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The Complex Odyssey of Odysseus Essay
According to both Greek and Homeric values humans should have reason, but very often they
express passion, which leads to contradictory emotions and obstacles in life. Odysseus, a man with a
complex life, struggles with many internal, personal contradictions that have a collective impact on
his decisions throughout his existence. The most important contradictions Odysseus faces are loyalty
and betrayal; humility and hubris; and wisdom and folly,
Throughout the Odyssey Odysseus faces an internal battle between loyalty and betrayal in the
presence of numerous temptations. Odysseus's first situation was with Kalypso. Although Odysseus
does cheat on Penelope with Kalypso, he still remains loyal, and his love for her hardly wanes. more content...
Odysseus is deceived by Kirke's beauty and falls for her mysterious ways, but his devotion
continues for Penelope. Kirke, deceiving Odysseus with her quick mind, says, "your cruel
wandering is all you think of, / never of joy, after so many blows" (Homer 179). Kirke's desire for
the men and her persistence captured Odysseus's logic, and he ends up living with her for quite
awhile, but thankfully his reason comes back. Odysseus's odyssey was so complex that even small
occurrences like the sirens and the lotus plants make him reconsider his priorities and what is truly
important to him and his future.
Odysseus has a sense of hubris that leads to adversity and causes him harm, he also has humility;
however, the lack of balance between these emotions takes Odysseus through many tough
obstacles. When Odysseus tricks Polyphemos, he does it logically, and he uses his mind and
reason; however, his hubris comes out when he feels the need to expose his true identity thus
leading to his difficulty to return to Ithaka and future problems. Odysseus's men beg him to stop
harassing the beast, but Odysseus has one other plan in mind when he says, "Kyklops / ...
Odysseus raider of cities, took your eye: / Laertes' son, whose home's on Ithaka!" (Homer 160).
This provoking of Polyphemos that Odysseus displays is a cause for the pain Ithaka is going
though, as well as personal and direct grieving directed at Odysseus and his immediate
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Odysseus Essay
In homer's Odyssey the main character Odysseus is a person who only tries to help himself.
Although he earns the trust of his men while in Troy, he loses it on his perilous journey home.
Many times in the epic he manipulates others, commits foolish acts and is full of hubris. He tries
to take shortcuts and as a result of this is men are killed and his boats destroyed. He plays with the
lives of his men and he is punished for it. Odysseus is not a hero because, he is foolish, lacks
faithfulness and is consumed by his Hubris and selfishness. First, Odysseus is not a hero because
he is a foolish leader who makes many mistakes on his journey back home to Ithaka. His first
mistake is his decision to let his men raid more content...
First, an example of his unfaithfulness to his wife is when on the island of Kirke he was told to
sleep with the evil witch, and he automatically did it without even asking questions. He could
have threatened to kill Kirke or reason with her, but no he took his favorite way out, sleeping
with her. Another time Odysseus was unfaithful to his wife was while on the island of Kylpso he
willingly slept with her countless times over his seven year captivity on the island. Penelope,
Odysseus' faithful wife, never cheated on him once during his 20 year absence in Ithaka. A time
he is unfaithful to the Gods is when he receives the ride home from the Phaeakians he did not pry
or sacrifice anything to Poseidon before his trip if he would have done this he could have saved
the lives of the Phaeakians sailors, who were killed by Poseidon. Finally, Odysseus was unfaithful
to the Gods when he does not except Polyphemos sincere apology and says, " Kyklops, if any
mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of cities,
took your eye: Laertes' son whose home's on Ithaka!" (IX 548–552). Which shows disrespect to the
Gods by not accepting his sincere apology. Apart from being an imprudent leader, he is also an
unfaithful man who forgets the Gods until he needs them and takes every chance he can get to cheat
on this poor faithful wife.
Finally, Odysseus is also a selfish leader who is full of hubris. An example of
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Essay on Odysseus' Journey Home
During Odysseus' journey back home to Ithaca, him and his crew encountered many evils and
troubles. Almost every one of these took at least one of his men. Scylla is an example of this. This
monster took six of Odysseus' men while on the journey home. Nearly ever was it Odysseus' fault.
His men caused most of the problems that haunted them back to Ithaca. His hardships started when
he was sent off to fight in the Trojan War. He had to fight because he had made an oath to Helen's
husband that he would always defend her honor. When Paris abducted Helen he was then forced to
fight. After he had fought for Helen and had left, the wind then swept him to the island of the
Cicones and fought and lost many men. He survived this mishap and more content...
They tried to stay quiet but the Cyclopes spotted them and asked what they were doing in his cave.
He really didn't care because he snatched two of his men up, smashed their heads, torn them limb by
limb, ate them. Day by day he did this and when the Cyclopes was sleeping, Odysseus told his men
that they needed to find a way to get out of there and so they did. When the Cyclopes awoke,
Odysseus offered him some of his wine and he tried it and begged for more so Odysseus just kept
giving it to him drink by drink until he was drunk. The Cyclopes asked Odysseus what his name
was and Odysseus said "Nothing." As soon he asked that, he fell over and slept peacefully. While
he was sleeping Odysseus found a large branch and asked his strongest men to put the tip in the
fire and when it was burning red, they shoved the hot part of the stick into the Cyclopes' eye. The
Cyclopes let out a loud roar that woke up his neighbors. They came running and asked if someone
was killing him and the Cyclopes answered "Nothing is killing me!" So his neighbors left without
second thought. When the Cyclopes let his herd of sheep out Odysseus and his men clang to the
bottom of the sheep and left the island safely. After suffering from the Cyclopes, Odysseus' ship
came to a stop at the land of Aeolia (king of the winds). Aeolia let him and his men stay on his
island for a month so they could recover. Before they left, Aeolia gave Odysseus all the east
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Odysseus: A True Hero Essay
Many think being a hero is having super powers, but on the contrary it's more than that. A hero is
one who is distinguished for their courage and bravery, and looked upon for their great deeds. A
hero like this is not just found in modern society today, but in mythology as well. In the epic poem
The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus earns the title of a true hero by conveying many qualities such as:
determination, courage and leadership.
As part of the hero profile, one would have to be determined, and Odysseus certainly was. If a hero
is determined, they only have one goal in mind. To be determined, the hero goes through perils and
challenges and most importantly they can never lose hope. Likewise, Odysseus has a goal: to make
it home more content...
A second time would be when Zeus allowed Odysseus to fall into deep slumber. "But while I slept,
the crew began to parley: silver and gold, they guessed, were in that bag bestowed on me by Aiolos'
heart..." (Book X, Lines 39–41). Another way Odysseus shows determination as a hero is when he
wants repossess the control over his kingdom. While on his journey back home, the suitors and
Antinoos have taken over his kingdom. He is determined to get rid of them and take them out
permanently. Like a true hero, Odysseus never lost hope; no matter how bad the situation was.
Another quality of being a hero is, having courage; and Odysseus clearly conveyed this during his
journey. In order to be courageous, the hero has to be fearless, meaning he has to act confident
about his actions. This applies to Odysseus and the deities. If Odysseus were to appear weak, than
the gods may think he's too weak for the journey and won't make it out alive. So, as a way of
showing his courage, confidence overcomes Odysseus and he talks to the gods as if he were one of
them. "After these my harm." (Book V, Lines 183–190). Odysseus shows no fear when
speaking with Kalypso. Also, Odysseus shows more courage when he blinds Polyphemos. He
humiliates Polyphemos, without even thinking of the effects. "Kyklops, you ask my honorable
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Odysseus Essay
One of the major themes of Homer's Odyssey is the importance of cunning over strength. This also
happens to be the case with Odysseus and his long ten year journey home from fighting in Troy.
Odysseus uses his intelligence over strength to 'fight' through tough times and bring himself home to
Ithaca. Odysseus uses his intelligence when he has his men tie him down while passing the Sirens,
so he himself will be able to hear their beautiful song, but not be entranced by their singing. He
also uses cunning to escape from the Cyclops' cave without being harmed. He then uses his cunning
by storing away all of the armory, shields, and knives from the suitors so he is able to kill them easily.
Odysseus uses his brain to sail past the more content...
He also chooses to follow her advice because he is a very curious and inquisitive man who wishes to
know everything and anything he can. The Siren's sing "and we know whatever happens on this
fruitful earth" (XII, 192). Nugent says, "the encounter with the Sirens reflects....unfulfilled desire for
more: more knowledge, more experience, complete and profound fulfillment" (45–54). After placing
the wax in his men's ears, tying himself down to the mast, and hearing the Siren's sweet song
Odysseus " order[s] [his] men to set [him] free"( Homer XII, 195); this shows how curious
Odysseus truly is and how he longs to have great knowledge. Nugent states this is "...surely a
characteristic of Odysseus, who always seeks that which lies beyond his grasp" (45–54). By
following Circe's orders Odysseus is able to have his cake and eat it too. He is able to pass the
Siren's without harm so he can return on his journey home, and he is able to listen to their sweet,
bewitching song.
