around the world          conference activities, making each
                                           through the IAMFA journal Papyrus.            conference unique and memorable.
                                                                                         For the organizers, it also becomes a
                                           Membership and                                truly collegial experience, giving mem-
                                                                                         bers of the organizing committee an
                                           Educational Benefits,                         opportunity to work closely with one
The 2012 IAMFA conference is set for       Annual Meeting and
the U.S. Eastern Seaboard, including                                                     another during the two years it takes
the Winterthur Garden and Museum in        Conference                                    to prepare for the event. The confer-
Delaware.                                  IAMFA brings museum facility adminis-         ence is also an opportunity to show-
                                           trators together to promote creativity        case the best cultural institutions in the
Boston—2013                                and foster dialogue within the interna-       host city. In addition, participants get
                                           tional museum community, in order             an unequalled chance to learn from
                                           to better serve the missions and goals        colleagues about different management
                                           of all museums and cultural organi-           approaches, to witness progress on con-
                                           zations. Member museums host the              struction sites, and to find out about
                                           annual conference, which includes             successes with recent museum renova-
                                           seminars, meetings, roundtable dis-           tions and museum-related construction
                                           cussions and panels on topics chosen          projects around the world.”
                                           by the membership. These educational
                                           sessions draw upon the knowledge and          Contributors:
                                           talents of many well-respected experts        John Castle, Director, Facility Services,
                                           in their fields. The variety of host cities   Winterthur Museum & Garden, Winterthur,
                                           and facilities affords members the            Delaware, U.S.A.
The 2013 IAMFA conference is planned
                                           opportunity to see, experience and            Daniel Davies, Zone Facilities Manager,
for Boston, Massachusetts.
                                           learn from the world’s most renowned          National Zoo, Washington, D.C.
                                           cultural institutions. Sponsorship from       John de Lucy, Head of Estates & Facilities,
IAMFA Statement of                         the businesses that provide support to        British Library, London
Purpose                                    our museums, along with an oppor-             Peter Fotheringham, Head of Estates,
The International Association of           tunity to see their latest products and       University of Greenwich, London
Museum Facility Administrators is an       technologies, round out the                   Guy Larocque, Director, Facility
international educational organization     conference experience for members.            Management and Security Services,
                                                                                         Canadian Museum of Civilization
devoted to meeting the professional           According to John Castle, current          Corporation, Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada
needs of museum facility administra-       Vice-President of IAMFA Regional
                                                                                         Pierre Lepage (retired), Canadian Museum
tors—especially their efforts to set and   Affairs, “One of the great things that I      of Civilization Corporation,
maintain standards of excellence and       love about IAMFA is that each year it         Ottawa/Gatineau, Canada
quality in the design, construction,       holds an annual conference where up           Vincent Magorrian (retired), Museum
operation and maintenance of world-        to a hundred delegates plus their guests      of Modern Art, New York City
class cultural facilities.                 meet in one of the world’s great cities       Joe May, Sustainability Engineer,
   IAMFA earnestly desires to promote      to share their experiences of managing        Los Angeles
and foster communications between          the hard and soft facilities services in      Marla Neustadt, Operational Support
facilities professionals at museums        some of the most iconic institutions in       Services, NASA Headquarters,
as well as other cultural facilities.      the world.”                                   Washington, D.C.

                                 Become a Member of IAMFA
                                     For more information on becoming a member of the
                           International Association of Museum Facility Administrators, please visit

The Twentieth Annual IAMFA
Conference in San Francisco
La Vingtième Conférence
de l’IAMFA à San Francisco
La Vigésima Conferencia Anual
de IAMFA en San Francisco

T                                             L                                            E
       he 2010 IAMFA San Francisco                 ’équipe de la Conférence de                   l equipo de trabajo de la con-
       conference team looks forward               l’IAMFA à San Francisco se réjouit            ferencia anual de IAMFA del
       to welcoming all IAMFA members              d’accueillir tous les membres et              2010 en San Francisco están con
and guests to the Twentieth Annual            leurs invités à la 20ième assemblée          ganas de darle la bienvenida a la vigé-
IAMFA Conference. Everyone involved           annuelle. Tous les participants ont          sima conferencia anual de IAMFA
has worked hard to develop a program          travaillé fort pour développer un pro-       en San Francisco. Todas las personas
packed with educational content, tours,       gramme riche en contenu éducatif,            involucradas han trabajado duro para
and networking opportunities that you         des visites guidées et des possibilités de   desarrollar un programa repleto de
will be able to use in managing your          réseautage que vous seriez en mesure         contenido educacional, giras, y opor-
facility. And the city of San Francisco       d’utiliser dans la gestion de votre éta-     tunidades para trabajar en las redes
offers a stunning setting that is virtually   blissement. Et la ville de San Francisco     de contactos que podrán utilizar para
unrivaled in the wealth of its cultural       offre un cadre somptueux qui est pra-        la administración de su instalación.
institutions.                                 tiquement inégalisé dans la richesse         Y la ciudad de San Francisco ofrece
   The members’ program includes              de ses institutions culturelles.             un entorno increíble con un número
numerous presentations on topics in              Le programme des membres inclut           infinito de instituciones culturales casi
which you have expressed an interest,         de nombreuses présentations sur des          sin igual.
including:                                    sujets dans lesquels vous avez exprimé          El programa de los miembros incluye
                                              un intérêt; notamment:                       numerosas presentaciones sobre temas
• LED Lighting in the Museum
                                                                                           en los cuales Ustedes han demostrado
  Environment                                 • L’utilisation d’éclairage LED dans         un interés, incluyendo:
• Seismic Resistance and the History            les musées
  of the Cantor Arts Center                                                                • el uso de luces LED en los museos
                                              • Résistance séismique et l’histoire
• Forward Planning: IAMFA’s Next                du Centre d’arts Cantor                    • la resistencia sísmica y la historia
  Five Years                                                                                 del Centro de Artes Cantor
                                              • Planification du future: l’IAMFA
• The de Young Museum: Five Years               dans les cinq prochaines années            • planificación para El Futuro: los
  of Lessons Learned                                                                         próximos cinco años de IAMFA
                                              • Le musée de Young : cinq ans de
• Summary of the 2010 Benchmarking              leçons apprises
                                                                                           • el Museo de De Young: cinco años
  and Best Practices Exercise
                                              • Résumé de l’analyse comparative              de lecciones aprendidas
• Green Historic Preservation: The              2010 et les meilleures pratiques de
  Mint Project                                                                             • resumen del ejercicio de 2010 de
                                                l’exercise du ‘Benchmarking’
                                                                                             evaluación comparativa (bench-
• Operating a LEED Platinum                   • Préservation historique orientée             marking) y mejores prácticas del
  Building                                      au développement soutenable: le              ejercicio
• Annual IAMFA Business Meeting                 projet Mint
                                                                                           • la preservación histórica orientada
• Innovation in the Exploratorium’s           • Fonctionnement d’un bâtiment                 al desarrollo sostenible: el proyecto
  New Plans                                     LEED Platine                                 Mint

                                                                                             PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010          15
• Award-Winning Historical Preser-          • Assemblé annuelle des affaires de         • la operación de un edificio LEED
               vation—The Walt Disney Family               l’IAMFA                                     platino
                                                         • Innovation dans les nouveaux plans        • reunión anual de IAMFA de
                                                           de l’Exploratorium                          planificación
                A range of fascinating behind-the-
             scenes and gallery tours are also on        • Prix gagné pour préservation histo-       • innovación en los nuevos planos
             the agenda, along with a great guest          rique – le Musée de la Famille de           del Exploratorium
             program. This year’s conference venues,       Walt Disney
                                                                                                     • un ejemplo de preservación histórica
             in and around San Francisco, are
                                                                                                       ganador de premio—el Museo de
             described below.                                Une gamme fascinante de tournées
                                                                                                       La Familia de Walt Disney
                                                         « dans-les-coulisses » et de visites gui-
             San Francisco Museum                        dées sont également dans l’itinéraire,
                                                                                                         Una gama de giras fascinantes tras
             of Modern Art                               avec un programme excellent pour
                                                                                                     bastidores y de galerías también está en
             The San Francisco Museum of Modern          nos hôtes. Les lieux de rendez-vous à
                                                                                                     el itinerario, además de un programa
             Art celebrated its 75th anniversary in      l’intérieur et autour de San Francisco
                                                                                                     excelente para los invitados. Los en-
             January 2010 (now, doesn’t that sound       pendant la conférence de cette année
                                                         sont décrits ensuite, ci-dessous.           tornos de la conferencia de este año,
             like an oxymoron: Modern and 75                                                         dentro de y alrededor de San Francisco,
             years?). The Museum was originally                                                      se describen a continuación.
