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VOLUME 1 NO. 4 “ST.                      NEWSLETTER DATE: AUGUST 2011



                     “God Wild About Us” Summer Camp at OMOM!
                                                                                                                Special points of in-
                       What do you call a      reflected                          hearts of the little camp-    terest:
                       group of children       those                              ers. The psalm theme —
Junior Counselor       who come together       attributes                         — was great and the kids           Our youth of our par-
skating the time       during the hottest      in their                           journeyed to Moody Gar-             ish attended two con-
away!                  days of summer,         own way.                           dens for an IMAX Movie              ferences this Summer.
                       screaming shouting,     The                                and a day at the Beach.
                       singing, splashing ,    themes                             The culmination of the             Reflections from the
                       clapping, reading       were                               camp was brought reality
                       the Bible, and creat-                                                                          CYM Class of 2011.
                                               “God made you.” ,               as we had our camp closing
              ing beautiful crafts? You        “God listens to you.”,          celebration. Many parents,            First African American
              would call it                    God watches over                grandparents and friends
              “PANDAMANIA”, where                                                                                     Josephite Superior
                                               you.” , “God loves you          were treated to a song fest
              “God is Wild about us” take      no matter what.”, “God          and a great lunch. Many                elected!
              from Psalm 139. For the fifth    gives good gifts.” The          thanks to our supporters
                straight year, Our Mother      camp was staffed by the         especially the Black and              Our Mother of Mercy
                of Mercy Catholic Church       good people of the par-         Indian Fund of the United              Church celebrating 75
                welcomed 45 youths, 15         ish. Ms. A. Mills was the       States with their grant to our         years 1937-2011!!
                counselors and 6 adults        director, of Mrs. M.            program.
                to a wonderful event of        Denson, Mrs. K. Thomas
                the Vacation Bible School      and other teachers as-
                Summer Camp. This five         sisted with the activities.
                week program focused on        We began the day with
                five themes which was          prayer, songs and dance
                tied to biblical stories       with the campers. The
                from the Old and New           camp was also grateful
                Testament. Biblical            for the junior counselors
                themes were brought to         and this year senior
                life through African songs     counselor Jacoby Ander-
              and God’s creatures who          son, Mary Pickney and
                                               Al Lewis Jr. who won the
                                                                                                                    Inside this issue:
                                                                                                                    Good News!
                                           New Josephites Priests for Missions!
                                               apostolic duties in the Jose-     to the priesthood at Holy      Ms. Alexis Reado’s spotlight    2
                                               phite Parish community.           Comforter—St. Cyprian
                                               Rev. Christopher Amadi,           Church in Washington, D.C.
                                               SSJ, who did his diaconate        The church was filled to       Very Rev. William Norvel, SSJ   2
                                               year here at OMOM. Rev.           capacity as these men took
                                               Ugochukwu Jerome Cletus,          the step into serving the      KPC Texas has a chaplain!       3
                                               SSJ our newly assigned            Church as a Josephite
                                               Vicar begin late August           priest. Let us all bless the   Young disciples of Christ.      3
             On May 21, 2011, three            2011 and Rev. Michael K           Lord and pray for these
             young men lives changed           Okechukwu, SSJ, who as-           men and pray for more men      New Roman Missal                3
             for the good after years of       sisted here a summer at           from our parish to be Jose-
             preparation, prayers and          OMOM were         ordained        phite priests or brothers.     School News                     4
      Page 2

