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                                                                                           No. 5 - December 2011

                                                      Pennsylvania • California • Texas • Dominican Republic

CEO Message
   Sharing technology
   and know-how
   Page 2

Division Expertise
   B. Braun takes the
   lead with needleless
   Pages 8–10

Did You Know?
   Recognition and
   new health center
   Page 11

   Design Options®
   shows customization
   Pages 12–13

   B. Braun associates
   give their time, energy
   Page 14

   Promotions and
   Milestones                Introcan Safety®and the promise of passive IV safety devices
   Pages 15-20
                             B. Braun shows commitment to healthcare worker safety with innovative products and training.

                             è See the complete story on pages 4-7.

                                                      Letter from Caroll H. Neubauer
                                                      The poet and scholar Mark Van Doren once said, “The art of teaching is the art of assisting
                                                      discovery.” B. Braun’s commitment to Sharing Expertise keeps us aligned with that reality
                                                      every working day.

                                                      The technology and know-how we share with customers and other medical professionals
                                                      help them discover ways to work safer and more efficiently. We recognize that fully
                                                      informing and supporting our partners are indispensable requirements.

                                                      This issue of onlineUSA spotlights some notable examples. There’s the brilliantly engineered
                                                      Introcan Safety® passive IV catheter that limits needlestick injuries at Memorial Hospital of
                                                      Rhode Island (page 5) and hundreds of other facilities nationwide. There’s the widespread use
                                                      of our needleless connector technology (page 8). And there’s the powerful understanding of
                                                      clinical needs behind the Design Options® program, helping our customers control costs and
                                                      deliver exceptional care with exactly the IV administration sets they require (page 12).

                                                      In each of these cases, our guiding principle has been essential. Sharing Expertise makes our
                                                      technological advancements even more valuable to the medical community. Our approach is
                                                      a blueprint for business success.
    We’d like to hear from you.
    Let us know what you think
    about this publication or
    future topics. Please email us
                                                      Caroll H. Neubauer
                                                      Chairman & CEO
    onlineUSA is published quarterly for
    the employees of B. Braun Medical Inc.
    Editorial Director Susan Denby
    Coordinator        Deb Reichl
    Editorial Board    Susan Denby (Chair)
                       Sam Amory
                       Tom Black
                       Ed Brock
                       Chris Donigan
                       Pete Klaes
                       Bob Panick                          LET’S HEAR IT!
                       Scott Quilty
                       Felipe Sandoval
                                                           Do you have a comment about this issue of onlineUSA? Or an idea for an upcoming
                       Eric Steen                          issue? Or a story that you want to share? Let us know. After all, this magazine
    Editorial and                                          is about you and your B. Braun colleagues. Please send us a note at
    Design Services Spark                         and we will make sure your idea is considered by our editorial team.
    This magazine is also available on                     Thank you for reading and contributing.
    ShareNet! (At Work - Departments -                     Susan Denby
    Corporate Communications -
    B. Braun Magazines and Newsletters)
    Affirmative action – equal opportunity employer
    ©2011 B. Braun Medical Inc.
    Bethlehem, PA. All rights reserved.

                                                      On the cover: The Introcan Safety® IV Catheter features
                                                      automatic needlestick protection, which is several times
                                                      safer than nonpassive devices.

2             onlineUSA December 2011

The confidence a name inspires

                                              {                                                                                     }
                       More than once,
                       B. Braun employees
                       have described the          “ will always know your family is in the best
                       relief of seeing our
                       products at the             hands when they are using a B. Braun product.”
                       bedsides of ailing
                       loved ones. It’s
                       hardly surprising,
       Holly Baldwin   considering the        cause of the pain remained elusive. Laurie    fears about this hospital were unfounded.
trust our associates have in the vital        had been put on a feeding tube and her        If the hospital cared enough to buy the
things we make. Here’s another of             condition was quickly deteriorating.”         best, then this was the right place for
these recollections, this one from Holly                                                    her to be. And it was. They found the
                                              Concerned about the caliber of the
Baldwin, IT Validation Analyst at our                                                       underlying issue and after abdominal
                                              facility where her sister was being
Bethlehem location:                                                                         surgery she was fine. “
                                              treated, Holly got on the next plane to
“Back in 2006, I received a call from         West Virginia. “As I ran into her room,”      Holly uses this story in her training duties
my brother-in-law in West Virginia. My        she said. “I was stopped dead in my           here and at conferences. “If you do your
sister had been hospitalized with severe      tracks and breathed a sigh of utter relief.   job,” she says, “you will always know your
stomach pains. Several MRIs and other         My sister was on IVs that were dispensed      family is in the best hands when they are
lab tests had been performed, but the         by a B. Braun IV pump. I knew that all my     using a B. Braun product.”

Infused with hope
         Donna Jo Molnar, Senior Buyer/       said. “It was difficult knowing she was       and not only because of the parent-child
         Planner for the Duplex® Business     3,000 miles away in a hospital when I         bond between them. Donna Jo learned
         Unit in Irvine had a more recent     couldn’t be there.”                           that “she was thinking of me because
         but decidedly similar experience.                                                  everything surrounding her was labeled
                                              On her mother’s third day in the hospital,
                                                                                            B. Braun.” In this case, the mother felt
“My mother was in the hospital a few          when medications were restoring
                                                                                            secure while her daughter understood
months ago with severe back and               consciousness and coherence, the two
                                                                                            that her attentive work in purchasing
intestinal ailments that were causing         were able to talk on the phone. Donna Jo
                                                                                            was ultimately helping with the care
many other medical issues,” Donna Jo          was very much on her mother’s mind –
                                                                                            of her mother.

                                                                                               onlineUSA December 2011                     3

               Introcan Safety® and the promise of passive IV safety devices

4   onlineUSA December 2011
Like every medical                                         Passive protection at Memorial
                                                                      Before selecting Introcan Safety, Memorial Hospital evaluated
           center in the United                                       several safety catheter options, carefully addressing considerations
                                                                      such as ease of insertion and threading. Eventually three
           States, Memorial                                           manufacturers – including B. Braun – were invited to take part
                                                                      in clinical trials. Staff members on all shifts used the products,
           Hospital of Rhode Island                                   guided by teams from the manufacturers.

           in Pawtucket confronts                                     Afterward, decision-makers discussed the trial and selected
                                                                      Introcan Safety. A training period followed, with a special focus
           daily concerns about                                       on “superusers,” staff members who handle IV catheters most
                                                                      often. These internal experts have since become staff trainers and
           needlestick injuries                                       troubleshooters for the product.
                                                                      “Introcan Safety has a much sharper needle, which means there’s
           (NSI). And like many                                       a certain learning curve,” Ms. Giampietro said. “Once you’ve done
                                                                      it a couple of times, you’re comfortable with it. The new graduate
           hospitals, Memorial                                        nurses adapt to it quickly.”
                                                                      Today, Introcan Safety is employed at Memorial and virtually
           works to limit these                                       eliminates the chance for an NSI every time an IV is started.
                                                                      “The clinical staff considers this easy to use,” Ms. Giampietro
           serious occurrences                                        said. “Many of our units use lots of IV catheters – MRI, anesthesia,
                                                                      emergency room, the endoscopy unit, med surg units, and maternity.
           through the use of                                         We needed something that was readily accepted by the clinical
                                                                      nurses on the floor.”
           medical devices with
                                                                      The challenges remain
           effective safety features.                                 Despite the protection offered by passive safety technologies,
                                                                      challenges continue in maintaining clinical workplace safety.
                                                                      B. Braun’s commitment in this field has been unwavering.
                                                                      The commitment has been expressed through technological
                                                                      advancement, particularly in the development of Introcan Safety
                                                                      and needlefree devices. It’s been carried forward through the
                                                                      training of our own people and clinical staffs in many locations.
This protection is vitally important in the lives of medical          And it’s been sustained through our dedication to promoting
caregivers. For example, IV catheters with effective safety           awareness on the subject.
features are proven to reduce needlestick injury rates among
clinical workers with passive protection devices shown to be the      Though much remains to be done, B. Braun’s leadership in this
most effective option. (Passive protection devices have safety        work has paid off. Today we are the fastest-growing medical
features that function automatically, without special activation      device company focused on infusion therapy, and consistent
by the worker.)                                                       dedication to safety is no doubt part of the reason. More
                                                                      important, the evidence is clear that passive safety-engineered
Memorial Hospital opted two years ago for the passive protection      devices (SEDs) offer the best NSI protection.
built into B. Braun’s Introcan Safety® IV catheter. Since then, the
staff has deployed Introcan devices with success and confidence,
expressing general satisfaction with the devices’ safety and
                                                                      Achieving lower injury rates
performance. “People like this device,” said Donna Giampietro,        The critical need to safeguard healthcare workers against NSIs
R.N., B.S.N., Coordinator of Professional Development at the          has been recognized for years. More than a decade has passed
294-bed facility.                                                     since it was codified in the federal Needlestick Safety and

                                                                                                onlineUSA December 2011                   5

Prevention Act (NSPA). Even so, too many injuries continue to         “Introcan Safety is small and maneuverable,” said Derek Heald,
happen, often accompanied by serious risk of infection to the         B. Braun Infusion Therapy Specialist. “That means it’s great for
clinical worker involved.                                             pediatric patients, a population that tends to be more difficult
                                                                      in attaining venous access. It’s also great when clinicians are
Dr. John Howard, Director of the National Institute for
                                                                      working with the elderly. Even if someone’s not as cooperative as
Occupational Safety and Health, addressed a conference on the
                                                                      you might hope, the clinical user is always protected.” Good as the
subject last year at the University of Virginia’s International
                                                                      product is, successful implementation demands expert training,
Healthcare Worker Safety Center. The center’s director, Janine
                                                                      too. JoAnne Wetherbee, Vascular Access Specialist, is one of the
Jagger, Ph.D., has devoted much of her career to the issue. She
                                                                      B. Braun associates at the heart of that effort.
affirms that devices with effective safety features reduce the
incidence of needlestick injury. “A passive device is good because    JoAnne, a specialist RN, travels to hospitals that are considering
it shields the needle without the healthcare worker needing to        conversion to Introcan Safety, setting up trials, coaching clinicians
think about this,” she said.                                          with the ultimate goal of converting the facility to Introcan Safety
                                                                      IV Catheter. “They welcome passive safety for the most part,” she
Dr. Howard greeted the assembled experts at the UVA conference
                                                                      said. “Nobody wants to get stuck with a dirty needle – that’s how
with a tough question: “Have we achieved all that we need to
                                                                      diseases like HIV and hepatitis B and C are transmitted.” To help
in order to protect healthcare workers from exposure to sharps
injuries?” His equally provocative assertion: “I don’t think so.”
Dr. Howard cited prevention through product design as one of
the needs in improving that performance.
Lynn Hadaway, MEd, RN, BC, CRNI and principal of Lynn Hadaway
Associates, is an expert in infusion therapy and vascular access.
She says healthcare worker safety “has fallen off the collective
radar screen.” In an interview in last November’s Infection Control
Today, Ms. Hadaway said passive safety designs “do reduce the
number of injuries.”
She discussed in that interview a landmark health study by
GERES – the acronym of a distinguished French research group.
It was conducted in 61 hospitals in France between January
2005 and December 2006. The study evaluated the frequency
of needlestick injuries from different types of SEDs. In this it
differed from previous studies that merely compared non-safety
to safety devices.
More than 22 million SEDs were purchased during the study
period, and 453 needlestick injuries related to their use were        make certain the conversion goes smoothly, a B. Braun “I-Team”
documented. Fully automatic passive devices were associated           – each member a skilled nurse-educator – spends a week on site.
with the lowest rate of injury. In fact, within the peripheral IV     They’re present or on call 24-7 throughout that period. B. Braun
catheter category, passive safety technology was shown to be two      personnel also conduct related services, including visits that
times better than active, semi-automatic push-button technology,      continue for nine months to a year. They answer questions, train
and three times better than manually sliding shield technology at     new nurses who weren’t around for the initial training, reinforce
preventing NSIs.                                                      training if necessary among staff who have already received it,
                                                                      and generally troubleshoot if any issues have arisen.

The Introcan Safety approach to passive protection                    Actively sharing the passive safety story
B. Braun’s Introcan Safety® IV Catheter incorporates innovative       Many firms and organizations have joined in the effort to educate
passive-safety features. It all but eliminates accidental             clinicians on products and practices that help avoid needlestick
needlesticks. At every stage of its use, it protects the clinicians   injuries. The American Nurses Association (ANA), for instance,
who handle it. Protections are activated automatically, so they       provides videos, fact sheets, brochures, continuing education
can’t be ignored or bypassed. B. Braun worked with clinical           materials and prevention guides, all of them available at the
experts to develop Introcan Safety, and that’s reflected in the       ANA website.
superb protection the device delivers safety.

6        onlineUSA December 2011
New study reviews ways to reduce risk
B. Braun is likewise committed to spreading the word on IV                 Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, BC, CRNI, conducted a systematic
catheter safety, and on the protection that passive safety devices         literature review of more than 568 articles representing
offer. At the Introcan Safety section of the B. Braun website,             research in more than 30 countries to identify the risk to, clinicians can request helpful               healthcare workers (HCW) associated with the insertion of
posters spelling out practices that prevent accidental needlesticks.       short peripheral IV catheters.
Our professionals address the subject at seminars and conferences
far and wide, and they share priceless expertise in many clinical          The study paid close attention to the two primary causes of
settings. At our online Video Library, programs are available that         occupational risk: percutaneous exposures (PCE), in which
describe the GERES study and explain how the Introcan Safety               a contaminated sharp device punctures the HCW’s tissue,
IV catheter works. Product information is available through our            and mucocutaneous exposure (MCE), in which blood or
sales force and online. The website’s Reference Library section            blood-containing body fluid comes in direct contact with
provides abstracts and detailed reports on subjects related to             the HCW. According to the study, the diseases of greatest
sharps protection.                                                         concern in regard to PCE and MCE are HIV and hepatitis
The B. Braun website, conduit for so much information, represents          B and C.
a resource of great value in helping the clinician community
educate and protect itself. “Awareness is a very important part            In the report, Ms. Hadaway maps out the best preventative
of this issue,” Ms. Jagger said. “B. Braun is doing a really good job      measures against PCE and MCE, advising healthcare
of that – I’m impressed by their contribution to it.”                      professionals to:

                                                                           • Apply Standard Precautions, in which all blood, body
                                                                             fluid, secretions, excretions (except sweat), nonintact
                                                                             skin and mucous membranes are accepted as potential
                                                                             carriers of infectious agents, to all patients in all
                                                                             healthcare settings.

                                                                           • Adopt safety-engineered devices, particularly those
                                                                             with a passive safety mechanism – for example,
                                                                             B. Braun’s Introcan Safety® IV Catheter – in which no
                                                                             action by the HCW is required for the safety mechanism
                                                                             to engage the needle.

                                                                           • Properly document all exposures, which will result
                                                                             in correct post-exposure monitoring and appropriate
                                                                             post-exposure treatment.

                                                                           • Use personal protective equipment including gloves in
                                                                             all venipuncture procedures and masks, goggles or face
                                                                             shields to prevent blood splashes when appropriate.

                                                                           Ultimately, the study demonstrates that while safety-
                                                                           engineered catheters have successfully reduced PCE,
                                                                           there must continue to be efforts to further reduce PCE.
                                                                           Additionally, the study determined that more details
                                                                           of how and when MCE occurs with short peripheral
                                                                           catheters are needed.

                                                                        (Page 6): With the Introcan Safety IV Catheter, a metal shield automatically
                                                                        covers the needletip after removal from the patient, dramatically limiting
                                                                        the chance of an inadvertent needlestick.
                                                                        (Left): A close-up view of the patented clip configuration.

                                                                                                 onlineUSA December 2011                         7

                        Needleless connectors show B. Braun’s continuing
                        commitment to healthcare worker safety

                        Years before there was a federal Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act, B. Braun was a

                        leader and innovator in the effort to control and minimize needle risk to doctors, nurses

                        and other healthcare workers. Our commitment drove our work to improve needleless

                        connectors, and led to the development of today’s Center of Excellence for these products.

