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Viva Las Wilderness

A Newsletter of the Nevada Wilderness Project                     
Issue Number 4. June 2004.

  Our mission is to
  protect Nevada’s
remaining Wilderness                                    THIS ISSUE
    as part of the
 National Wilderness         SPECIAL Eastern Nevada Wilderness Update
Preservation System,                 Lincoln County Public Lands Bill Introduced to Congress
  and to create and
 sustain an enduring                          770,000 acres of Wilderness included

     grassroots                   Nevada Wilderness Coalition Press Release on bill introduction
   commitment to
 Nevada Wilderness.                    Nevada Wilderness in the Media
                                     Local news articles on the Lincoln County bill introduction

                                                        Take Action
                                       Help protect additional wilderness in Lincoln County
                                       Write a letter for the Pahranagat Range Wilderness

                                                    Directors Corner
                                       Protecting Wilderness is about people and the place

                                                 Membership Update
 Board of Directors:             A call for new members to help protect Lincoln County wilderness

      Stefan Bergill
                                                    Fundraising Fun
       Kim Jardine                  Patagonia hosts successful Erik Holland Art Benefit Show
       Brett Riddle
       Chris Todd                      Volunteer Spotlight:Janur Yasa
     Morlee Griswold                        Caring About Deserts from Bali to Nevada
        Tori King

                                                The D.C. Connection
                                               Wilderness Proposals and Fieldwork
                                       June & July Calendar of Events
       John Wallin        Sparks Hometowne Farmers' Market, Fabulous Wilderness Volunteer Happy Hour
        Director           Nevada Congressional Delegation Contact Info
                           Mailing address, phone number, email address, and website info for Nevada's
     Kristie Connolly                                Congressional delegation

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Viva Las Wilderness

    Associate Director

        Anna Ball
  Development Director

      Erika Pollard
  Conservation Director

      Kevin Mack
   Washington D.C. Rep.

     Contact us at:
   8550 White Fir Street
     Reno, NV  89523
    Tel:  775.746.7850
                                 Pershing County's China Mountain Wilderness Study Area. (Photo Kristie Connolly)

Eastern Nevada Wilderness Update:
Nevada Congressional Delegation announces the introduction of the Lincoln
County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2004 - 770,000
acres of wilderness designation included
On Wednesday, June 16, the entire Nevada Congressional Delegation announced the introduction of
the omnibus Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2004. This is a
kitchen-sink bill with provisions for recreation, development, and conservation in Eastern Nevada .

Due to your hard work and support, 770,000 acres of wilderness designation are included in
this legislation! This represents yet another tremendous opportunity for Nevadans and
Americans to protect our wild heritage.

Read on for more information on the bill including the Nevada Wilderness Coalition Press Release on
the bill, media coverage of the legislation and how you can take action today to help support the
protection of additional areas.

Nevada Wilderness Coalition Press Release on the Lincoln County
Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2004
For Immediate Release:
June 16, 2004

Shaaron Netherton, Friends of Nevada Wilderness,
(775) 324-7667 (w) or (775)-750-6119 (c)
John Wallin, Nevada Wilderness Project,
(775) 746-7850 (w) or (775)-250-1635 (c)
Susan Potts , Friends of Nevada Wilderness,

                                                  Page 2
Viva Las Wilderness

(702)-650-6542 (w) (702)-375-2817 (c)
Brian O'Donnell , The Wilderness Society,

Coalition Seeks Additional Wilderness Protection in Lincoln County Bill

RENO, NV- Today the Nevada Wilderness Coalition reacted to the introduction of the
Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation and Development Act of 2004, an omnibus public
lands bill sponsored by Senators Reid and Ensign along with Representatives Gibbons,
Porter and Berkley. The bill includes a title designating several wilderness areas in Lincoln
County . The bill also removes some land from Wilderness Study Area status. Other
controversial public land issues are included in various titles of the bill. The environmental
community is united in opposition to provisions in the bill that grant rights of way for
pipelines that could transport rural Nevada 's water to Las Vegas .

The Nevada Wilderness Coalition has proposed approximately 2.5 million acres for
wilderness designation in the County. The Lincoln County legislation would designate
significantly less wilderness.

"While the legislation will protect some important places, much more needs to be done," said
John Wallin, Director of the Nevada Wilderness Project. "This legislation takes some
important steps forward in conserving Nevada 's wild heritage, but fails to protect several
worthy areas."

"We are pleased to see our Congressional delegation addressing wilderness in Lincoln
County ," said Shaaron Netherton, Executive Director of Friends of Nevada Wilderness.
"However, many areas have been left out that need wilderness protection-at the top of that
list is the Pahranagat Range ."

As part of its' "Citizen's Wilderness Proposal for Eastern Nevada ," the Coalition has
advocated for protecting the Badger Peak area of the Pahranagat Range . This rugged
mountain range just 90 miles from Las Vegas boasts the "Shooting Gallery," a remarkable
series of petroglyph panels.

"The Pahranagat Range should be protected as wilderness," said John Hiatt of Red Rock
Audubon Society. "It includes many archeological treasures threatened by irresponsible off
road vehicle use and vandalism. We are hopeful that this special place will be added to the
bill as it works its way through Congress."

