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2017 Painted Picture
Hi I’m Natalie Sisson. The following is a
detailed vision for what my two companies,
The Suitcase Entrepreneur and
Right2Freedom, will look, feel like, and act like
by December 31st 2017.
You can also find it at http://suitcaseentrepreneur.
Sharing it publicly massively
increases the likelihood of it
becoming a reality and allows
you to become part of my
It also holds me accountable
and allows the Universe to
conspire with me to make it
What I Do
True Freedom is my ultimate priority in life
and business and what I wish for all humanity. I
believe everybody has the right to choose freedom
on their own terms – personally, physically,
financially, socially and politically. This is why I do
what I do.
Through my Suitcase Entrepreneur
platform and my program
I inspire people to take massive
action to build a freedom based
business that supports their ideal
lifestyle and life’s purpose.
I believe life is meant to be lived to
the full and everyone has been put
on this earth to make an impact
and create positive change and
I work with those people who know
there’s a better life out there for them
and they’re motivated and prepared to
go the extra mile to make it a reality.
Where they dictate their own terms for
work, life and love.
I work with real go-getters who are prepared to go
against the trends, to challenge the status quo, to
confront societal norms and rebel against what
everyone else stands for in order to
achieve their ideal lifestyle.
From those just starting out to pursue their
entrepreneurial dreams, to those who are on
life and world changing missions.
I do this by getting my clients and customers to
focus on clearly articulating their vision for
their life through a
before anything else, so that no matter what
challenges and hurdles they face on their journey,
they will always stay true to the path they hold
most dear and that is so important to them.
I also show my community through my blog,
podcast and videos, how to
reclaim their own personal freedom
through use of tools, technology, systems and
outsourcing to give them more
time, money and energy
to focus on what matters – their long-term
plan, vision and purpose.
Alongside my work with entrepreneurs to create
freedom based businesses to support their
Ideal lifestyle through the
I have a huge body of work that I’m committed
to for life…...
is now, after almost 3 years of intense research, planning
and application an initiative that allows others to see on a
global scale what they can do to have more freedom in
their lives and those of others across the spectrum of
freedoms available to us.
Through your support and that of
believers, ambassadors, generosity and
grants, I’ve created a fully fledged social
enterprise showing individuals,
organizations and governments around
the world how to gain freedom and apply
to this to their own lives, policies and
future initiatives.
Having conducted and completed the world’s
first Global Study on Freedom in 2016 I’ve built
a critically acclaimed and recognized Freedom
Framework which allows individuals to
recognize where they are on the scale and
spectrum of freedoms available to us and what
they can do to improve this for themselves and
The award winning Freedom Documentary researched
and filmed on the Freedom Tour that started in 2015 (that took me
and my team of supporters to many countries around the world) has
helped to bring huge visibility to those who are living with true
freedom vs those who have no real freedom at all.
What’s more, thanks to a generous portion of money
earned through the Freedom Framework and it’s
application, my New York Times Bestselling book and
the entire Right2Freedom movement of events,
workshops, foundational programs and fundraising, we
are well on our way to our 2020 goal of having
US$1 million in the Freedom Fund
This money is being directly distributed to a number of
existing and successful charities, non-profits and
organizations already doing amazing work to help others
on the scales of freedom.
Fans and true supporters of the
Right2Freedom movement
are also volunteering their time and skills on a monthly
basis ‘in the field’ for these very organizations.
I speak at events around the world on a global stage, like TEDx, to
spread this message, and ensure that those around the world are
afforded the same freedoms as you and me.
I also travel regularly to be at the heart of what matters
volunteering my own time and money to help BE THE CHANGE.
How I feel
I feel absolutely on purpose as I
am truly living my dream.
There is no better feeling than sharing
the gift of freedom with yet another
person who `gets it’ and realizes they can
create their ideal lifestyle on their own
I feel honoured when my
clients and customers tell me
how my work, and my No #1
Amazon Best Seller
`The Suitcase Entrepreneur’,
helped them to achieve their
dreams and they show me the
results of what they have
launched, completed, achieved
or done in business, travel and
life on a weekly basis.