                                       KPC State of Texas has a new chaplain– Do you
                                       know him?
                                       Very Rev. Henry J. Davis,       at each state conferences.         accessible to any and all
                                       SSJ has been appointed the      The Knights and Ladies of          councils and courts who
Very Rev. Henry J.                     new Texas State Confer-         St. Peter Claver is a Catho-       may be in need of spiritual
Davis, SSJ cele-                       ence Chaplain. He will be       lic Organization founded           direction and advice on the
brating the mass at                    the first Fourth Degree         the Society of St. Joseph of       life of St. Peter Claver. The
Diocesan Youth                         Knight to hold the position     the Sacred Heart of Jesus          next big conference for the
conference in                          in the state of Texas. His      and four lay men over a            Texas State Conference will
2010& 2011.                            main responsibilities will      hundred years ago. Fr.             be in May 4-6, 2012 in Cor-
                                       be to assist with the spiri-    Davis belong to Council            pus Christi, Texas for Sen-
                                       tual enrichment of all mem-     #78 in New Orleans and             ior members and Junior
                                       bers in the state and to ad-    works extensively with             State Conference will be
                                       vise the boards of the Junior   both Councils and Courts at        March 8-March 11, 2012 at
                                       Knights and Daughters and       Our Mother of Mercy and            the Dallas Forth Worth
                                       Senior members Boards           Blessed Sacrament                  Texas.
                                       with liturgical celebrations    Churches. Fr. Davis will be

                                       To the Class of 2011 by Ms. Alexis Reado
                                  Throughout my high school ca-        became more involved in            knowledge on how to be a
                                  reer I have been involved in the     things that bring me closer to     leader and worked my way up
                                  CYM ( Catholic Youth Ministry).      God. Over the years I have         the ladder from being a mem-
                                  It has helped me be a leader and     had the pleasure to evangel-       ber, to being the secretary,
                                  take the initiative to be all that   ize with a variety of people       vice president, and finally
                                  the Lord has in store for me.        that I probably would have         president. It is sad to leave a
                                  When I first joined I was appre-     never met. On our annual           strong group that has became
                                  hensive about the organization       trips I have friends that I can    a family away from home. I
                                  because it was something new.        speak to by name and relate        will take experiences with me
                                  Everything at that time in my        to them about almost any-          as I embark on my new jour-
       MS. ALEXIS READO & MR.     life was new to me, but I am         thing, because as a young          ney, college!
              IBRAHIM PAYNE       glad to say now that I am glad I     Christian we go through the
         FOR THE CLASS OF 2011    did not give into my fear. By        same things.                       God Bless,
               ATTENDING THE      being a member I have strength-      By watching the older mem-         Alexis Reado -Class of 2011
             DIOCESAN YOUTH       ened my faith as a Catholic and      bers each year I gained

                                       Meet Very Rev. William Norvel, SSJ
                                       The Very Rev. William Norvel SSJ is the Superior General of the
                                       Josephite Society of Priests and Brothers. Father Norvel has
                                       been a leader in bringing African American spirituality into
                                       liturgy in the United States. “My thrust in ministry has been to
                                       bring black culture and black spirituality to the Catholic
                                       Church,” Father Norvel told The Josephite Harvest shortly after
                                       his election.

                                       He is credited with starting the gospel choir movement in
                                       Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. He opened a Josephite
                                       house of spiritual formation in Nigeria, where he served for
       Very Rev. William Norvel, SSJ   five years from 1999 to 2004. A number of Josephite priests         Rev. Michael Thompson, SSJ
       first American American         have been ordained as a result of the Nigerian connection. He
       Superior of the   Josephites    known to members here at OMOM. He used to visit when Fr.            Rev. William Novel, SSJ
       of Baltimore, Maryland.
                                       Wooka was pastor.
                                                                                                           Rev. Tom Frank, SSJ
                                                                                                         Page 3

