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The Roadrunner
      Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — March/April 2004

This year there is an unprecedented level of outside involvement and attention to the Club’s Board of
Directors election. Outside, non-environmental organizations have endorsed candidates in the Club’s Board
elections. These outside organizations have endorsed Club Board candidates and are urging their supporters
to join the Club as a means to influence Club policy in line with their non-environmental agendas.
Those outside groups that may be attempting to intervene in the Club’s Board of Director's elections include:
Center for American Unity – VirginiaDare/ Collective for “white nationalist writers.” * Colo-
radans for American Immigration Reform * Federation for American Immigration Reform * Fur
Commission USA * * (promotes marijuana legalization) * National
Alliance - “ideology from a white racial perspective” * National Immigration Alert (NumbersUSA) * or White Politics Inc. * Project USA * Southern Poverty Law Center *
The Sierra Club has become an even more influential and effective voice in American society over the last
decade. Now it appears that non-environmental groups are trying to take advantage of the Club’s open and
democratic nature to influence the composition of our Board of Directors and our policies. Faced with this
threat, the Board of Directors urges every member of the Club to act to ensure that the Sierra Club remains
faithful to its environmental mission and principles.
Please cast your vote in this year’s election as a means of demonstrating to outside groups that they cannot
influence our organization. Vote for candidates whose positions reflect your values and vision for the future
of the Sierra Club. Vote for candidates whose experience matches what you believe the Club needs. Vote for
candidates endorsed by Club leaders whom you trust.
In addition to the information about candidates found in the ballot, some chapter and group newsletters will
carry additional information. More can also be found on the Sierra Club candidate forum which you can
reach from the Club’s website.
Democracy really does work—but only if we all vote. Help maintain the Sierra Club’s tradition as America’s
preeminent democratic and grass roots advocate for the environment. Thank you.         Larry Fahn, President
                                                         Need more information to participate wisely? see p. 8

Greetings, fellow members.
I’m starting off 2004 as your new Chapter Chair. Our best wishes to Paul Gipe and his wife, Nancy Nies, who
have left us for an adventure in Toronto, Canada. Paul will be working temporarily for an energy foundation
across the border.
As for the rest of the Board, we have a new member on our Executive Committee (ExCom), Marissa Albright.
Marissa was active in the Condor Group and has now moved “down the mountain,” and we are happy to
have her enthusiasm on our board.
We are gearing up for a busy, litigious year. Gordon Nipp and Harry Love are capably carrying on their
assault on Bakersfield’s urban sprawl. Hopefully they can convince the City of Bakersfield and the County of
Kern to take on the responsibility of sustainable planning. Ara Marderosian always seems to be working on a
Sequoia Forest appeal and Arthur Unger is constantly representing you at both Kern County and Bakersfield
City meetings and also when our Chapter joins suits to attain better air quality. Richard Garcia is holding up
some of the difficult issues in Tulare County, especially those in Visalia. Mary Ann Lockhart is busily lead-
ing us on Tejon development issues.
Mark March 27, Saturday, on your personal calendar. We’ll be sending you a special mailing about our
upcoming annual banquet. Kevin Hall from the Tehipite Chapter will talk about San Joaquin Valley air
quality. Don’t forget to send in your check to reserve a dinner spot.
2                                                                                         THE ROADRUNNER

Our Chapter is composed entirely of volunteers. Don’t just sit back and let others solve local environmental
problems. We need lots of helpers for varied tasks: tasks that are small enough so that you can do them once
or on a reoccurring basis. Some items that need doing are working a Club table at a community event, calling
new members to welcome them, keeping track of our Chapter’s historical documents, being a reporter for the
Roadrunner, attending hearings or meetings before governmental bodies, etc. The list is endless.
Contact me or any of our ExCom or Group officers to help out; I’m at 661.323.5569 and can refer you to a
task or an individual in your local group who can help you get started. See you at the banquet.      Lorraine
Coming Up! A workshop on water law, the court cases interpreting the laws, and the present challenges to
these laws. April 18th is the date, the place Bakersfield. The presenter will be Ms. Kate Neiswender, an
environmental lawyer, who has had much experience dealing with water cases. Ms. Neiswender worked
closely with Lynn Plambeck, the Sierra Club activist who was dealing with the Newhall Ranch Development
Project and now is the chair of the Santa Clarita Water Company. Her first hand experience and broad
knowledge of water law will aid activists to be more effective in their efforts to succeed against challenges to
our natural environment.
The workshop will be held at Centennial High School from 12 to 3 on Sunday afternoon. Please eat lunch
beforehand. Simple snacks will be available.
This workshop is open to all Sierra Club members. Sponsored by the Kern Kaweah Chapter, there will be no
cost to the participants. Limited to 25 participants, it will be first come, first served. Want to register? Need
more information? Call Mary Ann at 661.242.0432.
              CNRCC meeting to deal with environmental topics of concern.
      A must for Sierra Club activists, would-be activists. Mar 13th, 14th, San Luis Obispo
This two-day session of the California/Nevada Regional Conservation Committee, to be held at San Luis
Obispo, gives Sierra Club members from all over the state an opportunity to meet, discuss, and become
further informed of topics of concern in our state and and nation.
The keynote speaker at this event will be Peter Douglas, ex-director of the California Coastal Commission. As
is well known, the Coastal Commission has been the agency in charge of keeping the Pacific Coastline for use
by all citizens as well as protecting the coastal areas from misuse by others who would, by their activities,
critically harm the natural environments of the Coast.
Workshop topics scheduled for this meeting include: Growth Management, which will be focused on whether
the Club should continue to try to curb growth through legislation/lobbying or consider a state initiative;
State Priorities, which will consider whether (and how) the Club should devote more effort to having an
impact on the state budget, agencies and commissions; a Public Lands Workshop focusing on federal land
management issues in Yosemite and Sequoia; as well as a workshop on the pros and cons of liquid natural gas
port facilities. Specifics will be announced as the dates for the conference approach. The workshops are
prepared for and led by activists from various California Chapters who are working in these areas. Always
included in the two day program is a resumé of activities in Sacramento by the Sierra Club state staff.
Further details of this meeting: To stay overnight $20. Meals, Sat night, Sun breakfast, $10. Rest of fees paid
for by Sierra Club California. Email or call 909.621.7148 for more info and/or to
make reservation.
                           FINAL SEQUOIA MONUMENT PLAN IS BAD NEWS.
Your voice needs to be heard to protect the Sequoia National Monument. As time is short, please pick up the
phone, use your fax, hop on to the web and get your message off to government officials who are in a
position to exert their influence effectively.
Your start: To be most effective in expressing your message start with a definitive statement in your
introduction to your points, such as “I am in full opposition to the Final Decision by the Forest Service
regarding Sequoia National Monument.”
Points to make: 1/ The plan doesn’t follow the proclamation. In his Proclamation, President Clinton protected
not only the Giant Sequoia groves but the entire range of ecosystems within Monument boundaries, stating
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                                           3

