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The Daily Reflector, Saturday, December 3, 2011                                                                                                                                                                                       B

                                                   From page one
physician                             Darryl Neufer about a
                                      plan for a new approach
                                      to speed up the biomedi-
                                                                                  “This is a significant and
                                                                               major priority for the uni-
                                                                               versity as a whole,” she said.
                                                                                                                            Family funeral held for 5
                                                                                                                            young N.C. slaying victims
Continued from B
                                      cal research process by                     Horns said funding to-
ered the retroactive period           putting researchers from                 taling about $8 million is
which ran from July 31,               the East Carolina Diabe-                 available from a variety of
2010, to March 31, 2011.              tes and Obesity Institute                sources to outfit the floor                       The Associated Press               vived for days with what             killing her two sons: Rob-
   Subsequent payments                under the same roof as car-              for this purpose.                                                                    Sheriff BJ Barnes said were          ert Dylan Smith, 17, and
should greatly improve the            diovascular researchers.                    “We’ve been investing in                     PLEASANT GARDEN                      bullet wounds to the head.           Zachary Smith, 14. Barnes
financial outlook for the                “The goal is to establish             this area for a long time,”                  — An extended Guilford                  Holder left two notes apol-          said she also killed the
practice, Jowers said in a            a world-class research in-               Horns said.                                  County family and their                 ogizing for the pain she’d           niece and nephew she took
later interview.                      stitute,” said Neufer, the                  The project could be bid                  community          mourned              caused, Barnes said.                 into her home when her
   “It should keep the ECU            institute’s director.                    and under construction by                    Friday and prepared to                     Holder’s mother Frances           sister died: Richard Brian
Physicians practice in the               Phyllis Horns, vice                   March or April of 2012,                      bury five children killed               said the family was praying          Suttles, 17, and Hannaleigh
black all the time,” he said.         chancellor for health sci-               and completed about a                        in what investigators have              at least one of the children         Suttles, 8. She also mor-
“It should keep us from               ences, said it’s a long-range            year later.                                  described as a family mas-              would survive to describe            tally wounded Makayla
having to worry about                 project due to the compet-                  “And so far, we’re on                     sacre.                                  what happened. Frances               Leigh Woods, Robert’s 15-
where the next payment is             itiveness of grant funding.              course,”      said    Robert                    Mourners packed into                 Holder said she can’t be-            year-old girlfriend.
going to come from to pay                She said that “part of our            Brown, project manager                       a Baptist church in their               lieve her daughter was                  Mary Ann Holder had
the bills.”                           institutional investment                 for engineering and archi-                   hometown near Greens-                   responsible for the mass             been having an affair with
   Jowers told the commit-            is creating (this) state-of-             tectural services.                           boro for a collective fu-               killings because she cared           Randall Lamb, 40, for more
tee that ECU Physicians               the-art space to attract re-                Neufer said plans call for                neral for the five children             deeply for her children.             than three years, and its
has a mix of patients that            search.”                                 office space, a robotics sec-                between 8 and 17 gunned                    “People are calling my            aftermath created months
includes: 12.1 percent who               Committee         member              tion with two surgery rooms                  down in a shooting ram-                 daughter a deadbeat mother,          of bitter accusations be-
are self-paying, 22.5 per-            Deborah Davis said pool-                 for animals, training rooms                  page by Mary Ann Holder,                she was a no-good mother,”           tween Holder, Lamb and
cent with Medicaid, 33.3              ing researchers from dif-                and a conference space.                      36. Officers said Holder                Frances Holder said Thurs-           Lamb’s wife, including al-
percent with Medicare,                ferent disciplines is a new                 “This is like the McDon-                  apparently shot one of                  day outside the church               legations of stalking and
11.8 percent with commer-             concept that’s thought to                ald’s playground for us,”                    her sons and three other                where mourners visited               harassment.
