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The Roadrunner
          Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — Nov./Dec. 2001

     Sierra Club Candidates' Forum
    Kern 2nd Dist. Supervisorial Race                      Chapter Executive Committee needs
Bakersfield's Beale Library, 7 PM, Tues, Dec. 4th.        volunteers to raise their hands and sayI
    The Chapter and the newly-formed Buena Vista                     would like to help!
Group will host our first-ever forum for candidates in
                                                              Step right up and run for one of the open spots
Kern County’s second district supervisorial race
                                                          on the Kern Kaweah Chapter EX-COM. The election
from 7 to 9 PM on December 4, 2001 at the Beale
                                                          proper, done by mail, will be in January. Meetings
Library, 701 Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield. This forum is
                                                          are held approximately once a month, usually on a
a major undertaking of the Club and we need your
                                                          Saturday afternoon. Call Georgette Theotig 661.
help—and your attendance—in making it a success.
                                                          822.4371 for more details as to what is involved after
    All five candidates in the race have agreed to
                                                          you say you want to take part.
participate: Mary Beth Garrison, Bernita Jenkins, Don
                                                              It is easy to say that one doesn’t have enough
Maben, Gary Sperling, and Linda White.
                                                          experience, not enough time, can’t do it! But then
    As Club activists know, county supervisors have a
                                                          you will never know what you are missing—great
profound effect on the environment. They not only
                                                          discussions, great learning opportunities, and great
set policy, but they also set the tone of public dis-
                                                          camaraderie are just some of the benefits, and every
course. Current Kern County supervisors, for exam-
                                                          once in a while you can rightfully indulge yourself
ple, openly attacked formation of the new Sequoia
                                                          in the feeling that you are truly doing something for
National Monument and Carrizo Plain National
                                                          the natural world that you love and appreciate.
Monument and encouraged others to do so.
                                                               If running for the Chapter Ex-com sounds like a
    It's already apparent we’ve got our work cut out
                                                          bit too much to begin with, talk with your local Ex-
for us in educating the candidates. One stated pub-
                                                          com and offer your services there. There is a 99.9
licly that he’s “concerned about public access to
                                                          percent chance you will be welcomed with open
public lands” and that “there was a tendency to
                                                          arms. Call the number at the head of your group
close these lands to the public.” And when asked
                                                          listing, p. 6, and find out how you can serve locally if
about urban sprawl he replied, “Urban sprawl? We
                                                          not in a chapter-wide position.
don’t have it here."”(That was probably news to the
                                                              Give yourself the gift of new experiences .
Bakersfield audience.) Another candidate replied to
the same question with “I am for private property                    Yes, YOU ARE NEEDED!
rights” as though sprawl was enshrined in the con-
stitution and clean air is not.                           Gifts to Buy? Sierra Club Calendars
    The event is open to the public, so bring your        How to Shop? Call Georgette, Stephanie!
friends and neighbors—and your questions. Mod-
                                                             Order those beautiful Sierra Club productions
erator Harry Love will ask some questions on behalf
                                                          today: the traditional, always terrific Wilderness
of the Club, but he will also be taking written
                                                          Calendar to hang on your wall that features a new,
questions from the audience.
                                                          large-size photo every month and the Engagement
    Some of the topics we hope to discuss are urban
                                                          Calendar, spiral bound book format to put by your
sprawl in Bakersfield (yes, Virginia, there’s sprawl in
                                                          telephone with a different picture each week. Just $10
Kern County), air quality in the southern San Joa-
                                                          each, and they can be delivered to your door via the
quin Valley, preservation of agricultural land, pro-
                                                          postman. Call Stephanie Ruosso (Bakersfield area)
tection and management of our national monuments,
                                                          661.393.8286 or Georgette Theotig (rest of the
improper use of off-road vehicles, environmental
                                                          Chapter) 661.822.4371 to put in your order now.
justice for all, protection of the Kern River Wildland
                                                          Quantities are limited and that’s no joke! You don't
corridor, energy development within the county,
                                                          want to be disappointed. Remember too—profits go
amelioration of impacts from wind energy projects in
                                                          to support Chapter conservation efforts!
Tehachapi, and concentrated animal feeding oper-
ations (aka milk factories).
    For updates, contact Paul Gipe at 661.822.9150          SEE YOU AT THE CANDIDATES FOR 2ND
or visit                      SUPERVISORAL DIST. FORUM,
                                                                      DECEMBER 8TH!
2                                                                                           THE ROADRUNNER

 Threat of Chapter-supported Lawsuit                          VICTORY: Giant Sequoia National
Requires Air Pollution Control Board to                         Monument Lawsuit Dismissed.
  take Positive Actions for Clean Air.                     Carla Cloer's response to the news that the Giant Sequoia
                                                           Naiional Monument Lawsuit was dismissed follows below:
    This past July, Earthjustice threatened the Air
Pollution Control Board with a lawsuit on behalf of            As you may remember, the County of Tulare, the
our Chapter, two other Sierra Club Chapters, the           timber industry and a couple of individuals filed a
Fresno Medical Alliance for Healthy Air, Latino            lawsuit against the Administration in an attempt to
Issues Forum, and the Center on Race, Poverty and          undo the new Clinton-designated Giant Sequoia
the Environment. The suit would have asked the San         National Monument.
Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District          After G. W. Bush won the election, several
to adopt and enforce six ozone pollution control           environmental organizations including the Sierra
measures it had promised to enact by 1998. These           Club, NRDC, Tule River Conservancy, the Wilderness
are rules regulating architectural coatings, organic       Society, and the State of California filed with the
liquid storage, organic solvent disposal, commercial       court to become Intervenors so that they could argue
charbroiling and replacement of two other rules with       in support of the Monument. We knew that the issues
newer, more effective pollution-control measures           raised in the lawsuit were frivolous, but we couldn’t
within six months. The Air District, in the settlement,    be sure that the Bush administration would strongly
has now agreed to do this under court supervision.         defend the suit.
    Kevin Hall, with the Fresno Chapter of the Sierra          The judge did not act for several months: Finally
Club, noted, “This is a positive move by the Air           some news to report, and it’s GOOD! On Friday,
District. But we will continue to monitor them             September 28, 2001, Judge Urbina granted the
carefully to ensure their continued compliance with        government’s motion to dismiss in its entirety Tulare
federal law.”                                              County et al.’s lawsuit challenging the Giant Sequoia
    “This is a victory for everyone who breathes in        National Monument.
the San Joaquin Valley and the Sierra Nevada Moun-             Essentially, the judge strongly reaffirmed the
tains,” said Bruce Nilles, an attorney with Earth-         validity of the Antiquities Act against the plaintiffs’
justice. “We are pleased with this outcome because it      claim that it is an unconstitutional delegation of
will eliminate more than 6 tons per day of pollu-          authority to the president; reaffirmed in general the
tion.” Nilles cautioned,“But, this is just the be-         authority of the president to establish national mon-
ginning. The District must reduce ozone pollution by       uments under the Antiquities Act, and in particular
300 tons per day over the next four years to meet the      President Clinton’s exercise of that authority in this
federal ozone standard.” Do you need further               case; ruled that establishment of the Monument
confirmation that this threatened suit was necessary?      violated neither the National Forest Management Act,
    Breathing is more dangerous in Bakersfield,            the National Environmental Policy Act, nor the
Fresno, and the Visalia-Tulare-Porterville area than in    Administrative Procedure Act; and held that estab-
any other place in the nation except Los Angeles.          lishment of the Monument did not violate any
    "It continues to be hazardous to your health," said    supposed pre-existing rights the plaintiffs may have
Dr. David Pepper of the Medical Alliance for Heal-         had within the Monument, including rights they
thy Air. "Each year, we see more children and elderly      claimed under the 1990 Mediated Settlement Agree-
people in the emergency room because of air                ment. Because the lawsuit was dismissed, our motions
pollution. It’s a sad situation that can be addressed      to intervene were moot. In any event, for now the
with a little political backbone. Today, the Air           Monument is safe, at least from the legal challenge,
District is taking an important first step in the right    and we should all declare victory.
direction.”                                                    A big thank you to our attorneys at Earthjustice!
    We are most grateful to Bruce Nilles, the attorney         As for the ongoing USFS planning process for the
with Earthjustice, who represented the coalition,          new Monument Plan, we continue to have many
skillfully handling the legal activities and to you, our   many concerns that the process is not leading to
Chapter members for your financial support of the          something that will follow the intent and purpose of
Sierra Club and the Kern Kaweah Chapter. This has          the Proclamation that created the Monument. Many
helped to bring about this obviously much needed           of us, including local volunteers and Sierra Club
action that is a giant step forward toward attaining       staff, are working hard to get this plan on the right
clean air in the communities that we call home.            track and/or to lay the groundwork for a legal
     There is still more to be done. If you want more      challenge should the USFS not be up to the chal-
information and/or want to help, call 661.323.5569         lenge of managing this irreplaceable natural wonder.
to find out what you can do.                                   We hope that it will not be necessary to head to
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                                   3

