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The Experts In Conflict Management
Shifting Perceptions
Changing Dynamics
Enabling Progress
North Light
• Shifting perceptions
• Changing dynamics
• Enabling progress
Those with SMART ambition need to understand that the mindset is as important
as the technology. Being SMART requires business agility and high levels of
cooperation. So the innovation that we bring to the SMART table is constructive
conflict management. It is the 21st century way of doing business.
Shift from conflict to effective collaboration and
improve the overall performances of your company.
North light Solutions is an independent and impartial conflict management
consultancy. Since 2011, we have assisted businesses and organisations deal
with the debilitating effects of change and conflict. We understand from vast
experience the consequences of ignoring conflict. We know how conflict can be
converted into positive, driving enabling energy and innovation in the workplace.
We are the experts in constructive conflict management.
• Our Vision: We aspire to revolutionise the workplace by enabling SMART
working through high levels of cooperation and collaboration.
• Our Belief: Conflict is ever present and must be managed.
• Our Purpose: We enable change, innovation and agility so that businesses
survive and compete.
• Our Intent: To provide businesses and organisations with the right support to
enable them to deal with the debilitating effects of change and conflict.
• Our Approach: We deliver sustainable results by working in tandem with the
existing management team. That way, we develop solutions that match with
the culture of your organisation.
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
Why conflict in the company
should never be ignored
“I had 2 employees who, for a reason I still don’t understand, fell out with each
other. Before I knew it all kinds of accusations were flying around about the
individuals, the company and myself. We were dragged through the courts and
it took 11 months and £87,000 to sort out.
It was a complete waste of time and money, not to mention stress. Never
again.” Alan CEO of a manufacturing company*.
*Names of companies are never divulged because of the non-disclosure agreement we put in
place to protect brands.
“Unmanaged conflict is the largest irreducible cost in organisations
today and the least recognised.” Dr. Daniel Dana
All conflict has a cost measured in terms of time, emotion, money and
business productivity. But above all it prevents your business from being truly
agile and competitive in a world that is fast moving, complex and uncertain.
• Costs you time, money and emotional effort
• Damages cooperation, innovation and development
• Reduces productivity
Why is constructive conflict management important to business?
Constructive conflict management resolves existing conflict and prevents or
minimises future conflict to enabling you to innovate, develop and progress.
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
Where do we find
“We all have to deal with toxic co-workers or managers throughout our careers. Their behaviour has
an impact on the overall company: innovation, employee turnover, revenue and more.”
Olivia CEO of a London creative agency
Conflict happens between individuals. It stems from perception, is centred on values and is driven by
emotion. There is no logic or sense to it.
It starts small and grows exponentially over time. In many cases the original issue is forgotten as it
develops into a “must win at all costs” battle. Overtime a conflict between 2 individuals spills out into
the wider team polarising or isolating other team members.
The answer is to use constructive conflict management to resolve the current conflict efficiently and
help you build a better business.
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
In 2014, the Chartered Institute of Personal Development found that:
• 25% of productivity is lost by individuals involved in conflict.
• Unresolved conflict is the decisive factor in 50% of employees leaving a business.
• 65% of employment problems stem from strained relationships between employees.
Between 50%-60% of change programmes never reach their desired end state
(McKinsey Global Survey Results)
Managers spend between 20%-40% of their time dealing with conflict
(Creative Leadership Centre, Eckerd College, Florida)
On average, 2.1 hours per worker per week is wasted through conflict in the work place
(CHS Alliance HHR Conference June 2016)
Individual Conflict Case Study:
The Business Partnership
Three business partners could not agree an exit
strategy for their business. As a result, they were
unable to capitalise on an opportunity that suited
two out the three individuals and the business
risked collapse.
The problem What we did The outcome
North Light Solutions initiated a round of one-two-
one discussions with each partner. We quickly
realised that partner three was the problem held
the key and concentrated our efforts on him to
identify his personal agenda.
Once this was done we brought all three partners
together to discuss the impact of the options on
each partner. This enabled the partners to develop
a plan for the disposal of the business. The entire
process took two days from start to finish.
As a result of our intervention the partners were able
to sell the business in an orderly and profitable way.
Although they have never gone back into business
together, they remain on good speaking terms.
