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Odysseus Character Analysis
Odysseus– Odysseus is the main protagonist throughout the novel. He goes on many adventures with his crew, most of which get them into trouble.
Odysseus is a strong leader and very courageous, however, his best traits that is shown multiple times throughout the book is his quick–wittedness. For
example, without this distinguishing feature he wouldn't have been able to escape from Polyphemus, the cyclops, and save his men.
Telemachus– Telemachus is the son ofOdysseus and a protagonist throughout the book. He was a baby when Odysseus left to fight in Troy. On many
occasions he is helped by Athena, the goddess of wisdom, who teaches Telemachus how to assert himself against the suitors. With Athena's wisdom, he
helps protect his mother and more content...
Eurymachus– Eurymachus is an extremely charismatic suitor that influences the other suitors.
Polyphemus– Polyphemus is a gargantuan cyclops that kidnaps Odysseus and his crew in his cave. He plans on eating them but luckily he isn't the
smartest creature. Odysseus manages to blind the cyclops by stabbing him in the eye which leads to him and his crew's eventual escape. Polyphemus
remains a static character all the while he is in the book.
Calypso– Calypso is a nymph who imprisons Odysseus and his crew on her island for seven years. It isn't until Hermes, the messenger god, convinces
her to let them go that they are finally able to continue on their journey.
Circe– Circe is a deceitful goddess that turns those that end up on her island into pigs. She eventually captured Odysseus' crew but, with the help of
Hermes, the messenger god Odysseus is able to overcome her. Hermes gives Odysseus a magical plant called moly that, when eaten, will make him
immune to her spell. When Odysseus confronts Circe, he convinces her to turn his crew back into their human forms. Odysseus and Circe then fall in
love and live together on the island for a year. Her character remains static through much of the
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Essay on Odysseus: A True Hero At Heart
In the epic poem, The Odyssey, written by Homer, a hero named Odysseus is unveiled. A hero is a person who takes charge, who is bold, confident,
courageous, and loyal. Many debate whether or not Odysseus earns the title of a hero. Odysseus earns the title of a hero by representing many qualities
such as: leadership, bravery, and determination. Odysseus illustrates the quality of leadership. To be a leader, one must be loyal, strong, sharp, and
wise. Odysseus demonstrates loyalty while he is trapped on Kalypso's Island. Alone, angry, and depressed, Kalypso tempts Odysseus to fall in love
with her, yet, Odysseus remains loyal to his wife and gives up the fine and tempting opportunity: "My lady goddess, here is no cause for anger./
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With only the help of his son, Odysseus kills all the suitors, despite the fact that he was greatly outnumbered. Odysseus proves his strength for the
second time when he resists the Siren's song. No man is able to resist it, but with the strength that Odysseus contains, he overcomes it. Odysseus
begs his crew to untie him because the voices are so appealing, but he keeps his strength and fights off the tempting voices: "The lovely voices in
ardor appealing over the water/ made me crave to listen, and I tried to say 'Untie me!' to the crew jerking my brows;/ but they bent steady to the oars."
(XII, 246–249) Third, Odysseus is very sharp and wise. When blinding the great giant, Polyphemos, one would think why not kill the giant instead
of blinding him? Odysseus was very strategic and blinded him because if he were to kill the giant, Odysseus and his crew would not be able to
escape. As strong as Odysseus is, he would not be able to move the giant boulder which was blocking the exit. "My heart beat high now at the
chance of action,/ and drawing the sharp sword from my hip I went/ along his flank to stab him where the midriff/ holds the liver. I had touched the
spot/ when sudden fear stayed me: if I killed him we perished there as well, for we could never/ move his ponderous doorway slab aside." (IX,
324–330) Odysseus has a sharp mind and thinks of what the outcome to each of his move will be. He makes
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Odysseus, a Hero's Journey
The Hero's Journey:
The Odyssey by Homer is the story of Odysseus, a very brave, strong and smart Greek mythic hero who embarks on an epic journey. His journey
fulfills all the requisites of a Hero's Journey.
Odysseus' Journey takes him through various mental stages which will be outlined in bold. Odysseus' ordinary world is that of the island of Ithaca
where he lives with his beloved wife. When he was looking for a bride, Odysseus visited Sparta where he met Menelaus who was to wed Helen,
Zeus, the mighty king of gods' daughter. During this visit, he swore loyalty to Menelaus not knowing that he would one day be called to carry out his
promise. The Call to Adventure or Action indeed comes when Menelaus calls all more content...
However, that is not the end of his ordeal; it is only the beginning as he still needs to make his way home. Test, allies and Enemies mark Odysseus'
journey home in a cyclical pattern. Tests are followed by periods of reprieve/rest where Odysseus benefits from the help of Gods, followed by
trials where he is forced to face enemies again. It almost seems like he undergoes a circle of being tested and helped. His First Trial/Test occurs
when a storm blows him and his crew to a city on the coast of Thrace where they fight the Ciconians. Although they manage to escape, a terrible
storm is sent their way by Zeus who is angered by their attack on the Ciconians. Odysseus' encounter with the Cyclopes, where he not only tricks one,
but teases and taunts him, angers Poseidon, god of the sea. "Poseidon decrees a cruel fate for Odysseus and his sailors. It will be many years before
Odysseus reaches home"p.20.
This ordeal is followed by reprieve whereby Aeolus, guardian of the winds, opens the doors to his palace.
Enemies take different forms: lotus flowers, tempting cattle, Cyclops, serpents and whirlpools. However, his biggest enemy of all is Poseidon, god of
the sea. Those who give him assistance are Aeolus, Circe and Calypso.
Having survived his journey and arriving in Ithica is not the end of his ordeal, Odysseus still has to reach within himself to summon self control. He
must resist the temptation of reclaiming what is justly his
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Odysseus Essay
In homer's Odyssey the main character Odysseus is a person who only tries to help himself. Although he earns the trust of his men while in Troy, he
loses it on his perilous journey home. Many times in the epic he manipulates others, commits foolish acts and is full of hubris. He tries to take
shortcuts and as a result of this is men are killed and his boats destroyed. He plays with the lives of his men and he is punished for it. Odysseus is not a
hero because, he is foolish, lacks faithfulness and is consumed by his Hubris and selfishness. First, Odysseus is not a hero because he is a foolish
leader who makes many mistakes on his journey back home to Ithaka. His first mistake is his decision to let his men raid more content...
First, an example of his unfaithfulness to his wife is when on the island of Kirke he was told to sleep with the evil witch, and he automatically did
it without even asking questions. He could have threatened to kill Kirke or reason with her, but no he took his favorite way out, sleeping with
her. Another time Odysseus was unfaithful to his wife was while on the island of Kylpso he willingly slept with her countless times over his seven
year captivity on the island. Penelope, Odysseus' faithful wife, never cheated on him once during his 20 year absence in Ithaka. A time he is
unfaithful to the Gods is when he receives the ride home from the Phaeakians he did not pry or sacrifice anything to Poseidon before his trip if he
would have done this he could have saved the lives of the Phaeakians sailors, who were killed by Poseidon. Finally, Odysseus was unfaithful to the
Gods when he does not except Polyphemos sincere apology and says, " Kyklops, if any mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded,
tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes' son whose home's on Ithaka!" (IX 548–552). Which shows disrespect to the Gods by not
accepting his sincere apology. Apart from being an imprudent leader, he is also an unfaithful man who forgets the Gods until he needs them and takes
every chance he can get to cheat on this poor faithful wife.
Finally, Odysseus is also a selfish leader who is full of hubris. An example of
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The Odyssey
The Odyssey has captured minds for over 2700 years, and the story of Odysseus shows his determination to fight and conquer obstacles with and
without the help of the Gods. The story dates back before 1000B.c. (The Modern Library, 1950, p.VI) His creative and cunning tactics throughout the
story show his determination to reach his homeland of Ithaca.
After conquering the Trojan War, Odysseus was told by Poseidon "man is nothing without the gods". Poseidon felt Odysseus was not thankful for
Poseidon's help with the battle Trojan War. He felt Odysseus needed to be taught a lesson to be more thankful to the gods for their help. Odysseus
appeared righteous and gloated that he had conquered Troy on his own. (Hallmark Home Entertainment, 1997, more content...