court in future years to save the Sequoias once again!     National Forest and the Giant Sequoia National
But, that is what we will do if it is required!            Monument through monitoring, enforcement, edu-
Carla Cloer, Sequoia Task Force Chair/Sierra Club          cation, and litigation.
                                                               The Sequoia ForestKeeper will serve as the eyes,
   Sequoia ForestKeeper: Organization’s                    ears, and voice for the forest. The plan for action
     First Meeting is Grand Success.                       includes: (a) to effectively participate in the planning
    About six members of the Kern Kaweah Chapter           of our national monument in order to create a
were among the fifty or so who attended the launch         management plan that truly protects the Sequoias,
of the new Sequoia ForestKeeper organization at            preventing logging under the guise of forest health,
noon on 20 September 2001 in front of the same             fuels reduction and resource management from
ginat sequoia tree where President Clinton signed the      destroying the ecosystem as a whole, (b) to educate
Giant Sequoia National Monument Proclamation.              the public as to the wonders of this great forest and
Representatives of the California environmental            to the potential threats to its well being, and (c) to
foundation, Environment Now, the Monache Inter-            monitor the health of the forests’ many ecosystems
tribal Association, John Muir Project and Range-           so that future generations can share in the wonder of
Watch made preliminary statements. Following Ara           this magnificent forest.
Marderosian’s keynote message (see excerpts below)             Quote from a fitting observation made by the poet
a nicely catered lunch and a stroll among the giants       William Blake: “The tree which moves some to tears
ended the celebration for most, with some taking a         of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that
further tour with Martin Litton to view the des-           stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and
truction in the forest caused by the Forest Service        deformity—and some scarce see nature at all. But to
logging.                                                   the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagi-
    Following are excerpts from Marderosian’s              nation itself."
speech:                                                        Marderosian urged each individual “to make a
    It is due to the perceptive awareness of the need      promise to yourself that you can make a difference
for a focused organization and the support of the          and you can help to preserve this magnificent
directors and staff of the California environmental        ecosystem. Be accountable, tell a friend, and be part
foundation, Environment Now, that we are here today        of the solution.”
to launch the Sequoia ForestKeeper.                        For further information with details on how to
    Sequoiadendron giganteum. John Muir called             become a member, contact 760.376-4434 or 866.
Sequoias “nature's masterpiece,” “the greatest living      533.7873. Web site is www.sequoia
thing,” and a “king tree.”                                       News from the legislative front.
    Sequoia trees are the world's largest living things.
These majestic trees have reached ages of 3,200                      Mainly +++! Hooray!
years, diameters of 38 feet, and individual weights of        You have seen the articles on Sequoia Monument
600 tons. To put it in perspective, some Sequoia trees     and air pollution. No more need be said.
have been in existence since 1000 BC, a time that             State news: Signed: authorization for a state-wide
predates Plato, Confucius, and Buddha to name a            vote in March on a 2.6-million dollar bond issue for
few. The Sequoia, a relative of the Coast redwood,         parks: purchase of land, renovation, etc.
grows in natural groves only in California. Sequoia           Signed: Bills coordinating local water supply and
National Forest and the Giant Sequoia National             land use decisions to help provide California’s cities,
Monument contain more than half of the world’s             farms and rural communities with adequate and
Sequoia groves.                                            assured water supplies.
    As well as being a sanctuary to these giants, the         Signed: Bill that gives local governments the op-
Sequoia National Forest is a complex and abundant          portunity to deny build-out of antiquated subdi-
forest ecosystem that is home to hundreds of plant         visions in places where development should not
and animal species, including the California Spotted       occur and should end the practice of artificially
Owl and Pacific Fisher. In spite of its stature, how-      inflating land values for the purpose of extorting
ever, the Sequoia ecosystem is threatened.                 exorbitant sums of money out of land trusts and
    Logging continues to occur in the Sequoia              public agencies that wish to acquire the land affected
National Forest and in the Giant Sequoia National          (Hearst Lands plus several others!).
Monument, and logging loopholes exist in the Giant            Yet to Come: Support for the Roadless Area Con-
Sequoia National Monument Proclamation.                    servation Rule, the law that will prevent road
    The Sequoia ForestKeeper has been created to           development in our national forests. In just 60 days,
ensure that this ecosystem will endure and evolve          850,000 comments! Took a year to gather the last
through future windows of time. Its mission is to          1.5 million comments, response is amazing but does
protect and restore the ecosystems of Sequoia              not mean success! When this and drilling in ANWR
4                                                                                         THE ROADRUNNER

comes up again, YOUR VOICES WILL BE VITAL.                Unger, SC speaker, was the only person opposed to
    Sept. Joint RCC Meeting Report. Next                  the Kern River Freeway; many other individuals and
                                                          groups spoke against putting the freeway near their
    meeting: Southern Section. Sunday, Jan 6th.           property.
              LA Sierra Club Office.                         Unger pointed out that instead of a freeway, we
              All members welcome!                        could use a small fraction of 1,500 million dollars
    Twice a year delegates from the California Chap-      to subsidize frequent bus service. He also said that
ters meet in San Luis Obispo to discuss the current       the freeway was opposed because it will bring air
environmental issues facing the state. Many of the        pollution and noise to those who recreate by the
topics discussed are often the same at each meeting       river and facilitate suburban sprawl onto farmland.
but have reached different stages of necessary action.       Unger thinks the Kern River Freeway can still be
    On the weekend of September 18–19, the RCC            stopped by preventing its funding. Kern is the most
(Regional Conservation Committee) from both               populous county in CA that does not have a sales tax
northern and southern parts of the state met. A grass     dedicated to building roads; so, the state will have to
roots organization spoke on behalf of an initiative       pay for the Kern River Freeway. Since the plan is to
they plan to place on the ballot regarding old-growth     exclude trucks from the Kern River Freeway, the state
trees. It would prevent the removal of a commercial       might not want to pay for it. On August 20,
grade tree that was older than 150 years. They were       Governor Davis said California will not build any
seeking Sierra Club approval. A topic of concern to       more freeways.
the Central Valley, that of urban sprawl into agri-          Please write to Davis, thank him for his courage
cultural lands, may be addressed through a proposed       and foresight in making this proclamation (Address
initiative for the Nov, 2002 ballot that would require    on p. 8) and express your wishes for not supporting
towns to establish urban growth boundaries that           the proposed freeway.
would contain growth and encourage in-fill devel-            Over one hundred flyers to homes and businesses
opment. Another legislative bill, now law, should         at the eastern end of the freeway have been dis-
help to control growth by stating that water supply       ributed. Call 661.323.5569 if you can help with this
must be assured prior to development.                     effort and/or desire more information.
    On coastal issues a proposed national seashore for
the Gaviota-Santa Barbara area was discussed along                   Letter to the editor
with the concern that the governor is seeking to                 Save the Arctic Wildlife Refuge
weaken the power of the Coastal Commission.                   After the terrorist attacks on New York, now, more
    The long-term issues of additions to Wilderness       than ever, we need to realize that oil dependence is
land, the Yosemite National Park plan to reduce           what makes this country vulnerable to outside at-
human impact, and the continued threat to the Arctic      tacks. Far from encouraging more oil drilling in
National Wildlife Refuge rounded out the discussion       places like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, to
issues.                                                   defend our national security we need a huge pro-
    The amount of time, knowledge, and fortitude that     gram to encourage sustainable energy production
both our member volunteers and Club staff dedicate        and a move to solar, wind, and much greater energy
to these issues attest to our degree of success in the    conservation.
past. It also indicates the degree of vigilance we must       As someone who wants America to be able to
maintain to keep our victories coming. The final          retain its freedom, civil liberties, and environment
lesson learned is that your letter writing, e-mail        rather than giving them up like the Terrorists want us
messages, and presence at meetings is the only way        to, I am urging our United States Senators to oppose
we can win.                              Harry Love       opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil
              Kern River Freeway                          drilling. I hope you will agree, and write our two
             still needs your help.                       California Senators to ask them to oppose oil drilling
                                                          in the Arctic.     Harold Wood
   A joint meeting of the Bakersfield City Council
and the Kern County Board of Supervisors, on July         Around the Chapter
23, unanimously choose Alternative 15 of the Ba-          * Buena Vista Group Meeting in Patriots Park in
kersfield Systems Study. Alternative 15 consists of       September provided a nice opportunity for club
the Kern River Freeway plus an extension of the           members to “be normal” after the Sept 11th occur-
freeway through town to state routes 178 and 58           rence. Delicious potluck contributions provided a
plus a north beltway that will be built several years     great meal with an “ice cream social” at the end
after the Kern River Freeway. Alternative 15 paves        with, incidentally, enough ice cream to share with the
350 homes and 520 businesses; it costs $1.5 billion,      neighborhood kids playing in the park.
if eight lanes wide and no cost overruns. Arthur             The Buena Vista group is very sorry to have
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                               5