that the forest needs to be restored from logging and fire suppression and that trees cannot be removed
unless absolutely necessary.
In contradiction to this, the Forest Service has approved what amounts to a logging plan. They will log 75
million board feet of merchantable trees (12"–30" in diameter) over the next ten years from more than
128,000 acres of the Monument! That amounts to about 1500 logging trucks full every year!
2/ We do support removal of easily ignitable fuels, trees 4–8" in diameter and occasionally larger ones if
necessary, from within about 200 feet of developed areas and structures. That is the action that the Forest
Service’s own Fire Specialists recommend for protecting structures and public safety.
3/ The Forest Service’s plan approves logging miles away from structures. While the Forest Service claims it
will use prescribed burning as their first choice of management methods, their words are hollow. The huge
volume of large trees they will remove goes far past prudent fuels reduction which could be accomplished by
prescribed burning. Indeed they have categorized almost half the Monument for mechanical treatment rather
than prescribed fire. With logging, the Forest Service will “develop” huge so-called “threat and defense
zones” that will extend up to 11 /2 miles from structures, and they will thin most south and west facing slopes.
Sequoia groves are included in this “treatment.” This contrived justification for removal of large pine, fir
and Sequoia trees up to 30" in diameter as “ecological restoration” is unbelievable. We don’t buy it and
neither did the Monument Scientific Advisory Board.
4/ Costs! The Forest Service’s Plan for the Monument will cost taxpayers 3.4 million dollars per year. An
Alternative plan, which the Forest Service rejected, more closely follows the Proclamation by allowing only a
little tree cutting and by truly relying on prescribed fire as the primary management tool. This Alternative
would cost only 2.1 million dollars per year. This would save taxpayers 1.3 million dollars every year AND
provide sound management.
5/ Use Sequoia National Park’s plan as model. With the same objectives as Sequoia Monument, the Park has
successfully avoided tree removal on forests adjacent to Monument lands, in the same Giant Sequoia groves
and Sierran forest ecosystem. The Park has been using prescribed fire for decades to protect communities,
reduce fuels, create diversity, stimulate the growth of young sequoias and enhance wildlife habitat in a
healthy forest. They seldom resort to tree removal. The results have been excellent.
6/ Sequoia National Monument should be administered by the Park Service.
Most National Monuments are administered by the Park Service. Because the Forest Service refuses to
comply with the spirit of the Proclamation, the Sierra Club’s position is that the Monument should be
managed by the National Park Service—specifically Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Park—instead of by the
Forest Service. We are NOT recommending that the Monument become a Park; it should remain a National
Monument, managed in strict accordance with the Proclamation that created it.
The Sequoia Task Force/Sierra Club will file an administrative appeal by the March 1st deadline and follow
with legal action should it be necessary.
Take action now! Use e-mail, fax, telephone calls. Elected officials needed to help curb Forest Service’s poor
intentions.                                          Contact info for Boxer, Feinstein, Schwarzenegger on p. 8.
    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is taking comments until March 8, 2004 on redesignation of “critical
habitat” for the Southwestern willow flycatcher—one of North America’s most endangered songbirds.
    In regards to public and private lands, the words “critical habitat” provides an additional level of pro-
tection forcing federal agencies to consider the impacts of actions, public and private, on the flycatcher’s
habitat, regardless of whether that habitat is presently occupied by the species or not.
    Critical habitat was originally designated for the flycatcher on July 22, 1995, but was set aside by court
order May 11, 2001. The first designation of areas as critical habitat resulted in the removal of livestock from
hundreds of miles of southwestern rivers and streams, allowing the riparian areas to regenerate and thus
provide habitat once again for this songbird.
    Since the removal of the designation caused by a rancher-supported suit, the flycatcher has been reduced
to less than 1,000 territories spread across southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, and extreme southern
Nevada, Utah and Colorado. The vast majority of populations consist of fewer than 10 pairs, placing the
species as a whole at imminent risk of extinction.
Please write by March 8 to support the reinstatement of the “critical habitat” category. Send to Steve Spangle, USFWS, 2321
West Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix, AZ 85021. fax: 602.242.2513 e-mail to
4                                                                                         THE ROADRUNNER

               Here’s what you can do when you are especially concerned about a specific area.
First find out who owns the land.
 *If private, ask us if it’s OK to call the sheriff. Kern County is helpful on this issue.
 *If public, call the appropriate land management agency. Ask to speak with the recreation specialists and get
to know them. Do so more than once if needed. Remember that public land agencies are poorly funded
under the current federal and state administrations.
 *Attend public meetings and speak up. Remind people that the Sierra Club is not limited to “Big City
Liberals.” We live and vote and care here. We need to be seen.
 *Learn about what Club leaders at all levels are doing and about the enviro majority OHV Commission.
 *Realize there is usually a big difference between legal OHV riders and mavericks who don’t know or care
about the regulations.
Here is what Owens Peak Group is doing:
 * Volunteering for BLM and getting acquainted with their over-worked people.
 * Adopting walking trails closed to OHV use and checking for damage.
 * Watching Forest Service land.
 * Working with land planners and other managers for Red Rock Canyon State Park.
 * Reporting any problems seen on our popular monthly hikes.
 * Representing environmental interests on the local BLM Steering Committee and the Friends of Jawbone
Canyon (OHV open area).
 * Getting to know the OHV community and working with organized OHV groups that promote responsible
and legal OHV use.
 * Checking about multi-agency coordination and OHV compliance.
The Southern California Sierra Club OHV Chair is Jim Dodson. The State chair is George Barnes.
For more information leave a message for Stan or Jeanie Haye at 760.375.8973.
Grateful thanks to the Owens Peak Group’s ExCom for producing this most informative, helpful letter on a
subject that concerns many and was specially requested by a reader of the Roadrunner.
This is your chance to come to Sacramento to meet with legislators and advocate for current environmental
issues on behalf of the Sierra Club. A Lobby Day provides activists with an opportunity to talk with
legislators and their staff about the Sierra Club’s statewide priorities and specific legislation that is pending
before the Senate and Assembly. Last year’s Lobby Day was highly successful. Most of the bills we lobbied
on passed and were signed by the governor. This year, we anticipate our topics to include forest protection,
land use, air quality, and more!
You will attend a training session in political effectiveness the day before Lobby Day, on the afternoons of
May 16th and August 8th. Through discussion, role-play and some real-life examples, you will learn skills to
become an effective lobbyist with elected officials both in Sacramento and at the local level.
Sierra Club California will provide dinner Sunday night for both events as well as breakfast on Monday.
Accommodations will be arranged and participants will be reimbursed for travel expenses. Be sure to reserve
a place early, as space fills up quickly.
For more details, please contact Marianne Batchelder at 916.557.1100 x107 (
or Pat Veesart at 916.557.1100 x103 (

                                                          COIN NEWS: THE CALIFORNIA QUARTER.
                                                          One of the new quarters this year will feature our
                                                          state. Two choices are up for grabs—waves and sun
                                                          vs John Muir and Yosemite. Wherever you live, you
                                                          can help put John Muir on the flip side of the
                                                          California Quarter by contacting California Gov-
                                                          ernor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ask him to support
                                                          the Yosemite Valley-John Muir design.
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                                     5