The Nevada Wilderness Coalition is also concerned that some protected areas may include
too many "cherrystems," or jeep trails, that penetrate deep into wilderness areas. These trails
can result in destroyed habitat and lead to off road vehicle traffic criss-crossing terrain.

"We'll want to take a close look at all the cherrystems to ensure that they do not damage
cultural resources and harm fragile springs," said Hiatt.

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Viva Las Wilderness

Nevada Wilderness in the Media

Reno Gazette Journal, June 16, 2004
"Nevada lawmakers want to expand auctions of federal land" By Ken Ritter, AP writer

Las Vegas Review Journal, June 17, 2004
"Bill speeds up plan to bring LV rural water" by Samantha Young, Stephens Washington Bureau

Las Vegas Sun story, June 17, 2004
"Proposed Lincoln County development ripped" by Launce Rake

TAKE ACTION: Help protect additional Wilderness in Lincoln County

A significant priority of the Nevada Wilderness Coalition was left out of the Lincoln County
The BLM portion of the Desert Hills-Pahranagat Proposed Wilderness is a mosaic of canyons,
peaks, and ridgelines home to an array of archeological resources and sensitive wildlife
habitats. Road building in the area has led to increased pressure from ATVs and off road
vehicles that threaten the area's wilderness characteristics. For more information about the area,
visit our website:
or feel free to call us directly: John Wallin at 775-250-1635, Kevin Mack at 202-266-0465.

              Petroglyphs and a view of the proposed Pahrangat Range Wilderness (Photo by John Wallin)

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Viva Las Wilderness

Please write a letter to your Senators and Congressperson to protect the Pahranagat
Range .

To ensure that your letter is hand delivered to the delegation, please fax (202) 544-5197 or e-
mail that letter directly to Kevin Mack in our Washington , DC
office. Please include your name and address. Hand delivery of these letters will ensure that
Congressional security procedures do not delay your voice reaching Congressional ears!

If you do send a letter to a local office through the mail, please make sure you send us a copy
as well to: Nevada Wilderness Project, 8550 White Fir, Reno , NV 89523 . This ensures we
have a record of your letter for the delegation.

Sample Letter:

Dear Nevada Delegation,

I am deeply concerned about the preservation of Nevada’s wild heritage as well as very
encouraged to see that the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation and Development Act of
2004 includes the designation of significant public lands as wilderness. However, I was
surprised and saddened to see that an extremely critical and significant area was left out of the
bill. Please revise the act to include the Desert Hills- Pahranagat Proposed Wilderness! It is a
mosaic of canyons, peaks, and ridgelines home to an array of archeological resources and
sensitive wildlife habitats. Its wilderness character is increasingly threatened by irresponsible
off-road vehicle use. It deserves to be protected intact for future generations to experience.


(Your name)

(Your address)

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Viva Las Wilderness

Petroglyphs at the "Shooting Gallery" in the proposed Pahranagat Range Wilderness (Photo by John Wallin)

Director's Corner: Protecting wilderness is about people as much as place.

                  John Wallin, Director

                  One thing that has become clear to me in five years of working on Nevada
                  wilderness, and that is that wilderness campaigns are about people as much as

                   I thought about this on a recent backpacking trip into Little High Rock Canyon
                   Wilderness, about three and a half hours north of Reno in the Black Rock/High
Rock Emigrant Trail National Conservation Area. Little High Rock is a deeply cut canyon in classic
high desert country, with ample springs and a stunning array of wildlife, including bighorn sheep and
cougar. It is the perfect place to introduce people to the Nevada they didn't know. During the
campaign to protect these areas, we would bring people out to Little High Rock for weekend trips.
Later, as the campaign progressed, these people would bring their friends and the chain of connection
of people to place added another link.

The building of this chain of connection is what the Nevada Wilderness Project is all about. In
tandem with our work with the excellent member groups of the Nevada Wilderness Coalition, we have
been honored to work with so many wonderful people who have taken it upon themselves to care for
specific places, and to translate that caring into action. The most gratifying aspect of our work is
when volunteers new to the wilderness community take it upon themselves to write letters, give slide
shows, take their friends to different places. When this work happens without our prompting,
wilderness wins.

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Viva Las Wilderness

I used to think of Little High Rock first in terms of springs, raptors, and bighorn. Now I think of Little
High Rock first in terms of the people who worked so hard to protect it.

With the recent introduction by Senators Ensign and Reid of the Lincoln County Conservation,
Recreation, and Development Act, we have another opportunity to protect almost 770,000 acres of
wilderness. It is exciting work we do, giving people the opportunity to take part in something much
larger than themselves. Take a minute today to to take action for the Pahranagat Range. That
person standing in mirror is the next link in the chain of connection to these wild places!

Membership Update: Urgent request for new members!

                                We need your support in this critical time. When other states are fighting a
                                defensive battle to protect public lands from national and statewide threats to
                                environmental policy, we are in the unique proactive position of having a bill
                                introduced to Congress for the protection of 770,000 acres of pristine
                                wilderness quality lands in Eastern Nevada .

                     Our members are critical to our success in seeing the passage of this bill
                     during this Congressional term! We are currently 330 members strong and
                     each of you has been instrumental to the introduction of this bipartisan effort
-- Anna Ball,
                     by the Nevada delegation. It is important that our numbers increase further in
Development Director order to ensure our success.

