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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 96 / Friday, May 16, 2008 / Notices                                           28437

                                          DATE AND TIME:   Tuesday, May 20, 2008,                 project in the Port of Long Beach. The                the hills between Chatsworth and Simi
                                          4 p.m.–5:30 p.m.                                        Corps is considering an application for               Valley, CA, was developed as a remote
                                          PLACE : Corporation for National and                    Section 404 and Section 10 permits to                 site to test rocket engines and conduct
                                          Community Service; 8th Floor; 1201                      conduct dredge and fill activities                    nuclear research. Area IV was
                                          New York Avenue, NW., Washington,                       associated with the proposed                          established at the SSFL in 1953 and
                                          DC 20525.                                               consolidation of Piers D, E and F into a              occupies 290 acres of the SSFL. The
                                          STATUS: Open.
                                                                                                  single 345-acre marine terminal with a                DOE Energy Technology Engineering
                                                                                                  4,250-foot-long wharf at build-out. This              Center (ETEC) is located on 90 acres
                                          MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED:
                                                                                                  would include redevelopment of 294                    within SSFL Area IV.
                                          I. Chair’s Opening Comments                             acres of existing land, creation of 10.7                 DOE is preparing the EIS in part as a
                                          II. Consideration of Previous Meetings                  acres of new open water and the                       response to a May 2, 2007, decision by
                                                Minutes                                           placement of dredged material in 65.3                 the U.S. District Court of Northern
                                          III. CEO Report                                         acres open water for a net gain of                    California that DOE was in violation of
                                          IV. Committee Reports                                   approximately 54.6 acres of new land in               NEPA for its 2003 decision to issue a
                                             • MAG Committee                                      the consolidated terminal. The new                    Finding of No Significant Impact
                                             • Program Committee                                  terminal, which would be constructed                  (FONSI), and to conduct remediation of
                                             • Strategic Partnerships Committee                   over a 10-year time period, is intended               the ETEC site, on the basis of an
                                          V. Impact of AmeriCorps Week and the                    to accommodate increasing cargo                       environmental assessment (EA) rather
                                                Longitudinal Study                                volumes being produced by the new                     than an EIS.
                                             Presentation by Millicent Williams,                  generation of larger container vessels,
                                                Executive Director, Serve DC and                                                                           DOE recognizes the need to follow the
                                                                                                  and would include four deep-water                     NEPA process and will evaluate the
                                                Sally Prouty, President and CEO of                berths, a container terminal yard, and an
                                                The Corps Network                                                                                       range of reasonable alternatives for
                                                                                                  intermodal rail yard.                                 remediation of SSFL Area IV. DOE will
                                             VI. Public Comments                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      evaluate alternatives for disposition of
                                             Accomodations: Anyone who needs                      Comments and questions regarding                      radiological facilities and support
                                          an interpreter or other accommodation                   scoping of the Draft EIS/EIR may be                   buildings, remediation of the affected
                                          should notify the Corporation’s contact                 addressed to: U.S. Army Corps of                      environment, and disposal of all
                                          person by 5 p.m. on Monday, May 19,                     Engineers, Los Angeles District,                      resulting waste at existing, approved
                                          2008.                                                   Regulatory Branch, ATTN: File Number                  sites. DOE will consider the cumulative
                                          FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa                      2004–01053–AOA, P.O. Box 532711,                      impacts from exposure to chemical and
                                          Guccione, Office of the CEO,                            Los Angeles, California 90053–2325.                   radiological constituents in SSFL Area
                                          Corporation for National and                            Comments or questions can also be sent                IV from future land uses.
                                          Community Service, 10th Floor, Room                     to Stacey Crouch, Port of Long Beach,                    DOE invites public comment on the
                                          10207, 1201 New York Avenue, NW.,                       P.O. Box 570, Long Beach, CA 90801–                   scope of this EIS during a scoping
                                          Washington, DC 20525. Phone (202)                       0570. Phone messages or questions                     period that will end August 14, 2008.