I’ve attracted and built a thriving community of
freedom fighters through the Suitcase Entrepreneur
business now in it’s 8th
year, and the Right2Freedom
movement is 2 years strong.
More and more people are spreading the word
about my quest for world freedom and that on an
individual level I help people to live life fully and to
build a business that is profitable, purposeful and
I am highly perceptive, intuitive and aware of my key strengths and I
play to these daily to focus on providing my best self in all my
interactions and it shows as my business continues to grow daily,
and the Suitcase Entrepreneur becomes the `go-to’ brand
synonymous with creating freedom in business and adventure in life.
Through my online business and social enterprise I have achieved
a level of focus in my life and business that others can only
dream of.
As a result I am fully present each and every day and see beauty
in the world and a Universe of opportunity ahead of me.
I feel I am truly making a difference in
the world and am completely driven by
my purpose to leave a legacy of freedom
for all.
People tell me that I look
young, vibrant and alive.
They see that I am in
the best shape of my life
both physically and
They want to learn my secret and I tell
them the secret is to commit yourself
to undertaking or aligning with a purpose,
mission or vision that lights you up and
makes everything you do matter beyond
belief and makes you part of a
connected world and the future of all
Every day I start with my meditation designed to bring me into the
present moment and truly grateful for every single moment and a
short burst of yoga to power up my body for the day ahead. I then
go out and exercise in whatever I’m in the mood for – an energizing
run, a full yoga session, a PUMP class, a bike ride or a swim depending
where I am in the world and what’s available to me.
In order to stay in great shape and keep my body
as my temple of strength and my mind as my
wisest ally I always have a green smoothie to start
the day, followed by journaling before working on
my 3 MIAs (most important actions) of the day that
will allow me to make the most impact in the
shortest timeframe and leave me (and others)
feeling fulfilled and happy.
I stay true to the systems that I have created in my business.
My core work and main priorities are completed first thing so
that I afford myself the time to do what I wish during the day –
whether that’s work, pleasure, travel, philanthropy, nurturing
relationships with friends and family, mentoring or learning.
My friends and family enjoy the quality time we spend together
and my love for life is infectious. My team appreciates my
values of freedom and adventure and how I apply it to all we
do. They are continually growing into their own power as a
Every area of my life benefits from the ruthless
focus and discipline I’ve applied to achieve
this lifestyle I love, and to work on initiatives
and movements that make me feel like the
luckiest person on earth who’s making a dent
in the Universe.
My Global Offerings
My Freedom Plan program is in it’s fourth year and has
now helped thousands of people around the world
build a profitable online business and a life they love. It
continues to be improved to make it a world class
offering that creates real results for all who go through
it and for many a life changing experience. Joint venture
partners love to promote it because they know it has a
reputation of excellence in the online education space.
I have the perfect array of digital guides
and offline offerings to support the
Suitcase Entrepreneur platform
as well as several bestselling books on
Amazon translated into multiple languages
and read by hundreds of thousands around
the world because they make a real
difference in peoples’ lives.
My webinars and trainings are always a hit, with
thousands registering to hear the information I
provide and soak up the knowledge and lessons I
share freely and generously.
This leads people to want to be a part of my
Suitcase Entrepreneur community, which leads to
further growth of my business and ultimately
fulfills a natural progression to support and
believe in the Right2Freedom movement of
100,000+ people by end of 2017 and growing.
Culture and Spirit
Culture and Spirit
I love to lead from a position of student first, teacher second. I
work with clients and community members who share this
attitude, and together we create magic (with our feet firmly
planted in reality and our visions leaning out into the future).
Everyone who works with me gains focus and clarity on what
they want to accomplish personally and professionally and
they share my energy and love for life and living it to their
best and fullest ability.
When it comes to partnerships, I only align myself with
companies that represent what the Suitcase
Entrepreneur brand stands for and are willing to
create lasting and fruitful relationships, which benefit
both parties.
This also applies to partners supporting the
Right2Freedom social enterprise, including my esteemed
‘Board of Strategery’ (spelled that way on purpose) the
Right2Freedom ambassadors and collaborators I’ve
aligned with and worked with to grow the movement
Brand and image
My brand represents the dance to freedom in a
traditional world, uniqueness, and success on your
own terms. People relate to the fact that fun and
profit can go hand in hand, and that if you work hard,
you play hard too.