                                If you are not yet a member, now is the time to get involved in what will
                                be an unprecedented third consecutive victory for wilderness in Nevada
                                ! With the passage of this bill we will have protected 2 million acres of
                                permanent Wilderness since the Nevada Wilderness Project’s inception in
                                1999. Wilderness is the highest level of protection for our public lands,
                                keeping them intact and pristine for future generations to enjoy.

                                All new members who join at any level significant to you between now and
                                July 15, will be entered into a drawing for a Patagonia Torrentshell jacket
                                (retail value $199). Join today!

                                For all current members that also want to participate, your name will be
Win this Patagonia Torrential   thrown into the drawing for every new member that you encourage to join
           jacket!              between now and July 15th and for every gift membership you donate on
                                behalf of your friends and family! Donate today!

                                Drawing will end at 12:00pm on July 15th. The winner will be notified
                                via e-mail.

                                You can also send donations by mail to: Nevada Wilderness Project 8550
                                White Fir St. Reno , NV 89523

                                Thank you once again to all of our members for your continued support and
                                dedication. This bill would not be possible without you!

Fundraising Fun                                                          Volunteer Spotlight:

                                                       Page 7
Viva Las Wilderness
                                                                                           p      g
From Tahoe to Tonopah:                                                         Janur Yasa
Erik Holland Art Benefit Show Success!

Our May 12 fundraising event with local Reno artist, Erik
Holland, was a wonderful success. Thank you to all who
came over to Patagonia that evening to enjoy some hors
d’oeuvres, conversation and Nevada landscape artwork
by Erik as well as learn more about Nevada Wilderness
Project! A big thank-you to Patagonia for hosting the art
show and providing such a great space for the event.

Erik sold several paintings and was able to speak with
many folks about his passion for Wilderness in
relationship to his art. The Project gained several new
members, spread the word on our current efforts in
Eastern Nevada and received a portion of the art sale
proceeds. We appreciate Erik’s support for Nevada
Wilderness Project and look forward to hosting another
event with him in the future. (Click here for a brief bio on Growing up in Tabanan, Bali, Janur Yasa
Erik)                                                        thought all deserts were like the Sahara.
                                                             "Where I grew up, it was a tropical climate,"
For those of you who missed the event, Erik’s artwork is he said. "Deserts were sandy, barren places
on display at Patagonia through the month of June. Stop without trees."
on by for a look or give us a call at 775.746.7850 with
questions. Patagonia is located at 8550 White Fir Street Janur moved to the US in 1995. On his first
in Reno.                                                     trip in Nevada, he was stunned to see trees
                                                             and the vast sagebrush ocean. "I found the
                                                             high desert intriguing," he said. "My
                                                             perception that Nevada is sand and
                                                             nothingness has really changed! I've seen
                                                             bighorn sheep, birds, all kinds of wildlife."

                                                                 Janur has done fieldwork for the Project,
                                                                 and is our volunteer webmaster through his
                                                                 consulting business, Moksa Designs. He
                                                                 loves skiing, mountain biking, and
                                                                 backpacking, and enjoys putting his skills to
                                                                 work for wilderness protection. "I like finding
 Nevada Wilderness Project member, Jane Sherman, takes in Erik   different ways to help, and I'm excited to try
 Holland's "Wild Nevada Sky" along with other Nevada landscape   to help the Project protect this beautiful
                         paintings.                              desert landscape."

The D.C. Connection
Kevin Mack, Washington D.C. Rep

The Eastern Nevada Wilderness Proposal - What about all that fieldwork?

When Nevada Wilderness Project and the Nevada Wilderness Coalition released our
joint proposal for wilderness designation in Lincoln and White Pine counties, we
relied on help from many quarters. The bulk of the work was carried out by Nevada
Wilderness Project, but thanks to the efforts of many others we were able to offer a
very comprehensive vision for wilderness in those counties. Millions of acres were
involved, with the thousands of photographs and piles of dusty maps providing the basis for our
decision making process.

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Viva Las Wilderness

So now that the Lincoln County bill has been introduced, how has all that hard earned fieldwork
impacted the decision makers in Washington ? Firstly, it is important to note that fieldwork was a
vital component of the Mojave Desert Wilderness proposal we released in 2001 and the legislation that
was passed that next year. Thanks to the efforts of fieldworkers and grassroots organizers, over
30,000 acres of non-Wilderness Study Area (WSA), non-agency recognized wilderness quality lands
are now protected forever as wilderness. While we did not get everything that deserved to be
protected, this bill showed everyone in Nevada and around the country that citizens’ wilderness
inventories do make a difference. The managing agency is no longer the final word on which of our
public lands should be protected as Wilderness. This is the most important challenge that we at
Nevada Wilderness Project have met in the past five years. We have successfully challenged the
notion that only agency recognized wilderness quality lands can be considered for wilderness by
Congress. This has wide ranging implications in every state with public lands and an unmet
wilderness potential.

The current Lincoln county public lands bill, like the Clark county bill, has a strong wilderness
component. The legislation is by no means perfect, it is however a great first step and builds on the
example set forth in the Clark County legislation that non-WSA Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
land can be considered for wilderness designation by the Congress. The recognition of citizen
inventoried lands in the Lincoln county legislation bodes well for future public lands bills in Nevada .
The volumes of inventory data collected during the past two campaigns has made it easier for the
entire coalition to talk about each area as a place with an identity and to address concerns about
vehicle routes and cherrystems with specifics based on the facts on the ground.

