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                                             JULY, AUGUST, 2009

The Roadrunner
    Supervisors need to hear public discussion of development projects at far edges of Bakersfield area
  The Metropolitan Bakersfield                west of Enos Lane and just south of               outcomes in the general plan and
General Plan Update (MBGPU)                   Seventh Standard Road. It is located              potentially foreclosing more
process has just begun, and Kern              on the outer boundaries of the Future             thoughtful regional planning.
County is already watering it down.           Planning Reserve, an area projected                 In commenting on the Metropolitan
The new plan has yet to go through            to develop after 2050. The                        Bakersfield General Plan Update in
the public input process, but the draft       Neighborhood and Bakersfield Land                 the Bakersfield Californian on April
version proposes to divide the                Investment projects are located in the            20, County Planning Director Ted
Bakersfield area into three districts.        Urban Reserve, an area projected in               James said, "We have legislation that
  The 2035 Buildout Area is                   the General Plan Update to develop                says we need to get more human-
essentially the 210 square mile               between 2035 and 2050, not in 2009.               oriented. Do we put our heads in the
central area where some                          In addition, as if to thumb their              sand and ignore the legislation,
development has already occurred              nose at the public’s input into the               ignore the attorney general, ignore
and where new development would               General Plan Update process, Kern                 the impact on transportation
be encouraged.                                County is beginning the approval                  systems? Or do we try to find a
  The Urban Reserve is an area                process for a new industrial park on              proactive solution?"
surrounding the 2035 Buildout Area            340 acres of prime farmland south of                 A proactive solution would be to
where stricter mitigation measures            Bakersfield in the 2050 Future                    table or reject projects in the Urban
would be required and where                   Planning Reserve.                                 Reserve or Future Planning Reserve
potential development would occur               Under California law, the general               until the City and the County
between 2035 and 2050.                        plan serves as the constitution for               complete the Metropolitan
  The Future Planning Reserve is              future development. Approving                     Bakersfield General Plan Update so
an area on the far edge of the                these projects at this point would                that a more informed determination
Bakersfield area surrounding the              undercut the MBGPU before it even                 can be made as to whether or not the
Urban Reserve where development               gets off the ground, making the                   project is consistent with the
currently is problematic and which            process an exercise in futility.                  County’s and public’s vision of
might be developed after 2050.                Accommodating a development of                    sustainable future growth. Let your
  On June 16, the Kern County                 this sort prior to completion of an               supervisor know that they should
Board of Supervisors considered               updated general plan sends the                    impose a moratorium on
three new housing projects that, if           message that public input into the                development in these far-flung areas
approved, would sprawl to the                 General Plan Update process is not                until you get your input into the
horizon and compromise the                    valued and embodies poor land-use                 Metropolitan Bakersfield General
MBGPU before it is even adopted.              planning. Approval of the projects at             Plan Update.
The Stonefield project would build            this premature juncture would turn                                    —Gordon Nipp
1450 residences on prime farmland             the process on its head, dictating                                 Chapter Vice-Chair

                              ANNUAL LOBBY DAY COMING AUGUST 23-24 AT STATE CAPITOL
                               Come join us in Sacramento for our annual Lobby      through the afternoon. We will then focus on key
                             Day on August 23-24. You will have opportunities       remaining bills, including renewable energy, water
                             for interaction with other activists and our           conservation, air quality, park protection and
                             professional lobbying staff, as well as with           resilient habitats. Participants should expect to pay
                             legislators and their staff at the State Capitol.      some costs, but some travel and lodging
                               On Sunday afternoon our advocacy team will train     reimbursements will be available, depending on
                             you on how to lobby and brief you on our priority      location. For more information, please contact
                             bills so that you can effectively advocate for them.   Annie Pham, legislative aide, at
                             On Monday, you will work the halls of the Capitol or 916.
                             as teams, with meetings scheduled from morning         557.1100 ext. 107.

                                               JULY-AUGUST, 2009

CSUB animal rehab facility aides community knowledge of environment
     A highlight of this spring’s Buena Vista group
programs was a trip to the Cal State University-
Bakersfield Facility for Animal Care and Treatment on
June 6 where FACT Co-ordinator Marlene Benton
showed members through the heavily wooded 20-acre
facility, including habitat for the care and treatment of
eagles, hawks, falcons and owls. The tour included the
large tortoise habitat and cactus garden.
   Citizens often bring wounded birds and other animals
to FACT where staff members are trained in
rehabilitation, upkeep and maintenance. “A local
veterinarian will often do X-rays. That’s one of our
biggest costs,” Benton said in her talk to the group. “Our
goal is to release the injured animals back into the wild,
so we have to be very careful about imprinting by offering
only minimal human contact.”
   From October through March, FACT is open the first
Saturday of each month (except for January). The
summer schedule is already filled for June and July. To
schedule a tour or field trip, call the facility at 654.3167.
  The Buena Vista group could be viewed as “the farm
team of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter as well as for state and
national activism,” according to Vice-Chair Ann Gallon.
Formed in 2000, the group offers monthly programs for
members and the public to educate on issues critical to
personal health (like water and air quality) and the health
of the planet (e.g., forests, oceans and global climate         MATTER OF FACT:
                                                                About 15 members of
   “Our goal is to inspire people to become informed, to
speak up (or write letters to the editor) on these important    the Buena Vista group
issues, and to hold elected officials accountable,” Gallon      met at FACT at CSUB
said. The group sponsors speakers such as Dr. Ted               early in June.
Murphy, retired CSUB biology professor, to talk about           Volunteer Stephen
issues of importance, but also casual events such as pizza      Cooley talks about
parties and wine and cheese socials.                            succulents and cacti
   “ Some great issues discussions take place at these          in the desert garden
social gatherings,” Gallon said.                                (far lefft) near the
                                                                entrance. A pair of
                                                                barn owls (top) gaze
                                                                suspiciously at
                                                                visitors. Vice-chair
                                                                Ann Ga)on munches
                                                                on an ice cream cone
                                                                (middle) affter the
                                                                FACT tour. Some
                                                                cactus flowers are
                                                                blooming (directly
                                                                lefft) in the sun.
                                                                      Isabel Stierle
                                                                  Buena Vista Chair