Odysseus's escape from the Cyclops is one of great intelligence. A Cyclops is a giant one eyed
monster. Homer said, "The booming voice and the very sight of the monster filled us with panic"
(IX, 256). From the first moment Odysseus and his men set eyes on the Cyclops they know they
are in trouble and will not be able to get out easily. The Cyclops, Polyphemus, eats two of Odysseus'
men from the start. As soon as this happens, Odysseus
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Thesis Statement Of Odysseus
Thesis: In the novel "The Odyssey" Homer displays the main character Odysseus, the shepherd of
men, with god like qualities which clouds his judgement and sense of superiority that he will never
transpire to respect the other warriors through his harsh tones.
After Odysseus came from the encounter he had with the beautiful witch goddess Circe,, his men are
grateful to see him . His men gather around him like a master and a shepherd, his men surrounded
him. Odysseus a well respected man who is admired by his men and treated as a mortal god due to
his God like qualities . While his crew are stranded in the middle of a cross road without his
leadership and guidance, pivoting towards all directions but incapable of moving forward with more content...
Odysseus thinks that his reasoning are final and his activities are constantly just and right, although
he frequently allows his ego control his rational thinking, resulting harm to his group and messing
with the gods's plans. His men could have went back home Securely for it is the desire of Athena
and the other heavenly gods who surround to her in Mount Olympus, however Odysseus takes it to
himself to outrage and blind Polyphemus, the monstrous son of Poseidon, adored by his dad yet
abhorred by the people, In this way distrusting their whole arrangement . Subsequent to being
blinded by the heroine, Polyphemus tosses huge pieces of rocks at Odysseus's ship, nearly
obliterating them at the same time. But instead of retreating for safety, Odysseus keeps on
provoking Polyphemus and "[calls] out to the cyclopes again, with [his] men hanging all over [him]
begging him not to"(Book 9, 491–492). His feeling of pride and presumption influences to disregard
the requests of his people even in these critical circumstances . He will fulfill his own feeling of
interest and pleasure without thinking of the result it would have on his crew. Despite the fact
that he is bound to get away from all passings and assaults, his group isn't so blessed. Their lives
are in mortal peril since Odysseus considers them as child sheeps who should forfeit their lives for
him when the circumstances comes, much the same as how mortals make conciliatory offerings of
sheeps for the heavenly gods. He is willing to fulfill his own feeling of interest without thinking of
his groups lives or their suppositions and is regularly infuriated when they negate his request. If they
hurt his sense of pride and self–importance and pomposity , Odysseus will be overcome with outrage
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Odysseus Character Analysis Essay
In Epic Poem "The Odyssey" Odysseus is the protagonist. Odysseus' over–the–top ego caused him to
lose his men and his son's childhood, but taught him a valuable lesson about humility. The Odyssey,
written by Homer, tells the story of Odysseus and how he faced misfortune in his attempts to return
home after the Trojan War. Odysseus is not famous for his great strength or bravery, but for his
ability to deceive and trick. To his friends, he was a brilliant strategist. To his enemies, he was a
deceiver and a manipulator of the worst kind.
During his journeys Odysseus often makes the mistake of bragging to his enemies but learns that
doing this gives his enemies a chance to seek revenge against him. After leaving Troy, Odysseus
attacks more content...
Odysseus and his crew were in sight of the homeland they had waited so long to see, when a hand
of rebel crewmen opened the bag because they thought it contained treasures, creating a great gale
that blew them back to Aeolus. When Aeolus saw this he believed that Odysseus was cursed and
banished him from the island. this is not the only time Odysseus was betrayed by his men and
suffered a great price.
When they landed on the island of Hyperion, bad winds prevented them from leaving. Food soon
became low, and when Odysseus was asleep, the crew killed the cows of Hyperion against the
god's warnings. Hyperion was enraged to see this and had all of Odysseus' men killed in a great
storm. After the storm all Odysseus had left was his own strength and the favor of Athena. Odysseus
learned that the gods must be respected in order for any man to succeed.
During his journey Odysseus used what he has learned from is mistakes to return home and kill the
suitors of his wife. On the island of Cicones,and with his encounter with Polyphemus, Odysseus
learned that bragging can bring great misfortune. On Ithaca Odysseus never brags to the suitors and
is able to enter his house with the Antinous and the other suitors knowing his real identity. He takes
the punishment of Antinous and the other suitors without saying a word and is able to see those
who have invaded his house. Odysseus is able to see who is loyal and who is not and take his
revenge with the suitors never knowing who
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How Is Odysseus A Hero
The Character of Odysseus in The Odyssey
Homer's epic tale The Odyssey is a story of the triumphs and downfalls that are in store for one
warrior's long pillage home. Odysseus, the hero from the Trojan wars, has led his people of Ithaca
and other Achaean soldiers to victory and now wishes to return home to his wife and family of Ithaca.
Through his twenty year journey Odysseus is often tested not only of his physical strength, but his
wits as well. The many accomplishments he achieved earned him great status and recognition
throughout ancient Greece. The mistakes he made caused the deaths of many men. Consequently,
we as readers are able to see the many personas that Odysseus carries with him.
Odysseus more content...
With this loyalty Odysseus maintains the courage of a true leader through the perils of his
journey. His name alone is given to him to show us, the readers right from the start of the book
his will. Odysseus comes from the Greek meaning to be at odds with, very much like Odysseus is
through his voyage. In the beginning we also hear about the scar that Odysseus bears, which was
given to him to him at the young age of 12, when he was rammed in the process of killing a wild
Bohr. This again showing us that even at an early age in his life it was not easy, and that he will
endure wounds in his life.
Odysseus is no god. He is man, and with that comes the mistakes and errors in all of us. In many
situations Odysseus' mortal side is seen. An example of the power of Odysseus coinciding with his
human flaws is his battle with Polyphemous the Cyclops (son of Poseidon). After escaping the lure
of the lotus–eaters and their island, Odysseus and his men find themselves on another island, rich
with food and shelter. After feasting, the men grab a large container of potent wine and go off
exploring the new island. Later in their search they stumble across a large cave filled with food.
Curious where the owner's whereabouts are the men encourage Odysseus to steal the food. Odysseus
(showing his hospitable and genuine character) decides to instead wait for the
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Analysis Of Odysseus's Journey In The Odyssey
Literature almost always portrays a hero as one who makes a life–threatening journey for a specific
goal. The Odyssey is essentially one long and detailed journey. The epic follows a hero, Odysseus,
and his journey home from war. Additionally, the book details Odysseus and the effects that him
being gone for so long has on his family. The Odyssey gives two examples of different types of
journeys. Odysseus finds himself in a physical journey as he takes years to get home. Likewise,
Odysseus also takes a mental journey during this time to try to find himself and what he believes.
Penelope and Telemachus strive for the homecoming of Odysseus. They have proven that they will
do anything for his return. When Odysseus returns home, he has defeated physical challenges and
has become a better person mentally and emotionally.
One component of the journey Odysseus takes is his desire to get back to his home and life he
knew before the war. Odysseus struggles physically on his journey. For example, while on the
island with Calypso he cries out, for he longs to be home with Penelope and Telemachus. When
trapped on the island with Calypso, he spends his days weeping and feeling sorry for himself.
Right before the gods approach him to tell him they are sending him home, the book says, "His
eyes were perpetually wet with tears now, his life draining away in homesickness. The nymph had
long since ceased to please. He still slept with her at night in her cavern, an unwilling lover mated to
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The World of Odysseus Essay
The World of Odysseus was written by Sir Moses I. Finley, and it is an in depth analysis of the Iliad
and the Odyssey. The period in history that helped to produce these two phenomenal works is veiled
with uncertainty due to the fact that an actual written history doesn't exist. Homer put his history of
the period together from the traditional custom of oral poetic story telling that originated from the
late Dark Age and early Archaic Period. The first three chapters of Finley's text provide the reader
with an understanding of the Greek world so the information presented in the fourth and fifth
chapters is easier to understand.
The first chapter introduces the world of the Greeks, their exposure to writing, the importance of
Homer, more content...
Finley ends his first chapter by noting that he believes that Greek history commenced with the world
of Odysseus and like all history had an extensive story behind it.
In the second chapter Finley explains why he believes the world of Odysseus was not the
Mycenaean Age or the world in which Homer lived, but the intervening period–– the Dark Age.
Finley also describes the adjustments the Iliad and Odyssey received from the archaic period of
ancient Greece on. Finley's second chapter deals with Greek heroes and the bards that told of
them throughout Greece's age of heroes. Bards were illiterate, so for them to pass on traditional
stories about Greek heroic figures, they had to commit entire poems like the Iliad and the
Odyssey to memory. This chapter begins with discussion of the story of the different ages of man
was developed and how it began with four phases, but later, when Hesiod worked with the tale, it
gained another phase. The Greeks applied metal names to the different ages in order to create a
written history. The time of heroes is discussed in more detail in this chapter. Homer was given
credit for having been an expert on the subject. Although, Homer was knowledgeable on the subject,
he and Hesiod cared little about history in its modern sense. This caused the information the scholars
possessed about the bards and heroes of the time to be
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Odysseus' Heroism in The Odyssey Essay
Being a legitimate hero is not all about having the extraordinary supernatural powers commonly seen
on television. Heroes are people who aid others, often putting themselves at risk to do so. They made
the decision to fight, not necessarily physically, for their values. Odysseus, the main character in The
Odyssey, should be considered a hero. He put his own life in jeopardy to protect his men from the
supernatural threats that they faced throughout their journey. Odysseus should be regarded as a hero
because he is brave, clever, and cautious.