Important as safe products are, B. Braun has always recognized that       introduced in the late ‘80s, providing access to IV lines without the
it’s essential to back the concept with resources. “Developing a Center   use of needles, and thus improving safety for healthcare workers.
of Excellence for needleless connectors is about staying on top of
                                                                          Later, B. Braun developed and marketed the ULTRASITE® capless
the industry in many ways,” said Steve Weber, Product Director for
                                                                          luer access device. ULTRASITE is a needleless connector that
Needle-free IV Systems. “It’s also about identifying and using new
                                                                          incorporates a feature called “positive displacement,” which helps
or developing technologies, understanding user requirements, and
                                                                          prevent catheter occlusion – obstructions resulting from blood
reinforcing appropriate product/clinician interaction.”
                                                                          clotting in the catheter.
                                                                          The federal statute mentioned at the start of this story – the
Advances starting in the ‘80s                                             Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act, signed into law on
The history of B. Braun’s involvement in the development of               November 6, 2000 – underscored the legal requirement to protect
needleless connectors reaches back decades. It became important           healthcare workers. Meanwhile, continued concerns about
to replace an old technology, the rubber stoppled injection site, with    catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) drove further
one more appropriate to an era in which AIDS made needle sticks           developments. The use of silver in the ULTRASITE Ag, for example,
a serious threat. The needle-free SAFSITE® valve connector was            took advantage of the anti-bacterial properties of the metal.

8        onlineUSA December 2011
CARESITE®: the next generation in needleless care Building a comprehensive Center of Excellence
The result of continued evolution in our needleless IV administration         “While we’ve been improving our products,” Steve said, “We’ve
products is CARESITE, which incorporates several important features           also been educating the marketplace about their proper use –and
that make needleless connectors still better. CARESITE connectors,            especially about bacteria issues.” Among the initiatives that have
which can be thoroughly flushed and disinfected, include:                     helped advance these efforts are B. Braun’s “Vein Starts Here” and
                                                                              poster programs.
• A clear outside housing which enables clinicians to visually
  assess that a proper flush has taken place                                  B. Braun managers and executives share their expertise directly
                                                                              in speaking engagements to audiences who have a critical
• A smooth top surface that contributes to ease of disinfection
                                                                              interest in caregiver safety. As an example, Steve spoke last year
• An open fluid path inside the CARESITE with no fluid entrapment             to a conference of the Infusion Nurses Society about needleless
  areas where bacteria might accumulate                                       connectors – and found an intensely interested audience.
• An ergonomic design – created with input from clinicians –
  for ease of use
• Easy connection to syringes with luer-slip compatibility
• An aesthetically appealing, relatively small valve
• Metal-free construction, which eliminates any possible
  introduction of metal artifacts
Significant as always in the creation and delivery of this product
has been the research and development phase – and the major
automation element involved in manufacturing.
With more than 200 patents in existence for similar products, said
John Grimm, Director of R&D for Medical Devices, the intellectual
property component of this work was especially challenging. A
third-party “right to use” document demonstrated B. Braun’s due
diligence in checking that its designs did not infringe on existing
patents. That was one of the major process hurdles; another was               The needleless CARESITE connector incorporates several
the preparation of the 510(k) submittal for the Food and Drug                 safety features to protect patients and caregivers.
Administration, providing a claim for FDA review that the product
is substantially equivalent.                                                  Sales training is yet another critical element in B. Braun’s
                                                                              leadership. Fundamental education on CRBSI is necessary for
Automation in the manufacturing phase has been essential
                                                                              our staff to acquire the knowledge needed to properly serve our
in establishing, as Director of Purchased Finished Goods Mike
                                                                              customers. Several training modules have already been carried out.
Bartholomew says, “a robust and repeatable process.” That
process contains internal checks and a strong statistical process             Other informational support for the benefit of our customers
control (SPC) component to rapidly identify any variation outside             includes a product video, pocket cards, and in-service training and
upper and lower control limits. “Among other things, automation               materials. Creating a Center of Excellence demands no less than
gives immediate feedback if things go wrong,” Mike said. “The                 all these elements. “We’ve worked to streamline our processes,
expectation among customers nowadays is 100-percent good                      become more responsive and better meet clinicians’ needs,” Steve
product. Our reliability and repeatability mean a lot to them –               said. “When you pursue a Center of Excellence, you must take a
cost is not as important as quality and safety.”                              comprehensive view of the industry and act accordingly.”

                               The ergonomic design of the CARESITE connector was
                               developed with input from clinicians to simplify use.

                                                                                                            onlineUSA December 2011                9

 What is a Center of Excellence?
 The preceding article references a “Center of Excellence” at B. Braun for needleless
 connectors. What is a Center of Excellence and what does it mean for B. Braun and
 its customers? Here are two viewpoints.

 An Operations Perspective                                           Communicating Excellence
                                 Frank Katona, Chief Operating                                      A “Center of Excellence” is
                                 Officer, sees something                                            more than a physical place.
                                 remarkable in B. Braun’s work                                      Steve Weber explains that the
                                 – something that separates                                         creation of a true center
                                 our devices from most                                              of excellence includes many
                                 other products.                                                    elements in the design,
                                                                                                    manufacture and marketing
                                 “At one level, we’re really                                        of a product line. In addition
                                 making small plastic widgets,”                                     to everything explained in the
                                 he explained. ”But when you                                        story on pages 8-9, he cites
                                 see how critical their function                                    such programs as Design
                                 is, you understand we’re doing      Options® (pages 12-13), and the search for customer
                                 something really cool.”             champions willing to be identified with success stories.

 “Our job involves taking a straightforward thing and applying       One essential element is the communication surrounding a
 it very specifically, with tight tolerances. It has to work 100     product like the CARESITE® needleless connector. While many
 percent of the time. It has to be sterilizable, so it has to work   would assume it’s solely a marketing function, it is also
 when it’s heated or exposed to gas – and these are things           connected with crucial matters of clinician and patient safety.
 that can make plastics fall apart. We can’t use any glue that
 might come off.”                                                    As part of a broad campaign to address infection issues,
                                                                     B. Braun instituted its “Vein Starts Here” campaign. The
 Creating a “Center of Excellence” is essential to B. Braun’s        communications form a significant part of our Center of
 business success – and the nature of our products means that        Excellence work. “To prepare this,” Steve said, “we engaged
 a lot is at stake. “If someone gets a bad light bulb,” Frank        opinion leaders and leading industry groups, including INS
 said, “they’re not happy, but they take it back to where they       (Infusion Nurses Society), APIC (Association of Professionals
 bought it and get a good one.”                                      in Infection Control) and AVA (Association for Vascular
                                                                     Access). We worked with them to develop our posters and
 “For us, the implications are so much greater. You have to          other materials.”
 make it right, so it works every time, and still have a business.
 That’s the challenge.”                                              B. Braun’s communications address correct disinfection
                                                                     techniques and other aspects of the proper use of CARESITE
                                                                     connectors. Continuing work of this kind helps ensure that
                                                                     the pursuit of excellence extends to how our products are
                                                                     used, too.

10      onlineUSA December 2011

      Design Options®:
      Custom IV sets
      in short order
      The days of Henry Ford telling customers
      they could have their car in “any color – so
      long as it’s black,” are distant. Today, we
      expect products to be available in a variety
      of colors, sizes and configurations. (For
      example, you can now buy 23 different
      styles of iPods.)

      The ability to customize a product has
      entered our business. In fact, in the medical
      field it counts for still more – it’s a decisive
      part of controlling costs and delivering the
      best possible care.

      Design Options is a B. Braun program that
      creates intravenous (IV) administration sets
      customized to user requirements.

      What’s more, the program has dramatically
      sharpened responsiveness to the customer.
      Wait time for first-article delivery has been
      cut from more than 20 weeks to fewer than
      eight weeks.

12   onlineUSA December 2011

Jeremy Adler              Senior Surgical Sales Representative        Robert Hornak                   Senior Technical Analyst
Nathan Arbogast           Repair Technician II                        Mark Kuckuck                    Convention & Workshop Coordinator II
Seth Arentsen             Surgical Sales Representative               Yeshe Lama                      Senior Trainer/Associate Field Consultant
Peggy Bainbridge          Manager, Controlling & Planning             Ryan Mancini                    Product Manager, Surgical
Rance Barham              Surgical Training Manager                   Anthony Maslowski               Senior Product Manager
Claudia Bohnsack          Clinical Applications Specialist            Julie McCormick                 National Sales Director
Matthew Brunnworth        Quality Assurance Technician                Andrew Merkle                   Senior Neurosurgical Sales Representative
Kelly Burke               Associate Product Manager II                Tyrone Morant                   Repair Technician II
Christopher Cook          Surgical Sales Representative               James Morris                    Neurosurgical Specialist
Denise Cyr                Associate Director, Aesculap Academy        John Nixon                      Prototype Machinist
Andrew Dauster            Senior Design Engineer                      Edward Nuber                    Senior Product Manager
Jonathan Davis            Senior Surgical Sales Representative        Anthony Periandri               Regional Sales Director
Catherine Dawson          Associate Director, Clinical Affairs        Kathy Racosky                   Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Andrew Dickherber         Surgical Sales Representative               J. Schrader                     Senior Product Manager
Brian Dukate              National Sales Director                     Alan Stout                      Senior Product Manager
Christian Gabriel         VP - Orthopaedic Marketing                  Frumencio Torres                National Sales Director
Colleen Gallagher         Senior HR Representative                    Paul Underwood                  Coordinator, SetWorld Instrument Projects
Adrian Gardner            Repair Technician II                        Sally Wagner                    Senior Planner, Meetings
Wayne Gonsoulin           Senior Neurosurgical Sales Representative   James Wilson                    Senior Surgical Sales Representative
Troy Harris               Spine Specialist                            Kyra Yerger                     Senior Graphic Designer
Sibylle Haupert           Senior Neurosurgical Sales Representative   John Young                      Supervisor, Order Fulfillment
Dicia Heckman             Senior Contracts Specialist
B. Braun
Marcial Adorno Jr.        Engineer                                    Amber F. Hull                   Critical Care Specialist II
Mayra G. Andrade          CAPS QC Coordinator                         Eric A. Hunter                  Craftsperson - Moldmaker
Nathan I. Arbogast        Repair Technician II                        Cheryl Ann Jason                Vascular Prod. Specialist - Cath Lab
Rance L. Barham           Training Manager - Surgical                 Kathleen Jones                  Sr. Infusion Therapy Specialist
Tesfay D. Beyene          Electro-Mech. Technician II - Ind.          David S. Kaluzna                Infusion Systems Specialist II
Claudia A. Bohnsack       Clinical Applications Spec.                 Rita J. Kappauf                 Financial Assistant III
Allison R. Boyd           Benefits & System Administrator             David J. Karoly                 Technician - Material Handler
Meribeth Brashier         Sr. Infusion Therapy Spec.                  Patricia D. Kelhart             Supply Chain Planner I
Regina M. Brown           Buyer I                                     Eric T. Kemmerer                Staff Engineer
Richard Scott Bruning     Critical Care Spec. II                      Amber K. Kingston               Director, BIS Mktg & Admin.
Matthew E. Brunnworth     Quality Assurance Technician                Synetta Kinsey                  Packaging/Labeling Assoc.
Kelly L. Burke            Associate Product Manager II                Mark A. Kuckuck                 Convention & Workshop Crd II
Rosemarie Burtner         Manager, Chargebacks                        William J. Kulp                 Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance
Joan E. Carl              Supervisor, Chargebacks                     John M. LaFratta                Corp Sales Training Spec. II
Cindy Ms. Chhoa           IQC Lead                                    Yeshe Y. Lama                   Sr. Trainer/Assoc. Fld. Conslt.
Raymond M. Clauson        Sr. Critical Care Spec.                     Diane Lee Lance                 Receptionist/Switchboard
Christopher Alen Cook     Craftsperson - BU                           Jaime Lopez                     Tray Loader/Unloader
Kathleen F. Cosgrove      Sr. Legal Coordinator                       John F. Love                    Corp. VP, R&D/Reg. & Clinical Affairs
Eileen Cueva              Staffing Specialist                         Michael A. Lutte                Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance
Denise Cyr                Associate Director                          Bradley L. Magee                Warehouse Assoc. - Distribution
Andrew J. Dauster         Sr. Design Engineer                         Edmund Makowe Jr                Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance
Catherine Dawson          Associate Director                          Ryan Dunn Mancini               Product Manager
Elizabeth Ann Docherty    Regulatory Affairs Spec. - SR               Manuel Martinez                 Tray Loader/Unloader
Ernest C. Domingo         F/F/S Operator I                            Christopher D. Mccandless       Warehouse Associate - Marcon
Joshua Daniel Drew        Vascular Prod. Spec. - Cath Lab             Paul T. McCarthy                Pharmacy Systems Spec. II
Brian S. Dukate           Director, National Sales                    Julie Y. McCormick              Director, National Sales
John David Dunlop         Infusion Therapy Spec. II                   Kevin E. Minnich                Manager, Knowledge & Process
Eric John Erickson        Director, I Business Unit                   Frank J. Mirarchi               Craftsperson - Moldmaker
Christopher Escobales     Craftsperson - Facilities                   Brian J. Monahan                Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance
Anthony W. Facinelli      Craftsperson - Facilities                   Tyrone Morant                   Repair Technician II
Casey J. Fregoe           Mgr., Engineering                           Scott A. Moyer                  Project Engineer
Colleen M. Gallagher      Sr. HR Representative                       Tamara T. Murden                Supv., Customer Service
Javier Garcia             Aseptic Technician                          Constance Lynn Murray           Director, Clinincal Educ./Sales Training
Marieve Gervais           Medical Product Specialist II               Tama A. Nederostek              Technician - Production Aide
Adriana Gomez             Hdhw. - II Attendant                        Xuan Thang Nguyen               Facilities Specialist II - CAP
Daniel K. Grammes         Warehouse Assoc. - Distribution             John E. Nixon                   Machinist
John A. Griffin           Supervisor, Bids                            Antonio D. Olea                 Aseptic Operator I
Mathew David Groller      Technician - Material Handler               Kevin F. O’Neill                Vascular Prod. Specialist - Cath. Lab.
Lukas Grosz               Process Technician II                       Jennifer Lynn O’Reilly          Region Manager
William E. Grube          Craftsperson - Moldmaker                    Sandra Lee Osmun                Manager II, Engineering
Misely Judith Gutierrez   Distribution Coordinator I                  Jonathan Pedroza                Tray Loader/Unloader
Charles Harlacher Jr      Contract Specialist                         Angelica Perez-Gutherman        Mgr. I, Int’l. Customer Service
Cheryl Lynn Hazlett       Admin. Assistant II (General)               Anthony P. Periandri            Director, Regional Sales
Dicia A. Heckman          Sr. Contracts Specialist                    Jamal Saleem Perkins            Material Handler III
Karin Hoffman             Manager, Supply Chain                       Natasha Nadine Pollard          Technician - Printer
Shannon C. Hoyt           Technician - Extrusion                      Tina Thuy Tran Pronk            Sr. Cost Accountant
                                                                                                  onlineUSA December 2011                    15
B. Braun Promotions continued
Kathy A. Racosky                    Regulatory Affairs Specialist          Marcello Soler                          Technician - Machine
Richard J. Ruelle                   Engineering Technician. II             Dawn A. Tichelaar                       Project Engineer
Jose L. Ruiz Flores                 Material Handler II                    Frumencio J. Torres                     Director, National Sales
Derek Gerard Schultz                Craftsperson - BU                      Paul E. Underwood                       Coordinator, SetWorld Inst. Pr.
Kim L. Shanaberger                  Buyer I                                Sally A. Wagner                         Sr. Planner, Meetings
Lawrence E. Shaver                  Staff Engineer                         Daniel Scott Wennerberg                 Machinist II
Jeffrey David Silfies               Technician - Machine                   Barbara C. Wikberg                      Technician - Machine
Michael F. Sisson                   Craftsperson - Moldmaker               Mark J. Wynkoop                         Craftsperson - Moldmaker
Patricia Ann Smith                  Mgr., Regulatory Affairs PA            Kyra D. Yerger                          Sr. Graphic Designer
Kimberly A. Smith                   Regulatory Affairs Specialist          Thomas Anthony Zettlemoyer              Technician - Machine
Christopher J. Adis                 Sr. Pharmacist                         Mitesh Suresh Madviya                   IV Technician I
Shady Nashnat Attia                 CAPS Assoc. Computer Technician        Shavon N. Miller                        IV Technician II
Kacie A. Brinker                    HR Coordinator                         Priscilla Navarro                       IV Technician I
Erika L. Butler                     Associate Product Manager              Eduardo L. Ortiz                        IV Technician I
Pavel Chernikov                     Pharmacy Clerk                         Jayryan A. Paiso                        Lead IV Technician
Travis J. Clark                     Staff Pharmacist                       Malis Chan Phonyothy                    IV Technician II
Daryl Bernard Collins               IV Technician II                       Rolando Ramos                           Lead IV Technician
Natasha A. Collins                  Lead IV Technician                     Kelly C. Stevens                        Director of Pharmacy
Nicholas Hathaway                   IV Technician II                       Karen I. Torres Irizarry                IV Technician II
Robert J. Kelly                     IV Technician I

