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PAPYRUS                                                             VOL. 10, NO. 3   WINTER 2009–2010

                                                                                         Cool Efficiency at
                                                                                        Chicago’s Museum
                                                                                        of Science and

                                                                                      The Harley-Davidson
                                                                                      Museum: The First
                                                                                      Museum to Gain

                                                                               Recap of the
                                                                              19th Annual IAMFA
                                                                              Conference in
                                                                              Washington, D.C.
Letter from the Editor                                                    Record Attendance at Best Practices Workshop
1                                                                         22
Message from the President /                                              Transforming a Globally Unique Cultural Institution
Mot du président /                                                        24
Mensaje del Presidente
2                                                                         The United States Library of Congress Archival
                                                                          Storage Facility
The Nineteenth Annual IAMFA Conference in                                 28
Washington, D.C.
4                                                                         2009 Engineering Excellence Awards:
                                                                          Recovering the Lost Stream at Winterthur
The Twentieth Annual IAMFA Conference /                                   30
La vingtième Conférence annuelle de l’IAMFA
La Vigésima Conferencia Anual de IAMFA                                    IAMFA Members Directory 2009
13                                                                        33
Cool Efficiency at Chicago’s Museum of Science                            IAMFA Members — Organizations
and Industry
                                                                          Regional Updates
The Harley-Davidson Museum: The First Museum
to Gain GREENGUARD Certification                                          41
Cover photo: The Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C., USA. Photo by Joe May.

IAMFA BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                   REGIONAL CHAPTERS
President                           Secretary and Papyrus Editor           Atlanta, U.S.A. — Kevin Streiter,   New Zealand — Patricia Morgan,
John de Lucy                        Joseph E. May                          High Museum of Art                  Auckland Art Gallery
The British Library                 Sustainability Engineer                                          
London, United Kingdom              Los Angeles, CA, USA                   Australia — Dean Marshall,                           National Gallery of Australia       Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada —
                                                                             Ian MacLean, Canada Science and
V.P., Administration                                                                                           Technology Museum Corporation
                                    Chairman — Conference 2010             Bilbao, Spain — Rogelio Diez,
Richard Kowalczyk                                                          Guggenheim Museum
                                    Joe Brennan                  
Smithsonian Institution             San Francisco Museum of                                                    Philadelphia, USA — John Castle,
Washington, DC, USA                                                        Chicago, USA — William Caddick,     Winterthur Museum & Garden
                                       Modern Art                                                                       San Francisco, CA                      Art Institute of Chicago
                                                                                   San Francisco, USA — Joe Brennan,
V.P., Regional Affairs                                                     Hawaii, USA — Robert White,         San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
John Castle                                                                Honolulu Academy of Arts  
                                    Head of International Affairs
Winterthur Museum,                                                                                             United Kingdom — Bill Jackson,
                                    Guy Larocque
Garden and Library                                                         Los Angeles, USA — Randy Murphy,    National Library of Scotland,
                                    Canadian Museum of                                                         Edinburgh
Winterthur, DE, USA                                                        Los Angeles County Museum of Art
                                    Gatineau, QC, Canada
                                                                           New England, USA — John H.          Washington/Baltimore, USA —
Treasurer                                                                Maurice Evans,
                                                                           Lannon, Boston Athenaeum
Larry Bannister                                                            Smithsonian Institution
Milwaukee Public Museum            For additional contact information,                               
                                                                           New York, USA — Mark Demairo,
Milwaukee, WI, USA                     please visit our website at         Neue Galerie                         

IAMFA/ Papyrus                       Elizabeth Miller                     Editing                              Statements of fact and opinion
Vol. 10, Number 3                    Michael J. Murphy                    Artistic License (English)           are made on the responsibility of
Winter 2009–2010                     Jon Netherton                        Guy Laroque (French)                 authors alone and do not imply an
                                     Pennoni Associates                                                        opinion on the part of the editors,
                                                                          Printed in Canada by                 officers, or members of IAMFA. The
Editor                               Jack Plumb
                                                                          Elm Printing                         editors of IAMFA Papyrus reserve the
Joe May                              Stacey Wittig                                                             right to accept or to reject any Article
                                     Shaun Woodhouse                                                           or advertisement submitted for
Papyrus Correspondents                                                    ISSN 1682-5241
Joe Brennan                          Design and Layout
David M. Brooks                      Phredd Grafix                                                             While we have made every attempt to
John DeLucy                                                                                                    ensure that reproduction rights have
Tim Dotson                           Translation                                                               been acquired for the illustrations
Joe May                              Marina Pascal (French)                                                    used in this newsletter, please let
                                                                                                               us know if we have inadvertently
Anthony B. McGuire                   Jeanne Pascal (Spanish)
                                                                                                               overlooked your copyright, and
                                                                                                               we will rectify the matter in a
                                                                                                               future issue.
Letter from the Editor

Joe May — Editor, Papyrus

        he 19th IAMFA Conference is       member institutions to become lean.       tisements. I believe advertisements will
        over, and members and their       The 19th annual conference offered        provide a win-win situation both for
        guests have returned to their     numerous opportunities for members        advertisers and for IAMFA members,
homes across the globe. It was great      to learn how colleagues have coped        and I encourage members to take
renewing relationships with long-time                                               note of our advertisers; they support
members, and nice meeting so many                                                   our organization, and they provide
who were attending an IAMFA con-          . . . the Benchmarking                    products and services that you may
ference for the first time. It was no                                               need in managing your facilities. As
                                          Workshop and IAMFA
wonder that the Benchmarking                                                        Papyrus’s content and reach have grown,
Workshop and IAMFA Conference             Conference both drew                      publication costs have also grown, and
both drew record attendance again         record attendance again                   our advertisers will be very important
this year with all the stunning venues,                                             in generating revenue to offset these
landmarks and memorials that we
                                          this year with all the                    costs. Please remember our advertisers’
visited in the Nation’s Capital. It’s     stunning venues, land-                    names when you require their particular
obvious that word is spreading about                                                types of products, services and expertise.
                                          marks and memorials
the conference’s educational content                                                   Finally, I would like to thank all
and networking opportunities among        that we visited in the                    those who contributed to the content
the managers of the world’s great         Nation’s Capital.                         in this issue of Papyrus, and I hope
cultural institutions.                                                              you learn something new while
    The challenges faced by facilities                                              reading it.
professionals at cultural institutions    with reduced budgets, while setting
                                                                                    Joe May
have never been greater. Doing more       an example for the public on how
                                                                                    Editor, Papyrus Magazine
with less has become a common thread,     important it is to reduce our carbon
and doing it in a sustainable way pre-    footprint.                                For more information on becoming a
                                                                                    member of the International Association
sents an additional challenge as the         In this issue of Papyrus, I hope you   of Museum Facility Administrators, please
world’s economy forces many of our        will notice the introduction of adver-    visit WWW.IAMFA.ORG

                                                                                          PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010          1
Message from the President
                                      Message du président
                                      Mensaje del Presidente
John de Lucy
President / Président / Presidente,

C                                          M                                            F
       ongratulations to the Washington              es félicitations au Comité              elicidades al Comité Organizador
       Conference Committee for put-                 organisateur de la Conférence           de la Conferencia de Washington,
       ting on a very successful confer-             de Washington pour mettre               D.C. por una conferencia muy
ence and learning experience. From a       en marche une conférence très réussie        exitosa con muchas oportunidades para
member’s point of view, it was a very      et une expérience d’apprentissage. Du        aprender. Desde el punto de vista de un
smooth and well-organised event—so,        point de vue d’un membre, elle a été         miembro de IAMFA, ha sido un evento
well done Nancy, Tiffany and your team,    très harmonieuse et bien organisée –         bien organizado y sin contratiempos,
who smiled and laughed through even        donc, bien fait Nancy, Tiffany et votre      “Les felicito, Nancy, Tiffany y su equipo
the rarest last-minute rearrangements!     équipe qui souriaient et même riaient        de trabajo,” ¡quienes se sonrieron aun
    IAMFA members were amazing in          lors des plus insolites changements de       cuando se enfrentaron los cambios
their efforts to attend the conference     la dernière minute!                          más extraños de último momento!
during a recession, with some even             Les membres de l’IAMFA ont été              Hay que admirar a los miembros de
paying their own way in their eager-       formidables dans leurs efforts pour          IAMFA quienes se han esforzado en
ness to network with their peers (and      assister à la conférence au cours d’une      asistir a la conferencia a pesar de la
maybe have a little fun, too!).            récession, avec certains payant leur         recesión económica, inclusive algunos
    This year’s conference again high-     propre chemin dans l’enthousiasme            pagando sus propias inscripciones
lighted the valuable contribution that     pour échanger avec leurs collègues (et       debido a su interés en relacionarse
facility managers make to the produc-      pour s’amuser un peu aussi, peut-être!).     con otros contactos profesionales (y
tive, safe, healthy and secure cultural        La conférence de cette année a           tal vez en divertirse un poco también).
environments you all look after. It also   souligné encore une fois la précieuse           Otra vez este año la conferencia
highlighted how IAMFA members are          contribution que les gestionnaires           destacó la importancia de que los
supporting sustainable communities         d’installations apportent aux environ-       gerentes de mantenimiento aseguren
and local economies. One thing I was       nements culturels productifs, de con-        que los ambientes culturales sean pro-
surprised to learn was how many U.S.       fiance, sains et sûrs, desquels vous tous    ductivos, saludables y seguros. También
organisations have large in-house          vous en occupez. Elle a aussi souligné       se hizo énfasis en el apoyo de los miem-
Facility Service teams. In the U.K., we    la façon dont les membres de l’IAMFA         bros de IAMFA a las economías locales
have tended to outsource significantly,    entretiennent des collectivités durables     y al concepto de las comunidades sos-
and I heard some members question-         et des économies locales. Une chose          tenibles. Me sorprendió enormemente
ing where the right mix should lie. This   que j’ai été surpris d’apprendre, c’est      saber cuántas instituciones de los EEUU
is a debate we should encourage and        combien d’organisations américaines          mantengan a grandes equipos de man-
continue at the next annual                ont de larges équipes pour leurs ser-        tenimiento de planta. En El Reino Unido
conference in San Francisco.               vices internes. Au Royaume-Uni, nous         hemos optado generalmente por ejec-
    Whilst the behind-the-scenes tours     avons eu tendance à externaliser de          utar muchas de estas funciones por
and learning programmes of the main        manière significative, et j’ai entendu le    contrato. He escuchado a varios miem-
conference are the key reasons to          questionnement de certains membres           bros de IAMFA preguntar si es mejor
attend, the guest programme is also        réfléchissant où situer la bonne com-        ejecutar estas funciones completamente
a big attraction for members’ partners     binaison. C’est un débat que nous            por contrato o si es preferible llevar a
and families to enjoy. This year, guests   devons encourager et poursuivre à            cabo algunas de estas funciones con
were treated to visits to the Baltimore    la prochaine conférence annuelle à           personal de planta. Esta es una discu-
Museum of Art and the Aquarium,            San Francisco.                               sión que debemos fomentar y seguir
the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, Mount         Alors que les programmes de visites      en la próxima conferencia anual en
Vernon, the National Museum of             derrière-les-scènes et d’apprentissage de    San Francisco.
Natural History, the National Zoological   la conférence principale sont les prin-         Aunque las giras tras bastidores y
Park, and Hillwood Mansion, amongst        cipales raisons d’y assister, le programme   los programas de aprendizaje de la

2    PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
other venues, where they could enjoy           d’accueil est aussi une grande attraction     conferencia principal son las razones
the views and listen to the knowledge-         pour que les partenaires des membres          claves para asistir, el programa de los
able guides. Our guest programmes              et leurs familles puissent en profiter.       invitados es un atractivo importante
are becoming so good that I suspect it         Cette année, les participants ont eu          para que disfruten los compañeros de
is the guests that sometimes make the          droit à la visite du Musée d’Art et           los miembros. Este año los invitados
members attend—keep it up, guests!             l’Aquarium de Baltimore, le Centre            disfrutaron de visitas al Museo de Arte
    One of the lasting benefits of put-        de visites au Capitole des États Unis,        y el Acuario de Baltimore, El Centro
ting on the IAMFA conference is the            Mount Vernon, le Musée National               de Visitantes del Capitolio (Washington,
strong relationship that is built between      d’Histoire Naturelle, le Parc Zoologique      D.C.), Mount Vernon, El Museo
the facilities fraternity of cultural insti-   National, et la Mansion Hillwood parmi        Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, El
tutions within the host city, and a desire     d’autres lieux, où ils ont pu profiter        Zoológico Nacional y la Residencia
to maintain the rapport that has been          de la vue et écouter les guides experts.      Hillwood, además de otros sitios, donde
generated. I know the Washington, D.C.         Nos programmes d’accueil sont si              pudieron disfrutar del paisaje y escuchar
members now plan to hold regular                                                             a las guías bien informadas. Nuestros
                                               bonnes que je pense que ce sont eux
local Chapter meetings, which hasn’t                                                         programas para invitados se están vol-
                                               qui parfois rendent les membres
happened for a long time.                                                                    viendo tan buenos que sospecho que
                                               heureux d’y assister – allez-y, les hôtes!
    Do think about how you can support                                                       sean los invitados que motiven la asis-
                                                   L’un des avantages durables de
broader engagement across our mem-                                                           tencia de los miembros. —¡sigan así,
bership and continue our networking            l’organisation de la conférence de            Ustedes los invitados!
and information-sharing during the             l’IAMFA est la forte relation qui se             Uno de los beneficios duraderos de
eleven months between conferences.             tisse à la fraternité des installations       ser la sede de uno de nuestras confe-
We still have too few reports from             des institutions culturelles dans la ville    rencias de IAMFA son los lazos fuertes
                                               d’accueil, et le désir d’entretenir le lien   que se fortalecen entre las instituciones
                                               qui a été généré. Je sais que les membres     culturales hermanas dentro de la ciudad
                                               de Washington, DC planifient doré-            de sede, y los deseos de fomentar esos
. . . it was a very smooth                     navant de tenir régulièrement des             lazos después de que termine la con-
                                               réunions de la section locale, ce qui         ferencia. Sé que los miembros de
and well-organised event                       n’était pas arrivé depuis longtemps.          Washington, D.C. ahora planean
                                                   Pensez comment soutenir un                reunirse regularmente en su capítulo
. . . elle a été très                          engagement plus large à travers notre         local, un acontecimiento insólito.
                                               affiliation et poursuivre notre travail          Por favor piensen en cómo pueden
harmonieuse et bien                            en réseau et comment partager des             involucrarse más con los miembros de
                                               informations au cours d’onze mois             otros capítulos y continuar a desarrollar
organisée                                      entre les conférences. Nous avons             nuestras redes de contactos profesio-
                                               encore trop peu de rapports des réu-          nales además de seguir el intercambio
. . . ha sido un evento                        nions des sections, alors invitez-vous        de información durante los once meses
                                               vos membres locaux pour une visite            entre conferencias. Todavía recibimos
bien organizado y sin                          de votre propre bâtiment. La section          muy pocos reportes de los capítulos
                                               britannique se réunira à Liverpool le         locales. Inviten a sus miembros locales
contratiempos                                  25 Mars 2010, et tout membre visitant         a hacer una gira de sus propios edificios.
                                               l’Angleterre en ce jour est bienvenu          El capitulo del Reino Unido se reunirá
                                               de nous joindre.                              en Liverpool el 25 de marzo del 2010
Chapter meetings, so do invite your                L’excellent dîner de Gala a eu lieu       y le extendemos la bienvenida a cual-
local members to come for a tour of                                                          quier miembro que se encuentre en
                                               dans le cadre fantastique de la Grande
your own building. The U.K. Chapter                                                          Liverpool ese día.
                                               Salle de la Bibliothèque du Congrès.
is meeting in Liverpool on March 25,                                                            La excelente cena de gala tomó
                                               L’équipe de San Francisco, composé
2010, and any member visiting England                                                        lugar en el fabuloso entorno del Gran
                                               de Joe Brennan (le Musée de l’art
on that day is welcome to join us.                                                           Salón de la Biblioteca del Congreso
   The excellent Gala dinner was held          moderne de San Francisco), Jennifer           de EEUU. El equipo de San Francisco
in the fantastic setting of the Great          Fragomeni (Exploratorium) et Edgar            que consiste de Joe Brennan (El Museo
Hall of the Library of Congress. The           Maxion (la Bibliothèque Cecil H.              de Arte Moderno de San Francisco),
San Francisco team, consisting of              Green de la Université de Stanford)           Jennifer Fragomeni (El Explorotorium)
Joe Brennan (San Francisco Museum              a saisi l’occasion de monter sur scène        y Edgar Maxion (la Biblioteca Cecil
of Modern Art), Jennifer Fragomeni             et jouer une petite pièce et un poème         H.Green de Stanford) tomaron la
(Exploratorium) and Edgar Maxion               pour séduire tout le monde de venir           oportunidad de montarse en la tarima
(Stanford University Green Library),           à la prochaine conférence annuelle à          y hacer una dramatización y recitar
took the opportunity to get on stage           San Francisco les17-20 Octobre 2010.          una poema para convencerles a todos
and perform a little play and poem to          S’il vous plaît, assurez-vous tous de le      a ir a la próxima conferencia anual en
entice everyone to come to the next            mettre dans votre agenda et réservez tôt.     San Francisco del 17 al 20 de octubre
CONTINUED ON PAGE 17                           SUITE À LA PAGE 17                            SIGUE EN LA PÁGINA 17

