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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2006 / Notices                                             5655

                                            addressed as follows: Office of                         with DOE on or before the date listed                 NEPA claims in the case State of
                                            Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability               above.                                                Washington v. Bodman (Civil No. 2:03–
                                            (Mail Code OE–20), U.S. Department of                      Comments on the MAG E.S.                           cv–05018–AAM), which addressed the
                                            Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue,                       application to export electric energy to              Final Hanford Site Solid (Radioactive
                                            SW., Washington, DC 20585–0350 (FAX                     Canada should be clearly marked with                  and Hazardous) Waste Program EIS,
                                            202–586–5860).                                          Docket EA–306. Additional copies are to               Richland, Washington (HSW EIS, DOE/
                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                    be filed directly with Martin Gauthier,               EIS–0286, January 2004).
                                                                                                    Director, MAG E.S. Energy Solutions                      Ecology will continue its role as a
                                            Ellen Russell (Program Office) 202–586–
                                                                                                    Inc., 486 Ste-Catherine W, #402,                      Cooperating Agency in the preparation
                                            9624 or Michael Skinker (Program
                                                                                                    Montreal, QC, Canada H3B 1A6.                         of the TC & WM EIS. Ecology already
                                            Attorney) 202–586–2793.
                                                                                                       A final decision will be made on this              was acting in that capacity during the
                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Exports of                   application after the environmental                   ongoing preparation of the EIS for
                                            electricity from the United States to a                 impacts have been evaluated pursuant                  Retrieval, Treatment and Disposal of
                                            foreign country are regulated and                       to the National Environmental Policy                  Tank Waste and Closure of the Single-
                                            require authorization under section                     Act of 1969, and a determination is                   Shell Tanks at the Hanford Site,
                                            202(e) of the Federal Power Act (FPA)                   made by the DOE that the proposed                     Richland, Washington (TC EIS, DOE/
                                            (16 U.S.C. 824a(e)).                                    action will not adversely impact on the               EIS–0356, Notice of Intent [NOI] at 68
                                               On December 14, 2005, the                            reliability of the U.S. electric power                FR 1052, January 8, 2003). The TC &
                                            Department of Energy (DOE) received an                  supply system.                                        WM EIS will revise, update and
                                            application from MAG E.S. to transmit                      Copies of this application will be                 reanalyze groundwater impacts
                                            electric energy from the United States to               made available, upon request, for public              previously addressed in the HSW EIS.
                                            Canada. MAG E.S. is a Canadian                          inspection and copying at the address                 That is, the TC & WM EIS will provide
                                            corporation with its principal place of                 provided above or by accessing the                    a single, integrated analysis of
                                            business in Montreal, Quebec. MAG E.S.                  program’s Home Page at http://                        groundwater at Hanford for all waste
                                            has requested an electricity export            Upon reaching                types addressed in the HSW EIS and the
                                            authorization with a 5-year term. MAG                   the Home page, select ‘‘Divisions,’’ then             TC EIS. As a result, the TC & WM EIS
                                            E.S. does not own or control any                        ‘‘Permitting Siting & Analysis,’’ then                will include a reanalysis of onsite
                                            transmission or distribution assets, nor                ‘‘Electricity Imports/Exports,’’ and then             disposal alternatives for Hanford’s low-
                                            does it have a franchised service area.                 ‘‘Pending Proceedings’’ from the options              level radioactive waste (LLW) and
                                            The electric energy which MAG E.S.                      menus.                                                mixed low-level radioactive waste
                                            proposes to export to Canada would be                     Issued in Washington, DC, on January 26,
                                                                                                                                                          (MLLW) and LLW and MLLW from
                                            purchased from electric utilities and                   2006.                                                 other DOE sites. The TC & WM EIS will
                                            Federal power marketing agencies                                                                              revise and update other potential impact
                                                                                                    Anthony J. Como,
                                            within the U.S.                                                                                               areas previously addressed in the HSW
                                                                                                    Director, Permitting and Siting, Office of
                                               MAG E.S. will arrange for the delivery                                                                     EIS as appropriate. Finally, the TC &
                                                                                                    Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability.
                                            of exports to Canada over the                                                                                 WM EIS will incorporate existing
                                                                                                    [FR Doc. E6–1392 Filed 2–1–06; 8:45 am]
                                            international transmission facilities                                                                         analyses from the HSW EIS that do not
                                                                                                    BILLING CODE 6450–01–P                                affect and are not directly affected by
                                            owned by Basin Electric Power
                                            Cooperative, Booneville Power                                                                                 the waste disposal alternatives after
                                            Administration, Eastern Maine Electric                                                                        review or revision as appropriate. DOE
                                                                                                    DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                  will continue its ongoing analysis of
                                            Cooperative, International Transmission
                                            Co., Joint Owners of the Highgate                       Notice of Intent To Prepare the Tank                  alternatives for the retrieval, treatment,
                                            Project, Long Sault, Inc., Maine Electric               Closure and Waste Management                          storage, and disposal of underground
                                            Power Company, Maine Public Service                     Environmental Impact Statement for                    tank wastes and closure of underground
                                                                                                    the Hanford Site, Richland, WA                        single-shell tanks (SST). In addition,
                                            Company, Minnesota Power, Inc.,
                                                                                                                                                          DOE plans to include the ongoing Fast
                                            Minnkota Power Cooperative, Inc., New
                                                                                                    AGENCY:   Department of Energy.                       Flux Test Facility Decommissioning EIS
                                            York Power Authority, Niagara Mohawk
                                                                                                    ACTION:   Notice of intent.                           (FFTF EIS, DOE/EIS–0364, NOI at 69 FR
                                            Power Corp., Northern States Power
                                                                                                                                                          50178, August 13, 2004) in the scope of
                                            Company and Vermont Electric                            SUMMARY:  The U.S. Department of                      the new TC & WM EIS, in order to
                                            Transmission Co.                                        Energy (DOE) announces its intent to                  provide an integrated presentation of
                                               The construction, operation,                         prepare a new environmental impact                    currently foreseeable activities related to
                                            maintenance, and connection of each of                  statement (EIS) for its Hanford Site                  waste management and cleanup at
                                            the international transmission facilities               (Hanford) near Richland, Washington,                  Hanford.
                                            to be utilized by MAG E.S. has                          pursuant to the National Environmental                   In accordance with the Settlement
                                            previously been authorized by a                         Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and its                     Agreement, DOE will not ship offsite
                                            Presidential permit issued pursuant to                  implementing regulations at 40 CFR                    waste to Hanford for storage, processing,
                                            Executive Order 10485, as amended.                      Parts 1500–1508 and 10 CFR Part 1021.                 or disposal until a Record of Decision
                                               Procedural Matters: Any person                       The new EIS, to be titled the Tank                    (ROD) is issued pursuant to the TC &
                                            desiring to become a party to this                      Closure and Waste Management                          WM EIS, except under certain limited
                                            proceeding or to be heard by filing                     Environmental Impact Statement for the                exemptions as provided in the
                                            comments or protests to this application                Hanford Site, Richland, Washington (TC                Settlement Agreement.
                                            should file a petition to intervene,                    & WM EIS), will implement a                              DOE is soliciting comments on the
hsrobinson on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES

                                            comment or protest at the address                       Settlement Agreement announced on                     proposed scope of the new TC & WM
                                            provided above in accordance with                       January 9, 2006, among DOE, the                       EIS. Comments previously submitted in
                                            §§ 385.211 or 385.214 of the FERC’s                     Washington State Department of                        response to the 2003 NOI for the TC EIS
                                            Rules of Practice and Procedures (18                    Ecology (Ecology) and the State of                    and the 2004 NOI for the FFTF EIS are
                                            CFR 385.211, 385.214). Fifteen copies of                Washington Attorney General’s office.                 being considered and need not be
                                            each petition and protest should be filed               The Agreement serves as settlement of                 resubmitted.

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5656                        Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2006 / Notices