Odysseus shows his heroism through his bravery. When Circe turned his men into swine, Odysseus
confronted her: "I drew my sharpened sword and in one bound held it against her throat"("Circe, the more content...
My name is Nohbdy'"("The Cyclops" lines 312–315). Odysseus' astuteness is apparent in this
situation because he refused to reveal his identity to Polyphemus while he was vulnerable. His
decision prevented the other Cyclops from coming to aid of Polyphemus. By precluding this
beforehand, he demonstrated his heroic quality of wiliness. The ingenuity established by these
actions personifies Odysseus as a hero.
Furthermore, Odysseus reveals his cautious qualities that verify his heroism. In "Sea Perils and
Defeat", Odysseus does not notify his men about the Sirens: "Odysseus decides to tell the men only
of Circe's warnings about the Sirens"(narration). Odysseus noticeably gave forethought to this action
because he knew his men would be fearful, and that it would interfere with their goal. His judgment
forestalled his men from trying to avoid Scylla, as the anxiety of facing Scylla may have
overwhelmed them, therefore, saving them from annihilation. Correspondingly, Odysseus shows his
circumspect behavior in "The Challenge": "Odysseus took his time, turning the bow, tapping it,
every inch"(lines 1359–1360). This instance reflects Odysseus' value of prudence; he made sure that
the bow was in suitable condition for him to make an accurate shot. Placing importance on his
discretion, Odysseus displays his heroic characteristics. Odysseus' alertness in these situations
validates his heroism.
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Odysseus Essay
Darius Roi A. GuevarraBTIT – 4C
III. Characters
Directed by: Andrey Konchalovskiy
Writing Credits: Homer (Epic poem) Armand Assante as Odysseus He is the protagonist in The
Odyssey. Odysseus fought for the Greece against the Troy. He is the one who planned to use a
wooden horse to get into the great wall of Troy and bring it down. Odysseus is the husband of
beautiful Queen Penelope and the father of Prince Telemachus. He is very popular for his cunning.
He is the favorite of the goddess Athena, who always sends him divine aid, but a bitter enemy of
Poseidon. Poseidon frustrates his journey at every turn that's why he struggles to return to his
kingdom in Ithaca.
Odysseus is a flat character because he renowned for his patience more content...
Penelope spends her days in the palace waiting for the husband who left Ithaca to fight in Troy
for twenty years. She is a very loving wife and loyal to her husband. Penelope is a flat character
because she never changed in twenty years waiting for her husband Odysseus. She still believes
that her husband will come back even though it is almost 2 decades and her love and faith is never
fading at all.
Alan Stenson as Telemachus Odysseus's son. He was just an infant when Odysseus left the Ithaca.
He's such an obstacle to the suitors desperately wanting to have his mother, he lacks the confidence
to oppose them. Athena also guided him sometimes.
Telemachus is a flat character because he never gives up to oppose against the arrogant suitors who
destroying their kingdom until her father came back. Isabella Rossellini as Athena
Daughter of Zeus and the Goddess of wisdom. Athena assists Odysseus and Telemachus with divine
powers. She speaks up about them in the councils of the gods on Mount Olympus. She often appears
in disguise as Mentor in this movie.
Athena is a flat character because she never leaves Odysseus and still assisting him and his son until
the end of the
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Odysseus in The Odyssey: Hero or Not? Essay
The majority of those who read The Odyssey consider the protagonist of the story, Odysseus, a hero.
On many occasions, however, Odysseus makes decisions beneficial to himself alone. For example,
when Odysseus and his men find themselves on Polyphemus's island, Odysseus's actions are
self–centered and at the expense of his men. This can be said for most of Odysseus's actions in the
story, as his main objective is to reach his home. Having his men by his side when he returns seems
a trivial thing to him. Odysseus could be considered a hero, but many of his actions say otherwise.
Due to the many unfaithful and self–centered decisions he makes in the story, Odysseus is not a
hero. Emphasizing on Odysseus's time on Polyphemus' more content...
His bragging almost results in the death of his entire crew. Odysseus doesn't think highly of his men,
and this is apparent throughout the entire story. One can be judged by their actions, but what truly
shapes a person is their personality. Odysseus is an over–confident and ill–tempered man. On the
cyclops's island, Odysseus's boasting nearly proves costly. A modest and heroic person would have
had his men in mind, rather than himself, and left the island. Also, Odysseus revealing his true
identity to the cyclops could very well have resulted in the death of his men. After Odysseus's
boasting, Polyphemus prays to his father, "Let him lose all companions, and return / under strange
sail to bitter days at home" (Homer 9. (537–8). This prophecy, of course, becomes a reality. Another
sign of Odysseus's over–confidence shows while he is explaining himself to King Alcinous. In
some of his first words to the king, Odysseus again boasts of his accomplishments. "Men hold me
/ formidable for guile in peace and war: / this fame has gone abroad to the sky's rim" (Homer 9.
(127–8). Another very important fact is Odysseus's position on monogamy. Odysseus believes he's
above monogamy, as he stays with many goddesses during his journeys while Penelope stays
faithful at home. A hero is not a boasting, over–confident person, but someone who does their actions
for no reward. In conclusion, many of Odysseus's
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Odysseus Journey Essay
In the journey of the Odyssey, a Greek hero by the name of Odysseus, thinks that he can do
anything and everything without the help of the Gods in his life. Odysseus, through his own
person insight and challenges he was forced to face, learned very quickly he desperately needed
the strong hands of the Gods! In his ten year journey to return home, he is helped by the Goddess
Athena and befriended by Aeolus (keeper of the winds). On his journey, he had to deal with the
angriest God of all, Poseidon, who would not allow him to reach the shore to his city. At the end of
Odysseus's journey, he finds humbleness and gets his life back!
Odyssey's life begins in the mundane. He is feared and respected by his men. Odysseus is feeling
invincible and is blinded by his own arrogance in thinking that all his conquest were done by his
own hands with no help from the Gods. So the Goddess Athena sends Odysseus on a call to
adventure by telling him that he will have to fight in the Trojan War. Eventhough, Odysseus is
reluctant to take the call to war at first, he answers it and goes on his ten year journey, leaving his
wife Penelope and new born son behind. The Goddess Athena protects her hero Odysseus through
the paths of trials he must face. Nevertheless, Odysseus's persistent arrogance angered the (the god
of water) Poseidon, by more content...
Odysseus comes to learn that after being presumed dead, his son who is now a man, goes and
searches for him. Telemachus returns home and finds that his father is alive and well. Telemachus
is overwhelmed with curiosity, but falls happily into his father's arms. The Goddess Athena who
had protected him through all his path and trials, appeared to him and asked him what troubled him
so. Odysseus's main concern was to know if his wife Penelope had stayed true to him after his long
and extended
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Odysseus-Personal Narrative Essay
Her appearance is frustratingly confusing. She is the most hideous, yet beautiful creature ever to
walk the Earth. Her eyes, the color of the sparkling sea during daylight, her hair dark brown, almost
black, reaching her feet. Her skin is an unusually scaly texture. It is almost the color of the
poisonous hyloxalus infraguttatus frog. A bit lighter, though. One can see her mouth consists of
millions of tiny, sharp fangs which make her even more terrifying. Yet, when one gazes into her
eyes they are pulled in by her baffling, almost goddess–like delicacy. All the more to beware of this
cunning deceiver. Odysseus, seeing this alluring beauty for the first time, is astonished. He says,
"You are the creature who made this journey so more content...
"But, of course––you must know! You truly do not? Well, alright. Let me run a few memories by
you Man of Twists and Turns. You killed my father with that one sword
––what was the name? Oh
yes, I remember. The Kopis. You killed MY father. And now, you must prepare yourself. It is your
turn to face death." And with that, Nadiya withdraws her Dark Sword. Simultaneously, Odysseus
quickly whips out his Aulos, which was handed down to him by his father, and his father's father,
and his father's father, and so on. He presses the smooth, wooden surface of the tube–shaped flute to
his mouth and begins playing a swift tune. He slowly looks behind him and starts walking, being
aware of anything that might hinder his movement. Nadiya and her faithful devotees, the Gorgons,
begin to trail after him. He puts down the musical instrument, gets on his boat, and quickly uses the
oars to push himself away from the dock, meanwhile the inhabitants of the land who followed
Odysseus remained in a trance. Again, he picks up the instrument and continues to play. He is now
far from shore, and Nadiya and the Gorgons are at the forefront of the crowd, promising an
imminent death for themselves. Now, the only thing seen were the tops of their heads. Once they
were fully submerged under water, Odysseus was assured that they were
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Odysseus' Selfishness Essay
Odysseus portrays himself as anything but a hero throughout Homer's The Odyssey. Odysseus
goes through his life believing he is the best. He has no regard for anyone's feelings but his own,
and he believes nothing and no one can harm him, not even the gods. Odysseus feels he is always
the leader and no one can tell him otherwise. Odysseus should not be considered a hero because he
portrays himself as a selfish man that failed his crew, and is controlled by his hubris. Odysseus
portrays his selfishness right as the book begins and this shows how truly incompetent of an
individual he is. One form of selfishness Odysseys shows is adultery. He is unfaithful to Penelope
many times throughout the book. He reveals this trait specifically more content...
