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The Online
Mobilising support in the 21st century

Contents                                      Introduction

                                 Campaignable actions			             page 4    The digital revolution continues apace. Mobile and web are changing so fast, the
                                                                               implications for an organisation’s brand, product or campaign are not always
                                 Deputise to the willing			          page 6
                                                                               clear. Which social media should I use? Which conversations should I listen to?
                                 Case study: Airplot!			             page 8    Should I create my own content or let others do the work for me? How can I
                                 Cherish your database			            page 10   control my message?

                                 Be nimble and reactive			           page 12   At Public Zone, we’re committed to helping our clients change the world for the
                                                                               better, and we believe digital has an important role to play in this. Of course, we
                                 Develop real relationships			       page 14
                                                                               don’t have all the answers, but we are always searching for them on behalf of the
                                 Case study: Colalife			             page 16   people we work for. That’s why we have written this booklet. We’ve based it on
                                 Know your audience			               page 18   our own experiences and conversations with some expert campaigners. Inside
                                                                               you will find 11 insights that we think can contribute to the success of an online
                                 Make it easy				                    page 20
                                                                               campaign, and some examples that we have found really inspiring.
                                 Reward people				page 22
                                                                               We hope you find them useful.
                                 Case study: Atheist bus			          page 24
                                                                               The Public Zone team
                                 Link your name with an issue		      page 26
                                 Keep track of what you’re doing		   page 28
                                 Be ready for your close-up		        page 30
                                 Thank You				page 34

                                                                                       This handbook was written in 2009 and is the first in the series.
2                                                         It was reprinted in 2012 using our new branding.                              3
Campaignable                                                                                                                               AIM

                                                                                                                                                    we want to end
                                                                                                                                                     knife crime
                                                                                        Case study

                                                                                        ActionAid                                     GOAL

                                                                                                                                  an amnesty on
    Most campaigns start with an              Faced with the world’s problems, we       ActionAid’s aim is to eradicate              all knives
    ambitious goal: to end bullying, reform   all have moments of thinking, “But        child poverty worldwide
    education, reduce CO2 emissions or        what can I do about it?” Answer that      – a big goal by anyone’s
    change public opinion about the NHS.      question for your potential supporters    standards. ActionAid has
                                              by giving them clear, appropriate tasks   successfully broken down           MILESTONE              MILESTONE
    But how to reach that goal isn’t
                                              to carry out for you. Actions such as     this goal into actions that
    immediately obvious to the individuals                                                                                500,000 people          1,000 letters
                                              passing your message on, embedding        everyone can work towards.        to wear amnesty
    you are trying to mobilise.                                                                                                                      to every
                                              a link or writing a letter make your      Well known for championing            t-shirts            police station
    So you need to break your strategy        supporters feel useful and give them      child sponsorship, the charity
    into milestones – the ‘campaignable’,     a personal, emotional connection with     highlights this as one of the
    smaller actions that supporters can       your campaign.                            best ways to help, but also
                                                                                        features ‘top five actions to       ACTION                     ACTION
    help you achieve. These actions need
    to be clear, motivating and relevant to                                             do now’ and ‘priority projects’     please sell             send a letter to
    local groups or specific audiences.                                                 that appeal to a variety of        five t-shirts              your local
                                                                                        different audiences. ActionAid    to people you              police station
    Your typical internet user won’t honour                                                                                   know
    you with their attention for long, so                                               makes it very clear how you
                                              “No one backs something                   can help, what you have to
    show people quickly how easy it is for
                                              unachievable; people only                 do next and what you will
    them to contribute.
                                              want to join something they               receive by supporting its work.
    Multiple milestones and actions           think will be successful.
    will lend your campaign a sense of                                        
                                              Breakdown the campaign
    urgency; you can keep up momentum                                                                                           Tip
                                              into steps, make it clear how
    by stimulating your supporters,
    reaching a milestone, congratulating
                                              people can help by outlining                                                      Ask the people you’re trying
    them and moving on to the next.           realistic goals.”                                                                 to influence if you have chosen
                                              Cathy Mahoney, Comic Relief                                                       the right milestones

4                                                                                                                                      5
Deputise to the
               willing                                                                      Case study


    Treat your devoted supporters like the      Treat these people like friends. Keep       Freecycle is an environmental
    VIPs that they are, as they’re the key to   in touch regularly, be honest with          campaign with an ambitious
    unlocking a wider support base.             them about how things are going, and        goal: to build a worldwide
                                                reward them (sometimes publicly) for        gifting movement that
    Many people are on a mission to build
                                                their support. Encourage them as they       reduces waste, saves
    big support bases, focusing time and
                                                create their own actions and bring          precious resources and eases
    energy on signing up members, then
                                                people to the cause. Empower them to        the burden on landfills. It
    sending them blanket messages with
                                                adopt the issue as their own and they       encourages local activists
    generic actions.
                                                may start to discuss your issue publicly,   to set up groups in their area,
    But often a far more effective strategy     talk to the media, and comment online.      trusting them to work towards
    is to target a smaller supporter base       This is how your campaign will gather       the organisation’s goals in
    that you can cultivate – supporters         strength and credibility – by nurturing     a way that suits local needs
    who will connect you to others, take        those who already share your goals.         and habits. At the last count
    action and invent actions themselves                                                    there were 4,860 groups with
    that appeal to their peers.                                                             6,784,000 members.

    These dedicated, informed individuals                                         
    are the foundation stones of your
    campaign, so you need to work out
    how to identify and attract this type of                                                                                  Tip
                                                “Personal letters from just a
    supporter. Make sure you understand         handful of my constituents
    what drives them to campaign for you
                                                                                                                              Empower your core base to
                                                are far more valuable to me                                                   amplify your message through
    and how you can reward them.
                                                than hundreds of impersonal                                                   established networks, for
                                                emails that all look the same.”                                               example,
                                                Derek Wyatt, former MP                                                        or Facebook

6                                                                                                                        7
Case study


      Airplot! has all the hallmarks of a        Airplot! appeals because it gives
      fantastic grass-roots online campaign.     individuals a way to make their
      It’s clever – supporters are encouraged    opinions felt, by coming together
      to throw a spanner in the works by         with other like-minded people. It
      investing in a piece of land on the        doesn’t hurt that the link between
      planned new Heathrow runway site           the campaign action and its goal is so
      – and simple – web users can sign          sparklingly clear. Buy land, save land.
      up online and find all the information     You get the idea in a couple
      they need in one place. It looks like an   of seconds.
      inventive one-off, but in fact Airplot!
                                                 Greenpeace UK used the considerable
      was set up by Greenpeace UK.
                                                 moral cachet of its brand to gain
      This vast charity has stayed light on      support for this radical intervention.
      its feet and continued responding          It reached out not just to die-hards
      creatively and quickly to environmental    but to newcomers, by designing its
      threats.                                   communications with different levels
                                                 of engagement in mind.

