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The Pronounciation of OM=AUM
• O is a diphthong and is usually spelled as AU in Sanskrit. A diphthong is the
combination of two vowel sounds that make the sound of one vowel. Some people
refer to Om as OM, and others as AUM, but the difference between them is
merely in translation.
• The right pronunciation of Om is ‘OOM’, as in hOME.
• Here comes the anatomy of the Om symbol. Om represents the three states of
• A – is the waking or enlightenment state (pronounced ‘A’ as in Accounting)
U – is the dream state (pronounced ‘U’ as in Would)
M – is the state of deep sleep (pronounced ‘M’ as in suM)
• Usually, when Om is chanted, there is a silence between two Oms. This silence
represents the state of Turiya or the fourth state, which is known to be a state of
bliss. In this state, a person identifies himself with the Supreme.
The Power of Chanting OM
• The sound of Om is often called Pranava, or that which runs through breath (Prana) and sustains life.
• Om is the seed of all mantras. Om is short, and it vibrates through the body, livening up each chakra. It is the
sound that invigorates the Third Eye and Crown chakras, both of which connect us with the divine. Some say
that this sound has been recorded in space and sounds something like om-y.
Why meditate on Om
• It is well-substantiated that sound vibration significantly impacts a person’s physical, emotional, and mental
state. By chanting Om, we can align our frequency with that of the original universal frequency, which is
essential in spiritual practice. As an iron rod becomes as hot as fire when it comes in contact with its flames,
a person can spiritualize their life by staying in contact with the spiritual energy of the Absolute.
• Om is the seed of transcendental sound, and it is through transcendental sound one can transform the mind
and the senses. By chanting Om, the mind becomes aligned with the breath, which enables a person to get
into an elevated state of consciousness called samadhi. The activity of attaining samadhi brings the
materially absorbed mind under control, which enables a person to have one-pointed focus towards
spiritual realization.
• Because the Absolute is beyond the understanding of the mundane material senses, spiritualizing the mind
— the center of all sensual activities, through sound vibration, is necessary to set in motion the process of
transcendental realization.
• Like a majestic tree that can be generated from a tiny seed, the glorious tree of spirituality can grow from the
sincere chanting of Om.
The Importance of OM chant
• The meaning of the ‘Om’ symbol and why it is chanted is hardly known to many. The symbol represents
the three states of consciousness — walking, dreaming, and deep sleeping. When you chant it, the silence
between the OM represents the fourth state, which is a state of bliss. Sitting in a meditative pose and
chanting ‘Om’ helps improve focus, rejuvenate your body, get a powerful voice, reduce stress, strengthen
spine, flush out toxins from the body, take care of cardiovascular and digestive systems, calm the mind, and
more. Chant ‘Om’ for some time when you feel low, and you will instantly feel energized.
• It is a sacred recitation made before, during and after private prayers, Yoga, meditation and spiritual
• Repeating Om as a mantra can have powerful effects on one's overall state. Doing so is thought to help center
the mind, body, and spirit, elevate consciousness, deepen focus, and build compassion.
• The sound of OM is said to contain the essence of the universe and is believed to have a profound effect on
the mind and body when used in meditation.
• When used in meditation, the OM Mantra helps to calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase
inner peace. This is because the sound of the OM Mantra vibrates at a frequency that is said to resonate with
the frequency of the universe, allowing the mind and body to align with this frequency and bring about a
state of deep relaxation and inner peace.
• Benefits of chanting OM (AUM) mantra have also been proved by the scientists and they confirm that daily
repeatedly chanting OM (AUM) mantra reduces stress, increases concentration, gives peace of mind, treats
depression. It was concluded in the analysis that OM (AUM) serves as a brain stabilizer which is an energy
medicine for human beings under stress.
• Research papers confirming the effects and benefits of chanting OM were published in International Journal
of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS) in January 2009 Issue.
• Max Muller and other scholars state that these philosophical texts recommend OM as a tool for meditation.