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
Where do we find
Cooperation and team work are what makes the human race successful. However, every team
experiences conflict. Unchecked conflict damages teams. It creates barriers, breaks down communication,
stifles innovation and hampers productivity. The sports pages are full of stories of teams that failed due to
internal conflict before they have even stepped on to the field of play.
Team conflict prevents your business from developing and performing at the highest level. Managing
conflict may be one of the greatest hidden cost to your business.
The most effective answer is to use our bespoke Constructive Conflict Management Service (CCMS)
to resolve disputes and disagreements and that may be ravaging your company and help build a better
team ethos. Thereby, ensuring your company can maximise its potential.
“Many people have heard of luxury car manufacturer, Morgan but few know that they went through a very difficult
couple of years, driven by a boardroom feud. The dispute broke out into open warfare when Charles Morgan,
grandson of the founder HFS Morgan, was ousted from the Board by two other family members in October 2013.
Charles Morgan then launched an appeal against the dismissal on contentious grounds but lost.
The dispute quickly became public when Charles’s wife launched a tirade against the ‘greed and ego’ of her
husband’s relatives and former boardroom colleagues. Charles Morgan followed that up in 2014 with a war of
words against Steve Morris the current Managing Director over the company’s vision, need for change, potential
redundancies, production and new car models – in particular the revamped Plus 4 Model, which Charles publicly
scorned. The dispute was finally resolved in 2016, but it is assessed that it halved Morgan’s profit”.
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
Team Conflict Case Study:
Team Repair
A successful media company with 46 employees,
was going through a difficult patch with reduced
output and a noticeable lack of innovation. The two
partners who ran the business attributed this to a
lack of cooperation in the “office”.
North Light Solutions was called in to advise on
how best to reinvigorate the team. However, it
quickly became apparent that the real problem
was not the office, but the partners themselves.
Although they had a successful business
relationship, the partners had a deep personal
dislike of each other. This had “leaked” into the
office, causing the staff to polarise. Once this was
understood, we were able to work, our CCMS team
was able to work with the partners, to agree on how
to minimise their personal enmity at work. With this
in place, we were able to repair relationships in the
office. The whole process took seven days, over a
five week period.
As a result of our support, the conflict decreased
and the team is now considerably happier in its
work. The company has returned to its high level
of output and profitability. The two partners have
maintained their agreement and continue to work
together in a successful business relationship.
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
The problem What we did The outcome
Where do we find
All change projects are contentious.
“I didn’t want to change. I had set up the programme and run it efficiently for
12 years and nobody complained. Then, one day, somebody says we need a
new system without even talking to me. How did that make me feel? I put my
soul into this business and then everything is chucked out because they want
something shinier. Why should I help out?”
Numerous projects fail to achieve their stated goals.
Failure of either the project team’s relationship, or external stakeholder
relationships cause delays, add costs and could be catastrophic.
Project managers, great and small, must keep the team operating effectively
using well-honed conflict management skills.
“You know when projects start to go wrong. Loss
of control, disorganisation, a sense of impending
failure undermines the team. People lose their
peripheral vision. They concentrate on their own
work, but lose touch with what others are doing.
Fragmentation and self-interest pervade. Eventually
it degenerates into accusations and blame. Then
you know it’s finished.” Alex Senior Project Manager
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
Multiple Stakeholder Situations
A 21st Century organisation needs greater collaboration. It outsources more
functions, has wider investment structures, increased specialisations and
greater visibility.
All this has helped to widen the pool of stakeholders in any given project or
enterprise. Each stakeholder has values and agendas, leading to temporary
alliances with other stakeholders, as suits their needs.
Understanding and managing that changing landscape of relationships is
challenging for any leader or manager.
Where do we find
In April 1997, Vedanta Resources developed plans for a bauxite mine at the foot of the Niyamgiri Hills in
Orissa, India, to more easily supply its nearby aluminium refinery at Lanjigarh with raw materials.
In developing the plan, Vedanta Resources failed to consider the impact on the indigenous Dongria
Kondh tribe who hold the site sacred to their religion. The plan for the bauxite mine provoked international
outrage and the project was temporarily halted by the Indian government.
Despite this, Vedanta continued developing the project, until, finally, India’s Ministry of Environment and
Forests blocked the company in 2010. In an act of basic democracy, the Indian Supreme Court assigned
the decision over the bauxite mines to 12 villages in the area of the Niyamgiri – they were to decide if they
agreed to the construction of the mines. Unanimously, the villages voted against them and the site was
finally closed in 2014.
