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Organ Donation Persuasive Essay
Mrs. Corrigan and Fellow Classmates: Please try and consider the following situation. You're sitting in an emergency room, waiting for your dad to
awake after falling into liver failure, costing him to need a new liver. Not knowing if it's possible, crossing your fingers. You wish you could help, but
you can't. Someone else can. An organ donor. According to, about 116,000 U.S. citizens are waiting on the organ transplant list as of
August 2017. To put that number into perspective, that's more than double the amount of people that can fit into Yankee Stadium. And to make matters
worse, 20 people each day die waiting for a transplant.( Organ donation can offer patients a second chance at life and
more content..., an educational medicinal website, states, "95% of eye donations enable the recipient to see again." ( This
evidence shows that if organ donation is mandatory, recipients and their families can finally live a normal life. Another reason why organ donation
should be mandatory is to encourage medical and scientific breakthroughs. The Center for Organ Recovery and Education states that, "Research centers
all around the United States are always in need of donated organs and tissues." These donated organs and tissues can help cure diseases such as:
Cancer, Asthma, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Neurological diseases, and more. (CORE) In addition, states, "Medical schools are always in
need of cadavers that students can work on during their training period." Despite beliefs to the contrary,, a website for the health program
at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, states that even if your organ isn't viable for transplantation, it can still be used for research, including being
used for medical schools as cadavers. These irrefutable pieces of evidence are yet another reason why organ donation should be mandatory in the
United States. Given these undeniable pieces of evidence, there are those that still don't agree with organ donation because of their religious beliefs.
People of the Shinto faith and some gypsies believe that organ donation contradicts their religion. However, these
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Persuasive Organ Donation Essay
PANAMA CITY– Bay District Schools students recently received an important message about organ donation as they graduated from the district's
driver's education program. Phillip Van Stavern of the local nonprofit agency LifeQuest spoke to the aspiring new drivers about the importance of
becoming organ donors when they receive their licenses.
It was a sobering moment for young people excited at the prospect of making the transition into licensed drivers. Yet the message is more urgent than
ever, and the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy of life has never been easier. This is a point Van Stavern took the opportunity to drive home during
his presentation.
"When people give the gift organ and tissue donation, they give the gift of life," Van Stavern told students.
It is a simple more content...
This has resulted in long waiting lists for organs across the country, and Florida's list is longer than most. More than 5,000 Florida residents are
currently in need of organs. For many of them, the wait will be too long. According to Van Stavern, nearly 300 Floridians died in 2015 while waiting
for the organs they needed.
Most people will never actually meet the specific requirements necessary for organ donation, Van Stavern said, but each person who does has the
potential to save eight lives. Those who do not qualify as organ donors may still qualify as tissue and bone donors, giving them the opportunity to save
as many as 100 lives.
Jody and Joe Hair also addressed students, telling them about their daughter Madison, who also attended district schools. Madison's life was cut short
in 2012 when she was involved in an auto accident. She qualified as an organ donor, and the lives of four recipients were saved as a result. Her father
urged students to tell their families about their decision to become organ
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Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation
Organ donation has come a long way in the past few decades, and there is evidence to support this, so organ donation will come to the point when
99.4% of a person can be used. There have been several advancements in organ donation, and if things keep progressing at the speed that it is now,
this will be possible. An example of an advancement that has been made is eight year old Zion Harvey. He lost his arms and legs due to a life
threatening infection when he was two. He is now the first person to receive new hands. After enduring physical therapy and occupational therapy,
Zion is now doing things that normal kids his age do. The hand transplant took eleven hours, but that could decrease the more it is done. (Naggiar, S.
2015) Right now, the organs that can be donated are theheart, intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs, and pancreas. That is only the beginning of it. There are
several other body parts that can be donated other than the organs. These include bone, cartilage, corneas, fascia, heart valves, ligaments, pericardium,
skin, tendons, and veins. Even now, other tissues and organs are being tested for donation. (What can be donated. 2007) The need for transplantable
organs and tissues has been, and will keep growing at a steady rate. Attention has been turned to the people who died due to the irreversible
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They do this by first preparing the recipient's immune system. They use a drug that targets the immune system's T–cells, a type of white blood cell that
is found in the immune system. This drug kills any foreign bacteria in the immune system. After the organ or tissue is donated, the recipient is then less
susceptible to organ rejection and also other diseases caused by an organ transplant. (Sifferlin, A.
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Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation
Organ donation is a life–changing event for not only those receiving the transplant but also for the families of the donor. It gives a meaning to the end
of someone's life. The act of donating organs impacts many individuals even after the donor passed away. Everyone should consider being an organ
donor because it is simple to become one, and the need is constantly growing.
Individuals who are not already organ donors may be wary of becoming registered because they think the process is complicated. In reality, becoming
an organ donor is as simple as going to the official organ donation website and signing up. It only takes a few minutes to register, is quite simple, and a
registered donor could possibly save a life.
The human body is an amazing thing, but it is far from perfect. As time goes on the body deteriorates and weakens, so it becomes prone to illnesses
and injury. Even though not every illness or injury can be cured by organ donation, it can still save thousands of lives. "33,611 transplants were
performed in 2016" (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). Without people who are willing to donate their organs, that number would be
zero and more deaths would occur everyday.
The need for organ donors dramatically increases each year because the number of organ donors grows much more slowly. "Every 10 minutes
another person is added to the waiting list" (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). Since people are being added to the waiting list so
frequently, the need for registered donors is greater than the need for support of donation. Most people agree with organ donation, but few are
actually registered as organ donors. "In fact, 95% of U.S. adults support organ donation but only 54% are actually signed up as organ donors" (U.S.
Department of Health & Human Services). The amount of people who need organs grows everyday, but the lack of individuals who are registered to
donate could cause tremendous problems in the future.
An individual who is not an organ donor may think that their organs could not possibly save a life but that is false thinking. "One organ donor can
save eight lives and change the lives of more than fifty people" (National Foundation for Transplants). Not only can one
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Persuasive Organ Donation
Around the world there are millions of people, who suffer from kidney disease. However, globally there were 64,606 kidney–transplant operations in
2007. Donating Donating organs is one of the biggest problems around the world people need the donation of the organs, people who are dying at the
hospital depend on it. Not everyone is able to afford a donation, they are really expensive, that's unfair in the sense that because someone has more
money than some else they should be more important than someone else. The waiting list for a organ donor is also really bad, people have to wait years
for a donation, because of how the list is people died like it said in the article that out of 64,606 people need it a transplant only 16,500 receive one.
