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VOL. 14, NO. 3

Preview of the 2014 Scotland Conference

Best Practices: Sustainable Roofs

British Library New Lighting Control System

Recap of the 2013 Washington, D.C. Conference,
Including IAMFA’s New 5-Year Strategic Plan

WINTER 2013–2014

Message from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The 23rd IAMFA Annual Conference in
Washington, D.C.: A Week of Learning,
Culture, Networking and Tours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Benchmarking Workshop:
Sharing Practical Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Regional Updates and Member News . . . . . . . . . . . .


A New Lighting Control System for the
British Library Auditorium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Steensen Varming’s 80th Anniversary . . . . . . . . . . . .

Letter from the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


IAMFA Members—Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Best Practices Feature Article: Sustainability
and Proper Roof Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preview of the 24th IAMFA Annual Conference
in Scotland, U.K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Fred W. Smith National Library for the
Study of George Washington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Energy Waste Due to Low Delta T in Chilled
Water Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Cover photo: Martin Luther King Memorial in Washington, D.C. Photo by Daniel Davies



President and
2013 Conference Chair
Nancy Bechtol
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC, USA

Atlanta, U.S.A. — Kevin Streiter
High Museum of Art

V.P., Administration
Randy Murphy
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Los Angeles, CA, USA
V.P., Regional Affairs
Brian Coleman
Museum Victoria
Melbourne, Australia
Alan Dirican
Dumbarton Oaks
Washington, DC, USA

IAMFA/ Papyrus
Volume 14, Number 3
Winter 2013–2014
Joe May
Nancy Bechtol
Michael Cummings
Maurice Evans
Jennifer Fragomeni
Todd Garing

David Sanders
Natural History Museum (Retired)
London, UK
Joseph E. May
Sustainability Engineer
Los Angeles, CA, USA
2014 Conference Chair
Jack Plumb
National Library of Scotland
Edinburgh, UK

For additional
contact information,
please visit our website at

Craig S. Isaacson
Joe May
Jack Plumb
Ed Richard
Mike Wildsmith
Stacey Wittig

Australia — Shaun Woodhouse
Australian Centre for the
Moving Image
Chicago, USA — William Caddick
Art Institute of Chicago
Los Angeles, USA — David Cervantes
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
New England, USA —
Jim Moisson
Harvard Art Museums
New York, USA — Mark Demairo
Neue Galerie
New Zealand — Cliff Heywood
Royal New Zealand Navy

Printed in the U.S.A. by
Knight Printing
ISSN 1682-5241

Design and Layout
Phredd Grafix
Artistic License
Past issues of Papyrus can be found on
IAMFA's website:

Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada —
Ed Richard
National Gallery of Canada
Philadelphia, USA — Rich Reinert
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Northern California, USA —
Jennifer Fragomeni
United Kingdom — Jack Plumb
National Library of Scotland
Washington/Baltimore, USA —
Maurice Evans
Smithsonian Institution
For more information on
becomming a member of the
International Association of
Museum Facility Administrators,
please visit

Statements of fact and opinion
are made on the responsibility of
authors alone and do not imply an
opinion on the part of the editors,
officers, or members of IAMFA. The
editors of IAMFA Papyrus reserve the
right to accept or to reject any Article
or advertisement submitted for
While we have made every attempt to
ensure that reproduction rights have
been acquired for the illustrations
used in this newsletter, please let us
know if we have inadvertently overlooked your copyright, and we will
rectify the matter in a future issue.

Joe May
Editor, Papyrus

Greetings from Los Angeles!


n this first issue of Papyrus since the
2013 IAMFA Conference, we have
included articles recapping the
23rd Annual Conference in Washington,
D.C., and a recap by Stacey Wittig of
the Benchmarking and Learning
Workshop, which was held on the day
prior to the start of the conference.
This year’s benchmarking exercise
had 51 participants from across the
globe, and in her article Stacey draws
comparisons between cost of operations
for cultural institutions, and those of
other types of facilities participating in
benchmarking exercises administered
by Facility Issues Inc.
This year’s IAMFA Conference had
record attendance, with more than
160 delegates and guests from Europe,
the Americas, and Australasia enjoying
17 venues in and around Washington,
D.C. This issue features a summary of
the venues, sponsors, and educational
components of the conference, along
with recognition of those who received
awards at our gala.
In this issue, we have a variety of
interesting articles authored by IAMFA
members. Patrick Dixon from the
British Library contributed an article
about the new LED lighting system in
their conference center auditorium
at St. Pancras, London. We have also
posted a video of the lighting system
in operation on the www.IAMFA.Org
Members Only Page, so please have a
look sometime—it is spectacular!
The 2013 Washington, D.C. Conference Organizing Committee did an
amazing job, planning one of the best



conferences we’ve ever had. You’ll
find a collection of pictures from this
year’s conference in the centerfold of
this issue of Papyrus, and our website’s
Members Only Page has a link for downloading any of these images. There is
also a video of images from the conference on the website’s 2013 Conference
Page to document the conference for
future visitors. If you ever wish to refresh
your memories of past conferences,
there are similar videos going back
several years.
Our Principal Sponsor for this year’s
conference, Steensen Varming Ltd.,
celebrated its 80th anniversary a month
before the IAMFA Conference. We’ve

IAMFA enjoyed a
record year in 2013,
and 2014 will no
doubt be another.

included a short piece with a few
pictures from the celebration at the
Opera House in Sydney, Australia.
You will find an article in this issue
about energy loss in chilled-water systems, and how Belimo’s high-efficiency
valves correct this. There is also an
article about sustainability and proper
roof design by Craig Isaacson from
Derbigum, a new IAMFA corporate
member. Finally, Todd Garing of
Mueller Associates, an IAMFA corporate
member and sponsor, contributed
an article about the Fred W. Smith
National Library for the Study of
George Washington at Mount Vernon.
With this year’s IAMFA Conference
behind us, it’s now time to begin
communicating plans for next year’s
conference in Scotland. You will find
a preview in this issue. The 2014

Conference will have 14 venues in
Edinburgh and Glasgow, including
the National Library of Scotland;
the Burrell Collection; the Riverside
Museum, where we will have cocktails
aboard a sailing ship from 1896; and the
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum,
where we will enjoy a traditional Burns
Supper. Please see the link on the
website for more info about a Burns
Supper . . . you won’t want to miss it—
it sounds like an authentic piece of
Scottish history.
There will be a Guest Program as
usual next year, including a chance
to board a Concorde at the National
Museum of Flight, and a visit to Rosslyn
Chapel, made famous in the movie
The Da Vinci Code. We’ll visit the National
Museum of Scotland, as well as the
National Galleries of Scotland, and
the National Portrait Gallery, with the
closing Gala held at the Royal Botanic
Garden. There will be an optional
extra day with a visit to New Lanark,
originally created in the 18th century as
a cotton mill, and now a World Heritage
Site. Please visit the IAMFA website for
more details, and start making your
travel plans soon.
IAMFA’s membership has grown
significantly in 2013 to over 250, and
its LinkedIn Group now has over
650 members from 48 countries.
Thanks to all of our members who
have helped spread the word about
IAMFA, as well as those who have
helped foster conversations in our
LinkedIn Group. For Facebook users,
try searching for IAMFA, and “Like”
us, if you wish. We will be determining
if Facebook is another way for members
or guests to communicate, or to possibly
reach candidates who may become
IAMFA members in future.
IAMFA enjoyed a record year in
2013, and 2014 will no doubt be
another. Finally, my sincere thanks to
those who contributed content to this
issue of Papyrus. Your contributions
continue to make this a great resource
for facilities managers everywhere.

Nancy Bechtol
President, IAMFA

Greetings from
Washington, D.C.!


y heartfelt thanks and appreciation go out to the entire
2013 Annual Conference Planning Committee, led by Tiffany Myers.
What a wonderful conference we had
in October, thanks to this team of 28!
Have you ever been on a team with
28 players? Well, if you have, you know
it isn’t easy to keep that many folks
organized and all working in the same
direction! Tiffany Myers made the job
look easy, and we were all treated to
a fabulous conference. Every host
location was perfectly prepared for
our arrival, and put on a great show.
Although we had six official host locations during the conference, many
more sites were visited. I do not think
they could have fit more activity or
stops into the agenda each day.
The conference started with one
of our most successful benchmarking
workshops ever. Close to 50 members
attended, and we spent the day learning about best practices in all of our
museums and cultural institutions.
Stacey Wittig and Keith McClanahan
from Facilities Issues led us through
this daylong workshop, and kept the
content and ideas flowing. We were so
busy that we didn’t even miss the coffeeless coffee break in the morning (well,
maybe some of us did!).
The main conference program
started on Monday with over 160 of
our 250 members attending. This is an
amazing number, and one of which we
should be most proud. Our hosts at both
the Folger Shakespeare Library and the

Library of Congress treated us to outstanding educational programs, tours
and receptions. We spent most of this
day on Capitol Hill, then visited several
of our Memorial sites that evening.
All of Tuesday was spent at our
National Zoo, touring through their
new Seal and Sea Lion, and Elephant
exhibits. We even got to see mama panda
resting and eating her bamboo breakfast, as we listened to the primary curator
talk to us about how the month-old
baby panda was doing. The educational
programs that day were very informative,
as we learned about everything from
ideal environmental conditions for
our collections to turf management!
Our hosts on Wednesday were the
United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum and the National Museum of
American History. Our tours and educational programs were informative and
captivating, and reminded us of our
history and the significance of what
we do to preserve that history. No one
who attended the annual conference
this year will ever forget the Gala at
the Udvar-Hazy Center in Dulles,
Virginia. The trip out to this location
was long, but so worth the travel! All
of the conference activities were well
planned and executed, and IAMFA’s
membership will never forget the
entire experience that was the 2013
Annual IAMFA Conference!
The Board has placed a conference
evaluation survey up on the IAMFA
website’s Members Only Page (http:/
and we hope each of you will take
the time to complete the survey. Our
next conference is in Scotland, and
the results of this survey will assist the
Scotland planning committee in organizing their conference. We always strive
to improve each year, and we welcome
your input and ideas.
IAMFA is much more than its annual
conference, and the Board has been
busy establishing plans for IAMFA’s
two primary goals for 2014. We plan to
develop two new working committees

for increasing both membership and
corporate sponsorship. I will talk more
about these two goals in my next letter
this spring.
We wished John Castle a very fond
farewell from the Board during the
Annual Conference, and thanked him
for his years of service on the IAMFA
Board, as well as for his leadership as
Conference Chair for the 2012 Annual
Conference in Philadelphia. We already
miss his wit and charm during our
Board meetings, as we have been
through one so far without his presence. John, it is just not the same!
Luckily, we were able to secure a
new Board member to take John’s
place at the Annual Meeting, and
Brian Coleman has already begun
taking over John’s leadership of our
IAMFA Chapters. It isn’t an easy job,
but Brian is up to the task!
We were able to close out our 2013
Annual Conference budget with a
surplus in our savings account, mainly
because of the sponsorship support
we received for this conference. The
planning committee person in charge
of securing this level of sponsorship
was John Bixler. He worked tirelessly
all year long with all of our sponsors,
and put together an amazing support
package for this conference.
The IAMFA Board cannot thank our
sponsors enough for their dedicated
support of this conference and our
programs. John secured 15 different
companies as sponsors, and each
of these companies played a role in
the success of this conference. Our
primary sponsor was again Steensen
Varming, and they won our first-ever
IAMFA Diplomat Award at the Gala,
for their continued support of IAMFA.
I look forward to assisting our
Scotland planning team—led by
Jack Plumb this year—as they continue
their work towards the next annual
conference in September 2014. I can’t
wait to see everyone again next fall.
Maybe next year we can see all of our
members in Scotland!



Sustainability and Proper Roof Design
By Craig S. Isaacson


t is estimated that over 3 billion square feet of low-slope
commercial and institutional roofing is installed in the
United States every year.1 If all of these roof installations
were installed with a commitment to a sustainable application, enough energy would be saved to provide heating and
cooling needs equal to the annual energy requirements of
380,000 American homes.2
With a growing commitment to the sustainability of our
buildings, facility managers only have to look to the roof
to make a positive impact. A white roof, or “cool roof”, is
an obvious way to achieve a degree of sustainability; but
the roofing assembly provides other avenues to accomplish
this goal with more impact.
Efforts to recognize environmental achievements involving the roof have, in the past, seemed somewhat futile for
owners of existing structures. While construction projects
frequently involve LEED ratings, it is more difficult to make
retrofit projects conform to existing LEED standards, as the
roof is a nominally small but expensive part of the overall
construction project. To help alleviate this situation, the
Washington, D.C.- based Center for Environmental Innovation
in Roofing (CEIR) has developed a program to recognize
sustainability through improvements to the roofing
In 2012, CEIR advanced a new program, RoofPoint,
with three main objectives at its core:
1. Promote the development and use of environmentally
responsible, high-performance roof systems and
2. Provide a forum for the entire roofing industry.
3. Raise public awareness of the strategic value of our
nation’s roofs.

Comprised of roofing manufacturers, roofing contractors,
specifiers, and suppliers, CEIR recognized a need in the
industry to promote roofing applications that were truly
sustainable and achievable. A focused, strategic resource
dealing strictly with roof areas was needed. That resource
would need to evaluate and promote energy efficiency,
new energy production, and a sustainable environment.
The driving force behind this initiative was a lack of
effective tools to accomplish thorough sustainability for
the roof. “Whole building” rating systems had three
major deficiencies:
1. Lack of New Construction Focus for the Roof Assembly:
Current rating systems address less than 20% of the
annual roofing market potential.

For Environmental Innovation in Roofing




2. System Complexity Costs: Rating system was too costly
to apply to smaller-scale roofing projects.
3. Lack of Emphasis on Primary Roofing Function:
Roofs must still keep water out of the building for a
very long time.
With implementation of the RoofPoint rating system,
decision-making was improved. Good roofing practice was
encouraged and made easier. The goals are relevant and
consistently measureable. The objectives are designed
to be covered in a single, comprehensive guideline. The
durability of a roofing system is emphasized and roof
maintenance, a common oversight, is encouraged and
rewarded. As a result, the best roofing decisions are
recognized and designed in to the roof specification.
To ensure the implementation, growth, and continuity
of the RoofPoint program, the RoofPoint Foundation was
created with the help of a $750,000 grant from the Roofing
Industry Alliance for Progress. With oversight provided by
the CEIR Board of Directors, the process was vetted in a
two-step public review process. Validation of the program has
just been completed via a one-year national pilot program,
involving over 500 low-slope roofs in the United States.

How RoofPoint Works
RoofPoint works as a sustainability program through a
multi-step process. The Environmental Category is
composed of four elements. This section is designed
to evaluate the following:
• Energy Management
• Resources (Material Management and Water
• Life Cycle (Durability and Life Cycle Management)
• Innovation in Roofing
Energy Management
Credit is given for High “R-value” roof systems, best thermal
practices, roof surface thermal contribution, roof air
barriers, rooftop energy systems, and rooftop daylighting.
Credit is given for recycled content, existing material
reuse, waste management, the use of low-VOC materials,
roof stormwater retention, and roof-related reduction of
water use. The primary intention is to reduce the amount
of solid waste, reduce ground-level ozone, and reduce
stormwater run-off and related water pollution.
Crystalline and low-profile solar panels are
examples of rooftop energy systems—DERBIGUM
manufacturing plant, Kansas City, Missouri.

Daylighting can save energy consumption by replacing traditional interior lighting
fixtures—Festival Foods, Kansas City, Missouri.

Life Cycle
This element has nine areas of examination: durable roof
insulations, roof drainage design, roof traffic protection,
increased wind resistance, hygrothermal analysis, construction moisture management, durability enhancement, roof
maintenance programs, and project installation quality.
This area focuses on durability and maximizing the life cycle
of the roofing installation. It aims to reduce issues that are
“built into the roof” during installation, which eventually
lead to the premature aging of the roof assembly.
This element recognizes design and product innovation,
while also raising industry standards. The candidate roof is
given extra credit for first-time innovation, and for exceeding
state-of-the-art practices.

The Menil Collection—Houston, Texas.

The RoofPoint Guideline
The RoofPoint Guideline, originally implemented in 2012,
was developed in two rounds of public review from roofing
industry leaders and professionals. It was then validated
through a one-year process of actual applications from across
the United States and Mexico. Prestigious museums that
were a part of this vetting process are the Menil Collection,
the Fine Arts Museum Houston, and the Rienzi Museum.
The scoring and credentialing of the certification process
has now been expanded to include steep roofing applications as well as low-slope roofs. Most roofs with a slope in
excess of 3”
/12” fall into this category and may include
slate, tile, and other energy-efficient roofing materials.
The Guideline has a simple organization with clear requirements. Each topical requirement has an index that describes
the intent and the strategy to the user. The guidelines are

The Museum of Fine Arts Houston—
Houston, Texas.

