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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 165 / Monday, August 25, 2008 / Notices                                             50001

                                          information collection documents from                   postmarked by October 9, 2008, in                     ‘‘the goals of the biofuels and
                                          the General Services Administration,                    defining the scope of this EIS.                       bioproducts programs shall be to
                                          FAR Secretariat (VPR), Room 4041, 1800                  Comments received or postmarked after                 develop, in partnership with industry
                                          F Street, NW, Washington, DC 20405,                     that date will be considered to the                   and institutes of higher education—
                                          telephone (202) 501–4755. Please cite                   extent practicable. A public scoping                     (1) Advanced biochemical and
                                          OMB Control No. 9000–0144, Payment                      meeting will be held in Memorial Hall                 thermochemical conversion
                                          by Electronic Funds Transfer, in all                    at the Stevens County Courthouse,                     technologies capable of making fuels
                                          correspondence.                                         Hugoton, Kansas, on September 10,                     from lignocellulosic feedstocks that are
                                            Dated: August 15, 2008.                               2008 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Written and                price-competitive with gasoline or
                                                                                                  oral comments will be given equal                     diesel in either internal combustion
                                          Al Matera,
                                                                                                  weight.                                               engines or fuel cell-powered vehicles;
                                          Director, Office of Acquisition Policy.                                                                          (2) Advanced biotechnology processes
                                          [FR Doc. E8–19669 Filed 8–22–08; 8:45 am]               ADDRESSES: Written comments on the
                                                                                                  scope of the EIS should be directed to                capable of making biofuels and
                                          BILLING CODE 6820–EP–S
                                                                                                  Kristin Kerwin at the U.S. Department                 bioproducts with emphasis on
                                                                                                  of Energy Golden Field Office, 1617                   development of biorefinery technologies
                                                                                                  Cole Boulevard, Golden, Colorado                      using enzyme-based processing systems;
                                          DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                                                                             (3) Advanced biotechnology processes
                                                                                                  80401. You may also contact Ms.
                                                                                                                                                        capable of increasing energy production
                                          Notice of Intent To Prepare an                          Kerwin by telephone at 303–275–4968,
                                                                                                                                                        from lignocellulosic feedstocks, with
                                          Environmental Impact Statement and                      fascimilie at 303–275–4790, or e-mail:
                                                                                                                                                        emphasis on reducing the dependence
                                          Notice of Wetlands Involvement for the         Envelopes
                                                                                                                                                        of industry on fossil fuels in
                                          Abengoa Biorefinery Project Near                        and the subject line of e-mails should be
                                                                                                                                                        manufacturing facilities; and
                                          Hugoton, KS (DOE/EIS 0407)                              labeled ‘‘Abengoa EIS Scoping
                                                                                                                                                           (4) Other advanced processes that will
                                          AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and                    The public scoping meeting will be                 enable the development of cost-effective
                                          Renewable Energy, Department of                         held on September 10, 2008 from 6 p.m.                bioproducts, including biofuels.’’
                                                                                                                                                           Section 932(d) provides that ‘‘the
                                          Energy (DOE).                                           to 8 p.m. at the following location:
                                                                                                                                                        Secretary shall carry out a program to
                                          ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an                  Memorial Hall, Stevens County
                                                                                                                                                        demonstrate the commercial application
                                          environmental impact statement,                         Courthouse, 200 East 6th St., Hugoton,
                                                                                                                                                        of integrated biorefineries. The
                                          conduct a public scoping meeting, and                   Kansas 67951–2606.
                                                                                                                                                        Secretary shall ensure geographical
                                          opportunity for public comment; Notice                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For
                                                                                                                                                        distribution of biorefinery
                                          of Wetlands Involvement.                                information on the proposed project,                  demonstration under this subsection.
                                                                                                  information on how to comment, or to                  The Secretary shall not provide more
                                          SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of                         receive a copy of the draft EIS when it
                                          Energy (DOE) announces its intent to                                                                          than $100,000,000 under this subsection
                                                                                                  is issued, contact Kristin Kerwin by any              for any single biorefinery
                                          prepare an Environmental Impact                         of the means described in the
                                          Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National                                                                      demonstration. In making awards under
                                                                                                  ADDRESSES section above.