This action alone can show just what type of person Odysseus actually is which include traits of
an inconsiderate, dishonest man. Odysseus makes some substantial mistakes, thus leading to the
failure to his men. Odysseus shows extremely inadequate leadership qualities throughout the
story. When Odysseus is on the journey to Ithaka, he neglects to let his crew know how long they
will be staying on each island. He also neglects to let them know of the journey that lies ahead.
This is very poor leadership in the eyes of his crew members. The crew relies on their leader to be
honest with them when it comes to situations such as these. They expect Odysseus to make
decisions for the well being of the crew. When Odysseus receives advice, even if it is helpful he
tends to ignore it. He thinks he is the most intelligent human being, even more so than the gods. A
prime example of this is when Odysseus receives advice from Kirke about Scylla. Kirke tells
Odysseus not to fight Scylla, yet he chooses to anyway. Another example of Odysseus's ignorance
toward people is when Eurylochus tells him not to go onto Kirke's island because he knows the
crew would be turned into swine. Odysseus again chooses to ignore the intelligent advice given by
the gods, and finds out that hard way that Eurylochus was correct. After all that Odysseus has done
to the crew, it is true to
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Essay On Odysseus
For the Ancient Greeks, Odysseus was seen as a great hero. Also known as Ulysses to the
Romans, was a very important character in Homer's The Odyssey. He was the father of
Telemachus, and spouse of Penelope. He was the great King of Ithaca. The Ancient Greeks
perceived Odysseus as a hero due to his intelligence, his capabilities, and how the ancient beliefs of
heroism distinguished him. Odysseus' intellect helped create a hero image for the Ancient
Greeks.Throughout the story Odysseus continuously uses his intelligence and manipulation to get
himself out of trouble. For example, In Book Nine of The Odyssey, Odysseus is telling a story oh
how The Cyclops asked Odysseus his name and he replied "Nobody–that's my name"(9.410).
Odysseus and more content...
Odysseus fit perfectly to the early ideas of the heroic. The Ancient Greeks believed heroes to be
honorable, noble, strong, and intelligent. Odysseus showed these qualities when Calypso offered
him the chance to be immortal. Though the offer tempted him, Odysseus declined. The fact that
Odysseus declined something that most people would kill for, shows he is honorable and loyal to
his family. It shows he would rather go back to Penelope and Telemachus, the people that need him,
rather than stay alive forever with a "bewitching nymph". In addition, Odysseus followed many of
the "qualifications" the Ancient Greeks had for war and glory within heroism.– states, the Odyssey insists that Odysseus–aided by his patron Athena,
goddess of victory (Od. 13.386–88)–masterminded the stratagem that doomed Troy: the Trojan
Horse." The Trojan horse was a plan that helped the Greeks defeat the Trojans in the Trojan war.
The Ancient Greeks saw Odysseus as a war hero as he highly influenced the Greeks win in the war.
Futhermore, Odysseus was seen as a role model to the Ancient Greeks.–
says, "heroes generally enshrine within themselves qualities people generally admire." Odysseus
impressive qualities were seen as a goal for the Ancient Greeks, they wanted to be more like him.
Odysseus was a hero the ancient Greeks for multiple reasons. He was a
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Odysseus Journey Essay
Thirdly, Odysseus's journey takes him through many road of trials that depict the heroic cycle. One
of Odysseus's odysseys is the cyclops and his brutality. Odysseus is going through a state of trickery
when the cyclops, Polyphemus, depicts kindness by letting Odysseus and his men enter his home.
Moments later, the cyclops eats two of Odysseus's men and then traps the rest for a meal later to
come. Odysseus says with distress to his peers, "The cruel monster made no answer, but just
jumped up and reached out towards my men, grabbed two like a pair of puppies and dashed them
on the ground: their brains ran out and soaked into the earth. Then he cut them up limb by limb, and
made them ready for supper. He devoured them like a mountain lion, more content...
When Odysseus goes to the underworld, he gains advice from the prophet Tiresias. While
Odysseus is waiting for Tiesies, there are many spirits around him, including Odysseus's late
mother. Odysseus's mother's spirit said, " ' And this is how I sickened and died. The Archeress
did not shoot me in my own house with those gentle shafts that never miss; it was no disease that
made me pine away: but I missed you so much, and your clever wit and your gay merry ways, and
life was sweet no longer, so I died" (128). Odysseus sees his mother for the first time in years. The
act of closure helps push Odysseus on his journey home to complete the heroic cycle. Odysseus
will remember the moment of him and his mom's spirit talking forever. Odysseus will keep this
experience in his back pocket when he is thinking back on his journey. On Odysseus's way home
to Ithaca, Odysseus comes across people who will become monumental in his journey home.
Some people are worth remembering for Odysseus, as they give him good memories and
experiences while on his expedition. After spending a year in the house of Circe, Odysseus finally
decided to continue his journey back to Ithaca. Odysseus asks Circe, daughter of the sun god
Helios, for the directions back to Ithaca. Circe then says Odysseus must sail to hades, the
underworld, to seek the prophet Tiresias for directions. Tiresias says
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The Odyssey By William Shakespeare
Robert A. Heinlein once said, "Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again" which is
similar to Odysseus' motto in The Odyssey. Odysseus is constantly dealing with obstacles that have
been set in place by the Gods. Mainly the obstacle involves a woman being a temptress in order to
detour Odysseus from his journey home to Ithaca. Eventually, Odysseus resists the seductresses in
order to continue his journey home to Ithaca so he can finally see his wife Penelope. In The Odyssey
women have a narrow, but significant role similar to their role in ancient Greece. Every time there is
temptation present Odysseus yields, especially when the seductress is desirable, showing that he
wants to yield to the woman who are tempting him with sex, more content...
However, a majority of Homer 's audience would know that the real reason Helen was the cause of
the Trojan war is because she has an affair with Paris. After Paris captured Helen and brought her
back to Troy, Helen fell in love with Paris. This abduction of Helen ignited the start of the Trojan
war. In the epic, Helen is described as being as "striking as Artemis with her golden shafts" (Od.
4.136) and is very hospitable towards Telemachus. Helens beauty as well as her affair with Paris
have deemed her to be a seductress. Helen's role as a temptress is crucial, because she is the reason
why Odysseus left Ithaca to fight in the Trojan war. Menelaus reminisces about the Trojan Horse
and mentions Helen being the "voice of all our long–lost wives" (Od. 4.313) since she was imitating
the voices of Greek soldiers' wives. Helen did not intentionally try to keep Odysseus away from
Ithaca, but she catalyzed the events that caused Odysseus to stay away for ten years. Helen being a
temptress is vital, because she is the reason that Odysseus is on his quest to return home.
A similar temptress to Calypso, in The Odyssey, is Circe. Circe is also described as a "lustrous
goddess" with a "spellbinding voice" (Od. 10.243). These characteristics make it easy for Circe to
bewitch Odysseus' men, however Odysseus escapes the trap. Odysseus "mounted [mounts] Circe's
gorgeous bed" to save his men similar to how he sleeps with Calypso, during his stay with her (Od.
10.386). Circe does not
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Odysseus in The Odyssey Essay
Odysseus in The Odyssey Odysseus is the main character in an epic poem called the Odyssey. In
the poem Odysseus has had some bad luck getting home, with some of the gods helping him and
some hindering him; his journey towards home is a constant struggle. In this poem we see a man
being broke and rebuilt, through constant irony his faith was damaged and without the help of
Athena he probably would have given up on his journey. Through his hard work and wise spirit he
finally does achieve his goal. Odysseus must journey from Troy to his homeland of Ithaca.
Throughout this journey Odysseus experiences a lot of inconsistent emotions. A lot of this is
attributed to the physical and mental hell he goes through on this more content...
In this book the little girl who we all know as Athena even gives Odysseus advice, ?A cheerful
man does best in every enterprise, even a stranger? (Book 7). The interference by Athena shows
how much she likes Odysseus and how much she wants him to make it home to the suitors. In
Book VIII, King Alkinoos is intent on helping Odysseus on his journey, so he holds a special
meeting. During this meeting there is competition to entertain Odysseus. After Odysseus
declines competition, as he is maturer in his older years, he is insulted by one of the king?s men.
