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Information & awareness
gained through experience
or education
Allah mentions knowledge(ilm) in two
Praisworthy - Beneficial knowledge – ilm naafi
Blame worthy- Non-beneficial knowledge – Gair
“Allah bears witness that none
has the right to be worshipped
except Him and so do the
angels and those firmly
endowed with knowledge”
Evidence for
Benefecial knowledge
• “And say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge”Surah Imran:13
• “It is only the learned amongst His servants who
truly fear Allah.”
Surah Taha:114
• “Glory be to You! We have no knowledge except
that which you have given us. You alone are the
knowing Wise.”
In all the above verses it is the
beneficial knowledge which is
being talked of & that is
Al –Ilm-al- Sharia
Non-Benefecial knowledge
Is the one from which the Prophet has asked refuge
with Allah in a beautiful supplication reported in sahih
“ O Allah! I take refuge with you from knowledge that
does not benefit, from a heart that has no fear, from a
soul that is never content, from an invocation that is
not responded to.”
Bayan (Abu
of Qadr
Dhat of
Allah (swt)
Intended meaning
expressed clearly
Intended meaning
expressed with such a
level of eloquence &
cleverly modified
phrases such that
they captivate the
directed to the
truth or aid the
directed toward
falsehood or
confusion such that
truth appears to be
false or vice versa
It was said to the Prophet “Messenger of Allah!
How astonishing is the knowledge of such and
such a person!”
He inquired “Of what?”
They replied “Of people’s geneologies.’
He remarked “Knowledge that is of no benefit,
the ignorance of which causes no harm.”
“Learn of your geneologies such amount as would
allow you to join the ties of kinship, then desist.
Learn of the Arabic language such amount as would
allow you to understand the Book of Allah, then
Learn of astronomy such amount as would allow you
to travel in the darkness of land and sea, then desist.”
(Bayhaqi, Shu’ab al_iman #1723)
Umar bin Al Khattab said “Learn of
astronomy such amount as would
allow you to travel thorough land and
sea, then refrain. Learn of
geneologies such amount as would
allow you to join the ties of kinship
and would teach you which women
are lawful for you and which are not,
then refrain” ( Suyuti, al-Durr al-
Manthur, vol. 3)
“Whoever acquires
knowledge from the stars
has acquired a branch of
magic.” (Abu Dawud)
Using parts of the Quran to contradict other parts such that the one who
affirms the divine decree quotes a particular verse while the one who
denies it quotes another verse and they start quarrelling.
It is reported that such an event occurred at the time of the Prophet
whereupon he became angry and prohibited it
Such matters are to be considered as disputing about the Quran and this
has been prohibited
Qadr either by
affirmation or
negation by
rationalizing &
Probing into the workings of
Because humans will never be
able to understand its true
• Negate many of Allah’s attributes
because of likeness between the
Creation & the Creator
• Like As-Samee, Al-Baseer as in
their view this is attributing Allah
with attributes of seeing and
hearing which is His creations’
• Eg- Mu’tazila & Jahmiyyah
• Affirm Allah’s attributes through
their logics and as a result derive
fabricated names & attributes
• Like “movement” – an attribute
they believe to be a natural
outcome of His established
• Eg- Karaamiyyah
“A nation never went astray after being
guided except by means of disputation”
(Tirmidhi,Ibn Majah)
“They only say this to you for argument’s
sake, they are indeed a disputatious
people” (Zukhruf:58)
“They ask you about the soul, say: the
soul is my Lord’s concern” (Isra:85)
Numerous evidences against asking
excessive questions, asking tricky
questions and also about events that have
yet to occur” (Bukhari,Muslim)
Evidences against
excessive debating
Obligatory (fard-e-Ayn)
Islamic faith/Usool-ad
Fiqh Al Ahkam/Fiqh
Al ibadah/acts of
Optional Islamic
knowledge (ilm
Wordly knowledge
Seeking religious knowledge is a collective
obligation (Fard –e- Kifayah) except that
which is individually incumbent. (fard-e-
ayn) (Majmoo ul Fatawa).