To begin, in my opinion everyone should be able to receive a donation, and everyone should more content...
We sometimes are able to donate things while we still alive and a lot of people do it for someone who they love, but it would help a lot of people
are willing to do it for everyone. This is not really a debate because is normal that humans don't want to donate a part of their body, there is a lot of
side effects to donating something if you still alive, that's is why people rarely donate organ if they are alive. Futhermore, routine removal means
that the state of society have the right to access to the organs of deceased individuals. Meaning that if the states sees that the donor is death they can
take the organ that they need, without consent from a family member. People are able to opt out of a routine removal, but o do that they have to take
various considerations. Opting out of a donation should not be allowed, it should not be an option for the simple fact that is going to help someone,
if your family member is not alive no more why wouldn't you allow doctors to use a working organ in the body to save someone's
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Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation
As you read this, two people have just died. Within those two people is enough tissue to save as many as 100 lives and enough organs to save 16 of
the 165,000 people waiting for a organ transplant in USA. Yet, not enough people are choosing to become organ donors, becoming an organ donor
should be the choice that more people are making. Choosing to not donate your organs means that you are depriving someone of a live and researchers
the materials to perform their investigations. Not only does organ donation save someone's life but you yourself will be able to morally benefit by
granting someone with more time than they were give. 21 people per day die waiting for an organ, you could be the one to grant them more time, by
saying yes. Old, more content...
That's hundreds, even thousands of organs wasted. Gone. Just like the 22 people which could've been saved. I am writing to argue why everyone
should become organ donors after death because otherwise their perfectly fine organs which could be put to good use, have gone to waste. Once you
die, your organs are no use to you, they are simply filling space, instead they could be creating new life inside of someone, they could be the reason
for new scientific discoveries, anything is better than them going to waste. Research of our species obviously must be done with the appropriate
materials, the only way this can be conducted is with the donation of human organs. The only way to expand our knowledge of ourselves is through
providing researchers with the equipment and materials the need. Organ donation can fulfill these requirements and yet instead, daily, thousands of
organs are going to waste. We have been given the ability to save someone's life; this capability that we have should be acted upon and not put to
waste at the expense of someone's
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Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation
Every ten minutes a new person is added to the national organ transplant waiting list – a mother, a father, a son, a daughter, a brother, or a sister (1). As
of September 2014, more than 123,000 people currently need an organ transplant. Surely if everyone was an organ donor, there would be more than
enough viable organs for all of those people. However, because not everyone is indeed an organ donor, approximately 21 people die each day due to a
lack of organs. Now this might not seem like a rather large number, but it amounts to about 7,000 people each year – people who could be saved.
Statistics show that although 90% of Americans are in favor and support organ donation, only about 30% know the procedure to actually become an
organ more content...
In an opt–in system, a person would have to actively register to become an organ donor and therefore have their organs donated after death. On the
other hand, in an opt–out system, a person's organs will be donated after death unless a specific request is made before their death for their organs not
to be donated. Here in the US, we currently operate under the opt–in system, in which a person has to consent to organ donation. Although I am a
supporter of organ donation and do not see why other people wouldn't want to donate their organs if they could possibly save someone else's life, I do
believe that everyone should have the right to decide what to do with their organs. Your body is yours– even in death – so I don't believe that organ
donation should be automatic and prior permission need not be required. Having said this, however, I believe that the opt–out system should be utilized
due to the fact that if a person has not explicitly stated that they do not wish for their organs to be donated after death, then they should be given to
someone on the transplant list. In other words, I believe that everyone has the right to deny for their organs to be donated for whatever personal
reasons they may have, however, if they do not specifically deny this, then the organs should definitely be used to save someone else's
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Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation
Organ donation is a big issue in today's society and there is not just one way to solve it. To some, the problem can be solved by simply thinking
morally and choosing to help those around you. To others, the problem lies within the care from medical staff. In order to get these issues across,
Snyder, Van Assche et al., and Kluge, authors of pieces within the ethical discipline use anecdotalevidence to persuade an audience to think morally
about organ donation. In contrast, Berntzen & BjГёrke and Jacoby et al., authors of articles within the psychology discipline, use testimonial evidence
to express to the audience that an issue with the organ donation process comes from the treatment of patients from medical staff. Both disciplines
acknowledge organ donation as an issue, but using appeals to express specific causes of this problem allows the audience to think of the specific way
they would like to solve the issue.
Within the discipline of ethics, "Easy Rescues and Organ Transplantation", "Governing the Postmortem Procurement of Human Body Material for
Research", and "Improving Organ Retrieval Rates" discuss the ethics needed from the audience to improve the amount of organs being donated for
transplantation and research. Each article argues that donating organs after death is a moral thing to do as it is considered an "easy rescue" and
would prevent the audience from participating in "free riding", the idea of using a service without helping to improve or be a part of that
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Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation
Alec Peltekian
Ms. Branin
Honors English 11, Period 3
As one life ends a new beginning is created for another. Thousands of lives are saved each year in the United States alone just by organ donation.
With each donor passing away and donating their organs to those in peril, children with heart conditions or adults with liver disease are given
another chance to live a new healthy life. It is the definition of charity and it gives so many desperate people the hope they need. However, such a
beautiful and giving process can be quickly altered into a dark process for those involved with the Black Market. Many types or organs, often stolen
from unsuspecting victims of Dark Web crime, are sold on the Black Market for large more content...
This is the exact opposite reason for those operating along the evil networks of the Dark Web. The Web's main priority is to make high risk deals
and investments to bring the highest reward for its salespersons. The risk is run so high that is breaks all governing bodies' laws in the process.
Sites have been known to sell illegal organs for large sums of money including a " heart [that] will set you back $65,000" (VICE 6). The purchase is
simply just this immense fortune and no insurance or paperwork for the exchange. As stated before, the purpose of this method is strictly making
money. The Dark Web is its own sick and twisted economy for those willing to do what it takes for money. Doctors must consider and weigh the
ethical background of how they receive every organ from a willing donor, or unsuspecting victim.
Another legitimate concern in this field, is where the organ came from and the security one has knowing that it came from a healthy and well–suited
environment. If the organ was put under harmful stress by the previous human, the organ might fail to function correctly. This is whyorgan donation
keeps a large sample size when it comes to the volunteer pool. If someone does have a deficiency or disease affecting organs, they have opportunities
to help as "one's medical condition at the time of death will determine what organs and tissue can be donated" (MedLine Plus 1). This safe way of
donation allows
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Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation
The common emergency room in the United States constantly has a bustle of patients and family members, ranging from a child with a broken arm
to a team of doctors and nurses attempting to race the clock as they desperately try to save a young woman's life. Zoom in on the latter room and
you will witness the rush as doctors try to stop the bleeding and nurses work vigorously to resupply the patient's lungs with desperately needed
oxygen. An hour passes, and although the ventilator still pumps air through the woman's lungs as her heart faintly beats, she is declared brain dead.