received the resignation of Leah Hagemeier, its chair.    Nov.19 (mon) Owens Peak Gp. Program to be
Leah is now located permanently in Los Angeles.           determined. Maturango Museum, 100 E. Las Flores;
Glenn Shellcross, the vice-chair, is filling in and has   7:30 PM . Call Dennis for more info. 760.375.7967.
expressed hope that volunteers for this job and other     Nov. 20th (tues) The Kangaroo Rat. Speaker:
positions on the group’s ex-com will step forth. Call     Ellen Cypher. Buena Vista Group. Beale Library.
661.832.3382 if you want to submit your name or           Bksf. 7 PM.
recommend someone to be contacted.                        Nov 24th (sat) Pacific Crest Trail Section
* Great Job, Paul. Paul Gipe, Chapter Chair, has          Liebre Mt. Strenuous. Beautiful views over
been most generous with his expertise and time in         Antelope Valley. PMC tennis courts, 8 AM. Flying J,
putting on Energy Seminars all over the Chapter’s         8:30 PM. Call Ches, 661.242.0423 for more details.
geographical domain—Visalia, Pine Mountain Club,          Nov 27th (tues) Birding at Carrizo Plain. Meet 8
Bakersfield, and still more to come. We are very          AM for full day trip, 1 PM for half day trip. PMC
fortunate to have a person with his background and        tennis courts. 2000 to 6000 sand hill cranes, hawks,
willingness to share in our Chapter. Thanks, Paul.        etc. congregate in the late afternoon. Bring snack
*Great Job, Elizabeth Saba & Ann Williams who             and plan for late return. Details? 661. 242.2137.
recognized that a friend, the Kern River, needed help     Dec. 1 (sat) Mineral King Group Outing to
as it wandered thru Bakersfield proper. These two         Marble Falls, Sequoia National Park. For info call
were the spearheads who have led to a group called        Theresa Stump 559.731.0594 or Harold Wood at
Rivercare. Rivercare is dedicated to cleaning up the      559.739.8527.
river’s banks from the incredible amount of trash         Dec. 1st (sat) Condor Group Holiday Party. 6
that is left along its course. You can read more about    PM. PMC, Pool Pavilion Room. Bring potluck item
it in the on-line version of Midgebuzzings and there      to share, white elephant for gift exchange.
will be more of an update in the next issue of the        Dec 4th (tues) 2nd Supervisorial District
Roadrunner. So now, more power to you, Elizabeth          Candidates’ Forum. Beale Library, Bksf. œ7PM.
and Ann, and your fellow members of Rivercare.            (Details p. 1)
                                                          Dec. 8th (sat) Chapter’s Christmas Party. 6 PM .
                                                          All Kern-Kaweah Chapter members are invited to
     WINTER WANDERINGS                                    celebrate at the home of Gordon and Eva Nipp in
                                                          Bakersfield. Please bring your special potluck dish.
                                                          For directions call 661.872.2432.
Nov. 1st (thur) Kern River Specific Trails Plan.          Dec. 9th (sun) Mineral King Group's Annual
Public meeting. 6 PM. Kern Co. Public Services            Holiday Party, at Harold and Janet Wood’s house,
Bldg, 2700 M St, Bksfld. Hiker advocates are needed.      Visalia, 4 PM . All Sierra Club members welcome, Call
Nov. 3rd (sat) 9 AM Unrecognized Tribes of                to R.S.V.P. 559.739.8527.
California Rally. All day walk through Bakersfield        Dec 14th (fri) 6 PM. Mineral King Group Social
to Elk Hills. Transfer of Elk Hills oil fields from       Gathering at Borders Books Coffee House, Visalia.
Federal control to Occidental Oil Company, threatens      Dec. 15th ( sat) Timosea Peak (8664ft), west of
their heritage . Details? Call 661.637.1851. Nov. 8th     Owens Lake. Good winter workout with great view of
(thur) Public Meeting on Proposed Forest                  Cottonwood Creek and Owens Valley. Meet at the
Management Plan for Four Southern                         Ridgecrest Cinemas at 7:00 AM. Call Dennis at
California Forests (includes Los Padres). Frazier         760.375.7967.
Park Community Center. 6 to 9 PM. Your voice
needs to be heard.                                                    Looking Ahead to 2002
Nov. 9th. (fri) Mineral King Group Social                 Feb 1-3 (fri-sun) Cross Counry Ski Tour in
Gathering at Brewbaker’s Brew Pub, Visalia. 6 PM.         Sequoia National Monument. Feb 16-18 (sat-mon)
Nov.10 (sat) Excursion to Aquarium of the                 Cross Country Ski Backpack to Trail of the
Pacific. Long Beach. Call Gita, 661.242.8258 for          Giants, Sequoia National Monument. Limit 8. These
more deta ils.                                            two trips will be led by Gary and Paulette Landers,
Nov. 17th (sat) Pinto Peak (7508ft), near Towne           Call now for details: reservations 714.529.8154
Pass. We will probably start from Emigrant Pass, Interested in attending ex-com meetings of your
using the abandoned jeep track. Meet at the CalTrans group? of your Chapter? Call relevant telephone
Park and Ride Lot, E. Ridgecrest Blvd, at 7:30 AM. number listed in the Chapter Roster, p. 6.
Call Dennis at (760)375-7967.
6                                                                                         THE ROADRUNNER

    For many years I’ve subscribed to National Public     want another place to look for beauty and poetry
Radio, where I have found comprehensive coverage          besides your own perceptive imaginations, you will
of the news at a very early hour. It was NPR that first   find it in this column, insofar as I am able to discover
alerted me to the terrorist attack on the World Trade     and share exquisite things with you.
Towers in New York City and provided me with the              I hope that I have not lost entirely the sense of
best information during those first awful days. I tune    wonder I enjoyed for so many years as a writer.
in every morning while I do the daily chores of mak-      Dulling occurs with degradation of the environment
ing coffee and getting breakfast.                         as we have seen it in the nearly thirty years that I
    Yesterday morning, however, I found that I            have been writing this column. In my case it is
couldn’t listen any more. Someone was discussing          attributable partly to advanced age and the wearing
terror as the current mode of warfare, and I re-          down of faculties and senses. But part of it, also, is
member his saying: “We have to be ready for many          owing to constant inundation with bad news. We
more horrifying surprises.” That’s not news to many       cannot tune out current events, because we know that
of us. We have been expecting an attack like the one      social morality includes the obligation to be in-
in New York for some time, and have said as much to       formed, and because in knowledge there is some
each other. Part of the reason for that sense of          security. But right now we are all oversensitive to
imminent peril has been regular attention to the best     horrors, both in the environment and in society. You
news sources, and reading about the wretched              don’t need to hear any more about them from me.
conditions in which the majority of the people in the     What many of you may need now is to look with me
world are living. In other words, to be informed          at what the clearest light reveals to us about the
means to know that we are in danger. Even so, we          magnificence of being alive and loving the earth
can’t think about it constantly.                              For starters I am leaving in a couple of days for a
    For the last couple of years or so I have used the    full week in Zion and Bryce National Parks. In the
privilege of this column mainly to address environ-       next Roadrunner I will share with you my im-
mental issues and problems: the awful quality of our      pressions of the beauties of those places, and after
air; poisons in ocean waters; threats to forest lands,    that, from now on, I will be looking for beauty
overdevelopment of farm lands and so on. But              anywhere I can find it. If this endeavor does not
thanks to that moment yesterday, I am throwing            enhance your lives, at least it may help to sharpen my
down, if not a gauntlet, then a silken glove, in          own vision again.               Ann Williams
resolution. I have decided that if you, my readers,

                                  Kern Kaweah Chapter Roster, 2001
Executive Committee Paul Gipe, Chair 661.324. 1923. Buena Vista Grp G.Shellcross, 661.589.0595
Condor Grp. Ches Arthur, Chair 661.242.0423 (Pine   Mtn. Club);
Kaweah Grp Theresa Stump, Chair 559.781.0594 (Porterville);
Mineral King Grp Harold Wood, Chair 559.739.8527    (Visalia)
Owens Peak Grp Dennis Burge, Chair 760.375.7967 (Ridgecrest)


                                    MANY THANKS
to all of you who have submitted information, articles, letters to the editor and helped with the mailing. That
really makes the Roadrunner your newsletter! Keep it coming in 2002!