                                                                                                         Joseph “Chuck”                   Edgardo Sandoval
                                                                                                         reisinger                        40 years of service
                                                                                                         40 years of service              Irvine facility
                                                                                                         Irvine facility

B. BrAuN u.S.                                                             Mary Martin                 Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
40 Years                                                                  Debra Marushak              Technician – Mold, Allentown
Joseph Reisinger         Craftsperson - Plant Systems, Irvine             Lori Mihalik                Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Edgardo Sandoval         Manager, Manufacturing I, Irvine                 Judith Morris               QC Inspector, Allentown
35 Years                                                                  Tien Nguyen                 Production Clerk, Irvine
Patricia Baquir          QA/QC/BTC Lead Associate, Irvine                 Robert Panick               Director, Marketing Channels, Corporate
Zahida Beg               QA/QC/BTC Lead Associate, Irvine                 Robert Patton               Sr. Engineering Specialist, Irvine
Cecilia Cabaysa          Documentation Asst., Irvine                      Diane Pillar                Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Zenaida Chacon           Inspector, Irvine                                Cresencia Reyes             QA/QC/BTC Associate IV, Irvine
Charles Cox              Lead Craftsperson III – BU, Irvine               Francisco Saldana           Duplex Film Slitter Operator, Irvine
Alfredo Flores           Sr. Whse. Wrkr.-Quar/Rec/Strs, Irvine            Juliet Santos               QA/QC/BTC Associate III, Irvine
Alfonso Garcia           Central Plant Op. II, Irvine                     Karen Schnabel              Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Maria Giambilis          Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   Michele Seaton              Materials Coordinator RTD, Corporate
Bernadette Ibrahim       Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   Joseph Semler               Technician “A”, Allentown
Barbara Kiprislis        Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   Dorothy Smith               Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Sandra Lees              Buyer II, Allentown                              Steven Smith                Principal Development Engineer, Irvine
Kathleen Locher          Detail Scheduler, Allentown                      Kathleen Transue            Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Kimly Nguyen             Duplex Finishing Line Operator, Irvine           William Weber               Lead Craftsperson III – PS, Irvine
Jorge Picos              Sr. Whse. Wrkr.-Quar/Rec/Strs, Irvine            Lisa Westgate               Warehouse Assoc. – Distribution, Breinigsville
Lorenzo Ramirez          Checker – Distribution, Irvine                   Lynn Wirth                  National Sales Manager, Corporate
Nancy Schwartz           Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   Sharon Yandrisovitz         Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
An Thai                  Warehouse Lead, Irvine                           25 Years
John Valencia            Craftsperson - Plant Systems, Irvine             Joel Bartholomew            Manager II, Engineering, Allentown
Eftihia Valianatos       Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   Sandra Cardin               Asc. Coordinator, Irvine
30 Years                                                                  John Carman                 Sr. Ambulatory Care Specialist, Field Sales
Deborah Arner            Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   Rosalie Christopher         Sr. QC Inspector, Allentown
Jorge-Antonio Barba      Mach. Attd. – Pallet, Irvine                     Gerardo Gonzalez            Manager, Business Systems, Irvine
Joe Barrera              Lead Craftsperson III – PS, Irvine               Gustave Griffith            Molding Coordinator, Allentown
David Bieber             Craftsperson – Automation, Allentown             Timothy Harakal             Supervisor II, Manufacturing, Allentown
Violeta Domingo          QA/QC/BTC Associate IV, Irvine                   Marlene Hulberg-O’Tousa     Sr. Ambulatory Care Specialist, Field Sales
Theresa Fashion          Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   Jose Jucaban Jr.            Group Leader QA/QC, Irvine
Lourdes Ferrer           QA/QC/BTC Lead Associate, Irvine                 Maria Maldonado             Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Patricia Filaseta        Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   William Miller Jr.          Director, Corporate Accounts, Field Sales
Herminio Gonzalez        Utility Worker - Whse., Irvine                   Nancy Morris                Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
David Groller            Packaging Coordinator, Allentown                 Susanne Nagy                Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Aida Guerra              Inspector/Packer, Irvine                         Christ Schwindenhammer      Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Linda Hoffman            Technician - Production Aide, Allentown          James Shanaberger           Warehouse Associate – Marcon, Allentown
Cheryl Husted            Admin. Assistant II (General), Allentown         Kim Shanaberger             Buyer I, Allentown
Donald Johnson           Manager, Storeroom & Receiving, Allentown        James Sinclair              Craftsperson – Moldmaker, Allentown
Patricia Johnson         Accounting Associate, Allentown                  Evelyn Sloyer               Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Karen Kingston           Manager, Exhibits & Meetings, Corporate          Diane Ssemanda              Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Nancy Lemus              F/F/S Operator I, Irvine                         Stephen Stancick            Sterilization Operations Manager, Allentown
Michael Loder            Staff Engineer – SR, Allentown                   Tin To                      Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Alberto Lopez            Craftsperson - Plant Systems, Irvine             Ricky Velez                 Shipping Coordinator, Allentown
Barbra Luchetta          Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   20 Years
Nor Manlapaz             Craftsperson – BU, Irvine                        Khosro Agahi                Director, I Business Unit, Irvine
Jeffrey Marsh            Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance, Allentown       Paciencia Alanes            QA/QC/BTC Lead Associate, Irvine
                                                                          Vicente Alcala              Craftsperson – BU, Irvine
16        onlineUSA December 2011
20-year Milestones continued
Barbara Bartholomew      Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Karen Brown                Clinical Nurse Consultant, Field Sales
Michelle Blum            Technician - Production Aide, Allentown           Gary Collins               Mgr. Engineering, Irvine
JoAnne Burt              Sr. General Manufactuing Associate, Allentown     Lisa Cook                  Mgr. II, QC Chemistry/Microbiol, Allentown
Luis Bustamante Ponce    Mixing Technician I, Irvine                       Ronald Correll             Technician - Material Handler, Allentown
Gilbert Cedillo          Craftsperson - Plant Systems, Irvine              Sally Davis                Admin. Assistant II (General), Allentown
Helen Chang Maldonado Director of Pharmacy, Clinical Serv., Field Sales    Marian Delong              Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Judith Chase             Accounts Payable Clerk II, Corporate              Carol Dorney               Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Linda Check              Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    William Ehrlacher          Quality Coordinator, Allentown
Josefina Duque           Hdhw-II Attendant, Irvine                         Douglas Frace              Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast. Dir., Allentown
Ana Echeveste            Product Handler, Irvine                           Glenwood Gum               Mgr. III / BTC Prin. Scientist, Irvine
William Ehrenstrasser    Technician – Sterilization, Allentown             Kay Hahn                   Supervisor, Nurse Consultants, Corporate
Edward Emery             Technician – Mold, Allentown                      Richard Hudson             Region Manager, Field Sales
Maria Enriquez           Mfg. Lead I, Irvine                               Rey Jucaban                QA/QC/BTC Associate III, Irvine
Scott Fehnel             Director, Corporate Network Services, Corporate   James Keiper Jr.           Director, Corporate Accounts, Field Sales
Sharon Foster            Manager, Contracts/Finance, Corporate             John Marshall              EHS Specialist, Allentown
Alicia Franco            Aseptic Operator II, Irvine                       Carole Meade               Electro-Mech. Technician II - Ind., Carrollton
Susan Frederick          Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Diane Miller               Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Silvia Garcia            Hdhw-II Attendant, Irvine                         Angela Moutafis            Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Domingo Gonzalez         Process Technician I, Irvine                      Diana Nagel                General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Jason Griffith           Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast. Dir., Allentown     John Pavlinsky             Craftsperson – Machinist, Allentown
Teresa Grigorieff        Executive Assistant II, Irvine                    Angelica Perez-Gutherman   Mgr. I, Int’l. Customer Service, Corporate
Joel Gross               Sr. Infusion Therapy Specialist, Field Sales      Marcus Piersaul            Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast. Dir., Allentown
Emmitt Harris            Warehouse Associate – Marcon, Allentown           Gerardo Resendiz           Tray Loader/Unloader, Irvine
Cynthia Hataway          Sr. General Manufactuing Associate, Allentown     Cheryl Rowe                Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Lee Hippert              Manager II, Engineering, Allentown                Travis Rubright            Technician – Mold, Allentown
Kathleen Holdren         Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Allentown          Timothy Shankweiler        Technician – Mold, Allentown
Nancy Hyland             Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Richard Skeeba             Craftsperson – Machinist, Allentown
Frances Keenan           Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Brian Smith                Shipping Coordinator, Breinigsville
Joanne Knies             Accounts Payable Clerk II, Corporate              Glynis Stansfield          Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Annette Kolleogy         Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Elma Stein                 Electro-Mech. Assm. III - Dir., Carrollton
William Laubach          Warehouse Assoc. – Distribution, Breinigsville    Axel Swanson I             Prod. Lead I – Dallas, Carrollton
David Lauer              QA Technician – Calibration, Allentown            Pheng Tang                 Product Handler, Irvine
Maria Lopez              Product Handler, Irvine                           Christopher Trauger        Product Manager, Corporate
Eva Medina               Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Rachel Vitoux              Director, Sales & Clinical Services, Field Sales
Isabel Medina            Warehouse Clerk, Allentown                        Lynn Waite                 Sr. Pharmacy Systems Specialist, Field Sales
Denise Meyers            Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Wendy Weighknecht          Engineering Aide III, Allentown
Kevin Minnich            Manager, Knowledge & Process, Allentown           Charles Wolk               Technician – Mold, Allentown
Juliet Monzon            Material Handler, Irvine                          Robert Wong                Medical Product Specialist II, Corporate
Margarita Olague         Material Handler, Irvine                          Dineen Zimmer              Sr. Marketing Research & Analysis, Corporate
Cheryl Oswald            Supv. Customer Service, Allentown                 10 Years
Lilia Perez              Process Optr. – Pic, Irvine                       William Abrams             Critical Care Specialist II., Field Sales
Hue Quach                Process Optr. – Pic, Irvine                       Tania Alercia              Sales Coordinator, Corporate
Keith Reichard           Technician – Sterilization, Allentown             Jeremy Anderson            Supv. Space Technical, Carrollton
Jason Rice               Equipment/Safety/Train Coord., Breinigsville      Alejandra Arteaga          Aseptic Operator II, Irvine
Kathleen Richards        Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Daria Baab                 Sr. Financial Analyst, Corporate
Julie Rosario Santiago   Mailroom Assistant, Corporate                     Dennis Badesso             Sr. Financial Analyst, Corporate
Scott Schiffert          Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast. Dir., Allentown     Cynthia Baird              Zone Distribution Manager I, Field Sales
June Schlicher           Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Jesus Becerra              Material Handler, Irvine
Stephen Schweitzer       Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast. Dir., Allentown     Jocelyn Bellew             Int’l. Sales & Mktg. Coordinator, Corporate
Mary Scott-Perez         Admin. Assistant II (General), Corporate          Esthergrace Bragdon        QA/QC/BTC Associate IV, Irvine
Denise Sculley           Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Sean Brock                 Craftsperson – Controls, Allentown
Steven Shelly            Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance, Allentown        Maggie Burch               Product Manager, Corporate
Tara Shupp               Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Joan Carl                  Supv. Chargebacks, Corporate
Kathleen Stuber          Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Jennifer Castagna          Supv. Customer Service, Allentown
Soheil Taghavi           Manager, Engineering, Irvine                      Mercedes Centeno           QA/QC/BTC Associate III, Irvine
Rosa Tapia               Duplex Finishing Line Operator, Irvine            Daljit Chaggar             Staff Engineer, Allentown
Victor Topete            Material Handler, Irvine                          Esther Check               Analyst I, Corporate
Bertha Torres            Duplex Machine Operator, Irvine                   Anthony Clift              Warehouse Associate – Marcon, Allentown
Ruth Vazquez             Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Angela Cruz                Financial Assistant III, Corporate
Daniel Velez             Pab Assembly Technician, Irvine                   Michael Delestre           Technician - Material Handler, Allentown
Tammy Weller             Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Diane Driscoll             Nurse Consultant, Corporate
Michael Wiggins          Craftsperson – Moldmaker, Allentown               Michele Flammer            Infusion Systems Specialist I, Field Sales
Michelle Williams        Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Richard Flint              QA Application Systems Specialist, Irvine
Tony Williams            Craftsperson – BU, Irvine                         Ryan Flynn                 Mgr. Manufacturing I, Irvine
Bethann Wotring          Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    James Frederick            Financial Analyst Supervisor, Corporate
Michael Zakrewski        Product Director, Carrollton                      Charmaine Frisch           Warehouse Assoc. – Distribution, Breinigsville
Amy Zawalski             Sr. Critical Care Specialist, Field Sales         Denise Gaugler             Customer Support Rep. II, Allentown
15 Years                                                                   Gary Gombocz               Mfg. Main./Eng. Manager II, Allentown
Marcial Adorno Jr.       Engineer, Carrollton                              Jesus Gonzalez             Product Handler, Irvine
Carolyn Ammary           Admin. Assistant II (General), Corporate          Rebecca Harryn             Market Research Analyst, Corporate
Vickie Armenta           Electro-Mech. Assembler II, Carrollton            Charmaine Helman           Financial Assistant III, Corporate
Duane Avery              Warehouse Associate – Marcon, Allentown           Stephen Herbert            Staff Engineer – SR, Allentown
Froylan Avina            Craftsperson – BU, Irvine                         Jesus Hernandez            Machinist II, Irvine
Rosann Biery             Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown    Susan Hoffman              Contract Analyst, Corporate
Gary Bolash              Project Engineer, Allentown                       Rick Hollister             Craftsperson – Moldmaker, Allentown
Charlene Brown           Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
                                                                                                          onlineUSA December 2011                        17
10-year Milestones continued
Kitti-Jo Hughes           Financial Assistant III, Corporate               Christopher Bosley          Infusion Systems Specialist I, Field Sales
Agustin Jara              Craftsperson – BU, Irvine                        Samantha Bowers             Clerk (Tax Accounting), Corporate
Kelly Jessie              Sr. Infusion Care Specialist, Field Sales        Regina Brown                Buyer I, Allentown
Christopher Joseph        Financial Analyst II, Corporate                  Dung Bui                    Product Handler, Irvine
Roger Kern                Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast Dir., Allentown     Gary Busek                  Mfg. Lead I, Irvine
Seema Kerwell             Sr. Chem/Bio/Mic/Ana/QE, Irvine                  Robert Bush                 Supervisor Payroll/HRS, Corporate
Brad Kite                 Manager, RA/QA/QC/BTC II, Irvine                 Lorena Camacho              Product Handler, Irvine
William Kocher            Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast. Dir., Allentown    Escarly Camarena            General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Eric Kraus                Infusion Systems Specialist II, Field Sales      Cecilia Canizares           General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Linda Kupinski            Sr. Financial Analyst, Corporate                 Juan Carrasquillo-Cintron   Accounts Payable Clerk, Corporate
Shreekumar Kurup          Mgr. Engineering, Irvine                         Marie Casarella             Manager II, Corp Training & Dev., Corporate
David Lauer               Manager, EHS, Allentown                          Jose Casarez Jr.            I.Q.C. Tech III, Carrollton
Mai Le                    QC Tech. II, Carrollton                          Tracy Casari                QC Inspector, Allentown
Amy Lehman                Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   Digna Cevallos              General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Anna Lenh                 Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   Aloyce Chissanga            Detailed Scheduler, Carrollton
Joann Lenh                Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   Kyle Christoff              Customer Support Rep. II, Allentown
Matthew Lenhart           Warehouse Assoc. – Distribution, Breinigsville   Lloyd Cockrum               Eng. Aide II – Dallas, Carrollton
Kelly Lutseo              Sales Administrator Analyst, Corporate           Patricia Collins            General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Dianne Maholick           Analyst I, Corporate                             Glenn Conklin Jr.           Infusion Therapy Specialist II, Field Sales
Gregory Martin            Mgr. I, QA/QC/Reg. Compl., Allentown             Shawn Conrad                Technician – Machine, Allentown
Juliet Mccarter           Technician – Machine, Allentown                  Christopher Cook            Craftsperson – BU, Irvine
Susan McCully             Analyst I, Corporate                             Josefina Cordova-Urvina     Product Handler, Irvine
Reginald McKinnie         QA/QC/BTC Associate III, Irvine                  Kathleen Cosgrove           Sr. Legal Coordinator, Corporate
Maria Mendez              Aseptic Operator II, Irvine                      Shaynna Cox                 General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Richard Mutton            Technician - Material Handler, Allentown         Eileen Cueva                Staffing Specialist, Irvine
Maria Navarro             Clean Up Technician-Prod., Irvine                Julio De La Rosa            General Mfg. Associate Ind., Allentown
Robert Nunez              Buyer I, Irvine                                  Lorena Del Rosario Belmares Product Handler, Irvine
Gregg Oswald              Technician – Machine, Allentown                  Robert DelValle             Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance, Allentown
Ronald Oswald             Warehouse Assoc. – Distribution, Breinigsville   Quy Doan                    Product Handler, Irvine
Richardo Pantoja-Santana Warehouse Assoc. – Distribution, Breinigsville    John Dunlop                 Infusion Therapy Specialist II, Field Sales
Annmarie Peischl          Product Release Administrator, Allentown         Anthony Durante             Supervisor I, QC – Metrology, Allentown
Earl Peterson             Manager I, Engineering, Allentown                Shawn Durn                  Customer Support Rep. II, Allentown
