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   Open Data and the transparency
   of the lists of beneficiaries of EU
   Cohesion Policy in Europe!
   Luigi Reggi!
   Department for Cohesion and Economic Development!
   Croatia Study Visit!
   March 7, 2013!
Open Data & Transparency
EU rules and initiatives

   The Digital Agenda
   for Europe
   “Turning government data into

     E-government action plan 2011-2015
     •  Improvement of Transparency
     •  Access to information on government laws
        and regulations, policies and finance
     •  Re-use of Public Sector Information
Open Data & Transparency
EU rules and initiatives

      Re-use of Public Sector Information Directive (2003)
      A common legislative framework regulating how public sector bodies
      should make their information available for re-use in order to remove
      barriers such as discriminatory practices, monopoly markets and a
      lack of transparency.
      In December 2011, the Commission presented an Open Data
      1.  A Communication on Open Data
      2.  A proposal for a revision of the Directive, which aims at opening
          up the market for services based on public-sector information, by
           •  including new bodies in the scope of application of the
               Directive such as libraries (including university libraries),
               museums and archives;
           •  limiting the fees that can be charged by the public authorities
               at the marginal costs as a rule;
           •  introducing independent oversight over re-use rules in the
               Member States;
           •  making machine-readable formats for information held by
               public authorities the norm.
      3.  New Commission rules on re-use of the documents it holds
Open Data & Transparency
EU rules and initiatives

      Structural Funds Regulation 2007-13
      Art. 7 Reg. 1828 8 dic 2006
      “the managing authority shall be responsible for
      organising the publication, electronically or otherwise, of
      1. the list of beneficiaries,
      2. the names of the operations and
      3. the amount of public funding allocated to the
Open Data & Transparency
EU rules and initiatives
    European Transparency Initiative (2008) - Indicative
    table for setting the list of beneficiaries of EU Funding
A measure for Open Data quality
Relevant literature on open data policy!

                                                                           should consider
 Government           Open	
                                 different users
  should only                                     Public	
    needs (public
publish data in                                    Data	
           value) and
open, machine-                                                               provide also
   readable                                                                easy-to-access
    formats                                                                     data in
                                                                           processed form
                      Brito, 2007               Dawes and Helbig, 2010 (data divide)
                  Robinson et al., 2009             Gurstein, 2011
                                                  Harrison et al, 2011
A measure for Open Data quality
Relevant literature on open data policy!

  Stewardship principle includes the actions and policies addressed to data
  “care” and aiming to ensure information quality and detail, reduce the risk of
  misuse, and consequently increase users’ confidence in government information.
  Usefulness includes the creation of added value for citizens and enterprises and
  innovation promotion, thus understanding the actions aimed at making data more
  accessible to end-users.
                  Source: Dawes, S: Stewardship and usefulness: Policy principles for information-based transparency.
                                                                Government Information Quarterly 27, p. 381 (2010).
An evaluation on the
transparency the lists of
beneficiaries of EU Regional

The goals

•  To compare the performances of EU MS & Regions

•  To explore the information-based strategies that
   European public agencies are pursuing when
   publishing their data on the web
EU Regional Policy
The background!

Common EU policy                                  Multilevel governance

all EU 27 Countries are involved
full comparability: same rules                    Regional and/or National
                                                  agencies are Managing
and regulations
                                                  Authorities of Operational
Minimum set of information
required by the Regulation
(Reg. No. 1828/2006 of 8 December 2006, art. 7)
                                                     ⇒ They are free to decide the
                                                      level of information
                                                      disclosed in terms of detail,
                                                      quality, access and
Data collection

     •  Web-based survey on availability and quality of the lists
        of beneficiaries of EU Regional Policy

     •  All EU Countries and Regions included

     •  434 Operational Programmes reviewed
        [European Commission - DG Regional Policy database]

     •  Starting point: EC DG Regional Policy and DG
        Employment dedicated portals

