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New Horizons
                       The Official Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc.
                           PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 !            District 9455!         ABN: 99 602 195 617

 Volume 3, Issue 11	                                                                                                            13th - 19th September 2010

Letter from the Club        Club Apparel              Congratulations Justin    Night Stalk at the Zoo       Twilight Sail               Christmas / Club
President                   Club apparel is now       Our new                   Find out what makes          Limited numbers are         Birthday Function
Find out what is going      available.                Ambassadorial Scholar.    those ‘bumps in the          available     for    this   Make sure you put this
on around the club.         Page 2                    Page 2                    night’!                      exciting social event.      date in your diary.
Page 1                                                                          Page 3                       Page 3                      Page 3

                                            Conducting make-ups is a                                                           operating throughout the
Letter from the                             great opportunity for both             Last week:                                  bulk of Australian Districts
                                            the visiting Rotarian and the                                                      for over 30 years, however,
President                                   club they visit to gain more           Handicamp                                   District 9450 was not one of
                                            ideas – if you have the                                                            those Districts.      Ron ran
My sincere apologies for not                opportunity to visit another           Last Wednesday evening,                     Handicamp in District 9470
sending information to our                  club, either locally, interstate,      Past District Governor Ron                  for a number of years and it
bulletin editor in time for its             or overseas, please do so!             Geary addressed us on                       is hoped that the new District
inclusion last week! I was                                                         Handicamp,          another                 9455 will run a Handicamp in
tied up with an Expo for 5                  Last week we heard about               excellent New Generations                   the foreseeable future if a
very long days, and my                      Handicamp, a Rotary project            project    which     matches                club is willing to champion it.
belated email with the news                 I have had first hand                   disabled young adults with
crossed with the email                      experience with as I attended          able-bodied “buddies” (also
containing the bulletin!                    as an able-bodied buddy in             young adults) in a week long                New
                                            2000. Being the oldest buddy           camp.
The speaker scheduled for                   (at 22 years of age!) I was                                                        Generations
the week before last, Tony                  saddled with the most                  Handicamp serves several
Baker, became unwell and                    challenging campers – first a           purposes: it gives both the                 Committee
was unable to address our                   26 year old girl who could             disabled participants and
club, which left us with a                  not communicate or really do           their families a holiday, and it            Director Marcos is looking
great opportunity to hear                   anything at all, and when she          opens the eyes of the able-                 for club members to serve on
more detailed reports about                 was sent home I was then               bodied participants, helping                the     New     Generations
some of the exciting things                 given the only other person            them to see beyond a                        Committee. Please contact
our club has taken on.                      on the camp who could not              handicap      and     also   to             Marcos if you would like to
                                            communicate, a boy with                appreciate what they (and                   work with youth projects.
Much of the meeting was                     severe Aspergers. While I              their families) live with.
devoted to our Magnifying                   didn't particularly enjoy the                                                      Members     working    with
Microscope Project and the                  experience, it was certainly           Handicamp           has        been         youths aged 18 and under are
wonderful feedback received                 life changing and
from the trial phase. We can                worthwhile.
now roll it out further across
the state, with many other                  This week we have
Rotary Clubs keen to get                    our      committee
involved. Congratulations to                meetings. We have
all     those     who    have               many         exciting
contributed to this wonderful               things to plan, so
success! More detail about                  please do come
this project is included later              along           and
in this bulletin.                           participate.

We also heard that meeting                  Yours in       Rotary
from    visiting   Rotarian                 service,
Merilyn Adamson about                       Simone
some of the Rotary Club of
East   Perth's    activities.

Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
N    E   W        H     O   R   I   Z    O   N    S