cial coverage, and 18.7 per-          foster the process.                      he said, referring to enthu-                 children while they slept               with the family. “She was               Jennifer Lamb had pre-
cent with Blue Cross Blue                It works to “significant-             siasm for the project.                       at her Pleasant Garden                  very close to her children. I        pared, but not yet filed, a
Shield, and a third party             ly speed up new ideas, the                                                            home, shot and wounded                  don’t know what happened.            potentially costly lawsuit
category of 1.6 percent.              development of new ideas                    K.J. Williams can be                      her married former lover,               I have no answers. I’m wait-         against Holder accusing
   In another matter, the             … to actually get them to                reached at kwilliams@re-                     killed her younger son.                 ing for answers, just like ev-       her of alienating the af-
committee heard a re-                 the marketplace,” Davis         or at 252-329-                   Holder then killed herself.             eryone else.”                        fections of her husband,
port from ECU professor               said.                                    9588.                                           Four of the children sur-               Holder is accused of              investigators said.

Group bids to revoke N.C. death penalty
       By TOM BREEN                   control of the General As-               known Roman Catholic                      support for a repeal, which              racial bias played a role in          ciated the campaigners be-
     The Associated Press             sembly, which this week                  death penalty opponent                    they say would save the                  their cases. Perdue has not           ing forthright about their
                                      passed a bill that would re-             who wrote the book “Dead                  state millions of dollars and            yet said whether she’ll veto          intentions, saying many
   RALEIGH, N.C. —                    peal a law giving death row              Man Walking” that later                   prevent the chance of ever               the bill.                             supporters of the Racial
With the spotlight again              inmates another avenue of                became a successful film.                 mistakenly executing an                     House Majority Lead-               Justice Act backed the law
on North Carolina’s death             appeal, the campaign’s goal              Prejean is serving as the                 innocent person. Although                er Paul Stam said Friday              as backdoor way to create
penalty, a group of religious         is a tall order, with one top            chairwoman of the new ef-                 there are 158 people on                  there’s “zero” chance that            an unofficial moratorium
leaders announced Friday              lawmaker saying there is                 fort, which the group has                 death row, according to the              the Legislature will abolish          on capital punishment.
the start of a new campaign           effectively zero chance of               dubbed the Kairos Cam-                    state Department of Cor-                 or place a moratorium on                 “At least that’s an hon-
aimed at repealing capital            repeal.                                  paign, after a Greek word                 rection, no one has been                 the death penalty now that            est effort,” Stam said of the
punishment altogether.                   The advocates for repeal,             meaning the right time or                 executed in North Carolina               the House and Senate have             Kairos Campaign. “They’re
   People of Faith Against            though, who on Friday                    opportune moment.                         since 2006.                              Republican       majorities.          trying to do what they say
the Death Penalty is mod-             included representatives                    “I’m not sure it’s a good                 But at least in the Gener-            Democratic proponents of              what they want to do.”
eling the effort on a similar         from about a dozen differ-               time, but I’m not sure there’s            al Assembly, debate seems                ending the death penalty                 Stephen Dear, execu-
campaign a decade ago that            ent churches and religious               ever been a good time,” said              to be shifting in the other              usually were about five or            tive director of the Car-
drew more than a thou-                groups at news conference                the Rev. Frank Dew, pastor                direction. On Monday, the                six votes away from being             rboro-based People of
sand resolutions from local           in Raleigh, said they don’t              of New Creation Commu-                    state Senate voted to send               successful when their party           Faith Against the Death
governments and religious             expect immediate results                 nity Presbyterian Church                  Gov. Beverly Perdue a bill               was in charge at the Leg-             Penalty, disagrees with
groups and 50,000 peti-               from lawmakers.                          in Greensboro. “But it’s the              that would effectively re-               islative Building, he said.           that interpretation, say-
tion signatures in favor of a            “The legislature is nev-              right time.”                              peal the 2009 Racial Justice             Today, according to Stam,             ing that while the group
temporary moratorium on               er going to act until they                  Members of the group                   Act, a law that allows death             they are about 30 votes               hopes Perdue preserves
the death penalty in North            have constituencies be-                  are hoping to present law-                row inmates to appeal their              short.                                the Racial Justice Act with
Carolina.                             hind them,” said Sister                  makers with overwhelm-                    sentences by using statisti-                The Wake County Re-                a veto, that law doesn’t go
   But with Republicans in            Helen Prejean, a nationally              ing evidence of grass roots               cal evidence to argue that               publican did say he appre-            far enough.