                                       Holiday Wishes
                             Patience, Perseverance                  and   Hope
to all our members, readers, families, and friends—and don't forget the President’s admonition to try to get
                     back to some normalcy in our personal lives. Enjoy happy days—
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                                  7

                 Sierra Club President addresses Sierra Club Membership
                       Excerpts from letter written by Jennifer Ferenstein, Pres. of Sierra Club
Dear Sierra Club Family,
   “As individuals and as an organization, we share in an awareness of the pain and suffering that directly
touches many, and indirectly touches all.”
   September 11th is being called “the day that changed the world.” Even if much is different today, the
core values that define us as Americans—tolerance, generosity, freedom and love of country—have not
changed. Nor has the mission of the Sierra Club changed. Now is the time for these values to emerge stronger
than ever ... to ensure that appreciation ...f or our living planet endures.
   As our nation ... plans for the future, environmental issues will continue to arise. The Sierra Club will
engage in these discussions; we believe that protecting our air, land and water is a critical part of protecting
our homeland. As policy-makers take up the nation’s environmental agenda, we will continue to be vigorous,
forceful and effective advocates for environmental protection.
   We will conduct our advocacy in a fashion and tone that helps Americans unite around our common
environmental values. We can, and will, disagree without being disagreeable, but our public lands, waters, air
and wildlife must not be sacrificed by those who would choose to exploit the recent tragedies for short-term
   Preserving and protecting the quality of our natural and human environments have been the Sierra Club's
mission for 110 years. Today we re-affirm our commitment to this mission. Now, more than ever, we are
dedicated to the defense of “America the Beautiful”—our communities, our forests, wetlands and wilderness
—and to the values infusing our international work and human rights campaigns. As we redouble our
commitment, I ask you to share our resolve and to join us in our vigilance as we stand watch to protect the
environment for our families, for our future. Sincerely, Jennifer Ferenstein

             UNEXPECTED ENCOUNTER                          special from Jack Solomon, Condor Group
    It was a good thing I hadn't yet read that article on mountain lions in Discover Magazine when I decided
to take a brief overnight jaunt to Sawmill last August, because if I had, I would have been thoroughly alarmed
when a lioness and her cub practically stumbled over me at sunrise. As it was, I was thoroughly enchanted,
blissfully unaware of the new data suggesting that mountain lions appear to be changing in their behavior
towards us, in one case or two seeming to regard us as a good source of protein.
    From the mountains nearby where I visit there is a dazzling site for an overnight stay, tentless beneath the
stars, with the southern San Joaquin Valley sparkling out to Bakersfield It is also a very difficult place to find
a level open space for a sleeping bag. This I finally found, with room for just one, and passed a pleasant night
under the stars, only to be greeted at dawn by a sight even more impressive than petroglyphs or even
condors: my mountain lion and cub.
    These things just happen, you know. One minute I was munching a breakfast bar and talking to Sonia (my
wife) on a walkie talkie, and the next, I found myself staring at the gorgeous golden head of a mountain lion,
who was watching me intently from a distance of about fifty yards. As I reported the exciting news to Sonia, a
spotted cub, speckled like a fawn, suddenly bounded out of the rabbit brush about thirty yards from me, back
towards mom. I suppose that if it had decided for an even closer look at me I wouldn't be telling you this
story now, but the tale has a happy ending. Mom and kitten gave me one last look and majestically (this is the
only word) vanished into the brush. A few minutes later, a deer completed the tableau by bounding away to
the east (exactly the opposite direction from the lions), and, with my bottle of water running out, it was time
for me to return home.
    And as I now think of it, maybe I should contact Discover Magazine and tell them that their tales of
mountain-lion-devoured joggers just might be a bit too alarmist. Well, one can't be certain, of course, but I
am certain that the mountain lions belong just where they are, and it is up to us visitors to their realm to be
careful when we tread there. Who knows, in another lifetime or so I may be lucky enough to see the same
sight again.
8                                                                                                             THE ROADRUNNER

                                                                                 NEWS FROM THE LEGISLATIVE
     THE ROADRUNNER                                                              FRONT. HOORAY! MAINLY +++!
            November, December, 2001
                                                                              You have seen the article on Sequoia Monument! No
                    You can find it on the web                                more need be said.                                              State news: Bill signed authorizing a state-wide vote
   Activities, alerts, and special features six additional
 numbers of Ann William’s Midgebuzzings, Write Ann                            in March on a 2.6 million dollar bond issue for
 Williams, 3112 LINDEN AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA, 93560. if                        parks: purchase of land, renovation, etc.
   you need copy.Web questions?
                                                                              Signed: Bills coordinating local water supply and
         General Publication Information                                      land use decisions to help provide California's cities,
       Deadline: Dec 5th for Jan. Feb issue                                   farms and rural communities with adequate water
Address: or M. Lockhart, Editor,                             supplies.
Roadrunner, PO GG, Frazier Park, CA 93222
   Submit an article? 650 words max., shorter is better.                      Signed: Bill that gives local governments the
         Submission after deadline? we will try to get it in.                 opportunity to deny build-out of antiquated
  ****Want to sign up to receive ACTION ALERTS?****                           subdivisions in places where development should not
Send to WE NEED MORE OF YOU!                                 occur and should end the practice of artificially
      Not a member of Sierra Club and/or Kern Kaweah                          inflating land values for the purpose of extorting
          Chapter? Want this newsletter? Send $5 to                           exorbitant sums of money out of land trusts and
     L. Unger, 2815 La Cresta Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93305                       public agencies that wish to acquire it (Hearst Lands
                                                                              plus several others!)
         handy list for calls, writing letters!
                                                                              Support for the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, the
          FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NUMBERS:                                         law that will prevent road development in our
White House Comment Line: 202.456.1111 or 800.374.6702                        national forests. In just 60 days, 850,000 comments!
e-mail : |White House Address:1600                   Took a year to gather the last 1.5 million comments,
Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20500
                                                                              response is amazing
Senators Barbara Boxer, 312 N Spring St. Suite 1748, LA
90012. TP:213.894.5000 and Diane Feinstein, 11111 Santa                       BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN SUCCESS! WHEN
Monica Blvd., Suite 915, LA 90025 . TP:310.914.7300                           THIS AND DRILL IN ARCTIC WILDLIFE
Call US Capitol Switchboard - 202.224.3121 ask by name                        REFUGE COMES US AGAIN, YOUR VOICE WILL
                                                                              BE VITAL. WATCH FOR ALERTS!
Dir. Gale Norton, c/o Tom Fulton, , U.S. Department of the
Interior, 1849 C Street, NW,Washington,DC 20240                               Organic Milk Available
Dir.Ann Venneman. U.S. Dept of Ag, 14th & Independence                              Milk Certified by California law to be organic
    Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 20250.                                             can be found in two big Bakersfield stores that I
                                                                                 know of. The milk is produced by small family
                 CALIFORNIA NUMBERS:                                             farms in California without the use of hormones,
Gov. Davis: 1-916-445-2841                                                       antibiotics or
Calif. Legislative Switchboard (receptionist will help you
contact your Senator and/or Assembly member if you are unsure):               pesticides. Many of the cows are raised in pastures,
 916-322-9900                                                                 not barns. It is available with and without fat. If you
                                                                              are willing to pay substantially more for what I
                                                                              consider an environmentally superior product, and
Yes, I want to join the Sierra Club. Check enclosed.                          can not find this in your store, please contact me.
Name.......................................................................      Arthur Unger 323 5569
City.....................................State.............. Zip.........
Check one:                                                                    Quote of the Day: "In my view, we need to know
Introductory $25........                                                      that vast natural areas such as the Arctic Refuge exist
Regular $39....... Joint $47.........                                         as we cope with the events of the past month. Nature
 Any of the following $24:                                                    reminds us of the eternal rhythms of life of which we
Senior..... Student....... Limited Income...                                  are a part and which will endure over time. Ensuring
F94QW 0600-1 Send to Sierra Club,                          POBox              an enduring refuge in the Arctic, no matter how
52968, Boulder, CO, 80322.                                                    uncertain other parts of our life may seem right now,
 .                                                                            provides us solace and perspective in these trying
THE ROADRUNNER                                         9

times. This crisis has reawakened us to the
importance of protecting our values, and I believe
that the Arctic wilderness has a place on that list.
          "Sen Joe Lieberman (DConn). October 2nd