It is the responsibility of every
accountable person (sane, adult
muslim; male or female; rich or poor)
 According to Imam Ahmad
bin Hanbal: it is obligatory on
every individual to seek that
type of knowledge which will
allow him to practice his
religion properly
Fiqh Al Ahkam/Fiqh Al ibadah/acts of worship
Acts of worship/all aspects & rulings of
pillars of islam/iman like rulings related to
salah, zakah etc.
Necessary transaction of
business dealings
Knowledge of daily issues like marriage, tarbiyah of
children, divorce
Knowledge of sins of heart, tongue, limbs, private
parts etc.
Al ilm al-Sharia
(Optional Islamic
Al Ilm al-Dunya
Wajib al kifayan
(The communal obligations)
 Knowledge of rulings of trading, dealings &
 Knowledge of religious endowments
 Knowledge of laws of inheritance
 Knowledge of universal, physical & material
sciences etc
 In todays world we are more inclined
towards dunyawi ilm rather than the ilm
obligatory upon every person
Even a doctor or a professor of world
fame is considered a jahil and is at loss if
he is not aware of how to attain taharah
or correctly perform salah
(Al-ilm ash sharee)
The legislative
Islamic knowledge
DEEN/Ilm al Tawheed, Aqeedah) (fard ayn)
Root word- Asl meaning
Three – Rabb, deen, rasoo
Three fundamental principles on
which deen rests
Sent (73:16)
Our Lord(1:1)
Creator (7:11) (39:62)
Gave us purpose
of life ((23:115)
Worship Him
alone (2:21)
All types of worship only for Him
(Islam,Eeman,Ihsan,Dua etc.) (72:18)
of Allah
In Allah
His Existence
His Lordship
His names &
attributes (Asma
His Godhood “Ilah”
“Were they created
of nothing or were
they themselves
creators?” (52:3)
Allah is our only Lord , creator, Sustainer, Planner,
Controller of all affairs
None has share in His dominion (1:1,7:11,39:62)
(Quran 1:2)
FOR DEVELOPMENT- from beginning to
“From a sperm-
drop He had
created him, and
then moulds him in
due proportion
[Quran 80:19]
“And Who sends down rain
from the sky in due
measure, then We revived a
dead land therewith, and so
you will be brought forth
from the graves.” (Quran
for us
Didn’t leave
us without
Rather He sent
messengers with the
message of Tawheed to
worship only Him and
direct all worships
towards Him
“Indeed, it is Allah who is the
(continual) Provider, the firm
possessor of strength
“Then did you think that We
created you uselessly and
that to Us you would not be
returned” (Muminoon:115)
“Indeed, We have sent to you a
Messenger as a witness upon
you just as We sent to Pharoah a
messenger” (Al-Muzzammil:15)
Knowledge of His beautiful names &
attributes (Asma-ul-husna was sifat)
None is worthy of worship except Him
and all worships only for Him. He is the
only “ILAH”
Thus with such awareness of our creator , the most
powerful, the Al Mighty , one will denounce all
imperfections that ignorant and deviant people attribute
to Allah (sw) and so will refrain from shirk and bidaah.
 Action should be with eemaan in Allah (i.e., correct belief
of heart, speech of tongue & action of the body parts)
 Action is the establishment of obedience to him by-
 Doing what He has commanded
 Avoiding what He has forbidden
 Debate
 Wisdom
 Fine admonition
 Truth (Haqq)
 Baseerah
 Sound knowledge
pillars) (2:177)
IHSAN (26:128)
ISLAM means complete submission to
the will of Allah – the only God truly
worthy of being worshipped without any
Evidence- Hadith of Jibreel
(Umm-ul Hadith)
Reported by Umar radi Allahu’anhu
• One day while we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah
(sallalahu alayhi wa sallam) there appeared before us a man
whose clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair was
exceedingly black, no signs of journey were to be seen on him
and none of us knew him.