As the Cyclops threw boulders at the ship, they ended up sailing in the direction they needed toward Ithaca.
The third conflict was the return of Odysseus to Ithaca. He returned, disguised as a beggar to take back his throne and get Penelope back. With this
example, he again received help from a god, the goddess Athena (Fagles, 1996, p. 300). After 20 years, Odysseus returned to Ithaca to learn that suitors
had taken over his home in an attempt to steal his throne and gain Penelope's hand.
When Odysseus landed on the sands of Ithaca, Athena told him she had a scheme to help him and warned him of the trials and suffering that had
taken place at his palace (Fagles, 1996, p. 296). Athena for many years had vanished and he was leary of her words, he told her "you're mocking me",
and he felt that Ithaca was just another kingdom and that was just another test (Fagles, p. 297).
Athena stroked Odysseus with her wand. She shriveled his skin, and covered his body from head to toe with wrinkled hide of an old man. She gave
him a staff, a beggar's sack, torn and tattered and sent him with Telemachus to regain his thrown. She told him she would be there beside him to regain
his throne (Fagles, 1996, p. 299).
Athena's frequent absence from Odysseus contradicted the quotation "man is nothing without the gods". Athena complimented Odysseus in a worldly,
and self possessed manner. She added she could not fight her father's brother,
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Odysseus in The Odyssey Essay
Odysseus in The Odyssey Odysseus is the main character in an epic poem called the Odyssey. In the poem Odysseus has had some bad luck getting
home, with some of the gods helping him and some hindering him; his journey towards home is a constant struggle. In this poem we see a man being
broke and rebuilt, through constant irony his faith was damaged and without the help of Athena he probably would have given up on his journey.
Through his hard work and wise spirit he finally does achieve his goal. Odysseus must journey from Troy to his homeland of Ithaca. Throughout this
journey Odysseus experiences a lot of inconsistent emotions. A lot of this is attributed to the physical and mental hell he goes through on this remarkable more content...
In this book the little girl who we all know as Athena even gives Odysseus advice, ?A cheerful man does best in every enterprise, even a stranger?
(Book 7). The interference by Athena shows how much she likes Odysseus and how much she wants him to make it home to the suitors. In Book
VIII, King Alkinoos is intent on helping Odysseus on his journey, so he holds a special meeting. During this meeting there is competition to
entertain Odysseus. After Odysseus declines competition, as he is maturer in his older years, he is insulted by one of the king?s men. ??The
reason being, as I see it, friend, you never learned a sport, and have no skill in any of the contests of fighting men? (Book 8). Odysseus then steps
up and breaks the record for throwing a disc. ?Anyone else for an edge for competition try me now? (Book 8). This shows a common characteristic
of men today, we just can?t turn down a challenge. Although I cannot blame him there are only so many ways he can show and prove his greatness
to others. In Book 9, Odysseus does battle with a popular Greek Mythology creature the Cyclopes. Here Odysseus shows us how cunning he can be.
While trapped Odysseus really fears that he will never see that homeland of Ithaca ever again. He is very mournful and we see just how much he
misses home. He finally realizes how to escape from the Cyclops. He stabs the Cyclops in his only eye blinding him. He then tells the monster
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Odysseus Journey Essay
In the journey of the Odyssey, a Greek hero by the name of Odysseus, thinks that he can do anything and everything without the help of the Gods in
his life. Odysseus, through his own person insight and challenges he was forced to face, learned very quickly he desperately needed the strong hands
of the Gods! In his ten year journey to return home, he is helped by the Goddess Athena and befriended by Aeolus (keeper of the winds). On his
journey, he had to deal with the angriest God of all, Poseidon, who would not allow him to reach the shore to his city. At the end ofOdysseus's journey,
he finds humbleness and gets his life back!
Odyssey's life begins in the mundane. He is feared and respected by his men. Odysseus is feeling invincible and is blinded by his own arrogance in
thinking that all his conquest were done by his own hands with no help from the Gods. So the Goddess Athena sends Odysseus on a call to adventure
by telling him that he will have to fight in the Trojan War. Eventhough, Odysseus is reluctant to take the call to war at first, he answers it and goes on
his ten year journey, leaving his wife Penelope and new born son behind. The Goddess Athena protects her hero Odysseus through the paths of trials he
must face. Nevertheless, Odysseus's persistent arrogance angered the (the god of water) Poseidon, by more content...
Odysseus comes to learn that after being presumed dead, his son who is now a man, goes and searches for him. Telemachus returns home and finds
that his father is alive and well. Telemachus is overwhelmed with curiosity, but falls happily into his father's arms. The Goddess Athena who had
protected him through all his path and trials, appeared to him and asked him what troubled him so. Odysseus's main concern was to know if his wife
Penelope had stayed true to him after his long and extended
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Analysis Of Odysseus's Journey In The Odyssey
Literature almost always portrays a hero as one who makes a life–threatening journey for a specific goal. The Odyssey is essentially one long and
detailed journey. The epic follows a hero, Odysseus, and his journey home from war. Additionally, the book details Odysseus and the effects that him
being gone for so long has on his family. The Odyssey gives two examples of different types of journeys. Odysseus finds himself in a physical journey
as he takes years to get home. Likewise, Odysseus also takes a mental journey during this time to try to find himself and what he believes. Penelope and
Telemachus strive for the homecoming of Odysseus. They have proven that they will do anything for his return. When Odysseus returns home, he has
defeated physical challenges and has become a better person mentally and emotionally.
One component of the journey Odysseus takes is his desire to get back to his home and life he knew before the war. Odysseus struggles physically
on his journey. For example, while on the island with Calypso he cries out, for he longs to be home with Penelope and Telemachus. When trapped
on the island with Calypso, he spends his days weeping and feeling sorry for himself. Right before the gods approach him to tell him they are
sending him home, the book says, "His eyes were perpetually wet with tears now, his life draining away in homesickness. The nymph had long since
ceased to please. He still slept with her at night in her cavern, an unwilling lover mated to
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Odysseus Character Analysis Essay
In Epic Poem "The Odyssey" Odysseus is the protagonist. Odysseus' over–the–top ego caused him to lose his men and his son's childhood, but taught
him a valuable lesson about humility. The Odyssey, written by Homer, tells the story of Odysseus and how he faced misfortune in his attempts to return
home after the Trojan War. Odysseus is not famous for his great strength or bravery, but for his ability to deceive and trick. To his friends, he was a
brilliant strategist. To his enemies, he was a deceiver and a manipulator of the worst kind.
During his journeys Odysseus often makes the mistake of bragging to his enemies but learns that doing this gives his enemies a chance to seek revenge
against him. After leaving Troy, Odysseus attacks more content...
Odysseus and his crew were in sight of the homeland they had waited so long to see, when a hand of rebel crewmen opened the bag because they
thought it contained treasures, creating a great gale that blew them back to Aeolus. When Aeolus saw this he believed that Odysseus was cursed and
banished him from the island. this is not the only time Odysseus was betrayed by his men and suffered a great price.
When they landed on the island of Hyperion, bad winds prevented them from leaving. Food soon became low, and when Odysseus was asleep, the
crew killed the cows of Hyperion against the god's warnings. Hyperion was enraged to see this and had all of Odysseus' men killed in a great storm.
After the storm all Odysseus had left was his own strength and the favor of Athena. Odysseus learned that the gods must be respected in order for any
man to succeed.
During his journey Odysseus used what he has learned from is mistakes to return home and kill the suitors of his wife. On the island of Cicones,and
with his encounter with Polyphemus, Odysseus learned that bragging can bring great misfortune. On Ithaca Odysseus never brags to the suitors and is
able to enter his house with the Antinous and the other suitors knowing his real identity. He takes the punishment of Antinous and the other suitors
without saying a word and is able to see those who have invaded his house. Odysseus is able to see who is loyal and who is not and take his revenge
with the suitors never knowing who
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Essay on Odysseus as a Heroic Individual
Odysseus as a Heroic Individual
Thesis: Odysseus was a true hero he showed this through his determination and courage.
Odysseus, A True Hero?
