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The Roadrunner
         Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — Jan./Feb 2002

           Straw Bale Construction                          annually and their numbers will grow and include
            Sierra Club Seminar                             minorities that we do not reach as often as we would
   Tues. Jan 22, 7/9 PM , Beale Libr., 701 Truxtun, Bksf.   like. Many of them will be in contact with each other.
                                                            They know that economic progress is impossible
Huff & Puff                                                 without ecological awareness. Members of our
 But Can you Blow These Straw Bale Walls Down?              chapter should come forward now and help them
    Sponsored by the Buena Vista Group and the              achieve their goals.”
Chapter Ex-com, Ken Haggard, a registered architect
with the San Luis Sustainability Group, will present a       Water Cost And Availability Topic Of
seminar on building with straw bales in the Sierra                  POWER Conference
Club’s series on alternative technologies at the Beale            Just as gold was central to California’s economy
Library, 7-9 pm, January 22, 2002.                          in the nineteenth century and oil was central in the
    Straw bale construction is an innovative, yet time-     twentieth century, the availability of water will
less construction technique for building super-             determine California’s prosperity in the twenty-first
insulated homes and offices. Building with bales was        century. To learn what public officials think as to
popularized with the phenomenal bestseller “The             how California can obtain the quality and quantity of
Straw Bale House” by Athena and Bill Steen, pub-            water we would like (while avoiding floods and
lished by Chelsea Green.                                    restoring the environment), Arthur Unger attended
    Haggard’s firm specializes in passive solar archi-      this year’s conference of “Public Officials for Water
tecture and sustainable planning and design.                and Environmental Reform” (POWER). This year’s
    Greg McMillan, the contractor building Barry            topic was How Much Should Water Cost?
Aubrey’s straw bale home near Weldon, will be avail-            There was some discussion of the lessons to be
able to answer questions about on-site details of con-      learned from the energy crisis. Some said energy
struction.                                                  deregulation led to energy shortage, and the same
    For more information, turn to these web sites:          could occur if we do not have adequate water regs.
    Haggard:              Neither the Sierra Club nor the participants know
    Calif. Straw Building Association                       how much of the price of water should be set by                          freely operating markets and how much by public
   CRPE Backed Regional Meeting To                          policy. Loretta Lynch, President of the California
    Address Environmental Concerns                          Public Utilities Commission, thinks that the price of
                                                            items for which there are no alternatives should be
    The Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment         regulated.
(CRPE) sponsored the Central California Environ-                Senator Sheila Kuehl and others discussed her SB
mental Justice Conference held November 17, 2001            221. SB 221 requires housing developments of over
in Fresno. This conference brought together activists       500 units to prove that sufficient water is available.
from the Central Valley who are concerned about air         Possible loopholes are exemptions for low income
pollution, pesticide use, and water contamination.          housing, for developments that are adjacent to other
Chapter member Art Unger was one of about 100               developments because they could be considered in-
persons attending this conference.                          fill, and for findings by local jurisdictions that the
    Speakers at the meeting emphasized the need for         project’s social and economic benefits outweigh the
working together to correct region-wide environmen-         negative environmental impact of not having proof
tal concerns. These speakers spoke from personal            of sufficient water. Dividing a project into multiple
experience, as they had been involved in their              499-unit developments is the biggest possible loop-
communities in projects as diverse as opposing pri-         hole. To gain support for this bill, Kuehl had to
son building in rural areas and preventing construc-        agree not to pursue legislation on this subject for five
tion of an incinerator within a city limit.                 years.
    A workshop was held for young people, providing             Ann Vickers, author of “Handbook of Water Use
basic information on environmental concerns and the         and Conservation” and keynote speaker of the
need to become activists for support of environ-            conference, pointed out that Americans use more
mental health.                                              water on their lawns than in their homes and use
    Art is “almost certain that these people will meet      720,000 gallons of gas per year to mow those lawns.
2                                                                                         THE ROADRUNNER

She hopes we will switch to native plants, but notes
that those who do use natives do not decrease their       FROM THE CHAPTER CHAIR
water use unless they stop using automatic sprinklers.                                            By Paul Gipe
Much more pesticide per square foot is used on            Chapter Budget
ornamental land than on farm land. It takes ten times        The Sierra Club is a grass-roots organization and
as much water to produce an ounce of steak as an          as such is member driven. Every member has a right
ounce of tofu. Amy Vickers says they are nutri-           to attend any Club-sponsored meeting or event, in-
tionally the same; do our physicians and nutritionists    cluding meetings of the chapter or group executive
agree?                                                    committees, or ExComs, in Club parlance. In fact we
 Kern County 2nd District Supervisoral                    encourage members to participate as much as pos-
  Candidates Appeared In Sierra Club                      sible. Members are what keep us going.
                                                             Club members also have a right to know how we
               Forum                                      spend their money. The following summarizes the
    On December 4, the Buena Vista Group of the           chapter’s typical sources of annual income and our
Chapter sponsored a candidate forum for the second        typical expenses in thousands of dollars.
supervisor district of Kern County. Since the in-                Income
cumbent, Steve Perez, is a candidate for another             Subvention 15 Conservation             3
office, the election is wide open, attracting five           March Appeal 2 Other 1              Total 21
candidates. All of the candidates (Don Maben, Linda              Expenses
White, Mary Beth Garrison, Bernita Jenkins, and              Groups 2 Conservation 6
Louis Litwin) appeared that evening. The audience            SC deductions 4 Roadrunner 9 Total 21
was mixed, with Sierra Club members, members of                             Accounts on hand 17
the community, and high school students. The                 Subvention is a portion of local members’ dues
questions addressed to each candidate covered the         that is returned to the chapter from the national or-
topics of urban sprawl, air quality, wind and dairy       anization.
farms, transportation, energy use and Tehachapi              Conservation is the income from our foundation
development issues. Some candidates placed private        account for specific, tax-exempt purposes, such as
property rights over community wishes, while others       our lawsuit against EPA.
believed that county government should take an               March Appeal is the contributions we solicit
active role in directing growth in the county and         directly from chapter members. We can do this only
improving air quality. Even though they disagreed         in March, thus the name.
on the role of government in improving and regu-             Other is income from the sale of calendars, post-
lating environmental issues, they all agreed that Kern    cards, and so on.
county does have serious environmental problems              Typically our annual income totals approximately
that must be addressed now.                               $20,000.
    The audience provided many of the questions              Groups is our modest distribution to each group.
asked and enjoyed both the serious comments by the        We are weighing an increase in our group subven-
candidates and those of a flippant nature. Many Club      tion. There are now five groups in the chapter.
members volunteered their time to set up the debate          Conservation accounts for our expenses in non-
and to man tables with reading materials. The Buena       political activities, such as our legal case against EPA
Vista Excom would like to thank them for their            regarding air pollution in the San Joaquin Valley.
services.                                                    SC deductions are for our share of Sierra Club
    The next time voters in the 2nd district get a        California expenses.
chance to listen to the candidates will be in February       Roadrunner is our cost to print and distribute our
in Tehachapi. Please try to attend. By listening to the   newsletter, the Roadrunner.
candidates, you will definitely be able to make up           We try to balance our annual expenses with our
your mind for the March election.       By Harry Love     annual income. We have $17,000 in deposits at a
                                                          local bank as a cash reserve for emergencies.
                                                             In addition, we have access to the Mel & Beverly
Did you forget to buy a SC Calendar? A few remain         Rubin Environmental Fund, managed by the Sierra
to be sold for just $5. Please call Georgette Theotig,    Club Foundation. Because this fund is in a founda-
661-822-4371, to make arrangements for your bar-          tion account, we can only use it for carefully audited
gain purchase asap!                                       purposes, such as reimbursement of a limited portion
                                                          of our Roadrunner expenses, educational expenses,
                                                          and costs of litigation.
                                                             Larry Wailes is our chapter treasurer.
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                                     3