  Audiology                                                                     cArdiology                                                                        orthodontics  PediAtric dentistry

                           Doctor’s Hearing Care Center                                                    Coastal Carolina Cardiology, P.A.                                              Eastern Orthodontics 
                           an audiology practice                                                                                                                                          Pediatric Dentistry
                                                                                                           850 W. H. Smith Blvd.
                           2140-C W. Arlington Blvd., Greenville,NC                                        Greenville, NC 27834                                                           1025 Johns Hopkins Drive
                           (252)355-0909 Email address:                                                    (252) 758-3211                                                                 Greenville, NC 27834
                                                                                                                                                  252-752-6188 email:

                           Q      My husband appears to be
                                  more energetic since he started
                                                                                                           Q My dad hasWhat can I do to
                                                                                                                                                                                          Q My sondrink diet soda
                                                                                                                                                                                                   drinks lots of
                                                                                                                                                                                            soda. Should I encourage
      Lewis B. Gidley,                                                              Rony Shammas MD,                 reduce my risk of getting it?                 W. Lee Lewis, DDS
       Au.D., CCC-A               using hearing aids at his office              F.A.C.C., F.A.S.E., F.S.C.A.I.                                                                              him to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 instead of regular soda?
                                  even though his hearing loss is
                                  mild; is there a relationship?                A        More than 2 million Americans live with atrial fibrillation (AF), an
                                                                                         irregular heart rhythm that occurs when the heart’s two upper chambers
                                                                                         beat erratically, causing the chambers to pump blood unevenly and
                                                                                                                                                                  A      Soft drinks do not have much nutritional value.
                                                                                                                                                                         Encourage your son to drink water, milk or fruit juices
                                                                                inefficiently. Blood can pool and clot in the chambers, increasing the risk of
          Hearing loss may be a source of stress and fatigue. It                stroke or heart attack. AF affects about 3 percent to 5 percent of people over    in moderation instead of sodas. Regular soda contains a
          seems hearing aids lessen stress, therefore, tiredness,               age 65. Although family history may increase your chances of developing
                                                                                AF, there are specific and likely more important risk factors such as high        lot of sugar. Diet sodas do not contain sugar but contain
   by allowing easier communication. Imagine, yourself, how
                                                                                blood pressure, smoking, diabetes and obesity. Controlling these risk factors     phosphoric acid and citric acid (just like regular soda).
   stressful it is to listen intently for important information                 could potentially reduce more than half of all cases of atrial fibrillation,      Drinking lots of regular or diet sodas exposes the teeth to
   spoken by someone talking very softly, unclear or in a noisy                 according to research reported in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart
                                                                                Association. In this study high blood pressure was the most potent predictor      these acids, contributing to enamel erosion and tooth decay.
   place. It’s very tiring even over a short span of time without               for developing AF. So my advice to you is to make sure your blood pressure        For more information, ask your child’s pediatric dentist.
   spending an entire workday doing so.                                         and other risk factors remain under optimal control.

  neurology                                                                     PodiAtry                                                                          bAriAtrics  weight mAnAgement
                           East Carolina Neurology, Inc.                                                   Eastern Carolina Foot and
                                                                                                           Ankle Specialists
                           2280 Hemby Lane                                                                 2140-D W. Arlington Blvd.
                           Greenville, NC 27834                                                            Greenville, NC 27834                                                        1850 W Arlington Blvd
                           252-752-4848                                                                    Phone (252) 830-1000, Fax (252) 830-0511                                    Greenville, NC 27834
                           Q Can feeling depressed
                             cause me to have problems                                                     Q Can a leg length
                                                                                                             discrepancy cause
                                                                                                                                                                                       (252) 413-6735
   Raymond E. Webster,
                                  with my memory?                               Jonathan C. O’Quinn,
                                                                                    D.P.M., M.S.                   problems?
                                                                                                                                                                  Kenneth MacDonald,
                                                                                                                                                                        Jr., MD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Timothy McGuire,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MD, PhD

   A      Depressed is not a normal part of the maturing process in adults,
          although 2% of adults age 65 and older have a significant
   depression that is referred to as pseudodementia. The depression causes
                                                                                 A      YES. A difference in the length of the two legs can cause
                                                                                        chronic pain and difficulty walking for several reasons.