                                                                            JULY-AUGUST, 2009

                                                             carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more
Experts advocate switch                                      than half a million cars off of U.S. roads.
                                                               Other points: Globally, we feed 756 million tons of
to less meat to solve                                        grain to farmed animals. As Princeton bioethicist Peter
                                                             Singer notes in his new book, if we fed that grain to the 1.4
environmental problems                                       billion people who are living in abject poverty, each of
                                                             them would be provided more than half a ton of grain, or
   If everyone went vegetarian just for one day, the         about three pounds of grain/day—twice the grain they
U.S. would save:                                             would need to survive, not including the 225 million tons
1) 100 billion gallons of water, enough to supply all the    of soy that are produced every year, almost all of which is
homes in New England for almost four months;                 fed to farmed animals.
2) 1.5 billion pounds of crops otherwise fed to livestock,     Singer writes, "The world is not running out of food.
enough to feed the state of New Mexico for more than a       The problem is that we—the relatively affluent—have
year;                                                        found a way to consume four or five times as much food
3) 70 million gallons of gas—enough to fuel all the cars     as would be possible, if we were to eat the crops we grow
of Canada and Mexico combined with plenty to spare;          directly."
4) 3 million acres of land, an area more than twice the        A recent United Nations report titled “Livestock's Long
size of Delaware;                                            Shadow” concluded that the meat industry causes almost
5) 33 tons of antibiotics.                                   40 percent more greenhouse gas emissions than all the
  If everyone went vegetarian just for one day, the U.S.     world's transportation systems. The report also concluded
would prevent:                                               that factory farming is one of the biggest contributors to
1) Greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 1.2 million        the most serious environmental problems at every level.
tons of CO2, as much as produced by all of France;           In its report, the U.N. found that the meat industry causes
2) 3 million tons of soil erosion and $70 million in         local and global environmental problems even beyond
resulting economic damages;                                  global warming. It said that the meat industry should be a
4) 4.5 million tons of animal excrement;                     main focus in every discussion of land degradation,
5) Almost 7 tons of ammonia emissions, a major air           climate change and air pollution, water shortages and
pollutant.                                                   pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Source: Adapted from a
  A favorite statistic is this: According to Environmental   Huffington Post article by Kathy Freston, April 2, 2009 at:
Defense, if every American skipped one meal of chicken
per week and substituted vegetarian foods instead, the                                 —Contributed by Ara Mardarosian

                                                                                            JULY-AUGUST, 2009

Everyone is welcome, Sierra Club members and non-members, to join in any of the outdoor activities. Requirements: You
must be in condition for the type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity and prepared to sign a Sierra Club release
for liability. You must be willing to follow the leader’s directions. Be sure to bring any personal medicines you might need.
Customary appropriate equipment includes good hiking shoes, plenty of water, snack, sunglasses, suntan lotion, and layered
clothing. The following might be helpful but definitely is not required: compass, whistle, matches or lighter, and a good first
aid kit. Long paints are recommended. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It will be a no-go for you. Participation must
be leader approved. Please let the leader know ahead of time that you are intending to participate. Check individual group
listings for the desired means of communication.

Since unexpected change of plans may be necessary, it is recommended that YOU contact the hike leader the night before to
be assured that the hike is still going to happen.

New California legislation designed to protect the consumer requires us to publish this notice: CST 2087755-40. Registration as a seller of
travel does not constitute approval by the State of California. This legislation is designed to protect the user of outdoor activities that
require cash payments of more than $50 for participation.

                       More info? Call Donnel Lester at 661.831.6784 or e-mail
                       or Isabel at 661.246.6195.

                      Buena Vista Group (BVG) upcoming breakfast programs are on summer hiatus. We will resume
                      meeting in September on the first Saturday of the month. We hope to have presenters discussing the fate
of bats in the age of wind energy and xeriscape landscaping, to sponsor a visit to CALM as well to link art and nature in an
art show. We welcome ideas and suggestions from members.

The executive committee of BVG will continue meeting in the summer to plan fall events. If you would like to attend,
provide or suggest future programs, please contact Isabel at 661.246.6195 for meeting dates and times.

Highway clean-up is also on summer hiatus due to the hot temperatures. We are expected to pick up again in September on
the third Saturday each month. Have a great summer!
Meeting Notices—If you would like to receive Buena Vista Group meeting and activity notices by email, please contact Donnel Lester, at, with Add me to the email list. You can opt out of the email notices at any time. We try to limit this to once-a-
month emails.

More info? Mary Ann Lockhart (661.242.0432). Hikes? Dale Chitwood (661.242.1076)

Saturday, July 25—Peak to Peak Hike. Traditional (18 years) adventure hiking from Mt. Pinos (nearly 9000 foot altitude)
to Cerro Noroeste (nearly 9000 foot altitude). Five to seven hours. Wonderful views on all sides, wildflowers still
blooming, condors may be seen overhead. Good trail with lots of ups and downs within 1000 ft band. Need to be in good
condition, wear good shoes, bring a little lunch snack, plenty of water, and personal needs which you may require. Leave at
8 a.m. from Pine Mountain Club. Pick-ups can be arranged along the way for persons not in Pine Mountain Club area.
Reservations are required for this hike. Call 661.242.0432 for reservation and more info.