required to have a current        forms provided, with money            worthy recipients. This is               with the Science Teachers
Working with Children card        paid by cheque or directly            another example of how we                Association of WA (STAWA)
– please see Secretary Di for a   into the Club Operating               benefit from the Rotary                   and Watercorp last Monday
form if needed.                   account, clearly marked with          Foundation and why we                    to discuss the Magnifying
                                  your name.                            should support it as much as             Microscope project now that
                                                                        possible!                                they have been in five
District                                                                                                         schools for five months. The
                                  Congratulations                                                                schools       LOVE      the
Governor's                        Justin!                               Good luck Rob!                           microscopes and they have
                                                                                                                 been voted a resounding
Visit                             Justin Hewett was successful
                                                                        The very best of luck to Rob             success.
                                                                        Rohrlach for his interview on
                                  in his application to receive                                                  The State Governor Dr. Ken
District Governor Ian and Jan                                           Wednesday night for Team
                                  an       Ambassadorial                                                         Michael (whose grandson
Hutton will make their                                                  Leader of the Group Study
                                  Scholarship! Those that met                                                    attends   North   Cottesloe
official visit to our club on                                            Exchange        Team       to
                                  him a few weeks ago will                                                       Primary,   one    of    the
Wednesday 13th October .                                                District1880 in Germany.
                                  agree    that    he    is   an
                                                                        Rob would
                                  outstanding young man, and
This meeting will be a dinner                                           make a fine
                                  we are thrilled for him. We
meeting, 6.30pm for 7.00pm.                                             Team Leader
                                  will invite Justin back to
The Board are required to                                               and we wish
                                  speak in more detail about
meet with the DG for a                                                  you     every
                                  his area of study before he
reporting session for one                                               success Rob.
                                  leaves for Beijing next year to
hour prior (i.e. from 5.30pm      study a Master of Law.
to 6.30 pm).
The cost of the dinner will be    Matching                              Your
$40.00 per person and this
will NOT include drinks so
please BYO.
                                  Grant                                 Pinky
It is a very important event
                                  Approved                              This is a
in the yearly calendar so                                               fundraising
please put the date in your       Tony Munday has sought
                                                                        activity for
diary, bring partners, family,    assistance from us to obtain a
friends and support the club      bus for a group of dentists in
as we are obliged to pay for a    Cambodia.       The Rotary
                                                                        by      the
minimum of 30. We also            Foundation has approved
hope that our ‘Friends of the     Matching Grant No. 73664
Rotary Club of Freshwater         for US$49,000 for the bus,
Bay’ and potential members        with the funding being made
                                                                        In India and
will also come along.             up of US$26,000 from Tony                                                      ‘microscope’ schools) and
                                                                        other countries, a purple line
                                  Munday, US$5,000 from the                                                      WA Chief Scientist Lyn
                                                                        is drawn on the little finger
Final numbers are required        District Designated Funds                                                      Beazley have stated that this
                                                                        to identify the children who
by     11th  October     and      from District 3520 in Taiwan                                                   project is the most significant
                                                                        have received the Oral Polio
payment is requested in           and US$18,000 from the                                                         thing to happen in the
                                                                        Vaccine. To raise awareness
advance and can be paid into      Rotary Foundation.                                                             science field in schools in the
                                                                        of and funds for PolioPlus,
the club Operating account.                                             school children give a gold              past ten years. With the full
                                  Rotary                                coin donation to have their
                                                                        pinky painted purple.
                                                                                                                 backing of the STAWA and
                                                                                                                 Watercorp, the project will be
Club Apparel                      Foundation                                                                     expanded and rolled out
                                                                        PRID Ken recently told the               with the official name of the
                                                                                                                 “Rotary WA Magnifying
Claire has sent forms for
shirts/caps and fleecy tops to
                                  District                              year 4-7s at Claremont
                                                                        Primary about Polio. A date              Microscope       Project”.   A
all members. Some of the                                                has not yet been set for Paint           number of other Rotary clubs
older members have Club           Simplified                             Your Pinky there, but it could           have     already     expressed
shirts which are worn for                                               be in the next week or two.              interest       in      putting
fundraising      /     project    Grant                                 On the day that this is carried          microscopes in their local
activities.     This is an                                              out at the school, about six             schools.
opportunity      for   newer      PRID Ken has completed an             members are required to
members (and older ones           application for a Rotary              “paint pinkies”.                         Microscopes        can      be
who do not have club              Foundation          District                                                   manufactured      with     the
apparel) to place an order for    Simplified Grant for 90                                                         Rotary Emblem provided we
available items.                  Magnifying Microscopes (A             Magnifying                               make a minimum order of
                                  $1,125.00).    Projects from                                                   500.     Bryant Stokes has
EmbroidMe        Claremont        clubs can apply for a                 Microscope                               supported the project with a
(Graeme and Elizabeth Bain)       Simplified Grant of up to US                                                    generous contribution which
are providing the clothing at     $1,000      from      District        Project                                  has already been deposited
a discounted price and            Designated Funds.           A                                                  into the club account.
orders can be placed on the       committee will decide on the                                                   Sincere thanks to Bryant, Rob
                                                                        Director Rob Rohrlach met