Rienzi Museum—Houston, Texas.


designed to create innovation and flexibility. Free downloads
are available at
Accompanying the Guideline is the project application.
This has been designed in a quick and easy format. Credits
are automatically tallied for the final score. Hyperlinks to
requirements are accessible for each credit. This feature
became available in July of 2012. The scoring for each
individual component is:

Non-Compliant = 0 points per credit
Meets Requirement = 1 points per credit
Exceeds Requirement = 1.5 points per credit
Meets Intent = 1 points per credit

To be recognized as a RoofPoint installation, the roof
assembly must have a minimum score of 12.0 points.
Additionally, at least one point must be earned in the
Energy, Resources, and Life Cycle elements. Most roofs
designed to the RoofPoint criteria average between 18
and 21 points.
RoofPoint is intended to evaluate both new and replacement roofs for commercial and institutional buildings,



using current state-of-the-art as a baseline. RoofPoint allows
for evaluation of a roof system’s environmental performance
over the life cycle of the building. It provides a useful
measure for what constitutes a sustainable roof in design,
construction, operation, and decommission.
RoofPoint also gives the facility director a vehicle with
which to implement sustainability objectives, life cycle
enhancements, and quality roofing specifications worthy
of the building’s architectural design and its priceless
contents. Reduced energy costs and lowered maintenance
expense are the most tangible benefits that a building
owner can recognize. A maximized life cycle will take a
few more years to realize, but it is highly anticipated.
Craig S. Isaacson, RRP has over 45 years in the roofing industry,
and is Senior Vice-President of DERBIGUM Americas, Inc., a global
roofing membrane manufacturer with plants in North America
and Europe. Craig serves on the Board of Directors of the Roof
Integrated Solar Energy (RISE), Certification Board of CEIR, and
on the RoofPoint Development Committee. He has 13 projects
recognized for sustainable attributes by RoofPoint, including
4 nationally awarded projects. He can be reached at
Preview of the 24th IAMFA Annual
Conference in Scotland, U.K.
By Jack Plumb


or Scotland—named one of the
top three must-visit destinations
in the world for 2014—it will
certainly be a very busy year. We have
a year of homecoming, with Scots from
around the world returning to their
roots with special events throughout
the year. We have the Commonwealth
Games in July; we have the Edinburgh
International Festival in August; we have
the Ryder Cup in September; we even
have a referendum which will decide
the political future of Scotland—oh,
and I almost forgot, we also have the
24th IAMFA Conference in September.
Yes, you are all invited to come
and join the party, and what a party
it will be! The 24th Annual IAMFA
Conference will be held in Scotland
on September 14–17, with an optional
day on Thursday, September 18—
but more on that later.
The organising team has laid the
groundwork for a very exciting programme, which will include an educational programme, visits to a number
of iconic venues, as well as time for the
more serious side of the conference—
yes, socialising and sampling Scotland’s
most famous export. So come and see
Scotland—post-Enlightenment, but
still living with, and preserving that
amazing legacy. You will see what a
modern Scotland has to offer, meet
the new Scotland, and see for yourself
how we embrace the past, but constantly
reinvent ourselves to meet the new
challenges that this ever-changing
planet has to offer.
The theme for the 2014 IAMFA
Conference . . . well, that is the fourth
dimension—the fourth dimension
being time. We have the past, but how
do we reinvent that past to deliver a
new cultural heritage for our children
to embrace and take forward?
The programme has been carefully
selected to tell this story, starting in
Glasgow where we will learn about a
heavily industrialised city—at one time,

the most important industrial city in the
British Empire—that fell into decline.
We will see how it picked itself up and
reinvented itself as a modern cultural
tourist destination. Today, Glasgow is
bursting with museums and galleries—
some old, some new, but all offering
a glimpse of Glasgow’s rich heritage
in a truly inspirational way.
For the conference hotel, we have
selected the Apex International and
Apex City hotels, which are both fourstar hotels located next to one another
in the Grassmarket, which is in the
heart Edinburgh’s old town. The prebooked rooms include a full Scottish
breakfast. Joe May will be providing a
link through the website for booking
the hotel, and I would urge you all
to use that link, as IAMFA does get
a small fee for every booking made
through the website. The hotel will
take upgrades for “supreme” rooms,
which have king-sized beds and a view
of the castle; but this is on a first come,
first served basis. As we expect demand
to be high, we have also pre-booked
additional rooms at the Ibis South
Bridge Hotel, which also includes a
full Scottish breakfast. Both hotels are

very close to all the main Edinburgh
venues, and you will soon find that
Edinburgh is quite a small town, with
all the Edinburgh venues within easy
walking distance.
Benchmarking registration and the
opening reception will both be held at
the National Library of Scotland, just
a five-minute walk from your hotel.
Walking up Victoria Street will bring
you to the front of the Library. Your
first view will be of the seven Lorimer
sculptures, and the main entrance.
One trick you will have to get used
to in Edinburgh is the bridges. At first
sight, you might think that the main
entrance is on the ground floor; but
you actually enter on the eleventh
floor—yes, there are ten floors below
you. The street that runs past both
hotels is actually the ground floor of
this building. Incidentally, just down
the street on the righthand side you will
see the Elephant House—the coffee
shop where J.K. Rowling wrote some
of her first Harry Potter novel.
On Monday morning, coaches
will leave from the Apex Hotel to
travel to Glasgow. Our first stop will
be the Burrell Museum, set in the very

The Burrell Collection in Glasgow.


picturesque Pollock Park. This is a truly
remarkable story: Sir William Burrell,
a very wealthy Glasgow shipping merchant and philanthropist, donated his
vast collection, along with £250,000, to
the city to provide a space to exhibit
his collection. Knowing a thing or two
about his home town, and remembering that Glasgow at the time was a
heavily industrialised and polluted
city, he thought this was not the place
to build a museum to exhibit precious
and delicate works of art, so he set the
condition that his museum had to be
built within the city boundaries, but
in a rural setting. Glasgow eventually
bought Pollock Park, which allowed
construction of the Burrell Museum,
completed in 1983.
Guests will have a guided tour of
the Burrell before they head off to the
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
for lunch, followed by guided tours if
they wish. Delegates have a number of
presentations, followed by their guided
tour of the museum.

The Riverside Museum and the Glenlee,
where members will have cocktail hour.

After lunch, delegates travel to the
new Riverside Museum, opened in
June 2011, which was recently voted the
2013 museum of the year. The 7800square-metre museum was designed
by Zaha Hadid, and symbolises the
dynamic relationship between Glasgow
and the shipbuilding, seafaring and
industrial legacy of the River Clyde.
Guests join the delegates later in the
afternoon for a drinks reception aboard
the tall ship Glennlee. The Glenlee is
one of many hundreds of ships built
in Glasgow’s shipyards. Originally
launched in 1896, it is now one of only
five Clyde-built sailing ships still afloat.
After the drinks reception, we depart
for the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and
Museum for a traditional Burns Supper.
A tough day, but you will get the
opportunity to sleep on the bus
back to Edinburgh.
Tuesday will be a quieter day than
Monday, but no less inspirational. Our
host today will be the National Museum
of Scotland. Continuing our theme,

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, the
location for Monday’s traditional Burns
Supper. See for details.

The Concorde at the National Museum of Flight.



we will hear about the redevelopment
of the National Museum of Scotland,
which involved taking a building that
first opened in 1886 and reinventing it
as the vibrant and accessible modern
museum you see today.
Guests will have a guided tour
around the Museum, then take a bus
to East Fortune, just outside Edinburgh,
to the National Museum of Flight.
There they will enjoy a guided tour
of the museum, as well as a chance
to climb into the Concorde.
After lunch, guests take a short bus
ride across to Rosslyn Chapel. For those
of you who have seen The Da Vinci Code,
yes, it’s that Rosslyn Chapel. Guests will
have time for a guided tour before the
bus ride home. After lunch, delegates
will have the AGM, followed by a
guided tour around the museum.
On Wednesday, our host will be the
National Galleries of Scotland, where
we learn how to display a national
collection in a sustainable way. Whist
we start at the National Galleries on the

The National Museum of Scotland.

Rosslyn Chapel, made famous by
The Da Vinci Code.
Mound, we will also visit the recently
refurbished Scottish Portrait Gallery
to see how a National Collection is
exhibited and preserved.
Today we will be sharing with our
conservation colleagues, who will join
us to hear about the recent refurbishment of the Portrait Gallery—not the
refurbishment itself, but how that
refurbishment was used to introduce
broader environmental control parameters. These manage to preserve the
collection, but in a more sustainable
way. After lunch, delegates walk across
to the Portrait Gallery for a guided tour.
Guests have a more relaxing day with
a gentle stroll down the Royal Mile,
ending up at Holyrood Palace.
We will have an early finish to the
programme today, as it is back to the
hotel to get changed for the Gala Dinner.
The Gala Dinner will be held at the
Royal Botanic Garden of Edinburgh.
At the Botanic, we will have a guided
tour through the gardens, eventually
leading us to the new John Muir

Gatehouse for the group photograph
and Gala Dinner.
For those of us who have booked
the additional day on Thursday, it’s
onto the bus for a trip to New Lanark.
New Lanark is a World Heritage Site
created in the 18th century as a cotton
mill, but made famous by mill manager
and social pioneer, Robert Owen. We
arrive just in time for a light lunch,
followed by guided tours. Watch for
the water-driven turbines that used to
drive the mill, which are now utilised
to generate electricity, making the site
almost self-sufficient in electricity.
For those wishing to make this a
slightly longer trip, I have added a
couple of links to websites that provide
a lot of information about Scotland in
general, and holiday breaks in particular.

International Conference
September 14-18, 2014
Jack Plumb is Head of Estates at the National
Library of Scotland, and Chair of the IAMFA
Scotland 2014 organising committee.

The National Galleries of Scotland.

Holyrood Palace.



The National Portrait Gallery.

The Royal Botanic Garden, where the
closing Gala Dinner will be held.

New Lanark, destination for the optional
additional day of tours.


The Fred W. Smith National Library for
the Study of George Washington
By Todd Garing


ount Vernon—George
Washington’s beautiful estate
overlooking the Potomac River,
just south of the nation’s capital—
welcomes thousands of visitors each
year to tour Washington’s mansion,
farm, and gardens. Now, with the
opening of the new Fred W. Smith
National Library for the Study of
George Washington, the estate is also
a welcoming home for scholars of
President Washington, the Founding
Fathers, and Colonial America.
This elegant retreat is set on 15
serene, wooded acres, directly across
the street from the estate. The 45,000square-foot library consists of a threelevel, light-filled building with offices,
meeting rooms, and carefully designed
spaces for special collections and rare
volumes. Nearby, a new 7,300-squarefoot residence features two apartments
and six guest suites for visiting scholars.

had previously worked together on
numerous museum and visitor-center
projects requiring stringent environmental controls, and understood the
critical challenges involved in protecting these valuable collections. Three
air-handling units were incorporated

into the building systems design, with
one unit specifically dedicated to the
special collections areas.
Additional collections are stored in
a circulating collection area adjacent
to the first-floor reading room and on
the lower level, with the upper level

Protecting Rare Documents
The Mount Vernon Ladies Association,
which commissioned the design and
construction of the Library, sought
a suitable home for 19th- and 20thcentury books and other objects commemorating Washington, as well as a
portion of his own personal collection
of books, manuscripts, documents,
maps, and letters. The building features two rare-book rooms, as well
as an oval-shaped vault that houses
103 volumes owned by George and
Martha Washington. Maintaining appropriate temperature, humidity, and air
quality for the building’s varied uses
was a key objective for the design of the
facility. The secure, climate-controlled
vault is among 68 temperature zones
within the building.
Mueller Associates provided the
mechanical, electrical, and plumbing
(MEP) engineering design for the
project, working closely with the
architectural firm of Ayers Saint Gross.
The Baltimore-based design team



The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington.

Daylight permeates the building, with two-story windows surrounding the reading room on
three sides.
housing offices. Daylight permeates
the building, with two-story windows
surrounding the reading room on three
sides. The largest meeting room, which
features a micro-tile digital display wall,
also has windows on three sides. The
MEP design maintains a comfortable
environment for visitors, with demandbased controls for temperature and
humidity. A perimeter radiation system
integrated into the architecture provides
added comfort near the glass.

Sustainable Strategies
Building goals included a high level
of energy efficiency and sustainability,
and the library is designed to LEED®Gold certification standards. Chilled
water is used for cooling and dehumidification, with a dedicated stand-alone
chilled water plant. Energy-efficient
systems include a dedicated heatrecovery chiller; an energy-recovery

Interior of the Library

ventilator; a hot water heating system
with condensing boilers located in the
basement; high-efficiency toilets and
urinals; low-flow, sensor-operated
faucets; daylight harvesting; dimmable
lighting; and occupancy sensors. All of
the systems modulate efficiently to meet
variable heating and cooling loads.
The sustainable strategies extend
to the building’s relationship with the
site. In addition to providing daylight,
the abundant glass offers extended
views of the surrounding landscape,
designed by Michael Vergason
Landscape Architects. The U-shaped
building embraces a courtyard, and
was designed to minimize disturbance
to the site. In addition to an extensive
tree-preservation effort, the building’s
air-cooled chiller was positioned onsite,
but well away from the building.
Incorporating the MEP equipment
and piping into the building proved to
be another key challenge. The building

is designed to maximize ceiling heights,
which limited the amount of space in
which to route ductwork and piping.
The two attic mechanical rooms
feature tight slopes, which required
careful planning in order to integrate
large equipment. Mueller Associates
and Ayers Saint Gross made optimal
use of Revit® 3-D modeling software
to coordinate the design.

Connecting to History
and Sense of Place
Meeting its lofty objectives for design,
sustainability, and purpose, the Library
is a striking addition to the Mount
Vernon property. “It has been such
an honor to be the lead architectural
firm in designing this library for our
first President,” says Adam Gross, FAIA,
principal of Ayers Saint Gross. “Our
goal was to reflect George Washington’s
ideals of character, order, balance,
strength, precision, and elegance in the
design of the buildings and grounds.
With the help of our teammates from
Mueller Associates, we were able to
meet this goal.”
With the completion of the library,
George Washington’s own dream has
been realized. “I have not houses to
build, except one, which I must erect
for the accommodation and security
of my military, civil and private papers,
which are voluminous and may be
interesting,” he wrote in a letter in the
spring of 1797. Now, with his books and
documents protected and preserved in
this exceptional new facility, scholars
can further their study of the country’s
first President.
Todd Garing, PE, LEED AP BD+C is a
Vice-President with Baltimore-based
Mueller Associates. He served as principalin-charge of the MEP engineering for the
Smith Library.

Past issues of Papyrus
can be found on IAMFA’s website


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Energy Waste Due to Low Delta T
in Chilled Water Systems
By Michael Cummings

Low Delta T Syndrome
Low Delta T Syndrome is a costly problem that can be
quite difficult to pinpoint and eliminate. Low Delta T
Syndrome is a scenario in which the water returned to the
chiller plant is too cold. This indicates that the chilled water
was not used to design efficiency within the building. These
inefficiencies can be caused by a number of factors, including poor valve or coil selection, pervasive use of three-way
valves and coil bypass lines, and system overflow. Assuming
that the building has a solid and modern design—meaning
we can rule out bypass and three-way valve causes—it is likely
that Low Delta T Syndrome is being caused by excessive
water flow in the system.
The critical objective here is using the energy effectively,
in order to maintain the environmental conditions necessary
for the protection of valuable exhibits, while simultaneously
minimizing energy consumption.
How does system overflow cause low delta T?
The explanation here is quite simple; flow and delta T are
inversely proportional. This means that, with load held
constant, a 20% overflow will result in a 20% reduction
in delta T. This can also be displayed by examining the
power formula:
Q = 500 ¥ GPM ¥ delta T
What is the energy impact of Low Delta T Syndrome?
There are two prime energy benefits surrounding a
resolution of Low Delta T Syndrome. First, pumping water
is expensive: the energy required to pump 10% more water
is not 10% more horsepower. The pump affinity laws tell us
it will be significantly more than that:
____ = Ê______ˆ3

reduce the output capacity of the device, causing the coil to
produce delta Ts lower than the coil manufacturer’s design.
How do you know if this is a problem in your plant?
Ask questions. If you don’t know it already, find out the
average supply and return temperatures at the chiller
plant, and compare these to design. Talk to the central
plant staff; ask them about the delta T of the system. Talk
to the facilities staff and see what, if any, programs are in
place to maintain and clean the air handler and other
terminal unit coils.
Resources for learning more about Low Delta T
Syndrome and solutions:
Degrading Chilled Water Plant Delta-T: Causes and
Mitigation by Steven T. Taylor, P.E.
Symposium AC-02-6-1 Degrading Delta-T-Taylor.pdf
Solving Low Delta T Syndrome at MIT University A
presentation from the 2012 I.D.E.A
Energy Impacts of Chilled Water Piping Configurations by
Roy S. Hubbard of Johnson Controls
Product: Belimo Energy Valve

A Proposed Solution: The Belimo
Energy Valve
The Belimo Energy Valve is a fully pressure-independent
valve that additionally allows the user to set a delta T
threshold to eliminate low delta T at the coil. With the

According to this formula, reducing flow by 10% will reduce
pump horsepower by 33%.
The second benefit concerns the chiller plant. Efficient
use of water at the point of consumption will reduce the
demand on the central plant.

The Cause is at the Coil
Low delta T occurring at the chiller plant is the result of
low delta T performance at the air-handler units and other
terminal coils. Low delta T in coils can be caused by a few
factors, including poor valve or coil selection, coil overflow
due to pressure fluctuations, and damaged or dirty coils.
Poor sizing and pressure issues can also lead directly to
coil overflow and reduced delta T. Damaged or fouled coils

The Belimo Energy Valve™

coils producing delta T at or above design, the entire
system will benefit from high delta T. In addition to the
control capabilities of the Belimo Energy Valve, the valve
also has an onboard, BACnet-capable BTU meter. This
allows for the collection of trend data that can be used
to fine-tune the system, as well as to schedule predictive
maintenance on air-handler coils.
What are the immediate advantages of the Belimo
Energy Valve?
As soon as the valve is installed and a proper delta T setting
selected, the delta T problems at that air handler are fixed.
The change is immediate. And, since delta T is under
control, there will no longer be any overflow in the coil,
saving the high cost of over-pumping.
What are the long-term benefits of the Belimo
Energy Valve?
Since the Belimo Energy Valve has the integrated BTU
meter, you can receive a constant stream of performance
data about the air handler. This data is critical for any
continuous commissioning process, and is invaluable for a
predictive maintenance program. But the true long-term
benefit of a solution like the Belimo Energy Valve is the
long-term energy saving that can be achieved by running
your system at peak efficiency.

Typical air-handler installation for chilled-water coil.
Michael Cummings is the Regional Applications Consultant—
Government Market for Belimo Aircontrols USA Inc., located in
the Washington, D.C. area. He has over 25 years of controls
experience with companies focused on industrial and commercial
control components/systems working to provide energy efficient
solutions to customers worldwide. For more information, please


For more information, visit

Congratulations to
Ayers Saint Gross
on the design of the
new Fred W. Smith
National Library for
the Study of George

Located at Mount Vernon,
this beautiful center for
scholarship features
state-of-the-art archival
storage for the estate’s
Special Collections.



The IAMFA LinkedIn Group now has over
650 members from 48 countries. Join the
Group and see what everyone is talking about,
and PLEASE...join in the discussions;
we'd like to hear what you have to say.


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A New Lighting Control System for the
British Library Auditorium
By Mike Wildsmith


new lighting system has recently
been installed in the 255-seat
Auditorium at the British
Library’s Conference Centre at
St Pancras, London. The Conference
Centre is marketed for external events
via the Library’s catering partners,
Peyton & Byrne. Library colleagues
can also book the Conference Centre,
or one of its five additional meeting
rooms, for internal meetings and
events on Mondays and Fridays, plus
weekends on a first come, first served
basis. The Library’s own experienced
audiovisual team is on hand to support
presentation and lighting requirements.

The need to remain competitive
with other high-profile event
• Greater use of colour: the new
system makes use of red, green
and blue LEDs, allowing users to
“colour change” both the cove
lighting and stage spots, within a
seemingly endless palette of up to
16 million colours. This enables the
colour to be calibrated to support
branding for partners or clients.
See photo below.

• Speed of setup
• Flexibility

Benefits Gained
The benefits gained from the new
lighting system include a significant
reduction in energy consumption,
with resulting cost savings, as well as
increasing the Library’s appeal as an
event venue.
Mike Wildsmith is Electrical Services
Manager at the British Library.

A requirement to reduce energy consumption

Energy savings

Drivers for Change

60 x 50 watt tungsten downlighters with 7-watt LED equivalents

• System and equipment obsolescence

67 x 1200 mm fluorescent fittings (nominal rating with
ballast losses = 60 watts) with 265 x 305 mm LED fittings
(nominal rating 13 watts)

575 watts

Analogue dual channel wire wound dimmers with digital LED
leading edge dimmers

700 watts

• An opportunity to take advantage
of developments in technology
• The need to remain competitive
with other high-profile event venues
• A requirement to reduce energy

Total savings

System and equipment
• Original design dated back to late
1980s/early 1990s
• Equipment was obsolete and no
longer supported by the original
• System utilised analog rather than
digital control
An opportunity to take advantage
of developments in technology
• Greater use of LED lighting (with
associated benefits)
• Introduction of new Digital
Multiplex (DMX) lighting control
• Wireless DMX and WiFi remote
• Remote setup facility for stage



New lights illuminated in the auditorium.

2580 watts

3855 watts
Control Panel—before upgrade.

Control Panel—after upgrade.

Removed kits.

Become a Member of IAMFA
For more information on becoming a member of the
International Association of Museum Facility Administrators, please visit










The 23rd IAMFA Annual Conference
in Washington, D.C.
A Week of Learning, Culture, Networking and Tours
By Joe May


he 23rd IAMFA Conference in
Washington, D.C. will be remembered in part for the extraordinary
effort by the conference organizers to
make this year’s conference a reality.
On October 1, 2013, the U.S. federal
government shut down, as the two
main political parties could not agree
on budget concerns. As a result, all of
the federally funded museums closed
their doors, leaving conference organizers uncertain as to whether those
doors would open again prior to the
scheduled start of the conference.
This meant that the organizers
of this year’s conference had to plan
backup locations for each day of the
conference, in case we were not able
to visit the original host venues. As it
turned out, the government shutdown
ended just a few days prior to the start
of the conference—and what a wonder ful conference it turned out to be.
We owe the entire conference organizing team so much for their extra efforts
in making this year’s conference an
overwhelming success.
The 2013 IAMFA Conference
organizing team was led by IAMFA’s
President Nancy Bechtol, and included
the following:
Samantha Bartz
Nancy Bechtol
John Bixler
Kristy Brosius
Tony Cerveny
David Conine
Judie Cooper
Dan Davies
Maurice Evans
Alfonzo Garner, Jr.
Kendra Gastright
Neal Graham
Cecily Grzywacz
Donna Heard
Adrienne Jackson
Charon Johnson



Daren Kennedy
Lisa Lahiff
George Langford
Tiffany Myers
Donald Overfelt
Angel Rodriguez
David Samec
Helen Shade
Kathy Simenton
Mark Sprouse
Lachelle Torney-Reid
Cargie Vaughn

McGuire Engineers: Building

I know how much time they all spent
planning the countless details that
went into making this a truly great
It is also very important to recognize
the sponsors who made this year’s
conference possible:

No problem.