Saturday, Aug. 1— The Forest Service and the World Around It. Los Padres National Forest, Mt. Pinos District Ranger
Tom Kuekes is retiring Sept. 30 of this year. Tom will be presenting a retrospective of his years as a ranger and a
prospective of years ahead. Tom, always responsive to the frequent requests from our group, will be sorely missed. Meeting
at the Pine Mountain Clubhouse. 6 p.m. potluck, 7 p.m. program.

                                                                                 JULY-AUGUST, 2009

Saturday, August 29—Toad Springs Trail Rescheduled. Meet 8 a.m. Pine Mountain Club parking lot. Here we go, out
into the woods, up and down on a mountain trail with beautiful grand views in all directions, with mini-views by our feet
and at our finger tips. In the far distance the Temblor and Caliente ranges of the Carrizo Plain appear. In the near distance
Quatal Canyon appears with its many colored canyon walls. Sometimes there is fog, sometimes clouds and then spectacular
clear days. That is the beauty and the challenge of the Toad Springs Trail beginning just a short drive west of Pine
Mountain Club. Seven miles round trip. Need to be in fit condition. 5000 ft altitude. Bring water, little snack, all personal
needs. Call for reservation, more info. 661.242.0432

Every Sunday morning at 8 a.m.—Sunday Strolls. Meet in the Pine Mountain Clubhouse parking lot. 1 and 1/2 hour
walk in near vicinity of community on local trails over grasslands, through woods. No need for reservations. Children
welcome accompanied by adults. A great beginning to a pleasant day. More info? Call 661.242.0432

Nature Fest was a great success. This potpourri of exhibits and hands-on activities drew families of all sizes and all ages.
Highlights were compound microscope viewings, water tasting, play role as a firefighter, a drum circle and more. Over
150 people attended this free event prepared by the Condor Group.

More info? Call Pam Clark (559.784.4643) or Diane Jetter (559.781.8897).

More info? Chair Dennis Burge (760.375.7967) or e-mail Jim Nichols,
hikes (760.375.8161) or e-mail

Saturday, June 20—Pine Creek Trail to Pine Lake (first lake reached on the Eastern Lateral Access Trail from the Pine
Creek Trailhead, 9942 ft max elevation, 2500 ft elevation gain, 7 mi RT) This hike is part of our program of exploring the
major eastern access trails to the Sierra. The Pine Creek Trail leads to Italy Pass and Pine Creek Pass. This will be an
moderate hike. Meet Sat, June 20, at 7:30 a.m. at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more information, call Dennis
Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161.

Saturday, July 11—Bench Lake Loop, Onion Valley. Southwest out of Onion Valley, 10880+ ft max elevation, 2250 ft
elevation gain, 5.4 mi RT. We will hike cross country to tour several of the little visited lakes (Little Pothole, Slim,
Matlock, Bench, and Gilbert) of Onion Valley. Moderate hike, due to length and elevation gain. Meet Saturday, July 11, at
7:30 a.m. at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more information, call Dennis Burge at 760-375-7967 or Jim Nichols at

Saturday, Aug. 15—Cottonwood Pct Loop to the Source of the S Fork of the Kern. 11050 max elevation, 2000 ft
elevation gain, 8.5 mi RT). As part of our program to explore segments of the PCT, we will climb to Trail Pass and follow
the PCT past Trail Peak to the saddle W of Poison Meadow. We will drop a few hundred feet W of the saddle to see if we
can find the springs that are the source of the S Fork of the mighty Kern River. We will return via Poison Meadow. This
will be a moderate hike. Meet Saturday, Aug. 15, at 7:30 a.m. at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more information,
call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161.

More info? Call 559.761.0592. Please also visit for more info.
Friday, July 10— Movie Night. “MONUMENTAL, David Brower's Fight for Wild America.” Director Kelly Duane
explores the dramatic and lyrical story of Brower and his colleagues' unrelenting campaigns to protect and establish some of
our most treasured National Parks. 210 Café, 210 W Center St, Visalia. Join us for coffee or sandwiches at 6 p.m., movie at 7
p.m. Contact Kim at for more info.

                                                                       JULY-AUGUST, 2009

Saturday, Aug. 1—Weaver Lake. Let's get out of the summer heat and
hike to Weaver Lake in the cool Jennie Lakes Wilderness Area at 8700 ft.
This will be a moderate seven-mile round trip hike with 1000 feet of
elevation gain (aka aerobic!). Join us by calling Joanne or David at

Saturday, Aug. 22 —Pear Lake. This is a moderate to strenuous 13-mile
round trip with a 2,250 foot elevation gain. The trail runs through a
Sequoia grove and passes a few alpine lakes before reaching Pear Lake.
For more information contact Dave Keller,,

   California/Nevada Regional Conservation Committee
                Desert Committee Outings
For questions about, or to sign up for a particular outing, please contact the leader
listed in the write-up. For questions about Desert Committee outings in general, or
to receive the outings list by e-mail, please contact Kate Allen at or 661.944.4056..

Friday-Sunday, July 10-12— Nevada Wilderness Service. Eastern Nevada's
White Pine County has MANY new wilderness areas. We'll help the BLM's Ely
office enhance wild values as we put up vehicle barriers, rehab old routes, or
remove old guzzlers; specific area to be known later. Three-day car camp service
trip with Vicky Hoover; with central commissary ($15); or 415.977.5527. CNRCC Wilderness Committee

Saturday-Sunday, July 11-12—White Mountains Canyon Exploration. We'll
camp in the Hamill Valley east of Bishop and explore Pellisier and Birch Canyons
in two day hikes. We may not get past the formidable-looking narrows shown on
the Pellisier Canyon topo map, but we will take a look. The Birch Canyon narrows
can be surmounted, but there may be some route-finding involved. We won't
attempt any real rock-climbing. Limit 12. Leader: John Wilkinson, 408. 876.8295. CNRCC Desert Committee