     •  Three waves: Oct 2010, Oct 2011, Oct 2012
Data collection
Starting points of the web-based analysis!
Category)              Characteristics)             ETI)   Italy) EU27)
Stewardship    Content)        Final&Beneficiary&&                      Yes)
                                                                              Av.)%) Av.)%)
                                                                                100)    97)

variables      )
               )               Specific/Operat.&Objectives&&             )       52)    25)
               )               Intervention&Line&&                       )       25)    15)
               )               Project&description&                      )       12)    18)
               )               Award&and&payment&dates&&                Yes)     75)    70)
               )               Project&start/end&dates&                  )         2)   17)
               )               Status&(active/completed)&                )         6)   19)
               Financial)Data) Financial&value&allocated&&               )          )      )
                               to&the&project&                          Yes)    100)    97)
               )               Payments&                                Yes)     65)    43)
               )               EU&coFfinancing&&                         )       17)    37)
               )               National&coFfinancing&(or&other)&&        )       10)    12)
               Downloadable) PDF&                                        )       87)    64)
               file)format))   DOC&                                      )         0)     1)
               )               HTML&(single&page)&                       )         6)     6)
               )               HTML&(multiple&pages)&                    )       12)    23)
               )               XLS&                                      )         8)   31)
               )               CSV&                                      )         2)     1)
               )               XML,&JSON&                                )         0)     0)
               )               RDF,&linked&data&                         )         0)     0)
               Information)    Last&update&date&                        Yes)     88)    91)
               Quality))       Update&frequency&                         )         8)   19)
               )               Data&description&                         )       12)    16)
               )               Fields&description&in&another&language&& )          4)   13)
October 2011   )               Number&of&clicks&from&home&page&<&3&      )       25)    65)
                    Category)                Characteristics)           ETI)   Italy)    EU27)
                                                                               Av.)%)    Av.)%)
                DB)consultation))   Search'by'Fund'type''                )          6)       29)
                through)masks))     Search'by'Project'                   )         10)       27)
                )                   Search'by'OP'                        )          2)       31)
                )                   Search'by'Axis/Object./Action'       )          6)       17)
                )                   Search'by'Beneficiary'               )         10)       13)
                )                   Search'by'Resources'                 )          2)        8)
                )                   Search'by'Territory/Area'            )         10)       19)
                )                   Search'by'Project'status''           )          0)        7)
                Advanced)           Georeferencing''through'maps'        )          0)      16)
                )                   Visualisation'through'graphs'and'    )          2)      17)

                )                   Data'with'subEregional'detail'       )        29)       18)
 October 2011
Content (1/2)
Content (2/2)
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              ERDF-           ./01&78964&/:&
                              ERDF-EU          .0/&234564&
                                                ESF          .0/&78964&/:&
                                                              ESF-EU Average                Centralised     Non-centralised
                                                                                            ;8<3=456>>43?& @?<&A8<3=456>>43?&
              Italy           Average           Italy

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Financial data (1/2)
Financial data (2/2)
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                             ERDF-EU         2$/#%KGLMG#
                                             ESF- Italy    2$/#+ENMG#/4#
                                                            ESF-EU                         Centralised Non-centralised
                                                                                            'EOKFGLMPPGKQ# .QO#REOKFGLMPPGKQ#
              Italy          Average                        Average

   B:<#                                                                                        /4#6DEFGHEI9:;;#
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Information quality (1/2)
Information quality (2/2)
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                                               ',+#(KFLMF#   ',+#6DNMF#+%#
                                                              ESF-EU                       Centralised       Non-centralised
                                                                                             !DOKEFLMPPFKQ# 2QO#RDOKEFLMPPFKQ#
             Italy            Average                         Average

          !"# $%# !&# '(# )*# +,# -.# ).# '/# (+# /0# ,+# 1+# 2*# ,(#    (.# %3# 4+# ,3# 5/# *.# 6.# 45# 13# *%# ++# *7#
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Format (1/4)
 A score is assigned that is directly proportional to the degree of
 openness and re-usability of the information provided.