                                            DATES:  DOE invites Federal agencies,                   To this end, DOE manages several types                importation, treatment, and disposal of
                                            American Indian tribal nations, state                   of radioactive wastes at Hanford: (1)                 radioactive and hazardous waste
                                            and local governments, and the public                   High-level radioactive waste (HLW) as                 generated offsite as a result of nuclear
                                            to comment on the scope of the planned                  defined under the Nuclear Waste Policy                defense and research activities. The
                                            TC & WM EIS. DOE will consider all                      Act [42 U.S.C. 10101]; (2) transuranic                Court enjoined shipment of offsite TRU
                                            comments received by March 6, 2006, as                  (TRU) waste, which is waste containing                waste to Hanford for processing and
                                            well as comments received after that                    alpha-particle-emitting radionuclides                 storage pending shipment to WIPP.
                                            date to the extent practicable. DOE                     with atomic numbers greater than                         In January 2004, DOE issued the HSW
                                            plans to hold public meetings at the                    uranium (i.e., 92) and half-lives greater             EIS and a ROD (69 FR 39449), which
                                            following locations:                                    than 20 years in concentrations greater               addressed ongoing solid waste
                                              Hood River, Oregon; February 21,                      than 100 nanocuries per gram of waste;                management operations, and announced
                                            2006.                                                   (3) LLW, which is radioactive waste that              DOE’s decision to dispose of Hanford
                                              Portland, Oregon; February 22, 2006.                  is neither HLW nor TRU waste; and (4)                 and a limited volume of offsite LLW and
                                              Seattle, Washington; February 23,                     MLLW, which is LLW containing                         MLLW in a new Integrated Disposal
                                            2006.                                                   hazardous constituents as defined under               Facility in the 200-East Area of Hanford.
                                              Richland, Washington, February 28,                    the Resource Conservation and                         DOE also decided to continue sending
                                            2006.                                                   Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA, 42 U.S.C.                 Hanford’s MLLW offsite for treatment
                                              The public meetings will address the                  6901 et seq.).                                        and to modify Hanford’s T-Plant for
                                            scope of the planned TC & WM EIS.                          At present, DOE is constructing a                  processing remote-handled TRU waste
                                            DOE will provide additional notification                Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) in the                    and MLLW (which require protective
                                            of the meeting times and locations                      200-East Area of the site. The WTP will               shielding).
                                            through newspaper advertisements and                    separate waste stored in Hanford’s                       Ecology amended its March 2003
                                            other appropriate media.                                underground tanks into HLW and low-                   complaint in 2004, challenging the
                                            ADDRESSES: To submit comments on the                    activity waste (LAW) fractions. HLW                   adequacy of the HSW EIS analysis of
                                            scope of the TC & WM EIS or to request                  will be treated in the WTP and stored                 offsite waste importation. In May 2005,
                                            copies of the references listed herein,                 at Hanford until it can be shipped to the             the Court granted a limited discovery
                                            including references listed in Appendix                 proposed repository at Yucca Mountain,                period, continuing the injunction
                                            A, contact: Mary Beth Burandt,                          Nevada. Immobilized LAW waste would                   against shipping offsite wastes to
                                            Document Manager, Office of River                       be treated in the WTP and disposed of                 Hanford, including LLW and MLLW
                                                                                                    at Hanford as decided in the ROD issued               (State of Washington v. Bodman [Civil
                                            Protection, U.S. Department of Energy,
                                                                                                    in 1997 (62 FR 8693), pursuant to the                 No. 2:03–cv–05018–AAM]). In July
                                            Post Office Box 450, Mail Stop H6–60,
                                                                                                    Tank Waste Remediation System,                        2005, while preparing responses to
                                            Richland, WA 99352. Electronic mail:
                                                                                                    Hanford Site, Richland, Washington,                   discovery requests from Ecology,
                                            TC& Fax: 509–376–
                                                                                                    Final EIS (TWRS EIS, DOE/EIS–0189,                    Battelle Memorial Institute, DOE’s
                                            3661. Telephone and voice mail: 509–
                                                                                                    August 1996). DOE is processing                       contractor who assisted in preparing the
                                                                                                    Hanford’s contact-handled TRU waste                   HSW EIS, advised DOE of several
                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                                                                          differences in groundwater analyses
                                                                                                    (which does not require special
                                            information on DOE’s NEPA process,                      protective shielding) for shipment to the             between the HSW EIS and its
                                            contact: Carol Borgstrom, Director,                     Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near               underlying data.
                                            Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance                    Carlsbad, New Mexico, consistent with                    DOE promptly notified the Court and
                                            (EH–42), U.S. Department of Energy,                     the 1998 RODs (63 FR 3624 and 63 FR                   the State and, in September 2005,
                                            1000 Independence Avenue, SW.,                          3629) for treatment and disposal of TRU               convened a team of DOE experts in
                                            Washington, DC 20585. Telephone 202–                    waste under the Final Waste                           quality assurance and groundwater
                                            586–4600, or leave a message at 1–800–                  Management Programmatic EIS for                       analysis, as well as transportation and
                                            472–2756.                                               Managing Treatment, Storage, and                      human health and safety impacts
                                              This NOI will be available on DOE’s                   Disposal of Radioactive and Hazardous                 analysis, to conduct a quality assurance
                                            NEPA Web site at http://                                Waste (WM PEIS, DOE/EIS–0200) and                     review of the HSW EIS. The team
                                   and the TC & WM                     the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Disposal              completed its Report of the Review of
                                            EIS Web site at                 Phase Final Supplemental                              the Hanford Solid Waste Environmental
                                            orp/ (click on Public Involvement).                     Environmental Impact Statement (WIPP                  Impact Statement (EIS) Data Quality,
                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              SEIS-II, DOE/EIS–0026–S–2, September                  Control and Management Issues,
                                                                                                    1997). DOE is disposing of Hanford’s                  January 2006 (hereafter referred to as the
                                            I. Background
                                                                                                    LLW and MLLW onsite, consistent with                  Quality Review).
                                              The Hanford Site is located in                        the ROD for treatment and disposal of                    Because both Ecology and DOE have
                                            southeastern Washington State along the                 these wastes under the WM PEIS (65 FR                 a shared interest in the effective cleanup
                                            Columbia River, and is approximately                    10061). This ROD also designates                      of Hanford, DOE and Ecology
                                            586 square miles in size. Hanford’s                     Hanford as a regional disposal site for               announced a Settlement Agreement
                                            mission included defense-related                        LLW and MLLW from other DOE sites.                    ending the NEPA litigation on January
                                            nuclear research, development, and                         In January 2003, DOE issued an NOI                 9, 2006. The Agreement is intended to
                                            weapons production activities from the                  (68 FR 1052) to prepare the TC EIS                    resolve Ecology’s concerns about HSW
                                            early 1940s to approximately 1989.                      (DOE/EIS–0356). The proposed scope of                 EIS groundwater analyses and to
                                            During that period, Hanford operated a                  the TC EIS included closure of the 149                address other concerns about the HSW
                                            plutonium production complex with                       underground SSTs and newly available                  EIS, including those identified in the
hsrobinson on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES

                                            nine nuclear reactors and associated                    information on supplemental treatment                 Quality Review.
                                            processing facilities. These activities                 for the LAW from all 177 tanks, which                    The Agreement calls for an expansion
                                            created a wide variety of chemical and                  contain a total of approximately 53                   of the TC EIS to provide a single,
                                            radioactive wastes. Hanford’s mission                   million gallons of waste.                             integrated set of analyses that will
                                            now is focused on the cleanup of those                     In March 2003, Ecology initiated                   include all waste types analyzed in the
                                            wastes and ultimate closure of Hanford.                 litigation on issues related to                       HSW EIS (LLW, MLLW, and TRU

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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2006 / Notices                                             5657

                                            waste). The expanded EIS will be                        of to facilitate cleanup of Hanford and               Complex, that were included in the
                                            renamed the TC & WM EIS. Pending                        these sites.                                          HSW EIS.
                                            finalization of the TC & WM EIS, the                                                                             DOE proposes to retain all of the
                                                                                                    III. Proposed Action                                  scope identified in the 2003 NOI for the
                                            HSW EIS will remain in effect to
                                            support ongoing waste management                           DOE proposes to retrieve and treat                 TC EIS as modified by public scoping
                                            activities at Hanford (including                        waste from 177 underground tanks and                  comments. Proposed modifications to
                                            transportation of TRU waste to WIPP) in                 ancillary equipment and dispose of this               the alternatives identified in the 2003
                                            accordance with applicable regulatory                   waste in compliance with applicable                   NOI are provided in Section VI. That is,
                                            requirements. The Agreement also                        regulatory requirements. Vitrified HLW                the new TC & WM EIS would address
                                            stipulates that when the TC & WM EIS                    waste would be stored onsite until it can             management of the approximately 53
                                            has been completed, it will supersede                   be disposed of in the proposed                        million gallons of waste stored in 149
                                            the HSW EIS. Until that time, DOE will                  repository at Yucca Mountain. DOE                     underground SSTs (ranging in capacity
                                            not rely on HSW EIS groundwater                         proposes to provide additional                        from approximately 55,000 to 1 million
                                            analyses for decision-making, and DOE                   treatment capacity for the tank LAW                   gallons) and 28 underground DSTs
                                            will not import offsite waste to Hanford,               that can supplement the planned WTP                   (ranging in capacity from approximately
                                            with certain limited exemptions as                      capacity in fulfillment of DOE’s                      1 to 1.16 million gallons) grouped in 18
                                            specified in the Agreement.                             obligations under the TPA in as timely                tank farms, and approximately 60
                                               DOE and Ecology have mutual                          a manner as possible. DOE would                       smaller miscellaneous underground
                                            responsibilities for accomplishing                      dispose of Hanford’s immobilized LAW,                 storage tanks, along with ancillary
                                            cleanup of Hanford, as well as                          LLW and MLLW, and LLW and MLLW                        equipment.
                                            continuing ongoing waste management                     from other DOE sites, in lined trenches                  DOE proposes to retain all of the
                                            activities consistent with applicable                   onsite. These trenches would be closed                scope identified in its August 2004 NOI
                                            Federal and state laws and regulations.                 in accordance with applicable                         to evaluate alternatives for the final
                                            The Hanford Federal Facility Agreement                  regulatory requirements.                              disposition of the FFTF and proposes to
                                            and Consent Order (also called the Tri-                    DOE also proposes to complete the                  integrate that scope into the TC & WM
                                            Party Agreement [TPA]) among the                        final decontamination and                             EIS. The TC & WM EIS will thus
                                            state, DOE, and the U.S. Environmental                  decommissioning of the FFTF. DOE                      provide an integrated presentation of
                                            Protection Agency (EPA) contains                        decided, in January 2001, (ROD at 66 FR               currently foreseeable activities related to
                                            various enforceable milestones that                     7877) that the permanent closure of                   waste management and cleanup at
                                            apply to waste management activities.                   FFTF was to be resumed with no new                    Hanford.
                                            DOE also is required to comply with                     missions, based on the Final
                                                                                                    Programmatic Environmental Impact                     V. Potential Decisions To Be Made
                                            applicable requirements of RCRA and
                                            the state’s Hazardous Waste                             Statement for Accomplishing Expanded                     DOE plans to make decisions on the
                                            Management Act of 1976 as amended                       Civilian Nuclear Energy Research and                  following topics.
                                            (Chapter 70.105 Revised Code of                         Development and Isotope Production                       • Retrieval of Tank Waste—A
                                            Washington). To carry out proposals for                 Missions in the United States, Including              reasonable waste retrieval range is
                                            future actions and obtain necessary                     the Role of the Fast Flux Test Facility               comprised of three levels: 90 percent, 99
                                            permits, each agency must comply with                   (DOE/EIS–0310, December 2000).                        percent, and 99.9 percent. The 99
                                            the applicable provisions of NEPA and                                                                         percent retrieval is the goal established
                                                                                                    IV. Proposed Scope of the TC & WM EIS                 by the TPA (Milestone M–45–00); 90
                                            the Washington State Environmental
                                            Policy Act (SEPA) respectively. The                        In accordance with the Settlement                  percent retrieval evaluates a risk
                                            agencies have revised their                             Agreement, DOE intends to prepare a                   analysis of the tank farms as defined in
                                            Memorandum of Understanding for the                     single, comprehensive EIS addressing                  the M–45–00, Appendix H, process; and
                                            TC EIS (effective March 25, 2003),                      tank waste retrieval, treatment, storage,             99.9 percent retrieval reflects uses of
                                            which identified Ecology as a                           and disposal; tank closure; and                       multiple retrieval technologies to
                                            Cooperating Agency in the preparation                   management of all waste types analyzed                support clean closure of the tank farms.
                                            of the TC EIS. The Memorandum of                        in the HSW EIS as an integrated                          • Treatment of Tank Waste—WTP
                                            Understanding revision is consistent                    document for public and agency review                 waste treatment capability can be
                                            with the Settlement Agreement and                       and reference. The TC & WM EIS will                   augmented by supplemental treatment
                                            provides for Ecology’s continuing                       update, revise, or reanalyze resource                 technologies and constructing new
                                            participation as a Cooperating Agency                   areas (such as groundwater and                        treatment facilities that are part of, or
                                            in preparation of the TC & WM EIS to                    transportation) from the HSW EIS as                   separate from, the WTP. The two
                                            assist both agencies in meeting their                   necessary to make them current and                    primary choices that could fulfill DOE’s
                                            respective responsibilities under NEPA                  reflect the waste inventories and                     TPA commitments are to treat all waste
                                            and SEPA.                                               analytical assumptions being used for                 in an expanded WTP or provide
                                                                                                    environmental impact assessment in the                supplemental treatment to be used in
                                            II. Purpose and Need for Action                         TC & WM EIS. All updated analyses                     conjunction with, but separate from, the
                                               Recognizing the potential risks to                   would be included in the revised                      WTP. DOE has conducted preliminary
                                            human health and the environment                        quantitative groundwater and other                    tests on three supplemental treatment
                                            from Hanford tank wastes, DOE needs to                  cumulative impact analyses in the TC &                technologies—cast stone (a form of
                                            retrieve waste from the 149 SSTs and 28                 WM EIS.                                               grout), steam reforming, and bulk
                                            double-shell tanks (DST), treat and                        The proposed scope of the TC & WM                  vitrification—to determine if one or
                                            dispose of the waste, and close the SST                 EIS includes alternatives for onsite                  more could be used to provide the
hsrobinson on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES

                                            farms in a manner that complies with                    disposal of LLW, MLLW, and LAW;                       additional, supplemental waste
                                            Federal and Washington State                            transportation of offsite LLW and                     treatment capability needed to complete
                                            requirements. Some waste from tanks                     MLLW to Hanford for disposal; and                     waste treatment.
                                            and LLW and MLLW from Hanford and                       current or revised information for                       • Disposal of Treated Tank Waste—
                                            other DOE sites that do not have                        ongoing operations, such as those                     Onsite disposal includes treated tank
                                            appropriate facilities must be disposed                 involving Hanford’s Central Waste                     waste such as immobilized LAW and

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5658                        Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2006 / Notices

                                            waste generated from closure activities                 below. The initial scope of the TC EIS                the volumes to be disposed of,
                                            that meets onsite disposal criteria; the                was provided in the January 2003 NOI                  approximating those volumes for offsite
                                            decision to be made involves the onsite                 and at each public scoping meeting.                   waste in the 2004 HSW EIS ROD, and
                                            location of disposal facilities. Decisions                 • No Action Alternative, which was                 to update the waste information. DOE
                                            to be made related to offsite disposal                  to implement the 1997 TWRS EIS ROD;                   also intends to update the transportation
                                            include the length of time and facilities                  • Implement the 1997 TWRS EIS                      analysis of shipping offsite waste to
                                            required for storage of immobilized                     ROD with Modifications;                               Hanford for disposal. The onsite
                                            high-level radioactive waste (IHLW)                        • Landfill Closure of Tank Farms/                  disposal alternatives are:
                                            prior to disposal at the proposed Yucca                 Onsite and Offsite Waste Disposal;                       • Construction of a new disposal
                                            Mountain repository.                                       • Clean Closure of Tank Farms/Onsite               facility in the 200-West Area burial
                                               • Storage of Tank Waste—Depending                    and Offsite Waste Disposal;                           grounds; and
                                            on the alternative being analyzed,                         • Accelerated Landfill Closure/Onsite                 • Construction of new LLW and
                                            storing tank waste for different lengths                and Offsite Waste Disposal; and                       MLLW capacity in the Integrated
                                            of time may be necessary. This may                         • Landfill Closure/Onsite and Offsite              Disposal Facility in the 200-East Area.
                                            require the construction, operation, and                Waste Disposal.                                          For the FFTF, the 2004 NOI identified
                                            deactivation of waste transfer                             Onsite disposal would include                      three alternatives as listed below.
                                            infrastructures, including waste receiver               immobilized LAW, LLW, and MLLW                           • No Action—actions consistent with
                                            facilities (below-grade lag storage and                 resulting from tank retrieval and                     previous DOE NEPA decisions would be
                                            minimal waste treatment facilities),                    treatment. Offsite disposal of HLW                    completed; final decommissioning
                                            waste transfer line upgrades, and new or                would occur at Yucca Mountain. No                     would not occur.
                                            replacement DSTs. Also depending on                     determination has been made as to                        • Entombment—above-ground
                                            the alternative, construction and                       whether any of the tanks contain TRU                  structures would be decontaminated
                                            operation of additional immobilized                     waste. If it is determined that any tank              and dismantled, below-ground
                                            HLW storage vaults, melter pads, and                    waste is TRU waste, offsite disposal at               structures would be grouted and left in
                                            TRU waste storage facilities needed to                  WIPP would be appropriate, provided                   place.
                                            store treated tank waste.                               the required approvals from EPA and                      • Removal—above-ground structures
                                               • Closure of SSTs—Decisions to be                    the New Mexico Environment                            would be decontaminated and
                                            made include closing the SSTs by clean                  Department were obtained.                             dismantled, below-ground structures
                                            closure, selective clean closure/landfill                  As a result of the 2003 scoping for the            would be removed and disposed of at
                                            closure, and landfill closure with or                   TC EIS, a number of changes are being                 Hanford.
                                            without any soil contamination                          made to those identified in the NOI. The
                                            removal. Decisions regarding barriers                   major changes are:                                    VII. Potential Environmental Issues for
                                            (engineered modified RCRA Subtitle C                       • The No Action Alternative was                    Analysis
                                            barrier or Hanford barrier) to prevent                  modified to address a traditional ‘‘no                   The following issues have been
                                            water intrusion will be made. A closure                 action’’ rather than the action from the              tentatively identified for analysis in the
                                            configuration for the original 28 DSTs                  TWRS EIS ROD;                                         TC & WM EIS. This list is presented to
                                            will be evaluated in the TC & WM EIS                       • The alternative addressing                       facilitate comment on the scope of the
                                            for engineering reasons related to barrier              implementation of the 1997 TWRS EIS                   TC & WM EIS, but is not intended to be
                                            placement for the SSTs. This evaluation                 ROD was modified to address both the                  all-inclusive or to predetermine
                                            also is provided to aid Ecology in                      currently planned vitrification capacity              potential impacts of any alternative.
                                            evaluating the impacts which might                      and the currently planned capacity                       • Effects on the public and onsite
                                            result in closing DSTs to a debris rule                 supplemented with additional                          workers of radiological and
                                            standard. However, DOE is deferring a                   vitrification capacity as the                         nonradiological material releases during
                                            decision on closure of DSTs and                         supplemental treatment;                               normal operations and reasonably
                                            decommissioning of the WTP until a                         • A partial tank removal option was                foreseeable accidents;
                                            later date when the mission for those                   added, which analyzes leaving some of                    • Long-term risks to human
                                            facilities is nearing completion.                       the SSTs in place and exhuming the                    populations resulting from waste
                                               • Disposal of Hanford’s and DOE                      SSTs completely in the SX and BX tank                 disposal and residual tank system
                                            Offsite LLW and MLLW—The decision                       farms;                                                wastes;
                                            to be made concerns the onsite location                    • The Landfill Closure of Tank                        • Effects on air and water quality of
                                            of disposal facilities for Hanford’s waste              Farms/Onsite and Offsite Waste                        normal operations and reasonably
                                            and other DOE sites’ LLW and MLLW.                      Disposal Alternative has been modified                foreseeable accidents, including long-
                                            DOE committed in the HSW EIS ROD                        to more clearly evaluate the No                       term impacts on groundwater;
                                            that henceforth LLW would be disposed                   Separations (of HLW and LAW waste)                       • Cumulative effects, including
                                            of in lined trenches. Thus, the decision                with Onsite Storage and Offsite Disposal              impacts of other past, present, and
                                            would concern whether to dispose of                     Alternative; and                                      reasonably foreseeable actions at
                                            the waste in the 200-West Area or at the                   • A suboption has been added to both               Hanford, including past discharges to
                                            Integrated Disposal Facility in the 200-                the All Vitrification with Separations                cribs and trenches, groundwater
                                            East Area.                                              and All Vitrification/No Separations (of              remediation activities, activities subject
                                               • Final Decontamination and                          HLW and LAW waste) Alternatives to                    to TPA requirements and cleanup
                                            Decommissioning of the FFTF—The                         address closure of the cribs and trenches             activities under the Comprehensive
                                            decision would identify the final end                   proximal to tanks within identified                   Environmental Response,
                                            state for the above-ground, below-                      waste management areas in place as                    Compensation, and Liability Act;
hsrobinson on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES

                                            ground, and ancillary support                           opposed to removing them.                                • Effects on endangered species,
                                            structures.                                                For Hanford and offsite LLW and                    archaeological/cultural/historical sites,
                                                                                                    MLLW analyzed in the HSW EIS, DOE                     floodplains and wetlands, and priority
                                            VI. Potential Range of Alternatives                     proposes to simplify the alternatives.                habitat;
                                              Six alternatives were originally                      Both waste types would be disposed of                    • Effects of on- and offsite
                                            proposed for TC EIS and are listed                      in lined trenches. DOE plans to update                transportation and of reasonably

                                       VerDate Aug<31>2005   15:26 Feb 01, 2006   Jkt 208001   PO 00000   Frm 00021   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:FRFM02FEN1.SGM   02FEN1
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2006 / Notices                                              5659