The task for each of us is to continue to support an aggressive field inventory of these lands around
the rest of the state and to support that inventory with an even greater grassroots effort. With your
ongoing support, we will continue to make great gains on protecting ALL of Nevada's remaining wild

June & July 2004 Calendar of Events:
Sparks Hometowne Farmers' Market
Come on down to Victorian Square each Thursday evening this summer from 4-9p.m. to enjoy fresh produce,
tasty food, live music and information from local non-profit organizations. The Nevada Wilderness Project
will have an informational table and merchandise for sale once a month during June, July and August.
Stop on by to become a member of the Project, hear about the latest happenings with Nevada Wilderness,
sign a letter asking for more Wilderness in the state and check out our fun t-shirts, tote bags, and drink
coozies for sale!

When we'll be there:
July 22 ("Earth Day" theme night)
August 12

New Summer Schedule!
Please join the Nevada Wilderness Project for our Fabulous Wilderness happy hour/volunteer night the last
Tuesday of every month from 6-8 p.m. at the Great Basin Brewery in Sparks!

For the summer months, while UNR is out of session and The Record Street Cafe is closed in the evenings, we
will go back to getting together once a month at the Great Basin Brewery from 6-8p.m. (note the time change
as well!).

Come enjoy a coffee, beer, glass of wine or soft drink and some food and hear about the latest happenings

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Viva Las Wilderness

with Wilderness in Eastern Nevada, learn about how you can help and meet new folks interested in protecting
our wild places.

Come on out and join us for a good wilderness lovin' crowd and conversation!

June 29 from 6:00 to 8:00p.m. at Great Basin Brewery in Sparks.
July27 from 6:00 to 8:00p.m. at the Great Basin Brewery in Sparks.

For directions to the Great Basin Brewery, check out the brewery website at .

Senator Harry Reid                                   Representative Jim Gibbons
                                                     CLICK HERE FOR EMAIL LINK
Carson City
                                                     Las Vegas
600 East Williams Street, #302
Carson City, NV 89701                                600 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Suite 680
Phone: 775-882-7343                                  Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
Fax: 775-883-1980                                    Phone: 702-255-1651
                                                     Fax: 702-255-1927
Las Vegas
Lloyd D. George Building                             Reno
333 Las Vegas Boulevard South, # 8016                400 South Virginia Street, # 502
Las Vegas, NV 89101                                  Reno, Nevada 89501
Phone: 702-388-5020                                  Phone: 775-686-5760
Fax: 702-388-5030                                    Fax: 775-686-5711

Reno                                                 Elko
400 So. Virginia Street, # 902                       491 4th Street
Reno, NV 89501                                       Elko, Nevada 89801
Phone: 775-686-5750                                  Phone: (775) 777-7920
Fax: 775-686-5757                                    Fax: (775) 777-7922

Rural Nevada Mobile Office                           Washington D.C.
Phone: 775-772-3905                                  100 Cannon House Office Building
Fax: 775-201-6010                                    Washington D.C. 20515
                                                     Phone: 202-225-6155
Washington                                           Fax: 202-225-5679
528 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3542                                  Representative Shelley Berkeley
Fax: 202-224-7327
                                                     CLICK HERE FOR EMAIL LINK

                                                     Las Vegas
Senator John Ensign                                  2340 Paseo Del Prado, Suite D-106
                                                     Las Vegas, NV 89102
CLICK HERE FOR EMAIL LINK                            Phone: (702) 220-9823
                                                     Fax: (702) 220 9841

                                                 Page 10
Viva Las Wilderness
                                             Fax: (702) 220-9841
Carson City                                  Washington DC
600 East William St., # 304                  439 Cannon House Office Building
Carson City, Nevada 89701                    Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (775) 885-9111                        Phone: (202) 225-5965
Fax: (775) 883-5590                          Fax: (202) 225-3119

Las Vegas
333 Las Vegas Blvd. South, # 8203
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101                      Representative Jon Porter
Phone: (702) 388-6605
Fax: (702) 388-6501                          CLICK HERE FOR EMAIL LINK

Reno                                         Henderson
400 So. Virginia St. #738                    2501 N. Green Valley Pkway, #112D
Reno, Nevada 89501                           Henderson, NV 89014
Phone: (775) 686-5770                        Phone: 702-387-4941
Fax: (775) 686-5729                          Fax: 702-434-1378

Washington                                   Washington
364 Russell Senate Building                  218 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510                       Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 224-6244                        Phone: 202-225-3252
Fax: (202) 228-2193                          Fax: 202-225-2185
TDD: (202) 224-7638

If you are interested in visiting any of our Eastern Nevada Wilderness
Proposal Areas, give a call (775.746.7850) or send us an email
( If we can't join you, we can always guide you toward
some fabulous Wilderness locations!

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Viva Las Wilderness


Help Protect Wilderness while giving and drinking organic coffee!