• While to the layperson it’s synonymous to meditation, and seen simply as a doorway to tranquility for yogic
• Chanting OM has many benefits which can’t be explained in words but can be felt and physically experienced
The Practice of OM Mantra
• Meditation with the OM Mantra is simple and can be done by repeating the sound
silently in your mind or out loud. As you repeat the OM Mantra, focus your mind on
the sound and let go of any distracting thoughts or worries. You can also visualize the
sound of the OM Mantra as a bright light that fills your body, bringing you a sense of
peace and calm.
• In addition to its calming effects, the OM Mantra is also said to have spiritual benefits.
It is believed that by repeating the OM Mantra in meditation, you can tap into a
higher consciousness and connect with the divine. This can lead to a greater
understanding of yourself and the world around you and can bring about a sense of
inner peace and contentment.
• In conclusion, the OM Mantra is a powerful tool for meditation that can help to calm
the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase inner peace. Whether you are a
seasoned meditator or a beginner, incorporating the OM Mantra into your meditation
practice can bring about profound benefits for your mental and spiritual well-being.
OM Namah Shivaay
Importance of the chant and its chanting
• Among all sacred utterances, Om Namah Shivaya is the most prevalent mantra which has been recited by spiritual
seekers for ages. It means “O salutations to the auspicious one!”, or “adoration to Lord Shiva”, or “universal
consciousness is one”, and thus chanting it connects us with Lord Shiva’s eternal presence.
Benefits of Chant “OM Namah Shivaay”
• Helps us deal with our fears
Fear is the mind-killer. Even if we try to hide from them, they eventually find and devour us. Om
Namah Shivaay fills us with the courage to confront our most impairing fears. It makes us aware of the all-pervasive
presence of Lord Shiva and helps us understand that our deeply rooted fears are mostly the tricks of the mind.
Remember, Om Namah Shivaay is a reminder of a mostly forgotten truth about ourselves: We are connected to the
Whole and we are stronger than we think.
• Enhances cognitive abilities
A mind should be peaceful and quiet to function properly, thus an overburdened mind is equivalent to
a malfunctioning gear. When there is too much on our plate, when all we think about are worrisome chatters, it
becomes harder for us to channel attention to what matters. Chanting Namah Shivaya tames our minds and slays the
shackling worries. It alleviates the short attention problem and brings us closer to striving for meaningful endeavors.
Basically, it frees the mind and also enhances it further.
• Removes negativities in and around us
Having to deal with negativities all the time takes an undeniable toll on the mind. They make us
resentful, bitter, and unfulfilled. We need to address them as soon as possible or else they will infiltrate our lives. With
its exhaustive influence over our mental and physical realms, Namah Shivaay can be used to remove negativities from
the mind and unlock our real potential. Its empowering sounds bring joy to the Atman soul and helps us raise our
vibration and strengthen our radiant body.
• It’s better to try and see its effects for yourself
There is a vast amount of experimental evidence for the benefits of Om Namah Shivaay. Yet the
experience is individual, so is the path to transcendence. We encourage you to explore its healing waters yourself. Let
our recitation composed with Tandav Beats help you find inner peace. Listen to its spirited melodies and see how
chanting along with it empowers the mind.
How to chant Om
• Though there are no hard and fast rules for chanting Om, understanding the
fundamental techniques of how to produce its sound can help provide a foundation
from which you can better connect to the Divine.
• As explained earlier, Om represents the creation, preservation, and dissolution of the
universe. The seven main chakras — wheels of energy in the body relating to the
physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of our lives, provides a path through which
the sound of Om begins, passes through, and eventually dissolves itself.
• After taking in a deep breath, the chanting of Om (Aum) begins at the solar plexus
chakra, near the diaphragm, where the “A” of the syllable is emphasized. As the sound
progresses, “U” sustains the mantra through the heart, throat, and third eye chakras,
until it reaches the crown. The sound dissolves at the crown chakra, at which point the
mantra has developed into its last part, the “M.”
• It’s most beneficial to find a quiet place where you can focus without being disturbed.