 It takes into account whether the formats used are machine-
 readable, open or, at best, consistent with the linked data model.

    Format'                                           Score'
    PDF$                                                16.7$
    DOC$                                                16.7$
    HTML$(multiple$pages)$                              16.7$
    HTML$(single$page)$                                 33.3$
    XLS$                                                50.0$
    CSV$                                                66.7$
    XML,$JSON$                                          83.3$
    Linked$data$model$supporting$format$(e.g.$RDF)$    100.0$
Format (2/4)
Format (3/4)
   100%                                                                           (!!"#
    90%                                                                            A!"#
    80%                                                                            '!"#
    70%                                                                            @!"#
    60%                                                                            &!"#
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                                                18,8%                                                            (AJC"#
    20%                                                                            $!"#
    10%                                                                            (!"#
     0%                                                                             !"#
              ERDF-                            ESF-                                       Centralised      Non-centralised
                                                                                           ,EKLFGMNOOGLP# 9PK#QEKLFGMNOOGLP#
            italy Italia
             FESR            FESR Media EU
                              ERDF-EU         FSE Italia   FSE Media EU
                                                           ESF-EU Average
              Italy           Average          Italy

    %!"#                                                                                                )6#8DEFGHEI#$!((#
           ))# *+# ,-# ./#   01# 20# 34# .5# 3)# 06# 21# /)# *)# /1# 64# 7)# )3# 81# 74# 90# ,:# +5# ;1# 5<# =6# 0>#        3/#
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Format (4/4)

 October 2012
Search functions (1/2)
Search functions (2/2)
 ;::<#                                                                             ;::<#
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                          +*-.#6ENMG#*"#   ESF-Italy
                                           +-*#,KGLMG#    ESF-EU
                                                         +-*#6ENMG#*"#                     Centralised       Non-centralised
                                                                                             2EOKFGLMPPGKQ# 0QO#REOKFGLMPPGKQ#
            Italy         Average                         Average

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Advanced functions (1/2)
Advanced functions (2/2)
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                            )(-*#6DNMF#("#    ESF-Italy
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                                                            )-(#6DNMF#("#             Centralised       Non-centralised
                                                                                         2DOKEFLMPPFKQ# /QO#RDOKEFLMPPFKQ#
              Italy         Average                          Average

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Factor analysis!
Three different publication strategies

 Dimension 2


               Group 3         61%                                     Group 1    18%
                                              Update and description
                                                 Ease of search
                                                 Financial Resources
                                                     XLS / CSV
                                                                                                  Group 2
                                                             Research masks
                                    PDF                                                      User-centred

                        -1.5              0                   1.5                3.0            4.5
                                                                                                       Dimension 1
Three different publication strategies

 60%                   73%
                                     Group 3- Regulation-centred
 40%                                 Group 2-User-centred
          24%                        Group 1 - Reuse-centred
 20%                   14%
          19%          14%
          ERDF         ESF


                 67%         61%
                                     Group 3- Regulation-centred
  40%   20%
                                     Group 2-User-centred
  20%            21%         27%
        28%                          Group 1 - Reuse-centred
                 11%         8%
        CONV     RCE   Cooperation
Three different publication strategies
 80%       89%
 60%                                 Group 3- Regulation-centred
 40%       60%                       Group 2-User-centred
                          44%        Group 1 - Reuse-centred
       Decentralised   Centralised

           74%            23%
 60%                                 Group 3- Regulation-centred
 40%                                 Group 2-User-centred
                          54%        Group 1 - Reuse-centred
 20%      19%
 0%        7%
          EU15         NEW MSs
Towards the new Regulation
EU rules and initiatives

 Art. 105 General Regulation (EC proposal)