Steensen Varming (2013 IAMFA
Conference Principal Sponsor):

Engineering Systems with effective,
efficient, economic, and innovative
Millicare: By EBC. EBC helps you shine.
Mueller Associates: Inspired Design,

Innovative Engineering.
NAPEEF: Your trusted O&M training

partners for cultural facilities.
Quinn Evans: Wild expectations?
Schindler: Service. Elevated.
Siemens: Siemens optimizes comfort

within buildings, ensures greater
safety and improves security . . . and
we do it with up to 40% less energy
Spacesavers: Artifacts already have
a place in history. Our storage solutions make sure they will have one
in the future.

Danish engineering firm founded by
Niels Steensen & Jørgen Varming in
Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1933. The
firm specializes in civil, structural and
building services engineering, with
offices in Denmark, Australia, United
Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Ireland.

Victor Stanley: Design for Community.
Manufacturers of quality site furnishings
since 1962.

Allied Barton Security Services: Local

Whiting Turner: Construction

Response, National Support—Security
Officers are our focus!
Belimo: Not every valve is a problem-

solver, but the Belimo Energy Valve is.
The Camfil Farr Group: “Truly Green”
Clean Air Solutions. Proven to
significantly reduce energy, labor
and waste costs.
ERCO: Tune the Light!
Limbach Inc.: Provider of sustainable
building solutions focused on
innovative and cost–effective
HVAC management.

Management, General Contracting,
Design-Build, Specialty Contracting.
Ziger/Snead: Baltimore architecture

studio with a national reputation for
design excellence.
These sponsors contributed to the
intellectual content through presentations, and by generously contributing
financially, enabling the spectacular
venues, trips, and meals we all enjoyed
during this year’s conference. We urge
IAMFA members to keep this in mind
when in need of products, services,
and advice of the type offered by these
conference sponsors.
Day One of the conference began, as
in past years, with the Benchmarking
Practices and Learning Workshop for
IAMFA members participating in the
annual benchmarking exercise. This
valuable exercise allows member institutions to compare building operation
costs and practices, in order to find
better ways to accomplish work. Please
see Stacey Wittig’s recap of the Benchmarking Practices and Learning
Workshop in this issue of Papyrus.
Members and guests not attending
the benchmarking workshop were able
to attend the optional pre-conference
day of tours, including a trip to
Arlington National Cemetery, lunch
at the Chart House, and shopping
in Alexandria, Virginia. At Arlington
National Cemetery, everyone witnessed
the changing of the guard at the Tomb
of the Unknown Soldier.
The opening reception for this
year’s IAMFA Conference was held at
the Gaylord National Resort. It was a
great evening, spent visiting with old
friends most of us hadn’t seen since

last year’s conference in Philadelphia
and meeting new first-time conference
attendees, while we enjoyed appetizers
and cocktails.
Our home for this year’s conference
was also the Gaylord National Resort.
This spectacular resort hotel had a
nineteen-story atrium and plenty of
opportunities for conference attendees
and guests to explore while at our
home base.
As in past years, the Washington, D.C.
conference included separate programs
for both delegates and their guests.
During the five days of events, the
two programs took place in parallel,
while delegates and guests travelled
to the 17 total venues included in
this year’s conference. Both delegates
and guests spent much of their time
together at the same venues, while
accomplishing their individual objectives: learning and networking for
delegates, and exploration and
discovery for guests. This year’s
conference had record attendance
of 165.

The venues for the 2013 conference

Annapolis Maryland Tour
Arlington National Cemetery
Calleva Farm
Folger Shakespeare Library
Gaylord National Resort
Glenstone Museum
James Madison Building—Library
of Congress
Lincoln Memorial, White House,
and M.L. King Jr. Memorial Tours
Mount Vernon
National Air and Space Museum—
Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center
National Archives and Records
Administration, College Park Campus
National Building Museum
National Museum of African Art
National Museum of American
National Zoological Park
Thomas Jefferson Building—
Library of Congress
United States Holocaust Memorial

Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.

Fifty-one IAMFA Member Institutions participated in the 2013 Benchmarking Exercise, and
most attended the 2014 Benchmarking and Learning Workshop on the Sunday prior to the
start of this year’s IAMFA Conference.

Gaylord National Resort.


During the delegate program,
members heard the following
• Window Upgrades and Preventing
Moisture Intrusion—David Conine
and Michael Cummings
• LED Case Study: Trafalgar Square—
Chris Tiernan
• Developing a Long-Term Collections
Storage Plan—Charon Johnson
• Energy-Reduction Program Capitol
Buildings—Chuck Iliff
• Madison Building Sixth-Floor
Renovation Program—Denis
Smalley and J.R. Wheeler
• Climate-Responsive Building
Envelopes—Chris Arkins and
Emrah Baki Ulas
• Shifts in Environmental-Parameters
Requirements—Sarah Stauderman,
Patty Silence and Dan Davies
• Organic Grounds Management—
Paul Tukey
• How We Use Benchmarking Results
to Improve Performance Year After
Year—David Sanders, Oren Gray,
Jack Plumb and Tony Young
• Hypoxic Fire-Protection System—
John Boyd, Rebecca Kokinda, Andy
Heymann, Jim Call, Jamil Burnett
and Jason Sawyer
During the conference, the IAMFA
Board of Directors met twice—first to
prepare for the IAMFA Annual General

Meeting of its members, and a second
time with Chairs of IAMFA’s Regional
Chapters for breakfast and a discussion
of new steps to support the regional
chapters, and to ask for input from
the Regional Chairs and participation
in IAMFA’s strategic plan.
The Annual General Meeting of
IAMFA’s Members takes place each
year during the IAMFA Conference.
At this meeting, each Board Member
addresses the membership with a
discussion of:
• Regional Chapter Activities
• IAMFA Administration
• Treasury
• Papyrus Magazine
• IAMFA Website
• IAMFA LinkedIn Group
• Strategic Plans
• Election Results
• Preview of next year’s IAMFA
IAMFA President Nancy Bechtol
presented a new five-year Strategic
Plan for IAMFA. The Strategic Plan
can be found on the Members Only
Page of IAMFA is
positioning itself to expand its partnerships and to reach new members
across the globe. To that end, IAMFA
has developed six goals for the next
five years, in order to continue to
strengthen and expand our organization. IAMFA is currently forming
committees to further develop strategies
for goals 1 and 2, and will seek the
help of IAMFA members to participate
on these committees.

The six goals:
1. Increase Membership
• Broaden and expand membership through actions of IAMFA’s
Membership Committee using
social media (i.e.: LinkedIn,
Facebook) and direct targeted
outreach to new cultural institutions, countries and regions
not currently represented, or
underrepresented, in IAMFA.
• Strengthen the Membership
Committee within IAMFA by
expanding its membership and
setting annual goals to increase
membership. Meet or exceed set
targets for net increases.
• Develop a program aimed at
retaining members.
• Develop and expand our awards
program to include our sponsors,
as well as our membership.
• Increase the effectiveness of
IAMFA Regional Chapters, and
the benefits of attending chapter
meetings. Strengthen existing
chapters and create new ones
where beneficial.
2. Develop Sponsorships
• Develop a Corporate Sponsorship
Program managed by IAMFA’s
Sponsorship Committee to complement IAMFA’s annual conference
sponsorship program.
• Tailor sponsorship offerings to
optimize collaboration and
partnerships between IAMFA’s
members, conference sponsors
and corporate sponsors. Increase
access of corporate and conference
sponsors to IAMFA members.
• Recognize IAMFA’s sponsors
for their committed support
3. Establish Financial Fitness
4. Achieve Educational Excellence
5. Increase Communication

IAMFA Board of Directors with the Regional Chapter Chairs at the Chapter Breakfast.



6. Enhance Metrics and Technology
Two committees are being formed
to address the first two goals, and work
has already begun on both of these.
We encourage all IAMFA members to
volunteer to participate on one of
these two committees. Randy Murphy
will lead the Sponsorship Committee,
and Brian Coleman and David Sanders
will lead the Membership Committee.
Three board positions were up for
election in 2013: Treasurer, Secretary,
and VP Regional Affairs. Alan Dirican,
David Sanders, and John Castle were
re-elected to these positions. Following
the election, John Castle resigned from
the board, due to time constraints,
and Brian Coleman was appointed to
fill John’s term, ending in 2015. Many
thanks go to John for his service to
IAMFA over the past five years.
On Wednesday evening of the conference, delegates and guests traveled
to the Gala by coach. Upon our arrival,
the evening began with a group photo,
followed by cocktails and canapés at
the National Air and Space Museum
Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. It was a
stunning setting overlooking historical
aircraft, including a new arrival: Space
Shuttle Discovery.
Our group photo was actually taken
in front of Discovery. The space shuttle
made her maiden flight on August 30,
1984, and her final landing on March 9,
2011. She flew more missions than any
other spacecraft, completing 39 missions in over 27 years of service. Over

her lifetime, Discovery spent nearly an
entire year in Space. Discovery was the
shuttle that launched the Hubble Space
Telescope into orbit, and played a key
role in construction of the International
Space Station.
Attendees were also able to visit the
tower at the Center, with panoramic
views of the surrounding Dulles Airport
area. The evening continued with a
delicious dinner, accompanied by a
variety of wines.
During the evening’s program, three
IAMFA members were recognized
with awards. The first of these was
Corporate Member Steensen Varming,
which was presented with the first-ever
IAMFA Diplomat Award for its participation and support of IAMFA. Accepting

the award were Emrah Baki Ulas and
Chris Arkins from Steensen Varming.
Steensen Varming has been a corporate
member of IAMFA for five years now.
We are very fortunate to have
Steensen Varming as a Corporate
Member and Sponsor of IAMFA. We
rely so much on the generosity of our
sponsors, and we thought it appropriate
to begin recognizing our sponsors
with the new IAMFA Diplomat Award.
We called this award “Diplomat”,
because we are proud to have them
represent IAMFA as our corporate
members. All of IAMFA’s members
benefit from the expertise they share
with us, and we also benefit from the
services they provide when we are in
need of their expertise.

Conference attendees at the closing gala at the National Air and Space Museum
Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center.

IAMFA’s Board of Directors. Left to right: Brian Coleman,
Alan Dirican, Joe May, Nancy Bechtol, Jack Plumb, David Sanders
and Randy Murphy.

Chris Arkins and Emrah Baki Ulas accept the inaugural IAMFA
Diplomat Award on behalf of Steensen Varming Ltd. Left to right:
John Castle, Emrah Baki Ulas, Chris Arkins and Nancy Bechtol.

We hope Steensen Varming will
display this award in their office to
demonstrate to their staff and clients
how much we value them as a company,
and also how much we value them as
members of IAMFA.
The next award—the George Preston
Memorial Award—was presented to
Jim Moisson from Harvard Art Museums
by Alan Dirican and John DeLucy. We
met Jim at his first IAMFA Conference
in 2003 in San Francisco. The following
year, Jim stepped up and volunteered
to host the 2004 Conference in Boston.
He assembled a great team of members
from a number of cultural facilities,
including Harvard Art Museums, the
Museum of Fine Arts, the Isabella
Stewart Gardner Museum, the Peabody
Essex Museum in Salem, and the
Boston Athenaeum. It was a great
conference that I will never forget.
Jim went on to serve on IAMFA’s
Board as Treasurer until 2009, when
he was faced with a multi-year major
construction and renovation project at
Harvard Art Museums—a project that
still continues today. In the years he
served on the IAMFA Board, Jim was an
inspiration for the amount of time he
devoted, and his dedication to IAMFA.
We owe Jim a great deal for his steadfast
dedication to IAMFA, and for the many
years during which he served the
organization so selflessly.
As Jim is still managing a $350 million
Renzo Piano renovation and expansion
project, he was not able to join us this

year at the conference, but Dave Geldart
accepted the award for Jim and delivered it promptly upon his return to
Boston. Jim wrote the following upon
receipt of the award:
The award is beautiful and a great
honor. I am truly appreciative. But the
superb gifts from the Olde Country are
really magnificent. The handkerchief,
the socks, the underwear! I had no idea
that one could adorn one’s self with the
Union Jack and still show proper
reverence. But show it I do, in full
regalia. Who on Earth could have
acquired such wonderful items?
As John de Lucy has said: ‘I am an
Anglophile. Guilty as charged. But I am
also a Scots-o-phile, and Aussie-o-phile,
and Chicagophile, and Canada-o-phile.
In fact I love all places where good smart
folks gather and are caring and warm
to each other, and share their knowledge
and have fun together.’ And is that not
IAMFA in a nutshell?
Our project looks magnificent.
Substantial completion was yesterday,
and a hearty single-malt toast was
raised. But there is still much to be
done. Imagine that. We open to the
public one year from now. Can’t wait
to host the 2016 conference back in
New England. And it would be great
to show you around anytime if you
are in the neighborhood before then.
Many, many thanks for everything,

Dave Geldart accepts the George Preston Memorial Award on
behalf of Jim Moisson. Left to right: Alan Dirican, David Geldart
and John DeLucy.



Jack Plumb previews the 2014 IAMFA
Conference in Scotland.

The final George Preston Memorial
Award was presented to Randy Murphy
of the Los Angeles County Museum
of Art by David Sanders and Joe May.
Randy has been a member of IAMFA
since its very early years, and has served
on IAMFA’s Board of Directors three
times. He served as a conference host
twice: in 1997, and again in 2006.
Since 2010, Randy has transformed
the position of VP Administration on
our Board. It is now one of the most
time-consuming board positions,
because Randy has been able to see

Randy Murphy receives the final George Preston Memorial. Left to
right: David Sanders, Randy Murphy and Joe May.
what is needed to run the organization
more effectively, and he just does it. As
IAMFA’s second-in-command, Randy
most recently drafted the Membership
and Sponsorship plans; he serves as
legal interface for IAMFA; he maintains
the membership records; he runs the
annual election; he communicates with
IAMFA’s members; and he advised
Joe May on design features as we began
developing the new IAMFA website.
We are so fortunate to have Randy
Murphy serving on IAMFA’s Board.
As dinner wound down, Jack Plumb
—host of next year’s 24th IAMFA

Conference—described preliminary
plans for the Conference, which is
scheduled for September 14–18, 2014
in Scotland, U.K. Please mark your
calendars, and make sure you join us
next year for another unforgettable
IAMFA Conference.
This brought an end to the closing
gala, and the end of a wonderful
23rd Annual Conference. We saw
many interesting sights at the conference venues, and enjoyed the
opportunities to learn and network
with our peers from so many other
cultural institutions across the globe.

The conference hosts worked
tirelessly, and made the 2013 IAMFA
Conference one that we will never
forget. Thank you so much to our
Washington, D.C. IAMFA members
and conference organizers. We invite
IAMFA members attending the
Washington, D.C. conference to visit
the Members Only
Page to provide feedback on the
conference via a conference survey.
Joe May serves on IAMFA’s Board, and is
Editor of IAMFA’s Papyrus Magazine

International Conference
September 14-18, 2014



Become a Member
International Association of Museum Facility Administrators
membership offers invaluable professional benefits for its
hundreds of facility managers of archives, libraries, museums
and other cultural institutions.

Join IAMFA and give your career a boost!

Benefits of IAMFA Membership:
• Annual IAMFA Conferences
• Free Subscription to Triennial Papyrus Magazine
• Benchmarking Exercises
• Earn Continuing Education Units
• Network with Your Peers
• Exclusive Job Postings
. . . and more!

There are several membership categories.
Please visit the IAMFA website to select
the category that applies to you.

For more information on IAMFA benefits and membership
categories or to become a member, please go to

Benchmarking Workshop
Sharing Practical Solutions
By Stacey Wittig


t the 2013 IAMFA Benchmarking Practices and
Learning Workshop held in Washington, D.C. last
October, the fifty-one participants were asked, “What
components of the meeting did you find most beneficial?”
“Identifying best practices that others are using, and
using them in our facility,” wrote David Cervantes, Head
of Engineering at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Kendra Gastright, Director, Office of Facilities Management and Reliability of the Smithsonian Institution, said,
“WOW—great job on the extended Hot Topics discussion.
So many participated with very thoughtful sharing of
challenges and ideas.”
“Comparing our data to other benchmarking groups,”
said John Castle, Director of Facilities Services, Winterthur
Museum, Garden and Library.
For the first time, Keith McClanahan—Principal of
Facility Issues, the consultancy that facilitates the benchmarking exercise for IAMFA—presented charts that compared IAMFA median costs in key categories to other
benchmarking groups. Besides the IAMFA group, Facility
Issues oversees the Research Facility Benchmarking group
consisting of Departments of Energy and Defense labs and
R&D labs at places such Corning and Dupont, the Facility
Managers Roundtable for those managing headquarters
and manufacturing facilities, and the IFMA Utility Council
benchmarking group, among others.

“Security costs of the IAMFA group are as high as security
costs at nuclear labs,” noted McClanahan. The comparisons
of the groups that Facility Issues handles show that members
of the cultural institution group certainly do not want to
compare themselves to headquarters buildings that have much
lower operating costs. The IAMFA group compares “apples
to apples” when benchmarking key costs and practices of
archives, libraries, museums and other cultural facilities.
When it comes to maintenance cost per GSF or GSM,
the IAMFA benchmarking report—sponsored by McGuire
Engineers—revealed that the cultural institution group
is more similar to labs than office facilities. IAMFA’s
janitorial costs were relatively consistent year to year, but
were much higher than other groups. “No other facilities
have thousands of people traipsing through them every
day,” said McClanahan. Utility costs reported by IAMFA
were similar to the other groups.

Sharing Best Practices
“The report is important, but most important are the best
practices that we uncover by comparing the data,” added
McClanahan. Breakout sessions—new this year—allowed
participants to gather into small groups and discuss best
practices in four key categories: utilities, maintenance,
janitorial and security.

Benchmarking participants at the workshop.


• Pam Lowings of the Royal British Columbia Museum led
the Security breakout group in a stand-up, team-style
• John Castle arranged the Janitorial group in a “crosslegged” circle on the floor.
• George Langford, Manager of Facilities Operations
at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum—
a new benchmarking participant this year—led the
Energy/Utilities breakout group.
• The Maintenance group was headed by Sean Dunn,
Director of Facilities, Yale University Art Gallery—
another first-year benchmarking participant.
Later, Dan Davies of the Smithsonian Institution gave
a presentation entitled, “Water Conservation at the
Smithsonian National Zoological Park,” which was highly
applauded by the audience.