             housed in the War Memorial Building         Le Musée d’art moderne
             in the Civic Center across the street       de San Francisco
                                                                                                     El Museo de Arte Moderno
             from City Hall, sharing the building        Le Musée d’art moderne de San
                                                                                                     de San Francisco
             with veterans’ organizations and the        Francisco a célébré son 75e anniver-
             Herbst Theater. When it opened its          saire en janvier 2010 (ça ne sonne          El Museo de Arte Moderno de San
             doors in January 1935, it was consid-       pas comme un oxymoron: moderne              Francisco celebró su 75a aniversario
             ered a pioneer in the field of modern       et 75 ans?). Le musée fut installé dans     en enero 2010 (¿no suena un poco
             art collection and display. It also had     l’édifice commémoratif de la guerre         contradictorio los términos moderno
             one of the first photography collections    dans le Centre civique en face de           y 75 años?). Originalmente el Museo
             in the museum world, acknowledging          l’Hôtel de ville, partageant le bâtiment    se encontraba en el Edificio Conme-
             photography as an art form well before      avec des organisations d’anciens com-       morativo de la Guerra en el Centro
             many of its contemporaries.                 battants et le Théâtre Herbst. Lorsqu’il    Cívico en frente del Ayuntamiento, y
                By the 1980s, the Museum had out-        a ouvert ses portes en janvier 1935, il     compartía el edificio con las organiza-
             grown its original quarters, and planning   a été considéré comme un pionnier           ciones de los veteranos de las guerras
             began for a new purpose-built facility.     dans le domaine de la collection d’art      y el Teatro Herbst. Cuando abrió sus
             Architect Mario Botta was selected to       moderne et d’affichage. Il était égale-     puertas en enero de 1935, se lo con-
             design the signature building on Third      ment l’une de premières collections         sideró un pionero en el campo de
                                                                                                     la colección y la exhibición de arte
                                                                                                     moderno. También a través de una
                                                                                                     de las primeras exhibiciones de foto-

                                                                                                     grafías en el mundo de los museos,
                                                                                                     reconoció a la fotografía como arte
                                                                                                     antes que muchos de los otros museos.
                                                                                                        Para los 1980s, el Museo había cre-
                                                                                                     cido demasiado para su alojamiento
                                                                                                     original y se comenzó a planear una
                                                                                                     nueva instalación construida expresa-
                                                                                                     mente para museo. El arquitecto
                                                                                                     Mario Botta fue seleccionado para
                                                                                                     diseñar el edificio único en la calle
                                                                                                     tercera., al sur de la calle Market. Para
                                                                                                     algunos miembros de la sociedad de
                                                                                                     San Francisco, esta idea les pareció
                                                                                                     herejía, no era aceptable ir al “sur de
                                                                                                     la ranura” (“la ranura” se refería a la
                                                                                                     ranura en la calle para el tranvía) Sin
                                                                                                     embargo, la selección de este vecin-
                                                                                                     dario resultó visionaria, ya que este
                                                                                                     área al sur de la calle Market estaba
             The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.                                                 en proceso de expansión y de revitali-

             16     PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
Papyrus Fall 2010
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Papyrus Fall 2010

  • 1. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A S S O C I AT I O N O F M U S E U M F A C I L I T Y A D M I N I S T R AT O R S PAPYRUS VOL. 11, NO. 2 SUMMER–FALL 2010 Celebrating Years The 20th Annual IAMFA IAMFA Conference Reflections on The First Twenty Years in San Francisco, CA Papyrus
  • 2. Contents Letter from the Editor Facility Managers Lead the Move 1 to Green with Improvements in Energy Efficiency Message from the President / 30 Mot du président / Mensaje del Presidente Benchmarking: 2 A Comparison over Time 35 IAMFA . . . The First Twenty Years 6 Reflections on Papyrus 37 The Twentieth Annual IAMFA Conference in San Francisco / Auckland Art Gallery Toi o T¯ amaki: La Vingtième Conférence de l'IAMFA Building Development Update à San Francisco / 39 La Vigésima Conferencia Anual de IAMFA en San Francisco Regional Updates/Member News 15 42 2010 IAMFA Conference Schedule IAMFA Members—Organizations 24 46 The National Gallery: Puzzle Page Casting New Light on Old Masters 48 28 Cover photo: San Francisco's famous Golden Gate Bridge. Photo: Joe May IAMFA BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGIONAL CHAPTERS President Secretary and Papyrus Editor Atlanta, U.S.A. — Kevin Streiter, Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada — John de Lucy Joseph E. May High Museum of Art Ian MacLean, Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation The British Library Sustainability Engineer London, United Kingdom Los Angeles, CA, USA Australia — Ray McMaster, Australian National Maritime Museum Philadelphia, USA — John Castle, Winterthur Museum & Garden V.P., Administration Chairman — Conference 2010 Bilbao, Spain — Rogelio Diez, Alan Dirican Guggenheim Museum San Francisco, USA — Joe Brennan, Joe Brennan San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Baltimore Museum of Art San Francisco Museum of Baltimore, MD, USA Modern Art Chicago, USA — William Caddick, Art Institute of Chicago United Kingdom — Jack Plumb, San Francisco, CA National Library of Scotland V.P., Regional Affairs Los Angeles, USA — Randy Murphy, John Castle Los Angeles County Museum of Art Washington/Baltimore, USA — Head of International Affairs Maurice Evans, Smithsonian Winterthur Museum, Guy Larocque Institution Garden and Library New England, USA — John H. Canadian Museum of Winterthur, DE, USA Lannon, Boston Athenaeum Civilization For more information on Gatineau, QC, Canada New York, USA — Mark Demairo, becomming a member of the Treasurer Neue Galerie International Association of Larry Bannister Museum Facility Administrators, Milwaukee Public Museum For additional contact information, New Zealand — Patricia Morgan, please visit Milwaukee, WI, USA please visit our website at Auckland Art Gallery IAMFA/ Papyrus Vincent Magorrian Editing Statements of fact and opinion Vol. 11, Number 2 Joe May Artistic License (English) are made on the responsibility of Summer–Fall 2010 Patricia Morgan Guy Laroque (French) authors alone and do not imply an Marla Neustadt opinion on the part of the editors, Printed in the U.S.A. by officers, or members of IAMFA. The Editor David Redrup Knight Printing editors of IAMFA Papyrus reserve the Joe May Steve Vandyke right to accept or to reject any Article Thomas A. Westerkamp or advertisement submitted for Papyrus Correspondents ISSN 1682-5241 publication. John Castle Design and Layout Daniel Davies Phredd Grafix While we have made every attempt to Peter Fotheringham ensure that reproduction rights have Guy Larocque Translation been acquired for the illustrations John de Lucy Marina Pascal (French) used in this newsletter, please let us know if we have inadvertently Maurice Evans Jeanne Pascal (Spanish) overlooked your copyright, and Pierre Lepage we will rectify the matter in a future issue. Past issues of Papyrus can be found on IAMFA's website:
  • 3. Letter from the Editor Joe May Editor, Papyrus Greetings from Los Angeles! Pierre was responsible for turning the I haven’t missed an IAMFA confer- original two-page Papyrus newsletter into ence since attending my first one in I AMFA is celebrating a significant the journal that it is today. He was also San Francisco in 2003. By the end of birthday this year: Twenty Years! one of the early members of IAMFA, and that conference, I knew that I wanted The Association’s origins date back his article provides some interesting to become an active member of the to a first meeting at the Art Institute background on the Association. organization. If you’ve attended an of Chicago in 1990, organized by the As always, we also have some great IAMFA conference before, you already Institute’s Director of Facilities, George articles on the nuts and bolts of what know the benefits of belonging to an Preston. To begin our twentieth anni- organization made up of colleagues versary celebration, I hope you will read with responsibilities similar to yours. the retrospective article in this issue of If you haven’t attended before, now Papyrus, which looks back over our first IAMFA is thriving, and it is the time to get involved. Details of twenty years. And please . . . if you have this fall’s 20th Anniversary conference will continue to be the special memories of your involvement in San Francisco can be found in this with IAMFA, I encourage you to send leading organization for issue. If you haven’t made your plans them to me so we can add them to the yet, please make them soon. The block Association’s official record. IAMFA is facilities professionals at of rooms at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel thriving, and it will continue to be the is limited, and there is an early regis- leading organization for facilities pro- cultural institutions for tration discount if you register soon. fessionals at cultural institutions for Don’t wait to secure your reservations decades to come. Our twentieth anni- decades to come. —and be sure to show the guest agenda versary is a good opportunity to gather to your family. San Francisco is an the best possible historical record of amazing city for our fall conference, those early years for future members we do, including Steve Vandyke’s article and you won’t find a better value for of the organization. on blind controls at the National Gallery this level of learning and networking. In addition to the retrospective a in London, Tom Westerkamp’s article Lastly, thank you to everyone who few pages on, you are certain to enjoy on energy conservation, and Patricia contributed content to this issue of Pierre Lepage’s reflections on the orga- Morgan’s update on the Auckland Art Papyrus. I hope you enjoy learning about nization. For those of you who have Gallery building project. You will also our history, and I look forward to seeing been members of IAMFA for a few years, find an article from Stacey Wittig with you this fall in San Francisco! you may recall Guy Larocque intro- some interesting trends from the first ducing Pierre Lepage at the closing ten years of the IAMFA annual bench- Joe May Gala of the 2007 conference in Ottawa. marking exercise. Editor, Papyrus PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010 1
  • 4. Message from the President Message du président Mensaje del Presidente John de Lucy President / Président / Presidente, IAMFA San Francisco— San Francisco, ¡San Francisco— Here We Come! on y va! Estamos en Camino! T L E he U.K. Chapter has had such a e chapitre du Royaume-Uni, j’ai l Capítulo del Reino Unido ha successful year that, I understand, entendu, a eu tellement de succès experimentado tanto éxito este there will be 14 members plus qu’il y aura 14 membres de plus año que tengo entendido que guests attending from this side of the parmi les invités présents de ce côté asistirán más de 14 miembros de este pond—an excellent turnout. Must be de l’étang – un taux de participation lado del charco a la conferencia—una something in the air! excellent. Il doit y avoir quelque chose representación excelente. ¡Debe haber San Francisco in 2003 was my first dans l’air! algo en el aire! IAMFA conference, and Joe Brennan San Francisco en 2003 a été ma pre- La conferencia en San Francisco and his team are putting together mière conférence de l’IAMFA et Joe en 2003 fue mi primera conferencia another fabulous treat for us all this Brennan et son équipe sont en oeuvre de IAMFA, y Joe Brennan y su equipo fall. The one activity I particularly pour nous faire une autre tournée fabu- están preparando otra fabulosa experi- remember from 2003 was the California leuse cet automne. L’activité dont je encia para todos nosotros este otoño. BBQ in an old dairy barn on the me souviens particulièrement de 2003 La actividad de 2003 que más me trae Runnymede Sculpture Farm. I am était le barbecue à la Californie à une recuerdos es la barbacoa de California delighted that we are returning there ancienne laiterie dans la Grange aux que tuvo lugar en una vieja instalación this year, so that you will be able to sculptures Runnymede. Je suis ravi que lechera de la Granja con esculturas enjoy a similar event on Monday, nous y retournions cette année, de Runnymede. Me complace saber que October 18. This will be a unique sorte que vous aussi pourriez profiter vamos a regresar allí otra vez este año experience in a private park that you d’un événement similaire, le lundi para que Ustedes también puedan cannot otherwise visit. Members and 18 octobre. Ce sera une expérience disfrutar de un evento parecido, el their guests will also have an oppor- unique dans un parc privé que vous lunes 18 de octubre. Será una experi- tunity to walk together across the ne pouvez pas autrement visiter. Les encia única en un parque privado que Golden Gate Bridge on Wednesday membres et leurs invités auront égale- normalmente es de acceso restringido. afternoon, enjoying stunning views of ment l’occasion de marcher ensemble Los miembros y sus invitados tendrán the city and Alcatraz. In the evening, à travers le Pont Golden Gate, mercredi la oportunidad de caminar juntos a we will attend the Gala dinner at the après-midi, profitant d’une vue impre- través del Puente Golden Gate en la Maritime Museum with panoramic nable sur la ville et sur Alcatraz. Dans tarde del miércoles, y disfrutar de unas views of the bay at sunset. la soirée, nous allons assister au dîner vistas impresionantes de la ciudad y de Along with these unique events, the de gala au Musée maritime avec une vue Alcatraz. Por la tarde, asistiremos a la programme is packed with behind- panoramique sur la baie au coucher comida de gala en el Museo Marítimo the-scenes tours, fabulous events and du soleil. con vistas panorámicas del ocaso en educational visits, making this is a con- Parallèlement à ces événements la bahía. ference that is not to be missed. If you uniques, le programme est emballé En conjunto con estos eventos úni- haven’t looked at the proposed pro- avec des visites dans-les-coulisses, de cos, la agenda esta repleta de giras tras gramme in detail, please do so in this fabuleuses activités et des visites édu- bastidores, actividades fabulosas y visitas issue of Papyrus, or online at www.iamfa. catives, ce qui démontre qu’il s’agit educacionales, demostrándoles así que org/agenda2010—it is sure to entice d’une conférence à ne pas manquer. no deben perderse esta conferencia. Si members and, just as importantly, Si vous n’avez pas regardé le pro- no se han fijado bien en el programa, their guests. gramme proposé dans le détail, s’il por favor mírenlo en este ejemplar 2 PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010
  • 5. Joe Brennan has chosen the dates vous plaît faites-le dans ce numéro du de Papyrus, o en la dirección en línea to ensure fabulous weather and a full Papyrus, ou en ligne à—no cabe moon (what, I wonder, is the signifi- agenda2010 – on y est sûr de capturer duda que llamará la atención de los cance of that!). I know he will have l’attention des membres et, tout aussi miembros y sus invitados, quienes son something up his sleeve to surprise important, de leurs invités. de igual importancia para nosotros. us. At our April Board meeting, the Joe Brennan a choisi les dates pour Joe Brennan ha escogido las fechas last activity on the agenda was a Sunday assurer une météo fabuleuse avec la para que coincidan con la luna llena y morning meeting at 5:00 a.m. to wit- pleine lune (je me demande quelle est asegurarnos un tiempo fabuloso (¡me ness an annual ceremony marking the la signification de cela!). Je sais qu’il pregunto cuál será el significado de anniversary of the devastating 1906 aura quelque chose dans son sac pour la luna llena!) Estoy seguro que estará earthquake and fire. Joe May and I met nous surprendre. En avril, lors de la tramando algo especial para sorpren- Joe Brennan in reception at 4:45 a.m. réunion du Conseil, la dernière activité dernos—en la reunión de la Junta and walked to a firehouse close to the sur l’ordre du jour a été une réunion Directiva de abril, la última actividad hotel, where sirens sounded to mark dimanche matin à 5h00 pour assister à en el programa era una visita a las the event (I pity the poor residents of la cérémonie annuelle marquant l’an- 5:00 a.m. a una ceremonia anual que surrounding hotels). We then had to niversaire de terribles tremblements conmemora el aniversario del terre- have a glass of port, and Joe Brennan de terre et feu de 1906. Joe May et moto e incendio devastadores de 1906. gave us a keepsake of a black handker- moi avons rencontré Joe Brennan à la Joe May y yo nos reunimos con Joe chief covered in red and orange flames. réception à 4:45 am et nous sommes Brennan en la recepción a las 4:45 a.m. This year’s conference hotel, the allés vers une caserne de pompiers à y caminamos hacia una estación de Sir Francis Drake Hotel, already has proximité de l’hôtel où les sirènes