 Machine-readable format: CSV, XML
 single national website or portal

 Mandatory data fields include
 • Beneficiary name (only legal entities; no natural persons shall be named);
 • Operation name; Operation summary;
 • Operation start date & Operation end date (expected date for physical
 completion or full implementation of the operation);
 • Total eligible expenditure allocated to the operation;
 • EU co-financing rate (as per priority axis);
 • Operation postcode;
 • Name of category of intervention for the operation;
 • Date of last update of the list of operations.
 • The headings of the data fields and the names of the operations shall be also
 provided in at least one other official language of the European Union.
Towards the
new Regulation
EU27 2007-2013 OPs
average level of
compliance with the
requirements set by the
Regulation for
2014-2020 !
The path to a balanced approach

                   Data quality                  Open,
                    approach                    hi-quality,
                    FOCUSED ON                 useful and

                      raw data,                accessible
                   advanced user,
                    mash-up apps                   data

                   Closed data                 approach
                                               FOCUSED ON            User	
                                            processed data, non    centered	

Some examples….


                                             PL        FR

                                                HU     NL
                                                  DK          User	
                   UK                                       centered	


Open questions

  •  How will these three different strategies evolve over time?
  •  How do information management issues influence openness
     and transparency (e.g. centralization / decentralization)?
  •  What are the determinants of openness and transparency?
         For example:
    •  Regional context (size, innovation, ICT diffusion, etc.)
    •  Transparency and Democracy indicators
    •  Economic variables (amount of funding, FEIs vs. grants..)
  •  How to compare the performance of EU27 Regions and
     Member States? Composite indicator

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Open Data and the transparency of the lists of beneficiaries of EU Cohesion Policy in Europe