                                            foreseeable transportation accidents;                   Management Program: Treatment and                     U.S. Department of Energy, Richland
                                            and                                                     Disposal of Low-Level Waste and Mixed                 Operations Office, Richland, Washington.
                                              • Socioeconomic impacts on                            Low-Level Waste; Amendment to the Record                DOE/EIS–0212, 1995, Safe Interim Storage
                                            surrounding communities.                                of Decision for the Nevada Test Site,’’               of Hanford Tank Wastes—Final
                                                                                                    Federal Register.                                     Environmental Impact Statement, U.S.
                                            VIII. Public Scoping                                      69 FR 39449, 2004, ‘‘Record of Decision for         Department of Energy, Richland Operations
                                                                                                    the Solid Waste Program, Hanford Site,                Office, Richland, Washington, and
                                              DOE invites Federal agencies,                         Richland, Washington: Storage and                     Washington State Department of Ecology,
                                            American Indian tribal nations, state                   Treatment of Low-Level Waste and Mixed                Olympia, Washington.
                                            and local governments, and the general                  Low-Level Waste; Disposal of Low-Level                  DOE/EIS–0189, 1996, Tank Waste
                                            public to comment on the scope of the                   Waste and Mixed Low-Level Waste, and                  Remediation System, Hanford Site, Richland,
                                            planned TC & WM EIS. Information on                     Storage, Processing, and Certification of             Washington, Final Environmental Impact
                                            the scoping comment period is provided                  Transuranic Waste for Shipment to the Waste           Statement, U.S. Department of Energy,
                                                                                                    Isolation Pilot Plant, Federal Register.              Richland Operations Office, Richland,
                                            in the DATES section above. Comments
                                                                                                      DOE/EA–0479, 1990, Collecting Crust                 Washington, and Washington State
                                            previously submitted in response to the                                                                       Department of Ecology, Olympia,
                                                                                                    Samples from Level Detectors in Tank SY–
                                            2003 NOI for the TC EIS and the 2004                    101 at the Hanford Site, U.S. Department of           Washington.
                                            NOI for the FFTF EIS are being                          Energy, Richland, Washington.                           DOE/EIS–0189–SA1, 1997, Supplement
                                            considered and need not be                                DOE/EA–0495, 1991, Preparation of Crust             Analysis for the Proposed Upgrades to the
                                            resubmitted.                                            Sampling of Tank 241–SY–101, U.S.                     Tank Farm Ventilation, Instrumentation, and
                                                                                                    Department of Energy, Richland,                       Electrical Systems under Project W–314 in
                                              Issued in Washington, DC, on January 30,                                                                    Support of Tank Farm Restoration and Safe
                                            2006.                                                   Washington.
                                                                                                      DOE/EA–0511, 1991, Characterization of              Operations, U.S. Department of Energy,
                                            John Spitaleri Shaw,                                    Tank 241–SY–101, U.S. Department of                   Richland Operations Office, Richland,
                                            Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety             Energy, Richland, Washington.                         Washington.
                                            and Health.                                               DOE/EA–0581, 1991, Upgrading of the                   DOE/EIS–0189–SA2, 1998, Supplement
                                                                                                    Ventilation System at the 241–SY Tank                 Analysis for the Tank Waste Remediation
                                            Appendix A—Related National                                                                                   System, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland
                                                                                                    Farm, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland,
                                            Environmental Policy Act Documents                      Washington.                                           Operations Office, Richland, Washington.
                                                                                                      DOE/EA–0802, 1992, Tank 241–SY–101                    DOE/EIS–0189–SA3, 2001, Supplement
                                              45 FR 46155, 1980, ‘‘Double-Shell Tanks
                                                                                                    Equipment Installation and Operation to               Analysis for the Tank Waste Remediation
                                            for Defense High-Level Radioactive Waste
                                                                                                                                                          System, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland
                                            Storage, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington;            Enhance Tank Safety, U.S. Department of
                                                                                                                                                          Operations Office, Richland, Washington.
                                            Record of Decision,’’ Federal Register.                 Energy, Richland, Washington.
                                                                                                                                                            DOE/EIS–0200, 1997, Final Waste
                                              53 FR 12449, 1988, ‘‘Disposal of Hanford                DOE/EA–0803, 1992, Proposed Pump
                                                                                                                                                          Management Programmatic Environmental
                                            Defense High-Level, Transuranic, and Tank               Mixing Operations to Mitigate Episodic Gas
                                                                                                                                                          Impact Statement for Managing Treatment,
                                            Wastes, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington;             Releases in Tank 241–SY–101, U.S.                     Storage, and Disposal of Radioactive and
                                            Record of Decision,’’ Federal Register.                 Department of Energy, Richland,                       Hazardous Waste, U.S. Department of
                                              60 FR 28680, 1995, ‘‘Programmatic Spent               Washington.                                           Energy, Office of Environmental
                                            Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho                         DOE/EA–0881, 1993, Tank 241–C–103                   Management, Washington, DC.
                                            National Engineering Laboratory                         Organic Vapor and Liquid Characterization               DOE/EIS–0026–S–2, 1997, Waste Isolation
                                            Environmental Restoration and Waste                     and Supporting Activities, U.S. Department            Pilot Plant Disposal Phase Final
                                            Management Program, Part III; Record of                 of Energy, Richland, Washington.                      Supplemental Environmental Impact
                                            Decision,’’ Federal Register.                             DOE/EA–0933, 1995, Tank 241–C–106 Past              Statement II, U.S. Department of Energy,
                                              60 FR 54221, 1995, ‘‘Final Environmental              Practice Sluicing Waste Retrieval, U.S.               Carlsbad, New Mexico.
                                            Impact Statement for the Safe Interim Storage           Department of Energy, Richland,                         DOE/EIS–0222, 1999, Final Hanford
                                            of Hanford Tank Wastes at the Hanford Site,             Washington.                                           Comprehensive Land-Use Plan
                                            Richland, Washington; Record of Decision,’’               DOE/EA–0993, 1995, Shutdown of the Fast             Environmental Impact Statement, U.S.
                                            Federal Register.                                       Flux Test Facility, Hanford Site, Richland,           Department of Energy, Richland Operations
                                              60 FR 61687, 1995, ‘‘Record of Decision;              Washington and Finding of No Significant              Office, Richland, Washington.
                                            Safe Interim Storage of Hanford Tank Wastes,            Impact.                                                 DOE/EIS–0310, 2000, Final Programmatic
                                            Hanford Site, Richland, Washington,’’                     DOE/EA–0981, 1995, Environmental                    Environmental Impact Statement for
                                            Federal Register.                                       Assessment—Solid Waste Retrieval Complex,             Accomplishing Expanded Civilian Nuclear
                                              61 FR 3922, 1996, ‘‘Availability of the               Enhanced Radioactive and Mixed Waste                  Energy Research and Development and
                                            Final Environmental Impact Statement for                Storage Facility, Infrastructure Upgrades,            Isotope Production Missions in the United
                                            Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel from the               and Central Waste Support Complex,                    States, Including the Role of the Fast Flux
                                            K Basins at the Hanford Site, Richland,                 Hanford Site, Richland, Washington, U.S.              Test Facility.
                                            Washington; Notice of Availability of Final             Department of Energy, Richland Operations               DOE/EIS–0250, 2002, Final Environmental
                                            Environmental Impact Statement,’’ Federal               Office, Richland, Washington.                         Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository
                                            Register.                                                 DOE/EA–1203, 1997, Trench 33 Widening               for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and
                                              61 FR 10736, 1996, ‘‘Management of Spent              in 218–W–5 Low-Level Burial Ground, U.S.              High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca
                                            Nuclear Fuel from the K Basins at the                   Department of Energy, Richland,                       Mountain, Nye County, Nevada, U.S.
                                            Hanford Site, Richland, Washington; Record              Washington.                                           Department of Energy, Office of Civilian
                                            of Decision,’’ Federal Register.                          DOE/EA–1276, 1999, Widening Trench 36               Radioactive Waste Management, Yucca
                                              62 FR 8693, 1997, ‘‘Record of Decision for            of the 218–E–12B Low-Level Burial Ground,             Mountain Site Characterization Office, North
                                            the Tank Waste Remediation System,                      U.S. Department of Energy, Richland,                  Las Vegas, Nevada.
                                            Hanford Site, Richland, Washington,’’                   Washington.                                             DOE/EIS–0287, 2002, Idaho High-Level
                                            Federal Register.                                         DOE/EA–1405, 2002, Transuranic Waste                Waste and Facilities Disposition Final
                                              63 FR 3624, 1998, ‘‘Record of Decision for            Retrieval from the 218–W–4B and 218–W–4C              Environmental Impact Statement, U.S.
                                            the Department of Energy’s Waste Isolation              Low-Level Burial Grounds, Hanford Site,               Department of Energy, Idaho Operations
hsrobinson on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES

                                            Pilot Plant Disposal Phase,’’ Federal Register.         Richland, Washington, Finding of No                   Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho.
                                              63 FR 3629, 1998, ‘‘Record of Decision for            Significant Impact, U.S. Department of                  DOE/EIS–0286, 2004, Final Hanford Site
                                            the Department of Energy’s Waste                        Energy, Richland, Washington.                         Solid (Radioactive and Hazardous) Waste
                                            Management Program: Treatment and Storage                 DOE/EIS–0113, 1987, Final Environmental             Program Environmental Impact Statement,
                                            of Transuranic Waste,’’ Federal Register.               Impact Statement—Disposal of Hanford                  Richland, Washington, U.S. Department of
                                              65 FR 10061, 2000, ‘‘Record of Decision for           Defense High-Level, Transuranic, and Tank             Energy, Richland Operations Office,
                                            the Department of Energy’s Waste                        Wastes, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington,           Richland, Washington.

                                       VerDate Aug<31>2005   15:26 Feb 01, 2006   Jkt 208001   PO 00000   Frm 00022   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:FRFM02FEN1.SGM   02FEN1
5660                        Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2006 / Notices