Her parents standing in the waiting room are approached by a doctor, who kindly breaks the news and walks away, hearing the sobs of these grieving
parents fade into the background. Later, that same doctor comes to ask the family a possibly unthinkable question: would you consider giving consent
for organ donation? The mother starts to cry again as the father thinks about their options and what they could do in this impossible situation. This
became a reality for Linda and Michael Maiellano when their daughter, Katie was in a car accident in 2006 that left her brain dead and in critical
condition. While Katie's parents thought about organ donation, a young man only a few miles away was eagerly awaiting a new kidney and pancreas
as they were his last hope of survival. Uncontrollable diabetes had left Gregory Kraus in a dire medical state with vision problems, nerve damage in
his legs, and eventual kidney
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Persuasive Organ Donation Essay
It is estimated that there are 123,000 people in the United States are waiting for a life–saving organ transplant. The state of Arizona accounts for at
least 2,400 of these individuals. Working as a patient care technician allowed me to put faces to these statistics. I had numerous patients who were
desperately waiting to receive the gift of life. I will never forget the murky yellow tinted skin and sclerae of my patient desperately awaiting a liver
transplant. His life and future completely reliant on the generosity of a fellow human. The greatest problem facing patient's like the one aforementioned
is the national shortage of organs. With each patient encounter, I became passionate about finding a way to increase the number of organ donors. I
believe the more content...
Whereas, in an opt–out system everyone is considered to be a viable organ donor, unless they specifically request not to have their organs donated.
Countries around the world who have adopted an opt–out system have a greater number of organs available for transplant. An increase in organs
available for transplant has resulted in a greater amount of individuals receiving the gift of life. I believe that the state of Arizona should lead the nation
in adopting the switch from an opt–in to an opt–out system. If given access to politicians, lobbyists, and individuals impacted by transplantation I
believe I could draft a bill proposing that Arizona be the first state to adopt an opt–out system. Throughout this process, the most important aspect
would be education. One of the main reasons individuals decide against becoming organ donors is due to lack of education. Some individuals believe
that they will not be given proper medical care in the event of an emergency due to their status as an organ donor. It is misconceptions like this, that
need to be addressed so people can make informed
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Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation
Organ Donation Everyday, twenty–two people die waiting for an organ transplant. Patients on the donor list are in need of an organ and are
depending on it for survival. Some patients are on the list for weeks, months, even years with sno match. Comparatively, 6,316 people die every
hour with viable organs that can be used. Doctors are not legally allowed to use these organs unless given consent by only the patient before death.
If all U.S. citizens donated their organs, transplantations could occur and save thousands of lives each year. Organ donation should be required in
the United States because of the significant number of lives that could be saved everyday. The human body is amazing in the fact that our organs
are specialized. Each performs a specific role in order to increase efficiency within the body. Our specialized organs give us the ability to function
and live. If just one out of our 78 organ is no longer able to perform its necessary action, something else needs to do it in place of the organ – usually a
machine. Quality of life when hooked up to a machine performing crucial functions can be poor, and this is where organ transplants can help greatly.
The organs of just one person can save up to eight lives and improve the lives of over 60. Major organs such as the heart and liver are essential to live.
Therefore, when they are transplanted into patients, it is often a life–saving procedure that gives the recipient a second chance at life. Other organs
such as
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Persuasive Outline-Organ Donation
Topic: Organ donation
Thesis Statement: Becoming an organ donor after death is not only an important decision for yourself, but it is also an important decision for the life
that you may have the power to save.
Purpose: To persuade my audience to consider becoming organ donors after death Introduction: 1.Organ donation is a selfless way to give back to
others, and to be able to make a huge difference by giving another person a second chance at life. 2. The number of patients waiting for organs far
exceeds the number of people who have registered to become organ donors. 3. Many stigmas related to organ donation – relatively false, and in order to
be well informed, you more content...
Also, how long a patient has been waiting for an organ is a big factor when choosing who will get which organ * Main Point 2– Arguments against
organ donation and refutations 1. People of all ages and backgrounds can be organ donors, and if you are under 18, you must get permission from
your parent before registering as an organ donor. 2. There are many myths about becoming an organ donor, but here are just a few: 1. If I agree to
donate my organs, the hospital won't work as hard to save my life: When you go to hospitals for treatment, doctors focus on saving your life, not
someone else's, and the doctor in charge of your care has nothing to do with transplantation. 2. Organ donation is against my religion: Organ donation is
consistent with the beliefs of most religions, including Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, and most branches of Judaism 3. An open–casket funeral isn't
an option for organ donors: The donor's body is fully clothed, so no one can see the markings or scars of surgery for organ donation. For bone
donors, a rod is inserted where the bone was removed, and for skin donors, the skin donation is taken from the person's back, and since the deceased
is clothed and on their back in the casket, the scar is not visible. 4. I'm too old to donate: There is no defined cut off age for donating organs, and
there have been many successful organ donations from donors in their 70's and 80's. The decision to use the organs
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Organ Donation Persuasive Speech
"Topic: Organ Donation Organizational pattern: Problem solution Specific purpose: To persuade my audience to donate their organs and tissues when
they die and to act upon their decision to donate. Thesis statement: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an
organ donor when you die. Introduction
Attention getter: Would you be stunned to acknowledge that an average of 20 individuals die every day because of the lack of accessibleorgan donors?
(Data from Unos)
Tie to the audience: It is possible that a person waiting for an organ transplant may be your companion or somebody you know.
Preview: today I would really like to speak to you about the need of organ donors all over the world, how you may come to be an organ donor when
you die and in the end, how your own family and organ donor recipients gets advantage from your donation. Body
I.Lack of organ donors is a major issue worldwide and we can help them by giving them a gift of life.
1.The problem is that there is a lack of organs due to which organ transplantation becomes difficult.
a.There may be a need of many organs and tissues such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, corneas, bone, skin, heart valves, and blood vessels
b.A new name is added to the national waiting list every 16 minutes. That means that 3 people will be added to the list during the time we are in class
today. (Donors1)
c.You are free to pick out the organs you want to donate and you may additionally specify the tissues you want to donate.