son- bomberos cerca del hotel, donde sona- firm bookings for 40 of the allocated naient à l’occasion des événements (je ron las sirenas para marcar el evento 50 rooms available at the reduced con- suis désolé pour les pauvres habitants (lo lamento por los pobres ocupantes ference rate. So, if you have not already des hôtels environnants). Ensuite, il de los edificios cercanos). Luego nos booked, make sure you register soon a fallu que nous buvions un verre de tomamos una copa de vino oporto, y for one of the last 10 rooms! porto et Joe Brennan nous a donné Joe Brennan nos regaló como recuerdo Our American and Canadian col- comme souvenir un mouchoir noir un pañuelo negro cubierto con un leagues suffered badly last year with couvert de flammes ardentes en rouge diseño de llamas rojas y anaranjadas. cutbacks, yet the very successful 2009 et orange. El hotel de la conferencia de este Washington conference had a record L’hôtel de la conférence de cette año, el Sir Francis Drake, ya tiene reser- turnout, so let’s hope this year’s con- année, le Sir Francis Drake, a déjà vaciones para 40 de los 50 cuartos ference in San Francisco can be prior- des réservations fermes pour 40 des disponibles, a los precios reducidos itized above any other conferences 50 chambres disponibles, allouées au de la conferencia. Así que si no han you may be considering attending. If taux réduit de conférence. Donc, si reservado todavía, asegúrense de reg- your boss is having trouble with the vous n’avez pas déjà en réservé, assurez- istrarse pronto para uno de los últimos word “conference”, assure him/her vous de vous inscrire rapidement pour 10 cuartos! that this is the best training session l’un des 10 dernières chambres! Nuestros colegas americanos y cana- value of the year! Nos collègues américains et cana- dienses han pasado por tiempos difíciles The last 18 months have focused diens ont beaucoup souffert l’an este último año debido a recortes de our minds on matters financial—none dernier en raison des compressions presupuesto, sin embargo la asisten- more so than those related to facilities budgétaires, mais l’édition très réussie cia a la muy exitosa conferencia de management. Reducing costs and add- de la Conférence de Washington 2009 Washington 2009 rompió record, así ing value for money has been one way a eu un taux de participation record; que esperemos que al hacer la lista in which facilities managers have proven alors, espérons que celle de cette année de prioridades de este año le den más their worth to organisations, particu- à San Francisco puisse être priorisée peso a la conferencia de San Francisco larly in a time of economic crisis— au dessus d’autres conférences que que a todas las demás. Si a su super- but is it a fair picture of all that you vous envisagez assister. Si votre patron visor le incomoda la palabra “confer- as facility managers could achieve for a des problèmes avec le mot « confé- encia”, ¡explíquele que ésta será la your cultural organisations? There are rence », assurez-lui que c’est la plus sesión de entrenamiento más valiosa opportunities ahead that we will need précieuse session de formation de del año! to address in order to continue main- l’année! Los eventos de los últimos 18 meses taining our vital role within our organi- Les 18 derniers mois ont porté notre han enfocado nuestras mentes en sations. We need to take this changing attention sur les questions financières, asuntos financieros—sobre todo en world into account, and realign our mais plus encore sur celles liées à la el caso de los relacionados con mante- roles and purpose if we wish to deliver gestion des installations. Réduire les nimiento de instalaciones. Reducir sustainable value to our organisations. coûts et maximiser le côut-bénéfice costos y maximizar costo-beneficio es How are you going to improve your a été une des façons dont les gestion- una de las maneras en que los gerentes game? Come to San Francisco and tell naires d’installations ont pu démontrer de mantenimiento han demostrado PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010 3
  • 6. us, or send Joe May an article for the leur valeur aux organisations, en par- su importancia a las organizaciones, next edition of Papyrus. ticulier en temps de crise économique especialmente en los tiempos de crisis So, as the next generation of Facili- – mais est-ce que c’est une image fidèle económica—¿pero realmente es una ties Managers, are you prepared to be de tout ce que vous, en tant que ges- imagen representativa de todo lo que workplace enablers, become carbon- tionnaires d’installations, pourriez Ustedes como gerentes de mantenimi- driven, link energy to maintenance, be atteindre pour vos organisations cul- ento pudieran lograr para sus organiza- led by partnerships, invest in relations turelles? Il y a des opportunités à venir ciones culturales? Hay oportunidades with suppliers, ensure that you become auquelles nous devons faire face afin en el futuro que nos veremos obligados a Board Room item, be smart about de maintenir notre rôle vital au sein a enfrentar para mantener nuestros asset transfers, be intelligent about ser- de nos organisations. Nous devons papeles críticos dentro de nuestras vice delivery, and become integrated prendre en compte ce monde en mu- organizaciones. Necesitamos tomar en with your colleagues in HR, Finance tation et réaligner nos rôles et nos cuenta este mundo que está en proceso and IT? And that’s just for starters! buts si nous voulons offrir une valeur de cambio y rediseñar nuestros papeles durable pour nos organisations. Com- y objetivos si queremos seguir sumi- ment allez-vous améliorer votre jeu? nistrando valor sostenible a nuestras Venez à San Francisco et dites-nous organizaciones. ¿Cómo pueden mejorar This conference will ou envoyez à Joe May un article pour sus estrategias de juego? Vengan a provide an opportunity sa prochaine édition du Papyrus. San Francisco y dígannos, o mándenle Donc, comme la prochaine généra- un artículo a Joe May para su próxima to exchange ideas and tion des gestionnaires d’installations, edición de Papyrus. êtes-vous prêt à: dynamiser le milieu Así que, como la próxima generación develop a learning de travail, devenir un « conducteur-à- de gerentes de mantenimiento, están partnership . . . carbon », lier l’énergie vers l’entretien, Ustedes preparados para: ser capaci- être guié par des partenariats, investir tadores del lugar de trabajo, tomar dans les relations avec les fournisseurs, decisiones en ¿base del manejo de la Cette conférence sera veiller à ce que vous devenez un élé- huella de carbono? ligar la energía al l’occasion d’échanger des ment discuté par le Conseil, être à mantenimiento, ser guiados por equipos puce sur les transferts d’actifs, être de trabajo, invertir en relaciones con idées et de développer un intelligent sur la prestation des services los proveedores, asegurar que sus metas et vous intégrer avec vos collègues des formen parte de la agenda de la Junta partenariat éducatif . . . ressources humaines, des finances et Directiva, saber llevar a cabo las trans- des TI? Et ce n’est qu’un début! ferencias de bienes con inteligencia, Esta conferencia nos Au Royaume-Uni, le nouveau gou- optimizar el plan de suministros, e vernement de coalition a annoncé une integrarse con sus colegas de Recursos brindará la oportunidad réduction minimale prévue de 25 % Humanos, Finanza, e Informática? ¡Y dans les budgets de toutes les institu- todo esto es solamente el comienzo! de intercambiar ideas y tions culturelles; nous sommes donc En el Reino Unido, el nuevo desarrollar un equipo confrontés à réfléchir sur la façon dont gobierno de coalición ha anunciado nous offrons nos services avec une que prevé un recorte del 25% mínimo de aprendizaje . . . réduction importante des ressources de todos los presupuestos de las insti- financières. Profitez de cette occasion tuciones culturales, así que nos vemos à la conférence pour aider vos cousins forzados a enfocarnos en cómo pode- In the U.K., the new coalition gov- du Royaume-Uni avec les expériences et mos suministrar nuestros servicios con ernment has announced an intended les idées novatrices que vous avez trou- una reducción realmente significativa minimum 25% cut in the budgets of vées! Voyons comment nos membres de los recursos financieros. Aprove- all cultural institutions, so we are faced ont réussi à maintenir les services dans chen esta conferencia para ayudar a with having to think hard about how we un environnement de réduction sévère sus primos del Reino Unido con las deliver our services with a major reduc- des coûts. experiencias e ideas innovadoras exi- tion in financial resources. Do use this Je crains que notre gouvernement tosas que han descubierto! Discutamos conference opportunity to help your pourrait essayer de fusionner nos insti- cómo nuestros miembros han logrado U.K. cousins with the experiences and tutions afin de réduire le nombre de seguir suministrando servicios en innovative ideas you have found that musées individuels. Quelqu’un d’entre un contexto de reducciones severas work! Let’s discuss how our members vous a eu cette expérience dans votre de costos. have managed to keep services going in propre pays? Le ministère britannique Temo que nuestro gobierno intente an environment of severe cost reduction. de la Culture, des Médias et du Sport unir a nuestras instituciones para redu- I am apprehensive that our govern- a demandé des précisions sur toutes cir la cantidad de museos individuales. ment might try to amalgamate our les dates de la fin de nos contrats indi- ¿Alguno de Ustedes ha experimentado CONTINUED ON PAGE 29 SUITE À LA PAGE 29 SIGUE EN LA PÁGINA 29 4 PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010
  • 7.