Elizabeth Petit           Infusion Therapy Specialist, Field Sales         Thomas Eddinger             Technician – Machine, Allentown
Hieu Pham                 Chem/Bio/Mic/Ana/QE, Irvine                      Griselda Espinoza           F/F/S Operator I, Irvine
My Pham                   Electronic Technician II - Ind., Carrollton      Laura Estrada               Product Handler, Irvine
Anthony Pierfy            Cost Accountant – SR, Allentown                  Roberto Estrella            Product Handler, Irvine
Elisea Roche              Inspector/Packer, Irvine                         Anthony Facinelli           Craftsperson – Facilities, Allentown
Rachael Rodriguez         EDI Assistant, Corporate                         Andrea Fuschetto            Member of Tech. Staff III, Corporate
Antonia Roth              Associate Product Manager, Corporate             Moshe Gabbay                BPS Specialist III, Allentown
Ranulfo Santana           Material Handler, Irvine                         Christopher Gadegbeku       QA/QC/BTC Associate III, Irvine
Christine Scheifele       Sr. Market Research Analyst, Corporate           Serkadis Getahun            Chem/Bio/Mic/Ana/QE, Irvine
Richard Semmel            Craftsperson – Moldmaker, Allentown              Orrin Gould                 Central Plant Op. III, Irvine
Rae Shaffer               Member of Tech. Staff III, Corporate             Karen Graver                General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Michael Simmons           Technician – Machine, Allentown                  David Grube                 QC Inspector, Allentown
William Sperko            Sr. Designer, Irvine                             Bryan Gruber                Technician – Sterilization, Allentown
Gregory Stofanak          Warehouse Associate – Marcon, Allentown          Carrie Gruber               General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Barry Stopay              Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance, Allentown       Margarita Gudino de Jogwe Hdhw-II Attendant, Irvine
Donna Tassie              Financial Assistant III, Corporate               Carla Gutierrez             Admin. Support Clerk, Irvine
Mark Thomas               Sales Specialist II – RTD, Field Sales           Ruperto Gutierrez           Product Handler, Irvine
Kenneth Thornton          Critical Care Specialist II, Field Sales         Jeremy Hart                 Intl. Sales & Mktg. Coordinator, Corporate
Erlinda Urquhart          Product Handler, Irvine                          Cheryl Hazlett              Admin. Assistant II (General), Corporate
Monica Vasquez            QA/QC/BTC Associate II, Irvine                   Allen Heaton                Infusion Therapy Specialist, Field Sales
Teresita Viloria          Product Handler, Irvine                          Brian Heist                 Technician – Machine, Allentown
Lynne Volpe               Sales Service Representative, Corporate          Carmen Hernandez            General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
James Walker              Technical Staff III, Irvine                      Jose Hernandez              Steril Monitor, Irvine
Maria Youwakim            Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown   Jose Hernandez              Product Handler, Irvine
Susan Zammer              Contract Specialist, Corporate                   Debra Herriman              Quality Coordinator, Allentown
Shawn Zigmont             Project Engineer, Allentown                      Chia Ho                     Sr. Staff Engineer, Irvine
5 Years                                                                    Lem Ho                      Electro-Mech Assembler I, Carrollton
E. Wanda Ace              Sr. Regulatory Affairs Analyst, Allentown        Patricia Hontz              General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Ronojit Adyanthaya        Staff Engineer – SR, Allentown                   Sharon Howard               QC Inspector, Allentown
Gabriela Alvarado         QC Tech. I, Carrollton                           Patricia Huff               Technician – Machine, Allentown
Luis Aragon               Hdhw-II Attendant, Irvine                        Michael Huk                 Staff Engineer – SR, Allentown
Bruce Artz                Craftsperson – Facilities, Allentown             Bang Huynh                  Product Handler, Irvine
Roy Bailey Jr.            Network Administrator, Carrollton                Timothy Jaindl              Supervisor I, Manufacturing, Allentown
Susan Ballek              Nurse Consultant, Corporate                      Janet Janda                 Corporate Staffing Manager, Corporate
Feliciana Baltazar        Packing Quality Monitor, Irvine                  Louise Kalman               General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Maria Bartolo             Product Handler, Irvine                          Kelven Katim                F/F/S Operator I, Irvine
Efrain Becerra            Production Clerk, Irvine                         Eric Kemmerer               Staff Engineer, Allentown
Thomas Beil               Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance, Allentown       Phan Keo                    Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton
Kimberly Berkal           Infusion Therapy Specialist II, Field Sales      Rotha Khy                   Engineer, Irvine
Garry Binsberger          MES System Author, Allentown                     Aaron Krock                 Engineering Technician II, Allentown
Melodee Bokosky           General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown       Brian Kropf                 Engineering Technician II, Allentown
Nathan Bonar              Project Manager I, Allentown                     Jennifer Kyriakopoulos      Critical Care Specialist I, Field Sales
Sandra Borsetti           General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown       Margoth Lara                General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
                                                                           David Le                    Whse. Wrkr.-Distribution, Irvine
18        onlineUSA December 2011
5-year Milestones continued
James Le                 Group Leader QA/QC, Irvine                        Erin Stone                    Member of Technician Staff II, Corporate
Julian Le                Chem/Bio/Mic/Ana/QE, Irvine                       Elida Suarez                  Product Handler, Irvine
Luis Leon                Warehouse Associate – Marcon, Allentown           Kevin Taby                    QC Inspector, Allentown
William Lindahl          Mgr. Engineering, Irvine                          James Tetiva                  Supv. Mfg. Maint./Facil. II, Irvine
Kent Love                Director Corporate Accounts, Field Sales          Eric Teyim                    QC Laboratory Associate II, Allentown
Jeffrey Lucien           Technician – Machine, Allentown                   Aleyamma Thomas               Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton
Jose Luna Avalos         Mixing Tech II, Irvine                            Tam Trinh                     Product Handler, Irvine
Minh Ma                  F/F/S Operator I, Irvine                          Thanh Trinh                   Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton
George Mamari            General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown        Daniel Trivino                MES System Administrator, Irvine
Luis Martinez Ramirez    Craftsperson – BU, Irvine                         Agnes Turner                  Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton
Thomas Mathew            Material Handler I, Carrollton                    Mary Urello                   Benefits Specialist - Sr., Corporate
Robin Maxwell            General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown        Laura VandeVelde-Owen         Infusion Therapy Specialist II, Field Sales
Tiffany McCartney        Customer Support Rep. II, Allentown               Antonio Velazquez-Diaz        Technician - Material Handler, Allentown
William McKay            Sr. Engineering Specialist, Irvine                Stacey Wadas                  Staff Engineer – Sr., Allentown
Hector Mejia             Pab Assembly Technician, Irvine                   William Wallace               Technical Support Supv., Mfg., Allentown
Lancol Mercado           Craftsperson - Mfg. Maint. Plast., Allentown      William Welch                 Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton
Jesus Meza               Set Up Technician, Irvine                         Debbie Werner                 Customer Support Rep. II, Allentown
Kristin Miller           Sr. Staffing & VE Admin. Specialist, Corporate    Benjamin Whitcomb             Regional Distribution Mgr. I, Field Sales
Luis Moreno              Technician – Machine, Allentown                   Tina Wilson                   General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
Denise Moyer             Corporate Benefits Manager, Field Sales           Leoncio Zavala-Hernandez      Product Handler, Irvine
Amulakh Naik             Sr. Staff Engineer, Irvine                        Jeannine Zimmermann           Regulatory Affairs Analyst, Allentown
Maria Neri de Duong      Product Handler, Irvine
Chinh Ngo                Product Handler, Irvine                           B. BrAuN DoMiNiCAN rEPuBliC
Lyna Nguyen              General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown        10 years
Minh Nguyen              F/F/S Operator I, Irvine                          Fatima Brioso De Leon         Document Control Coordinator
Nadine Nguyen            Technical Staff III, Irvine                       Ernestina Caminero Rincon     Assembler
Thoi Nguyen              Tray Loader/Unloader, Irvine                      Milady Cuevas Arias           Assembler
Enos Nolan               Technician – Machine, Allentown                   Miguelina Cuevas Feliz        Assembler
Cyprian Obed             Electro-Mech Tech. I - Dir., Carrollton           Santo Ferreras Capellan       Warehouse Attendant Receiving
Shawn O’Connell McCahey Director Clinical Value Marketing, Field Sales     Yina Fca. Hurtado Medina      Assembler
Daniel Oduwa             Electro-Mech. Assm. III - Dir., Carrollton        Mirian Lopez Pena             Assembler
Elaine Ogunbiyi          Assc. Director, Regulatory Operation, Allentown   Kenia Martinez Blanco         QC Technician
Roberto Pantig           Product Handler, Irvine                           Xiomara Mendez Pujols         Assembler
Robert Panza             Project Engineer, Irvine                          Ana Dilia Meran Nova          Assembler
Kimberly Paris           Director Quality Assurance, Allentown             Maria Mieses Jaquez           Assembler
Raj Patel                Technician – Machine, Allentown                   Jeannette Mora Perez          Accounting Clerk
Felipe Paulino           Technician - Material Handler, Allentown          Alvarista Perez Ogando        Janitor
Anabel Pedraza           Product Handler, Irvine                           Ruth Melania Rincon           Assembler OEM
Elizabeth Peralta        Admin. Assistant II (General), Corporate          Delfa Roa                     Document Control Coordinator
Nghia Phan               Clean Up Technician-Prod., Irvine                 Bernarda C. Rodriguez.        Assembler
Tuy Phan                 Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton             5 years
Trinidad Portillo II     Machine Attd. – PIC, Irvine                       Eulalia Almonte Aguilar           Assembler
Thelma Pritchard         QC Inspector, Allentown                           Sandy Amparo Rivera               Material Handler
Taylor Prober            Infusion Systems Specialist I, Field Sales        Santa Andujar Quezada             Machine Operator
Garrick Proctor          Staff Engineer, Irvine                            Dolores Araujo Dominguez          Assembler
Carlos Quiroz            Manager Mfg. Maint./Eng. I, Irvine                Reyna Bernard                     Assembler
Matthew Rader            Technician - Material Handler, Allentown          Santiago Bido Alcantara           Machine Operator
Jose Ramirez             Craftsperson – BU, Irvine                         Edwin Calderon Serrano            Production Senior Supervisor
Harri Ramkishun          QC Technician I, Carrollton                       Rosa Lidia Carrasco Arias         Assembler
Dana Ramsey              Project Engineer, Allentown                       Beronica Carrasco De la Cruz      Assembler
Kenneth Rayden           Staff Engineer – SR, Allentown                    Edilennys Judith Cuesta Revi      Assembler
Anthony Reed             Product Director, Corporate                       Elpidio De los Santos             Material Handler
Jose Regalado            Mixing Tech. II, Irvine                           Susana Diaz Jimenez               Assembler
Sue Reyes                QA/QC/BTC Assoc. IV, Irvine                       Rogel Armando Diaz Perez Maintenance Technician
Carlos Rojas Santamaria  Safety Manager, Irvine                            Regina Antonia Dominici Placencia Material Handler
Juanita Rosa             Quality Coordinator, Allentown                    Reina Estefania Drullard          Assembler
William Rowlands         Sterilization Validation Specialist, Allentown    Martha Encarnacion Angomas        Assembler
Amanda Rutkowski         Compensation Analyst, Corporate                   Angela Espinal Tineo              QC Inspector
Atanasia Sabastro        General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown        Mercedes Familia                  Assembler OEM
Weam Salama              Technician – Machine, Allentown                   Jose Luis Familias Cedeno Material Handler
Paul Sarkis              Manager II, Manufacturing, Allentown              Martha Feliz                      Assembler
Kimberley Saunders       General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown        Eder Ferreras Pena                Production Utility
Gene Schantzenbach       Engineering Technician I, Allentown               Maricela Figuereo                 Assembler
Marvyn Singthavong       Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton             Martina Florentino Garcia Assembler
Lauren Sisomsun          Electro-Mech. Technician I – Dir., Carrollton     Fernelis Gonzalez Santiago Solvent Dispenser Technician
Virginia Smith           General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown        Pedro Guerrero Castro             Material Handler
Pedro Solano             Staff Engineer, Allentown                         Lucas Eusebio James Ruiz Warehouse Attendant Kitting
Marcello Soler           Technician – Machine, Allentown                   Salvador Jimenez Acosta Machine Operator
Antonio Solis Ramirez    Craftsperson – BU, Irvine                         Isabel Jimenez Berroa             Assembler
Maria Abundiz Solis      Product Handler, Irvine                           Rosa Jimenez Rosario              Production Utility
Sarany Som               Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton             Sandy Lopez Rosario               Assembler
Eduardo Soto             F/F/S Operator I, Irvine                          Maria Isabel Mackay               Assembler
James Soto               Hdhw-II Attendant, Irvine                         Elena Marte                       Assembler
Tara Sperandio           Benefits Analyst, Corporate                       Solanda Mateo Peralta             Assembler
Tijuana Staggers         Product Incident Report Tech. II, Carrollton      Victoria Mateo Roman              Assembler
Kristy Steward           General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown
                                                                                                              onlineUSA December 2011                  19
5-year Milestones continued
Carolina Matos Fajardo               Assembler                       Angelo Ramirez           Sr. Surgical Sales Rep.
Angela Mejia Almeida                 Traffic Supervisor              Jim Ricklefs             Transportation Specialist
Elizabeth Mendez                     Assembler                       Janet Schmieg            Sr. Graphic Designer
Esther Merejildo Nunez               Q.C. Inspector                  John Shegina             Sr. Accountant
Yaddira Altagracia Montero Feliz Assembler                           Lynn Snowden             PCMS Lap Express Set Coordinator
Alexandra Montero Matos Assembler                                    Joan Spear               Group Director, Clinical Serv.
Wanny Montero Montero Assembler OEM                                  Candice Towell           Supervisor, QC Technicians
Felicita Altagracia Novas Recio Q.C. Inspector                       Jim Walters              QC Technician
Santa Ogando Perez                   Q.C. Inspector                  Sherri Williams          Order Fulfillment Lead
Virgilio Ortega Espinal              Material Handler                John Young               Supervisor, Order Fulfillment
Eulalia Santa Ozuna Mesa Assembler                                   5 years
Lidia Perdomo Palin                  Assembler OEM                   Rance Barham             Surgical, Training Manager
Hibersia Perez Contreras             Assembler                       Sean Beste               Buyer
Justiliano Perez Meran               Warehouse Attendant Receiving   Bryan Black              Clinical Applications Specialist
Maximo Pina                          Machine Operator                Marc Bloom               Manager, OEM & Distribution
Paula Puello Toribio                 Assembler OEM                   Kim Brown                Sr. Surgical Sales Rep.
Ana Leonidas Ramirez Montero Assembler                               Jeffrey Bryson           PCMS/SRI Technician
Francisca Ramirez Salvador de Angulo Assembler                       Donald Buss              Designer
Selmita Reyes De la Cruz Assembler                                   Scott Clanton            Power Specialist
Rosa Emilia Reyes Donez Material Handler                             Denise Cyr               Associate Director
Santa Primitiva Rosa Sanchez Assembler                               Darryl Demaray           Sr. Surgical Sales Rep.
Adan Ruben Rosario Rivera Material Handler                           Craig Dlin               Sr. Neuro. Representative
Santa Perpetua Sanchez               Assembler                       Betty Fields             Cleaner/Etcher
Dilcia Sanchez Melchor               Assembler                       Michele Gagliardi        Sr. Neuro. Representative
Aurora Sanchez Sanchez Assembler                                     Barbara Gatens-Pursell   Planner/Buyer
Michael Santana Alvarez Production Section Manager                   Bradley Harrison         Director, Regional Sales
Richal Yoquelis Segura               Assembler                       Johnel Hay               Compliance Specialist
Dioneida Sena Pena                   Assembler                       Kevin Hill               Order Fulfillment Coordinator
Yeikson Silvestre                    Maintenance Technician          Joshua Hiser             Spine Business Sales Associate
Jeysson Tineo Lopez                  Production Supervisor           Angela Holloway          Associate Director
Maria Trinidad                       Tubing Cutter Operator          Robert Hornak            IMS Database Administrator Prg.
Francisca Valdez Valdez              Assembler OEM                   Danielle Jimerson        Product Manager
Yajaira Velez Conce                  Assembler                       Matthew Kovach           Sr. Design Engineer
Deibi Franklin Villalona             Warehouse Attendant Kitting     Joyce Ludwig             Manager, Quality Assurance
Pancha Zabala                        Assembler                       Steve Lukacs             Sr. Neuro. Representative
Ana Zapata                           Assembler                       Jason Page               Sr. PCMS Coordinator
                                                                     Randy Phillips           Machinist
AESCulAP, iNC.                                                       Mark Robbins             Spine Specialist
25 years                                                             Robert Schmid            Buyer
John Ruark                    Sr. Neuro. Representative              Bruce Seidel             Sr. Neuro. Representative
Skip Taliaferro               Director, Regional Sales               Jameca Stanfield         SetWorld Associate II
20 years                                                             Orsino Townsend          SetWorld Instrument Technician I
Scott Long                    Facilities Assistant                   Sarah Volpe              Executive Administrative Asst.
Mike Strand                   Territory Manager                      Tony Wallace             Supervisor, SetWorld
15 years                                                             Roger Young              Sr. Manager, Supply Chain
Judy Kline                    Account Research Analyst
10 years
Tina Ball                     Product Manager
Doug Beach                    Color Coding Lead
Don Beineman                  National Sales Director
Richard Benedick Jr.          Director, Technical Services
Christopher Bilheimer         Machinist
Tim Bussen                    Advocate II
Steve Calascibetta            QC SetWorld Technician
Jeff Cole                     Director, Spine Marketing
David Daniel                  QC Technician
Rigo Flores                   Receiving Lead
Bill Gosztonyi                Sr. Manager, Field Projects
Dicia Heckman                 Sr. Contracts Specialist
Bruce Holman                  Material Handler Lead
Mary Horn                     Driver
Larry Johnson                 Director, Business Systems
Rita Jones                    Sr. Cust. Serv. Administrator
Patty Kelly                   PCMS/SRI Set Cost Coordinator
Mark Kilroy                   VP, Finance, IT & Sales Adminst
Ron Kreitler                  Sr. Inventory Control Assoc.
Todd Kyser                    Clinical Applications Spec.
Andreas Laule                 Instrument Repair Technician Lead
Michelle Link                 Quality Assurance Coordinator
Cindy Macsay                  Demand Planner
Bob Mastromonaco              Training Manager
Mark Meyer                    Director, Corporate Accounts
Lee Mitchell                  Mobile Repair Technician
Keith Moser                   Director, Finance & Reporting
Keith Proctor                 Packaging/Labeling Assoc.