Our Catholic Teens are Disciples of Christ!
I am often amazed at how     Amen!” . These young           ing strong faith witness-
society can say that our     disciples of Christ wit-       ing skills and parish lead-
children and teens can       ness their faith by attend-    ership. This year we are
not focus or get there be-   ing religious classes on       blessed once again to
havior in check. There       Monday evenings and            have a member of our
may be some credit to the    attend parish events as        CYM group to present us
statement but when you                                      on the Diocese Youth
encounter the teens and                                     Board. Mr. Julien Owens,
youth at Our Mother of                                      a young servant of the
Mercy Catholic Church,                                      Lord will bring our teens
                                                            concerns and experience
                                                            to the committee. We are
                                                            also blessed to have to
                                                            youth members who at-
                                                                           tended the
                             youth members who are                         Institute in
                             active in this parish. The                    Washing-
                             Confirmation class this                       ton D.C.
you can not but contain      year had a total of 12                        Mr. Jordan
the joy and the excite-      teens who wanted to keep                      Chambers
ment for the future be-      living their faith in the                     and Ms.
cause these teens are                                                      Donya
strong examples of what                                                    Stagg. We
it means to be a follower                                                  are in-
of Christ. From “Souper                                                    debted to
Bowl of Caring” drives, to                                                 the many
collecting and organizing                                   adults who give of their
can goods, assisting as                                     time for assisting but in
ministers of hospitality,                                   particular of Ms. Joyce
lectors, altar servers,                                     Lombard our youth direc-
ministers of music, coun-    Lord. On May 15, 2011,         tor for many years, May
selors at VBS, drama, Di-    we celebrated the              Continue to bless our
ocesan Youth                 Graduation Mass for the        Youths as they continue to
Board Leaders, and of        class of 2011. A total of 33   serve the Lord.
course members of the        graduates from high
Catholic Youth Ministry,     school and college were                                      The Roman Catholic
CYM. This list can go on     honored and due to the                                       Church on November 27,
                             generosity of our parish-                                    2011 will be using the
                             ioners through the Lenten                                    Third Edition of the Ro-
                             folders and fundraisers,                                     man Missal. In the com-
                             we awarded college                                           ing weeks, we as a parish
                             scholarships to nine to                                      community will begin to
                             our young men and four to                                    sing and pray new words
                             our young ladies totaling                                    to our celebration. There
                             $7000.00.                                                    have been many hand-
                                                                                          outs in the parish bulle-
                             Our CYM group is well                                        tins and workshops to
and on. Our teens of Our
                             known around the Dio-                                        prepare us. The next wor-
Mother of Mercy Catholic
                             cese and often times,                                        ship will be in October
always continues to give
                             asked to assist other                                        2011 in the parish. You
you and me cause to say,
                             youth groups in develop-                                     are invited to keep re-
“Thank You Jesus and
                                                                                          viewing to understand
                                                                                          your role as we all wor-
                                                                                          ship anew.

      Our Mother of Mercy Church celebrates its 75th Anniversary.

   Our Mother of Mercy Church
         3390 Sarah Street                    Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church joyfully announces its
       Beaumont Texas 77705
 The Josephits Fathers and Brothers
                                              75th Anniversary kickoff celebration on January 21-22, 2012 at
                                              all the masses. On that weekend we will pass out the schedule
      Phone: 409-842-5533                     of events. Each ministry organization will sponsor an activity
       Fax: 409-842-4710                      each month and we will have a parish Lenten Revival, 75 hours
   Web page:
                                              of adoration before the Holy Eucharist, a 75th Banquet in the
                                              Summer of 2012 and the great Evangelization Quest Drive to
                                              bring back to our Church 75 members who left and to recruit
                                              75 new parishioners. We will have friends and family day and
                                              special masses of remembrances to honor Our Mother of
                                              Mercy, patroness of our parish and all departed parishioners
                                              of our parish. As members of the parish , you will be also
                                              asked to give a special gift to your church to renovate the
                                              Church from the front to the back fundraiser. More details will
                                              be on the way. Our great theme for our 75th Anniversary
O UR  SPIRITS REJOICE                         represents the discipleship of our patroness, “Our Spirits
I N G O D O U R S AV I O R !                  Rejoice in God our Savior!”