         Who Speaks For The Club?                            discussed on the show. Although you will have only
                                                             15 to 30 seconds for your opening question, take the
    The Club and the chapter are involved in a host of
                                                             time to tell the host you enjoy the show. Then slip in
controversial actions. As a consequence, members are
                                                             your question.
often asked their opinions on a variety of complex
                                                                 When dealing with the far right, who see environ-
environmental issues. While all citizens have a right
                                                             mentalism as government interference, our Dolph
to speak their mind, speaking on behalf of the Sierra
                                                             Amster recommends addressing matters of fact rather
Club requires familiarity with the issue, with the
                                                             than opinion. Expect a harsh reply and evenly reply
collective opinion of the national Sierra Club, and
                                                             with a supporting fact. That will probably set the host
with the position explicitly endorsed by the chapter
                                                             off, and you may not get another word in. Bear in
and group.
                                                             mind that it would cost the club about $50 a minute
    Our position on certain issues is sometimes del-
                                                             to put out the information you just almost did. If you
icately crafted after hours of discussion. Members
                                                             are interviewed, your oral comments should consist
are welcome to help hammer out our positions—in
                                                             of one or two short sentences, with images if possible,
fact, we always need more help—and by doing so
                                                             structured so that they cannot be changed. To
become more familiar with the ramifications of each
                                                             prevent changing my replies in a telephone interview,
action. As John Muir said, everything in the universe
                                                             I sometimes fax my answers, rather than give them
is hitched to everything else.
                                                             over the phone.
    Unless a member is acknowledged by the exec-
                                                             Arthur is more than happy to speak with anyone who
utive committee of either the chapter or group as the
                                                             would like to discuss further the topic above. You can
lead activist on an issue, he or she should refrain
                                                             reach him in the following manner: 661. 323.5569
from speaking “on behalf of,” “for,” or even “as a
member of” the Sierra Club. Please say what you
want to say, but do so as a citizen, or a member of the      Manter Appeal—Story of A Step In The
community. We need more people speaking up for                         Right Direction
the environment, for clean air, for clean water, and
                                                                 The Manter Appeal refers to an area in Sequoia
for protection of our wild places. By Paul Gipe
                                                             National Forest that was given the go-ahead for a
 Pointers For Pressing Points With The                       timber sale, justified by the Forest Service in terms of
           Press Persuasively                                cutting trees in an area that had been run over by
                                                             fire. The alert watchers of timber sales in that
    The following article was prepared by Arthur
                                                             National Forest made an appeal to the Forest Service,
Unger, a well known local Sierra Club activist who
                                                             questioning their judgment that the trees to be cut
has had a great deal of experience dealing effectively
                                                             were truly dead.
with the local media. He has prepared the following
                                                                 The appeal was rejected, but a meeting was
suggestions for utilizing the opportunities the media
                                                             requested with the District Ranger. In the meeting it
offers for publicizing Sierra Club positions as an aid
                                                             was discovered that the District Ranger had uni-
to give you expertise—and courage to speak up.
                                                             laterally changed the marking guidelines (the
    Our talking to the voters, more than lobbying the
                                                             Protocol) for determining which trees were dead and
office holders, lessened the harm the 104th Congress
                                                             which were not. Even though the Environmental
did, and it can help us with the present congress. All
                                                             Assessment (EA) used a more permissive, less
of us must continue to reach the voters. First we must
                                                             protective protocol for the project analysis, the Forest
talk to as many of the people we come face to face
                                                             Service said they would adhere to the more restrictive
with as we dare.
                                                             protocol (See below). Had we not appealed, the
    Then we must use the media. With persistence, one
                                                             likelihood that the more restrictive protocol would be
can occasionally be on radio, TV and in local news-
                                                             used was small.
papers such as the Californian; I have proven that
                                                                 The most restrictive protocol to be followed states
this does not take talent. For those with too little time,
                                                             that a tree cannot be considered “dead” unless
letters to the editor and talk radio are the ways to go.
                                                                 at least 95% of the crown is scorched brown, for
    Follow the issues that interest you in the general
                                                             pines trees,
media and in environmental publications like the
                                                                 at least 90% of the crown is scorched brown, for
Roadrunner. Call the listed chapter officers to find
                                                             fir trees.
other sources.
                                                                 For trees that had less than 50% live crown before
    Gene Tacket, former talk show host, advises that
                                                             the fire,
talk radio shows that originate locally usually receive
                                                                 pines cannot be considered dead unless at least
less than twenty calls an hour. When you call, you
                                                             90% of the crown is scorched brown;
will first be screened. Usually they only want to know
                                                                 firs cannot be considered dead unless at least 85%
that the topic of your call relates to the subject being
                                                             of the crown is scorched brown.
4                                                                                           THE ROADRUNNER

    How did those persons who worked on the appeal         looking, watching the changes of light, memorizing
persuade the Forest Service to change their position       the contours of the land. What I was doing was
on this timber sale? It took people who have really        witnessing, with a mind completely innocent of any
involved themselves in the concern of protecting the       notion of change and therefore not apprehensive of
Sequoia forests to 1. get proof that the original          it. To me it was perfect beauty, seen in perfect air, by
protocol had not been followed by going out to the         perfect light. I did not know that it was being trans-
site in question and taking videos illustrating that the   lated through the eyes into the heart where it would
trees designated as dead were truly not dead ac-           remain, awaiting expression.
cording to the Forest Service protocol; 2. meet with            I have often observed this witnessing in others.
Forest Service personnel to discuss findings; 3. get       Before me in a little album is a photograph of a
expert testimony stating that the cutting would be         jagged outcrop of rock, black in profile against the
harmful to the habitat for the fisher, an endangered       pale last light of day. At first glance there appear to
carnivore species; 4. be prepared to continue to           be three spires, but a closer look identifies the third
monitor the “marking” of trees, according to the           as a person, a friend who had climbed the rock last
Forest Service protocol agreed upon.                       summer to witness a sunset in the White Mountains.
    What was the result of the agreements that came        Below is another picture, this one of the land whose
out of these negotiations?                                 shades and contours the watcher is absorbing. The
    Quoting from a letter written by Chad Hansen,          scene is deeply shadowed around long streaks of
member of National Board of Directors of Sierra            momentary light. The same process of translation is
Club: “We may be victims of our own success here.          occurring, but now in a mind only too well aware of
Due to the pressure that all of the folks working on       the accidental and transitory character of natural
this have brought to bear on the Forest Service, the       beauty, and conscious of its importance to the heart.
scope and scale of the project has been reduced by             In maturity every witness understands that a scene
probably over 80%. Ironically, this hinders our            in nature is characterized as much by unpredictable
ability to sue them.”                                      variables as it is by its physical composition. Light is
    Are folks satisfied with this result of the Manter     capricious, its quality dependent upon any number
Appeal compromise? Ara Marderosian wrote, “I               of situations. Time of day is ordered, but weather is
would prefer that the dead and live trees remain in        not, nor, in these days, is the condition of the air. Nor
place because all branches and needles, live or dead,      do we know what wild creatures might be there, or
collectively add up to the canopy which provides           whether they will be moving or stationary, or if
protection from predators above, shade from early          stationary, how long. Furthermore, sound, or the
snow melt, resistance to winds blowing through the         absence of it, is profoundly involved in total ex-
forest and drying the forest, as well as the increase in   perience, as are all the senses and our receptiveness to
soil compaction and sediment in the streams, and           them. So it is only accidentally that we enter those
damage to the naturally occurring sprouts that would       moments in nature which are of such exquisite
replace the burned trees.”                                 quality that they become fixed in memory, to recur
     Here is another example of effort, expertise and      through a lifetime by deliberate referral, or by
perseverance helping to protect our natural environ-       surprise when we are thinking of something else.
ment. Can you see in this report an opportunity that           Such a beautiful confluence of circumstances
fits your ability to help? Contact Ara Marderosian         occurred for me one afternoon last October at the
for further information: 760.376.4434. or 866.533.         rim of a vast canyon in Bryce National Park as I
7873. Web site is              waited, hoping, for more than ordinary light. It came
                                                           while I was reading, and when I looked up and out I
              MIDGEBUZZINGS                                saw it, not falling upon those haunted shapes to
     The summer I turned thirteen my family built a        illuminate them as one would expect, but seeming to
home in a beautiful place five miles or so outside the     radiate from them as if generated outwards from the
little town of Chico. Across the street behind a           center of a mystery too intense even for approach.
density of foliage Chico Creek rushed icy cold to fill     Nevertheless, I raised my camera and opened the
the reservoir at Five Mile Dam; and at the back of         shutter, an act that seemed almost a sacrilege. And
our land, beyond a low rise, was a full horizon of         film, being neutral, records.
butte mountains.                                               A picture does not express experience so much as
     The transition from childhood to adolescence can      it attests to it. But that testament is witness, too, and
be swift and immense. In my case it was made even          thus a spring to memory and an invitation to return.
more poignant by separation from old friends, and                                              By Ann Williams
by the coincidence of this landscape, so gorgeous as
to be almost painful. In a corner of the back fence I
built a board seat where I often spent time just
THE CONDOR FLYER                                                                                          5