What is a hero? The dictionary defines a hero as being a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or
ability; an illustrious warrior; a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities; one that shows great courage. Odysseus was a true hero; he
showed this through his determination and courage.
The dictionary definition of a hero includes courage, strength and great ability. Odysseus fits the dictionary description of a hero. Two characteristics
that I believe are essential to the definition more content...
Like instead of just blinding the Cyclops he killed him but he choose to go another way.
"My heart beat high now at the chance of action, and drawing the sharp sword from my hip I went along his flank to stab him where the midriff
holds the liver. I had touched the spot when sudden fear stayed me: if I killed him we perished there as well, for we could never move his ponderous
doorway slab aside." (Homer ix. 312–318),
This also could have been true in various other situations like instead of just leaving Calypso he killed her, or if had made and attempt to kill the God
Poseidon. I don't perceive killing every man or woman you come into battle with as a heroic action. Sometimes to be the hero of a situation you
must be the bigger man and walk away from a battle letting the other man live. The difference being that his peers see the death of an enemy as a
victory whereas I see it as a loss. Killing someone doesn't make you a winner it only makes you a loser, a true victory is one that both people walk
away alive and yet one person may have the upper hand on the situation.
A hero is a person that thinks about others before themselves, whether it be physical or emotional. A hero puts others in perspective with every aspect
of their life. Odysseus shows this when sail past the sirens. Odysseus and his men must sail past the island of seductresses. He plugs the ears of
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Odysseus: A True Hero Essay
Many think being a hero is having super powers, but on the contrary it's more than that. A hero is one who is distinguished for their courage and
bravery, and looked upon for their great deeds. A hero like this is not just found in modern society today, but in mythology as well. In the epic poem The
Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus earns the title of a true hero by conveying many qualities such as: determination, courage and leadership.
As part of the hero profile, one would have to be determined, and Odysseus certainly was. If a hero is determined, they only have one goal in mind.
To be determined, the hero goes through perils and challenges and most importantly they can never lose hope. Likewise, Odysseus has a goal: to make
it home more content...
A second time would be when Zeus allowed Odysseus to fall into deep slumber. "But while I slept, the crew began to parley: silver and gold, they
guessed, were in that bag bestowed on me by Aiolos' heart..." (Book X, Lines 39–41). Another way Odysseus shows determination as a hero is when
he wants repossess the control over his kingdom. While on his journey back home, the suitors and Antinoos have taken over his kingdom. He is
determined to get rid of them and take them out permanently. Like a true hero, Odysseus never lost hope; no matter how bad the situation was.
Another quality of being a hero is, having courage; and Odysseus clearly conveyed this during his journey. In order to be courageous, the hero has
to be fearless, meaning he has to act confident about his actions. This applies to Odysseus and the deities. If Odysseus were to appear weak, than
the gods may think he's too weak for the journey and won't make it out alive. So, as a way of showing his courage, confidence overcomes Odysseus
and he talks to the gods as if he were one of them. "After these my harm." (Book V, Lines 183–190). Odysseus shows no fear when speaking
with Kalypso. Also, Odysseus shows more courage when he blinds Polyphemos. He humiliates Polyphemos, without even thinking of the effects.
"Kyklops, you ask my honorable
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Essay On Odysseus
For the Ancient Greeks, Odysseus was seen as a great hero. Also known as Ulysses to the Romans, was a very important character in Homer's The
Odyssey. He was the father of Telemachus, and spouse of Penelope. He was the great King of Ithaca. The Ancient Greeks perceived Odysseus as a
hero due to his intelligence, his capabilities, and how the ancient beliefs of heroism distinguished him. Odysseus' intellect helped create a hero image
for the Ancient Greeks.Throughout the story Odysseus continuously uses his intelligence and manipulation to get himself out of trouble. For example,
In Book Nine of The Odyssey, Odysseus is telling a story oh how The Cyclops asked Odysseus his name and he replied "Nobody–that's my
name"(9.410). Odysseus and more content...
Odysseus fit perfectly to the early ideas of the heroic. The Ancient Greeks believed heroes to be honorable, noble, strong, and intelligent. Odysseus
showed these qualities when Calypso offered him the chance to be immortal. Though the offer tempted him, Odysseus declined. The fact that Odysseus
declined something that most people would kill for, shows he is honorable and loyal to his family. It shows he would rather go back to Penelope and
Telemachus, the people that need him, rather than stay alive forever with a "bewitching nymph". In addition, Odysseus followed many of the
"qualifications" the Ancient Greeks had for war and glory within heroism.– states, the Odyssey insists that Odysseus–aided
by his patron Athena, goddess of victory (Od. 13.386–88)–masterminded the stratagem that doomed Troy: the Trojan Horse." The Trojan horse was a
plan that helped the Greeks defeat the Trojans in the Trojan war. The Ancient Greeks saw Odysseus as a war hero as he highly influenced the Greeks
win in the war. Futhermore, Odysseus was seen as a role model to the Ancient Greeks.
– says, "heroes generally enshrine
within themselves qualities people generally admire." Odysseus impressive qualities were seen as a goal for the Ancient Greeks, they wanted to be
more like him. Odysseus was a hero the ancient Greeks for multiple reasons. He was a
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Essay On Odysseus Being A Hero
A hero is defined as a person who is risking their life to save others. There are many differents types of heroes, such as Superman or Captain America.
But the true heroes are the ones that were formed during the ancient times because those people set an example for the heroes today. On the topic of
heroes Heroes, Odysseus from the book The Odyssey, by Homer has displayed many reasons as to why he should be a hero and why he should not.
For instance, Odysseus appears as a very determined character that never lost hope in getting back home. On the other hand, Odysseus is very
self–centered and does not listen to other people's advice, therefore this caused a lot of deaths. Odysseus is also to be known as not loyal to his spouse
Penelope because more content...
Circe and Calypso were the women that Odysseus slept with on the islands, therefore he cheated on his wife. On the other hand, while Odysseus was
gone Penelope however did not cheat on Odysseus, therefore she is considered to be loyal. So although Odysseus is incredibly intelligent, he is NOT a
Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus has been leading an entire crew through multiple islands. Now Odysseus may be the smartest man in the world,
but listening to his crew members was something that he regretted, therefore Odysseus is displayed as self–centered. Odysseus has showed many
examples of not listening to advice from people, such as the advice Eurylochus gave him to not send his men back to Circe's island to see what is
on it. But of course Odysseus does not pick up her advice and Circe turns his men into pigs, therefore Odysseus is just throwing their lives away like
dispensing bait to fish. But if Odysseus had listened to Eurylochus' advice then he would have continued his journey back home and he would still
have mast of his crew members. Odysseus also neglects the advice to not fight
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Essay on Odysseus
Homer's The Odyssey, a magnificent story of lust, deceit, greed, and heroism, still fascinates scholars and casual readers alike today in the same way it
fascinated its audience at the time it was written. The Odyssey, a journey of determination, patience, and virtue, tells the tail of Odysseus, the main
character, on his voyage home to Ithaka after the end of the Trojan War. Odysseus goes through many unforeseen trials and tribulations, which
exemplify his character. During these different happenings, Odysseus makes decisions that do not correspond to his character. Odysseus' character , as
seen in the Iliad, is much like that of a Homeric hero. A hero in Homer's world entails many attributes other than more content...