Hot Topics Discussions
Hot topics and emerging issues precipitated lively discussions
after a lunch sponsored by the Whiting-Turner Contracting
Company. While discussing system shutdowns and setbacks
in collections areas, George Langford asked, “What do
you do with mixed-media artifacts like guns with wood
and metal?”
“In the U.K., we’ve been working at all these issues for
some time,” said Jack Plumb of the National Library of
Scotland. “We share with conservators, look at seasonal
drift, and are trying to expand the range of acceptable
environmental settings.”
Linda MacMillan, also of the National Library of Scotland,
added, “Something we’ve learned is that you really, really
need to get to know your building.” Later, in a discussion
around how to update historical buildings to modern
standards, Isabelle Noraz, of Grand Palais des Champs

Elysées agreed, saying, “You have to know the building very
well and experience the reality of the building, then you
can change the historical part of it.”
“We have a program for seasonal drift,” added Rich
Reinert of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
“We program rolling outages,” said David Samec, of
the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., who
voiced concern over the impact of shutdowns on equipment. “We’re looking at a softer way to do that so as not
to impact equipment.”
Jeremy Linden from the Image Permanence Institute,
Rochester Institute of Technology, said, “Over four years,
there has been no problem with equipment, including
fans and belts; it [shutdowns] may not be a problem.
However, if you do run into equipment problems, let’s
share that information.”
John Castle admitted to some shutdowns, “some that
were actually planned,” he smiled. “When I’ve suggested
that we move an object to a place where it would be happier,
you would think that I was growing another head out of my
shoulder [by the way the conservators looked at me.]”
Todd Keeley of the Canadian Museum of History noted
that his team builds in redundancy to the temperature
and humidity sensors. “We have three or four sensors and
average it out for the space.”
For further details of Hot Topic discussions, go to the
“Download Center” at
You may enroll now for the 2014 IAMFA Benchmarking
Exercise. Take advantage of a new program that allows you
discounts for multi-year enrollment by going to https://
Stacey Wittig is the former Marketing Director for Facility Issues,
the benchmarking consultancy endorsed by the International
Association of Facility Administrators to facilitate the annual
IAMFA benchmarking exercise.

A Chance for You to Help Protect Our Heritage—
Treasure Caretaker Training: Digital Monastery Project
You can make a difference—
together we can help prevent this kind of damage and loss.
Too many pieces of our global heritage are being lost because their caretakers lack the
skills and knowledge to safeguard them. The pilot initiative Treasure Caretaker Training:
Digital Monastery Project will train monks and nuns in Bhutan in the proper care and
digital recording of art and icons under their protection.
We are asking you to support our volunteer efforts to bring to these caretakers the training they need to care for
these heritage treasures. Please visit our Indiegogo funding site at
and help as much or as little as you can at this time.
Robert Waller, Protect Heritage Corp.


Steensen Varming’s 80th Anniversary


teensen Varming was founded by Niels Steensen and
Jørgen Varming in Copenhagen in 1933, and worked in
close cooperation with architects such as Arne Jacobsen
and clients such as the Nobel Prize winner, Professor
Niels Bohr.
Since then, the organisation has provided expertise in
mechanical and electrical building services, lighting design
and sustainability, seamlessly assimilating form and function,
art and technology. Practices have also been established in
Ireland (1946) and the United Kingdom (1957). Steensen
Varming was first established in Australia by the Danish
practice in 1973, following success in winning the commission
to design the Sydney Opera House with Jørn Utzon.
Steensen Varming marked two significant milestones
in 2013: just like the Sydney Opera House, the company
celebrated its 40th anniversary in Australia, as well as the
80th year since its foundation in Denmark. Fitting in with
the company’s strong links and shared history with the
iconic venue, both anniversaries were marked by a black tie

event at the Opera House in September at the Concert
Hall Northern Foyers.
Afterwards, guests could dance the night away to live music
by the The Freds, or relax on some wonderful examples of
Danish vintage furniture provided by Vampt Vintage Design.
Through eight decades of technological change and
increased environmental sensitivity, Steensen Varming has
supported an exceptional cast of international architects
and buildings, encompassing the private, corporate and
public sectors—including museums, galleries, archives and
World Heritage Sites. With new offices opening in Hong
Kong and New York, Steensen Varming continues to build
upon its strong heritage and philosophy, driven to enable
the best building design where functionality and well-being
are paramount.
Steensen Varming has been a Corporate Member and Sponsor
of IAMFA since 2009, and is IAMFA’s first-ever recipient of the
IAMFA Diplomat Award, presented on October 23, 2013 in
Washington, D.C.

Guests mingle in the Northern Foyers at Sydney Opera House. Upon arrival, valued clients, inspirational architects and dedicated staff were
greeted by music from cellist Georg Pedersen, who was solo cellist in the Royal Danish Philharmonic.

Guests were greeted by music from cellist Georg Pedersen.
Speeches were given by Opera House CEO Louise Herron, followed
by Søren Varming and Tobias Jacobsen—grandsons of company
founder Jørgen Varming and architect Arne Jacobsen,
respectively—and Steensen Varming CEO Dan Mackenzie.

Dan Mackenzie, CEO of Steensen Varming (centre).

Washington, D.C. -Baltimore Regional
By Maurice Evans

The Washington D.C.-Baltimore Chapter held its appreciation
luncheon on November 25 to acknowledge the planning
committee for all of its hard work and effort hosting the
2013 Annual IAMFA Conference in Washington. More
than 20 members of the planning committee, along with
Board Members, were in attendance. Nancy Bechtol
(IAMFA President) and Alan Dirican (IAMFA Treasurer)
were both on hand to represent the Board.
This was the last chance for the planning committee to
meet as a group, as they celebrated their success in hosting
the annual conference. And a successful conference it
was, welcoming the largest number of members ever. The
Washington D.C.-Baltimore Chapter is looking forward to
another great year as it gets ready to plan its 2014 calendar.

To add a little flair to the project, and to Ottawa’s
skyline, the NGC incorporated the outer scrim of the
scaffolding into its summer exhibition of contemporary
Indigenous artists. Greenlandic artist Inuk Silis Høegh
provided the graphics for printing the scrim, which
resembled a large iceberg encompassing the Great Hall.
The construction contract was awarded to Carillion
Construction through a tender process that accorded the
majority of the scoring points to the submitter’s stated
subcontractors for glazing, temporary works (scaffolding),
and roofing, in addition to the general contractor.
The Ottawa Region Chapter heard from Mark Van Dalen,
Vice-President of Patenaude-Trempe-Van Dalen, the buildingenvelope engineers overseeing the work. Mark discussed
some of the challenges of the work in detail, which include
incorporating a laminated blast film within the new IGUs,
and the associated requirement of creating enough of a
bonding surface to adhere the new units to the framing
with a structural caulking bead. This bonding surface was
achieved by way of aluminum extrusions adhered to the
IGUs’ assembly and mechanically fastened to the window
framing members.
Mark also explained the project’s rigorous water-testing
procedures, whereby the primary outer seal (pressure plates
and caps) are removed for all water testing. This helps
to ensure that the secondary seals (watershed channels
between the IGUs) are completely watertight, prior to
signing off on the work. The group then toured the

Ottawa Regional Chapter
By Ed Richard

On November 22, the Ottawa Chapter gathered at the
National Gallery of Canada (NGC). There were approximately 20 in attendance from the NGC, the Canadian
Museum of History (formerly the Canadian Museum of
Civilization), the Canadian Museum of Nature, and a
guest from the National Arts Centre.
The main topics of the meeting revolved around ongoing
construction and energy projects at the NGC, the largest of
which is glass and roof replacement work in the Gallery’s
Great Hall. IAMFA members may remember the space
from the Ottawa conference kick-off breakfast that took
place there in 2007.
The footprint of the Great Hall is approximately 9,000
square feet, but soars 120 feet in height, with close to
1,500 insulated glass units (IGUs) and 13 lead-coated
copper roofs in the overhead skylight. The building
opened 25 years ago, and it was time to replace the
glazing and rebuild the roofs.

Attendees at the Ottawa Chapter meeting.

The National Gallery of Canada.

interior of the work site, which is fully scaffolded both
inside and out.
Afterwards, we made our way to the main mechanical
room at the NGC for a brief overview of some HVAC and
energy conservation projects. We heard from Normand
Bergeron of SMi Enerpro—mechanical engineering consultants that have worked on a number of projects at the
NGC over the years. He briefly discussed the major energy
retrofits done over a decade ago, which are still providing
ongoing savings to the NGC. He also went into more detail
on two more current projects: the installation of a centralized
reverse-osmosis humidification system, and the ongoing
installation of a back-up cooling system for the NGC’s
Special Exhibition galleries.
This last project was initiated because the NGC is completely reliant upon a central provider of chilled water, and
has had supply-interruption issues in the past. This initiative
was originally intended to mitigate supply problems, but
will now supplement the chilled water feed to the cooling
loop for less cost than the chilled water supply. In the event
of a supply interruption, the system can be quickly adjusted
to provide cooling to specific areas of the building—mainly
the Special Exhibition galleries, where the NGC would
normally have its most important (and costly) works of art,
often on loan from other institutions.
After a quick lunch, the group convened for a discussion
of issues around personnel screening for both museum
staff and contractors onsite. We also discussed aspects of
facilities management policies: i.e., whether each institution
had one, and what rules were in place related to the use of
office space in the different museums. The meeting was
adjourned with a request for a future regional meeting at the
Diefenbunker in nearby Carp, Ontario, which was constructed
during the Cold War era. No date has yet been set.

The 36,444-square-foot Energy Center consists of a
chiller plant, a boiler plant, plumbing equipment rooms,
electrical rooms, main server rooms and support spaces
such as a control room, shops, and storage spaces. There
were also special rooms for the equipment providing
medical suction, de-ionized and R.O. water, medical gases
etc. The Energy Center is a major contributing factor to
the Medical Center’s LEED Gold target.
The design had a number of elements special to, as
a life-support facility in earthquake country. The steel
moment-frame construction incorporates all the latest
seismic-resistive measures. There are three huge Cat diesel
generators mounted on the roof, which can pick up the
entire load for a few days. They have large cisterns of water to
carry them through an emergency, plus a large sewage cistern
so they can continue to discharge even if the municipal
system fails. There are appropriate tanks to hold large
quantities of oxygen and diesel fuel onsite, too. The boilers
are natural-gas-fired with diesel back-up. There is also a
heliport atop the inpatient wing.
We enjoyed seeing this state-of-the-art facility, which
gave us all something to think about and take back to our
institutions. In his orientation, our host Joe Rios, who has
30+ years with the UC Medical Center, explained their
unique approach to the design. The existing hospitals’
engineering staff had meaningful input and dialog, beginning five years before groundbreaking, and continuing
now as they approach final handover.
Joe said that it has made a world of difference getting
the input of the feet-on-the-ground engineers incorporated
into this progressive design. After seeing so many things
not work well, or fail, during his long career, it has been
particularly rewarding to use his experience and that of
others to alter the design and ensure smoother and more
efficient operation of the UCSF Medical Center in future.

Northern California and Nevada Regional
By Jennifer Fragomeni

It took three attempts at scheduling, but we were finally
able to secure a date and time for our fourth-quarter tour
and meeting. The Northern California Chapter met at the
construction site for the new University of California San
Francisco (UCSF) Medical Center at Mission Bay on Friday,
November 8. This huge new facility is billed as a Women’s
and Children’s Hospital, and is scheduled to open in
January 2015.
We held a brief business meeting, during which we
brainstormed about locations and topics of interest for
next year’s quarterly regional meetings, and reported back
on this year’s IAMFA Conference. We were then given an
overview presentation of the Medical Center campus, and a
tour of the newly constructed Energy Center that will serve
two hospitals and an outpatient building.



Left to right: Our host Joe Rios, to whom we are thankful for the
tour; Mr. Massey, our guide; and Tamara, Jennifer, Mark, Heather,
Shani, Chuck, Lilly and Ari (Joe Brennan taking photo).
The ten attendees at this meeting were:
Jennifer Fragomeni, Exploratorium
Chuck Mignacco, Exploratorium
Jesse MacQuiddy, Exploratorium
Shani Krevsky, Exploratorium
Joe Brennan, formerly SFMOMA (retired)
Ari Harding, California Academy of Sciences
Heather Hickman Holland, San Francisco Art Institute
Mark Palmer, City of San Francisco, Municipal Green

Building Task Force
Tamara Hayes, Museum at the Mint
Lillian Stamets, UCSF Gift Shops

U.K. Regional Chapter
By Jack Plumb

The latest in a long line of joint meetings between Estates/
Facilities teams and their Conservation colleagues was held
at the National Portrait Gallery in London. Many thanks to
Allan Tyrrell, who hosted the event, and David Redrup,
who did all the organising. I should also mention, as a
measure of the success of these meetings, that there were
just over 40 attendees at this meeting.
The meeting kicked off with a welcome from Judith West,
Director of Operations and Resources at the Portrait Gallery.
Dr. Nigel Blades, preventative Conservation Advisor
(Environmental) at the National Trust, provided the first
presentation on how the National Trust was implementing
its energy policy throughout its estate. For those not familiar
with the work of the National Trust in the U.K., it is an
organisation established to promote the permanent preservation, for the benefit of the nation, of palaces and artefacts
of natural beauty or historical significance. It is also worth
noting the slightly different definition of conservation that
the National Trust has, compared with what we normally
recognise within an IAMFA gallery and museum environment.

• Second stage: Efficiency measures (insulation, upgrade
old and inefficient installations, improved operating
practices and maintenance).
• Third stage: Renewables and low-carbon technologies.
The first stage was well recognised by IAMFA colleagues,
as we all appreciate that what you don’t measure you cannot
manage; however, Nigel took some time to explain how the
National Trust implemented humidity control by varying the
temperature. The environmental envelope they worked
around was 50% and 65% RH, which was controlled by
varying the space temperature between 5°C and 22°C. Whilst
this worked very well for the time that the spaces were
unoccupied, they were having to adjust these parameters for
occupied hours, especially during public opening hours.
The next presentation was provided by Chris Tiernan, the
U.K. Managing Director of ERCO Lighting. Chris, whom all
those who attended the recent conference in Washington
will remember, gave a great presentation on the development of LED lighting within galleries, with particular
reference to the Portrait Gallery. In the time allocated,
Chris gave a very brief overview of that presentation, but
did emphasise a couple of points.
These were, firstly, the ability of the LED light source to
provide sufficient colour rendering for the works of art—
particularly the reds in paintings. He noted that the advantages of using LED lighting for galleries were their improved
efficiency, lack of colour drift during dimming, and vastly

National Trust—Definition of Conservation: . . . the careful
management of change. It is about revealing and sharing the
significance of places and ensuring that their special qualities
are protected, enhanced, enjoyed and understood by present
and future generations.
Nigel went on to explain that National Trust stately homes
tended to be mostly Grade I listed, all with unique interiors
and collections. These buildings are generally large, very
leaky, have single-glazed windows, are not insulated, and
use oil-fired heating, but still need environmental control
for collection conservation. Maintaining environmental
conditions within the close tolerances of a conventional
museum environment were thus just not practical, which
led the National Trust to develop its energy policy. The
energy policy is based on a three-step process:
• First stage: Measure baseline consumption and
performance (energy metering and surveys).

The National Portrait Gallery, London.


improved lamp life. Chris went on to explain that good
modern suppliers can now provide this quality of LED
luminaire, as demonstrated by the vast number of successful
installations of LED luminaires within galleries around
the world.
The other point that Chris made, as demonstrated by
later tours around the Portrait Gallery, was that trials should
be held to critically test performance, and those trials
should be held in a significantly large area. This last point
was crucial to achieving a comprehensive understanding
of the performance of any lighting scheme—never mind
a state-of-the-art LED lighting scheme.
The penultimate presentation was provided by Franky
Scott of Autoflame. Franky explained that Autoflame provided engineered solutions which are proven and trusted
for some of the most demanding and critical boiler applications. Their sophisticated burner-management systems,
the result of many years of practical experience, maximise
the efficiency of boiler plants, dramatically reducing fuel

Allan Tyrrell explaining the benefits of LED lighting within a gallery

consumption, costs and harmful emissions. Many organisations rely on Autoflame to improve the effectiveness of
their boilers. The results are impressive. Environmental
objectives have been achieved through significant reductions in emissions. Lower fuel costs have also helped
organisations adapt to rising fuel prices and changes in
the economic environment.
The final presentation was provided by Edward Spell of
Cofely GDF Suez. Edward’s presentation was on humidity:
why we need it, ways to provide it, and some cost/carbon
comparisons. Edward explained that humidification for
archival environments is required to conserve collections
and avoid expensive and complicated repair costs. Edward
then went over the ways in which cabinets could be used to
maintain humidity levels passively, with the use of silica gel
and prosorb being popular materials.
Should passive humidification not be sufficient to meet
humidification requirements, active humidification would
be required. Various types of humidification equipment are
available, from the standard electrode steam plant, resistive
steam plant and gas-fired steam plant, to the various form
of adiabatic humidification plant.
To calculate the amount of humidification required,
Edward introduced us to the delights of the psychometric
chart, and went through a couple of standard calculations
to determine the required level of humidification. Edward
concluded with a couple of graphs that showed a comparison
of whole-life operating costs for the various types of humidifiers, which interestingly identified the portable adiabatic
humidifier as the most cost-effective way of providing
humidification within an archival environment.
To round off the day, Allan Tyrrell hosted a number of
tours around the Portrait Gallery to demonstrate just how
well the new ERCO LED spotlighting had improved the
viewing experience of the collection, while also significantly
reducing the running costs and carbon footprint of the
Portrait Gallery. Behind-the-scenes tours were also given
of conservation areas, where we saw at first hand the work
of the conservators.
A special thanks to Allan and his colleagues at the
Portrait Gallery for the tours and explanations.




A ceiling view of LED lighting in action.