         KernKaweah GROUP NEWS
  Kern Kaweah Chapter Ex-Com usually meets Saturday afternoons once a month, Beale Library,
  Bakersfield, 12 noon. Call to make sure of place and time. Paul Gipe, Chair. 661.324.1923

Buena Vista Group                                       Kaweah Group
Meets at Bakersfield, Beale Library                     Meets in Porterville. Interested in hikes? Other ac-
For further information call Glenn Shellcross, Chair    tivities? Call
661.832.3382.      email:    GSHELLCROSS@bak.           Theresa Stump, Chair. 559.781.0594

     y y coming events y y                              Mineral King Group
Jan 22 (tues ) 7–9 PM . Straw Bale Construction. Meets in Visalia
Beale Library, 701 Truxtun Ave., Bksf.            For further information call Harold Wood, Chair.
Feb 23 (sat) 1st Annual Banquet Program: Alison 559.739.8527
Sheehey, “A Look at Wildlife in Kern County.”
Installation of Officers. At Hodels, 5917 Knudsen       y y coming events y y
Dr. 6:13 PM . “Attitude Adjustment.” 7 PM Buffet In Visalia;
Dinner. $15.80 (includes tax, tip). RSVP by Feb. Feb 7 (thur) Dinner social at Keo Thip Thai
1st. Send check to Karen Smith, 10404 Sunset Dr., Mar 7 (thur) Dinner social at Los Portales
Bksf., 93311. More info? 664-5808 or 833-3795     Reservations needed. RSVP by day prior to event.
                                                  Hikes begin in March.
Condor Group                                      Group Ex Com meets 4th Monday monthly. All SC
                                                  members welcome. Call (559) 739-8527 to attend.
Meets at Pine Mountain Club                       Check Min. King Group Website for updates and
For further information call Ches Arthur, Chair, send in your address for regular updates:
661.242.0423. email:      
                                                  or call phone number listed above.
     y y coming events y y
Snow and freezing make events questionable. Please
be sure to call prior to event.
Jan 12th (sat) Excursion to Red Rock Canyon State       Owens Peak Group
Park . Full day trip. Sack lunch, water. Call Barbara   Meets in Ridgecrest
for more info. 661-242-7024.                            For further information call Dennis Burge, Chair
Feb 2nd (sat) Nordic Ski Patrol and more!               760.375.7967 email:
Steve Smashey, active member, presenter. 6 PM,
potluck. 7 PM program. Pool Pavilion Room, PMC                    y y coming events y y
clubhouse.                                              Jan 19th Malpais Mesa Hike. 7700 ft. Hunt for lost
Feb 9th (sat) Tide Pool Tour. Down to the coast for     petroglyphs. Snow alternative: Dome Mtn. Meet at
day-trip to view inhabitants of the ocean rarely seen   Ridgecrest Cinemas, 7 AM. More info? Call Dennis.
unless there is low tide. Call Barbara for more info.   Jan. 21st (mon) Kathleen Cox of the BLM will
661-242-7024.                                           speak about Searles Valley (Trona) mineral prod-
Question Mark Hikes                                     uction, environmental issues. Maturango Museum,
SATURDAYS: Jan 26th,, Feb. 23rd. Destinations of        100 E. Las Flores, 7:30 PM .
hikes are not announced. Will depend on weather         Feb. 18th (mon) “A Birder Goes Traveling”:
conditions. Please call if you are interested in        Lloyd Brubaker of Kerncrest Audubon, who has
activity on those dates.                                recently been to Antarctia and South Africa, will
USFS Study Group. January 14. Gas and oil               speak. Maturango Museum, 100 E. Las Flores; 7:30
development. January 31st. 4 Forest Management          PM . Call Jeanie for more info. 375-8973.
Plan. Public input meetings. Place and exact time on    Feb 23 (sat) Mayan Peak (top of Kelso Valley)
reverse side. More info? Call 242-0432.                 6108 ft. Meet at Ridgecrest Cinemas. 7 AM. More
                                                        info? Call Jim at (760) 375-8161.
6                                                                                       THE ROADRUNNER

                                Your quicky calendar
                     January                                                 February
Sat 12 Red Rock Canyon - see Condor Group                Sat 2 Nordic Ski Patrol program - see Condor Group
Sat 19 Malpais Mesa Hike - see Owens Peak Gp             Thurs 7 Meal at Keo Thip Thai - see Min. King Gp
Sat 19 Chapt. Excom. Beale Library, Bksf. Noon.          Sat 9 Tide Pool - see Condor Gp
Mon 21 BLM’s Cox: Trona mineral production - see         Mon 18 Bird program - see Owens Peak Gp
   Owens Peak Gp                                         Sat 23 Banquet - see Buena Vista Group
Tues 22 Straw Bale Construction - see p. 1               Sat 23 Mayan Peak - see Owens Peak Group
Every Thursday. Condition Hike. 4-5 miles. Bksf. 7
PM . Corner of 178 & 184. Details? 661.872.2432

