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Researched & Organized by:   WHAT WAS SAID ABOUT LAST YEAR’S SUMMIT...
                              “The event did a great job of pulling a large number of executives together in one place

                              and hearing their perceptions of the industry and its future”
                              Matthew Polk, Marketing Manager, ABB

 3Rd ANNUAL                                                                                                                                                     $400
                                                                                                                                                          Register before 26 August

 Develop a nuclear strategy baseD on
 experience from key construction projects
 that mitigates risk & reDuces project costs

                                                                                                                         REGULATORy UpdATES FROM
 > Ensure compliance on your nuclear project through
   updates on ITAAC closure, construction assessment and the                                                             Laura Dudes,
   potential impact of the Fukushima disaster on U.S. guidelines                                                         Director, Division of Construction Inspection
                                                                                                                         and Operational Programs, USNRC

 > Understand the key licensing issues pre and post COL                                                                  Chuck Ogle,
   issuance & the importance of licensee oversight for vendor                                                            Director, Division of Construction Inspection at
   activities to achieve project momentum                                                                                Region II, USNRC

                                                                                                                         EXpERT SpEAkERS FROM
 > Benefit from a complete review of domestic & international
   nuclear construction projects and implement the
   experience gained to date to improve you project planning
   and execution

 > Establish comprehensive project oversight to ensure NRC
   compliance whilst maintaining a cost effective schedule for
   successful project completion

 > Gain clear guidance on the key EPC contract negotiation
   challenges and overall project management strategies to
   ensure you are primed for project success whilst mitigating
   costly delays

                                                                                                                         GLObAL GOLd SpONSOR
 >    50+ experts discussing nuclear construction experience from
      projects such as NPP new builds, refurbishment / EPU’s, SMR
      development, Hanford WTP USA facility, MOX, Energy Park
      initiatives, Eagle Rock and more                                                                                           WhAT WAS SAId AbOUT
 >    20+ exhibitors to give you the latest technologies available                                                            LAST yEAR’S CONFERENCE...
      to help you increase efficiencies and drive down costs on
                                                                                                                           “This was a good compendium of updates
      your project
                                                                                                                          on the projects underway and the planning
 >    One-day finance workshop with loan guarantee updates,                                                                   for construction as well as licensing and
      views from Wall Street and strategies to ensure project success                                                             funding perspectives and overviews”
                                                                                                                                Mike McGough, Senior Vice President -
Visit for all the                                                                           Commercial Operations, UniStar
latest announcements
Welcome to the
the 3rd annual nuclear construction summit 2011

Dear Colleague                                    Construction projects such as the multi-
                                                  billion dollar Hanford Waste Treatment
The Construction Summit is the number
one meeting place for construction
                                                  and Immobilization Plant, The American
                                                  Centrifuge Project, Eagle Rock Enrichment
                                                                                                     NEW FOR 2011
experts in North America to meet and
do business. Industry decision-makers
                                                  Facility and the work at Savannah River
                                                  will also be discussed. Giving you the most
                                                                                                     – FINANCING
will gather together to discuss crucial
lessons learned to ensure that the industry
                                                  relevant and up-to-date reports from key
                                                  construction projects to help you move
                                                                                                     NUCLEAR POWER
continues to move forward with key
construction projects. With over 250 senior-
                                                  forward with your project!                         WORKSHOP
                                                  This year’s Nuclear Construction Summit will
level executives in attendance last year
from all of the major stakeholders, it has
                                                  supply you with business critical intelligence,    (OCTOBER 27th)
                                                  unrivalled networking and stimulating
become the ultimate networking platform                                                             With a pressing need from
                                                  discussion. Attending this meeting will
to exchange ideas which will enhance the                                                            the industry to ensure that
                                                  help you to understand current regulatory
nuclear industry now and in the future.                                                             financing for new projects is
                                                  updates, NPP benchmarking, project
We are pulling out all the stops to make
                                                                                                    achieved, this workshop could
                                                  management tips and construction projects
                                                                                                    not be timelier. The Obama
2011 unbeatable!                                  best practice to master project execution.
                                                                                                    administration has backed the
                                                  You will take away action points that you
Despite the understandable caution post-                                                            advancements of new nuclear,
                                                  can implement to ensure your projects are
Fukushima, it is important to remember that                                                         promising future funding for
                                                  delivered on time and on budget.
16 licence applications to build 24 new                                                             nuclear power – this is the
nuclear reactors have been made in the            Experts at this year’s meeting will discuss       time to ensure you have a
USA since mid-2007 and that construction          the most pressing issues surrounding nuclear      bullet-proof financing strategy
projects including SMR deployment,                construction including:                           moving into 2012.
enrichment facilities, NPP construction and
a large number of DOE projects are still          >   The industry outlook for nuclear
pushing forward.                                      construction
                                                                                                    YOU WILL WALK
                                                                                                    AWAY WITH:
The industry is still alive and well, with more       Regulations, legislations and licensing
lessons which can be shared and more                  challenges for new construction projects
projects nearing completion than ever             >   Negotiations of EPC contracts                 >   An exclusive update from the
before! It is now more important than ever                                                              Department of Energy on loan
for operators and service providers to meet,      >   Lessons learned from major NPP
                                                                                                        guarantee program status and
share lessons and continue to develop the             construction and non-commercial
                                                                                                        the characteristics of a successful
nuclear supply chain.                                 nuclear ventures
                                                  > Project management and                          >   A complete review of attitudes
Exxon Mobil Corp said the Fukushima                   implementation for construction projects
                                                                                                        towards nuclear investment
nuclear disaster in Japan in March won’t
                                                  > Key lessons from overseas examining the             opportunities and the current
affect the growth of atomic power in the                                                                factors that will affect nuclear
                                                      work in China, France, Finland and more
next 25 years. “Nuclear is going to be an                                                               growth
important power generation fuel for the           We’ve spoken to over 100 experts at the
future, it is a low carbon energy source          heart of the nuclear construction industry        >   The innovative strategies you
and we believe diversification of energy          including key representatives from the NRC,           can implement to ensure your
sources is important,” said Rob Gardner,          utilities & power plant owners, top level             project represents an attractive
manager for the energy and economics              contractors, nuclear industry associations            investment opportunity including
division of Exxon Mobil’s Corporate               and analysts, consultants & academics to              liability reduction
Strategic Planning department                     bring you a bulletproof agenda focusing on
                                                  the core construction challenges moving           By attending this workshop on
Source: Bloomberg                                                                                   Day 3 – you will be able to walk
                                                  forward into 2012.
                                                                                                    away having created a complete
                                                  I look forward to seeing you in Charlotte,
With huge construction projects taking                                                              financing strategy with latest private
                                                  NC in October
place across North America, it is important                                                         sector views and an update on Loan
to look at the nuclear industry as a whole        Kindest Regards                                   Guarantees to move forward with
when moving forward with your projects.                                                             project execution.
                                                  Dean Murphy, Senior Industry Analyst
This year the conference will look at case        Nuclear Energy Insider
studies not only from the owners pushing
                                                  US Toll Free: 1800 814 3459 ext 7204
forward with NPP construction including
                                                  International: +44 (0) 207 375 7204
Ontario Power Generation, Progress
Energy, Duke, SCANA and Dominion but              Email:
also other non-commercial ventures.