  • 8. IAMFA . . . The First Twenty Years 2 010 marks the twentieth anni- attend the meeting, but had no idea Washington, D.C. —1991 versary of IAMFA, and our what to expect. At the time, Vinny was Greg Reynolds was in charge of mak- San Francisco conference host a member of the Building Owners and ing preparations for this inaugural Joe Brennan thought it fitting that we Managers Association (BOMA) and IAMFA conference, with help from publish an article about the Associa- remembers that, while BOMA did colleagues at other local museums. tion’s history. Many of us have been provide the means to keep abreast of What was obvious at this first IAMFA members of IAMFA for years, but I changes in technology, it was geared conference was that the early members think most would agree that we really more toward commercial buildings. This were very eager to share their ideas. don’t know exactly how IAMFA came left him feeling that he needed more. Included were educational sessions into existence. Fortunately, there are The host of the meeting in Chicago still active members who were present was George Preston, who was Facilities during those initial years, and they have Director at the Art Institute. He was a helped us document IAMFA’s history. large man—not just physically, but intel- One of these individuals is Vincent lectually—and he was very determined. Magorrian, who is the retired Facilities George believed that this group could Director for the Museum of Modern organize and become the first true Art in New York City. Vinny is a charter museum facilities organization. All member of IAMFA, and also served as of the individuals in attendance intro- President of IAMFA during the Asso- duced themselves, and spoke about ciation’s early years. Please read on to their own institutions, then collectively learn more about IAMFA’s history. spent a lot of time brainstorming about what kind of organization they could be. Above all, George wanted to charter Chicago —1990 the organization, and he wanted bylaws In 1990, Vinny Magorrian received like APPA (the Association of Physical an invitation from the Art Institute Plant Administrators). From the first of Chicago to attend a meeting in day, George worked to establish bylaws; Chicago, along with representatives and if George wanted to accomplish The National Gallery of Art in Washington, from other museums. He decided to something, he did. D.C. The Art Institute of Chicago. The individuals at this first meeting in Chicago decided that their next meeting would be in Washington, From an early IAMFA meeting. Front left: Vinny Magorrian; right: D.C., and in the year leading up to that meeting, IAMFA was Ron Puska; back centre: Myro Resnick. The two others are incorporated as a not-for-profit organization. unknown. 6 PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010
  • 9. focusing on museum environmental IAMFA wanted to grow interna- everyone always shared problems (and requirements, and conference organi- tionally, and our first success was with solutions) from their institutions. It zers invited guests from other museum Canada. The Canadians were very inter- seemed that technology was advancing departments to discuss what facilities ested in having a museum facilities so fast that, if you missed these sessions, departments did to achieve optimal organization, and it is likely that, with- you could be left behind. Members environmental conditions. There were out their help, we would not have grown also decided at this meeting that they vendors who made presentations, into the organization that we are today. would volunteer to make a presenta- as well as conservators and curators. We had our second annual banquet, tion at the American Association of According to Vinny, this was the begin- which became the traditional closing Museums annual conference. ning of our becoming professional in of the conference; in future we would the eyes of directors, curators, and call it a Gala, and it truly was every year. conservators. The attendees visited Kansas City was the first meeting Toronto —1994 several local museums for behind-the- attended by Peter Fotheringham, who Our next meeting was hosted by the Art scenes tours, and enjoyed sessions dur- at the time was Facility Director at the Gallery of Ontario and Ron Yurchuck. ing which curatorial members explained National Gallery in Scotland. Peter This was the first time IAMFA included works of art through their eyes. would go on to host a conference, and vendor displays the night before the later became IAMFA’s President. Peter annual general meeting. A few vendors remembers the friendly coercion that had become members by this time, and Kansas City—1992 they made presentations at the confer- went into his accepting the 1998 con- The following year, the IAMFA confer- ence, but were always careful to focus ference date for Edinburgh, but he ence was hosted at the Nelson-Atkins on educational content, rather than was delighted to do it, having been Museum of Art, and began with a sales. We were progressing as an orga- warmly welcomed by everyone in Kansas general session as it did in subsequent nization. We discussed problems expe- City. With Canadian members now— conferences. Members reviewed meet- rienced by Russian museums at the and with Peter, who soon attracted ing minutes and introduced the Board time, and discussed sending IAMFA individuals from other European coun- of Directors to attendees. We learned in delegates to Russia to offer our support. tries—we began gaining recognition Kansas City that everyone who attended At the closing banquet, there were two as a growing museum organization. needed to have a hand in the confer- members—Mark DeMairo and Marty ence if we were to be successful. We Cavanaugh—from the New York City went on to have educational sessions Cincinnati—1993 delegation who were away from their in areas such as controls, codes and In 1993, we were hosted by the Cincin- table for a few minutes. When they regulations, curatorial-defined differ- nati Museum Center at Union Terminal. returned, they found out that they ences required for different art media, It was a museum centre composed had volunteered to host the next and many others. We also planned free of several museums. It was a history year’s conference! time so we could network with each museum, a science museum, and a other, and began to set up focus groups. children’s museum, and it also had an It was challenging, as we were just OMNIMAX® Theater. This was Vinny New York—1996 starting to grow. We met for breakfast, Magorrian’s first year as IAMFA’s When it sank in that New York City and visited various museum facilities, President. George Preston, IAMFA’s would be the next conference host, which would become our custom in founder, had retired by now. As usual, the chapter began monthly meetings, future conferences. We observed that we began with our general meeting, according to Vinny Magorrian. With by doing this, our membership began then split into educational groups— Marty Cavanaugh, Myro Resnick, and to expand. which were really sharing groups, as Mark DeMairo, they worked together The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in The Cincinnati Museum Center at Union The Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, Kansas City, Missouri. Terminal in Cincinnati, Ohio. Canada, following renovations completed in 2009. PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010 7
  • 10. to develop a program, and began to did that thinking it would give them we visited too, but the Getty Center schedule speakers and solicit support the true feeling of an opening. was overwhelming in its grandeur. from member facilities. The banquet The highlight for many during the This was the first year awards were was to be held at the Guggenheim, April 1996 conference was a boat trip presented at the Gala; and the first and our meeting would be at Doral to Ellis Island. It was amazing to walk presented was the George Preston Hotel in Manhattan, with visits to the halls where so many came to the Memorial Award. It was presented to various museums. United States. But it was also eerie as Ron Puska, who had served in several Peter Fotheringham made a pre- members went to areas not open to capacities within IAMFA, and who was sentation about emergency prepared- the public, such as hospital rooms with always willing to offer his time to the ness, in which he related events at the a single light bulb, and crumbling walls. organization. Vinny Magorrian was National Gallery and an attack with According to Vinny, you could feel the proud to receive “The Member of the explosives by the IRA, as well as collec- hurt of those who were sent back to Year Award”, which Vinny thinks Mark tion storage practices in salt mines dur- their original countries because of DeMairo had something to do with. ing the Second World War. There was illness; the most common cause being Maybe the time will come soon to a major opening of Matisse’s work at pink eye, which is so easily treated resurrect the George Preston Award? the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), now. Vinny remembers feeling many Without George, there would be no and Vinny got tickets for attendees; emotions while visiting those areas IAMFA. George was a mentor, and a however, he reports that he is still in where families were broken up, and felt driving force in establishing IAMFA, trouble with his wife and others for he was changed from then on. The and he always pushed the officers to having them wait in line, and says he team shared a sense of pride for the make IAMFA better. success of the New York conference. Edinburgh, Scotland —1998 Los Angeles—1997 Our next IAMFA annual conference Our next conference was held at the was held in Edinburgh, and was hosted Getty Center, which was still under by Robert Galbraith, with help from construction in Los Angeles at the Peter Fotheringham. Peter had agreed time. It was a beautiful site, and mas- to host the 1998 conference while in sive, and knowing that there was not Kansas City, but moved to the National really a budget made us all envious. Gallery in London in 1994, leaving The host was Lloyd Randolph. We Robert with the responsibility! The con- also visited the Old Getty Museum in ference in Edinburgh was a big step Malibu, and celebrated Cinco de for IAMFA, as we now had a presence Mayo at the Museum of Contempo- in Europe. In the year leading up to rary Art. There were other museums the May 10–13, 1998 conference in The Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The Guggenheim Museum in New York City. The new Getty Center in Los Angeles. 8 PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010