                                                                                                        Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
N   E   W        H     O   R   I   Z   O       N     S

and all members who have                   The club has paid Rotary              best possible price.                     PDG Ron and Glenys Geary
assisted with getting the                  International and District Dues                                                have kindly offered to take up
project off the ground. There is
no doubt it is one of the best
                                           plus      Rotary      magazine
                                           subscriptions for all members
                                                                                 Accounts                                 to 18 members/partners out
                                                                                                                          on the river for a ‘Twilight
Rotary projects in a very long             so PLEASE either send your                                                     Sail’ as a social event for the
time as it is readily affordable           cheque or make a direct debit         Audited                                  Club in October (date to be
by all clubs, reaches into the             payment     into   the     Club                                                arranged). Could members
community and covers the                   Operating account as soon as          In his usual efficient                    please indicate their interest to
three areas Rotary works in at             possible.                             manner, Rajah prepared all               Secretary Di.
the local level: Vocational,                                                     the documentation for the
                                                                                 auditing of the Club
                   and     New
                                           Club                                  accounts for the year                    Christmas/
                                                                                 ending 30th June 2010. The
                                           Foundation                            audit was carried out by                 Birthday
EmbroidMe                                                                        Adrian Rose and a copy of
                                           Secretary Di received a phone         the    audited     accounts,             Function
Community                                  call last week from Solicitor         together with the signed
                                           Maryanne Mackenzie, who is            documentation      by    the             December will see the club
Fund                                       looking after the application         Auditor and Secretary Di                 celebrate its second birthday
                                           for the Club Charity Fund. The        were hand delivered to the               and as this takes place just
Elizabeth Bain alerted the Club            Australian Tax Office had              Dept     of     Commerce/                before Christmas it is a perfect
about the Grant of $25,000                 issued the same ABN for the           Charitable    Licence   last             opportunity to combine the
available Australia wide for               Charity Fund as had been              Tuesday                                  two celebrations.
branded      apparel       from            issued for our club, and
EmbroidMe.                                 although Secretary Di phoned          A huge thank you to Rajah                A booking has been made for
                                           the ATO about when it was             and Adrian Rose for                      a    dinner     meeting  on
The Board has supported the                issued and had been told it           helping to keep all our                  THURSDAY, 16TH December
request from Director Rob that             was ok, they have now                 financial matters in order.               at the Nedlands Golf Club at
he submit an application for               decided that it should indeed                                                  6.30pm for 7.00pm
30-50 Polo shirts to support the
volunteers of Jade Lewis and
                                           have been a separate number,
                                           and it is now acting as a
                                                                                 Night Stalk at                           Other details of cost etc. will
                                           stumbling block to further
Friends to build drug free
people and communities in                  progress in the creation of the       the Zoo                                  follow. Please put the date in
                                                                                                                          your diary and once again,
prisons and schools. The Polo              Trust.                                                                         invite friend and family and
                                                                                 Donna Bicknell has been on
shirts would carry the Rotary                                                                                             we look for the support of our
                                           Although Rajah Senathirajah           several Night Stalks at the
Logo     and     possibly    the                                                                                          Friends of the Rotary Club of
                                           had completed the request for         Zoo and Kings Park and
EmbroidMe logo.                                                                                                           Freshwater Bay.
                                           an ABN for our Charity Fund           recommends them highly.
                                           correctly, the ATO took it upon       They can range
Pride of                                   themselves to simply change           from       ones

