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PAD 540 Assignment 3 Federal Statutes Presentation
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PAD 540 Assignment 3 Federal Statutes Presentation
PAD 540 Entire Course (Except Week 4 Discussion)
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This Tutorial contains All Papers, DQs Except Week 4 Discussion
PAD 540 Week 1 Discussion
PAD 540 Week 2 Assignment 1 Position Paper
PAD 540 Week 3 Discussion
PAD 540 Week 4 Discussion
PAD 540 Week 5 Discussion
PAD 540 Week 6 Assignment 3 Federal Statutes Presentation
PAD 540 Week 6 Discussion
PAD 540 Week 7 Discussion
PAD 540 Week 8 Discussion
PAD 540 Week 9 Discussion
PAD 540 Week 10 Assignment 5 Policy Analysis Paper
PAD 540 Week 10 Discussion
PAD 540 Week 11 Discussion
PAD 540 Week 1 Discussion Globalization and Government
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Globalization and Government” Please respond to the following:
Tom Friedman (2005), states that “Globalization” is a wonderful and
natural process to which people need to adjust. To some critics, it is
a dangerous pattern that needs to be resisted through public
authority. And to others, it is a process that is not natural at all, but
encouraged by public policy that serves some interests at the
expense of others. According to Henry Kissinger (1999) “globalization
is really another name for the dominant role of the United States.”
Agree or disagree with Kissinger’s statement and provide evidence
from the textbook that supports your view. Justify your response.
The Global Closet Calculator is a two-part interactive game that
introduces the concepts of interdependence and globalization. Go to
the National Geographic’s Website, located here, and click on “Begin
Your Journey.” Discuss how your map of interdependence compared
to everyone else’s. Next, identify the badges you received from the
second part of the game, and provide your opinion as to whether or
not you agree or disagree with those badges.
PAD 540 Week 2 Assignment 1 Position Paper
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PAD 540 Week 2 Assignment 1 Position Paper,
Assignment 1: Position Paper
Due Week 2 and worth 140 points
Public administration is an essential link between citizens and
governments. With the rapid pace of globalization, the public
sector is under even greater pressure to increase its capacity to deal
with the new challenges and opportunities that globalization
presents. The relationship of globalization and governance is
multidimensional. States / countries with high levels of integration
with the rest of the world tend to have better governance outcomes
on the whole. Of course, the quality of governance can be directly
related to the social and economic integration between states. The
gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, religion, natural
resources, fractionalization, and government size largely decide the
Like globalization, governance can be conceived broadly or
narrowly. How does globalization affect macroeconomic
In this assignment, you are expected to select one (1) country and:
Discuss a significant issue / challenge arising from globalization
that has taken place in the last three to six (3-6) months.
Critically evaluate the current policy(ies) for the issue / challenge.
Consider possible alternatives.
Advocate a particular policy choice and provide rationale.
Use the Internet to conduct research for this assignment. Here are
two (2) resources to get you started:
Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:
Provide an introduction and context for the issue / challenge.
Summarize what existing literature says about the selected issue /
challenge and the selected country's policies impacting the issue.
Suggest two (2) policy options that the selected country's
government could follow in order to resolve the issue / challenge.
Recommend one (1) policy action based on your analysis of a set
of alternatives. Provide a rationale for your recommendation.
Provide at least three (3) reliable, relevant, peer-reviewed
references (no more than one [1] used previously), published
within the last five (5) years that support the paper's claims.
Format your assignment according to the following formatting
Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment,
the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and
the date. The cover page is not included in the required page
Include a reference page. Citations and references must
follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the
required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
Evaluate the major concepts and theories to international relations
and politics.
Analyze the local impact of global public administration policies
and relationships.
Analyze the core controversies, theories, and rationale surrounding
global public administration.
Formulate domestic and international public policy alternatives and
Describe how policies shift over time when applied to global
public administration challenges.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in
international public administration.
Write clearly and concisely about international public
administration using proper writing mechanics.
PAD 540 Week 2 Discussion The Costs of Globalization”
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“The Costs of Globalization” Please respond to the following:
Globalization and the freedom of trade existed before all the
boarders and international boundaries were set up and trade
regulations put in place. Based on the information in Chapter 3 of the
textbook, provide your opinion as to whether you believe that
territorialization and international boundaries are based on fear of
invasion or a tactic to protect a country’s own economy. Provide a
rationale for your response.