  • 11. Edinburgh, Pierre Lepage conducted and, above all, we were now a truly inter- Randolph found out that the Buffalo a year-long benchmarking survey with national organization. Following the Bill Museum Center in Cody, Wyoming, 66 museums, and presented the results Edinburgh conference IAMFA mem- which was to have hosted the confer- at the Edinburgh conference. It was bers, along with Ian Follett’s company, ence in 1999, could not do it due to then that a proposal was made for Facility Management Services, Ltd. spent delays with their museum construction IAMFA to support this activity as an nearly two years developing the first project. Pierre Lepage was asked if he ongoing endeavor. The Edinburgh formal benchmarking questionnaire could chair the conference in Ottawa- conference was a great one. We visited of 89 questions. Gatineau—with a year to prepare. The Edinburgh Castle and viewed the crown conference organization committee jewels of Scotland, and even had bag- included Pierre Lepage of the Canadian pipers at the Gala, which was truly fit Ottawa, Canada—1999 Museum of Civilization and Canadian for a king. The sessions were informa- During the 1998 conference in War Museum, Jim Trim of the National tive, we all learned from one another Edinburgh, IAMFA President Lloyd Gallery of Canada, Carole Beauvais of the National Archives and Library of Canada, Gerry Potoczny of the Cana- dian Museum of Nature, and Toby Greenbaum of Public Works Canada historic properties. Conference participants and their spouses stayed at the Chateau Laurier, a historic landmark in Ottawa next to Parliament Hill. The welcoming recep- tion took place at the Chateau Laurier on the Sunday evening, and the con- ference sessions were hosted at the Museum of Nature, the National Gallery of Canada, the newly opened National Archives facility, and the Canadian Museum of Civilization, where the closing ceremonies and Gala were hosted. During the conference, there was an evening dinner in the restau- rant of the House of Commons on Parliament Hill, with the Minister of Public Works Canada as keynote Edinburgh Castle. speaker. The guest program included a day trip to Upper Canada Village on the St. Lawrence Seaway: a sixty-acre HARRY FOSTER, CMC historical site with forty heritage build- ings, where one can experience the traditional life of the mid-nineteenth century. Guests also enjoyed a tradi- tional afternoon tea on the Mackenzie King Estate in Gatineau Park. It was a very successful conference, with splendid weather and lots of sun for this May event held on both sides of the Ottawa River. Chicago—2000 Our next conference was held in Chicago at the Art Institute, and our host was Bill Caddick. There were many highlights at the Chicago conference, including a speakeasy gangster dinner, The Canadian Museum of Civilization from the opposite side of the Ottawa River. The a river tour, drinks atop the Hancock domed building contains the public galleries; to its right is the curatorial and administrative Building, and the Tutankhamun Exhi- building, which also houses all collection storage. bition. Bill Caddick went on to become PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010 9
  • 12. United Kingdom Washington, D.C./Baltimore Washington, D.C.—2001 The Washington, D.C. conference was originally scheduled for September 2001, but was cancelled due to 9/11. The Committee, led by Fletcher Johnston and coordinated by Marla Chanin Tobar (now Marla Neustadt), The Field Museum: one of the featured sites faced a challenge: reorganize and The Natural History Museum in Washington, of the 2000 IAMFA annual conference. reschedule all the arrangements, or D.C. during the 2001 IAMFA conference. let the D.C. conference slip away. The IAMFA’s President in 2002. Regional choice was to pull ourselves up by the the first benchmarking exercise were chapters were formally established at the bootstraps—as many others did in the presented to participating members on IAMFA annual conference in Chicago wake of 9/11—and put together another Sunday, December 2, 2001. Today, this in September 2000. amazing program for December 2–5. valuable exercise is in its tenth year. Over the years, regional chapters An Indian summer welcomed members were founded in metropolitan areas to to tours, the benchmarking workshop, educational sessions, and festivities at London—2002 give local members an opportunity to meet on their own, both to learn from the Smithsonian, Meridian International Peter Fotheringham was the organizer one another and to network. Regional Center, and the Holocaust Museum, of the 2002 London conference. This chapters have become effective forums among others, and an infamous clos- was Peter’s final year as President of for the exchange of information among ing Gala at the National Gallery of Art. IAMFA, and Bill Caddick from the local members, while also attracting IAMFA’s members showed their resi- Art Institute of Chicago was elected non-members and encouraging them lience and spirit by absorbing the impact new President during the conference. to join our organization. Today, IAMFA of 9/11 and rallying to attend the D.C. The program spanned three days, has 13 local chapters, located in: conference in December. The results of and included the National Gallery, the British Museum, and the British Library. Atlanta Pierre Lepage recalls the meeting as Australia being a very informative one and, Bilbao, Spain among other things, remembers the Chicago stunning new geodesic dome over the Los Angeles British Museum’s inner court and New England library, as well as a presentation on New York City operations and maintenance at the New Zealand British Library’s new St. Pancras com- Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada plex. We visited the newly opened Tate Philadelphia Recent meeting of the Washington, Modern Gallery, and learned about San Francisco D.C./Baltimore Chapter. lighting and natural light control at Recent meeting of the U.K. Chapter in Liverpool. Philadelphia Chapter members meeting at the Winterthur Museum and Country Estate in nearby Delaware. 10 PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010
  • 13. Boston—2004 The 2004 conference was held in Boston, Massachusetts. Jim Moisson led this incredible effort. A hotel room had been booked for vendors to display their products and services. We toured Boston Harbor by boat, and visited the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum— known as the site of the biggest art theft in history. Shortly after midnight The British Library during the 2002 IAMFA on the morning of March 18, 1990, The Fogg Museum of Art at Harvard conference in London. thieves disguised as police officers University in Boston, Massachusetts. talked their way into the Museum. They handcuffed the two security the National Gallery. A highlight for guards on duty and stowed them sentations from the architects and many was the bus trip to the conference out of sight, then stole 13 works of engineers responsible for design and dinner in a Routemaster Bus: the art valued at over $500 million. The construction of the Guggenheim, itself traditional London doubledecker. crime still remains unsolved. a fabulous work of art. In addition to We visited the Boston Athenaeum, our annual general meeting, we also had a brainstorming session aimed at San Francisco—2003 had lunch at the Union Club, then walked across Boston Common. We shaping future strategy for IAMFA, and The conference in San Francisco was we will do this again in San Francisco Joe May’s first, and he says he knew learned about LED lighting at this conference, and at the 2010 confer- this fall at the 2010 IAMFA conference. by the end of the conference that he We visited the Maritime Museum, the wanted to become an active member ence in San Francisco, LSI Lighting will once again make a presentation Fine Arts Museum and Old Town, and of IAMFA. There was a presentation we heard from Pat Morgan on plans on security requirements in the post- on new developments in LED lighting. We visited the Museum of Fine Arts, for the redevelopment project at the 9/11 era, and on base isolation as a Auckland Art Gallery Toi o T¯ maki a means of protecting buildings in seis- and the Peabody Essex Museum. Guy Larocque was elected the next IAMFA in New Zealand. We’ll see this project mically active areas. We visited the firsthand in the fall of 2011 when deYoung Museum—then still under President in Boston, and he went on to become our longest-serving President. New Zealand hosts the 21st IAMFA construction—to see a base isolation conference, and you can read more system being installed, and we will be One big question from the Boston con- ference was whether the lobster boil about recent developments in this visiting the deYoung again during the issue of Papyrus. We headed into the 2010 IAMFA conference. We visited in the countryside was the highlight of the conference, or whether it was Spanish countryside for dinner, and the Cable Car Museum, had lunch at heard about the Getty Center’s recent Fisherman’s Wharf, and travelled by the Fogg Museum of Art at Harvard University for the Gala. Both were LEED-EB Certification, as well as the boat to Alcatraz Island. We visited the British Library’s plans to build a low- Aquarium in its last months, prior to amazing! oxygen storage facility near York. His- the site being cleared for construction tory has shown that we’ve often had of the New California Academy of Bilbao, Spain—2005 opportunities to visit places we’ve Sciences. We visited SFMOMA and IAMFA’s 2005 annual conference was heard about in IAMFA conference other institutions in San Francisco. held in Bilbao, Spain. We heard pre- presentations. Joe also remembers that the Legion of Honor, where the conference Gala was held, was the most elegant setting he had ever seen. The Legion of Honor, site of the closing Gala for the 2003 conference in San Francisco. The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010 11