People want to work with
`that crazy cool Natalie
Sisson’ and become their own
version of the Suitcase
Entrepreneur. This is only
amplified when they learn
about the Right2Freedom
movement and want to be part
of this global change and
initiative and play their part.
and partners
Amazing and highly respected key opinion
leaders, influencers and organizations step
up to align with the Right2Freedom as they
see the great work being done and how this
impacting people around the world.
While it’s a challenge to continue to get
support and have the voice of freedom spread
globally, these amazing individuals, partners
and companies are using their ‘klout’ to
support the long term vision of this
movement and it never ceases to amaze me
how generous they are.
My leadership style is`lead by example and do
as you say’. This is proven again and again in the
results I get for my community and clients, and the
way in which I’ve created and grown my social
I live and breathe my core values of integrity and
freedom and people aspire to do the same when
they work with and support me on my quest for
global freedom and happiness.
People either love or hate my honesty and
transparency to say exactly what I’m thinking
and tell the truth and share the real stories. In
the quest for freedom this is what I know I have
to do in order to truly create change and make a
lasting difference.
I inject love, humor, courage and heart into all I
do to resonate with each and every person I
interact with on my mission in life.
being of service
At the Suitcase Entrepreneur my team and I continue to provide the
best possible support to back up our quality offerings and make
sure we give everyone a great return on their investment.
As a result we get close to zero refund requests
or complaints.
We act promptly to solve anyone’s concerns and to give them the
best possible answer and outcome so they remain happy, even
delighted, and refer us to their friends for years to come.
The Right2Freedom Social Enterprise is built on a
foundation of honesty, integrity and being of service
and we conduct ourselves in this way on a daily
basis and this has contributed to the rapid growth of
our movement, research and framework.
Being a huge advocate for using the right tools and technology to
run your business from anywhere, both my companies systems
are lean and efficient and continually being refined to maximize
our efficiency and cohesiveness so we can focus on the important
work we undertake.
Our sales funnel and financial systems work
effortlessly and seamlessly to grow both
communities and keep profit and fundraising
on track and to meet our quarterly goals.
Team and ambassadors
I am grateful for my global virtual
team and their array of talents and
skills that continue to drive the
Suitcase Entrepreneur multiple six-
figure business and ensure the
Right2Freedom Social Enterprise is
healthy and strong to tackle future
initiatives and growth plans.
Together we can move mountains and make
anything possible. We strive for excellence and
hold each other to this standard weekly.
As a result more people are dying to work with
us to help change the world into one where
freedom reigns supreme.
My teams work perfectly across multiple
projects, timezones and languages and for
that I’m truly thankful.
We attract a world-class culture where
each team member:
★ feels personally responsible for the company’s success
and their own,
★ upholds their highest standards in their work and
conduct always,
★ treats everyone with respect – most importantly
★ values and encourages honesty and integrity above all
★ feels free to make a difference in their daily lives
I am a media darling and go-to person for everything
related to the future of work and the future of freedom. I’
m regularly featured as a columnist on Forbes and Inc
Magazine, as well as on popular sites like Lifehacker,
Huffington Post, Wired, Engadget and Mashable.
I am interviewed regularly on
popular podcasts and radio
shows, as well as local TV, but
am most effective speaking at
live events, fundraisers, award
ceremonies, conferences, think
tanks and global initiatives.
Wealth creation
As more and more people tap into the Suitcase Entrepreneur
lifestyle, and how to get closer to having it, the business
continues to grow through an increase in customers investing
across the company offerings, and as a result of continued
media, referrals, joint ventures and affiliates.
With the annual profits consistently
over $200,000 I’m able to focus on
being an angel investor in an array of
startups that align with my values, and
share in their entrepreneurial journey
and success by 2016 onwards.
This financial freedom also allows me
to fully invest my time, energy and
money into the Right2Freedom
movement which makes me feel truly
rich because of the global impact it’s
beginning to have.