                                                                                 If the legs are of two different lengths, it can make you feel
                                                                                                                                                                        Q       I am morbidly obese and my doctor just started me
                                                                                                                                                                                on medication for high cholesterol. Is it true that
                                                                                                                                                                                your cholesterol improves with gastric bypass?
   a person to have difficulties with attention, ability to communicate          unbalanced when you walk, like you’re swaying side to side, like
   verbally, ability to learn new information, and/or inability to remember.
   The only way pseudodementia can be identified is through consulting
   with a neurologist, who often orders neurophychological testing to
                                                                                 a weeble-wobble. The foot on the longer leg will try its best to
                                                                                 compensate for this by pronating (flattening), which can cause
                                                                                 painful, strained joints and ligaments. The difference in leg length
                                                                                                                                                                  A       High cholesterol levels affect millions of Americans, and most
                                                                                                                                                                          obese patients have elevated cholesterol levels. Your physician
                                                                                                                                                                  is concerned because high cholesterol levels contribute to coronary
   differentiate between pseudodementia and other possible causes of the         can also cause severe back and neck pain, even scoliosis, as your                artery disease and therefore heart attacks. Weight-loss surgery often
   reported memory problems. Once identified, there are many effective           spinal column tries its best to adjust to the difference. One of the             causes a dramatic improvement in cholesterol levels. As many as
   treatment options available. The key element is to identify the disorder      simplest treatments for milder leg length differences is a pair of               93% of gastric bypass patients have normal or significantly improved
   accurately.                                                                   custom foot orthotics with a heel lift for the shorter side.                     cholesterol levels within 12 months following surgery.

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Gdr 1203 A B@3

  • 1. The Daily Reflector, Saturday, December 3, 2011 B From page one physician Darryl Neufer about a plan for a new approach to speed up the biomedi- “This is a significant and major priority for the uni- versity as a whole,” she said. Family funeral held for 5 young N.C. slaying victims Continued from B cal research process by Horns said funding to- ered the retroactive period putting researchers from taling about $8 million is which ran from July 31, the East Carolina Diabe- available from a variety of 2010, to March 31, 2011. tes and Obesity Institute sources to outfit the floor The Associated Press vived for days with what killing her two sons: Rob- Subsequent payments under the same roof as car- for this purpose. Sheriff BJ Barnes said were ert Dylan Smith, 17, and should greatly improve the diovascular researchers. “We’ve been investing in PLEASANT GARDEN bullet wounds to the head. Zachary Smith, 14. Barnes financial outlook for the “The goal is to establish this area for a long time,” — An extended Guilford Holder left two notes apol- said she also killed the practice, Jowers said in a a world-class research in- Horns said. County family and their ogizing for the pain she’d niece and nephew she took later interview. stitute,” said Neufer, the The project could be bid community mourned caused, Barnes said. into her home when her “It should keep the ECU institute’s director. and under construction by Friday and prepared to Holder’s mother Frances sister died: Richard Brian Physicians practice in the Phyllis Horns, vice March or April of 2012, bury five children killed said the family was praying Suttles, 17, and Hannaleigh black all the time,” he said. chancellor for health sci- and completed about a in what investigators have at least one of the children Suttles, 8. She also mor- “It should keep us from ences, said it’s a long-range year later. described as a family mas- would survive to describe tally wounded Makayla having to worry about project due to the compet- “And so far, we’re on