                                          Environmental Policy Act of 1969                                                                              this subsection, the Secretary shall
                                                                                                     For further information on the DOE
                                          (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the                                                                          encourage—
                                                                                                  Office of Energy Efficiency and                          (A) The demonstration of a wide
                                          Council on Environmental Quality                        Renewable Energy Integrated
                                          NEPA regulations (40 Code of Federal                                                                          variety of lignocellulosic feedstocks;
                                                                                                  Biorefinery Program, contact Jacques                     (B) The commercial application of
                                          Regulations [CFR] Parts 1500–1508),                     Beaudry-Losique, Biomass Program                      biomass technologies for a variety of
                                          and the DOE NEPA regulations (10 CFR                    Manager, U.S. Department of Energy,                   uses, including—
                                          Part 1021) to assess the potential                      1000 Independence Avenue, SW., EE–                       i. Liquid transportation fuels;
                                          environmental impacts of a project                      2E, 5H–021, Washington, DC 20585,                        ii. High-value biobased chemicals;
                                          proposed by Abengoa Bioenergy                           telephone: 202–586–5188, facsimile:                      iii. Substitutes for petroleum-based
                                          Biomass of Kansas, LLC (ABBK), to                       202–586–1640, e-mail:                                 feedstocks and products; and
                                          construct and operate a biomass-to-                                            iv. Energy in the form of electricity or
                                          ethanol and energy facility near                           For general information on the DOE                 useful heat; and
                                          Hugoton, Kansas (hereinafter termed                     NEPA process, please contact: Carol M.                   (C) The demonstration of the
                                          ‘‘Abengoa Biorefinery Project’’ or the                  Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA                   collection of treatment of a variety of
                                          ‘‘Project’’). DOE’s proposed action is to               Policy and Compliance (GC–20), U.S.                   biomass feedstocks.’’
                                          provide cost-share Federal funding to                   Department of Energy, 1000                               Section 932(d) further directs the
                                          ABBK to construct and operate the                       Independence Avenue, SW.,                             Secretary to solicit proposals for
                                          Project. DOE is issuing this Notice of                  Washington, DC 20585–0103; e-mail:                    demonstration of advanced biorefineries
                                          Intent to inform the public about the         ; telephone: 202–                   and to select only proposals that
                                          proposed action; announce plans to                      586–4600; leave a message at 1–800–                   demonstrate economic viability without
                                          conduct a public scoping meeting;                       472–2756; or facsimile: 202–586–7031.                 Federal subsidy after initial
                                          invite public participation in the                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            construction costs are paid and for
                                          scoping process; and solicit public                        Background and Need for Agency                     projects that are replicable.
                                          comments for consideration in                           Action: The Energy Policy Act of 2005                    In implementing section 932, DOE’s
                                          establishing the scope of the EIS,                      (EPAct 2005), Section 932, directs the                goal is to demonstrate that commercial-
                                          including the range of reasonable                       Secretary of Energy to conduct a                      scale integrated biorefineries that use a
                                          alternatives and the potential                          program of research, development,                     wide variety of lignocellulosic
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES

                                          environmental impacts to be analyzed.                   demonstration, and commercial                         feedstocks (biomass), can operate
                                          DATES: The public scoping period begins                 application for bioenergy, including,                 profitably once constructed, and can be
                                          on August 25, 2008, and will continue                   integrated biorefineries that may                     replicated. Lignocellulosic feedstock
                                          through October 9, 2008. DOE will                       produce biopower, biofuels, and                       includes energy crops, corn fiber, wood
                                          consider all comments received or                       bioproducts. Section 932 provides that                wastes, agricultural wastes such as corn

                                     VerDate Aug<31>2005   15:18 Aug 22, 2008   Jkt 214001   PO 00000   Frm 00020   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:FRFM25AUN1.SGM   25AUN1
50002                        Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 165 / Monday, August 25, 2008 / Notices

                                          stover, and certain municipal solid                     feedstocks (sorghum or corn) along with               includes the combined facility footprint
                                          wastes. DOE notes that, while the                       distillers grains with solubles, which is             of about 385 acres and a buffer area
                                          refining process for ethanol from                       a product. While the traditional grain-               between the proposed biorefinery and
                                          biomass is more complex than the                        to-ethanol facility would be constructed              the City of Hugoton to the east. Hugoton
                                          refining process for ethanol derived                    and operated with private funds, DOE                  has a population of about 3,700 and is
                                          from grain, cellulosic ethanol can yield                plans to analyze the traditional grain-to-            located in Stevens County in southwest
                                          a greater net energy benefit and result in              ethanol facility as a connected action in             KS. Land use in the area is primarily
                                          lower greenhouse gas emissions.                         the EIS.                                              agricultural in nature with cropland
                                             Accordingly, DOE issued a funding                       Proposed Action: DOE is proposing to               being the dominant use and grassland
                                          opportunity announcement for the                        provide approximately $61 million in                  being the secondary use. The area has
                                          construction and operation of                           Federal funding to ABBK for the                       diverse biomass feedstocks, numerous
                                          commercial-scale integrated                             construction and operation of a                       large cattle feedlots, and a variety of
                                          biorefineries intended to demonstrate                   commercial-scale biomass-to-ethanol                   grains grown locally.
                                          the use of a wide variety of cellulosic                 and energy facility near Hugoton, KS.                    The project site itself currently
                                          feedstocks. On February 28, 2007, DOE                   The total estimated cost (beyond the                  consists of row-cropped agricultural
                                          announced the selection of six                          initial award) for construction and                   land and is adjoined by grain elevators,
                                          biorefinery projects for negotiation of                 operation of the biomass-to-ethanol                   an asphalt plant, industrial park, and
                                          financial assistance awards. In that                    portion of the project is approximately               airport to the south; golf course and
                                          announcement, DOE proposes to invest                    $190.5 million.                                       agricultural land to the west; two
                                          up to $385 million in the six projects                     The biomass-to-ethanol facility would              residences to the northwest; and
                                          over the next four years.                               process 400 dry metric tons per day of                agricultural cropland to the north.