Failure to conduct any form of constructive conflict management resulted in an adverasarial conflict
lasting nearly 20 years, and the eventual abandonment of the working mine. Vedanta’s refinery at
Lanjigarh still operates but without the benefit of easy access to the bauxite at Niyamgiri.
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
Stakeholder conflict Case Study:
The Merger
A public sector organisation merged two teams,
that had very different cultures, procedures, IT and
leadership. The merger occurred at a time when
one of the organisations was struggling to work
with a new commercial partner.
Savings efficiencies were taken upfront while the
merged organisation was expected to take on new
responsibilities. External stakeholders were not in
agreement over the long term goals. It was little
wonder that the merged organisation failed to gel
with open conflict breaking out between individuals
and sub-teams.
It was recognised that this would be complex from
the outset. We conducted a stakeholder analysis
to map “the human landscape” and one-two-one
discussions allowed us to identify the underlying
issues and key influencers. We ran follow up
workshops to develop practical solutions to the
internal issues.
In parallel, we quantified the external stakeholders’
concerns and took them back to the organisation’s
leadership for review. A communication plan was
developed to ensure that stakeholders understood
that their concerns were being addressed and that the
right messages were sent to the right stakeholders.
As a result of our support, the pressure
from external stakeholder was reduced to a
manageable level; open conflict was eradicated
and collaboration; increased significantly as the
team implemented procedures that they had
developed in our workshops. The whole process
took seventeen days – including follow ups –
over a 12 week period.
“By presenting themselves as a neutral and
independent consultancy, they have been able to
gain privileged access, and facilitate stakeholder
engagement in a manner not otherwise
accessible to the Landmarc project team.
These same skills also enabled them to gain access
to ‘blockers’ and establish the causes – both real
and perceived – of the resistance to implementing
the change.” Tim Shapland - Business Service
Director - Landmarc Support Services
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
The problem What we did The outcome
Our services
How can we help?
party support to assist in resolving conflict:
• In the workplace through neutral dialogue
• At board level, where there is impasse
• Between customers and suppliers
• During contract mobilisation
• Facilitating contentious meetings
Who is it for? Those already in conflict, when the conflict is either too tough
or too sensitive for them to deal with themselves.
Impartial conflict management advice:
• Enabling succession planning and transition in family businesses
• Assisting project teams to identify and mitigate potential conflict
• Supporting management teams in resolving existing conflict
Who is it for? Those who are considering changes to their organisation,
introducing change projects and developmental work.
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
Training to prepare leaders, managers and
individuals to manage conflict:
• Formal training in conjunction with the University of the West of England
Business School
• Group training
• Bespoke experiential training
• Individual coaching to enable managers to deal with conflict discretely
Who is it for? Leaders and managers who want to improve cooperation
and productivity.
Employee engagement programmes to avoid
conflict recurring:
• Tailored programmes to meet your company’s needs
• Generic software supported packages
Who is it for? Organisations that value high quality employee engagement
and want to improve productivity.
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
Our services
How can we help?
Why are we the experts?
Impartiality and confidentiality is central to what we do.
We use our 4 step SEDS approach
To understand the
context, stakeholders,
alliances, interests
and agendas.
To build trust
and uncover the
underlying issues.
To explore and build
consensual practical
Provide ongoing
mentoring and
support to ensure
that agreements are
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
Scope Engage Develop Sustain
We make a difference
Our Results – Why we actually make a difference
We have an exceptional record for managing conflict. 85% of our cases reach sustainable agreements that address the needs of all parties.
An average of 15% of our cases remain unresolved, because we are dealing with people in an emotional state. Despite this, we find that we have generally
shifted perceptions enough to enable to allow new dynamics to come into play.
Since 2011, North Light Solutions has been operating, through, or with legal firms, family businesses, the public sector security companies, a major
corporation, insurance underwriters, facility management companies, and independent financial advisers.
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
Why we are the experts
Client reviews
“The open and engaging approach enables North Light to build trust and confidence with multiple
stakeholders of varying importance, which has allowed them to get in amongst the most complex teams
to help them resolve their problems.”
Rob Andrew
Managing Director - Newport Africa Limited
“The transformative approach to change implementation is discreet and very effective.”