PAD 540 Week 3 Discussion State Making
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“State Making” Please respond to the following:
“Globalization is commonly described as the processes and forces
leading to an ever-decreasing capacity of the nation state to govern
within its territorial boundaries” (Levi-Farr & Vigoda-Gadot, 2004).
Even though world trade is larger than ever before, national living
standards vary according culture, the wealth of the state (nation),
and domestic factors. The study of globalization requires a holistic
approach and must be analyzed from all angles.
According to Strange (1996), although nation-states once controlled
the markets, it is now the markets that often control the nation-state
(Levi-Farr & Vigoda-Gadot, 2004). Examine the major factors that
account for the unequal distribution of globalization effects in
different states. Suggest how policy entrepreneurs, policy makers,
and policy administrators should redesign states so that people can
benefit from globalization in general. Provide a rationale for your
Analyze the key driving forces to increase interdependence.
Recommend two (2) actions that states can take in order to increase
capacity to respond to the challenges of globalization. Justify your
PAD 540 Week 5 Discussion Non-Governmental Actors
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“Non-Governmental Actors” Please respond to the following:
Government has come to rely on for profit and nonprofit
organizations for the delivery of goods and services. The challenges
in an every changing world have strained the capacity of
governments to deliver meaningful global policies. Globalization is an
opportunity to learn from other political systems. International non-
governmental organizations (IGNO) play an increasingly important
role in international development. INGOs are organized actors and
serve as a funnel for policy and development from the states,
individual donors, and bilateral aid agencies. INGOs form a distinct
third sector separate from business and governments (Scott-
Martinet, K, 2006).
Describe a recent disaster and recall the amount of aid that came
from IGNOs. Provide your opinion on the predominant methods that
IGNOs have used to penetrate or dominate international decision-
making. Suggest what is needed for IGNOs continual influence in the
process of global governance.
PAD 540 Week 6 Discussion Crime and the Negative Outputs
of Globalization
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“Crime and the Negative Outputs of Globalization” Please respond to
the following:
View the video titled, “Globalization Negatives – SLIDES” (11 min 45
s), located here. Select two (2) global flows involved in perpetuating
negative globalization. Outline these global flows and provide an
explanation as to why these are perpetuating negative globalization.
Based on the information in Chapter 9, examine the main global
flows of crime. Examine the responsibilities within the nation-state
and international agencies in dealing with such flows. Suggest two
(2) actions that nation-states can take in order to deal with
dangerous imports.
PAD 540 Week 7 Discussion Global Economics
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“Global Economics” Please respond to the following:
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank have played
a major role in globalization and socio-economic reform. Tax
incentives to many developing countries in exchange for making
economic reforms have helped widen globalization. The
Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization (LPG) approach received a
big boost due to IMF and World Bank policies. The GATT (General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) also played a significant role in
ushering in globalization-minded economic reforms (IMF, 2008).
China, Romania, and India have successfully implemented economic
reforms in the era of globalization. China’s economy has been
socialist in structure while India holds to a traditional, agriculture-
oriented, feudalistic economy (The World Bank, 2015). Both
economies implemented numerous reforms over recent years. The
results in both cases have been highly encouraging and have set a
high standard for other developing economies. On the other hand,
Greece has not faired out as well. Read a “A very short history of the
crisis,” located here. Next, go to CNN’s Website and read the article
titled, “Q&A Greece’s financial crisis explained,” located here.
Provide your opinion on how the Greece-Euro became such a big
problem. Determine who is most exposed if Greece defaults and
speculate on what a Greek default would mean for you. Recommend
two (2) potential policy solutions to the Greek debt problem. Provide
a rationale for your response.
PAD 540 Week 8 Discussion The Global Environment: A
World Problem
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PAD 540 Week 8 Discussion
“The Global Environment: A World Problem” Please respond to the
Environmental governance is a concept in political ecology,
environmental policy, and international global administration.
Environmental governance advocates for sustainable development
for the managing of all human activities – political, social, and
economic. It views natural resources and the environment as global
public goods that benefits everyone, that is, everyone is entitled for
clean breathable air, and a stable climate, and continual biodiversity.
This is accomplished through several government agencies, mainly
the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) that works on
climate and atmosphere, and the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) that focuses on nuclear security (Brandes & Brooks,
2005, p. 8).
The world may someday “collapse” due to accelerating
environmental problems. Agree or disagree with this statement and
list two (2) reasons in support of your position. Provide one (1)
example of how global corporations alleviate environmental
problems and one (1) example of how global corporations contribute
to environmental problems.