2.Organ donation is very crucial.
a.Now not only is that this a trouble nationally but also it is a big trouble right here in California.
b.The sad part is that there have only been 95 donors in the California so far from January 2016 through August 2016. (donatelifeCalifornia)
Transition: Well, how can I make sure my organs are donated after I die? Let me tell you.
II.This can be a possible way of making sure your organs are donated after you die.
1.You could always share your perspectives with your relatives and family members about donating your organs once you die
a.They'll be concerned in the donation arrangements when you die.
b.If they do not recognize
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Persuasive Speech About Organ Donation
Have you ever wanted something so badly? You think about it everyday and every minute. What if your want was vital? What if your want was
actually something you needed to survive? But you can't get it. Why? Because there are thousands of other people on the same list waiting for their
turn, just like you. But waiting for what exactly? An organ. This is how thousands of Americans feel daily being on the donation list. Sadly many
people die daily and they are buried with their organs. These organs are useful, and could save many lives. You could be saving lives after you die.
Isn't that incredible? Today I plan to tell you what organ donation is and the need for organ donors in our area, how your family and organ donor
recipients benefit from your donation and how you can become an organ donor.
Many people are desperately waiting for a call that can save their lives. People all over America are in need of organs just like those right here in
the state of New York. We can all help these people in one way or another. Well first off I would like to begin by telling you all, what exactly organ
donation is. According to, Organ donation takes healthy organs and tissues from one person for transplantation into another. Experts
say that the organs from one donor can save or help as many as 50 people.Most organ and tissue donations occur after the donor has died. But some
organs and tissues can be donated while the donor is alive. Imagine that! You can
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Organ Donation Persuasive Speech Essay
How do you feel when you have to wait for something that you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn't live without? Imagine
you are lying in a hospital bed and you have no choice but to impatiently wait for that one organ you and your body are depending on to survive.
Many people face this struggle every day. These people are waiting on a list for their perfect match... the perfect person to be their organ donor. An
organ donor is a person who has an organ, or several organs, removed in ordered to be transplanted into another person. Imagine that one of your
loved ones are in the hospital... they're very sick and you don't know what is wrong. The doctor comes in and tells you that your loved one is having
kidney more content...
10% of the people on the waiting list for an organ are under the age of 18. Imagine if one person in that statistic was your best friend, or your little
brother or sister. The number of organ donors is slowly growing, but so is the number of people who are in need of organs. These people have the
potential to live with your beneficial help. To become an organ donor, all you need to do is fill out a form, which you can find on the New York
State Department of Health Website. ( Becoming an organ donor is easy and free. The online form asks you very simple
questions, such as your name, date of birth, and which organs or tissues you wish to donate. If you are under the age of 18, you can still choose to
be an organ donor with parental consent. Anyone can decide to be a donor. A person's medical history, race, age, and other characteristics are
disregarded until your time of donation. Medical Professionals will determine how suitable you are for donation when you die. After filling out the
form, you receive a card that is proof to give the doctor's permission to operate and remove your organs or tissues from your body. Many people have
the false assumption that organ donation is against their religion. Most religions actually support it. Organ donation is giving the gift of life to
somebody else, and that is one of the best things you can do. Not only is it
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Persuasive Speech Outline For Organ Donation
Encouraging people to become an organ donor
TOPIC: Organ donation
SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To inspire my audience to become an organ donor and to register in their state as a donor.
THESIS STATEMENT: Becoming an organ donor can save multiple lives.
ATTENTION Imagine you are laying in a hospital bed connected to multiple machines, IV's and monitors. The only thing keeping you alive is the
heart and lung machine, the team of doctors, nurses and specialist. Even with the help of modern medicine you will only remain alive as long as you
stay in that hospital bed; attached to those lifesaving machines. Even with the help of those machines your life is not guaranteed. Now imagine
knowing that the only thing that can save your life is a heart transplant, and having to wait your turn on a very long list to get one. more content...
ETHOS STATEMENTFor over 13 year I have worked in healthcare and I have seen multiple patients die from organ failure as they waited on the
transplant list. I've seen patients lose their quality of life as they sit in hospitals for weeks and months at a time as they waited for a kidney
transplant. I also know people who have donated the organs of their loved ones and were blessed to know that their loss was the beginning of another
person's life.
THESIS Helping save lives by becoming a registered organ donor.
PREVIEW I'd like to talk with you today about how easy it is to become an organ donor and the multiple lives that are benefitted from just one person
being an organ and tissue donor.
TRANSITION: So how can one person donating their organs and tissue help so many?
I.One person can give life to as many as eight people through organ donation, and enhance the lives of up to fifty people through cornea and tissue
A.Many people aren't aware of what can be
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Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation
An organ donation is the process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from one person and placing the organ or tissue into the body of another
person's body. Their is steps you have to take in order to be allowed to donate an organ, and their are certain guidelines you must meet in order to
donate an organ. There's several types of organs a person is able to donate, and different types of organ donation procedures that go with the type of
organs being donated. There's so many people in the United States that is waiting for an organ in need to be donated. It is estimated that more than one
hundred and seventeen thousand men, women and children are in need of a lifesaving organ transplant. Eighty two percent of patients are in need of a
kidney transplant, and thirteen percent of patients are in need of a liver transplant. Organ and tissue donations save lives. Each year, Americans
receive tens of thousands of organ and tissue transplants. In many cases, recipients who were near death go on to lead full and productive lives.