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September-October 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
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Kern-Kaweah Chapter, Sierrra Club
January-February 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
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January-February 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
Kern-Kaweah Chapter, Sierrra Club
November-December 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
November-December 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra ClubNovember-December 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
November-December 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
Kern-Kaweah Chapter, Sierrra Club
July-August 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
July-August 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra ClubJuly-August 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
July-August 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
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November-December 2001 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club

  • 1. The Roadrunner Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — Nov./Dec. 2001 Sierra Club Candidates' Forum Kern 2nd Dist. Supervisorial Race Chapter Executive Committee needs Bakersfield's Beale Library, 7 PM, Tues, Dec. 4th. volunteers to raise their hands and sayI The Chapter and the newly-formed Buena Vista would like to help! Group will host our first-ever forum for candidates in Step right up and run for one of the open spots Kern County’s second district supervisorial race on the Kern Kaweah Chapter EX-COM. The election from 7 to 9 PM on December 4, 2001 at the Beale proper, done by mail, will be in January. Meetings Library, 701 Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield. This forum is are held approximately once a month, usually on a a major undertaking of the Club and we need your Saturday afternoon. Call Georgette Theotig 661. help—and your attendance—in making it a success. 822.4371 for more details as to what is involved after All five candidates in the race have agreed to you say you want to take part. participate: Mary Beth Garrison, Bernita Jenkins, Don It is easy to say that one doesn’t have enough Maben, Gary Sperling, and Linda White. experience, not enough time, can’t do it! But then As Club activists know, county supervisors have a you will never know what you are missing—great profound effect on the environment. They not only discussions, great learning opportunities, and great set policy, but they also set the tone of public dis- camaraderie are just some of the benefits, and every course. Current Kern County supervisors, for exam- once in a while you can rightfully indulge yourself ple, openly attacked formation of the new Sequoia in the feeling that you are truly doing something for National Monument and Carrizo Plain National the natural world that you love and appreciate. Monument and encouraged others to do so. If running for the Chapter Ex-com sounds like a It's already apparent we’ve got our work cut out bit too much to begin with, talk with your local Ex- for us in educating the candidates. One stated pub- com and offer your services there. There is a 99.9 licly that he’s “concerned about public access to percent chance you will be welcomed with open public lands” and that “there was a tendency to arms. Call the number at the head of your group close these lands to the public.” And when asked listing, p. 6, and find out how you can serve locally if about urban sprawl he replied, “Urban sprawl? We not in a chapter-wide position. don’t have it here."”(That was probably news to the Give yourself the gift of new experiences . Bakersfield audience.) Another candidate replied to the same question with “I am for private property Yes, YOU ARE NEEDED! rights” as though sprawl was enshrined in the con- stitution and clean air is not. Gifts to Buy? Sierra Club Calendars The event is open to the public, so bring your How to Shop? Call Georgette, Stephanie! friends and neighbors—and your questions. Mod- Order those beautiful Sierra Club productions erator Harry Love will ask some questions on behalf today: the traditional, always terrific Wilderness of the Club, but he will also be taking written Calendar to hang on your wall that features a new, questions from the audience. large-size photo every month and the Engagement Some of the topics we hope to discuss are urban Calendar, spiral bound book format to put by your sprawl in Bakersfield (yes, Virginia, there’s sprawl in telephone with a different picture each week. Just $10 Kern County), air quality in the southern San Joa- each, and they can be delivered to your door via the quin Valley, preservation of agricultural land, pro- postman. Call Stephanie Ruosso (Bakersfield area) tection and management of our national monuments, 661.393.8286 or Georgette Theotig (rest of the improper use of off-road vehicles, environmental Chapter) 661.822.4371 to put in your order now. justice for all, protection of the Kern River Wildland Quantities are limited and that’s no joke! You don't corridor, energy development within the county, want to be disappointed. Remember too—profits go amelioration of impacts from wind energy projects in to support Chapter conservation efforts! Tehachapi, and concentrated animal feeding oper- ations (aka milk factories). For updates, contact Paul Gipe at 661.822.9150 SEE YOU AT THE CANDIDATES FOR 2ND or visit SUPERVISORAL DIST. FORUM, DECEMBER 8TH!
  • 2. 2 THE ROADRUNNER #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# Threat of Chapter-supported Lawsuit VICTORY: Giant Sequoia National Requires Air Pollution Control Board to Monument Lawsuit Dismissed. take Positive Actions for Clean Air. Carla Cloer's response to the news that the Giant Sequoia Naiional Monument Lawsuit was dismissed follows below: This past July, Earthjustice threatened the Air Pollution Control Board with a lawsuit on behalf of As you may remember, the County of Tulare, the our Chapter, two other Sierra Club Chapters, the timber industry and a couple of individuals filed a Fresno Medical Alliance for Healthy Air, Latino lawsuit against the Administration in an attempt to Issues Forum, and the Center on Race, Poverty and undo the new Clinton-designated Giant Sequoia the Environment. The suit would have asked the San National Monument. Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District After G. W. Bush won the election, several to adopt and enforce six ozone pollution control environmental organizations including the Sierra measures it had promised to enact by 1998. These Club, NRDC, Tule River Conservancy, the Wilderness are rules regulating architectural coatings, organic Society, and the State of California filed with the liquid storage, organic solvent disposal, commercial court to become Intervenors so that they could argue charbroiling and replacement of two other rules with in support of the Monument. We knew that the issues newer, more effective pollution-control measures raised in the lawsuit were frivolous, but we couldn’t within six months. The Air District, in the settlement, be sure that the Bush administration would strongly has now agreed to do this under court supervision. defend the suit. Kevin Hall, with the Fresno Chapter of the Sierra The judge did not act for several months: Finally Club, noted, “This is a positive move by the Air some news to report, and it’s GOOD! On Friday, District. But we will continue to monitor them September 28, 2001, Judge Urbina granted the carefully to ensure their continued compliance with government’s motion to dismiss in its entirety Tulare federal law.” County et al.’s lawsuit challenging the Giant Sequoia “This is a victory for everyone who breathes in National Monument. the San Joaquin Valley and the Sierra Nevada Moun- Essentially, the judge strongly reaffirmed the tains,” said Bruce Nilles, an attorney with Earth- validity of the Antiquities Act against the plaintiffs’ justice. “We are pleased with this outcome because it claim that it is an unconstitutional delegation of will eliminate more than 6 tons per day of pollu- authority to the president; reaffirmed in general the tion.” Nilles cautioned,“But, this is just the be- authority of the president to establish national mon- ginning. The District must reduce ozone pollution by uments under the Antiquities Act, and in particular 300 tons per day over the next four years to meet the President Clinton’s exercise of that authority in this federal ozone standard.” Do you need further case; ruled that establishment of the Monument confirmation that this threatened suit was necessary? violated neither the National Forest Management Act, Breathing is more dangerous in Bakersfield, the National Environmental Policy Act, nor the Fresno, and the Visalia-Tulare-Porterville area than in Administrative Procedure Act; and held that estab- any other place in the nation except Los Angeles. lishment of the Monument did not violate any "It continues to be hazardous to your health," said supposed pre-existing rights the plaintiffs may have Dr. David Pepper of the Medical Alliance for Heal- had within the Monument, including rights they thy Air. "Each year, we see more children and elderly claimed under the 1990 Mediated Settlement Agree- people in the emergency room because of air ment. Because the lawsuit was dismissed, our motions pollution. It’s a sad situation that can be addressed to intervene were moot. In any event, for now the with a little political backbone. Today, the Air Monument is safe, at least from the legal challenge, District is taking an important first step in the right and we should all declare victory. direction.” A big thank you to our attorneys at Earthjustice! We are most grateful to Bruce Nilles, the attorney As for the ongoing USFS planning process for the with Earthjustice, who represented the coalition, new Monument Plan, we continue to have many skillfully handling the legal activities and to you, our many concerns that the process is not leading to Chapter members for your financial support of the something that will follow the intent and purpose of Sierra Club and the Kern Kaweah Chapter. This has the Proclamation that created the Monument. Many helped to bring about this obviously much needed of us, including local volunteers and Sierra Club action that is a giant step forward toward attaining staff, are working hard to get this plan on the right clean air in the communities that we call home. track and/or to lay the groundwork for a legal There is still more to be done. If you want more challenge should the USFS not be up to the chal- information and/or want to help, call 661.323.5569 lenge of managing this irreplaceable natural wonder. to find out what you can do. We hope that it will not be necessary to head to