                                             Abengoa Bioenergy Biomass of                         biomass to produce approximately 12                   About 65 % of the site would qualify as
                                          Kansas, LLC (ABBK) of Chesterfield,                     million gallons per year (MGPY) of                    prime farmland if it were irrigated. The
                                          Missouri, was one of the six applicants                 denatured ethanol. The biomass-to-                    proposed biorefinery site and additional
                                          competitively selected for negotiation of               ethanol facility would utilize an                     buffer area to the east are currently
                                          award under DOE’s funding opportunity                   enzymatic hydrolysis process for                      zoned Agricultural, but the biorefinery
                                          announcement. Abengoa proposed an                       converting biomass feedstocks to                      location is proposed for a change to
                                          innovative approach to biorefinery                      ethanol and co-products, and a                        Heavy Industrial zoning.
                                          operations that involves production of a                gasification technology to convert                       Infrastructure required to operate the
                                          biofuel and of energy in the form of                    biomass to synthesis gas. Biomass                     proposed biorefinery would include the
                                          steam that can be used to meet energy                   feedstock would be supplied from waste                following:
                                          needs and displace fossil fuels such as                 products from the production of crops                    • Water, which would be supplied
                                          coal and natural gas. In addition, siting               produced within a 30 mile radius of the               from wells on-site and near the project
                                          the facility in Kansas would qualify                    facility, and may include sorghum                     site utilizing water rights acquired from
                                          Abengoa for state tax credits for                       stubble, corn stover, switchgrass, and                local owners;
                                          biofuels, which would make the                          other opportunity feedstocks that are                    • Electricity, which would be brought
                                          biorefinery a more viable commercial                    available in the area.                                to the project site by Pioneer Electric
                                          operation.                                                 The traditional grain-to-ethanol                   from an existing substation located a
                                             DOE granted an initial award to ABBK                 process would use 32 million bushels of               few miles to the north of the project site;
                                          to advance the conceptual design; to                    grain (sorghum and corn) to produce                      • Natural gas, which would be
                                          initiate the permitting process; and to                 approximately 88 MGPY of denatured                    brought through a lateral connection to
                                          support an environmental review under                   ethanol annually, two-thirds of which                 one of the nearby interstate pipelines or
                                          NEPA for ABBK’s proposed biomass-to-                    (i.e. that derived from sorghum) would                through the local distribution company;
                                          ethanol-and-energy facility near                        qualify as Advanced Biofuels under                       • Wastewater treatment—wastewater
                                          Hugoton, KS. DOE requires that ABBK                     Section 207 of the Energy Independence                would be treated on-site, non-contact
                                          fulfill these design, permitting, and                   and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) (Per                  cooling water will be used for irrigation;
                                          environmental review obligations prior                  EISA, Advanced Biofuels includes all                     • Railroad service would be provided
                                          to deciding whether to cofund the                       biofuels except corn-based ethanol).                  by the Cimarron Valley Short Line
                                          construction and operation phase of the                 Solids from the process will be                       which runs adjacent to the project site;
                                          project. The total anticipated cost of this             converted to animal feed, resulting in                and
                                          initial work is $37.5 million of which                  the production of up to 781,800 tons per                 • Road access would be via a truck
                                          DOE is funding 40% ($15 million) and                    year wet distillers grain with solubles               bypass route that the City of Hugoton
                                          ABBK is providing 60% ($22.5 million).                  (WDGS). The facility will have the                    intends to construct prior to the
                                             As described below, DOE is now                       capability to dry up to 50 percent of the             completion of the project.
                                          proposing to negotiate a second                         WDGS, producing a maximum of                             During construction, truck traffic to
                                          financial assistance agreement for                      152,000 tons per year of dried distiller’s            the site would be expected to average
                                          approximately $61 million for the                       grains with solubles (DDGS). The                      about 30 shipments a day. During
                                          construction and operation of the                       difference between the two sources of                 operations, truck traffic would be
                                          biomass to ethanol facility, whose                      animal feed is moisture; DDGS contains                expected to increase to about 470
                                          anticipated total cost is approximately                 approximately 10 percent moisture                     shipments a day. Most of the grain and
                                          $190.5 million.                                         while WDGS contains approximately 65                  biomass would be obtained from
                                             ABBK is also planning to construct                   percent moisture.                                     growers located near the proposed
                                          and operate a traditional grain-to-                        The overall integrated biorefinery,                facility, but about 8 million tons of grain
                                          ethanol production facility at the same                 comprising both the proposed biomass-                 would be shipped to the facility from
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES

                                          site that would integrate the biomass-to-               to-ethanol facility and the grain-to-                 non-local sources each year.