  8                                                        9
Cherish your
               database                                                                Case study

                                                                                       Christian Aid

     In activism, your supporters are         Your database is a powerful              Christian Aid carried out a
     everything. They give you legitimacy,    campaigning tool, so you should treat    health check on its database
     spread your message, carry out actions   it like one. Invest time and energy      and unearthed a number of
     and even fund your campaign. Yet         making sure your data is accurate,       issues. The first names of
     so many organisations are rubbish at     clean and duplicate-free. Work towards   100,000 people were missing,
     keeping their database of supporters     a point where you can segment your       30,000 contacts were
     up to date. According to a recent        data into audiences groups, regions or   duplicated and only a quarter
     Advocacy Online e-Campaigning            level of engagement, to enable you to    of contacts had the right
     Review, half of organisations have       send out targeted campaign messages.     demographic data to make
     databases with 40% of supporters                                                  targeted communications
                                              Remember that the size of your
     inactive, and only 9% have a strategy                                             possible. Christian Aid found
                                              database is not an indication of
     for re-activating those who are                                                   a solution in a software
                                              how successful you are; a good
     dormant. Surely it is easier to get                                               package that got rid of
                                              campaign measures engagement,
     back in touch with someone who has                                                existing duplicates and
                                              not membership.
     already been part of your campaign                                                stopped them re-occuring.
     than find someone new who cares in                                                It also recognised it would
     the same way?                                                                     have to manually check the
                                                                                       new data once a week.


                                              “CRM databases and captured                                              If you need a CRM, try
                                              data are not indicators of                                               Salesforce (software for
                                              success, they are an key                                                 customer relationship
                                              ingredient to enable success.”                                           management) – not-for-profits
                                              Emma Harbour, Make Poverty History                                       get up to 10 licences free

10                                                                                                                 11
Be nimble and
                reactive                                                                  Case study


     Paul Revere, the famous ‘midnight         The cheap, easy, fast communication        The 2008 Obama campaign
     rider’ of the American Civil War,         offered by the web is your friend.         used text messages to update
     reacted swiftly to an impending           But sometimes the culture within an        supporters with news minutes
     British attack by riding from village     organisation is not. Many organisations    before it was announced
     to village to rouse the countryside       miss opportunities to react to events      publicly. 2.9 million people
     to arms. His is the story of a reactive   or mobilise supporters because             received the campaign’s text
     campaigner, and if he’d been alive        the culture and processes for              message announcing Joe
     today he could have left his horse in     communicating are labour intensive,        Biden as Barack’s running
     the stable and spread his message         risk averse and expensive. Helping         mate. The campaign also
     electronically to thousands of people     colleagues see the value in being          relied on email delivering
     in a matter of seconds.                   transparent, reactive and less contrived   news faster than the media
                                               in their communication will reap           could distribute it. ‘I have
     Breaking news increasingly appears
                                               benefits for your campaign.                just finished my first debate
     on sites like Twitter several minutes
                                                                                          with John McCain’, ‘I wasn’t
     before conventional online news
                                                                                          planning on sending you
     sources. There are more ways than ever
                                                                                          something tonight but if you
     to get your message out there quickly
                                                                                          saw what I saw’, and even
     and responsively, yet organisations
                                                                                          ‘John McCain just accepted
     still spend days preparing direct mail
                                               “Your phone is with you all                the Republican nomination.’
     and fancy HTML emails. Meanwhile,                                                                                    Tip
     plain text emails, SMS and social media   the time. You’re texting with    
     updates can be prepared in a matter       your girlfriend. You’re texting                                            Keen on Twitter, but your
     of minutes, for little or no cost.        with your friends. Now you’re                                              colleagues are unsure?
                                               texting with Barack.”                                                      Prepare dummy examples of
                                               Scott Goldstein,                                                           how your organisation could
                                               Obama’s Director of Mobile                                                 respond to events

12                                                                                                                      13
Develop real
                                                                                               Case study

                                                                                               Action for

     There’s no great mystery to building a         Unfortunately we’re only one-tenth of      Action for Children
     relationship with people online – treat        the way to our target and we need          personalises its regular
     them exactly the same way as you               your help to reach it. Could you please    emails to subscribers, not
     would offline. If you’re responsive and        email five friends and ask them to         just addressing subscribers
     friendly with your supporters, their initial   sign it too?”)                             by name, but (importantly)
     passive interest can be converted into                                                    targeting content to the
                                                    Over time, you can add more involved

     real, valuable engagement.                                                                audience and specific actions
                                                    actions, asking them to encourage
                                                                                               that are likely to appeal
     The simplest (and often overlooked)            others to join in, share content or hold
                                                                                               to individuals, based on
     way to start a relationship is to say thank    an event. Your supporters are your
                                                                                               what it knows about them.