                     JANUARY                                                  FEBRUARY
Sun 13 Southern Regional Conservation Comm. Mtg          Ski Trips
- LA (9 AM) 3435 Wilshire 213.387.4287                   1-3 (fri-sun) Cross Counry Ski Tour
1. Mon 14 USFS Gas and Oil Los Padres hearing.           16-18 (sat-mon) Ski Backpack
Chuchupate Rg. Station. 6-8:30 PM . 2. Tues 15 BLM       Both in Sequoia Monument. Limit 8. Call Gary/
in Bksf. 3-5 PM . Presentation, public input.            Paulette Landers for details/reservations 714.529.
Sat 19 Workday at Wind Wolves.661.858.1115               8154
Thurs 31 USFS workshop on 4 Forest Plan. Frazier         Fri-Sun 15-17 - Duck Days. Sacramento area. Peak
Park Comm. Center. 6-9 PM .                              bird migration time. Tours, hikes +. 800 425-5001
***********************************                      BUENA VISTA GRP NEW EX-COM ELECTED
        CALIFORNIA/NEVADA REGIONAL                       Congratulations to all the persons elected to this Ex-
     CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Mtg. LA                      Com. Serving on the board will be Mary Helen
   Discussion will include ballot issues and candidate   Barro, Shannon Kelly, Karen Page, Alison Sheehey,
endorsements coming up in March. This group has          Glenn Shellcross, Karen Smith, Kevin Smith, Shelley
a vital part in making decisions concerning policy of    Stone, and Elaine White. This new Ex-Com is the
Sierra Club California. Mtg time: 9 AM 3435 Wil-         group that will be responsible for making decisions
shire 213.387.4287. Other related mtgs: State Mtg.       as to program, etc. for group.
Mar. 9-10 Convention June 8th-9th. Both at San
Luis Obispo. All Club members welcome.                  TABLING (manning a booth at a public affair) is
   MINERAL KING GROUP INVOLVED IN                       a grand way to inform the general public about the
     PROTESTING PROPOSED SAND AND                       Sierra Club. This fall found Shelly Stone, Larry
              GRAVEL OPERATION                          Wailes and son, Monte Harper, Diane Rezavy and Art
                                                        and Lorraine Unger doing just that at the Neigh-
    The company Pacific Materials has filed an appli- borhood Festival at Martin Luther King Park and the
cation for a 137-acre pit mine to excavate sand and Combined Federal Campaign Fun Day in Yokuts
gravel to a depth of 40 feet from a 496-acre site Park. A good way to help spread the word!
about 1 mile north of Lemoncove. The site is adja-
cent to the Kaweah River and is presently pasture
used for livestock grazing. Groundwater occurs just
three feet below the ground surface.                    After an extended illness, Bette Goodrich passed
    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service submitted a away Saturday, Nov 24th, 2001. Bette was an active
letter outlining concerns including the endangered leader of National Outings and served as Chair of
kit fox. The DEIR states that it is improbable that the the Wilderness Threshold from about 1987 until
kit fox are present in the area, but the Service has about 1999. She was one of the founders of and first
information of several kit fox sightings within a small Chair of the Owens Peak Group. She received the
radius of the project site. In addition to potential Kern-Kaweah Chapter’s Susan Miller Award. After
habitat loss of kit fox, the possible effects of noise moving to Mammoth Lakes, she became an active
and lighting on the fox are of concern. The Planning member of the Toiyabe Chapter and was one of the
Commission will decide at its meeting on January 16 founders of the Range of Light Group in that
whether to reject the DEIR and/or the project or to chapter. She will be remembered with great affection
direct that a final EIR be prepared for certification. and appreciation for all her efforts for the goals of
Mineral King is watching this proposal carefully.       the Sierra Club.
*********************************** Start the New Year off in grand style
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                                              7

Volunteer.                                                            "Take Action" Numbers...Call! Write!
                                                                     FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NUMBERS:
    You have read many times in the past issues of the         White House Comment Line: 202.456.1111
Roadrunner about the effective work of Sierra Club              e-mail : address:1600
members whose passion for protecting the natural               Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20500
environment drives them to devote much time to                 Senator Barbara Boxer, 312 N Spring St. Suite
study, writing, making public appearances and de-              1748, LA 90012. 1.213.894.5000 email: senator@
veloping occasions for educating and alerting the    
general public and officials as to proposed actions            Senator Diane Feinstein, 11111 Santa Monica Blvd.,
that would be detrimental and expressing our oppo-             Suite 915, LA 90025 . 1. 310.914.7300 email:
sition accompanied by constructive criticism.        
                                                               Dir. Gale Norton, U.S. Department of the Interior,
    Please join them. Uncertain how to start? What to          1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240 1.202.
do? See pg 3 of this issue. Check past Roadrunners.            208.3100. Email:
Check Sierra Club online. Clip out "Take Action"               Dir.Ann Venneman. U.S. Dept of Ag, Dale Bosworth,
box and keep it handy for use when needed. Talk to             US Forest Service, 14th & Independence Ave. SW,
other members.                                                 Washington, D.C.20250.
    You will soon relish the learning opportunities, the       1.202.720.2791
satisfaction and comradeship of others who share the                        CALIFORNIA NUMBERS:
similar views. Enjoy!                                          Gov.Davis: email:
         EX-COM CANDIDATES FOR 2002                            Calif. Legislative Switchboard (receptionist will help
Paul Gipe has served on the ExCom, is currently Chapter        you contact your Senator and/or Assembly member
Chair, and has worked on energy-related environmental issues   if you are unsure): 1-916-322-9900
for almost three decades.
Mary Ann Lockhart has served as Condor Group Chair and                  BALLOT FOR CONDOR GROUP
on KK Chapter Ex-com; presently is Editor of Roadrunner.                EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, 2002
Art Unger Arthur Unger has held chapter offices and received   All Sierra Club Members in the area of Pine Mountain
awards. He thanks you for donating your time to our chapter    Club, Frazier Park, Lebec and Gorman are eligible to vote.
and thus to the earth. Contact any chapter officer or Art at or 661 323-5569 to help you                                VOTE FOR NINE:
become more active.
Glenn Shellcross Served as Chair of the KK Chapter, now        VOTER 1                VOTER 2
Vice-Chair. Chair of Buena Vista Group.                        ____Ches Arthur          ____
                                                               ____Fay Benbrook          ____
   BALLOT FOR KERN-KAWEAH CHAPTER                              ____Marta Bigler          ____
         EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 2002                             ____Dale Chitwood        ____
                                                               ____Bernard Cordes        ____
All Sierra Club Members in this Chapter are eligible           ____Erica Cordes         ____
to vote.                                                           Dave Grant           ____
Voter 1                                              ____          Barbara Kelley        ____
VOTE FOR FOUR                                        ____          Katherine King       ____
___Paul Gipe____Mary Ann Lockhart ___Glenn ____                    Harry Nelson         ____
Shellcross____Art Unger                              ____          Gita Nelson           ____
____Write in______________________________           ____          Candy Posson         ____
                                                     ____          Jean Rustvold         ____
Voter 2                                              ____          Rusty Rustvold        ____
VOTE FOR FOUR                                        ____          Dayne Yancy         ____
___Paul Gipe____Mary Ann Lockhart____Glenn ____                    Tom Yancy              ____
Shellcross____Art Unger                              ___________Write In         ___________
____Write in______________________________
                                                     Place voter(s) signature(s) on outside of envelope.
Place voter(s) signature(s) on outside of envelope. Send to Lockhart, Att. BALLOT. PO GG, Frazier
Send to Kern Kaweah Chapter. Att: Ballot, PO 3357. Park, CA, 93222 or bring to Feb 2nd mtg. where
Ballots must be received by January 31, 2002.        results will be announced.

Please cut out list below and keep handy
8                                                                                            THE ROADRUNNER

      Cut up the Roadrunner?
     Never heard of this before?
       Why should you do it?
             so you can...