Workmanship                                the name associated with our          which are just a
                                                                                 gold        coin
                                                                                                               Change of Meeting
                                           ABN from “The Rotary Club
                                           of Freshwater Bay, Inc” to “the       donation to a When: Thursday, 7st October, 2010. 
Award                                      Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay         set cost.      A Venue: Usual venue. 
                                           Charity Fund”, thus effectively       picnic dinner Time: Usual time.
Director Rob had information               leaving the club without an           can be taken
in the Western Suburbs                     ABN.                                  enabling it to Guest Speaker: Phil Sherwood from RC Arden
Weekly Newspaper to seek                                                         be a great social Arcade, California
nominations for small business             Rajah has kindly made another         activity for the Note: this meeting is in place of our usual
who give outstanding service               application to the ATO for a          club.             Wednesday meeting on Wed 6th Oct.
for a Pride of Workmanship                 new number for the Charity
Award. The award will be                   Fund. When this is issued the         M e m b e r s
presented to the successful                Solicitor can resubmit the            interested    in
nomination on 13th October                 application to the ATO for the        participating in
(during “Vocational Service                Tax Deductible Status for the         such an event           13th Annual Dr Ken Collins
month”     in     the    Rotary            Charity Fund. We can then             please       let
International calendar), on the            seek to have the original ABN         Secretary     Di                Address
occasion of the District                                                         know as we’d
Governor’s Official Visit.
                                           for the Club reinstated.
                                                                                 like to organise                Promoting The Rotary
                                                                                 a booking for                       Foundation
                                           Volunteer Grant                       later        in
Club Dues are                                                                    September      if       When: Monday, 29th November, 2010. 
                                           The board has approved the            there is enough         Venue: Golden Nugget Room, Gloucester Park. 
Overdue                                    purchase    of a laptop, PA           interest.               Time: 7:00pm for 7:30pm
                                           system and screen using the
Treasurer Toni James will soon                                                                           Guest Speaker: RI President Ray Klinginsmith
                                           funds received     from the
be sending reminder notices to             Volunteer Grant.    President         Twilight                Alumni Speaker: Maryanne Tokome-Amu
all members who have not yet               Simone, Marcos, Rob and                                       Cost: $45pp with cash bar available.
paid their annual club dues.               Daniel will proceed with              Sail
                                           obtaining these items at the

Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
N   E    W        H      O    R    I     Z    O   N   S

                                                  Upcoming Guest Speakers

          Date                             Speaker                                                                 Topic

     22nd September      Hon Nick Hasluck, AM                              Reflections of a newly retired judge

     7th October         Philip Sherwood                                   RC Arden Arcade

     27th October        Jorg Imberger                                     Director, Centre for Water Research

                                                                            Program for September / October
                                                                                            Date                                Details
     Host - Introduction & Thank You
                                                                             15th September                      Committee Meeting
                      Date                  Name
                                                                             22nd September                      Hon Nick Hasluck AM
              22nd September       Bill Hassell
                                                                             29th September                      Kylie West: GSE to Normandy
              29th September       TBA
                                                                             7th October (Thursday)              Philip Sherwood: RC Arden Arcade

                                                                             13th October                        DG Visit: Dinner Meeting

        Welcoming Roster                             Board                                                  Club Details
                                                     Rotary Year 2010-11
          Date                    Name                                                                      Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc.
                                                     Simone Carot Collins — President
                                                              PO Box 168,
 15th September          Judy Edwards                                                                       Nedlands,
                                                     Di Collins — Secretary / Vice President                Western Australia, 6909
 22nd September          Marcos Carot Collins                   Meetings
                                                          Wednesday 5:45pm to 6:45pm
                                                                                                            Cafe, Bethesda Hospital
                                                     Bill Hassell — President Elect / Club                  Queenslea Drive
                                                     Administration Director                                Claremont
New Horizons: Winner of the District 9450                                                         
      Bulletin Award for 2009/10                     Toni James — Treasurer
                                                                                                            08 9385 0471
                                                     Rob Rohrlach — Projects Director
Bulletin Contributions                     
                                                                                                            08 9385 0472

Contributions for the weekly bulletin are            Claire Forsdyke — International Director     
sought from members of the club.           
Why not use the bulletin to update the club                                                       
on the projects your committee is working            Ken Collins — Membership Director                      freshwaterbayrotary
on or promote the clubs next fundraising   
event.                                                                                                      Chartered 19 December 2008
                                                     Marcos Carot Collins — New
Please forward articles and photos to                Generations Director 