He walked up and sat down in front of the Prophet with his
knees touching against the Prophet’s and placing the palms of
his hands on the thighs he said
 “O Muhammad”, tell me about Islaam.”
The messenger of Allah said “ Islaam is to testify that there is no deity worthy
of worship but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, to perform
prayers, to give zakah, to fast in Ramadan and to make the pilgrimage to the
House if you are able to do so.”
He said: “You have spoken rightly” and we were amazed at him asking him
and saying that he had spoken rightly.
 Then he said, “Tell me what is Faith (Iman)?” He (upon him blessing and
peace) answered, “To believe in Allah, His Angels, His books, His
Messengers, the Last Day, and to believe that no good or evil comes but by
His Providence.” “You have spoken truthfully,” he said, and then, “Tell me
what is Excellence (Ihsan)?” He SAW answered, “To worship Allah as if you
see Him, for if you do not see Him, yet He sees you.” “You have spoken
truthfully,” he said, and then, “Tell me of the Hour.” He (upon him blessing
and peace) answered, “The one questioned about it knows no better than
the questioner.” He said, “Then tell me of its signs.” He (upon him blessing
and peace) answered, “That the slave-girl shall give birth to her mistress,
and those who were but barefoot, naked, needy herdsmen shall build
buildings ever higher and higher.”
Then the stranger went away, and I stayed a while after he
had gone, and the Prophet SAW said to me, “O Umar, do
you know the questioner, who he was?” I said, “God and His
Messenger (upon him blessing and peace)know best.” He
(upon him blessing and peace) said, “It was Jibril (Gabriel). He
came to teach you your religion.”
This narration is from Sahih al-Bukhari
Firm belief
& affirmation
with the
Ibadah of
the hearts
(love, fear ,
hope etc.)
Enjoining good
& forbidding
evil, dhikr,
Enjoining good,
forbidding evil,
salah, zakah,
not cheating
Worshipping Allah as if you
were seeing Him & even
though you do not see Him
but He certainly sees you.
(Perfection in Ibadah)
First level of Ihsaan
Worship Him as if you were
seeing Him directing your
heart to Him & turn to Him &
seek to draw near to Him
yearning to the one you
love.(Muslim 1/1-3/no.1)
Second level of Ihsaan
If not the first level of ihsan then
worship Allah as though He
was eeing you
Life &
(lived for
63 yrs.)
Prophet & Messenger to
all mankind & Jinn
Sent as a mercy
Purpose- Call to the
light of ilm & tawheed
from the darkness of
him (5:3)
He was also
a human
being but
the chosen
Thus one will not
elevate him to a
divine status nor will
he degrade him to a
status that does not
befit his prophethood
Knowledge of true
status, functions
and rights of the
“Certainly you have in the life of the
Messenger the 'Best Model' for him
whose hope is in Allah and the last day,
and who engages himself much in the
remembrance of Allah.” (surah Ahzab:21)
Quran & authentic sunnah
Unanimous agreement of scholars when proof is not found in book and sunnah.
I)When some (one)sahabah said something and no opposition is
I)Companions differed but Muhammed (saw) did’nt object.
I)Anlytical deduction(Qiyas).
• Firstly – Sincerity of intention for Allah
• Hadith “Actions are but by intentions”
• A sincere Intention is completely free from riyaa
• Riya leads to loss of blessing from knowledge and is a sin
“Whoever seeks knowledge for the purpose of the
wordly life will not smell the fragrance of paradise”
(Abu Dawud)
Knowledge of Aqeedah at- Tawheed “ Know, that
there is none worthy of worship (in truth except
Allah..” (Surah Muhammad:19)
“to know”- “to have knowledge”
1. Excellence in asking questions in a good manner
2. Excellence in remaining quiet & listening
3. Understanding
4. Memorising
5. Teaching
6. Fruit- Action upon it and keeping to its limit
“Whoever Allah wants good for, He
gives him understanding of the
religion (Muslim , Bukhari)
- Ability to address matters upon sound
knowledge of Quran & Sunnah upon
methodology of pious predecessors
with wisdom
Three category of people saved from Allah’s curse
One who remembers Allah in a way
that pleases Allah
Religious scholars
Talib-e-ilm/student of knowledge
Envy is permitted only in two cases:
- A man whom Allah gives wealth and he
disposes of it rightfully and
- A man to whom Allah gives knowledge
which he applies and teaches it”
Allah will exalt in degree
(Mujadilah :11)
Those who believe
Those granted
Prophet has said : “The superiority of the
learned over the devout worshipper is like my
superiority over the most inferior amongst
you (in good deeds).”