Organ and tissue donation also helps bring closure to grieving families. Several studies have shown that knowing that a loved one's death was able to
help others live fuller lives serves as a great comfort in a time of sorrow. Although many people are reluctant to register as organ and tissue donors
because of their religious beliefs, all major religious denominations in the United States support donation. In fact, many consider it to be a final act
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Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation
In the case of the young man that came into the hospital with a massive brain injury and his parents signed paperwork stating they were against
donating his organs, even though the young man was an organ donor but his signature was not legible, I feel like the outcome should have been more
of a positive one. When someone signs up to be an organ donor that means they want to give the gift of life to someone else. There is such a huge
shortage of organs/ tissue in the United States that it shouldn't matter if you're an organ donor or not, if your body no longer needs them then they
should go to those that do. According to the (American Transplant Foundation, 2017) "Around 116,000 people in the United States are currently on the
waiting list for a lifesaving organ transplant." If we continue to live in a world where we have the say in what happens to our organs after we die then
this number will only increase or we are putting healthy people at risk because they are donating organs to their loved ones to save their
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Every person is medically evaluated when they pass away and a physician can determine what organs or tissues are viable to be donated. Some might
also believe if they are an organ donor, their lives will not be saved in a situation if need be. This is not true, as a medical professional it is their job to
save a life or fix an injury when a person comes into the hospital, donation is not even considered until that person is declared dead. So taking all of
these fears into consideration one should really consider being an organ
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Organ Donation Persuasive Essay

  • 1. Organ Donation Persuasive Essay Mrs. Corrigan and Fellow Classmates: Please try and consider the following situation. You're sitting in an emergency room, waiting for your dad to awake after falling into liver failure, costing him to need a new liver. Not knowing if it's possible, crossing your fingers. You wish you could help, but you can't. Someone else can. An organ donor. According to, about 116,000 U.S. citizens are waiting on the organ transplant list as of August 2017. To put that number into perspective, that's more than double the amount of people that can fit into Yankee Stadium. And to make matters worse, 20 people each day die waiting for a transplant.( Organ donation can offer patients a second chance at life and more content..., an educational medicinal website, states, "95% of eye donations enable the recipient to see again." ( This evidence shows that if organ donation is mandatory, recipients and their families can finally live a normal life. Another reason why organ donation should be mandatory is to encourage medical and scientific breakthroughs. The Center for Organ Recovery and Education states that, "Research centers all around the United States are always in need of donated organs and tissues." These donated organs and tissues can help cure diseases such as: Cancer, Asthma, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Neurological diseases, and more. (CORE) In addition, states, "Medical schools are always in need of cadavers that students can work on during their training period." Despite beliefs to the contrary,, a website for the health program at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, states that even if your organ isn't viable for transplantation, it can still be used for research, including being used for medical schools as cadavers. These irrefutable pieces of evidence are yet another reason why organ donation should be mandatory in the United States. Given these undeniable pieces of evidence, there are those that still don't agree with organ donation because of their religious beliefs. People of the Shinto faith and some gypsies believe that organ donation contradicts their religion. However, these Get more content on
  • 2. Persuasive Organ Donation Essay PANAMA CITY– Bay District Schools students recently received an important message about organ donation as they graduated from the district's driver's education program. Phillip Van Stavern of the local nonprofit agency LifeQuest spoke to the aspiring new drivers about the importance of becoming organ donors when they receive their licenses. It was a sobering moment for young people excited at the prospect of making the transition into licensed drivers. Yet the message is more urgent than ever, and the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy of life has never been easier. This is a point Van Stavern took the opportunity to drive home during his presentation. "When people give the gift organ and tissue donation, they give the gift of life," Van Stavern told students. It is a simple more content... This has resulted in long waiting lists for organs across the country, and Florida's list is longer than most. More than 5,000 Florida residents are currently in need of organs. For many of them, the wait will be too long. According to Van Stavern, nearly 300 Floridians died in 2015 while waiting for the organs they needed. Most people will never actually meet the specific requirements necessary for organ donation, Van Stavern said, but each person who does has the potential to save eight lives. Those who do not qualify as organ donors may still qualify as tissue and bone donors, giving them the opportunity to save as many as 100 lives. Jody and Joe Hair also addressed students, telling them about their daughter Madison, who also attended district schools. Madison's life was cut short in 2012 when she was involved in an auto accident. She qualified as an organ donor, and the lives of four recipients were saved as a result. Her father urged students to tell their families about their decision to become organ Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation Organ donation has come a long way in the past few decades, and there is evidence to support this, so organ donation will come to the point when 99.4% of a person can be used. There have been several advancements in organ donation, and if things keep progressing at the speed that it is now, this will be possible. An example of an advancement that has been made is eight year old Zion Harvey. He lost his arms and legs due to a life threatening infection when he was two. He is now the first person to receive new hands. After enduring physical therapy and occupational therapy, Zion is now doing things that normal kids his age do. The hand transplant took eleven hours, but that could decrease the more it is done. (Naggiar, S. 2015) Right now, the organs that can be donated are theheart, intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs, and pancreas. That is only the beginning of it. There are several other body parts that can be donated other than the organs. These include bone, cartilage, corneas, fascia, heart valves, ligaments, pericardium, skin, tendons, and veins. Even now, other tissues and organs are being tested for donation. (What can be donated. 2007) The need for transplantable organs and tissues has been, and will keep growing at a steady rate. Attention has been turned to the people who died due to the irreversible more content... They do this by first preparing the recipient's immune system. They use a drug that targets the immune system's T–cells, a type of white blood cell that is found in the immune system. This drug kills any foreign bacteria in the immune system. After the organ or tissue is donated, the recipient is then less susceptible to organ rejection and also other diseases caused by an organ transplant. (Sifferlin, A. Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation Organ donation is a life–changing event for not only those receiving the transplant but also for the families of the donor. It gives a meaning to the end of someone's life. The act of donating organs impacts many individuals even after the donor passed away. Everyone should consider being an organ donor because it is simple to become one, and the need is constantly growing. Individuals who are not already organ donors may be wary of becoming registered because they think the process is complicated. In reality, becoming an organ donor is as simple as going to the official organ donation website and signing up. It only takes a few minutes to register, is quite simple, and a registered donor could possibly save a life. The human body is an amazing thing, but it is far from perfect. As time goes on the body deteriorates and weakens, so it becomes prone to illnesses and injury. Even though not every illness or injury can be cured by organ donation, it can still save thousands of lives. "33,611 transplants were performed in 2016" (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). Without people who are willing to donate their organs, that number would be zero and more deaths would occur everyday. The need for organ donors dramatically increases each year because the number of organ donors grows much more slowly. "Every 10 minutes another person is added to the waiting list" (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). Since people are being added to the waiting list so frequently, the need for registered donors is greater than the need for support of donation. Most people agree with organ donation, but few are actually registered as organ donors. "In fact, 95% of U.S. adults support organ donation but only 54% are actually signed up as organ donors" (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). The amount of people who need organs grows everyday, but the lack of individuals who are registered to donate could cause tremendous problems in the future. An individual who is not an organ donor may think that their organs could not possibly save a life but that is false thinking. "One organ donor can save eight lives and change the lives of more than fifty people" (National Foundation for Transplants). Not only can one Get more content on