Keeping your spine straight, begin chanting, starting with the “A,” holding the “U” a little
longer as it progresses through the chakras, and then ending on the “M,” as the exhale of
your breath ends. Chanting in a strong but not loud voice for at least 15 minutes
is generally ideal if you want to truly get something substantial out of your meditative
• Ultimately, regardless of technique, chanting Om is about connecting to the Divine. As
long as your intention is sincere, everything else will fall into place.
How To Chant Om (cont.)
1. Look for a calm place. Sit comfortably. The best position to assume would be sitting with your legs crossed
and your back erect.
2. It is important to be comfortable, so wear loose clothes. You need to let all the channels in your body free.
3. Place your right palm in your left, both facing upward and next to your navel.
4. Gently close the eyes or glance downward. Make sure your body and mind are calm.
5. Take account of all the vibrations that happen in each part of your body.
6. Once you are aware of every sound in your body, breathe in, and count to five. Then, breathe out as you
count to seven. With time, try and increase the number. Do this thrice.
7. When you exhale the third time, feel the vibrations in the abdomen as you chant “AAAAA”.
8. Exhale and relax for a few seconds.
9. Breathe in deeply and slowly. As you exhale, feel the vibrations in your neck and chest as you chant
10. Exhale and relax for a few seconds.
11. Breathe in slowly and deeply again. And as you exhale, feel the vibrations in your neck and head, and chant
“MMMMM”. This may cause you to feel dizzy at first, but you could sip a little water and stop the chanting
12. Exhale and relax for a few seconds.
13. Breathe in slowly and deeply again. As you exhale, chant Om. Remember that 80 percent of your chant
should be AU and 20 percent should be M.
The Magic of OM!
• First of all, you can use Om while you meditate. Make sure you do so in a quiet place. Sit comfortably
and relax your nerves and muscles. Concentrate on your third eye (the space between your
eyebrows, a little above your eyes), silence your thoughts, and chant OM. As you do this, think of
eternity and everything you want from life with all your heart. This will help to channelize your
Third Eye Chakra.
• Chant Om when you practice yoga. It will enhance the positive effects of the practice.
• Once you begin chanting Om, keep the feeling and meaning of the sound in your heart at all times.
And as you do so, feel free, pure, and aware of yourself. Let your body vibrate with these ideas, and
spread the power of Om through your hearts, bodies, and life.
• Om is the seed of all mantras. Om is short, and it vibrates through the body, livening up each chakra.
It is the sound that invigorates the Third Eye and Crown chakras, both of which connect us
with the divine. Some say that this sound has been recorded in space and sounds something like
• The meaning of the ‘Om’ symbol and why it is chanted is hardly known to many. The symbol
represents the three states of consciousness — walking, dreaming, and deep sleeping. When you
chant it, the silence between the Oms represents the fourth state, which is a state of bliss. Sitting in a
meditative pose and chanting ‘Om’ helps improve focus, rejuvenate your body, get a powerful
voice, reduce stress, strengthen spine, flush out toxins from the body, take care of
cardiovascular and digestive systems, calm the mind, and more. Chant ‘Om’ for some time
when you feel low, and you will instantly feel energized.
• When you chant Om, the vibration from that sound correlates to the original vibrations that were
sounded in the universe when the world was created.
The Power Of Chanting Om
• When you chant Om, it is said that you will let go of all things
worldly. You will start focusing more, and your body will be
rejuvenated. It will help you bring positive energy to your life and
instill harmony.
• If you chant Om 50 times, especially when you are low and
depressed, you will feel lively and energized almost instantly. Om is
a powerful tonic, and when you chant it, you will be the epitome of
purity and light.
• People who chant Om have a sweet, yet powerful voice. If you
chant Om while you exercise, it will make the mind calm and
serene as it imparts spirituality that leads you to ultimate self-
realization and helps you experience oneness with the divine.
1. It Helps Reduce Stress And Sets Your Mood Right
Studies say that chanting Om with great concentration helps you reduce the levels of adrenaline in the body, which, in turn,
reduces stress. When you chant Om, you are usually in a peaceful, secluded place, and your mind is free of
distractions, which makes you feel calm, pious, and a sense of unity with God.
