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Old Alejandr The Window Of The Picture Frame Inside The...
As far back as Alejandra Franco can remember, the frames hanging in the hallway of her family's
Coachella Valley home were always empty. The unfilled wall décor did not represent a home devoid
of memories or a showcase for an unorthodox interior decorating theme. Instead, they were an
intentional symbol of an unspoken expectation of the future for Alejandra and her three younger
With only a grade school education, Ana and Marcelino Franco came to America penniless and told
their kids that their only job was "to obtain an education because it is the key to your future."
In 2000, they put their mantra into action almost immediately by enrolling three–year–old Alejandra
in the Head Start Program administered by the Riverside County Office of Education within the
Coachella Valley Unified School District (CVUSD). After two years of preschool, Alejandra
received a completion certificate that was immediately hung with pride in a picture frame inside the
Franco family home.
Jim Greene, a veteran educator who was the Director of Children and Family Services for CVUSD,
had suggested a tip to parents who wanted to establish education as a priority in their families that
they could visually and nonverbally reinforce the importance of education simply by hanging empty
picture frames in their homes to symbolize the expectation of forthcoming diplomas from junior
high, high school, and college. As each of their children would reach graduation milestones, the
framed diplomas
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Summary: Hives Of Controversy
The feeling that one gets about being a member of a community or part of a family is
undistinguishable. This is what I feel with the Home Depot, I very rarely shop at another home
improvement store, then there are the reviews I write and being a member of the seeds program,
under the pen name goodreason. Recently I read an article in the Hill Country Observer titled "Hives
of Controversy" by Tracy Frisch
( The article talks about colony
collapse disorder and the causes. The tests that have been done and continue to proceed mention that
the insecticide neonicotinoids can be a major cause for the loss of bees. As with most if not all
chemical insecticides they don't readily break
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Essay on King Tut
King Tutankhamun
King Tutankhamun was a Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty who ruled from1333 BC – 1324 BC,
during the period of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom. He is the most recognized and
probably the most famous pharaoh today because of the discovery of his tomb and his treasures.
King Tut's tomb was a major discovery of the 19th century. It was a phenomenal discovery that
made headlines across the world. Up until the discovery of King Tut's tomb, it was believed that all
royal tombs had been robbed and drained of their treasure.
The Discovery Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered in the Valley of the Kings KV62 on November
4, 1922 by the British Egyptologist Howard Carter. The Tomb was discovered near ... Show more
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A Curse has also been mentioned thought there this no real evidence of this being true.
Technology used
There were various uses of technology used in this excavation. Carter made the hole in the upper
left–hand corner and used other tools to start to chip away at the opening. Candles were used when
Carter held the candle into the darkness and permitted his eyes to adjust to the warm ancient air that
exited the tomb this air made the candle flicker. The gold furniture became illuminated by the small
candle. The next day, Callender came prepared with electric lights and those were set up inside the
tomb. This allowed the four of them to explore the tomb more freely. Cameras were used because
the tomb was eventually excavated and heavily photographed. It was largely damaged by Carter's
team, when sharp tools were used to remove his gleaming gold–and–blue death mask. X rays were
used because archaeologists last opened Tutankhamun's tomb in 1968, when British scientist Ronald
Harrison took a series of X–rays. A radiographer was used to radiographs revealed a bone fragment
in his skull, prompting speculation that the boy pharaoh was killed by a blow to the head. Also a
various of other tools were used to excavated the area.
Careers involved
Though there are many careers that made this discovery possible Howard Carter was an English
archaeologist and Egyptologist born in Kensington England. Lord Carnarvon was a silent financial
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John Steinbeck’s The Chrysanthemums Essay
In John Steinbeck's The Chrysanthemums, the reader is introduced to the seemingly timid and shy
Elisa Allen. Elisa is routinely planting her yearly sets of Chrysanthemums, which appear to be the
sole receptor of her caring and gentle touch, but all the while it is evident that "the chrysanthemum
stems seemed too small and easy for her energy." Her hidden eagerness seems not only out of place,
but out of touch with her dry and wilted surroundings, of which her husband, Henry, abruptly
interrupts her steady pace. Inquiring of dinner plans, he is quickly shuttered out, so that Elisa can
continue her work in the fenced in flower bed. This seems to be the only place on the ranch that
belongs to her, and thus devoting the entirety of her ... Show more content on ...
Elisa is so engaged in the man, that she offers him Chrysanthemum sprouts to pass on to another
customer. She excitedly explains how to care for them on his journey, but catches herself becoming
too involved in the conversation when "her breasts swelled passionately" toward the peddler in the
midst of the conversation. When this occurs, the reader catches a glimpse of the passion Elisa has
for her hobby, which has remained buried in routine until now. She seems sad as the peddler departs
whispering "good–bye– good–bye," however, she quickly regains her sense of married farm life,
looking around to make sure that no one noticed this moment of impurity. Elisa quickly retreats
inside to clean up for dinner, taking longer that usual to clean up. Henry shortly returns to the house
to clean up as well, but notices the extra time Elisa must have taken, remarking, "why– why, Elisa.
You look so nice!" After dressing, Henry leaves to start the car, and the two leave for town, and
Elisa leaves her moment of passionate freedom behind. On the way, however, Elisa spots the
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George Herbert Research Paper
Famous words that George Edward Stanhope Molineux Herbert, 5th Earl Carnarvon, fabulously said
to Archeologist, and close associate John Carter. Herbert's hope–and bank account– was shattered by
the continuous lack of success in finding the precious Tutankhamun's tomb in the Valley of the
Kings. Alas, Carter's determination in finding the tomb with or without his financial support, shifted
Herbert's state of mind, stirring once more his innate sense for adventure. The Earl of Carnarvon (
26 June 1866 ) ,was born in the vast state of his father, Henry Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon,
Highclere Castle, Hampshire 1.His father was a notorious legislator, who had immerge himself in
uncountable political dealings including the passage of
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The Aztec Of Aztecs And Spanish Conquistadors
The events that occurred between the Aztecs and Spanish Conquistadors have many sides and
opportunities for debate. One of the most debated topics being; Who was more savage and who was
more Civil? Both the Aztecs and Spanish had powerful and thriving empires. These empires
displayed their dominance through their advanced technology and flourishing military. Though it
may seem that the Spanish were more advanced than the Aztecs, the Aztecs and Spanish were
actually quite close to being equal in technological advancements.
The Aztec empire has been said to be the "greatest engineers in the Americas" and rival the Roman
Empire in technology. The Aztec Empire had luxurious pyramids, temples and a gleaming capital
city called Tenochtitlan, that in its golden years, was said to house over 200,000–250,000 Aztecs.
Tenochtitlan was larger than Rome, London and Madrid put together. On top of it's large population,
the people and streets were very pristine. The Tenochtitlan citizens took daily baths to ensure they
were fully clean. Infact, Tenochtitlan had public baths and lavatories for the citizens.
Tenochtitlan was built on a lake island called Aztlan and over the lake, the Aztecs built fertile,
floating farms called "Chinampas".The people who inhabited the Aztlan Island were originally
called the Mexica people. The name Aztec is derived from the name of the Island. However
primitive this empire may seem, the Emperors were quite affluent. They had lavish possessions
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Summary Of ' The Tale Of Kurochi '
Autumn Browder
The Tale of Kurochi In a far away land, secluded away from society and the rest of the world, there
was a beautiful land. This land was called Heiwana. Heiwana was a very calm and peaceful realm,
full of magical creatures. There was a huge, rich, and plentiful kingdom in the middle of the land,
and on each side there were two different realms. On one side, was a huge forest, with the tallest
trees you would ever see. The forest was riddled with imps, fairies, orcs, dwarves, and other
mystical beings. Including witches and wizards. One the other side of the kingdom, was a large,
dried out, desolate desert. Despite the fact the forest was full of more species of creatures, the desert
was far more ... Show more content on ...
This tunnel was tiny, no one older than the age of seventeen would be able to fit through, unless if
they were smaller than normal. The valley also had a small stream that was connected to waterfalls
on hills that were across the valley from each other.
In this particular valley, there was one small, cozy cottage in the middle. Surrounded by abundant
herb gardens and livestock, this cottage was miniscule in comparison to the humongous valley. This
cottage, was home to an old woman. The old woman's name was Maria Jenkins, but most people
had called her Madam Jenkins. Madam Jenkins was a plump old woman, with a kind face, and dull
green eyes. Madam Jenkins's hair was grey by now, after many years of living(seventy three to be
exact), and it was always kept in a messy bun atop her head. However, her hair bun was usually
hidden by her large sunhat, which she used to block out the sun as she tend to the garden she owned.
Madam Jenkins was not entirely alone, sure she had fairies and sheep, but her important company,
was her small granddaughter, of only age six. Her granddaughter's name was Sophie, Sophie
Jenkins. Sophie had big, oak brown eyes, with dusty brown hair to match. Sophie's hair was usually
kept in a long braid, that went just past her chest. Sophie was a small and scrawny girl, who was
naturally plagued with
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Iowa Wild : Nature Always Wears The Colors Of The Spirit
Iowa Wild
Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. –Ralph Waldo Emerson
I sleep the sleep of mothers–which is to say, I wake at the noises my husband snores through. In the
waxing light of day, coyotes yip and howl a few miles down the creek. Though these tricksters are
no threat to us, their calls have woken me early. Grabbing my glasses, I sit up and soak in the rare
site of my boys peacefully lying next to one another–no arguing, no wrestling, no teasing. Three
daddy longlegs cling to the inside of the tent; one just inches away from Batman's plastic nose.
Saylor eats, plays, and sleeps in the comic universe, but that tiny arachnid would scare him worse
than if the apocalyptic horrors found in his stories actually came to life. I debate about climbing over
everyone to reach it. If I don't remove the thing and Saylor wakes, all hell will break loose. If I reach
over to remove it, I will likely wake someone up and erase my rare chance at some alone time zen in
the wilderness. I choose zen.
The northeastern part of my home state lures me in each summer. It sings in the ancient language of
deeply carved river valleys and teaches wisdom from lofty limestone bluffs. This Driftless Area,
untouched by the last of the glaciers and unlike the more well–known topography of the corn belt,
welcomes my family when we have a desire to wade knee deep in trout fishing heaven.