PAD 540 Week 9 Discussion Social Welfare Programs
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“Social Welfare Programs” Please respond to the following:
“Social Security, established in 1935, is the most costly item in the
federal budget. After the income tax, it also provides the largest
source of tax revenues. The program provides senior, survivor, and
disability insurance protection to most people who work in wage and
salary jobs and to the self-employed. Workers and their employers
each pay taxes equal to 6.2 percent of covered wages. The self-
employed pay 12.4 percent of taxable self-employment earnings.
Taxes are collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and
deposited in government-administered accounts called the Old-Age
and Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Trust Funds”
(Bosworth & Burtless, 1997).
The privatization of the Social Security system is spreading from Chile
to Argentina, Spain, England, and Australia. Mexico and Italy are the
most recent to jump on board. Examine the major pros and cons of
privatizing the Social Security system in the United States. Speculate
on who would benefit and who would lose. Provide a rationale for
your response.
Complete one (1)of the following statements regarding privatizing
Social Security and provide at least two (2) references to support
your response.
If the U.S. privatizes the Social Security system, African-Americans,
Hispanics, and women stand to lose the most because…
If the U.S. privatizes Social Security, the amount of your retirement
benefits will depend on whether you retire when the market is up or
down because…
Privatization can raise the rate of return workers obtain on their
retirement contributions because…
Privatization has practical political advantages in comparison with
the current Social Security retirement plan based on high payroll
taxes because…
PAD 540 Week 10 Assignment 5 Policy Analysis Paper
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PAD 540 Week 10 Assignment 5,
Assignment 5: Policy Analysis Paper
Due Week 10 and worth 220 points
In this assignment, you will create a practical and professional
document that will represent the level of work that is expected
from modern professional policy analysts. Use the information
from the worksheet you completed for Assignment 4 to build on
for this assignment.
Use the Internet and databases to research the global / international
issue or challenge selected in Assignment 4 and locate professional
viewpoints on the topic.
There should be seven (7) main sections to the Policy Analysis
Problem definition
Issue analysis
Proposed solutions
Strategic recommendations
Weaknesses and limitations
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Note: You may add sections or subsections to your Policy Analysis
Paper. You may include tables and charts in the page length.
Write a five to eight (5-8) page paper in which you:
Select one (1) real-world policy issue and provide a description of
the issue.
Analyze the major costs and major benefits of the issue.
Recommend three (3) courses of action.
Provide at least three to five (3-5) reliable, relevant, peer-reviewed
references (no more than one [1] used previously), published
within the last five (5) years that support the paper’s claims.
Format your assignment according to the following formatting
Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment,
the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and
the date. The cover page is not included in the required page
Include a reference page. Citations and references must
follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the
required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
Analyze the local impact of global public administration policies
and relationships.
Analyze the core controversies, theories and rationale surrounding
global public administration.
Assess the multidisciplinary nature of international public
administration by establishing connections with the disciplines that
have shaped and continue to influence the field.
Identify the impact of cultural competence and protocol on
international relations.
Formulate domestic and international public policy alternatives and
Identify the significance of key actors and stakeholders impacting
global public administration.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in
international public administration.
Write clearly and concisely about international public
administration using proper writing mechanics.
PAD 540 Week 10 Discussion Time for Reflection
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“Time for Reflection” Please respond to the following:
Some say globalization allows regions of the planet to consume far
more than they could normally consume. In Week 1, you used the
Global Closet Calculator to aggregate the contents of your closet.
Considering the results, and all that you have learned from the
readings, determine whether or not you would be trading
internationally if you could get everything at home. Provide a
rationale for your response.
The globalization debate raises several key issues about future work
force trends and public administration responses. Looking forward to
the year 2025, predict the impact of globalization on the real wages
and incomes of workers as a whole. Next, speculate on the extent to
which globalization will limit the ability of governments to take
significant policy actions on the behalf of the disadvantaged work
PAD 540 Week 11 Discussion Reflection and Application
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“Reflection and Application” Please respond to the following:
Kofi Annan wrote, “Globalization is a fact of life. But I believe we
have underestimated its fragility.” (You can read more of Kofi
Annan’s thoughts on global futures on the Globalist Website, located
here.) Based on what you have learned in this course, predict
whether globalization will lead to more peace or more war. Provide a
rationale for your response.
Consider the three (3) most important concepts that you have
learned in this course and complete the following statement: “Based
on ___________ that I learned in this course, I would like to impact /
change the world by ______________.”