             Visit or phone US TOLL FREE: 1800 814 3459
Why should you be at the nuclear construction conference?

 6 key, brand New Features for 2011:                                       What you will learn at
                                                                           this year’s conference...
     350+ senior level attendees for you to meet and
1    network with over 3 days of business development
                                                                         At this year’s conference, we will be offering
                                                                         solutions to all of the major construction challenges
                                                                         facing the industry today. We’ll make sure that you
2    The latest domestic & international nuclear
     construction experience from projects such as                       go away with a new bunch of contacts and a
     refurbishment / EPU’s, SMR development, Hanford WTP     ,           wealth of knowledge and actionable strategies to
     USA facility, Energy Park initiatives, Eagle Rock and more          all of the challenges below:

     Multiple NPP project updates delivered by key owners                > Regulatory challenges and amendments
3    including SCANA, Progress Energy, Duke Energy,                         post-Fukushima
     OPG, Dominion, Bruce Power and many others                          > Successful negotiation of EPC contracts
     An exclusive one-day Finance Workshop giving you                    > Lessons learned from major construction
4    insights on the federal and private investment sources                 projects
     you need to get your plans off the ground                           > Overcoming licensing challenges for new
                                                                           construction projects
     Value adding workshops covering key topics
5    including Emergency Preparedness & the Impact                       > Difficulties surrounding the deployment of
                                                                            SMR projects
     of Fukushima, delivered by subject matter experts
     including Tom Flaherty from Booz & Company                          > Critical lessons learned from complex
     20+ booth exhibitor hall to give you the latest
6    technologies available to help you increase efficiencies            > Project management and implementation
                                                                            issues for construction
     and drive down costs on your project

 Expert speakers include...
                                                                                             Albert Sweetnam,
Ron Jones,                                  Ron Schroder,                                    EVP - Darlington New
Senior Vice President,                      VP Mission Development,                          Nuclear Project,
Duke Energy                                 Savannah River Site                              Ontario Power

Laura A. Dudes,
                                            John Simmons,                                    Jeff Merrifield,
Director - Construction Inspection
                                            Senior Vice President,                           Senior Vice President,
and Operational Programs,
                                            URS                                              Shaw Power Group

Pete Miner,                                 Eugene Grecheck,                                 Mark Marano,
Director, Regulatory and                    Vice President -                                 SVP-New Plant Build
Quality Assurance,                          Nuclear Development,                             Operations-USA,
USEC                                        Dominion                                         Areva

                                            Ron Clary,                                       Ted Williams,
John Sauger,
                                            General Manager,                                 Superintendent
Executive Vice-President,
                                            New Nuclear Deployment,                          EPU Design,
Bruce Power
                                            SCANA                                            Progress Energy
Tom Williamson,                             Chuck Ogle,                                      Ken Ewell,
Vice President - New Plant                  Director, Division of Construction               Senior Vice President
Market Strategy,                            Inspection at Region II,                         & Chief Nuclear Officer,
Areva                                       US NRC                                           Zachry Nuclear

            Visit or phone US TOLL FREE: 1800 814 3459
october 25-26 2011 - agenda

 REGULATIONS ANd                             Licensing experience from                   Deployment of Commercial SMR
                                             American Centrifuge Project                 Projects
 LEGISLATIONS                                » Understand USEC’s approach to Part        » Evaluate the current gas market and
                                               70 when applying for licenses to build      the affect it may have on the decision
Industry Outlook for Construction              and take away key lessons to adapt to       making process when it comes to
» Understand the future aims, objectives       your project                                reactor choice for new projects
  and visions for new nuclear within         » Discover the importance of internal       » Review the investment opportunities
  North America to give a focussed             communications and regular                  for SMR’s against larger reactors and
  outlook for 2012 and beyond                  interaction with the NRC to ensure          discover the comparable financial risk,
» Review the current attitudes towards         project advancements and that your          capital expenditure and ROI for SMR
  new nuclear power on a public and            timelines are achieved                      commercial deployment
  political level and how this may shape     » Review the major lessons learned from     » Discover the profitability and liability
  your nuclear strategy moving forward         USEC that helped them to achieve            for SMR’s in comparison to traditional
» Discuss the potential backlash on            their construction licenses and how         nuclear reactors and what this could
  the nuclear renaissance from recent          their successes can be adapted to aid       mean for the industry moving forward
  events at the Fukushima plant in Japan       your project moving forward               » Review the regulatory and legislative
  and how this may affect new build          Peter J. Miner, Director, Regulatory and      challenges with regards to SMR’s and
  projects                                   Quality Assurance, USEC Inc.                  how best to approach these projects
» Listen to expert advice on how we                                                      Panel: Ron Schroder, VP Mission
  can move forward as an industry with                                                   Development, Savannah River Site
  nuclear power construction to ensure
                                             Mock Negotiation of an EPC
  the renaissance is reignited in North      Agreement
  America                                    » Watch a mock EPC negotiation unfold       Project Update: Hanford WTP
                                               to discover the questions that you        Construction Project
Mark Marano, SVP-New Plant Build
                                               need to ask when discussing an EPC        » Understand the current status of
Operations-USA, AREVA NP
                                               agreement                                   construction at the 4 primary facilities
                                             » Get an inside look at how both parties      within the Hanford construction project
Licensing and Regulatory                       negotiate the major pricing issues          and their plans moving into 2012
Challenges for New Construction                associated with EPC contracts and         » Hear lessons learned from the DOE
» Fully understand the licensing               how this strategy can be used on your       regarding challenges and hurdles
  process, status to date and review           project                                     that have been encountered on the
  the challenges when undertaking            » Review major challenges such as             project to date and how they have
  new construction to ensure delays            price/cost overrun structures, change       been overcome
  are avoided when carrying out your           orders, limits of liability and credit    » Gain a full understanding of current
  licensing application                        support in order to ensure your project     developments at Hanford as well as
» Discuss the key licensing matters after      negotiations are successful                 future needs for project advancement
  COL issuance and during construction       Panel Chair: John Lamberski, Principal,       to ensure construction is on time and
  to help you to successfully prepare for    Mercer Thompson LLC                           on budget
  the challenges ahead                                                                   Ben Harp, Hanford WTP Manager, U.S.
» Review potential scenarios on the           LESSONS LEARNEd FROM kEy                   Department of Energy
  effects to regulations for the nuclear
  industry following the recent events in     CONSTRUCTION pROjECTS
  Japan and the influence that this may                                                  Moving Forward with Complex
  have on your business                                                                  Construction
                                             Key Takeaways from Refurbishment
» Examine recent construction                                                            » Review critical lessons learned from
                                             and Major Construction Projects               major contractors on complex
  inspection program initiatives, focusing
                                             » Review the major lessons learned            construction projects and how they
  on the ITAAC closure verification
                                               from refurbishment/EPU tasks that are       can be implemented to your current
  process and construction assessment
                                               transferrable to other construction         project approach
  program to help aid your project
                                               projects to help ensure that your         » Discuss the ways in which the industry
  moving forward
                                               project is delivered on time and on         can move forward with changes in
» Review the importance of licensee            budget
  oversight of vendor activities when                                                      productivity, safety and the overall
                                             » Discover the main project                   project approach ensure your new
  undertaking new construction and
                                               management and engineering                  build projects are a success
  how sourcing problems early will
                                               hurdles that are encountered during
  prevent costly mistakes                                                                Panel: Mike Gearhart, Director -
                                               refurbishment tasks and apply the
Laura Dudes, Director, Division                solutions that have been used to other
                                                                                         Nuclear Construction, CH2M Hill
of Construction Inspection and                 nuclear construction projects             Ken Ewell, Senior Vice President & Chief
Operational Programs, USNRC                  » Address the challenges associated         Nuclear Officer, Zachry Nuclear
Chuck Ogle, Director, Division of              with work force and the solutions that    John Simmons, President, Advanced
Construction Inspection at Region II,          have been used to see how these can       Energy America (AEA) LLC
USNRC                                          be transferred to your project
                                             Panel: John Sauger, Executive Vice-
                                             President, Bruce Power                       REGISTER NOW AT
                                             Ted Williams, Manager EPU Design,
                                             Progress Energy                    