We pitch tents in Yellow River State Forest, just yards away from the creek where rainbows and
browns hide
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Personal Review: Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival
Jessica Rodriguez
COMS 356
Professor Weiss
19 April 2016
Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival
Being an avid music lover and a communication studies student, I had a desire to integrate the
knowledge acquired during the course of my classes with an event that enabled me to understand the
dynamics between culture and music events. This intrigues me to study and experience the
Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival as an artifact of music. Coachella is an extremely popular
event amongst individuals of my age bracket where people of diverse races, ethnic background,
creeds unite together for the love of music. Considering it the perfect opportunity, I decided to
experience the true essence of Coachella. The event is said to be the most popular ... Show more
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On the other hand, popular culture can also be considered a process through which individuals can
extract meaning in a social context (Fiske). When it comes to Coachella, we can decipher this as a
theory about how environment can have an impact on the society. The theory also highlights about
the cognitive process through which information is accessed and then overlapped via the Internet.
Thus, the prominence of Coachella cannot be avoided and it is natural for the event to surface on
blogs, social media, photos etc. this is not it but even when the event ends, news platforms continue
to talk about the highlights of the event and also predict the future course of it.
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A Walk through the Peaceful Valley: A Glance at the...
A Walk Through the Peaceful Valley: A Glance at the History of Arcadia, Nebraska
As you walk down the streets of Arcadia, Nebraska, you look from side to side and see nothing more
than a quiet little town. What you probably aren't aware of is the history behind this "little town".
Arcadia is built off of determination, character, and distinctiveness. As you make your way down
Main Street, you start to grasp a glimpse of the past. Arcadia, Nebraska is a village with quite a story
to tell. Not many people know how Arcadia was founded or even how it came to be. Arcadia has
dealt with struggles and overcome tragedies, whereas most towns simply would have died away. In
addition to the charm of Arcadia's perseverance, there are also many fun ... Show more content on ...
This town is significant, because it is where most of Arcadia's early inhabitants came from. Most
were people from Lee's Park that had moved so they could be close to the railroad that was built to
run through Arcadia. When Arcadia first became a town, on October 3, 1885, the town shared a
school with Lee's Park. (A View of the Valley 25). As Arcadia's population grew, the demand for a
school within the town itself became a constant demand, and eventually the two towns split the
school. As a result, Lee's Park diminished population–wise and continued spiraling downward until
the town was completely gone. By about 1890, Arcadia's population had climbed to nearly 429
people. (A View of the Valley 25). Businesses began popping up all around town and people began
to settle in and make a life for themselves in this peaceful valley. By 1900, there were over 35 local
businesses. Some of these businesses include a barber shop, bowling alley, variety store, bank,
lumber yard, two grocery stores, two drug stores, and two cafés. Just as people began to settle in, the
town began to test the perseverance of the inhabitants, by throwing struggles at them in every way
possible. The struggles that Arcadia has overcome are absolutely enormous. Before Arcadia became
a town, the early settlers of the land were given a taste of the natural forces Arcadia can give out.
Right away the primary pioneers dealt with grasshoppers obliterating everything in sight.
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Hp Is A Consumer Electronics Company
Hewlett–Packard more commonly known as HP is a consumer electronics company. Since their
humble beginnings they have had a focus on inventive thinking and creativity. Last year this
company celebrated its 75th anniversary. 75 years is a major accomplishment for any company, but
it is especially significant for a company in an industry as competitive and prone to change as the
technology industry. HP has been inventing and manufacturing electronics for almost twice as long
as several of the industries major players such as Apple and Microsoft. With a research and
development budget rivaling that of much larger companies such as Apple, HP still places a lot of
emphasis on the creation of new technology. Throughout this project we will be ... Show more
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Shortly after starting his job at General electric Dave Packard took a leave of absence and moved
himself and his new wife to Palo Alto California, and began working with Bill Hewlett to start their
own company using an idea Bill had during his time as a student.
The Idea that would start not only HP but all of Silicon Valley was the subject of Bill Hewlett's
thesis subject at Stanford. Bill envisioned an audio oscillator that would be cheaper to make, easier
to operate, more accurate, and more portable than what was available at the time. The key to this
new oscillator was a small light bulb. By glowing brighter or dimmer the light bulb could stabilize
the signal strength, cancelling unwanted variations. This gave Bill's design a great advantage over
other companies. After more experimentation and testing Bill and Dave were able to take the thesis
project and make HP's first product, the 200A Oscillator. The name was chosen to make it appear
that they had designed other similar devices and that this was not the company's first product. The
first major buyer to benefit from Bill's new design was Walt Disney. Before their purchase Disney
requested some design changes which lead to the 200B oscillator. Disney needed a new kind of
audio oscillator to get movie theaters ready for the upcoming release of their new movie fantasia.
Due to the musical nature of the movie,
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Fladeboes The Band of the Future.
The new Fladeboes factory will open up in Palmdale Ca. This location was selected because of its
dry weather; it has low levels of precipitation, and is close enough to Los Angeles to be marketed in
major city areas. Also, California has some of the major trade ports with China, so it would be very
easy to step into the foreign market. As this product would be marketed primarily to old people,
California has such a heavy population and a large part of that population consists or elderly people.
Fladeboes would be marketed in stores starting in L.A. and continuing up the beachside coast into
Hollywood and so forth. The land in Palmdale is quite cheap because of its dry climate, and thus
would not cost as much to open a factory there. Also, due to the relatively low unemployment rate in
California areas, it would be quite simple to find workers for the factory, as well as supervisors for
the workers. In addition, there is a recent major push in California for people to be healthy, organic
foods and exercise is a major motto of the Los Angeles people as well as the suburban areas outside
the city. Therefore people would be interested in the product, as it could track their health on a daily
basis and could be marketed in local health shops. The market in California for this product is huge,
there is a common stereotype that most people in Los Angeles areas are well–to–do and could
definitely afford the bracelet. Also, people in California seem to be wrapped up in fads, as well
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Mimir's Price: A Short Story
Mimir's Price
The sound of a lazy brook, babbling its story night and day, always fills me with peace. Running
water through forests and rocks creates Beta waves in the brain. Maybe the thousands of asian
temples devoted to hundreds of philosophies knew this. Whether National Geographic or some other
documentary these grand temples that have stood for generations always have some talkative stream
near by. I am not sure about the science involved, but I can say I've heard the lullaby of water
playing with the small pools that rocks make. The sound always carried the comfort of Summer
visitations with my dad in Northern California. Water has defined that area of the Golden State
through the hour hand of geologic time. Water has been ... Show more content on ...
I would see my Father less than I liked. Yet the sounds of playful water always ferried me to his
trailer next to the creek. Even the urban sound of rain in a gutter can sweep serenity to my troubled
mind if I stopped to listen. I can not help but feel my body diminish when near the churns and
gurgles of young streams. The sounds are the keys to memories which come when called. Water
always brings them to me in what ever order they choose. Soon they will be the only ones left of the
moments spent me and Dad alone. Time has its own currents and eddies bringing us to our fates.
The Norse even talked of Fate as a the banks of a river, and the person as the current. Alzheimer's
has become my Father's fate, and time now works the peaks and valleys of his mind. My Father and
friend wakes each day to the slow eroding of memories like the current cutting the wide channel of
the Yuba River Gorge. Like the gold we sought our time exposed and washed away from his mind. I
cannot say what he will last recall. My hope is that it would be the playful tune of my beloved
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High-Tech Workers in the Silicon Valley Essay
Brief History of the Valley
The Silicon Valley area became a major manufacturing power after World War II. The Cold War
furthered this development, as industries involved in defense, aerospace, steel, oil, automobiles, and
so on prospered (Hossfeld 405–406). The high–technology industry began in the laboratories of
corporations such as Bell Laboratories, American Telephone and Telegraph, Fairchild Camera and
Instrument, and General Electric during this Cold War era (Bacon, "Organizing"). Employment in
California, especially Silicon Valley, grew rapidly between 1950 and 1980 due to technical
innovation that characterized the postwar prosperity. Furthermore, federal spending expanded
California's economy, placing it in the ... Show more content on ...
Although the Silicon Valley is not limited to the production of cell phones, many of the components
of cell phones are manufactured by workers in the Silicon Valley. Several corporations that
manufacture cell phones or the components of cell phones have their plants located in the Silicon
Valley. Some corporations include Intel, Altera, 3com, Applied Materials, Agilent Technologies,
Juniper Networks, Linear Technologies, National Semiconductors, and Xilinx ("Silicon Valley
Who are these workers?
"Silicon Valley is home to large, well–paid professional workforce, but the Valley's high–tech
companies directly and indirectly employ a vast number of poorly paid workers locally, nationally,
and internationally" (Siegel 91). Most of these workers are Third World women and the industry is
stratified by race, nationality, and gender (Hossfeld 407). A 1990 census and Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission data showed that white and Japanese–American men are at the top and
non–white women are at the bottom (Siegel 98). Today, thirty percent of the skilled production
workforce, forty–seven percent of the semiskilled workforce, and forty–one percent of the unskilled
workforce are Asian. Additionally, eighteen percent of the skilled workers, twenty–one percent of
semiskilled workers, and thirty–six
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Washington, The Man Of The Revolutionary Era
Allison McNamara D'Abbene, p.4 American History 8 18 December 2015 Washington, the Man of
the Revolutionary Era On February 22nd, 1732, George Washington was born in Virginia, but little
did his parents know that he would change America forever. George Washington worked hard to
raise soldiers' spirits and help them to survive the winter at Valley Forge. He did anything in his
power to get the necessary supplies and best living conditions for his soldiers. George Washington
lead the Culper Spy Ring which was vital in winning the war. In the spy ring, anonymous spies
worked around the clock to find any information that could give hints to plans of the British. He
lead the Continental Army successfully at Yorktown. He faced many ... Show more content on ...
From morning until night he taught his army the art of war. He worked as hard as he could to make
sure his soldiers were ready for anything and everything that could happen on the battle field. But,
training his soldiers was not the only thing that needed to be done. Although the soldiers were
making due at the camp, conditions were far from perfection. He ordered that camp to be laid out in
a way that best fit the soldiers. His instructions were to build a log hut 14 by 16 ft for every 12 men.