                                                                                                   PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010         3
The Nineteenth Annual IAMFA
Conference in Washington, D.C.
A Week of Culture, Professional Development, Networking,
American History, and Incredible Hospitality
By Joe May

       he 19th annual conference of          Kendra Gastright, Smithsonian             details that went into making this a
       the International Association of        Institution                             truly great conference.
       Museum Facility Administrators        Neal Graham, Library of Congress             The 138 attending this year’s con-
was held in Washington, D.C., U.S.A.         Larry Grauberger, Smithsonian             ference do not include the numerous
from November 1 to 5, 2009, and                Institution                             sponsors that contributed to the intel-
what an incredible conference it was!        Bill Griffiths, Smithsonian Institution   lectual content through presentations,
Washington, D.C. is unique among             David Hauk, Smithsonian Institution       and by generously contributing finan-
American cities, because it was estab-       Rich Kowalczyk, National Air and          cially to offset the costs associated with
lished by the Constitution of the              Space Museum, Smithsonian               the conference. The generous support
United States to serve as the Nation’s         Institution                             of sponsors allowed the organizing com-
Capital. In 1800, George Washington—         Tiffany Myers, Smithsonian                mittee to incorporate the spectacular
the first president of the United States       Institution                             venues, trips, and meals we all enjoyed
and the person for whom the city was         David Samec, National Gallery             during this year’s conference.
named—chose this site for the capital,         of Art                                     Sponsors for this year’s conference
and appointed three commissioners            Andy Smith, Smithsonian                   were:
to help prepare for the arrival of the         Institution
new government. At that time, the            Mark Sprouse, National Archives              Black & McDonald
federal government consisted of 131                                                       Millicare Textile and Carpet Care
employees. Two hundred and nine               I know how much time these indi-            Siemens
years later, a greater number than this    viduals spent planning the countless           ISS Security Systems
(112 IAMFA members and 26 guests)
stormed Washington, D.C. to attend
one of the best annual conferences in
IAMFA history.
   Let me begin by expressing gratitude
to all of the conference organizers:
    Nancy Bechtol, Smithsonian
    Judie Cooper, Smithsonian
    Dan Davies, National Zoological
      Park, Smithsonian Institution
    Brian Day, Library of Congress
    Alan Dirican, Baltimore Museum
      of Art
    Jim Duda, Library of Congress
    Bob Evans, Smithsonian Institution
    Maurice Evans, Smithsonian
    Tamara Fink, National Gallery of Art
    Kathleen Fleming, National
      Museum of the American Indian,
      Smithsonian Institution              Attendees at the Benchmarking Workshop at the Baltimore Museum of Art.

4    PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
Cleaning Management Institute              just as envisioned 12 years ago, when      ations toward the betterment of the
   Smithsonian Institution                    the annual benchmarking exercise           natural environment.
   Baltimore Museum of Art                    began. Members shared best practices           Mid-afternoon, benchmarking work-
   Library of Congress                        and solutions to problems that many        shop participants and guests traveled
   National Gallery of Art                    members are facing during these trying     back to Washington, D.C. for a quick
   National Archives and Records              economic times. Please be sure to          break, then headed off to the Sunday
     Administration                           read the recap of the benchmarking         evening Conference Opening Ceremony
                                              workshop in this issue of Papyrus.         at the Donald W. Reynolds Center.
    The IAMFA organization wants all              Guests accompanying members                The Reynolds Center is home to
of these sponsors to know how much            to the conference, and members not         both the National Portrait Gallery
we appreciate their participation in,         participating in the benchmarking          and the Smithsonian American Art
and support of, our annual conference.        exercise, took advantage of a new          Museum. These museums tell the
We encourage members to keep this             opportunity offered on Sunday: tours       stories of America through individuals
in mind when in need of products and          of two of Baltimore’s famous cultural      who have built our national culture
services of the type offered by our           institutions—namely the Baltimore          through the visual arts, the per forming
conference sponsors.                          Museum of Art (BMA), and the               arts, and new media. Their collections
    As in prior years, Day 1 (Sunday)         National Aquarium, with lunch at           represent more than three centuries
was the benchmarking workshop, with           the Baltimore Museum of Art.               of American artistic achievement that
a record-setting 48 attendees taking              The Baltimore Museum of Art is         parallel the nation’s cultural develop-
part in this year’s benchmarking exer-        home to an internationally renowned        ment. The opening ceremony was
cise. The workshop was hosted by              collection of nineteenth-century, mod-     held in the Robert and Arlene Kogod
Alan Dirican of the Baltimore Museum          ern and contemporary art. Founded          Courtyard, which has an elegant glass
of Art, and coordinated by Keith              in 1914 with a single painting, the BMA    canopy designed by the world-renowned
McClanahan from Facilities Issues, Inc.       today has 90,000 works of art—includ-      architectural firm Foster + Partners. It
Participation in the benchmarking             ing the world’s largest collection of      is a signature element of the renovated
exercise has grown significantly over         works by Henri Matisse.                    National Historic Landmark building
the past few years, and continues to be           The National Aquarium is home          that houses the two museums. The
a cornerstone of the IAMFA organi-            to hundreds of exhibits, including         Kogod Courtyard was designed by
zation. This growth in participation          approximately 16,500 specimens and         the same individuals who designed
is evidence that IAMFA members are            more than 660 species of animal, and       the Great Hall at the British Museum:
sharing knowledge gained from oper-           is deeply committed to extending the       the venue for last year’s opening
ating their individual institutions—          knowledge gained through daily oper-       ceremony.

Conference guests at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland.                The Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard at the
                                                                                  Donald W. Reynolds Center.

                                                                                               PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010          5
It was a wonderful evening, and an                                                  site on the National Mall opened in
amazing venue in which to greet both                                                   September 2004, after fifteen years in
old friends and so many new members                                                    the making, and is the first national
attending their first IAMFA Conference.                                                museum in the country dedicated exclu-
Conference hosts made presentations                                                    sively to Native Americans. The five-
during the evening, and we all enjoyed                                                 story, 250,000-square-foot (23,000 m2),
a selection of wines and canapés.                                                      curvilinear building is clad in a golden-
   Monday morning brought the offi-                                                    colored Kasota limestone, designed to
cial start of the IAMFA Conference,                                                    evoke natural rock formations shaped
beginning with a short bus ride and                                                    by wind and water over thousands of
breakfast at the National Gallery of                                                   years. The Museum is set on a 4.25-acre
                                           Nancy Bechtol, Host of the 2009 IAMFA
Art (NGA). The roots of the NGA go         Annual Conference.
                                                                                       (1.72-hectare) site, and is surrounded
back to financier Andrew W. Mellon,                                                    by simulated wetlands.
who began gathering a private col-                                                         Following lunch, we convened in
lection of Old Masters paintings and       June 1 of that year by President            the Rasmuson Theatre for opening
sculptures during the First World War.     Jimmy Carter.                               remarks from conference host Nancy
In the late 1920s, he decided to direct       Opening remarks were made by             Bechtol, Director of the Office of
his collecting efforts, secretly, toward   Darrell Willson, administrator of the       Facilities Management and Reliability,
the establishment of a new national        National Gallery of Art. Presentations      Smithsonian Institution.
gallery for the United States. Designed    were made during the morning by                 Nancy’s opening remarks were fol-
by architect John Russell Pope, who        Keith McClanahan, who summarized            lowed by presentations from Alyson
would go on to design the Jefferson        the 2009 Benchmarking Exercise, and         Steele, Manda M. Magee, Lauren
Memorial, the new structure was            Mervin Richard, Brian McGivney, and         Friedman and Michael G. Rogers—all
completed and accepted by President        Michael Smith, who made presenta-           relating to Leadership in Energy and
Franklin D. Roosevelt on behalf of the     tions on building automation systems        Environmental Design (LEED) cer-
American people on March 17, 1941.         and digital controls. Members then          tification. The National Museum of
The Gallery’s East Building was con-       chose from three possible tours:            the American Indian is in the pro-
structed in the 1970s on much of           Art Galleries, Conservation Labs,           cess of applying to become a LEED-
the remaining land left over from the      or Building Automation Systems.             certified facility. Tours were offered
original congressional joint resolution.      The conference then moved a short        of NMAI’s Building Architecture and
It was funded by Mellon’s children         distance away to the National Museum        Landscape, Maintenance Operations,
Paul Mellon and Ailsa Mellon Bruce.        of the American Indian (NMAI), where        and LEED Initiatives.
Designed by famed architect I.M. Pei,      we enjoyed an amazing lunch with                Guests spent Monday morning with
the contemporary structure was com-        everything prepared using recipes           members at the National Gallery of
pleted in 1978, and was opened on          from American Indian cultures. This         Art, then departed for Mount Vernon,

The National Gallery of Art.                                                        The National Museum of the American Indian.

6    PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
where they had lunch, followed by              quick history lesson on the Museum               After dinner and our tour of the
tours of the mansion and gardens.              and our dinner guest: the largest             Mammals Gallery, we boarded coaches
The history of Mount Vernon dates              specimen of bull elephant in the              for an unforgettable docent-led tour
back to 1674, when John Washington             U.S.A., dating back to the 1950s.             of a number of national memorials,
and Nicholas Spencer came into pos-               Following dinner, the Museum               including the Roosevelt Memorial, the
session of the land from which the             opened the Mammals Gallery for mem-           World War II Memorial, the Korean
Mount Vernon plantation would be               bers and guests to stroll through. The        War Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, and
carved. Nearly one hundred years               National Museum of Natural History’s          the Vietnam War Memorial. It was
later, Mount Vernon became the                 collections total over 126 million speci-     truly a beautiful evening under a full
home of George Washington, the                 mens of plants, animals, fossils, minerals,   moon—thought-provoking and con-
nation’s first president.                      rocks, meteorites, and human cultural         tinuously stirring emotions related to
   Following the members’ visit to             artifacts. It is the second most popular      these significant events in American
NMAI, a trip back to the Henley Park           of all of the Smithsonian museums,            history. Day One of the conference
Hotel and a quick change, everyone             and is also home to about 185 profes-         was a very full day: one that I will
once again boarded coaches, this time          sional natural history scientists: the        never forget!
heading for dinner in the rotunda              world’s largest single group of scientists       Tuesday began bright and early, as
of the National Museum of Natural              dedicated to the study of natural and         both members and guests boarded
History. Richard Day gave members a            cultural history.                             buses for a trip to the Capitol Building,

Dinner at The National Museum of Natural History with iconic bull elephant.                  The Lincoln Memorial.