??The reason being, as I see it, friend, you never learned a sport, and have no skill in any of the
contests of fighting men? (Book 8). Odysseus then steps up and breaks the record for throwing a
disc. ?Anyone else for an edge for competition try me now? (Book 8). This shows a common
characteristic of men today, we just can?t turn down a challenge. Although I cannot blame him
there are only so many ways he can show and prove his greatness to others. In Book 9, Odysseus
does battle with a popular Greek Mythology creature the Cyclopes. Here Odysseus shows us how
cunning he can be. While trapped Odysseus really fears that he will never see that homeland of
Ithaca ever again. He is very mournful and we see just how much he misses home. He finally
realizes how to escape from the Cyclops. He stabs the Cyclops in his only eye blinding him. He then
tells the monster
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Odysseus Essay

  • 1. The Complex Odyssey of Odysseus Essay According to both Greek and Homeric values humans should have reason, but very often they express passion, which leads to contradictory emotions and obstacles in life. Odysseus, a man with a complex life, struggles with many internal, personal contradictions that have a collective impact on his decisions throughout his existence. The most important contradictions Odysseus faces are loyalty and betrayal; humility and hubris; and wisdom and folly, Throughout the Odyssey Odysseus faces an internal battle between loyalty and betrayal in the presence of numerous temptations. Odysseus's first situation was with Kalypso. Although Odysseus does cheat on Penelope with Kalypso, he still remains loyal, and his love for her hardly wanes. more content... Odysseus is deceived by Kirke's beauty and falls for her mysterious ways, but his devotion continues for Penelope. Kirke, deceiving Odysseus with her quick mind, says, "your cruel wandering is all you think of, / never of joy, after so many blows" (Homer 179). Kirke's desire for the men and her persistence captured Odysseus's logic, and he ends up living with her for quite awhile, but thankfully his reason comes back. Odysseus's odyssey was so complex that even small occurrences like the sirens and the lotus plants make him reconsider his priorities and what is truly important to him and his future. Odysseus has a sense of hubris that leads to adversity and causes him harm, he also has humility; however, the lack of balance between these emotions takes Odysseus through many tough obstacles. When Odysseus tricks Polyphemos, he does it logically, and he uses his mind and reason; however, his hubris comes out when he feels the need to expose his true identity thus leading to his difficulty to return to Ithaka and future problems. Odysseus's men beg him to stop harassing the beast, but Odysseus has one other plan in mind when he says, "Kyklops / ... Odysseus raider of cities, took your eye: / Laertes' son, whose home's on Ithaka!" (Homer 160). This provoking of Polyphemos that Odysseus displays is a cause for the pain Ithaka is going though, as well as personal and direct grieving directed at Odysseus and his immediate Get more content on
  • 2. Odysseus Essay Odysseus In homer's Odyssey the main character Odysseus is a person who only tries to help himself. Although he earns the trust of his men while in Troy, he loses it on his perilous journey home. Many times in the epic he manipulates others, commits foolish acts and is full of hubris. He tries to take shortcuts and as a result of this is men are killed and his boats destroyed. He plays with the lives of his men and he is punished for it. Odysseus is not a hero because, he is foolish, lacks faithfulness and is consumed by his Hubris and selfishness. First, Odysseus is not a hero because he is a foolish leader who makes many mistakes on his journey back home to Ithaka. His first mistake is his decision to let his men raid more content... First, an example of his unfaithfulness to his wife is when on the island of Kirke he was told to sleep with the evil witch, and he automatically did it without even asking questions. He could have threatened to kill Kirke or reason with her, but no he took his favorite way out, sleeping with her. Another time Odysseus was unfaithful to his wife was while on the island of Kylpso he willingly slept with her countless times over his seven year captivity on the island. Penelope, Odysseus' faithful wife, never cheated on him once during his 20 year absence in Ithaka. A time he is unfaithful to the Gods is when he receives the ride home from the Phaeakians he did not pry or sacrifice anything to Poseidon before his trip if he would have done this he could have saved the lives of the Phaeakians sailors, who were killed by Poseidon. Finally, Odysseus was unfaithful to the Gods when he does not except Polyphemos sincere apology and says, " Kyklops, if any mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes' son whose home's on Ithaka!" (IX 548–552). Which shows disrespect to the Gods by not accepting his sincere apology. Apart from being an imprudent leader, he is also an unfaithful man who forgets the Gods until he needs them and takes every chance he can get to cheat on this poor faithful wife. Finally, Odysseus is also a selfish leader who is full of hubris. An example of Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Odysseus' Journey Home During Odysseus' journey back home to Ithaca, him and his crew encountered many evils and troubles. Almost every one of these took at least one of his men. Scylla is an example of this. This monster took six of Odysseus' men while on the journey home. Nearly ever was it Odysseus' fault. His men caused most of the problems that haunted them back to Ithaca. His hardships started when he was sent off to fight in the Trojan War. He had to fight because he had made an oath to Helen's husband that he would always defend her honor. When Paris abducted Helen he was then forced to fight. After he had fought for Helen and had left, the wind then swept him to the island of the Cicones and fought and lost many men. He survived this mishap and more content... They tried to stay quiet but the Cyclopes spotted them and asked what they were doing in his cave. He really didn't care because he snatched two of his men up, smashed their heads, torn them limb by limb, ate them. Day by day he did this and when the Cyclopes was sleeping, Odysseus told his men that they needed to find a way to get out of there and so they did. When the Cyclopes awoke, Odysseus offered him some of his wine and he tried it and begged for more so Odysseus just kept giving it to him drink by drink until he was drunk. The Cyclopes asked Odysseus what his name was and Odysseus said "Nothing." As soon he asked that, he fell over and slept peacefully. While he was sleeping Odysseus found a large branch and asked his strongest men to put the tip in the fire and when it was burning red, they shoved the hot part of the stick into the Cyclopes' eye. The Cyclopes let out a loud roar that woke up his neighbors. They came running and asked if someone was killing him and the Cyclopes answered "Nothing is killing me!" So his neighbors left without second thought. When the Cyclopes let his herd of sheep out Odysseus and his men clang to the bottom of the sheep and left the island safely. After suffering from the Cyclopes, Odysseus' ship came to a stop at the land of Aeolia (king of the winds). Aeolia let him and his men stay on his island for a month so they could recover. Before they left, Aeolia gave Odysseus all the east Get more content on
  • 4. Odysseus: A True Hero Essay Many think being a hero is having super powers, but on the contrary it's more than that. A hero is one who is distinguished for their courage and bravery, and looked upon for their great deeds. A hero like this is not just found in modern society today, but in mythology as well. In the epic poem The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus earns the title of a true hero by conveying many qualities such as: determination, courage and leadership. As part of the hero profile, one would have to be determined, and Odysseus certainly was. If a hero is determined, they only have one goal in mind. To be determined, the hero goes through perils and challenges and most importantly they can never lose hope. Likewise, Odysseus has a goal: to make it home more content... A second time would be when Zeus allowed Odysseus to fall into deep slumber. "But while I slept, the crew began to parley: silver and gold, they guessed, were in that bag bestowed on me by Aiolos' heart..." (Book X, Lines 39–41). Another way Odysseus shows determination as a hero is when he wants repossess the control over his kingdom. While on his journey back home, the suitors and Antinoos have taken over his kingdom. He is determined to get rid of them and take them out permanently. Like a true hero, Odysseus never lost hope; no matter how bad the situation was. Another quality of being a hero is, having courage; and Odysseus clearly conveyed this during his journey. In order to be courageous, the hero has to be fearless, meaning he has to act confident about his actions. This applies to Odysseus and the deities. If Odysseus were to appear weak, than the gods may think he's too weak for the journey and won't make it out alive. So, as a way of showing his courage, confidence overcomes Odysseus and he talks to the gods as if he were one of them. "After these my harm." (Book V, Lines 183–190). Odysseus shows no fear when speaking with Kalypso. Also, Odysseus shows more courage when he blinds Polyphemos. He humiliates Polyphemos, without even thinking of the effects. "Kyklops, you ask my honorable Get more content on
  • 5. Odysseus Essay One of the major themes of Homer's Odyssey is the importance of cunning over strength. This also happens to be the case with Odysseus and his long ten year journey home from fighting in Troy. Odysseus uses his intelligence over strength to 'fight' through tough times and bring himself home to Ithaca. Odysseus uses his intelligence when he has his men tie him down while passing the Sirens, so he himself will be able to hear their beautiful song, but not be entranced by their singing. He also uses cunning to escape from the Cyclops' cave without being harmed. He then uses his cunning by storing away all of the armory, shields, and knives from the suitors so he is able to kill them easily. Odysseus uses his brain to sail past the more content... He also chooses to follow her advice because he is a very curious and inquisitive man who wishes to know everything and anything he can. The Siren's sing "and we know whatever happens on this fruitful earth" (XII, 192). Nugent says, "the encounter with the Sirens reflects....unfulfilled desire for more: more knowledge, more experience, complete and profound fulfillment" (45–54). After placing the wax in his men's ears, tying himself down to the mast, and hearing the Siren's sweet song Odysseus " order[s] [his] men to set [him] free"( Homer XII, 195); this shows how curious Odysseus truly is and how he longs to have great knowledge. Nugent states this is "...surely a characteristic of Odysseus, who always seeks that which lies beyond his grasp" (45–54). By following Circe's orders Odysseus is able to have his cake and eat it too. He is able to pass the Siren's without harm so he can return on his journey home, and he is able to listen to their sweet, bewitching song. Odysseus's escape from the Cyclops is one of great intelligence. A Cyclops is a giant one eyed monster. Homer said, "The booming voice and the very sight of the monster filled us with panic" (IX, 256). From the first moment Odysseus and his men set eyes on the Cyclops they know they are in trouble and will not be able to get out easily. The Cyclops, Polyphemus, eats two of Odysseus' men from the start. As soon as this happens, Odysseus Get more content on