Richard Orr
Senior Deployment Adviser - BAE Systems Applied Intelligence
“Facilitation, at what could have been challenging meetings, was outstanding, being professional,
approachable and open-minded. In a challenging period of change for the business, North Light’s input
has been invaluable and has enabled us to think more methodically, bring previously disengaged staff on
board, and move forward as a business in a much more positive way”
Liz Richardson
Service Manager and Project Lead - Defence Infrastructure Organisation.
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
About us
North Light Solutions was founded in 2010 to provide bespoke crisis management and response services
to the international maritime community. Building on its success in this field, it evolved into a conflict
management consultancy to advise and support businesses or organisations undergoing change,
conflict or crisis. The North Light Solutions approach combines critical analysis, lateral thinking, human
understanding and technology to deliver pragmatic and sustainable solutions.
The North Light Solutions team has considerable experience of life. We have all held senior leadership
positions and understand both the private and public sectors. We are familiar with the challenges of
leadership and know that life is rarely simple. We recognise the inevitability of conflict and the imperative
to manage it. We bring our considerable experience in doing this to the benefit of our clients.
Our Values:
• People. People can be either the strongest or
weakest points in any organisation. We assist our
clients to bring out the best in their people. Our
commitment is to always use the best possible
individuals to deliver our service.
• Collaboration. Teamwork and collaboration
are the keys to successful businesses and
organisations. We collaborate extensively and offer
our services for, through or with trusted partners.
• Improvement. Businesses and organisations
must strive for continual improvement should
be continuous to remain competitive. We work
relentlessly to deliver continual improvement to
our knowledge, experience, process and service.
• Impartiality. Trust lies at the heart of our
approach. We work impartially and confidentially
with all parties to deliver consensual and
sustainable solutions for our clients.
• Reputation. Reputations are hard won and
easily lost. We seek to enhance our clients and
our own reputations through what we do and how
we do it.
Call us on +44 (0) 1225 29 0745 or visit
The team
Felix Spender was a senior British Army officer, with
considerable experience of conflict, change and crisis
management, together with organisational reform, and training.
Conflict and dispute resolution skills were developed during
the 1990s Balkan conflict before transferring them successfully
into the commercial world, where Felix gained a considerable
personal reputation.
Over the last 5 years Felix has under taken roles as diverse as
advising the MOD, and negotiating with Somali warlords and
supporting family businesses. Felix is an accredited mediator
and a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management.
Alison Brown was a senior British Army officer with over 20
years’ experience of effective HR and training development in both
the public and private sectors. Public sector experience focused
on the design and evaluation of individual training within the MOD.
Alison designed and implemented the innovative Young
Ambassadors Programme for the Prince’s Trust Cymru and
designed the first ever nationally accredited Welfare Practitioners
Course for the Defence Medical Welfare Service. Alison is
renowned for her analytical skills and was one of a tiny minority of
women selected for promotion to general rank in the British Army.
Dr Chris Allender was a senior Army officer who saw
service with the Gurkhas, before specialising as a Training
Development Advisor. He designed the Army’s command,
leadership and management training and was the senior
specialist adviser at the Army’s Officer Selection Board.
He continues to provide specialist advice to the Army and is
on the Directing Staff of the NHS Staff College. Chris is an
acknowledged specialist in Leadership Performance and is a
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development.
Ronnie McCourt was an Army officer and senior
academic, in the Department of Communication and Applied
Behavioural Science, at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.
He is the focus for leadership, change management and
crisis communications, as well as delivering the Academy’s
acclaimed international outreach programme. Ronnie has
an MBA from the Open University Business School and is a
Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.
Monica Hanaway is psychotherapist, business coach
and management and leadership trainer, with over 20
years’ experience, who is considered to be one of the UK’s
leading mediators. Monica is a senior lecturer on mediation
at Regents College and has helped develop a new MA in
Creative Leadership.
Monica also lectures regularly on organisational psychology
at King’s College, London and manages her own mediation
consultancy dealing with high value media clients. Among her
publications are “Tales of conflict and the role of mediation”.
Barney Spender has over 25 years of experience in the
media. He has worked as a journalist across broadcast and
written press from the BBC, to Radio France International
(RFI) Reuters and The Times.
His career has taken him around the world and he has spent
extensive periods in South Africa, Greece and France. He has
also run training course for RFI and is a guest lecturer at the
Centre de Formation des Journal in Paris.