The Korean War Memorial at night.                                                            The Washington Monument under a
                                                                                             full moon, taken from the World War II

                                                                                                   PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010           7
and tour of the new Capitol Visitor           provided a history of the Library of         by tours of the Art, Roof and Capital
Center. The United States Capitol             Congress. Many thanks go to Mary for         Projects, and Behind the Scenes.
Visitor Center (CVC) is a large under-        sending us home with Dr. Cole’s new             After lunch, conference guests
ground addition to the United States          book, On These Walls. After seeing this      departed for the National Museum of
Capitol complex, which serves as a            beautiful building firsthand, we are         Natural History for gallery tours and
gathering point for up to 4,000 tourists      all sure to enjoy this gift.                 an IMAX movie. Although this ended
and as an expansion space for the                 Following lunch, members left            Day Two of the conference, members
U.S. Congress. The CVC contains               for the Donald W. Reynolds Center,           and guests had a free evening to
three underground levels: a balcony-          where we heard opening remarks               explore Washington, D.C., while the
level entrance, the Emancipation Hall         from Richard Day, Deputy Director,           IAMFA Board of Directors met to
(second) level and a third restricted                                                      discuss the business of the organization,
level for new Congressional offices                                                        and to make preparations for the
and meeting rooms. The construction                                                        Annual General Meeting held on the
of the CVC represents the largest-ever                                                     following day.
expansion of the United States Capitol,       . . . the board reviewed                        The Board of Directors meeting was
and more than doubles the footprint                                                        followed by a board dinner, during
of the U.S. Capitol building complex.         preliminary plans for                        which the board reviewed prelimi-
   We then walked next door to the                                                         nary plans for the 2010 20th annual
Library of Congress to hear opening           the 2010 20th annual                         IAMFA conference in San Francisco,
remarks by Mary Levering, Director of                                                      California. Joe Brennan from the
Integrated Support Services. Nancy            IAMFA conference in                          San Francisco Museum of Modern
Lev-Alexander, Head of Preventive                                                          Art and Jennifer Fragomeni from the
Conservation at the Library of Congress,      San Francisco, California.                   Exploratorium presented plans for
made a presentation on environmental                                                       what looks to be another incredible
management from a preservation per-                                                        IAMFA Annual Conference. Please
spective; and John Williams, Architec-                                                     see the article in this issue of Papyrus
tural Engineer (PE) from the Office           Office of Facilities Management and          for preliminary details on next year’s
of the Architect of the Capital made          Reliability at the Smithsonian Institu-      conference agenda.
a presentation on the Greening of             tion. Matt Gallinger from the Cleaning          Day Three for IAMFA members
the Capital. Neal Graham, Jim Duda            Management Institute (CMI) and               began with a bus ride to the U.S.
and Greg Simmons also addressed               Judie Cooper from the Smithsonian            National Archives, with breakfast
the membership with historical facts          made a presentation on the work that         followed by choice of three tours:
and current projects at the Library of        has been done by the CMI to optimize         Facilities Tour, Researcher Tour, or
Congress. Members and guests were             building care and cleaning at the            Charters of Freedom and Rotunda
both given tours of the Library’s             Smithsonian Institution. This presen-        Tour. Those choosing the latter saw
Thomas Jefferson Building prior to            tation provided valuable information         the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of
a working lunch.                              on how sustainability principles play        Independence, and the Constitution
   During lunch, Mary Levering                an important role in today’s cultural        of the United States firsthand, while
introduced Dr. John Y. Cole, who              institutions. Presentations were followed    the Researcher Tour explained how

Dr. John Y. Cole addressing IAMFA members at lunch in the            The IAMFA Board of Directors dinner.
Thomas Jefferson Building, Library of Congress.

8    PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
any citizen can find records of his or      Hall for the IAMFA Annual Business         Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution,
her ancestors in the Archives. The          Meeting. The meeting began with            Wayne Clough. Mr. Clough is the
Facilities Tour focused on infrastructure   Presentation of Colors by the              12th Secretary of the Smithsonian
of the Archives building.                   Smithsonian’s Honor Guard.                 Institution, leading the world’s largest
    Following the tours, Ms. Adrienne C.       Each of the IAMFA board members         museum and research complex with
Thomas, Deputy Archivist of the United      addressed the membership with a            19 museums, nine research centers, the
States, welcomed everyone with open-        review of the current state of Regional    National Zoo, and research activities
ing remarks, followed by presentations      Affairs, Administration, Treasury,         in more than 90 countries.
from Sheryl Kolasinski, Steve Hodsdon,      Papyrus Magazine, and International            Following the business meeting,
and Larry Grauberger, relating to           Affairs. Rich Kowalczyk then presided      Jack Nicholas made a presentation
capital and maintenance budget              over the election of board members.        on Reliability Centered Maintenance
planning.                                   Three board positions were up for          (RCM), then members chose from
    Lunch that day was at the Smith-        election: Secretary and Papyrus Editor;    three excellent tours: Arts and Indus-
sonian Castle. Richard Day, Deputy          VP, Regional Affairs; and Treasurer.       tries Tour, Quad Back of the House
Director, and Maurice Evans, South          John Castle and Joe May volunteered        Tour—Humidification System, or
Zone Manager, Office of Facilities and      to remain in office for an additional
                                                                                       Central Core Renovations of NMAH—
Reliability, Smithsonian Institution,       two-year term, while voting took place
                                                                                       1st and 2nd Floors with Focus on the
made presentations during lunch             to elect a new IAMFA Treasurer. Larry
                                                                                       Star-Spangled Banner.
with facts about this oldest of the         Bannister from the Milwaukee Public
                                                                                           Day Three for Conference guests
Smithsonian buildings. Architect            Museum was elected Treasurer, fol-
                                                                                       began with a bus ride to the National
James Renwick, Jr. began work on the        lowing Jim Moisson’s three terms in
Castle in 1847, and is also known for       office. We all thank Jim for his dedica-   Zoological Park. The National Zoo
other works including St. Patrick’s         tion to this position, and the excellent   is recognized as one of the premier
Cathedral in New York City and the          health of the organization’s treasury.     zoological research institutions in the
Smithsonian’s Renwick Gallery, also in      Larry is familiar to many IAMFA            United States, largely because of its
Washington, D.C. Renwick was selected       members, having served on the board        contributions to captive breeding, and
by a unanimous vote following a design      years ago as Secretary and Papyrus         studies done on wild and free-ranging
competition in 1846. The Smithsonian        Editor. Welcome Larry! Thank you for       species. The National Zoo conducts
Castle currently houses all the admin-      your service to IAMFA.                     research in numerous field stations
istrative offices of the Smithsonian,          Joe Brennan from the San Francisco      around the world, providing expertise
with the main Smithsonian visitor           Museum of Modern Art addressed the         and logistical support to local research
center also located here. A crypt just      membership, and provided a prelim-         and conservation efforts in Asia, Africa,
inside the north entrance houses the        inary look at plans for next year’s        Europe, and North and South America.
tomb of James Smithson.                     IAMFA Conference in San Francisco.         Guests selected between three tours,
    Following lunch, members con-              During the Business Meeting,            all of which led eventually to the
vened in the Ripley Center Lecture          members were also addressed by the         Panda House.

The Smithsonian Institution’s Honor Guard   Nancy Bechtol, IAMFA Conference Host,      One of the National Zoo’s most popular
at the beginning of the IAMFA Business      and Wayne Clough, Secretary of the         residents.
Meeting.                                    Smithsonian Institution.

                                                                                             PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010           9
Following their visit to the National     of the “American Renaissance”. The              Library of Congress’ Packard Campus
Zoo, guests departed for the Hillwood         building incorporates programs of               for Audio Visual Conservation.
Museum and Gardens for lunch and              symbolic content, exhibiting the pro-              The National Audiovisual Con-
tours. Hillwood is a decorative arts          gress of civilization, as personified           servation Center (NAVCC) is the
museum, and is the former home and            in Great Men and culminating in                 Library of Congress’ new audiovisual
garden of Marjorie Merriweather Post,         the American official culture of the            archive, located inside Mount Pony
who was a leading American socialite          Gilded Age.                                     in Culpeper, Virginia. From 1969 to
and the founder of General Foods.                After cocktails in the Great Hall, we        1988, the Center was a high-security
Hillwood is now maintained by the             heard presentations from Gala host,             storage facility operated by the
Post Foundation, and showcases                Neal Graham, Chief of Facility Services,        Federal Reserve Board. With con-
eighteenth- and nineteenth-century            Library of Congress; IAMFA President            struction completed in mid-2007,
French art, and art treasures from            John DeLucy; Jim Moisson, outgoing              and after transfer of the bulk of
Imperial Russia.                              Treasurer of IAMFA; and Joe Brennan,            archives, the Center offered, for
    Quick trips back to the Henley Park       next year’s Conference host.                    the first time, a single storage site
Hotel for both members and guests, a             During the evening, many members             for all 6.3 million pieces of the
little time to rest, and then it was time     and guests took the opportunity to              Library’s movie, television, and
to get dressed for the IAMFA Gala,            wander about the Great Hall, and                sound collection.
held this year at the Thomas Jefferson        peek into the Main Reading Room,                   The NAVCC design, named Best
Building of the Library of Congress.          with its breathtaking domed ceiling,            of 2007 by MidAtlantic Construction
Everyone boarded three coaches,               soaring 160 feet (48.75 metres) above           Magazine, involved upgrading the
and our motorcade was led by police           the floor.                                      existing bunker and creating an
escort to Capitol Hill and the Thomas            This year’s Conference Gala was              entirely new building with below-
Jefferson Building. The oldest of the         held in a stunning venue with sur-              ground entry that also includes a
three United States Library of Congress       roundings that couldn’t have been               large screening room, office space
buildings, the Thomas Jefferson Build-        more breathtaking. Many members                 and research facilities. Designers
ing was built between 1890 and 1897.          arrived at this year’s Gala wearing             BAR Architects, project-architect
It is known for its classical facade and      dinner jackets, adding to the splendor          SmithGroup and landscape designers
elaborately decorated interior.               of the evening. It truly was an evening         SWA Group, along with DPR Construc-
    The Thomas Jefferson Building,            that members and guests will not                tion, Inc., collaborated in what is now
containing some of the richest public         soon forget.                                    the largest green-roofed commercial
interiors in the United States, is a com-        The final day of the 2009 IAMFA              facility in the Eastern United States,
pendium of the work of classically-           Conference began with a coach ride to           blending into the surrounding
trained American sculptors and painters       Culpeper Virginia, and a tour of the            environment and ecosystem.

Hillwood Gardens, on the site of the former   The Conference Gala, held in the Great Hall of the Thomas Jefferson Building, Library
home of Marjorie Merriweather Post.           of Congress.

10     PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
Following tours of the facility, mem-        and Winery has since grown to become           After lunch, everyone traveled on
bers and guests departed for Prince             one of the largest, most widely distrib-   to the National Air and Space Museum’s
Michel Vineyard and Winery for lunch            uted, and recognized wineries in the       Udvar-Hazy Center. The Steven F.
and wine tasting. When Prince Michel            state and along the East Coast. Prince     Udvar-Hazy Center is the Smithsonian
Vineyard and Winery was founded                 Michel wines have won competitions         National Air and Space Museum
26 years ago, a vision was formed out           around the world, and continue to          (NASM) annex at Washington Dulles
of a love for Virginia and its relation-        flourish with the efforts and love of      International Airport, in the Chantilly
ship to the vine. Prince Michel Vineyard        owners, employees, and customers.          area of Fairfax County, Virginia.
                                                                                               The Center was made possible by a
                                                                                           U.S$65-million gift in October 1999
                                                                                           to the Smithsonian Institution by
                                                                                           Steven F. Udvar-Hazy, an immigrant
                                                                                           from Hungary and co-founder of the
                                                                                           International Lease Finance Corpo-
                                                                                           ration. Construction of the Center,
                                                                                           which was designed by HOK, required
                                                                                           15 years of preparation and was built by
                                                                                           Hensel Phelps Construction Company.
                                                                                               On December 2, 2008, the Center
                                                                                           received a gift of $6 million for Phase
                                                                                           Two of the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center
                                                                                           from Airbus Americas Inc. This gift
                                                                                           was the largest corporate gift to the
                                                                                           Smithsonian Institution in 2008.
                                                                                           Phase Two of the Udvar-Hazy Center
                                                                                           will be dedicated to the behind-the-
                                                                                           scenes care of the Smithsonian’s col-
                                                                                           lection of aircraft, spacecraft, related
                                                                                           artifacts and archival materials.
                                                                                               NASM has always had more artifacts
                                                                                           than could be displayed at the main
                                                                                           museum on the National Mall in
The National Audiovisual Conservation Center.
                                                                                           Washington, D.C. Most of the collec-
                                                                                           tion had been stored, unavailable to
                                                                                           visitors, at the Paul E. Garber Preserva-
                                                                                           tion, Restoration, and Storage Facility
                                                                                           in Silver Hill, Prince George’s County,
                                                                                           Maryland. Plans call for additional
                                                                                           phases that will move the restoration
                                                                                           facility and the museum archives from
                                                                                           their current location at the Garber
                                                                                           facility to the Udvar-Hazy Center.
                                                                                               After a day of touring these two
                                                                                           remarkable facilities, the bus ride back
                                                                                           to the hotel was a good opportunity to
                                                                                           reflect on a very busy week—and one of
                                                                                           the best IAMFA Annual Conferences
                                                                                           in our organization’s history.
                                                                                               I’d like to finish by again thanking
                                                                                           the Washington, D.C. Conference
                                                                                           organizers for all their hard work and
                                                                                           hospitality toward all of us who were
                                                                                           fortunate to have experienced the
                                                                                           2009 IAMFA Annual Conference.

Randy Murphy, IAMFA’s Los Angeles               John DeLucy, President of IAMFA, at NASM   Joe May is the Secretary of IAMFA, and
Chapter Head, samples the wine at Prince        with the Space Shuttle Enterprise in the   Editor of Papyrus.
Michel Vineyard and Winery.                     background.