  • 6. Thesis Statement Of Odysseus Thesis: In the novel "The Odyssey" Homer displays the main character Odysseus, the shepherd of men, with god like qualities which clouds his judgement and sense of superiority that he will never transpire to respect the other warriors through his harsh tones. After Odysseus came from the encounter he had with the beautiful witch goddess Circe,, his men are grateful to see him . His men gather around him like a master and a shepherd, his men surrounded him. Odysseus a well respected man who is admired by his men and treated as a mortal god due to his God like qualities . While his crew are stranded in the middle of a cross road without his leadership and guidance, pivoting towards all directions but incapable of moving forward with more content... Odysseus thinks that his reasoning are final and his activities are constantly just and right, although he frequently allows his ego control his rational thinking, resulting harm to his group and messing with the gods's plans. His men could have went back home Securely for it is the desire of Athena and the other heavenly gods who surround to her in Mount Olympus, however Odysseus takes it to himself to outrage and blind Polyphemus, the monstrous son of Poseidon, adored by his dad yet abhorred by the people, In this way distrusting their whole arrangement . Subsequent to being blinded by the heroine, Polyphemus tosses huge pieces of rocks at Odysseus's ship, nearly obliterating them at the same time. But instead of retreating for safety, Odysseus keeps on provoking Polyphemus and "[calls] out to the cyclopes again, with [his] men hanging all over [him] begging him not to"(Book 9, 491–492). His feeling of pride and presumption influences to disregard the requests of his people even in these critical circumstances . He will fulfill his own feeling of interest and pleasure without thinking of the result it would have on his crew. Despite the fact that he is bound to get away from all passings and assaults, his group isn't so blessed. Their lives are in mortal peril since Odysseus considers them as child sheeps who should forfeit their lives for him when the circumstances comes, much the same as how mortals make conciliatory offerings of sheeps for the heavenly gods. He is willing to fulfill his own feeling of interest without thinking of his groups lives or their suppositions and is regularly infuriated when they negate his request. If they hurt his sense of pride and self–importance and pomposity , Odysseus will be overcome with outrage and Get more content on
  • 7. Odysseus Character Analysis Essay In Epic Poem "The Odyssey" Odysseus is the protagonist. Odysseus' over–the–top ego caused him to lose his men and his son's childhood, but taught him a valuable lesson about humility. The Odyssey, written by Homer, tells the story of Odysseus and how he faced misfortune in his attempts to return home after the Trojan War. Odysseus is not famous for his great strength or bravery, but for his ability to deceive and trick. To his friends, he was a brilliant strategist. To his enemies, he was a deceiver and a manipulator of the worst kind. During his journeys Odysseus often makes the mistake of bragging to his enemies but learns that doing this gives his enemies a chance to seek revenge against him. After leaving Troy, Odysseus attacks more content... Odysseus and his crew were in sight of the homeland they had waited so long to see, when a hand of rebel crewmen opened the bag because they thought it contained treasures, creating a great gale that blew them back to Aeolus. When Aeolus saw this he believed that Odysseus was cursed and banished him from the island. this is not the only time Odysseus was betrayed by his men and suffered a great price. When they landed on the island of Hyperion, bad winds prevented them from leaving. Food soon became low, and when Odysseus was asleep, the crew killed the cows of Hyperion against the god's warnings. Hyperion was enraged to see this and had all of Odysseus' men killed in a great storm. After the storm all Odysseus had left was his own strength and the favor of Athena. Odysseus learned that the gods must be respected in order for any man to succeed. During his journey Odysseus used what he has learned from is mistakes to return home and kill the suitors of his wife. On the island of Cicones,and with his encounter with Polyphemus, Odysseus learned that bragging can bring great misfortune. On Ithaca Odysseus never brags to the suitors and is able to enter his house with the Antinous and the other suitors knowing his real identity. He takes the punishment of Antinous and the other suitors without saying a word and is able to see those who have invaded his house. Odysseus is able to see who is loyal and who is not and take his revenge with the suitors never knowing who Get more content on
  • 8. How Is Odysseus A Hero The Character of Odysseus in The Odyssey Homer's epic tale The Odyssey is a story of the triumphs and downfalls that are in store for one warrior's long pillage home. Odysseus, the hero from the Trojan wars, has led his people of Ithaca and other Achaean soldiers to victory and now wishes to return home to his wife and family of Ithaca. Through his twenty year journey Odysseus is often tested not only of his physical strength, but his wits as well. The many accomplishments he achieved earned him great status and recognition throughout ancient Greece. The mistakes he made caused the deaths of many men. Consequently, we as readers are able to see the many personas that Odysseus carries with him. Odysseus more content... With this loyalty Odysseus maintains the courage of a true leader through the perils of his journey. His name alone is given to him to show us, the readers right from the start of the book his will. Odysseus comes from the Greek meaning to be at odds with, very much like Odysseus is through his voyage. In the beginning we also hear about the scar that Odysseus bears, which was given to him to him at the young age of 12, when he was rammed in the process of killing a wild Bohr. This again showing us that even at an early age in his life it was not easy, and that he will endure wounds in his life. Odysseus is no god. He is man, and with that comes the mistakes and errors in all of us. In many situations Odysseus' mortal side is seen. An example of the power of Odysseus coinciding with his human flaws is his battle with Polyphemous the Cyclops (son of Poseidon). After escaping the lure of the lotus–eaters and their island, Odysseus and his men find themselves on another island, rich with food and shelter. After feasting, the men grab a large container of potent wine and go off exploring the new island. Later in their search they stumble across a large cave filled with food. Curious where the owner's whereabouts are the men encourage Odysseus to steal the food. Odysseus (showing his hospitable and genuine character) decides to instead wait for the Get more content on
  • 9. Analysis Of Odysseus's Journey In The Odyssey Literature almost always portrays a hero as one who makes a life–threatening journey for a specific goal. The Odyssey is essentially one long and detailed journey. The epic follows a hero, Odysseus, and his journey home from war. Additionally, the book details Odysseus and the effects that him being gone for so long has on his family. The Odyssey gives two examples of different types of journeys. Odysseus finds himself in a physical journey as he takes years to get home. Likewise, Odysseus also takes a mental journey during this time to try to find himself and what he believes. Penelope and Telemachus strive for the homecoming of Odysseus. They have proven that they will do anything for his return. When Odysseus returns home, he has defeated physical challenges and has become a better person mentally and emotionally. One component of the journey Odysseus takes is his desire to get back to his home and life he knew before the war. Odysseus struggles physically on his journey. For example, while on the island with Calypso he cries out, for he longs to be home with Penelope and Telemachus. When trapped on the island with Calypso, he spends his days weeping and feeling sorry for himself. Right before the gods approach him to tell him they are sending him home, the book says, "His eyes were perpetually wet with tears now, his life draining away in homesickness. The nymph had long since ceased to please. He still slept with her at night in her cavern, an unwilling lover mated to Get more content on
  • 10. The World of Odysseus Essay The World of Odysseus was written by Sir Moses I. Finley, and it is an in depth analysis of the Iliad and the Odyssey. The period in history that helped to produce these two phenomenal works is veiled with uncertainty due to the fact that an actual written history doesn't exist. Homer put his history of the period together from the traditional custom of oral poetic story telling that originated from the late Dark Age and early Archaic Period. The first three chapters of Finley's text provide the reader with an understanding of the Greek world so the information presented in the fourth and fifth chapters is easier to understand. The first chapter introduces the world of the Greeks, their exposure to writing, the importance of Homer, more content... Finley ends his first chapter by noting that he believes that Greek history commenced with the world of Odysseus and like all history had an extensive story behind it. In the second chapter Finley explains why he believes the world of Odysseus was not the Mycenaean Age or the world in which Homer lived, but the intervening period–– the Dark Age. Finley also describes the adjustments the Iliad and Odyssey received from the archaic period of ancient Greece on. Finley's second chapter deals with Greek heroes and the bards that told of them throughout Greece's age of heroes. Bards were illiterate, so for them to pass on traditional stories about Greek heroic figures, they had to commit entire poems like the Iliad and the Odyssey to memory. This chapter begins with discussion of the story of the different ages of man was developed and how it began with four phases, but later, when Hesiod worked with the tale, it gained another phase. The Greeks applied metal names to the different ages in order to create a written history. The time of heroes is discussed in more detail in this chapter. Homer was given credit for having been an expert on the subject. Although, Homer was knowledgeable on the subject, he and Hesiod cared little about history in its modern sense. This caused the information the scholars possessed about the bards and heroes of the time to be Get more content on