  • 3. THE ROADRUNNER 3 court in future years to save the Sequoias once again! National Forest and the Giant Sequoia National But, that is what we will do if it is required! Monument through monitoring, enforcement, edu- Carla Cloer, Sequoia Task Force Chair/Sierra Club cation, and litigation. The Sequoia ForestKeeper will serve as the eyes, Sequoia ForestKeeper: Organization’s ears, and voice for the forest. The plan for action First Meeting is Grand Success. includes: (a) to effectively participate in the planning About six members of the Kern Kaweah Chapter of our national monument in order to create a were among the fifty or so who attended the launch management plan that truly protects the Sequoias, of the new Sequoia ForestKeeper organization at preventing logging under the guise of forest health, noon on 20 September 2001 in front of the same fuels reduction and resource management from ginat sequoia tree where President Clinton signed the destroying the ecosystem as a whole, (b) to educate Giant Sequoia National Monument Proclamation. the public as to the wonders of this great forest and Representatives of the California environmental to the potential threats to its well being, and (c) to foundation, Environment Now, the Monache Inter- monitor the health of the forests’ many ecosystems tribal Association, John Muir Project and Range- so that future generations can share in the wonder of Watch made preliminary statements. Following Ara this magnificent forest. Marderosian’s keynote message (see excerpts below) Quote from a fitting observation made by the poet a nicely catered lunch and a stroll among the giants William Blake: “The tree which moves some to tears ended the celebration for most, with some taking a of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that further tour with Martin Litton to view the des- stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and truction in the forest caused by the Forest Service deformity—and some scarce see nature at all. But to logging. the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagi- Following are excerpts from Marderosian’s nation itself." speech: Marderosian urged each individual “to make a It is due to the perceptive awareness of the need promise to yourself that you can make a difference for a focused organization and the support of the and you can help to preserve this magnificent directors and staff of the California environmental ecosystem. Be accountable, tell a friend, and be part foundation, Environment Now, that we are here today of the solution.” to launch the Sequoia ForestKeeper. For further information with details on how to Sequoiadendron giganteum. John Muir called become a member, contact 760.376-4434 or 866. Sequoias “nature's masterpiece,” “the greatest living 533.7873. Web site is www.sequoia thing,” and a “king tree.” News from the legislative front. Sequoia trees are the world's largest living things. These majestic trees have reached ages of 3,200 Mainly +++! Hooray! years, diameters of 38 feet, and individual weights of You have seen the articles on Sequoia Monument 600 tons. To put it in perspective, some Sequoia trees and air pollution. No more need be said. have been in existence since 1000 BC, a time that State news: Signed: authorization for a state-wide predates Plato, Confucius, and Buddha to name a vote in March on a 2.6-million dollar bond issue for few. The Sequoia, a relative of the Coast redwood, parks: purchase of land, renovation, etc. grows in natural groves only in California. Sequoia Signed: Bills coordinating local water supply and National Forest and the Giant Sequoia National land use decisions to help provide California’s cities, Monument contain more than half of the world’s farms and rural communities with adequate and Sequoia groves. assured water supplies. As well as being a sanctuary to these giants, the Signed: Bill that gives local governments the op- Sequoia National Forest is a complex and abundant portunity to deny build-out of antiquated subdi- forest ecosystem that is home to hundreds of plant visions in places where development should not and animal species, including the California Spotted occur and should end the practice of artificially Owl and Pacific Fisher. In spite of its stature, how- inflating land values for the purpose of extorting ever, the Sequoia ecosystem is threatened. exorbitant sums of money out of land trusts and Logging continues to occur in the Sequoia public agencies that wish to acquire the land affected National Forest and in the Giant Sequoia National (Hearst Lands plus several others!). Monument, and logging loopholes exist in the Giant Yet to Come: Support for the Roadless Area Con- Sequoia National Monument Proclamation. servation Rule, the law that will prevent road The Sequoia ForestKeeper has been created to development in our national forests. In just 60 days, ensure that this ecosystem will endure and evolve 850,000 comments! Took a year to gather the last through future windows of time. Its mission is to 1.5 million comments, response is amazing but does protect and restore the ecosystems of Sequoia not mean success! When this and drilling in ANWR
  • 4. 4 THE ROADRUNNER comes up again, YOUR VOICES WILL BE VITAL. Unger, SC speaker, was the only person opposed to Sept. Joint RCC Meeting Report. Next the Kern River Freeway; many other individuals and groups spoke against putting the freeway near their meeting: Southern Section. Sunday, Jan 6th. property. LA Sierra Club Office. Unger pointed out that instead of a freeway, we All members welcome! could use a small fraction of 1,500 million dollars Twice a year delegates from the California Chap- to subsidize frequent bus service. He also said that ters meet in San Luis Obispo to discuss the current the freeway was opposed because it will bring air environmental issues facing the state. Many of the pollution and noise to those who recreate by the topics discussed are often the same at each meeting river and facilitate suburban sprawl onto farmland. but have reached different stages of necessary action. Unger thinks the Kern River Freeway can still be On the weekend of September 18–19, the RCC stopped by preventing its funding. Kern is the most (Regional Conservation Committee) from both populous county in CA that does not have a sales tax northern and southern parts of the state met. A grass dedicated to building roads; so, the state will have to roots organization spoke on behalf of an initiative pay for the Kern River Freeway. Since the plan is to they plan to place on the ballot regarding old-growth exclude trucks from the Kern River Freeway, the state trees. It would prevent the removal of a commercial might not want to pay for it. On August 20, grade tree that was older than 150 years. They were Governor Davis said California will not build any seeking Sierra Club approval. A topic of concern to more freeways. the Central Valley, that of urban sprawl into agri- Please write to Davis, thank him for his courage cultural lands, may be addressed through a proposed and foresight in making this proclamation (Address initiative for the Nov, 2002 ballot that would require on p. 8) and express your wishes for not supporting towns to establish urban growth boundaries that the proposed freeway. would contain growth and encourage in-fill devel- Over one hundred flyers to homes and businesses opment. Another legislative bill, now law, should at the eastern end of the freeway have been dis- help to control growth by stating that water supply ributed. Call 661.323.5569 if you can help with this must be assured prior to development. effort and/or desire more information. On coastal issues a proposed national seashore for the Gaviota-Santa Barbara area was discussed along Letter to the editor with the concern that the governor is seeking to Save the Arctic Wildlife Refuge weaken the power of the Coastal Commission. After the terrorist attacks on New York, now, more The long-term issues of additions to Wilderness than ever, we need to realize that oil dependence is land, the Yosemite National Park plan to reduce what makes this country vulnerable to outside at- human impact, and the continued threat to the Arctic tacks. Far from encouraging