The Freedom Fund is well on it’s way to reaching
$1 million and distributing this fairly to the
organizations doing the work that matters.
Right2Freedom 1,000,000
3 April 2020
Wellness and balance
To ensure I have the energy and mental fortitude to
make freedom for all a reality through my work and
movement I have made a daily commitment to
myself to stay in peak health through fun,
energizing and challenging workouts, effective and
tasty nutrition and mental agility exercises and
As a result I successfully manage to commit to daily meditation,
yoga, fitness and journaling 80% of the time and the other 20% is
for when I’m feeling human and replace it with time off, nourishing
and nurturing activities or treatments to reenergize me or quality
sleep and relaxation.
I also regularly play Ultimate
Frisbee tournaments around
the world and enjoy the
competition, camaraderie and
party spirit every time.
I play other sports and attend
sporting events as often as
possible like the Major Grand
Slam Tennis Opens and Formula
I schedule time off at the start of
each calendar year for vacations,
retreats and masterminds to
ensure I continue to grow and
become a better person, friend,
entrepreneur, mentor and
I regularly surround myself with experts, influencers and
mentors who are operating on a higher level, so that I too,
can aim to reach their status in my own time.
Through their knowledge sharing via our one-on-one
sessions, at mastermind events and retreats, I have
developed powerful mindset techniques and key
I continue to raise my own bar higher as a result, and in
turn pass this on to all who come within contact with me.
Family, Friends and
I surround myself with my wonderful family through regular
quality time, holidays and special occasions. I am fortunate to
have amazing friends around the world who love and challenge
me, and we hang out regularly on planned holidays, retreats and
tournaments that are scheduled into my year on purpose.
We have adventures, laughs
and a ton of fun when we are
together and are there for
each other no matter what
and I’m happy in the
knowledge that this will
continue for life.
I am in a truly loving and fulfilling relationship with a
man who respects, challenges and adores me and
together we bring out the best in each other and
support each other in all our life endeavors and
Thank you for reading my 2017 Painted Picture!
Join me at
and to help it come true!

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The Ultimate Freedom Plan for Life and Business by 2017 - Natalie Sisson

  • 2. Hi I’m Natalie Sisson. The following is a detailed vision for what my two companies, The Suitcase Entrepreneur and Right2Freedom, will look, feel like, and act like by December 31st 2017. You can also find it at http://suitcaseentrepreneur. com/about
  • 3. Sharing it publicly massively increases the likelihood of it becoming a reality and allows you to become part of my vision. It also holds me accountable and allows the Universe to conspire with me to make it happen.
  • 5. True Freedom is my ultimate priority in life and business and what I wish for all humanity. I believe everybody has the right to choose freedom on their own terms – personally, physically, financially, socially and politically. This is why I do what I do.
  • 6. Through my Suitcase Entrepreneur platform and my program I inspire people to take massive action to build a freedom based business that supports their ideal lifestyle and life’s purpose.
  • 7. I believe life is meant to be lived to the full and everyone has been put on this earth to make an impact and create positive change and contribution.
  • 8. I work with those people who know there’s a better life out there for them and they’re motivated and prepared to go the extra mile to make it a reality. Where they dictate their own terms for work, life and love.
  • 9. I work with real go-getters who are prepared to go against the trends, to challenge the status quo, to confront societal norms and rebel against what everyone else stands for in order to achieve their ideal lifestyle.
  • 10. From those just starting out to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams, to those who are on life and world changing missions.
  • 11. I do this by getting my clients and customers to focus on clearly articulating their vision for their life through a PAINTED PICTURE and PERFECT DAY Exercise before anything else, so that no matter what challenges and hurdles they face on their journey, they will always stay true to the path they hold most dear and that is so important to them.
  • 12. I also show my community through my blog, podcast and videos, how to reclaim their own personal freedom through use of tools, technology, systems and outsourcing to give them more time, money and energy to focus on what matters – their long-term plan, vision and purpose.
  • 13. Alongside my work with entrepreneurs to create freedom based businesses to support their Ideal lifestyle through the I have a huge body of work that I’m committed to for life…...