He continued “Allah, His angels, the dwellers
of the heaven and the earth and even the ant
in its hole and the fish (in water) supplicate in
favour of those who teach people
knowledge.” (At-Tirmidhi)
Ilm before tawba &
istighfaar (surah
Importance of knowledge more than
worship because
- Light of knowledge benefits all
- Worship if not done with the
correct knowledge is worthless
“It is only those who have knowledge
among His slaves that fear Allah”
He who calls others to follow the right guidance will have a
reward equal to the reward of those who follow him, without
their reward being diminished in any respect on that account
“Verily the scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets . And verily prophets do
not leave behind gold or silver as inheritance but rather they leave behind
knowledge so whoever takes hold of it has taken hold of a large share” (Abu
Prophet is reported to have said “ Verily, Allah does not take away knowledge by
snatching it from the people but He takes away by taking away (the lives) of the
religious scholars till none of the scholars stays alive. Then the people will take
ignorant ones as their leaders who when asked to deliver religious verdicts will issue
them without knowledge , the result being that they will go astray and will lead
others astray.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
Once a muslim has corrected
his beliefs and ibadah through
knowledge and cleansed his
devotion from shirk, it
becomes his responsibility to
call others to it
“O you who believe, ward off from
yourselves and your families a fire
whose fuel is men and stones”
(surah Tahrim:6) And this is only
possible with ilm al sharia.
Prophet has said “Every one
of you is a steward and is
accountable for that which is
committed to his charge.”
(Bukhari , Muslim)
Prophet has said- “Whoever is asked
about the knowledge that he knows
and then he hides it and keeps it
away, he will be bridled on the day of
judgement with a bridle of
fire.(Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Al tirmidhi)
Calling others
to knowledge
Prophet is reported to have said: May Allah freshen
the affairs of a person who hears something from
us and communicates it to others as he heard it.
Many a recipient of knowledge understands it
better than the one who has heard it” (At-Tirmidhi)
May Allah make our journey
journey of seeking
knowledge, acting upon
that and calling others to
that easy for us and
safeguard us from all the

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Obligatory knowledge in islam

  • 2. Information & awareness gained through experience or education (oxford) DEFINITION OF KNOWLEDGE
  • 3. Allah mentions knowledge(ilm) in two ways Praisworthy - Beneficial knowledge – ilm naafi Blame worthy- Non-beneficial knowledge – Gair naafi
  • 4. “Allah bears witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Him and so do the angels and those firmly endowed with knowledge” Surah Zumar:9 Evidence for Benefecial knowledge
  • 5. • “And say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge”Surah Imran:13 • “It is only the learned amongst His servants who truly fear Allah.” Surah Taha:114 • “Glory be to You! We have no knowledge except that which you have given us. You alone are the knowing Wise.” Surah Baqarah:32
  • 6. In all the above verses it is the beneficial knowledge which is being talked of & that is Al –Ilm-al- Sharia
  • 7. Non-Benefecial knowledge Is the one from which the Prophet has asked refuge with Allah in a beautiful supplication reported in sahih Muslim-2722 “ O Allah! I take refuge with you from knowledge that does not benefit, from a heart that has no fear, from a soul that is never content, from an invocation that is not responded to.”
  • 9.