sacre. what happened. Frances Leigh Woods, Robert’s 15- where the next payment is itiveness of grant funding. course,” said Robert Mourners packed into Holder said she can’t be- year-old girlfriend. going to come from to pay She said that “part of our Brown, project manager a Baptist church in their lieve her daughter was Mary Ann Holder had the bills.” institutional investment for engineering and archi- hometown near Greens- responsible for the mass been having an affair with Jowers told the commit- is creating (this) state-of- tectural services. boro for a collective fu- killings because she cared Randall Lamb, 40, for more tee that ECU Physicians the-art space to attract re- Neufer said plans call for neral for the five children deeply for her children. than three years, and its has a mix of patients that search.” office space, a robotics sec- between 8 and 17 gunned “People are calling my aftermath created months includes: 12.1 percent who Committee member tion with two surgery rooms down in a shooting ram- daughter a deadbeat mother, of bitter accusations be- are self-paying, 22.5 per- Deborah Davis said pool- for animals, training rooms page by Mary Ann Holder, she was a no-good mother,” tween Holder, Lamb and cent with Medicaid, 33.3 ing researchers from dif- and a conference space. 36. Officers said Holder Frances Holder said Thurs- Lamb’s wife, including al- percent with Medicare, ferent disciplines is a new “This is like the McDon- apparently shot one of day outside the church legations of stalking and 11.8 percent with commer- concept that’s thought to ald’s playground for us,” her sons and three other where mourners visited harassment. cial coverage, and 18.7 per- foster the process. he said, referring to enthu- children while they slept with the family. “She was Jennifer Lamb had pre- cent with Blue Cross Blue It works to “significant- siasm for the project. at her Pleasant Garden very close to her children. I pared, but not yet filed, a Shield, and a third party ly speed up new ideas, the home, shot and wounded don’t know what happened. potentially costly lawsuit category of 1.6 percent. development of new ideas K.J. Williams can be her married former lover, I have no answers. I’m wait- against Holder accusing In another matter, the … to actually get them to reached at kwilliams@re- killed her younger son. ing for answers, just like ev- her of alienating the af- committee heard a re- the marketplace,” Davis or at 252-329- Holder then killed herself. eryone else.” fections of her husband, port from ECU professor said. 9588. Four of the children sur- Holder is accused of investigators said. Group bids to revoke N.C. death penalty By TOM BREEN control of the General As- known Roman Catholic support for a repeal, which racial bias played a role in ciated the campaigners be- The Associated Press sembly, which this week death penalty opponent they say would save the their cases. Perdue has not ing forthright about their passed a bill that would re- who wrote the book “Dead state millions of dollars and yet said whether she’ll veto intentions, saying many RALEIGH, N.C. — peal a law giving death row Man Walking” that later prevent the chance of ever the bill. supporters of the Racial With the spotlight again inmates another avenue of became a successful film. mistakenly executing an House Majority Lead- Justice Act backed the law on North Carolina’s death appeal, the campaign’s goal Prejean is serving as the innocent person. Although er Paul Stam said Friday as backdoor way to create penalty, a group of religious is a tall order, with one top chairwoman of the new ef- there are 158 people on there’s “zero” chance that an unofficial moratorium leaders announced Friday lawmaker saying there is fort, which the group has death row, according to the the Legislature will abolish on capital punishment. the start of a new campaign effectively zero chance of dubbed the Kairos Cam- state Department of Cor- or place a moratorium on “At least that’s an hon- aimed at repealing capital repeal. paign, after a Greek word rection, no one has been the death penalty now that est effort,” Stam said of the punishment altogether. The advocates for repeal, meaning the right time or executed in North Carolina the House and Senate have Kairos Campaign. “They’re People of Faith Against though, who on Friday opportune moment. since 2006. Republican majorities. trying to do what they say the Death Penalty is mod- included representatives “I’m not sure it’s a good But at least in the Gener- Democratic proponents of what they want to do.” eling the effort on a similar from about a dozen differ- time, but I’m not sure there’s al Assembly, debate seems ending the death penalty Stephen Dear, execu- campaign a decade ago that ent churches and religious ever been a good time,” said to be shifting in the other usually were about five or tive director of the Car- drew more than a thou- groups at news conference the Rev. Frank Dew, pastor direction. On Monday, the six votes away from being rboro-based People of sand resolutions from local in Raleigh, said they don’t of New Creation Commu- state Senate voted to send successful when their party Faith Against the Death governments and religious expect immediate results nity Presbyterian Church Gov. Beverly Perdue