      Our Mother of Mercy School continues to
      educate God’s most precious little ones.
                Our Mother of Mercy Catholic        dents to succeed in all acade-
                School continues to be a place      mia and they offer the presence
                to grow little minds with the       of Christ to them everyday. Tell
                knowledge of God’s world. Our       your family and friends to send
                school assists with encounter-      their children to the best school
                ing the lessons of reading, writ-   in the Diocese of Beaumont.
                ing, arithmetic, and computer       Tuition is affordable and you
                skills. Our school encourages       can not afford to miss the op-
                all its youth to engage with ac-    portunity to form your child in
                tivities of the sports, music and   the ways of the Lord. You can
                worship as each student prays       register on online at
                everyday and on Wednesdays or contact
                @ 8:30 a.m. celebrates the          Mrs. Wheaton at 409-842-5534
                Eucharist as a student body.        for more information and quali-
                You can see the difference in       fications for your child to be
                their little lives as they boldly   admitted to the school. Our
                sing out to the Lord and pro-       motto, “Enter to Learn, Leave to
                claim the readings of the day       Serve!”
                with confidence. Our teachers
                continue to meet the challenge
                of drilling and teaching the stu-

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St John's Parish Diary for June 2024.pdf

Our Mother of Mercy Newsletter - August 2011

  • 1. VOLUME 1 NO. 4 “ST. NEWSLETTER DATE: AUGUST 2011 OUR MOTHER OF MERCY NEWSLETTER EDITOR: VERY REV. HENRY DAVIS, SSJ “God Wild About Us” Summer Camp at OMOM! Special points of in- What do you call a reflected hearts of the little camp- terest: group of children those ers. The psalm theme — Junior Counselor who come together attributes — was great and the kids  Our youth of our par- skating the time during the hottest in their journeyed to Moody Gar- ish attended two con- away! days of summer, own way. dens for an IMAX Movie ferences this Summer. screaming shouting, The and a day at the Beach. singing, splashing , themes The culmination of the  Reflections from the clapping, reading were camp was brought reality the Bible, and creat- CYM Class of 2011. “God made you.” , as we had our camp closing ing beautiful crafts? You “God listens to you.”, celebration. Many parents,  First African American would call it God watches over grandparents and friends “PANDAMANIA”, where Josephite Superior you.” , “God loves you were treated to a song fest “God is Wild about us” take no matter what.”, “God and a great lunch. Many elected! from Psalm 139. For the fifth gives good gifts.” The thanks to our supporters straight year, Our Mother camp was staffed by the especially the Black and  Our Mother of Mercy of Mercy Catholic Church good people of the par- Indian Fund of the United Church celebrating 75 welcomed 45 youths, 15 ish. Ms. A. Mills was the States with their grant to our years 1937-2011!! counselors and 6 adults director, of Mrs. M. program. to a wonderful event of Denson, Mrs. K. Thomas the Vacation Bible School and other teachers as- Summer Camp. This five sisted with the activities. week program focused on We began the day with five themes which was prayer, songs and dance tied to biblical stories with the campers. The from the Old and New camp was also grateful Testament. Biblical for the junior counselors themes were brought to and this year senior life through African songs counselor Jacoby Ander- and God’s creatures who son, Mary Pickney and Al Lewis Jr. who won the Inside this issue: Good News! New Josephites Priests for Missions! apostolic duties in the Jose- to the priesthood at Holy Ms. Alexis Reado’s spotlight 2 phite Parish community. Comforter—St. Cyprian Rev. Christopher Amadi, Church in Washington, D.C. SSJ, who did his diaconate The church was filled to Very Rev. William Norvel, SSJ 2 year here at OMOM. Rev. capacity as these men took Ugochukwu Jerome Cletus, the step into serving the KPC Texas has a chaplain! 3 SSJ our newly assigned Church as a Josephite Vicar begin late August priest. Let us all bless the Young disciples of Christ. 3 On May 21, 2011, three 2011 and Rev. Michael K Lord and pray for these young men lives changed Okechukwu, SSJ, who as- men and pray for more men New Roman Missal 3 for the good after years of sisted here a summer at from our parish to be Jose- preparation, prayers and OMOM were ordained phite priests or brothers. School News 4