Peterborough Museum &

Compton Verney House Trust

Architect of the Capitol

Compton Verney, Warwickshire

Washington, DC

The Energy Consortium

architrve pc architects

Norbury, London, England

Washington, DC

Glasgow Life, Glasgow City

Art Institute of Chicago

Protect Heritage Corp.
Orleans, Ontario

Glasgow, Scotland

Royal British Columbia

Historic Royal Palaces

Art Gallery of New South

Peterborough, Ontario

Sydney, New South Wales

Ottawa, Ontario

Australian Centre for the
Moving Image
Melbourne, VIC

Museum of Old and New Art
Berriedale, Tasmania

Physical Resource Bureau

Victoria, British Columbia

Museum Victoria



National Gallery of Australia
Canberra, ACT

Hong Kong

National Portrait Gallery of
Canberra, ACT

Port Arthur Historic Sites

Canberra, ACT

Steensen Varming

Credit Agricole

Canada Science & Technology
Museum Corporation

Venezia Mestre

Auckland Museum

Christchurch Art Gallery
Christchurch, Canterbury

Royal New Zealand Navy
Devonport, Auckland

Canadian Museum of

Uxbridge Creative Centre
Howick, Auckland

Gatineau, Quebec


Canadian Museum of Nature
Candian Museum for Human
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Integrated Heritage