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OnlineUSA Magazine No. 5, December 2011

  • 1. onlineUSA No. 5 - December 2011 Pennsylvania • California • Texas • Dominican Republic CEO Message Sharing technology and know-how Page 2 Division Expertise B. Braun takes the lead with needleless connectors Pages 8–10 Did You Know? Recognition and new health center Page 11 Expertise Expertise Design Options® shows customization ability Pages 12–13 Community B. Braun associates give their time, energy Page 14 Unstuck: Achievements Promotions and Milestones Introcan Safety®and the promise of passive IV safety devices Pages 15-20 B. Braun shows commitment to healthcare worker safety with innovative products and training. è See the complete story on pages 4-7.
  • 2. EDITORIAL Letter from Caroll H. Neubauer The poet and scholar Mark Van Doren once said, “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.” B. Braun’s commitment to Sharing Expertise keeps us aligned with that reality every working day. The technology and know-how we share with customers and other medical professionals help them discover ways to work safer and more efficiently. We recognize that fully informing and supporting our partners are indispensable requirements. This issue of onlineUSA spotlights some notable examples. There’s the brilliantly engineered Introcan Safety® passive IV catheter that limits needlestick injuries at Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island (page 5) and hundreds of other facilities nationwide. There’s the widespread use of our needleless connector technology (page 8). And there’s the powerful understanding of clinical needs behind the Design Options® program, helping our customers control costs and deliver exceptional care with exactly the IV administration sets they require (page 12). In each of these cases, our guiding principle has been essential. Sharing Expertise makes our technological advancements even more valuable to the medical community. Our approach is a blueprint for business success. We’d like to hear from you. Let us know what you think about this publication or future topics. Please email us at Caroll H. Neubauer Chairman & CEO onlineUSA is published quarterly for the employees of B. Braun Medical Inc. Editorial Director Susan Denby Coordinator Deb Reichl Editorial Board Susan Denby (Chair) Sam Amory Tom Black Ed Brock Chris Donigan Pete Klaes Bob Panick LET’S HEAR IT! Scott Quilty Felipe Sandoval Do you have a comment about this issue of onlineUSA? Or an idea for an upcoming Eric Steen issue? Or a story that you want to share? Let us know. After all, this magazine Editorial and is about you and your B. Braun colleagues. Please send us a note at Design Services Spark and we will make sure your idea is considered by our editorial team. This magazine is also available on Thank you for reading and contributing. ShareNet! (At Work - Departments - Susan Denby Corporate Communications - B. Braun Magazines and Newsletters) Affirmative action – equal opportunity employer ©2011 B. Braun Medical Inc. Bethlehem, PA. All rights reserved. On the cover: The Introcan Safety® IV Catheter features automatic needlestick protection, which is several times safer than nonpassive devices. 2 onlineUSA December 2011
  • 3. INSIGHTS The confidence a name inspires { } More than once, B. Braun employees have described the “ will always know your family is in the best relief of seeing our products at the hands when they are using a B. Braun product.” bedsides of ailing loved ones. It’s hardly surprising, Holly Baldwin considering the cause of the pain remained elusive. Laurie fears about this hospital were unfounded. trust our associates have in the vital had been put on a feeding tube and her If the hospital cared enough to buy the things we make. Here’s another of condition was quickly deteriorating.” best, then this was the right place for these recollections, this one from Holly her to be. And it was. They found the Concerned about the caliber of the Baldwin, IT Validation Analyst at our underlying issue and after abdominal facility where her sister was being Bethlehem location: surgery she was fine. “ treated, Holly got on the next plane to “Back in 2006, I received a call from West Virginia. “As I ran into her room,” Holly uses this story in her training duties my brother-in-law in West Virginia. My she said. “I was stopped dead in my here and at conferences. “If you do your sister had been hospitalized with severe tracks and breathed a sigh of utter relief. job,” she says, “you will always know your stomach pains. Several MRIs and other My sister was on IVs that were dispensed family is in the best hands when they are lab tests had been performed, but the by a B. Braun IV pump. I knew that all my using a B. Braun product.” Infused with hope Donna Jo Molnar, Senior Buyer/ said. “It was difficult knowing she was and not only because of the parent-child Planner for the Duplex® Business 3,000 miles away in a hospital when I bond between them. Donna Jo learned Unit in Irvine had a more recent couldn’t be there.” that “she was thinking of me because but decidedly similar experience. everything surrounding her was labeled On her mother’s third day in the hospital, B. Braun.” In this case, the mother felt “My mother was in the hospital a few when medications were restoring secure while her daughter understood months ago with severe back and consciousness and coherence, the two that her attentive work in purchasing intestinal ailments that were causing were able to talk on the phone. Donna Jo was ultimately helping with the care many other medical issues,” Donna Jo was very much on her mother’s mind – of her mother. onlineUSA December 2011 3
  • 4. FOCUS Unstuck: Introcan Safety® and the promise of passive IV safety devices 4 onlineUSA December 2011
  • 5. Like every medical Passive protection at Memorial Before selecting Introcan Safety, Memorial Hospital evaluated center in the United several safety catheter options, carefully addressing considerations such as ease of insertion and threading. Eventually three States, Memorial manufacturers – including B. Braun – were invited to take part in clinical trials. Staff members on all shifts used the products, Hospital of Rhode Island guided by teams from the manufacturers. in Pawtucket confronts Afterward, decision-makers discussed the trial and selected Introcan Safety. A training period followed, with a special focus daily concerns about on “superusers,” staff members who handle IV catheters most often. These internal experts have since become staff trainers and needlestick injuries troubleshooters for the product. “Introcan Safety has a much sharper needle, which means there’s (NSI). And like many a certain learning curve,” Ms. Giampietro said. “Once you’ve done it a couple of times, you’re comfortable with it. The new graduate hospitals, Memorial nurses adapt to it quickly.” Today, Introcan Safety is employed at Memorial and virtually works to limit these eliminates the chance for an NSI every time an IV is started. “The clinical staff considers this easy to use,” Ms. Giampietro serious occurrences said. “Many of our units use lots of IV catheters – MRI, anesthesia, emergency room, the endoscopy unit, med surg units, and maternity. through the use of We needed something that was readily accepted by the clinical nurses on the floor.” medical devices with The challenges remain effective safety features. Despite the protection offered by passive safety technologies, challenges continue in maintaining clinical workplace safety. B. Braun’s commitment in this field has been unwavering. The commitment has been expressed through technological advancement, particularly in the development of Introcan Safety and needlefree devices. It’s been carried forward through the training of our own people and clinical staffs in many locations. This protection is vitally important in the lives of medical And it’s been sustained through our dedication to promoting caregivers. For example, IV catheters with effective safety awareness on the subject. features are proven to reduce needlestick injury rates among clinical workers with passive protection devices shown to be the Though much remains to be done, B. Braun’s leadership in this most effective option. (Passive protection devices have safety work has paid off. Today we are the fastest-growing medical features that function automatically, without special activation device company focused on infusion therapy, and consistent by the worker.) dedication to safety is no doubt part of the reason. More important, the evidence is clear that passive safety-engineered Memorial Hospital opted two years ago for the passive protection devices (SEDs) offer the best NSI protection. built into B. Braun’s Introcan Safety® IV catheter. Since then, the staff has deployed Introcan devices with success and confidence, expressing general satisfaction with the devices’ safety and Achieving lower injury rates performance. “People like this device,” said Donna Giampietro, The critical need to safeguard healthcare workers against NSIs R.N., B.S.N., Coordinator of Professional Development at the has been recognized for years. More than a decade has passed 294-bed facility. since it was codified in the federal Needlestick Safety and onlineUSA December 2011 5
  • 6. FOCUS Prevention Act (NSPA). Even so, too many injuries continue to “Introcan Safety is small and maneuverable,” said Derek Heald, happen, often accompanied by serious risk of infection to the B. Braun Infusion Therapy Specialist. “That means it’s great for clinical worker involved. pediatric patients, a population that tends to be more difficult in attaining venous access. It’s also great when clinicians are Dr. John Howard, Director of the National Institute for working with the elderly. Even if someone’s not as cooperative as Occupational Safety and Health, addressed a conference on the you might hope, the clinical user is always protected.” Good as the subject last year at the University of Virginia’s International product is, successful implementation demands expert training, Healthcare Worker Safety Center. The center’s director, Janine too. JoAnne Wetherbee, Vascular Access Specialist, is one of the Jagger, Ph.D., has devoted much of her career to the issue. She B. Braun associates at the heart of that effort. affirms that devices with effective safety features reduce the incidence of needlestick injury. “A passive device is good because JoAnne, a specialist RN, travels to hospitals that are considering it shields the needle without the healthcare worker needing to conversion to Introcan Safety, setting up trials, coaching clinicians think about this,” she said. with the ultimate goal of converting the facility to Introcan Safety IV Catheter. “They welcome passive safety for the most part,” she Dr. Howard greeted the assembled experts at the UVA conference said. “Nobody wants to get stuck with a dirty needle – that’s how with a tough question: “Have we achieved all that we need to diseases like HIV and hepatitis B and C are transmitted.” To help in order to protect healthcare workers from exposure to sharps injuries?” His equally provocative assertion: “I don’t think so.” Dr. Howard cited prevention through product design as one of the needs in improving that performance. Lynn Hadaway, MEd, RN, BC, CRNI and principal of Lynn Hadaway Associates, is an expert in infusion therapy and vascular access. She says healthcare worker safety “has fallen off the collective radar screen.” In an interview in last November’s Infection Control Today, Ms. Hadaway said passive safety designs “do reduce the number of injuries.” She discussed in that interview a landmark health study by GERES – the acronym of a distinguished French research group. It was conducted in 61 hospitals in France between January 2005 and December 2006. The study evaluated the frequency of needlestick injuries from different types of SEDs. In this it differed from previous studies that merely compared non-safety to safety devices. More than 22 million SEDs were purchased during the study period, and 453 needlestick injuries related to their use were make certain the conversion goes smoothly, a B. Braun “I-Team” documented. Fully automatic passive devices were associated – each member a skilled nurse-educator – spends a week on site. with the lowest rate of injury. In fact, within the peripheral IV They’re present or on call 24-7 throughout that period. B. Braun catheter category, passive safety technology was shown to be two personnel also conduct related services, including visits that times better than active, semi-automatic push-button technology, continue for nine months to a year. They answer questions, train and three times better than manually sliding shield technology at new nurses who weren’t around for the initial training, reinforce preventing NSIs. training if necessary among staff who have already received it, and generally troubleshoot if any issues have arisen. The Introcan Safety approach to passive protection Actively sharing the passive safety story B. Braun’s Introcan Safety® IV Catheter incorporates innovative Many firms and organizations have joined in the effort to educate passive-safety features. It all but eliminates accidental clinicians on products and practices that help avoid needlestick needlesticks. At every stage of its use, it protects the clinicians injuries. The American Nurses Association (ANA), for instance, who handle it. Protections are activated automatically, so they provides videos, fact sheets, brochures, continuing education can’t be ignored or bypassed. B. Braun worked with clinical materials and prevention guides, all of them available at the experts to develop Introcan Safety, and that’s reflected in the ANA website. superb protection the device delivers safety. 6 onlineUSA December 2011
  • 7. New study reviews ways to reduce risk B. Braun is likewise committed to spreading the word on IV Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, BC, CRNI, conducted a systematic catheter safety, and on the protection that passive safety devices literature review of more than 568 articles representing offer. At the Introcan Safety section of the B. Braun website, research in more than 30 countries to identify the risk to, clinicians can request helpful healthcare workers (HCW) associated with the insertion of posters spelling out practices that prevent accidental needlesticks. short peripheral IV catheters. Our professionals address the subject at seminars and conferences far and wide, and they share priceless expertise in many clinical The study paid close attention to the two primary causes of settings. At our online Video Library, programs are available that occupational risk: percutaneous exposures (PCE), in which describe the GERES study and explain how the Introcan Safety a contaminated sharp device punctures the HCW’s tissue, IV catheter works. Product information is available through our and mucocutaneous exposure (MCE), in which blood or sales force and online. The website’s Reference Library section blood-containing body fluid comes in direct contact with provides abstracts and detailed reports on subjects related to the HCW. According to the study, the diseases of greatest sharps protection. concern in regard to PCE and MCE are HIV and hepatitis The B. Braun website, conduit for so much information, represents B and C. a resource of great value in helping the clinician community educate and protect itself. “Awareness is a very important part In the report, Ms. Hadaway maps out the best preventative of this issue,” Ms. Jagger said. “B. Braun is doing a really good job measures against PCE and MCE, advising healthcare of that – I’m impressed by their contribution to it.” professionals to: • Apply Standard Precautions, in which all blood, body fluid, secretions, excretions (except sweat), nonintact skin and mucous membranes are accepted as potential carriers of infectious agents, to all patients in all healthcare settings. • Adopt safety-engineered devices, particularly those with a passive safety mechanism – for example, B. Braun’s Introcan Safety® IV Catheter – in which no action by the HCW is required for the safety mechanism to engage the needle. • Properly document all exposures, which will result in correct post-exposure monitoring and appropriate post-exposure treatment. • Use personal protective equipment including gloves in all venipuncture procedures and masks, goggles or face shields to prevent blood splashes when appropriate. Ultimately, the study demonstrates that while safety- engineered catheters have successfully reduced PCE, there must continue to be efforts to further reduce PCE. Additionally, the study determined that more details of how and when MCE occurs with short peripheral catheters are needed. (Page 6): With the Introcan Safety IV Catheter, a metal shield automatically covers the needletip after removal from the patient, dramatically limiting the chance of an inadvertent needlestick. (Left): A close-up view of the patented clip configuration. onlineUSA December 2011 7