  • 10. Bayan Intended meaning expressed clearly Intended meaning expressed with such a level of eloquence & cleverly modified phrases such that they captivate the hearts Commendable- directed to the truth or aid the truth Blameworthy- directed toward falsehood or confusion such that truth appears to be false or vice versa Magic Magic
  • 11. It was said to the Prophet “Messenger of Allah! How astonishing is the knowledge of such and such a person!” He inquired “Of what?” They replied “Of people’s geneologies.’ He remarked “Knowledge that is of no benefit, the ignorance of which causes no harm.”
  • 12. “Learn of your geneologies such amount as would allow you to join the ties of kinship, then desist. Learn of the Arabic language such amount as would allow you to understand the Book of Allah, then desist. Learn of astronomy such amount as would allow you to travel in the darkness of land and sea, then desist.” (Bayhaqi, Shu’ab al_iman #1723)
  • 13. Umar bin Al Khattab said “Learn of astronomy such amount as would allow you to travel thorough land and sea, then refrain. Learn of geneologies such amount as would allow you to join the ties of kinship and would teach you which women are lawful for you and which are not, then refrain” ( Suyuti, al-Durr al- Manthur, vol. 3)
  • 14. “Whoever acquires knowledge from the stars has acquired a branch of magic.” (Abu Dawud)
  • 15. Using parts of the Quran to contradict other parts such that the one who affirms the divine decree quotes a particular verse while the one who denies it quotes another verse and they start quarrelling. It is reported that such an event occurred at the time of the Prophet whereupon he became angry and prohibited it Such matters are to be considered as disputing about the Quran and this has been prohibited
  • 16. Discussing Qadr either by affirmation or negation by rationalizing & employing logical arguements
  • 17. Prohibited Probing into the workings of Qadr Because humans will never be able to understand its true reality
  • 18.
  • 19. • Negate many of Allah’s attributes because of likeness between the Creation & the Creator • Like As-Samee, Al-Baseer as in their view this is attributing Allah with attributes of seeing and hearing which is His creations’ • Eg- Mu’tazila & Jahmiyyah • Affirm Allah’s attributes through their logics and as a result derive fabricated names & attributes • Like “movement” – an attribute they believe to be a natural outcome of His established attributes • Eg- Karaamiyyah
  • 20.
  • 21. “A nation never went astray after being guided except by means of disputation” (Tirmidhi,Ibn Majah) “They only say this to you for argument’s sake, they are indeed a disputatious people” (Zukhruf:58) “They ask you about the soul, say: the soul is my Lord’s concern” (Isra:85) Numerous evidences against asking excessive questions, asking tricky questions and also about events that have yet to occur” (Bukhari,Muslim) Evidences against excessive debating
  • 22.
  • 23. Benefecial knowledge Obligatory (fard-e-Ayn) Optional/ recommended (Fard-e-Kifayah) Islamic faith/Usool-ad deen/ilm tawheed/aqeedah Fiqh Al Ahkam/Fiqh Al ibadah/acts of worship Optional Islamic knowledge (ilm ash-sharia) Wordly knowledge (ilm-ad-dunya)
  • 24. Seeking religious knowledge is a collective obligation (Fard –e- Kifayah) except that which is individually incumbent. (fard-e- ayn) (Majmoo ul Fatawa). IBN TAYMIYYAH
  • 25. It is the responsibility of every accountable person (sane, adult muslim; male or female; rich or poor) OBLIGATORY KNOWLEDGE
  • 26.  According to Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal: it is obligatory on every individual to seek that type of knowledge which will allow him to practice his religion properly Fiqh Al Ahkam/Fiqh Al ibadah/acts of worship
  • 27. FiqhAl-Ibadah Acts of worship/all aspects & rulings of pillars of islam/iman like rulings related to salah, zakah etc. Necessary transaction of business dealings Knowledge of daily issues like marriage, tarbiyah of children, divorce Knowledge of sins of heart, tongue, limbs, private parts etc.