        Pristine: Remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted by civilization American Heritage Dictionary
Assuming, as I believe most of us do now, that civilization has affected the global climate adversely, it is
probably safe to say that no physical place on earth is still pristine. Much of the world remains beautiful, but
beauty is relative to the perceptions of its beholders. Pristineness, if I may invent a word, is not. Where, then, if
not in the natural world, can we find what is “pristine” by definition? I think I know.
Recently my friend and high school classmate Carl Parks sent me a letter regarding a beautiful parcel of land
along the Kern River which he and his wife, Jean, bought in 1971. His family loved the location, and his
mother even lived in a little cabin there during her mid to late sixties, fishing in the river and reveling in the
beauty, the sound of the river, the abundant wildlife, and the quiet. It was the Kern River Canyon as Carl and I
remember it from childhood: lovely and remote. It was also a developer’s dream, especially with a proposed
freeway planned to run adjacent to the south boundary and across the river at about the place where an old
wooden bridge still spanned the water.
Wishing to protect the property from opportunists, Carl and Jean sold it in 1994 to the Forest Service for less
than a third of its commercial value. To facilitate the sale the family had to return the land to its natural state.
They spent a full summer removing buildings, filling mine shafts, taking down the old bridge and a 3600
foot fence, and combing the area to rid it of any trash or debris. As Carl told me, “We thought you would
like to know there will be no trailer parks or homes on that part of the Kern River.” I believe the impulse to
that action arose from a pristine sensibility.
Another couple I know live so generously in the world that I would call the quality of their thinking pristine.
Because they understand the effects of poverty upon the lives of people, they have, for years, quietly given
much of a double tithe to help the poor, especially in the form of scholarships, both at the community
college and at the local state university, to young people who would otherwise be unable to afford an
education. As for themselves, they live happily in a modest-to-poor neighborhood which most people of their
means would have fled years ago. They raise some of their own food, they entertain with excellent cooking
and pleasant company, and they shake their heads in bemusement over the current passion for acquisition of
the newest things, most of which they prefer to live without. They seem to be entirely immune to the virus
which leads to the newly-named cultural disease, Affluenza.
Finally, I offer a brief account of a pristine moment in a busy American city many years ago. A young
reporter sought an interview in a settlement house with Dorothy Day, a great champion of the homeless and
destitute. He was directed to a room where he found her listening attentively and with compassion to the
ravings of a ragged and obviously deranged woman. When Mrs. Day became aware of the young man’s
presence, she turned to him and smiled. “I'm sorry,” she said. “Are you waiting to speak with one of us?”
Beauty is available to us both in the actions of such people, and in what remains of the natural world. But
only we can b e pristine.                                                                             by       Ann

                       Computer Connections To Create Common Clout
                               Have a computer? Near a library with a computer?
                                       USE IT! HOW? Use the internet!
                                Go to Google search engine (bookmark it).
                  Type in National Sierra Club Home Page. Take action on national issues.
                    Using In my backyard, select California. Take action on state issues.
                                           Sign up for California alerts.
                         Select Kern Kaweah Chapter from Chapter list. Take action.
                                         Sign up to receive Local Alerts.
                                  just send an e-mail to or
                          regular mail: Unger, 2815 La Cresta Dr, Bksfld, CA 93305
                                            WE NEED MORE OF YOU!
                                Raised Voices can cause Raised Attention.
               The people in power can change their positions—especially in an election year!
                Speak up, speak out in every way you can—especially in this election year!
                                      Take action whenever you can!
6                                                                                                    THE ROADRUNNER

                                  SPRING INTO SPRING
                                           Your calendar of hikes and events
Everyone is welcome, Sierra Club members and non-members, to join in any of the outdoor activities listed below.
Requirements: You must be in condition for type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity, and prepared to sign a Sierra
Club release from liability. You must be willing to follow leader’s directions. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It will be
a no-go for you. Please let the leader know ahead of time that you are intending to participate
Customary appropriate equipment includes good hiking shoes, plenty of water, snack, sunglasses, sun tan lotion, layered
clothing. Long pants recommended. It is always wise to call before coming to a listed activity as cancellations and changes
may have to be made!
Every Week. Bakersfield. Conditioning Hikes: (tuesday) 7 PM. 4–5 miles. Corner of highways 178 & 184.
Gordon, 661.872.2432 or Larry, 873.8107 (KK Chapt.) Note change of day.
Mar 6 (sat) 5:30 PM. Pizza Party and Old Fashioned Sing-A-Long. Come and enjoy pizza followed by
group singing of those favored folk songs of the 50s and 60s. Lyrics provided. Place: Kathy and Harry
Love’s house in Bakersfield. Call 589.6245 for directions. Need to know number coming to order pizza.
Small fee collected.
Mar 10 (wed) 6 PM. Evening Social. Mediterranean Restaurant (on Caldwell near Sizzler, Visalia.).
559.739.8527 for more info, make reservation. (Min Kg Gp)
            Mar 13–14 California/Nevada Regional Conservation Conference. St. Luis Obispo
                                               (See p. 2 for more info)
Mar 20 (sat) 7:30 AM. A Twofer! Part one of two easy hikes: NELSON RANGE ANCIENT CAMPSITE
(Location of petroglyphs near defunct spring in the Nelson Range; 5925 ft; 350 ft gain; 3.4 mi RT)
Part two: 8 mi drive to launching point of the easy jaunt to Jackass Benchmark, the high point of Hunter Mtn,
located on the NW corner of the huge desert massif. From the top of the easy scramble up Jackass we can see
Saline Valley. Meet at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. Call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols
at 760.375.8161 for more info. (Owens Peak Gp.)
Mar 21 (sun) 2–3:30 PM. Kaweah Group Coffee and Dessert Social. Meet new friends and old. Explore
the backyard ecology of the Clark’s home. Bring your binoculars! Possible sightings may include nesting
Red-Shouldered Hawks. All Sierra Club members welcome. Call Pam at 559.784.4643. (Kaweah Gp.)
Mar 22 (mon) 7:30 PM. SCA Restoration Projects. Presentation by students working on Student
Conservation Assoc. (SCA) restoration projects on BLM lands in the Ridgecrest area. Maturango Museum.
Call Jean Bennett 760.446.4339, 375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161 for more info. (Owens Pk Gp.)
Mar 27 (sat) See Non-Sierra Club events, p. 7. Join Min Kg Gp for brunch at Cafe 225, Visalia, at 10 AM.
               Mar 27 (sat) Annual Kern Kaweah Awards Banquet. See page 8 for more info
Mar 27 (sat) 8 AM. Piedra Blanca National Recreation Trail: Meet at PMC Clubhouse. Hike begins at the
Reyes Creek Campground (off Lockwood Valley Road), proceeds approximately 3 1 /2 miles up a usually dry
creek. Effects of hopefully still visible spring water will be compared to what was seen in our late season trips.
Moderate hike to Upper Reyes Campground located in an impressive incense cedar grove up somewhat steep
embankment before dropping into the Beartrap Creek Valley. Ecologically interesting site with variety of
trees including white alder and often fish in a small pond. Long pants are recommended since there are
numerous patches of nettles along the trail. Call Dale 661.242.1076 or Ches 661.242.0432 (Condor Gp.)
April 3 (sat) 7 PM. Biology of Tejon Ranch. Speaker Michael White, Conservation Biology Institute. Slides.
6 PM potluck, talk 7 PM. Pine Mountain Clubhouse. Info? Call Ches, 661.242.0423 (Condor Gp.)
April 14 (wed) 6 PM. Evening social. Canton Restaurant, Main St., Visalia. 559.739.8527 for more info,
make reservation. (Min Kg Gp.)
April 14 (wed) 7:30 PM. The Orient: Steve Smith will show slides of his recent trip to the Orient (Thailand,
Cambodia, Laos, Hong Kong and China). Maturango Museum. Call Steve 760.384.5440. (Owens Pk Gp.)
April 17 (sat) Wildflower Hike, Sage And Boulder Canyons, Maybe Even Tit Peak! (Boulder to Tit; 5352
ft; 1500 ft gain; 3.8 mi RT) or if the flowers are better (Sage Canyon to McIver’s Cabin; 6689 ft; 1700 ft
gain, 5.5 mi RT) We will explore the location of numerous Indian metates at the springs of Boulder Canyon
on our quest to identify wildflowers. Many photo-ops here. From the Indian Campsite, we will ascend
magnificent Tit peak. Hopefully more flowers will be found here and also a great view of S Indian Wells
Valley. If conditions advise, we will instead ascend the back end of adjacent Sage Canyon and hike to
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                                7