     you when someone completes an action           closest allies – treat them like that,
                                                                                               Even the title of the email
     for you, such as registering support for       and they’ll reward you.
                                                                                               is personalised. This has
     your cause. You can personalise this
                                                                                               resulted in a greater level of
     thank you with an action that relates
                                                    “We used so much social                    engagement, generated more
     to information they provide at sign
                                                                                               donations and reduced the
     up, such as a postcode or their area of        media during the presidential
                                                                                               unsubscribe rate.
     interest (“We have a ‘Support Fairtrade’       campaign, but the initial
     group in Chelmsford – why not sign up          relationship that allowed it to  
     to their Facebook group?”)                                                                                                        Tip
                                                    work was email, it was the text-
     Relationships flounder without regular         heavy, narrative-based emails                                                      Make sure you follow up within
     communication. It is vitally important to      that kept people engaged.                                                          a month of first hearing from
     send a follow-up email after the initial       Our mantra has been, invest                                                        a new supporter – according
     contact with a new supporter. This             in your relationships online                                                       to an Advocacy Online
     email should report back honestly on
                                                    via email.”                                                                        e-campaigning review, only
     the first action you sent them. (“Thanks
     again for signing our online petition.         Thomas Gensemer, Blue State Digital                                                31% of organisations do

14                                                                                                                                 15
Case study


      Ever travelled down a dusty, pot-holed    The idea became a campaign, ColaLife,
      road in the middle of nowhere, arrived    but Simon made hardly any progress
      in a remote village, and recovered from   for 20 years. Finally, in 2008, he had
      your journey with a bottle of Coke?       another go, this time using the power
      Ever wondered: hang on a minute,          of the internet. He talked about the
      how did this fizzy drink get here?        idea on his blog, set up a Facebook
                                                group, and let his first few supporters
      Us neither, but that’s because we
                                                take the idea to friends, family and
      don’t have Simon Berry’s brilliant
                                                the media.
      mind. He was working on a British Aid
      programme in 1988 when he came up         The campaign grew wings and led
      with a simple idea. Why not use           to radio appearances, a dedicated
      Coca-Cola’s highly effective network      website and, eventually, talks with
      to distribute not just soft drinks but    Coca-Cola.
      also medicines? One compartment in
      every 10 crates could become the ‘life
      saving’ compartment, full of things
      like rehydration salts.

 16                                                       17
Know your
                audience                                                                    Case study

                                                                                            Global Cool

     We’re all different in how much we know      Plan how you are going to move people     Global Cool has been very
     and care about an issue. Be realistic from   along the journey from not caring to      successful in making an
     the outset about where each supporter        passionate support, and from ignorance    environmental campaign
     is in terms of their level of commitment     to deep understanding. Analyse            cool. Targeting the ‘festival’
     and understanding – this will help you       the actions of individuals and the        generation, it has driven its
     tailor your messages.                        information they give you to understand   campaign entirely through
                                                  where they are on the journey.            youth celebrity endorsements
     Some people may only have a passing
                                                  What content and actions can you tailor   attracting thousands of
     interest in your cause, but will be
                                                  for each stage of their journey?          supporters and fans. The
     open to explanations about why it’s
                                                                                            campaign has a personality
     important. Some will feel passionate,
                                                                                            that feels very familiar to its
     but need your help to understand the
                                                                                            audience; actions include
     wider context of the issue. Others will
                                                                                            ‘Eco geek to eco chic’, ‘Do it
     already care deeply and know a lot, but
                                                                                            in public’ and ‘Get Swishing’,
     may need persuading that your specific
                                                                                            which could be headlines in
     campaign is a good solution.
                                                                                            Heat or Glamour magazines.
                                                  “Knowing your audience and
                                                  where you can be effective      
                                                  is key. When people ask why
                                         is not on the front
                                                  page of the Times, I ask why
                                                  we would want to be – what’s
                                                  the point? Our audience is                                                  Not everyone shares your
                                                  young people.”                                                              deep knowledge of the issue –
                                                  Fiona Dawe OBE                                                              avoid jargon, or explain it

18                                                                                                                        19
                Make it easy
                                                                                        Case study

                                                                                        Fix My Street

     The easier you make it for someone
     to do something, the more likely they
     are to do it. Technology is very good
     at making things easier – through
                                               People do not switch between media
                                               easily, so if you want people to do
                                               something online, communicate the
                                               call to action via the web. It’s easy
                                                                                        Fix My Street, run by
                                                                                        mySociety allows people to
                                                                                        report local problems such as
                                                                                        fly tipping, graffiti or broken
     Kiva you can lend money to a              for them to respond, because they’re     street lighting by asking for
     stationery retailer in Mexico, through    already there.                           a brief description, entering
     My Barack Obama you can find local                                                 a postcode, pinpointing the
                                               Give people the warm glow of having
     volunteers and through Amnesty                                                     exact location on a map
                                               been able to help without going too
     you can send emails to human rights                                                and uploading any useful
                                               much out of their way, and they
     abusers. Effective campaigns make                                                  photos. Once a problem is
                                               will have a positive memory of it next
     actions simple.                                                                    reported, mySociety contacts
                                               time you ask them to do something.
                                                                                        the relevant council and
     People are pressed for time and           Remember, this is a relationship you
                                                                                        campaigns on behalf of its
     the internet is a constant source of      are building through good experiences.
                                                                                        followers to get it fixed. On
     distraction. So enable supporters to
                                                                                        average, it receives 800 –
     understand and act fast.
                                                                                        900 reports per week and
     If you want people to write to their                                               last month managed to fix
     MP, give them a letter template, advice                                            985 of them.
     on what to say and a searchable MP
     database. Better still, ask them to
     send a personalised email from your
     website, so they don’t have to bother
     with printing it out and posting
                                                                                                                          Clarity is key – make forms as
     it themselves.
                                                                                                                          short as possible and give
                                                                                                                          easy-to-follow instructions

20                                                                                                                         21
Reward people
                                                                                         Case study


     People like their support to be            Rewarding is often related to sharing.   Tearfund has developed
     recognised. They want to be reassured      Help your supporters let others          a Facebook application
     that their help makes a difference.        know about their involvement in          that incentivises people to
                                                your campaign, whether that’s by         spread the message about
     There are simple things you can do to
                                                putting a link on Facebook or adding     global poverty and ‘badger’
     keep things ticking over, like thanking
                                                your campaign slogan to their email      key decision makers. Called
     your supporters and updating them on
                                                signature. Your supporters enjoy being   SuperBadger, it enables you
     your progress. But there are countless
                                                able to associate themselves with a      to send pre-written emails
     other ways to reward supporters. Live8
                                                good cause. Meanwhile, the campaign      direct from your Facebook
     handed out tickets to a big concert;
                                                gains by the boost in web traffic and    profile. The more people put activists’ photos on the
                                                the potential for new recruits.          you ‘badger’, the more ‘sett’
     web, and Wikipedia has built a hugely
                                                                                         points you gain, increasing
     successful movement by allowing
                                                                                         your rank and moving you
     the best contributors to become
                                                                                         closer to Super Badger status.
     community leaders.