             Visit or phone US TOLL FREE: 1800 814 3459
october 25-26 2011 - agenda

MOX Facility Construction                        The Canadian New Build                        Project Management and
» Review the steps that have been taken to       Experience                                    Implementation for Construction
  mitigate risks when constructing the $5B       » Gain a detailed overview of OPG’s           » Understand the importance of
  MOX facility to ensure that it is delivered      construction process at the Darlington        implementation of project tasks and
  on time and on budget                            site to discover vital lessons learned        fitness for duty with new construction
» Discover the ways in which Savannah River        that you can adapt to your project            when developing your future strategy
  Site will ensure the deadline for completion   » Delve into OPG’s work on federal            » Discover the importance of strong and
  of construction in 2014 is achieved and          assessments and the environmental             focussed oversight for new nuclear
  that operations begin in 2016                    impact license process to fully               construction tasks in order to ensure
» Understand the major hurdles that have           understand the method that was                project success
  been overcome at the MOX facility and            followed and how this can be useful for     » Hear about the key requirements
  the ways in which the problems were              your construction project                     for effective project management
  approached and the solutions were              » Review the next steps for the                 including interfaces and relationships
  achieved                                         construction process at the Darlington        with the EPC consortium
Clay H. Ramsey, Federal Project Director,          site as well as OPG’s future strategy for   Panel: Tom Flaherty, Senior Vice
MOX Facility,                                      continued construction work                 President, Booz & Company
Savannah River Site                              Albert Sweetnam, Executive Vice               Bill Fox, Vice President & Project
                                                 President, Nuclear New Build, OPG             Director, Shaw Power Group
 CONSTRUCTION UpdATE                             Construction Work Overseas
                                                 » Discover lessons learned from
Update from Key NNB Projects
                                                   construction projects overseas and
                                                   how they can be adapted for the
» Review the key milestones that have
  been achieved at nuclear power plant
                                                   North American market
                                                                                                  CONFERENCE               FOR 2011
                                                 » Understand how financing hurdles
  construction projects in North America           have been overcome for NPP
  and how these lessons learned can be             construction tasks overseas and
  used in your forward strategy                    approaches that can be taken by the
» Hear expert suggestions for moving               North American market                        1. Emergency Preparedness
  forward with new build projects in the         » Apply the lessons learned and best           » Review the importance of
  current economic climate and how                 practices from overseas new build              command and control during
  you need to approach your new build              success to your development plans to           major catastrophe and the
  ventures in order to achieve success             reduce time and risk exposure                  challenges if a whole area has to
» Understand the importance of upfront                                                            be evacuated
                                                 Panel: Jeff Merrifield, Senior Vice
  research into the challenges and                                                              » Review the nation’s ability to
                                                 President, Shaw Power Group
  obstacles with licensing in order to ensure                                                     marshal a response to catastrophes
  forward movement and successful project        Senior Representative, Westinghouse
                                                                                                  and what strategies the nuclear
  execution                                                                                       industry can implement to prepare
Panel Chair: Loren Plisco, Principal,            Equipment Providers Perspective                  for this sort of event
Plisco Consulting                                » Discover the plans for upcoming              » Understand how the industry
Panel: Eugene Grecheck, Vice President -           projects and the strategy that                 needs to respond regarding the
Nuclear Development, Dominion                      equipment providers will take moving           inevitable increase in emergency
                                                   into 2012 to understand their needs            preparation and how this might
Ron Clary, Vice President, New Nuclear
                                                   from the supply chain                          affect construction timelines
Deployment, SCANA
                                                 » Gain a full understanding of
Ron Jones, SVP Nuclear Development,
                                                   developments in new technologies             2. Fukushima and The Effects
Duke Energy
                                                   and how they will help drive the
                                                                                                on the Nuclear Renaissance
                                                   industry forward in 2012 and beyond
                                                                                                » Share lessons learned from the
VC Summer Project Update                         » Understand how equipment providers
                                                                                                  Fukushima Daiichi NPP in Japan
» Learn about the preconstruction work for         are gearing up their staff for future
                                                                                                  and discuss the effects that this
  the basic infrastructure of the site that is     nuclear work and where they see
                                                                                                  may have on the nuclear industry
  currently underway in order to help aid          market trends moving in the near future
                                                                                                  in North America
  your construction project                      Tom Williamson, Vice President - New           » Review the safety issues surrounding
» Understand the major challenges that           Plant Market Strategy, AREVA NP                  nuclear power in North America
  have been faced by SCANA and how                                                                and how they may change post-
  they achieved completion of the NRC            Play it smart...                                 Fukushima
  review and approvals of licensing material
                                                 bring your team!                               » What will be the effect on demand
» Discover how SCANA are preparing for                                                            for major nuclear suppliers and
  full-scale construction by strengthening       With 20+ exhibitors, over 300 attendees,         the challenges that lie ahead for
  their resources and preparing their staff      workshops and the packed conference              the construction industry in North
  for work and why this is important for you                                                      America
                                                 agenda - you need more people on site
  to consider early when approaching your
                                                 to benefit from all the conference has to      Workshop Coordinator:
  new build strategy
                                                 offer. Get in touch at                         Tom Flaherty, Senior Vice President,
Ron Clary, Vice President, New Nuclear                                                          Booz & Company
                                        to see
Deployment, SCANA
                                                 how much you can save!