Qatar Museums Auithority

Qatar National Museum


Almonte, Ontario

Library Archives of Canada
Gatineau, Quebec

Lundholm Associates
Toronto, Ontario

National Gallery of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario

British Library
London, England

British Museum
London, England

Camfil Limited

Philadelphia, PA

London, England

Belimo Aircontrols USA, Inc

Edinburgh, Scotland

Midlothian, VA

Boston Athenaeum

Liverpool, England

Boston, MA

Brooklyn Museum of Art

Edinburgh, Scotland

Brooklyn, NY

Buro Happold
New York, NY

London, England

California Academy of Sciences
San Francisco, CA

Natural History Museum
London, England

Norland Managed Services

Carnegie Museums of

London, England

Pittsburgh, PA

Royal Academy of Arts,
Burlington House, Piccadilly

CBT Architects
Boston, MA

Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, OH

SPIE Matthew Hall
Suffolk, England

Columbus Museum of Art
Columbus, OH

London, England


Cooper-Hewitt, National
Design Museum

London, England

New York, NY

University of Greenwich

Currier Museum of Art

London, England

Manchester, NH

Victoria & Albert Museum

Cypress Security, LLC

London, England

San Francisco, CA

Delaware Art Museum


Wilmington, DE

Aegis Property Group

Delaware Museum of Natural

Philadelphia, PA

AFS Chemical Filtration Group
Burlington, MA

Alied Barton
Wallingford, PA

Haslingden, Lancashire

Anacostia Community

Cofely Ltd

Washington, DC

Worcester Park, Surrey

Baltimore, MD

The Barnes Foundation

London, England

Ottawa, Ontario

Ottawa, Ontario

Edinburgh, Scotland

National Portrait Gallery


Aanischaaukamikw Cree
Cultural Institiute

Ottawa, Ontario

Baltimore Museum of Art

National Museums Scotland

Polymnia Venezia srl

Black and McDonald

Atlanta, GA

Richmond, Surrey

National Museums Liverpool



Ouje-Bougoumou, Quebec

Atlanta History Center

The National Archives

National Library of Scotland

Steensen Varming


Washington, DC

Molesey, Surrey

National Gallery, London

Port Arthur, Tasmania

Questacon, The National
Science and Technology

Arts and Industries Building

National Galleries of Scotland
Steensen Varming

Chicago, IL

Wilmington, DE

DERBIGUM Americas, Inc.
Kansas City, MO

Dumbarton Oaks Research
Library and Collection
Washington, DC

Ewing Cole
Washington, DC


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Papyrus Winter 2013 14

  • 1. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A S S O C I AT I O N O F M U S E U M F A C I L I T Y A D M I N I S T R AT O R S PAPYRUS VOL. 14, NO. 3 Preview of the 2014 Scotland Conference Best Practices: Sustainable Roofs British Library New Lighting Control System Recap of the 2013 Washington, D.C. Conference, Including IAMFA’s New 5-Year Strategic Plan WINTER 2013–2014
  • 2.
  • 3. CONTENTS Message from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The 23rd IAMFA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C.: A Week of Learning, Culture, Networking and Tours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Benchmarking Workshop: Sharing Practical Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 33 Regional Updates and Member News . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A New Lighting Control System for the British Library Auditorium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steensen Varming’s 80th Anniversary . . . . . . . . . . . . Letter from the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 IAMFA Members—Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3 Best Practices Feature Article: Sustainability and Proper Roof Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preview of the 24th IAMFA Annual Conference in Scotland, U.K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy Waste Due to Low Delta T in Chilled Water Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 10 13 Cover photo: Martin Luther King Memorial in Washington, D.C. Photo by Daniel Davies IAMFA BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGIONAL CHAPTERS President and 2013 Conference Chair Nancy Bechtol Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC, USA Atlanta, U.S.A. — Kevin Streiter High Museum of Art V.P., Administration Randy Murphy Los Angeles County Museum of Art Los Angeles, CA, USA V.P., Regional Affairs Brian Coleman Museum Victoria Melbourne, Australia Treasurer Alan Dirican Dumbarton Oaks Washington, DC, USA IAMFA/ Papyrus Volume 14, Number 3 Winter 2013–2014 Editor Joe May Contributors Nancy Bechtol Michael Cummings Maurice Evans Jennifer Fragomeni Todd Garing Secretary David Sanders Natural History Museum (Retired) London, UK Editor Joseph E. May Sustainability Engineer Los Angeles, CA, USA 2014 Conference Chair Jack Plumb National Library of Scotland Edinburgh, UK For additional contact information, please visit our website at Craig S. Isaacson Joe May Jack Plumb Ed Richard Mike Wildsmith Stacey Wittig Australia — Shaun Woodhouse Australian Centre for the Moving Image Chicago, USA — William Caddick Art Institute of Chicago Los Angeles, USA — David Cervantes Los Angeles County Museum of Art New England, USA — Jim Moisson Harvard Art Museums New York, USA — Mark Demairo Neue Galerie New Zealand — Cliff Heywood Royal New Zealand Navy Printed in the U.S.A. by Knight Printing ISSN 1682-5241 Design and Layout Phredd Grafix Editing Artistic License Past issues of Papyrus can be found on IAMFA's website: Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada — Ed Richard National Gallery of Canada Philadelphia, USA — Rich Reinert Philadelphia Museum of Art Northern California, USA — Jennifer Fragomeni Exploratorium United Kingdom — Jack Plumb National Library of Scotland Washington/Baltimore, USA — Maurice Evans Smithsonian Institution For more information on becomming a member of the International Association of Museum Facility Administrators, please visit Statements of fact and opinion are made on the responsibility of authors alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of the editors, officers, or members of IAMFA. The editors of IAMFA Papyrus reserve the right to accept or to reject any Article or advertisement submitted for publication. While we have made every attempt to ensure that reproduction rights have been acquired for the illustrations used in this newsletter, please let us know if we have inadvertently overlooked your copyright, and we will rectify the matter in a future issue.
  • 4. LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Joe May Editor, Papyrus Greetings from Los Angeles! I n this first issue of Papyrus since the 2013 IAMFA Conference, we have included articles recapping the 23rd Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., and a recap by Stacey Wittig of the Benchmarking and Learning Workshop, which was held on the day prior to the start of the conference. This year’s benchmarking exercise had 51 participants from across the globe, and in her article Stacey draws comparisons between cost of operations for cultural institutions, and those of other types of facilities participating in benchmarking exercises administered by Facility Issues Inc. This year’s IAMFA Conference had record attendance, with more than 160 delegates and guests from Europe, the Americas, and Australasia enjoying 17 venues in and around Washington, D.C. This issue features a summary of the venues, sponsors, and educational components of the conference, along with recognition of those who received awards at our gala. In this issue, we have a variety of interesting articles authored by IAMFA members. Patrick Dixon from the British Library contributed an article about the new LED lighting system in their conference center auditorium at St. Pancras, London. We have also posted a video of the lighting system in operation on the www.IAMFA.Org Members Only Page, so please have a look sometime—it is spectacular! The 2013 Washington, D.C. Conference Organizing Committee did an amazing job, planning one of the best 2 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 conferences we’ve ever had. You’ll find a collection of pictures from this year’s conference in the centerfold of this issue of Papyrus, and our website’s Members Only Page has a link for downloading any of these images. There is also a video of images from the conference on the website’s 2013 Conference Page to document the conference for future visitors. If you ever wish to refresh your memories of past conferences, there are similar videos going back several years. Our Principal Sponsor for this year’s conference, Steensen Varming Ltd., celebrated its 80th anniversary a month before the IAMFA Conference. We’ve IAMFA enjoyed a record year in 2013, and 2014 will no doubt be another. included a short piece with a few pictures from the celebration at the Opera House in Sydney, Australia. You will find an article in this issue about energy loss in chilled-water systems, and how Belimo’s high-efficiency valves correct this. There is also an article about sustainability and proper roof design by Craig Isaacson from Derbigum, a new IAMFA corporate member. Finally, Todd Garing of Mueller Associates, an IAMFA corporate member and sponsor, contributed an article about the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at Mount Vernon. With this year’s IAMFA Conference behind us, it’s now time to begin communicating plans for next year’s conference in Scotland. You will find a preview in this issue. The 2014 Conference will have 14 venues in Edinburgh and Glasgow, including the National Library of Scotland; the Burrell Collection; the Riverside Museum, where we will have cocktails aboard a sailing ship from 1896; and the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, where we will enjoy a traditional Burns Supper. Please see the link on the website for more info about a Burns Supper . . . you won’t want to miss it— it sounds like an authentic piece of Scottish history. There will be a Guest Program as usual next year, including a chance to board a Concorde at the National Museum of Flight, and a visit to Rosslyn Chapel, made famous in the movie The Da Vinci Code. We’ll visit the National Museum of Scotland, as well as the National Galleries of Scotland, and the National Portrait Gallery, with the closing Gala held at the Royal Botanic Garden. There will be an optional extra day with a visit to New Lanark, originally created in the 18th century as a cotton mill, and now a World Heritage Site. Please visit the IAMFA website for more details, and start making your travel plans soon. IAMFA’s membership has grown significantly in 2013 to over 250, and its LinkedIn Group now has over 650 members from 48 countries. Thanks to all of our members who have helped spread the word about IAMFA, as well as those who have helped foster conversations in our LinkedIn Group. For Facebook users, try searching for IAMFA, and “Like” us, if you wish. We will be determining if Facebook is another way for members or guests to communicate, or to possibly reach candidates who may become IAMFA members in future. IAMFA enjoyed a record year in 2013, and 2014 will no doubt be another. Finally, my sincere thanks to those who contributed content to this issue of Papyrus. Your contributions continue to make this a great resource for facilities managers everywhere.
  • 5. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Nancy Bechtol President, IAMFA Greetings from Washington, D.C.! M y heartfelt thanks and appreciation go out to the entire 2013 Annual Conference Planning Committee, led by Tiffany Myers. What a wonderful conference we had in October, thanks to this team of 28! Have you ever been on a team with 28 players? Well, if you have, you know it isn’t easy to keep that many folks organized and all working in the same direction! Tiffany Myers made the job look easy, and we were all treated to a fabulous conference. Every host location was perfectly prepared for our arrival, and put on a great show. Although we had six official host locations during the conference, many more sites were visited. I do not think they could have fit more activity or stops into the agenda each day. The conference started with one of our most successful benchmarking workshops ever. Close to 50 members attended, and we spent the day learning about best practices in all of our museums and cultural institutions. Stacey Wittig and Keith McClanahan from Facilities Issues led us through this daylong workshop, and kept the content and ideas flowing. We were so busy that we didn’t even miss the coffeeless coffee break in the morning (well, maybe some of us did!). The main conference program started on Monday with over 160 of our 250 members attending. This is an amazing number, and one of which we should be most proud. Our hosts at both the Folger Shakespeare Library and the Library of Congress treated us to outstanding educational programs, tours and receptions. We spent most of this day on Capitol Hill, then visited several of our Memorial sites that evening. All of Tuesday was spent at our National Zoo, touring through their new Seal and Sea Lion, and Elephant exhibits. We even got to see mama panda resting and eating her bamboo breakfast, as we listened to the primary curator talk to us about how the month-old baby panda was doing. The educational programs that day were very informative, as we learned about everything from ideal environmental conditions for our collections to turf management! Our hosts on Wednesday were the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the National Museum of American History. Our tours and educational programs were informative and captivating, and reminded us of our history and the significance of what we do to preserve that history. No one who attended the annual conference this year will ever forget the Gala at the Udvar-Hazy Center in Dulles, Virginia. The trip out to this location was long, but so worth the travel! All of the conference activities were well planned and executed, and IAMFA’s membership will never forget the entire experience that was the 2013 Annual IAMFA Conference! The Board has placed a conference evaluation survey up on the IAMFA website’s Members Only Page (http:/ /, and we hope each of you will take the time to complete the survey. Our next conference is in Scotland, and the results of this survey will assist the Scotland planning committee in organizing their conference. We always strive to improve each year, and we welcome your input and ideas. IAMFA is much more than its annual conference, and the Board has been busy establishing plans for IAMFA’s two primary goals for 2014. We plan to develop two new working committees for increasing both membership and corporate sponsorship. I will talk more about these two goals in my next letter this spring. We wished John Castle a very fond farewell from the Board during the Annual Conference, and thanked him for his years of service on the IAMFA Board, as well as for his leadership as Conference Chair for the 2012 Annual Conference in Philadelphia. We already miss his wit and charm during our Board meetings, as we have been through one so far without his presence. John, it is just not the same! Luckily, we were able to secure a new Board member to take John’s place at the Annual Meeting, and Brian Coleman has already begun taking over John’s leadership of our IAMFA Chapters. It isn’t an easy job, but Brian is up to the task! We were able to close out our 2013 Annual Conference budget with a surplus in our savings account, mainly because of the sponsorship support we received for this conference. The planning committee person in charge of securing this level of sponsorship was John Bixler. He worked tirelessly all year long with all of our sponsors, and put together an amazing support package for this conference. The IAMFA Board cannot thank our sponsors enough for their dedicated support of this conference and our programs. John secured 15 different companies as sponsors, and each of these companies played a role in the success of this conference. Our primary sponsor was again Steensen Varming, and they won our first-ever IAMFA Diplomat Award at the Gala, for their continued support of IAMFA. I look forward to assisting our Scotland planning team—led by Jack Plumb this year—as they continue their work towards the next annual conference in September 2014. I can’t wait to see everyone again next fall. Maybe next year we can see all of our members in Scotland! PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 3
  • 6. BEST PRACTICES Sustainability and Proper Roof Design By Craig S. Isaacson I t is estimated that over 3 billion square feet of low-slope commercial and institutional roofing is installed in the United States every year.1 If all of these roof installations were installed with a commitment to a sustainable application, enough energy would be saved to provide heating and cooling needs equal to the annual energy requirements of 380,000 American homes.2 With a growing commitment to the sustainability of our buildings, facility managers only have to look to the roof to make a positive impact. A white roof, or “cool roof”, is an obvious way to achieve a degree of sustainability; but the roofing assembly provides other avenues to accomplish this goal with more impact. Efforts to recognize environmental achievements involving the roof have, in the past, seemed somewhat futile for owners of existing structures. While construction projects frequently involve LEED ratings, it is more difficult to make retrofit projects conform to existing LEED standards, as the roof is a nominally small but expensive part of the overall construction project. To help alleviate this situation, the Washington, D.C.- based Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing (CEIR) has developed a program to recognize sustainability through improvements to the roofing assembly/system. In 2012, CEIR advanced a new program, RoofPoint, with three main objectives at its core: 1. Promote the development and use of environmentally responsible, high-performance roof systems and technologies. 2. Provide a forum for the entire roofing industry. 3. Raise public awareness of the strategic value of our nation’s roofs. Comprised of roofing manufacturers, roofing contractors, specifiers, and suppliers, CEIR recognized a need in the industry to promote roofing applications that were truly sustainable and achievable. A focused, strategic resource dealing strictly with roof areas was needed. That resource would need to evaluate and promote energy efficiency, new energy production, and a sustainable environment. The driving force behind this initiative was a lack of effective tools to accomplish thorough sustainability for the roof. “Whole building” rating systems had three major deficiencies: 1. Lack of New Construction Focus for the Roof Assembly: Current rating systems address less than 20% of the annual roofing market potential. 1Center For Environmental Innovation in Roofing 2Ibid. 4 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 2. System Complexity Costs: Rating system was too costly to apply to smaller-scale roofing projects. 3. Lack of Emphasis on Primary Roofing Function: Roofs must still keep water out of the building for a very long time. With implementation of the RoofPoint rating system, decision-making was improved. Good roofing practice was encouraged and made easier. The goals are relevant and consistently measureable. The objectives are designed to be covered in a single, comprehensive guideline. The durability of a roofing system is emphasized and roof maintenance, a common oversight, is encouraged and rewarded. As a result, the best roofing decisions are recognized and designed in to the roof specification. To ensure the implementation, growth, and continuity of the RoofPoint program, the RoofPoint Foundation was created with the help of a $750,000 grant from the Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress. With oversight provided by the CEIR Board of Directors, the process was vetted in a two-step public review process. Validation of the program has just been completed via a one-year national pilot program, involving over 500 low-slope roofs in the United States. How RoofPoint Works RoofPoint works as a sustainability program through a multi-step process. The Environmental Category is composed of four elements. This section is designed to evaluate the following: • Energy Management • Resources (Material Management and Water Management) • Life Cycle (Durability and Life Cycle Management) • Innovation in Roofing Energy Management Credit is given for High “R-value” roof systems, best thermal practices, roof surface thermal contribution, roof air barriers, rooftop energy systems, and rooftop daylighting. Resources Credit is given for recycled content, existing material reuse, waste management, the use of low-VOC materials, roof stormwater retention, and roof-related reduction of water use. The primary intention is to reduce the amount of solid waste, reduce ground-level ozone, and reduce stormwater run-off and related water pollution.
  • 7. Crystalline and low-profile solar panels are examples of rooftop energy systems—DERBIGUM manufacturing plant, Kansas City, Missouri. Daylighting can save energy consumption by replacing traditional interior lighting fixtures—Festival Foods, Kansas City, Missouri. Life Cycle This element has nine areas of examination: durable roof insulations, roof drainage design, roof traffic protection, increased wind resistance, hygrothermal analysis, construction moisture management, durability enhancement, roof maintenance programs, and project installation quality. This area focuses on durability and maximizing the life cycle of the roofing installation. It aims to reduce issues that are “built into the roof” during installation, which eventually lead to the premature aging of the roof assembly. Innovation This element recognizes design and product innovation, while also raising industry standards. The candidate roof is given extra credit for first-time innovation, and for exceeding state-of-the-art practices. The Menil Collection—Houston, Texas. The RoofPoint Guideline The RoofPoint Guideline, originally implemented in 2012, was developed in two rounds of public review from roofing industry leaders and professionals. It was then validated through a one-year process of actual applications from across the United States and Mexico. Prestigious museums that were a part of this vetting process are the Menil Collection, the Fine Arts Museum Houston, and the Rienzi Museum. The scoring and credentialing of the certification process has now been expanded to include steep roofing applications as well as low-slope roofs. Most roofs with a slope in excess of 3” /12” fall into this category and may include slate, tile, and other energy-efficient roofing materials. The Guideline has a simple organization with clear requirements. Each topical requirement has an index that describes the intent and the strategy to the user. The guidelines are The Museum of Fine Arts Houston— Houston, Texas. Rienzi Museum—Houston, Texas. PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 5
  • 8. BEST PRACTICES designed to create innovation and flexibility. Free downloads are available at Accompanying the Guideline is the project application. This has been designed in a quick and easy format. Credits are automatically tallied for the final score. Hyperlinks to requirements are accessible for each credit. This feature became available in July of 2012. The scoring for each individual component is: • • • • Non-Compliant = 0 points per credit Meets Requirement = 1 points per credit Exceeds Requirement = 1.5 points per credit Meets Intent = 1 points per credit To be recognized as a RoofPoint installation, the roof assembly must have a minimum score of 12.0 points. Additionally, at least one point must be earned in the Energy, Resources, and Life Cycle elements. Most roofs designed to the RoofPoint criteria average between 18 and 21 points. RoofPoint is intended to evaluate both new and replacement roofs for commercial and institutional buildings, 6 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 using current state-of-the-art as a baseline. RoofPoint allows for evaluation of a roof system’s environmental performance over the life cycle of the building. It provides a useful measure for what constitutes a sustainable roof in design, construction, operation, and decommission. RoofPoint also gives the facility director a vehicle with which to implement sustainability objectives, life cycle enhancements, and quality roofing specifications worthy of the building’s architectural design and its priceless contents. Reduced energy costs and lowered maintenance expense are the most tangible benefits that a building owner can recognize. A maximized life cycle will take a few more years to realize, but it is highly anticipated. Craig S. Isaacson, RRP has over 45 years in the roofing industry, and is Senior Vice-President of DERBIGUM Americas, Inc., a global roofing membrane manufacturer with plants in North America and Europe. Craig serves on the Board of Directors of the Roof Integrated Solar Energy (RISE), Certification Board of CEIR, and on the RoofPoint Development Committee. He has 13 projects recognized for sustainable attributes by RoofPoint, including 4 nationally awarded projects. He can be reached at
  • 9. Preview of the 24th IAMFA Annual Conference in Scotland, U.K. By Jack Plumb F or Scotland—named one of the top three must-visit destinations in the world for 2014—it will certainly be a very busy year. We have a year of homecoming, with Scots from around the world returning to their roots with special events throughout the year. We have the Commonwealth Games in July; we have the Edinburgh International Festival in August; we have the Ryder Cup in September; we even have a referendum which will decide the political future of Scotland—oh, and I almost forgot, we also have the 24th IAMFA Conference in September. Yes, you are all invited to come and join the party, and what a party it will be! The 24th Annual IAMFA Conference will be held in Scotland on September 14–17, with an optional day on Thursday, September 18— but more on that later. The organising team has laid the groundwork for a very exciting programme, which will include an educational programme, visits to a number of iconic venues, as well as time for the more serious side of the conference— yes, socialising and sampling Scotland’s most famous export. So come and see Scotland—post-Enlightenment, but still living with, and preserving that amazing legacy. You will see what a modern Scotland has to offer, meet the new Scotland, and see for yourself how we embrace the past, but constantly reinvent ourselves to meet the new challenges that this ever-changing planet has to offer. The theme for the 2014 IAMFA Conference . . . well, that is the fourth dimension—the fourth dimension being time. We have the past, but how do we reinvent that past to deliver a new cultural heritage for our children to embrace and take forward? The programme has been carefully selected to tell this story, starting in Glasgow where we will learn about a heavily industrialised city—at one time, the most important industrial city in the British Empire—that fell into decline. We will see how it picked itself up and reinvented itself as a modern cultural tourist destination. Today, Glasgow is bursting with museums and galleries— some old, some new, but all offering a glimpse of Glasgow’s rich heritage in a truly inspirational way. For the conference hotel, we have selected the Apex International and Apex City hotels, which are both fourstar hotels located next to one another in the Grassmarket, which is in the heart Edinburgh’s old town. The prebooked rooms include a full Scottish breakfast. Joe May will be providing a link through the website for booking the hotel, and I would urge you all to use that link, as IAMFA does get a small fee for every booking made through the website. The hotel will take upgrades for “supreme” rooms, which have king-sized beds and a view of the castle; but this is on a first come, first served basis. As we expect demand to be high, we have also pre-booked additional rooms at the Ibis South Bridge Hotel, which also includes a full Scottish breakfast. Both hotels are very close to all the main Edinburgh venues, and you will soon find that Edinburgh is quite a small town, with all the Edinburgh venues within easy walking distance. Benchmarking registration and the opening reception will both be held at the National Library of Scotland, just a five-minute walk from your hotel. Walking up Victoria Street will bring you to the front of the Library. Your first view will be of the seven Lorimer sculptures, and the main entrance. One trick you will have to get used to in Edinburgh is the bridges. At first sight, you might think that the main entrance is on the ground floor; but you actually enter on the eleventh floor—yes, there are ten floors below you. The street that runs past both hotels is actually the ground floor of this building. Incidentally, just down the street on the righthand side you will see the Elephant House—the coffee shop where J.K. Rowling wrote some of her first Harry Potter novel. On Monday morning, coaches will leave from the Apex Hotel to travel to Glasgow. Our first stop will be the Burrell Museum, set in the very The Burrell Collection in Glasgow. PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 7
  • 10. picturesque Pollock Park. This is a truly remarkable story: Sir William Burrell, a very wealthy Glasgow shipping merchant and philanthropist, donated his vast collection, along with £250,000, to the city to provide a space to exhibit his collection. Knowing a thing or two about his home town, and remembering that Glasgow at the time was a heavily industrialised and polluted city, he thought this was not the place to build a museum to exhibit precious and delicate works of art, so he set the condition that his museum had to be built within the city boundaries, but in a rural setting. Glasgow eventually bought Pollock Park, which allowed construction of the Burrell Museum, completed in 1983. Guests will have a guided tour of the Burrell before they head off to the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum for lunch, followed by guided tours if they wish. Delegates have a number of presentations, followed by their guided tour of the museum. The Riverside Museum and the Glenlee, where members will have cocktail hour. After lunch, delegates travel to the new Riverside Museum, opened in June 2011, which was recently voted the 2013 museum of the year. The 7800square-metre museum was designed by Zaha Hadid, and symbolises the dynamic relationship between Glasgow and the shipbuilding, seafaring and industrial legacy of the River Clyde. Guests join the delegates later in the afternoon for a drinks reception aboard the tall ship Glennlee. The Glenlee is one of many hundreds of ships built in Glasgow’s shipyards. Originally launched in 1896, it is now one of only five Clyde-built sailing ships still afloat. After the drinks reception, we depart for the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum for a traditional Burns Supper. A tough day, but you will get the opportunity to sleep on the bus back to Edinburgh. Tuesday will be a quieter day than Monday, but no less inspirational. Our host today will be the National Museum of Scotland. Continuing our theme, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, the location for Monday’s traditional Burns Supper. See for details. The Concorde at the National Museum of Flight. 8 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 we will hear about the redevelopment of the National Museum of Scotland, which involved taking a building that first opened in 1886 and reinventing it as the vibrant and accessible modern museum you see today. Guests will have a guided tour around the Museum, then take a bus to East Fortune, just outside Edinburgh, to the National Museum of Flight. There they will enjoy a guided tour of the museum, as well as a chance to climb into the Concorde. After lunch, guests take a short bus ride across to Rosslyn Chapel. For those of you who have seen The Da Vinci Code, yes, it’s that Rosslyn Chapel. Guests will have time for a guided tour before the bus ride home. After lunch, delegates will have the AGM, followed by a guided tour around the museum. On Wednesday, our host will be the National Galleries of Scotland, where we learn how to display a national collection in a sustainable way. Whist we start at the National Galleries on the The National Museum of Scotland. Rosslyn Chapel, made famous by The Da Vinci Code.