Odysseus' curiosity and desire for adventure, driving him inland, somewhat hinder his attempt to return home. Odysseus' men want to loot the goods
and return to the ship. But, despite the pleading of his men, Odysseus wants to meet the cave–dwellers and see what they have to offer. This came to be
a dire mistake. PolyphГЄmos enters the cave, and after brief words, he, in one swift motion, grabs, dismembers, then proceeds to feed on two of
Odysseus' men. After a brief stay in the cave and a few more dead men, Odysseus congers a plan which defeats PolyphГЄmos and returns Odysseus
and his men safely back to the ship. This episode cost Odysseus the lives of men – lives lost for pure curiosity and his yearn for action. Directly after
escaping PolyphГЄmos, Odysseus cries out in anger at the Kyklops, who proceeds to toss boulders at Odysseus' ships. After each cry, PolyphГЄmos
gets closer and closer with his tosses. Then, unintelligently, Odysseus, for sake of false confidence, reveals his name to PolyphГЄmos. PolyphГЄmos
then prays to his father, Poseidon, against Odysseus' voyage home to Ithaka. Instead of the men's, now Odysseus' actions endanger their lives. Odysseus
and his men sail to another land – Aiolia Island, the home of Aiolos HippotadГЄs, the wind king. Aiolos plays host to Odysseus and his crew for a
month. Staying for this length of time suggests Odysseus' desire to return home is
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Character Analysis Essay On Odysseus
Odysseus gains the support of Athena, but does not seem to have Lady Luck by his side. Through a series of unfortunate events , Odysseus
demonstrates his cunning wits with simple twists that would avoid future consequences. Odysseus and his men found a cave where "wild goats in
hundreds breed thereНѕ and no human being comes up the isle to startle them" (9.128В130). Polyphemus did not show hospitality and became hostile,
devouring two of Odysseus' men. When morning came, Odysseus and his crew manage to blind the cyclops, while he was intoxicated by the wine
offered, with a wooden staff that was hardened by fire. Odysseus' states himself as "Nobody," and left the giant indignantly screaming, "Nohbdy,
Nohbdy's tricked me, Nohbdy's ruined me" (9.444).
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Odyssey Essay Summary : The Journey Of Odysseus
Years after the Trojan War, Odysseus and his men make a ten
–year journey to reach their home, Ithaca. His adventure comes with numerous ship
wrecks, trickery, and most commonly wrath. In this journey, he quests to reestablish his dignity and seeks to travel back to his homeland which has
been taken away by suitors after his apparent death during the battle between Troy and Achaeans. This desire to fulfill his royal destiny despite all
odds ushers to become his sole purpose of life which he adopts inherent value and meaning from. The King of Ithaca and hero whom was recognized
for strategizing the Trojan Horse furthers his profound adventure to regain his hierarchical position and status as King and sets to take back what is
rightfully his. Along with his position, Odysseus is fueled by his love for his family which drives him to restore harmony and peace by eliminating the
corrupted suitors and instead reinstate the city with light and joy. This sense of heroic responsibility and obligation frames for the absurdity which is
embodied in Odysseus to make worth of his life and of this world.
During his adventure to return home, Odysseus sets sail to the island of Cyclops, where he first encounters real threat by the son of Poseidon,
Polyphemus. Him and his crew are trapped and stationed at his cave as food for future supper. However, with the cunning mind of Odysseus, his
remaining men are able to escape from the ravenous one eyed giant. Later on, Odysseus ends up on
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Thesis Statement Of Odysseus
Thesis: In the novel "The Odyssey" Homer displays the main character Odysseus, the shepherd of men, with god like qualities which clouds his
judgement and sense of superiority that he will never transpire to respect the other warriors through his harsh tones.
After Odysseus came from the encounter he had with the beautiful witch goddess Circe,, his men are grateful to see him . His men gather around him
like a master and a shepherd, his men surrounded him. Odysseus a well respected man who is admired by his men and treated as a mortal god due to his
God like qualities . While his crew are stranded in the middle of a cross road without his leadership and guidance, pivoting towards all directions but
incapable of moving forward more content...
Odysseus thinks that his reasoning are final and his activities are constantly just and right, although he frequently allows his ego control his rational
thinking, resulting harm to his group and messing with the gods's plans. His men could have went back home Securely for it is the desire of Athena
and the other heavenly gods who surround to her in Mount Olympus, however Odysseus takes it to himself to outrage and blind Polyphemus, the
monstrous son of Poseidon, adored by his dad yet abhorred by the people, In this way distrusting their whole arrangement . Subsequent to being
blinded by the heroine, Polyphemus tosses huge pieces of rocks at Odysseus's ship, nearly obliterating them at the same time. But instead of retreating
for safety, Odysseus keeps on provoking Polyphemus and "[calls] out to the cyclopes again, with [his] men hanging all over [him] begging him not
to"(Book 9, 491–492). His feeling of pride and presumption influences to disregard the requests of his people even in these critical circumstances .
He will fulfill his own feeling of interest and pleasure without thinking of the result it would have on his crew. Despite the fact that he is bound to
get away from all passings and assaults, his group isn't so blessed. Their lives are in mortal peril since Odysseus considers them as child sheeps who
should forfeit their lives for him when the circumstances comes, much the same as how mortals make conciliatory offerings of sheeps for the
heavenly gods. He is willing to fulfill his own feeling of interest without thinking of his groups lives or their suppositions and is regularly infuriated
when they negate his request. If they hurt his sense of pride and self–importance and pomposity , Odysseus will be overcome with outrage and
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Essay on Odysseus' Journey Home
During Odysseus' journey back home to Ithaca, him and his crew encountered many evils and troubles. Almost every one of these took at least one
of his men. Scylla is an example of this. This monster took six of Odysseus' men while on the journey home. Nearly ever was it Odysseus' fault. His
men caused most of the problems that haunted them back to Ithaca. His hardships started when he was sent off to fight in the Trojan War. He had to
fight because he had made an oath to Helen's husband that he would always defend her honor. When Paris abducted Helen he was then forced to fight.
After he had fought for Helen and had left, the wind then swept him to the island of the Cicones and fought and lost many men. He survived this
mishap and more content...
They tried to stay quiet but the Cyclopes spotted them and asked what they were doing in his cave. He really didn't care because he snatched two of
his men up, smashed their heads, torn them limb by limb, ate them. Day by day he did this and when the Cyclopes was sleeping, Odysseus told his men
that they needed to find a way to get out of there and so they did. When the Cyclopes awoke, Odysseus offered him some of his wine and he tried it
and begged for more so Odysseus just kept giving it to him drink by drink until he was drunk. The Cyclopes asked Odysseus what his name was
and Odysseus said "Nothing." As soon he asked that, he fell over and slept peacefully. While he was sleeping Odysseus found a large branch and
asked his strongest men to put the tip in the fire and when it was burning red, they shoved the hot part of the stick into the Cyclopes' eye. The
Cyclopes let out a loud roar that woke up his neighbors. They came running and asked if someone was killing him and the Cyclopes answered
"Nothing is killing me!" So his neighbors left without second thought. When the Cyclopes let his herd of sheep out Odysseus and his men clang to
the bottom of the sheep and left the island safely. After suffering from the Cyclopes, Odysseus' ship came to a stop at the land of Aeolia (king of the
winds). Aeolia let him and his men stay on his island for a month so they could recover. Before they left, Aeolia gave Odysseus all the east
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Essay about Rise of Odysseus
Epics were originally oral and later became narratives. The basic guideline for epics is long narrative poems that are about a serious or worthy event.
In this case the epic has to do with the events of a hero that represented an entire nation. The events of this hero are dramatic and tae place in a vast
amount of area, which makes it more worthy. The epic poem also includes super natural human beings, another requirement for epics. In Homers The
Odyssey Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Vintage Books, 1990 the use or these epic requirements employ the tale in a exceptional fashion. In other
words these epics guidelines are used to the best of their ability to make Homer's majestic poem outstanding. Odysseus is one of the many
more content...
The poem has now revealed that suitors are trying to marry Penelope Odysseus wife to gain rights to his kingdom, but Penelope just wants her
only and only. Athena disguise as Mentes, Odysseus old friend, brings some faith into Telemakhos' and he attempt to stand up to the suitors. He
fails and sets out to Pylus from Athena advice which in turn sends him to Sparta where he learns his father is still alive, and he immediately return
home to Ithaca. This part of the poem reveals another key component of an epic which is it takes place in a vast setting, and covers a wide
geographic area. Odysseus not only ventured in a wide geographic area but was highly renowned by people he never met which also are a key
factor of epics that is being heroic. In this piece to another imperative element of epics are the gods and goddess parts in the play able to affect the
outcome of the poem. Athena was able to mask herself as an old friend and persuade Telemakhos'. Homer uses these key epic formations to make
his poem superb. He makes the story line flow, he doesn't just put the epic form in his piece but he integrates them into his plot which is unique. The
old friend himself could have advised Telemakhos' but he chose to use Athena to advise him because Homer assimilates the form of an epic to
correlate to his plot. He also makes Odysseus well renown by instead of sending a messenger to Ithaca, he sends Telemakhos' to Sparta farther than his
original destination Pylus.