a bill was in charge at the Leg- Penalty, disagrees with groups and 50,000 peti- from lawmakers. in Greensboro. “But it’s the that would effectively re- islative Building, he said. that interpretation, say- tion signatures in favor of a “The legislature is nev- right time.” peal the 2009 Racial Justice Today, according to Stam, ing that while the group temporary moratorium on er going to act until they Members of the group Act, a law that allows death they are about 30 votes hopes Perdue preserves the death penalty in North have constituencies be- are hoping to present law- row inmates to appeal their short. the Racial Justice Act with Carolina. hind them,” said Sister makers with overwhelm- sentences by using statisti- The Wake County Re- a veto, that law doesn’t go But with Republicans in Helen Prejean, a nationally ing evidence of grass roots cal evidence to argue that publican did say he appre- far enough. 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A More than 2 million Americans live with atrial fibrillation (AF), an irregular heart rhythm that occurs when the heart’s two upper chambers beat erratically, causing the chambers to pump blood unevenly and A Soft drinks do not have much nutritional value. Encourage your son to drink water, milk or fruit juices A inefficiently. Blood can pool and clot in the chambers, increasing the risk of Hearing loss may be a source of stress and fatigue. It stroke or heart attack. AF affects about 3 percent to 5 percent of people over in moderation instead of sodas. Regular soda contains a seems hearing aids lessen stress, therefore, tiredness, age 65. Although family history may increase your chances of developing AF, there are specific and likely more important risk factors such as high lot of sugar. Diet sodas do not contain sugar but contain by allowing easier communication. Imagine, yourself, how blood pressure, smoking, diabetes and obesity. Controlling these risk factors phosphoric acid and citric acid (just like regular soda). stressful it is to listen intently for important information could potentially reduce more than half of all cases of atrial fibrillation, Drinking lots of regular or diet sodas exposes the teeth to spoken by someone talking very softly, unclear or in a noisy according to research reported in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. In this study high blood pressure was the most potent predictor these acids, contributing to enamel erosion and tooth decay. place. It’s very tiring even over a short span of time without for developing AF. So my advice to you is to make sure your blood pressure For more information, ask your child’s pediatric dentist. spending an entire workday doing so. and other risk factors remain under optimal control. neurology PodiAtry bAriAtrics weight mAnAgement East Carolina Neurology, Inc. Eastern Carolina Foot and Ankle Specialists 2280 Hemby Lane 2140-D W. Arlington Blvd. Greenville, NC 27834 Greenville, NC 27834 1850 W Arlington Blvd 252-752-4848 Phone (252) 830-1000, Fax (252) 830-0511 Greenville, NC 27834 Q Can feeling depressed cause me to have problems Q Can a leg length discrepancy cause (252) 413-6735 Raymond E. Webster, Ph.D. with my memory? Jonathan C. O’Quinn, D.P.M., M.S. problems? Kenneth MacDonald, Jr., MD Timothy McGuire, MD, PhD A Depressed is not a normal part of the maturing process in adults, although 2% of adults age 65 and older have a significant depression that is referred to as pseudodementia. The depression causes A YES. A difference in the length of the two legs can cause chronic pain and difficulty walking for several reasons. If the legs are of two different lengths, it can make you feel Q I am morbidly obese and my doctor just started me on medication for high cholesterol. Is it true that your cholesterol improves with gastric bypass? a person to have difficulties with attention, ability to communicate unbalanced when you walk, like you’re swaying side to side, like verbally, ability to learn new information, and/or inability to remember. The only way pseudodementia can be identified is through consulting with a neurologist, who often orders neurophychological testing to a weeble-wobble. The foot on the longer leg will try its best to compensate for this by pronating (flattening), which can cause painful, strained joints and ligaments. The difference in leg length A High cholesterol levels affect millions of Americans, and most obese patients have elevated cholesterol levels. Your physician is concerned because high cholesterol levels contribute to coronary differentiate between pseudodementia and other possible causes of the can also cause severe back and neck pain, even scoliosis, as your artery disease and therefore heart attacks. Weight-loss surgery often reported memory problems. Once identified, there are many effective spinal column tries its best to adjust to the difference. One of the causes a dramatic improvement in cholesterol levels. As many as treatment options available. The key element is to identify the disorder simplest treatments for milder leg length differences is a pair of 93% of gastric bypass patients have normal or significantly improved accurately. custom foot orthotics with a heel lift for the shorter side. cholesterol levels within 12 months following surgery.