                                          ethanol facility into the overall facility.             ethanol facility, would be capable of                    Alternatives: NEPA requires that
                                          This grain-to-ethanol facility would use                producing about 100 MGPY of                           agencies evaluate reasonable
                                          a traditional starch conversion process                 denatured ethanol and would be located                alternatives to the proposed action in an
                                          to produce ethanol from grain                           on approximately 800 acres, which                     EIS. To implement the requirements of

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 165 / Monday, August 25, 2008 / Notices                                              50003

                                          EPAct 2005, Section 932(d), in a                           6. Cultural Resources: Including                   statements will not be cross-examined
                                          separate, earlier proceeding DOE                        potential effects on historic and                     by other speakers. However, DOE
                                          conducted a competitive solicitation.                   archaeological resources and Native                   representatives may ask speakers
                                          DOE received 24 applications in the                     American tribal resources.                            questions to help ensure that DOE fully
                                          response to the solicitation. Of these,                    7. Ecological Resources: Terrestrial               understands their comments or
                                          nine did not comply with statutory                      and aquatic plants and animals                        suggestions. To request time to speak at
                                          requirements for eligibility under                      including state and Federally listed                  the meeting, please contact Kristin
                                          Section 932. DOE reviewed the                           threatened and endangered species and                 Kerwin via telephone, mail, fax or e-
                                          remaining 15 applications on their                      other protected resources.                            mail as listed in the ADDRESSES section
                                          merits and, having considered the                          8. Health and safety impacts:                      of this Notice. Persons may also sign up
                                          objectives set forth in Section 932,                    Including construction-related safety                 to speak before the meeting at the
                                          selected six proposals, including                       and process-related safety associated                 reception desk at the entrance to the
                                          ABBK’s proposal for appropriate NEPA                    with handling and management of                       meeting and will be provided
                                          review. DOE selected ABBK’s proposal                    process chemicals.                                    opportunities to speak after previously
                                          for negotiation of a funding agreement                     9. Noise: Potential impacts resulting
                                                                                                                                                        scheduled speakers have spoken, as
                                          in part because of its particular scale,                from construction and operation of the
                                                                                                                                                        time allows. To ensure that everyone
                                          location, and technology.                               proposed plant and from transportation
                                                                                                                                                        who wishes to speak has a chance to do
                                             DOE will consider reasonable only                    of feedstocks, process materials, and
                                                                                                                                                        so, five minutes will be allotted to each
                                          alternatives to the proposed action that                plant byproducts.
                                                                                                     10. Socioeconomic impacts: Potential               speaker. Depending on the number of
                                          meet its purpose and need. Accordinly,                                                                        persons requesting to speak, DOE may
                                          DOE proposes to analyze the following                   socioeconomic impacts of plant
                                                                                                  construction and operation, including                 allow longer times for representatives of
                                          alternatives in detail in the EIS: (1) To
                                                                                                  effects on public services and                        organizations. Persons wishing to speak
                                          provide federal funding for the Abengoa
                                                                                                  infrastructure resulting from the influx              on behalf of an organization should
                                          Biorefinery Project as proposed by
                                                                                                  of construction personnel and plant                   identify that organization when they
                                          ABBK (the Proposed Action); (2) to
                                          provide federal funding for the Abengoa                 operating staff, and environmental                    sign up to speak.
                                          Biorefinery Project contingent on                       justice issues.                                          A complete transcript of the public
                                          implementation of environmental                            11. Aesthetic and scenic resources:                scoping meeting will be retained by
                                          mitigation measures, which would be                     Potential visual effects associated with              DOE and made available to the public
                                          determined based on the environmental                   plant structures and operations.                      for review via the Golden Field Office
                                          impact analysis in the EIS; and (3) to not                 12. Cumulative impacts that result                 Online Public Reading Room at: http://
                                          provide federal funding for the                         from the incremental impacts of the         
                                          proposed project (the No Action                         proposed plant when added to the other                Reading_Room.aspx and during
                                          alternative).                                           past, present, and reasonably                         business hours at the Department of
                                             Preliminary Identification of                        foreseeable future activities within the              Energy, Freedom of Information Reading
                                          Environmental Issues: The purpose of                    regions of influence. This may include                Room, Forrestal Building, Room 1E–90,
                                          this Notice is to solicit comments and                  potential impacts resulting from                      1000 Independence Avenue, SW.,
                                          suggestions for consideration in the                    widespread replication of this type of                Washington, DC 20585–0001.
                                          preparation of the EIS. As background                   technology.                                           Additional copies of the public scoping
                                          for public comment, this Notice                            13. Global Climate Change: Potential               meeting transcripts will be made
                                          contains a list of potential                            greenhouse gas emissions and impacts                  available during business hours at the
                                          environmental issues that DOE has                       on global climate change that may result              following location: Stevens County
                                          tentatively identified for analysis. This               from this project.                                    Library, 500 S. Monroe Street, Hugoton,
                                          list identifies resource areas that may be                 Public Scoping Process: Interested                 Kansas 67951.