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PAD 540 Invent Yourself /

  • 1. PAD 540 Assignment 3 Federal Statutes Presentation For more course tutorials visit PAD 540 Assignment 3 Federal Statutes Presentation =============================================== PAD 540 Entire Course (Except Week 4 Discussion) For more course tutorials visit This Tutorial contains All Papers, DQs Except Week 4 Discussion PAD 540 Week 1 Discussion
  • 2. PAD 540 Week 2 Assignment 1 Position Paper PAD 540 Week 3 Discussion PAD 540 Week 4 Discussion PAD 540 Week 5 Discussion PAD 540 Week 6 Assignment 3 Federal Statutes Presentation PAD 540 Week 6 Discussion PAD 540 Week 7 Discussion PAD 540 Week 8 Discussion PAD 540 Week 9 Discussion PAD 540 Week 10 Assignment 5 Policy Analysis Paper PAD 540 Week 10 Discussion
  • 3. PAD 540 Week 11 Discussion =============================================== PAD 540 Week 1 Discussion Globalization and Government For more course tutorials visit Globalization and Government” Please respond to the following: Tom Friedman (2005), states that “Globalization” is a wonderful and natural process to which people need to adjust. To some critics, it is a dangerous pattern that needs to be resisted through public authority. And to others, it is a process that is not natural at all, but encouraged by public policy that serves some interests at the expense of others. According to Henry Kissinger (1999) “globalization is really another name for the dominant role of the United States.” Agree or disagree with Kissinger’s statement and provide evidence from the textbook that supports your view. Justify your response.
  • 4. The Global Closet Calculator is a two-part interactive game that introduces the concepts of interdependence and globalization. Go to the National Geographic’s Website, located here, and click on “Begin Your Journey.” Discuss how your map of interdependence compared to everyone else’s. Next, identify the badges you received from the second part of the game, and provide your opinion as to whether or not you agree or disagree with those badges. =============================================== PAD 540 Week 2 Assignment 1 Position Paper For more course tutorials visit PAD 540 Week 2 Assignment 1 Position Paper, 聽 Assignment 1: Position Paper Due Week 2 and worth 140 points Public administration is an essential link between citizens and governments. With the rapid pace of globalization, the public sector is under even greater pressure to increase its capacity to deal with the new challenges and opportunities that globalization presents. The relationship of globalization and governance is multidimensional. States / countries with high levels of integration with the rest of the world tend to have better governance outcomes
  • 5. on the whole. Of course, the quality of governance can be directly related to the social and economic integration between states. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, religion, natural resources, fractionalization, and government size largely decide the outcomes. Like globalization, governance can be conceived broadly or narrowly. How does globalization affect macroeconomic policymaking? In this assignment, you are expected to select one (1) country and: Discuss a significant issue / challenge arising from globalization that has taken place in the last three to six (3-6) months. Critically evaluate the current policy(ies) for the issue / challenge. Consider possible alternatives. Advocate a particular policy choice and provide rationale. Use the Internet to conduct research for this assignment. Here are two (2) resources to get you started: Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you: Provide an introduction and context for the issue / challenge. Summarize what existing literature says about the selected issue / challenge and the selected country's policies impacting the issue. Suggest two (2) policy options that the selected country's government could follow in order to resolve the issue / challenge. Recommend one (1) policy action based on your analysis of a set of alternatives. Provide a rationale for your recommendation. Provide at least three (3) reliable, relevant, peer-reviewed references (no more than one [1] used previously), published within the last five (5) years that support the paper's claims. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements: 聽 Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
  • 6. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Evaluate the major concepts and theories to international relations and politics. Analyze the local impact of global public administration policies and relationships. Analyze the core controversies, theories, and rationale surrounding global public administration. Formulate domestic and international public policy alternatives and arguments. Describe how policies shift over time when applied to global public administration challenges. Use technology and information resources to research issues in international public administration. Write clearly and concisely about international public administration using proper writing mechanics. =============================================== PAD 540 Week 2 Discussion The Costs of Globalization” For more course tutorials visit “The Costs of Globalization” Please respond to the following:
  • 7. Globalization and the freedom of trade existed before all the boarders and international boundaries were set up and trade regulations put in place. Based on the information in Chapter 3 of the textbook, provide your opinion as to whether you believe that territorialization and international boundaries are based on fear of invasion or a tactic to protect a country’s own economy. Provide a rationale for your response. =============================================== PAD 540 Week 3 Discussion State Making For more course tutorials visit “State Making” Please respond to the following: “Globalization is commonly described as the processes and forces leading to an ever-decreasing capacity of the nation state to govern within its territorial boundaries” (Levi-Farr & Vigoda-Gadot, 2004). Even though world trade is larger than ever before, national living standards vary according culture, the wealth of the state (nation),