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                                             Page 12
Viva Las Wilderness

Give a gift membership to the Nevada Wilderness
Project and give a family member or friend the
opportunity to help protect more of Nevada's
incredible wild places.  Members of the Project receive
invitations to special events, newsletters to keep
updated on the latest happenings, and the opportunity
to directly impact the protection status of OUR public
lands. Click here or on the Nevada Wilderness Project
logo to make an online gift donation.

              Page 13

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Summer 2004 Nevada Wilderness Project Newsletter

  • 1. Viva Las Wilderness A Newsletter of the Nevada Wilderness Project Issue Number 4. June 2004. Our mission is to protect Nevada’s remaining Wilderness THIS ISSUE as part of the National Wilderness SPECIAL Eastern Nevada Wilderness Update Preservation System, Lincoln County Public Lands Bill Introduced to Congress and to create and sustain an enduring 770,000 acres of Wilderness included grassroots Nevada Wilderness Coalition Press Release on bill introduction commitment to Nevada Wilderness. Nevada Wilderness in the Media Local news articles on the Lincoln County bill introduction Take Action Help protect additional wilderness in Lincoln County Write a letter for the Pahranagat Range Wilderness Directors Corner Protecting Wilderness is about people and the place Membership Update Board of Directors: A call for new members to help protect Lincoln County wilderness Stefan Bergill Fundraising Fun Kim Jardine Patagonia hosts successful Erik Holland Art Benefit Show Brett Riddle Chris Todd Volunteer Spotlight:Janur Yasa Morlee Griswold Caring About Deserts from Bali to Nevada Tori King The D.C. Connection Wilderness Proposals and Fieldwork Staff: June & July Calendar of Events John Wallin Sparks Hometowne Farmers' Market, Fabulous Wilderness Volunteer Happy Hour t Director Nevada Congressional Delegation Contact Info Mailing address, phone number, email address, and website info for Nevada's Kristie Connolly Congressional delegation Page 1
  • 2. Viva Las Wilderness Associate Director Anna Ball Development Director Erika Pollard Conservation Director Kevin Mack  Washington D.C. Rep. Contact us at: 8550 White Fir Street Reno, NV  89523 Tel:  775.746.7850 Web: Pershing County's China Mountain Wilderness Study Area. (Photo Kristie Connolly) Eastern Nevada Wilderness Update: Nevada Congressional Delegation announces the introduction of the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2004 - 770,000 acres of wilderness designation included On Wednesday, June 16, the entire Nevada Congressional Delegation announced the introduction of the omnibus Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2004. This is a kitchen-sink bill with provisions for recreation, development, and conservation in Eastern Nevada . Due to your hard work and support, 770,000 acres of wilderness designation are included in this legislation! This represents yet another tremendous opportunity for Nevadans and Americans to protect our wild heritage. Read on for more information on the bill including the Nevada Wilderness Coalition Press Release on the bill, media coverage of the legislation and how you can take action today to help support the protection of additional areas. Nevada Wilderness Coalition Press Release on the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2004 For Immediate Release: June 16, 2004 Contacts: Shaaron Netherton, Friends of Nevada Wilderness, (775) 324-7667 (w) or (775)-750-6119 (c) John Wallin, Nevada Wilderness Project, (775) 746-7850 (w) or (775)-250-1635 (c) Susan Potts , Friends of Nevada Wilderness, Page 2
  • 3. Viva Las Wilderness (702)-650-6542 (w) (702)-375-2817 (c) Brian O'Donnell , The Wilderness Society, (303)748-6388 Coalition Seeks Additional Wilderness Protection in Lincoln County Bill RENO, NV- Today the Nevada Wilderness Coalition reacted to the introduction of the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation and Development Act of 2004, an omnibus public lands bill sponsored by Senators Reid and Ensign along with Representatives Gibbons, Porter and Berkley. The bill includes a title designating several wilderness areas in Lincoln County . The bill also removes some land from Wilderness Study Area status. Other controversial public land issues are included in various titles of the bill. The environmental community is united in opposition to provisions in the bill that grant rights of way for pipelines that could transport rural Nevada 's water to Las Vegas . The Nevada Wilderness Coalition has proposed approximately 2.5 million acres for wilderness designation in the County. The Lincoln County legislation would designate significantly less wilderness. "While the legislation will protect some important places, much more needs to be done," said John Wallin, Director of the Nevada Wilderness Project. "This legislation takes some important steps forward in conserving Nevada 's wild heritage, but fails to protect several worthy areas." "We are pleased to see our Congressional delegation addressing wilderness in Lincoln County ," said Shaaron Netherton, Executive Director of Friends of Nevada Wilderness. "However, many areas have been left out that need wilderness protection-at the top of that list is the Pahranagat Range ." As part of its' "Citizen's Wilderness Proposal for Eastern Nevada ," the Coalition has advocated for protecting the Badger Peak area of the Pahranagat Range . This rugged mountain range just 90 miles from Las Vegas boasts the "Shooting Gallery," a remarkable series of petroglyph panels. "The Pahranagat Range should be protected as wilderness," said John Hiatt of Red Rock Audubon Society. "It includes many archeological treasures threatened by irresponsible off road vehicle use and vandalism. We are hopeful that this special place will be added to the bill as it works its way through Congress." The Nevada Wilderness Coalition is also concerned that some protected areas may include too many "cherrystems," or jeep trails, that penetrate deep into wilderness areas. These trails can result in destroyed habitat and lead to off road vehicle traffic criss-crossing terrain. "We'll want to take a close look at all the cherrystems to ensure that they do not damage cultural resources and harm fragile springs," said Hiatt. Page 3