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Odysseus Character Analysis

  • 1. Odysseus Character Analysis Odysseus– Odysseus is the main protagonist throughout the novel. He goes on many adventures with his crew, most of which get them into trouble. Odysseus is a strong leader and very courageous, however, his best traits that is shown multiple times throughout the book is his quick–wittedness. For example, without this distinguishing feature he wouldn't have been able to escape from Polyphemus, the cyclops, and save his men. Telemachus– Telemachus is the son ofOdysseus and a protagonist throughout the book. He was a baby when Odysseus left to fight in Troy. On many occasions he is helped by Athena, the goddess of wisdom, who teaches Telemachus how to assert himself against the suitors. With Athena's wisdom, he helps protect his mother and more content... Eurymachus– Eurymachus is an extremely charismatic suitor that influences the other suitors. Polyphemus– Polyphemus is a gargantuan cyclops that kidnaps Odysseus and his crew in his cave. He plans on eating them but luckily he isn't the smartest creature. Odysseus manages to blind the cyclops by stabbing him in the eye which leads to him and his crew's eventual escape. Polyphemus remains a static character all the while he is in the book. Calypso– Calypso is a nymph who imprisons Odysseus and his crew on her island for seven years. It isn't until Hermes, the messenger god, convinces her to let them go that they are finally able to continue on their journey. Circe– Circe is a deceitful goddess that turns those that end up on her island into pigs. She eventually captured Odysseus' crew but, with the help of Hermes, the messenger god Odysseus is able to overcome her. Hermes gives Odysseus a magical plant called moly that, when eaten, will make him immune to her spell. When Odysseus confronts Circe, he convinces her to turn his crew back into their human forms. Odysseus and Circe then fall in love and live together on the island for a year. Her character remains static through much of the Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Odysseus: A True Hero At Heart In the epic poem, The Odyssey, written by Homer, a hero named Odysseus is unveiled. A hero is a person who takes charge, who is bold, confident, courageous, and loyal. Many debate whether or not Odysseus earns the title of a hero. Odysseus earns the title of a hero by representing many qualities such as: leadership, bravery, and determination. Odysseus illustrates the quality of leadership. To be a leader, one must be loyal, strong, sharp, and wise. Odysseus demonstrates loyalty while he is trapped on Kalypso's Island. Alone, angry, and depressed, Kalypso tempts Odysseus to fall in love with her, yet, Odysseus remains loyal to his wife and gives up the fine and tempting opportunity: "My lady goddess, here is no cause for anger./ more content... With only the help of his son, Odysseus kills all the suitors, despite the fact that he was greatly outnumbered. Odysseus proves his strength for the second time when he resists the Siren's song. No man is able to resist it, but with the strength that Odysseus contains, he overcomes it. Odysseus begs his crew to untie him because the voices are so appealing, but he keeps his strength and fights off the tempting voices: "The lovely voices in ardor appealing over the water/ made me crave to listen, and I tried to say 'Untie me!' to the crew jerking my brows;/ but they bent steady to the oars." (XII, 246–249) Third, Odysseus is very sharp and wise. When blinding the great giant, Polyphemos, one would think why not kill the giant instead of blinding him? Odysseus was very strategic and blinded him because if he were to kill the giant, Odysseus and his crew would not be able to escape. As strong as Odysseus is, he would not be able to move the giant boulder which was blocking the exit. "My heart beat high now at the chance of action,/ and drawing the sharp sword from my hip I went/ along his flank to stab him where the midriff/ holds the liver. I had touched the spot/ when sudden fear stayed me: if I killed him we perished there as well, for we could never/ move his ponderous doorway slab aside." (IX, 324–330) Odysseus has a sharp mind and thinks of what the outcome to each of his move will be. He makes Get more content on
  • 3. Odysseus, a Hero's Journey The Hero's Journey: The Odyssey by Homer is the story of Odysseus, a very brave, strong and smart Greek mythic hero who embarks on an epic journey. His journey fulfills all the requisites of a Hero's Journey. Odysseus' Journey takes him through various mental stages which will be outlined in bold. Odysseus' ordinary world is that of the island of Ithaca where he lives with his beloved wife. When he was looking for a bride, Odysseus visited Sparta where he met Menelaus who was to wed Helen, Zeus, the mighty king of gods' daughter. During this visit, he swore loyalty to Menelaus not knowing that he would one day be called to carry out his promise. The Call to Adventure or Action indeed comes when Menelaus calls all more content... However, that is not the end of his ordeal; it is only the beginning as he still needs to make his way home. Test, allies and Enemies mark Odysseus' journey home in a cyclical pattern. Tests are followed by periods of reprieve/rest where Odysseus benefits from the help of Gods, followed by trials where he is forced to face enemies again. It almost seems like he undergoes a circle of being tested and helped. His First Trial/Test occurs when a storm blows him and his crew to a city on the coast of Thrace where they fight the Ciconians. Although they manage to escape, a terrible storm is sent their way by Zeus who is angered by their attack on the Ciconians. Odysseus' encounter with the Cyclopes, where he not only tricks one, but teases and taunts him, angers Poseidon, god of the sea. "Poseidon decrees a cruel fate for Odysseus and his sailors. It will be many years before Odysseus reaches home"p.20. This ordeal is followed by reprieve whereby Aeolus, guardian of the winds, opens the doors to his palace. Enemies take different forms: lotus flowers, tempting cattle, Cyclops, serpents and whirlpools. However, his biggest enemy of all is Poseidon, god of the sea. Those who give him assistance are Aeolus, Circe and Calypso. Having survived his journey and arriving in Ithica is not the end of his ordeal, Odysseus still has to reach within himself to summon self control. He must resist the temptation of reclaiming what is justly his Get more content on
  • 4. Odysseus Essay Odysseus In homer's Odyssey the main character Odysseus is a person who only tries to help himself. Although he earns the trust of his men while in Troy, he loses it on his perilous journey home. Many times in the epic he manipulates others, commits foolish acts and is full of hubris. He tries to take shortcuts and as a result of this is men are killed and his boats destroyed. He plays with the lives of his men and he is punished for it. Odysseus is not a hero because, he is foolish, lacks faithfulness and is consumed by his Hubris and selfishness. First, Odysseus is not a hero because he is a foolish leader who makes many mistakes on his journey back home to Ithaka. His first mistake is his decision to let his men raid more content... First, an example of his unfaithfulness to his wife is when on the island of Kirke he was told to sleep with the evil witch, and he automatically did it without even asking questions. He could have threatened to kill Kirke or reason with her, but no he took his favorite way out, sleeping with her. Another time Odysseus was unfaithful to his wife was while on the island of Kylpso he willingly slept with her countless times over his seven year captivity on the island. Penelope, Odysseus' faithful wife, never cheated on him once during his 20 year absence in Ithaka. A time he is unfaithful to the Gods is when he receives the ride home from the Phaeakians he did not pry or sacrifice anything to Poseidon before his trip if he would have done this he could have saved the lives of the Phaeakians sailors, who were killed by Poseidon. Finally, Odysseus was unfaithful to the Gods when he does not except Polyphemos sincere apology and says, " Kyklops, if any mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes' son whose home's on Ithaka!" (IX 548–552). Which shows disrespect to the Gods by not accepting his sincere apology. Apart from being an imprudent leader, he is also an unfaithful man who forgets the Gods until he needs them and takes every chance he can get to cheat on this poor faithful wife. Finally, Odysseus is also a selfish leader who is full of hubris. An example of Get more content on