If your work is stressful, make it a habit of chanting Om first thing every morning. Your endorphins are boosted, and you will
feel relaxed and refreshed all day. Om also helps to balance out the hormones. This means no more mood swings! When you
remain in a good mood, your interpersonal relationships automatically improve.
2. Improves Concentration
When you chant Om, you tend to seclude yourself from all thoughts that bother you. Over time, you tend to focus, and your
level of concentration will improve and so will your cosmic consciousness.
3. Your Spinal Cord Is Strengthened
When you chant OM, the ‘ A’ vibration is said to impact the spinal cord. As you make it a practice to chant Om, your spinal
cord will become more efficient.
4. Chanting Om Is A Great Detox For Your Body
When you meditate, initially, your body de-stresses, and eventually, it begins to detoxify itself. Meditation regulates the blood
circulation, which means more oxygen for the body. Also, when you breathe in combination with the vibrations, you get rid of
a whole lot of toxins.
5. Your Heart And Digestive System Are Looked After
Firstly, chanting Om enhances blood flow to different parts of the body, and it also reduces your blood pressure. Secondly,
when it removes your tension and worries, you heartbeats are normalized, and your heart remains efficient and protected.
Breathing and vibrations also make your digestive system stronger.
6. It Helps Regulate Your Sleep Cycle
The worldly problems and busy schedules are the root causes of all the problems in our lives. Chanting Om removes all
causes of worry and imparts great peace to your mind. When your mind is peaceful, your sleep cycle is automatically brought
back to normal.
7. You Get A Hold On Your Feelings
Our mind and bodies have succumbed to our anxieties and frustration, and sometimes, we tend to be impulsive about voicing
our feelings. This can add to our already troubled life because it is most likely you will repent such rage later. Chanting Om
will make your mind stronger, fill you with religious mysticism and also make you more self-aware. You will be able to assess
a situation before you react.
8. Helps You In Getting Rid Of Negativity
When we think of negative things, which is a human tendency, we tend to attract negativity into our lives. When you chant
Om, you tend to concentrate on yourself. And in doing so, your soul drives out the negativity and allows you to attract
positive people and thoughts into your life.
OM - Part 2.pptx
OM - Part 2.pptx

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OM - Part 2.pptx

  • 1.
  • 2. The Pronounciation of OM=AUM • O is a diphthong and is usually spelled as AU in Sanskrit. A diphthong is the combination of two vowel sounds that make the sound of one vowel. Some people refer to Om as OM, and others as AUM, but the difference between them is merely in translation. • The right pronunciation of Om is ‘OOM’, as in hOME. • Here comes the anatomy of the Om symbol. Om represents the three states of consciousness. • A – is the waking or enlightenment state (pronounced ‘A’ as in Accounting) U – is the dream state (pronounced ‘U’ as in Would) M – is the state of deep sleep (pronounced ‘M’ as in suM) • Usually, when Om is chanted, there is a silence between two Oms. This silence represents the state of Turiya or the fourth state, which is known to be a state of bliss. In this state, a person identifies himself with the Supreme.
  • 3.
  • 4. The Power of Chanting OM • The sound of Om is often called Pranava, or that which runs through breath (Prana) and sustains life. • Om is the seed of all mantras. Om is short, and it vibrates through the body, livening up each chakra. It is the sound that invigorates the Third Eye and Crown chakras, both of which connect us with the divine. Some say that this sound has been recorded in space and sounds something like om-y. Why meditate on Om • It is well-substantiated that sound vibration significantly impacts a person’s physical, emotional, and mental state. By chanting Om, we can align our frequency with that of the original universal frequency, which is essential in spiritual practice. As an iron rod becomes as hot as fire when it comes in contact with its flames, a person can spiritualize their life by staying in contact with the spiritual energy of the Absolute. • Om is the seed of transcendental sound, and it is through transcendental sound one can transform the mind and the senses. By chanting Om, the mind becomes aligned with the breath, which enables a person to get into an elevated state of consciousness called samadhi. The activity of attaining samadhi brings the materially absorbed mind under control, which enables a person to have one-pointed focus towards spiritual realization. • Because the Absolute is beyond the understanding of the mundane material senses, spiritualizing the mind — the center of all sensual activities, through sound vibration, is necessary to set in motion the process of transcendental realization. • Like a majestic tree that can be generated from a tiny seed, the glorious tree of spirituality can grow from the sincere chanting of Om.