  • 28. Optional knowledge(Fard-e- kifayah) Al ilm al-Sharia (Optional Islamic knowledge) Al Ilm al-Dunya (wordly knowledge)
  • 29. Wajib al kifayan (The communal obligations)  Knowledge of rulings of trading, dealings & transactions  Knowledge of religious endowments  Knowledge of laws of inheritance  Knowledge of universal, physical & material sciences etc
  • 30.  In todays world we are more inclined towards dunyawi ilm rather than the ilm obligatory upon every person Even a doctor or a professor of world fame is considered a jahil and is at loss if he is not aware of how to attain taharah or correctly perform salah
  • 31. I. SEEKING KNOWLEDGE (Al-ilm ash sharee) The legislative Islamic knowledge (Ignorance) Sin 39:9,7:138,46:23 Worship ILM JAHL
  • 32. KNOWLEDGE OF ALLAH – Ma’arif-Allah OBLIGATORY KNOWLEDGE : AL-ILM- Uthool-e-thalatha Fundamentals of ISLAMIC FAITH (ILM USUL UD- DEEN/Ilm al Tawheed, Aqeedah) (fard ayn) KNOWLEDGE OF DEEN- Ma’arifad-Deen KNOWLEDGE OF PROPHET – Ma’arifa-Rasool
  • 33. USOOL- E- THALATHA Root word- Asl meaning root/foundation Three – Rabb, deen, rasoo Three fundamental principles on which deen rests
  • 34. Sent (73:16) messengers KNOWLEDGE OF ALLAH Our Lord(1:1) Creator (7:11) (39:62) Gave us purpose of life ((23:115) Worship Him alone (2:21) All types of worship only for Him (Islam,Eeman,Ihsan,Dua etc.) (72:18)
  • 35. Knowledge of Allah Iman/Belief In Allah His Existence His Lordship (Rubbobiyah) His names & attributes (Asma was-Sifat) His Godhood “Ilah” (Uloohiyah)
  • 36. KNOWLEDGE OF ALLAH’S EXISTENCE INTELLECTUAL PROOF “Were they created of nothing or were they themselves creators?” (52:3)
  • 37. Allah is our only Lord , creator, Sustainer, Planner, Controller of all affairs None has share in His dominion (1:1,7:11,39:62) TAWHEED RUBOOBIYAH
  • 39. AR-RABB (TARBIYAH) TAKING CARE OF EVERYTHING NECESSARY FOR DEVELOPMENT- from beginning to completion “From a sperm- drop He had created him, and then moulds him in due proportion [Quran 80:19] OUR LORD THE NURTURER “And Who sends down rain from the sky in due measure, then We revived a dead land therewith, and so you will be brought forth from the graves.” (Quran 43:11)
  • 40. Allah provides sustenance for us Didn’t leave us without purpose Rather He sent messengers with the message of Tawheed to worship only Him and direct all worships towards Him “Indeed, it is Allah who is the (continual) Provider, the firm possessor of strength (Dhariyat:58) “Then did you think that We created you uselessly and that to Us you would not be returned” (Muminoon:115) “Indeed, We have sent to you a Messenger as a witness upon you just as We sent to Pharoah a messenger” (Al-Muzzammil:15)
  • 41. Knowledge of His beautiful names & attributes (Asma-ul-husna was sifat) TAWHEED ASMA WAS- SIFAT
  • 42. None is worthy of worship except Him and all worships only for Him. He is the only “ILAH” TAWHEED ULOOHIYAH/UBOODIYAH
  • 43. Thus with such awareness of our creator , the most powerful, the Al Mighty , one will denounce all imperfections that ignorant and deviant people attribute to Allah (sw) and so will refrain from shirk and bidaah.
  • 44. II. ACTION based on KNOWLEDGE = FRUIT OF KNOWLEDGE  Action should be with eemaan in Allah (i.e., correct belief of heart, speech of tongue & action of the body parts)  Action is the establishment of obedience to him by-  Doing what He has commanded  Avoiding what He has forbidden
  • 46. III. CALLING TOWARDS TRUTH 16:125  Debate  Wisdom  Fine admonition 12:108  Truth (Haqq)  Baseerah (evidences)  Sound knowledge
  • 48.