                                                                                                                    Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9450

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New Horizons V3 I11

  • 1. New Horizons The Official Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc. PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 ! District 9455! ABN: 99 602 195 617 Volume 3, Issue 11 13th - 19th September 2010 Letter from the Club Club Apparel Congratulations Justin Night Stalk at the Zoo Twilight Sail Christmas / Club President Club apparel is now Our new Find out what makes Limited numbers are Birthday Function Find out what is going available. Ambassadorial Scholar. those ‘bumps in the available for this Make sure you put this on around the club. Page 2 Page 2 night’! exciting social event. date in your diary. Page 1 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Conducting make-ups is a operating throughout the Letter from the great opportunity for both Last week: bulk of Australian Districts the visiting Rotarian and the for over 30 years, however, President club they visit to gain more Handicamp District 9450 was not one of ideas – if you have the those Districts. Ron ran My sincere apologies for not opportunity to visit another Last Wednesday evening, Handicamp in District 9470 sending information to our club, either locally, interstate, Past District Governor Ron for a number of years and it bulletin editor in time for its or overseas, please do so! Geary addressed us on is hoped that the new District inclusion last week! I was Handicamp, another 9455 will run a Handicamp in tied up with an Expo for 5 Last week we heard about excellent New Generations the foreseeable future if a very long days, and my Handicamp, a Rotary project project which matches club is willing to champion it. belated email with the news I have had first hand disabled young adults with crossed with the email experience with as I attended able-bodied “buddies” (also containing the bulletin! as an able-bodied buddy in young adults) in a week long New 2000. Being the oldest buddy camp. The speaker scheduled for (at 22 years of age!) I was Generations the week before last, Tony saddled with the most Handicamp serves several Baker, became unwell and challenging campers – first a purposes: it gives both the Committee was unable to address our 26 year old girl who could disabled participants and club, which left us with a not communicate or really do their families a holiday, and it Director Marcos is looking great opportunity to hear anything at all, and when she opens the eyes of the able- for club members to serve on more detailed reports about was sent home I was then bodied participants, helping the New Generations some of the exciting things given the only other person them to see beyond a Committee. Please contact our club has taken on. on the camp who could not handicap and also to Marcos if you would like to communicate, a boy with appreciate what they (and work with youth projects. Much of the meeting was severe Aspergers. While I their families) live with. devoted to our Magnifying didn't particularly enjoy the Members working with Microscope Project and the experience, it was certainly Handicamp has been youths aged 18 and under are wonderful feedback received life changing and from the trial phase. We can worthwhile. now roll it out further across the state, with many other This week we have Rotary Clubs keen to get our committee involved. Congratulations to meetings. We have all those who have many exciting contributed to this wonderful things to plan, so success! More detail about please do come this project is included later along and in this bulletin. participate. We also heard that meeting Yours in Rotary from visiting Rotarian service, Merilyn Adamson about Simone some of the Rotary Club of East Perth's activities. Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 1
  • 2. N E W H O R I Z O N S required to have a current forms provided, with money worthy recipients. This is with the Science Teachers Working with Children card paid by cheque or directly another example of how we Association of WA (STAWA) – please see Secretary Di for a into the Club Operating benefit from the Rotary and Watercorp last Monday form if needed. account, clearly marked with Foundation and why we to discuss the Magnifying your name. should support it as much as Microscope project now that possible! they have been in five District schools for five months. The Congratulations schools LOVE the Governor's Justin! Good luck Rob! microscopes and they have been voted a resounding Visit Justin Hewett was successful The very best of luck to Rob success. Rohrlach for his interview on in his application to receive The State Governor Dr. Ken District Governor Ian and Jan Wednesday night for Team an Ambassadorial Michael (whose grandson Hutton will make their Leader of the Group Study Scholarship! Those that met attends North Cottesloe official visit to our club on Exchange Team to him a few weeks ago will Primary, one of the Wednesday 13th October . District1880 in Germany. agree that he is an Rob would outstanding young man, and This