           Visit or phone US TOLL FREE: 1800 814 3459
Get Unique Insights the one day financing nuclearCompanies
    Why not join us at From Leading Thin-Film power workshop....

  October 27 - Financing Nuclear power Workshop:
  Plan your project finance strategy, mitigate                   This specialist workshop will provide
  risk and secure investment for new nuclear                     your business with cutting edge insight
  construction                                                   from industry experts!
  » Financing New Nuclear: Create a complete financing           » Improve efficiencies with your financial
    strategy with latest private sector views and an update        management for new nuclear projects
    on Loan Guarantees to move forward with project              » Enhance your efforts to find alternative
    execution                                                      investment for your construction portfolio
  » Loan Guarantee Update: Hear from the DOE Loan                » Identify and meet new partners
    Programs Office and learn how to secure government           » Ultimately provide you with the tools to achieve
    backing for your project                                       successful construction execution
  » Mitigate Finance Risks: Learn how to identify and
    mitigate financial risks to ensure you create a bullet-
    proof project finance strategy                                             Exclusive update from
  » Alternative Funding Methods: Hear how to secure
    alternative funding to aid the construction of your new                    the dOE’s loan guarantee
    nuclear facility
                                                                               program office

Exhibition and Sponsorship Opportunities For 2011

 NUCLEAR CONSTRUCTION pREMIER                                    bUILd yOUR OWN
 SUppLIERS zONE                                                  pACkAGE IN 3 SIMpLE
Get your products and services seen by the right                 STEpS!
people!                                                          Unlike many other industry trade shows, exhibitions and
TAILOR MADE SPONSORSHIP OPTIONS                                  conferences our packages are not standard “one-size-fits-all”.
                                                                 You tell us what you want and we build it for you… simple! Take
The 3rd Annual Nuclear Construction Conference offers you        3 simple steps to build your very own package today and we
an excellent range of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities   will build it whatever your budget!
to suit every need and budget. We can literally tailor make a
sponsorship package to your needs meaning that you can           1. MAKE A LIST OF YOUR MOST IMPORTANT AIMS
speak, build your brand and ultimately get exposure for your
services and technology in front of the leading new build        • Exhibition booth        • Brand visibility
stakeholders.                                                    • Private meetings        • Breakfast briefings

Do not miss out on this unrivalled opportunity to do business    • Seatdrops               • Speaking slots
and secure sales from the Nuclear Construction Industry!         • Conference Branding     • Segment Sponsor

VERY LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE…                                    2. WORK OUT YOUR BUDGET
Contact us now to secure your spot!                              Speak with your marketing team and decide on your annual
Opportunities available include:                                 conference investment - make sure you assign the right
                                                                 budget to the right show! No matter what your budget total,
• 1 to 1 meetings with key decision makers                       we will work with you to build a package that achieves your
• Take a speaking slot and address over 350 industry leaders     aims and exceeds expectations.
• Show off your latest products in the exhibition hall
                                                                 3. CALL EVERAD AT NUCLEAR ENERGY INSIDER TO
• Build your brand with exclusive promotional opportunities      DISCUSS YOUR PACKAGE NOW!
• Host interactive workshops, networking sessions and secure
  high level branding of conference materials                    Our exhibition space regularly sells out weeks in advance of
                                                                 the conference. So call today to make sure you secure your
Limited opportunities available!                                 spot before you miss the chance.

CALL NOW to secure your space:                                   CALL NOW Everad MacIndoe 1800 814 3459
Toll free: 1800 814 3459                                         or email

   For the latest speaker updates visit
         Visit phone US TOLL FREE: 1800 814 3459
Researched & Organized by:

3Rd ANNUAL NUCLEAR CONSTRUCTION SUMMIT                                                                                                                                       $400
OCTObER 25-27, ThE RITz-CARLTON hOTEL, ChARLOTTE NORTh CAROLINA, USA                                                                                                         Register before
                                                                                                                                                                               26 August
                                                                                                                                    Discount Code:

REGISTER NOW IN 3 EASy STEpS:                                                                                                             BUILD50
                                                                                                                                       This is your unique discount code, use it
                                                                                                                                     online or via this form to get an extra $50 off

                                                                                                           GOLD                BRONZE                    WORKSHOP ONLY
Pass Features                                                               PLATINUM PASS
                                                                                                           PASS                 PASS                         PASS
 Access to 2-day construction conference and
 exhibition area                                                                                                                 
 Access to all networking events and lunches
 including networking drinks (October 25-26)                                                                                     
 All post event materials including audio and slide
 presentations (worth $595)                                                                                
 Entrance to Financing New Nuclear Workshop on
 October 27 (worth $995)                                                                                                                                            
Super Early Bird Price - expires August 26th 2011                              $2290                     $1795                $1595                                 $595

Early Bird Price - expires September 30th 2011                                 $2490                     $1995                $1795                                 $795

Full Price                                                                     $2690                     $2195                $1995                                 $995

Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr:                            First name:                                           Last name:

Company:                                                                                       Position/Title:

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     I enclose a check/draft for:                                                         Credit card number:
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     Please invoice my company:
     Purchase Order Number:                                                               Name on card:
     Please charge my credit card:                     Amex          Visa    Mastercard

                                                                                                                  TERMS & CONDITIONS Places are transferable without any charge.
                                                                                                                  Cancellations before September 25, 2011 incur an administrative
      More Ways to Register                                                                                       charge of 25%. If you cancel your registration after September 25,
                                                                                                                  2011 we will be obliged to charge the full fee. Please note – you
                                                                                                                  must notify Nuclear Energy Insider in writing of a cancellation, or
                                                                                                                  we will be obliged to charge the full fee. The organizers reserve
> ONLINE: Secure & simple registration online at                                                                  the right to make changes to the programme without notice.
                                                               All prices displayed are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated but, VAT
                                                                                                                  will be charged where applicable, at the prevailing rate on the invoice
> EMAIL: Just give us your                                                               date and the relevant details will appear on the invoice. FC Business
         details and pass type – we’ll do the rest!                                                               Intelligence Ltd. takes every care to ensure that prices quoted are correct
                                                                                                                  at time of publishing however, bookings will only be accepted if there
> PHONE: Call Stevie Bell on US TOLL FREE:1800 814 3459                                                           is no material error in the price advertised on the website. NB: FULL
                                                                                                                  PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE THE EVENT.
                                                                                                                  Visit for more event information.
> FAX:                     Fill out this form and faxback to +44 (0) 207 375 7576                                 Designed by The Creative Tree Ltd.:

   For the latest speaker updates visit or phone US TOLL FREE: 1800 814 3459
Researched & Organized by:   WHAT WAS SAID ABOUT LAST YEAR’S SUMMIT...
                              “The event did a great job of pulling a large number of executives together in one place