     Reward doesn’t have to be
     complicated or expensive. London’s         “Recognition and the
     2012 bid campaign provided instant         opportunity to be listened to
     gratification by flashing the names of     is one of the best incentives
     those that supported the bid across        you can offer your supporters;
     the homepage of the website. It was        it’s a common misconception                                               Tip
     simple, effective and contributed to the
                                                that incentives have to
     campaign’s huge success – more than
                                                cost money”                                                               Thank supporters publicly
     two million people signed up.
                                                Daniel Ritterband,                                                        on Twitter and Facebook,
                                                Greater London Authority                                                  as well as your website

22                                                                                                                    23
Atheist Bus
Case study


      The Atheist Bus Campaign began as        Atheists, grateful for the opportunity
      a joke, or at least a tongue-in-cheek    to publicly defend their beliefs, gave
      moment. Comedy writer Ariane             the campaign so much momentum
      Sherine, a regular Guardian blogger,     that it dramatically exceeded its
      wrote an article about Christian ad      original target of £5,500 and ended
      campaigns that promised hellfire and     up raising £150,000. The extra money
      eternal damnation for non-believers.     funded bus campaigns across the
      She imagined a series of counter-ads,    UK, adverts on the London
      reassuring atheists that everything      Underground and two animated
      was OK.                                  screens in central London.

      Her army of regular readers picked it
      up and ran with it. Political blogger
      Jon Worth loved the idea so much that
      he set up a pledgebank page asking
      people to support the campaign by
      donating £5 towards the cost of an
      advert on a bus. 877 people signed
      up, word spread and within days The
      British Humanist Association (BHA)
      offered support, and celebrity atheist
      Richard Dawkins publicly endorsed
      the campaign. The BHA set up a Just
      Giving page for donations, and the
      money kept rolling in.

                                                                                             photo: British Humanist Association
 24                                                      25
Link your name
                 with an issue                                                                 Case study


     Child abuse? NSPCC. Animal cruelty?            If you invest in search engine             The NSPCC is a great example
     PETA. Human rights abuse? Amnesty.             optimisation, creating good content        of smart thinking around
     The most famous and successful                 and distributing it around the web         search engine optimisation –
     campaigning organisations have made            to other sites, you can make it easier     google ‘child cruelty’ and it
     their name synonymous with a specific          for people to find you online and          comes top.
     issue. They might do all sorts of other        increase the conversion rate of offline
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Child cruelty

     things, but they encourage the public          to online supporters.
                                                                                                                               Google                 Child cruelty                    Search
     to have a clear, definite idea of what
                                                    Linking your name to a particular                                          Stop child abuse - support the children’s charity - the NSPCC
     they’re about.                                                                                                            Support the NSPCC children’s charity and help wipe out child abuse. FULL
                                                    issue might involve focusing on one                                        STOP. Thousands of people are helping us to end child abuse and cruelty to
     Get people thinking about you                  idea at the expense of others, but                               

                                                                                                                               Catalogue of cruelty | Society | Society Guardian
     alongside your key issue and you’ll            it’s worth it for the increase in public                                   Her mother, Maria Brown, was jailed for 18 months for child cruelty. The girl’s
                                                                                                                               social worker, Norma McDevitt, visited the family 27 times in the 10 weeks ...
     find that it’s your press officer who          support it brings.                                               

     journalists call when there’s a big                                                                                       BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | ‘Witch’ child cruelty trio guilty
                                                                                                                               3 Jun 2005 ... Three people are found guilty of cruelty charges for ill-treating
     news story in your area of interest.                                                                                      a girl they believed was using witchcraft...
     Better still, you’ll start to attract people   “Obama and McCain made                                           

                                                                                                                               ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ father jailed for child cruelty » Communities ...
     through search engines – they might            good use of search... yet none                                             1 Dec 2009 ... A “Jekyll and Hyde” father who was found guilty of a string of

     not be able to remember your name              of the three major UK political
     from a fleeting glimpse at an ad, but          parties appear to have a paid
     they remember what your campaign
                                                    or SEO search strategy.  Type
     is about.
                                                    ‘credit crunch’ or ‘knife crime’
     You may also get the attention of              into a search engine in the
     people who don’t even know you                 UK and the first page listings                                                                           Put yourself in your audience’s
     exist – people who care about an issue
                                                    are dominated by media”                                                                                  shoes – what would you type
     and are searching for a campaign that
     focuses on it.                                 Noelle McElhatton, Marketing Direct                                                                      into Google if you were them?

26                                                                                                                                                                                27
Keep track of what
                you’re doing
                                                                                               Case study

                                                                                               Share your

     Effective monitoring and evaluation can      Social media means that you can now          In the last few years, several
     make the difference between an average       track, in real time, exactly who is saying   independent organisations                                  15%
     and an amazing campaign. Monitor and         what about your campaign online. Use         and networks have emerged
     evaluate as you go along and you’ll keep     this to understand what your audiences       that encourage the sharing
     finding new opportunities to optimise        are interested in and allow these insights   of campaigning case studies,
     your campaigning.                            to influence your communications.            evaluation statistics and
                                                  Scanning blogs, message boards and           benchmarking reports.                         5%
     The trick is to design your evaluation
     before you start, paying close attention
                                                  social networking sites (daily during        Fairsay and Engaging             2%
                                                  peaks in your campaigning activity)          Networks are leading the way.
     to how you are going to collect data. Too
                                                  takes time, so factor it in when you         By supporting networks such
     often, charities leave evaluation to the
                                                  are planning.                                as the e-campaigning forum,
     end, only to discover they can only form
                                                                                               they are ensuring charities      March        April        May
     a patchy picture of their campaign due       Monitoring and evaluation means
                                                                                               can share knowledge from
     to an absence of data.                       planning your milestones from the
                                                                                               which others can learn.
                                                  beginning, continually tracking your
     Ask your contacts at other organisations
                                                  impact, analysing information and  
     if you can see their campaign data and
                                                  feeding it back in to your campaign.
     learn from their experiences. Everyone
                                                  The web is an amazing source of insight
     in the not-for-profit (indeed, any) sector
                                                  – use it to your advantage.
     can benefit from learning from each
     other’s successes and mistakes.