  • 1. Open Data and the transparency of the lists of beneficiaries of EU Cohesion Policy in Europe! Luigi Reggi! Department for Cohesion and Economic Development! ! ! Croatia Study Visit! March 7, 2013! !
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Open Data & Transparency EU rules and initiatives The Digital Agenda for Europe . “Turning government data into gold” E-government action plan 2011-2015 •  Improvement of Transparency •  Access to information on government laws and regulations, policies and finance •  Re-use of Public Sector Information
  • 7. Open Data & Transparency EU rules and initiatives Re-use of Public Sector Information Directive (2003) A common legislative framework regulating how public sector bodies should make their information available for re-use in order to remove barriers such as discriminatory practices, monopoly markets and a lack of transparency. In December 2011, the Commission presented an Open Data Package: 1.  A Communication on Open Data 2.  A proposal for a revision of the Directive, which aims at opening up the market for services based on public-sector information, by •  including new bodies in the scope of application of the Directive such as libraries (including university libraries), museums and archives; •  limiting the fees that can be charged by the public authorities at the marginal costs as a rule; •  introducing independent oversight over re-use rules in the Member States; •  making machine-readable formats for information held by public authorities the norm. 3.  New Commission rules on re-use of the documents it holds
  • 8. Open Data & Transparency EU rules and initiatives Structural Funds Regulation 2007-13 Art. 7 Reg. 1828 8 dic 2006 “the managing authority shall be responsible for organising the publication, electronically or otherwise, of 1. the list of beneficiaries, 2. the names of the operations and 3. the amount of public funding allocated to the operations”
  • 9. Open Data & Transparency EU rules and initiatives European Transparency Initiative (2008) - Indicative table for setting the list of beneficiaries of EU Funding
  • 10. A measure for Open Data quality Relevant literature on open data policy! Government should consider Government Open  data  and   different users should only Public  Value  &   needs (public the  “invisible   publish data in Data  divide   value) and hand”   open, machine- provide also readable easy-to-access formats data in processed form Brito, 2007 Dawes and Helbig, 2010 (data divide) Robinson et al., 2009 Gurstein, 2011 Harrison et al, 2011
  • 11. A measure for Open Data quality Relevant literature on open data policy! Stewardship principle includes the actions and policies addressed to data “care” and aiming to ensure information quality and detail, reduce the risk of misuse, and consequently increase users’ confidence in government information. Usefulness includes the creation of added value for citizens and enterprises and innovation promotion, thus understanding the actions aimed at making data more accessible to end-users. Source: Dawes, S: Stewardship and usefulness: Policy principles for information-based transparency. Government Information Quarterly 27, p. 381 (2010).
  • 12. An evaluation on the transparency the lists of beneficiaries of EU Regional Policy The goals •  To compare the performances of EU MS & Regions •  To explore the information-based strategies that European public agencies are pursuing when publishing their data on the web