  • 5. The Odyssey The Odyssey has captured minds for over 2700 years, and the story of Odysseus shows his determination to fight and conquer obstacles with and without the help of the Gods. The story dates back before 1000B.c. (The Modern Library, 1950, p.VI) His creative and cunning tactics throughout the story show his determination to reach his homeland of Ithaca. After conquering the Trojan War, Odysseus was told by Poseidon "man is nothing without the gods". Poseidon felt Odysseus was not thankful for Poseidon's help with the battle Trojan War. He felt Odysseus needed to be taught a lesson to be more thankful to the gods for their help. Odysseus appeared righteous and gloated that he had conquered Troy on his own. (Hallmark Home Entertainment, 1997, more content... As the Cyclops threw boulders at the ship, they ended up sailing in the direction they needed toward Ithaca. The third conflict was the return of Odysseus to Ithaca. He returned, disguised as a beggar to take back his throne and get Penelope back. With this example, he again received help from a god, the goddess Athena (Fagles, 1996, p. 300). After 20 years, Odysseus returned to Ithaca to learn that suitors had taken over his home in an attempt to steal his throne and gain Penelope's hand. When Odysseus landed on the sands of Ithaca, Athena told him she had a scheme to help him and warned him of the trials and suffering that had taken place at his palace (Fagles, 1996, p. 296). Athena for many years had vanished and he was leary of her words, he told her "you're mocking me", and he felt that Ithaca was just another kingdom and that was just another test (Fagles, p. 297). Athena stroked Odysseus with her wand. She shriveled his skin, and covered his body from head to toe with wrinkled hide of an old man. She gave him a staff, a beggar's sack, torn and tattered and sent him with Telemachus to regain his thrown. She told him she would be there beside him to regain his throne (Fagles, 1996, p. 299). Athena's frequent absence from Odysseus contradicted the quotation "man is nothing without the gods". Athena complimented Odysseus in a worldly, and self possessed manner. She added she could not fight her father's brother, Get more content on
  • 6. Odysseus in The Odyssey Essay Odysseus in The Odyssey Odysseus is the main character in an epic poem called the Odyssey. In the poem Odysseus has had some bad luck getting home, with some of the gods helping him and some hindering him; his journey towards home is a constant struggle. In this poem we see a man being broke and rebuilt, through constant irony his faith was damaged and without the help of Athena he probably would have given up on his journey. Through his hard work and wise spirit he finally does achieve his goal. Odysseus must journey from Troy to his homeland of Ithaca. Throughout this journey Odysseus experiences a lot of inconsistent emotions. A lot of this is attributed to the physical and mental hell he goes through on this remarkable more content... In this book the little girl who we all know as Athena even gives Odysseus advice, ?A cheerful man does best in every enterprise, even a stranger? (Book 7). The interference by Athena shows how much she likes Odysseus and how much she wants him to make it home to the suitors. In Book VIII, King Alkinoos is intent on helping Odysseus on his journey, so he holds a special meeting. During this meeting there is competition to entertain Odysseus. After Odysseus declines competition, as he is maturer in his older years, he is insulted by one of the king?s men. ??The reason being, as I see it, friend, you never learned a sport, and have no skill in any of the contests of fighting men? (Book 8). Odysseus then steps up and breaks the record for throwing a disc. ?Anyone else for an edge for competition try me now? (Book 8). This shows a common characteristic of men today, we just can?t turn down a challenge. Although I cannot blame him there are only so many ways he can show and prove his greatness to others. In Book 9, Odysseus does battle with a popular Greek Mythology creature the Cyclopes. Here Odysseus shows us how cunning he can be. While trapped Odysseus really fears that he will never see that homeland of Ithaca ever again. He is very mournful and we see just how much he misses home. He finally realizes how to escape from the Cyclops. He stabs the Cyclops in his only eye blinding him. He then tells the monster Get more content on
  • 7. Odysseus Journey Essay Introduction In the journey of the Odyssey, a Greek hero by the name of Odysseus, thinks that he can do anything and everything without the help of the Gods in his life. Odysseus, through his own person insight and challenges he was forced to face, learned very quickly he desperately needed the strong hands of the Gods! In his ten year journey to return home, he is helped by the Goddess Athena and befriended by Aeolus (keeper of the winds). On his journey, he had to deal with the angriest God of all, Poseidon, who would not allow him to reach the shore to his city. At the end ofOdysseus's journey, he finds humbleness and gets his life back! Odyssey's life begins in the mundane. He is feared and respected by his men. Odysseus is feeling invincible and is blinded by his own arrogance in thinking that all his conquest were done by his own hands with no help from the Gods. So the Goddess Athena sends Odysseus on a call to adventure by telling him that he will have to fight in the Trojan War. Eventhough, Odysseus is reluctant to take the call to war at first, he answers it and goes on his ten year journey, leaving his wife Penelope and new born son behind. The Goddess Athena protects her hero Odysseus through the paths of trials he must face. Nevertheless, Odysseus's persistent arrogance angered the (the god of water) Poseidon, by more content... Odysseus comes to learn that after being presumed dead, his son who is now a man, goes and searches for him. Telemachus returns home and finds that his father is alive and well. Telemachus is overwhelmed with curiosity, but falls happily into his father's arms. The Goddess Athena who had protected him through all his path and trials, appeared to him and asked him what troubled him so. Odysseus's main concern was to know if his wife Penelope had stayed true to him after his long and extended Get more content on
  • 8. Analysis Of Odysseus's Journey In The Odyssey Literature almost always portrays a hero as one who makes a life–threatening journey for a specific goal. The Odyssey is essentially one long and detailed journey. The epic follows a hero, Odysseus, and his journey home from war. Additionally, the book details Odysseus and the effects that him being gone for so long has on his family. The Odyssey gives two examples of different types of journeys. Odysseus finds himself in a physical journey as he takes years to get home. Likewise, Odysseus also takes a mental journey during this time to try to find himself and what he believes. Penelope and Telemachus strive for the homecoming of Odysseus. They have proven that they will do anything for his return. When Odysseus returns home, he has defeated physical challenges and has become a better person mentally and emotionally. One component of the journey Odysseus takes is his desire to get back to his home and life he knew before the war. Odysseus struggles physically on his journey. For example, while on the island with Calypso he cries out, for he longs to be home with Penelope and Telemachus. When trapped on the island with Calypso, he spends his days weeping and feeling sorry for himself. Right before the gods approach him to tell him they are sending him home, the book says, "His eyes were perpetually wet with tears now, his life draining away in homesickness. The nymph had long since ceased to please. He still slept with her at night in her cavern, an unwilling lover mated to Get more content on
  • 9. Odysseus Character Analysis Essay In Epic Poem "The Odyssey" Odysseus is the protagonist. Odysseus' over–the–top ego caused him to lose his men and his son's childhood, but taught him a valuable lesson about humility. The Odyssey, written by Homer, tells the story of Odysseus and how he faced misfortune in his attempts to return home after the Trojan War. Odysseus is not famous for his great strength or bravery, but for his ability to deceive and trick. To his friends, he was a brilliant strategist. To his enemies, he was a deceiver and a manipulator of the worst kind. During his journeys Odysseus often makes the mistake of bragging to his enemies but learns that doing this gives his enemies a chance to seek revenge against him. After leaving Troy, Odysseus attacks more content... Odysseus and his crew were in sight of the homeland they had waited so long to see, when a hand of rebel crewmen opened the bag because they thought it contained treasures, creating a great gale that blew them back to Aeolus. When Aeolus saw this he believed that Odysseus was cursed and banished him from the island. this is not the only time Odysseus was betrayed by his men and suffered a great price. When they landed on the island of Hyperion, bad winds prevented them from leaving. Food soon became low, and when Odysseus was asleep, the crew killed the cows of Hyperion against the god's warnings. Hyperion was enraged to see this and had all of Odysseus' men killed in a great storm. After the storm all Odysseus had left was his own strength and the favor of Athena. Odysseus learned that the gods must be respected in order for any man to succeed. During his journey Odysseus used what he has learned from is mistakes to return home and kill the suitors of his wife. On the island of Cicones,and with his encounter with Polyphemus, Odysseus learned that bragging can bring great misfortune. On Ithaca Odysseus never brags to the suitors and is able to enter his house with the Antinous and the other suitors knowing his real identity. He takes the punishment of Antinous and the other suitors without saying a word and is able to see those who have invaded his house. Odysseus is able to see who is loyal and who is not and take his revenge with the suitors never knowing who Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Odysseus as a Heroic Individual Odysseus as a Heroic Individual Thesis: Odysseus was a true hero he showed this through his determination and courage. Odysseus, A True Hero? What is a hero? The dictionary defines a hero as being a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability; an illustrious warrior; a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities; one that shows great courage. Odysseus was a true hero; he showed this through his determination and courage. The dictionary definition of a hero includes courage, strength and great