  • 8. DIVISION EXPERTISE Needleless connectors show B. Braun’s continuing commitment to healthcare worker safety Years before there was a federal Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act, B. Braun was a leader and innovator in the effort to control and minimize needle risk to doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers. Our commitment drove our work to improve needleless connectors, and led to the development of today’s Center of Excellence for these products. Important as safe products are, B. Braun has always recognized that introduced in the late ‘80s, providing access to IV lines without the it’s essential to back the concept with resources. “Developing a Center use of needles, and thus improving safety for healthcare workers. of Excellence for needleless connectors is about staying on top of Later, B. Braun developed and marketed the ULTRASITE® capless the industry in many ways,” said Steve Weber, Product Director for luer access device. ULTRASITE is a needleless connector that Needle-free IV Systems. “It’s also about identifying and using new incorporates a feature called “positive displacement,” which helps or developing technologies, understanding user requirements, and prevent catheter occlusion – obstructions resulting from blood reinforcing appropriate product/clinician interaction.” clotting in the catheter. The federal statute mentioned at the start of this story – the Advances starting in the ‘80s Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act, signed into law on The history of B. Braun’s involvement in the development of November 6, 2000 – underscored the legal requirement to protect needleless connectors reaches back decades. It became important healthcare workers. Meanwhile, continued concerns about to replace an old technology, the rubber stoppled injection site, with catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) drove further one more appropriate to an era in which AIDS made needle sticks developments. The use of silver in the ULTRASITE Ag, for example, a serious threat. The needle-free SAFSITE® valve connector was took advantage of the anti-bacterial properties of the metal. 8 onlineUSA December 2011
  • 9. CARESITE®: the next generation in needleless care Building a comprehensive Center of Excellence The result of continued evolution in our needleless IV administration “While we’ve been improving our products,” Steve said, “We’ve ® products is CARESITE, which incorporates several important features also been educating the marketplace about their proper use –and that make needleless connectors still better. CARESITE connectors, especially about bacteria issues.” Among the initiatives that have which can be thoroughly flushed and disinfected, include: helped advance these efforts are B. Braun’s “Vein Starts Here” and poster programs. • A clear outside housing which enables clinicians to visually assess that a proper flush has taken place B. Braun managers and executives share their expertise directly in speaking engagements to audiences who have a critical • A smooth top surface that contributes to ease of disinfection interest in caregiver safety. As an example, Steve spoke last year • An open fluid path inside the CARESITE with no fluid entrapment to a conference of the Infusion Nurses Society about needleless areas where bacteria might accumulate connectors – and found an intensely interested audience. • An ergonomic design – created with input from clinicians – for ease of use • Easy connection to syringes with luer-slip compatibility • An aesthetically appealing, relatively small valve • Metal-free construction, which eliminates any possible introduction of metal artifacts Significant as always in the creation and delivery of this product has been the research and development phase – and the major automation element involved in manufacturing. With more than 200 patents in existence for similar products, said John Grimm, Director of R&D for Medical Devices, the intellectual property component of this work was especially challenging. A third-party “right to use” document demonstrated B. Braun’s due diligence in checking that its designs did not infringe on existing patents. That was one of the major process hurdles; another was The needleless CARESITE connector incorporates several the preparation of the 510(k) submittal for the Food and Drug safety features to protect patients and caregivers. Administration, providing a claim for FDA review that the product is substantially equivalent. Sales training is yet another critical element in B. Braun’s leadership. Fundamental education on CRBSI is necessary for Automation in the manufacturing phase has been essential our staff to acquire the knowledge needed to properly serve our in establishing, as Director of Purchased Finished Goods Mike customers. Several training modules have already been carried out. Bartholomew says, “a robust and repeatable process.” That process contains internal checks and a strong statistical process Other informational support for the benefit of our customers control (SPC) component to rapidly identify any variation outside includes a product video, pocket cards, and in-service training and upper and lower control limits. “Among other things, automation materials. Creating a Center of Excellence demands no less than gives immediate feedback if things go wrong,” Mike said. “The all these elements. “We’ve worked to streamline our processes, expectation among customers nowadays is 100-percent good become more responsive and better meet clinicians’ needs,” Steve product. Our reliability and repeatability mean a lot to them – said. “When you pursue a Center of Excellence, you must take a cost is not as important as quality and safety.” comprehensive view of the industry and act accordingly.” The ergonomic design of the CARESITE connector was developed with input from clinicians to simplify use. onlineUSA December 2011 9
  • 10. DIVISION EXPERTISE What is a Center of Excellence? The preceding article references a “Center of Excellence” at B. Braun for needleless connectors. What is a Center of Excellence and what does it mean for B. Braun and its customers? Here are two viewpoints. An Operations Perspective Communicating Excellence Frank Katona, Chief Operating A “Center of Excellence” is Officer, sees something more than a physical place. remarkable in B. Braun’s work Steve Weber explains that the – something that separates creation of a true center our devices from most of excellence includes many other products. elements in the design, manufacture and marketing “At one level, we’re really of a product line. In addition making small plastic widgets,” to everything explained in the he explained. ”But when you story on pages 8-9, he cites see how critical their function such programs as Design is, you understand we’re doing Options® (pages 12-13), and the search for customer something really cool.” champions willing to be identified with success stories. “Our job involves taking a straightforward thing and applying One essential element is the communication surrounding a it very specifically, with tight tolerances. It has to work 100 product like the CARESITE® needleless connector. While many percent of the time. It has to be sterilizable, so it has to work would assume it’s solely a marketing function, it is also when it’s heated or exposed to gas – and these are things connected with crucial matters of clinician and patient safety. that can make plastics fall apart. We can’t use any glue that might come off.” As part of a broad campaign to address infection issues, B. Braun instituted its “Vein Starts Here” campaign. The Creating a “Center of Excellence” is essential to B. Braun’s communications form a significant part of our Center of business success – and the nature of our products means that Excellence work. “To prepare this,” Steve said, “we engaged a lot is at stake. “If someone gets a bad light bulb,” Frank opinion leaders and leading industry groups, including INS said, “they’re not happy, but they take it back to where they (Infusion Nurses Society), APIC (Association of Professionals bought it and get a good one.” in Infection Control) and AVA (Association for Vascular Access). We worked with them to develop our posters and “For us, the implications are so much greater. You have to other materials.” make it right, so it works every time, and still have a business. That’s the challenge.” B. Braun’s communications address correct disinfection techniques and other aspects of the proper use of CARESITE connectors. Continuing work of this kind helps ensure that the pursuit of excellence extends to how our products are used, too. 10 onlineUSA December 2011
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  • 12. EXPERTISE Design Options®: Custom IV sets in short order The days of Henry Ford telling customers they could have their car in “any color – so long as it’s black,” are distant. Today, we expect products to be available in a variety of colors, sizes and configurations. (For example, you can now buy 23 different styles of iPods.) The ability to customize a product has entered our business. In fact, in the medical field it counts for still more – it’s a decisive part of controlling costs and delivering the best possible care. Design Options is a B. Braun program that creates intravenous (IV) administration sets customized to user requirements. What’s more, the program has dramatically sharpened responsiveness to the customer. Wait time for first-article delivery has been cut from more than 20 weeks to fewer than eight weeks. 12 onlineUSA December 2011
  • 13.
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  • 15. ACHIEVEMENTS PROMOTIONS SEPTEMBER 2010 to JUNE 2011 Aesculap Jeremy Adler Senior Surgical Sales Representative Robert Hornak Senior Technical Analyst Nathan Arbogast Repair Technician II Mark Kuckuck Convention & Workshop Coordinator II Seth Arentsen Surgical Sales Representative Yeshe Lama Senior Trainer/Associate Field Consultant Peggy Bainbridge Manager, Controlling & Planning Ryan Mancini Product Manager, Surgical Rance Barham Surgical Training Manager Anthony Maslowski Senior Product Manager Claudia Bohnsack Clinical Applications Specialist Julie McCormick National Sales Director Matthew Brunnworth Quality Assurance Technician Andrew Merkle Senior Neurosurgical Sales Representative Kelly Burke Associate Product Manager II Tyrone Morant Repair Technician II Christopher Cook Surgical Sales Representative James Morris Neurosurgical Specialist Denise Cyr Associate Director, Aesculap Academy John Nixon Prototype Machinist Andrew Dauster Senior Design Engineer Edward Nuber Senior Product Manager Jonathan Davis Senior Surgical Sales Representative Anthony Periandri Regional Sales Director Catherine Dawson Associate Director, Clinical Affairs Kathy Racosky Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist Andrew Dickherber Surgical Sales Representative J. Schrader Senior Product Manager Brian Dukate National Sales Director Alan Stout Senior Product Manager Christian Gabriel VP - Orthopaedic Marketing Frumencio Torres National Sales Director Colleen Gallagher Senior HR Representative Paul Underwood Coordinator, SetWorld Instrument Projects Adrian Gardner Repair Technician II Sally Wagner Senior Planner, Meetings Wayne Gonsoulin Senior Neurosurgical Sales Representative James Wilson Senior Surgical Sales Representative Troy Harris Spine Specialist Kyra Yerger Senior Graphic Designer Sibylle Haupert Senior Neurosurgical Sales Representative John Young Supervisor, Order Fulfillment Dicia Heckman Senior Contracts Specialist B. Braun Marcial Adorno Jr. Engineer Amber F. Hull Critical Care Specialist II Mayra G. Andrade CAPS QC Coordinator Eric A. Hunter Craftsperson - Moldmaker Nathan I. Arbogast Repair Technician II Cheryl Ann Jason Vascular Prod. Specialist - Cath Lab Rance L. Barham Training Manager - Surgical Kathleen Jones Sr. Infusion Therapy Specialist Tesfay D. Beyene Electro-Mech. Technician II - Ind. David S. Kaluzna Infusion Systems Specialist II Claudia A. Bohnsack Clinical Applications Spec. Rita J. Kappauf Financial Assistant III Allison R. Boyd Benefits & System Administrator David J. Karoly Technician - Material Handler Meribeth Brashier Sr. Infusion Therapy Spec. Patricia D. Kelhart Supply Chain Planner I Regina M. Brown Buyer I Eric T. Kemmerer Staff Engineer Richard Scott Bruning Critical Care Spec. II Amber K. Kingston Director, BIS Mktg & Admin. Matthew E. Brunnworth Quality Assurance Technician Synetta Kinsey Packaging/Labeling Assoc. Kelly L. Burke Associate Product Manager II Mark A. Kuckuck Convention & Workshop Crd II Rosemarie Burtner Manager, Chargebacks William J. Kulp Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance Joan E. Carl Supervisor, Chargebacks John M. LaFratta Corp Sales Training Spec. II Cindy Ms. Chhoa IQC Lead Yeshe Y. Lama Sr. Trainer/Assoc. Fld. Conslt. Raymond M. Clauson Sr. Critical Care Spec. Diane Lee Lance Receptionist/Switchboard Christopher Alen Cook Craftsperson - BU Jaime Lopez Tray Loader/Unloader Kathleen F. Cosgrove Sr. Legal Coordinator John F. Love Corp. VP, R&D/Reg. & Clinical Affairs Eileen Cueva Staffing Specialist Michael A. Lutte Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance Denise Cyr Associate Director Bradley L. Magee Warehouse Assoc. - Distribution Andrew J. Dauster Sr. Design Engineer Edmund Makowe Jr Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance Catherine Dawson Associate Director Ryan Dunn Mancini Product Manager Elizabeth Ann Docherty Regulatory Affairs Spec. - SR Manuel Martinez Tray Loader/Unloader Ernest C. Domingo F/F/S Operator I Christopher D. Mccandless Warehouse Associate - Marcon Joshua Daniel Drew Vascular Prod. Spec. - Cath Lab Paul T. McCarthy Pharmacy Systems Spec. II Brian S. Dukate Director, National Sales Julie Y. McCormick Director, National Sales John David Dunlop Infusion Therapy Spec. II Kevin E. Minnich Manager, Knowledge & Process Eric John Erickson Director, I Business Unit Frank J. Mirarchi Craftsperson - Moldmaker Christopher Escobales Craftsperson - Facilities Brian J. Monahan Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance Anthony W. Facinelli Craftsperson - Facilities Tyrone Morant Repair Technician II Casey J. Fregoe Mgr., Engineering Scott A. Moyer Project Engineer Colleen M. Gallagher Sr. HR Representative Tamara T. Murden Supv., Customer Service Javier Garcia Aseptic Technician Constance Lynn Murray Director, Clinincal Educ./Sales Training Marieve Gervais Medical Product Specialist II Tama A. Nederostek Technician - Production Aide Adriana Gomez Hdhw. - II Attendant Xuan Thang Nguyen Facilities Specialist II - CAP Daniel K. Grammes Warehouse Assoc. - Distribution John E. Nixon Machinist John A. Griffin Supervisor, Bids Antonio D. Olea Aseptic Operator I Mathew David Groller Technician - Material Handler Kevin F. O’Neill Vascular Prod. Specialist - Cath. Lab. Lukas Grosz Process Technician II Jennifer Lynn O’Reilly Region Manager William E. Grube Craftsperson - Moldmaker Sandra Lee Osmun Manager II, Engineering Misely Judith Gutierrez Distribution Coordinator I Jonathan Pedroza Tray Loader/Unloader Charles Harlacher Jr Contract Specialist Angelica Perez-Gutherman Mgr. I, Int’l. Customer Service Cheryl Lynn Hazlett Admin. Assistant II (General) Anthony P. Periandri Director, Regional Sales Dicia A. Heckman Sr. Contracts Specialist Jamal Saleem Perkins Material Handler III Karin Hoffman Manager, Supply Chain Natasha Nadine Pollard Technician - Printer Shannon C. Hoyt Technician - Extrusion Tina Thuy Tran Pronk Sr. Cost Accountant onlineUSA December 2011 15