Tuesday-Sunday, Aug. 11-16—Southern Sierra Backpack – Olancho Peak.
Arrive at Kennedy Meadows above Owens Valley (not to be confused with
Kennedy Meadow near Sonora). Hike in two miles from the trailhead to a camp by
the Kern River. Continue up the Kern for the next two days to our highest camp at
9300 ft. Day 4 is the hike with day packs through the wildflowers and an optional
hike to the top of Olancho Peak at 12,123 ft., then back the four miles to the
previous night’s camp. Next day hike eight miles to the first night’s camp, then
two miles out the last day. Much of the trip is on the Pacific Crest Trail. Ldr:
David Hardy 702.875.4549, preferred).
Southern Nevada Group

Saturday-Sunday, Aug. 22-23—Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest Carcamp.
Come with us to the beautiful White Mtns to camp, hike and just relax. On
Saturday, we’ll hike the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest on a moderate five-mile
loop interpretive trail, followed by a picnic lunch and a short optional hike to a
nearby old mining cabin. Back at camp we’ll enjoy Happy Hour, a potluck feast
and a campfire. Sunday pack up and head home. Group size strictly limited. Send
$8 per person, 2 large SASE, H&W phones, email, rideshare info to Reserv/Ldr:
Lygeia Gerard, P.O. Box 294726, Phelan, CA 92329, 760.868.2179. CNRCC
Desert Committee

Friday-Sunday, Sept. 25-27 —Service And Hiking in the Carrizo Plains. This
is an opportunity to visit and to assist a relatively unknown national monument.
There will be an optional and scenic hike high in the Caliente Mountains on Friday.
Others may join us for National Public Lands Day on Saturday when we will work
on improvements for the Soda Lake Overlook. On Sunday we will tour historic,
prehistoric, and geologic sites. Leader Craig Deutsche:,
or 310.477.6670. CNRCC Desert Committee

                                                                         JULY-AUGUST, 2009

        Not long ago I was standing in a short line at our little local Green Frog Market, waiting for the cashier to
finish with the customer ahead of me. Just as she was ready for me, a man in the line began a loud diatribe, who
knows for what reason, against “Kids Today.” It was apparent that this was a favorite theme, possibly met among
his acquaintances with approval and similar complaints. One of said “Kids” was serving as bagger, and I
recognized him as being among the most pleasant and helpful members of an unfailingly pleasant and helpful
         According to this critic, among the failings of “Kids Today” is their rudeness, their lack of interest in
anything serious, their ignorance of good manners (my, how ironic!) and their indifference to tradition. The
cashier looked uncomfortable, as did others in the line, so I took it upon myself to share my own observations.
Quietly, and with total honesty, I said, “I think they’re better than they’ve ever been.” At that the cashier said,
“Oh, thank you.” Whereupon the critic scowled at me and offered what he seemed to think was the ultimate
insult: “You must be a teacher!” Though I’ve been retired from teaching since 1995, my response was “I am.”
        And what a wonderful profession it is, as most of us who have practiced it will tell you. True, the pleasures
of the day are punctuated with annoyances and trivialities, but most of those are connected with the business of
administering an institution. For the most part, the daily reward for our efforts is “The Kids.” I speak from the
experience of a high school teacher who, like all of us, averaged five classes a day with a total of around 175
students. I can remember many times turning the key in the lock of my door after the last class and thinking, “I
should be paying them for this, and not the other way around.” Of course I never advocated that, nor were all
days so glorious that it became a mantra. There were, indeed, some stinkers in every level of instruction,
including the highest.
        If you want to get a good idea of “Kids Today,” volunteer to judge a forensics event at one of the high
schools. In this connection you will be refreshingly brought up to date with encouraging evidence of their
sophistication in many areas, very much including environmental issues. I have heard freshmen, all of fourteen
years old, fervently debating such issues as “cap and trade,” housing vs. preservation of species, the virtue of
public transportation over the automobile culture, and the pros and cons of ethanol.
        Certainly the vast canyon between elder discomfort with technology and youth’s passion for it is one of the
most baffling and possibly even alienating issues for both sides. Many of us have to admit that while we admire
our grandchildren’s easy solution to computer problems that raise our blood pressure to dangerous heights, we
still regard many of the latest innovations in communication to be frivolous, wasteful and culture-killing. What,
for example, is texting doing to the language? All that abbreviation posturing as words! And don’t such fast-
developing phenomena as My Space, YouTube and Twitter foster narcissism and separation of the generations?
        I would argue that the propensity of youth for frivolity and vice has not changed one bit since it was so
clearly evident when I was a “Kid.” Visit a public high school some day and you will step into a microcosm of
the real world, both for better and for worse. Over all, I think you will come away pleasantly surprised, and more
hopeful for the future than you were when you arrived.

                                                                                            —Ann Williams

Executive Committee of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter
Chair: Georgette Theotig (Tehachapi), 661.822.4371. Vice-chair: Gordon Nipp (Bksf), 661.872.2432. Secretary:
Arthur Unger (Bksf), 661.323.5569. Treasurer: Lorraine Unger (Bksf), 661.323.5569. Donnel Lester (Bksf),
661.831.6784. Richard Garcia (Min King), 559.624.0199. Ann Williams (Bksf), 661.324.1055. Mary Ann
Lockhart (PMC), 661.242.0432. Ara Marderosian (Kernville), 760.378.4574.

Chapter ExCom Meetings: All Sierra Club members are always welcome to attend these meetings. Call
661.323.822.4371 to confirm all meeting dates as well as location and time.

                                                JULY-AUGUST, 2009

                                                                    Non-Profit Org.
                               The Roadrunner                       U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                    Permit No. 498
                                                                    Bakersfield, CA

                                   PDF INFO: Want to stop extra trees being
                                cut down for a paper Roadrunner? Write to
                                Harold Wood and ask to receive the
                                newsletter on-line.
                                He will also notify you when it is published.