McIver’s Cabin, a local landmark. Either hike will be easy. Meet Sat, Apr 17 at 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest
Cinema parking lot. Call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161. (Owens Pk Gp.)
April 24 (sat) 8AM. Fishbowls Trail: Meet at PMC Clubhouse. The Cedar Springs/Fishbowls trail is one of
the most beautiful, popular and geologically interesting area trails, leading off Lockwood Valley Road;
Approximately 81 /2 miles round trip with an elevation gain of about 800 feet. First stop: Cedar Springs
campground after an easy walk, located in beautiful incense cedar grove. Second stop; After moderately
steep climb reach the Piru Creek and a series of sandstone pools. Learn about origin of pools as well as, with
luck, enjoy a good (chilly?) swim in them, joined by some fish waiting to be identified. Wildflowers unique to
area to be identified. Call Dale 661.242.1076 or Ches 661.242.0432 (Condor Gp.)
                                            LOOKING AHEAD
May 22 (sat) Yellow Jacket Trail. Features meadows, protected areas of arroyo toad. More details next issue.
Call Dale 661.242.1076 or Ches 661.242.0432. (Condor Gp.)
June thru August (every sunday, 8AM) Sunday Strolls. 11 /2 hours. Meet at Pine Mountain Clubhouse. More
info? Call 661.242.0432.
June 12 (sat) Hike Muir Grove in Sequoia National Park with Pam Coz-Hill, 559.733.3972. Discuss wild
flowers and John Muir. Call 559.733.882 if you plan to attend. Meet at 8 AM at Mary Vineyard parking lot
near Taco Bell, Visalia.
SAN FRANCISCO (January 13, 2004). Consider investing in Sierra Club Mutual Funds. Our financial
practices can unite with our environmental ones. Companies offered through SC Mutual Funds have all been
screened in terms of their environmental practices and have received A’s for the way they conduct their
Social and financial objectives don’t have to be mutually exclusive. In 2003, the Sierra Club Stock Fund
returned more than 30%, outperforming the S&P 500 by more than 5 percent. Call 866.897.5982 for more
March 27 (sat) Join the Sequoia Riverlands Trust at Herbert Preserve. This outing will explore the variety of
wild flowers native to the region we live in (the Valley floor) as well as to learn about the Fairy Shrimp found
in vernal pools located in small wetland area of the Herbert Preserve. The Sierra Club’s Mineral King Group
has been invited by Jane Caputo of Sequoia Riverlands Trust to join her on this exploration. Call
559.738.0211. The exact time and the location of Herbert Preserve will be announced in the TIMES DELTA
and will be posted on the Mineral King Group website,
April 30 - May 2nd. (fri-sun) 10th annual Kernville's Bioregions Festival. Hikes, Displays, Programs. Joe
Fontaine of our Chapter to be a featured speaker as well as a trip leader. Put the words Bioregions Festival +
Kernville in Google and up will come the complete program and other related information. Call 760.378.
3044 for further information.

                Honor an individual or an occasion by honoring our environment.
       A Commemorative or Memorial gift that supports the Sierra Club is a gift that’s always in style.
                      Call Sierra Club National Office, 415.977.5653 for details.
8                                                                                       THE ROADRUNNER

          Time-Saving Information
     Contact names, addresses of policy makers               The Roadrunner
             See page 5 for more info                        Kern Kaweah Chapter
Federal government numbers                                   Sierra Club
President: White House Comment Line: 202.456.1111
George W. Bush’s email -            Send to: P.O. Box 3357
Address - 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20500        Bakersfield, CA 93385
Senator Barbara Boxer e m a i l :
phone: 202.224.3553 fax: 202.956.6701 mail US Senate
112 Hart Senate Office Building , Washington D.C. 20510      Return service requested
Senator Dianne Feinstein email: senator@feinstein.senate.
gov phone 202.224.3841 fax 202.228-3954 mail US Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington D.C. 20510
For House Reps US Capitol Switchboard - 202.224.3121.
California government numbers:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, phone: 916.445.2841 email: fax: 916.445.4633 mail State of
California, State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814
Calif. Legislative Switchboard (receptionist will help
you ID your Senator and Assembly member if you are
unsure): 916.322.9900.
       Kern-Kaweah Groups Contact Numbers
ExCom, Kern Kaweah Ch. 661.323.5569 (Lorraine)
Buena Vista Group (Bakersfield) 661.833.3795 (Glen)
Condor Group (Pine Mtn Club, Frazier Park area) 661.
242.0423 (Ches)
Kaweah Group (Porterville) 559.784.4643 (Pam)
Mineral King (Visalia) 559.739.8527 (Harold)
Owens Peak Group (Ridgecrest) 760.375.7967 (Dennis)
Please call Chairs to contact Conservation Chairs of
individual groups.

Thanks to Harold Wood, our indefatigable Web manager,
Chair of the Mineral King Group, who posts the latest news
as to action alerts, changes in schedule, issues of the
Roadrunner, and to Ann Williams and Michelle Hoffman
who prepare the Roadrunner for mailing.