  • 5. Persuasive Organ Donation Around the world there are millions of people, who suffer from kidney disease. However, globally there were 64,606 kidney–transplant operations in 2007. Donating Donating organs is one of the biggest problems around the world people need the donation of the organs, people who are dying at the hospital depend on it. Not everyone is able to afford a donation, they are really expensive, that's unfair in the sense that because someone has more money than some else they should be more important than someone else. The waiting list for a organ donor is also really bad, people have to wait years for a donation, because of how the list is people died like it said in the article that out of 64,606 people need it a transplant only 16,500 receive one. To begin, in my opinion everyone should be able to receive a donation, and everyone should more content... We sometimes are able to donate things while we still alive and a lot of people do it for someone who they love, but it would help a lot of people are willing to do it for everyone. This is not really a debate because is normal that humans don't want to donate a part of their body, there is a lot of side effects to donating something if you still alive, that's is why people rarely donate organ if they are alive. Futhermore, routine removal means that the state of society have the right to access to the organs of deceased individuals. Meaning that if the states sees that the donor is death they can take the organ that they need, without consent from a family member. People are able to opt out of a routine removal, but o do that they have to take various considerations. Opting out of a donation should not be allowed, it should not be an option for the simple fact that is going to help someone, if your family member is not alive no more why wouldn't you allow doctors to use a working organ in the body to save someone's Get more content on
  • 6. Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation As you read this, two people have just died. Within those two people is enough tissue to save as many as 100 lives and enough organs to save 16 of the 165,000 people waiting for a organ transplant in USA. Yet, not enough people are choosing to become organ donors, becoming an organ donor should be the choice that more people are making. Choosing to not donate your organs means that you are depriving someone of a live and researchers the materials to perform their investigations. Not only does organ donation save someone's life but you yourself will be able to morally benefit by granting someone with more time than they were give. 21 people per day die waiting for an organ, you could be the one to grant them more time, by saying yes. Old, more content... That's hundreds, even thousands of organs wasted. Gone. Just like the 22 people which could've been saved. I am writing to argue why everyone should become organ donors after death because otherwise their perfectly fine organs which could be put to good use, have gone to waste. Once you die, your organs are no use to you, they are simply filling space, instead they could be creating new life inside of someone, they could be the reason for new scientific discoveries, anything is better than them going to waste. Research of our species obviously must be done with the appropriate materials, the only way this can be conducted is with the donation of human organs. The only way to expand our knowledge of ourselves is through providing researchers with the equipment and materials the need. Organ donation can fulfill these requirements and yet instead, daily, thousands of organs are going to waste. We have been given the ability to save someone's life; this capability that we have should be acted upon and not put to waste at the expense of someone's Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation Every ten minutes a new person is added to the national organ transplant waiting list – a mother, a father, a son, a daughter, a brother, or a sister (1). As of September 2014, more than 123,000 people currently need an organ transplant. Surely if everyone was an organ donor, there would be more than enough viable organs for all of those people. However, because not everyone is indeed an organ donor, approximately 21 people die each day due to a lack of organs. Now this might not seem like a rather large number, but it amounts to about 7,000 people each year – people who could be saved. Statistics show that although 90% of Americans are in favor and support organ donation, only about 30% know the procedure to actually become an organ more content... In an opt–in system, a person would have to actively register to become an organ donor and therefore have their organs donated after death. On the other hand, in an opt–out system, a person's organs will be donated after death unless a specific request is made before their death for their organs not to be donated. Here in the US, we currently operate under the opt–in system, in which a person has to consent to organ donation. Although I am a supporter of organ donation and do not see why other people wouldn't want to donate their organs if they could possibly save someone else's life, I do believe that everyone should have the right to decide what to do with their organs. Your body is yours– even in death – so I don't believe that organ donation should be automatic and prior permission need not be required. Having said this, however, I believe that the opt–out system should be utilized due to the fact that if a person has not explicitly stated that they do not wish for their organs to be donated after death, then they should be given to someone on the transplant list. In other words, I believe that everyone has the right to deny for their organs to be donated for whatever personal reasons they may have, however, if they do not specifically deny this, then the organs should definitely be used to save someone else's Get more content on
  • 8. Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation Organ donation is a big issue in today's society and there is not just one way to solve it. To some, the problem can be solved by simply thinking morally and choosing to help those around you. To others, the problem lies within the care from medical staff. In order to get these issues across, Snyder, Van Assche et al., and Kluge, authors of pieces within the ethical discipline use anecdotalevidence to persuade an audience to think morally about organ donation. In contrast, Berntzen & BjГёrke and Jacoby et al., authors of articles within the psychology discipline, use testimonial evidence to express to the audience that an issue with the organ donation process comes from the treatment of patients from medical staff. Both disciplines acknowledge organ donation as an issue, but using appeals to express specific causes of this problem allows the audience to think of the specific way they would like to solve the issue. Within the discipline of ethics, "Easy Rescues and Organ Transplantation", "Governing the Postmortem Procurement of Human Body Material for Research", and "Improving Organ Retrieval Rates" discuss the ethics needed from the audience to improve the amount of organs being donated for transplantation and research. Each article argues that donating organs after death is a moral thing to do as it is considered an "easy rescue" and would prevent the audience from participating in "free riding", the idea of using a service without helping to improve or be a part of that Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation Alec Peltekian Ms. Branin Honors English 11, Period 3 5/31/17 As one life ends a new beginning is created for another. Thousands of lives are saved each year in the United States alone just by organ donation. With each donor passing away and donating their organs to those in peril, children with heart conditions or adults with liver disease are given another chance to live a new healthy life. It is the definition of charity and it gives so many desperate people the hope they need. However, such a beautiful and giving process can be quickly altered into a dark process for those involved with the Black Market. Many types or organs, often stolen from unsuspecting victims of Dark Web crime, are sold on the Black Market for large more content... This is the exact opposite reason for those operating along the evil networks of the Dark Web. The Web's main priority is to make high risk deals and investments to bring the highest reward for its salespersons. The risk is run so high that is breaks all governing bodies' laws in the process. Sites have been known to sell illegal organs for large sums of money including a " heart [that] will set you back $65,000" (VICE 6). The purchase is simply just this immense fortune and no insurance or paperwork for the exchange. As stated before, the purpose of this method is strictly making money. The Dark Web is its own sick and twisted economy for those willing to do what it takes for money. Doctors must consider and weigh the ethical background of how they receive every organ from a willing donor, or unsuspecting victim. Another legitimate concern in this field, is where the organ came from and the security one has knowing that it came from a healthy and well–suited environment. If the organ was put under harmful stress by the previous human, the organ might fail to function correctly. This is whyorgan donation keeps a large sample size when it comes to the volunteer pool. If someone does have a deficiency or disease affecting organs, they have opportunities to help as "one's medical condition at the time of death will determine what organs and tissue can be donated" (MedLine Plus 1). This safe way of donation allows