He also ordered his men to build a bridge over the Schuylkill River to resupply his army more
efficiently. Washington wanted the best for his troops, and in order have that he needed help from
sources outside of Valley Forge. As early as September, 1777, Washington contacted Alexander
Hamilton to ask for supplies such as clothes and blankets, which the soldiers were in need of. He
desperately wrote a letter to congress to inform them of the harsh conditions, and asking them for
any supplies that they would give to his troops. He wrote, "From my soul... I pity these miseries,
which it is neither in my power to relieve or prevent" (Bruns, 63–64). Washington also sent men on
large expeditions to get food for his soldiers. These men were successful and most likely saved the
army. With all of these efforts combined, his troops' supply dilemma eased and they got back on
track for the war. Although the winter was harsh, conditions gradually improved under the
leadership of
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Coachella Valley Case Study
Another high power struggle impact individual that has impacted my strategy is Senator Jeff Stone,
who represents the Coachella Valley. As a "pharmacist, he questioned whether the bill's safeguards
were enough to prevent coercion... and whether it would attract suicide tourism" ( Marx 2015, para.
5). The Assembly Health Committee and Senator Jeff Stone should be aware that the End of Life
Option Action is modeled after the Death with Dignity Laws of Oregon. This law has been set in
place for 17 years in Oregon and as worked as it was intended. According to the Oregon Fact Sheet
from Compassion & Choices that Joe Barnes gave me during the interview:
"there has not been one incident of abuse, doctors have written nearly 1200 prescriptions, 753 ...
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I'm a social worker; therefore it is my duty to be a change agent that fights with a meaning behind
the scene. I am the voice for others who can't speak. I am there ears and eyes when their unable to
see or hear. Most importantly I'm there advocating to make sure their needs are met to the fullest. I
do this by being a change agent who fights for others.
Three Key Messages
My first key message is that Californians should have a choice, just like all of Americans should
have a choice if it's regarding their life. Second, according to Perez (2015), "there has not been a
single reported incident of abuse in the five states where medical aid in dying is available, including
in Oregon, where the law has been in place for nearly two decades" (para. 4).
Lastly, polling that was obtained from Compassion & Choices (as cited in PR Newswire, 2015),
shows that 69% of California wants this bipartisan legislation. These three key messages are
delivered through field advocating face–to–face, letters to the assembly members, and
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The Development Of The Palo Verde Irrigation Area
In 1923, the Palo Verde Irrigation District was formed. Including over 130,000 acres within Imperial
and Riverside Counties, the valley, as it's frequently called, is an agricultural hub where an
abundance of produce grows, livestock feed is grown and where PVID is given primary water rights
in the state.
Thus, eight years later, in 1931, seven California water entities entered into a "Seven Party Water
Agreement"assigning priorities to the 4.4 MAF of Colorado River water to which California is
According to the agreement, PVID, Imperial Irrigation District, Coachella Valley Water District,
MWD, the City of Los Angeles, the City of San Diego and San Diego County are all parties with
some entitlement.
Nonetheless, with each ... Show more content on ...
According to the amended complaint, PVID alleges that due to MWD being unable to comply with
CEQA laws and very their own Administrative Codes, the suit against the water district has resulted
in the exposing of the illegal schemes done by MWD, as they continue to threaten both land and
water within the Palo Verde Valley region. Also mentioned in this complaint, PVID states, "The suit
details how MWD violated California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) laws by executing six
farmland parcel leases, without an Environmental Impact Report, that include draconian water–use
restrictions. MWD demanded the restrictions in an attempt to divert excess Colorado River water to
Southern California's urban areas." Not forthcoming with details in responses to PVID's direct
attempts to learn more about the leases before they were executed and the illegal gift of public funds
of more than $125 million, which violates the California Constitution, on Aug. 7, PVID filed a
lawsuit against the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. As stated in their latest press
release, PVID Manager Ned Hyduke shares, "Palo Verde Irrigation District has taken action to
protect the agricultural lands in its service area that sustain the local economy and feed so many
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Coachella Valley Honor Band
During my junior year, all high school students of the Coachella Valley were given the opportunity
to audition for the All Coachella Valley Honor Band, with a guest conductor H. Robert Reynolds.
This was a significant educational opportunity I took advantage of. The audition consisted of a
couple of scales, and excerpts from the music that was going to be performed on the day of the
concert. When the day came I sat in front of the judge with my music and clarinet, where my nerves
began to rise. Before I began to play my heart began to pound along with my hands beginning to
sweat. Throughout my audition I had a few mistakes,but I stayed persistent and completed my
audition. After I finished my audition, the judge said I had done great, I was
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Palm Desert Case Study
Experience 2015 – Present Palm Desert Area Regional Chamber of Palm Desert, CA President/CEO
Maintain the metrics as established for the 5–Star US Accredited, Award Winning Chamber.
Work with Board of Directors to establish, implement and maintain the corporate mission and vision
and assist with setting the strategic direction of the organization.
Extensive experience establishing and implementing annual program of work/business plan that is
consistent with achieving strategic goals set with the Board of Directors.
Oversee and manage fiscal resources of the organization including preparation of the annual budget,
and ensuring that all financial records are audited in compliance with established laws. ... Show
more content on ...
Participate in both chamber and community activities to promote and enhance the image and
relationship for the chamber with all groups and parties within the city and state. This has lead to
stronger more effective relationships with the city as evidenced by the successful negotiations of
securing $35,000 for an annual event and an additional $35,000 for a new event thus taking a risk
and having confidence that the only 5–Star Chamber in the Coachella Valley would be successful.
Coordinate the activities of the chamber staff including recruiting, educating, training, supervising
and regularly assessing performance of staff.
Recruit, orient, and direct the activities of volunteers including committees, workgroups and task
Recruit new members and retain existing members by directing and participating with appropriate
personnel to ensure adequate membership services.
Selected and participated at the US Chamber Institution of Organizational Management
accreditation at the University of Tuscon site as a Class
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Joseph Plumb Martin Essay
Joseph Plumb Martin was born "upon the twenty–first of November, in the year of 1760" (Martin 6).
His grandparents raised him on their Connecticut farm. Inspired by the Battles of Lexington and
Concord he decided to enlist into the army. He was eager to help for the patriotic cause. In June of
1776, at the age of 15, Martin was able to enlist but didn't want to sign up for a long enlistment.
Soldiers at the time were enlisting for a year's service but he did not like that and thought it was too
long a time for him for the first trial, "I wished only to take a priming before I took upon me the
whole coat of paint for a soldier" (Martin 16). Orders soon came allowing men to enlist for six
months so Martin enrolled in the Connecticut ... Show more content on ...
He goes on to explain the living conditions he had to endure and his lack of sleep. "It was utterly
impossible to lie down and to get any rest or sleep on account of the mud" Martin recalls, "and can
say in sincerity that I never lay down to sleep a minute in all that time" (Martin 77). The fighting at
Fort Mifflin allowed Washington and his troops to withdraw to winter quarters at Valley Forge. It
was too late in the season for the British to follow them.
After arriving at Valley Forge Martin and his fellow soldiers were about to go through the famously
long cold winter that awaited them. Martin wrote, "Our prospect was indeed dreary. In our miserable
condition, to go into the wild woods and build us habitations to stay (not to live) in, in such a weak,
starved and naked condition, was appalling in the highest degree" (Martin 89). He talks about lying
there "two nights and one day, and had not a morsel of any thing to eat all the time" (Martin 90).
Martin describes the travel and the toll it took on men. "I had now to travel the rest of the day, after
marching all the day and night before and fighting all the morning. I had eaten nothing since the
noon of the preceding day, nor did I eat a morsel til the forenoon of the next day, and I needed rest
as much as victuals. After the army had collected again and recovered from their panic, we were
kept marching and countermarching, starving and freezing" (Martin
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Coachella Valley Drought
Water On Mars, But Not In California
The Coachella Valley is a civilization built by water, sustained by water, and requires an awful lot of
this rapidly diminishing resource. As a hub for tourist activities such as golfing which use copious
amounts of water just to stay operational, the Valley must address California's growing drought. One
would think that California should be the last state experiencing a water shortage because it is
bordered by the largest body of water in the world, the Pacific Ocean, however this is not the case at
all. Because the Pacific is an ocean, its water must be purified which is a long and expensive
process, and because of the hot and dry natural climate, California is especially prone to drought, no
matter how ... Show more content on ...
The response to this statewide disaster requires the combined efforts of all state agencies and the
state's model mutual aid system to address. In support of this unified effort, all state agencies with a
role in supporting drought mitigation and relief efforts are organized under the Incident Command
System and will continue provide emergency planning, response, and mitigation support as long as
needs exist and hopefully this need will not be a need for very much longer. The Task Force is
currently coordinating with other relevant national and international efforts including the emerging
National Multi–Model Ensemble and the international effort to develop a Global Drought
Information System and a subgroup of the NOAA Drought Task Force recently released a science
assessment looking at the relationship between El Niño and the California drought which states that
the impacts of El Niño on California winter precipitation are likely to be greater in late winter than
in early winter; southern California has a stronger chance of wet conditions than northern California;
and, in case of a very strong El Niño, heavy precipitation is more likely across the entire state. This
is a positive sign for Californians everywhere, especially in the Valley as we rely heavily on rain and
snow for our
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The Long Profile Of A River
In this investigation, I will be investigating the changes along the long profile of a river. In order to
do this, I will be collecting data and making observations at three different points along the river; the
upper course, the middle course, and the lower course.
The river which I will be conducting my observations would be on Bartley Water. Bartley Water is a
river going through the New Forest which is located in the south of the UK, Hampshire. The source
of the river begins from Bartley, 109m above sea level, and joins to its end at Eling, flowing into
Southampton Water. The river has a length of 27km and a catchment area of 40sqkm. It is a tributary
of the River Test. The river bed contains of a mixture of sand, silt and clay which can change as the
river behaves due to erosion, transportation and deposition.
The sites which I will be investigating on are:
Site one is at Buskett's Lawn, grid reference: 309109
Site two is at Woodlands, grid reference: 325006
Site three is at Eling, grid reference: 362124
The surroundings of these areas differ at each site. Site one is mostly rural areas whereas, when it
moves onto the last site, it becomes an urban area. These will affect on the course and direction of
the river and its characteristics.