ability. Odysseus fits the dictionary description of a hero. Two characteristics that I believe are essential to the definition more content... Like instead of just blinding the Cyclops he killed him but he choose to go another way. "My heart beat high now at the chance of action, and drawing the sharp sword from my hip I went along his flank to stab him where the midriff holds the liver. I had touched the spot when sudden fear stayed me: if I killed him we perished there as well, for we could never move his ponderous doorway slab aside." (Homer ix. 312–318), This also could have been true in various other situations like instead of just leaving Calypso he killed her, or if had made and attempt to kill the God Poseidon. I don't perceive killing every man or woman you come into battle with as a heroic action. Sometimes to be the hero of a situation you must be the bigger man and walk away from a battle letting the other man live. The difference being that his peers see the death of an enemy as a victory whereas I see it as a loss. Killing someone doesn't make you a winner it only makes you a loser, a true victory is one that both people walk away alive and yet one person may have the upper hand on the situation. A hero is a person that thinks about others before themselves, whether it be physical or emotional. A hero puts others in perspective with every aspect of their life. Odysseus shows this when sail past the sirens. Odysseus and his men must sail past the island of seductresses. He plugs the ears of
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  • 12. Odysseus: A True Hero Essay Many think being a hero is having super powers, but on the contrary it's more than that. A hero is one who is distinguished for their courage and bravery, and looked upon for their great deeds. A hero like this is not just found in modern society today, but in mythology as well. In the epic poem The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus earns the title of a true hero by conveying many qualities such as: determination, courage and leadership. As part of the hero profile, one would have to be determined, and Odysseus certainly was. If a hero is determined, they only have one goal in mind. To be determined, the hero goes through perils and challenges and most importantly they can never lose hope. Likewise, Odysseus has a goal: to make it home more content... A second time would be when Zeus allowed Odysseus to fall into deep slumber. "But while I slept, the crew began to parley: silver and gold, they guessed, were in that bag bestowed on me by Aiolos' heart..." (Book X, Lines 39–41). Another way Odysseus shows determination as a hero is when he wants repossess the control over his kingdom. While on his journey back home, the suitors and Antinoos have taken over his kingdom. He is determined to get rid of them and take them out permanently. Like a true hero, Odysseus never lost hope; no matter how bad the situation was. Another quality of being a hero is, having courage; and Odysseus clearly conveyed this during his journey. In order to be courageous, the hero has to be fearless, meaning he has to act confident about his actions. This applies to Odysseus and the deities. If Odysseus were to appear weak, than the gods may think he's too weak for the journey and won't make it out alive. So, as a way of showing his courage, confidence overcomes Odysseus and he talks to the gods as if he were one of them. "After these my harm." (Book V, Lines 183–190). Odysseus shows no fear when speaking with Kalypso. Also, Odysseus shows more courage when he blinds Polyphemos. He humiliates Polyphemos, without even thinking of the effects. "Kyklops, you ask my honorable Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On Odysseus For the Ancient Greeks, Odysseus was seen as a great hero. Also known as Ulysses to the Romans, was a very important character in Homer's The Odyssey. He was the father of Telemachus, and spouse of Penelope. He was the great King of Ithaca. The Ancient Greeks perceived Odysseus as a hero due to his intelligence, his capabilities, and how the ancient beliefs of heroism distinguished him. Odysseus' intellect helped create a hero image for the Ancient Greeks.Throughout the story Odysseus continuously uses his intelligence and manipulation to get himself out of trouble. For example, In Book Nine of The Odyssey, Odysseus is telling a story oh how The Cyclops asked Odysseus his name and he replied "Nobody–that's my name"(9.410). Odysseus and more content... Odysseus fit perfectly to the early ideas of the heroic. The Ancient Greeks believed heroes to be honorable, noble, strong, and intelligent. Odysseus showed these qualities when Calypso offered him the chance to be immortal. Though the offer tempted him, Odysseus declined. The fact that Odysseus declined something that most people would kill for, shows he is honorable and loyal to his family. It shows he would rather go back to Penelope and Telemachus, the people that need him, rather than stay alive forever with a "bewitching nymph". In addition, Odysseus followed many of the "qualifications" the Ancient Greeks had for war and glory within heroism.– states, the Odyssey insists that Odysseus–aided by his patron Athena, goddess of victory (Od. 13.386–88)–masterminded the stratagem that doomed Troy: the Trojan Horse." The Trojan horse was a plan that helped the Greeks defeat the Trojans in the Trojan war. The Ancient Greeks saw Odysseus as a war hero as he highly influenced the Greeks win in the war. Futhermore, Odysseus was seen as a role model to the Ancient Greeks. – says, "heroes generally enshrine within themselves qualities people generally admire." Odysseus impressive qualities were seen as a goal for the Ancient Greeks, they wanted to be more like him. Odysseus was a hero the ancient Greeks for multiple reasons. He was a Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Odysseus Being A Hero A hero is defined as a person who is risking their life to save others. There are many differents types of heroes, such as Superman or Captain America. But the true heroes are the ones that were formed during the ancient times because those people set an example for the heroes today. On the topic of heroes Heroes, Odysseus from the book The Odyssey, by Homer has displayed many reasons as to why he should be a hero and why he should not. For instance, Odysseus appears as a very determined character that never lost hope in getting back home. On the other hand, Odysseus is very self–centered and does not listen to other people's advice, therefore this caused a lot of deaths. Odysseus is also to be known as not loyal to his spouse Penelope because more content... Circe and Calypso were the women that Odysseus slept with on the islands, therefore he cheated on his wife. On the other hand, while Odysseus was gone Penelope however did not cheat on Odysseus, therefore she is considered to be loyal. So although Odysseus is incredibly intelligent, he is NOT a hero. Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus has been leading an entire crew through multiple islands. Now Odysseus may be the smartest man in the world, but listening to his crew members was something that he regretted, therefore Odysseus is displayed as self–centered. Odysseus has showed many examples of not listening to advice from people, such as the advice Eurylochus gave him to not send his men back to Circe's island to see what is on it. But of course Odysseus does not pick up her advice and Circe turns his men into pigs, therefore Odysseus is just throwing their lives away like dispensing bait to fish. But if Odysseus had listened to Eurylochus' advice then he would have continued his journey back home and he would still have mast of his crew members. Odysseus also neglects the advice to not fight Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Odysseus Odysseus Homer's The Odyssey, a magnificent story of lust, deceit, greed, and heroism, still fascinates scholars and casual readers alike today in the same way it fascinated its audience at the time it was written. The Odyssey, a journey of determination, patience, and virtue, tells the tail of Odysseus, the main character, on his voyage home to Ithaka after the end of the Trojan War. Odysseus goes through many unforeseen trials and tribulations, which exemplify his character. During these different happenings, Odysseus makes decisions that do not correspond to his character. Odysseus' character , as seen in the Iliad, is much like that of a Homeric hero. A hero in Homer's world entails many attributes other than more content... Odysseus' curiosity and desire for adventure, driving him inland, somewhat hinder his attempt to return home. Odysseus' men want to loot the goods and return to the ship. But, despite the pleading of his men, Odysseus wants to meet the cave–dwellers and see what they have to offer. This came to be a dire mistake. PolyphГЄmos enters the cave, and after brief words, he, in one swift motion, grabs, dismembers, then proceeds to feed on two of Odysseus' men. After a brief stay in the cave and a few more dead men, Odysseus congers a plan which defeats PolyphГЄmos and returns Odysseus and his men safely back to the ship. This episode cost Odysseus the lives of men – lives lost for pure curiosity and his yearn for action. Directly after escaping PolyphГЄmos, Odysseus cries out in anger at the Kyklops, who proceeds to toss boulders at Odysseus' ships. After each cry, PolyphГЄmos gets closer and closer with his tosses. Then, unintelligently, Odysseus, for sake of false confidence, reveals his name to PolyphГЄmos. PolyphГЄmos then prays to his father, Poseidon, against Odysseus' voyage home to Ithaka. Instead of the men's, now Odysseus' actions endanger their lives. Odysseus and his men sail to another land – Aiolia Island, the home of Aiolos HippotadГЄs, the wind king. Aiolos plays host to Odysseus and his crew for a month. Staying for this length of time suggests Odysseus' desire to return home is Get more content on