                                          affected by construction and operation                  agencies, organizations, Native
                                                                                                  American tribes, and members of the                      Draft EIS Schedule and Availability:
                                          of the proposed Project and that DOE                                                                          The draft EIS is scheduled to be issued
                                          plans to analyze in the EIS. This list is               public are encouraged to submit
                                                                                                  comments or suggestions concerning the                in late 2008. The availability of the draft
                                          not intended to be all-inclusive or to                                                                        EIS will be announced in the Federal
                                          imply any predetermination of impacts.                  content of the EIS, including the range
                                                                                                  of reasonable alternatives and the                    Register and local media. The draft EIS
                                          DOE welcomes comments on this list                                                                            will be made available for public
                                          and other suggestions on the scope of                   potential environmental impacts to be
                                                                                                  analyzed. DOE invites oral comments                   inspection at the location listed above
                                          the EIS.                                                                                                      and on the Internet. Comments on the
                                             1. Water Resources: Potential impacts                and suggestions at the public scoping
                                                                                                  meeting. The public scoping period will               Draft EIS will be considered in
                                          on surface and groundwater resources
                                                                                                  be open until October 9, 2008.                        preparing the Final EIS.
                                          and water quality, including effects of
                                          water usage, wastewater management,                        Written comments should be sent to                    Interested parties who do not wish to
                                          storm water management.                                 Kristin Kerwin as described in the                    submit comments at this time, but who
                                             2. Potential impacts on apparent                     ADDRESSES section of this Notice. The                 would like to receive a copy of the draft
                                          isolated wetlands at the project site.                  public scoping meeting will be held at                EIS should contact Kristin Kerwin as
                                             3. Utility and transportation                        the location, date, and time listed in the            provided in the ADDRESSES section of
                                          infrastructure requirements for delivery                DATES and ADDRESSES sections of this                  this notice.
                                          of feedstocks and process chemicals to                  notice. This meeting will be informal. A
                                                                                                                                                          Issued in Washington, DC, on this 19th day
                                          the facility and distribution of products               presiding officer designated by DOE will
                                                                                                                                                        of August, 2008.
                                          from the facility to the marketplace.                   establish procedures governing the
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES

                                                                                                  conduct of the meeting and an overview                Alexander A. Karsner,
                                             4. Land Use: Changes in land use,
                                          including the proposed site and the                     of the proposed Project will be                       Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and
                                          geographical area that will provide                     provided. The meeting will not be                     Renewable Energy.
                                          feedstock to the proposed facility.                     conducted as an evidentiary hearing,                  [FR Doc. E8–19633 Filed 8–22–08; 8:45 am]
                                             5. Local and Regional Air Quality.                   and those who choose to make                          BILLING CODE 6450–01–P

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  • 1. Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 165 / Monday, August 25, 2008 / Notices 50001 information collection documents from postmarked by October 9, 2008, in ‘‘the goals of the biofuels and the General Services Administration, defining the scope of this EIS. bioproducts programs shall be to FAR Secretariat (VPR), Room 4041, 1800 Comments received or postmarked after develop, in partnership with industry F Street, NW, Washington, DC 20405, that date will be considered to the and institutes of higher education— telephone (202) 501–4755. Please cite extent practicable. A public scoping (1) Advanced biochemical and OMB Control No. 9000–0144, Payment meeting will be held in Memorial Hall thermochemical conversion by Electronic Funds Transfer, in all at the Stevens County Courthouse, technologies capable of making fuels correspondence. Hugoton, Kansas, on September 10, from lignocellulosic feedstocks that are Dated: August 15, 2008. 