              STAYING INFORMED:
                  Join our KERN-NEWS & KERN FORUM e-mail lists at: http://
                  Submit articles (your own or suggestions for reprints) to The
              Roadrunner at To contact Marjorie Bell, the
              editor, by phone, call 661.322.4891.
                 The Roadrunner is printed on 100% post consumer recycled paper.

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July-August 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club

  • 1. A BI-MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE KERN-KAWEAH CHAPTER OF SIERRA CLUB JULY, AUGUST, 2009 The Roadrunner LARGE PROJECTS THREATEN GENERAL PLAN UPDATE Supervisors need to hear public discussion of development projects at far edges of Bakersfield area The Metropolitan Bakersfield west of Enos Lane and just south of outcomes in the general plan and General Plan Update (MBGPU) Seventh Standard Road. It is located potentially foreclosing more process has just begun, and Kern on the outer boundaries of the Future thoughtful regional planning. County is already watering it down. Planning Reserve, an area projected In commenting on the Metropolitan The new plan has yet to go through to develop after 2050. The Bakersfield General Plan Update in the public input process, but the draft Neighborhood and Bakersfield Land the Bakersfield Californian on April version proposes to divide the Investment projects are located in the 20, County Planning Director Ted Bakersfield area into three districts. Urban Reserve, an area projected in James said, "We have legislation that The 2035 Buildout Area is the General Plan Update to develop says we need to get more human- essentially the 210 square mile between 2035 and 2050, not in 2009. oriented. Do we put our heads in the central area where some In addition, as if to thumb their sand and ignore the legislation, development has already occurred nose at the public’s input into the ignore the attorney general, ignore and where new development would General Plan Update process, Kern the impact on transportation be encouraged. County is beginning the approval systems? Or do we try to find a The Urban Reserve is an area process for a new industrial park on proactive solution?" surrounding the 2035 Buildout Area 340 acres of prime farmland south of A proactive solution would be to where stricter mitigation measures Bakersfield in the 2050 Future table or reject projects in the Urban would be required and where Planning Reserve. Reserve or Future Planning Reserve potential development would occur Under California law, the general until the City and the County between 2035 and 2050. plan serves as the constitution for complete the Metropolitan The Future Planning Reserve is future development. Approving Bakersfield General Plan Update so an area on the far edge of the these projects at this point would that a more informed determination Bakersfield area surrounding the undercut the MBGPU before it even can be made as to whether or not the Urban Reserve where development gets off the ground, making the project is consistent with the currently is problematic and which process an exercise in futility. County’s and public’s vision of might be developed after 2050. Accommodating a development of sustainable future growth. Let your On June 16, the Kern County this sort prior to completion of an supervisor know that they should Board of Supervisors considered updated general plan sends the impose a moratorium on three new housing projects that, if message that public input into the development in these far-flung areas approved, would sprawl to the General Plan Update process is not until you get your input into the horizon and compromise the valued and embodies poor land-use Metropolitan Bakersfield General MBGPU before it is even adopted. planning. Approval of the projects at Plan Update. The Stonefield project would build this premature juncture would turn —Gordon Nipp 1450 residences on prime farmland the process on its head, dictating Chapter Vice-Chair ANNUAL LOBBY DAY COMING AUGUST 23-24 AT STATE CAPITOL Come join us in Sacramento for our annual Lobby through the afternoon. We will then focus on key Day on August 23-24. You will have opportunities remaining bills, including renewable energy, water for interaction with other activists and our conservation, air quality, park protection and professional lobbying staff, as well as with resilient habitats. Participants should expect to pay legislators and their staff at the State Capitol. some costs, but some travel and lodging On Sunday afternoon our advocacy team will train reimbursements will be available, depending on you on how to lobby and brief you on our priority location. For more information, please contact bills so that you can effectively advocate for them. Annie Pham, legislative aide, at On Monday, you will work the halls of the Capitol or 916. as teams, with meetings scheduled from morning 557.1100 ext. 107.
  • 2. THE ROADRUNNER JULY-AUGUST, 2009 BUENA VISTA GROUP: FILMS , SPEAKERS AND ICE CREAM AT FACT CSUB animal rehab facility aides community knowledge of environment A highlight of this spring’s Buena Vista group programs was a trip to the Cal State University- Bakersfield Facility for Animal Care and Treatment on June 6 where FACT Co-ordinator Marlene Benton showed members through the heavily wooded 20-acre facility, including habitat for the care and treatment of eagles, hawks, falcons and owls. The tour included the large tortoise habitat and cactus garden. Citizens often bring wounded birds and other animals to FACT where staff members are trained in rehabilitation, upkeep and maintenance. “A local veterinarian will often do X-rays. That’s one of our biggest costs,” Benton said in her talk to the group. “Our goal is to release the injured animals back into the wild, so we have to be very careful about imprinting by offering only minimal human contact.” From October through March, FACT is open the first Saturday of each month (except for January). The summer schedule is already filled for June and July. To schedule a tour or field trip, call the facility at 654.3167. The Buena Vista group could be viewed as “the farm team of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter as well as for state and national activism,” according to Vice-Chair Ann Gallon. Formed in 2000, the group offers monthly programs for members and the public to educate on issues critical to personal health (like water and air quality) and the health of the planet (e.g., forests, oceans and global climate MATTER OF FACT: change). About 15 members of “Our goal is to inspire people to become informed, to speak up (or write letters to the editor) on these important the Buena Vista group issues, and to hold elected officials accountable,” Gallon met at FACT at CSUB said. The group sponsors speakers such as Dr. Ted early in June. Murphy, retired CSUB biology professor, to talk about Volunteer Stephen issues of importance, but also casual events such as pizza Cooley talks about parties and wine and cheese socials. succulents and cacti “ Some great issues discussions take place at these in the desert garden social gatherings,” Gallon said. (far lefft) near the entrance. A pair of barn owls (top) gaze suspiciously at visitors. Vice-chair Ann Ga)on munches on an ice cream cone (middle) affter the FACT tour. Some cactus flowers are blooming (directly lefft) in the sun. Photos/ Isabel Stierle Buena Vista Chair