                                              DOH Publication 320–031, 2004, Final                  Electronic submission is therefore                     include the reliability costs associated
                                            Environmental Impact Statement—                         encouraged. Copies of written comments                 with such bottlenecks.
                                            Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste                  received and other relevant documents and
                                            Disposal Site, Richland, Washington,                    information may be reviewed at http://                    The National Energy Policy (May
                                            Washington State Department of Health,                                  2001),7 the Department’s National
                                            Olympia, Washington, and Washington State                                                                      Transmission Grid Study (May 2002),8
                                            Department of Ecology, Olympia,                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:   Ms.                 and the Secretary of Energy’s Electricity
                                            Washington.                                             Poonum Agrawal, Office of Electricity                  Advisory Board’s Transmission Grid
                                              U.S. Department of Energy, 2006, Report of            Delivery and Energy Reliability, OE–20,
                                            the Review of the Hanford Solid Waste
                                                                                                                                                           Solutions Report (September 2002),9
                                                                                                    U.S. Department of Energy, 1000                        recommended that the Department
                                            Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Data               Independence Avenue, SW.,
                                            Quality, Control and Management Issues,                                                                        address regulatory obstacles in the
                                                                                                    Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586–1411,
                                            Washington, DC.                                                                                                planning and construction of electric
                                                                                          , or Lot
                                            [FR Doc. E6–1404 Filed 2–1–06; 8:45 am]                                                                        transmission and distribution lines. In
                                                                                                    Cooke, Office of the General Counsel,
                                            BILLING CODE 6450–01–P                                  GC–76, 1000 Independence Avenue,                       response to these recommendations, the
                                                                                                    SW., Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586–                  Department held a ‘‘Workshop on
                                                                                                    0503,                            Designation of National Interest Electric
                                            DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                                                                           Transmission Bottlenecks’’ on July 14,
                                                                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                           2004, in Salt Lake City, Utah. The
                                            Considerations for Transmission                         I. Background                                          Department also issued a Federal
                                            Congestion Study and Designation of                                                                            Register notice of inquiry on July 22,
                                            National Interest Electric Transmission                 A. Overview
                                                                                                                                                           2004.10 The purpose of the workshop
                                            Corridors                                                  The Nation’s electric system includes
                                                                                                                                                           and the notice of inquiry was to learn
                                                                                                    over 150,000 miles of interconnected
                                            AGENCY: Office of Electricity Delivery                                                                         stakeholders’ views concerning
                                                                                                    high-voltage transmission lines that link
                                            and Energy Reliability (‘‘OE’’),                                                                               transmission bottlenecks, identify how
                                                                                                    generators to load centers.1 The electric
                                            Department of Energy.                                                                                          designation of such bottlenecks may
                                                                                                    system has been built by electric
                                            ACTION: Notice of inquiry requesting                    utilities over a period of 100 years,                  benefit the users of the grid and
                                            comment and providing notice of a                       primarily to serve local customers and                 electricity consumers, and recognize key
                                            technical conference.                                   support reliability; the system generally              bottlenecks. In its plans for
                                                                                                    was not constructed with a primary                     implementation of subsection 1221(a),
                                            SUMMARY:    The Department of Energy                                                                           the Department notes that it has
                                            (the ‘‘Department’’) seeks comment and                  emphasis on moving large amounts of
                                                                                                    power across multi-state regions.2 Due                 considered the comments received via
                                            information from the public concerning                                                                         the notice and the workshop.
                                            its plans for an electricity transmission               to a doubling of electricity demand and
                                            congestion study and possible                           generation over the past three decades                 B. Summary of Relevant Provisions
                                            designation of National Interest Electric               and the advent of wholesale electricity                From the Statute
                                            Transmission Corridors (‘‘NIETCs’’) in a                markets, transfers of large amounts of
                                            report based on the study pursuant to                   electricity across the grid have increased                On August 8, 2005, the President
                                            section 1221(a) of the Energy Policy Act                significantly in recent years. The                     signed into law the Energy Policy Act of
                                            of 2005. Through this notice of inquiry,                increase in regional electricity transfers             2005, Public Law 109–58, (the ‘‘Act’’).
                                            the Department invites comment on                       saves electricity consumers billions of                Title XII of the Act, entitled ‘‘The
                                            draft criteria for gauging the suitability              dollars,3 but significantly increases                  Electricity Modernization Act of 2005’’
                                            of geographic areas as NIETCs and                       transmission facility loading.                         includes provisions relating to the siting
                                            announces a public technical                               Investment in new transmission                      of interstate electric transmission
                                            conference concerning the criteria for                  facilities has not kept pace with the                  facilities and promoting advanced
                                            evaluation of candidate areas as NIETCs.                increasing economic and operational                    power system technologies. Subsection
                                                                                                    importance of transmission service.4                   1221(a) of the Act amends the Federal
                                            DATES: Written comments may be filed
                                                                                                    Today, congestion in the transmission                  Power Act (‘‘FPA’’) by adding a new
                                            electronically in MS Word and PDF
                                                                                                    system impedes economically efficient
                                            formats by e-mailing to:                                                                                       section 216 which requires the Secretary
                                                                                                    electricity transactions and in some
                                   no later than 5                                                                           of Energy (the ‘‘Secretary’’) to conduct a
                                                                                                    cases threatens the system’s safe and
                                            p.m. EDT March 6, 2006. Also,                                                                                  nationwide study of electric
                                                                                                    reliable operation.5 The Department has
                                            comments can be filed by mail at the                                                                           transmission congestion (‘‘congestion
                                                                                                    estimated that this congestion costs
                                            address listed below. The technical                                                                            study’’), and issue a report based on the
                                                                                                    consumers several billion dollars per
                                            conference will be held in Chicago on                                                                          study in which the Secretary may
                                                                                                    year by forcing wholesale electricity
                                            March 29, 2006. For further information,                                                                       designate ‘‘any geographic area
                                                                                                    purchasers to buy from higher-cost
                                            please visit the Department’s Web site at                                                                      experiencing electric energy
                                                                                                    suppliers.6 That estimate did not
                                                                                                             transmission capacity constraints or
                                            ADDRESSES: Written comments via mail                       1 North American Electric Reliability Council,      congestion that adversely affects
                                            should be submitted to:                                 Electricity Supply and Demand Database (2003)
                                               Office of Electricity Delivery and                   available at                    7 The National Energy Policy Development Group

                                            Energy Reliability, OE–20, Attention:                      2 Edison Electric Institute, Survey of
                                                                                                                                                           Report, available at
                                            EPACT 1221 Comments, U.S.                               Transmission Investment at 1 (May 2005).     
                                                                                                       3 Department of Energy, National Transmission         8 National Transmission Grid Study, supra note 3.
                                            Department of Energy, Forestall                         Grid Study, at 19 (May 2002) available at http://        9 Department of Energy Electricity Advisory
hsrobinson on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES

                                            Building, Room 6H–050, 1000                                         Board, Transmission Grid Solutions, available at
                                            Independence Avenue, SW.,                                  4 Id. at 7; see also Hirst, U.S. Transmission
                                            Washington, DC 20585.                                   Capacity Present Status and Future Prospects, 7        index.cfm?fuseaction=home.publications.
                                                                                                    (June 2004).                                             10 Designation of National Interest Electric
                                              Note: U.S. Postal Service mail sent to the               5 National Transmission Grid Study, supra note 3,
                                                                                                                                                           Transmission Bottlenecks, 69 FR 43833 (July 22,
                                            Department continues to be delayed by                   at 10–20.                                              2004) also available at http://
                                            several weeks due to security screening.                   6 Id. at 16–18.                           

                                       VerDate Aug<31>2005   15:26 Feb 01, 2006   Jkt 208001   PO 00000   Frm 00023   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:FRFM02FEN1.SGM   02FEN1

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Annual energy outlook 2010Annual energy outlook 2010
Annual energy outlook 2010

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NOI - Tank Closure and Waste Management (Hanford)