meeting will be a dinner make a fine we are thrilled for him. We meeting, 6.30pm for 7.00pm. Team Leader will invite Justin back to The Board are required to and we wish speak in more detail about meet with the DG for a you every his area of study before he reporting session for one success Rob. leaves for Beijing next year to hour prior (i.e. from 5.30pm study a Master of Law. to 6.30 pm). Paint The cost of the dinner will be Matching Your $40.00 per person and this will NOT include drinks so please BYO. Grant Pinky It is a very important event Approved This is a in the yearly calendar so fundraising please put the date in your Tony Munday has sought activity for diary, bring partners, family, assistance from us to obtain a PolioPlus friends and support the club bus for a group of dentists in sanctioned as we are obliged to pay for a Cambodia. The Rotary by the minimum of 30. We also Foundation has approved Education hope that our ‘Friends of the Matching Grant No. 73664 Department. Rotary Club of Freshwater for US$49,000 for the bus, Bay’ and potential members with the funding being made In India and will also come along. up of US$26,000 from Tony ‘microscope’ schools) and other countries, a purple line Munday, US$5,000 from the WA Chief Scientist Lyn is drawn on the little finger Final numbers are required District Designated Funds Beazley have stated that this to identify the children who by 11th October and from District 3520 in Taiwan project is the most significant have received the Oral Polio payment is requested in and US$18,000 from the thing to happen in the Vaccine. To raise awareness advance and can be paid into Rotary Foundation. science field in schools in the of and funds for PolioPlus, the club Operating account. school children give a gold past ten years. With the full Rotary coin donation to have their pinky painted purple. backing of the STAWA and Watercorp, the project will be Club Apparel Foundation expanded and rolled out PRID Ken recently told the with the official name of the “Rotary WA Magnifying Claire has sent forms for shirts/caps and fleecy tops to District year 4-7s at Claremont Primary about Polio. A date Microscope Project”. A all members. Some of the has not yet been set for Paint number of other Rotary clubs older members have Club Simplified Your Pinky there, but it could have already expressed shirts which are worn for be in the next week or two. interest in putting fundraising / project Grant On the day that this is carried microscopes in their local activities. This is an out at the school, about six schools. opportunity for newer PRID Ken has completed an members are required to members (and older ones application for a Rotary “paint pinkies”. Microscopes can be who do not have club Foundation District manufactured with the apparel) to place an order for Simplified Grant for 90 Rotary Emblem provided we available items. Magnifying Microscopes (A Magnifying make a minimum order of $1,125.00). Projects from 500. Bryant Stokes has EmbroidMe Claremont clubs can apply for a Microscope supported the project with a (Graeme and Elizabeth Bain) Simplified Grant of up to US generous contribution which are providing the clothing at $1,000 from District Project has already been deposited a discounted price and Designated Funds. A into the club account. orders can be placed on the committee will decide on the Sincere thanks to Bryant, Rob Director Rob Rohrlach met 2 Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
  • 3. N E W H O R I Z O N S and all members who have The club has paid Rotary best possible price. PDG Ron and Glenys Geary assisted with getting the International and District Dues have kindly offered to take up project off the ground. There is no doubt it is one of the best plus Rotary magazine subscriptions for all members Accounts to 18 members/partners out on the river for a ‘Twilight Rotary projects in a very long so PLEASE either send your Sail’ as a social event for the time as it is readily affordable cheque or make a direct debit Audited Club in October (date to be by all clubs, reaches into the payment into the Club arranged). Could members community and covers the Operating account as soon as In his usual efficient please indicate their interest to three areas Rotary works in at possible. manner, Rajah prepared all Secretary Di. the local level: Vocational, the documentation for the auditing of the Club Community Generations. and New Club accounts for the year Christmas/ ending 30th June 2010. The Foundation audit was carried out by Birthday EmbroidMe Adrian Rose and a copy of Secretary Di received a phone the audited accounts, Function Community call last week from Solicitor together with the signed Maryanne Mackenzie, who is documentation by the December will see the club Fund looking after the application Auditor and Secretary Di celebrate its second birthday for the Club Charity Fund. The were hand delivered to the and as this takes place just Elizabeth Bain alerted the Club Australian Tax Office had Dept of Commerce/ before Christmas it is a perfect about the Grant of $25,000 issued the same ABN for the Charitable Licence last opportunity to combine the available Australia wide for Charity Fund as had been