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  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation The common emergency room in the United States constantly has a bustle of patients and family members, ranging from a child with a broken arm to a team of doctors and nurses attempting to race the clock as they desperately try to save a young woman's life. Zoom in on the latter room and you will witness the rush as doctors try to stop the bleeding and nurses work vigorously to resupply the patient's lungs with desperately needed oxygen. An hour passes, and although the ventilator still pumps air through the woman's lungs as her heart faintly beats, she is declared brain dead. Her parents standing in the waiting room are approached by a doctor, who kindly breaks the news and walks away, hearing the sobs of these grieving parents fade into the background. Later, that same doctor comes to ask the family a possibly unthinkable question: would you consider giving consent for organ donation? The mother starts to cry again as the father thinks about their options and what they could do in this impossible situation. This became a reality for Linda and Michael Maiellano when their daughter, Katie was in a car accident in 2006 that left her brain dead and in critical condition. While Katie's parents thought about organ donation, a young man only a few miles away was eagerly awaiting a new kidney and pancreas as they were his last hope of survival. Uncontrollable diabetes had left Gregory Kraus in a dire medical state with vision problems, nerve damage in his legs, and eventual kidney Get more content on
  • 12. Persuasive Organ Donation Essay It is estimated that there are 123,000 people in the United States are waiting for a life–saving organ transplant. The state of Arizona accounts for at least 2,400 of these individuals. Working as a patient care technician allowed me to put faces to these statistics. I had numerous patients who were desperately waiting to receive the gift of life. I will never forget the murky yellow tinted skin and sclerae of my patient desperately awaiting a liver transplant. His life and future completely reliant on the generosity of a fellow human. The greatest problem facing patient's like the one aforementioned is the national shortage of organs. With each patient encounter, I became passionate about finding a way to increase the number of organ donors. I believe the more content... Whereas, in an opt–out system everyone is considered to be a viable organ donor, unless they specifically request not to have their organs donated. Countries around the world who have adopted an opt–out system have a greater number of organs available for transplant. An increase in organs available for transplant has resulted in a greater amount of individuals receiving the gift of life. I believe that the state of Arizona should lead the nation in adopting the switch from an opt–in to an opt–out system. If given access to politicians, lobbyists, and individuals impacted by transplantation I believe I could draft a bill proposing that Arizona be the first state to adopt an opt–out system. Throughout this process, the most important aspect would be education. One of the main reasons individuals decide against becoming organ donors is due to lack of education. Some individuals believe that they will not be given proper medical care in the event of an emergency due to their status as an organ donor. It is misconceptions like this, that need to be addressed so people can make informed Get more content on
  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation Organ Donation Everyday, twenty–two people die waiting for an organ transplant. Patients on the donor list are in need of an organ and are depending on it for survival. Some patients are on the list for weeks, months, even years with sno match. Comparatively, 6,316 people die every hour with viable organs that can be used. Doctors are not legally allowed to use these organs unless given consent by only the patient before death. If all U.S. citizens donated their organs, transplantations could occur and save thousands of lives each year. Organ donation should be required in the United States because of the significant number of lives that could be saved everyday. The human body is amazing in the fact that our organs are specialized. Each performs a specific role in order to increase efficiency within the body. Our specialized organs give us the ability to function and live. If just one out of our 78 organ is no longer able to perform its necessary action, something else needs to do it in place of the organ – usually a machine. Quality of life when hooked up to a machine performing crucial functions can be poor, and this is where organ transplants can help greatly. The organs of just one person can save up to eight lives and improve the lives of over 60. Major organs such as the heart and liver are essential to live. Therefore, when they are transplanted into patients, it is often a life–saving procedure that gives the recipient a second chance at life. Other organs such as Get more content on
  • 14. Persuasive Outline-Organ Donation PERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE – ORGAN DONATION Topic: Organ donation Thesis Statement: Becoming an organ donor after death is not only an important decision for yourself, but it is also an important decision for the life that you may have the power to save. Purpose: To persuade my audience to consider becoming organ donors after death Introduction: 1.Organ donation is a selfless way to give back to others, and to be able to make a huge difference by giving another person a second chance at life. 2. The number of patients waiting for organs far exceeds the number of people who have registered to become organ donors. 3. Many stigmas related to organ donation – relatively false, and in order to be well informed, you more content... Also, how long a patient has been waiting for an organ is a big factor when choosing who will get which organ * Main Point 2– Arguments against organ donation and refutations 1. People of all ages and backgrounds can be organ donors, and if you are under 18, you must get permission from your parent before registering as an organ donor. 2. There are many myths about becoming an organ donor, but here are just a few: 1. If I agree to donate my organs, the hospital won't work as hard to save my life: When you go to hospitals for treatment, doctors focus on saving your life, not someone else's, and the doctor in charge of your care has nothing to do with transplantation. 2. Organ donation is against my religion: Organ donation is consistent with the beliefs of most religions, including Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, and most branches of Judaism 3. An open–casket funeral isn't an option for organ donors: The donor's body is fully clothed, so no one can see the markings or scars of surgery for organ donation. For bone donors, a rod is inserted where the bone was removed, and for skin donors, the skin donation is taken from the person's back, and since the deceased is clothed and on their back in the casket, the scar is not visible. 4. I'm too old to donate: There is no defined cut off age for donating organs, and there have been many successful organ donations from donors in their 70's and 80's. The decision to use the organs Get more content on
  • 15. Organ Donation Persuasive Speech "Topic: Organ Donation Organizational pattern: Problem solution Specific purpose: To persuade my audience to donate their organs and tissues when they die and to act upon their decision to donate. Thesis statement: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you die. Introduction Attention getter: Would you be stunned to acknowledge that an average of 20 individuals die every day because of the lack of accessibleorgan donors? (Data from Unos) Tie to the audience: It is possible that a person waiting for an organ transplant may be your companion or somebody you know. Preview: today I would really like to speak to you about the need of organ donors all over the world, how you may come to be an organ donor when you die and in the end, how your own family and organ donor recipients gets advantage from your donation. Body I.Lack of organ donors is a major issue worldwide and we can help them by giving them a gift of life. 1.The problem is that there is a lack of organs due to which organ transplantation becomes difficult. a.There may be a need of many organs and tissues such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, corneas, bone, skin, heart valves, and blood vessels b.A new name is added to the national waiting list every 16 minutes. That means that 3 people will be added to the list during the time we are in class today. (Donors1) c.You are free to pick out the organs you want to donate and you may additionally specify the tissues you want to donate. 2.Organ donation is very crucial. a.Now not only is that this a trouble nationally but also it is a big trouble right here in California. b.The sad part is that there have only been 95 donors in the California so far from January 2016 through August 2016. (donatelifeCalifornia) Transition: Well, how can I make sure my organs are donated after I die? Let me tell you.