                                                                                               PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010         11
The Twentieth Annual
IAMFA Conference
La vingtième Conférence
annuelle de l’IAMFA
La Vigésima Conferencia
Anual de IAMFA
By / par / por Joe Brennan

T                                           L                                           L
       he Northern California Chapter             a section de la Californie du               os miembros del capítulo de IAMFA
       of IAMFA will host the 20th                nord de l’IAMFA sera l’hôte                 del norte de California serán los
       annual IAMFA Conference                    de la 20è Conférence annuelle               anfitriones de la vigésima confe-
in San Francisco on October 17–20,          de l’IAMFA à San Francisco les              rencia de IAMFA en San Francisco del
2010. San Francisco at that time of         17-20 Octobre 2010. À cette époque          17 al 20 de octubre de 2010.
year typically offers our warmest and       de l’année, San Francisco offre habi-          Generalmente en esa época el clima
most fog-free indian summer conditions.     tuellement les conditions les plus          de San Francisco nos ofrece las mejores
    We are assembling an informative        charmantes et ensoleillées de notre été.    condiciones de un veranillo de San Juan
curriculum and have secured superb             Nous préparons actuellement un           con días agradables con poca neblina.
venues for our sessions and tours. The      programme informatif et avons obtenu           Estamos desarrollando una agenda
hosting institutions are the California     de superbes sites pour nos séances          informativa y hemos reservado increíbles
Academy of Sciences, the De Young           et visites. Les établissements d’accueil    lugares para nuestras sesiones y recor-
Museum, The Walt Disney Family              sont l’Académie des Sciences de la          ridos. Los anfitriones serán La Academia
Museum, the Cantor Museum, the              Californie, le Musée De Young, le Musée     de Ciencias de California, El Museo
Stanford University Libraries, The          de la famille de Walt Disney, le Musée      De Young, El Museo de la Familia de
Contemporary Jewish Museum, The             Cantor, les Bibliothèques de l’Université   Walt Disney, El Museo Cantor, La
Exploratorium and the San Francisco         de Stanford, le Musée Contemporain          Biblioteca de la Universidad de Stanford,
Museum of Modern Art—which will             Juif, l’Exploratorium et le Musée d’Art     El Museo Contemporáneo Judío, El
be celebrating its 75th anniversary in      Moderne de San Francisco qui fêtera         Exploratorium y El Museo de Arte
2010. We are also assembling a fine         son 75e anniversaire en 2010. Nous          Moderno de San Francisco—- el que
Guest Program and an attractive Day         avons préparé aussi un beau Programme       celebrará su 75 aniversario en el 2010.
After expedition. We will publish the       pour les invités et une attrayante expé-    Estamos organizando un programa
curriculum, as well details of our Guest    dition pour la journée extra optionnelle    increíble para los huéspedes y un emo-
Program and Day After package in the        de la conférence. Nous publierons           cionante día de actividades y expedici-
next issue of Papyrus.                      les programmes d’activités, ainsi que       ones para el Día Extra Opcional de la
    We have secured IAMFA a block of        les détails de notre Programme pour         conferencia. Publicaremos la agenda, al
rooms at the historic Sir Francis Drake     les invités et l’activité de la journée     igual que detalles de nuestro programa
Hotel, centrally located at Union Square,   optionnelle dans le prochain numéro         de huéspedes y paquete de Día Opcional
and right on the Powell Street Cable        du Papyrus.                                 en la próxima edición de Papyrus
Car line: The         Nous avons obtenu pour l’IAMFA              Hemos reservado un grupo de
rate is $169/night and it is important      un bloc de chambres à l’historique Sir      cuartos para IAMFA en el histórico
that you book within our block to ful-      Francis Drake Hôtel, situé à l’Union        Hotel de Sir Francis Drake, ubicado
fill our commitments—not to mention         Square, et tout près de la ligne du         en la céntrica plaza de Union Square,
the convenience of staying at the host      funiculaire sur la rue Powell: www.         y justo sobre la ruta de la Calle Powell
hotel for bus departures, networking, Le tarif est de        del tranvía:
etc. For reservations, please call 1-800-   $169 la nuit et il est important que        Las tarifas del hotel son $169 por noche
277-5480 or 415-392-7755 and refer-         vous réserviez au sein de notre bloc à      y es importante que recibamos sus
ence “IAMFA—Annual Conference” or           fin de remplir nos compromis. Sans          reservaciones dentro de nuestro plazo
CONTINUED ON PAGE 40                        SUITE À LA PAGE 40                          SIGUE EN LA PÁGINA 40

                                                                                           PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010         13
Cool Efficiency at Chicago’s Museum
of Science and Industry
Careful Planning and Analysis Leads to Successful
Installation of New Central Plant
By Elizabeth Miller, Anthony B. McGuire, David M. Brooks and Michael J. Murphy

      hicago’s Museum of Science and Industry is one of the          In the early 1990s, the Museum recognized that a central
      largest science museums in the world. With approxi-        system would reduce its lifecycle costs for cooling, and
      mately 1.5 million visitors per year, it is home to more   installed half of a chilled water loop on the ground floor,
than 35,000 artifacts and nearly 14 acres (5.7 hectares) of      and several air-cooled chillers outside near the loading
hands-on exhibits. When staff decided to install two new         dock. By 2006, the air-cooled chillers were out of cooling
exhibits for the Museum’s 75th anniversary, Elizabeth            capacity and nearing the end of their service lives. With
Miller, senior project manager for the Museum of Science         two new exhibits in the works, the time had come to install
and Industry, quickly realized that the facility would not       a cooling plant worthy of its home in a science and industry
have the capacity to cool and ventilate the spaces, given the    museum. Construction would have to take place while
additional visitors who would come through the exhibition        patrons visited the Museum. The locations of some of the
spaces plus the heat generated from the exhibits themselves.     mechanical rooms were at the top of the building, making
   “We were only cooling 50 percent of the museum, and           it impossible to bring in large air-handling units without
we knew that adding the exhibits was going to surpass our        destroying existing passageways. In many cases, the team
cooling capacity,” said Miller. “When we started exploring       had just inches to work with.
possibilities, we knew that a new central plant was going to
be the best option.”
   The then-facility manager decided to work with David          The Decision Process
Brooks and Michael Murphy from McGuire Engineers                 In building a new central plant, the Museum of Science and
(MEPC) to analyze the issue and decide on the approach           Industry had three main criteria for the plant. It had to:
that could best handle existing cooling needs and new            • cool the existing load;
cooling needs, while also being as efficient as possible. The
result was a system that exceeded everyone’s expectations,       • be able to be installed in phases; and
with the capacity to cool twice the space and bring in two
                                                                 • be as energy-efficient as possible.
times more ventilation than required, without any increase
in energy expenses.
                                                                    Having determined that a new central cooling plant
                                                                 was their ultimate goal, Museum staff knew that an even
Building History and Challenges                                  more difficult challenge lay in distributing the cooling and
The Museum of Science and Industry is housed in one of           ventilation air without disturbing the historically protected
the buildings originally built for the World’s Columbian         exhibit spaces: the very ones that the new exhibits would
Exposition, held in Chicago in 1893. The Beaux Arts struc-       call home. Luckily, there were mechanical rooms that could
ture was constructed with a brick substructure under its         be used high above the exhibits at the end of the courts.
plaster façade, which was replaced with limestone in the         The challenge would be getting equipment into the rooms
1930s. The architecture includes a domed roof, three             and ductwork out into the exhibits.
pavilions and Ionic order columns.                                  Staff at the Museum originally approached MEPC because
   The age, structure and daily function of the building         of the company’s work creating a thermal storage system in
made the design of a new central plant particularly daunt-       Chicago’s historic Field Museum. While it was a successful
ing. The original air systems were installed in 1937, and        solution for the Field Museum, the Museum of Science and
supplied outside air throughout the Museum. The systems          Industry also wanted MEPC to consider multiple options
were for ventilation only, and some continue to operate          and to prove to the facilities department—and ultimately,
today. Throughout the Museum’s history of renovations,           the Board and President of the Museum—which system
various local systems were added to cool and ventilate           was best. To investigate the issue, MEPC began with very
relatively small areas. This approach kept initial costs low,    broad cooling plant approaches, and continually refined
but operational costs soon increased due to high-energy          and narrowed the decision until a final plant type and size
use and decentralized maintenance.                               were determined.

14     PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
MEPC started by comparing a central cooling plant to a                          energy cost. What MEPC determined is that a water-cooled
decentralized, or local, plant which historically had been                         plant had simple payback of under two years, and that the
the approach of the Museum. By using a decision matrix as                          best water-cooled plant had a smaller chiller with a variable
seen below, MEPC demonstrated how a central plant was                              frequency drive with three larger chillers.
the better option.                                                                    The process had taken nearly six months, but the Museum
   MEPC then studied various central plant approaches—                             was ready to make its decision, and decided on a central
air-cooled chillers, water-cooled chillers, and thermal                            water-cooled chilled water plant with one small chiller and
energy storage—and presented its findings to the Museum                            three larger chillers. The proposed system could easily be
in terms of simple payback, with the air-cooled chiller as                         connected to the existing building because it was a central-
the point of comparison. The engineering team accom-                               ized system and could be installed in phases, with two chillers
plished this by modeling the entire existing system with                           right away and two later. Finally, the new system would be
energy modeling software and running multiple equip-                               roughly twice as efficient as the currently installed system.
ment scenarios. After internal discussions, the Museum
excluded the thermal energy storage system because of                              From Efficiency to Super-Efficiency:
upfront costs and space constraints.
   This left the air-cooled and water-cooled options. MEPC
                                                                                   Cooling Plant Execution
designers felt that that the water-cooled option was the best,                     While the chosen cooling plant was designed to be incredibly
based on their experience that water-cooled equipment                              efficient, the design team added several innovative features
tends to last longer and is more efficient. However, staff at                      to bump up the overall efficiency even further. The plant
the Museum needed more convincing, so MEPC made one                                was designed as a primary variable-flow system, which means
last detailed comparison. The engineers simulated nine                             that the pumps slow down to meet the required building
different central cooling plants with various equipment                            chilled water flow. This is more efficient than a constant-
types and sizes, and compared upfront costs to annual                              flow system, because the power consumed is proportional
                                                                                   to the flow cubed. In other words, if the pumps are at
                                                                                   80 percent of their capacity, the power used is 50 percent
                 Cooling Plan Decision Matrix—                                     of the peak energy.
               Central versus Local Cooling Plants                                     Pressure-independent control valves were another inno-
                                                                                   vative feature incorporated by MEPC. Pressure-independent
                        Control       Local
Criteria                 Plant        Plant     Remarks
                                                                                   control valves maintain consistent flow over a wide range
                                                                                   of pressures for a fixed-valve position, unlike conventional
Year-round cooling           10        8        Local cooling systems may not
                                                operate in winter conditions.      control valves that flow differently over varying pressure for
                                                                                   a fixed-valve position. Air handlers, both new and existing,
Flexibility                   8         9       Central systems benefit from
                                                available capacity, while local    had pressure-independent control valves installed on the
                                                plants can be placed anywhere.     chilled water coils, which help reduce pumping energy and
Redundancy                   10         6       Local plants are not redundant     increase the temperature rise of chilled water through the
                                                unless two are installed side-     air handler, which increases chiller efficiency. A pressure-
                                                by-side. Central systems have      independent control valve is installed in the chiller bypass
                                                available capacity for
                                                redundancy.                        position to help maintain the minimum chiller flow. The
Future Capacity              7         10       Local plants may install future
                                                capacity at will. Central plants
                                                must have future capacity               Air- and Water-Cooled Chiller Plants
                                                designed from beginning.
                                                                                        First Cost vs. Annual Chiller Energy Cost
Energy management            10         6       Central plants are designed
systems Integration                             to be integrated into energy
                                                management systems.
Reduce energy cost           8          6       Central systems are usually
                                                more efficient.
Maintenance                  8          6       Central plant has less
                                                equipment to maintain.
Usability                    6          8       Local cooling packaged systems
                                                are more familiar to museum
Environmentally              8          6       Local systems contain ozone-
friendly                                        depleting refrigerants. Central
                                                plants are more efficient.
Total                        75        65
                                                                                   MEPC graphed upfront costs and annual energy costs of various
                                                                                   systems to determine which system made the most economic
10=Excellent   8=Very Good   6=Good    4=Fair   2=Poor                             sense.

                                                                                                             PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010         15
engineers also used a pressure-independent control valve               efficient and scalable. The air-conditioning systems would
on the smaller chiller. This trims the chilled water flow,             be serving offices and exhibit spaces with some existing
thereby loading the larger chillers, which run more effi-              and future renovations.
ciently when they are fully loaded. This increases the overall            The design team protected the historical nature of the
plant efficiency. The plant flow diagram is found below.               spaces by using a 14-inch (35.5-centimeter) interstitial
                                                                       space between the existing plaster ceilings and walls and
                                                                       the structure. The ductwork and piping were designed in
                                                                       a three-dimensional CAD package to ensure that all of
                                                                       the systems could fit into the given space. The air was
                                                                       distributed with linear slot diffusers so that the visual
                                                                       impact was minimal.
                                                                          The equipment was placed in existing mechanical rooms,
                                                                       high above the exhibit spaces. Although the spaces were
                                                                       essentially empty, the space was limited and was difficult
                                                                       to access. Therefore, the new systems were designed to be
                                                                       completely broken down and assembled in place by hand.
                                                                       The design was executed in a three-dimensional CAD
                                                                       package to ensure that the system would fit into the given
                                                                       mechanical room, as seen in the isometric view below. MEPC
                                                                       designed the system with no fewer than four fans to increase
                                                                       the turndown ability, to reduce the overall length, and to
                                                                       ensure that fans could be carried up the narrow stairwell
                                                                       for replacement. As a bonus, the system had inherent
                                                                       redundancy if a fan failure should occur.
                                                                          Although the engineers had thought through the con-
                                                                       structability of the two new air handlers, the means and
Ventilation System Execution                                           methods were left to the contractors. The Museum under-
Once the challenges to the central cooling plant had been              took extensive interviews to understand how each con-
addressed, the next challenge was to cool and ventilate the            tractor planned on approaching the project. Interestingly,
new exhibits. The ventilation system had several looming               both projects were approached differently. One contractor
challenges. The first challenge was to cool and ventilate              built a tower and lifted the air handler piece-by-piece with
two new exhibits that the Museum was planning to open.                 multiple levels of chain-falls through the floor of the mechan-
Unfortunately, the two exhibits were to occupy areas that              ical room. The other contractor lifted sections of the air
had no cooling, were under-ventilated, and had historical              handler with a crane through the roof. Both approaches,
status, which meant that any changes we made to accom-                 although completely different, were successful, and
modate air conditioning had to be practically invisible. The           maintained the schedule and budget.
second challenge was to find a place for the equipment—                   High efficiency was obtained by using multiple fans
and, once found, to get it into the room. Space was severely           with variable-frequency drives and a heat-recovery unit,
limited, and access to any space was through small door-               and by resetting the static air discharge point, based on
ways and cramped stairs. Finally, the system had to be energy-         which variable air-volumes boxes were in operation.

Using 3-D CAD software, the engineers developed an isometric view of the mechanical room to help predetermine how to fit all the
equipment into a small space.

16     PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
Results                                                           dimensional drawings of the plan also helped lead the project
The first phase of the cooling plant installation is now com-     to success: the space was planned so accurately that change
plete: the two first air handlers have been installed, and        orders were kept to a minimum.
two additional air handlers will be installed in the future.         The new central plant cools the existing load, is being
The cooling plant and ventilation projects met and sur-           installed in phases, and is energy-efficient—even more effi-
passed the Museum’s original goals for the system. Much of        cient than originally planned, because of the custom design
the success of the project was due to the months of upfront       innovations. Careful planning and analysis were key to build-
research and heavy involvement from Museum staff, which           ing a complex but elegant system that can cool a historic
focused the project in a way that a design-build or a typical     structure like the Museum of Science and Industry.
plan and specification process could not do. What made this
                                                                  Elizabeth Miller is Senior Project Manager, AIA, Museum of Science
job so successful was the cooperation and trust between the       and Industry; Anthony B. McGuire is Principal at McGuire Engineers
owner and engineer, and the level of commitment from              (MEPC); David M. Brooks is Project Manager at MEPC; and Michael
the whole team. In addition, the highly coordinated, three-       J. Murphy is Lead Project Engineer at MEPC.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3                       SUITE DE LA PAGE 3                           VIENE DE LA PÁGINA 3

Annual Conference in San Francisco             Je suis impatient de vous rencon-         del 2010. Por favor asegúrense de
on October 17–20, 2010. Please make         trer de nouveau à San Francisco – et         anotarla en sus agendas y hagan sus
sure you all put it in your diaries now     n’oubliez pas de porter vos chaussettes      reservaciones temprano.
and book early.                             lumineuses les plus colorées! Il y aura         Estoy contando los días que fal-
   I am looking forward to meeting          des prix pour les plus scandaleuses!         tan hasta poder verlos a Ustedes
you all again in San Francisco—and                                                       en San Francisco. Y no se olviden de
don’t forget to bring your highly           John de Lucy                                 traer a sus medias de colores fosfor-
coloured luminescent socks! Prizes          Président, IAMFA                             escentes. ¡Habrá premios para las
for the most outrageous ones!                                                            medias más despampanantes!