  • 11. Mound, we will also visit the recently refurbished Scottish Portrait Gallery to see how a National Collection is exhibited and preserved. Today we will be sharing with our conservation colleagues, who will join us to hear about the recent refurbishment of the Portrait Gallery—not the refurbishment itself, but how that refurbishment was used to introduce broader environmental control parameters. These manage to preserve the collection, but in a more sustainable way. After lunch, delegates walk across to the Portrait Gallery for a guided tour. Guests have a more relaxing day with a gentle stroll down the Royal Mile, ending up at Holyrood Palace. We will have an early finish to the programme today, as it is back to the hotel to get changed for the Gala Dinner. The Gala Dinner will be held at the Royal Botanic Garden of Edinburgh. At the Botanic, we will have a guided tour through the gardens, eventually leading us to the new John Muir Gatehouse for the group photograph and Gala Dinner. For those of us who have booked the additional day on Thursday, it’s onto the bus for a trip to New Lanark. New Lanark is a World Heritage Site created in the 18th century as a cotton mill, but made famous by mill manager and social pioneer, Robert Owen. We arrive just in time for a light lunch, followed by guided tours. Watch for the water-driven turbines that used to drive the mill, which are now utilised to generate electricity, making the site almost self-sufficient in electricity. For those wishing to make this a slightly longer trip, I have added a couple of links to websites that provide a lot of information about Scotland in general, and holiday breaks in particular. International Conference September 14-18, 2014 http:/ / Jack Plumb is Head of Estates at the National Library of Scotland, and Chair of the IAMFA Scotland 2014 organising committee. The National Galleries of Scotland. Holyrood Palace. SCOTLAND IAMFA 14 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUSEUM FACILITY ADMINISTRATORS The National Portrait Gallery. The Royal Botanic Garden, where the closing Gala Dinner will be held. New Lanark, destination for the optional additional day of tours. PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 9
  • 12. The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington By Todd Garing M ount Vernon—George Washington’s beautiful estate overlooking the Potomac River, just south of the nation’s capital— welcomes thousands of visitors each year to tour Washington’s mansion, farm, and gardens. Now, with the opening of the new Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington, the estate is also a welcoming home for scholars of President Washington, the Founding Fathers, and Colonial America. This elegant retreat is set on 15 serene, wooded acres, directly across the street from the estate. The 45,000square-foot library consists of a threelevel, light-filled building with offices, meeting rooms, and carefully designed spaces for special collections and rare volumes. Nearby, a new 7,300-squarefoot residence features two apartments and six guest suites for visiting scholars. had previously worked together on numerous museum and visitor-center projects requiring stringent environmental controls, and understood the critical challenges involved in protecting these valuable collections. Three air-handling units were incorporated into the building systems design, with one unit specifically dedicated to the special collections areas. Additional collections are stored in a circulating collection area adjacent to the first-floor reading room and on the lower level, with the upper level Protecting Rare Documents The Mount Vernon Ladies Association, which commissioned the design and construction of the Library, sought a suitable home for 19th- and 20thcentury books and other objects commemorating Washington, as well as a portion of his own personal collection of books, manuscripts, documents, maps, and letters. The building features two rare-book rooms, as well as an oval-shaped vault that houses 103 volumes owned by George and Martha Washington. Maintaining appropriate temperature, humidity, and air quality for the building’s varied uses was a key objective for the design of the facility. The secure, climate-controlled vault is among 68 temperature zones within the building. Mueller Associates provided the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) engineering design for the project, working closely with the architectural firm of Ayers Saint Gross. The Baltimore-based design team 10 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington. Daylight permeates the building, with two-story windows surrounding the reading room on three sides.
  • 13. housing offices. Daylight permeates the building, with two-story windows surrounding the reading room on three sides. The largest meeting room, which features a micro-tile digital display wall, also has windows on three sides. The MEP design maintains a comfortable environment for visitors, with demandbased controls for temperature and humidity. A perimeter radiation system integrated into the architecture provides added comfort near the glass. Sustainable Strategies Building goals included a high level of energy efficiency and sustainability, and the library is designed to LEED®Gold certification standards. Chilled water is used for cooling and dehumidification, with a dedicated stand-alone chilled water plant. Energy-efficient systems include a dedicated heatrecovery chiller; an energy-recovery Interior of the Library ventilator; a hot water heating system with condensing boilers located in the basement; high-efficiency toilets and urinals; low-flow, sensor-operated faucets; daylight harvesting; dimmable lighting; and occupancy sensors. All of the systems modulate efficiently to meet variable heating and cooling loads. The sustainable strategies extend to the building’s relationship with the site. In addition to providing daylight, the abundant glass offers extended views of the surrounding landscape, designed by Michael Vergason Landscape Architects. The U-shaped building embraces a courtyard, and was designed to minimize disturbance to the site. In addition to an extensive tree-preservation effort, the building’s air-cooled chiller was positioned onsite, but well away from the building. Incorporating the MEP equipment and piping into the building proved to be another key challenge. The building is designed to maximize ceiling heights, which limited the amount of space in which to route ductwork and piping. The two attic mechanical rooms feature tight slopes, which required careful planning in order to integrate large equipment. Mueller Associates and Ayers Saint Gross made optimal use of Revit® 3-D modeling software to coordinate the design. Connecting to History and Sense of Place Meeting its lofty objectives for design, sustainability, and purpose, the Library is a striking addition to the Mount Vernon property. “It has been such an honor to be the lead architectural firm in designing this library for our first President,” says Adam Gross, FAIA, principal of Ayers Saint Gross. “Our goal was to reflect George Washington’s ideals of character, order, balance, strength, precision, and elegance in the design of the buildings and grounds. With the help of our teammates from Mueller Associates, we were able to meet this goal.” With the completion of the library, George Washington’s own dream has been realized. “I have not houses to build, except one, which I must erect for the accommodation and security of my military, civil and private papers, which are voluminous and may be interesting,” he wrote in a letter in the spring of 1797. Now, with his books and documents protected and preserved in this exceptional new facility, scholars can further their study of the country’s first President. Todd Garing, PE, LEED AP BD+C is a Vice-President with Baltimore-based Mueller Associates. He served as principalin-charge of the MEP engineering for the Smith Library. Past issues of Papyrus can be found on IAMFA’s website PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 11
  • 14. Service. Elevated. Your elevators, escalators and moving walks need to operate safely, efficiently and reliably. That’s why you need Schindler Service. From preventive maintenance to unscheduled repairs and equipment upgrades, you can count on Schindler Service any time of day, any time of year. Our highly trained technicians and variety of maintenance plans can help maximize your ROI, whether you have equipment from Schindler or any other major manufacturer. Rely on us. Schindler Elevator Corporation 6800 Muirkirk Road Beltsville, MD 20705-1227 Phone: 301-419-7700 Fax: 301-419-7701
  • 15. Energy Waste Due to Low Delta T in Chilled Water Systems By Michael Cummings Low Delta T Syndrome Low Delta T Syndrome is a costly problem that can be quite difficult to pinpoint and eliminate. Low Delta T Syndrome is a scenario in which the water returned to the chiller plant is too cold. This indicates that the chilled water was not used to design efficiency within the building. These inefficiencies can be caused by a number of factors, including poor valve or coil selection, pervasive use of three-way valves and coil bypass lines, and system overflow. Assuming that the building has a solid and modern design—meaning we can rule out bypass and three-way valve causes—it is likely that Low Delta T Syndrome is being caused by excessive water flow in the system. The critical objective here is using the energy effectively, in order to maintain the environmental conditions necessary for the protection of valuable exhibits, while simultaneously minimizing energy consumption. How does system overflow cause low delta T? The explanation here is quite simple; flow and delta T are inversely proportional. This means that, with load held constant, a 20% overflow will result in a 20% reduction in delta T. This can also be displayed by examining the power formula: Q = 500 ¥ GPM ¥ delta T What is the energy impact of Low Delta T Syndrome? There are two prime energy benefits surrounding a resolution of Low Delta T Syndrome. First, pumping water is expensive: the energy required to pump 10% more water is not 10% more horsepower. The pump affinity laws tell us it will be significantly more than that: HP1 GPM1 ____ = Ê______ˆ3 ËGPM2¯ HP2 reduce the output capacity of the device, causing the coil to produce delta Ts lower than the coil manufacturer’s design. How do you know if this is a problem in your plant? Ask questions. If you don’t know it already, find out the average supply and return temperatures at the chiller plant, and compare these to design. Talk to the central plant staff; ask them about the delta T of the system. Talk to the facilities staff and see what, if any, programs are in place to maintain and clean the air handler and other terminal unit coils. Resources for learning more about Low Delta T Syndrome and solutions: Degrading Chilled Water Plant Delta-T: Causes and Mitigation by Steven T. Taylor, P.E. Symposium AC-02-6-1 Degrading Delta-T-Taylor.pdf Solving Low Delta T Syndrome at MIT University A presentation from the 2012 I.D.E.A Energy Impacts of Chilled Water Piping Configurations by Roy S. Hubbard of Johnson Controls be/integrated_hvac_systems/hvac_equipment/chiller/ downloads/ARRP-12-021%20.pdf Product: Belimo Energy Valve A Proposed Solution: The Belimo Energy Valve The Belimo Energy Valve is a fully pressure-independent valve that additionally allows the user to set a delta T threshold to eliminate low delta T at the coil. With the According to this formula, reducing flow by 10% will reduce pump horsepower by 33%. The second benefit concerns the chiller plant. Efficient use of water at the point of consumption will reduce the demand on the central plant. The Cause is at the Coil Low delta T occurring at the chiller plant is the result of low delta T performance at the air-handler units and other terminal coils. Low delta T in coils can be caused by a few factors, including poor valve or coil selection, coil overflow due to pressure fluctuations, and damaged or dirty coils. Poor sizing and pressure issues can also lead directly to coil overflow and reduced delta T. Damaged or fouled coils The Belimo Energy Valve™ PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 13
  • 16. coils producing delta T at or above design, the entire system will benefit from high delta T. In addition to the control capabilities of the Belimo Energy Valve, the valve also has an onboard, BACnet-capable BTU meter. This allows for the collection of trend data that can be used to fine-tune the system, as well as to schedule predictive maintenance on air-handler coils. What are the immediate advantages of the Belimo Energy Valve? As soon as the valve is installed and a proper delta T setting selected, the delta T problems at that air handler are fixed. The change is immediate. And, since delta T is under control, there will no longer be any overflow in the coil, saving the high cost of over-pumping. What are the long-term benefits of the Belimo Energy Valve? Since the Belimo Energy Valve has the integrated BTU meter, you can receive a constant stream of performance data about the air handler. This data is critical for any continuous commissioning process, and is invaluable for a predictive maintenance program. But the true long-term benefit of a solution like the Belimo Energy Valve is the long-term energy saving that can be achieved by running your system at peak efficiency. Typical air-handler installation for chilled-water coil. Michael Cummings is the Regional Applications Consultant— Government Market for Belimo Aircontrols USA Inc., located in the Washington, D.C. area. He has over 25 years of controls experience with companies focused on industrial and commercial control components/systems working to provide energy efficient solutions to customers worldwide. For more information, please visit ENGINEERED TO PRESERVE OUR PAST For more information, visit 410.646.4500 Congratulations to Ayers Saint Gross on the design of the new Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington. Located at Mount Vernon, this beautiful center for scholarship features state-of-the-art archival storage for the estate’s Special Collections. 14 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 The IAMFA LinkedIn Group now has over 650 members from 48 countries. Join the Group and see what everyone is talking about, and PLEASE...join in the discussions; we'd like to hear what you have to say.
  • 17. LP3 SuperSPOT LED SERIES 50,000 HOUR LIFE 100,000 CBCP (6˚ Optic, 2300 Lumens/53W) Beam Spreads: 6˚, 10˚, 20˚, 32˚ Color Temperature: 2700K - 3000K; CRI: 80+ No UV or IR The LP3 SuperSPOT LED Series is the first in a line of high power, super-focused LED luminaires designed specifically for long throw, tight beam applications. Designed to take the place of aging low voltage sources, such as PAR56 or PAR64, this efficient, high power LED fixture can produce a 6 degree beam with 100,000 CBCP (2300 lumens/53 watts). The LP3 SuperSPOT Series is available with Lumentalk™ Technology from Lumenpulse, which enables LED fixtures to be individually controlled over existing power lines without the need for additional wiring or changing infrastructure. Lighting Services Inc The premier specialty lighting manufacturer. Lighting Services Inc 800 999-9574
  • 18. A New Lighting Control System for the British Library Auditorium By Mike Wildsmith A new lighting system has recently been installed in the 255-seat Auditorium at the British Library’s Conference Centre at St Pancras, London. The Conference Centre is marketed for external events via the Library’s catering partners, Peyton & Byrne. Library colleagues can also book the Conference Centre, or one of its five additional meeting rooms, for internal meetings and events on Mondays and Fridays, plus weekends on a first come, first served basis. The Library’s own experienced audiovisual team is on hand to support presentation and lighting requirements. The need to remain competitive with other high-profile event venues • Greater use of colour: the new system makes use of red, green and blue LEDs, allowing users to “colour change” both the cove lighting and stage spots, within a seemingly endless palette of up to 16 million colours. This enables the colour to be calibrated to support branding for partners or clients. See photo below. • Speed of setup • Flexibility Benefits Gained The benefits gained from the new lighting system include a significant reduction in energy consumption, with resulting cost savings, as well as increasing the Library’s appeal as an event venue. Mike Wildsmith is Electrical Services Manager at the British Library. A requirement to reduce energy consumption Replacement Energy savings Drivers for Change 60 x 50 watt tungsten downlighters with 7-watt LED equivalents • System and equipment obsolescence 67 x 1200 mm fluorescent fittings (nominal rating with ballast losses = 60 watts) with 265 x 305 mm LED fittings (nominal rating 13 watts) 575 watts Analogue dual channel wire wound dimmers with digital LED leading edge dimmers 700 watts • An opportunity to take advantage of developments in technology • The need to remain competitive with other high-profile event venues • A requirement to reduce energy consumption Total savings System and equipment obsolescence • Original design dated back to late 1980s/early 1990s • Equipment was obsolete and no longer supported by the original manufacturer • System utilised analog rather than digital control An opportunity to take advantage of developments in technology • Greater use of LED lighting (with associated benefits) • Introduction of new Digital Multiplex (DMX) lighting control system • Wireless DMX and WiFi remote control • Remote setup facility for stage spotlights 16 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 New lights illuminated in the auditorium. 2580 watts 3855 watts
  • 19. Control Panel—before upgrade. Control Panel—after upgrade. Removed kits. Become a Member of IAMFA For more information on becoming a member of the International Association of Museum Facility Administrators, please visit PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 17
  • 26. The 23rd IAMFA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. A Week of Learning, Culture, Networking and Tours By Joe May T he 23rd IAMFA Conference in Washington, D.C. will be remembered in part for the extraordinary effort by the conference organizers to make this year’s conference a reality. On October 1, 2013, the U.S. federal government shut down, as the two main political parties could not agree on budget concerns. As a result, all of the federally funded museums closed their doors, leaving conference organizers uncertain as to whether those doors would open again prior to the scheduled start of the conference. This meant that the organizers of this year’s conference had to plan backup locations for each day of the conference, in case we were not able to visit the original host venues. As it turned out, the government shutdown ended just a few days prior to the start of the conference—and what a wonder ful conference it turned out to be. We owe the entire conference organizing team so much for their extra efforts in making this year’s conference an overwhelming success. The 2013 IAMFA Conference organizing team was led by IAMFA’s President Nancy Bechtol, and included the following: Samantha Bartz Nancy Bechtol John Bixler Kristy Brosius Tony Cerveny David Conine Judie Cooper Dan Davies Maurice Evans Alfonzo Garner, Jr. Kendra Gastright Neal Graham Cecily Grzywacz Donna Heard Adrienne Jackson Charon Johnson 24 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 Daren Kennedy Lisa Lahiff George Langford Tiffany Myers Donald Overfelt Angel Rodriguez David Samec Helen Shade Kathy Simenton Mark Sprouse Lachelle Torney-Reid Cargie Vaughn McGuire Engineers: Building I know how much time they all spent planning the countless details that went into making this a truly great conference. It is also very important to recognize the sponsors who made this year’s conference possible: No problem. Steensen Varming (2013 IAMFA Conference Principal Sponsor): Engineering Systems with effective, efficient, economic, and innovative solutions. Millicare: By EBC. EBC helps you shine. Mueller Associates: Inspired Design, Innovative Engineering. NAPEEF: Your trusted O&M training partners for cultural facilities. Quinn Evans: Wild expectations? Schindler: Service. Elevated. Siemens: Siemens optimizes comfort within buildings, ensures greater safety and improves security . . . and we do it with up to 40% less energy consumption. Spacesavers: Artifacts already have a place in history. Our storage solutions make sure they will have one in the future. Danish engineering firm founded by Niels Steensen & Jørgen Varming in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1933. The firm specializes in civil, structural and building services engineering, with offices in Denmark, Australia, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Ireland. Victor Stanley: Design for Community. Manufacturers of quality site furnishings since 1962. Allied Barton Security Services: Local Whiting Turner: Construction Response, National Support—Security Officers are our focus! Belimo: Not every valve is a problem- solver, but the Belimo Energy Valve is. The Camfil Farr Group: “Truly Green” Clean Air Solutions. Proven to significantly reduce energy, labor and waste costs. ERCO: Tune the Light! Limbach Inc.: Provider of sustainable building solutions focused on innovative and cost–effective HVAC management. Management, General Contracting, Design-Build, Specialty Contracting. Ziger/Snead: Baltimore architecture studio with a national reputation for design excellence. These sponsors contributed to the intellectual content through presentations, and by generously contributing financially, enabling the spectacular venues, trips, and meals we all enjoyed during this year’s conference. We urge IAMFA members to keep this in mind when in need of products, services, and advice of the type offered by these conference sponsors.
  • 27. Day One of the conference began, as in past years, with the Benchmarking Practices and Learning Workshop for IAMFA members participating in the annual benchmarking exercise. This valuable exercise allows member institutions to compare building operation costs and practices, in order to find better ways to accomplish work. Please see Stacey Wittig’s recap of the Benchmarking Practices and Learning Workshop in this issue of Papyrus. Members and guests not attending the benchmarking workshop were able to attend the optional pre-conference day of tours, including a trip to Arlington National Cemetery, lunch at the Chart House, and shopping in Alexandria, Virginia. At Arlington National Cemetery, everyone witnessed the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The opening reception for this year’s IAMFA Conference was held at the Gaylord National Resort. It was a great evening, spent visiting with old friends most of us hadn’t seen since last year’s conference in Philadelphia and meeting new first-time conference attendees, while we enjoyed appetizers and cocktails. Our home for this year’s conference was also the Gaylord National Resort. This spectacular resort hotel had a nineteen-story atrium and plenty of opportunities for conference attendees and guests to explore while at our home base. As in past years, the Washington, D.C. conference included separate programs for both delegates and their guests. During the five days of events, the two programs took place in parallel, while delegates and guests travelled to the 17 total venues included in this year’s conference. Both delegates and guests spent much of their time together at the same venues, while accomplishing their individual objectives: learning and networking for delegates, and exploration and discovery for guests. This year’s conference had record attendance of 165. The venues for the 2013 conference were: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Annapolis Maryland Tour Arlington National Cemetery Calleva Farm Folger Shakespeare Library Gaylord National Resort Glenstone Museum James Madison Building—Library of Congress Lincoln Memorial, White House, and M.L. King Jr. Memorial Tours Mount Vernon National Air and Space Museum— Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center National Archives and Records Administration, College Park Campus National Building Museum National Museum of African Art National Museum of American History National Zoological Park Thomas Jefferson Building— Library of Congress United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. Fifty-one IAMFA Member Institutions participated in the 2013 Benchmarking Exercise, and most attended the 2014 Benchmarking and Learning Workshop on the Sunday prior to the start of this year’s IAMFA Conference. Gaylord National Resort. PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 25
  • 28. During the delegate program, members heard the following presentations: • Window Upgrades and Preventing Moisture Intrusion—David Conine and Michael Cummings • LED Case Study: Trafalgar Square— Chris Tiernan • Developing a Long-Term Collections Storage Plan—Charon Johnson • Energy-Reduction Program Capitol Buildings—Chuck Iliff • Madison Building Sixth-Floor Renovation Program—Denis Smalley and J.R. Wheeler • Climate-Responsive Building Envelopes—Chris Arkins and Emrah Baki Ulas • Shifts in Environmental-Parameters Requirements—Sarah Stauderman, Patty Silence and Dan Davies • Organic Grounds Management— Paul Tukey • How We Use Benchmarking Results to Improve Performance Year After Year—David Sanders, Oren Gray, Jack Plumb and Tony Young • Hypoxic Fire-Protection System— John Boyd, Rebecca Kokinda, Andy Heymann, Jim Call, Jamil Burnett and Jason Sawyer During the conference, the IAMFA Board of Directors met twice—first to prepare for the IAMFA Annual General Meeting of its members, and a second time with Chairs of IAMFA’s Regional Chapters for breakfast and a discussion of new steps to support the regional chapters, and to ask for input from the Regional Chairs and participation in IAMFA’s strategic plan. The Annual General Meeting of IAMFA’s Members takes place each year during the IAMFA Conference. At this meeting, each Board Member addresses the membership with a discussion of: • Regional Chapter Activities • IAMFA Administration • Treasury • Papyrus Magazine • IAMFA Website • IAMFA LinkedIn Group • Strategic Plans • Election Results • Preview of next year’s IAMFA Conference IAMFA President Nancy Bechtol presented a new five-year Strategic Plan for IAMFA. The Strategic Plan can be found on the Members Only Page of IAMFA is positioning itself to expand its partnerships and to reach new members across the globe. To that end, IAMFA has developed six goals for the next five years, in order to continue to strengthen and expand our organization. IAMFA is currently forming committees to further develop strategies for goals 1 and 2, and will seek the help of IAMFA members to participate on these committees. The six goals: 1. Increase Membership • Broaden and expand membership through actions of IAMFA’s Membership Committee using social media (i.e.: LinkedIn, Facebook) and direct targeted outreach to new cultural institutions, countries and regions not currently represented, or underrepresented, in IAMFA. • Strengthen the Membership Committee within IAMFA by expanding its membership and setting annual goals to increase membership. Meet or exceed set targets for net increases. • Develop a program aimed at retaining members. • Develop and expand our awards program to include our sponsors, as well as our membership. • Increase the effectiveness of IAMFA Regional Chapters, and the benefits of attending chapter meetings. Strengthen existing chapters and create new ones where beneficial. 2. Develop Sponsorships • Develop a Corporate Sponsorship Program managed by IAMFA’s Sponsorship Committee to complement IAMFA’s annual conference sponsorship program. • Tailor sponsorship offerings to optimize collaboration and partnerships between IAMFA’s members, conference sponsors and corporate sponsors. Increase access of corporate and conference sponsors to IAMFA members. • Recognize IAMFA’s sponsors for their committed support of IAMFA. 3. Establish Financial Fitness 4. Achieve Educational Excellence 5. Increase Communication IAMFA Board of Directors with the Regional Chapter Chairs at the Chapter Breakfast. 26 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 6. Enhance Metrics and Technology
  • 29. Two committees are being formed to address the first two goals, and work has already begun on both of these. We encourage all IAMFA members to volunteer to participate on one of these two committees. Randy Murphy will lead the Sponsorship Committee, and Brian Coleman and David Sanders will lead the Membership Committee. Three board positions were up for election in 2013: Treasurer, Secretary, and VP Regional Affairs. Alan Dirican, David Sanders, and John Castle were re-elected to these positions. Following the election, John Castle resigned from the board, due to time constraints, and Brian Coleman was appointed to fill John’s term, ending in 2015. Many thanks go to John for his service to IAMFA over the past five years. On Wednesday evening of the conference, delegates and guests traveled to the Gala by coach. Upon our arrival, the evening began with a group photo, followed by cocktails and canapés at the National Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. It was a stunning setting overlooking historical aircraft, including a new arrival: Space Shuttle Discovery. Our group photo was actually taken in front of Discovery. The space shuttle made her maiden flight on August 30, 1984, and her final landing on March 9, 2011. She flew more missions than any other spacecraft, completing 39 missions in over 27 years of service. Over her lifetime, Discovery spent nearly an entire year in Space. Discovery was the shuttle that launched the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit, and played a key role in construction of the International Space Station. Attendees were also able to visit the tower at the Center, with panoramic views of the surrounding Dulles Airport area. The evening continued with a delicious dinner, accompanied by a variety of wines. During the evening’s program, three IAMFA members were recognized with awards. The first of these was Corporate Member Steensen Varming, which was presented with the first-ever IAMFA Diplomat Award for its participation and support of IAMFA. Accepting the award were Emrah Baki Ulas and Chris Arkins from Steensen Varming. Steensen Varming has been a corporate member of IAMFA for five years now. We are very fortunate to have Steensen Varming as a Corporate Member and Sponsor of IAMFA. We rely so much on the generosity of our sponsors, and we thought it appropriate to begin recognizing our sponsors with the new IAMFA Diplomat Award. We called this award “Diplomat”, because we are proud to have them represent IAMFA as our corporate members. All of IAMFA’s members benefit from the expertise they share with us, and we also benefit from the services they provide when we are in need of their expertise. Conference attendees at the closing gala at the National Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. IAMFA’s Board of Directors. Left to right: Brian Coleman, Alan Dirican, Joe May, Nancy Bechtol, Jack Plumb, David Sanders and Randy Murphy. Chris Arkins and Emrah Baki Ulas accept the inaugural IAMFA Diplomat Award on behalf of Steensen Varming Ltd. Left to right: John Castle, Emrah Baki Ulas, Chris Arkins and Nancy Bechtol. PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 27
  • 30. We hope Steensen Varming will display this award in their office to demonstrate to their staff and clients how much we value them as a company, and also how much we value them as members of IAMFA. The next award—the George Preston Memorial Award—was presented to Jim Moisson from Harvard Art Museums by Alan Dirican and John DeLucy. We met Jim at his first IAMFA Conference in 2003 in San Francisco. The following year, Jim stepped up and volunteered to host the 2004 Conference in Boston. He assembled a great team of members from a number of cultural facilities, including Harvard Art Museums, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, and the Boston Athenaeum. It was a great conference that I will never forget. Jim went on to serve on IAMFA’s Board as Treasurer until 2009, when he was faced with a multi-year major construction and renovation project at Harvard Art Museums—a project that still continues today. In the years he served on the IAMFA Board, Jim was an inspiration for the amount of time he devoted, and his dedication to IAMFA. We owe Jim a great deal for his steadfast dedication to IAMFA, and for the many years during which he served the organization so selflessly. As Jim is still managing a $350 million Renzo Piano renovation and expansion project, he was not able to join us this year at the conference, but Dave Geldart accepted the award for Jim and delivered it promptly upon his return to Boston. Jim wrote the following upon receipt of the award: The award is beautiful and a great honor. I am truly appreciative. But the superb gifts from the Olde Country are really magnificent. The handkerchief, the socks, the underwear! I had no idea that one could adorn one’s self with the Union Jack and still show proper reverence. But show it I do, in full regalia. Who on Earth could have acquired such wonderful items? As John de Lucy has said: ‘I am an Anglophile. Guilty as charged. But I am also a Scots-o-phile, and Aussie-o-phile, and Chicagophile, and Canada-o-phile. In fact I love all places where good smart folks gather and are caring and warm to each other, and share their knowledge and have fun together.’ And is that not IAMFA in a nutshell? Our project looks magnificent. Substantial completion was yesterday, and a hearty single-malt toast was raised. But there is still much to be done. Imagine that. We open to the public one year from now. Can’t wait to host the 2016 conference back in New England. And it would be great to show you around anytime if you are in the neighborhood before then. Many, many thanks for everything, —Jim Dave Geldart accepts the George Preston Memorial Award on behalf of Jim Moisson. Left to right: Alan Dirican, David Geldart and John DeLucy. 28 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 Jack Plumb previews the 2014 IAMFA Conference in Scotland. The final George Preston Memorial Award was presented to Randy Murphy of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art by David Sanders and Joe May. Randy has been a member of IAMFA since its very early years, and has served on IAMFA’s Board of Directors three times. He served as a conference host twice: in 1997, and again in 2006. Since 2010, Randy has transformed the position of VP Administration on our Board. It is now one of the most time-consuming board positions, because Randy has been able to see Randy Murphy receives the final George Preston Memorial. Left to right: David Sanders, Randy Murphy and Joe May.