       ANNUAL KERN KAWEAH SPRING BANQUET. Features: Kevin Hall, air whiz, speaker.
Time: Evening will begin with a 5:30 PM social hour followed by a 6:30 PM dinner. Place: East Bakersfield
Veterans Hall on Ridge Road, off Mt. Vernon Ave. Fill out slip below, include check, mail to Harry Love,
13500 Powder River Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93314. Saturday, March 20 is deadline.
Yes, I wish to attend the 2004 Annual Banquet of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter on Sat March 27.
Name                                                     Telephone Number
 For each person (@$15.00) I have included a check for the total of
                        Number attending:       (@ $15.00) Total amount: $
       Desired entree: place number requested for each item       tri-tip beef      spinach lasagna

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March-April 2004 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club

  • 1. The Roadrunner Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — March/April 2004 ELECTION OF SIERRA CLUB’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMING UP. PLEASE PLEASE VOTE! This year there is an unprecedented level of outside involvement and attention to the Club’s Board of Directors election. Outside, non-environmental organizations have endorsed candidates in the Club’s Board elections. These outside organizations have endorsed Club Board candidates and are urging their supporters to join the Club as a means to influence Club policy in line with their non-environmental agendas. Those outside groups that may be attempting to intervene in the Club’s Board of Director's elections include: Center for American Unity – VirginiaDare/ Collective for “white nationalist writers.” * Colo- radans for American Immigration Reform * Federation for American Immigration Reform * Fur Commission USA * * (promotes marijuana legalization) * National Alliance - “ideology from a white racial perspective” * National Immigration Alert (NumbersUSA) * or White Politics Inc. * Project USA * Southern Poverty Law Center * The Sierra Club has become an even more influential and effective voice in American society over the last decade. Now it appears that non-environmental groups are trying to take advantage of the Club’s open and democratic nature to influence the composition of our Board of Directors and our policies. Faced with this threat, the Board of Directors urges every member of the Club to act to ensure that the Sierra Club remains faithful to its environmental mission and principles. Please cast your vote in this year’s election as a means of demonstrating to outside groups that they cannot influence our organization. Vote for candidates whose positions reflect your values and vision for the future of the Sierra Club. Vote for candidates whose experience matches what you believe the Club needs. Vote for candidates endorsed by Club leaders whom you trust. In addition to the information about candidates found in the ballot, some chapter and group newsletters will carry additional information. More can also be found on the Sierra Club candidate forum which you can reach from the Club’s website. Democracy really does work—but only if we all vote. Help maintain the Sierra Club’s tradition as America’s preeminent democratic and grass roots advocate for the environment. Thank you. Larry Fahn, President Need more information to participate wisely? see p. 8 FROM THE NEW CHAIR OF THE KERN KAWEAH CHAPTER, LORRAINE UNGER Greetings, fellow members. I’m starting off 2004 as your new Chapter Chair. Our best wishes to Paul Gipe and his wife, Nancy Nies, who have left us for an adventure in Toronto, Canada. Paul will be working temporarily for an energy foundation across the border. As for the rest of the Board, we have a new member on our Executive Committee (ExCom), Marissa Albright. Marissa was active in the Condor Group and has now moved “down the mountain,” and we are happy to have her enthusiasm on our board. We are gearing up for a busy, litigious year. Gordon Nipp and Harry Love are capably carrying on their assault on Bakersfield’s urban sprawl. Hopefully they can convince the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern to take on the responsibility of sustainable planning. Ara Marderosian always seems to be working on a Sequoia Forest appeal and Arthur Unger is constantly representing you at both Kern County and Bakersfield City meetings and also when our Chapter joins suits to attain better air quality. Richard Garcia is holding up some of the difficult issues in Tulare County, especially those in Visalia. Mary Ann Lockhart is busily lead- ing us on Tejon development issues. Mark March 27, Saturday, on your personal calendar. We’ll be sending you a special mailing about our upcoming annual banquet. Kevin Hall from the Tehipite Chapter will talk about San Joaquin Valley air quality. Don’t forget to send in your check to reserve a dinner spot.
  • 2. 2 THE ROADRUNNER Our Chapter is composed entirely of volunteers. Don’t just sit back and let others solve local environmental problems. We need lots of helpers for varied tasks: tasks that are small enough so that you can do them once or on a reoccurring basis. Some items that need doing are working a Club table at a community event, calling new members to welcome them, keeping track of our Chapter’s historical documents, being a reporter for the Roadrunner, attending hearings or meetings before governmental bodies, etc. The list is endless. Contact me or any of our ExCom or Group officers to help out; I’m at 661.323.5569 and can refer you to a task or an individual in your local group who can help you get started. See you at the banquet. Lorraine WATER LAW TOPIC OF APRIL 18TH CHAPTER WORKSHOP. MS KATE NEISWENDER, LAWYER, WILL BE PRESENTER. SIGN UP NOW. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED Coming Up! A workshop on water law, the court cases interpreting the laws, and the present challenges to these laws. April 18th is the date, the place Bakersfield. The presenter will be Ms. Kate Neiswender, an environmental lawyer, who has had much experience dealing with water cases. Ms. Neiswender worked closely with Lynn Plambeck, the Sierra Club activist who was dealing with the Newhall Ranch Development Project and now is the chair of the Santa Clarita Water Company. Her first hand experience and broad knowledge of water law will aid activists to be more effective in their efforts to succeed against challenges to our natural environment. The workshop will be held at Centennial High School from 12 to 3 on Sunday afternoon. Please eat lunch beforehand. Simple snacks will be available. This workshop is open to all Sierra Club members. Sponsored by the Kern Kaweah Chapter, there will be no cost to the participants. Limited to 25 participants, it will be first come, first served. Want to register? Need more information? Call Mary Ann at 661.242.0432. CNRCC meeting to deal with environmental topics of concern. A must for Sierra Club activists, would-be activists. Mar 13th, 14th, San Luis Obispo This two-day session of the California/Nevada Regional Conservation Committee, to be held at San Luis Obispo, gives Sierra Club members from all over the state an opportunity to meet, discuss, and become further informed of topics of concern in our state and and nation. The keynote speaker at this event will be Peter Douglas, ex-director of the California Coastal Commission. As is well known, the Coastal Commission has been the agency in charge of keeping the Pacific Coastline for use by all citizens as well as protecting the coastal areas from misuse by others who would, by their activities, critically harm the natural environments of the Coast. Workshop topics scheduled for this meeting include: Growth Management, which will be focused on whether the Club should continue to try to curb growth through legislation/lobbying or consider a state initiative; State Priorities, which will consider whether (and how) the Club should devote more effort to having an impact on the state budget, agencies and commissions; a Public Lands Workshop focusing on federal land management issues in Yosemite and Sequoia; as well as a workshop on the pros and cons of liquid natural gas port facilities. Specifics will be announced as the dates for the conference approach. The workshops are prepared