Contact us today:
The experts in conflict management
Telephone: +44 (0) 1225 290 745
If you are contemplating change,
have ongoing conflict or are
seeking improved cooperation
and productivity within your
business or organisation:
Contact us to arrange an initial,
confidential consultation.
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North Light Solutions-brochure_compressed_20161024

  • 1. The Experts In Conflict Management Shifting Perceptions Changing Dynamics Enabling Progress
  • 2. North Light Solutions • Shifting perceptions • Changing dynamics • Enabling progress Those with SMART ambition need to understand that the mindset is as important as the technology. Being SMART requires business agility and high levels of cooperation. So the innovation that we bring to the SMART table is constructive conflict management. It is the 21st century way of doing business. Shift from conflict to effective collaboration and improve the overall performances of your company. North light Solutions is an independent and impartial conflict management consultancy. Since 2011, we have assisted businesses and organisations deal with the debilitating effects of change and conflict. We understand from vast experience the consequences of ignoring conflict. We know how conflict can be converted into positive, driving enabling energy and innovation in the workplace. We are the experts in constructive conflict management. • Our Vision: We aspire to revolutionise the workplace by enabling SMART working through high levels of cooperation and collaboration. • Our Belief: Conflict is ever present and must be managed. • Our Purpose: We enable change, innovation and agility so that businesses survive and compete. • Our Intent: To provide businesses and organisations with the right support to enable them to deal with the debilitating effects of change and conflict. • Our Approach: We deliver sustainable results by working in tandem with the existing management team. That way, we develop solutions that match with the culture of your organisation. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
  • 3. Why conflict in the company should never be ignored “I had 2 employees who, for a reason I still don’t understand, fell out with each other. Before I knew it all kinds of accusations were flying around about the individuals, the company and myself. We were dragged through the courts and it took 11 months and £87,000 to sort out. It was a complete waste of time and money, not to mention stress. Never again.” Alan CEO of a manufacturing company*. *Names of companies are never divulged because of the non-disclosure agreement we put in place to protect brands. “Unmanaged conflict is the largest irreducible cost in organisations today and the least recognised.” Dr. Daniel Dana All conflict has a cost measured in terms of time, emotion, money and business productivity. But above all it prevents your business from being truly agile and competitive in a world that is fast moving, complex and uncertain. Conflict: • Costs you time, money and emotional effort • Damages cooperation, innovation and development • Reduces productivity Why is constructive conflict management important to business? Constructive conflict management resolves existing conflict and prevents or minimises future conflict to enabling you to innovate, develop and progress. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
  • 4. Where do we find conflict? Individuals “We all have to deal with toxic co-workers or managers throughout our careers. Their behaviour has an impact on the overall company: innovation, employee turnover, revenue and more.” Olivia CEO of a London creative agency Conflict happens between individuals. It stems from perception, is centred on values and is driven by emotion. There is no logic or sense to it. It starts small and grows exponentially over time. In many cases the original issue is forgotten as it develops into a “must win at all costs” battle. Overtime a conflict between 2 individuals spills out into the wider team polarising or isolating other team members. The answer is to use constructive conflict management to resolve the current conflict efficiently and help you build a better business. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit In 2014, the Chartered Institute of Personal Development found that: • 25% of productivity is lost by individuals involved in conflict. • Unresolved conflict is the decisive factor in 50% of employees leaving a business. • 65% of employment problems stem from strained relationships between employees. Between 50%-60% of change programmes never reach their desired end state (McKinsey Global Survey Results) Managers spend between 20%-40% of their time dealing with conflict (Creative Leadership Centre, Eckerd College, Florida) On average, 2.1 hours per worker per week is wasted through conflict in the work place (CHS Alliance HHR Conference June 2016)
  • 5. Individual Conflict Case Study: The Business Partnership Three business partners could not agree an exit strategy for their business. As a result, they were unable to capitalise on an opportunity that suited two out the three individuals and the business risked collapse. The problem What we did The outcome North Light Solutions initiated a round of one-two- one discussions with each partner. We quickly realised that partner three was the problem held the key and concentrated our efforts on him to identify his personal agenda. Once this was done we brought all three partners together to discuss the impact of the options on each partner. This enabled the partners to develop a plan for the disposal of the business. The entire process took two days from start to finish. As a result of our intervention the partners were able to sell the business in an orderly and profitable way. Although they have never gone back into business together, they remain on good speaking terms. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