  • 31. what is needed to run the organization more effectively, and he just does it. As IAMFA’s second-in-command, Randy most recently drafted the Membership and Sponsorship plans; he serves as legal interface for IAMFA; he maintains the membership records; he runs the annual election; he communicates with IAMFA’s members; and he advised Joe May on design features as we began developing the new IAMFA website. We are so fortunate to have Randy Murphy serving on IAMFA’s Board. As dinner wound down, Jack Plumb —host of next year’s 24th IAMFA Conference—described preliminary plans for the Conference, which is scheduled for September 14–18, 2014 in Scotland, U.K. Please mark your calendars, and make sure you join us next year for another unforgettable IAMFA Conference. This brought an end to the closing gala, and the end of a wonderful 23rd Annual Conference. We saw many interesting sights at the conference venues, and enjoyed the opportunities to learn and network with our peers from so many other cultural institutions across the globe. The conference hosts worked tirelessly, and made the 2013 IAMFA Conference one that we will never forget. Thank you so much to our Washington, D.C. IAMFA members and conference organizers. We invite IAMFA members attending the Washington, D.C. conference to visit the Members Only Page to provide feedback on the conference via a conference survey. Joe May serves on IAMFA’s Board, and is Editor of IAMFA’s Papyrus Magazine SCOTLAND International Conference September 14-18, 2014 IAMFA 14 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUSEUM FACILITY ADMINISTRATORS PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 29
  • 32. Become a Member of IAMFA International Association of Museum Facility Administrators membership offers invaluable professional benefits for its hundreds of facility managers of archives, libraries, museums and other cultural institutions. Join IAMFA and give your career a boost! Benefits of IAMFA Membership: • Annual IAMFA Conferences • Free Subscription to Triennial Papyrus Magazine • Benchmarking Exercises • Earn Continuing Education Units • Network with Your Peers • Exclusive Job Postings . . . and more! There are several membership categories. Please visit the IAMFA website to select the category that applies to you. For more information on IAMFA benefits and membership categories or to become a member, please go to Email: 30 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014
  • 33. Benchmarking Workshop Sharing Practical Solutions By Stacey Wittig A t the 2013 IAMFA Benchmarking Practices and Learning Workshop held in Washington, D.C. last October, the fifty-one participants were asked, “What components of the meeting did you find most beneficial?” “Identifying best practices that others are using, and using them in our facility,” wrote David Cervantes, Head of Engineering at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Kendra Gastright, Director, Office of Facilities Management and Reliability of the Smithsonian Institution, said, “WOW—great job on the extended Hot Topics discussion. So many participated with very thoughtful sharing of challenges and ideas.” “Comparing our data to other benchmarking groups,” said John Castle, Director of Facilities Services, Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library. For the first time, Keith McClanahan—Principal of Facility Issues, the consultancy that facilitates the benchmarking exercise for IAMFA—presented charts that compared IAMFA median costs in key categories to other benchmarking groups. Besides the IAMFA group, Facility Issues oversees the Research Facility Benchmarking group consisting of Departments of Energy and Defense labs and R&D labs at places such Corning and Dupont, the Facility Managers Roundtable for those managing headquarters and manufacturing facilities, and the IFMA Utility Council benchmarking group, among others. “Security costs of the IAMFA group are as high as security costs at nuclear labs,” noted McClanahan. The comparisons of the groups that Facility Issues handles show that members of the cultural institution group certainly do not want to compare themselves to headquarters buildings that have much lower operating costs. The IAMFA group compares “apples to apples” when benchmarking key costs and practices of archives, libraries, museums and other cultural facilities. When it comes to maintenance cost per GSF or GSM, the IAMFA benchmarking report—sponsored by McGuire Engineers—revealed that the cultural institution group is more similar to labs than office facilities. IAMFA’s janitorial costs were relatively consistent year to year, but were much higher than other groups. “No other facilities have thousands of people traipsing through them every day,” said McClanahan. Utility costs reported by IAMFA were similar to the other groups. Sharing Best Practices “The report is important, but most important are the best practices that we uncover by comparing the data,” added McClanahan. Breakout sessions—new this year—allowed participants to gather into small groups and discuss best practices in four key categories: utilities, maintenance, janitorial and security. Benchmarking participants at the workshop. PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 31
  • 34. • Pam Lowings of the Royal British Columbia Museum led the Security breakout group in a stand-up, team-style meeting. • John Castle arranged the Janitorial group in a “crosslegged” circle on the floor. • George Langford, Manager of Facilities Operations at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum— a new benchmarking participant this year—led the Energy/Utilities breakout group. • The Maintenance group was headed by Sean Dunn, Director of Facilities, Yale University Art Gallery— another first-year benchmarking participant. Later, Dan Davies of the Smithsonian Institution gave a presentation entitled, “Water Conservation at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park,” which was highly applauded by the audience. Hot Topics Discussions Hot topics and emerging issues precipitated lively discussions after a lunch sponsored by the Whiting-Turner Contracting Company. While discussing system shutdowns and setbacks in collections areas, George Langford asked, “What do you do with mixed-media artifacts like guns with wood and metal?” “In the U.K., we’ve been working at all these issues for some time,” said Jack Plumb of the National Library of Scotland. “We share with conservators, look at seasonal drift, and are trying to expand the range of acceptable environmental settings.” Linda MacMillan, also of the National Library of Scotland, added, “Something we’ve learned is that you really, really need to get to know your building.” Later, in a discussion around how to update historical buildings to modern standards, Isabelle Noraz, of Grand Palais des Champs Elysées agreed, saying, “You have to know the building very well and experience the reality of the building, then you can change the historical part of it.” “We have a program for seasonal drift,” added Rich Reinert of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. “We program rolling outages,” said David Samec, of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., who voiced concern over the impact of shutdowns on equipment. “We’re looking at a softer way to do that so as not to impact equipment.” Jeremy Linden from the Image Permanence Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology, said, “Over four years, there has been no problem with equipment, including fans and belts; it [shutdowns] may not be a problem. However, if you do run into equipment problems, let’s share that information.” John Castle admitted to some shutdowns, “some that were actually planned,” he smiled. “When I’ve suggested that we move an object to a place where it would be happier, you would think that I was growing another head out of my shoulder [by the way the conservators looked at me.]” Todd Keeley of the Canadian Museum of History noted that his team builds in redundancy to the temperature and humidity sensors. “We have three or four sensors and average it out for the space.” For further details of Hot Topic discussions, go to the “Download Center” at You may enroll now for the 2014 IAMFA Benchmarking Exercise. Take advantage of a new program that allows you discounts for multi-year enrollment by going to https:// Stacey Wittig is the former Marketing Director for Facility Issues, the benchmarking consultancy endorsed by the International Association of Facility Administrators to facilitate the annual IAMFA benchmarking exercise. A Chance for You to Help Protect Our Heritage— Treasure Caretaker Training: Digital Monastery Project You can make a difference— together we can help prevent this kind of damage and loss. Too many pieces of our global heritage are being lost because their caretakers lack the skills and knowledge to safeguard them. The pilot initiative Treasure Caretaker Training: Digital Monastery Project will train monks and nuns in Bhutan in the proper care and digital recording of art and icons under their protection. We are asking you to support our volunteer efforts to bring to these caretakers the training they need to care for these heritage treasures. Please visit our Indiegogo funding site at and help as much or as little as you can at this time. Namaste, Robert Waller, Protect Heritage Corp. 32 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014
  • 35. Steensen Varming’s 80th Anniversary S teensen Varming was founded by Niels Steensen and Jørgen Varming in Copenhagen in 1933, and worked in close cooperation with architects such as Arne Jacobsen and clients such as the Nobel Prize winner, Professor Niels Bohr. Since then, the organisation has provided expertise in mechanical and electrical building services, lighting design and sustainability, seamlessly assimilating form and function, art and technology. Practices have also been established in Ireland (1946) and the United Kingdom (1957). Steensen Varming was first established in Australia by the Danish practice in 1973, following success in winning the commission to design the Sydney Opera House with Jørn Utzon. Steensen Varming marked two significant milestones in 2013: just like the Sydney Opera House, the company celebrated its 40th anniversary in Australia, as well as the 80th year since its foundation in Denmark. Fitting in with the company’s strong links and shared history with the iconic venue, both anniversaries were marked by a black tie event at the Opera House in September at the Concert Hall Northern Foyers. Afterwards, guests could dance the night away to live music by the The Freds, or relax on some wonderful examples of Danish vintage furniture provided by Vampt Vintage Design. Through eight decades of technological change and increased environmental sensitivity, Steensen Varming has supported an exceptional cast of international architects and buildings, encompassing the private, corporate and public sectors—including museums, galleries, archives and World Heritage Sites. With new offices opening in Hong Kong and New York, Steensen Varming continues to build upon its strong heritage and philosophy, driven to enable the best building design where functionality and well-being are paramount. Steensen Varming has been a Corporate Member and Sponsor of IAMFA since 2009, and is IAMFA’s first-ever recipient of the IAMFA Diplomat Award, presented on October 23, 2013 in Washington, D.C. Guests mingle in the Northern Foyers at Sydney Opera House. Upon arrival, valued clients, inspirational architects and dedicated staff were greeted by music from cellist Georg Pedersen, who was solo cellist in the Royal Danish Philharmonic. Guests were greeted by music from cellist Georg Pedersen. Speeches were given by Opera House CEO Louise Herron, followed by Søren Varming and Tobias Jacobsen—grandsons of company founder Jørgen Varming and architect Arne Jacobsen, respectively—and Steensen Varming CEO Dan Mackenzie. Dan Mackenzie, CEO of Steensen Varming (centre). PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 33
  • 37. REGIONAL UPDATES AND MEMBER NEWS Washington, D.C. -Baltimore Regional Chapter By Maurice Evans The Washington D.C.-Baltimore Chapter held its appreciation luncheon on November 25 to acknowledge the planning committee for all of its hard work and effort hosting the 2013 Annual IAMFA Conference in Washington. More than 20 members of the planning committee, along with Board Members, were in attendance. Nancy Bechtol (IAMFA President) and Alan Dirican (IAMFA Treasurer) were both on hand to represent the Board. This was the last chance for the planning committee to meet as a group, as they celebrated their success in hosting the annual conference. And a successful conference it was, welcoming the largest number of members ever. The Washington D.C.-Baltimore Chapter is looking forward to another great year as it gets ready to plan its 2014 calendar. To add a little flair to the project, and to Ottawa’s skyline, the NGC incorporated the outer scrim of the scaffolding into its summer exhibition of contemporary Indigenous artists. Greenlandic artist Inuk Silis Høegh provided the graphics for printing the scrim, which resembled a large iceberg encompassing the Great Hall. The construction contract was awarded to Carillion Construction through a tender process that accorded the majority of the scoring points to the submitter’s stated subcontractors for glazing, temporary works (scaffolding), and roofing, in addition to the general contractor. The Ottawa Region Chapter heard from Mark Van Dalen, Vice-President of Patenaude-Trempe-Van Dalen, the buildingenvelope engineers overseeing the work. Mark discussed some of the challenges of the work in detail, which include incorporating a laminated blast film within the new IGUs, and the associated requirement of creating enough of a bonding surface to adhere the new units to the framing with a structural caulking bead. This bonding surface was achieved by way of aluminum extrusions adhered to the IGUs’ assembly and mechanically fastened to the window framing members. Mark also explained the project’s rigorous water-testing procedures, whereby the primary outer seal (pressure plates and caps) are removed for all water testing. This helps to ensure that the secondary seals (watershed channels between the IGUs) are completely watertight, prior to signing off on the work. The group then toured the Ottawa Regional Chapter By Ed Richard On November 22, the Ottawa Chapter gathered at the National Gallery of Canada (NGC). There were approximately 20 in attendance from the NGC, the Canadian Museum of History (formerly the Canadian Museum of Civilization), the Canadian Museum of Nature, and a guest from the National Arts Centre. The main topics of the meeting revolved around ongoing construction and energy projects at the NGC, the largest of which is glass and roof replacement work in the Gallery’s Great Hall. IAMFA members may remember the space from the Ottawa conference kick-off breakfast that took place there in 2007. The footprint of the Great Hall is approximately 9,000 square feet, but soars 120 feet in height, with close to 1,500 insulated glass units (IGUs) and 13 lead-coated copper roofs in the overhead skylight. The building opened 25 years ago, and it was time to replace the glazing and rebuild the roofs. Attendees at the Ottawa Chapter meeting. The National Gallery of Canada. PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 35
  • 38. REGIONAL UPDATES AND MEMBER NEWS interior of the work site, which is fully scaffolded both inside and out. Afterwards, we made our way to the main mechanical room at the NGC for a brief overview of some HVAC and energy conservation projects. We heard from Normand Bergeron of SMi Enerpro—mechanical engineering consultants that have worked on a number of projects at the NGC over the years. He briefly discussed the major energy retrofits done over a decade ago, which are still providing ongoing savings to the NGC. He also went into more detail on two more current projects: the installation of a centralized reverse-osmosis humidification system, and the ongoing installation of a back-up cooling system for the NGC’s Special Exhibition galleries. This last project was initiated because the NGC is completely reliant upon a central provider of chilled water, and has had supply-interruption issues in the past. This initiative was originally intended to mitigate supply problems, but will now supplement the chilled water feed to the cooling loop for less cost than the chilled water supply. In the event of a supply interruption, the system can be quickly adjusted to provide cooling to specific areas of the building—mainly the Special Exhibition galleries, where the NGC would normally have its most important (and costly) works of art, often on loan from other institutions. After a quick lunch, the group convened for a discussion of issues around personnel screening for both museum staff and contractors onsite. We also discussed aspects of facilities management policies: i.e., whether each institution had one, and what rules were in place related to the use of office space in the different museums. The meeting was adjourned with a request for a future regional meeting at the Diefenbunker in nearby Carp, Ontario, which was constructed during the Cold War era. No date has yet been set. The 36,444-square-foot Energy Center consists of a chiller plant, a boiler plant, plumbing equipment rooms, electrical rooms, main server rooms and support spaces such as a control room, shops, and storage spaces. There were also special rooms for the equipment providing medical suction, de-ionized and R.O. water, medical gases etc. The Energy Center is a major contributing factor to the Medical Center’s LEED Gold target. The design had a number of elements special to, as a life-support facility in earthquake country. The steel moment-frame construction incorporates all the latest seismic-resistive measures. There are three huge Cat diesel generators mounted on the roof, which can pick up the entire load for a few days. They have large cisterns of water to carry them through an emergency, plus a large sewage cistern so they can continue to discharge even if the municipal system fails. There are appropriate tanks to hold large quantities of oxygen and diesel fuel onsite, too. The boilers are natural-gas-fired with diesel back-up. There is also a heliport atop the inpatient wing. We enjoyed seeing this state-of-the-art facility, which gave us all something to think about and take back to our institutions. In his orientation, our host Joe Rios, who has 30+ years with the UC Medical Center, explained their unique approach to the design. The existing hospitals’ engineering staff had meaningful input and dialog, beginning five years before groundbreaking, and continuing now as they approach final handover. Joe said that it has made a world of difference getting the input of the feet-on-the-ground engineers incorporated into this progressive design. After seeing so many things not work well, or fail, during his long career, it has been particularly rewarding to use his experience and that of others to alter the design and ensure smoother and more efficient operation of the UCSF Medical Center in future. Northern California and Nevada Regional Chapter By Jennifer Fragomeni It took three attempts at scheduling, but we were finally able to secure a date and time for our fourth-quarter tour and meeting. The Northern California Chapter met at the construction site for the new University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Medical Center at Mission Bay on Friday, November 8. This huge new facility is billed as a Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and is scheduled to open in January 2015. We held a brief business meeting, during which we brainstormed about locations and topics of interest for next year’s quarterly regional meetings, and reported back on this year’s IAMFA Conference. We were then given an overview presentation of the Medical Center campus, and a tour of the newly constructed Energy Center that will serve two hospitals and an outpatient building. 36 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 Left to right: Our host Joe Rios, to whom we are thankful for the tour; Mr. Massey, our guide; and Tamara, Jennifer, Mark, Heather, Shani, Chuck, Lilly and Ari (Joe Brennan taking photo).
  • 39. The ten attendees at this meeting were: Jennifer Fragomeni, Exploratorium Chuck Mignacco, Exploratorium Jesse MacQuiddy, Exploratorium Shani Krevsky, Exploratorium Joe Brennan, formerly SFMOMA (retired) Ari Harding, California Academy of Sciences Heather Hickman Holland, San Francisco Art Institute Mark Palmer, City of San Francisco, Municipal Green Building Task Force Tamara Hayes, Museum at the Mint Lillian Stamets, UCSF Gift Shops U.K. Regional Chapter By Jack Plumb The latest in a long line of joint meetings between Estates/ Facilities teams and their Conservation colleagues was held at the National Portrait Gallery in London. Many thanks to Allan Tyrrell, who hosted the event, and David Redrup, who did all the organising. I should also mention, as a measure of the success of these meetings, that there were just over 40 attendees at this meeting. The meeting kicked off with a welcome from Judith West, Director of Operations and Resources at the Portrait Gallery. Dr. Nigel Blades, preventative Conservation Advisor (Environmental) at the National Trust, provided the first presentation on how the National Trust was implementing its energy policy throughout its estate. For those not familiar with the work of the National Trust in the U.K., it is an organisation established to promote the permanent preservation, for the benefit of the nation, of palaces and artefacts of natural beauty or historical significance. It is also worth noting the slightly different definition of conservation that the National Trust has, compared with what we normally recognise within an IAMFA gallery and museum environment. • Second stage: Efficiency measures (insulation, upgrade old and inefficient installations, improved operating practices and maintenance). • Third stage: Renewables and low-carbon technologies. The first stage was well recognised by IAMFA colleagues, as we all appreciate that what you don’t measure you cannot manage; however, Nigel took some time to explain how the National Trust implemented humidity control by varying the temperature. The environmental envelope they worked around was 50% and 65% RH, which was controlled by varying the space temperature between 5°C and 22°C. Whilst this worked very well for the time that the spaces were unoccupied, they were having to adjust these parameters for occupied hours, especially during public opening hours. The next presentation was provided by Chris Tiernan, the U.K. Managing Director of ERCO Lighting. Chris, whom all those who attended the recent conference in Washington will remember, gave a great presentation on the development of LED lighting within galleries, with particular reference to the Portrait Gallery. In the time allocated, Chris gave a very brief overview of that presentation, but did emphasise a couple of points. These were, firstly, the ability of the LED light source to provide sufficient colour rendering for the works of art— particularly the reds in paintings. He noted that the advantages of using LED lighting for galleries were their improved efficiency, lack of colour drift during dimming, and vastly National Trust—Definition of Conservation: . . . the careful management of change. It is about revealing and sharing the significance of places and ensuring that their special qualities are protected, enhanced, enjoyed and understood by present and future generations. Nigel went on to explain that National Trust stately homes tended to be mostly Grade I listed, all with unique interiors and collections. These buildings are generally large, very leaky, have single-glazed windows, are not insulated, and use oil-fired heating, but still need environmental control for collection conservation. Maintaining environmental conditions within the close tolerances of a conventional museum environment were thus just not practical, which led the National Trust to develop its energy policy. The energy policy is based on a three-step process: • First stage: Measure baseline consumption and performance (energy metering and surveys). The National Portrait Gallery, London. PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 37
  • 40. REGIONAL UPDATES AND MEMBER NEWS improved lamp life. Chris went on to explain that good modern suppliers can now provide this quality of LED luminaire, as demonstrated by the vast number of successful installations of LED luminaires within galleries around the world. The other point that Chris made, as demonstrated by later tours around the Portrait Gallery, was that trials should be held to critically test performance, and those trials should be held in a significantly large area. This last point was crucial to achieving a comprehensive understanding of the performance of any lighting scheme—never mind a state-of-the-art LED lighting scheme. The penultimate presentation was provided by Franky Scott of Autoflame. Franky explained that Autoflame provided engineered solutions which are proven and trusted for some of the most demanding and critical boiler applications. Their sophisticated burner-management systems, the result of many years of practical experience, maximise the efficiency of boiler plants, dramatically reducing fuel Allan Tyrrell explaining the benefits of LED lighting within a gallery environment. consumption, costs and harmful emissions. Many organisations rely on Autoflame to improve the effectiveness of their boilers. The results are impressive. Environmental objectives have been achieved through significant reductions in emissions. Lower fuel costs have also helped organisations adapt to rising fuel prices and changes in the economic environment. The final presentation was provided by Edward Spell of Cofely GDF Suez. Edward’s presentation was on humidity: why we need it, ways to provide it, and some cost/carbon comparisons. Edward explained that humidification for archival environments is required to conserve collections and avoid expensive and complicated repair costs. Edward then went over the ways in which cabinets could be used to maintain humidity levels passively, with the use of silica gel and prosorb being popular materials. Should passive humidification not be sufficient to meet humidification requirements, active humidification would be required. Various types of humidification equipment are available, from the standard electrode steam plant, resistive steam plant and gas-fired steam plant, to the various form of adiabatic humidification plant. To calculate the amount of humidification required, Edward introduced us to the delights of the psychometric chart, and went through a couple of standard calculations to determine the required level of humidification. Edward concluded with a couple of graphs that showed a comparison of whole-life operating costs for the various types of humidifiers, which interestingly identified the portable adiabatic humidifier as the most cost-effective way of providing humidification within an archival environment. To round off the day, Allan Tyrrell hosted a number of tours around the Portrait Gallery to demonstrate just how well the new ERCO LED spotlighting had improved the viewing experience of the collection, while also significantly reducing the running costs and carbon footprint of the Portrait Gallery. Behind-the-scenes tours were also given of conservation areas, where we saw at first hand the work of the conservators. A special thanks to Allan and his colleagues at the Portrait Gallery for the tours and explanations. A N I N D E X O F Papyrus TECHNICAL AND HISTORICAL ARTICLES CAN BE FOUND AT A ceiling view of LED lighting in action. 38 PAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014
  • 41. IAMFA MEMBERS—ORGANIZATIONS AUSTRALIA Peterborough Museum & Archives Compton Verney House Trust Architect of the Capitol Compton Verney, Warwickshire Washington, DC The Energy Consortium architrve pc architects Norbury, London, England Washington, DC Glasgow Life, Glasgow City Council Art Institute of Chicago Protect Heritage Corp. Orleans, Ontario Glasgow, Scotland Royal British Columbia Museum Historic Royal Palaces Art Gallery of New South Wales Peterborough, Ontario Sydney, New South Wales Ottawa, Ontario Australian Centre for the Moving Image Melbourne, VIC Museum of Old and New Art Berriedale, Tasmania Physical Resource Bureau Victoria, British Columbia Museum Victoria CHINA Melbourne National Gallery of Australia Canberra, ACT Hong Kong National Portrait Gallery of Australia Canberra, ACT Port Arthur Historic Sites Canberra, ACT DEMMARK Steensen Varming Copenhagen Credit Agricole Paris Canada Science & Technology Museum Corporation Venezia Mestre NEW ZEALAND Auckland Museum Auckland Christchurch Art Gallery Christchurch, Canterbury Royal New Zealand Navy Devonport, Auckland Canadian Museum of Civilization Uxbridge Creative Centre Howick, Auckland Gatineau, Quebec QATAR Canadian Museum of Nature Candian Museum for Human Rights Winnipeg, Manitoba Integrated Heritage Management Qatar Museums Auithority Doha Qatar National Museum Doha UNITED KINGDOM Almonte, Ontario Library Archives of Canada Gatineau, Quebec Lundholm Associates Architects Toronto, Ontario National Gallery of Canada Ottawa, Ontario British Library London, England British Museum London, England Camfil Limited Philadelphia, PA London, England Belimo Aircontrols USA, Inc Edinburgh, Scotland Midlothian, VA Boston Athenaeum Liverpool, England Boston, MA Brooklyn Museum of Art Edinburgh, Scotland Brooklyn, NY Buro Happold New York, NY London, England California Academy of Sciences San Francisco, CA Natural History Museum London, England Norland Managed Services Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh London, England Pittsburgh, PA Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, Piccadilly CBT Architects Boston, MA Cleveland Museum of Art Cleveland, OH SPIE Matthew Hall Suffolk, England Columbus Museum of Art Columbus, OH SPIE UK London, England Tate Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum London, England New York, NY University of Greenwich Currier Museum of Art London, England Manchester, NH Victoria & Albert Museum Cypress Security, LLC London, England San Francisco, CA Delaware Art Museum UNITED STATES Wilmington, DE Aegis Property Group Delaware Museum of Natural History Philadelphia, PA AFS Chemical Filtration Group Burlington, MA Alied Barton Wallingford, PA Haslingden, Lancashire Anacostia Community Museum Cofely Ltd Washington, DC Worcester Park, Surrey Baltimore, MD The Barnes Foundation London, England Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa, Ontario Edinburgh, Scotland National Portrait Gallery ITALY Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institiute Ottawa, Ontario Baltimore Museum of Art National Museums Scotland Polymnia Venezia srl Black and McDonald Atlanta, GA Richmond, Surrey National Museums Liverpool FRANCE Sydney Ouje-Bougoumou, Quebec Atlanta History Center The National Archives National Library of Scotland Steensen Varming CANADA Washington, DC Molesey, Surrey National Gallery, London Port Arthur, Tasmania Questacon, The National Science and Technology Center Arts and Industries Building National Galleries of Scotland Steensen Varming Chicago, IL Wilmington, DE DERBIGUM Americas, Inc. Kansas City, MO Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection Washington, DC Ewing Cole Washington, DC PPAPYRUS WINTER 2013–2014 39