                     Vote (p. 7)

                Volunteer (pp. 3/7)

         Take advantage of the
        new "quick look" sheet
    to find out easily who is doing
    what, when and where! (pp. 5&6)

       Roadrunner Information                                    LAST MINUTE ADDITIONS OF INTEREST
             General Publication Information
                                                              Congratulations: The National Sierra Club Board of
        Deadline: Feb 5th, 2002                               Directors’ minutes of Nov. 16-18, 2001 show Joe
         for March-April issue                                Fontaine as one of the new honorary Vice Presidents
                                                              of the Club. What an honor for our “home boy.”                        Great News: 1,540 acres of private land known as
     Web questions?                the Dillonwood Grove and filled with second-growth
                                                              sequoias has now become part of Sequoia National
    Want to contact Roadrunner?                               Park. Combining these trees with those in the adjoin-
       email:                                ing Park we come up with this Grove becoming one
                                                              of the five largest in the world! How did it happen?
        or    reg mail: Editor, Roadrunner,                   The family owning the land did not sell into other
       PO GG, Frazier Park, CA 93222.                         private hands and Save-The-Redwoods League and
                                                              Silicon Valley Foundations provided the $$$ to make
                                                              it possible. Wow!
    ****Want to sign up to receive ALERTS?****
           Send to
                                                              Mineral King Folks: If you live in Tulare or King
          WE NEED MORE OF YOU!
                                                              Counties you are invited to submit your e-mail
                                                              address for updates of activities that have not ap-
Very extra special thanks to the mailing, Michelle Hoffmann   peared in the Roadrunner. Please include your name,
  and Ann Williams, for working on this issue during the      street address and telephone number to harold.wood
 holidays in order to get it to you on promptly in the New
                      Year of 2002.

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November-December 2010 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
November-December 2010 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra ClubNovember-December 2010 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
November-December 2010 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
September-October 2010 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
September-October 2010 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra ClubSeptember-October 2010 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
September-October 2010 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
January-February 2010 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
January-February 2010 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra ClubJanuary-February 2010 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
January-February 2010 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
November-December 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
November-December 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra ClubNovember-December 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
November-December 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
September-October 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
September-October 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra ClubSeptember-October 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
September-October 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
July-August 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
July-August 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra ClubJuly-August 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
July-August 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
April 2009 Supplement Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
April 2009 Supplement Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra ClubApril 2009 Supplement Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
April 2009 Supplement Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
September-October 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
September-October 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra ClubSeptember-October 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
September-October 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
July-August 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
July-August 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra ClubJuly-August 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club
July-August 2008 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club

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January-February 2002 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club