  • 1. Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2006 / Notices 5655 addressed as follows: Office of with DOE on or before the date listed NEPA claims in the case State of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability above. Washington v. Bodman (Civil No. 2:03– (Mail Code OE–20), U.S. Department of Comments on the MAG E.S. cv–05018–AAM), which addressed the Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, application to export electric energy to Final Hanford Site Solid (Radioactive SW., Washington, DC 20585–0350 (FAX Canada should be clearly marked with and Hazardous) Waste Program EIS, 202–586–5860). Docket EA–306. Additional copies are to Richland, Washington (HSW EIS, DOE/ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: be filed directly with Martin Gauthier, EIS–0286, January 2004). Director, MAG E.S. Energy Solutions Ecology will continue its role as a Ellen Russell (Program Office) 202–586– Inc., 486 Ste-Catherine W, #402, Cooperating Agency in the preparation 9624 or Michael Skinker (Program Montreal, QC, Canada H3B 1A6. of the TC & WM EIS. Ecology already Attorney) 202–586–2793. A final decision will be made on this was acting in that capacity during the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Exports of application after the environmental ongoing preparation of the EIS for electricity from the United States to a impacts have been evaluated pursuant Retrieval, Treatment and Disposal of foreign country are regulated and to the National Environmental Policy Tank Waste and Closure of the Single- require authorization under section Act of 1969, and a determination is Shell Tanks at the Hanford Site, 202(e) of the Federal Power Act (FPA) made by the DOE that the proposed Richland, Washington (TC EIS, DOE/ (16 U.S.C. 824a(e)). action will not adversely impact on the EIS–0356, Notice of Intent [NOI] at 68 On December 14, 2005, the reliability of the U.S. electric power FR 1052, January 8, 2003). The TC & Department of Energy (DOE) received an supply system. WM EIS will revise, update and application from MAG E.S. to transmit Copies of this application will be reanalyze groundwater impacts electric energy from the United States to made available, upon request, for public previously addressed in the HSW EIS. Canada. MAG E.S. is a Canadian inspection and copying at the address That is, the TC & WM EIS will provide corporation with its principal place of provided above or by accessing the a single, integrated analysis of business in Montreal, Quebec. MAG E.S. program’s Home Page at http:// groundwater at Hanford for all waste has requested an electricity export Upon reaching types addressed in the HSW EIS and the authorization with a 5-year term. MAG the Home page, select ‘‘Divisions,’’ then TC EIS. As a result, the TC & WM EIS E.S. does not own or control any ‘‘Permitting Siting & Analysis,’’ then will include a reanalysis of onsite transmission or distribution assets, nor ‘‘Electricity Imports/Exports,’’ and then disposal alternatives for Hanford’s low- does it have a franchised service area. ‘‘Pending Proceedings’’ from the options level radioactive waste (LLW) and The electric energy which MAG E.S. menus. mixed low-level radioactive waste proposes to export to Canada would be Issued in Washington, DC, on January 26, (MLLW) and LLW and MLLW from purchased from electric utilities and 2006. other DOE sites. The TC & WM EIS will Federal power marketing agencies revise and update other potential impact Anthony J. Como, within the U.S. areas previously addressed in the HSW Director, Permitting and Siting, Office of MAG E.S. will arrange for the delivery EIS as appropriate. Finally, the TC & Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. of exports to Canada over the WM EIS will incorporate existing [FR Doc. E6–1392 Filed 2–1–06; 8:45 am] international transmission facilities analyses from the HSW EIS that do not BILLING CODE 6450–01–P affect and are not directly affected by owned by Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Booneville Power the waste disposal alternatives after Administration, Eastern Maine Electric review or revision as appropriate. DOE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY will continue its ongoing analysis of Cooperative, International Transmission Co., Joint Owners of the Highgate Notice of Intent To Prepare the Tank alternatives for the retrieval, treatment, Project, Long Sault, Inc., Maine Electric Closure and Waste Management storage, and disposal of underground Power Company, Maine Public Service Environmental Impact Statement for tank wastes and closure of underground the Hanford Site, Richland, WA single-shell tanks (SST). In addition, Company, Minnesota Power, Inc., DOE plans to include the ongoing Fast Minnkota Power Cooperative, Inc., New AGENCY: Department of Energy. Flux Test Facility Decommissioning EIS York Power Authority, Niagara Mohawk ACTION: Notice of intent. (FFTF EIS, DOE/EIS–0364, NOI at 69 FR Power Corp., Northern States Power 50178, August 13, 2004) in the scope of Company and Vermont Electric SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of the new TC & WM EIS, in order to Transmission Co. Energy (DOE) announces its intent to provide an integrated presentation of The construction, operation, prepare a new environmental impact currently foreseeable activities related to maintenance, and connection of each of statement (EIS) for its Hanford Site waste management and cleanup at the international transmission facilities (Hanford) near Richland, Washington, Hanford. to be utilized by MAG E.S. has pursuant to the National Environmental In accordance with the Settlement previously been authorized by a Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and its Agreement, DOE will not ship offsite Presidential permit issued pursuant to implementing regulations at 40 CFR waste to Hanford for storage, processing, Executive Order 10485, as amended. Parts 1500–1508 and 10 CFR Part 1021. or disposal until a Record of Decision Procedural Matters: Any person The new EIS, to be titled the Tank (ROD) is issued pursuant to the TC & desiring to become a party to this Closure and Waste Management WM EIS, except under certain limited proceeding or to be heard by filing Environmental Impact Statement for the exemptions as provided in the comments or protests to this application Hanford Site, Richland, Washington (TC Settlement Agreement. should file a petition to intervene, & WM EIS), will implement a DOE is soliciting comments on the hsrobinson on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES comment or protest at the address Settlement Agreement announced on proposed scope of the new TC & WM provided above in accordance with January 9, 2006, among DOE, the EIS. Comments previously submitted in §§ 385.211 or 385.214 of the FERC’s Washington State Department of response to the 2003 NOI for the TC EIS Rules of Practice and Procedures (18 Ecology (Ecology) and the State of and the 2004 NOI for the FFTF EIS are CFR 385.211, 385.214). Fifteen copies of Washington Attorney General’s office. being considered and need not be each petition and protest should be filed The Agreement serves as settlement of resubmitted. VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:26 Feb 01, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM02FEN1.SGM 02FEN1
  • 2. 5656 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2006 / Notices DATES: DOE invites Federal agencies, To this end, DOE manages several types importation, treatment, and disposal of American Indian tribal nations, state of radioactive wastes at Hanford: (1) radioactive and hazardous waste and local governments, and the public High-level radioactive waste (HLW) as generated offsite as a result of nuclear to comment on the scope of the planned defined under the Nuclear Waste Policy defense and research activities. The TC & WM EIS. DOE will consider all Act [42 U.S.C. 10101]; (2) transuranic Court enjoined shipment of offsite TRU comments received by March 6, 2006, as (TRU) waste, which is waste containing waste to Hanford for processing and well as comments received after that alpha-particle-emitting radionuclides storage pending shipment to WIPP. date to the extent practicable. DOE with atomic numbers greater than In January 2004, DOE issued the HSW plans to hold public meetings at the uranium (i.e., 92) and half-lives greater EIS and a ROD (69 FR 39449), which following locations: than 20 years in concentrations greater addressed ongoing solid waste Hood River, Oregon; February 21, than 100 nanocuries per gram of waste; management operations, and announced 2006. (3) LLW, which is radioactive waste that DOE’s decision to dispose of Hanford Portland, Oregon; February 22, 2006. is neither HLW nor TRU waste; and (4) and a limited volume of offsite LLW and Seattle, Washington; February 23, MLLW, which is LLW containing MLLW in a new Integrated Disposal 2006. hazardous constituents as defined under Facility in the 200-East Area of Hanford. Richland, Washington, February 28, the Resource Conservation and DOE also decided to continue sending 2006. Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA, 42 U.S.C. Hanford’s MLLW offsite for treatment The public meetings will address the 6901 et seq.). and to modify Hanford’s T-Plant for scope of the planned TC & WM EIS. At present, DOE is constructing a processing remote-handled TRU waste DOE will provide additional notification Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) in the and MLLW (which require protective of the meeting times and locations 200-East Area of the site. The WTP will shielding). through newspaper advertisements and separate waste stored in Hanford’s Ecology amended its March 2003 other appropriate media. underground tanks into HLW and low- complaint in 2004, challenging the ADDRESSES: To submit comments on the activity waste (LAW) fractions. HLW adequacy of the HSW EIS analysis of scope of the TC & WM EIS or to request will be treated in the WTP and stored offsite waste importation. In May 2005, copies of the references listed herein, at Hanford until it can be shipped to the the Court granted a limited discovery including references listed in Appendix proposed repository at Yucca Mountain, period, continuing the injunction A, contact: Mary Beth Burandt, Nevada. Immobilized LAW waste would against shipping offsite wastes to Document Manager, Office of River be treated in the WTP and disposed of Hanford, including LLW and MLLW at Hanford as decided in the ROD issued (State of Washington v. Bodman [Civil Protection, U.S. Department of Energy, in 1997 (62 FR 8693), pursuant to the No. 2:03–cv–05018–AAM]). In July Post Office Box 450, Mail Stop H6–60, Tank Waste Remediation System, 2005, while preparing responses to Richland, WA 99352. Electronic mail: Hanford Site, Richland, Washington, discovery requests from Ecology, TC& Fax: 509–376– Final EIS (TWRS EIS, DOE/EIS–0189, Battelle Memorial Institute, DOE’s 3661. Telephone and voice mail: 509– August 1996). DOE is processing contractor who assisted in preparing the 373–9160. Hanford’s contact-handled TRU waste HSW EIS, advised DOE of several FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For differences in groundwater analyses (which does not require special information on DOE’s NEPA process, protective shielding) for shipment to the between the HSW EIS and its contact: Carol Borgstrom, Director, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near underlying data. Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance Carlsbad, New Mexico, consistent with DOE promptly notified the Court and (EH–42), U.S. Department of Energy, the 1998 RODs (63 FR 3624 and 63 FR the State and, in September 2005, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., 3629) for treatment and disposal of TRU convened a team of DOE experts in Washington, DC 20585. Telephone 202– waste under the Final Waste quality assurance and groundwater 586–4600, or leave a message at 1–800– Management Programmatic EIS for analysis, as well as transportation and 472–2756. Managing Treatment, Storage, and human health and safety impacts This NOI will be available on DOE’s Disposal of Radioactive and Hazardous analysis, to conduct a quality assurance NEPA Web site at http:// Waste (WM PEIS, DOE/EIS–0200) and review of the HSW EIS. The team and the TC & WM the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Disposal completed its Report of the Review of EIS Web site at Phase Final Supplemental the Hanford Solid Waste Environmental orp/ (click on Public Involvement). Environmental Impact Statement (WIPP Impact Statement (EIS) Data Quality, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SEIS-II, DOE/EIS–0026–S–2, September Control and Management Issues, 1997). DOE is disposing of Hanford’s January 2006 (hereafter referred to as the I. Background LLW and MLLW onsite, consistent with Quality Review). The Hanford Site is located in the ROD for treatment and disposal of Because both Ecology and DOE have southeastern Washington State along the these wastes under the WM PEIS (65 FR a shared interest in the effective cleanup Columbia River, and is approximately 10061). This ROD also designates of Hanford, DOE and Ecology 586 square miles in size. Hanford’s Hanford as a regional disposal site for announced a Settlement Agreement mission included defense-related LLW and MLLW from other DOE sites. ending the NEPA litigation on January nuclear research, development, and In January 2003, DOE issued an NOI 9, 2006. The Agreement is intended to weapons production activities from the (68 FR 1052) to prepare the TC EIS resolve Ecology’s concerns about HSW early 1940s to approximately 1989. (DOE/EIS–0356). The proposed scope of EIS groundwater analyses and to During that period, Hanford operated a the TC EIS included closure of the 149 address other concerns about the HSW plutonium production complex with underground SSTs and newly available EIS, including those identified in the hsrobinson on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES nine nuclear reactors and associated information on supplemental treatment Quality Review. processing facilities. These activities for the LAW from all 177 tanks, which The Agreement calls for an expansion created a wide variety of chemical and contain a total of approximately 53 of the TC EIS to provide a single, radioactive wastes. Hanford’s mission million gallons of waste. integrated set of analyses that will now is focused on the cleanup of those In March 2003, Ecology initiated include all waste types analyzed in the wastes and ultimate closure of Hanford. litigation on issues related to HSW EIS (LLW, MLLW, and TRU VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:26 Feb 01, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM02FEN1.SGM 02FEN1