                                          606–6637. Fax (202) 606–3460. TDD:                      should be directed to Antal Szijj at 805–             During this period, DOE officials will
                                          (202) 606–3472. E-mail:                                 585–2147.                                             conduct public scoping meetings in the
                                                                        Dated: April 29, 2008.                              region surrounding the SSFL and in
                                            Dated: May 13, 2008.                                  Mark Durham,                                          Sacramento, California, to provide the
                                          Frank R. Trinity,                                       Acting Chief, Regulatory Division, Los                public and other stakeholders with an
                                          General Counsel.                                        Angeles District, Corps of Engineers.                 opportunity to comment on the scope of
                                          [FR Doc. 08–1269 Filed 5–13–08; 4:33 pm]                [FR Doc. E8–10908 Filed 5–15–08; 8:45 am]             the EIS. DOE recognizes the value of the
                                          BILLING CODE 6050–$$–P                                  BILLING CODE 3710–KF–P                                public’s perspectives, and will inform,
                                                                                                                                                        involve, and interact with the public
                                                                                                                                                        during all phases of the EIS process.
                                          DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                   DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                     DOE is issuing this Notice of Intent
                                                                                                                                                        (NOI) in order to inform and request
                                          Department of the Army, Corps of                        Notice of Intent To Prepare an                        comments and assistance from Federal
                                          Engineers                                               Environmental Impact Statement for                    and state agencies, state and local
                                                                                                  Remediation of Area IV of the Santa                   governments, Tribal Nations, natural
                                          Notice of Availability for the Draft                    Susana Field Laboratory and Conduct                   resource trustees, the general public,
                                          Environmental Impact Statement/                         Public Scoping Meetings                               and other interested parties on the
                                          Environmental Impact Report for the                                                                           appropriate scope of the EIS,
                                          Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project                     AGENCY: Office of Environmental
                                                                                                                                                        alternatives, environmental issues, and
                                          of the Port of Long Beach, Los                          Management, Department of Energy.
                                                                                                                                                        the environmental impacts related to
                                          Angeles County, CA                                      ACTION: Notice of Intent To Prepare an                DOE’s remediation activities for SSFL
                                                                                                  Environmental Impact Statement and                    Area IV. DOE invites those agencies
                                          AGENCY: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,                   Conduct Public Scoping Meetings.                      with jurisdiction by law or special
                                          Los Angeles District, DoD.
                                                                                                  SUMMARY:  The Department of Energy                    expertise to be cooperating agencies.
                                          ACTION: Notice of Availability (NOA).
                                                                                                  (DOE) announces its intent to prepare                 DATES:  The public scoping period starts
                                          SUMMARY:  The U.S. Army Corps of                        an Environmental Impact Statement                     May 16, 2008 and will continue until
                                          Engineers, Los Angeles District (Corps)                 (EIS) and conduct public scoping                      August 14, 2008. DOE will consider all
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                                          in coordination with the Port of Long                   meetings under the National                           comments received or postmarked by
                                          Beach has completed a Draft                             Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for                   August 14, 2008, in defining the scope
                                          Environmental Impact Statement/                         remediation of Area IV of the Santa                   of this EIS. Comments received or
                                          Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR)                   Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL Area IV).               postmarked after that date will be
                                          for the Middle Harbor Redevelopment                     The SSFL, approximately 2,852 acres in                considered to the extent practicable.

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28438                            Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 96 / Friday, May 16, 2008 / Notices

                                          ADDRESSES:   Public scoping meetings                      • Woodland Hills, California: Platt                 in some of the reactor coolant channels
                                          will be held to provide the public with                 Branch Library, 23600 Victory Blvd.,                  resulting in the partial melting of the
                                          an opportunity to present comments on                   (818) 340–9386; and                                   fuel cladding in 13 of the 43 reactor fuel
                                          the scope of the EIS and to learn more                    • Northridge, California: California                assemblies. Radioactive gases from the
                                          about the proposed action from DOE                      State University Northridge Oviatt                    accident were contained within the
                                          officials. Public scoping meetings will be              Library, 2nd Floor, Room 265, (818)                   facility. Over a period of two months,
                                          held at the following locations on the                  677–2285.                                             the gases were vented and released to
                                          following days and times:                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            the atmosphere. The controlled releases
                                             • Simi Valley, California: Grand Vista               Background
                                                                                                                                                        were always below those levels allowed
                                          Hotel, 999 Enchanted Way, July 22,                                                                            by requirements in existence both then
                                          2008, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to                    SSFL, located on approximately 2,852               and today. Following cleanup, the
                                          9:30 p.m.;                                              acres in the hills between Chatsworth                 facility was refueled, brought back
                                             • Northridge, California: World                      and Simi Valley, CA, was developed as                 online, and operated until February
                                          Vision Church, 19514 Rinaldi Street,                    a remote site to test rocket engines and              1964. All SSFL reactor operations ended
                                          July 23, 2008, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 6:30                conduct nuclear research. The Atomics                 in 1980 and nuclear research work was
                                          p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; and                                  International Unit of Rockwell                        completed in 1988. Cleanup of ETEC
                                                                                                  International’s Canoga Park-based                     began in the 1960s and was performed
                                             • Sacramento, California: Sacramento
                                                                                                  Rocketdyne Division began testing in                  in an ongoing manner as unnecessary
                                          Central Library, 828 I Street, July 24,                 1947. An estimated 17,000 open-air                    facilities were decommissioned.