                              and hearing their perceptions of the industry and its future”
                              Matthew Polk, Marketing Manager, ABB

 3Rd ANNUAL                                                                                                                                                     $400
                                                                                                                                                          Register before 26 August

 Develop a nuclear strategy baseD on
 experience from key construction projects
 that mitigates risk & reDuces project costs

                                                                                                                         REGULATORy UpdATES FROM
 > Ensure compliance on your nuclear project through
   updates on ITAAC closure, construction assessment and the                                                             Laura Dudes,
   potential impact of the Fukushima disaster on U.S. guidelines                                                         Director, Division of Construction Inspection
                                                                                                                         and Operational Programs, USNRC

 > Understand the key licensing issues pre and post COL                                                                  Chuck Ogle,
   issuance & the importance of licensee oversight for vendor                                                            Director, Division of Construction Inspection at
   activities to achieve project momentum                                                                                Region II, USNRC

                                                                                                                         EXpERT SpEAkERS FROM
 > Benefit from a complete review of domestic & international
   nuclear construction projects and implement the
   experience gained to date to improve you project planning
   and execution

 > Establish comprehensive project oversight to ensure NRC
   compliance whilst maintaining a cost effective schedule for
   successful project completion

 > Gain clear guidance on the key EPC contract negotiation
   challenges and overall project management strategies to
   ensure you are primed for project success whilst mitigating
   costly delays

                                                                                                                         GLObAL GOLd SpONSOR
 >    50+ experts discussing nuclear construction experience from
      projects such as NPP new builds, refurbishment / EPU’s, SMR
      development, Hanford WTP USA facility, MOX, Energy Park
      initiatives, Eagle Rock and more                                                                                           WhAT WAS SAId AbOUT
 >    20+ exhibitors to give you the latest technologies available                                                            LAST yEAR’S CONFERENCE...
      to help you increase efficiencies and drive down costs on
                                                                                                                           “This was a good compendium of updates
      your project
                                                                                                                          on the projects underway and the planning
 >    One-day finance workshop with loan guarantee updates,                                                                   for construction as well as licensing and
      views from Wall Street and strategies to ensure project success                                                             funding perspectives and overviews”
                                                                                                                                Mike McGough, Senior Vice President -
Visit for all the                                                                           Commercial Operations, UniStar
latest announcements