  • 3. Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2006 / Notices 5657 waste). The expanded EIS will be of to facilitate cleanup of Hanford and Complex, that were included in the renamed the TC & WM EIS. Pending these sites. HSW EIS. finalization of the TC & WM EIS, the DOE proposes to retain all of the III. Proposed Action scope identified in the 2003 NOI for the HSW EIS will remain in effect to support ongoing waste management DOE proposes to retrieve and treat TC EIS as modified by public scoping activities at Hanford (including waste from 177 underground tanks and comments. Proposed modifications to transportation of TRU waste to WIPP) in ancillary equipment and dispose of this the alternatives identified in the 2003 accordance with applicable regulatory waste in compliance with applicable NOI are provided in Section VI. That is, requirements. The Agreement also regulatory requirements. Vitrified HLW the new TC & WM EIS would address stipulates that when the TC & WM EIS waste would be stored onsite until it can management of the approximately 53 has been completed, it will supersede be disposed of in the proposed million gallons of waste stored in 149 the HSW EIS. Until that time, DOE will repository at Yucca Mountain. DOE underground SSTs (ranging in capacity not rely on HSW EIS groundwater proposes to provide additional from approximately 55,000 to 1 million analyses for decision-making, and DOE treatment capacity for the tank LAW gallons) and 28 underground DSTs will not import offsite waste to Hanford, that can supplement the planned WTP (ranging in capacity from approximately with certain limited exemptions as capacity in fulfillment of DOE’s 1 to 1.16 million gallons) grouped in 18 specified in the Agreement. obligations under the TPA in as timely tank farms, and approximately 60 DOE and Ecology have mutual a manner as possible. DOE would smaller miscellaneous underground responsibilities for accomplishing dispose of Hanford’s immobilized LAW, storage tanks, along with ancillary cleanup of Hanford, as well as LLW and MLLW, and LLW and MLLW equipment. continuing ongoing waste management from other DOE sites, in lined trenches DOE proposes to retain all of the activities consistent with applicable onsite. These trenches would be closed scope identified in its August 2004 NOI Federal and state laws and regulations. in accordance with applicable to evaluate alternatives for the final The Hanford Federal Facility Agreement regulatory requirements. disposition of the FFTF and proposes to and Consent Order (also called the Tri- DOE also proposes to complete the integrate that scope into the TC & WM Party Agreement [TPA]) among the final decontamination and EIS. The TC & WM EIS will thus state, DOE, and the U.S. Environmental decommissioning of the FFTF. DOE provide an integrated presentation of Protection Agency (EPA) contains decided, in January 2001, (ROD at 66 FR currently foreseeable activities related to various enforceable milestones that 7877) that the permanent closure of waste management and cleanup at apply to waste management activities. FFTF was to be resumed with no new Hanford. DOE also is required to comply with missions, based on the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact V. Potential Decisions To Be Made applicable requirements of RCRA and the state’s Hazardous Waste Statement for Accomplishing Expanded DOE plans to make decisions on the Management Act of 1976 as amended Civilian Nuclear Energy Research and following topics. (Chapter 70.105 Revised Code of Development and Isotope Production • Retrieval of Tank Waste—A Washington). To carry out proposals for Missions in the United States, Including reasonable waste retrieval range is future actions and obtain necessary the Role of the Fast Flux Test Facility comprised of three levels: 90 percent, 99 permits, each agency must comply with (DOE/EIS–0310, December 2000). percent, and 99.9 percent. The 99 the applicable provisions of NEPA and percent retrieval is the goal established IV. Proposed Scope of the TC & WM EIS by the TPA (Milestone M–45–00); 90 the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) respectively. The In accordance with the Settlement percent retrieval evaluates a risk agencies have revised their Agreement, DOE intends to prepare a analysis of the tank farms as defined in Memorandum of Understanding for the single, comprehensive EIS addressing the M–45–00, Appendix H, process; and TC EIS (effective March 25, 2003), tank waste retrieval, treatment, storage, 99.9 percent retrieval reflects uses of which identified Ecology as a and disposal; tank closure; and multiple retrieval technologies to Cooperating Agency in the preparation management of all waste types analyzed support clean closure of the tank farms. of the TC EIS. The Memorandum of in the HSW EIS as an integrated • Treatment of Tank Waste—WTP Understanding revision is consistent document for public and agency review waste treatment capability can be with the Settlement Agreement and and reference. The TC & WM EIS will augmented by supplemental treatment provides for Ecology’s continuing update, revise, or reanalyze resource technologies and constructing new participation as a Cooperating Agency areas (such as groundwater and treatment facilities that are part of, or in preparation of the TC & WM EIS to transportation) from the HSW EIS as separate from, the WTP. The two assist both agencies in meeting their necessary to make them current and primary choices that could fulfill DOE’s respective responsibilities under NEPA reflect the waste inventories and TPA commitments are to treat all waste and SEPA. analytical assumptions being used for in an expanded WTP or provide environmental impact assessment in the supplemental treatment to be used in II. Purpose and Need for Action TC & WM EIS. All updated analyses conjunction with, but separate from, the Recognizing the potential risks to would be included in the revised WTP. DOE has conducted preliminary human health and the environment quantitative groundwater and other tests on three supplemental treatment from Hanford tank wastes, DOE needs to cumulative impact analyses in the TC & technologies—cast stone (a form of retrieve waste from the 149 SSTs and 28 WM EIS. grout), steam reforming, and bulk double-shell tanks (DST), treat and The proposed scope of the TC & WM vitrification—to determine if one or dispose of the waste, and close the SST EIS includes alternatives for onsite more could be used to provide the hsrobinson on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES farms in a manner that complies with disposal of LLW, MLLW, and LAW; additional, supplemental waste Federal and Washington State transportation of offsite LLW and treatment capability needed to complete requirements. Some waste from tanks MLLW to Hanford for disposal; and waste treatment. and LLW and MLLW from Hanford and current or revised information for • Disposal of Treated Tank Waste— other DOE sites that do not have ongoing operations, such as those Onsite disposal includes treated tank appropriate facilities must be disposed involving Hanford’s Central Waste waste such as immobilized LAW and VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:26 Feb 01, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM02FEN1.SGM 02FEN1
  • 4. 5658 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2006 / Notices waste generated from closure activities below. The initial scope of the TC EIS the volumes to be disposed of, that meets onsite disposal criteria; the was provided in the January 2003 NOI approximating those volumes for offsite decision to be made involves the onsite and at each public scoping meeting. waste in the 2004 HSW EIS ROD, and location of disposal facilities. Decisions • No Action Alternative, which was to update the waste information. DOE to be made related to offsite disposal to implement the 1997 TWRS EIS ROD; also intends to update the transportation include the length of time and facilities • Implement the 1997 TWRS EIS analysis of shipping offsite waste to required for storage of immobilized ROD with Modifications; Hanford for disposal. The onsite high-level radioactive waste (IHLW) • Landfill Closure of Tank Farms/ disposal alternatives are: prior to disposal at the proposed Yucca Onsite and Offsite Waste Disposal; • Construction of a new disposal Mountain repository. • Clean Closure of Tank Farms/Onsite facility in the 200-West Area burial • Storage of Tank Waste—Depending and Offsite Waste Disposal; grounds; and on the alternative being analyzed, • Accelerated Landfill Closure/Onsite • Construction of new LLW and storing tank waste for different lengths and Offsite Waste Disposal; and MLLW capacity in the Integrated of time may be necessary. This may • Landfill Closure/Onsite and Offsite Disposal Facility in the 200-East Area. require the construction, operation, and Waste Disposal. For the FFTF, the 2004 NOI identified deactivation of waste transfer Onsite disposal would include three alternatives as listed below. infrastructures, including waste receiver immobilized LAW, LLW, and MLLW • No Action—actions consistent with facilities (below-grade lag storage and resulting from tank retrieval and previous DOE NEPA decisions would be minimal waste treatment facilities), treatment. Offsite disposal of HLW completed; final decommissioning waste transfer line upgrades, and new or would occur at Yucca Mountain. No would not occur. replacement DSTs. Also depending on determination has been made as to • Entombment—above-ground the alternative, construction and whether any of the tanks contain TRU structures would be decontaminated operation of additional immobilized waste. If it is determined that any tank and dismantled, below-ground HLW storage vaults, melter pads, and waste is TRU waste, offsite disposal at structures would be grouted and left in TRU waste storage facilities needed to WIPP would be appropriate, provided place. store treated tank waste. the required approvals from EPA and • Removal—above-ground structures • Closure of SSTs—Decisions to be the New Mexico Environment would be decontaminated and made include closing the SSTs by clean Department were obtained. dismantled, below-ground structures closure, selective clean closure/landfill As a result of the 2003 scoping for the would be removed and disposed of at closure, and landfill closure with or TC EIS, a number of changes are being Hanford. without any soil contamination made to those identified in the NOI. The removal. Decisions regarding barriers major changes are: VII. Potential Environmental Issues for (engineered modified RCRA Subtitle C • The No Action Alternative was Analysis barrier or Hanford barrier) to prevent modified to address a traditional ‘‘no The following issues have been water intrusion will be made. A closure action’’ rather than the action from the tentatively identified for analysis in the configuration for the original 28 DSTs TWRS EIS ROD; TC & WM EIS. This list is presented to will be evaluated in the TC & WM EIS • The alternative addressing facilitate comment on the scope of the for engineering reasons related to barrier implementation of the 1997 TWRS EIS TC & WM EIS, but is not intended to be placement for the SSTs. This evaluation ROD was modified to address both the all-inclusive or to predetermine also is provided to aid Ecology in currently planned vitrification capacity potential impacts of any alternative. evaluating the impacts which might and the currently planned capacity • Effects on the public and onsite result in closing DSTs to a debris rule supplemented with additional workers of radiological and standard. However, DOE is deferring a vitrification capacity as the nonradiological material releases during decision on closure of DSTs and supplemental treatment; normal operations and reasonably decommissioning of the WTP until a • A partial tank removal option was foreseeable accidents; later date when the mission for those added, which analyzes leaving some of • Long-term risks to human facilities is nearing completion. the SSTs in place and exhuming the populations resulting from waste • Disposal of Hanford’s and DOE SSTs completely in the SX and BX tank disposal and residual tank system Offsite LLW and MLLW—The decision farms; wastes; to be made concerns the onsite location • The Landfill Closure of Tank • Effects on air and water quality of of disposal facilities for Hanford’s waste Farms/Onsite and Offsite Waste normal operations and reasonably and other DOE sites’ LLW and MLLW. Disposal Alternative has been modified foreseeable accidents, including long- DOE committed in the HSW EIS ROD to more clearly evaluate the No term impacts on groundwater; that henceforth LLW would be disposed Separations (of HLW and LAW waste) • Cumulative effects, including of in lined trenches. Thus, the decision with Onsite Storage and Offsite Disposal impacts of other past, present, and would concern whether to dispose of Alternative; and reasonably foreseeable actions at the waste in the 200-West Area or at the • A suboption has been added to both Hanford, including past discharges to Integrated Disposal Facility in the 200- the All Vitrification with Separations cribs and trenches, groundwater East Area. and All Vitrification/No Separations (of remediation activities, activities subject • Final Decontamination and HLW and LAW waste) Alternatives to to TPA requirements and cleanup Decommissioning of the FFTF—The address closure of the cribs and trenches activities under the Comprehensive decision would identify the final end proximal to tanks within identified Environmental Response, state for the above-ground, below- waste management areas in place as Compensation, and Liability Act; hsrobinson on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES ground, and ancillary support opposed to removing them. • Effects on endangered species, structures. For Hanford and offsite LLW and archaeological/cultural/historical sites, MLLW analyzed in the HSW EIS, DOE floodplains and wetlands, and priority VI. Potential Range of Alternatives proposes to simplify the alternatives. habitat; Six alternatives were originally Both waste types would be disposed of • Effects of on- and offsite proposed for TC EIS and are listed in lined trenches. DOE plans to update transportation and of reasonably VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:26 Feb 01, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM02FEN1.SGM 02FEN1