2008 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Written and price-competitive with gasoline or oral comments will be given equal diesel in either internal combustion Al Matera, weight. engines or fuel cell-powered vehicles; Director, Office of Acquisition Policy. (2) Advanced biotechnology processes [FR Doc. E8–19669 Filed 8–22–08; 8:45 am] ADDRESSES: Written comments on the scope of the EIS should be directed to capable of making biofuels and BILLING CODE 6820–EP–S Kristin Kerwin at the U.S. Department bioproducts with emphasis on of Energy Golden Field Office, 1617 development of biorefinery technologies Cole Boulevard, Golden, Colorado using enzyme-based processing systems; DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (3) Advanced biotechnology processes 80401. You may also contact Ms. capable of increasing energy production Notice of Intent To Prepare an Kerwin by telephone at 303–275–4968, from lignocellulosic feedstocks, with Environmental Impact Statement and fascimilie at 303–275–4790, or e-mail: emphasis on reducing the dependence Notice of Wetlands Involvement for the Envelopes of industry on fossil fuels in Abengoa Biorefinery Project Near and the subject line of e-mails should be manufacturing facilities; and Hugoton, KS (DOE/EIS 0407) labeled ‘‘Abengoa EIS Scoping (4) Other advanced processes that will Comments.’’ AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and The public scoping meeting will be enable the development of cost-effective Renewable Energy, Department of held on September 10, 2008 from 6 p.m. bioproducts, including biofuels.’’ Section 932(d) provides that ‘‘the Energy (DOE). to 8 p.m. at the following location: Secretary shall carry out a program to ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an Memorial Hall, Stevens County demonstrate the commercial application environmental impact statement, Courthouse, 200 East 6th St., Hugoton, of integrated biorefineries. The conduct a public scoping meeting, and Kansas 67951–2606. Secretary shall ensure geographical opportunity for public comment; Notice FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For distribution of biorefinery of Wetlands Involvement. information on the proposed project, demonstration under this subsection. information on how to comment, or to The Secretary shall not provide more SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of receive a copy of the draft EIS when it Energy (DOE) announces its intent to than $100,000,000 under this subsection is issued, contact Kristin Kerwin by any for any single biorefinery prepare an Environmental Impact of the means described in the Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National demonstration. In making awards under ADDRESSES section above. Environmental Policy Act of 1969 this subsection, the Secretary shall For further information on the DOE (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the encourage— Office of Energy Efficiency and (A) The demonstration of a wide Council on Environmental Quality Renewable Energy Integrated NEPA regulations (40 Code of Federal variety of lignocellulosic feedstocks; Biorefinery Program, contact Jacques (B) The commercial application of Regulations [CFR] Parts 1500–1508), Beaudry-Losique, Biomass Program biomass technologies for a variety of and the DOE NEPA regulations (10 CFR Manager, U.S. Department of Energy, uses, including— Part 1021) to assess the potential 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., EE– i. Liquid transportation fuels; environmental impacts of a project 2E, 5H–021, Washington, DC 20585, ii. High-value biobased chemicals; proposed by Abengoa Bioenergy telephone: 202–586–5188, facsimile: iii. Substitutes for petroleum-based Biomass of Kansas, LLC (ABBK), to 202–586–1640, e-mail: feedstocks and products; and construct and operate a biomass-to- iv. Energy in the form of electricity or ethanol and energy facility near For general information on the DOE useful heat; and Hugoton, Kansas (hereinafter termed NEPA process, please contact: Carol M. (C) The demonstration of the ‘‘Abengoa Biorefinery Project’’ or the Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA collection of treatment of a variety of ‘‘Project’’). DOE’s proposed action is to Policy and Compliance (GC–20), U.S. biomass feedstocks.’’ provide cost-share Federal funding to Department of Energy, 1000 Section 932(d) further directs the ABBK to construct and operate the Independence Avenue, SW., Secretary to solicit proposals for Project. DOE is issuing this Notice of Washington, DC 20585–0103; e-mail: demonstration of advanced biorefineries Intent to inform the public about the; telephone: 202– and to select only proposals that proposed action; announce plans to 586–4600; leave a message at 1–800– demonstrate economic viability without conduct a public scoping meeting; 472–2756; or facsimile: 202–586–7031. Federal subsidy after initial invite public participation in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: construction costs are paid and for scoping process; and solicit public Background and Need for Agency projects that are replicable. comments for consideration in Action: The Energy Policy Act of 2005 In implementing section 932, DOE’s establishing the scope of the EIS, (EPAct 2005), Section 932, directs the goal is to demonstrate that commercial- including the range of reasonable Secretary of Energy to conduct a scale integrated biorefineries that use a alternatives and the potential program of research, development, wide variety of lignocellulosic ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES environmental impacts to be analyzed. demonstration, and commercial feedstocks (biomass), can operate DATES: The public scoping period begins application for bioenergy, including, profitably once constructed, and can be on August 25, 2008, and will continue integrated biorefineries that may replicated. Lignocellulosic feedstock through October 9, 2008. DOE will produce biopower, biofuels, and includes energy crops, corn fiber, wood consider all comments received or bioproducts. Section 932 provides that wastes, agricultural wastes such as corn VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:18 Aug 22, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM25AUN1.SGM 25AUN1
  • 2. 50002 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 165 / Monday, August 25, 2008 / Notices stover, and certain municipal solid feedstocks (sorghum or corn) along with includes the combined facility footprint wastes. DOE notes that, while the distillers grains with solubles, which is of about 385 acres and a buffer area refining process for ethanol from a product. While the traditional grain- between the proposed biorefinery and biomass is more complex than the to-ethanol facility would be constructed the City of Hugoton to the east. Hugoton refining process for ethanol derived and operated with private funds, DOE has a population of about 3,700 and is from grain, cellulosic ethanol can yield plans to analyze the traditional grain-to- located in Stevens County in southwest a greater net energy benefit and result in ethanol facility as a connected action in KS. Land use in the area is primarily lower greenhouse gas emissions. the EIS. agricultural in nature with cropland Accordingly, DOE issued a funding Proposed Action: DOE is proposing to being the