The long profile of a river describes how the characteristics of the river vary from the upper course
to the lower course. A quicker and easier way to present this idea is through a Bradshaw Model (see
the diagram on
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The Importance Of Choosing A University Or College
It is important to choose a university or college as early as possible because you will have a idea
where you want to go to be prepared after high school. It is important to know what you want to do
and what you want to do after high school as early to save the stress and have a mind set on what to
do. The steps to choosing a university or college is fairly simple you just have to consider your
options. There are 10 best steps to take but I have chosen the best 4 steps. One of the steps that I
thought was one of the best was according to Katy Hopskins "Rank your priorities: List of Pros and
Con", you must consider the pros and cons of the university/college and decide your priorities. The
following step is "Compare Financial Aid Packages" which is to look at the different packages to
make it much more affordable and have to owe less after college and won't be stuck in debt. The
third step is "Delve Into The Department" and that is to look at what the college is great at and if
that school excels in what you're majoring or what you want to do if possible. The final step is
"Don't Procrastinate" and this step is self explanatory but this step is to dont procrastinate and dont
wait until the last second to do everything. Decide what you want to do because you won't be able to
think as clear as if you had thought about it a year ago and given you time to think about your
options so its important to give yourself time to think and do things.
The University of Texas Rio
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Coachella Valley Essay
Now that you have an insight of what the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival is, I am going to
discuss some analytic research about the festival. Although the festival has the appearance of an
hippy attraction, it is a massive economical factor for the Coachella Valley. As I state in my
narrative, "A festival large enough to attract people from around the world, economically fuel a
community of nearly three hundred and fifty thousand, and change your perspective of cultures and
art from around the world. The Coachella Valley music and art festival, a global attraction and
economic engine that shaped the Coachella Valley." Better known as Coachella fest, the iconic
festival has grown to become one of the most influential aspects of the ... Show more content on ...
The three–day event is held at the Empire Polo Grounds in Indio California. Since its debut in
nineteen ninety–three, Coachella fest has grown from a local venue to a global attraction. In her
article " Sound spectrum: Coachella, Tachevah, Stagecoach and more" from the Desert Sun
newspaper author Dana Nichols discusses the growth of Coachella fest since its beginning. Nichols
begins by mentioning the first headline performance at Coachella fest, " In 1993, Pearl Jam's bold
performance on the polo field – part of the grunge band's famous Ticketmaster boycott – set the
venue up for a tremendous festival future" (Nichols). Since the first year of Coachella fest, the
festival has grown exponentially, in her article Nichols mentions, "Now the production of 180 bands
on six stages across a 1.5–mile swath of desert attracts 90,000 people during two weekends"
(Nichols). With a steady increase in attendance each year, a city ordinance submitted by the owners
to expand Coachella fest into a two weekend event orchestrated in two thousand twelve.
(Wikipedia). Two months later the city of Indio approves permit and for the first time Coachella fest
was a two weekend event. From nineteen ninety–three to two thousand and fifteenth, the festival has
expanded into a three–day event that happens on two separate
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Policy Analysis of the Older Americans Act of 1965 Essay
Eligibility Criteria and Beneficiaries The OAA is generally for older adults aged sixty and above.
The persons need to be in real need of the services. The person may be as low as age fifty five; Title
V provides support for part–time employment for individuals aged fifty five and over that earn a low
income and have poor employment possibilities. Individuals included in the Act are American
Indians, Native Alaskan Americans, Native Hawaiian Americans, tribal organizations, and persons
with disabilities. The Act focuses on providing services to the individuals of this country who are in
the greatest economic need. State and local government agencies, as well as nonprofit organizations
and institutions are eligible according to the Act ... Show more content on ...
Younger generations still have people discriminating against the elderly in the workplace. In the
fiscal year 2010, (O'Shaughnessy, 2012) only about 5.1%, or 3 million people, out of the 57.8
million people age sixty and over, received services funded by the Act. These services included
home delivered meals, home care, personal care, or case management services on a regular or
intensive basis. About 14%, 8 million people, received other services, such as transportation,
congregate meals, or information and assistance on a not so regular basis. A report was made by the
Government Accountability Office stating that their findings were that many older people are in
need of meals and other supportive services to help remain independent in their own communities,
but a large portion of them are not getting the help they are in need of. Some barriers causing this
lack of help are lack of funding and lack of knowledge among the older Americans that they may be
eligible for benefits and services can be available for them. According to an article written by Sam
Kennedy (Kennedy, 2014), the Lehigh Valley lost jobs this past February for the first time in about
four years. This pushed some long–term unemployed persons and
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Skfs Essay
The Little Bison Basin
The Little Bison River flows from small glaciers in the high cirques of the Rocky Mountains east to
the Great Plains of North America, where it ultimately joins the Missouri system. The valley
through the Rockies contains a few small towns which are supported by the ski industry and
tourism. Recently, extensive natural gas deposits have been discovered in the area, and salvage
archaeology projects have been funded to assess the nature of archaeological resources prior to the
construction of pipelines, access roads, and well heads. You have been asked to summarize the
prehistory of the area for a book on the local history of the resort town of Poplar, soon to celebrate
its centennial. ... Show more content on ...
Rock suitable for the production of stone tools is fOW1don every mountain range, and in creek beds
as cobbles and pebbles. Two surveys have been conducted in the area. Horned Toad Consultants
conducted extensive judgemental surveys during initial impact assessment, concentrating on the
grasslands of the Little Bison valley, two arbitrarily chosen tributary valleys (Cripple Creek and
Silver Creek), one cirque (below Smith Peak) and the Inverness Plateau. Four site types were
defined. Camp sites contain a wide range of artifact types and fire broken rock. Kill sites contain a
restricted range of artifacts (mainly projectile points) and large quantities of bone. Lithic scatters are
small sites with no diagnostic artifacts. Quarries have large quantities of debitage, usually associated
with shallow pits dug into bedrock. The distribution of sites and diagnostic artifacts is shown in
Figure 8.1. Recently R. Bootheel undertook a survey of the area using random sampling techniques.
Although her M.A. thesis is still being written, she has commented on the previous survey as
My work in the region confirms the dense distribution of sites along the Little Bison valley and all
tributary valleys. It also identifies the much lower frequency of sites in plateau areas. However, the
judgemental sampling techniques employed by Horned Toad Con– .
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Encno-Tarzana Community Program Essay
Development of the Encnio–Tarzana Community Plan update involved a three year process
engaging numerous community stakeholder, advocacy and constituent groups, as well as on–going
coordination with numerous City, County and neighboring Municipal agencies. With over 8
Community outreach meetings conducted and twice that number of agency and staff coordination
meetings, outreach regarding the Encino–Tarzana Community Plan Update was both on–going and
As envisioned by the Department's Executive Management in 2016, at initiation of six–year
community plan cycle, the outreach process was to involve a, "more continuous feedback loop of
public input", from previous Community Plan Update outreach efforts and toward achieving ...
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Approximately 100 people were present throughout the evenings.
Encino and Tarzana Community Plan Update workshops: Two workshops were held to review and
participate in shaping land use recommendations affecting the neighborhoods. The workshops were
a vital component in the DCP's engagement with the community on the long range vision for the
management of growth and improvement of quality of life within the vibrant community in the
Southwest San Fernando Valley. Approximately 150 people signed–in and attend at the workshops
throughout the evenings.
One generation Encino Farmers Market special event: The Encino Farmers' Market offered the
opportunity for a public outreach to tactically reach to a more diverse stakeholders. The event
captured 101 survey responses by five City of Los Angeles planners. Out of the 101 surveys, 74
surveys were obtained from participants that either lived, worked, or attend a school in the
southwest valley community plan areas (38 in Encino–Tarzana, 13 in Canoga Park–Winnetka–
Woodland Hills–West Hills, 23 in Reseda–Lake Balboa, and 26 San Fernando Valley).
Planning 101: A Planning 101 was hosted by the Department of City Planning (DCP) and
Councilmember Bob Blumenfield office for West Valley communities. The discussion
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Essay about the aztecs
The Aztecs
The tribe in which I will be researching is the Aztecs tribe. I plan to find out the answers to the
questions below.
1. Where they lived?
2. Their religions?
3. What they ate?
4. Some of their beliefs?
5. What life was like?
The Aztecs
The Indian tribe I am studying is the Aztecs. I plan on answering questions such as what life was
like, what they ate, how they dressed, what their religions were, and many other questions which I
intended on finding out. ... Show more content on ...
A major part of an average Aztec man or woman entertaining area would be the game Tlachlli. This
game would be played, and the results would affect how the future could be. They would play in a
semi big stadium where a rubber ball would be hit with the Aztec players, as they would try to get it
through a hole up on a wall. Goals were extremely rare, but if you did score, you would extremely
famous throughout the empire. (Steele, 20&21.) Priests said that the gods would play Tlachilli,
the sky would be their court, and the sun would be their ball. The results of a game would tell the
priest what would happen in the future. (Steele, 21&25.)
I found many interesting facts during this study, and the most interesting fact, which I found was
one of the Aztecs ancient beliefs. The Aztecs said that where they would find an eagle on a cactus
with a snake in its mouth, which is where they would build their city. (Stuart, 69.) They found a
snake on a cactus with a eagle in its mouth and built their city on it. The city was named Tenochit.
This tremendous city was their home, and in the center they had Pyramids where they would make
their sacrifices for their gods. This city is now what makes the heart of the huge capital of Mexico,
Mexico City. And the emblem in which the Aztecs had pictured of an eagle on a cactus with a snake
in its mouth can now be found on the flag of Mexico.
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The Inborn Names Of The Morongo Reservation
Set at the extremity of the striking San Gorgonio and San Jacinto Mountains, the Morongo Indian
Reservation extends more than 35,000 acres and overlooks the desert vistas of the Banning Pass.
Wild buckwheat, mesquite and chaparral still flourish here, and the ubiquitous breeze ensures that
the air is always fresh and clear.
One of the inborn names of the Morongo Reservation was Malki, and it was located in what was
once called the Wanikik territory. In the mid–19th century, the Serrano people to the north began
journeying to the Malki settlement. They brought with them the Morongo name derivative from the
Serrano name for their people, Maringayam. Since the late 19th century, the Morongo Reservation
has been tenanted by a mix of Cahuilla, Serrano, Luiseno and Cupeno people.