  • 3. THE ROADRUNNER JULY-AUGUST, 2009 carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more Experts advocate switch than half a million cars off of U.S. roads. Other points: Globally, we feed 756 million tons of to less meat to solve grain to farmed animals. As Princeton bioethicist Peter Singer notes in his new book, if we fed that grain to the 1.4 environmental problems billion people who are living in abject poverty, each of them would be provided more than half a ton of grain, or If everyone went vegetarian just for one day, the about three pounds of grain/day—twice the grain they U.S. would save: would need to survive, not including the 225 million tons 1) 100 billion gallons of water, enough to supply all the of soy that are produced every year, almost all of which is homes in New England for almost four months; fed to farmed animals. 2) 1.5 billion pounds of crops otherwise fed to livestock, Singer writes, "The world is not running out of food. enough to feed the state of New Mexico for more than a The problem is that we—the relatively affluent—have year; found a way to consume four or five times as much food 3) 70 million gallons of gas—enough to fuel all the cars as would be possible, if we were to eat the crops we grow of Canada and Mexico combined with plenty to spare; directly." 4) 3 million acres of land, an area more than twice the A recent United Nations report titled “Livestock's Long size of Delaware; Shadow” concluded that the meat industry causes almost 5) 33 tons of antibiotics. 40 percent more greenhouse gas emissions than all the If everyone went vegetarian just for one day, the U.S. world's transportation systems. The report also concluded would prevent: that factory farming is one of the biggest contributors to 1) Greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 1.2 million the most serious environmental problems at every level. tons of CO2, as much as produced by all of France; In its report, the U.N. found that the meat industry causes 2) 3 million tons of soil erosion and $70 million in local and global environmental problems even beyond resulting economic damages; global warming. It said that the meat industry should be a 4) 4.5 million tons of animal excrement; main focus in every discussion of land degradation, 5) Almost 7 tons of ammonia emissions, a major air climate change and air pollution, water shortages and pollutant. pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Source: Adapted from a A favorite statistic is this: According to Environmental Huffington Post article by Kathy Freston, April 2, 2009 at: Defense, if every American skipped one meal of chicken per week and substituted vegetarian foods instead, the —Contributed by Ara Mardarosian
  • 4. THE ROADRUNNER JULY-AUGUST, 2009 KERN KAWEAH ROUNDUP PLEASE READ CAREFULLY IF YOU PLAN TO PARTICIPATE IN SIERRA CLUB HIKES: Everyone is welcome, Sierra Club members and non-members, to join in any of the outdoor activities. Requirements: You must be in condition for the type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity and prepared to sign a Sierra Club release for liability. You must be willing to follow the leader’s directions. Be sure to bring any personal medicines you might need. Customary appropriate equipment includes good hiking shoes, plenty of water, snack, sunglasses, suntan lotion, and layered clothing. The following might be helpful but definitely is not required: compass, whistle, matches or lighter, and a good first aid kit. Long paints are recommended. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It will be a no-go for you. Participation must be leader approved. Please let the leader know ahead of time that you are intending to participate. Check individual group listings for the desired means of communication. Since unexpected change of plans may be necessary, it is recommended that YOU contact the hike leader the night before to be assured that the hike is still going to happen. New California legislation designed to protect the consumer requires us to publish this notice: CST 2087755-40. Registration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California. This legislation is designed to protect the user of outdoor activities that require cash payments of more than $50 for participation. BUENA VISTA GROUP More info? Call Donnel Lester at 661.831.6784 or e-mail or Isabel at 661.246.6195. Buena Vista Group (BVG) upcoming breakfast programs are on summer hiatus. We will resume meeting in September on the first Saturday of the month. We hope to have presenters discussing the fate of bats in the age of wind energy and xeriscape landscaping, to sponsor a visit to CALM as well to link art and nature in an art show. We welcome ideas and suggestions from members. The executive committee of BVG will continue meeting in the summer to plan fall events. If you would like to attend, provide or suggest future programs, please contact Isabel at 661.246.6195 for meeting dates and times. Highway clean-up is also on summer hiatus due to the hot temperatures. We are expected to pick up again in September on the third Saturday each month. Have a great summer! Meeting Notices—If you would like to receive Buena Vista Group meeting and activity notices by email, please contact Donnel Lester, at, with Add me to the email list. You can opt out of the email notices at any time. We try to limit this to once-a- month emails. CONDOR GROUP More info? Mary Ann Lockhart (661.242.0432). Hikes? Dale Chitwood (661.242.1076) Saturday, July 25—Peak to Peak Hike. Traditional (18 years) adventure hiking from Mt. Pinos (nearly 9000 foot altitude) to Cerro Noroeste (nearly 9000 foot altitude). Five to seven hours. Wonderful views on all sides, wildflowers still blooming, condors may be seen overhead. Good trail with lots of ups and downs within 1000 ft band. Need to be in good condition, wear good shoes, bring a little lunch snack, plenty of water, and personal needs which you may require. Leave at 8 a.m. from Pine Mountain Club. Pick-ups can be arranged along the way for persons not in Pine Mountain Club area. Reservations are required for this hike. Call 661.242.0432 for reservation and more info. Saturday, Aug. 1— The Forest Service and the World Around It. Los Padres National Forest, Mt. Pinos District Ranger Tom Kuekes is retiring Sept. 30 of this year. Tom will be presenting a retrospective of his years as a ranger and a prospective of years ahead. Tom, always responsive to the frequent requests from our group, will be sorely missed. Meeting at the Pine Mountain Clubhouse. 6 p.m. potluck, 7 p.m. program.