more oil drilling in National Wildlife Refuge rounded out the discussion places like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, to issues. defend our national security we need a huge pro- The amount of time, knowledge, and fortitude that gram to encourage sustainable energy production both our member volunteers and Club staff dedicate and a move to solar, wind, and much greater energy to these issues attest to our degree of success in the conservation. past. It also indicates the degree of vigilance we must As someone who wants America to be able to maintain to keep our victories coming. The final retain its freedom, civil liberties, and environment lesson learned is that your letter writing, e-mail rather than giving them up like the Terrorists want us messages, and presence at meetings is the only way to, I am urging our United States Senators to oppose we can win. Harry Love opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil Kern River Freeway drilling. I hope you will agree, and write our two still needs your help. California Senators to ask them to oppose oil drilling in the Arctic. Harold Wood A joint meeting of the Bakersfield City Council and the Kern County Board of Supervisors, on July Around the Chapter 23, unanimously choose Alternative 15 of the Ba- * Buena Vista Group Meeting in Patriots Park in kersfield Systems Study. Alternative 15 consists of September provided a nice opportunity for club the Kern River Freeway plus an extension of the members to “be normal” after the Sept 11th occur- freeway through town to state routes 178 and 58 rence. Delicious potluck contributions provided a plus a north beltway that will be built several years great meal with an “ice cream social” at the end after the Kern River Freeway. Alternative 15 paves with, incidentally, enough ice cream to share with the 350 homes and 520 businesses; it costs $1.5 billion, neighborhood kids playing in the park. if eight lanes wide and no cost overruns. Arthur The Buena Vista group is very sorry to have
  • 5. THE ROADRUNNER 5 received the resignation of Leah Hagemeier, its chair. Nov.19 (mon) Owens Peak Gp. Program to be Leah is now located permanently in Los Angeles. determined. Maturango Museum, 100 E. Las Flores; Glenn Shellcross, the vice-chair, is filling in and has 7:30 PM . Call Dennis for more info. 760.375.7967. expressed hope that volunteers for this job and other Nov. 20th (tues) The Kangaroo Rat. Speaker: positions on the group’s ex-com will step forth. Call Ellen Cypher. Buena Vista Group. Beale Library. 661.832.3382 if you want to submit your name or Bksf. 7 PM. recommend someone to be contacted. Nov 24th (sat) Pacific Crest Trail Section * Great Job, Paul. Paul Gipe, Chapter Chair, has Liebre Mt. Strenuous. Beautiful views over been most generous with his expertise and time in Antelope Valley. PMC tennis courts, 8 AM. Flying J, putting on Energy Seminars all over the Chapter’s 8:30 PM. Call Ches, 661.242.0423 for more details. geographical domain—Visalia, Pine Mountain Club, Nov 27th (tues) Birding at Carrizo Plain. Meet 8 Bakersfield, and still more to come. We are very AM for full day trip, 1 PM for half day trip. PMC fortunate to have a person with his background and tennis courts. 2000 to 6000 sand hill cranes, hawks, willingness to share in our Chapter. Thanks, Paul. etc. congregate in the late afternoon. Bring snack *Great Job, Elizabeth Saba & Ann Williams who and plan for late return. Details? 661. 242.2137. recognized that a friend, the Kern River, needed help Dec. 1 (sat) Mineral King Group Outing to as it wandered thru Bakersfield proper. These two Marble Falls, Sequoia National Park. For info call were the spearheads who have led to a group called Theresa Stump 559.731.0594 or Harold Wood at Rivercare. Rivercare is dedicated to cleaning up the 559.739.8527. river’s banks from the incredible amount of trash Dec. 1st (sat) Condor Group Holiday Party. 6 that is left along its course. You can read more about PM. PMC, Pool Pavilion Room. Bring potluck item it in the on-line version of Midgebuzzings and there to share, white elephant for gift exchange. will be more of an update in the next issue of the Dec 4th (tues) 2nd Supervisorial District Roadrunner. So now, more power to you, Elizabeth Candidates’ Forum. Beale Library, Bksf. œ7PM. and Ann, and your fellow members of Rivercare. (Details p. 1) Dec. 8th (sat) Chapter’s Christmas Party. 6 PM . All Kern-Kaweah Chapter members are invited to WINTER WANDERINGS celebrate at the home of Gordon and Eva Nipp in Bakersfield. Please bring your special potluck dish. For directions call 661.872.2432. Nov. 1st (thur) Kern River Specific Trails Plan. Dec. 9th (sun) Mineral King Group's Annual Public meeting. 6 PM. Kern Co. Public Services Holiday Party, at Harold and Janet Wood’s house, Bldg, 2700 M St, Bksfld. Hiker advocates are needed. Visalia, 4 PM . All Sierra Club members welcome, Call Nov. 3rd (sat) 9 AM Unrecognized Tribes of to R.S.V.P. 559.739.8527. California Rally. All day walk through Bakersfield Dec 14th (fri) 6 PM. Mineral King Group Social to Elk Hills. Transfer of Elk Hills oil fields from Gathering at Borders Books Coffee House, Visalia. Federal control to Occidental Oil Company, threatens Dec. 15th ( sat) Timosea Peak (8664ft), west of their heritage . Details? Call 661.637.1851. Nov. 8th Owens Lake. Good winter workout with great view of (thur) Public Meeting on Proposed Forest Cottonwood Creek and Owens Valley. Meet at the Management Plan for Four Southern Ridgecrest Cinemas at 7:00 AM. Call Dennis at California Forests (includes Los Padres). Frazier 760.375.7967. Park Community Center. 6 to 9 PM. Your voice needs to be heard. Looking Ahead to 2002 Nov. 9th. (fri) Mineral King Group Social Feb 1-3 (fri-sun) Cross Counry Ski Tour in Gathering at Brewbaker’s Brew Pub, Visalia. 6 PM. Sequoia National Monument. Feb 16-18 (sat-mon) Nov.10 (sat) Excursion to Aquarium of the Cross Country Ski Backpack to Trail of the Pacific. Long Beach. Call Gita, 661.242.8258 for Giants, Sequoia National Monument. Limit 8. These more deta ils. two trips will be led by Gary and Paulette Landers, Nov. 17th (sat) Pinto Peak (7508ft), near Towne Call now for details: reservations 714.529.8154 Pass. We will probably start from Emigrant Pass, Interested in attending ex-com meetings of your using the abandoned jeep track. Meet at the CalTrans group? of your Chapter? Call relevant telephone Park and Ride Lot, E. Ridgecrest Blvd, at 7:30 AM. number listed in the Chapter Roster, p. 6. Call Dennis at (760)375-7967.
  • 6. 6 THE ROADRUNNER MIDGEBUZZINGS For many years I’ve subscribed to National Public want another place to look for beauty and poetry Radio, where I have found comprehensive coverage besides your own perceptive imaginations, you will of the news at a very early hour. It was NPR that first find it in this column, insofar as I am able to discover alerted me to the terrorist attack on the World Trade and share exquisite things with you. Towers in New York City and provided me with the I hope that I have not lost entirely the sense of best information during those first awful days. I tune wonder I enjoyed for so many years as a writer. in every morning while I do the daily chores of mak- Dulling occurs with degradation of the environment ing coffee and getting breakfast. as we have seen it in the nearly thirty years that I Yesterday morning, however, I found that I have been writing this column. In my case it is couldn’t listen any more. Someone was discussing attributable partly to advanced age and the wearing terror as the current mode of warfare, and I re- down of faculties and senses. But part of it, also, is member his saying: “We have to be ready for many owing to constant inundation with bad news. We more horrifying surprises.” That’s not news to many cannot tune out current events, because we know that of us. We have been expecting an attack like the one social morality includes the obligation to be in- in New York for some time, and have said as much to formed, and because in knowledge there is some each other. Part of the reason for that sense of security. But right now we are all oversensitive to imminent peril has been regular attention to the best horrors, both in the environment and in society. You news sources, and reading about the wretched don’t need to hear any more about them from me. conditions in which the majority of the people in the What many of you may need now is to look with me world are living. In other words, to be informed at what the clearest light reveals to us about the means to know that we are in danger. Even so, we magnificence of being alive and loving the earth can’t think about it constantly. For starters I am leaving in a couple of days for a For the last couple of years or so I have used the full week in Zion and Bryce National Parks. In the privilege of this column mainly to address environ- next Roadrunner I will share with you my im- mental issues and problems: the awful quality of our pressions of the beauties of those places, and after air; poisons in ocean waters; threats to forest lands, that, from now on, I will be looking for beauty overdevelopment of farm lands and so on. But anywhere I can find it. If this endeavor does not thanks to that moment yesterday, I am throwing enhance your lives, at least it may help to sharpen my down, if not a gauntlet, then a silken glove, in own vision again. Ann Williams resolution. I have decided that if you, my readers, Kern Kaweah Chapter Roster, 2001 Executive Committee Paul Gipe, Chair 661.324. 1923. Buena Vista Grp G.Shellcross, 661.589.0595 (Bkfd); Condor Grp. Ches Arthur, Chair 661.242.0423 (Pine Mtn. Club); Kaweah Grp Theresa Stump, Chair 559.781.0594 (Porterville); Mineral King Grp Harold Wood, Chair 559.739.8527 (Visalia) Owens Peak Grp Dennis Burge, Chair 760.375.7967 (Ridgecrest) ************************************************************************ MANY THANKS to all of you who have submitted information, articles, letters to the editor and helped with the mailing. That really makes the Roadrunner your newsletter! Keep it coming in 2002! ************************************************************************ Holiday Wishes for Patience, Perseverance and Hope to all our members, readers, families, and friends—and don't forget the President’s admonition to try to get back to some normalcy in our personal lives. Enjoy happy days—