John de Lucy                                                                             John de Lucy
President, IAMFA                                                                         Presidente, IAMFA

         Reserve this space to
         advertise in a future
           issue of Papyrus
          Please contact the Editor of
              Papyrus for details

                                                                                             PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010          17
The Harley-Davidson Museum
The First Museum to Gain GREENGUARD Certification
By Tim Dotson

       he Harley-Davidson Museum opened in July 2008,
       and has many sustainable features built right into its
       design—but it doesn’t end there. In September 2009,
our contracted housekeeping partner, CleanPower,
approached us regarding the GREENGUARD Indoor Air
Quality Certification program. Their product supply partner,
JohnsonDiversey, offered expertise with this certification,
and extended it to CleanPower. This made the entire process
possible, by implementing the Healthy High Performance
Cleaning System and facilitating certification. In October
2009, the Harley-Davidson Museum became the first museum
ever to receive GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certification
for Cleaners and Cleaning Maintenance Systems.
   As do most museums, we have very specific financial
and cleaning parameters for our site, using APPA cleaning
standards to define performance in our agreement with               Motorcycles, artifacts, history and stories reside within manufacturing-
                                                                    inspired stylings of concrete, steel, brick and glass.
CleanPower. The sustainability criteria, however, were more
subjective. While we required competitive cleaning companies
to describe their expertise with “green cleaning” during            products. We changed from using standard cloth mops to a
our initial bid process, we did not have a quantitative             microfiber wet mop solution to reduce airborne particulate
standard to measure against.                                        matter. Procedurally, we found we were already following
   The GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certification                  GREENGUARD-approved procedures, so aside from learning
program gives us that standard. It is a third-party certification   how to use a few new products and the new mops, very little
granted by the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute                   training was required.
(GEI): an industry-independent, non-profit organization                The GEI recertifies cleaning products annually. To keep
that oversees the GREENGUARD Certification ProgramSM.               our certification, we simply need to continue using the pro-
As an ANSI Authorized Standards Developer, GEI estab-               ducts and procedures we demonstrated during our initial
lishes acceptable indoor air standards for indoor products,         certification. The GEI has indicated that we will receive
environments, and buildings. To achieve certification, com-         regular audits to ensure compliance with the program.
panies must go through an audit, not only of cleaning pro-             In conclusion, GREENGUARD certification has given
ducts used, but also the procedures and tools used in the           us a sustainability standard by which we can measure our
application of those products.                                      housekeeping performance, and supports the Harley-
   As part of the audit, we found two aspects of our clean-         Davidson Museum’s goal of continuing to identify and
ing regimen that required attention if we were to attain            employ sustainable ideas wherever it makes sense.
certification. A few cleaning products that we used were
not GREENGUARD-certified. We worked with CleanPower                 Tim Dotson, CFM, CFMJ is Facility Project Manager at Harley-
and their product supplier to find substitutes for these            Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

                                                                    A riverwalk view of the Harley-Davidson Museum’s four towers,
The Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.          which represent the four founding fathers of the company.

18     PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
19th Annual IAMFA Confe

20   PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
rence in Washington, D.C.

                            PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010   21
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Papyrus Winter 2009