  • 5. THE ROADRUNNER JULY-AUGUST, 2009 Saturday, August 29—Toad Springs Trail Rescheduled. Meet 8 a.m. Pine Mountain Club parking lot. Here we go, out into the woods, up and down on a mountain trail with beautiful grand views in all directions, with mini-views by our feet and at our finger tips. In the far distance the Temblor and Caliente ranges of the Carrizo Plain appear. In the near distance Quatal Canyon appears with its many colored canyon walls. Sometimes there is fog, sometimes clouds and then spectacular clear days. That is the beauty and the challenge of the Toad Springs Trail beginning just a short drive west of Pine Mountain Club. Seven miles round trip. Need to be in fit condition. 5000 ft altitude. Bring water, little snack, all personal needs. Call for reservation, more info. 661.242.0432 Every Sunday morning at 8 a.m.—Sunday Strolls. Meet in the Pine Mountain Clubhouse parking lot. 1 and 1/2 hour walk in near vicinity of community on local trails over grasslands, through woods. No need for reservations. Children welcome accompanied by adults. A great beginning to a pleasant day. More info? Call 661.242.0432 Nature Fest was a great success. This potpourri of exhibits and hands-on activities drew families of all sizes and all ages. Highlights were compound microscope viewings, water tasting, play role as a firefighter, a drum circle and more. Over 150 people attended this free event prepared by the Condor Group. KAWEAH GROUP More info? Call Pam Clark (559.784.4643) or Diane Jetter (559.781.8897). OWENS PEAK GROUP More info? Chair Dennis Burge (760.375.7967) or e-mail Jim Nichols, hikes (760.375.8161) or e-mail Saturday, June 20—Pine Creek Trail to Pine Lake (first lake reached on the Eastern Lateral Access Trail from the Pine Creek Trailhead, 9942 ft max elevation, 2500 ft elevation gain, 7 mi RT) This hike is part of our program of exploring the major eastern access trails to the Sierra. The Pine Creek Trail leads to Italy Pass and Pine Creek Pass. This will be an moderate hike. Meet Sat, June 20, at 7:30 a.m. at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more information, call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161. Saturday, July 11—Bench Lake Loop, Onion Valley. Southwest out of Onion Valley, 10880+ ft max elevation, 2250 ft elevation gain, 5.4 mi RT. We will hike cross country to tour several of the little visited lakes (Little Pothole, Slim, Matlock, Bench, and Gilbert) of Onion Valley. Moderate hike, due to length and elevation gain. Meet Saturday, July 11, at 7:30 a.m. at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more information, call Dennis Burge at 760-375-7967 or Jim Nichols at 760-375-8161. Saturday, Aug. 15—Cottonwood Pct Loop to the Source of the S Fork of the Kern. 11050 max elevation, 2000 ft elevation gain, 8.5 mi RT). As part of our program to explore segments of the PCT, we will climb to Trail Pass and follow the PCT past Trail Peak to the saddle W of Poison Meadow. We will drop a few hundred feet W of the saddle to see if we can find the springs that are the source of the S Fork of the mighty Kern River. We will return via Poison Meadow. This will be a moderate hike. Meet Saturday, Aug. 15, at 7:30 a.m. at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more information, call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161. MINERAL KING GROUP More info? Call 559.761.0592. Please also visit for more info. Friday, July 10— Movie Night. “MONUMENTAL, David Brower's Fight for Wild America.” Director Kelly Duane explores the dramatic and lyrical story of Brower and his colleagues' unrelenting campaigns to protect and establish some of our most treasured National Parks. 210 Café, 210 W Center St, Visalia. Join us for coffee or sandwiches at 6 p.m., movie at 7 p.m. Contact Kim at for more info.
  • 6. THE ROADRUNNER JULY-AUGUST, 2009 Saturday, Aug. 1—Weaver Lake. Let's get out of the summer heat and hike to Weaver Lake in the cool Jennie Lakes Wilderness Area at 8700 ft. This will be a moderate seven-mile round trip hike with 1000 feet of elevation gain (aka aerobic!). Join us by calling Joanne or David at 559.733.2078. Saturday, Aug. 22 —Pear Lake. This is a moderate to strenuous 13-mile round trip with a 2,250 foot elevation gain. The trail runs through a Sequoia grove and passes a few alpine lakes before reaching Pear Lake. For more information contact Dave Keller,, 559.688.4813. California/Nevada Regional Conservation Committee Desert Committee Outings For questions about, or to sign up for a particular outing, please contact the leader listed in the write-up. For questions about Desert Committee outings in general, or to receive the outings list by e-mail, please contact Kate Allen at or 661.944.4056.. Friday-Sunday, July 10-12— Nevada Wilderness Service. Eastern Nevada's White Pine County has MANY new wilderness areas. We'll help the BLM's Ely office enhance wild values as we put up vehicle barriers, rehab old routes, or remove old guzzlers; specific area to be known later. Three-day car camp service trip with Vicky Hoover; with central commissary ($15); or 415.977.5527. CNRCC Wilderness Committee Saturday-Sunday, July 11-12—White Mountains Canyon Exploration. We'll camp in the Hamill Valley east of Bishop and explore Pellisier and Birch Canyons in two day hikes. We may not get past the formidable-looking narrows shown on the Pellisier Canyon topo map, but we will take a look. The Birch Canyon narrows can be surmounted, but there may be some route-finding involved. We won't attempt any real rock-climbing. Limit 12. Leader: John Wilkinson, 408. 