  • 14. Los Angeles—2006 the Canada Aviation Museum, and British Museum, the National Gallery, In 2006, the conference was held the Canadian War Museum. We had the British Library, the Maritime in Los Angeles at the Getty Villa and dinner one evening at the l’Orée du Museum and Royal Observatory and Center, the LA County Museum of bois Restaurant in the countryside. We the Natural History Museum. The Art (LACMA), the Museum of Con- stayed next door to Parliament Hill at conference reception was held in the temporary Art (MOCA), the Disney the Chateau Laurier Hotel. We learned King’s Library at the British Museum Concert Hall, the Petersen Auto- about fire-suppression systems, micro- and, following the opening program, motive Museum, and the Japanese climate displays, preparing for redevel- we wandered through the dimly lit American Art Museum. Guests also opment programs, maintenance issues galleries to see such exhibits as the visited Universal Studios and the today and tomorrow, and the Library of Rosetta Stone and the Elgin Marbles. Reagan Presidential Library. We heard Congress’s new Audio Visual Center, It was a great kick-off to a memorable presentations on the renovation pro- which we would have the opportunity conference. We attended presentations ject at the Getty Villa (the predecessor to visit in 2009. The conference closed focusing on several themes, including of the Getty Center), building com- with a very elegant Gala Dinner at the energy savings and performance audits, missioning, fire-protection strategies, Canadian Museum of Civilization. facilities management and contracts, and an FBI agent discussed art theft During 2007, we also saw Papyrus capital projects, and climate change. issues that museums face. We heard printed in full color for the first time. This year, the conference was extended presentations on LACMA’s construc- an optional fourth day, and members tion program, and the Smithsonian’s London—2008 and guests traveled by rail to York to new asset management system, and In 2008, we met in London for the visit the new British Library low-oxygen cruised Marina Del Rey for dinner, IAMFA conference hosted by the storage facility. We also traveled down complete with a rumored marriage proposal at dinner (sorry, no update available). We toured MOCA and the Disney Concert Hall, which is another Frank Gehry design (as was the Guggen- heim in Bilbao). Facility Issues Inc., led by Keith McClanahan, took over this year as facilitator of the museum benchmarking exercise. Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada—2007 In 2007 we met in Ottawa-Gatineau, where we visited the National Gallery, the Canadian Museum of Civilization, the Library Archives Canada Gatineau Preservation Centre, the Canada The closing Gala of the 2008 IAMFA conference in London, held in the Earth Gallery at the Science and Technology Museum, Natural History Museum. Members and guests at the Getty Center during the 2006 IAMFA Members and guests on the plaza at the Canadian Museum of conference. Civilization during the 2007 IAMFA conference. 12 PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010
  • 15. the Thames by boat to Greenwich, We visited war memorials and monu- the United States. This year the confer- where we walked the Meridian Line ments at night under a full moon. This ence was extended an optional fourth and attended a presentation in the year, guests visited Baltimore while mem- day again, with a visit to the new Library Peter Harrison Planetarium. Refresh- bers attended the Sunday benchmarking of Congress National Audiovisual Con- ments afterward were at the Trafalgar workshop at the Baltimore Museum servation Center in Virginia. Follow- Pub, a well-known institution where of Art, hosted by Alan Dirican. During ing lunch at a winery, we visited the we all enjoyed a pint or two. Confer- their visit, guests were given guided Smithsonian Institution’s Air and ence guests had a very busy agenda, tours by BMA Director Doreen Bolger Space Museum near Dulles Airport. including a visit to the Tower of of the exhibitions Edgar Allan Poe: A During 2009, Papyrus was given London, a private meeting with the Baltimore Icon and Matisse as Printmaker. another facelift, becoming more like a Queen’s Jeweller, a viewing of the crown They also visited the Baltimore Aquar- magazine, and members increasingly jewels, a visit to Kensington Palace— ium. The opening ceremony was held contributed content. and with numerous other activities, at the Donald W. Reynolds Center, and there was still ample time to shop the first full day began with breakfast London! The 2008 conference at the National Gallery of Art, where T hese were our first twenty years culminated with a very memorable we heard a summary of the museum of IAMFA—and IAMFA has now closing Gala in the Earth Gallery at benchmarking exercise, which also set grown to more than 200 members the Natural History Museum. John a record for participation. We heard in eight countries. de Lucy was elected President at the presentations on building automation But . . . where in the world will annual business meeting during the systems, sustainability, budget planning IAMFA go next? London conference. and reliability-centered maintenance. In 2008, IAMFA also became an We visited the National Museum of Affiliated Association of the International the American Indian, which was in the San Francisco—2010 Council of Museums (ICOM). process of applying for LEED Certifica- We will be meeting in San Francisco tion. We toured the Library of Congress, on October 17–20, 2010. You can read Washington, D.C.—2009 the National Archives Building, and the more about the upcoming conference In 2009, IAMFA members met in new Capitol Visitor Center, as well as in this issue of Papyrus. See you there! Washington, D.C., attending venues the oldest Smithsonian Building, The in both Washington and Baltimore. Castle. The closing Gala was held in Nancy Bechtol was our host, and we set the Thomas Jefferson Building of the attendance records again this year, just Library of Congress, which contains as we had the previous year in London. some of the richest public interiors in The New LEED Platinum California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. Auckland, New Zealand— 2011 The 2011 IAMFA conference will be held The closing Gala for the most recent IAMFA annual conference was held in the Great Hall of in Auckland, New Zealand on November the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building in Washington, D.C. in November 2009. 13–17, 2011. PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010 13
  • 16. Mid-Atlantic, U.S.—2012 We believe doing so will allow our From Pierre Lepage, the original members to be better educated and editor of IAMFA’s Papyrus publication, better equipped to serve the mission “This Association has taken a quantum of their institutions. leap in the development of its annual In pursuit of these goals, the associa- conferences. The change of location tion sponsors an annual conference, and each year creates tremendous potential communicates quarterly with its mem- for conference organizers to diversify bership and friends around the world conference activities, making each through the IAMFA journal Papyrus. conference unique and memorable. For the organizers, it also becomes a Membership and truly collegial experience, giving mem- bers of the organizing committee an Educational Benefits, opportunity to work closely with one The 2012 IAMFA conference is set for Annual Meeting and the U.S. Eastern Seaboard, including another during the two years it takes the Winterthur Garden and Museum in Conference to prepare for the event. The confer- Delaware. IAMFA brings museum facility adminis- ence is also an opportunity to show- trators together to promote creativity case the best cultural institutions in the Boston—2013 and foster dialogue within the interna- host city. In addition, participants get tional museum community, in order an unequalled chance to learn from to better serve the missions and goals colleagues about different management of all museums and cultural organi- approaches, to witness progress on con- zations. Member museums host the struction sites, and to find out about annual conference, which includes successes with recent museum renova- seminars, meetings, roundtable dis- tions and museum-related construction cussions and panels on topics chosen projects around the world.” by the membership. These educational sessions draw upon the knowledge and Contributors: talents of many well-respected experts John Castle, Director, Facility Services, in their