  • 4. Viva Las Wilderness Nevada Wilderness in the Media Reno Gazette Journal, June 16, 2004 "Nevada lawmakers want to expand auctions of federal land" By Ken Ritter, AP writer Las Vegas Review Journal, June 17, 2004 "Bill speeds up plan to bring LV rural water" by Samantha Young, Stephens Washington Bureau Las Vegas Sun story, June 17, 2004 "Proposed Lincoln County development ripped" by Launce Rake TAKE ACTION: Help protect additional Wilderness in Lincoln County A significant priority of the Nevada Wilderness Coalition was left out of the Lincoln County legislation. The BLM portion of the Desert Hills-Pahranagat Proposed Wilderness is a mosaic of canyons, peaks, and ridgelines home to an array of archeological resources and sensitive wildlife habitats. Road building in the area has led to increased pressure from ATVs and off road vehicles that threaten the area's wilderness characteristics. For more information about the area, visit our website: or feel free to call us directly: John Wallin at 775-250-1635, Kevin Mack at 202-266-0465. Petroglyphs and a view of the proposed Pahrangat Range Wilderness (Photo by John Wallin) Page 4
  • 5. Viva Las Wilderness Please write a letter to your Senators and Congressperson to protect the Pahranagat Range . To ensure that your letter is hand delivered to the delegation, please fax (202) 544-5197 or e- mail that letter directly to Kevin Mack in our Washington , DC office. Please include your name and address. Hand delivery of these letters will ensure that Congressional security procedures do not delay your voice reaching Congressional ears! If you do send a letter to a local office through the mail, please make sure you send us a copy as well to: Nevada Wilderness Project, 8550 White Fir, Reno , NV 89523 . This ensures we have a record of your letter for the delegation. Sample Letter: Dear Nevada Delegation, I am deeply concerned about the preservation of Nevada’s wild heritage as well as very encouraged to see that the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation and Development Act of 2004 includes the designation of significant public lands as wilderness. However, I was surprised and saddened to see that an extremely critical and significant area was left out of the bill. Please revise the act to include the Desert Hills- Pahranagat Proposed Wilderness! It is a mosaic of canyons, peaks, and ridgelines home to an array of archeological resources and sensitive wildlife habitats. Its wilderness character is increasingly threatened by irresponsible off-road vehicle use. It deserves to be protected intact for future generations to experience. Sincerely, (Your name) (Your address) Page 5
  • 6. Viva Las Wilderness Petroglyphs at the "Shooting Gallery" in the proposed Pahranagat Range Wilderness (Photo by John Wallin) Director's Corner: Protecting wilderness is about people as much as place. John Wallin, Director One thing that has become clear to me in five years of working on Nevada wilderness, and that is that wilderness campaigns are about people as much as places. I thought about this on a recent backpacking trip into Little High Rock Canyon Wilderness, about three and a half hours north of Reno in the Black Rock/High Rock Emigrant Trail National Conservation Area. Little High Rock is a deeply cut canyon in classic high desert country, with ample springs and a stunning array of wildlife, including bighorn sheep and cougar. It is the perfect place to introduce people to the Nevada they didn't know. During the campaign to protect these areas, we would bring people out to Little High Rock for weekend trips. Later, as the campaign progressed, these people would bring their friends and the chain of connection of people to place added another link. The building of this chain of connection is what the Nevada Wilderness Project is all about. In tandem with our work with the excellent member groups of the Nevada Wilderness Coalition, we have been honored to work with so many wonderful people who have taken it upon themselves to care for specific places, and to translate that caring into action. The most gratifying aspect of our work is when volunteers new to the wilderness community take it upon themselves to write letters, give slide shows, take their friends to different places. When this work happens without our prompting, wilderness wins. Page 6
  • 7. Viva Las Wilderness I used to think of Little High Rock first in terms of springs, raptors, and bighorn. Now I think of Little High Rock first in terms of the people who worked so hard to protect it. With the recent introduction by Senators Ensign and Reid of the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act, we have another opportunity to protect almost 770,000 acres of wilderness. It is exciting work we do, giving people the opportunity to take part in something much larger than themselves. Take a minute today to to take action for the Pahranagat Range. That person standing in mirror is the next link in the chain of connection to these wild places! Membership Update: Urgent request for new members! We need your support in this critical time. When other states are fighting a defensive battle to protect public lands from national and statewide threats to environmental policy, we are in the unique proactive position of having a bill introduced to Congress for the protection of 770,000 acres of pristine wilderness quality lands in Eastern Nevada . Our members are critical to our success in seeing the passage of this bill during this Congressional term! We are currently 