  • 2. OUR MOTHER OF MERCY NEWSLETTER Page 2 KPC State of Texas has a new chaplain– Do you know him? Very Rev. Henry J. Davis, at each state conferences. accessible to any and all SSJ has been appointed the The Knights and Ladies of councils and courts who Very Rev. Henry J. new Texas State Confer- St. Peter Claver is a Catho- may be in need of spiritual Davis, SSJ cele- ence Chaplain. He will be lic Organization founded direction and advice on the brating the mass at the first Fourth Degree the Society of St. Joseph of life of St. Peter Claver. The Diocesan Youth Knight to hold the position the Sacred Heart of Jesus next big conference for the conference in in the state of Texas. His and four lay men over a Texas State Conference will 2010& 2011. main responsibilities will hundred years ago. Fr. be in May 4-6, 2012 in Cor- be to assist with the spiri- Davis belong to Council pus Christi, Texas for Sen- tual enrichment of all mem- #78 in New Orleans and ior members and Junior bers in the state and to ad- works extensively with State Conference will be vise the boards of the Junior both Councils and Courts at March 8-March 11, 2012 at Knights and Daughters and Our Mother of Mercy and the Dallas Forth Worth Senior members Boards Blessed Sacrament Texas. with liturgical celebrations Churches. Fr. Davis will be To the Class of 2011 by Ms. Alexis Reado Throughout my high school ca- became more involved in knowledge on how to be a reer I have been involved in the things that bring me closer to leader and worked my way up CYM ( Catholic Youth Ministry). God. Over the years I have the ladder from being a mem- It has helped me be a leader and had the pleasure to evangel- ber, to being the secretary, take the initiative to be all that ize with a variety of people vice president, and finally the Lord has in store for me. that I probably would have president. It is sad to leave a When I first joined I was appre- never met. On our annual strong group that has became hensive about the organization trips I have friends that I can a family away from home. I because it was something new. speak to by name and relate will take experiences with me Everything at that time in my to them about almost any- as I embark on my new jour- MS. ALEXIS READO & MR. life was new to me, but I am thing, because as a young ney, college! IBRAHIM PAYNE glad to say now that I am glad I Christian we go through the SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS FOR THE CLASS OF 2011 did not give into my fear. By same things. God Bless, ATTENDING THE being a member I have strength- By watching the older mem- Alexis Reado -Class of 2011 DIOCESAN YOUTH ened my faith as a Catholic and bers each year I gained CONFERENCE! Meet Very Rev. William Norvel, SSJ The Very Rev. William Norvel SSJ is the Superior General of the Josephite Society of Priests and Brothers. Father Norvel has been a leader in bringing African American spirituality into liturgy in the United States. “My thrust in ministry has been to bring black culture and black spirituality to the Catholic Church,” Father Norvel told The Josephite Harvest shortly after his election. He is credited with starting the gospel choir movement in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. He opened a Josephite house of spiritual formation in Nigeria, where he served for Very Rev. William Norvel, SSJ five years from 1999 to 2004. A number of Josephite priests Rev. Michael Thompson, SSJ first American American have been ordained as a result of the Nigerian connection. He Superior of the Josephites known to members here at OMOM. He used to visit when Fr. Rev. William Novel, SSJ of Baltimore, Maryland. Wooka was pastor. Rev. Tom Frank, SSJ
  • 3. VOLUME 1 NO. 4 “ST. JOSEPH, HEAR OUR PRAYER!” Page 3 Our Catholic Teens are Disciples of Christ! I am often amazed at how Amen!” . These young ing strong faith witness- society can say that our disciples of Christ wit- ing skills and parish lead- children and teens can ness their faith by attend- ership. This year we are not focus or get there be- ing religious classes on blessed once again to havior in check. There Monday evenings and have a member of our may be some credit to the attend parish events as CYM group to present us statement but when you on the Diocese Youth encounter the teens and Board. Mr. Julien Owens, youth at Our Mother of a young servant of the Mercy Catholic