dominant use and grassland opportunity announcement for the provide approximately $61 million in being the secondary use. The area has construction and operation of Federal funding to ABBK for the diverse biomass feedstocks, numerous commercial-scale integrated construction and operation of a large cattle feedlots, and a variety of biorefineries intended to demonstrate commercial-scale biomass-to-ethanol grains grown locally. the use of a wide variety of cellulosic and energy facility near Hugoton, KS. The project site itself currently feedstocks. On February 28, 2007, DOE The total estimated cost (beyond the consists of row-cropped agricultural announced the selection of six initial award) for construction and land and is adjoined by grain elevators, biorefinery projects for negotiation of operation of the biomass-to-ethanol an asphalt plant, industrial park, and financial assistance awards. In that portion of the project is approximately airport to the south; golf course and announcement, DOE proposes to invest $190.5 million. agricultural land to the west; two up to $385 million in the six projects The biomass-to-ethanol facility would residences to the northwest; and over the next four years. process 400 dry metric tons per day of agricultural cropland to the north. Abengoa Bioenergy Biomass of biomass to produce approximately 12 About 65 % of the site would qualify as Kansas, LLC (ABBK) of Chesterfield, million gallons per year (MGPY) of prime farmland if it were irrigated. The Missouri, was one of the six applicants denatured ethanol. The biomass-to- proposed biorefinery site and additional competitively selected for negotiation of ethanol facility would utilize an buffer area to the east are currently award under DOE’s funding opportunity enzymatic hydrolysis process for zoned Agricultural, but the biorefinery announcement. Abengoa proposed an converting biomass feedstocks to location is proposed for a change to innovative approach to biorefinery ethanol and co-products, and a Heavy Industrial zoning. operations that involves production of a gasification technology to convert Infrastructure required to operate the biofuel and of energy in the form of biomass to synthesis gas. Biomass proposed biorefinery would include the steam that can be used to meet energy feedstock would be supplied from waste following: needs and displace fossil fuels such as products from the production of crops • Water, which would be supplied coal and natural gas. In addition, siting produced within a 30 mile radius of the from wells on-site and near the project the facility in Kansas would qualify facility, and may include sorghum site utilizing water rights acquired from Abengoa for state tax credits for stubble, corn stover, switchgrass, and local owners; biofuels, which would make the other opportunity feedstocks that are • Electricity, which would be brought biorefinery a more viable commercial available in the area. to the project site by Pioneer Electric operation. The traditional grain-to-ethanol from an existing substation located a DOE granted an initial award to ABBK process would use 32 million bushels of few miles to the north of the project site; to advance the conceptual design; to grain (sorghum and corn) to produce • Natural gas, which would be initiate the permitting process; and to approximately 88 MGPY of denatured brought through a lateral connection to support an environmental review under ethanol annually, two-thirds of which one of the nearby interstate pipelines or NEPA for ABBK’s proposed biomass-to- (i.e. that derived from sorghum) would through the local distribution company; ethanol-and-energy facility near qualify as Advanced Biofuels under • Wastewater treatment—wastewater Hugoton, KS. DOE requires that ABBK Section 207 of the Energy Independence would be treated on-site, non-contact fulfill these design, permitting, and and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) (Per cooling water will be used for irrigation; environmental review obligations prior EISA, Advanced Biofuels includes all • Railroad service would be provided to deciding whether to cofund the biofuels except corn-based ethanol). by the Cimarron Valley Short Line construction and operation phase of the Solids from the process will be which runs adjacent to the project site; project. The total anticipated cost of this converted to animal feed, resulting in and initial work is $37.5 million of which the production of up to 781,800 tons per • Road access would be via a truck DOE is funding 40% ($15 million) and year wet distillers grain with solubles bypass route that the City of Hugoton ABBK is providing 60% ($22.5 million). (WDGS). The facility will have the intends to construct prior to the As described below, DOE is now capability to dry up to 50 percent of the completion of the project. proposing to negotiate a second WDGS, producing a maximum of During construction, truck traffic to financial assistance agreement for 152,000 tons per year of dried distiller’s the site would be expected to average approximately $61 million for the grains with solubles (DDGS). The about 30 shipments a day. During construction and operation of the difference between the two sources of operations, truck traffic would be biomass to ethanol facility, whose animal feed is moisture; DDGS contains expected to increase to about 470 anticipated total cost is approximately approximately 10 percent moisture shipments a day. Most of the grain and $190.5 million. while WDGS contains approximately 65 biomass would be obtained from ABBK is also planning to construct percent moisture. growers located near the proposed and operate a traditional grain-to- The overall integrated biorefinery, facility, but about 8 million tons of grain ethanol production facility at the same comprising both the proposed biomass- would be shipped to the facility from ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES site that would integrate the biomass-to- to-ethanol facility and the grain-to- non-local sources each year. ethanol facility into the overall facility. ethanol facility, would be capable of Alternatives: NEPA requires that This grain-to-ethanol facility would use producing about 100 MGPY of agencies evaluate reasonable a traditional starch conversion process denatured ethanol and would be located alternatives to the proposed action in an to produce ethanol from grain on approximately 800 acres, which EIS. To implement the requirements of VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:18 Aug 22, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM25AUN1.SGM 25AUN1