  • 11. Odysseus' Heroism in The Odyssey Essay Being a legitimate hero is not all about having the extraordinary supernatural powers commonly seen on television. Heroes are people who aid others, often putting themselves at risk to do so. They made the decision to fight, not necessarily physically, for their values. Odysseus, the main character in The Odyssey, should be considered a hero. He put his own life in jeopardy to protect his men from the supernatural threats that they faced throughout their journey. Odysseus should be regarded as a hero because he is brave, clever, and cautious. Odysseus shows his heroism through his bravery. When Circe turned his men into swine, Odysseus confronted her: "I drew my sharpened sword and in one bound held it against her throat"("Circe, the more content... My name is Nohbdy'"("The Cyclops" lines 312–315). Odysseus' astuteness is apparent in this situation because he refused to reveal his identity to Polyphemus while he was vulnerable. His decision prevented the other Cyclops from coming to aid of Polyphemus. By precluding this beforehand, he demonstrated his heroic quality of wiliness. The ingenuity established by these actions personifies Odysseus as a hero. Furthermore, Odysseus reveals his cautious qualities that verify his heroism. In "Sea Perils and Defeat", Odysseus does not notify his men about the Sirens: "Odysseus decides to tell the men only of Circe's warnings about the Sirens"(narration). Odysseus noticeably gave forethought to this action because he knew his men would be fearful, and that it would interfere with their goal. His judgment forestalled his men from trying to avoid Scylla, as the anxiety of facing Scylla may have overwhelmed them, therefore, saving them from annihilation. Correspondingly, Odysseus shows his circumspect behavior in "The Challenge": "Odysseus took his time, turning the bow, tapping it, every inch"(lines 1359–1360). This instance reflects Odysseus' value of prudence; he made sure that the bow was in suitable condition for him to make an accurate shot. Placing importance on his discretion, Odysseus displays his heroic characteristics. Odysseus' alertness in these situations validates his heroism. Confidence, Get more content on
  • 12. Odysseus Essay Darius Roi A. GuevarraBTIT – 4C III. Characters Directed by: Andrey Konchalovskiy Writing Credits: Homer (Epic poem) Armand Assante as Odysseus He is the protagonist in The Odyssey. Odysseus fought for the Greece against the Troy. He is the one who planned to use a wooden horse to get into the great wall of Troy and bring it down. Odysseus is the husband of beautiful Queen Penelope and the father of Prince Telemachus. He is very popular for his cunning. He is the favorite of the goddess Athena, who always sends him divine aid, but a bitter enemy of Poseidon. Poseidon frustrates his journey at every turn that's why he struggles to return to his kingdom in Ithaca. Odysseus is a flat character because he renowned for his patience more content... Penelope spends her days in the palace waiting for the husband who left Ithaca to fight in Troy for twenty years. She is a very loving wife and loyal to her husband. Penelope is a flat character because she never changed in twenty years waiting for her husband Odysseus. She still believes that her husband will come back even though it is almost 2 decades and her love and faith is never fading at all. Alan Stenson as Telemachus Odysseus's son. He was just an infant when Odysseus left the Ithaca. He's such an obstacle to the suitors desperately wanting to have his mother, he lacks the confidence to oppose them. Athena also guided him sometimes. Telemachus is a flat character because he never gives up to oppose against the arrogant suitors who destroying their kingdom until her father came back. Isabella Rossellini as Athena Daughter of Zeus and the Goddess of wisdom. Athena assists Odysseus and Telemachus with divine powers. She speaks up about them in the councils of the gods on Mount Olympus. She often appears in disguise as Mentor in this movie. Athena is a flat character because she never leaves Odysseus and still assisting him and his son until the end of the Get more content on
  • 13. Odysseus in The Odyssey: Hero or Not? Essay The majority of those who read The Odyssey consider the protagonist of the story, Odysseus, a hero. On many occasions, however, Odysseus makes decisions beneficial to himself alone. For example, when Odysseus and his men find themselves on Polyphemus's island, Odysseus's actions are self–centered and at the expense of his men. This can be said for most of Odysseus's actions in the story, as his main objective is to reach his home. Having his men by his side when he returns seems a trivial thing to him. Odysseus could be considered a hero, but many of his actions say otherwise. Due to the many unfaithful and self–centered decisions he makes in the story, Odysseus is not a hero. Emphasizing on Odysseus's time on Polyphemus' more content... His bragging almost results in the death of his entire crew. Odysseus doesn't think highly of his men, and this is apparent throughout the entire story. One can be judged by their actions, but what truly shapes a person is their personality. Odysseus is an over–confident and ill–tempered man. On the cyclops's island, Odysseus's boasting nearly proves costly. A modest and heroic person would have had his men in mind, rather than himself, and left the island. Also, Odysseus revealing his true identity to the cyclops could very well have resulted in the death of his men. After Odysseus's boasting, Polyphemus prays to his father, "Let him lose all companions, and return / under strange sail to bitter days at home" (Homer 9. (537–8). This prophecy, of course, becomes a reality. Another sign of Odysseus's over–confidence shows while he is explaining himself to King Alcinous. In some of his first words to the king, Odysseus again boasts of his accomplishments. "Men hold me / formidable for guile in peace and war: / this fame has gone abroad to the sky's rim" (Homer 9. (127–8). Another very important fact is Odysseus's position on monogamy. Odysseus believes he's above monogamy, as he stays with many goddesses during his journeys while Penelope stays faithful at home. A hero is not a boasting, over–confident person, but someone who does their actions for no reward. In conclusion, many of Odysseus's Get more content on
  • 14. Odysseus Journey Essay Introduction In the journey of the Odyssey, a Greek hero by the name of Odysseus, thinks that he can do anything and everything without the help of the Gods in his life. Odysseus, through his own person insight and challenges he was forced to face, learned very quickly he desperately needed the strong hands of the Gods! In his ten year journey to return home, he is helped by the Goddess Athena and befriended by Aeolus (keeper of the winds). On his journey, he had to deal with the angriest God of all, Poseidon, who would not allow him to reach the shore to his city. At the end of Odysseus's journey, he finds humbleness and gets his life back! Odyssey's life begins in the mundane. He is feared and respected by his men. Odysseus is feeling invincible and is blinded by his own arrogance in thinking that all his conquest were done by his own hands with no help from the Gods. So the Goddess Athena sends Odysseus on a call to adventure by telling him that he will have to fight in the Trojan War. Eventhough, Odysseus is reluctant to take the call to war at first, he answers it and goes on his ten year journey, leaving his wife Penelope and new born son behind. The Goddess Athena protects her hero Odysseus through the paths of trials he must face. Nevertheless, Odysseus's persistent arrogance angered the (the god of water) Poseidon, by more content... Odysseus comes to learn that after being presumed dead, his son who is now a man, goes and searches for him. Telemachus returns home and finds that his father is alive and well. Telemachus is overwhelmed with curiosity, but falls happily into his father's arms. The Goddess Athena who had protected him through all his path and trials, appeared to him and asked him what troubled him so. Odysseus's main concern was to know if his wife Penelope had stayed true to him after his long and extended Get more content on
  • 15. Odysseus-Personal Narrative Essay Her appearance is frustratingly confusing. She is the most hideous, yet beautiful creature ever to walk the Earth. Her eyes, the color of the sparkling sea during daylight, her hair dark brown, almost black, reaching her feet. Her skin is an unusually scaly texture. It is almost the color of the poisonous hyloxalus infraguttatus frog. A bit lighter, though. One can see her mouth consists of millions of tiny, sharp fangs which make her even more terrifying. Yet, when one gazes into her eyes they are pulled in by her baffling, almost goddess–like delicacy. All the more to beware of this cunning deceiver. Odysseus, seeing this alluring beauty for the first time, is astonished. He says, "You are the creature who made this journey so more content... "But, of course––you must know! You truly do not? Well, alright. Let me run a few memories by you Man of Twists and Turns. You killed my father with that one sword ––what was the name? Oh yes, I remember. The Kopis. You killed MY father. And now, you must prepare yourself. It is your turn to face death." And with that, Nadiya withdraws her Dark Sword. Simultaneously, Odysseus quickly whips out his Aulos, which was handed down to him by his father, and his father's father, and his father's father, and so on. He presses the smooth, wooden surface of the tube–shaped flute to his mouth and begins playing a swift tune. He slowly looks behind him and starts walking, being aware of anything that might hinder his movement. Nadiya and her faithful devotees, the Gorgons, begin to trail after him. He puts down the musical instrument, gets on his boat, and quickly uses the oars to push himself away from the dock, meanwhile the inhabitants of the land who followed Odysseus remained in a trance. Again, he picks up the instrument and continues to play. He is now far from shore, and Nadiya and the Gorgons are at the forefront of the crowd, promising an imminent death for themselves. Now, the only thing seen were the tops of their heads. Once they were fully submerged under water, Odysseus was assured that they were Get more content on