for and led by activists from various California Chapters who are working in these areas. Always included in the two day program is a resumé of activities in Sacramento by the Sierra Club state staff. Further details of this meeting: To stay overnight $20. Meals, Sat night, Sun breakfast, $10. Rest of fees paid for by Sierra Club California. Email or call 909.621.7148 for more info and/or to make reservation. FINAL SEQUOIA MONUMENT PLAN IS BAD NEWS. VOICE YOUR PROTESTS. CALL, EMAIL OR FAX OUR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS NOW. Your voice needs to be heard to protect the Sequoia National Monument. As time is short, please pick up the phone, use your fax, hop on to the web and get your message off to government officials who are in a position to exert their influence effectively. Your start: To be most effective in expressing your message start with a definitive statement in your introduction to your points, such as “I am in full opposition to the Final Decision by the Forest Service regarding Sequoia National Monument.” Points to make: 1/ The plan doesn’t follow the proclamation. In his Proclamation, President Clinton protected not only the Giant Sequoia groves but the entire range of ecosystems within Monument boundaries, stating
  • 3. THE ROADRUNNER 3 that the forest needs to be restored from logging and fire suppression and that trees cannot be removed unless absolutely necessary. In contradiction to this, the Forest Service has approved what amounts to a logging plan. They will log 75 million board feet of merchantable trees (12"–30" in diameter) over the next ten years from more than 128,000 acres of the Monument! That amounts to about 1500 logging trucks full every year! 2/ We do support removal of easily ignitable fuels, trees 4–8" in diameter and occasionally larger ones if necessary, from within about 200 feet of developed areas and structures. That is the action that the Forest Service’s own Fire Specialists recommend for protecting structures and public safety. 3/ The Forest Service’s plan approves logging miles away from structures. While the Forest Service claims it will use prescribed burning as their first choice of management methods, their words are hollow. The huge volume of large trees they will remove goes far past prudent fuels reduction which could be accomplished by prescribed burning. Indeed they have categorized almost half the Monument for mechanical treatment rather than prescribed fire. With logging, the Forest Service will “develop” huge so-called “threat and defense zones” that will extend up to 11 /2 miles from structures, and they will thin most south and west facing slopes. Sequoia groves are included in this “treatment.” This contrived justification for removal of large pine, fir and Sequoia trees up to 30" in diameter as “ecological restoration” is unbelievable. We don’t buy it and neither did the Monument Scientific Advisory Board. 4/ Costs! The Forest Service’s Plan for the Monument will cost taxpayers 3.4 million dollars per year. An Alternative plan, which the Forest Service rejected, more closely follows the Proclamation by allowing only a little tree cutting and by truly relying on prescribed fire as the primary management tool. This Alternative would cost only 2.1 million dollars per year. This would save taxpayers 1.3 million dollars every year AND provide sound management. 5/ Use Sequoia National Park’s plan as model. With the same objectives as Sequoia Monument, the Park has successfully avoided tree removal on forests adjacent to Monument lands, in the same Giant Sequoia groves and Sierran forest ecosystem. The Park has been using prescribed fire for decades to protect communities, reduce fuels, create diversity, stimulate the growth of young sequoias and enhance wildlife habitat in a healthy forest. They seldom resort to tree removal. The results have been excellent. 6/ Sequoia National Monument should be administered by the Park Service. Most National Monuments are administered by the Park Service. Because the Forest Service refuses to comply with the spirit of the Proclamation, the Sierra Club’s position is that the Monument should be managed by the National Park Service—specifically Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Park—instead of by the Forest Service. We are NOT recommending that the Monument become a Park; it should remain a National Monument, managed in strict accordance with the Proclamation that created it. The Sequoia Task Force/Sierra Club will file an administrative appeal by the March 1st deadline and follow with legal action should it be necessary. Take action now! Use e-mail, fax, telephone calls. Elected officials needed to help curb Forest Service’s poor intentions. Contact info for Boxer, Feinstein, Schwarzenegger on p. 8. HELP SAVE THE SOUTHWESTERN WILLOW FLYCATCHER! CONTACT BELOW The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is taking comments until March 8, 2004 on redesignation of “critical habitat” for the Southwestern willow flycatcher—one of North America’s most endangered songbirds. In regards to public and private lands, the words “critical habitat” provides an additional level of pro- tection forcing federal agencies to consider the impacts of actions, public and private, on the flycatcher’s habitat, regardless of whether that habitat is presently occupied by the species or not. Critical habitat was originally designated for the flycatcher on July 22, 1995, but was set aside by court order May 11, 2001. The first designation of areas as critical habitat resulted in the removal of livestock from hundreds of miles of southwestern rivers and streams, allowing the riparian areas to regenerate and thus provide habitat once again for this songbird. Since the removal of the designation caused by a rancher-supported suit, the flycatcher has been reduced to less than 1,000 territories spread across southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, and extreme southern Nevada, Utah and Colorado. The vast majority of populations consist of fewer than 10 pairs, placing the species as a whole at imminent risk of extinction. Please write by March 8 to support the reinstatement of the “critical habitat” category. Send to Steve Spangle, USFWS, 2321 West Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix, AZ 85021. fax: 602.242.2513 e-mail to
  • 4. 4 THE ROADRUNNER OHV (Off Highway Vehicles) USE IS RAMPANT THROUGHOUT OUR CHAPTER’S AREA. YOU ALL KNOW THE DAMAGE TO THE LAND AND STILLNESS. Here’s what you can do when you are especially concerned about a specific area. First find out who owns the land. *If private, ask us if it’s OK to call the sheriff. Kern County is helpful on this issue. *If public, call the appropriate land management agency. Ask to speak with the recreation specialists and get to know them. Do so more than once if needed. Remember that public land agencies are poorly funded under the current federal and state administrations. *Attend public meetings and speak up. Remind people that the Sierra Club is not limited to “Big City Liberals.” We live and vote and care here. We need to be seen. *Learn about what Club leaders at all levels are doing and about the enviro majority OHV Commission. *Realize there is usually a big difference between legal OHV riders and mavericks who don’t know or care about the regulations. Here is what Owens Peak Group is doing: * Volunteering for BLM and getting acquainted with their over-worked people. * Adopting walking trails closed to OHV use and checking for damage. * Watching Forest Service land. * Working with land planners and other managers for Red Rock Canyon State Park. * Reporting any problems seen on our popular monthly hikes. * Representing environmental interests on the local BLM Steering Committee and the Friends of Jawbone Canyon (OHV open area). * Getting to know the OHV community and working with organized OHV groups that promote responsible and legal OHV use. * Checking about multi-agency coordination and OHV compliance. The Southern California Sierra Club OHV Chair is Jim Dodson. The State chair is George Barnes. For more information leave a message for Stan or Jeanie Haye at 760.375.8973. Grateful thanks to the Owens Peak Group’s ExCom for producing this most informative, helpful letter on a subject that concerns many and was specially requested by a reader of the Roadrunner. TWO