  • 13. EU Regional Policy The background! Common EU policy Multilevel governance all EU 27 Countries are involved full comparability: same rules Regional and/or National agencies are Managing and regulations Authorities of Operational Programmes Minimum set of information required by the Regulation (Reg. No. 1828/2006 of 8 December 2006, art. 7) ⇒ They are free to decide the level of information disclosed in terms of detail, quality, access and visualization.
  • 14. Data collection Methodology! •  Web-based survey on availability and quality of the lists of beneficiaries of EU Regional Policy •  All EU Countries and Regions included •  434 Operational Programmes reviewed [European Commission - DG Regional Policy database] •  Starting point: EC DG Regional Policy and DG Employment dedicated portals •  Three waves: Oct 2010, Oct 2011, Oct 2012
  • 15. Data collection Starting points of the web-based analysis!
  • 16. Category) Characteristics) ETI) Italy) EU27) Stewardship Content) Final&Beneficiary&& Yes) Av.)%) Av.)%) 100) 97) variables ) ) Project& Axis&& Yes)) ) 100) 65) 97) 45) ) Specific/Operat.&Objectives&& ) 52) 25) ) Intervention&Line&& ) 25) 15) ) Project&description& ) 12) 18) ) Award&and&payment&dates&& Yes) 75) 70) ) Project&start/end&dates& ) 2) 17) ) Status&(active/completed)& ) 6) 19) Financial)Data) Financial&value&allocated&& ) ) ) to&the&project& Yes) 100) 97) ) Payments& Yes) 65) 43) ) EU&coFfinancing&& ) 17) 37) ) National&coFfinancing&(or&other)&& ) 10) 12) Downloadable) PDF& ) 87) 64) file)format)) DOC& ) 0) 1) ) HTML&(single&page)& ) 6) 6) ) HTML&(multiple&pages)& ) 12) 23) ) XLS& ) 8) 31) ) CSV& ) 2) 1) ) XML,&JSON& ) 0) 0) ) RDF,&linked&data& ) 0) 0) Information) Last&update&date& Yes) 88) 91) Quality)) Update&frequency& ) 8) 19) ) Data&description& ) 12) 16) ) Fields&description&in&another&language&& ) 4) 13) October 2011 ) Number&of&clicks&from&home&page&<&3& ) 25) 65) &
  • 17. Usefulness variables Category) Characteristics) ETI) Italy) EU27) Av.)%) Av.)%) DB)consultation)) Search'by'Fund'type'' ) 6) 29) through)masks)) Search'by'Project' ) 10) 27) ) Search'by'OP' ) 2) 31) ) Search'by'Axis/Object./Action' ) 6) 17) ) Search'by'Beneficiary' ) 10) 13) ) Search'by'Resources' ) 2) 8) ) Search'by'Territory/Area' ) 10) 19) ) Search'by'Project'status'' ) 0) 7) Advanced) Georeferencing''through'maps' ) 0) 16) Functions) ) Visualisation'through'graphs'and' ) 2) 17) other'elaborations'' ) Data'with'subEregional'detail' ) 29) 18) ' October 2011
  • 19. Content (2/2) )$$%& )$$%& -$%& -$%& +$%& +$%& '$%& '$%& ,$%& !"#$%& ,$%& "'#'%& "-#)%& !$%& "(#)%& !$%& *+#*%& *+#-%& "$%& "$%& *$%& *$%& ($%& ($%& )$%& )$%& $%& $%& ./01&234564& ERDF- ./01&78964&/:& ERDF-EU .0/&234564& ESF .0/&78964&/:& ESF-EU Average Centralised Non-centralised ;8<3=456>>43?& @?<&A8<3=456>>43?& Italy Average Italy )$$%& +$%& ,$%& /:&MP8=4Q8R&($))& "$%& ($%& $%& B:& .2& CD& EF& //& GC& HI& @C& 2D& E/& ;J& 0I& .1& 1K& 0/& 02& C:& GD& H/& ;L& F1& 2/& 7D& MD& :I& /0& CN& O&($)$& )$$ '+%&'+%&")%&,'%&,'%&!,%&!)%&"!%&"*%&""%&""%&"*%&""%&""%&**%&*-%&(-%&*!%&**%&**%&**%&**%&*(%&"*%&(+%& $%& %& O&($))& )$$ '+%&'+%&,'%&,'%&,'%&!,%&!*%&"-%&"'%&""%&""%&""%&""%&""%&""%&*-%&*'%&*"%&**%&**%&**%&**%&*(%&(-%&(+%& $%& %&