  • 3. Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 165 / Monday, August 25, 2008 / Notices 50003 EPAct 2005, Section 932(d), in a 6. Cultural Resources: Including statements will not be cross-examined separate, earlier proceeding DOE potential effects on historic and by other speakers. However, DOE conducted a competitive solicitation. archaeological resources and Native representatives may ask speakers DOE received 24 applications in the American tribal resources. questions to help ensure that DOE fully response to the solicitation. Of these, 7. Ecological Resources: Terrestrial understands their comments or nine did not comply with statutory and aquatic plants and animals suggestions. To request time to speak at requirements for eligibility under including state and Federally listed the meeting, please contact Kristin Section 932. DOE reviewed the threatened and endangered species and Kerwin via telephone, mail, fax or e- remaining 15 applications on their other protected resources. mail as listed in the ADDRESSES section merits and, having considered the 8. Health and safety impacts: of this Notice. Persons may also sign up objectives set forth in Section 932, Including construction-related safety to speak before the meeting at the selected six proposals, including and process-related safety associated reception desk at the entrance to the ABBK’s proposal for appropriate NEPA with handling and management of meeting and will be provided review. DOE selected ABBK’s proposal process chemicals. opportunities to speak after previously for negotiation of a funding agreement 9. Noise: Potential impacts resulting scheduled speakers have spoken, as in part because of its particular scale, from construction and operation of the time allows. To ensure that everyone location, and technology. proposed plant and from transportation who wishes to speak has a chance to do DOE will consider reasonable only of feedstocks, process materials, and so, five minutes will be allotted to each alternatives to the proposed action that plant byproducts. 10. Socioeconomic impacts: Potential speaker. Depending on the number of meet its purpose and need. Accordinly, persons requesting to speak, DOE may DOE proposes to analyze the following socioeconomic impacts of plant construction and operation, including allow longer times for representatives of alternatives in detail in the EIS: (1) To effects on public services and organizations. Persons wishing to speak provide federal funding for the Abengoa infrastructure resulting from the influx on behalf of an organization should Biorefinery Project as proposed by of construction personnel and plant identify that organization when they ABBK (the Proposed Action); (2) to provide federal funding for the Abengoa operating staff, and environmental sign up to speak. Biorefinery Project contingent on justice issues. A complete transcript of the public implementation of environmental 11. Aesthetic and scenic resources: scoping meeting will be retained by mitigation measures, which would be Potential visual effects associated with DOE and made available to the public determined based on the environmental plant structures and operations. for review via the Golden Field Office impact analysis in the EIS; and (3) to not 12. Cumulative impacts that result Online Public Reading Room at: http:// provide federal funding for the from the incremental impacts of the proposed project (the No Action proposed plant when added to the other Reading_Room.aspx and during alternative). past, present, and reasonably business hours at the Department of Preliminary Identification of foreseeable future activities within the Energy, Freedom of Information Reading Environmental Issues: The purpose of regions of influence. This may include Room, Forrestal Building, Room 1E–90, this Notice is to solicit comments and potential impacts resulting from 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., suggestions for consideration in the widespread replication of this type of Washington, DC 20585–0001. preparation of the EIS. As background technology. Additional copies of the public scoping for public comment, this Notice 13. Global Climate Change: Potential meeting transcripts will be made contains a list of potential greenhouse gas emissions and impacts available during business hours at the environmental issues that DOE has on global climate change that may result following location: Stevens County tentatively identified for analysis. This from this project. Library, 500 S. Monroe Street, Hugoton, list identifies resource areas that may be Public Scoping Process: Interested Kansas 67951. affected by construction and operation agencies, organizations, Native American tribes, and members of the Draft EIS Schedule and Availability: of the proposed Project and that DOE The draft EIS is scheduled to be issued plans to analyze in the EIS. This list is public are encouraged to submit comments or suggestions concerning the in late 2008. The availability of the draft not intended to be all-inclusive or to EIS will be announced in the Federal imply any predetermination of impacts. content of the EIS, including the range of reasonable alternatives and the Register and local media. The draft EIS DOE welcomes comments on this list will be made available for public and other suggestions on the scope of potential environmental impacts to be analyzed. DOE invites oral comments inspection at the location listed above the EIS. and on the Internet. Comments on the 1. Water Resources: Potential impacts and suggestions at the public scoping meeting. The public scoping period will Draft EIS will be considered in on surface and groundwater resources be open until October 9, 2008. preparing the Final EIS. and water quality, including effects of water usage, wastewater management, Written comments should be sent to Interested parties who do not wish to storm water management. Kristin Kerwin as described in the submit comments at this time, but who 2. Potential impacts on apparent ADDRESSES section of this Notice. The would like to receive a copy of the draft isolated wetlands at the project site. public scoping meeting will be held at EIS should contact Kristin Kerwin as 3. Utility and transportation the location, date, and time listed in the provided in the ADDRESSES section of infrastructure requirements for delivery DATES and ADDRESSES sections of this this notice. of feedstocks and process chemicals to notice. This meeting will be informal. A Issued in Washington, DC, on this 19th day the facility and distribution of products presiding officer designated by DOE will of August, 2008. from the facility to the marketplace. establish procedures governing the ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES conduct of the meeting and an overview Alexander A. Karsner, 4. Land Use: Changes in land use, including the proposed site and the of the proposed Project will be Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and geographical area that will provide provided. The meeting will not be Renewable Energy. feedstock to the proposed facility. conducted as an evidentiary hearing, [FR Doc. E8–19633 Filed 8–22–08; 8:45 am] 5. Local and Regional Air Quality. and those who choose to make BILLING CODE 6450–01–P VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:18 Aug 22, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM25AUN1.SGM 25AUN1