876.8295. CNRCC Desert Committee Tuesday-Sunday, Aug. 11-16—Southern Sierra Backpack – Olancho Peak. Arrive at Kennedy Meadows above Owens Valley (not to be confused with Kennedy Meadow near Sonora). Hike in two miles from the trailhead to a camp by the Kern River. Continue up the Kern for the next two days to our highest camp at 9300 ft. Day 4 is the hike with day packs through the wildflowers and an optional hike to the top of Olancho Peak at 12,123 ft., then back the four miles to the previous night’s camp. Next day hike eight miles to the first night’s camp, then two miles out the last day. Much of the trip is on the Pacific Crest Trail. Ldr: David Hardy 702.875.4549, preferred). Southern Nevada Group Saturday-Sunday, Aug. 22-23—Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest Carcamp. Come with us to the beautiful White Mtns to camp, hike and just relax. On Saturday, we’ll hike the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest on a moderate five-mile loop interpretive trail, followed by a picnic lunch and a short optional hike to a nearby old mining cabin. Back at camp we’ll enjoy Happy Hour, a potluck feast and a campfire. Sunday pack up and head home. Group size strictly limited. Send $8 per person, 2 large SASE, H&W phones, email, rideshare info to Reserv/Ldr: Lygeia Gerard, P.O. Box 294726, Phelan, CA 92329, 760.868.2179. CNRCC Desert Committee Friday-Sunday, Sept. 25-27 —Service And Hiking in the Carrizo Plains. This is an opportunity to visit and to assist a relatively unknown national monument. There will be an optional and scenic hike high in the Caliente Mountains on Friday. Others may join us for National Public Lands Day on Saturday when we will work on improvements for the Soda Lake Overlook. On Sunday we will tour historic, prehistoric, and geologic sites. Leader Craig Deutsche:, or 310.477.6670. CNRCC Desert Committee
  • 7. THE ROADRUNNER JULY-AUGUST, 2009 MIDGEBUZZINGS Not long ago I was standing in a short line at our little local Green Frog Market, waiting for the cashier to finish with the customer ahead of me. Just as she was ready for me, a man in the line began a loud diatribe, who knows for what reason, against “Kids Today.” It was apparent that this was a favorite theme, possibly met among his acquaintances with approval and similar complaints. One of said “Kids” was serving as bagger, and I recognized him as being among the most pleasant and helpful members of an unfailingly pleasant and helpful staff. According to this critic, among the failings of “Kids Today” is their rudeness, their lack of interest in anything serious, their ignorance of good manners (my, how ironic!) and their indifference to tradition. The cashier looked uncomfortable, as did others in the line, so I took it upon myself to share my own observations. Quietly, and with total honesty, I said, “I think they’re better than they’ve ever been.” At that the cashier said, “Oh, thank you.” Whereupon the critic scowled at me and offered what he seemed to think was the ultimate insult: “You must be a teacher!” Though I’ve been retired from teaching since 1995, my response was “I am.” And what a wonderful profession it is, as most of us who have practiced it will tell you. True, the pleasures of the day are punctuated with annoyances and trivialities, but most of those are connected with the business of administering an institution. For the most part, the daily reward for our efforts is “The Kids.” I speak from the experience of a high school teacher who, like all of us, averaged five classes a day with a total of around 175 students. I can remember many times turning the key in the lock of my door after the last class and thinking, “I should be paying them for this, and not the other way around.” Of course I never advocated that, nor were all days so glorious that it became a mantra. There were, indeed, some stinkers in every level of instruction, including the highest. If you want to get a good idea of “Kids Today,” volunteer to judge a forensics event at one of the high schools. In this connection you will be refreshingly brought up to date with encouraging evidence of their sophistication in many areas, very much including environmental issues. I have heard freshmen, all of fourteen years old, fervently debating such issues as “cap and trade,” housing vs. preservation of species, the virtue of public transportation over the automobile culture, and the pros and cons of ethanol. Certainly the vast canyon between elder discomfort with technology and youth’s passion for it is one of the most baffling and possibly even alienating issues for both sides. Many of us have to admit that while we admire our grandchildren’s easy solution to computer problems that raise our blood pressure to dangerous heights, we still regard many of the latest innovations in communication to be frivolous, wasteful and culture-killing. What, for example, is texting doing to the language? All that abbreviation posturing as words! And don’t such fast- developing phenomena as My Space, YouTube and Twitter foster narcissism and separation of the generations? I would argue that the propensity of youth for frivolity and vice has not changed one bit since it was so clearly evident when I was a “Kid.” Visit a public high school some day and you will step into a microcosm of the real world, both for better and for worse. Over all, I think you will come away pleasantly surprised, and more hopeful for the future than you were when you arrived. —Ann Williams Executive Committee of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter Chair: Georgette Theotig (Tehachapi), 661.822.4371. Vice-chair: Gordon Nipp (Bksf), 661.872.2432. Secretary: Arthur Unger (Bksf), 661.323.5569. Treasurer: Lorraine Unger (Bksf), 661.323.5569. Donnel Lester (Bksf), 661.831.6784. Richard Garcia (Min King), 559.624.0199. Ann Williams (Bksf), 661.324.1055. Mary Ann Lockhart (PMC), 661.242.0432. Ara Marderosian (Kernville), 760.378.4574. Chapter ExCom Meetings: All Sierra Club members are always welcome to attend these meetings. Call 661.323.822.4371 to confirm all meeting dates as well as location and time.
  • 8. THE ROADRUNNER JULY-AUGUST, 2009 Non-Profit Org. The Roadrunner U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 498 Bakersfield, CA PDF INFO: Want to stop extra trees being cut down for a paper Roadrunner? Write to Harold Wood and ask to receive the newsletter on-line. He will also notify you when it is published. STAYING INFORMED: Join our KERN-NEWS & KERN FORUM e-mail lists at: http:// Submit articles (your own or suggestions for reprints) to The Roadrunner at To contact Marjorie Bell, the editor, by phone, call 661.322.4891. The Roadrunner is printed on 100% post consumer recycled paper.