Irrepressible and ingenious, the Morongo tribe has overcome many hardships. The Morongo
Reservation was one of nine small reservations set aside by President Grant by Executive Order in
1865. The lands taken into trust by the federal government did not include land with access to
surface water. Accordingly, tribal members had to travel miles each day just to acquire water and to
forage for food. Through their industriousness and capability to survive in an unstable physical and
political environment, the Morongo tribe began a small bingo venture in 1983.
On February 25, 1987, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that neither the state of California nor
Riverside County could control the bingo and card
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Old Alejandr The Window Of The Picture Frame Inside The...

  • 1. Old Alejandr The Window Of The Picture Frame Inside The... As far back as Alejandra Franco can remember, the frames hanging in the hallway of her family's Coachella Valley home were always empty. The unfilled wall décor did not represent a home devoid of memories or a showcase for an unorthodox interior decorating theme. Instead, they were an intentional symbol of an unspoken expectation of the future for Alejandra and her three younger siblings. With only a grade school education, Ana and Marcelino Franco came to America penniless and told their kids that their only job was "to obtain an education because it is the key to your future." In 2000, they put their mantra into action almost immediately by enrolling three–year–old Alejandra in the Head Start Program administered by the Riverside County Office of Education within the Coachella Valley Unified School District (CVUSD). After two years of preschool, Alejandra received a completion certificate that was immediately hung with pride in a picture frame inside the Franco family home. Jim Greene, a veteran educator who was the Director of Children and Family Services for CVUSD, had suggested a tip to parents who wanted to establish education as a priority in their families that they could visually and nonverbally reinforce the importance of education simply by hanging empty picture frames in their homes to symbolize the expectation of forthcoming diplomas from junior high, high school, and college. As each of their children would reach graduation milestones, the framed diplomas ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Summary: Hives Of Controversy The feeling that one gets about being a member of a community or part of a family is undistinguishable. This is what I feel with the Home Depot, I very rarely shop at another home improvement store, then there are the reviews I write and being a member of the seeds program, under the pen name goodreason. Recently I read an article in the Hill Country Observer titled "Hives of Controversy" by Tracy Frisch ( The article talks about colony collapse disorder and the causes. The tests that have been done and continue to proceed mention that the insecticide neonicotinoids can be a major cause for the loss of bees. As with most if not all chemical insecticides they don't readily break ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Essay on King Tut King Tutankhamun Introduction King Tutankhamun was a Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty who ruled from1333 BC – 1324 BC, during the period of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom. He is the most recognized and probably the most famous pharaoh today because of the discovery of his tomb and his treasures. King Tut's tomb was a major discovery of the 19th century. It was a phenomenal discovery that made headlines across the world. Up until the discovery of King Tut's tomb, it was believed that all royal tombs had been robbed and drained of their treasure. The Discovery Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered in the Valley of the Kings KV62 on November 4, 1922 by the British Egyptologist Howard Carter. The Tomb was discovered near ... Show more content on ... A Curse has also been mentioned thought there this no real evidence of this being true. Technology used There were various uses of technology used in this excavation. Carter made the hole in the upper left–hand corner and used other tools to start to chip away at the opening. Candles were used when Carter held the candle into the darkness and permitted his eyes to adjust to the warm ancient air that exited the tomb this air made the candle flicker. The gold furniture became illuminated by the small candle. The next day, Callender came prepared with electric lights and those were set up inside the tomb. This allowed the four of them to explore the tomb more freely. Cameras were used because the tomb was eventually excavated and heavily photographed. It was largely damaged by Carter's team, when sharp tools were used to remove his gleaming gold–and–blue death mask. X rays were used because archaeologists last opened Tutankhamun's tomb in 1968, when British scientist Ronald Harrison took a series of X–rays. A radiographer was used to radiographs revealed a bone fragment in his skull, prompting speculation that the boy pharaoh was killed by a blow to the head. Also a various of other tools were used to excavated the area. Careers involved Though there are many careers that made this discovery possible Howard Carter was an English archaeologist and Egyptologist born in Kensington England. Lord Carnarvon was a silent financial
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  • 8. John Steinbeck’s The Chrysanthemums Essay In John Steinbeck's The Chrysanthemums, the reader is introduced to the seemingly timid and shy Elisa Allen. Elisa is routinely planting her yearly sets of Chrysanthemums, which appear to be the sole receptor of her caring and gentle touch, but all the while it is evident that "the chrysanthemum stems seemed too small and easy for her energy." Her hidden eagerness seems not only out of place, but out of touch with her dry and wilted surroundings, of which her husband, Henry, abruptly interrupts her steady pace. Inquiring of dinner plans, he is quickly shuttered out, so that Elisa can continue her work in the fenced in flower bed. This seems to be the only place on the ranch that belongs to her, and thus devoting the entirety of her ... Show more content on ... Elisa is so engaged in the man, that she offers him Chrysanthemum sprouts to pass on to another customer. She excitedly explains how to care for them on his journey, but catches herself becoming too involved in the conversation when "her breasts swelled passionately" toward the peddler in the midst of the conversation. When this occurs, the reader catches a glimpse of the passion Elisa has for her hobby, which has remained buried in routine until now. She seems sad as the peddler departs whispering "good–bye– good–bye," however, she quickly regains her sense of married farm life, looking around to make sure that no one noticed this moment of impurity. Elisa quickly retreats inside to clean up for dinner, taking longer that usual to clean up. Henry shortly returns to the house to clean up as well, but notices the extra time Elisa must have taken, remarking, "why– why, Elisa. You look so nice!" After dressing, Henry leaves to start the car, and the two leave for town, and Elisa leaves her moment of passionate freedom behind. On the way, however, Elisa spots the cluttered ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. George Herbert Research Paper Famous words that George Edward Stanhope Molineux Herbert, 5th Earl Carnarvon, fabulously said to Archeologist, and close associate John Carter. Herbert's hope–and bank account– was shattered by the continuous lack of success in finding the precious Tutankhamun's tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Alas, Carter's determination in finding the tomb with or without his financial support, shifted Herbert's state of mind, stirring once more his innate sense for adventure. The Earl of Carnarvon ( 26 June 1866 ) ,was born in the vast state of his father, Henry Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon, Highclere Castle, Hampshire 1.His father was a notorious legislator, who had immerge himself in uncountable political dealings including the passage of ... Get more on ...
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  • 12. The Aztec Of Aztecs And Spanish Conquistadors The events that occurred between the Aztecs and Spanish Conquistadors have many sides and opportunities for debate. One of the most debated topics being; Who was more savage and who was more Civil? Both the Aztecs and Spanish had powerful and thriving empires. These empires displayed their dominance through their advanced technology and flourishing military. Though it may seem that the Spanish were more advanced than the Aztecs, the Aztecs and Spanish were actually quite close to being equal in technological advancements. The Aztec empire has been said to be the "greatest engineers in the Americas" and rival the Roman Empire in technology. The Aztec Empire had luxurious pyramids, temples and a gleaming capital city called Tenochtitlan, that in its golden years, was said to house over 200,000–250,000 Aztecs. Tenochtitlan was larger than Rome, London and Madrid put together. On top of it's large population, the people and streets were very pristine. The Tenochtitlan citizens took daily baths to ensure they were fully clean. Infact, Tenochtitlan had public baths and lavatories for the citizens. Tenochtitlan was built on a lake island called Aztlan and over the lake, the Aztecs built fertile, floating farms called "Chinampas".The people who inhabited the Aztlan Island were originally called the Mexica people. The name Aztec is derived from the name of the Island. However primitive this empire may seem, the Emperors were quite affluent. They had lavish possessions ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Summary Of ' The Tale Of Kurochi ' Autumn Browder 9–21–17 #4 The Tale of Kurochi In a far away land, secluded away from society and the rest of the world, there was a beautiful land. This land was called Heiwana. Heiwana was a very calm and peaceful realm, full of magical creatures. There was a huge, rich, and plentiful kingdom in the middle of the land, and on each side there were two different realms. On one side, was a huge forest, with the tallest trees you would ever see. The forest was riddled with imps, fairies, orcs, dwarves, and other mystical beings. Including witches and wizards. One the other side of the kingdom, was a large, dried out, desolate desert. Despite the fact the forest was full of more species of creatures, the desert was far more ... Show more content on ... This tunnel was tiny, no one older than the age of seventeen would be able to fit through, unless if they were smaller than normal. The valley also had a small stream that was connected to waterfalls on hills that were across the valley from each other. In this particular valley, there was one small, cozy cottage in the middle. Surrounded by abundant herb gardens and livestock, this cottage was miniscule in comparison to the humongous valley. This cottage, was home to an old woman. The old woman's name was Maria Jenkins, but most people had called her Madam Jenkins. Madam Jenkins was a plump old woman, with a kind face, and dull green eyes. Madam Jenkins's hair was grey by now, after many years of living(seventy three to be exact), and it was always kept in a messy bun atop her head. However, her hair bun was usually hidden by her large sunhat, which she used to block out the sun as she tend to the garden she owned. Madam Jenkins was not entirely alone, sure she had fairies and sheep, but her important company, was her small granddaughter, of only age six. Her granddaughter's name was Sophie, Sophie Jenkins. Sophie had big, oak brown eyes, with dusty brown hair to match. Sophie's hair was usually kept in a long braid, that went just past her chest. Sophie was a small and scrawny girl, who was naturally plagued with ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. Iowa Wild : Nature Always Wears The Colors Of The Spirit Iowa Wild Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. –Ralph Waldo Emerson I sleep the sleep of mothers–which is to say, I wake at the noises my husband snores through. In the waxing light of day, coyotes yip and howl a few miles down the creek. Though these tricksters are no threat to us, their calls have woken me early. Grabbing my glasses, I sit up and soak in the rare site of my boys peacefully lying next to one another–no arguing, no wrestling, no teasing. Three daddy longlegs cling to the inside of the tent; one just inches away from Batman's plastic nose. Saylor eats, plays, and sleeps in the comic universe, but that tiny arachnid would scare him worse than if the apocalyptic horrors found in his stories actually came to life. I debate about climbing over everyone to reach it. If I don't remove the thing and Saylor wakes, all hell will break loose. If I reach over to remove it, I will likely wake someone up and erase my rare chance at some alone time zen in the wilderness. I choose zen. The northeastern part of my home state lures me in each summer. It sings in the ancient language of deeply carved river valleys and teaches wisdom from lofty limestone bluffs. This Driftless Area, untouched by the last of the glaciers and unlike the more well–known topography of the corn belt, welcomes my family when we have a desire to wade knee deep in trout fishing heaven. We pitch tents in Yellow River State Forest, just yards away from the creek where rainbows and browns hide ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Personal Review: Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival Jessica Rodriguez COMS 356 Professor Weiss 19 April 2016 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival Being an avid music lover and a communication studies student, I had a desire to integrate the knowledge acquired during the course of my classes with an event that enabled me to understand the dynamics between culture and music events. This intrigues me to study and experience the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival as an artifact of music. Coachella is an extremely popular event amongst individuals of my age bracket where people of diverse races, ethnic background, creeds unite together for the love of music. Considering it the perfect opportunity, I decided to experience the true essence of Coachella. The event is said to be the most popular ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, popular culture can also be considered a process through which individuals can extract meaning in a social context (Fiske). When it comes to Coachella, we can decipher this as a theory about how environment can have an impact on the society. The theory also highlights about the cognitive process through which information is accessed and then overlapped via the Internet. Thus, the prominence of Coachella cannot be avoided and it is natural for the event to surface on blogs, social media, photos etc. this is not it but even when the event ends, news platforms continue to talk about the highlights of the event and also predict the future course of it. ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. A Walk through the Peaceful Valley: A Glance at the... A Walk Through the Peaceful Valley: A Glance at the History of Arcadia, Nebraska As you walk down the streets of Arcadia, Nebraska, you look from side to side and see nothing more than a quiet little town. What you probably aren't aware of is the history behind this "little town". Arcadia is built off of determination, character, and distinctiveness. As you make your way down Main Street, you start to grasp a glimpse of the past. Arcadia, Nebraska is a village with quite a story to tell. Not many people know how Arcadia was founded or even how it came to be. Arcadia has dealt with struggles and overcome tragedies, whereas most towns simply would have died away. In addition to the charm of Arcadia's perseverance, there are also many fun ... Show more content on ... This town is significant, because it is where most of Arcadia's early inhabitants came from. Most were people from Lee's Park that had moved so they could be close to the railroad that was built to run through Arcadia. When Arcadia first became a town, on October 3, 1885, the town shared a school with Lee's Park. (A View of the Valley 25). As Arcadia's population grew, the demand for a school within the town itself became a constant demand, and eventually the two towns split the school. As a result, Lee's Park diminished population–wise and continued spiraling downward until the town was completely gone. By about 1890, Arcadia's population had climbed to nearly 429 people. (A View of the Valley 25). Businesses began popping up all around town and people began to settle in and make a life for themselves in this peaceful valley. By 1900, there were over 35 local businesses. Some of these businesses include a barber shop, bowling alley, variety store, bank, lumber yard, two grocery stores, two drug stores, and two cafés. Just as people began to settle in, the town began to test the perseverance of the inhabitants, by throwing struggles at them in every way possible. The struggles that Arcadia has overcome are absolutely enormous. Before Arcadia became a town, the early settlers of the land were given a taste of the natural forces Arcadia can give out. Right away the primary pioneers dealt with grasshoppers obliterating everything in sight. ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Hp Is A Consumer Electronics Company Hewlett–Packard more commonly known as HP is a consumer electronics company. Since their humble beginnings they have had a focus on inventive thinking and creativity. Last year this company celebrated its 75th anniversary. 75 years is a major accomplishment for any company, but it is especially significant for a company in an industry as competitive and prone to change as the technology industry. HP has been inventing and manufacturing electronics for almost twice as long as several of the industries major players such as Apple and Microsoft. With a research and development budget rivaling that of much larger companies such as Apple, HP still places a lot of emphasis on the creation of new technology. Throughout this project we will be ... Show more content on ... Shortly after starting his job at General electric Dave Packard took a leave of absence and moved himself and his new wife to Palo Alto California, and began working with Bill Hewlett to start their own company using an idea Bill had during his time as a student. The Idea that would start not only HP but all of Silicon Valley was the subject of Bill Hewlett's thesis subject at Stanford. Bill envisioned an audio oscillator that would be cheaper to make, easier to operate, more accurate, and more portable than what was available at the time. The key to this new oscillator was a small light bulb. By glowing brighter or dimmer the light bulb could stabilize the signal strength, cancelling unwanted variations. This gave Bill's design a great advantage over other companies. After more experimentation and testing Bill and Dave were able to take the thesis project and make HP's first product, the 200A Oscillator. The name was chosen to make it appear that they had designed other similar devices and that this was not the company's first product. The first major buyer to benefit from Bill's new design was Walt Disney. Before their purchase Disney requested some design changes which lead to the 200B oscillator. Disney needed a new kind of audio oscillator to get movie theaters ready for the upcoming release of their new movie fantasia. Due to the musical nature of the movie, ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Fladeboes The Band of the Future. The new Fladeboes factory will open up in Palmdale Ca. This location was selected because of its dry weather; it has low levels of precipitation, and is close enough to Los Angeles to be marketed in major city areas. Also, California has some of the major trade ports with China, so it would be very easy to step into the foreign market. As this product would be marketed primarily to old people, California has such a heavy population and a large part of that population consists or elderly people. Fladeboes would be marketed in stores starting in L.A. and continuing up the beachside coast into Hollywood and so forth. The land in Palmdale is quite cheap because of its dry climate, and thus would not cost as much to open a factory there. Also, due to the relatively low unemployment rate in California areas, it would be quite simple to find workers for the factory, as well as supervisors for the workers. In addition, there is a recent major push in California for people to be healthy, organic foods and exercise is a major motto of the Los Angeles people as well as the suburban areas outside the city. Therefore people would be interested in the product, as it could track their health on a daily basis and could be marketed in local health shops. The market in California for this product is huge, there is a common stereotype that most people in Los Angeles areas are well–to–do and could definitely afford the bracelet. Also, people in California seem to be wrapped up in fads, as well ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Mimir's Price: A Short Story Mimir's Price The sound of a lazy brook, babbling its story night and day, always fills me with peace. Running water through forests and rocks creates Beta waves in the brain. Maybe the thousands of asian temples devoted to hundreds of philosophies knew this. Whether National Geographic or some other documentary these grand temples that have stood for generations always have some talkative stream near by. I am not sure about the science involved, but I can say I've heard the lullaby of water playing with the small pools that rocks make. The sound always carried the comfort of Summer visitations with my dad in Northern California. Water has defined that area of the Golden State through the hour hand of geologic time. Water has been ... Show more content on ... I would see my Father less than I liked. Yet the sounds of playful water always ferried me to his trailer next to the creek. Even the urban sound of rain in a gutter can sweep serenity to my troubled mind if I stopped to listen. I can not help but feel my body diminish when near the churns and gurgles of young streams. The sounds are the keys to memories which come when called. Water always brings them to me in what ever order they choose. Soon they will be the only ones left of the moments spent me and Dad alone. Time has its own currents and eddies bringing us to our fates. The Norse even talked of Fate as a the banks of a river, and the person as the current. Alzheimer's has become my Father's fate, and time now works the peaks and valleys of his mind. My Father and friend wakes each day to the slow eroding of memories like the current cutting the wide channel of the Yuba River Gorge. Like the gold we sought our time exposed and washed away from his mind. I cannot say what he will last recall. My hope is that it would be the playful tune of my beloved ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. High-Tech Workers in the Silicon Valley Essay Brief History of the Valley The Silicon Valley area became a major manufacturing power after World War II. The Cold War furthered this development, as industries involved in defense, aerospace, steel, oil, automobiles, and so on prospered (Hossfeld 405–406). The high–technology industry began in the laboratories of corporations such as Bell Laboratories, American Telephone and Telegraph, Fairchild Camera and Instrument, and General Electric during this Cold War era (Bacon, "Organizing"). Employment in California, especially Silicon Valley, grew rapidly between 1950 and 1980 due to technical innovation that characterized the postwar prosperity. Furthermore, federal spending expanded California's economy, placing it in the ... Show more content on ... Although the Silicon Valley is not limited to the production of cell phones, many of the components of cell phones are manufactured by workers in the Silicon Valley. Several corporations that manufacture cell phones or the components of cell phones have their plants located in the Silicon Valley. Some corporations include Intel, Altera, 3com, Applied Materials, Agilent Technologies, Juniper Networks, Linear Technologies, National Semiconductors, and Xilinx ("Silicon Valley Companies"). Who are these workers? "Silicon Valley is home to large, well–paid professional workforce, but the Valley's high–tech companies directly and indirectly employ a vast number of poorly paid workers locally, nationally, and internationally" (Siegel 91). Most of these workers are Third World women and the industry is stratified by race, nationality, and gender (Hossfeld 407). A 1990 census and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission data showed that white and Japanese–American men are at the top and non–white women are at the bottom (Siegel 98). Today, thirty percent of the skilled production workforce, forty–seven percent of the semiskilled workforce, and forty–one percent of the unskilled workforce are Asian. Additionally, eighteen percent of the skilled workers, twenty–one percent of semiskilled workers, and thirty–six ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Washington, The Man Of The Revolutionary Era Allison McNamara D'Abbene, p.4 American History 8 18 December 2015 Washington, the Man of the Revolutionary Era On February 22nd, 1732, George Washington was born in Virginia, but little did his parents know that he would change America forever. George Washington worked hard to raise soldiers' spirits and help them to survive the winter at Valley Forge. He did anything in his power to get the necessary supplies and best living conditions for his soldiers. George Washington lead the Culper Spy Ring which was vital in winning the war. In the spy ring, anonymous spies worked around the clock to find any information that could give hints to plans of the British. He lead the Continental Army successfully at Yorktown. He faced many ... Show more content on ... From morning until night he taught his army the art of war. He worked as hard as he could to make sure his soldiers were ready for anything and everything that could happen on the battle field. But, training his soldiers was not the only thing that needed to be done. Although the soldiers were making due at the camp, conditions were far from perfection. He ordered that camp to be laid out in a way that best fit the soldiers. His instructions were to build a log hut 14 by 16 ft for every 12 men. He also ordered his men to build a bridge over the Schuylkill River to resupply his army more efficiently. Washington wanted the best for his troops, and in order have that he needed help from sources outside of Valley Forge. As early as September, 1777, Washington