  • 5. The Importance of OM chant • The meaning of the ‘Om’ symbol and why it is chanted is hardly known to many. The symbol represents the three states of consciousness — walking, dreaming, and deep sleeping. When you chant it, the silence between the OM represents the fourth state, which is a state of bliss. Sitting in a meditative pose and chanting ‘Om’ helps improve focus, rejuvenate your body, get a powerful voice, reduce stress, strengthen spine, flush out toxins from the body, take care of cardiovascular and digestive systems, calm the mind, and more. Chant ‘Om’ for some time when you feel low, and you will instantly feel energized. • It is a sacred recitation made before, during and after private prayers, Yoga, meditation and spiritual activities. • Repeating Om as a mantra can have powerful effects on one's overall state. Doing so is thought to help center the mind, body, and spirit, elevate consciousness, deepen focus, and build compassion. • The sound of OM is said to contain the essence of the universe and is believed to have a profound effect on the mind and body when used in meditation. • When used in meditation, the OM Mantra helps to calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase inner peace. This is because the sound of the OM Mantra vibrates at a frequency that is said to resonate with the frequency of the universe, allowing the mind and body to align with this frequency and bring about a state of deep relaxation and inner peace. • Benefits of chanting OM (AUM) mantra have also been proved by the scientists and they confirm that daily repeatedly chanting OM (AUM) mantra reduces stress, increases concentration, gives peace of mind, treats depression. It was concluded in the analysis that OM (AUM) serves as a brain stabilizer which is an energy medicine for human beings under stress. • Research papers confirming the effects and benefits of chanting OM were published in International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS) in January 2009 Issue. • Max Muller and other scholars state that these philosophical texts recommend OM as a tool for meditation. • While to the layperson it’s synonymous to meditation, and seen simply as a doorway to tranquility for yogic practitioners. • Chanting OM has many benefits which can’t be explained in words but can be felt and physically experienced only.
  • 6.
  • 7. The Practice of OM Mantra Meditation • Meditation with the OM Mantra is simple and can be done by repeating the sound silently in your mind or out loud. As you repeat the OM Mantra, focus your mind on the sound and let go of any distracting thoughts or worries. You can also visualize the sound of the OM Mantra as a bright light that fills your body, bringing you a sense of peace and calm. • In addition to its calming effects, the OM Mantra is also said to have spiritual benefits. It is believed that by repeating the OM Mantra in meditation, you can tap into a higher consciousness and connect with the divine. This can lead to a greater understanding of yourself and the world around you and can bring about a sense of inner peace and contentment. • In conclusion, the OM Mantra is a powerful tool for meditation that can help to calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase inner peace. Whether you are a seasoned meditator or a beginner, incorporating the OM Mantra into your meditation practice can bring about profound benefits for your mental and spiritual well-being.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. OM Namah Shivaay Importance of the chant and its chanting benefits
  • 11. • Among all sacred utterances, Om Namah Shivaya is the most prevalent mantra which has been recited by spiritual seekers for ages. It means “O salutations to the auspicious one!”, or “adoration to Lord Shiva”, or “universal consciousness is one”, and thus chanting it connects us with Lord Shiva’s eternal presence. Benefits of Chant “OM Namah Shivaay” • Helps us deal with our fears Fear is the mind-killer. Even if we try to hide from them, they eventually find and devour us. Om Namah Shivaay fills us with the courage to confront our most impairing fears. It makes us aware of the all-pervasive presence of Lord Shiva and helps us understand that our deeply rooted fears are mostly the tricks of the mind. Remember, Om Namah Shivaay is a reminder of a mostly forgotten truth about ourselves: We are connected to the Whole and we are stronger than we think. • Enhances cognitive abilities A mind should be peaceful and quiet to function properly, thus an overburdened mind is equivalent to a malfunctioning gear. When there is too much on our plate, when all we think about are worrisome chatters, it becomes harder for us to channel attention to what matters. Chanting Namah Shivaya tames our minds and slays the shackling worries. It alleviates the short attention problem and brings us closer to striving for meaningful endeavors. Basically, it frees the mind and also enhances it further. • Removes negativities in and around us Having to deal with negativities all the time takes an undeniable toll on the mind. They make us resentful, bitter, and unfulfilled. We need to address them as soon as possible or else they will infiltrate our lives. With its exhaustive influence over our mental and physical realms, Namah Shivaay can be used to remove negativities from the mind and unlock our real potential. Its empowering sounds bring joy to the Atman soul and helps us raise our vibration and strengthen our radiant body. • It’s better to try and see its effects for yourself There is a vast amount of experimental evidence for the benefits of Om Namah Shivaay. Yet the experience is individual, so is the path to transcendence. We encourage you to explore its healing waters yourself. Let our recitation composed with Tandav Beats help you find inner peace. Listen to its spirited melodies and see how chanting along with it empowers the mind.