  • 1. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A S S O C I AT I O N O F M U S E U M F A C I L I T Y A D M I N I S T R AT O R S PAPYRUS VOL. 10, NO. 3 WINTER 2009–2010 Cool Efficiency at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry The Harley-Davidson Museum: The First Museum to Gain GREENGUARD Certification Recap of the 19th Annual IAMFA Conference in Washington, D.C.
  • 2. Contents Letter from the Editor Record Attendance at Best Practices Workshop 1 22 Message from the President / Transforming a Globally Unique Cultural Institution Mot du président / 24 Mensaje del Presidente 2 The United States Library of Congress Archival Storage Facility The Nineteenth Annual IAMFA Conference in 28 Washington, D.C. 4 2009 Engineering Excellence Awards: Recovering the Lost Stream at Winterthur The Twentieth Annual IAMFA Conference / 30 La vingtième Conférence annuelle de l’IAMFA La Vigésima Conferencia Anual de IAMFA IAMFA Members Directory 2009 13 33 Cool Efficiency at Chicago’s Museum of Science IAMFA Members — Organizations and Industry 39 14 Regional Updates The Harley-Davidson Museum: The First Museum to Gain GREENGUARD Certification 41 18 Cover photo: The Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C., USA. Photo by Joe May. IAMFA BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGIONAL CHAPTERS President Secretary and Papyrus Editor Atlanta, U.S.A. — Kevin Streiter, New Zealand — Patricia Morgan, John de Lucy Joseph E. May High Museum of Art Auckland Art Gallery patricia.morgan@ The British Library Sustainability Engineer London, United Kingdom Los Angeles, CA, USA Australia — Dean Marshall, National Gallery of Australia Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada — Ian MacLean, Canada Science and V.P., Administration Technology Museum Corporation Chairman — Conference 2010 Bilbao, Spain — Rogelio Diez, Richard Kowalczyk Guggenheim Museum Joe Brennan Smithsonian Institution San Francisco Museum of Philadelphia, USA — John Castle, Washington, DC, USA Chicago, USA — William Caddick, Winterthur Museum & Garden Modern Art San Francisco, CA Art Institute of Chicago San Francisco, USA — Joe Brennan, V.P., Regional Affairs Hawaii, USA — Robert White, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art John Castle Honolulu Academy of Arts Head of International Affairs Winterthur Museum, United Kingdom — Bill Jackson, Guy Larocque Garden and Library Los Angeles, USA — Randy Murphy, National Library of Scotland, Canadian Museum of Edinburgh Winterthur, DE, USA Los Angeles County Museum of Art Civilization Gatineau, QC, Canada New England, USA — John H. Washington/Baltimore, USA — Treasurer Maurice Evans, Lannon, Boston Athenaeum Larry Bannister Smithsonian Institution Milwaukee Public Museum For additional contact information, New York, USA — Mark Demairo, Milwaukee, WI, USA please visit our website at Neue Galerie IAMFA/ Papyrus Elizabeth Miller Editing Statements of fact and opinion Vol. 10, Number 3 Michael J. Murphy Artistic License (English) are made on the responsibility of Winter 2009–2010 Jon Netherton Guy Laroque (French) authors alone and do not imply an Pennoni Associates opinion on the part of the editors, Printed in Canada by officers, or members of IAMFA. The Editor Jack Plumb Elm Printing editors of IAMFA Papyrus reserve the Joe May Stacey Wittig right to accept or to reject any Article Shaun Woodhouse or advertisement submitted for Papyrus Correspondents ISSN 1682-5241 publication. Joe Brennan Design and Layout David M. Brooks Phredd Grafix While we have made every attempt to John DeLucy ensure that reproduction rights have Tim Dotson Translation been acquired for the illustrations Joe May Marina Pascal (French) used in this newsletter, please let us know if we have inadvertently Anthony B. McGuire Jeanne Pascal (Spanish) overlooked your copyright, and we will rectify the matter in a future issue.
  • 3. Letter from the Editor Joe May — Editor, Papyrus T he 19th IAMFA Conference is member institutions to become lean. tisements. I believe advertisements will over, and members and their The 19th annual conference offered provide a win-win situation both for guests have returned to their numerous opportunities for members advertisers and for IAMFA members, homes across the globe. It was great to learn how colleagues have coped and I encourage members to take renewing relationships with long-time note of our advertisers; they support members, and nice meeting so many our organization, and they provide who were attending an IAMFA con- . . . the Benchmarking products and services that you may ference for the first time. It was no need in managing your facilities. As Workshop and IAMFA wonder that the Benchmarking Papyrus’s content and reach have grown, Workshop and IAMFA Conference Conference both drew publication costs have also grown, and both drew record attendance again record attendance again our advertisers will be very important this year with all the stunning venues, in generating revenue to offset these landmarks and memorials that we this year with all the costs. Please remember our advertisers’ visited in the Nation’s Capital. It’s stunning venues, land- names when you require their particular obvious that word is spreading about types of products, services and expertise. marks and memorials the conference’s educational content Finally, I would like to thank all and networking opportunities among that we visited in the those who contributed to the content the managers of the world’s great Nation’s Capital. in this issue of Papyrus, and I hope cultural institutions. you learn something new while The challenges faced by facilities reading it. professionals at cultural institutions with reduced budgets, while setting Joe May have never been greater. Doing more an example for the public on how Editor, Papyrus Magazine with less has become a common thread, important it is to reduce our carbon and doing it in a sustainable way pre- footprint. For more information on becoming a member of the International Association sents an additional challenge as the In this issue of Papyrus, I hope you of Museum Facility Administrators, please world’s economy forces many of our will notice the introduction of adver- visit WWW.IAMFA.ORG PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010 1
  • 4. Message from the President Message du président Mensaje del Presidente John de Lucy President / Président / Presidente, IAMFA C M F ongratulations to the Washington es félicitations au Comité elicidades al Comité Organizador Conference Committee for put- organisateur de la Conférence de la Conferencia de Washington, ting on a very successful confer- de Washington pour mettre D.C. por una conferencia muy ence and learning experience. From a en marche une conférence très réussie exitosa con muchas oportunidades para member’s point of view, it was a very et une expérience d’apprentissage. Du aprender. Desde el punto de vista de un smooth and well-organised event—so, point de vue d’un membre, elle a été miembro de IAMFA, ha sido un evento well done Nancy, Tiffany and your team, très harmonieuse et bien organisée – bien organizado y sin contratiempos, who smiled and laughed through even donc, bien fait Nancy, Tiffany et votre “Les felicito, Nancy, Tiffany y su equipo the rarest last-minute rearrangements! équipe qui souriaient et même riaient de trabajo,” ¡quienes se sonrieron aun IAMFA members were amazing in lors des plus insolites changements de cuando se enfrentaron los cambios their efforts to attend the conference la dernière minute! más extraños de último momento! during a recession, with some even Les membres de l’IAMFA ont été Hay que admirar a los miembros de paying their own way in their eager- formidables dans leurs efforts pour IAMFA quienes se han esforzado en ness to network with their peers (and assister à la conférence au cours d’une asistir a la conferencia a pesar de la maybe have a little fun, too!). récession, avec certains payant leur recesión económica, inclusive algunos This year’s conference again high- propre chemin dans l’enthousiasme pagando sus propias inscripciones lighted the valuable contribution that pour échanger avec leurs collègues (et debido a su interés en relacionarse facility managers make to the produc- pour s’amuser un peu aussi, peut-être!). con otros contactos profesionales (y tive, safe, healthy and secure cultural La conférence de cette année a tal vez en divertirse un poco también). environments you all look after. It also souligné encore une fois la précieuse Otra vez este año la conferencia highlighted how IAMFA members are contribution que les gestionnaires destacó la importancia de que los supporting sustainable communities d’installations apportent aux environ- gerentes de mantenimiento aseguren and local economies. One thing I was nements culturels productifs, de con- que los ambientes culturales sean pro- surprised to learn was how many U.S. fiance, sains et sûrs, desquels vous tous ductivos, saludables y seguros. También organisations have large in-house vous en occupez. Elle a aussi souligné se hizo énfasis en el apoyo de los miem- Facility Service teams. In the U.K., we la façon dont les membres de l’IAMFA bros de IAMFA a las economías locales have tended to outsource significantly, entretiennent des collectivités durables y al concepto de las comunidades sos- and I heard some members question- et des économies locales. Une chose tenibles. Me sorprendió enormemente ing where the right mix should lie. This que j’ai été surpris d’apprendre, c’est saber cuántas instituciones de los EEUU is a debate we should encourage and combien d’organisations américaines mantengan a grandes equipos de man- continue at the next annual ont de larges équipes pour leurs ser- tenimiento de planta. En El Reino Unido conference in San Francisco. vices internes. Au Royaume-Uni, nous hemos optado generalmente por ejec- Whilst the behind-the-scenes tours avons eu tendance à externaliser de utar muchas de estas funciones por and learning programmes of the main manière significative, et j’ai entendu le contrato. He escuchado a varios miem- conference are the key reasons to questionnement de certains membres bros de IAMFA preguntar si es mejor attend, the guest programme is also réfléchissant où situer la bonne com- ejecutar estas funciones completamente a big attraction for members’ partners binaison. C’est un débat que nous por contrato o si es preferible llevar a and families to enjoy. This year, guests devons encourager et poursuivre à cabo algunas de estas funciones con were treated to visits to the Baltimore la prochaine conférence annuelle à personal de planta. Esta es una discu- Museum of Art and the Aquarium, San Francisco. sión que debemos fomentar y seguir the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, Mount Alors que les programmes de visites en la próxima conferencia anual en Vernon, the National Museum of derrière-les-scènes et d’apprentissage de San Francisco. Natural History, the National Zoological la conférence principale sont les prin- Aunque las giras tras bastidores y Park, and Hillwood Mansion, amongst cipales raisons d’y assister, le programme los programas de aprendizaje de la 2 PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
  • 5. other venues, where they could enjoy d’accueil est aussi une grande attraction conferencia principal son las razones the views and listen to the knowledge- pour que les partenaires des membres claves para asistir, el programa de los able guides. Our guest programmes et leurs familles puissent en profiter. invitados es un atractivo importante are becoming so good that I suspect it Cette année, les participants ont eu para que disfruten los compañeros de is the guests that sometimes make the droit à la visite du Musée d’Art et los miembros. Este año los invitados members attend—keep it up, guests! l’Aquarium de Baltimore, le Centre disfrutaron de visitas al Museo de Arte One of the lasting benefits of put- de visites au Capitole des États Unis, y el Acuario de Baltimore, El Centro ting on the IAMFA conference is the Mount Vernon, le Musée National de Visitantes del Capitolio (Washington, strong relationship that is built between d’Histoire Naturelle, le Parc Zoologique D.C.), Mount Vernon, El Museo the facilities fraternity of cultural insti- National, et la Mansion Hillwood parmi Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, El tutions within the host city, and a desire d’autres lieux, où ils ont pu profiter Zoológico Nacional y la Residencia to maintain the rapport that has been de la vue et écouter les guides experts. Hillwood, además de otros sitios, donde generated. I know the Washington, D.C. Nos programmes d’accueil sont si pudieron disfrutar del paisaje y escuchar members now plan to hold regular a las guías bien informadas. Nuestros bonnes que je pense que ce sont eux local Chapter meetings, which hasn’t programas para invitados se están vol- qui parfois rendent les membres happened for a long time. viendo tan buenos que sospecho que heureux d’y assister – allez-y, les hôtes! Do think about how you can support sean los invitados que motiven la asis- L’un des avantages durables de broader engagement across our mem- tencia de los miembros. —¡sigan así, bership and continue our networking l’organisation de la conférence de Ustedes los invitados! and information-sharing during the l’IAMFA est la forte relation qui se Uno de los beneficios duraderos de eleven months between conferences. tisse à la fraternité des installations ser la sede de uno de nuestras confe- We still have too few reports from des institutions culturelles dans la ville rencias de IAMFA son los lazos fuertes d’accueil, et le désir d’entretenir le lien que se fortalecen entre las instituciones qui a été généré. Je sais que les membres culturales hermanas dentro de la ciudad de Washington, DC planifient doré- de sede, y los deseos de fomentar esos . . . it was a very smooth navant de tenir régulièrement des lazos después de que termine la con- réunions de la section locale, ce qui ferencia. Sé que los miembros de and well-organised event n’était pas arrivé depuis longtemps. Washington, D.C. ahora planean Pensez comment soutenir un reunirse regularmente en su capítulo . . . elle a été très engagement plus large à travers notre local, un acontecimiento insólito. affiliation et poursuivre notre travail Por favor piensen en cómo pueden harmonieuse et bien en réseau et comment partager des involucrarse más con los miembros de informations au cours d’onze mois otros capítulos y continuar a desarrollar organisée entre les conférences. Nous avons nuestras redes de contactos profesio- encore trop peu de rapports des réu- nales además de seguir el intercambio . . . ha sido un evento nions des sections, alors invitez-vous de información durante los once meses vos membres locaux pour une visite entre conferencias. Todavía recibimos bien organizado y sin de votre propre bâtiment. La section muy pocos reportes de los capítulos britannique se réunira à Liverpool le locales. Inviten a sus miembros locales contratiempos 25 Mars 2010, et tout membre visitant a hacer una gira de sus propios edificios. l’Angleterre en ce jour est bienvenu El capitulo del Reino Unido se reunirá de nous joindre. en Liverpool el 25 de marzo del 2010 Chapter meetings, so do invite your L’excellent dîner de Gala a eu lieu y le extendemos la bienvenida a cual- local members to come for a tour of quier miembro que se encuentre en dans le cadre fantastique de la Grande your own building. The U.K. Chapter Liverpool ese día. Salle de la Bibliothèque du Congrès. is meeting in Liverpool on March 25, La excelente cena de gala tomó L’équipe de San Francisco, composé 2010, and any member visiting England lugar en el fabuloso entorno del Gran de Joe Brennan (le Musée de l’art on that day is welcome to join us. Salón de la Biblioteca del Congreso The excellent Gala dinner was held moderne de San Francisco), Jennifer de EEUU. El equipo de San Francisco in the fantastic setting of the Great Fragomeni (Exploratorium) et Edgar que consiste de Joe Brennan (El Museo Hall of the Library of Congress. The Maxion (la Bibliothèque Cecil H. de Arte Moderno de San Francisco), San Francisco team, consisting of Green de la Université de Stanford) Jennifer Fragomeni (El Explorotorium) Joe Brennan (San Francisco Museum a saisi l’occasion de monter sur scène y Edgar Maxion (la Biblioteca Cecil of Modern Art), Jennifer Fragomeni et jouer une petite pièce et un poème H.Green de Stanford) tomaron la (Exploratorium) and Edgar Maxion pour séduire tout le monde de venir oportunidad de montarse en la tarima (Stanford University Green Library), à la prochaine conférence annuelle à y hacer una dramatización y recitar took the opportunity to get on stage San Francisco les17-20 Octobre 2010. una poema para convencerles a todos and perform a little play and poem to S’il vous plaît, assurez-vous tous de le a ir a la próxima conferencia anual en entice everyone to come to the next mettre dans votre agenda et réservez tôt. San Francisco del 17 al 20 de octubre CONTINUED ON PAGE 17 SUITE À LA PAGE 17 SIGUE EN LA PÁGINA 17 PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010 3
  • 6. The Nineteenth Annual IAMFA Conference in Washington, D.C. A Week of Culture, Professional Development, Networking, American History, and Incredible Hospitality By Joe May T he 19th annual conference of Kendra Gastright, Smithsonian details that went into making this a the International Association of Institution truly great conference. Museum Facility Administrators Neal Graham, Library of Congress The 138 attending this year’s con- was held in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Larry Grauberger, Smithsonian ference do not include the numerous from November 1 to 5, 2009, and Institution sponsors that contributed to the intel- what an incredible conference it was! Bill Griffiths, Smithsonian Institution lectual content through presentations, Washington, D.C. is unique among David Hauk, Smithsonian Institution and by generously contributing finan- American cities, because it was estab- Rich Kowalczyk, National Air and cially to offset the costs associated with lished by the Constitution of the Space Museum, Smithsonian the conference. The generous support United States to serve as the Nation’s Institution of sponsors allowed the organizing com- Capital. In 1800, George Washington— Tiffany Myers, Smithsonian mittee to incorporate the spectacular the first president of the United States Institution venues, trips, and meals we all enjoyed and the person for whom the city was David Samec, National Gallery during this year’s conference. named—chose this site for the capital, of Art Sponsors for this year’s conference and appointed three commissioners Andy Smith, Smithsonian were: to help prepare for the arrival of the Institution new government. At that time, the Mark Sprouse, National Archives Black & McDonald federal government consisted of 131 Millicare Textile and Carpet Care employees. Two hundred and nine I know how much time these indi- Siemens years later, a greater number than this viduals spent planning the countless ISS Security Systems (112 IAMFA members and 26 guests) stormed Washington, D.C. to attend one of the best annual conferences in IAMFA history. Let me begin by expressing gratitude to all of the conference organizers: Nancy Bechtol, Smithsonian Institution Judie Cooper, Smithsonian Institution Dan Davies, National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institution Brian Day, Library of Congress Alan Dirican, Baltimore Museum of Art Jim Duda, Library of Congress Bob Evans, Smithsonian Institution (Retired) Maurice Evans, Smithsonian Institution Tamara Fink, National Gallery of Art Kathleen Fleming, National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution Attendees at the Benchmarking Workshop at the Baltimore Museum of Art. 4 PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
  • 7. Cleaning Management Institute just as envisioned 12 years ago, when ations toward the betterment of the Smithsonian Institution the annual benchmarking exercise natural environment. Baltimore Museum of Art began. Members shared best practices Mid-afternoon, benchmarking work- Library of Congress and solutions to problems that many shop participants and guests traveled National Gallery of Art members are facing during these trying back to Washington, D.C. for a quick National Archives and Records economic times. Please be sure to break, then headed off to the Sunday Administration read the recap of the benchmarking evening Conference Opening Ceremony workshop in this issue of Papyrus. at the Donald W. Reynolds Center. The IAMFA organization wants all Guests accompanying members The Reynolds Center is home to of these sponsors to know how much to the conference, and members not both the National Portrait Gallery we appreciate their participation in, participating in the benchmarking and the Smithsonian American Art and support of, our annual conference. exercise, took advantage of a new Museum. These museums tell the We encourage members to keep this opportunity offered on Sunday: tours stories of America through individuals in mind when in need of products and of two of Baltimore’s famous cultural who have built our national culture services of the type offered by our institutions—namely the Baltimore through the visual arts, the per forming conference sponsors. Museum of Art (BMA), and the arts, and new media. Their collections As in prior years, Day 1 (Sunday) National Aquarium, with lunch at represent more than three centuries was the benchmarking workshop, with the Baltimore Museum of Art. of American artistic achievement that a record-setting 48 attendees taking The Baltimore Museum of Art is parallel the nation’s cultural develop- part in this year’s benchmarking exer- home to an internationally renowned ment. The opening ceremony was cise. The workshop was hosted by collection of nineteenth-century, mod- held in the Robert and Arlene Kogod Alan Dirican of the Baltimore Museum ern and contemporary art. Founded Courtyard, which has an elegant glass of Art, and coordinated by Keith in 1914 with a single painting, the BMA canopy designed by the world-renowned McClanahan from Facilities Issues, Inc. today has 90,000 works of art—includ- architectural firm Foster + Partners. It Participation in the benchmarking ing the world’s largest collection of is a signature element of the renovated exercise has grown significantly over works by Henri Matisse. National Historic Landmark building the past few years, and continues to be The National Aquarium is home that houses the two museums. The a cornerstone of the IAMFA organi- to hundreds of exhibits, including Kogod Courtyard was designed by zation. This growth in participation approximately 16,500 specimens and the same individuals who designed is evidence that IAMFA members are more than 660 species of animal, and the Great Hall at the British Museum: sharing knowledge gained from oper- is deeply committed to extending the the venue for last year’s opening ating their individual institutions— knowledge gained through daily oper- ceremony. Conference guests at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland. The Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard at the Donald W. Reynolds Center. PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010 5