                                                                                                                                   Share your campaign
                                                                                                                                   evaluation data – you’ll
                                                                                                                                   reap rewards in return

28                                                                                                                              29
Be ready for
                your close-up                                                           Case study


     Building a movement on the web            If you build your campaign on            Comedy writer Graham
     can be unpredictable – a news story       committed local supporters,              Linehan was angered by
     might break, a video might strike         communicating with them regularly        US right-wing attacks on
     a chord, a celebrity might publicly       and allowing them to build their own     the NHS. But instead of just
     declare their support… If this happens,   networks, you can react when the         complaining about it to his
     your traffic levels might suddenly go     chance comes. Following the guidance     friends, or working it into
     through the roof, and all eyes will be    in this handbook doesn’t guarantee       a comedy routine, he took
     on your campaign. This is your fleeting   that your magical moment will come       his anger to Twitter. His
     opportunity to capitalise on the          along when you want it to, but it does   tweets about his experiences
     attention.                                mean that you’ll be prepared for it.     of the health service,
                                                                                        tagged ‘we love the NHS’,
     It sounds like a miraculous moment.
                                                                                        snowballed into a full-blown
     But many organisations let
                                                                                        Twitter phenomenon, with
     opportunities like this pass them by,
                                                                                        thousands of messages
     and those who use them to create an
                                                                                        zinging back and forth.
     explosion of support don’t do it by
                                                                                        Linehan’s campaign gave
     accident. Behind them lie campaigners
                                                                                        voice to tens of thousands
     who are set up to be quick and
                                                                                        of people who wanted to
     reactive, exploiting opportunities as
                                                                                        express their support for
     soon as they appear.
                                               “Timing is everything. Some              the NHS, but didn’t know
                                               of our clients punch far above           how. The enthusiastic public
                                               their weight by exploiting               response, facilitated by
                                                                                        Twitter, turned the campaign
                                               opportunities presented by
                                                                                        into a phenomenon both
                                               the news cycle.”                         online and off.
                                               Jonathan Simmons, Public Zone

30                                                                                     31

32   33
Thank You

     Public Zone would like to thank the
     many people who contributed their
     time and campaigning wisdom to
     this report, including Emma Harbour,
     Daniel Ritterband, Derek Wyatt,
     Fraser Hardie, Cathy Mahoney, Nicola
     Cadbury, Fiona Dawe OBE, Dave
     Russell and Sue Fidler. With special
     thanks to our very own campaigning
     expert, Joanna Shaw.