Church, Lord will bring our teens concerns and experience to the committee. We are also blessed to have to youth members who at- tended the Oracle Summer youth members who are Institute in active in this parish. The Washing- Confirmation class this ton D.C. you can not but contain year had a total of 12 Mr. Jordan the joy and the excite- teens who wanted to keep Chambers ment for the future be- living their faith in the and Ms. cause these teens are Donya strong examples of what Stagg. We it means to be a follower are in- of Christ. From “Souper debted to Bowl of Caring” drives, to the many collecting and organizing adults who give of their can goods, assisting as time for assisting but in ministers of hospitality, particular of Ms. Joyce lectors, altar servers, Lombard our youth direc- ministers of music, coun- Lord. On May 15, 2011, tor for many years, May selors at VBS, drama, Di- we celebrated the Continue to bless our ocesan Youth Graduation Mass for the Youths as they continue to Board Leaders, and of class of 2011. A total of 33 serve the Lord. course members of the graduates from high Catholic Youth Ministry, school and college were The Roman Catholic CYM. This list can go on honored and due to the Church on November 27, generosity of our parish- 2011 will be using the ioners through the Lenten Third Edition of the Ro- folders and fundraisers, man Missal. In the com- we awarded college ing weeks, we as a parish scholarships to nine to community will begin to our young men and four to sing and pray new words our young ladies totaling to our celebration. There $7000.00. have been many hand- outs in the parish bulle- Our CYM group is well tins and workshops to and on. Our teens of Our known around the Dio- prepare us. The next wor- Mother of Mercy Catholic cese and often times, ship will be in October always continues to give asked to assist other 2011 in the parish. You you and me cause to say, youth groups in develop- are invited to keep re- “Thank You Jesus and viewing to understand your role as we all wor- ship anew.
  • 4. PAGE 4 AUGUST 2011 “OUR MOTHER OF MERCY, PRAY FOR US!” Our Mother of Mercy Church celebrates its 75th Anniversary. 1937-2012 Our Mother of Mercy Church 3390 Sarah Street Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church joyfully announces its Beaumont Texas 77705 The Josephits Fathers and Brothers 75th Anniversary kickoff celebration on January 21-22, 2012 at all the masses. On that weekend we will pass out the schedule Phone: 409-842-5533 of events. Each ministry organization will sponsor an activity Fax: 409-842-4710 each month and we will have a parish Lenten Revival, 75 hours Web page: of adoration before the Holy Eucharist, a 75th Banquet in the Summer of 2012 and the great Evangelization Quest Drive to bring back to our Church 75 members who left and to recruit 75 new parishioners. We will have friends and family day and special masses of remembrances to honor Our Mother of Mercy, patroness of our parish and all departed parishioners of our parish. As members of the parish , you will be also asked to give a special gift to your church to renovate the Church from the front to the back fundraiser. More details will be on the way. Our great theme for our 75th Anniversary O UR SPIRITS REJOICE represents the discipleship of our patroness, “Our Spirits I N G O D O U R S AV I O R ! Rejoice in God our Savior!” Our Mother of Mercy School continues to educate God’s most precious little ones. Our Mother of Mercy Catholic dents to succeed in all acade- School continues to be a place mia and they offer the presence to grow little minds with the of Christ to them everyday. Tell knowledge of God’s world. Our your family and friends to send school assists with encounter- their children to the best school ing the lessons of reading, writ- in the Diocese of Beaumont. ing, arithmetic, and computer Tuition is affordable and you skills. Our school encourages can not afford to miss the op- all its youth to engage with ac- portunity to form your child in tivities of the sports, music and the ways of the Lord. You can worship as each student prays register on online at everyday and on Wednesdays or contact @ 8:30 a.m. celebrates the Mrs. Wheaton at 409-842-5534 Eucharist as a student body. for more information and quali- You can see the difference in fications for your child to be their little lives as they boldly admitted to the school. Our sing out to the Lord and pro- motto, “Enter to Learn, Leave to claim the readings of the day Serve!” with confidence. Our teachers continue to meet the challenge of drilling and teaching the stu-