  • 16. II.This can be a possible way of making sure your organs are donated after you die. 1.You could always share your perspectives with your relatives and family members about donating your organs once you die a.They'll be concerned in the donation arrangements when you die. b.If they do not recognize Get more content on
  • 17. Persuasive Speech About Organ Donation Have you ever wanted something so badly? You think about it everyday and every minute. What if your want was vital? What if your want was actually something you needed to survive? But you can't get it. Why? Because there are thousands of other people on the same list waiting for their turn, just like you. But waiting for what exactly? An organ. This is how thousands of Americans feel daily being on the donation list. Sadly many people die daily and they are buried with their organs. These organs are useful, and could save many lives. You could be saving lives after you die. Isn't that incredible? Today I plan to tell you what organ donation is and the need for organ donors in our area, how your family and organ donor recipients benefit from your donation and how you can become an organ donor. Many people are desperately waiting for a call that can save their lives. People all over America are in need of organs just like those right here in the state of New York. We can all help these people in one way or another. Well first off I would like to begin by telling you all, what exactly organ donation is. According to, Organ donation takes healthy organs and tissues from one person for transplantation into another. Experts say that the organs from one donor can save or help as many as 50 people.Most organ and tissue donations occur after the donor has died. But some organs and tissues can be donated while the donor is alive. Imagine that! You can Get more content on
  • 18. Organ Donation Persuasive Speech Essay How do you feel when you have to wait for something that you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn't live without? Imagine you are lying in a hospital bed and you have no choice but to impatiently wait for that one organ you and your body are depending on to survive. Many people face this struggle every day. These people are waiting on a list for their perfect match... the perfect person to be their organ donor. An organ donor is a person who has an organ, or several organs, removed in ordered to be transplanted into another person. Imagine that one of your loved ones are in the hospital... they're very sick and you don't know what is wrong. The doctor comes in and tells you that your loved one is having kidney more content... 10% of the people on the waiting list for an organ are under the age of 18. Imagine if one person in that statistic was your best friend, or your little brother or sister. The number of organ donors is slowly growing, but so is the number of people who are in need of organs. These people have the potential to live with your beneficial help. To become an organ donor, all you need to do is fill out a form, which you can find on the New York State Department of Health Website. ( Becoming an organ donor is easy and free. The online form asks you very simple questions, such as your name, date of birth, and which organs or tissues you wish to donate. If you are under the age of 18, you can still choose to be an organ donor with parental consent. Anyone can decide to be a donor. A person's medical history, race, age, and other characteristics are disregarded until your time of donation. Medical Professionals will determine how suitable you are for donation when you die. After filling out the form, you receive a card that is proof to give the doctor's permission to operate and remove your organs or tissues from your body. Many people have the false assumption that organ donation is against their religion. Most religions actually support it. Organ donation is giving the gift of life to somebody else, and that is one of the best things you can do. Not only is it Get more content on
  • 19. Persuasive Speech Outline For Organ Donation Encouraging people to become an organ donor TOPIC: Organ donation SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To inspire my audience to become an organ donor and to register in their state as a donor. THESIS STATEMENT: Becoming an organ donor can save multiple lives. INTRODUCTION ATTENTION Imagine you are laying in a hospital bed connected to multiple machines, IV's and monitors. The only thing keeping you alive is the heart and lung machine, the team of doctors, nurses and specialist. Even with the help of modern medicine you will only remain alive as long as you stay in that hospital bed; attached to those lifesaving machines. Even with the help of those machines your life is not guaranteed. Now imagine knowing that the only thing that can save your life is a heart transplant, and having to wait your turn on a very long list to get one. more content... ETHOS STATEMENTFor over 13 year I have worked in healthcare and I have seen multiple patients die from organ failure as they waited on the transplant list. I've seen patients lose their quality of life as they sit in hospitals for weeks and months at a time as they waited for a kidney transplant. I also know people who have donated the organs of their loved ones and were blessed to know that their loss was the beginning of another person's life. THESIS Helping save lives by becoming a registered organ donor. PREVIEW I'd like to talk with you today about how easy it is to become an organ donor and the multiple lives that are benefitted from just one person being an organ and tissue donor. TRANSITION: So how can one person donating their organs and tissue help so many? I.One person can give life to as many as eight people through organ donation, and enhance the lives of up to fifty people through cornea and tissue donation. A.Many people aren't aware of what can be Get more content on
  • 20. Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation An organ donation is the process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from one person and placing the organ or tissue into the body of another person's body. Their is steps you have to take in order to be allowed to donate an organ, and their are certain guidelines you must meet in order to donate an organ. There's several types of organs a person is able to donate, and different types of organ donation procedures that go with the type of organs being donated. There's so many people in the United States that is waiting for an organ in need to be donated. It is estimated that more than one hundred and seventeen thousand men, women and children are in need of a lifesaving organ transplant. Eighty two percent of patients are in need of a kidney transplant, and thirteen percent of patients are in need of a liver transplant. Organ and tissue donations save lives. Each year, Americans receive tens of thousands of organ and tissue transplants. In many cases, recipients who were near death go on to lead full and productive lives. Organ and tissue donation also helps bring closure to grieving families. Several studies have shown that knowing that a loved one's death was able to help others live fuller lives serves as a great comfort in a time of sorrow. Although many people are reluctant to register as organ and tissue donors because of their religious beliefs, all major religious denominations in the United States support donation. In fact, many consider it to be a final act Get more content on
  • 21. Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation In the case of the young man that came into the hospital with a massive brain injury and his parents signed paperwork stating they were against donating his organs, even though the young man was an organ donor but his signature was not legible, I feel like the outcome should have been more of a positive one. When someone signs up to be an organ donor that means they want to give the gift of life to someone else. There is such a huge shortage of organs/ tissue in the United States that it shouldn't matter if you're an organ donor or not, if your body no longer needs them then they should go to those that do. According to the (American Transplant Foundation, 2017) "Around 116,000 people in the United States are currently on the waiting list for a lifesaving organ transplant." If we continue to live in a world where we have the say in what happens to our organs after we die then this number will only increase or we are putting healthy people at risk because they are donating organs to their loved ones to save their more content... Every person is medically evaluated when they pass away and a physician can determine what organs or tissues are viable to be donated. Some might also believe if they are an organ donor, their lives will not be saved in a situation if need be. This is not true, as a medical professional it is their job to save a life or fix an injury when a person comes into the hospital, donation is not even considered until that person is declared dead. So taking all of these fears into consideration one should really consider being an organ Get more content on