34           35
t: 020 7267 4774


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  • 2. Contents Introduction Campaignable actions page 4 The digital revolution continues apace. Mobile and web are changing so fast, the implications for an organisation’s brand, product or campaign are not always Deputise to the willing page 6 clear. Which social media should I use? Which conversations should I listen to? Case study: Airplot! page 8 Should I create my own content or let others do the work for me? How can I Cherish your database page 10 control my message? Be nimble and reactive page 12 At Public Zone, we’re committed to helping our clients change the world for the better, and we believe digital has an important role to play in this. Of course, we Develop real relationships page 14 don’t have all the answers, but we are always searching for them on behalf of the Case study: Colalife page 16 people we work for. That’s why we have written this booklet. We’ve based it on Know your audience page 18 our own experiences and conversations with some expert campaigners. Inside you will find 11 insights that we think can contribute to the success of an online Make it easy page 20 campaign, and some examples that we have found really inspiring. Reward people page 22 We hope you find them useful. Case study: Atheist bus page 24 The Public Zone team Link your name with an issue page 26 Keep track of what you’re doing page 28 Be ready for your close-up page 30 Thank You page 34 This handbook was written in 2009 and is the first in the series. 2 It was reprinted in 2012 using our new branding. 3
  • 3. Campaignable AIM actions we want to end knife crime Case study ActionAid GOAL an amnesty on Most campaigns start with an Faced with the world’s problems, we ActionAid’s aim is to eradicate all knives ambitious goal: to end bullying, reform all have moments of thinking, “But child poverty worldwide education, reduce CO2 emissions or what can I do about it?” Answer that – a big goal by anyone’s change public opinion about the NHS. question for your potential supporters standards. ActionAid has by giving them clear, appropriate tasks successfully broken down MILESTONE MILESTONE But how to reach that goal isn’t to carry out for you. Actions such as this goal into actions that immediately obvious to the individuals 500,000 people 1,000 letters passing your message on, embedding everyone can work towards. to wear amnesty you are trying to mobilise. to every a link or writing a letter make your Well known for championing t-shirts police station So you need to break your strategy supporters feel useful and give them child sponsorship, the charity into milestones – the ‘campaignable’, a personal, emotional connection with highlights this as one of the smaller actions that supporters can your campaign. best ways to help, but also features ‘top five actions to ACTION ACTION help you achieve. These actions need to be clear, motivating and relevant to do now’ and ‘priority projects’ please sell send a letter to local groups or specific audiences. that appeal to a variety of five t-shirts your local different audiences. ActionAid to people you police station Your typical internet user won’t honour know you with their attention for long, so makes it very clear how you “No one backs something can help, what you have to show people quickly how easy it is for unachievable; people only do next and what you will them to contribute. want to join something they receive by supporting its work. Multiple milestones and actions think will be successful. will lend your campaign a sense of Breakdown the campaign urgency; you can keep up momentum Tip into steps, make it clear how by stimulating your supporters, reaching a milestone, congratulating people can help by outlining Ask the people you’re trying them and moving on to the next. realistic goals.” to influence if you have chosen Cathy Mahoney, Comic Relief the right milestones 4 5
  • 4. Deputise to the willing Case study Freecycle Treat your devoted supporters like the Treat these people like friends. Keep Freecycle is an environmental VIPs that they are, as they’re the key to in touch regularly, be honest with campaign with an ambitious unlocking a wider support base. them about how things are going, and goal: to build a worldwide reward them (sometimes publicly) for gifting movement that Many people are on a mission to build their support. Encourage them as they reduces waste, saves big support bases, focusing time and create their own actions and bring precious resources and eases energy on signing up members, then people to the cause. Empower them to the burden on landfills. It sending them blanket messages with adopt the issue as their own and they encourages local activists generic actions. may start to discuss your issue publicly, to set up groups in their area, But often a far more effective strategy talk to the media, and comment online. trusting them to work towards is to target a smaller supporter base This is how your campaign will gather the organisation’s goals in that you can cultivate – supporters strength and credibility – by nurturing a way that suits local needs who will connect you to others, take those who already share your goals. and habits. At the last count action and invent actions themselves there were 4,860 groups with that appeal to their peers. 6,784,000 members. These dedicated, informed individuals are the foundation stones of your campaign, so you need to work out how to identify and attract this type of Tip “Personal letters from just a supporter. Make sure you understand handful of my constituents what drives them to campaign for you Empower your core base to are far more valuable to me amplify your message through and how you can reward them. than hundreds of impersonal established networks, for emails that all look the same.” example, Derek Wyatt, former MP or Facebook 6 7
  • 5. Airplot! Case study Airplot! has all the hallmarks of a Airplot! appeals because it gives fantastic grass-roots online campaign. individuals a way to make their It’s clever – supporters are encouraged opinions felt, by coming together to throw a spanner in the works by with other like-minded people. It investing in a piece of land on the doesn’t hurt that the link between planned new Heathrow runway site the campaign action and its goal is so – and simple – web users can sign sparklingly clear. Buy land, save land. up online and find all the information You get the idea in a couple they need in one place. It looks like an of seconds. inventive one-off, but in fact Airplot! Greenpeace UK used the considerable was set up by Greenpeace UK. moral cachet of its brand to gain This vast charity has stayed light on support for this radical intervention. its feet and continued responding It reached out not just to die-hards creatively and quickly to environmental but to newcomers, by designing its threats. communications with different levels of engagement in mind. 8 9
  • 6. Cherish your database Case study Christian Aid In activism, your supporters are Your database is a powerful Christian Aid carried out a everything. They give you legitimacy, campaigning tool, so you should treat health check on its database spread your message, carry out actions it like one. Invest time and energy and unearthed a number of and even fund your campaign. Yet making sure your data is accurate, issues. The first names of so many organisations are rubbish at clean and duplicate-free. Work towards 100,000 people were missing, keeping their database of supporters a point where you can segment your 30,000 contacts were up to date. According to a recent data into audiences groups, regions or duplicated and only a quarter Advocacy Online e-Campaigning level of engagement, to enable you to of contacts had the right Review, half of organisations have send out targeted campaign messages. demographic data to make databases with 40% of supporters targeted communications Remember that the size of your inactive, and only 9% have a strategy possible. Christian Aid found database is not an indication of for re-activating those who are a solution in a software how successful you are; a good dormant. Surely it is easier to get package that got rid of campaign measures engagement, back in touch with someone who has existing duplicates and not membership. already been part of your campaign stopped them re-occuring. than find someone new who cares in It also recognised it would the same way? have to manually check the new data once a week. Tip “CRM databases and captured If you need a CRM, try data are not indicators of Salesforce (software for success, they are an key customer relationship ingredient to enable success.” management) – not-for-profits Emma Harbour, Make Poverty History get up to 10 licences free 10 11