  • 16. Odysseus' Selfishness Essay Odysseus portrays himself as anything but a hero throughout Homer's The Odyssey. Odysseus goes through his life believing he is the best. He has no regard for anyone's feelings but his own, and he believes nothing and no one can harm him, not even the gods. Odysseus feels he is always the leader and no one can tell him otherwise. Odysseus should not be considered a hero because he portrays himself as a selfish man that failed his crew, and is controlled by his hubris. Odysseus portrays his selfishness right as the book begins and this shows how truly incompetent of an individual he is. One form of selfishness Odysseys shows is adultery. He is unfaithful to Penelope many times throughout the book. He reveals this trait specifically more content... This action alone can show just what type of person Odysseus actually is which include traits of an inconsiderate, dishonest man. Odysseus makes some substantial mistakes, thus leading to the failure to his men. Odysseus shows extremely inadequate leadership qualities throughout the story. When Odysseus is on the journey to Ithaka, he neglects to let his crew know how long they will be staying on each island. He also neglects to let them know of the journey that lies ahead. This is very poor leadership in the eyes of his crew members. The crew relies on their leader to be honest with them when it comes to situations such as these. They expect Odysseus to make decisions for the well being of the crew. When Odysseus receives advice, even if it is helpful he tends to ignore it. He thinks he is the most intelligent human being, even more so than the gods. A prime example of this is when Odysseus receives advice from Kirke about Scylla. Kirke tells Odysseus not to fight Scylla, yet he chooses to anyway. Another example of Odysseus's ignorance toward people is when Eurylochus tells him not to go onto Kirke's island because he knows the crew would be turned into swine. Odysseus again chooses to ignore the intelligent advice given by the gods, and finds out that hard way that Eurylochus was correct. After all that Odysseus has done to the crew, it is true to Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On Odysseus For the Ancient Greeks, Odysseus was seen as a great hero. Also known as Ulysses to the Romans, was a very important character in Homer's The Odyssey. He was the father of Telemachus, and spouse of Penelope. He was the great King of Ithaca. The Ancient Greeks perceived Odysseus as a hero due to his intelligence, his capabilities, and how the ancient beliefs of heroism distinguished him. Odysseus' intellect helped create a hero image for the Ancient Greeks.Throughout the story Odysseus continuously uses his intelligence and manipulation to get himself out of trouble. For example, In Book Nine of The Odyssey, Odysseus is telling a story oh how The Cyclops asked Odysseus his name and he replied "Nobody–that's my name"(9.410). Odysseus and more content... Odysseus fit perfectly to the early ideas of the heroic. The Ancient Greeks believed heroes to be honorable, noble, strong, and intelligent. Odysseus showed these qualities when Calypso offered him the chance to be immortal. Though the offer tempted him, Odysseus declined. The fact that Odysseus declined something that most people would kill for, shows he is honorable and loyal to his family. It shows he would rather go back to Penelope and Telemachus, the people that need him, rather than stay alive forever with a "bewitching nymph". In addition, Odysseus followed many of the "qualifications" the Ancient Greeks had for war and glory within heroism.– states, the Odyssey insists that Odysseus–aided by his patron Athena, goddess of victory (Od. 13.386–88)–masterminded the stratagem that doomed Troy: the Trojan Horse." The Trojan horse was a plan that helped the Greeks defeat the Trojans in the Trojan war. The Ancient Greeks saw Odysseus as a war hero as he highly influenced the Greeks win in the war. Futhermore, Odysseus was seen as a role model to the Ancient Greeks.– says, "heroes generally enshrine within themselves qualities people generally admire." Odysseus impressive qualities were seen as a goal for the Ancient Greeks, they wanted to be more like him. Odysseus was a hero the ancient Greeks for multiple reasons. He was a Get more content on
  • 18. Odysseus Journey Essay Thirdly, Odysseus's journey takes him through many road of trials that depict the heroic cycle. One of Odysseus's odysseys is the cyclops and his brutality. Odysseus is going through a state of trickery when the cyclops, Polyphemus, depicts kindness by letting Odysseus and his men enter his home. Moments later, the cyclops eats two of Odysseus's men and then traps the rest for a meal later to come. Odysseus says with distress to his peers, "The cruel monster made no answer, but just jumped up and reached out towards my men, grabbed two like a pair of puppies and dashed them on the ground: their brains ran out and soaked into the earth. Then he cut them up limb by limb, and made them ready for supper. He devoured them like a mountain lion, more content... When Odysseus goes to the underworld, he gains advice from the prophet Tiresias. While Odysseus is waiting for Tiesies, there are many spirits around him, including Odysseus's late mother. Odysseus's mother's spirit said, " ' And this is how I sickened and died. The Archeress did not shoot me in my own house with those gentle shafts that never miss; it was no disease that made me pine away: but I missed you so much, and your clever wit and your gay merry ways, and life was sweet no longer, so I died" (128). Odysseus sees his mother for the first time in years. The act of closure helps push Odysseus on his journey home to complete the heroic cycle. Odysseus will remember the moment of him and his mom's spirit talking forever. Odysseus will keep this experience in his back pocket when he is thinking back on his journey. On Odysseus's way home to Ithaca, Odysseus comes across people who will become monumental in his journey home. Some people are worth remembering for Odysseus, as they give him good memories and experiences while on his expedition. After spending a year in the house of Circe, Odysseus finally decided to continue his journey back to Ithaca. Odysseus asks Circe, daughter of the sun god Helios, for the directions back to Ithaca. Circe then says Odysseus must sail to hades, the underworld, to seek the prophet Tiresias for directions. Tiresias says Get more content on
  • 19. The Odyssey By William Shakespeare Robert A. Heinlein once said, "Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again" which is similar to Odysseus' motto in The Odyssey. Odysseus is constantly dealing with obstacles that have been set in place by the Gods. Mainly the obstacle involves a woman being a temptress in order to detour Odysseus from his journey home to Ithaca. Eventually, Odysseus resists the seductresses in order to continue his journey home to Ithaca so he can finally see his wife Penelope. In The Odyssey women have a narrow, but significant role similar to their role in ancient Greece. Every time there is temptation present Odysseus yields, especially when the seductress is desirable, showing that he wants to yield to the woman who are tempting him with sex, more content... However, a majority of Homer 's audience would know that the real reason Helen was the cause of the Trojan war is because she has an affair with Paris. After Paris captured Helen and brought her back to Troy, Helen fell in love with Paris. This abduction of Helen ignited the start of the Trojan war. In the epic, Helen is described as being as "striking as Artemis with her golden shafts" (Od. 4.136) and is very hospitable towards Telemachus. Helens beauty as well as her affair with Paris have deemed her to be a seductress. Helen's role as a temptress is crucial, because she is the reason why Odysseus left Ithaca to fight in the Trojan war. Menelaus reminisces about the Trojan Horse and mentions Helen being the "voice of all our long–lost wives" (Od. 4.313) since she was imitating the voices of Greek soldiers' wives. Helen did not intentionally try to keep Odysseus away from Ithaca, but she catalyzed the events that caused Odysseus to stay away for ten years. Helen being a temptress is vital, because she is the reason that Odysseus is on his quest to return home. A similar temptress to Calypso, in The Odyssey, is Circe. Circe is also described as a "lustrous goddess" with a "spellbinding voice" (Od. 10.243). These characteristics make it easy for Circe to bewitch Odysseus' men, however Odysseus escapes the trap. Odysseus "mounted [mounts] Circe's gorgeous bed" to save his men similar to how he sleeps with Calypso, during his stay with her (Od. 10.386). Circe does not Get more content on
  • 20. Odysseus in The Odyssey Essay Odysseus in The Odyssey Odysseus is the main character in an epic poem called the Odyssey. In the poem Odysseus has had some bad luck getting home, with some of the gods helping him and some hindering him; his journey towards home is a constant struggle. In this poem we see a man being broke and rebuilt, through constant irony his faith was damaged and without the help of Athena he probably would have given up on his journey. Through his hard work and wise spirit he finally does achieve his goal. Odysseus must journey from Troy to his homeland of Ithaca. Throughout this journey Odysseus experiences a lot of inconsistent emotions. A lot of this is attributed to the physical and mental hell he goes through on this more content... In this book the little girl who we all know as Athena even gives Odysseus advice, ?A cheerful man does best in every enterprise, even a stranger? (Book 7). The interference by Athena shows how much she likes Odysseus and how much she wants him to make it home to the suitors. In Book VIII, King Alkinoos is intent on helping Odysseus on his journey, so he holds a special meeting. During this meeting there is competition to entertain Odysseus. After Odysseus declines competition, as he is maturer in his older years, he is insulted by one of the king?s men. ??The reason being, as I see it, friend, you never learned a sport, and have no skill in any of the contests of fighting men? (Book 8). Odysseus then steps up and breaks the record for throwing a disc. ?Anyone else for an edge for competition try me now? (Book 8). This shows a common characteristic of men today, we just can?t turn down a challenge. Although I cannot blame him there are only so many ways he can show and prove his greatness to others. In Book 9, Odysseus does battle with a popular Greek Mythology creature the Cyclopes. Here Odysseus shows us how cunning he can be. While trapped Odysseus really fears that he will never see that homeland of Ithaca ever again. He is very mournful and we see just how much he misses home. He finally realizes how to escape from the Cyclops. He stabs the Cyclops in his only eye blinding him. He then tells the monster Get more content on