contacted Alexander Hamilton to ask for supplies such as clothes and blankets, which the soldiers were in need of. He desperately wrote a letter to congress to inform them of the harsh conditions, and asking them for any supplies that they would give to his troops. He wrote, "From my soul... I pity these miseries, which it is neither in my power to relieve or prevent" (Bruns, 63–64). Washington also sent men on large expeditions to get food for his soldiers. These men were successful and most likely saved the army. With all of these efforts combined, his troops' supply dilemma eased and they got back on track for the war. Although the winter was harsh, conditions gradually improved under the leadership of ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Coachella Valley Case Study Another high power struggle impact individual that has impacted my strategy is Senator Jeff Stone, who represents the Coachella Valley. As a "pharmacist, he questioned whether the bill's safeguards were enough to prevent coercion... and whether it would attract suicide tourism" ( Marx 2015, para. 5). The Assembly Health Committee and Senator Jeff Stone should be aware that the End of Life Option Action is modeled after the Death with Dignity Laws of Oregon. This law has been set in place for 17 years in Oregon and as worked as it was intended. According to the Oregon Fact Sheet from Compassion & Choices that Joe Barnes gave me during the interview: "there has not been one incident of abuse, doctors have written nearly 1200 prescriptions, 753 ... Show more content on ... I'm a social worker; therefore it is my duty to be a change agent that fights with a meaning behind the scene. I am the voice for others who can't speak. I am there ears and eyes when their unable to see or hear. Most importantly I'm there advocating to make sure their needs are met to the fullest. I do this by being a change agent who fights for others. Three Key Messages My first key message is that Californians should have a choice, just like all of Americans should have a choice if it's regarding their life. Second, according to Perez (2015), "there has not been a single reported incident of abuse in the five states where medical aid in dying is available, including in Oregon, where the law has been in place for nearly two decades" (para. 4). Lastly, polling that was obtained from Compassion & Choices (as cited in PR Newswire, 2015), shows that 69% of California wants this bipartisan legislation. These three key messages are delivered through field advocating face–to–face, letters to the assembly members, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. The Development Of The Palo Verde Irrigation Area In 1923, the Palo Verde Irrigation District was formed. Including over 130,000 acres within Imperial and Riverside Counties, the valley, as it's frequently called, is an agricultural hub where an abundance of produce grows, livestock feed is grown and where PVID is given primary water rights in the state. Thus, eight years later, in 1931, seven California water entities entered into a "Seven Party Water Agreement"assigning priorities to the 4.4 MAF of Colorado River water to which California is entitled. According to the agreement, PVID, Imperial Irrigation District, Coachella Valley Water District, MWD, the City of Los Angeles, the City of San Diego and San Diego County are all parties with some entitlement. Nonetheless, with each ... Show more content on ... According to the amended complaint, PVID alleges that due to MWD being unable to comply with CEQA laws and very their own Administrative Codes, the suit against the water district has resulted in the exposing of the illegal schemes done by MWD, as they continue to threaten both land and water within the Palo Verde Valley region. Also mentioned in this complaint, PVID states, "The suit details how MWD violated California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) laws by executing six farmland parcel leases, without an Environmental Impact Report, that include draconian water–use restrictions. MWD demanded the restrictions in an attempt to divert excess Colorado River water to Southern California's urban areas." Not forthcoming with details in responses to PVID's direct attempts to learn more about the leases before they were executed and the illegal gift of public funds of more than $125 million, which violates the California Constitution, on Aug. 7, PVID filed a lawsuit against the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. As stated in their latest press release, PVID Manager Ned Hyduke shares, "Palo Verde Irrigation District has taken action to protect the agricultural lands in its service area that sustain the local economy and feed so many ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Coachella Valley Honor Band During my junior year, all high school students of the Coachella Valley were given the opportunity to audition for the All Coachella Valley Honor Band, with a guest conductor H. Robert Reynolds. This was a significant educational opportunity I took advantage of. The audition consisted of a couple of scales, and excerpts from the music that was going to be performed on the day of the concert. When the day came I sat in front of the judge with my music and clarinet, where my nerves began to rise. Before I began to play my heart began to pound along with my hands beginning to sweat. Throughout my audition I had a few mistakes,but I stayed persistent and completed my audition. After I finished my audition, the judge said I had done great, I was ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Palm Desert Case Study Experience 2015 – Present Palm Desert Area Regional Chamber of Palm Desert, CA President/CEO Maintain the metrics as established for the 5–Star US Accredited, Award Winning Chamber. Work with Board of Directors to establish, implement and maintain the corporate mission and vision and assist with setting the strategic direction of the organization. Extensive experience establishing and implementing annual program of work/business plan that is consistent with achieving strategic goals set with the Board of Directors. Oversee and manage fiscal resources of the organization including preparation of the annual budget, and ensuring that all financial records are audited in compliance with established laws. ... Show more content on ... Participate in both chamber and community activities to promote and enhance the image and relationship for the chamber with all groups and parties within the city and state. This has lead to stronger more effective relationships with the city as evidenced by the successful negotiations of securing $35,000 for an annual event and an additional $35,000 for a new event thus taking a risk and having confidence that the only 5–Star Chamber in the Coachella Valley would be successful. Coordinate the activities of the chamber staff including recruiting, educating, training, supervising and regularly assessing performance of staff. Recruit, orient, and direct the activities of volunteers including committees, workgroups and task forces. Recruit new members and retain existing members by directing and participating with appropriate personnel to ensure adequate membership services. Selected and participated at the US Chamber Institution of Organizational Management accreditation at the University of Tuscon site as a Class ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Joseph Plumb Martin Essay Joseph Plumb Martin was born "upon the twenty–first of November, in the year of 1760" (Martin 6). His grandparents raised him on their Connecticut farm. Inspired by the Battles of Lexington and Concord he decided to enlist into the army. He was eager to help for the patriotic cause. In June of 1776, at the age of 15, Martin was able to enlist but didn't want to sign up for a long enlistment. Soldiers at the time were enlisting for a year's service but he did not like that and thought it was too long a time for him for the first trial, "I wished only to take a priming before I took upon me the whole coat of paint for a soldier" (Martin 16). Orders soon came allowing men to enlist for six months so Martin enrolled in the Connecticut ... Show more content on ... He goes on to explain the living conditions he had to endure and his lack of sleep. "It was utterly impossible to lie down and to get any rest or sleep on account of the mud" Martin recalls, "and can say in sincerity that I never lay down to sleep a minute in all that time" (Martin 77). The fighting at Fort Mifflin allowed Washington and his troops to withdraw to winter quarters at Valley Forge. It was too late in the season for the British to follow them. After arriving at Valley Forge Martin and his fellow soldiers were about to go through the famously long cold winter that awaited them. Martin wrote, "Our prospect was indeed dreary. In our miserable condition, to go into the wild woods and build us habitations to stay (not to live) in, in such a weak, starved and naked condition, was appalling in the highest degree" (Martin 89). He talks about lying there "two nights and one day, and had not a morsel of any thing to eat all the time" (Martin 90). Martin describes the travel and the toll it took on men. "I had now to travel the rest of the day, after marching all the day and night before and fighting all the morning. I had eaten nothing since the noon of the preceding day, nor did I eat a morsel til the forenoon of the next day, and I needed rest as much as victuals. After the army had collected again and recovered from their panic, we were kept marching and countermarching, starving and freezing" (Martin ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Coachella Valley Drought Water On Mars, But Not In California The Coachella Valley is a civilization built by water, sustained by water, and requires an awful lot of this rapidly diminishing resource. As a hub for tourist activities such as golfing which use copious amounts of water just to stay operational, the Valley must address California's growing drought. One would think that California should be the last state experiencing a water shortage because it is bordered by the largest body of water in the world, the Pacific Ocean, however this is not the case at all. Because the Pacific is an ocean, its water must be purified which is a long and expensive process, and because of the hot and dry natural climate, California is especially prone to drought, no matter how ... Show more content on ... The response to this statewide disaster requires the combined efforts of all state agencies and the state's model mutual aid system to address. In support of this unified effort, all state agencies with a role in supporting drought mitigation and relief efforts are organized under the Incident Command System and will continue provide emergency planning, response, and mitigation support as long as needs exist and hopefully this need will not be a need for very much longer. The Task Force is currently coordinating with other relevant national and international efforts including the emerging National Multi–Model Ensemble and the international effort to develop a Global Drought Information System and a subgroup of the NOAA Drought Task Force recently released a science assessment looking at the relationship between El Niño and the California drought which states that the impacts of El Niño on California winter precipitation are likely to be greater in late winter than in early winter; southern California has a stronger chance of wet conditions than northern California; and, in case of a very strong El Niño, heavy precipitation is more likely across the entire state. This is a positive sign for Californians everywhere, especially in the Valley as we rely heavily on rain and snow for our ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. The Long Profile Of A River Introduction In this investigation, I will be investigating the changes along the long profile of a river. In order to do this, I will be collecting data and making observations at three different points along the river; the upper course, the middle course, and the lower course. The river which I will be conducting my observations would be on Bartley Water. Bartley Water is a river going through the New Forest which is located in the south of the UK, Hampshire. The source of the river begins from Bartley, 109m above sea level, and joins to its end at Eling, flowing into Southampton Water. The river has a length of 27km and a catchment area of 40sqkm. It is a tributary of the River Test. The river bed contains of a mixture of sand, silt and clay which can change as the river behaves due to erosion, transportation and deposition. The sites which I will be investigating on are: Site one is at Buskett's Lawn, grid reference: 309109 Site two is at Woodlands, grid reference: 325006 Site three is at Eling, grid reference: 362124 The surroundings of these areas differ at each site. Site one is mostly rural areas whereas, when it moves onto the last site, it becomes an urban area. These will affect on the course and direction of the river and its characteristics. The long profile of a river describes how the characteristics of the river vary from the upper course to the lower course. A quicker and easier way to present this idea is through a Bradshaw Model (see the diagram on ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. The Importance Of Choosing A University Or College It is important to choose a university or college as early as possible because you will have