  • 7. Be nimble and reactive Case study MyBO Paul Revere, the famous ‘midnight The cheap, easy, fast communication The 2008 Obama campaign rider’ of the American Civil War, offered by the web is your friend. used text messages to update reacted swiftly to an impending But sometimes the culture within an supporters with news minutes British attack by riding from village organisation is not. Many organisations before it was announced to village to rouse the countryside miss opportunities to react to events publicly. 2.9 million people to arms. His is the story of a reactive or mobilise supporters because received the campaign’s text campaigner, and if he’d been alive the culture and processes for message announcing Joe today he could have left his horse in communicating are labour intensive, Biden as Barack’s running the stable and spread his message risk averse and expensive. Helping mate. The campaign also electronically to thousands of people colleagues see the value in being relied on email delivering in a matter of seconds. transparent, reactive and less contrived news faster than the media in their communication will reap could distribute it. ‘I have Breaking news increasingly appears benefits for your campaign. just finished my first debate on sites like Twitter several minutes with John McCain’, ‘I wasn’t before conventional online news planning on sending you sources. There are more ways than ever something tonight but if you to get your message out there quickly saw what I saw’, and even and responsively, yet organisations ‘John McCain just accepted still spend days preparing direct mail “Your phone is with you all the Republican nomination.’ and fancy HTML emails. Meanwhile, Tip plain text emails, SMS and social media the time. You’re texting with updates can be prepared in a matter your girlfriend. You’re texting Keen on Twitter, but your of minutes, for little or no cost. with your friends. Now you’re colleagues are unsure? texting with Barack.” Prepare dummy examples of Scott Goldstein, how your organisation could Obama’s Director of Mobile respond to events 12 13
  • 8. Develop real relationships Case study Action for Children There’s no great mystery to building a Unfortunately we’re only one-tenth of Action for Children relationship with people online – treat the way to our target and we need personalises its regular them exactly the same way as you your help to reach it. Could you please emails to subscribers, not would offline. If you’re responsive and email five friends and ask them to just addressing subscribers friendly with your supporters, their initial sign it too?”) by name, but (importantly) passive interest can be converted into targeting content to the Over time, you can add more involved 106cm real, valuable engagement. audience and specific actions actions, asking them to encourage that are likely to appeal The simplest (and often overlooked) others to join in, share content or hold to individuals, based on way to start a relationship is to say thank an event. Your supporters are your what it knows about them. 50cm you when someone completes an action closest allies – treat them like that, Even the title of the email for you, such as registering support for and they’ll reward you. is personalised. This has your cause. You can personalise this resulted in a greater level of thank you with an action that relates “We used so much social engagement, generated more to information they provide at sign donations and reduced the up, such as a postcode or their area of media during the presidential unsubscribe rate. interest (“We have a ‘Support Fairtrade’ campaign, but the initial group in Chelmsford – why not sign up relationship that allowed it to to their Facebook group?”) Tip work was email, it was the text- Relationships flounder without regular heavy, narrative-based emails Make sure you follow up within communication. It is vitally important to that kept people engaged. a month of first hearing from send a follow-up email after the initial Our mantra has been, invest a new supporter – according contact with a new supporter. This in your relationships online to an Advocacy Online email should report back honestly on via email.” e-campaigning review, only the first action you sent them. (“Thanks again for signing our online petition. Thomas Gensemer, Blue State Digital 31% of organisations do 14 15
  • 9. Colalife Case study Ever travelled down a dusty, pot-holed The idea became a campaign, ColaLife, road in the middle of nowhere, arrived but Simon made hardly any progress in a remote village, and recovered from for 20 years. Finally, in 2008, he had your journey with a bottle of Coke? another go, this time using the power Ever wondered: hang on a minute, of the internet. He talked about the how did this fizzy drink get here? idea on his blog, set up a Facebook group, and let his first few supporters Us neither, but that’s because we take the idea to friends, family and don’t have Simon Berry’s brilliant the media. mind. He was working on a British Aid programme in 1988 when he came up The campaign grew wings and led with a simple idea. Why not use to radio appearances, a dedicated Coca-Cola’s highly effective network website and, eventually, talks with to distribute not just soft drinks but Coca-Cola. also medicines? One compartment in every 10 crates could become the ‘life saving’ compartment, full of things like rehydration salts. 16 17
  • 10. Know your audience Case study Global Cool We’re all different in how much we know Plan how you are going to move people Global Cool has been very and care about an issue. Be realistic from along the journey from not caring to successful in making an the outset about where each supporter passionate support, and from ignorance environmental campaign is in terms of their level of commitment to deep understanding. Analyse cool. Targeting the ‘festival’ and understanding – this will help you the actions of individuals and the generation, it has driven its tailor your messages. information they give you to understand campaign entirely through where they are on the journey. youth celebrity endorsements Some people may only have a passing What content and actions can you tailor attracting thousands of interest in your cause, but will be for each stage of their journey? supporters and fans. The open to explanations about why it’s campaign has a personality important. Some will feel passionate, that feels very familiar to its but need your help to understand the audience; actions include wider context of the issue. Others will ‘Eco geek to eco chic’, ‘Do it already care deeply and know a lot, but in public’ and ‘Get Swishing’, may need persuading that your specific which could be headlines in campaign is a good solution. Heat or Glamour magazines. “Knowing your audience and where you can be effective is key. When people ask why is not on the front page of the Times, I ask why Tip we would want to be – what’s the point? Our audience is Not everyone shares your young people.” deep knowledge of the issue – Fiona Dawe OBE avoid jargon, or explain it 18 19
  • 11. ABC Make it easy Case study Fix My Street The easier you make it for someone to do something, the more likely they are to do it. Technology is very good at making things easier – through People do not switch between media easily, so if you want people to do something online, communicate the call to action via the web. It’s easy Fix My Street, run by mySociety allows people to report local problems such as fly tipping, graffiti or broken 123 Kiva you can lend money to a for them to respond, because they’re street lighting by asking for stationery retailer in Mexico, through already there. a brief description, entering My Barack Obama you can find local a postcode, pinpointing the Give people the warm glow of having volunteers and through Amnesty exact location on a map been able to help without going too you can send emails to human rights and uploading any useful much out of their way, and they abusers. Effective campaigns make photos. Once a problem is will have a positive memory of it next actions simple. reported, mySociety contacts time you ask them to do something. the relevant council and People are pressed for time and Remember, this is a relationship you campaigns on behalf of its the internet is a constant source of are building through good experiences. followers to get it fixed. On distraction. So enable supporters to average, it receives 800 – understand and act fast. 900 reports per week and If you want people to write to their last month managed to fix MP, give them a letter template, advice 985 of them. on what to say and a searchable MP database. Better still, ask them to send a personalised email from your Tip website, so they don’t have to bother with printing it out and posting Clarity is key – make forms as it themselves. short as possible and give easy-to-follow instructions 20 21