  • 16. ACHIEVEMENTS B. Braun Promotions continued Kathy A. Racosky Regulatory Affairs Specialist Marcello Soler Technician - Machine Richard J. Ruelle Engineering Technician. II Dawn A. Tichelaar Project Engineer Jose L. Ruiz Flores Material Handler II Frumencio J. Torres Director, National Sales Derek Gerard Schultz Craftsperson - BU Paul E. Underwood Coordinator, SetWorld Inst. Pr. Kim L. Shanaberger Buyer I Sally A. Wagner Sr. Planner, Meetings Lawrence E. Shaver Staff Engineer Daniel Scott Wennerberg Machinist II Jeffrey David Silfies Technician - Machine Barbara C. Wikberg Technician - Machine Michael F. Sisson Craftsperson - Moldmaker Mark J. Wynkoop Craftsperson - Moldmaker Patricia Ann Smith Mgr., Regulatory Affairs PA Kyra D. Yerger Sr. Graphic Designer Kimberly A. Smith Regulatory Affairs Specialist Thomas Anthony Zettlemoyer Technician - Machine CAPS Christopher J. Adis Sr. Pharmacist Mitesh Suresh Madviya IV Technician I Shady Nashnat Attia CAPS Assoc. Computer Technician Shavon N. Miller IV Technician II Kacie A. Brinker HR Coordinator Priscilla Navarro IV Technician I Erika L. Butler Associate Product Manager Eduardo L. Ortiz IV Technician I Pavel Chernikov Pharmacy Clerk Jayryan A. Paiso Lead IV Technician Travis J. Clark Staff Pharmacist Malis Chan Phonyothy IV Technician II Daryl Bernard Collins IV Technician II Rolando Ramos Lead IV Technician Natasha A. Collins Lead IV Technician Kelly C. Stevens Director of Pharmacy Nicholas Hathaway IV Technician II Karen I. Torres Irizarry IV Technician II Robert J. Kelly IV Technician I MILESTONES SEPTEMBER 2010 to JUNE 2011 Joseph “Chuck” Edgardo Sandoval reisinger 40 years of service 40 years of service Irvine facility Irvine facility B. BrAuN u.S. Mary Martin Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown 40 Years Debra Marushak Technician – Mold, Allentown Joseph Reisinger Craftsperson - Plant Systems, Irvine Lori Mihalik Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Edgardo Sandoval Manager, Manufacturing I, Irvine Judith Morris QC Inspector, Allentown 35 Years Tien Nguyen Production Clerk, Irvine Patricia Baquir QA/QC/BTC Lead Associate, Irvine Robert Panick Director, Marketing Channels, Corporate Zahida Beg QA/QC/BTC Lead Associate, Irvine Robert Patton Sr. Engineering Specialist, Irvine Cecilia Cabaysa Documentation Asst., Irvine Diane Pillar Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Zenaida Chacon Inspector, Irvine Cresencia Reyes QA/QC/BTC Associate IV, Irvine Charles Cox Lead Craftsperson III – BU, Irvine Francisco Saldana Duplex Film Slitter Operator, Irvine Alfredo Flores Sr. Whse. Wrkr.-Quar/Rec/Strs, Irvine Juliet Santos QA/QC/BTC Associate III, Irvine Alfonso Garcia Central Plant Op. II, Irvine Karen Schnabel Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Maria Giambilis Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Michele Seaton Materials Coordinator RTD, Corporate Bernadette Ibrahim Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Joseph Semler Technician “A”, Allentown Barbara Kiprislis Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Dorothy Smith Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Sandra Lees Buyer II, Allentown Steven Smith Principal Development Engineer, Irvine Kathleen Locher Detail Scheduler, Allentown Kathleen Transue Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Kimly Nguyen Duplex Finishing Line Operator, Irvine William Weber Lead Craftsperson III – PS, Irvine Jorge Picos Sr. Whse. Wrkr.-Quar/Rec/Strs, Irvine Lisa Westgate Warehouse Assoc. – Distribution, Breinigsville Lorenzo Ramirez Checker – Distribution, Irvine Lynn Wirth National Sales Manager, Corporate Nancy Schwartz Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Sharon Yandrisovitz Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown An Thai Warehouse Lead, Irvine 25 Years John Valencia Craftsperson - Plant Systems, Irvine Joel Bartholomew Manager II, Engineering, Allentown Eftihia Valianatos Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Sandra Cardin Asc. Coordinator, Irvine 30 Years John Carman Sr. Ambulatory Care Specialist, Field Sales Deborah Arner Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Rosalie Christopher Sr. QC Inspector, Allentown Jorge-Antonio Barba Mach. Attd. – Pallet, Irvine Gerardo Gonzalez Manager, Business Systems, Irvine Joe Barrera Lead Craftsperson III – PS, Irvine Gustave Griffith Molding Coordinator, Allentown David Bieber Craftsperson – Automation, Allentown Timothy Harakal Supervisor II, Manufacturing, Allentown Violeta Domingo QA/QC/BTC Associate IV, Irvine Marlene Hulberg-O’Tousa Sr. Ambulatory Care Specialist, Field Sales Theresa Fashion Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Jose Jucaban Jr. Group Leader QA/QC, Irvine Lourdes Ferrer QA/QC/BTC Lead Associate, Irvine Maria Maldonado Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Patricia Filaseta Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown William Miller Jr. Director, Corporate Accounts, Field Sales Herminio Gonzalez Utility Worker - Whse., Irvine Nancy Morris Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown David Groller Packaging Coordinator, Allentown Susanne Nagy Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Aida Guerra Inspector/Packer, Irvine Christ Schwindenhammer Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Linda Hoffman Technician - Production Aide, Allentown James Shanaberger Warehouse Associate – Marcon, Allentown Cheryl Husted Admin. Assistant II (General), Allentown Kim Shanaberger Buyer I, Allentown Donald Johnson Manager, Storeroom & Receiving, Allentown James Sinclair Craftsperson – Moldmaker, Allentown Patricia Johnson Accounting Associate, Allentown Evelyn Sloyer Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Karen Kingston Manager, Exhibits & Meetings, Corporate Diane Ssemanda Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Nancy Lemus F/F/S Operator I, Irvine Stephen Stancick Sterilization Operations Manager, Allentown Michael Loder Staff Engineer – SR, Allentown Tin To Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Alberto Lopez Craftsperson - Plant Systems, Irvine Ricky Velez Shipping Coordinator, Allentown Barbra Luchetta Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown 20 Years Nor Manlapaz Craftsperson – BU, Irvine Khosro Agahi Director, I Business Unit, Irvine Jeffrey Marsh Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance, Allentown Paciencia Alanes QA/QC/BTC Lead Associate, Irvine Vicente Alcala Craftsperson – BU, Irvine 16 onlineUSA December 2011
  • 17. 20-year Milestones continued Barbara Bartholomew Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Karen Brown Clinical Nurse Consultant, Field Sales Michelle Blum Technician - Production Aide, Allentown Gary Collins Mgr. Engineering, Irvine JoAnne Burt Sr. General Manufactuing Associate, Allentown Lisa Cook Mgr. II, QC Chemistry/Microbiol, Allentown Luis Bustamante Ponce Mixing Technician I, Irvine Ronald Correll Technician - Material Handler, Allentown Gilbert Cedillo Craftsperson - Plant Systems, Irvine Sally Davis Admin. Assistant II (General), Allentown Helen Chang Maldonado Director of Pharmacy, Clinical Serv., Field Sales Marian Delong Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Judith Chase Accounts Payable Clerk II, Corporate Carol Dorney Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Linda Check Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown William Ehrlacher Quality Coordinator, Allentown Josefina Duque Hdhw-II Attendant, Irvine Douglas Frace Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast. Dir., Allentown Ana Echeveste Product Handler, Irvine Glenwood Gum Mgr. III / BTC Prin. Scientist, Irvine William Ehrenstrasser Technician – Sterilization, Allentown Kay Hahn Supervisor, Nurse Consultants, Corporate Edward Emery Technician – Mold, Allentown Richard Hudson Region Manager, Field Sales Maria Enriquez Mfg. Lead I, Irvine Rey Jucaban QA/QC/BTC Associate III, Irvine Scott Fehnel Director, Corporate Network Services, Corporate James Keiper Jr. Director, Corporate Accounts, Field Sales Sharon Foster Manager, Contracts/Finance, Corporate John Marshall EHS Specialist, Allentown Alicia Franco Aseptic Operator II, Irvine Carole Meade Electro-Mech. Technician II - Ind., Carrollton Susan Frederick Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Diane Miller Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Silvia Garcia Hdhw-II Attendant, Irvine Angela Moutafis Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Domingo Gonzalez Process Technician I, Irvine Diana Nagel General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Jason Griffith Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast. Dir., Allentown John Pavlinsky Craftsperson – Machinist, Allentown Teresa Grigorieff Executive Assistant II, Irvine Angelica Perez-Gutherman Mgr. I, Int’l. Customer Service, Corporate Joel Gross Sr. Infusion Therapy Specialist, Field Sales Marcus Piersaul Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast. Dir., Allentown Emmitt Harris Warehouse Associate – Marcon, Allentown Gerardo Resendiz Tray Loader/Unloader, Irvine Cynthia Hataway Sr. General Manufactuing Associate, Allentown Cheryl Rowe Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Lee Hippert Manager II, Engineering, Allentown Travis Rubright Technician – Mold, Allentown Kathleen Holdren Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Allentown Timothy Shankweiler Technician – Mold, Allentown Nancy Hyland Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Richard Skeeba Craftsperson – Machinist, Allentown Frances Keenan Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Brian Smith Shipping Coordinator, Breinigsville Joanne Knies Accounts Payable Clerk II, Corporate Glynis Stansfield Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Annette Kolleogy Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Elma Stein Electro-Mech. Assm. III - Dir., Carrollton William Laubach Warehouse Assoc. – Distribution, Breinigsville Axel Swanson I Prod. Lead I – Dallas, Carrollton David Lauer QA Technician – Calibration, Allentown Pheng Tang Product Handler, Irvine Maria Lopez Product Handler, Irvine Christopher Trauger Product Manager, Corporate Eva Medina Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Rachel Vitoux Director, Sales & Clinical Services, Field Sales Isabel Medina Warehouse Clerk, Allentown Lynn Waite Sr. Pharmacy Systems Specialist, Field Sales Denise Meyers Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Wendy Weighknecht Engineering Aide III, Allentown Kevin Minnich Manager, Knowledge & Process, Allentown Charles Wolk Technician – Mold, Allentown Juliet Monzon Material Handler, Irvine Robert Wong Medical Product Specialist II, Corporate Margarita Olague Material Handler, Irvine Dineen Zimmer Sr. Marketing Research & Analysis, Corporate Cheryl Oswald Supv. Customer Service, Allentown 10 Years Lilia Perez Process Optr. – Pic, Irvine William Abrams Critical Care Specialist II., Field Sales Hue Quach Process Optr. – Pic, Irvine Tania Alercia Sales Coordinator, Corporate Keith Reichard Technician – Sterilization, Allentown Jeremy Anderson Supv. Space Technical, Carrollton Jason Rice Equipment/Safety/Train Coord., Breinigsville Alejandra Arteaga Aseptic Operator II, Irvine Kathleen Richards Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Daria Baab Sr. Financial Analyst, Corporate Julie Rosario Santiago Mailroom Assistant, Corporate Dennis Badesso Sr. Financial Analyst, Corporate Scott Schiffert Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast. Dir., Allentown Cynthia Baird Zone Distribution Manager I, Field Sales June Schlicher Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Jesus Becerra Material Handler, Irvine Stephen Schweitzer Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast. Dir., Allentown Jocelyn Bellew Int’l. Sales & Mktg. Coordinator, Corporate Mary Scott-Perez Admin. Assistant II (General), Corporate Esthergrace Bragdon QA/QC/BTC Associate IV, Irvine Denise Sculley Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Sean Brock Craftsperson – Controls, Allentown Steven Shelly Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance, Allentown Maggie Burch Product Manager, Corporate Tara Shupp Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Joan Carl Supv. Chargebacks, Corporate Kathleen Stuber Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Jennifer Castagna Supv. Customer Service, Allentown Soheil Taghavi Manager, Engineering, Irvine Mercedes Centeno QA/QC/BTC Associate III, Irvine Rosa Tapia Duplex Finishing Line Operator, Irvine Daljit Chaggar Staff Engineer, Allentown Victor Topete Material Handler, Irvine Esther Check Analyst I, Corporate Bertha Torres Duplex Machine Operator, Irvine Anthony Clift Warehouse Associate – Marcon, Allentown Ruth Vazquez Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Angela Cruz Financial Assistant III, Corporate Daniel Velez Pab Assembly Technician, Irvine Michael Delestre Technician - Material Handler, Allentown Tammy Weller Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Diane Driscoll Nurse Consultant, Corporate Michael Wiggins Craftsperson – Moldmaker, Allentown Michele Flammer Infusion Systems Specialist I, Field Sales Michelle Williams Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Richard Flint QA Application Systems Specialist, Irvine Tony Williams Craftsperson – BU, Irvine Ryan Flynn Mgr. Manufacturing I, Irvine Bethann Wotring Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown James Frederick Financial Analyst Supervisor, Corporate Michael Zakrewski Product Director, Carrollton Charmaine Frisch Warehouse Assoc. – Distribution, Breinigsville Amy Zawalski Sr. Critical Care Specialist, Field Sales Denise Gaugler Customer Support Rep. II, Allentown 15 Years Gary Gombocz Mfg. Main./Eng. Manager II, Allentown Marcial Adorno Jr. Engineer, Carrollton Jesus Gonzalez Product Handler, Irvine Carolyn Ammary Admin. Assistant II (General), Corporate Rebecca Harryn Market Research Analyst, Corporate Vickie Armenta Electro-Mech. Assembler II, Carrollton Charmaine Helman Financial Assistant III, Corporate Duane Avery Warehouse Associate – Marcon, Allentown Stephen Herbert Staff Engineer – SR, Allentown Froylan Avina Craftsperson – BU, Irvine Jesus Hernandez Machinist II, Irvine Rosann Biery Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Susan Hoffman Contract Analyst, Corporate Gary Bolash Project Engineer, Allentown Rick Hollister Craftsperson – Moldmaker, Allentown Charlene Brown Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown onlineUSA December 2011 17