a idea where you want to go to be prepared after high school. It is important to know what you want to do and what you want to do after high school as early to save the stress and have a mind set on what to do. The steps to choosing a university or college is fairly simple you just have to consider your options. There are 10 best steps to take but I have chosen the best 4 steps. One of the steps that I thought was one of the best was according to Katy Hopskins "Rank your priorities: List of Pros and Con", you must consider the pros and cons of the university/college and decide your priorities. The following step is "Compare Financial Aid Packages" which is to look at the different packages to make it much more affordable and have to owe less after college and won't be stuck in debt. The third step is "Delve Into The Department" and that is to look at what the college is great at and if that school excels in what you're majoring or what you want to do if possible. The final step is "Don't Procrastinate" and this step is self explanatory but this step is to dont procrastinate and dont wait until the last second to do everything. Decide what you want to do because you won't be able to think as clear as if you had thought about it a year ago and given you time to think about your options so its important to give yourself time to think and do things. The University of Texas Rio ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Coachella Valley Essay Now that you have an insight of what the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival is, I am going to discuss some analytic research about the festival. Although the festival has the appearance of an hippy attraction, it is a massive economical factor for the Coachella Valley. As I state in my narrative, "A festival large enough to attract people from around the world, economically fuel a community of nearly three hundred and fifty thousand, and change your perspective of cultures and art from around the world. The Coachella Valley music and art festival, a global attraction and economic engine that shaped the Coachella Valley." Better known as Coachella fest, the iconic festival has grown to become one of the most influential aspects of the ... Show more content on ... The three–day event is held at the Empire Polo Grounds in Indio California. Since its debut in nineteen ninety–three, Coachella fest has grown from a local venue to a global attraction. In her article " Sound spectrum: Coachella, Tachevah, Stagecoach and more" from the Desert Sun newspaper author Dana Nichols discusses the growth of Coachella fest since its beginning. Nichols begins by mentioning the first headline performance at Coachella fest, " In 1993, Pearl Jam's bold performance on the polo field – part of the grunge band's famous Ticketmaster boycott – set the venue up for a tremendous festival future" (Nichols). Since the first year of Coachella fest, the festival has grown exponentially, in her article Nichols mentions, "Now the production of 180 bands on six stages across a 1.5–mile swath of desert attracts 90,000 people during two weekends" (Nichols). With a steady increase in attendance each year, a city ordinance submitted by the owners to expand Coachella fest into a two weekend event orchestrated in two thousand twelve. (Wikipedia). Two months later the city of Indio approves permit and for the first time Coachella fest was a two weekend event. From nineteen ninety–three to two thousand and fifteenth, the festival has expanded into a three–day event that happens on two separate ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Policy Analysis of the Older Americans Act of 1965 Essay Eligibility Criteria and Beneficiaries The OAA is generally for older adults aged sixty and above. The persons need to be in real need of the services. The person may be as low as age fifty five; Title V provides support for part–time employment for individuals aged fifty five and over that earn a low income and have poor employment possibilities. Individuals included in the Act are American Indians, Native Alaskan Americans, Native Hawaiian Americans, tribal organizations, and persons with disabilities. The Act focuses on providing services to the individuals of this country who are in the greatest economic need. State and local government agencies, as well as nonprofit organizations and institutions are eligible according to the Act ... Show more content on ... Younger generations still have people discriminating against the elderly in the workplace. In the fiscal year 2010, (O'Shaughnessy, 2012) only about 5.1%, or 3 million people, out of the 57.8 million people age sixty and over, received services funded by the Act. These services included home delivered meals, home care, personal care, or case management services on a regular or intensive basis. About 14%, 8 million people, received other services, such as transportation, congregate meals, or information and assistance on a not so regular basis. A report was made by the Government Accountability Office stating that their findings were that many older people are in need of meals and other supportive services to help remain independent in their own communities, but a large portion of them are not getting the help they are in need of. Some barriers causing this lack of help are lack of funding and lack of knowledge among the older Americans that they may be eligible for benefits and services can be available for them. According to an article written by Sam Kennedy (Kennedy, 2014), the Lehigh Valley lost jobs this past February for the first time in about four years. This pushed some long–term unemployed persons and ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Skfs Essay The Little Bison Basin PROBLEM 8 ,t .. ~ The Little Bison River flows from small glaciers in the high cirques of the Rocky Mountains east to the Great Plains of North America, where it ultimately joins the Missouri system. The valley through the Rockies contains a few small towns which are supported by the ski industry and tourism. Recently, extensive natural gas deposits have been discovered in the area, and salvage archaeology projects have been funded to assess the nature of archaeological resources prior to the construction of pipelines, access roads, and well heads. You have been asked to summarize the prehistory of the area for a book on the local history of the resort town of Poplar, soon to celebrate its centennial. ... Show more content on ... Rock suitable for the production of stone tools is fOW1don every mountain range, and in creek beds as cobbles and pebbles. Two surveys have been conducted in the area. Horned Toad Consultants conducted extensive judgemental surveys during initial impact assessment, concentrating on the grasslands of the Little Bison valley, two arbitrarily chosen tributary valleys (Cripple Creek and Silver Creek), one cirque (below Smith Peak) and the Inverness Plateau. Four site types were defined. Camp sites contain a wide range of artifact types and fire broken rock. Kill sites contain a restricted range of artifacts (mainly projectile points) and large quantities of bone. Lithic scatters are small sites with no diagnostic artifacts. Quarries have large quantities of debitage, usually associated with shallow pits dug into bedrock. The distribution of sites and diagnostic artifacts is shown in Figure 8.1. Recently R. Bootheel undertook a survey of the area using random sampling techniques. Although her M.A. thesis is still being written, she has commented on the previous survey as follows: ARCHAEOWGICAL DATA Survey
  • 53. ! ~ i I.';. My work in the region confirms the dense distribution of sites along the Little Bison valley and all tributary valleys. It also identifies the much lower frequency of sites in plateau areas. However, the judgemental sampling techniques employed by Horned Toad Con– . ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Encno-Tarzana Community Program Essay Development of the Encnio–Tarzana Community Plan update involved a three year process engaging numerous community stakeholder, advocacy and constituent groups, as well as on–going coordination with numerous City, County and neighboring Municipal agencies. With over 8 Community outreach meetings conducted and twice that number of agency and staff coordination meetings, outreach regarding the Encino–Tarzana Community Plan Update was both on–going and comprehensive. As envisioned by the Department's Executive Management in 2016, at initiation of six–year community plan cycle, the outreach process was to involve a, "more continuous feedback loop of public input", from previous Community Plan Update outreach efforts and toward achieving ... Show more content on ... Approximately 100 people were present throughout the evenings. Encino and Tarzana Community Plan Update workshops: Two workshops were held to review and participate in shaping land use recommendations affecting the neighborhoods. The workshops were a vital component in the DCP's engagement with the community on the long range vision for the management of growth and improvement of quality of life within the vibrant community in the Southwest San Fernando Valley. Approximately 150 people signed–in and attend at the workshops throughout the evenings. One generation Encino Farmers Market special event: The Encino Farmers' Market offered the opportunity for a public outreach to tactically reach to a more diverse stakeholders. The event captured 101 survey responses by five City of Los Angeles planners. Out of the 101 surveys, 74 surveys were obtained from participants that either lived, worked, or attend a school in the southwest valley community plan areas (38 in Encino–Tarzana, 13 in Canoga Park–Winnetka– Woodland Hills–West Hills, 23 in Reseda–Lake Balboa, and 26 San Fernando Valley). Planning 101: A Planning 101 was hosted by the Department of City Planning (DCP) and Councilmember Bob Blumenfield office for West Valley communities. The discussion ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Essay about the aztecs The Aztecs Introduction The tribe in which I will be researching is the Aztecs tribe. I plan to find out the answers to the questions below. 1. Where they lived? 2. Their religions? 3. What they ate? 4. Some of their beliefs? 5. What life was like? The Aztecs The Indian tribe I am studying is the Aztecs. I plan on answering questions such as what life was like, what they ate, how they dressed, what their religions were, and many other questions which I intended on finding out. ... Show more content on ... A major part of an average Aztec man or woman entertaining area would be the game Tlachlli. This game would be played, and the results would affect how the future could be. They would play in a semi big stadium where a rubber ball would be hit with the Aztec players, as they would try to get it through a hole up on a wall. Goals were extremely rare, but if you did score, you would extremely famous throughout the empire. (Steele, 20&21.) Priests said that the gods would play Tlachilli, the sky would be their court, and the sun would be their ball. The results of a game would tell the priest what would happen in the future. (Steele, 21&25.) I found many interesting facts during this study, and the most interesting fact, which I found was one of the Aztecs ancient beliefs. The Aztecs said that where they would find an eagle on a cactus with a snake in its mouth, which is where they would build their city. (Stuart, 69.) They found a snake on a cactus with a eagle in its mouth and built their city on it. The city was named Tenochit. This tremendous city was their home, and in the center they had Pyramids where they would make their sacrifices for their gods. This city is now what makes the heart of the huge capital of Mexico, Mexico City. And the emblem in which the Aztecs had pictured of an eagle on a cactus with a snake in its mouth can now be found on the flag of Mexico. ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Inborn Names Of The Morongo Reservation Set at the extremity of the striking San Gorgonio and San Jacinto Mountains, the Morongo Indian Reservation extends more than 35,000 acres and overlooks the desert vistas of the Banning Pass. Wild buckwheat, mesquite and chaparral still flourish here, and the ubiquitous breeze ensures that the air is always fresh and clear. One of the inborn names of the Morongo Reservation was Malki, and it was located in what was once called the Wanikik territory. In the mid–19th century, the Serrano people to the north began journeying to the Malki settlement. They brought with them the Morongo name derivative from the Serrano name for their people, Maringayam. Since the late 19th century, the Morongo Reservation has been tenanted by a mix of Cahuilla, Serrano, Luiseno and Cupeno people. Irrepressible and ingenious, the Morongo tribe has overcome many hardships. The Morongo Reservation was one of nine small reservations set aside by President Grant by Executive Order in 1865. The lands taken into trust by the federal government did not include land with access to surface water. Accordingly, tribal members had to travel miles each day just to acquire water and to forage for food. Through their industriousness and capability to survive in an unstable physical and political environment, the Morongo tribe began a small bingo venture in 1983. On February 25, 1987, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that neither the state of California nor Riverside County could control the bingo and card ... Get more on ...