  • 12. Reward people Case study SuperBadger People like their support to be Rewarding is often related to sharing. Tearfund has developed recognised. They want to be reassured Help your supporters let others a Facebook application that their help makes a difference. know about their involvement in that incentivises people to your campaign, whether that’s by spread the message about There are simple things you can do to putting a link on Facebook or adding global poverty and ‘badger’ keep things ticking over, like thanking your campaign slogan to their email key decision makers. Called your supporters and updating them on signature. Your supporters enjoy being SuperBadger, it enables you your progress. But there are countless able to associate themselves with a to send pre-written emails other ways to reward supporters. Live8 good cause. Meanwhile, the campaign direct from your Facebook handed out tickets to a big concert; gains by the boost in web traffic and profile. The more people put activists’ photos on the the potential for new recruits. you ‘badger’, the more ‘sett’ web, and Wikipedia has built a hugely points you gain, increasing successful movement by allowing your rank and moving you the best contributors to become closer to Super Badger status. community leaders. Reward doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. London’s “Recognition and the 2012 bid campaign provided instant opportunity to be listened to gratification by flashing the names of is one of the best incentives those that supported the bid across you can offer your supporters; the homepage of the website. It was it’s a common misconception Tip simple, effective and contributed to the that incentives have to campaign’s huge success – more than cost money” Thank supporters publicly two million people signed up. Daniel Ritterband, on Twitter and Facebook, Greater London Authority as well as your website 22 23
  • 13. Atheist Bus Case study The Atheist Bus Campaign began as Atheists, grateful for the opportunity a joke, or at least a tongue-in-cheek to publicly defend their beliefs, gave moment. Comedy writer Ariane the campaign so much momentum Sherine, a regular Guardian blogger, that it dramatically exceeded its wrote an article about Christian ad original target of £5,500 and ended campaigns that promised hellfire and up raising £150,000. The extra money eternal damnation for non-believers. funded bus campaigns across the She imagined a series of counter-ads, UK, adverts on the London reassuring atheists that everything Underground and two animated was OK. screens in central London. Her army of regular readers picked it up and ran with it. Political blogger Jon Worth loved the idea so much that he set up a pledgebank page asking people to support the campaign by donating £5 towards the cost of an advert on a bus. 877 people signed up, word spread and within days The British Humanist Association (BHA) offered support, and celebrity atheist Richard Dawkins publicly endorsed the campaign. The BHA set up a Just Giving page for donations, and the money kept rolling in. photo: British Humanist Association 24 25
  • 14. Link your name with an issue Case study NSPCC Child abuse? NSPCC. Animal cruelty? If you invest in search engine The NSPCC is a great example PETA. Human rights abuse? Amnesty. optimisation, creating good content of smart thinking around The most famous and successful and distributing it around the web search engine optimisation – campaigning organisations have made to other sites, you can make it easier google ‘child cruelty’ and it their name synonymous with a specific for people to find you online and comes top. issue. They might do all sorts of other increase the conversion rate of offline Child cruelty things, but they encourage the public to online supporters. Google Child cruelty Search to have a clear, definite idea of what Linking your name to a particular Stop child abuse - support the children’s charity - the NSPCC they’re about. Support the NSPCC children’s charity and help wipe out child abuse. FULL issue might involve focusing on one STOP. Thousands of people are helping us to end child abuse and cruelty to Get people thinking about you idea at the expense of others, but Catalogue of cruelty | Society | Society Guardian alongside your key issue and you’ll it’s worth it for the increase in public Her mother, Maria Brown, was jailed for 18 months for child cruelty. The girl’s social worker, Norma McDevitt, visited the family 27 times in the 10 weeks ... find that it’s your press officer who support it brings. journalists call when there’s a big BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | ‘Witch’ child cruelty trio guilty 3 Jun 2005 ... Three people are found guilty of cruelty charges for ill-treating news story in your area of interest. a girl they believed was using witchcraft... Better still, you’ll start to attract people “Obama and McCain made ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ father jailed for child cruelty » Communities ... through search engines – they might good use of search... yet none 1 Dec 2009 ... A “Jekyll and Hyde” father who was found guilty of a string of not be able to remember your name of the three major UK political from a fleeting glimpse at an ad, but parties appear to have a paid they remember what your campaign or SEO search strategy.  Type is about. ‘credit crunch’ or ‘knife crime’ Tip You may also get the attention of into a search engine in the people who don’t even know you UK and the first page listings Put yourself in your audience’s exist – people who care about an issue are dominated by media” shoes – what would you type and are searching for a campaign that focuses on it. Noelle McElhatton, Marketing Direct into Google if you were them? 26 27
  • 15. Keep track of what you’re doing Case study Share your knowledge Effective monitoring and evaluation can Social media means that you can now In the last few years, several make the difference between an average track, in real time, exactly who is saying independent organisations 15% and an amazing campaign. Monitor and what about your campaign online. Use and networks have emerged evaluate as you go along and you’ll keep this to understand what your audiences that encourage the sharing finding new opportunities to optimise are interested in and allow these insights of campaigning case studies, your campaigning. to influence your communications. evaluation statistics and Scanning blogs, message boards and benchmarking reports. 5% The trick is to design your evaluation before you start, paying close attention social networking sites (daily during Fairsay and Engaging 2% peaks in your campaigning activity) Networks are leading the way. to how you are going to collect data. Too takes time, so factor it in when you By supporting networks such often, charities leave evaluation to the are planning. as the e-campaigning forum, end, only to discover they can only form they are ensuring charities March April May a patchy picture of their campaign due Monitoring and evaluation means can share knowledge from to an absence of data. planning your milestones from the which others can learn. beginning, continually tracking your Ask your contacts at other organisations impact, analysing information and if you can see their campaign data and feeding it back in to your campaign. learn from their experiences. Everyone The web is an amazing source of insight in the not-for-profit (indeed, any) sector – use it to your advantage. can benefit from learning from each other’s successes and mistakes. Tip Share your campaign evaluation data – you’ll reap rewards in return 28 29
  • 16. Be ready for your close-up Case study #welovethenhs Building a movement on the web If you build your campaign on Comedy writer Graham can be unpredictable – a news story committed local supporters, Linehan was angered by might break, a video might strike communicating with them regularly US right-wing attacks on a chord, a celebrity might publicly and allowing them to build their own the NHS. But instead of just declare their support… If this happens, networks, you can react when the complaining about it to his your traffic levels might suddenly go chance comes. Following the guidance friends, or working it into through the roof, and all eyes will be in this handbook doesn’t guarantee a comedy routine, he took on your campaign. This is your fleeting that your magical moment will come his anger to Twitter. His opportunity to capitalise on the along when you want it to, but it does tweets about his experiences attention. mean that you’ll be prepared for it. of the health service, tagged ‘we love the NHS’, It sounds like a miraculous moment. snowballed into a full-blown But many organisations let Twitter phenomenon, with opportunities like this pass them by, thousands of messages and those who use them to create an zinging back and forth. explosion of support don’t do it by Linehan’s campaign gave accident. Behind them lie campaigners voice to tens of thousands who are set up to be quick and of people who wanted to reactive, exploiting opportunities as express their support for soon as they appear. “Timing is everything. Some the NHS, but didn’t know of our clients punch far above how. The enthusiastic public their weight by exploiting response, facilitated by Twitter, turned the campaign opportunities presented by into a phenomenon both the news cycle.” online and off. Jonathan Simmons, Public Zone 30 31
  • 17. Notes 32 33
  • 18. Thank You Public Zone would like to thank the many people who contributed their time and campaigning wisdom to this report, including Emma Harbour, Daniel Ritterband, Derek Wyatt, Fraser Hardie, Cathy Mahoney, Nicola Cadbury, Fiona Dawe OBE, Dave Russell and Sue Fidler. With special thanks to our very own campaigning expert, Joanna Shaw. 34 35
  • 19. t: 020 7267 4774 e: 36