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Nuclear Construction US

  • 1. Researched & Organized by: WHAT WAS SAID ABOUT LAST YEAR’S SUMMIT... “The event did a great job of pulling a large number of executives together in one place SAVE and hearing their perceptions of the industry and its future” Matthew Polk, Marketing Manager, ABB 3Rd ANNUAL $400 Register before 26 August NUCLEAR CONSTRUCTION SUMMIT OCTObER 25-27, ThE RITz-CARLTON hOTEL, ChARLOTTE NORTh CAROLINA, USA Develop a nuclear strategy baseD on experience from key construction projects that mitigates risk & reDuces project costs REGULATORy UpdATES FROM > Ensure compliance on your nuclear project through updates on ITAAC closure, construction assessment and the Laura Dudes, potential impact of the Fukushima disaster on U.S. guidelines Director, Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs, USNRC > Understand the key licensing issues pre and post COL Chuck Ogle, issuance & the importance of licensee oversight for vendor Director, Division of Construction Inspection at activities to achieve project momentum Region II, USNRC EXpERT SpEAkERS FROM > Benefit from a complete review of domestic & international nuclear construction projects and implement the experience gained to date to improve you project planning and execution > Establish comprehensive project oversight to ensure NRC compliance whilst maintaining a cost effective schedule for successful project completion > Gain clear guidance on the key EPC contract negotiation challenges and overall project management strategies to ensure you are primed for project success whilst mitigating costly delays EXCLUSIVE NUCLEAR INTELLIGENCE FROM... GLObAL GOLd SpONSOR > 50+ experts discussing nuclear construction experience from projects such as NPP new builds, refurbishment / EPU’s, SMR development, Hanford WTP USA facility, MOX, Energy Park , initiatives, Eagle Rock and more WhAT WAS SAId AbOUT > 20+ exhibitors to give you the latest technologies available LAST yEAR’S CONFERENCE... to help you increase efficiencies and drive down costs on “This was a good compendium of updates your project on the projects underway and the planning > One-day finance workshop with loan guarantee updates, for construction as well as licensing and views from Wall Street and strategies to ensure project success funding perspectives and overviews” Mike McGough, Senior Vice President - Visit for all the Commercial Operations, UniStar latest announcements
  • 2. Welcome to the the 3rd annual nuclear construction summit 2011 Dear Colleague Construction projects such as the multi- billion dollar Hanford Waste Treatment The Construction Summit is the number one meeting place for construction and Immobilization Plant, The American Centrifuge Project, Eagle Rock Enrichment NEW FOR 2011 experts in North America to meet and do business. Industry decision-makers Facility and the work at Savannah River will also be discussed. Giving you the most – FINANCING will gather together to discuss crucial lessons learned to ensure that the industry relevant and up-to-date reports from key construction projects to help you move NUCLEAR POWER continues to move forward with key construction projects. With over 250 senior- forward with your project! WORKSHOP This year’s Nuclear Construction Summit will level executives in attendance last year from all of the major stakeholders, it has supply you with business critical intelligence, (OCTOBER 27th) unrivalled networking and stimulating become the ultimate networking platform With a pressing need from discussion. Attending this meeting will to exchange ideas which will enhance the the industry to ensure that help you to understand current regulatory nuclear industry now and in the future. financing for new projects is updates, NPP benchmarking, project We are pulling out all the stops to make achieved, this workshop could management tips and construction projects not be timelier. The Obama 2011 unbeatable! best practice to master project execution. administration has backed the You will take away action points that you Despite the understandable caution post- advancements of new nuclear, can implement to ensure your projects are Fukushima, it is important to remember that promising future funding for delivered on time and on budget. 16 licence applications to build 24 new nuclear power – this is the nuclear reactors have been made in the Experts at this year’s meeting will discuss time to ensure you have a USA since mid-2007 and that construction the most pressing issues surrounding nuclear bullet-proof financing strategy projects including SMR deployment, construction including: moving into 2012. enrichment facilities, NPP construction and a large number of DOE projects are still > The industry outlook for nuclear pushing forward. construction YOU WILL WALK > AWAY WITH: The industry is still alive and well, with more Regulations, legislations and licensing lessons which can be shared and more challenges for new construction projects projects nearing completion than ever > Negotiations of EPC contracts > An exclusive update from the before! It is now more important than ever Department of Energy on loan for operators and service providers to meet, > Lessons learned from major NPP guarantee program status and share lessons and continue to develop the construction and non-commercial the characteristics of a successful nuclear supply chain. nuclear ventures application > Project management and > A complete review of attitudes Exxon Mobil Corp said the Fukushima implementation for construction projects towards nuclear investment nuclear disaster in Japan in March won’t > Key lessons from overseas examining the opportunities and the current affect the growth of atomic power in the factors that will affect nuclear work in China, France, Finland and more next 25 years. “Nuclear is going to be an growth important power generation fuel for the We’ve spoken to over 100 experts at the future, it is a low carbon energy source heart of the nuclear construction industry > The innovative strategies you and we believe diversification of energy including key representatives from the NRC, can implement to ensure your sources is important,” said Rob Gardner, utilities & power plant owners, top level project represents an attractive manager for the energy and economics contractors, nuclear industry associations investment opportunity including division of Exxon Mobil’s Corporate and analysts, consultants & academics to liability reduction Strategic Planning department bring you a bulletproof agenda focusing on the core construction challenges moving By attending this workshop on Source: Bloomberg Day 3 – you will be able to walk forward into 2012. away having created a complete I look forward to seeing you in Charlotte, With huge construction projects taking financing strategy with latest private NC in October place across North America, it is important sector views and an update on Loan to look at the nuclear industry as a whole Kindest Regards Guarantees to move forward with when moving forward with your projects. project execution. Dean Murphy, Senior Industry Analyst This year the conference will look at case Nuclear Energy Insider studies not only from the owners pushing US Toll Free: 1800 814 3459 ext 7204 forward with NPP construction including International: +44 (0) 207 375 7204 Ontario Power Generation, Progress Energy, Duke, SCANA and Dominion but Email: also other non-commercial ventures. Visit or phone US TOLL FREE: 1800 814 3459
  • 3. Why should you be at the nuclear construction conference? 6 key, brand New Features for 2011: What you will learn at this year’s conference... 350+ senior level attendees for you to meet and 1 network with over 3 days of business development At this year’s conference, we will be offering solutions to all of the major construction challenges facing the industry today. We’ll make sure that you 2 The latest domestic & international nuclear construction experience from projects such as go away with a new bunch of contacts and a refurbishment / EPU’s, SMR development, Hanford WTP , wealth of knowledge and actionable strategies to USA facility, Energy Park initiatives, Eagle Rock and more all of the challenges below: Multiple NPP project updates delivered by key owners > Regulatory challenges and amendments 3 including SCANA, Progress Energy, Duke Energy, post-Fukushima OPG, Dominion, Bruce Power and many others > Successful negotiation of EPC contracts An exclusive one-day Finance Workshop giving you > Lessons learned from major construction 4 insights on the federal and private investment sources projects you need to get your plans off the ground > Overcoming licensing challenges for new construction projects Value adding workshops covering key topics 5 including Emergency Preparedness & the Impact > Difficulties surrounding the deployment of SMR projects of Fukushima, delivered by subject matter experts including Tom Flaherty from Booz & Company > Critical lessons learned from complex construction 20+ booth exhibitor hall to give you the latest 6 technologies available to help you increase efficiencies > Project management and implementation issues for construction and drive down costs on your project Expert speakers include... Albert Sweetnam, Ron Jones, Ron Schroder, EVP - Darlington New Senior Vice President, VP Mission Development, Nuclear Project, Duke Energy Savannah River Site Ontario Power Generation Laura A. Dudes, John Simmons, Jeff Merrifield, Director - Construction Inspection Senior Vice President, Senior Vice President, and Operational Programs, URS Shaw Power Group US NRC Pete Miner, Eugene Grecheck, Mark Marano, Director, Regulatory and Vice President - SVP-New Plant Build Quality Assurance, Nuclear Development, Operations-USA, USEC Dominion Areva Ron Clary, Ted Williams, John Sauger, General Manager, Superintendent Executive Vice-President, New Nuclear Deployment, EPU Design, Bruce Power SCANA Progress Energy Tom Williamson, Chuck Ogle, Ken Ewell, Vice President - New Plant Director, Division of Construction Senior Vice President Market Strategy, Inspection at Region II, & Chief Nuclear Officer, Areva US NRC Zachry Nuclear Visit or phone US TOLL FREE: 1800 814 3459