  • 18. ACHIEVEMENTS 10-year Milestones continued Kitti-Jo Hughes Financial Assistant III, Corporate Christopher Bosley Infusion Systems Specialist I, Field Sales Agustin Jara Craftsperson – BU, Irvine Samantha Bowers Clerk (Tax Accounting), Corporate Kelly Jessie Sr. Infusion Care Specialist, Field Sales Regina Brown Buyer I, Allentown Christopher Joseph Financial Analyst II, Corporate Dung Bui Product Handler, Irvine Roger Kern Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast Dir., Allentown Gary Busek Mfg. Lead I, Irvine Seema Kerwell Sr. Chem/Bio/Mic/Ana/QE, Irvine Robert Bush Supervisor Payroll/HRS, Corporate Brad Kite Manager, RA/QA/QC/BTC II, Irvine Lorena Camacho Product Handler, Irvine William Kocher Craftsperson-Mfg. Mnt. Plast. Dir., Allentown Escarly Camarena General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Eric Kraus Infusion Systems Specialist II, Field Sales Cecilia Canizares General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Linda Kupinski Sr. Financial Analyst, Corporate Juan Carrasquillo-Cintron Accounts Payable Clerk, Corporate Shreekumar Kurup Mgr. Engineering, Irvine Marie Casarella Manager II, Corp Training & Dev., Corporate David Lauer Manager, EHS, Allentown Jose Casarez Jr. I.Q.C. Tech III, Carrollton Mai Le QC Tech. II, Carrollton Tracy Casari QC Inspector, Allentown Amy Lehman Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Digna Cevallos General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Anna Lenh Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Aloyce Chissanga Detailed Scheduler, Carrollton Joann Lenh Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Kyle Christoff Customer Support Rep. II, Allentown Matthew Lenhart Warehouse Assoc. – Distribution, Breinigsville Lloyd Cockrum Eng. Aide II – Dallas, Carrollton Kelly Lutseo Sales Administrator Analyst, Corporate Patricia Collins General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Dianne Maholick Analyst I, Corporate Glenn Conklin Jr. Infusion Therapy Specialist II, Field Sales Gregory Martin Mgr. I, QA/QC/Reg. Compl., Allentown Shawn Conrad Technician – Machine, Allentown Juliet Mccarter Technician – Machine, Allentown Christopher Cook Craftsperson – BU, Irvine Susan McCully Analyst I, Corporate Josefina Cordova-Urvina Product Handler, Irvine Reginald McKinnie QA/QC/BTC Associate III, Irvine Kathleen Cosgrove Sr. Legal Coordinator, Corporate Maria Mendez Aseptic Operator II, Irvine Shaynna Cox General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Richard Mutton Technician - Material Handler, Allentown Eileen Cueva Staffing Specialist, Irvine Maria Navarro Clean Up Technician-Prod., Irvine Julio De La Rosa General Mfg. Associate Ind., Allentown Robert Nunez Buyer I, Irvine Lorena Del Rosario Belmares Product Handler, Irvine Gregg Oswald Technician – Machine, Allentown Robert DelValle Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance, Allentown Ronald Oswald Warehouse Assoc. – Distribution, Breinigsville Quy Doan Product Handler, Irvine Richardo Pantoja-Santana Warehouse Assoc. – Distribution, Breinigsville John Dunlop Infusion Therapy Specialist II, Field Sales Annmarie Peischl Product Release Administrator, Allentown Anthony Durante Supervisor I, QC – Metrology, Allentown Earl Peterson Manager I, Engineering, Allentown Shawn Durn Customer Support Rep. II, Allentown Elizabeth Petit Infusion Therapy Specialist, Field Sales Thomas Eddinger Technician – Machine, Allentown Hieu Pham Chem/Bio/Mic/Ana/QE, Irvine Griselda Espinoza F/F/S Operator I, Irvine My Pham Electronic Technician II - Ind., Carrollton Laura Estrada Product Handler, Irvine Anthony Pierfy Cost Accountant – SR, Allentown Roberto Estrella Product Handler, Irvine Elisea Roche Inspector/Packer, Irvine Anthony Facinelli Craftsperson – Facilities, Allentown Rachael Rodriguez EDI Assistant, Corporate Andrea Fuschetto Member of Tech. Staff III, Corporate Antonia Roth Associate Product Manager, Corporate Moshe Gabbay BPS Specialist III, Allentown Ranulfo Santana Material Handler, Irvine Christopher Gadegbeku QA/QC/BTC Associate III, Irvine Christine Scheifele Sr. Market Research Analyst, Corporate Serkadis Getahun Chem/Bio/Mic/Ana/QE, Irvine Richard Semmel Craftsperson – Moldmaker, Allentown Orrin Gould Central Plant Op. III, Irvine Rae Shaffer Member of Tech. Staff III, Corporate Karen Graver General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Michael Simmons Technician – Machine, Allentown David Grube QC Inspector, Allentown William Sperko Sr. Designer, Irvine Bryan Gruber Technician – Sterilization, Allentown Gregory Stofanak Warehouse Associate – Marcon, Allentown Carrie Gruber General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Barry Stopay Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance, Allentown Margarita Gudino de Jogwe Hdhw-II Attendant, Irvine Donna Tassie Financial Assistant III, Corporate Carla Gutierrez Admin. Support Clerk, Irvine Mark Thomas Sales Specialist II – RTD, Field Sales Ruperto Gutierrez Product Handler, Irvine Kenneth Thornton Critical Care Specialist II, Field Sales Jeremy Hart Intl. Sales & Mktg. Coordinator, Corporate Erlinda Urquhart Product Handler, Irvine Cheryl Hazlett Admin. Assistant II (General), Corporate Monica Vasquez QA/QC/BTC Associate II, Irvine Allen Heaton Infusion Therapy Specialist, Field Sales Teresita Viloria Product Handler, Irvine Brian Heist Technician – Machine, Allentown Lynne Volpe Sales Service Representative, Corporate Carmen Hernandez General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown James Walker Technical Staff III, Irvine Jose Hernandez Steril Monitor, Irvine Maria Youwakim Sr. General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Jose Hernandez Product Handler, Irvine Susan Zammer Contract Specialist, Corporate Debra Herriman Quality Coordinator, Allentown Shawn Zigmont Project Engineer, Allentown Chia Ho Sr. Staff Engineer, Irvine 5 Years Lem Ho Electro-Mech Assembler I, Carrollton E. Wanda Ace Sr. Regulatory Affairs Analyst, Allentown Patricia Hontz General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Ronojit Adyanthaya Staff Engineer – SR, Allentown Sharon Howard QC Inspector, Allentown Gabriela Alvarado QC Tech. I, Carrollton Patricia Huff Technician – Machine, Allentown Luis Aragon Hdhw-II Attendant, Irvine Michael Huk Staff Engineer – SR, Allentown Bruce Artz Craftsperson – Facilities, Allentown Bang Huynh Product Handler, Irvine Roy Bailey Jr. Network Administrator, Carrollton Timothy Jaindl Supervisor I, Manufacturing, Allentown Susan Ballek Nurse Consultant, Corporate Janet Janda Corporate Staffing Manager, Corporate Feliciana Baltazar Packing Quality Monitor, Irvine Louise Kalman General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Maria Bartolo Product Handler, Irvine Kelven Katim F/F/S Operator I, Irvine Efrain Becerra Production Clerk, Irvine Eric Kemmerer Staff Engineer, Allentown Thomas Beil Craftsperson - Mfg. Maintenance, Allentown Phan Keo Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton Kimberly Berkal Infusion Therapy Specialist II, Field Sales Rotha Khy Engineer, Irvine Garry Binsberger MES System Author, Allentown Aaron Krock Engineering Technician II, Allentown Melodee Bokosky General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Brian Kropf Engineering Technician II, Allentown Nathan Bonar Project Manager I, Allentown Jennifer Kyriakopoulos Critical Care Specialist I, Field Sales Sandra Borsetti General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Margoth Lara General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown David Le Whse. Wrkr.-Distribution, Irvine 18 onlineUSA December 2011
  • 19. 5-year Milestones continued James Le Group Leader QA/QC, Irvine Erin Stone Member of Technician Staff II, Corporate Julian Le Chem/Bio/Mic/Ana/QE, Irvine Elida Suarez Product Handler, Irvine Luis Leon Warehouse Associate – Marcon, Allentown Kevin Taby QC Inspector, Allentown William Lindahl Mgr. Engineering, Irvine James Tetiva Supv. Mfg. Maint./Facil. II, Irvine Kent Love Director Corporate Accounts, Field Sales Eric Teyim QC Laboratory Associate II, Allentown Jeffrey Lucien Technician – Machine, Allentown Aleyamma Thomas Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton Jose Luna Avalos Mixing Tech II, Irvine Tam Trinh Product Handler, Irvine Minh Ma F/F/S Operator I, Irvine Thanh Trinh Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton George Mamari General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Daniel Trivino MES System Administrator, Irvine Luis Martinez Ramirez Craftsperson – BU, Irvine Agnes Turner Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton Thomas Mathew Material Handler I, Carrollton Mary Urello Benefits Specialist - Sr., Corporate Robin Maxwell General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Laura VandeVelde-Owen Infusion Therapy Specialist II, Field Sales Tiffany McCartney Customer Support Rep. II, Allentown Antonio Velazquez-Diaz Technician - Material Handler, Allentown William McKay Sr. Engineering Specialist, Irvine Stacey Wadas Staff Engineer – Sr., Allentown Hector Mejia Pab Assembly Technician, Irvine William Wallace Technical Support Supv., Mfg., Allentown Lancol Mercado Craftsperson - Mfg. Maint. Plast., Allentown William Welch Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton Jesus Meza Set Up Technician, Irvine Debbie Werner Customer Support Rep. II, Allentown Kristin Miller Sr. Staffing & VE Admin. Specialist, Corporate Benjamin Whitcomb Regional Distribution Mgr. I, Field Sales Luis Moreno Technician – Machine, Allentown Tina Wilson General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Denise Moyer Corporate Benefits Manager, Field Sales Leoncio Zavala-Hernandez Product Handler, Irvine Amulakh Naik Sr. Staff Engineer, Irvine Jeannine Zimmermann Regulatory Affairs Analyst, Allentown Maria Neri de Duong Product Handler, Irvine Chinh Ngo Product Handler, Irvine B. BrAuN DoMiNiCAN rEPuBliC Lyna Nguyen General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown 10 years Minh Nguyen F/F/S Operator I, Irvine Fatima Brioso De Leon Document Control Coordinator Nadine Nguyen Technical Staff III, Irvine Ernestina Caminero Rincon Assembler Thoi Nguyen Tray Loader/Unloader, Irvine Milady Cuevas Arias Assembler Enos Nolan Technician – Machine, Allentown Miguelina Cuevas Feliz Assembler Cyprian Obed Electro-Mech Tech. I - Dir., Carrollton Santo Ferreras Capellan Warehouse Attendant Receiving Shawn O’Connell McCahey Director Clinical Value Marketing, Field Sales Yina Fca. Hurtado Medina Assembler Daniel Oduwa Electro-Mech. Assm. III - Dir., Carrollton Mirian Lopez Pena Assembler Elaine Ogunbiyi Assc. Director, Regulatory Operation, Allentown Kenia Martinez Blanco QC Technician Roberto Pantig Product Handler, Irvine Xiomara Mendez Pujols Assembler Robert Panza Project Engineer, Irvine Ana Dilia Meran Nova Assembler Kimberly Paris Director Quality Assurance, Allentown Maria Mieses Jaquez Assembler Raj Patel Technician – Machine, Allentown Jeannette Mora Perez Accounting Clerk Felipe Paulino Technician - Material Handler, Allentown Alvarista Perez Ogando Janitor Anabel Pedraza Product Handler, Irvine Ruth Melania Rincon Assembler OEM Elizabeth Peralta Admin. Assistant II (General), Corporate Delfa Roa Document Control Coordinator Nghia Phan Clean Up Technician-Prod., Irvine Bernarda C. Rodriguez. Assembler Tuy Phan Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton 5 years Trinidad Portillo II Machine Attd. – PIC, Irvine Eulalia Almonte Aguilar Assembler Thelma Pritchard QC Inspector, Allentown Sandy Amparo Rivera Material Handler Taylor Prober Infusion Systems Specialist I, Field Sales Santa Andujar Quezada Machine Operator Garrick Proctor Staff Engineer, Irvine Dolores Araujo Dominguez Assembler Carlos Quiroz Manager Mfg. Maint./Eng. I, Irvine Reyna Bernard Assembler Matthew Rader Technician - Material Handler, Allentown Santiago Bido Alcantara Machine Operator Jose Ramirez Craftsperson – BU, Irvine Edwin Calderon Serrano Production Senior Supervisor Harri Ramkishun QC Technician I, Carrollton Rosa Lidia Carrasco Arias Assembler Dana Ramsey Project Engineer, Allentown Beronica Carrasco De la Cruz Assembler Kenneth Rayden Staff Engineer – SR, Allentown Edilennys Judith Cuesta Revi Assembler Anthony Reed Product Director, Corporate Elpidio De los Santos Material Handler Jose Regalado Mixing Tech. II, Irvine Susana Diaz Jimenez Assembler Sue Reyes QA/QC/BTC Assoc. IV, Irvine Rogel Armando Diaz Perez Maintenance Technician Carlos Rojas Santamaria Safety Manager, Irvine Regina Antonia Dominici Placencia Material Handler Juanita Rosa Quality Coordinator, Allentown Reina Estefania Drullard Assembler William Rowlands Sterilization Validation Specialist, Allentown Martha Encarnacion Angomas Assembler Amanda Rutkowski Compensation Analyst, Corporate Angela Espinal Tineo QC Inspector Atanasia Sabastro General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Mercedes Familia Assembler OEM Weam Salama Technician – Machine, Allentown Jose Luis Familias Cedeno Material Handler Paul Sarkis Manager II, Manufacturing, Allentown Martha Feliz Assembler Kimberley Saunders General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Eder Ferreras Pena Production Utility Gene Schantzenbach Engineering Technician I, Allentown Maricela Figuereo Assembler Marvyn Singthavong Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton Martina Florentino Garcia Assembler Lauren Sisomsun Electro-Mech. Technician I – Dir., Carrollton Fernelis Gonzalez Santiago Solvent Dispenser Technician Virginia Smith General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown Pedro Guerrero Castro Material Handler Pedro Solano Staff Engineer, Allentown Lucas Eusebio James Ruiz Warehouse Attendant Kitting Marcello Soler Technician – Machine, Allentown Salvador Jimenez Acosta Machine Operator Antonio Solis Ramirez Craftsperson – BU, Irvine Isabel Jimenez Berroa Assembler Maria Abundiz Solis Product Handler, Irvine Rosa Jimenez Rosario Production Utility Sarany Som Electro-Mech. Assembler I, Carrollton Sandy Lopez Rosario Assembler Eduardo Soto F/F/S Operator I, Irvine Maria Isabel Mackay Assembler James Soto Hdhw-II Attendant, Irvine Elena Marte Assembler Tara Sperandio Benefits Analyst, Corporate Solanda Mateo Peralta Assembler Tijuana Staggers Product Incident Report Tech. II, Carrollton Victoria Mateo Roman Assembler Kristy Steward General Manufacturing Associate, Allentown onlineUSA December 2011 19
  • 20. ACHIEVEMENTS 5-year Milestones continued Carolina Matos Fajardo Assembler Angelo Ramirez Sr. Surgical Sales Rep. Angela Mejia Almeida Traffic Supervisor Jim Ricklefs Transportation Specialist Elizabeth Mendez Assembler Janet Schmieg Sr. Graphic Designer Esther Merejildo Nunez Q.C. Inspector John Shegina Sr. Accountant Yaddira Altagracia Montero Feliz Assembler Lynn Snowden PCMS Lap Express Set Coordinator Alexandra Montero Matos Assembler Joan Spear Group Director, Clinical Serv. Wanny Montero Montero Assembler OEM Candice Towell Supervisor, QC Technicians Felicita Altagracia Novas Recio Q.C. Inspector Jim Walters QC Technician Santa Ogando Perez Q.C. Inspector Sherri Williams Order Fulfillment Lead Virgilio Ortega Espinal Material Handler John Young Supervisor, Order Fulfillment Eulalia Santa Ozuna Mesa Assembler 5 years Lidia Perdomo Palin Assembler OEM Rance Barham Surgical, Training Manager Hibersia Perez Contreras Assembler Sean Beste Buyer Justiliano Perez Meran Warehouse Attendant Receiving Bryan Black Clinical Applications Specialist Maximo Pina Machine Operator Marc Bloom Manager, OEM & Distribution Paula Puello Toribio Assembler OEM Kim Brown Sr. Surgical Sales Rep. Ana Leonidas Ramirez Montero Assembler Jeffrey Bryson PCMS/SRI Technician Francisca Ramirez Salvador de Angulo Assembler Donald Buss Designer Selmita Reyes De la Cruz Assembler Scott Clanton Power Specialist Rosa Emilia Reyes Donez Material Handler Denise Cyr Associate Director Santa Primitiva Rosa Sanchez Assembler Darryl Demaray Sr. Surgical Sales Rep. Adan Ruben Rosario Rivera Material Handler Craig Dlin Sr. Neuro. Representative Santa Perpetua Sanchez Assembler Betty Fields Cleaner/Etcher Dilcia Sanchez Melchor Assembler Michele Gagliardi Sr. Neuro. Representative Aurora Sanchez Sanchez Assembler Barbara Gatens-Pursell Planner/Buyer Michael Santana Alvarez Production Section Manager Bradley Harrison Director, Regional Sales Richal Yoquelis Segura Assembler Johnel Hay Compliance Specialist Dioneida Sena Pena Assembler Kevin Hill Order Fulfillment Coordinator Yeikson Silvestre Maintenance Technician Joshua Hiser Spine Business Sales Associate Jeysson Tineo Lopez Production Supervisor Angela Holloway Associate Director Maria Trinidad Tubing Cutter Operator Robert Hornak IMS Database Administrator Prg. Francisca Valdez Valdez Assembler OEM Danielle Jimerson Product Manager Yajaira Velez Conce Assembler Matthew Kovach Sr. Design Engineer Deibi Franklin Villalona Warehouse Attendant Kitting Joyce Ludwig Manager, Quality Assurance Pancha Zabala Assembler Steve Lukacs Sr. Neuro. Representative Ana Zapata Assembler Jason Page Sr. PCMS Coordinator Randy Phillips Machinist AESCulAP, iNC. Mark Robbins Spine Specialist 25 years Robert Schmid Buyer John Ruark Sr. Neuro. Representative Bruce Seidel Sr. Neuro. Representative Skip Taliaferro Director, Regional Sales Jameca Stanfield SetWorld Associate II 20 years Orsino Townsend SetWorld Instrument Technician I Scott Long Facilities Assistant Sarah Volpe Executive Administrative Asst. Mike Strand Territory Manager Tony Wallace Supervisor, SetWorld 15 years Roger Young Sr. Manager, Supply Chain Judy Kline Account Research Analyst 10 years Tina Ball Product Manager Doug Beach Color Coding Lead Don Beineman National Sales Director Richard Benedick Jr. Director, Technical Services Christopher Bilheimer Machinist Tim Bussen Advocate II Steve Calascibetta QC SetWorld Technician Jeff Cole Director, Spine Marketing David Daniel QC Technician Rigo Flores Receiving Lead Bill Gosztonyi Sr. Manager, Field Projects Dicia Heckman Sr. Contracts Specialist Bruce Holman Material Handler Lead Mary Horn Driver Larry Johnson Director, Business Systems Rita Jones Sr. Cust. Serv. Administrator Patty Kelly PCMS/SRI Set Cost Coordinator Mark Kilroy VP, Finance, IT & Sales Adminst Ron Kreitler Sr. Inventory Control Assoc. Todd Kyser Clinical Applications Spec. Andreas Laule Instrument Repair Technician Lead Michelle Link Quality Assurance Coordinator Cindy Macsay Demand Planner Bob Mastromonaco Training Manager Mark Meyer Director, Corporate Accounts Lee Mitchell Mobile Repair Technician Keith Moser Director, Finance & Reporting Keith Proctor Packaging/Labeling Assoc. 11-2979_12/11_Spark_2M