fields. The variety of host cities Winterthur Museum & Garden, Winterthur, and facilities affords members the Delaware, U.S.A. The 2013 IAMFA conference is planned opportunity to see, experience and Daniel Davies, Zone Facilities Manager, for Boston, Massachusetts. learn from the world’s most renowned National Zoo, Washington, D.C. cultural institutions. Sponsorship from John de Lucy, Head of Estates & Facilities, IAMFA Statement of the businesses that provide support to British Library, London Purpose our museums, along with an oppor- Peter Fotheringham, Head of Estates, The International Association of tunity to see their latest products and University of Greenwich, London Museum Facility Administrators is an technologies, round out the Guy Larocque, Director, Facility international educational organization conference experience for members. Management and Security Services, Canadian Museum of Civilization devoted to meeting the professional According to John Castle, current Corporation, Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada needs of museum facility administra- Vice-President of IAMFA Regional Pierre Lepage (retired), Canadian Museum tors—especially their efforts to set and Affairs, “One of the great things that I of Civilization Corporation, maintain standards of excellence and love about IAMFA is that each year it Ottawa/Gatineau, Canada quality in the design, construction, holds an annual conference where up Vincent Magorrian (retired), Museum operation and maintenance of world- to a hundred delegates plus their guests of Modern Art, New York City class cultural facilities. meet in one of the world’s great cities Joe May, Sustainability Engineer, IAMFA earnestly desires to promote to share their experiences of managing Los Angeles and foster communications between the hard and soft facilities services in Marla Neustadt, Operational Support facilities professionals at museums some of the most iconic institutions in Services, NASA Headquarters, as well as other cultural facilities. the world.” Washington, D.C. Become a Member of IAMFA For more information on becoming a member of the International Association of Museum Facility Administrators, please visit WWW.IAMFA.ORG 14 PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010
  • 17. The Twentieth Annual IAMFA Conference in San Francisco La Vingtième Conférence de l’IAMFA à San Francisco La Vigésima Conferencia Anual de IAMFA en San Francisco T L E he 2010 IAMFA San Francisco ’équipe de la Conférence de l equipo de trabajo de la con- conference team looks forward l’IAMFA à San Francisco se réjouit ferencia anual de IAMFA del to welcoming all IAMFA members d’accueillir tous les membres et 2010 en San Francisco están con and guests to the Twentieth Annual leurs invités à la 20ième assemblée ganas de darle la bienvenida a la vigé- IAMFA Conference. Everyone involved annuelle. Tous les participants ont sima conferencia anual de IAMFA has worked hard to develop a program travaillé fort pour développer un pro- en San Francisco. Todas las personas packed with educational content, tours, gramme riche en contenu éducatif, involucradas han trabajado duro para and networking opportunities that you des visites guidées et des possibilités de desarrollar un programa repleto de will be able to use in managing your réseautage que vous seriez en mesure contenido educacional, giras, y opor- facility. And the city of San Francisco d’utiliser dans la gestion de votre éta- tunidades para trabajar en las redes offers a stunning setting that is virtually blissement. Et la ville de San Francisco de contactos que podrán utilizar para unrivaled in the wealth of its cultural offre un cadre somptueux qui est pra- la administración de su instalación. institutions. tiquement inégalisé dans la richesse Y la ciudad de San Francisco ofrece The members’ program includes de ses institutions culturelles. un entorno increíble con un número numerous presentations on topics in Le programme des membres inclut infinito de instituciones culturales casi which you have expressed an interest, de nombreuses présentations sur des sin igual. including: sujets dans lesquels vous avez exprimé El programa de los miembros incluye un intérêt; notamment: numerosas presentaciones sobre temas • LED Lighting in the Museum en los cuales Ustedes han demostrado Environment • L’utilisation d’éclairage LED dans un interés, incluyendo: • Seismic Resistance and the History les musées of the Cantor Arts Center • el uso de luces LED en los museos • Résistance séismique et l’histoire • Forward Planning: IAMFA’s Next du Centre d’arts Cantor • la resistencia sísmica y la historia Five Years del Centro de Artes Cantor • Planification du future: l’IAMFA • The de Young Museum: Five Years dans les cinq prochaines années • planificación para El Futuro: los of Lessons Learned próximos cinco años de IAMFA • Le musée de Young : cinq ans de • Summary of the 2010 Benchmarking leçons apprises • el Museo de De Young: cinco años and Best Practices Exercise • Résumé de l’analyse comparative de lecciones aprendidas • Green Historic Preservation: The 2010 et les meilleures pratiques de Mint Project • resumen del ejercicio de 2010 de l’exercise du ‘Benchmarking’ evaluación comparativa (bench- • Operating a LEED Platinum • Préservation historique orientée marking) y mejores prácticas del Building au développement soutenable: le ejercicio • Annual IAMFA Business Meeting projet Mint • la preservación histórica orientada • Innovation in the Exploratorium’s • Fonctionnement d’un bâtiment al desarrollo sostenible: el proyecto New Plans LEED Platine Mint PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010 15
  • 18. • Award-Winning Historical Preser- • Assemblé annuelle des affaires de • la operación de un edificio LEED vation—The Walt Disney Family l’IAMFA platino Museum • Innovation dans les nouveaux plans • reunión anual de IAMFA de de l’Exploratorium planificación A range of fascinating behind-the- scenes and gallery tours are also on • Prix gagné pour préservation histo- • innovación en los nuevos planos the agenda, along with a great guest rique – le Musée de la Famille de del Exploratorium program. This year’s conference venues, Walt Disney • un ejemplo de preservación histórica in and around San Francisco, are ganador de premio—el Museo de described below. Une gamme fascinante de tournées La Familia de Walt Disney « dans-les-coulisses » et de visites gui- San Francisco Museum dées sont également dans l’itinéraire, Una gama de giras fascinantes tras of Modern Art avec un programme excellent pour bastidores y de galerías también está en The San Francisco Museum of Modern nos hôtes. Les lieux de rendez-vous à el itinerario, además de un programa Art celebrated its 75th anniversary in l’intérieur et autour de San Francisco excelente para los invitados. Los en- January 2010 (now, doesn’t that sound pendant la conférence de cette année sont décrits ensuite, ci-dessous. tornos de la conferencia de este año, like an oxymoron: Modern and 75 dentro de y alrededor de San Francisco, years?). The Museum was originally se describen a continuación. housed in the War Memorial Building Le Musée d’art moderne in the Civic Center across the street de San Francisco El Museo de Arte Moderno from City Hall, sharing the building Le Musée d’art moderne de San de San Francisco with veterans’ organizations and the Francisco a célébré son 75e anniver- Herbst Theater. When it opened its saire en janvier 2010 (ça ne sonne El Museo de Arte Moderno de San doors in January 1935, it was consid- pas comme un oxymoron: moderne Francisco celebró su 75a aniversario ered a pioneer in the field of modern et 75 ans?). Le musée fut installé dans en enero 2010 (¿no suena un poco art collection and display. It also had l’édifice commémoratif de la guerre contradictorio los términos moderno one of the first photography collections dans le Centre civique en face de y 75 años?). Originalmente el Museo in the museum world, acknowledging l’Hôtel de ville, partageant le bâtiment se encontraba en el Edificio Conme- photography as an art form well before avec des organisations d’anciens com- morativo de la Guerra en el Centro many of its contemporaries. battants et le Théâtre Herbst. Lorsqu’il Cívico en frente del Ayuntamiento, y By the 1980s, the Museum had out- a ouvert ses portes en janvier 1935, il compartía el edificio con las organiza- grown its original quarters, and planning a été considéré comme un pionnier ciones de los veteranos de las guerras began for a new purpose-built facility. dans le domaine de la collection d’art y el Teatro Herbst. Cuando abrió sus Architect Mario Botta was selected to moderne et d’affichage. Il était égale- puertas en enero de 1935, se lo con- design the signature building on Third ment l’une de premières collections sideró un pionero en el campo de la colección y la exhibición de arte moderno. También a través de una de las primeras exhibiciones de foto- HENRIK KAM grafías en el mundo de los museos, reconoció a la fotografía como arte antes que muchos de los otros museos. Para los 1980s, el Museo había cre- cido demasiado para su alojamiento original y se comenzó a planear una nueva instalación construida expresa- mente para museo. El arquitecto Mario Botta fue seleccionado para diseñar el edificio único en la calle tercera., al sur de la calle Market. Para algunos miembros de la sociedad de San Francisco, esta idea les pareció herejía, no era aceptable ir al “sur de la ranura” (“la ranura” se refería a la ranura en la calle para el tranvía) Sin embargo, la selección de este vecin- dario resultó visionaria, ya que este área al sur de la calle Market estaba The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. en proceso de expansión y de revitali- 16 PAPYRUS SUMMER–FALL 2010