  • 5. Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2006 / Notices 5659 foreseeable transportation accidents; Management Program: Treatment and U.S. Department of Energy, Richland and Disposal of Low-Level Waste and Mixed Operations Office, Richland, Washington. • Socioeconomic impacts on Low-Level Waste; Amendment to the Record DOE/EIS–0212, 1995, Safe Interim Storage surrounding communities. of Decision for the Nevada Test Site,’’ of Hanford Tank Wastes—Final Federal Register. Environmental Impact Statement, U.S. VIII. Public Scoping 69 FR 39449, 2004, ‘‘Record of Decision for Department of Energy, Richland Operations the Solid Waste Program, Hanford Site, Office, Richland, Washington, and DOE invites Federal agencies, Richland, Washington: Storage and Washington State Department of Ecology, American Indian tribal nations, state Treatment of Low-Level Waste and Mixed Olympia, Washington. and local governments, and the general Low-Level Waste; Disposal of Low-Level DOE/EIS–0189, 1996, Tank Waste public to comment on the scope of the Waste and Mixed Low-Level Waste, and Remediation System, Hanford Site, Richland, planned TC & WM EIS. Information on Storage, Processing, and Certification of Washington, Final Environmental Impact the scoping comment period is provided Transuranic Waste for Shipment to the Waste Statement, U.S. Department of Energy, Isolation Pilot Plant, Federal Register. Richland Operations Office, Richland, in the DATES section above. Comments DOE/EA–0479, 1990, Collecting Crust Washington, and Washington State previously submitted in response to the Department of Ecology, Olympia, Samples from Level Detectors in Tank SY– 2003 NOI for the TC EIS and the 2004 101 at the Hanford Site, U.S. Department of Washington. NOI for the FFTF EIS are being Energy, Richland, Washington. DOE/EIS–0189–SA1, 1997, Supplement considered and need not be DOE/EA–0495, 1991, Preparation of Crust Analysis for the Proposed Upgrades to the resubmitted. Sampling of Tank 241–SY–101, U.S. Tank Farm Ventilation, Instrumentation, and Department of Energy, Richland, Electrical Systems under Project W–314 in Issued in Washington, DC, on January 30, Support of Tank Farm Restoration and Safe 2006. Washington. DOE/EA–0511, 1991, Characterization of Operations, U.S. Department of Energy, John Spitaleri Shaw, Tank 241–SY–101, U.S. Department of Richland Operations Office, Richland, Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety Energy, Richland, Washington. Washington. and Health. DOE/EA–0581, 1991, Upgrading of the DOE/EIS–0189–SA2, 1998, Supplement Ventilation System at the 241–SY Tank Analysis for the Tank Waste Remediation Appendix A—Related National System, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Farm, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland, Environmental Policy Act Documents Washington. Operations Office, Richland, Washington. DOE/EA–0802, 1992, Tank 241–SY–101 DOE/EIS–0189–SA3, 2001, Supplement 45 FR 46155, 1980, ‘‘Double-Shell Tanks Equipment Installation and Operation to Analysis for the Tank Waste Remediation for Defense High-Level Radioactive Waste System, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Storage, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington; Enhance Tank Safety, U.S. Department of Operations Office, Richland, Washington. Record of Decision,’’ Federal Register. Energy, Richland, Washington. DOE/EIS–0200, 1997, Final Waste 53 FR 12449, 1988, ‘‘Disposal of Hanford DOE/EA–0803, 1992, Proposed Pump Management Programmatic Environmental Defense High-Level, Transuranic, and Tank Mixing Operations to Mitigate Episodic Gas Impact Statement for Managing Treatment, Wastes, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington; Releases in Tank 241–SY–101, U.S. Storage, and Disposal of Radioactive and Record of Decision,’’ Federal Register. Department of Energy, Richland, Hazardous Waste, U.S. Department of 60 FR 28680, 1995, ‘‘Programmatic Spent Washington. Energy, Office of Environmental Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho DOE/EA–0881, 1993, Tank 241–C–103 Management, Washington, DC. National Engineering Laboratory Organic Vapor and Liquid Characterization DOE/EIS–0026–S–2, 1997, Waste Isolation Environmental Restoration and Waste and Supporting Activities, U.S. Department Pilot Plant Disposal Phase Final Management Program, Part III; Record of of Energy, Richland, Washington. Supplemental Environmental Impact Decision,’’ Federal Register. DOE/EA–0933, 1995, Tank 241–C–106 Past Statement II, U.S. Department of Energy, 60 FR 54221, 1995, ‘‘Final Environmental Practice Sluicing Waste Retrieval, U.S. Carlsbad, New Mexico. Impact Statement for the Safe Interim Storage Department of Energy, Richland, DOE/EIS–0222, 1999, Final Hanford of Hanford Tank Wastes at the Hanford Site, Washington. Comprehensive Land-Use Plan Richland, Washington; Record of Decision,’’ DOE/EA–0993, 1995, Shutdown of the Fast Environmental Impact Statement, U.S. Federal Register. Flux Test Facility, Hanford Site, Richland, Department of Energy, Richland Operations 60 FR 61687, 1995, ‘‘Record of Decision; Washington and Finding of No Significant Office, Richland, Washington. Safe Interim Storage of Hanford Tank Wastes, Impact. DOE/EIS–0310, 2000, Final Programmatic Hanford Site, Richland, Washington,’’ DOE/EA–0981, 1995, Environmental Environmental Impact Statement for Federal Register. Assessment—Solid Waste Retrieval Complex, Accomplishing Expanded Civilian Nuclear 61 FR 3922, 1996, ‘‘Availability of the Enhanced Radioactive and Mixed Waste Energy Research and Development and Final Environmental Impact Statement for Storage Facility, Infrastructure Upgrades, Isotope Production Missions in the United Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel from the and Central Waste Support Complex, States, Including the Role of the Fast Flux K Basins at the Hanford Site, Richland, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington, U.S. Test Facility. Washington; Notice of Availability of Final Department of Energy, Richland Operations DOE/EIS–0250, 2002, Final Environmental Environmental Impact Statement,’’ Federal Office, Richland, Washington. Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository Register. DOE/EA–1203, 1997, Trench 33 Widening for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and 61 FR 10736, 1996, ‘‘Management of Spent in 218–W–5 Low-Level Burial Ground, U.S. High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Nuclear Fuel from the K Basins at the Department of Energy, Richland, Mountain, Nye County, Nevada, U.S. Hanford Site, Richland, Washington; Record Washington. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian of Decision,’’ Federal Register. DOE/EA–1276, 1999, Widening Trench 36 Radioactive Waste Management, Yucca 62 FR 8693, 1997, ‘‘Record of Decision for of the 218–E–12B Low-Level Burial Ground, Mountain Site Characterization Office, North the Tank Waste Remediation System, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland, Las Vegas, Nevada. Hanford Site, Richland, Washington,’’ Washington. DOE/EIS–0287, 2002, Idaho High-Level Federal Register. DOE/EA–1405, 2002, Transuranic Waste Waste and Facilities Disposition Final 63 FR 3624, 1998, ‘‘Record of Decision for Retrieval from the 218–W–4B and 218–W–4C Environmental Impact Statement, U.S. the Department of Energy’s Waste Isolation Low-Level Burial Grounds, Hanford Site, Department of Energy, Idaho Operations hsrobinson on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES Pilot Plant Disposal Phase,’’ Federal Register. Richland, Washington, Finding of No Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho. 63 FR 3629, 1998, ‘‘Record of Decision for Significant Impact, U.S. Department of DOE/EIS–0286, 2004, Final Hanford Site the Department of Energy’s Waste Energy, Richland, Washington. Solid (Radioactive and Hazardous) Waste Management Program: Treatment and Storage DOE/EIS–0113, 1987, Final Environmental Program Environmental Impact Statement, of Transuranic Waste,’’ Federal Register. Impact Statement—Disposal of Hanford Richland, Washington, U.S. Department of 65 FR 10061, 2000, ‘‘Record of Decision for Defense High-Level, Transuranic, and Tank Energy, Richland Operations Office, the Department of Energy’s Waste Wastes, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington, Richland, Washington. VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:26 Feb 01, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM02FEN1.SGM 02FEN1
  • 6. 5660 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2006 / Notices DOH Publication 320–031, 2004, Final Electronic submission is therefore include the reliability costs associated Environmental Impact Statement— encouraged. Copies of written comments with such bottlenecks. Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste received and other relevant documents and Disposal Site, Richland, Washington, information may be reviewed at http:// The National Energy Policy (May Washington State Department of Health, 2001),7 the Department’s National Olympia, Washington, and Washington State Transmission Grid Study (May 2002),8 Department of Ecology, Olympia, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. and the Secretary of Energy’s Electricity Washington. Poonum Agrawal, Office of Electricity Advisory Board’s Transmission Grid U.S. Department of Energy, 2006, Report of Delivery and Energy Reliability, OE–20, the Review of the Hanford Solid Waste Solutions Report (September 2002),9 U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 recommended that the Department Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Data Independence Avenue, SW., Quality, Control and Management Issues, address regulatory obstacles in the Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586–1411, Washington, DC. planning and construction of electric, or Lot [FR Doc. E6–1404 Filed 2–1–06; 8:45 am] transmission and distribution lines. In Cooke, Office of the General Counsel, BILLING CODE 6450–01–P GC–76, 1000 Independence Avenue, response to these recommendations, the SW., Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586– Department held a ‘‘Workshop on 0503, Designation of National Interest Electric DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Transmission Bottlenecks’’ on July 14, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 2004, in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Considerations for Transmission I. Background Department also issued a Federal Congestion Study and Designation of Register notice of inquiry on July 22, National Interest Electric Transmission A. Overview 2004.10 The purpose of the workshop Corridors The Nation’s electric system includes and the notice of inquiry was to learn over 150,000 miles of interconnected AGENCY: Office of Electricity Delivery stakeholders’ views concerning high-voltage transmission lines that link and Energy Reliability (‘‘OE’’), transmission bottlenecks, identify how generators to load centers.1 The electric Department of Energy. designation of such bottlenecks may system has been built by electric ACTION: Notice of inquiry requesting utilities over a period of 100 years, benefit the users of the grid and comment and providing notice of a primarily to serve local customers and electricity consumers, and recognize key technical conference. support reliability; the system generally bottlenecks. In its plans for was not constructed with a primary implementation of subsection 1221(a), SUMMARY: The Department of Energy the Department notes that it has (the ‘‘Department’’) seeks comment and emphasis on moving large amounts of power across multi-state regions.2 Due considered the comments received via information from the public concerning the notice and the workshop. its plans for an electricity transmission to a doubling of electricity demand and congestion study and possible generation over the past three decades B. Summary of Relevant Provisions designation of National Interest Electric and the advent of wholesale electricity From the Statute Transmission Corridors (‘‘NIETCs’’) in a markets, transfers of large amounts of report based on the study pursuant to electricity across the grid have increased On August 8, 2005, the President section 1221(a) of the Energy Policy Act significantly in recent years. The signed into law the Energy Policy Act of of 2005. Through this notice of inquiry, increase in regional electricity transfers 2005, Public Law 109–58, (the ‘‘Act’’). the Department invites comment on saves electricity consumers billions of Title XII of the Act, entitled ‘‘The draft criteria for gauging the suitability dollars,3 but significantly increases Electricity Modernization Act of 2005’’ of geographic areas as NIETCs and transmission facility loading. includes provisions relating to the siting announces a public technical Investment in new transmission of interstate electric transmission conference concerning the criteria for facilities has not kept pace with the facilities and promoting advanced evaluation of candidate areas as NIETCs. increasing economic and operational power system technologies. Subsection importance of transmission service.4 1221(a) of the Act amends the Federal DATES: Written comments may be filed Today, congestion in the transmission Power Act (‘‘FPA’’) by adding a new electronically in MS Word and PDF system impedes economically efficient formats by e-mailing to: section 216 which requires the Secretary electricity transactions and in some no later than 5 of Energy (the ‘‘Secretary’’) to conduct a cases threatens the system’s safe and p.m. EDT March 6, 2006. Also, nationwide study of electric reliable operation.5 The Department has comments can be filed by mail at the transmission congestion (‘‘congestion estimated that this congestion costs address listed below. The technical study’’), and issue a report based on the consumers several billion dollars per conference will be held in Chicago on study in which the Secretary may year by forcing wholesale electricity March 29, 2006. For further information, designate ‘‘any geographic area purchasers to buy from higher-cost please visit the Department’s Web site at experiencing electric energy suppliers.6 That estimate did not transmission capacity constraints or ADDRESSES: Written comments via mail 1 North American Electric Reliability Council, congestion that adversely affects should be submitted to: Electricity Supply and Demand Database (2003) Office of Electricity Delivery and available at 7 The National Energy Policy Development Group Energy Reliability, OE–20, Attention: 2 Edison Electric Institute, Survey of Report, available at EPACT 1221 Comments, U.S. Transmission Investment at 1 (May 2005). 3 Department of Energy, National Transmission 8 National Transmission Grid Study, supra note 3. Department of Energy, Forestall Grid Study, at 19 (May 2002) available at http:// 9 Department of Energy Electricity Advisory hsrobinson on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES Building, Room 6H–050, 1000 Board, Transmission Grid Solutions, available at Independence Avenue, SW., 4 Id. at 7; see also Hirst, U.S. Transmission Washington, DC 20585. Capacity Present Status and Future Prospects, 7 index.cfm?fuseaction=home.publications. (June 2004). 10 Designation of National Interest Electric Note: U.S. Postal Service mail sent to the 5 National Transmission Grid Study, supra note 3, Transmission Bottlenecks, 69 FR 43833 (July 22, Department continues to be delayed by at 10–20. 2004) also available at http:// several weeks due to security screening. 6 Id. at 16–18. VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:26 Feb 01, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM02FEN1.SGM 02FEN1