  • 8. and domestic factors. The study of globalization requires a holistic approach and must be analyzed from all angles. According to Strange (1996), although nation-states once controlled the markets, it is now the markets that often control the nation-state (Levi-Farr & Vigoda-Gadot, 2004). Examine the major factors that account for the unequal distribution of globalization effects in different states. Suggest how policy entrepreneurs, policy makers, and policy administrators should redesign states so that people can benefit from globalization in general. Provide a rationale for your response. Analyze the key driving forces to increase interdependence. Recommend two (2) actions that states can take in order to increase capacity to respond to the challenges of globalization. Justify your response. =============================================== PAD 540 Week 5 Discussion Non-Governmental Actors For more course tutorials visit
  • 9. “Non-Governmental Actors” Please respond to the following: Government has come to rely on for profit and nonprofit organizations for the delivery of goods and services. The challenges in an every changing world have strained the capacity of governments to deliver meaningful global policies. Globalization is an opportunity to learn from other political systems. International non- governmental organizations (IGNO) play an increasingly important role in international development. INGOs are organized actors and serve as a funnel for policy and development from the states, individual donors, and bilateral aid agencies. INGOs form a distinct third sector separate from business and governments (Scott- Martinet, K, 2006). Describe a recent disaster and recall the amount of aid that came from IGNOs. Provide your opinion on the predominant methods that IGNOs have used to penetrate or dominate international decision- making. Suggest what is needed for IGNOs continual influence in the process of global governance. =============================================== PAD 540 Week 6 Discussion Crime and the Negative Outputs of Globalization
  • 10. For more course tutorials visit “Crime and the Negative Outputs of Globalization” Please respond to the following: View the video titled, “Globalization Negatives – SLIDES” (11 min 45 s), located here. Select two (2) global flows involved in perpetuating negative globalization. Outline these global flows and provide an explanation as to why these are perpetuating negative globalization. Based on the information in Chapter 9, examine the main global flows of crime. Examine the responsibilities within the nation-state and international agencies in dealing with such flows. Suggest two (2) actions that nation-states can take in order to deal with dangerous imports. =============================================== PAD 540 Week 7 Discussion Global Economics For more course tutorials visit
  • 11. “Global Economics” Please respond to the following: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank have played a major role in globalization and socio-economic reform. Tax incentives to many developing countries in exchange for making economic reforms have helped widen globalization. The Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization (LPG) approach received a big boost due to IMF and World Bank policies. The GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) also played a significant role in ushering in globalization-minded economic reforms (IMF, 2008). China, Romania, and India have successfully implemented economic reforms in the era of globalization. China’s economy has been socialist in structure while India holds to a traditional, agriculture- oriented, feudalistic economy (The World Bank, 2015). Both economies implemented numerous reforms over recent years. The results in both cases have been highly encouraging and have set a high standard for other developing economies. On the other hand, Greece has not faired out as well. Read a “A very short history of the crisis,” located here. Next, go to CNN’s Website and read the article titled, “Q&A Greece’s financial crisis explained,” located here. Provide your opinion on how the Greece-Euro became such a big problem. Determine who is most exposed if Greece defaults and speculate on what a Greek default would mean for you. Recommend
  • 12. two (2) potential policy solutions to the Greek debt problem. Provide a rationale for your response. =============================================== PAD 540 Week 8 Discussion The Global Environment: A World Problem For more course tutorials visit PAD 540 Week 8 Discussion “The Global Environment: A World Problem” Please respond to the following: Environmental governance is a concept in political ecology, environmental policy, and international global administration. Environmental governance advocates for sustainable development for the managing of all human activities – political, social, and
  • 13. economic. It views natural resources and the environment as global public goods that benefits everyone, that is, everyone is entitled for clean breathable air, and a stable climate, and continual biodiversity. This is accomplished through several government agencies, mainly the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) that works on climate and atmosphere, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that focuses on nuclear security (Brandes & Brooks, 2005, p. 8). The world may someday “collapse” due to accelerating environmental problems. Agree or disagree with this statement and list two (2) reasons in support of your position. Provide one (1) example of how global corporations alleviate environmental problems and one (1) example of how global corporations contribute to environmental problems. =============================================== PAD 540 Week 9 Discussion Social Welfare Programs For more course tutorials visit