  • 16. Character Analysis Essay On Odysseus Odysseus gains the support of Athena, but does not seem to have Lady Luck by his side. Through a series of unfortunate events , Odysseus demonstrates his cunning wits with simple twists that would avoid future consequences. Odysseus and his men found a cave where "wild goats in hundreds breed thereНѕ and no human being comes up the isle to startle them" (9.128В130). Polyphemus did not show hospitality and became hostile, devouring two of Odysseus' men. When morning came, Odysseus and his crew manage to blind the cyclops, while he was intoxicated by the wine offered, with a wooden staff that was hardened by fire. Odysseus' states himself as "Nobody," and left the giant indignantly screaming, "Nohbdy, Nohbdy's tricked me, Nohbdy's ruined me" (9.444). Get more content on
  • 17. Odyssey Essay Summary : The Journey Of Odysseus Years after the Trojan War, Odysseus and his men make a ten –year journey to reach their home, Ithaca. His adventure comes with numerous ship wrecks, trickery, and most commonly wrath. In this journey, he quests to reestablish his dignity and seeks to travel back to his homeland which has been taken away by suitors after his apparent death during the battle between Troy and Achaeans. This desire to fulfill his royal destiny despite all odds ushers to become his sole purpose of life which he adopts inherent value and meaning from. The King of Ithaca and hero whom was recognized for strategizing the Trojan Horse furthers his profound adventure to regain his hierarchical position and status as King and sets to take back what is rightfully his. Along with his position, Odysseus is fueled by his love for his family which drives him to restore harmony and peace by eliminating the corrupted suitors and instead reinstate the city with light and joy. This sense of heroic responsibility and obligation frames for the absurdity which is embodied in Odysseus to make worth of his life and of this world. During his adventure to return home, Odysseus sets sail to the island of Cyclops, where he first encounters real threat by the son of Poseidon, Polyphemus. Him and his crew are trapped and stationed at his cave as food for future supper. However, with the cunning mind of Odysseus, his remaining men are able to escape from the ravenous one eyed giant. Later on, Odysseus ends up on Get more content on
  • 18. Thesis Statement Of Odysseus Thesis: In the novel "The Odyssey" Homer displays the main character Odysseus, the shepherd of men, with god like qualities which clouds his judgement and sense of superiority that he will never transpire to respect the other warriors through his harsh tones. After Odysseus came from the encounter he had with the beautiful witch goddess Circe,, his men are grateful to see him . His men gather around him like a master and a shepherd, his men surrounded him. Odysseus a well respected man who is admired by his men and treated as a mortal god due to his God like qualities . While his crew are stranded in the middle of a cross road without his leadership and guidance, pivoting towards all directions but incapable of moving forward more content... Odysseus thinks that his reasoning are final and his activities are constantly just and right, although he frequently allows his ego control his rational thinking, resulting harm to his group and messing with the gods's plans. His men could have went back home Securely for it is the desire of Athena and the other heavenly gods who surround to her in Mount Olympus, however Odysseus takes it to himself to outrage and blind Polyphemus, the monstrous son of Poseidon, adored by his dad yet abhorred by the people, In this way distrusting their whole arrangement . Subsequent to being blinded by the heroine, Polyphemus tosses huge pieces of rocks at Odysseus's ship, nearly obliterating them at the same time. But instead of retreating for safety, Odysseus keeps on provoking Polyphemus and "[calls] out to the cyclopes again, with [his] men hanging all over [him] begging him not to"(Book 9, 491–492). His feeling of pride and presumption influences to disregard the requests of his people even in these critical circumstances . He will fulfill his own feeling of interest and pleasure without thinking of the result it would have on his crew. Despite the fact that he is bound to get away from all passings and assaults, his group isn't so blessed. Their lives are in mortal peril since Odysseus considers them as child sheeps who should forfeit their lives for him when the circumstances comes, much the same as how mortals make conciliatory offerings of sheeps for the heavenly gods. He is willing to fulfill his own feeling of interest without thinking of his groups lives or their suppositions and is regularly infuriated when they negate his request. If they hurt his sense of pride and self–importance and pomposity , Odysseus will be overcome with outrage and Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Odysseus' Journey Home During Odysseus' journey back home to Ithaca, him and his crew encountered many evils and troubles. Almost every one of these took at least one of his men. Scylla is an example of this. This monster took six of Odysseus' men while on the journey home. Nearly ever was it Odysseus' fault. His men caused most of the problems that haunted them back to Ithaca. His hardships started when he was sent off to fight in the Trojan War. He had to fight because he had made an oath to Helen's husband that he would always defend her honor. When Paris abducted Helen he was then forced to fight. After he had fought for Helen and had left, the wind then swept him to the island of the Cicones and fought and lost many men. He survived this mishap and more content... They tried to stay quiet but the Cyclopes spotted them and asked what they were doing in his cave. He really didn't care because he snatched two of his men up, smashed their heads, torn them limb by limb, ate them. Day by day he did this and when the Cyclopes was sleeping, Odysseus told his men that they needed to find a way to get out of there and so they did. When the Cyclopes awoke, Odysseus offered him some of his wine and he tried it and begged for more so Odysseus just kept giving it to him drink by drink until he was drunk. The Cyclopes asked Odysseus what his name was and Odysseus said "Nothing." As soon he asked that, he fell over and slept peacefully. While he was sleeping Odysseus found a large branch and asked his strongest men to put the tip in the fire and when it was burning red, they shoved the hot part of the stick into the Cyclopes' eye. The Cyclopes let out a loud roar that woke up his neighbors. They came running and asked if someone was killing him and the Cyclopes answered "Nothing is killing me!" So his neighbors left without second thought. When the Cyclopes let his herd of sheep out Odysseus and his men clang to the bottom of the sheep and left the island safely. After suffering from the Cyclopes, Odysseus' ship came to a stop at the land of Aeolia (king of the winds). Aeolia let him and his men stay on his island for a month so they could recover. Before they left, Aeolia gave Odysseus all the east Get more content on
  • 20. Essay about Rise of Odysseus Epics were originally oral and later became narratives. The basic guideline for epics is long narrative poems that are about a serious or worthy event. In this case the epic has to do with the events of a hero that represented an entire nation. The events of this hero are dramatic and tae place in a vast amount of area, which makes it more worthy. The epic poem also includes super natural human beings, another requirement for epics. In Homers The Odyssey Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Vintage Books, 1990 the use or these epic requirements employ the tale in a exceptional fashion. In other words these epics guidelines are used to the best of their ability to make Homer's majestic poem outstanding. Odysseus is one of the many more content... The poem has now revealed that suitors are trying to marry Penelope Odysseus wife to gain rights to his kingdom, but Penelope just wants her only and only. Athena disguise as Mentes, Odysseus old friend, brings some faith into Telemakhos' and he attempt to stand up to the suitors. He fails and sets out to Pylus from Athena advice which in turn sends him to Sparta where he learns his father is still alive, and he immediately return home to Ithaca. This part of the poem reveals another key component of an epic which is it takes place in a vast setting, and covers a wide geographic area. Odysseus not only ventured in a wide geographic area but was highly renowned by people he never met which also are a key factor of epics that is being heroic. In this piece to another imperative element of epics are the gods and goddess parts in the play able to affect the outcome of the poem. Athena was able to mask herself as an old friend and persuade Telemakhos'. Homer uses these key epic formations to make his poem superb. He makes the story line flow, he doesn't just put the epic form in his piece but he integrates them into his plot which is unique. The old friend himself could have advised Telemakhos' but he chose to use Athena to advise him because Homer assimilates the form of an epic to correlate to his plot. He also makes Odysseus well renown by instead of sending a messenger to Ithaca, he sends Telemakhos' to Sparta farther than his original destination Pylus. Get more content on