  • 7. THE ROADRUNNER 7 Sierra Club President addresses Sierra Club Membership Excerpts from letter written by Jennifer Ferenstein, Pres. of Sierra Club Dear Sierra Club Family, “As individuals and as an organization, we share in an awareness of the pain and suffering that directly touches many, and indirectly touches all.” September 11th is being called “the day that changed the world.” Even if much is different today, the core values that define us as Americans—tolerance, generosity, freedom and love of country—have not changed. Nor has the mission of the Sierra Club changed. Now is the time for these values to emerge stronger than ever ... to ensure that appreciation ...f or our living planet endures. As our nation ... plans for the future, environmental issues will continue to arise. The Sierra Club will engage in these discussions; we believe that protecting our air, land and water is a critical part of protecting our homeland. As policy-makers take up the nation’s environmental agenda, we will continue to be vigorous, forceful and effective advocates for environmental protection. We will conduct our advocacy in a fashion and tone that helps Americans unite around our common environmental values. We can, and will, disagree without being disagreeable, but our public lands, waters, air and wildlife must not be sacrificed by those who would choose to exploit the recent tragedies for short-term gain. Preserving and protecting the quality of our natural and human environments have been the Sierra Club's mission for 110 years. Today we re-affirm our commitment to this mission. Now, more than ever, we are dedicated to the defense of “America the Beautiful”—our communities, our forests, wetlands and wilderness —and to the values infusing our international work and human rights campaigns. As we redouble our commitment, I ask you to share our resolve and to join us in our vigilance as we stand watch to protect the environment for our families, for our future. Sincerely, Jennifer Ferenstein UNEXPECTED ENCOUNTER special from Jack Solomon, Condor Group It was a good thing I hadn't yet read that article on mountain lions in Discover Magazine when I decided to take a brief overnight jaunt to Sawmill last August, because if I had, I would have been thoroughly alarmed when a lioness and her cub practically stumbled over me at sunrise. As it was, I was thoroughly enchanted, blissfully unaware of the new data suggesting that mountain lions appear to be changing in their behavior towards us, in one case or two seeming to regard us as a good source of protein. From the mountains nearby where I visit there is a dazzling site for an overnight stay, tentless beneath the stars, with the southern San Joaquin Valley sparkling out to Bakersfield It is also a very difficult place to find a level open space for a sleeping bag. This I finally found, with room for just one, and passed a pleasant night under the stars, only to be greeted at dawn by a sight even more impressive than petroglyphs or even condors: my mountain lion and cub. These things just happen, you know. One minute I was munching a breakfast bar and talking to Sonia (my wife) on a walkie talkie, and the next, I found myself staring at the gorgeous golden head of a mountain lion, who was watching me intently from a distance of about fifty yards. As I reported the exciting news to Sonia, a spotted cub, speckled like a fawn, suddenly bounded out of the rabbit brush about thirty yards from me, back towards mom. I suppose that if it had decided for an even closer look at me I wouldn't be telling you this story now, but the tale has a happy ending. Mom and kitten gave me one last look and majestically (this is the only word) vanished into the brush. A few minutes later, a deer completed the tableau by bounding away to the east (exactly the opposite direction from the lions), and, with my bottle of water running out, it was time for me to return home. And as I now think of it, maybe I should contact Discover Magazine and tell them that their tales of mountain-lion-devoured joggers just might be a bit too alarmist. Well, one can't be certain, of course, but I am certain that the mountain lions belong just where they are, and it is up to us visitors to their realm to be careful when we tread there. Who knows, in another lifetime or so I may be lucky enough to see the same sight again.
  • 8. 8 THE ROADRUNNER NEWS FROM THE LEGISLATIVE THE ROADRUNNER FRONT. HOORAY! MAINLY +++! November, December, 2001 You have seen the article on Sequoia Monument! No You can find it on the web more need be said. State news: Bill signed authorizing a state-wide vote Activities, alerts, and special features six additional numbers of Ann William’s Midgebuzzings, Write Ann in March on a 2.6 million dollar bond issue for Williams, 3112 LINDEN AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA, 93560. if parks: purchase of land, renovation, etc. you need copy.Web questions? Signed: Bills coordinating local water supply and General Publication Information land use decisions to help provide California's cities, Deadline: Dec 5th for Jan. Feb issue farms and rural communities with adequate water Address: or M. Lockhart, Editor, supplies. Roadrunner, PO GG, Frazier Park, CA 93222 Submit an article? 650 words max., shorter is better. Signed: Bill that gives local governments the Submission after deadline? we will try to get it in. opportunity to deny build-out of antiquated ****Want to sign up to receive ACTION ALERTS?**** subdivisions in places where development should not Send to WE NEED MORE OF YOU! occur and should end the practice of artificially Not a member of Sierra Club and/or Kern Kaweah inflating land values for the purpose of extorting Chapter? Want this newsletter? Send $5 to exorbitant sums of money out of land trusts and L. Unger, 2815 La Cresta Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93305 public agencies that wish to acquire it (Hearst Lands plus several others!) handy list for calls, writing letters! Support for the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NUMBERS: law that will prevent road development in our White House Comment Line: 202.456.1111 or 800.374.6702 national forests. In just 60 days, 850,000 comments! e-mail : |White House Address:1600 Took a year to gather the last 1.5 million comments, Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20500 response is amazing Senators Barbara Boxer, 312 N Spring St. Suite 1748, LA 90012. TP:213.894.5000 and Diane Feinstein, 11111 Santa BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN SUCCESS! WHEN Monica Blvd., Suite 915, LA 90025 . TP:310.914.7300 THIS AND DRILL IN ARCTIC WILDLIFE Call US Capitol Switchboard - 202.224.3121 ask by name REFUGE COMES US AGAIN, YOUR VOICE WILL BE VITAL. WATCH FOR ALERTS! Dir. Gale Norton, c/o Tom Fulton, , U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, NW,Washington,DC 20240 Organic Milk Available Dir.Ann Venneman. U.S. Dept of Ag, 14th & Independence Milk Certified by California law to be organic Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 20250. can be found in two big Bakersfield stores that I know of. The milk is produced by small family CALIFORNIA NUMBERS: farms in California without the use of hormones, Gov. Davis: 1-916-445-2841 antibiotics or Calif. Legislative Switchboard (receptionist will help you contact your Senator and/or Assembly member if you are unsure): pesticides. Many of the cows are raised in pastures, 916-322-9900 not barns. It is available with and without fat. If you are willing to pay substantially more for what I consider an environmentally superior product, and Yes, I want to join the Sierra Club. Check enclosed. can not find this in your store, please contact me. Name....................................................................... Arthur Unger 323 5569 City.....................................State.............. Zip......... Check one: Quote of the Day: "In my view, we need to know Introductory $25........ that vast natural areas such as the Arctic Refuge exist Regular $39....... Joint $47......... as we cope with the events of the past month. Nature Any of the following $24: reminds us of the eternal rhythms of life of which we Senior..... Student....... Limited Income... are a part and which will endure over time. Ensuring F94QW 0600-1 Send to Sierra Club, POBox an enduring refuge in the Arctic, no matter how 52968, Boulder, CO, 80322. uncertain other parts of our life may seem right now, . provides us solace and perspective in these trying
  • 9. THE ROADRUNNER 9 times. This crisis has reawakened us to the importance of protecting our values, and I believe that the Arctic wilderness has a place on that list. "Sen Joe Lieberman (DConn). October 2nd