  • 21. Financial data (2/2) ;::<# ;::<# A:<# A:<# C:<# C:<# >:<# >:<# =BJ@<# B:<# ?AJB<# B:<# =:J9<# =:<# ?9J@<# =:<# ?@J@<# @CJ=<# ?:<# ?:<# @:<# @:<# 9:<# 9:<# ;:<# ;:<# :<# :<# ERDF- 2/$,#%KGLMG# 2/$,#+ENMG#/4# ERDF-EU 2$/#%KGLMG# ESF- Italy 2$/#+ENMG#/4# ESF-EU Centralised Non-centralised 'EOKFGLMPPGKQ# .QO#REOKFGLMPPGKQ# Italy Average Average ;::<# C:<# B:<# /4#6DEFGHEI9:;;# ?:<# 9:<# :<# !"# $%# $&# '(# )*# +*# ,-# .)# !/# '0# 1&# 2%# 34# 2,# %*# 5*# 1/# /$# )4# 4&# 6*# //# ",# %/# 5)# $/# )7# 8#9:;:# 9;<#=:<# ;:: >=<#>=<#>=<#>=<#?=<#=@<#=:<#=:<#=:<#=:<#?A<#?9<#@A<#?B<#@><#@C<#?C<#9=<#9=<#9=<#9=<#9=<#9=<# :<# <# 8#9:;;# ;:: ;:: ;:: >=<#>=<#>=<#>=<#B:<#=@<#=:<#=:<#=:<#=:<#?A<#?C<#?B<#?B<#@C<#@C<#@C<#9=<#9=<#9=<#9=<#9=<#9=<# :<# <# <# <#
  • 23. Information quality (2/2) ;::># ;::># J:># J:># <:># <:># @:># @:># ?:># ?:># A:># A:># B:I:># =?IA># B:># 9JI;># B:># 9=I9># 9?I=># =:># 99I9># =:># 9:># 9:># ;:># ;:># :># :># ERDF- '+,/#(KFLMF# '+,/#6DNMF#+%# ERDF- EU ESF-Italy ',+#(KFLMF# ',+#6DNMF#+%# ESF-EU Centralised Non-centralised !DOKEFLMPPFKQ# 2QO#RDOKEFLMPPFKQ# Italy Average Average ;::># <:># ?:># +%#-CDEFGDH#9:;;# B:># 9:># :># !"# $%# !&# '(# )*# +,# -.# ).# '/# (+# /0# ,+# 1+# 2*# ,(# (.# %3# 4+# ,3# 5/# *.# 6.# 45# 13# *%# ++# *7# 8#9:;:# <=>#?@>#A:>#A:>#;@>#=B>#=<>#9A>#;@>#9<>#==>#;@>#=?>#9:>#;@>#;<>#9;># 9># ;@>#;@>#;@># :># ;B>#;@># <># :># :># 8#9:;;# <=>#?@>#A:>#A:>#A:>#B9>#=<>#=A>#==>#==>#==>#=;>#=;>#=:>#9<>#9=>#99>#;<>#;@>#;@>#;@>#;@>#;@>#;@># <># :># :>#
  • 24. Format (1/4) A score is assigned that is directly proportional to the degree of openness and re-usability of the information provided. It takes into account whether the formats used are machine- readable, open or, at best, consistent with the linked data model. Format' Score' (%)' PDF$ 16.7$ DOC$ 16.7$ HTML$(multiple$pages)$ 16.7$ HTML$(single$page)$ 33.3$ XLS$ 50.0$ CSV$ 66.7$ XML,$JSON$ 83.3$ Linked$data$model$supporting$format$(e.g.$RDF)$ 100.0$ $
  • 26. Format (3/4) 100% (!!"# 90% A!"# 80% '!"# 70% @!"# 60% &!"# 50% B!"# 40% %!"# C%JB"# 30,2% 30% 23,2% 23,1% C!"# 18,8% (AJC"# 20% $!"# 10% (!"# 0% !"# ERDF- ESF- Centralised Non-centralised ,EKLFGMNOOGLP# 9PK#QEKLFGMNOOGLP# italy Italia FESR FESR Media EU ERDF-EU FSE Italia FSE Media EU ESF-EU Average Italy Average Italy (!!"# '!"# &!"# %!"# )6#8DEFGHEI#$!((# $!"# !"# ))# *+# ,-# ./# 01# 20# 34# .5# 3)# 06# 21# /)# *)# /1# 64# 7)# )3# 81# 74# 90# ,:# +5# ;1# 5<# =6# 0># 3/# ?#$!(!# (@"#$A"#B!"#B!"#B!"#B!"#B!"#%A"#CC"#$B"#$!"#$$"#%!"#$!"#$("#(A"#(@"#(@"#(@"#(@"#(@"#(@"#(@"#(@"#(@"# !"# !"# ?#$!((# &@"#B!"#B!"#B!"#B!"#B!"#B!"#%A"#CC"#$B"#$%"#$$"#$$"#$("#('"#('"#(@"#(@"#(@"#(@"#(@"#(@"#(@"#(@"#(@"# !"# !"#
  • 29. Search functions (2/2) ;::<# ;::<# B:<# B:<# =:<# =:<# @:<# @:<# >:<# >:<# A:<# A:<# C:<# C:<# 9@JB<# ?:<# 9;J=<# ?:<# 9:<# ;?J:<# 9:<# @J;<# @J9<# ;:<# ?J><# ;:<# :<# :<# ERDF- +*-.#,KGLMG# ERDF- EU +*-.#6ENMG#*"# ESF-Italy +-*#,KGLMG# ESF-EU +-*#6ENMG#*"# Centralised Non-centralised 2EOKFGLMPPGKQ# 0QO#REOKFGLMPPGKQ# Italy Average Average ;::<# =:<# >:<# C:<# *"#1DEFGHEI9:;;# 9:<# :<# !"# $%# &'# ()# **# +,# -*# -,# +.# /$# ")# 0$# &*# /%# ,%# (*# 1%# 23# 24# *-# '.# ,*# $"# $5# 6%# .7# -)# 8#9:;:# ;:: ==<# :<# >?<#@A<#A:<#A:<#;?<#?=<# :<# =<# ;=<# =<# :<# ><# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# <# 8#9:;;# ;:: ==<#@A<#>?<#A:<#A:<#A:<#A:<#?B<#?=<#9:<#;=<#;;<#;:<# ><# ;<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# <#