ADVOCATE (ALSO KNOWN AS LOBBY) DAYS IN SACRAMENTO: May 17th and Aug. 9th. COME TO THE CAPITOL TO HELP PROTECT CALIFORNIA’S FUTURE! This is your chance to come to Sacramento to meet with legislators and advocate for current environmental issues on behalf of the Sierra Club. A Lobby Day provides activists with an opportunity to talk with legislators and their staff about the Sierra Club’s statewide priorities and specific legislation that is pending before the Senate and Assembly. Last year’s Lobby Day was highly successful. Most of the bills we lobbied on passed and were signed by the governor. This year, we anticipate our topics to include forest protection, land use, air quality, and more! You will attend a training session in political effectiveness the day before Lobby Day, on the afternoons of May 16th and August 8th. Through discussion, role-play and some real-life examples, you will learn skills to become an effective lobbyist with elected officials both in Sacramento and at the local level. Sierra Club California will provide dinner Sunday night for both events as well as breakfast on Monday. Accommodations will be arranged and participants will be reimbursed for travel expenses. Be sure to reserve a place early, as space fills up quickly. For more details, please contact Marianne Batchelder at 916.557.1100 x107 ( or Pat Veesart at 916.557.1100 x103 ( COIN NEWS: THE CALIFORNIA QUARTER. One of the new quarters this year will feature our state. Two choices are up for grabs—waves and sun vs John Muir and Yosemite. Wherever you live, you can help put John Muir on the flip side of the California Quarter by contacting California Gov- ernor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ask him to support the Yosemite Valley-John Muir design.
  • 5. THE ROADRUNNER 5 MIDGEBUZZINGS Pristine: Remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted by civilization American Heritage Dictionary Assuming, as I believe most of us do now, that civilization has affected the global climate adversely, it is probably safe to say that no physical place on earth is still pristine. Much of the world remains beautiful, but beauty is relative to the perceptions of its beholders. Pristineness, if I may invent a word, is not. Where, then, if not in the natural world, can we find what is “pristine” by definition? I think I know. Recently my friend and high school classmate Carl Parks sent me a letter regarding a beautiful parcel of land along the Kern River which he and his wife, Jean, bought in 1971. His family loved the location, and his mother even lived in a little cabin there during her mid to late sixties, fishing in the river and reveling in the beauty, the sound of the river, the abundant wildlife, and the quiet. It was the Kern River Canyon as Carl and I remember it from childhood: lovely and remote. It was also a developer’s dream, especially with a proposed freeway planned to run adjacent to the south boundary and across the river at about the place where an old wooden bridge still spanned the water. Wishing to protect the property from opportunists, Carl and Jean sold it in 1994 to the Forest Service for less than a third of its commercial value. To facilitate the sale the family had to return the land to its natural state. They spent a full summer removing buildings, filling mine shafts, taking down the old bridge and a 3600 foot fence, and combing the area to rid it of any trash or debris. As Carl told me, “We thought you would like to know there will be no trailer parks or homes on that part of the Kern River.” I believe the impulse to that action arose from a pristine sensibility. Another couple I know live so generously in the world that I would call the quality of their thinking pristine. Because they understand the effects of poverty upon the lives of people, they have, for years, quietly given much of a double tithe to help the poor, especially in the form of scholarships, both at the community college and at the local state university, to young people who would otherwise be unable to afford an education. As for themselves, they live happily in a modest-to-poor neighborhood which most people of their means would have fled years ago. They raise some of their own food, they entertain with excellent cooking and pleasant company, and they shake their heads in bemusement over the current passion for acquisition of the newest things, most of which they prefer to live without. They seem to be entirely immune to the virus which leads to the newly-named cultural disease, Affluenza. Finally, I offer a brief account of a pristine moment in a busy American city many years ago. A young reporter sought an interview in a settlement house with Dorothy Day, a great champion of the homeless and destitute. He was directed to a room where he found her listening attentively and with compassion to the ravings of a ragged and obviously deranged woman. When Mrs. Day became aware of the young man’s presence, she turned to him and smiled. “I'm sorry,” she said. “Are you waiting to speak with one of us?” Beauty is available to us both in the actions of such people, and in what remains of the natural world. But only we can b e pristine. by Ann Williams Computer Connections To Create Common Clout Have a computer? Near a library with a computer? USE IT! HOW? Use the internet! Go to Google search engine (bookmark it). Type in National Sierra Club Home Page. Take action on national issues. Using In my backyard, select California. Take action on state issues. Sign up for California alerts. Select Kern Kaweah Chapter from Chapter list. Take action. Sign up to receive Local Alerts. just send an e-mail to or regular mail: Unger, 2815 La Cresta Dr, Bksfld, CA 93305 WE NEED MORE OF YOU! Raised Voices can cause Raised Attention. The people in power can change their positions—especially in an election year! Speak up, speak out in every way you can—especially in this election year! Take action whenever you can!
  • 6. 6 THE ROADRUNNER SPRING INTO SPRING Your calendar of hikes and events Everyone is welcome, Sierra Club members and non-members, to join in any of the outdoor activities listed below. Requirements: You must be in condition for type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity, and prepared to sign a Sierra Club release from liability. You must be willing to follow leader’s directions. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It will be a no-go for you. Please let the leader know ahead of time that you are intending to participate Customary appropriate equipment includes good hiking shoes, plenty of water, snack, sunglasses, sun tan lotion, layered clothing. Long pants recommended. It is always wise to call before coming to a listed activity as cancellations and changes may have to be made! Every Week. Bakersfield. Conditioning Hikes: (tuesday) 7 PM. 4–5 miles. Corner of highways 178 & 184. Gordon, 661.872.2432 or Larry, 873.8107 (KK Chapt.) Note change of day. Mar 6 (sat) 5:30 PM. Pizza Party and Old Fashioned Sing-A-Long. Come and enjoy pizza followed by group singing of those favored folk songs of the 50s and 60s. Lyrics provided. Place: Kathy and Harry Love’s house in Bakersfield. Call 589.6245 for directions. Need to know number coming to order pizza. Small fee collected. Mar 10 (wed) 6 PM. Evening Social. Mediterranean Restaurant (on Caldwell near Sizzler, Visalia.). 