  • 49. ISLAM (5 pillars) KNOWLEDGE OF DEEN EEMAN (6 pillars) (2:177) IHSAN (26:128)
  • 50. ISLAM means complete submission to the will of Allah – the only God truly worthy of being worshipped without any partners
  • 51. Evidence- Hadith of Jibreel (Umm-ul Hadith) Reported by Umar radi Allahu’anhu • One day while we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam) there appeared before us a man whose clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair was exceedingly black, no signs of journey were to be seen on him and none of us knew him. He walked up and sat down in front of the Prophet with his knees touching against the Prophet’s and placing the palms of his hands on the thighs he said
  • 52.  “O Muhammad”, tell me about Islaam.” The messenger of Allah said “ Islaam is to testify that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, to perform prayers, to give zakah, to fast in Ramadan and to make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do so.” He said: “You have spoken rightly” and we were amazed at him asking him and saying that he had spoken rightly.  Then he said, “Tell me what is Faith (Iman)?” He (upon him blessing and peace) answered, “To believe in Allah, His Angels, His books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and to believe that no good or evil comes but by His Providence.” “You have spoken truthfully,” he said, and then, “Tell me what is Excellence (Ihsan)?” He SAW answered, “To worship Allah as if you see Him, for if you do not see Him, yet He sees you.” “You have spoken truthfully,” he said, and then, “Tell me of the Hour.” He (upon him blessing and peace) answered, “The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner.” He said, “Then tell me of its signs.” He (upon him blessing and peace) answered, “That the slave-girl shall give birth to her mistress, and those who were but barefoot, naked, needy herdsmen shall build buildings ever higher and higher.”
  • 53. Then the stranger went away, and I stayed a while after he had gone, and the Prophet SAW said to me, “O Umar, do you know the questioner, who he was?” I said, “God and His Messenger (upon him blessing and peace)know best.” He (upon him blessing and peace) said, “It was Jibril (Gabriel). He came to teach you your religion.” This narration is from Sahih al-Bukhari
  • 54.
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  • 56.
  • 57. EEMAN SPEECH HEART TONGUE ACTION HEART TONGUE LIMBS Firm belief upon knowledge contained Confirmation & affirmation with the tongue Ibadah of the hearts (love, fear , hope etc.) Enjoining good & forbidding evil, dhikr, repentance Enjoining good, forbidding evil, salah, zakah, not cheating etc.
  • 58. Worshipping Allah as if you were seeing Him & even though you do not see Him but He certainly sees you. (16:128,26:217-220,10:61) AL – IHSAAN (Perfection in Ibadah)
  • 59. First level of Ihsaan Worship Him as if you were seeing Him directing your heart to Him & turn to Him & seek to draw near to Him yearning to the one you love.(Muslim 1/1-3/no.1) Second level of Ihsaan If not the first level of ihsan then worship Allah as though He was eeing you
  • 60. KNOWLEDGE OF PROPHET Life & Lineage (lived for 63 yrs.) Prophet & Messenger to all mankind & Jinn (7:158) Sent as a mercy Purpose- Call to the light of ilm & tawheed from the darkness of shirk Religion completed through him (5:3)
  • 61. He was also a human being but the chosen one Thus one will not elevate him to a divine status nor will he degrade him to a status that does not befit his prophethood He died (39:30) Knowledge of true status, functions and rights of the prophet
  • 62. BENEFITS OF KNOWING THE PROPHET “Certainly you have in the life of the Messenger the 'Best Model' for him whose hope is in Allah and the last day, and who engages himself much in the remembrance of Allah.” (surah Ahzab:21)
  • 64.