  • 14. is now, after almost 3 years of intense research, planning and application an initiative that allows others to see on a global scale what they can do to have more freedom in their lives and those of others across the spectrum of freedoms available to us.
  • 15. Through your support and that of believers, ambassadors, generosity and grants, I’ve created a fully fledged social enterprise showing individuals, organizations and governments around the world how to gain freedom and apply to this to their own lives, policies and future initiatives.
  • 16. Having conducted and completed the world’s first Global Study on Freedom in 2016 I’ve built a critically acclaimed and recognized Freedom Framework which allows individuals to recognize where they are on the scale and spectrum of freedoms available to us and what they can do to improve this for themselves and others.
  • 17. The award winning Freedom Documentary researched and filmed on the Freedom Tour that started in 2015 (that took me and my team of supporters to many countries around the world) has helped to bring huge visibility to those who are living with true freedom vs those who have no real freedom at all.
  • 18. What’s more, thanks to a generous portion of money earned through the Freedom Framework and it’s application, my New York Times Bestselling book and the entire Right2Freedom movement of events, workshops, foundational programs and fundraising, we are well on our way to our 2020 goal of having US$1 million in the Freedom Fund
  • 19. This money is being directly distributed to a number of existing and successful charities, non-profits and organizations already doing amazing work to help others on the scales of freedom. Fans and true supporters of the Right2Freedom movement are also volunteering their time and skills on a monthly basis ‘in the field’ for these very organizations.
  • 20. I speak at events around the world on a global stage, like TEDx, to spread this message, and ensure that those around the world are afforded the same freedoms as you and me. I also travel regularly to be at the heart of what matters volunteering my own time and money to help BE THE CHANGE.
  • 22. I feel absolutely on purpose as I am truly living my dream. There is no better feeling than sharing the gift of freedom with yet another person who `gets it’ and realizes they can create their ideal lifestyle on their own terms.
  • 23. I feel honoured when my clients and customers tell me how my work, and my No #1 Amazon Best Seller `The Suitcase Entrepreneur’, helped them to achieve their dreams and they show me the results of what they have launched, completed, achieved or done in business, travel and life on a weekly basis.
  • 24. I’ve attracted and built a thriving community of freedom fighters through the Suitcase Entrepreneur business now in it’s 8th year, and the Right2Freedom movement is 2 years strong. More and more people are spreading the word about my quest for world freedom and that on an individual level I help people to live life fully and to build a business that is profitable, purposeful and fun.
  • 25. I am highly perceptive, intuitive and aware of my key strengths and I play to these daily to focus on providing my best self in all my interactions and it shows as my business continues to grow daily, and the Suitcase Entrepreneur becomes the `go-to’ brand synonymous with creating freedom in business and adventure in life.
  • 26. Through my online business and social enterprise I have achieved a level of focus in my life and business that others can only dream of. As a result I am fully present each and every day and see beauty in the world and a Universe of opportunity ahead of me.
  • 27. I feel I am truly making a difference in the world and am completely driven by my purpose to leave a legacy of freedom for all.
  • 28. People tell me that I look young, vibrant and alive. They see that I am in the best shape of my life both physically and mentally.
  • 29. They want to learn my secret and I tell them the secret is to commit yourself to undertaking or aligning with a purpose, mission or vision that lights you up and makes everything you do matter beyond belief and makes you part of a connected world and the future of all people.
  • 30. Every day I start with my meditation designed to bring me into the present moment and truly grateful for every single moment and a short burst of yoga to power up my body for the day ahead. I then go out and exercise in whatever I’m in the mood for – an energizing run, a full yoga session, a PUMP class, a bike ride or a swim depending where I am in the world and what’s available to me.
  • 31. In order to stay in great shape and keep my body as my temple of strength and my mind as my wisest ally I always have a green smoothie to start the day, followed by journaling before working on my 3 MIAs (most important actions) of the day that will allow me to make the most impact in the shortest timeframe and leave me (and others) feeling fulfilled and happy.
  • 32. I stay true to the systems that I have created in my business. My core work and main priorities are completed first thing so that I afford myself the time to do what I wish during the day – whether that’s work, pleasure, travel, philanthropy, nurturing relationships with friends and family, mentoring or learning.