  • 1. The Roadrunner Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — Jan./Feb 2002 Straw Bale Construction annually and their numbers will grow and include Sierra Club Seminar minorities that we do not reach as often as we would Tues. Jan 22, 7/9 PM , Beale Libr., 701 Truxtun, Bksf. like. Many of them will be in contact with each other. They know that economic progress is impossible Huff & Puff without ecological awareness. Members of our But Can you Blow These Straw Bale Walls Down? chapter should come forward now and help them Sponsored by the Buena Vista Group and the achieve their goals.” Chapter Ex-com, Ken Haggard, a registered architect with the San Luis Sustainability Group, will present a Water Cost And Availability Topic Of seminar on building with straw bales in the Sierra POWER Conference Club’s series on alternative technologies at the Beale Just as gold was central to California’s economy Library, 7-9 pm, January 22, 2002. in the nineteenth century and oil was central in the Straw bale construction is an innovative, yet time- twentieth century, the availability of water will less construction technique for building super- determine California’s prosperity in the twenty-first insulated homes and offices. Building with bales was century. To learn what public officials think as to popularized with the phenomenal bestseller “The how California can obtain the quality and quantity of Straw Bale House” by Athena and Bill Steen, pub- water we would like (while avoiding floods and lished by Chelsea Green. restoring the environment), Arthur Unger attended Haggard’s firm specializes in passive solar archi- this year’s conference of “Public Officials for Water tecture and sustainable planning and design. and Environmental Reform” (POWER). This year’s Greg McMillan, the contractor building Barry topic was How Much Should Water Cost? Aubrey’s straw bale home near Weldon, will be avail- There was some discussion of the lessons to be able to answer questions about on-site details of con- learned from the energy crisis. Some said energy struction. deregulation led to energy shortage, and the same For more information, turn to these web sites: could occur if we do not have adequate water regs. Haggard: Neither the Sierra Club nor the participants know Calif. Straw Building Association how much of the price of water should be set by freely operating markets and how much by public CRPE Backed Regional Meeting To policy. Loretta Lynch, President of the California Address Environmental Concerns Public Utilities Commission, thinks that the price of items for which there are no alternatives should be The Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment regulated. (CRPE) sponsored the Central California Environ- Senator Sheila Kuehl and others discussed her SB mental Justice Conference held November 17, 2001 221. SB 221 requires housing developments of over in Fresno. This conference brought together activists 500 units to prove that sufficient water is available. from the Central Valley who are concerned about air Possible loopholes are exemptions for low income pollution, pesticide use, and water contamination. housing, for developments that are adjacent to other Chapter member Art Unger was one of about 100 developments because they could be considered in- persons attending this conference. fill, and for findings by local jurisdictions that the Speakers at the meeting emphasized the need for project’s social and economic benefits outweigh the working together to correct region-wide environmen- negative environmental impact of not having proof tal concerns. These speakers spoke from personal of sufficient water. Dividing a project into multiple experience, as they had been involved in their 499-unit developments is the biggest possible loop- communities in projects as diverse as opposing pri- hole. To gain support for this bill, Kuehl had to son building in rural areas and preventing construc- agree not to pursue legislation on this subject for five tion of an incinerator within a city limit. years. A workshop was held for young people, providing Ann Vickers, author of “Handbook of Water Use basic information on environmental concerns and the and Conservation” and keynote speaker of the need to become activists for support of environ- conference, pointed out that Americans use more mental health. water on their lawns than in their homes and use Art is “almost certain that these people will meet 720,000 gallons of gas per year to mow those lawns.
  • 2. 2 THE ROADRUNNER 2 She hopes we will switch to native plants, but notes that those who do use natives do not decrease their FROM THE CHAPTER CHAIR water use unless they stop using automatic sprinklers. By Paul Gipe Much more pesticide per square foot is used on Chapter Budget ornamental land than on farm land. It takes ten times The Sierra Club is a grass-roots organization and as much water to produce an ounce of steak as an as such is member driven. Every member has a right ounce of tofu. Amy Vickers says they are nutri- to attend any Club-sponsored meeting or event, in- tionally the same; do our physicians and nutritionists cluding meetings of the chapter or group executive agree? committees, or ExComs, in Club parlance. In fact we Kern County 2nd District Supervisoral encourage members to participate as much as pos- Candidates Appeared In Sierra Club sible. Members are what keep us going. Club members also have a right to know how we Forum spend their money. The following summarizes the On December 4, the Buena Vista Group of the chapter’s typical sources of annual income and our Chapter sponsored a candidate forum for the second typical expenses in thousands of dollars. supervisor district of Kern County. Since the in- Income cumbent, Steve Perez, is a candidate for another Subvention 15 Conservation 3 office, the election is wide open, attracting five March Appeal 2 Other 1 Total 21 candidates. All of the candidates (Don Maben, Linda Expenses White, Mary Beth Garrison, Bernita Jenkins, and Groups 2 Conservation 6 Louis Litwin) appeared that evening. The audience SC deductions 4 Roadrunner 9 Total 21 was mixed, with Sierra Club members, members of Accounts on hand 17 the community, and high school students. The Subvention is a portion of local members’ dues questions addressed to each candidate covered the that is returned to the chapter from the national or- topics of urban sprawl, air quality, wind and dairy anization. farms, transportation, energy use and Tehachapi Conservation is the income from our foundation development issues. Some candidates placed private account for specific, tax-exempt purposes, such as property rights over community wishes, while others our lawsuit against EPA. believed that county government should take an March Appeal is the contributions we solicit active role in directing growth in the county and directly from chapter members. We can do this only improving air quality. Even though they disagreed in March, thus the name. on the role of government in improving and regu- Other is income from the sale of calendars, post- lating environmental issues, they all agreed that Kern cards, and so on. county does have serious environmental problems Typically our annual income totals approximately that must be addressed now. $20,000. The audience provided many of the questions Groups is our modest distribution to each group. asked and enjoyed both the serious comments by the We are weighing an increase in our group subven- candidates and those of a flippant nature. Many Club tion. There are now five groups in the chapter. members volunteered their time to set up the debate Conservation accounts for our expenses in non- and to man tables with reading materials. The Buena political activities, such as our legal case against EPA Vista Excom would like to thank them for their regarding air pollution in the San Joaquin Valley. services. SC deductions are for our share of Sierra Club The next time voters in the 2nd district get a California expenses. chance to listen to the candidates will be in February Roadrunner is our cost to print and distribute our in Tehachapi. Please try to attend. By listening to the newsletter, the Roadrunner. candidates, you will definitely be able to make up We try to balance our annual expenses with our your mind for the March election. By Harry Love annual income. We have $17,000 in deposits at a local bank as a cash reserve for emergencies. In addition, we have access to the Mel & Beverly Did you forget to buy a SC Calendar? A few remain Rubin Environmental Fund, managed by the Sierra to be sold for just $5. Please call Georgette Theotig, Club Foundation. Because this fund is in a founda- 661-822-4371, to make arrangements for your bar- tion account, we can only use it for carefully audited gain purchase asap! purposes, such as reimbursement of a limited portion of our Roadrunner expenses, educational expenses, and costs of litigation. Larry Wailes is our chapter treasurer.
  • 3. THE ROADRUNNER 3 Who Speaks For The Club? discussed on the show. Although you will have only 15 to 30 seconds for your opening question, take the The Club and the chapter are involved in a host of time to tell the host you enjoy the show. Then slip in controversial actions. As a consequence, members are your question. often asked their opinions on a variety of complex When dealing with the far right, who see environ- environmental issues. While all citizens have a right mentalism as government interference, our Dolph to speak their mind, speaking on behalf of the Sierra Amster recommends addressing matters of fact rather Club requires familiarity with the issue, with the than opinion. Expect a harsh reply and evenly reply collective opinion of the national Sierra Club, and with a supporting fact. That will probably set the host with the position explicitly endorsed by the chapter off, and you may not get another word in. Bear in and group. mind that it would cost the club about $50 a minute Our position on certain issues is sometimes del- to put out the information you just almost did. If you icately crafted after hours of discussion. Members are interviewed, your oral comments should consist are welcome to help hammer out our positions—in of one or two short sentences, with images if possible, fact, we always need more help—and by doing so structured so that they cannot be changed. To become more familiar with the ramifications of each prevent changing my replies in a telephone interview, action. As John Muir said, everything in the universe I sometimes fax my answers, rather than give them is hitched to everything else. over the phone. Unless a member is acknowledged by the exec- Arthur is more than happy to speak with anyone who utive committee of either the chapter or group as the would like to discuss further the topic above. You can lead activist on an issue, he or she should refrain reach him in the following manner: 661. 