  • 31. Advanced functions (2/2) ;::<# ;::<# J:<# J:<# A:<# A:<# >:<# >:<# =:<# =:<# @:<# @:<# B:<# B:<# ?:<# ?:<# 9?I=<# ;JI=<# 9:<# ;;IJ<# ;;I;<# 9:<# AI?<# AI;<# ;:<# ;:<# :<# :<# ERDF- )(-*#.KFLMF# ERDF- EU )(-*#6DNMF#("# ESF-Italy )-(#.KFLMF# ESF-EU )-(#6DNMF#("# Centralised Non-centralised 2DOKEFLMPPFKQ# /QO#RDOKEFLMPPFKQ# Italy Average Average ;::<# A:<# =:<# B:<# ("#1CDEFGDH#9:;;# 9:<# :<# !"# $%# &'# ((# )*# +,# -.# /+# 0,# .,# $(# 1,# "'# &(# 23# 24# (-# ).# %*# .(# +"# +5# 6,# 0+# *7# -(# -'# 8#9:;:# ;:: ;:<#=><#??<#=@<#??<#??<#9><#;><# A<# ><# =<# @<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# <# 8#9:;;# ;:: =><#=><#=><#==<#??<#??<#9><#;><#;:<# ><# =<# =<# 9<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# :<# <#
  • 33. Three different publication strategies Dimension 2 -3.0 Group 3 61% Group 1 18% Reuse-centred Regulation-centred Update and description -1.5 Ease of search Financial Resources XLS / CSV Content 0 Group 2 Research masks PDF User-centred Georeferencing HTML 1.5 21% 3.0 -1.5 0 1.5 3.0 4.5 Dimension 1
  • 34. Three different publication strategies 100% 80% 57% 60% 73% Group 3- Regulation-centred 40% Group 2-User-centred 24% Group 1 - Reuse-centred 20% 14% 19% 14% 0% ERDF ESF 100% 80% 52% 67% 61% 60% Group 3- Regulation-centred 40% 20% Group 2-User-centred 20% 21% 27% 28% Group 1 - Reuse-centred 11% 8% 0% CONV RCE Cooperation
  • 35. Three different publication strategies 100% 12% 80% 89% 41% 60% Group 3- Regulation-centred 40% 60% Group 2-User-centred 44% Group 1 - Reuse-centred 20% 57% 0% Decentralised Centralised 100% 22% 80% 74% 23% 60% Group 3- Regulation-centred 40% Group 2-User-centred 54% Group 1 - Reuse-centred 20% 19% 0% 7% EU15 NEW MSs
  • 36. Towards the new Regulation EU rules and initiatives Art. 105 General Regulation (EC proposal) Machine-readable format: CSV, XML single national website or portal Mandatory data fields include • Beneficiary name (only legal entities; no natural persons shall be named); • Operation name; Operation summary; • Operation start date & Operation end date (expected date for physical completion or full implementation of the operation); • Total eligible expenditure allocated to the operation; • EU co-financing rate (as per priority axis); • Operation postcode; • Name of category of intervention for the operation; • Date of last update of the list of operations. • The headings of the data fields and the names of the operations shall be also provided in at least one other official language of the European Union.
  • 37. Towards the new Regulation EU27 2007-2013 OPs average level of compliance with the requirements set by the Regulation for 2014-2020 !
  • 38. The path to a balanced approach Re-­‐user   centered   Data quality Open, approach hi-quality, FOCUSED ON useful and Stewardship raw data, accessible advanced user, mash-up apps data Data visualization Closed data approach FOCUSED ON User   processed data, non centered   technically-oriented Regula<on   citizens centered   Usefulness
  • 39. Some examples…. Re-­‐user   centered   IT BG EE Stewardship PL FR ES HU NL DE GR DK User   UK centered   Regula<on   centered   Usefulness
  • 40. Open questions •  How will these three different strategies evolve over time? •  How do information management issues influence openness and transparency (e.g. centralization / decentralization)? •  What are the determinants of openness and transparency? For example: •  Regional context (size, innovation, ICT diffusion, etc.) •  Transparency and Democracy indicators •  Economic variables (amount of funding, FEIs vs. grants..) •  How to compare the performance of EU27 Regions and Member States? Composite indicator