  • 14. “Social Welfare Programs” Please respond to the following: “Social Security, established in 1935, is the most costly item in the federal budget. After the income tax, it also provides the largest source of tax revenues. The program provides senior, survivor, and disability insurance protection to most people who work in wage and salary jobs and to the self-employed. Workers and their employers each pay taxes equal to 6.2 percent of covered wages. The self- employed pay 12.4 percent of taxable self-employment earnings. Taxes are collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and deposited in government-administered accounts called the Old-Age and Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Trust Funds” (Bosworth & Burtless, 1997). The privatization of the Social Security system is spreading from Chile to Argentina, Spain, England, and Australia. Mexico and Italy are the most recent to jump on board. Examine the major pros and cons of privatizing the Social Security system in the United States. Speculate on who would benefit and who would lose. Provide a rationale for your response. Complete one (1)of the following statements regarding privatizing Social Security and provide at least two (2) references to support your response. If the U.S. privatizes the Social Security system, African-Americans, Hispanics, and women stand to lose the most because… If the U.S. privatizes Social Security, the amount of your retirement benefits will depend on whether you retire when the market is up or down because…
  • 15. Privatization can raise the rate of return workers obtain on their retirement contributions because… Privatization has practical political advantages in comparison with the current Social Security retirement plan based on high payroll taxes because… =============================================== PAD 540 Week 10 Assignment 5 Policy Analysis Paper For more course tutorials visit PAD 540 Week 10 Assignment 5, Assignment 5: Policy Analysis Paper Due Week 10 and worth 220 points In this assignment, you will create a practical and professional document that will represent the level of work that is expected from modern professional policy analysts. Use the information from the worksheet you completed for Assignment 4 to build on for this assignment.
  • 16. Use the Internet and databases to research the global / international issue or challenge selected in Assignment 4 and locate professional viewpoints on the topic. There should be seven (7) main sections to the Policy Analysis Paper: Problem definition Methods Issue analysis Proposed solutions Strategic recommendations Weaknesses and limitations Cost-Benefit Analysis Note: You may add sections or subsections to your Policy Analysis Paper. You may include tables and charts in the page length. Write a five to eight (5-8) page paper in which you: Select one (1) real-world policy issue and provide a description of the issue. Analyze the major costs and major benefits of the issue. Recommend three (3) courses of action. Provide at least three to five (3-5) reliable, relevant, peer-reviewed references (no more than one [1] used previously), published within the last five (5) years that support the paper’s claims. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements: Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
  • 17. Analyze the local impact of global public administration policies and relationships. Analyze the core controversies, theories and rationale surrounding global public administration. Assess the multidisciplinary nature of international public administration by establishing connections with the disciplines that have shaped and continue to influence the field. Identify the impact of cultural competence and protocol on international relations. Formulate domestic and international public policy alternatives and arguments. Identify the significance of key actors and stakeholders impacting global public administration. Use technology and information resources to research issues in international public administration. Write clearly and concisely about international public administration using proper writing mechanics. =============================================== PAD 540 Week 10 Discussion Time for Reflection For more course tutorials visit “Time for Reflection” Please respond to the following:
  • 18. Some say globalization allows regions of the planet to consume far more than they could normally consume. In Week 1, you used the Global Closet Calculator to aggregate the contents of your closet. Considering the results, and all that you have learned from the readings, determine whether or not you would be trading internationally if you could get everything at home. Provide a rationale for your response. The globalization debate raises several key issues about future work force trends and public administration responses. Looking forward to the year 2025, predict the impact of globalization on the real wages and incomes of workers as a whole. Next, speculate on the extent to which globalization will limit the ability of governments to take significant policy actions on the behalf of the disadvantaged work force. =============================================== PAD 540 Week 11 Discussion Reflection and Application For more course tutorials visit “Reflection and Application” Please respond to the following:
  • 19. Kofi Annan wrote, “Globalization is a fact of life. But I believe we have underestimated its fragility.” (You can read more of Kofi Annan’s thoughts on global futures on the Globalist Website, located here.) Based on what you have learned in this course, predict whether globalization will lead to more peace or more war. Provide a rationale for your response. Consider the three (3) most important concepts that you have learned in this course and complete the following statement: “Based on ___________ that I learned in this course, I would like to impact / change the world by ______________.”