323.5569 from speaking “on behalf of,” “for,” or even “as a or member of” the Sierra Club. Please say what you want to say, but do so as a citizen, or a member of the Manter Appeal—Story of A Step In The community. We need more people speaking up for Right Direction the environment, for clean air, for clean water, and The Manter Appeal refers to an area in Sequoia for protection of our wild places. By Paul Gipe National Forest that was given the go-ahead for a Pointers For Pressing Points With The timber sale, justified by the Forest Service in terms of Press Persuasively cutting trees in an area that had been run over by fire. The alert watchers of timber sales in that The following article was prepared by Arthur National Forest made an appeal to the Forest Service, Unger, a well known local Sierra Club activist who questioning their judgment that the trees to be cut has had a great deal of experience dealing effectively were truly dead. with the local media. He has prepared the following The appeal was rejected, but a meeting was suggestions for utilizing the opportunities the media requested with the District Ranger. In the meeting it offers for publicizing Sierra Club positions as an aid was discovered that the District Ranger had uni- to give you expertise—and courage to speak up. laterally changed the marking guidelines (the Our talking to the voters, more than lobbying the Protocol) for determining which trees were dead and office holders, lessened the harm the 104th Congress which were not. Even though the Environmental did, and it can help us with the present congress. All Assessment (EA) used a more permissive, less of us must continue to reach the voters. First we must protective protocol for the project analysis, the Forest talk to as many of the people we come face to face Service said they would adhere to the more restrictive with as we dare. protocol (See below). Had we not appealed, the Then we must use the media. With persistence, one likelihood that the more restrictive protocol would be can occasionally be on radio, TV and in local news- used was small. papers such as the Californian; I have proven that The most restrictive protocol to be followed states this does not take talent. For those with too little time, that a tree cannot be considered “dead” unless letters to the editor and talk radio are the ways to go. at least 95% of the crown is scorched brown, for Follow the issues that interest you in the general pines trees, media and in environmental publications like the at least 90% of the crown is scorched brown, for Roadrunner. Call the listed chapter officers to find fir trees. other sources. For trees that had less than 50% live crown before Gene Tacket, former talk show host, advises that the fire, talk radio shows that originate locally usually receive pines cannot be considered dead unless at least less than twenty calls an hour. When you call, you 90% of the crown is scorched brown; will first be screened. Usually they only want to know firs cannot be considered dead unless at least 85% that the topic of your call relates to the subject being of the crown is scorched brown.
  • 4. 4 THE ROADRUNNER 4 How did those persons who worked on the appeal looking, watching the changes of light, memorizing persuade the Forest Service to change their position the contours of the land. What I was doing was on this timber sale? It took people who have really witnessing, with a mind completely innocent of any involved themselves in the concern of protecting the notion of change and therefore not apprehensive of Sequoia forests to 1. get proof that the original it. To me it was perfect beauty, seen in perfect air, by protocol had not been followed by going out to the perfect light. I did not know that it was being trans- site in question and taking videos illustrating that the lated through the eyes into the heart where it would trees designated as dead were truly not dead ac- remain, awaiting expression. cording to the Forest Service protocol; 2. meet with I have often observed this witnessing in others. Forest Service personnel to discuss findings; 3. get Before me in a little album is a photograph of a expert testimony stating that the cutting would be jagged outcrop of rock, black in profile against the harmful to the habitat for the fisher, an endangered pale last light of day. At first glance there appear to carnivore species; 4. be prepared to continue to be three spires, but a closer look identifies the third monitor the “marking” of trees, according to the as a person, a friend who had climbed the rock last Forest Service protocol agreed upon. summer to witness a sunset in the White Mountains. What was the result of the agreements that came Below is another picture, this one of the land whose out of these negotiations? shades and contours the watcher is absorbing. The Quoting from a letter written by Chad Hansen, scene is deeply shadowed around long streaks of member of National Board of Directors of Sierra momentary light. The same process of translation is Club: “We may be victims of our own success here. occurring, but now in a mind only too well aware of Due to the pressure that all of the folks working on the accidental and transitory character of natural this have brought to bear on the Forest Service, the beauty, and conscious of its importance to the heart. scope and scale of the project has been reduced by In maturity every witness understands that a scene probably over 80%. Ironically, this hinders our in nature is characterized as much by unpredictable ability to sue them.” variables as it is by its physical composition. Light is Are folks satisfied with this result of the Manter capricious, its quality dependent upon any number Appeal compromise? Ara Marderosian wrote, “I of situations. Time of day is ordered, but weather is would prefer that the dead and live trees remain in not, nor, in these days, is the condition of the air. Nor place because all branches and needles, live or dead, do we know what wild creatures might be there, or collectively add up to the canopy which provides whether they will be moving or stationary, or if protection from predators above, shade from early stationary, how long. Furthermore, sound, or the snow melt, resistance to winds blowing through the absence of it, is profoundly involved in total ex- forest and drying the forest, as well as the increase in perience, as are all the senses and our receptiveness to soil compaction and sediment in the streams, and them. So it is only accidentally that we enter those damage to the naturally occurring sprouts that would moments in nature which are of such exquisite replace the burned trees.” quality that they become fixed in memory, to recur Here is another example of effort, expertise and through a lifetime by deliberate referral, or by perseverance helping to protect our natural environ- surprise when we are thinking of something else. ment. Can you see in this report an opportunity that Such a beautiful confluence of circumstances fits your ability to help? Contact Ara Marderosian occurred for me one afternoon last October at the for further information: 760.376.4434. or 866.533. rim of a vast canyon in Bryce National Park as I 7873. Web site is waited, hoping, for more than ordinary light. It came while I was reading, and when I looked up and out I MIDGEBUZZINGS saw it, not falling upon those haunted shapes to The summer I turned thirteen my family built a illuminate them as one would expect, but seeming to home in a beautiful place five miles or so outside the radiate from them as if generated outwards from the little town of Chico. Across the street behind a center of a mystery too intense even for approach. density of foliage Chico Creek rushed icy cold to fill Nevertheless, I raised my camera and opened the the reservoir at Five Mile Dam; and at the back of shutter, an act that seemed almost a sacrilege. And our land, beyond a low rise, was a full horizon of film, being neutral, records. butte mountains. A picture does not express experience so much as The transition from childhood to adolescence can it attests to it. But that testament is witness, too, and be swift and immense. In my case it was made even thus a spring to memory and an invitation to return. more poignant by separation from old friends, and By Ann Williams by the coincidence of this landscape, so gorgeous as to be almost painful. In a corner of the back fence I built a board seat where I often spent time just
  • 5. THE CONDOR FLYER 5 KernKaweah GROUP NEWS Kern Kaweah Chapter Ex-Com usually meets Saturday afternoons once a month, Beale Library, Bakersfield, 12 noon. Call to make sure of place and time. Paul Gipe, Chair. 661.324.1923 Buena Vista Group Kaweah Group Meets at Bakersfield, Beale Library Meets in Porterville. Interested in hikes? Other ac- For further information call Glenn Shellcross, Chair tivities? Call 661.832.3382. email: GSHELLCROSS@bak. Theresa Stump, Chair. 559.781.0594 y y coming events y y Mineral King Group Jan 22 (tues ) 7–9 PM . Straw Bale Construction. Meets in Visalia Beale Library, 701 Truxtun Ave., Bksf. For further information call Harold Wood, Chair. Feb 23 (sat) 1st Annual Banquet Program: Alison 559.739.8527 Sheehey, “A Look at Wildlife in Kern County.” Installation of Officers. At Hodels, 5917 Knudsen y y coming events y y Dr. 6:13 PM . “Attitude Adjustment.” 7 PM Buffet In Visalia; Dinner. $15.80 (includes tax, tip). RSVP by Feb. Feb 7 (thur) Dinner social at Keo Thip Thai 1st. Send check to Karen Smith, 10404 Sunset Dr., Mar 7 (thur) Dinner social at Los Portales Bksf., 93311. More info? 664-5808 or 833-3795 Reservations needed. RSVP by day prior to event. Hikes begin in March. Condor Group Group Ex Com meets 4th Monday monthly. All SC members welcome. Call (559) 739-8527 to attend. Meets at Pine Mountain Club Check Min. King Group Website for updates and For further information call Ches Arthur, Chair, send in your address for regular updates: 661.242.0423. email: or call phone number listed above. y y coming events y y Snow and freezing make events questionable. Please be sure to call prior to event. Jan 12th (sat) Excursion to Red Rock Canyon State Owens Peak Group Park . Full day trip. Sack lunch, water. Call Barbara Meets in Ridgecrest for more info. 661-242-7024. For further information call Dennis Burge, Chair Feb 2nd (sat) Nordic Ski Patrol and more! 760.375.7967 email: Steve Smashey, active member, presenter. 6 PM, potluck. 7 PM program. Pool Pavilion Room, PMC y y coming events y y clubhouse. Jan 19th Malpais Mesa Hike. 7700 ft. Hunt for lost Feb 9th (sat) Tide Pool Tour. Down to the coast for petroglyphs. Snow alternative: Dome Mtn. Meet at day-trip to view inhabitants of the ocean rarely seen Ridgecrest Cinemas, 7 AM. More info? Call Dennis. unless there is low tide. Call Barbara for more info. Jan. 21st (mon) Kathleen Cox of the BLM will 661-242-7024. speak about Searles Valley (Trona) mineral prod- Question Mark Hikes uction, environmental issues. Maturango Museum, SATURDAYS: Jan 26th,, Feb. 23rd. Destinations of 100 E. Las Flores, 7:30 PM . hikes are not announced. Will depend on weather Feb. 18th (mon) “A Birder Goes Traveling”: conditions. Please call if you are interested in Lloyd Brubaker of Kerncrest Audubon, who has activity on those dates. recently been to Antarctia and South Africa, will USFS Study Group. January 14. Gas and oil speak. Maturango Museum, 100 E. Las Flores; 7:30 development. January 31st. 4 Forest Management PM . Call Jeanie for more info. 375-8973. Plan. Public input meetings. Place and exact time on Feb 23 (sat) Mayan Peak (top of Kelso Valley) reverse side. More info? Call 242-0432. 6108 ft. Meet at Ridgecrest Cinemas. 7 AM. More info? Call Jim at (760) 375-8161.