330 members strong and each of you has been instrumental to the introduction of this bipartisan effort -- Anna Ball, by the Nevada delegation. It is important that our numbers increase further in Development Director order to ensure our success. If you are not yet a member, now is the time to get involved in what will be an unprecedented third consecutive victory for wilderness in Nevada ! With the passage of this bill we will have protected 2 million acres of permanent Wilderness since the Nevada Wilderness Project’s inception in 1999. Wilderness is the highest level of protection for our public lands, keeping them intact and pristine for future generations to enjoy. All new members who join at any level significant to you between now and July 15, will be entered into a drawing for a Patagonia Torrentshell jacket (retail value $199). Join today! For all current members that also want to participate, your name will be Win this Patagonia Torrential thrown into the drawing for every new member that you encourage to join jacket! between now and July 15th and for every gift membership you donate on behalf of your friends and family! Donate today! Drawing will end at 12:00pm on July 15th. The winner will be notified via e-mail. You can also send donations by mail to: Nevada Wilderness Project 8550 White Fir St. Reno , NV 89523 Thank you once again to all of our members for your continued support and dedication. This bill would not be possible without you! Fundraising Fun Volunteer Spotlight: Page 7
  • 8. Viva Las Wilderness p g From Tahoe to Tonopah: Janur Yasa Erik Holland Art Benefit Show Success! Our May 12 fundraising event with local Reno artist, Erik Holland, was a wonderful success. Thank you to all who came over to Patagonia that evening to enjoy some hors d’oeuvres, conversation and Nevada landscape artwork by Erik as well as learn more about Nevada Wilderness Project! A big thank-you to Patagonia for hosting the art show and providing such a great space for the event. Erik sold several paintings and was able to speak with many folks about his passion for Wilderness in relationship to his art. The Project gained several new members, spread the word on our current efforts in Eastern Nevada and received a portion of the art sale proceeds. We appreciate Erik’s support for Nevada Wilderness Project and look forward to hosting another event with him in the future. (Click here for a brief bio on Growing up in Tabanan, Bali, Janur Yasa Erik) thought all deserts were like the Sahara. "Where I grew up, it was a tropical climate," For those of you who missed the event, Erik’s artwork is he said. "Deserts were sandy, barren places on display at Patagonia through the month of June. Stop without trees." on by for a look or give us a call at 775.746.7850 with questions. Patagonia is located at 8550 White Fir Street Janur moved to the US in 1995. On his first in Reno. trip in Nevada, he was stunned to see trees and the vast sagebrush ocean. "I found the high desert intriguing," he said. "My perception that Nevada is sand and nothingness has really changed! I've seen bighorn sheep, birds, all kinds of wildlife." Janur has done fieldwork for the Project, and is our volunteer webmaster through his consulting business, Moksa Designs. He loves skiing, mountain biking, and backpacking, and enjoys putting his skills to work for wilderness protection. "I like finding Nevada Wilderness Project member, Jane Sherman, takes in Erik different ways to help, and I'm excited to try Holland's "Wild Nevada Sky" along with other Nevada landscape to help the Project protect this beautiful paintings. desert landscape." The D.C. Connection Kevin Mack, Washington D.C. Rep The Eastern Nevada Wilderness Proposal - What about all that fieldwork? When Nevada Wilderness Project and the Nevada Wilderness Coalition released our joint proposal for wilderness designation in Lincoln and White Pine counties, we relied on help from many quarters. The bulk of the work was carried out by Nevada Wilderness Project, but thanks to the efforts of many others we were able to offer a very comprehensive vision for wilderness in those counties. Millions of acres were involved, with the thousands of photographs and piles of dusty maps providing the basis for our decision making process. Page 8
  • 9. Viva Las Wilderness So now that the Lincoln County bill has been introduced, how has all that hard earned fieldwork impacted the decision makers in Washington ? Firstly, it is important to note that fieldwork was a vital component of the Mojave Desert Wilderness proposal we released in 2001 and the legislation that was passed that next year. Thanks to the efforts of fieldworkers and grassroots organizers, over 30,000 acres of non-Wilderness Study Area (WSA), non-agency recognized wilderness quality lands are now protected forever as wilderness. While we did not get everything that deserved to be protected, this bill showed everyone in Nevada and around the country that citizens’ wilderness inventories do make a difference. The managing agency is no longer the final word on which of our public lands should be protected as Wilderness. This is the most important challenge that we at Nevada Wilderness Project have met in the past five years. We have successfully challenged the notion that only agency recognized wilderness quality lands can be considered for wilderness by Congress. This has wide ranging implications in every state with public lands and an unmet wilderness potential. The current Lincoln county public lands bill, like the Clark county bill, has a strong wilderness component. The legislation is by no means perfect, it is however a great first step and builds on the example set forth in the Clark County legislation that non-WSA Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land can be considered for wilderness designation by the Congress. The recognition of citizen inventoried lands in the Lincoln county legislation bodes well for future public lands bills in