  • 12.
  • 13. How to chant Om • Though there are no hard and fast rules for chanting Om, understanding the fundamental techniques of how to produce its sound can help provide a foundation from which you can better connect to the Divine. • As explained earlier, Om represents the creation, preservation, and dissolution of the universe. The seven main chakras — wheels of energy in the body relating to the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of our lives, provides a path through which the sound of Om begins, passes through, and eventually dissolves itself. • After taking in a deep breath, the chanting of Om (Aum) begins at the solar plexus chakra, near the diaphragm, where the “A” of the syllable is emphasized. As the sound progresses, “U” sustains the mantra through the heart, throat, and third eye chakras, until it reaches the crown. The sound dissolves at the crown chakra, at which point the mantra has developed into its last part, the “M.” • It’s most beneficial to find a quiet place where you can focus without being disturbed. Keeping your spine straight, begin chanting, starting with the “A,” holding the “U” a little longer as it progresses through the chakras, and then ending on the “M,” as the exhale of your breath ends. Chanting in a strong but not loud voice for at least 15 minutes is generally ideal if you want to truly get something substantial out of your meditative practice. • Ultimately, regardless of technique, chanting Om is about connecting to the Divine. As long as your intention is sincere, everything else will fall into place.
  • 14. How To Chant Om (cont.) 1. Look for a calm place. Sit comfortably. The best position to assume would be sitting with your legs crossed and your back erect. 2. It is important to be comfortable, so wear loose clothes. You need to let all the channels in your body free. 3. Place your right palm in your left, both facing upward and next to your navel. 4. Gently close the eyes or glance downward. Make sure your body and mind are calm. 5. Take account of all the vibrations that happen in each part of your body. 6. Once you are aware of every sound in your body, breathe in, and count to five. Then, breathe out as you count to seven. With time, try and increase the number. Do this thrice. 7. When you exhale the third time, feel the vibrations in the abdomen as you chant “AAAAA”. 8. Exhale and relax for a few seconds. 9. Breathe in deeply and slowly. As you exhale, feel the vibrations in your neck and chest as you chant “OOOOO”. 10. Exhale and relax for a few seconds. 11. Breathe in slowly and deeply again. And as you exhale, feel the vibrations in your neck and head, and chant “MMMMM”. This may cause you to feel dizzy at first, but you could sip a little water and stop the chanting 12. Exhale and relax for a few seconds. 13. Breathe in slowly and deeply again. As you exhale, chant Om. Remember that 80 percent of your chant should be AU and 20 percent should be M.