  • 6. Where do we find conflict? Teams Cooperation and team work are what makes the human race successful. However, every team experiences conflict. Unchecked conflict damages teams. It creates barriers, breaks down communication, stifles innovation and hampers productivity. The sports pages are full of stories of teams that failed due to internal conflict before they have even stepped on to the field of play. Team conflict prevents your business from developing and performing at the highest level. Managing conflict may be one of the greatest hidden cost to your business. The most effective answer is to use our bespoke Constructive Conflict Management Service (CCMS) to resolve disputes and disagreements and that may be ravaging your company and help build a better team ethos. Thereby, ensuring your company can maximise its potential. “Many people have heard of luxury car manufacturer, Morgan but few know that they went through a very difficult couple of years, driven by a boardroom feud. The dispute broke out into open warfare when Charles Morgan, grandson of the founder HFS Morgan, was ousted from the Board by two other family members in October 2013. Charles Morgan then launched an appeal against the dismissal on contentious grounds but lost. The dispute quickly became public when Charles’s wife launched a tirade against the ‘greed and ego’ of her husband’s relatives and former boardroom colleagues. Charles Morgan followed that up in 2014 with a war of words against Steve Morris the current Managing Director over the company’s vision, need for change, potential redundancies, production and new car models – in particular the revamped Plus 4 Model, which Charles publicly scorned. The dispute was finally resolved in 2016, but it is assessed that it halved Morgan’s profit”. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
  • 7. Team Conflict Case Study: Team Repair A successful media company with 46 employees, was going through a difficult patch with reduced output and a noticeable lack of innovation. The two partners who ran the business attributed this to a lack of cooperation in the “office”. North Light Solutions was called in to advise on how best to reinvigorate the team. However, it quickly became apparent that the real problem was not the office, but the partners themselves. Although they had a successful business relationship, the partners had a deep personal dislike of each other. This had “leaked” into the office, causing the staff to polarise. Once this was understood, we were able to work, our CCMS team was able to work with the partners, to agree on how to minimise their personal enmity at work. With this in place, we were able to repair relationships in the office. The whole process took seven days, over a five week period. As a result of our support, the conflict decreased and the team is now considerably happier in its work. The company has returned to its high level of output and profitability. The two partners have maintained their agreement and continue to work together in a successful business relationship. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit The problem What we did The outcome
  • 8. Where do we find conflict? Projects All change projects are contentious. “I didn’t want to change. I had set up the programme and run it efficiently for 12 years and nobody complained. Then, one day, somebody says we need a new system without even talking to me. How did that make me feel? I put my soul into this business and then everything is chucked out because they want something shinier. Why should I help out?” Numerous projects fail to achieve their stated goals. Failure of either the project team’s relationship, or external stakeholder relationships cause delays, add costs and could be catastrophic. Project managers, great and small, must keep the team operating effectively using well-honed conflict management skills. “You know when projects start to go wrong. Loss of control, disorganisation, a sense of impending failure undermines the team. People lose their peripheral vision. They concentrate on their own work, but lose touch with what others are doing. Fragmentation and self-interest pervade. Eventually it degenerates into accusations and blame. Then you know it’s finished.” Alex Senior Project Manager Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
  • 9. Multiple Stakeholder Situations A 21st Century organisation needs greater collaboration. It outsources more functions, has wider investment structures, increased specialisations and greater visibility. All this has helped to widen the pool of stakeholders in any given project or enterprise. Each stakeholder has values and agendas, leading to temporary alliances with other stakeholders, as suits their needs. Understanding and managing that changing landscape of relationships is challenging for any leader or manager. Where do we find conflict? In April 1997, Vedanta Resources developed plans for a bauxite mine at the foot of the Niyamgiri Hills in Orissa, India, to more easily supply its nearby aluminium refinery at Lanjigarh with raw materials. In developing the plan, Vedanta Resources failed to consider the impact on the indigenous Dongria Kondh tribe who hold the site sacred to their religion. The plan for the bauxite mine provoked international outrage and the project was temporarily halted by the Indian government. Despite this, Vedanta continued developing the project, until, finally, India’s Ministry of Environment and Forests blocked the company in 2010. In an act of basic democracy, the Indian Supreme Court assigned the decision over the bauxite mines to 12 villages in the area of the Niyamgiri – they were to decide if they agreed to the construction of the mines. Unanimously, the villages voted against them and the site was finally closed in 2014. Failure to conduct any form of constructive conflict management resulted in an adverasarial conflict lasting nearly 20 years, and the eventual abandonment of the working mine. Vedanta’s refinery at Lanjigarh still operates but without the benefit of easy access to the bauxite at Niyamgiri. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