Nevada . The volumes of inventory data collected during the past two campaigns has made it easier for the entire coalition to talk about each area as a place with an identity and to address concerns about vehicle routes and cherrystems with specifics based on the facts on the ground. The task for each of us is to continue to support an aggressive field inventory of these lands around the rest of the state and to support that inventory with an even greater grassroots effort. With your ongoing support, we will continue to make great gains on protecting ALL of Nevada's remaining wild places. June & July 2004 Calendar of Events: Sparks Hometowne Farmers' Market Come on down to Victorian Square each Thursday evening this summer from 4-9p.m. to enjoy fresh produce, tasty food, live music and information from local non-profit organizations. The Nevada Wilderness Project will have an informational table and merchandise for sale once a month during June, July and August. Stop on by to become a member of the Project, hear about the latest happenings with Nevada Wilderness, sign a letter asking for more Wilderness in the state and check out our fun t-shirts, tote bags, and drink coozies for sale! When we'll be there: July 22 ("Earth Day" theme night) August 12 WILDERNESS VOLUNTEER HAPPY HOURS - Reno New Summer Schedule! Please join the Nevada Wilderness Project for our Fabulous Wilderness happy hour/volunteer night the last Tuesday of every month from 6-8 p.m. at the Great Basin Brewery in Sparks! For the summer months, while UNR is out of session and The Record Street Cafe is closed in the evenings, we will go back to getting together once a month at the Great Basin Brewery from 6-8p.m. (note the time change as well!). Come enjoy a coffee, beer, glass of wine or soft drink and some food and hear about the latest happenings Page 9
  • 10. Viva Las Wilderness with Wilderness in Eastern Nevada, learn about how you can help and meet new folks interested in protecting our wild places. Come on out and join us for a good wilderness lovin' crowd and conversation! UPCOMING HAPPY HOUR DATES: June 29 from 6:00 to 8:00p.m. at Great Basin Brewery in Sparks. July27 from 6:00 to 8:00p.m. at the Great Basin Brewery in Sparks. For directions to the Great Basin Brewery, check out the brewery website at . CONTACT INFO FOR NEVADA'S CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION Senator Harry Reid Representative Jim Gibbons CLICK HERE FOR EMAIL LINK CLICK HERE FOR EMAIL LINK Carson City Las Vegas 600 East Williams Street, #302 Carson City, NV 89701 600 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Suite 680 Phone: 775-882-7343 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Fax: 775-883-1980 Phone: 702-255-1651 Fax: 702-255-1927 Las Vegas Lloyd D. George Building Reno 333 Las Vegas Boulevard South, # 8016 400 South Virginia Street, # 502 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Reno, Nevada 89501 Phone: 702-388-5020 Phone: 775-686-5760 Fax: 702-388-5030 Fax: 775-686-5711 Reno Elko 400 So. Virginia Street, # 902 491 4th Street Reno, NV 89501 Elko, Nevada 89801 Phone: 775-686-5750 Phone: (775) 777-7920 Fax: 775-686-5757 Fax: (775) 777-7922 Rural Nevada Mobile Office Washington D.C. Phone: 775-772-3905 100 Cannon House Office Building Fax: 775-201-6010 Washington D.C. 20515 Phone: 202-225-6155 Washington Fax: 202-225-5679 528 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-3542 Representative Shelley Berkeley Fax: 202-224-7327 CLICK HERE FOR EMAIL LINK Las Vegas Senator John Ensign 2340 Paseo Del Prado, Suite D-106 Las Vegas, NV 89102 CLICK HERE FOR EMAIL LINK Phone: (702) 220-9823 Fax: (702) 220 9841 Page 10
  • 11. Viva Las Wilderness Fax: (702) 220-9841 Carson City Washington DC 600 East William St., # 304 439 Cannon House Office Building Carson City, Nevada 89701 Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (775) 885-9111 Phone: (202) 225-5965 Fax: (775) 883-5590 Fax: (202) 225-3119 Las Vegas 333 Las Vegas Blvd. South, # 8203 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Representative Jon Porter Phone: (702) 388-6605 Fax: (702) 388-6501 CLICK HERE FOR EMAIL LINK Reno Henderson 400 So. Virginia St. #738 2501 N. Green Valley Pkway, #112D Reno, Nevada 89501 Henderson, NV 89014 Phone: (775) 686-5770 Phone: 702-387-4941 Fax: (775) 686-5729 Fax: 702-434-1378 Washington Washington 364 Russell Senate Building 218 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 224-6244 Phone: 202-225-3252 Fax: (202) 228-2193 Fax: 202-225-2185 TDD: (202) 224-7638 If you are interested in visiting any of our Eastern Nevada Wilderness Proposal Areas, give a call (775.746.7850) or send us an email ( If we can't join you, we can always guide you toward some fabulous Wilderness locations! Page 11
  • 12. Viva Las Wilderness TO ORDER A "FABULOUS WILDERNESS" ORGANIC COTTON T-SHIRT AND DONATE TO THE NEVADA WILDERNESS PROJECT,  CLICK HERE! Help Protect Wilderness while giving and drinking organic coffee! Grounds for Change will donate 15% of all sales from orders placed via this link to Nevada Wilderness Project. Grounds for Change is a family owned and operated coffee roasting company offering certified fair trade, organic and shade grown coffee from communities throughout Latin America and the Pacific. They offer great gift packages including coffee, organic chocolate, handicrafts from around the world, and more. Click here or on the Grounds for Change logo to begin. GIFT MEMBERSHIPS TO THE NEVADA WILDERNESS PROJECT Gi if b hi h N d Wild Page 12
  • 13. Viva Las Wilderness Give a gift membership to the Nevada Wilderness Project and give a family member or friend the opportunity to help protect more of Nevada's incredible wild places.  Members of the Project receive invitations to special events, newsletters to keep updated on the latest happenings, and the opportunity to directly impact the protection status of OUR public lands. Click here or on the Nevada Wilderness Project logo to make an online gift donation. Page 13