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  • 70. Sourcesofknowledge(categorizationbyimam ash-shafi) Quran & authentic sunnah Unanimous agreement of scholars when proof is not found in book and sunnah. I)When some (one)sahabah said something and no opposition is found. I)Companions differed but Muhammed (saw) did’nt object. I)Anlytical deduction(Qiyas).
  • 72. • Firstly – Sincerity of intention for Allah • Hadith “Actions are but by intentions” • A sincere Intention is completely free from riyaa • Riya leads to loss of blessing from knowledge and is a sin RIYA – SHOW OFF
  • 73. C RRUPT INTENTIONS! “Whoever seeks knowledge for the purpose of the wordly life will not smell the fragrance of paradise” (Abu Dawud)
  • 74. Knowledge of Aqeedah at- Tawheed “ Know, that there is none worthy of worship (in truth except Allah..” (Surah Muhammad:19) “to know”- “to have knowledge” MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF KNOWLEDGE
  • 75. 1. Excellence in asking questions in a good manner 2. Excellence in remaining quiet & listening attentively 3. Understanding 4. Memorising 5. Teaching 6. Fruit- Action upon it and keeping to its limit
  • 77.
  • 78. “Whoever Allah wants good for, He gives him understanding of the religion (Muslim , Bukhari) UNDERSTANDING OF RELIGION - Ability to address matters upon sound knowledge of Quran & Sunnah upon methodology of pious predecessors with wisdom
  • 79. Three category of people saved from Allah’s curse (Tirmidhi) One who remembers Allah in a way that pleases Allah Religious scholars Talib-e-ilm/student of knowledge
  • 80. Envy is permitted only in two cases: - A man whom Allah gives wealth and he disposes of it rightfully and - A man to whom Allah gives knowledge which he applies and teaches it” (Bukhari,Muslim)
  • 81.
  • 82. Allah will exalt in degree (Mujadilah :11) Those who believe Those granted knowledge
  • 83. Prophet has said : “The superiority of the learned over the devout worshipper is like my superiority over the most inferior amongst you (in good deeds).” He continued “Allah, His angels, the dwellers of the heaven and the earth and even the ant in its hole and the fish (in water) supplicate in favour of those who teach people knowledge.” (At-Tirmidhi)
  • 84. Ilm before tawba & istighfaar (surah Muhammad:19) Importance of knowledge more than worship because - Light of knowledge benefits all - Worship if not done with the correct knowledge is worthless
  • 85. “It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah” He who calls others to follow the right guidance will have a reward equal to the reward of those who follow him, without their reward being diminished in any respect on that account Surah Fatir:28 Muslim
  • 86. “Verily the scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets . And verily prophets do not leave behind gold or silver as inheritance but rather they leave behind knowledge so whoever takes hold of it has taken hold of a large share” (Abu Dawud) Prophet is reported to have said “ Verily, Allah does not take away knowledge by snatching it from the people but He takes away by taking away (the lives) of the religious scholars till none of the scholars stays alive. Then the people will take ignorant ones as their leaders who when asked to deliver religious verdicts will issue them without knowledge , the result being that they will go astray and will lead others astray.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
  • 87. Once a muslim has corrected his beliefs and ibadah through knowledge and cleansed his devotion from shirk, it becomes his responsibility to call others to it “O you who believe, ward off from yourselves and your families a fire whose fuel is men and stones” (surah Tahrim:6) And this is only possible with ilm al sharia. Prophet has said “Every one of you is a steward and is accountable for that which is committed to his charge.” (Bukhari , Muslim) Prophet has said- “Whoever is asked about the knowledge that he knows and then he hides it and keeps it away, he will be bridled on the day of judgement with a bridle of fire.(Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Al tirmidhi) Calling others to knowledge
  • 88. Prophet is reported to have said: May Allah freshen the affairs of a person who hears something from us and communicates it to others as he heard it. Many a recipient of knowledge understands it better than the one who has heard it” (At-Tirmidhi)
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  • 91. May Allah make our journey journey of seeking knowledge, acting upon that and calling others to that easy for us and safeguard us from all the