  • 10. Stakeholder conflict Case Study: The Merger A public sector organisation merged two teams, that had very different cultures, procedures, IT and leadership. The merger occurred at a time when one of the organisations was struggling to work with a new commercial partner. Savings efficiencies were taken upfront while the merged organisation was expected to take on new responsibilities. External stakeholders were not in agreement over the long term goals. It was little wonder that the merged organisation failed to gel with open conflict breaking out between individuals and sub-teams. It was recognised that this would be complex from the outset. We conducted a stakeholder analysis to map “the human landscape” and one-two-one discussions allowed us to identify the underlying issues and key influencers. We ran follow up workshops to develop practical solutions to the internal issues. In parallel, we quantified the external stakeholders’ concerns and took them back to the organisation’s leadership for review. A communication plan was developed to ensure that stakeholders understood that their concerns were being addressed and that the right messages were sent to the right stakeholders. As a result of our support, the pressure from external stakeholder was reduced to a manageable level; open conflict was eradicated and collaboration; increased significantly as the team implemented procedures that they had developed in our workshops. The whole process took seventeen days – including follow ups – over a 12 week period. “By presenting themselves as a neutral and independent consultancy, they have been able to gain privileged access, and facilitate stakeholder engagement in a manner not otherwise accessible to the Landmarc project team. These same skills also enabled them to gain access to ‘blockers’ and establish the causes – both real and perceived – of the resistance to implementing the change.” Tim Shapland - Business Service Director - Landmarc Support Services Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit The problem What we did The outcome
  • 11. Our services How can we help? 3rd party support to assist in resolving conflict: • In the workplace through neutral dialogue • At board level, where there is impasse • Between customers and suppliers • During contract mobilisation • Facilitating contentious meetings Who is it for? Those already in conflict, when the conflict is either too tough or too sensitive for them to deal with themselves. Impartial conflict management advice: • Enabling succession planning and transition in family businesses • Assisting project teams to identify and mitigate potential conflict • Supporting management teams in resolving existing conflict Who is it for? Those who are considering changes to their organisation, introducing change projects and developmental work. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
  • 12. Training to prepare leaders, managers and individuals to manage conflict: • Formal training in conjunction with the University of the West of England Business School • Group training • Bespoke experiential training • Individual coaching to enable managers to deal with conflict discretely Who is it for? Leaders and managers who want to improve cooperation and productivity. Employee engagement programmes to avoid conflict recurring: • Tailored programmes to meet your company’s needs • Generic software supported packages Who is it for? Organisations that value high quality employee engagement and want to improve productivity. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit Our services How can we help?
  • 13. Why are we the experts? Impartiality and confidentiality is central to what we do. We use our 4 step SEDS approach To understand the context, stakeholders, alliances, interests and agendas. To build trust and uncover the underlying issues. To explore and build consensual practical solutions. Provide ongoing mentoring and support to ensure that agreements are maintained. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit Scope Engage Develop Sustain
  • 14. We make a difference Our Results – Why we actually make a difference We have an exceptional record for managing conflict. 85% of our cases reach sustainable agreements that address the needs of all parties. An average of 15% of our cases remain unresolved, because we are dealing with people in an emotional state. Despite this, we find that we have generally shifted perceptions enough to enable to allow new dynamics to come into play. Since 2011, North Light Solutions has been operating, through, or with legal firms, family businesses, the public sector security companies, a major corporation, insurance underwriters, facility management companies, and independent financial advisers. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
  • 15. Why we are the experts Client reviews “The open and engaging approach enables North Light to build trust and confidence with multiple stakeholders of varying importance, which has allowed them to get in amongst the most complex teams to help them resolve their problems.” Rob Andrew Managing Director - Newport Africa Limited “The transformative approach to change implementation is discreet and very effective.” Richard Orr Senior Deployment Adviser - BAE Systems Applied Intelligence “Facilitation, at what could have been challenging meetings, was outstanding, being professional, approachable and open-minded. In a challenging period of change for the business, North Light’s input has been invaluable and has enabled us to think more methodically, bring previously disengaged staff on board, and move forward as a business in a much more positive way” Liz Richardson Service Manager and Project Lead - Defence Infrastructure Organisation. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 290 745 or visit