  • 33. My friends and family enjoy the quality time we spend together and my love for life is infectious. My team appreciates my values of freedom and adventure and how I apply it to all we do. They are continually growing into their own power as a result.
  • 34. Every area of my life benefits from the ruthless focus and discipline I’ve applied to achieve this lifestyle I love, and to work on initiatives and movements that make me feel like the luckiest person on earth who’s making a dent in the Universe.
  • 36. My Freedom Plan program is in it’s fourth year and has now helped thousands of people around the world build a profitable online business and a life they love. It continues to be improved to make it a world class offering that creates real results for all who go through it and for many a life changing experience. Joint venture partners love to promote it because they know it has a reputation of excellence in the online education space.
  • 37. I have the perfect array of digital guides and offline offerings to support the Suitcase Entrepreneur platform as well as several bestselling books on Amazon translated into multiple languages and read by hundreds of thousands around the world because they make a real difference in peoples’ lives.
  • 38. My webinars and trainings are always a hit, with thousands registering to hear the information I provide and soak up the knowledge and lessons I share freely and generously.
  • 39. This leads people to want to be a part of my Suitcase Entrepreneur community, which leads to further growth of my business and ultimately fulfills a natural progression to support and believe in the Right2Freedom movement of 100,000+ people by end of 2017 and growing.
  • 41. Culture and Spirit I love to lead from a position of student first, teacher second. I work with clients and community members who share this attitude, and together we create magic (with our feet firmly planted in reality and our visions leaning out into the future). Everyone who works with me gains focus and clarity on what they want to accomplish personally and professionally and they share my energy and love for life and living it to their best and fullest ability.
  • 42. When it comes to partnerships, I only align myself with companies that represent what the Suitcase Entrepreneur brand stands for and are willing to create lasting and fruitful relationships, which benefit both parties. This also applies to partners supporting the Right2Freedom social enterprise, including my esteemed ‘Board of Strategery’ (spelled that way on purpose) the Right2Freedom ambassadors and collaborators I’ve aligned with and worked with to grow the movement globally.
  • 44. My brand represents the dance to freedom in a traditional world, uniqueness, and success on your own terms. People relate to the fact that fun and profit can go hand in hand, and that if you work hard, you play hard too.
  • 45. People want to work with `that crazy cool Natalie Sisson’ and become their own version of the Suitcase Entrepreneur. This is only amplified when they learn about the Right2Freedom movement and want to be part of this global change and initiative and play their part.
  • 47. Amazing and highly respected key opinion leaders, influencers and organizations step up to align with the Right2Freedom as they see the great work being done and how this impacting people around the world.
  • 48. While it’s a challenge to continue to get support and have the voice of freedom spread globally, these amazing individuals, partners and companies are using their ‘klout’ to support the long term vision of this movement and it never ceases to amaze me how generous they are.
  • 50. My leadership style is`lead by example and do as you say’. This is proven again and again in the results I get for my community and clients, and the way in which I’ve created and grown my social enterprise. I live and breathe my core values of integrity and freedom and people aspire to do the same when they work with and support me on my quest for global freedom and happiness.
  • 51. People either love or hate my honesty and transparency to say exactly what I’m thinking and tell the truth and share the real stories. In the quest for freedom this is what I know I have to do in order to truly create change and make a lasting difference.
  • 52. I inject love, humor, courage and heart into all I do to resonate with each and every person I interact with on my mission in life.
  • 54. At the Suitcase Entrepreneur my team and I continue to provide the best possible support to back up our quality offerings and make sure we give everyone a great return on their investment. As a result we get close to zero refund requests or complaints. We act promptly to solve anyone’s concerns and to give them the best possible answer and outcome so they remain happy, even delighted, and refer us to their friends for years to come.
  • 55. The Right2Freedom Social Enterprise is built on a foundation of honesty, integrity and being of service and we conduct ourselves in this way on a daily basis and this has contributed to the rapid growth of our movement, research and framework.