559.739.8527 for more info, make reservation. (Min Kg Gp) Mar 13–14 California/Nevada Regional Conservation Conference. St. Luis Obispo (See p. 2 for more info) Mar 20 (sat) 7:30 AM. A Twofer! Part one of two easy hikes: NELSON RANGE ANCIENT CAMPSITE (Location of petroglyphs near defunct spring in the Nelson Range; 5925 ft; 350 ft gain; 3.4 mi RT) Part two: 8 mi drive to launching point of the easy jaunt to Jackass Benchmark, the high point of Hunter Mtn, located on the NW corner of the huge desert massif. From the top of the easy scramble up Jackass we can see Saline Valley. Meet at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. Call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161 for more info. (Owens Peak Gp.) Mar 21 (sun) 2–3:30 PM. Kaweah Group Coffee and Dessert Social. Meet new friends and old. Explore the backyard ecology of the Clark’s home. Bring your binoculars! Possible sightings may include nesting Red-Shouldered Hawks. All Sierra Club members welcome. Call Pam at 559.784.4643. (Kaweah Gp.) Mar 22 (mon) 7:30 PM. SCA Restoration Projects. Presentation by students working on Student Conservation Assoc. (SCA) restoration projects on BLM lands in the Ridgecrest area. Maturango Museum. Call Jean Bennett 760.446.4339, 375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161 for more info. (Owens Pk Gp.) Mar 27 (sat) See Non-Sierra Club events, p. 7. Join Min Kg Gp for brunch at Cafe 225, Visalia, at 10 AM. Mar 27 (sat) Annual Kern Kaweah Awards Banquet. See page 8 for more info Mar 27 (sat) 8 AM. Piedra Blanca National Recreation Trail: Meet at PMC Clubhouse. Hike begins at the Reyes Creek Campground (off Lockwood Valley Road), proceeds approximately 3 1 /2 miles up a usually dry creek. Effects of hopefully still visible spring water will be compared to what was seen in our late season trips. Moderate hike to Upper Reyes Campground located in an impressive incense cedar grove up somewhat steep embankment before dropping into the Beartrap Creek Valley. Ecologically interesting site with variety of trees including white alder and often fish in a small pond. Long pants are recommended since there are numerous patches of nettles along the trail. Call Dale 661.242.1076 or Ches 661.242.0432 (Condor Gp.) April 3 (sat) 7 PM. Biology of Tejon Ranch. Speaker Michael White, Conservation Biology Institute. Slides. 6 PM potluck, talk 7 PM. Pine Mountain Clubhouse. Info? Call Ches, 661.242.0423 (Condor Gp.) April 14 (wed) 6 PM. Evening social. Canton Restaurant, Main St., Visalia. 559.739.8527 for more info, make reservation. (Min Kg Gp.) April 14 (wed) 7:30 PM. The Orient: Steve Smith will show slides of his recent trip to the Orient (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Hong Kong and China). Maturango Museum. Call Steve 760.384.5440. (Owens Pk Gp.) April 17 (sat) Wildflower Hike, Sage And Boulder Canyons, Maybe Even Tit Peak! (Boulder to Tit; 5352 ft; 1500 ft gain; 3.8 mi RT) or if the flowers are better (Sage Canyon to McIver’s Cabin; 6689 ft; 1700 ft gain, 5.5 mi RT) We will explore the location of numerous Indian metates at the springs of Boulder Canyon on our quest to identify wildflowers. Many photo-ops here. From the Indian Campsite, we will ascend magnificent Tit peak. Hopefully more flowers will be found here and also a great view of S Indian Wells Valley. If conditions advise, we will instead ascend the back end of adjacent Sage Canyon and hike to
  • 7. THE ROADRUNNER 7 McIver’s Cabin, a local landmark. Either hike will be easy. Meet Sat, Apr 17 at 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. Call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161. (Owens Pk Gp.) April 24 (sat) 8AM. Fishbowls Trail: Meet at PMC Clubhouse. The Cedar Springs/Fishbowls trail is one of the most beautiful, popular and geologically interesting area trails, leading off Lockwood Valley Road; Approximately 81 /2 miles round trip with an elevation gain of about 800 feet. First stop: Cedar Springs campground after an easy walk, located in beautiful incense cedar grove. Second stop; After moderately steep climb reach the Piru Creek and a series of sandstone pools. Learn about origin of pools as well as, with luck, enjoy a good (chilly?) swim in them, joined by some fish waiting to be identified. Wildflowers unique to area to be identified. Call Dale 661.242.1076 or Ches 661.242.0432 (Condor Gp.) LOOKING AHEAD May 22 (sat) Yellow Jacket Trail. Features meadows, protected areas of arroyo toad. More details next issue. Call Dale 661.242.1076 or Ches 661.242.0432. (Condor Gp.) June thru August (every sunday, 8AM) Sunday Strolls. 11 /2 hours. Meet at Pine Mountain Clubhouse. More info? Call 661.242.0432. June 12 (sat) Hike Muir Grove in Sequoia National Park with Pam Coz-Hill, 559.733.3972. Discuss wild flowers and John Muir. Call 559.733.882 if you plan to attend. Meet at 8 AM at Mary Vineyard parking lot near Taco Bell, Visalia. SIERRA CLUB ENCOURAGES INVESTMENT IN SOCIAL CHANGE SAN FRANCISCO (January 13, 2004). Consider investing in Sierra Club Mutual Funds. Our financial practices can unite with our environmental ones. Companies offered through SC Mutual Funds have all been screened in terms of their environmental practices and have received A’s for the way they conduct their businesses. Social and financial objectives don’t have to be mutually exclusive. In 2003, the Sierra Club Stock Fund returned more than 30%, outperforming the S&P 500 by more than 5 percent. Call 866.897.5982 for more information. NON-SIERRA CLUB OPPORTUNITIES FOR EXPLORING THE OUT OF DOORS March 27 (sat) Join the Sequoia Riverlands Trust at Herbert Preserve. This outing will explore the variety of wild flowers native to the region we live in (the Valley floor) as well as to learn about the Fairy Shrimp found in vernal pools located in small wetland area of the Herbert Preserve. The Sierra Club’s Mineral King Group has been invited by Jane Caputo of Sequoia Riverlands Trust to join her on this exploration. Call 559.738.0211. The exact time and the location of Herbert Preserve will be announced in the TIMES DELTA and will be posted on the Mineral King Group website, April 30 - May 2nd. (fri-sun) 10th annual Kernville's Bioregions Festival. Hikes, Displays, Programs. Joe Fontaine of our Chapter to be a featured speaker as well as a trip leader. Put the words Bioregions Festival + Kernville in Google and up will come the complete program and other related information. Call 760.378. 3044 for further information. NATURAL WAY TO MARK ANY OCCASION Honor an individual or an occasion by honoring our environment. A Commemorative or Memorial gift that supports the Sierra Club is a gift that’s always in style. Call Sierra Club National Office, 415.977.5653 for details.
  • 8. 8 THE ROADRUNNER Time-Saving Information Contact names, addresses of policy makers The Roadrunner See page 5 for more info Kern Kaweah Chapter Federal government numbers Sierra Club President: White House Comment Line: 202.456.1111 George W. Bush’s email - Send to: P.O. Box 3357 Address - 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20500 Bakersfield, CA 93385 Senator Barbara Boxer e m a i l : phone: 202.224.3553 fax: 202.956.6701 mail US Senate 112 Hart Senate Office Building , Washington D.C. 20510 Return service requested Senator Dianne Feinstein email: senator@feinstein.senate. gov phone 202.224.3841 fax 202.228-3954 mail US Senate 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington D.C. 20510 For House Reps US Capitol Switchboard - 202.224.3121. California government numbers: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, phone: 916.445.2841 email: fax: 916.445.4633 mail State of California, State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814 Calif. Legislative Switchboard (receptionist will help you ID your Senator and Assembly member if you are unsure): 916.322.9900. Kern-Kaweah Groups Contact Numbers ExCom, Kern Kaweah Ch. 661.323.5569 (Lorraine) Buena Vista Group (Bakersfield) 661.833.3795 (Glen) Condor Group (Pine Mtn Club, Frazier Park area) 661. 242.0423 (Ches) Kaweah Group (Porterville) 559.784.4643 (Pam) Mineral King (Visalia) 559.739.8527 (Harold) Owens Peak Group (Ridgecrest) 760.375.7967 (Dennis) Please call Chairs to contact Conservation Chairs of individual groups. Thanks to Harold Wood, our indefatigable Web manager, Chair of the Mineral King Group, who posts the latest news as to action alerts, changes in schedule, issues of the Roadrunner, and to Ann Williams and Michelle Hoffman who prepare the Roadrunner for mailing. ANNUAL KERN KAWEAH SPRING BANQUET. Features: Kevin Hall, air whiz, speaker. Time: Evening will begin with a 5:30 PM social hour followed by a 6:30 PM dinner. Place: East Bakersfield Veterans Hall on Ridge Road, off Mt. Vernon Ave. Fill out slip below, include check, mail to Harry Love, 13500 Powder River Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93314. Saturday, March 20 is deadline. RESERVATION SLIP FOR KERN KAWEAH CHAPTER MARCH 27TH BANQUET ************************************************************************ Yes, I wish to attend the 2004 Annual Banquet of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter on Sat March 27. Name Telephone Number For each person (@$15.00) I have included a check for the total of Number attending: (@ $15.00) Total amount: $ Desired entree: place number requested for each item tri-tip beef spinach lasagna