  • 16. About us North Light Solutions was founded in 2010 to provide bespoke crisis management and response services to the international maritime community. Building on its success in this field, it evolved into a conflict management consultancy to advise and support businesses or organisations undergoing change, conflict or crisis. The North Light Solutions approach combines critical analysis, lateral thinking, human understanding and technology to deliver pragmatic and sustainable solutions. The North Light Solutions team has considerable experience of life. We have all held senior leadership positions and understand both the private and public sectors. We are familiar with the challenges of leadership and know that life is rarely simple. We recognise the inevitability of conflict and the imperative to manage it. We bring our considerable experience in doing this to the benefit of our clients. Our Values: • People. People can be either the strongest or weakest points in any organisation. We assist our clients to bring out the best in their people. Our commitment is to always use the best possible individuals to deliver our service. • Collaboration. Teamwork and collaboration are the keys to successful businesses and organisations. We collaborate extensively and offer our services for, through or with trusted partners. • Improvement. Businesses and organisations must strive for continual improvement should be continuous to remain competitive. We work relentlessly to deliver continual improvement to our knowledge, experience, process and service. • Impartiality. Trust lies at the heart of our approach. We work impartially and confidentially with all parties to deliver consensual and sustainable solutions for our clients. • Reputation. Reputations are hard won and easily lost. We seek to enhance our clients and our own reputations through what we do and how we do it. Call us on +44 (0) 1225 29 0745 or visit Background
  • 17. The team Felix Spender was a senior British Army officer, with considerable experience of conflict, change and crisis management, together with organisational reform, and training. Conflict and dispute resolution skills were developed during the 1990s Balkan conflict before transferring them successfully into the commercial world, where Felix gained a considerable personal reputation. Over the last 5 years Felix has under taken roles as diverse as advising the MOD, and negotiating with Somali warlords and supporting family businesses. Felix is an accredited mediator and a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management. Alison Brown was a senior British Army officer with over 20 years’ experience of effective HR and training development in both the public and private sectors. Public sector experience focused on the design and evaluation of individual training within the MOD. Alison designed and implemented the innovative Young Ambassadors Programme for the Prince’s Trust Cymru and designed the first ever nationally accredited Welfare Practitioners Course for the Defence Medical Welfare Service. Alison is renowned for her analytical skills and was one of a tiny minority of women selected for promotion to general rank in the British Army. Dr Chris Allender was a senior Army officer who saw service with the Gurkhas, before specialising as a Training Development Advisor. He designed the Army’s command, leadership and management training and was the senior specialist adviser at the Army’s Officer Selection Board. He continues to provide specialist advice to the Army and is on the Directing Staff of the NHS Staff College. Chris is an acknowledged specialist in Leadership Performance and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development. Ronnie McCourt was an Army officer and senior academic, in the Department of Communication and Applied Behavioural Science, at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He is the focus for leadership, change management and crisis communications, as well as delivering the Academy’s acclaimed international outreach programme. Ronnie has an MBA from the Open University Business School and is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute. Monica Hanaway is psychotherapist, business coach and management and leadership trainer, with over 20 years’ experience, who is considered to be one of the UK’s leading mediators. Monica is a senior lecturer on mediation at Regents College and has helped develop a new MA in Creative Leadership. Monica also lectures regularly on organisational psychology at King’s College, London and manages her own mediation consultancy dealing with high value media clients. Among her publications are “Tales of conflict and the role of mediation”. Barney Spender has over 25 years of experience in the media. He has worked as a journalist across broadcast and written press from the BBC, to Radio France International (RFI) Reuters and The Times. His career has taken him around the world and he has spent extensive periods in South Africa, Greece and France. He has also run training course for RFI and is a guest lecturer at the Centre de Formation des Journal in Paris.
  • 18. Contact us today: The experts in conflict management Telephone: +44 (0) 1225 290 745 Email: Website: If you are contemplating change, have ongoing conflict or are seeking improved cooperation and productivity within your business or organisation: Contact us to arrange an initial, confidential consultation.