  • 4. october 25-26 2011 - agenda REGULATIONS ANd Licensing experience from Deployment of Commercial SMR American Centrifuge Project Projects LEGISLATIONS » Understand USEC’s approach to Part » Evaluate the current gas market and 70 when applying for licenses to build the affect it may have on the decision Industry Outlook for Construction and take away key lessons to adapt to making process when it comes to » Understand the future aims, objectives your project reactor choice for new projects and visions for new nuclear within » Discover the importance of internal » Review the investment opportunities North America to give a focussed communications and regular for SMR’s against larger reactors and outlook for 2012 and beyond interaction with the NRC to ensure discover the comparable financial risk, » Review the current attitudes towards project advancements and that your capital expenditure and ROI for SMR new nuclear power on a public and timelines are achieved commercial deployment political level and how this may shape » Review the major lessons learned from » Discover the profitability and liability your nuclear strategy moving forward USEC that helped them to achieve for SMR’s in comparison to traditional » Discuss the potential backlash on their construction licenses and how nuclear reactors and what this could the nuclear renaissance from recent their successes can be adapted to aid mean for the industry moving forward events at the Fukushima plant in Japan your project moving forward » Review the regulatory and legislative and how this may affect new build Peter J. Miner, Director, Regulatory and challenges with regards to SMR’s and projects Quality Assurance, USEC Inc. how best to approach these projects » Listen to expert advice on how we Panel: Ron Schroder, VP Mission can move forward as an industry with Development, Savannah River Site nuclear power construction to ensure Mock Negotiation of an EPC the renaissance is reignited in North Agreement America » Watch a mock EPC negotiation unfold Project Update: Hanford WTP to discover the questions that you Construction Project Mark Marano, SVP-New Plant Build need to ask when discussing an EPC » Understand the current status of Operations-USA, AREVA NP agreement construction at the 4 primary facilities » Get an inside look at how both parties within the Hanford construction project Licensing and Regulatory negotiate the major pricing issues and their plans moving into 2012 Challenges for New Construction associated with EPC contracts and » Hear lessons learned from the DOE » Fully understand the licensing how this strategy can be used on your regarding challenges and hurdles process, status to date and review project that have been encountered on the the challenges when undertaking » Review major challenges such as project to date and how they have new construction to ensure delays price/cost overrun structures, change been overcome are avoided when carrying out your orders, limits of liability and credit » Gain a full understanding of current licensing application support in order to ensure your project developments at Hanford as well as » Discuss the key licensing matters after negotiations are successful future needs for project advancement COL issuance and during construction Panel Chair: John Lamberski, Principal, to ensure construction is on time and to help you to successfully prepare for Mercer Thompson LLC on budget the challenges ahead Ben Harp, Hanford WTP Manager, U.S. » Review potential scenarios on the LESSONS LEARNEd FROM kEy Department of Energy effects to regulations for the nuclear industry following the recent events in CONSTRUCTION pROjECTS Japan and the influence that this may Moving Forward with Complex have on your business Construction Key Takeaways from Refurbishment » Examine recent construction » Review critical lessons learned from and Major Construction Projects major contractors on complex inspection program initiatives, focusing » Review the major lessons learned construction projects and how they on the ITAAC closure verification from refurbishment/EPU tasks that are can be implemented to your current process and construction assessment transferrable to other construction project approach program to help aid your project projects to help ensure that your » Discuss the ways in which the industry moving forward project is delivered on time and on can move forward with changes in » Review the importance of licensee budget oversight of vendor activities when productivity, safety and the overall » Discover the main project project approach ensure your new undertaking new construction and management and engineering build projects are a success how sourcing problems early will hurdles that are encountered during prevent costly mistakes Panel: Mike Gearhart, Director - refurbishment tasks and apply the Laura Dudes, Director, Division solutions that have been used to other Nuclear Construction, CH2M Hill of Construction Inspection and nuclear construction projects Ken Ewell, Senior Vice President & Chief Operational Programs, USNRC » Address the challenges associated Nuclear Officer, Zachry Nuclear Chuck Ogle, Director, Division of with work force and the solutions that John Simmons, President, Advanced Construction Inspection at Region II, have been used to see how these can Energy America (AEA) LLC USNRC be transferred to your project Panel: John Sauger, Executive Vice- President, Bruce Power REGISTER NOW AT Ted Williams, Manager EPU Design, Progress Energy Visit or phone US TOLL FREE: 1800 814 3459
  • 5. october 25-26 2011 - agenda MOX Facility Construction The Canadian New Build Project Management and » Review the steps that have been taken to Experience Implementation for Construction mitigate risks when constructing the $5B » Gain a detailed overview of OPG’s » Understand the importance of MOX facility to ensure that it is delivered construction process at the Darlington implementation of project tasks and on time and on budget site to discover vital lessons learned fitness for duty with new construction » Discover the ways in which Savannah River that you can adapt to your project when developing your future strategy Site will ensure the deadline for completion » Delve into OPG’s work on federal » Discover the importance of strong and of construction in 2014 is achieved and assessments and the environmental focussed oversight for new nuclear that operations begin in 2016 impact license process to fully construction tasks in order to ensure » Understand the major hurdles that have understand the method that was project success been overcome at the MOX facility and followed and how this can be useful for » Hear about the key requirements the ways in which the problems were your construction project for effective project management approached and the solutions were » Review the next steps for the including interfaces and relationships achieved construction process at the Darlington with the EPC consortium Clay H. Ramsey, Federal Project Director, site as well as OPG’s future strategy for Panel: Tom Flaherty, Senior Vice MOX Facility, continued construction work President, Booz & Company Savannah River Site Albert Sweetnam, Executive Vice Bill Fox, Vice President & Project President, Nuclear New Build, OPG Director, Shaw Power Group NUCLEAR pOWER pLANT CONSTRUCTION UpdATE Construction Work Overseas » Discover lessons learned from Update from Key NNB Projects construction projects overseas and how they can be adapted for the NEW » Review the key milestones that have been achieved at nuclear power plant North American market CONFERENCE FOR 2011 » Understand how financing hurdles construction projects in North America have been overcome for NPP and how these lessons learned can be construction tasks overseas and WORkShOpS used in your forward strategy approaches that can be taken by the » Hear expert suggestions for moving North American market 1. Emergency Preparedness forward with new build projects in the » Apply the lessons learned and best » Review the importance of current economic climate and how practices from overseas new build command and control during you need to approach your new build success to your development plans to major catastrophe and the ventures in order to achieve success reduce time and risk exposure challenges if a whole area has to » Understand the importance of upfront be evacuated Panel: Jeff Merrifield, Senior Vice research into the challenges and » Review the nation’s ability to President, Shaw Power Group obstacles with licensing in order to ensure marshal a response to catastrophes forward movement and successful project Senior Representative, Westinghouse and what strategies the nuclear execution industry can implement to prepare Panel Chair: Loren Plisco, Principal, Equipment Providers Perspective for this sort of event Plisco Consulting » Discover the plans for upcoming » Understand how the industry Panel: Eugene Grecheck, Vice President - projects and the strategy that needs to respond regarding the Nuclear Development, Dominion equipment providers will take moving inevitable increase in emergency into 2012 to understand their needs preparation and how this might Ron Clary, Vice President, New Nuclear from the supply chain affect construction timelines Deployment, SCANA » Gain a full understanding of Ron Jones, SVP Nuclear Development, developments in new technologies 2. Fukushima and The Effects Duke Energy and how they will help drive the on the Nuclear Renaissance industry forward in 2012 and beyond » Share lessons learned from the VC Summer Project Update » Understand how equipment providers Fukushima Daiichi NPP in Japan » Learn about the preconstruction work for are gearing up their staff for future and discuss the effects that this the basic infrastructure of the site that is nuclear work and where they see may have on the nuclear industry currently underway in order to help aid market trends moving in the near future in North America your construction project Tom Williamson, Vice President - New » Review the safety issues surrounding » Understand the major challenges that Plant Market Strategy, AREVA NP nuclear power in North America have been faced by SCANA and how and how they may change post- they achieved completion of the NRC Play it smart... Fukushima review and approvals of licensing material bring your team! » What will be the effect on demand » Discover how SCANA are preparing for for major nuclear suppliers and full-scale construction by strengthening With 20+ exhibitors, over 300 attendees, the challenges that lie ahead for their resources and preparing their staff workshops and the packed conference the construction industry in North for work and why this is important for you America agenda - you need more people on site to consider early when approaching your to benefit from all the conference has to Workshop Coordinator: new build strategy offer. Get in touch at Tom Flaherty, Senior Vice President, Ron Clary, Vice President, New Nuclear Booz & Company to see Deployment, SCANA how much you can save! Visit or phone US TOLL FREE: 1800 814 3459