  • 57. Being a huge advocate for using the right tools and technology to run your business from anywhere, both my companies systems are lean and efficient and continually being refined to maximize our efficiency and cohesiveness so we can focus on the important work we undertake. Our sales funnel and financial systems work effortlessly and seamlessly to grow both communities and keep profit and fundraising on track and to meet our quarterly goals.
  • 59. I am grateful for my global virtual team and their array of talents and skills that continue to drive the Suitcase Entrepreneur multiple six- figure business and ensure the Right2Freedom Social Enterprise is healthy and strong to tackle future initiatives and growth plans.
  • 60. Together we can move mountains and make anything possible. We strive for excellence and hold each other to this standard weekly. As a result more people are dying to work with us to help change the world into one where freedom reigns supreme. My teams work perfectly across multiple projects, timezones and languages and for that I’m truly thankful.
  • 61. We attract a world-class culture where each team member: ★ feels personally responsible for the company’s success and their own, ★ upholds their highest standards in their work and conduct always, ★ treats everyone with respect – most importantly themselves ★ values and encourages honesty and integrity above all else ★ feels free to make a difference in their daily lives
  • 62. Media
  • 63. I am a media darling and go-to person for everything related to the future of work and the future of freedom. I’ m regularly featured as a columnist on Forbes and Inc Magazine, as well as on popular sites like Lifehacker, Huffington Post, Wired, Engadget and Mashable.
  • 64. I am interviewed regularly on popular podcasts and radio shows, as well as local TV, but am most effective speaking at live events, fundraisers, award ceremonies, conferences, think tanks and global initiatives.
  • 66. As more and more people tap into the Suitcase Entrepreneur lifestyle, and how to get closer to having it, the business continues to grow through an increase in customers investing across the company offerings, and as a result of continued media, referrals, joint ventures and affiliates.
  • 67. With the annual profits consistently over $200,000 I’m able to focus on being an angel investor in an array of startups that align with my values, and share in their entrepreneurial journey and success by 2016 onwards.
  • 68. This financial freedom also allows me to fully invest my time, energy and money into the Right2Freedom movement which makes me feel truly rich because of the global impact it’s beginning to have.
  • 69. The Freedom Fund is well on it’s way to reaching $1 million and distributing this fairly to the organizations doing the work that matters. Right2Freedom 1,000,000 3 April 2020
  • 71. To ensure I have the energy and mental fortitude to make freedom for all a reality through my work and movement I have made a daily commitment to myself to stay in peak health through fun, energizing and challenging workouts, effective and tasty nutrition and mental agility exercises and meditation.
  • 72. As a result I successfully manage to commit to daily meditation, yoga, fitness and journaling 80% of the time and the other 20% is for when I’m feeling human and replace it with time off, nourishing and nurturing activities or treatments to reenergize me or quality sleep and relaxation.
  • 73. I also regularly play Ultimate Frisbee tournaments around the world and enjoy the competition, camaraderie and party spirit every time. I play other sports and attend sporting events as often as possible like the Major Grand Slam Tennis Opens and Formula One.
  • 74. I schedule time off at the start of each calendar year for vacations, retreats and masterminds to ensure I continue to grow and become a better person, friend, entrepreneur, mentor and leader.
  • 76. I regularly surround myself with experts, influencers and mentors who are operating on a higher level, so that I too, can aim to reach their status in my own time. Through their knowledge sharing via our one-on-one sessions, at mastermind events and retreats, I have developed powerful mindset techniques and key connections. I continue to raise my own bar higher as a result, and in turn pass this on to all who come within contact with me.
  • 78. I surround myself with my wonderful family through regular quality time, holidays and special occasions. I am fortunate to have amazing friends around the world who love and challenge me, and we hang out regularly on planned holidays, retreats and tournaments that are scheduled into my year on purpose.
  • 79. We have adventures, laughs and a ton of fun when we are together and are there for each other no matter what and I’m happy in the knowledge that this will continue for life.
  • 80. I am in a truly loving and fulfilling relationship with a man who respects, challenges and adores me and together we bring out the best in each other and support each other in all our life endeavors and missions.
  • 81. Thank you for reading my 2017 Painted Picture! Join me at and to help it come true!