  • 6. 6 THE ROADRUNNER Your quicky calendar January February Sat 12 Red Rock Canyon - see Condor Group Sat 2 Nordic Ski Patrol program - see Condor Group Sat 19 Malpais Mesa Hike - see Owens Peak Gp Thurs 7 Meal at Keo Thip Thai - see Min. King Gp Sat 19 Chapt. Excom. Beale Library, Bksf. Noon. Sat 9 Tide Pool - see Condor Gp Mon 21 BLM’s Cox: Trona mineral production - see Mon 18 Bird program - see Owens Peak Gp Owens Peak Gp Sat 23 Banquet - see Buena Vista Group Tues 22 Straw Bale Construction - see p. 1 Sat 23 Mayan Peak - see Owens Peak Group Every Thursday. Condition Hike. 4-5 miles. Bksf. 7 PM . Corner of 178 & 184. Details? 661.872.2432 POTPOURRI OF EXTRAS, CONTINUING EVENTS AND POTENTIAL INTEREST JANUARY FEBRUARY Sun 13 Southern Regional Conservation Comm. Mtg Ski Trips - LA (9 AM) 3435 Wilshire 213.387.4287 1-3 (fri-sun) Cross Counry Ski Tour 1. Mon 14 USFS Gas and Oil Los Padres hearing. 16-18 (sat-mon) Ski Backpack Chuchupate Rg. Station. 6-8:30 PM . 2. Tues 15 BLM Both in Sequoia Monument. Limit 8. Call Gary/ in Bksf. 3-5 PM . Presentation, public input. Paulette Landers for details/reservations 714.529. Sat 19 Workday at Wind Wolves.661.858.1115 8154 Thurs 31 USFS workshop on 4 Forest Plan. Frazier Fri-Sun 15-17 - Duck Days. Sacramento area. Peak Park Comm. Center. 6-9 PM . bird migration time. Tours, hikes +. 800 425-5001 *********************************** BUENA VISTA GRP NEW EX-COM ELECTED CALIFORNIA/NEVADA REGIONAL Congratulations to all the persons elected to this Ex- CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Mtg. LA Com. Serving on the board will be Mary Helen Discussion will include ballot issues and candidate Barro, Shannon Kelly, Karen Page, Alison Sheehey, endorsements coming up in March. This group has Glenn Shellcross, Karen Smith, Kevin Smith, Shelley a vital part in making decisions concerning policy of Stone, and Elaine White. This new Ex-Com is the Sierra Club California. Mtg time: 9 AM 3435 Wil- group that will be responsible for making decisions shire 213.387.4287. Other related mtgs: State Mtg. as to program, etc. for group. Mar. 9-10 Convention June 8th-9th. Both at San Luis Obispo. All Club members welcome. TABLING (manning a booth at a public affair) is MINERAL KING GROUP INVOLVED IN a grand way to inform the general public about the PROTESTING PROPOSED SAND AND Sierra Club. This fall found Shelly Stone, Larry GRAVEL OPERATION Wailes and son, Monte Harper, Diane Rezavy and Art and Lorraine Unger doing just that at the Neigh- The company Pacific Materials has filed an appli- borhood Festival at Martin Luther King Park and the cation for a 137-acre pit mine to excavate sand and Combined Federal Campaign Fun Day in Yokuts gravel to a depth of 40 feet from a 496-acre site Park. A good way to help spread the word! about 1 mile north of Lemoncove. The site is adja- cent to the Kaweah River and is presently pasture used for livestock grazing. Groundwater occurs just three feet below the ground surface. After an extended illness, Bette Goodrich passed The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service submitted a away Saturday, Nov 24th, 2001. Bette was an active letter outlining concerns including the endangered leader of National Outings and served as Chair of kit fox. The DEIR states that it is improbable that the the Wilderness Threshold from about 1987 until kit fox are present in the area, but the Service has about 1999. She was one of the founders of and first information of several kit fox sightings within a small Chair of the Owens Peak Group. She received the radius of the project site. In addition to potential Kern-Kaweah Chapter’s Susan Miller Award. After habitat loss of kit fox, the possible effects of noise moving to Mammoth Lakes, she became an active and lighting on the fox are of concern. The Planning member of the Toiyabe Chapter and was one of the Commission will decide at its meeting on January 16 founders of the Range of Light Group in that whether to reject the DEIR and/or the project or to chapter. She will be remembered with great affection direct that a final EIR be prepared for certification. and appreciation for all her efforts for the goals of Mineral King is watching this proposal carefully. the Sierra Club. *********************************** Start the New Year off in grand style
  • 7. THE ROADRUNNER 7 Volunteer. "Take Action" Numbers...Call! Write! FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NUMBERS: You have read many times in the past issues of the White House Comment Line: 202.456.1111 Roadrunner about the effective work of Sierra Club e-mail : address:1600 members whose passion for protecting the natural Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20500 environment drives them to devote much time to Senator Barbara Boxer, 312 N Spring St. Suite study, writing, making public appearances and de- 1748, LA 90012. 1.213.894.5000 email: senator@ veloping occasions for educating and alerting the general public and officials as to proposed actions Senator Diane Feinstein, 11111 Santa Monica Blvd., that would be detrimental and expressing our oppo- Suite 915, LA 90025 . 1. 310.914.7300 email: sition accompanied by constructive criticism. Dir. Gale Norton, U.S. Department of the Interior, Please join them. Uncertain how to start? What to 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240 1.202. do? See pg 3 of this issue. Check past Roadrunners. 208.3100. Email: Check Sierra Club online. Clip out "Take Action" Dir.Ann Venneman. U.S. Dept of Ag, Dale Bosworth, box and keep it handy for use when needed. Talk to US Forest Service, 14th & Independence Ave. SW, other members. Washington, D.C.20250. You will soon relish the learning opportunities, the 1.202.720.2791 satisfaction and comradeship of others who share the CALIFORNIA NUMBERS: similar views. Enjoy! Gov.Davis: email: 1-916-445-2841 EX-COM CANDIDATES FOR 2002 Calif. Legislative Switchboard (receptionist will help Paul Gipe has served on the ExCom, is currently Chapter you contact your Senator and/or Assembly member Chair, and has worked on energy-related environmental issues if you are unsure): 1-916-322-9900 for almost three decades. Mary Ann Lockhart has served as Condor Group Chair and BALLOT FOR CONDOR GROUP on KK Chapter Ex-com; presently is Editor of Roadrunner. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, 2002 Art Unger Arthur Unger has held chapter offices and received All Sierra Club Members in the area of Pine Mountain awards. He thanks you for donating your time to our chapter Club, Frazier Park, Lebec and Gorman are eligible to vote. and thus to the earth. Contact any chapter officer or Art at or 661 323-5569 to help you VOTE FOR NINE: become more active. Glenn Shellcross Served as Chair of the KK Chapter, now VOTER 1 VOTER 2 Vice-Chair. Chair of Buena Vista Group. ____Ches Arthur ____ ____Fay Benbrook ____ BALLOT FOR KERN-KAWEAH CHAPTER ____Marta Bigler ____ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 2002 ____Dale Chitwood ____ ____Bernard Cordes ____ All Sierra Club Members in this Chapter are eligible ____Erica Cordes ____ to vote. Dave Grant ____ Voter 1 ____ Barbara Kelley ____ VOTE FOR FOUR ____ Katherine King ____ ___Paul Gipe____Mary Ann Lockhart ___Glenn ____ Harry Nelson ____ Shellcross____Art Unger ____ Gita Nelson ____ ____Write in______________________________ ____ Candy Posson ____ ____ Jean Rustvold ____ Voter 2 ____ Rusty Rustvold ____ VOTE FOR FOUR ____ Dayne Yancy ____ ___Paul Gipe____Mary Ann Lockhart____Glenn ____ Tom Yancy ____ Shellcross____Art Unger ___________Write In ___________ ____Write in______________________________ Place voter(s) signature(s) on outside of envelope. Place voter(s) signature(s) on outside of envelope. Send to Lockhart, Att. BALLOT. PO GG, Frazier Send to Kern Kaweah Chapter. Att: Ballot, PO 3357. Park, CA, 93222 or bring to Feb 2nd mtg. where Ballots must be received by January 31, 2002. results will be announced. Please cut out list below and keep handy
  • 8. 8 THE ROADRUNNER cccccccccccccccccc Cut up the Roadrunner? Never heard of this before? Why should you do it? so you can... Vote (p. 7) Volunteer (pp. 3/7) Take advantage of the new "quick look" sheet to find out easily who is doing what, when and where! (pp. 5&6) cccccccccccccccccc Roadrunner Information LAST MINUTE ADDITIONS OF INTEREST General Publication Information Congratulations: The National Sierra Club Board of Deadline: Feb 5th, 2002 Directors’ minutes of Nov. 16-18, 2001 show Joe for March-April issue Fontaine as one of the new honorary Vice Presidents of the Club. What an honor for our “home boy.” Great News: 1,540 acres of private land known as Web questions? the Dillonwood Grove and filled with second-growth sequoias has now become part of Sequoia National Want to contact Roadrunner? Park. Combining these trees with those in the adjoin- email: ing Park we come up with this Grove becoming one of the five largest in the world! How did it happen? or reg mail: Editor, Roadrunner, The family owning the land did not sell into other PO GG, Frazier Park, CA 93222. private hands and Save-The-Redwoods League and Silicon Valley Foundations provided the $$$ to make it possible. Wow! ****Want to sign up to receive ALERTS?**** Send to Mineral King Folks: If you live in Tulare or King WE NEED MORE OF YOU! Counties you are invited to submit your e-mail address for updates of activities that have not ap- Very extra special thanks to the mailing, Michelle Hoffmann peared in the Roadrunner. Please include your name, and Ann Williams, for working on this issue during the street address and telephone number to harold.wood holidays in order to get it to you on promptly in the New Year of 2002.