  • 6. Get Unique Insights the one day financing nuclearCompanies Why not join us at From Leading Thin-Film power workshop.... October 27 - Financing Nuclear power Workshop: Plan your project finance strategy, mitigate This specialist workshop will provide risk and secure investment for new nuclear your business with cutting edge insight construction from industry experts! » Financing New Nuclear: Create a complete financing » Improve efficiencies with your financial strategy with latest private sector views and an update management for new nuclear projects on Loan Guarantees to move forward with project » Enhance your efforts to find alternative execution investment for your construction portfolio » Loan Guarantee Update: Hear from the DOE Loan » Identify and meet new partners Programs Office and learn how to secure government » Ultimately provide you with the tools to achieve backing for your project successful construction execution » Mitigate Finance Risks: Learn how to identify and mitigate financial risks to ensure you create a bullet- proof project finance strategy Exclusive update from » Alternative Funding Methods: Hear how to secure alternative funding to aid the construction of your new the dOE’s loan guarantee nuclear facility program office Exhibition and Sponsorship Opportunities For 2011 NUCLEAR CONSTRUCTION pREMIER bUILd yOUR OWN SUppLIERS zONE pACkAGE IN 3 SIMpLE Get your products and services seen by the right STEpS! people! Unlike many other industry trade shows, exhibitions and TAILOR MADE SPONSORSHIP OPTIONS conferences our packages are not standard “one-size-fits-all”. You tell us what you want and we build it for you… simple! Take The 3rd Annual Nuclear Construction Conference offers you 3 simple steps to build your very own package today and we an excellent range of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities will build it whatever your budget! to suit every need and budget. We can literally tailor make a sponsorship package to your needs meaning that you can 1. MAKE A LIST OF YOUR MOST IMPORTANT AIMS speak, build your brand and ultimately get exposure for your services and technology in front of the leading new build • Exhibition booth • Brand visibility stakeholders. • Private meetings • Breakfast briefings Do not miss out on this unrivalled opportunity to do business • Seatdrops • Speaking slots and secure sales from the Nuclear Construction Industry! • Conference Branding • Segment Sponsor VERY LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE… 2. WORK OUT YOUR BUDGET Contact us now to secure your spot! Speak with your marketing team and decide on your annual Opportunities available include: conference investment - make sure you assign the right budget to the right show! No matter what your budget total, • 1 to 1 meetings with key decision makers we will work with you to build a package that achieves your • Take a speaking slot and address over 350 industry leaders aims and exceeds expectations. • Show off your latest products in the exhibition hall 3. CALL EVERAD AT NUCLEAR ENERGY INSIDER TO • Build your brand with exclusive promotional opportunities DISCUSS YOUR PACKAGE NOW! • Host interactive workshops, networking sessions and secure high level branding of conference materials Our exhibition space regularly sells out weeks in advance of the conference. So call today to make sure you secure your Limited opportunities available! spot before you miss the chance. CALL NOW to secure your space: CALL NOW Everad MacIndoe 1800 814 3459 Toll free: 1800 814 3459 or email For the latest speaker updates visit Visit phone US TOLL FREE: 1800 814 3459
  • 7. Researched & Organized by: SAVE 3Rd ANNUAL NUCLEAR CONSTRUCTION SUMMIT $400 OCTObER 25-27, ThE RITz-CARLTON hOTEL, ChARLOTTE NORTh CAROLINA, USA Register before 26 August Discount Code: REGISTER NOW IN 3 EASy STEpS: BUILD50 This is your unique discount code, use it online or via this form to get an extra $50 off 1. SELECT YOUR REGISTRATION PACKAGE: GOLD BRONZE WORKSHOP ONLY Pass Features PLATINUM PASS PASS PASS PASS Access to 2-day construction conference and exhibition area    Access to all networking events and lunches including networking drinks (October 25-26)    All post event materials including audio and slide presentations (worth $595)   Entrance to Financing New Nuclear Workshop on October 27 (worth $995)   Super Early Bird Price - expires August 26th 2011 $2290 $1795 $1595 $595 Early Bird Price - expires September 30th 2011 $2490 $1995 $1795 $795 Full Price $2690 $2195 $1995 $995 2. ENTER ATTENDEE DETAILS: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr: First name: Last name: Company: Position/Title: Telephone: Fax: Email: Address: Postcode: Country: 3. PAYMENT OPTIONS: I enclose a check/draft for: Credit card number: (Payable to FC Business Intelligence Ltd) Expiry date: Security number: Please invoice my company: Purchase Order Number: Name on card: Please charge my credit card: Amex Visa Mastercard Signature: TERMS & CONDITIONS Places are transferable without any charge. Cancellations before September 25, 2011 incur an administrative More Ways to Register charge of 25%. If you cancel your registration after September 25, 2011 we will be obliged to charge the full fee. Please note – you must notify Nuclear Energy Insider in writing of a cancellation, or we will be obliged to charge the full fee. The organizers reserve > ONLINE: Secure & simple registration online at the right to make changes to the programme without notice. All prices displayed are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated but, VAT will be charged where applicable, at the prevailing rate on the invoice > EMAIL: Just give us your date and the relevant details will appear on the invoice. FC Business details and pass type – we’ll do the rest! Intelligence Ltd. takes every care to ensure that prices quoted are correct at time of publishing however, bookings will only be accepted if there > PHONE: Call Stevie Bell on US TOLL FREE:1800 814 3459 is no material error in the price advertised on the website. NB: FULL PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE THE EVENT. Visit for more event information. > FAX: Fill out this form and faxback to +44 (0) 207 375 7576 Designed by The Creative Tree Ltd.: For the latest speaker updates visit or phone US TOLL FREE: 1800 814 3459 Visit
  • 8. Researched & Organized by: WHAT WAS SAID ABOUT LAST YEAR’S SUMMIT... “The event did a great job of pulling a large number of executives together in one place SAVE and hearing their perceptions of the industry and its future” Matthew Polk, Marketing Manager, ABB 3Rd ANNUAL $400 Register before 26 August NUCLEAR CONSTRUCTION SUMMIT OCTObER 25-27, ThE RITz-CARLTON hOTEL, ChARLOTTE NORTh CAROLINA, USA Develop a nuclear strategy baseD on experience from key construction projects that mitigates risk & reDuces project costs REGULATORy UpdATES FROM > Ensure compliance on your nuclear project through updates on ITAAC closure, construction assessment and the Laura Dudes, potential impact of the Fukushima disaster on U.S. guidelines Director, Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs, USNRC > Understand the key licensing issues pre and post COL Chuck Ogle, issuance & the importance of licensee oversight for vendor Director, Division of Construction Inspection at activities to achieve project momentum Region II, USNRC EXpERT SpEAkERS FROM > Benefit from a complete review of domestic & international nuclear construction projects and implement the experience gained to date to improve you project planning and execution > Establish comprehensive project oversight to ensure NRC compliance whilst maintaining a cost effective schedule for successful project completion > Gain clear guidance on the key EPC contract negotiation challenges and overall project management strategies to ensure you are primed for project success whilst mitigating costly delays EXCLUSIVE NUCLEAR INTELLIGENCE FROM... GLObAL GOLd SpONSOR > 50+ experts discussing nuclear construction experience from projects such as NPP new builds, refurbishment / EPU’s, SMR development, Hanford WTP USA facility, MOX, Energy Park , initiatives, Eagle Rock and more WhAT WAS SAId AbOUT > 20+ exhibitors to give you the latest technologies available LAST yEAR’S CONFERENCE... to help you increase efficiencies and drive down costs on “This was a good compendium of updates your project on the projects underway and the planning > One-day finance workshop with loan guarantee updates, for construction as well as licensing and views from Wall Street and strategies to ensure project success funding perspectives and overviews” Mike McGough, Senior Vice President - Visit for all the Commercial Operations, UniStar latest announcements