Tuesday two celebrations. branded apparel from issued for our club, and EmbroidMe. although Secretary Di phoned A huge thank you to Rajah A booking has been made for the ATO about when it was and Adrian Rose for a dinner meeting on The Board has supported the issued and had been told it helping to keep all our THURSDAY, 16TH December request from Director Rob that was ok, they have now financial matters in order. at the Nedlands Golf Club at he submit an application for decided that it should indeed 6.30pm for 7.00pm 30-50 Polo shirts to support the volunteers of Jade Lewis and have been a separate number, and it is now acting as a Night Stalk at Other details of cost etc. will stumbling block to further Friends to build drug free people and communities in progress in the creation of the the Zoo follow. Please put the date in your diary and once again, prisons and schools. The Polo Trust. invite friend and family and Donna Bicknell has been on shirts would carry the Rotary we look for the support of our Although Rajah Senathirajah several Night Stalks at the Logo and possibly the Friends of the Rotary Club of had completed the request for Zoo and Kings Park and EmbroidMe logo. Freshwater Bay. an ABN for our Charity Fund recommends them highly. correctly, the ATO took it upon They can range Pride of themselves to simply change from ones Workmanship the name associated with our which are just a gold coin Change of Meeting ABN from “The Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, Inc” to “the donation to a When: Thursday, 7st October, 2010.  Award Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay set cost. A Venue: Usual venue.  Charity Fund”, thus effectively picnic dinner Time: Usual time. Director Rob had information leaving the club without an can be taken in the Western Suburbs ABN. enabling it to Guest Speaker: Phil Sherwood from RC Arden Weekly Newspaper to seek be a great social Arcade, California nominations for small business Rajah has kindly made another activity for the Note: this meeting is in place of our usual who give outstanding service application to the ATO for a club. Wednesday meeting on Wed 6th Oct. for a Pride of Workmanship new number for the Charity Award. The award will be Fund. When this is issued the M e m b e r s presented to the successful Solicitor can resubmit the interested in nomination on 13th October application to the ATO for the participating in (during “Vocational Service Tax Deductible Status for the such an event 13th Annual Dr Ken Collins month” in the Rotary Charity Fund. We can then please let International calendar), on the seek to have the original ABN Secretary Di Address occasion of the District know as we’d Governor’s Official Visit. for the Club reinstated. like to organise Promoting The Rotary a booking for Foundation Volunteer Grant later in Club Dues are September if When: Monday, 29th November, 2010.  The board has approved the there is enough Venue: Golden Nugget Room, Gloucester Park.  Overdue purchase of a laptop, PA interest. Time: 7:00pm for 7:30pm system and screen using the Treasurer Toni James will soon Guest Speaker: RI President Ray Klinginsmith funds received from the be sending reminder notices to Volunteer Grant. President Twilight Alumni Speaker: Maryanne Tokome-Amu all members who have not yet Simone, Marcos, Rob and Cost: $45pp with cash bar available. paid their annual club dues. Daniel will proceed with Sail obtaining these items at the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 3
  • 4. N E W H O R I Z O N S Upcoming Guest Speakers Date Speaker Topic 22nd September Hon Nick Hasluck, AM Reflections of a newly retired judge 7th October Philip Sherwood RC Arden Arcade 27th October Jorg Imberger Director, Centre for Water Research Program for September / October Date Details Host - Introduction & Thank You 15th September Committee Meeting Date Name 22nd September Hon Nick Hasluck AM 22nd September Bill Hassell 29th September Kylie West: GSE to Normandy 29th September TBA 7th October (Thursday) Philip Sherwood: RC Arden Arcade 13th October DG Visit: Dinner Meeting Welcoming Roster Board Club Details Rotary Year 2010-11 Date Name Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc. Simone Carot Collins — President PO Box 168, 15th September Judy Edwards Nedlands, Di Collins — Secretary / Vice President Western Australia, 6909 22nd September Marcos Carot Collins Meetings Wednesday 5:45pm to 6:45pm Cafe, Bethesda Hospital Bill Hassell — President Elect / Club Queenslea Drive Administration Director Claremont Email New Horizons: Winner of the District 9450 Bulletin Award for 2009/10 Toni James — Treasurer Phone 08 9385 0471 Fax Rob Rohrlach — Projects Director Bulletin Contributions 08 9385 0472 Website Contributions for the weekly bulletin are Claire Forsdyke — International Director sought from members of the club. Facebook Why not use the bulletin to update the club on the projects your committee is working Ken Collins — Membership Director freshwaterbayrotary on or promote the clubs next fundraising event. Chartered 19 December 2008 Marcos Carot Collins — New Please forward articles and photos to Generations Director 4 Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9450