  • 15. The Magic of OM! • First of all, you can use Om while you meditate. Make sure you do so in a quiet place. Sit comfortably and relax your nerves and muscles. Concentrate on your third eye (the space between your eyebrows, a little above your eyes), silence your thoughts, and chant OM. As you do this, think of eternity and everything you want from life with all your heart. This will help to channelize your Third Eye Chakra. • Chant Om when you practice yoga. It will enhance the positive effects of the practice. • Once you begin chanting Om, keep the feeling and meaning of the sound in your heart at all times. And as you do so, feel free, pure, and aware of yourself. Let your body vibrate with these ideas, and spread the power of Om through your hearts, bodies, and life. • Om is the seed of all mantras. Om is short, and it vibrates through the body, livening up each chakra. It is the sound that invigorates the Third Eye and Crown chakras, both of which connect us with the divine. Some say that this sound has been recorded in space and sounds something like om-y. • The meaning of the ‘Om’ symbol and why it is chanted is hardly known to many. The symbol represents the three states of consciousness — walking, dreaming, and deep sleeping. When you chant it, the silence between the Oms represents the fourth state, which is a state of bliss. Sitting in a meditative pose and chanting ‘Om’ helps improve focus, rejuvenate your body, get a powerful voice, reduce stress, strengthen spine, flush out toxins from the body, take care of cardiovascular and digestive systems, calm the mind, and more. Chant ‘Om’ for some time when you feel low, and you will instantly feel energized. • When you chant Om, the vibration from that sound correlates to the original vibrations that were sounded in the universe when the world was created.
  • 16.
  • 17. The Power Of Chanting Om • When you chant Om, it is said that you will let go of all things worldly. You will start focusing more, and your body will be rejuvenated. It will help you bring positive energy to your life and instill harmony. • If you chant Om 50 times, especially when you are low and depressed, you will feel lively and energized almost instantly. Om is a powerful tonic, and when you chant it, you will be the epitome of purity and light. • People who chant Om have a sweet, yet powerful voice. If you chant Om while you exercise, it will make the mind calm and serene as it imparts spirituality that leads you to ultimate self- realization and helps you experience oneness with the divine.
  • 18. 1. It Helps Reduce Stress And Sets Your Mood Right Studies say that chanting Om with great concentration helps you reduce the levels of adrenaline in the body, which, in turn, reduces stress. When you chant Om, you are usually in a peaceful, secluded place, and your mind is free of distractions, which makes you feel calm, pious, and a sense of unity with God. If your work is stressful, make it a habit of chanting Om first thing every morning. Your endorphins are boosted, and you will feel relaxed and refreshed all day. Om also helps to balance out the hormones. This means no more mood swings! When you remain in a good mood, your interpersonal relationships automatically improve. 2. Improves Concentration When you chant Om, you tend to seclude yourself from all thoughts that bother you. Over time, you tend to focus, and your level of concentration will improve and so will your cosmic consciousness. 3. Your Spinal Cord Is Strengthened When you chant OM, the ‘ A’ vibration is said to impact the spinal cord. As you make it a practice to chant Om, your spinal cord will become more efficient. 4. Chanting Om Is A Great Detox For Your Body When you meditate, initially, your body de-stresses, and eventually, it begins to detoxify itself. Meditation regulates the blood circulation, which means more oxygen for the body. Also, when you breathe in combination with the vibrations, you get rid of a whole lot of toxins. 5. Your Heart And Digestive System Are Looked After Firstly, chanting Om enhances blood flow to different parts of the body, and it also reduces your blood pressure. Secondly, when it removes your tension and worries, you heartbeats are normalized, and your heart remains efficient and protected. Breathing and vibrations also make your digestive system stronger. 6. It Helps Regulate Your Sleep Cycle The worldly problems and busy schedules are the root causes of all the problems in our lives. Chanting Om removes all causes of worry and imparts great peace to your mind. When your mind is peaceful, your sleep cycle is automatically brought back to normal. 7. You Get A Hold On Your Feelings Our mind and bodies have succumbed to our anxieties and frustration, and sometimes, we tend to be impulsive about voicing our feelings. This can add to our already troubled life because it is most likely you will repent such rage later. Chanting Om will make your mind stronger, fill you with religious mysticism and also make you more self-aware. You will be able to assess a situation before you react. 8. Helps You In Getting Rid Of Negativity When we think of negative things, which is a human tendency, we tend to attract negativity into our lives. When you chant Om, you tend to concentrate on yourself. And in doing so, your soul drives out the negativity and allows you to attract positive people and thoughts into your life.