  • 8. It was a wonderful evening, and an site on the National Mall opened in amazing venue in which to greet both September 2004, after fifteen years in old friends and so many new members the making, and is the first national attending their first IAMFA Conference. museum in the country dedicated exclu- Conference hosts made presentations sively to Native Americans. The five- during the evening, and we all enjoyed story, 250,000-square-foot (23,000 m2), a selection of wines and canapés. curvilinear building is clad in a golden- Monday morning brought the offi- colored Kasota limestone, designed to cial start of the IAMFA Conference, evoke natural rock formations shaped beginning with a short bus ride and by wind and water over thousands of breakfast at the National Gallery of years. The Museum is set on a 4.25-acre Nancy Bechtol, Host of the 2009 IAMFA Art (NGA). The roots of the NGA go Annual Conference. (1.72-hectare) site, and is surrounded back to financier Andrew W. Mellon, by simulated wetlands. who began gathering a private col- Following lunch, we convened in lection of Old Masters paintings and June 1 of that year by President the Rasmuson Theatre for opening sculptures during the First World War. Jimmy Carter. remarks from conference host Nancy In the late 1920s, he decided to direct Opening remarks were made by Bechtol, Director of the Office of his collecting efforts, secretly, toward Darrell Willson, administrator of the Facilities Management and Reliability, the establishment of a new national National Gallery of Art. Presentations Smithsonian Institution. gallery for the United States. Designed were made during the morning by Nancy’s opening remarks were fol- by architect John Russell Pope, who Keith McClanahan, who summarized lowed by presentations from Alyson would go on to design the Jefferson the 2009 Benchmarking Exercise, and Steele, Manda M. Magee, Lauren Memorial, the new structure was Mervin Richard, Brian McGivney, and Friedman and Michael G. Rogers—all completed and accepted by President Michael Smith, who made presenta- relating to Leadership in Energy and Franklin D. Roosevelt on behalf of the tions on building automation systems Environmental Design (LEED) cer- American people on March 17, 1941. and digital controls. Members then tification. The National Museum of The Gallery’s East Building was con- chose from three possible tours: the American Indian is in the pro- structed in the 1970s on much of Art Galleries, Conservation Labs, cess of applying to become a LEED- the remaining land left over from the or Building Automation Systems. certified facility. Tours were offered original congressional joint resolution. The conference then moved a short of NMAI’s Building Architecture and It was funded by Mellon’s children distance away to the National Museum Landscape, Maintenance Operations, Paul Mellon and Ailsa Mellon Bruce. of the American Indian (NMAI), where and LEED Initiatives. Designed by famed architect I.M. Pei, we enjoyed an amazing lunch with Guests spent Monday morning with the contemporary structure was com- everything prepared using recipes members at the National Gallery of pleted in 1978, and was opened on from American Indian cultures. This Art, then departed for Mount Vernon, The National Gallery of Art. The National Museum of the American Indian. 6 PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
  • 9. where they had lunch, followed by quick history lesson on the Museum After dinner and our tour of the tours of the mansion and gardens. and our dinner guest: the largest Mammals Gallery, we boarded coaches The history of Mount Vernon dates specimen of bull elephant in the for an unforgettable docent-led tour back to 1674, when John Washington U.S.A., dating back to the 1950s. of a number of national memorials, and Nicholas Spencer came into pos- Following dinner, the Museum including the Roosevelt Memorial, the session of the land from which the opened the Mammals Gallery for mem- World War II Memorial, the Korean Mount Vernon plantation would be bers and guests to stroll through. The War Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, and carved. Nearly one hundred years National Museum of Natural History’s the Vietnam War Memorial. It was later, Mount Vernon became the collections total over 126 million speci- truly a beautiful evening under a full home of George Washington, the mens of plants, animals, fossils, minerals, moon—thought-provoking and con- nation’s first president. rocks, meteorites, and human cultural tinuously stirring emotions related to Following the members’ visit to artifacts. It is the second most popular these significant events in American NMAI, a trip back to the Henley Park of all of the Smithsonian museums, history. Day One of the conference Hotel and a quick change, everyone and is also home to about 185 profes- was a very full day: one that I will once again boarded coaches, this time sional natural history scientists: the never forget! heading for dinner in the rotunda world’s largest single group of scientists Tuesday began bright and early, as of the National Museum of Natural dedicated to the study of natural and both members and guests boarded History. Richard Day gave members a cultural history. buses for a trip to the Capitol Building, Dinner at The National Museum of Natural History with iconic bull elephant. The Lincoln Memorial. The Korean War Memorial at night. The Washington Monument under a full moon, taken from the World War II Memorial. PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010 7
  • 10. and tour of the new Capitol Visitor provided a history of the Library of by tours of the Art, Roof and Capital Center. The United States Capitol Congress. Many thanks go to Mary for Projects, and Behind the Scenes. Visitor Center (CVC) is a large under- sending us home with Dr. Cole’s new After lunch, conference guests ground addition to the United States book, On These Walls. After seeing this departed for the National Museum of Capitol complex, which serves as a beautiful building firsthand, we are Natural History for gallery tours and gathering point for up to 4,000 tourists all sure to enjoy this gift. an IMAX movie. Although this ended and as an expansion space for the Following lunch, members left Day Two of the conference, members U.S. Congress. The CVC contains for the Donald W. Reynolds Center, and guests had a free evening to three underground levels: a balcony- where we heard opening remarks explore Washington, D.C., while the level entrance, the Emancipation Hall from Richard Day, Deputy Director, IAMFA Board of Directors met to (second) level and a third restricted discuss the business of the organization, level for new Congressional offices and to make preparations for the and meeting rooms. The construction Annual General Meeting held on the of the CVC represents the largest-ever following day. expansion of the United States Capitol, . . . the board reviewed The Board of Directors meeting was and more than doubles the footprint followed by a board dinner, during of the U.S. Capitol building complex. preliminary plans for which the board reviewed prelimi- We then walked next door to the nary plans for the 2010 20th annual Library of Congress to hear opening the 2010 20th annual IAMFA conference in San Francisco, remarks by Mary Levering, Director of California. Joe Brennan from the Integrated Support Services. Nancy IAMFA conference in San Francisco Museum of Modern Lev-Alexander, Head of Preventive Art and Jennifer Fragomeni from the Conservation at the Library of Congress, San Francisco, California. Exploratorium presented plans for made a presentation on environmental what looks to be another incredible management from a preservation per- IAMFA Annual Conference. Please spective; and John Williams, Architec- see the article in this issue of Papyrus tural Engineer (PE) from the Office Office of Facilities Management and for preliminary details on next year’s of the Architect of the Capital made Reliability at the Smithsonian Institu- conference agenda. a presentation on the Greening of tion. Matt Gallinger from the Cleaning Day Three for IAMFA members the Capital. Neal Graham, Jim Duda Management Institute (CMI) and began with a bus ride to the U.S. and Greg Simmons also addressed Judie Cooper from the Smithsonian National Archives, with breakfast the membership with historical facts made a presentation on the work that followed by choice of three tours: and current projects at the Library of has been done by the CMI to optimize Facilities Tour, Researcher Tour, or Congress. Members and guests were building care and cleaning at the Charters of Freedom and Rotunda both given tours of the Library’s Smithsonian Institution. This presen- Tour. Those choosing the latter saw Thomas Jefferson Building prior to tation provided valuable information the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of a working lunch. on how sustainability principles play Independence, and the Constitution During lunch, Mary Levering an important role in today’s cultural of the United States firsthand, while introduced Dr. John Y. Cole, who institutions. Presentations were followed the Researcher Tour explained how Dr. John Y. Cole addressing IAMFA members at lunch in the The IAMFA Board of Directors dinner. Thomas Jefferson Building, Library of Congress. 8 PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
  • 11. any citizen can find records of his or Hall for the IAMFA Annual Business Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, her ancestors in the Archives. The Meeting. The meeting began with Wayne Clough. Mr. Clough is the Facilities Tour focused on infrastructure Presentation of Colors by the 12th Secretary of the Smithsonian of the Archives building. Smithsonian’s Honor Guard. Institution, leading the world’s largest Following the tours, Ms. Adrienne C. Each of the IAMFA board members museum and research complex with Thomas, Deputy Archivist of the United addressed the membership with a 19 museums, nine research centers, the States, welcomed everyone with open- review of the current state of Regional National Zoo, and research activities ing remarks, followed by presentations Affairs, Administration, Treasury, in more than 90 countries. from Sheryl Kolasinski, Steve Hodsdon, Papyrus Magazine, and International Following the business meeting, and Larry Grauberger, relating to Affairs. Rich Kowalczyk then presided Jack Nicholas made a presentation capital and maintenance budget over the election of board members. on Reliability Centered Maintenance planning. Three board positions were up for (RCM), then members chose from Lunch that day was at the Smith- election: Secretary and Papyrus Editor; three excellent tours: Arts and Indus- sonian Castle. Richard Day, Deputy VP, Regional Affairs; and Treasurer. tries Tour, Quad Back of the House Director, and Maurice Evans, South John Castle and Joe May volunteered Tour—Humidification System, or Zone Manager, Office of Facilities and to remain in office for an additional Central Core Renovations of NMAH— Reliability, Smithsonian Institution, two-year term, while voting took place 1st and 2nd Floors with Focus on the made presentations during lunch to elect a new IAMFA Treasurer. Larry Star-Spangled Banner. with facts about this oldest of the Bannister from the Milwaukee Public Day Three for Conference guests Smithsonian buildings. Architect Museum was elected Treasurer, fol- began with a bus ride to the National James Renwick, Jr. began work on the lowing Jim Moisson’s three terms in Castle in 1847, and is also known for office. We all thank Jim for his dedica- Zoological Park. The National Zoo other works including St. Patrick’s tion to this position, and the excellent is recognized as one of the premier Cathedral in New York City and the health of the organization’s treasury. zoological research institutions in the Smithsonian’s Renwick Gallery, also in Larry is familiar to many IAMFA United States, largely because of its Washington, D.C. Renwick was selected members, having served on the board contributions to captive breeding, and by a unanimous vote following a design years ago as Secretary and Papyrus studies done on wild and free-ranging competition in 1846. The Smithsonian Editor. Welcome Larry! Thank you for species. The National Zoo conducts Castle currently houses all the admin- your service to IAMFA. research in numerous field stations istrative offices of the Smithsonian, Joe Brennan from the San Francisco around the world, providing expertise with the main Smithsonian visitor Museum of Modern Art addressed the and logistical support to local research center also located here. A crypt just membership, and provided a prelim- and conservation efforts in Asia, Africa, inside the north entrance houses the inary look at plans for next year’s Europe, and North and South America. tomb of James Smithson. IAMFA Conference in San Francisco. Guests selected between three tours, Following lunch, members con- During the Business Meeting, all of which led eventually to the vened in the Ripley Center Lecture members were also addressed by the Panda House. The Smithsonian Institution’s Honor Guard Nancy Bechtol, IAMFA Conference Host, One of the National Zoo’s most popular at the beginning of the IAMFA Business and Wayne Clough, Secretary of the residents. Meeting. Smithsonian Institution. PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010 9
  • 12. Following their visit to the National of the “American Renaissance”. The Library of Congress’ Packard Campus Zoo, guests departed for the Hillwood building incorporates programs of for Audio Visual Conservation. Museum and Gardens for lunch and symbolic content, exhibiting the pro- The National Audiovisual Con- tours. Hillwood is a decorative arts gress of civilization, as personified servation Center (NAVCC) is the museum, and is the former home and in Great Men and culminating in Library of Congress’ new audiovisual garden of Marjorie Merriweather Post, the American official culture of the archive, located inside Mount Pony who was a leading American socialite Gilded Age. in Culpeper, Virginia. From 1969 to and the founder of General Foods. After cocktails in the Great Hall, we 1988, the Center was a high-security Hillwood is now maintained by the heard presentations from Gala host, storage facility operated by the Post Foundation, and showcases Neal Graham, Chief of Facility Services, Federal Reserve Board. With con- eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Library of Congress; IAMFA President struction completed in mid-2007, French art, and art treasures from John DeLucy; Jim Moisson, outgoing and after transfer of the bulk of Imperial Russia. Treasurer of IAMFA; and Joe Brennan, archives, the Center offered, for Quick trips back to the Henley Park next year’s Conference host. the first time, a single storage site Hotel for both members and guests, a During the evening, many members for all 6.3 million pieces of the little time to rest, and then it was time and guests took the opportunity to Library’s movie, television, and to get dressed for the IAMFA Gala, wander about the Great Hall, and sound collection. held this year at the Thomas Jefferson peek into the Main Reading Room, The NAVCC design, named Best Building of the Library of Congress. with its breathtaking domed ceiling, of 2007 by MidAtlantic Construction Everyone boarded three coaches, soaring 160 feet (48.75 metres) above Magazine, involved upgrading the and our motorcade was led by police the floor. existing bunker and creating an escort to Capitol Hill and the Thomas This year’s Conference Gala was entirely new building with below- Jefferson Building. The oldest of the held in a stunning venue with sur- ground entry that also includes a three United States Library of Congress roundings that couldn’t have been large screening room, office space buildings, the Thomas Jefferson Build- more breathtaking. Many members and research facilities. Designers ing was built between 1890 and 1897. arrived at this year’s Gala wearing BAR Architects, project-architect It is known for its classical facade and dinner jackets, adding to the splendor SmithGroup and landscape designers elaborately decorated interior. of the evening. It truly was an evening SWA Group, along with DPR Construc- The Thomas Jefferson Building, that members and guests will not tion, Inc., collaborated in what is now containing some of the richest public soon forget. the largest green-roofed commercial interiors in the United States, is a com- The final day of the 2009 IAMFA facility in the Eastern United States, pendium of the work of classically- Conference began with a coach ride to blending into the surrounding trained American sculptors and painters Culpeper Virginia, and a tour of the environment and ecosystem. Hillwood Gardens, on the site of the former The Conference Gala, held in the Great Hall of the Thomas Jefferson Building, Library home of Marjorie Merriweather Post. of Congress. 10 PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
  • 13. Following tours of the facility, mem- and Winery has since grown to become After lunch, everyone traveled on bers and guests departed for Prince one of the largest, most widely distrib- to the National Air and Space Museum’s Michel Vineyard and Winery for lunch uted, and recognized wineries in the Udvar-Hazy Center. The Steven F. and wine tasting. When Prince Michel state and along the East Coast. Prince Udvar-Hazy Center is the Smithsonian Vineyard and Winery was founded Michel wines have won competitions National Air and Space Museum 26 years ago, a vision was formed out around the world, and continue to (NASM) annex at Washington Dulles of a love for Virginia and its relation- flourish with the efforts and love of International Airport, in the Chantilly ship to the vine. Prince Michel Vineyard owners, employees, and customers. area of Fairfax County, Virginia. The Center was made possible by a U.S$65-million gift in October 1999 to the Smithsonian Institution by Steven F. Udvar-Hazy, an immigrant from Hungary and co-founder of the International Lease Finance Corpo- ration. Construction of the Center, which was designed by HOK, required 15 years of preparation and was built by Hensel Phelps Construction Company. On December 2, 2008, the Center received a gift of $6 million for Phase Two of the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center from Airbus Americas Inc. This gift was the largest corporate gift to the Smithsonian Institution in 2008. Phase Two of the Udvar-Hazy Center will be dedicated to the behind-the- scenes care of the Smithsonian’s col- lection of aircraft, spacecraft, related artifacts and archival materials. NASM has always had more artifacts than could be displayed at the main museum on the National Mall in The National Audiovisual Conservation Center. Washington, D.C. Most of the collec- tion had been stored, unavailable to visitors, at the Paul E. Garber Preserva- tion, Restoration, and Storage Facility in Silver Hill, Prince George’s County, Maryland. Plans call for additional phases that will move the restoration facility and the museum archives from their current location at the Garber facility to the Udvar-Hazy Center. After a day of touring these two remarkable facilities, the bus ride back to the hotel was a good opportunity to reflect on a very busy week—and one of the best IAMFA Annual Conferences in our organization’s history. I’d like to finish by again thanking the Washington, D.C. Conference organizers for all their hard work and hospitality toward all of us who were fortunate to have experienced the 2009 IAMFA Annual Conference. Randy Murphy, IAMFA’s Los Angeles John DeLucy, President of IAMFA, at NASM Joe May is the Secretary of IAMFA, and Chapter Head, samples the wine at Prince with the Space Shuttle Enterprise in the Editor of Papyrus. Michel Vineyard and Winery. background. PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010 11
  • 14.
  • 15. The Twentieth Annual IAMFA Conference La vingtième Conférence annuelle de l’IAMFA La Vigésima Conferencia Anual de IAMFA By / par / por Joe Brennan T L L he Northern California Chapter a section de la Californie du os miembros del capítulo de IAMFA of IAMFA will host the 20th nord de l’IAMFA sera l’hôte del norte de California serán los annual IAMFA Conference de la 20è Conférence annuelle anfitriones de la vigésima confe- in San Francisco on October 17–20, de l’IAMFA à San Francisco les rencia de IAMFA en San Francisco del 2010. San Francisco at that time of 17-20 Octobre 2010. À cette époque 17 al 20 de octubre de 2010. year typically offers our warmest and de l’année, San Francisco offre habi- Generalmente en esa época el clima most fog-free indian summer conditions. tuellement les conditions les plus de San Francisco nos ofrece las mejores We are assembling an informative charmantes et ensoleillées de notre été. condiciones de un veranillo de San Juan curriculum and have secured superb Nous préparons actuellement un con días agradables con poca neblina. venues for our sessions and tours. The programme informatif et avons obtenu Estamos desarrollando una agenda hosting institutions are the California de superbes sites pour nos séances informativa y hemos reservado increíbles Academy of Sciences, the De Young et visites. Les établissements d’accueil lugares para nuestras sesiones y recor- Museum, The Walt Disney Family sont l’Académie des Sciences de la ridos. Los anfitriones serán La Academia Museum, the Cantor Museum, the Californie, le Musée De Young, le Musée de Ciencias de California, El Museo Stanford University Libraries, The de la famille de Walt Disney, le Musée De Young, El Museo de la Familia de Contemporary Jewish Museum, The Cantor, les Bibliothèques de l’Université Walt Disney, El Museo Cantor, La Exploratorium and the San Francisco de Stanford, le Musée Contemporain Biblioteca de la Universidad de Stanford, Museum of Modern Art—which will Juif, l’Exploratorium et le Musée d’Art El Museo Contemporáneo Judío, El be celebrating its 75th anniversary in Moderne de San Francisco qui fêtera Exploratorium y El Museo de Arte 2010. We are also assembling a fine son 75e anniversaire en 2010. Nous Moderno de San Francisco—- el que Guest Program and an attractive Day avons préparé aussi un beau Programme celebrará su 75 aniversario en el 2010. After expedition. We will publish the pour les invités et une attrayante expé- Estamos organizando un programa curriculum, as well details of our Guest dition pour la journée extra optionnelle increíble para los huéspedes y un emo- Program and Day After package in the de la conférence. Nous publierons cionante día de actividades y expedici- next issue of Papyrus. les programmes d’activités, ainsi que ones para el Día Extra Opcional de la We have secured IAMFA a block of les détails de notre Programme pour conferencia. Publicaremos la agenda, al rooms at the historic Sir Francis Drake les invités et l’activité de la journée igual que detalles de nuestro programa Hotel, centrally located at Union Square, optionnelle dans le prochain numéro de huéspedes y paquete de Día Opcional and right on the Powell Street Cable du Papyrus. en la próxima edición de Papyrus Car line: The Nous avons obtenu pour l’IAMFA Hemos reservado un grupo de rate is $169/night and it is important un bloc de chambres à l’historique Sir cuartos para IAMFA en el histórico that you book within our block to ful- Francis Drake Hôtel, situé à l’Union Hotel de Sir Francis Drake, ubicado fill our commitments—not to mention Square, et tout près de la ligne du en la céntrica plaza de Union Square, the convenience of staying at the host funiculaire sur la rue Powell: www. y justo sobre la ruta de la Calle Powell hotel for bus departures, networking, Le tarif est de del tranvía: etc. For reservations, please call 1-800- $169 la nuit et il est important que Las tarifas del hotel son $169 por noche 277-5480 or 415-392-7755 and refer- vous réserviez au sein de notre bloc à y es importante que recibamos sus ence “IAMFA—Annual Conference” or fin de remplir nos compromis. Sans reservaciones dentro de nuestro plazo CONTINUED ON PAGE 40 SUITE À LA PAGE 40 SIGUE EN LA PÁGINA 40 PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010 13
  • 16. Cool Efficiency at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry Careful Planning and Analysis Leads to Successful Installation of New Central Plant By Elizabeth Miller, Anthony B. McGuire, David M. Brooks and Michael J. Murphy C hicago’s Museum of Science and Industry is one of the In the early 1990s, the Museum recognized that a central largest science museums in the world. With approxi- system would reduce its lifecycle costs for cooling, and mately 1.5 million visitors per year, it is home to more installed half of a chilled water loop on the ground floor, than 35,000 artifacts and nearly 14 acres (5.7 hectares) of and several air-cooled chillers outside near the loading hands-on exhibits. When staff decided to install two new dock. By 2006, the air-cooled chillers were out of cooling exhibits for the Museum’s 75th anniversary, Elizabeth capacity and nearing the end of their service lives. With Miller, senior project manager for the Museum of Science two new exhibits in the works, the time had come to install and Industry, quickly realized that the facility would not a cooling plant worthy of its home in a science and industry have the capacity to cool and ventilate the spaces, given the museum. Construction would have to take place while additional visitors who would come through the exhibition patrons visited the Museum. The locations of some of the spaces plus the heat generated from the exhibits themselves. mechanical rooms were at the top of the building, making “We were only cooling 50 percent of the museum, and it impossible to bring in large air-handling units without we knew that adding the exhibits was going to surpass our destroying existing passageways. In many cases, the team cooling capacity,” said Miller. “When we started exploring had just inches to work with. possibilities, we knew that a new central plant was going to be the best option.” The then-facility manager decided to work with David The Decision Process Brooks and Michael Murphy from McGuire Engineers In building a new central plant, the Museum of Science and (MEPC) to analyze the issue and decide on the approach Industry had three main criteria for the plant. It had to: that could best handle existing cooling needs and new • cool the existing load; cooling needs, while also being as efficient as possible. The result was a system that exceeded everyone’s expectations, • be able to be installed in phases; and with the capacity to cool twice the space and bring in two • be as energy-efficient as possible. times more ventilation than required, without any increase in energy expenses. Having determined that a new central cooling plant was their ultimate goal, Museum staff knew that an even Building History and Challenges more difficult challenge lay in distributing the cooling and The Museum of Science and Industry is housed in one of ventilation air without disturbing the historically protected the buildings originally built for the World’s Columbian exhibit spaces: the very ones that the new exhibits would Exposition, held in Chicago in 1893. The Beaux Arts struc- call home. Luckily, there were mechanical rooms that could ture was constructed with a brick substructure under its be used high above the exhibits at the end of the courts. plaster façade, which was replaced with limestone in the The challenge would be getting equipment into the rooms 1930s. The architecture includes a domed roof, three and ductwork out into the exhibits. pavilions and Ionic order columns. Staff at the Museum originally approached MEPC because The age, structure and daily function of the building of the company’s work creating a thermal storage system in made the design of a new central plant particularly daunt- Chicago’s historic Field Museum. While it was a successful ing. The original air systems were installed in 1937, and solution for the Field Museum, the Museum of Science and supplied outside air throughout the Museum. The systems Industry also wanted MEPC to consider multiple options were for ventilation only, and some continue to operate and to prove to the facilities department—and ultimately, today. Throughout the Museum’s history of renovations, the Board and President of the Museum—which system various local systems were added to cool and ventilate was best. To investigate the issue, MEPC began with very relatively small areas. This approach kept initial costs low, broad cooling plant approaches, and continually refined but operational costs soon increased due to high-energy and narrowed the decision until a final plant type and size use and decentralized maintenance. were determined. 14 PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
  • 17. MEPC started by comparing a central cooling plant to a energy cost. What MEPC determined is that a water-cooled decentralized, or local, plant which historically had been plant had simple payback of under two years, and that the the approach of the Museum. By using a decision matrix as best water-cooled plant had a smaller chiller with a variable seen below, MEPC demonstrated how a central plant was frequency drive with three larger chillers. the better option. The process had taken nearly six months, but the Museum MEPC then studied various central plant approaches— was ready to make its decision, and decided on a central air-cooled chillers, water-cooled chillers, and thermal water-cooled chilled water plant with one small chiller and energy storage—and presented its findings to the Museum three larger chillers. The proposed system could easily be in terms of simple payback, with the air-cooled chiller as connected to the existing building because it was a central- the point of comparison. The engineering team accom- ized system and could be installed in phases, with two chillers plished this by modeling the entire existing system with right away and two later. Finally, the new system would be energy modeling software and running multiple equip- roughly twice as efficient as the currently installed system. ment scenarios. After internal discussions, the Museum excluded the thermal energy storage system because of From Efficiency to Super-Efficiency: upfront costs and space constraints. This left the air-cooled and water-cooled options. MEPC Cooling Plant Execution designers felt that that the water-cooled option was the best, While the chosen cooling plant was designed to be incredibly based on their experience that water-cooled equipment efficient, the design team added several innovative features tends to last longer and is more efficient. However, staff at to bump up the overall efficiency even further. The plant the Museum needed more convincing, so MEPC made one was designed as a primary variable-flow system, which means last detailed comparison. The engineers simulated nine that the pumps slow down to meet the required building different central cooling plants with various equipment chilled water flow. This is more efficient than a constant- types and sizes, and compared upfront costs to annual flow system, because the power consumed is proportional to the flow cubed. In other words, if the pumps are at 80 percent of their capacity, the power used is 50 percent Cooling Plan Decision Matrix— of the peak energy. Central versus Local Cooling Plants Pressure-independent control valves were another inno- vative feature incorporated by MEPC. Pressure-independent Control Local Criteria Plant Plant Remarks control valves maintain consistent flow over a wide range of pressures for a fixed-valve position, unlike conventional Year-round cooling 10 8 Local cooling systems may not operate in winter conditions. control valves that flow differently over varying pressure for a fixed-valve position. Air handlers, both new and existing, Flexibility 8 9 Central systems benefit from available capacity, while local had pressure-independent control valves installed on the plants can be placed anywhere. chilled water coils, which help reduce pumping energy and Redundancy 10 6 Local plants are not redundant increase the temperature rise of chilled water through the unless two are installed side- air handler, which increases chiller efficiency. A pressure- by-side. Central systems have independent control valve is installed in the chiller bypass available capacity for redundancy. position to help maintain the minimum chiller flow. The Future Capacity 7 10 Local plants may install future capacity at will. Central plants must have future capacity Air- and Water-Cooled Chiller Plants designed from beginning. First Cost vs. Annual Chiller Energy Cost Energy management 10 6 Central plants are designed systems Integration to be integrated into energy management systems. Reduce energy cost 8 6 Central systems are usually more efficient. Maintenance 8 6 Central plant has less equipment to maintain. Usability 6 8 Local cooling packaged systems are more familiar to museum staff. Environmentally 8 6 Local systems contain ozone- friendly depleting refrigerants. Central plants are more efficient. Total 75 65 MEPC graphed upfront costs and annual energy costs of various systems to determine which system made the most economic 10=Excellent 8=Very Good 6=Good 4=Fair 2=Poor sense. PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010 15
  • 18. engineers also used a pressure-independent control valve efficient and scalable. The air-conditioning systems would on the smaller chiller. This trims the chilled water flow, be serving offices and exhibit spaces with some existing thereby loading the larger chillers, which run more effi- and future renovations. ciently when they are fully loaded. This increases the overall The design team protected the historical nature of the plant efficiency. The plant flow diagram is found below. spaces by using a 14-inch (35.5-centimeter) interstitial space between the existing plaster ceilings and walls and the structure. The ductwork and piping were designed in a three-dimensional CAD package to ensure that all of the systems could fit into the given space. The air was distributed with linear slot diffusers so that the visual impact was minimal. The equipment was placed in existing mechanical rooms, high above the exhibit spaces. Although the spaces were essentially empty, the space was limited and was difficult to access. Therefore, the new systems were designed to be completely broken down and assembled in place by hand. The design was executed in a three-dimensional CAD package to ensure that the system would fit into the given mechanical room, as seen in the isometric view below. MEPC designed the system with no fewer than four fans to increase the turndown ability, to reduce the overall length, and to ensure that fans could be carried up the narrow stairwell for replacement. As a bonus, the system had inherent redundancy if a fan failure should occur. Although the engineers had thought through the con- structability of the two new air handlers, the means and Ventilation System Execution methods were left to the contractors. The Museum under- Once the challenges to the central cooling plant had been took extensive interviews to understand how each con- addressed, the next challenge was to cool and ventilate the tractor planned on approaching the project. Interestingly, new exhibits. The ventilation system had several looming both projects were approached differently. One contractor challenges. The first challenge was to cool and ventilate built a tower and lifted the air handler piece-by-piece with two new exhibits that the Museum was planning to open. multiple levels of chain-falls through the floor of the mechan- Unfortunately, the two exhibits were to occupy areas that ical room. The other contractor lifted sections of the air had no cooling, were under-ventilated, and had historical handler with a crane through the roof. Both approaches, status, which meant that any changes we made to accom- although completely different, were successful, and modate air conditioning had to be practically invisible. The maintained the schedule and budget. second challenge was to find a place for the equipment— High efficiency was obtained by using multiple fans and, once found, to get it into the room. Space was severely with variable-frequency drives and a heat-recovery unit, limited, and access to any space was through small door- and by resetting the static air discharge point, based on ways and cramped stairs. Finally, the system had to be energy- which variable air-volumes boxes were in operation. Using 3-D CAD software, the engineers developed an isometric view of the mechanical room to help predetermine how to fit all the equipment into a small space. 16 PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
  • 19. Results dimensional drawings of the plan also helped lead the project The first phase of the cooling plant installation is now com- to success: the space was planned so accurately that change plete: the two first air handlers have been installed, and orders were kept to a minimum. two additional air handlers will be installed in the future. The new central plant cools the existing load, is being The cooling plant and ventilation projects met and sur- installed in phases, and is energy-efficient—even more effi- passed the Museum’s original goals for the system. Much of cient than originally planned, because of the custom design the success of the project was due to the months of upfront innovations. Careful planning and analysis were key to build- research and heavy involvement from Museum staff, which ing a complex but elegant system that can cool a historic focused the project in a way that a design-build or a typical structure like the Museum of Science and Industry. plan and specification process could not do. What made this Elizabeth Miller is Senior Project Manager, AIA, Museum of Science job so successful was the cooperation and trust between the and Industry; Anthony B. McGuire is Principal at McGuire Engineers owner and engineer, and the level of commitment from (MEPC); David M. Brooks is Project Manager at MEPC; and Michael the whole team. In addition, the highly coordinated, three- J. Murphy is Lead Project Engineer at MEPC. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT MOT DU PRÉSIDENT MENSAJE DEL PRESIDENTE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 SUITE DE LA PAGE 3 VIENE DE LA PÁGINA 3 Annual Conference in San Francisco Je suis impatient de vous rencon- del 2010. Por favor asegúrense de on October 17–20, 2010. Please make trer de nouveau à San Francisco – et anotarla en sus agendas y hagan sus sure you all put it in your diaries now n’oubliez pas de porter vos chaussettes reservaciones temprano. and book early. lumineuses les plus colorées! Il y aura Estoy contando los días que fal- I am looking forward to meeting des prix pour les plus scandaleuses! tan hasta poder verlos a Ustedes you all again in San Francisco—and en San Francisco. Y no se olviden de don’t forget to bring your highly John de Lucy traer a sus medias de colores fosfor- coloured luminescent socks! Prizes Président, IAMFA escentes. ¡Habrá premios para las for the most outrageous ones! medias más despampanantes! John de Lucy John de Lucy President, IAMFA Presidente, IAMFA Reserve this space to advertise in a future issue of Papyrus Please contact the Editor of Papyrus for details PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010 17
  • 20. The Harley-Davidson Museum The First Museum to Gain GREENGUARD Certification By Tim Dotson T he Harley-Davidson Museum opened in July 2008, and has many sustainable features built right into its design—but it doesn’t end there. In September 2009, our contracted housekeeping partner, CleanPower, approached us regarding the GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certification program. Their product supply partner, JohnsonDiversey, offered expertise with this certification, and extended it to CleanPower. This made the entire process possible, by implementing the Healthy High Performance Cleaning System and facilitating certification. In October 2009, the Harley-Davidson Museum became the first museum ever to receive GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certification for Cleaners and Cleaning Maintenance Systems. As do most museums, we have very specific financial and cleaning parameters for our site, using APPA cleaning standards to define performance in our agreement with Motorcycles, artifacts, history and stories reside within manufacturing- inspired stylings of concrete, steel, brick and glass. CleanPower. The sustainability criteria, however, were more subjective. While we required competitive cleaning companies to describe their expertise with “green cleaning” during products. We changed from using standard cloth mops to a our initial bid process, we did not have a quantitative microfiber wet mop solution to reduce airborne particulate standard to measure against. matter. Procedurally, we found we were already following The GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certification GREENGUARD-approved procedures, so aside from learning program gives us that standard. It is a third-party certification how to use a few new products and the new mops, very little granted by the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute training was required. (GEI): an industry-independent, non-profit organization The GEI recertifies cleaning products annually. To keep that oversees the GREENGUARD Certification ProgramSM. our certification, we simply need to continue using the pro- As an ANSI Authorized Standards Developer, GEI estab- ducts and procedures we demonstrated during our initial lishes acceptable indoor air standards for indoor products, certification. The GEI has indicated that we will receive environments, and buildings. To achieve certification, com- regular audits to ensure compliance with the program. panies must go through an audit, not only of cleaning pro- In conclusion, GREENGUARD certification has given ducts used, but also the procedures and tools used in the us a sustainability standard by which we can measure our application of those products. housekeeping performance, and supports the Harley- As part of the audit, we found two aspects of our clean- Davidson Museum’s goal of continuing to identify and ing regimen that required attention if we were to attain employ sustainable ideas wherever it makes sense. certification. A few cleaning products that we used were not GREENGUARD-certified. We worked with CleanPower Tim Dotson, CFM, CFMJ is Facility Project Manager at Harley- and their product supplier to find substitutes for these Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. A riverwalk view of the Harley-Davidson Museum’s four towers, The Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. which represent the four founding fathers of the company. 18 PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
  • 21.
  • 22. 19th Annual IAMFA Confe 20 PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010
  • 23. rence in Washington, D.C. PAPYRUS WINTER 2009–2010 21