                                          2008, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to                 rocket tests that supported the space                    In March 2003, DOE issued an
                                          9:30 p.m.                                               program were conducted at the site. In                Environmental Assessment for Cleanup
                                             Written comments on the scope of the                 1996, Rockwell International sold its                 and Closure of the Energy Technology
                                          EIS should be sent to: Ms. Stephanie                    aerospace and defense business,                       Engineering Center, DOE/EA–1345.
                                          Jennings, NEPA Document Manager,                        including the SSFL, to The Boeing                     Based on the results of the EA, DOE
                                          U.S. Department of Energy, P.O. Box                     Company (Boeing).                                     determined that an EIS was not required
                                          10300, Canoga Park, CA 91309, Express                      SSFL is divided into four                          and issued a FONSI in March 2003.
                                          Mail Delivery Address: 5800 Woolsey                     administrative areas, Areas I, II, III, and              Comments on the Environmental
                                          Canyon Road, Canoga Park, CA 91304,                     IV, and two undeveloped land areas.                   Assessment were received by DOE from
                                          telephone number: 818–466–8162, fax:                    Area I consists of about 713 acres,                   Federal and State agencies, elected
                                          818–466–8730, or e-mail to                              including 671 acres that are owned and                officials, and from local community
                                 (use                   operated by Boeing and 42 acres that are              members. The comments addressed the
                                          ‘‘Scoping comments’’ for the subject).                  owned by the National Aeronautics and                 following concerns:
                                             All comments whether offered in                      Space Administration (NASA) and                          U.S. Environmental Protection
                                          person at the scoping meeting, or in                    operated for it by Boeing. Area II                    Agency, Region 9 (EPA) said that the EA
                                          writing as described above will be                      consists of about 410 acres that are                  did not clearly identify the decisions
                                          considered.                                             owned by NASA and operated for it by                  that were to be made, how those
                                                                                                  Boeing. Area III consists of about 114                decisions related to each other, or how
                                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:       To
                                                                                                  acres that are owned and operated by                  or when the decisions would be made.
                                          request further information about this
                                                                                                  Boeing. Area IV consists of about 290                 EPA also expressed concern that the
                                          EIS or about the public scoping
                                                                                                  acres that are owned by Boeing, a                     conclusions reached by DOE in the EA
                                          activities, or to be placed on the EIS                                                                        were based upon inadequate standards
                                                                                                  portion of which it operated for the
                                          distribution list, use any of the methods                                                                     and information. EPA stated: ‘‘* * *
                                                                                                  DOE. Boeing also owns a contiguous
                                          (mail, express mail, fax, telephone, or e-                                                                    that the [Comprehensive Environmental
                                                                                                  undeveloped land area of 1,143 acres to
                                          mail) listed under ADDRESSES above. For                                                                       Response, Compensation and Liability
                                                                                                  the south and a contiguous undeveloped
                                          general information concerning the DOE                  land area of 182 acres to the north.                  Act (CERCLA)] process should be used
                                          NEPA process, contact Carol Borgstrom,                     Starting in the mid-1950s, the Atomic              to evaluate and select a cleanup
                                          Director, Office of NEPA Policy and                     Energy Commission (AEC), a                            alternative.’’
                                          Compliance (GC–20), U.S. Department                     predecessor agency of DOE, funded                        EPA and the State of California
                                          of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue,                    nuclear energy research on a 90-acre                  Department of Toxic Substances Control
                                          SW., Washington, DC 20585–0119, e-                      parcel of SSFL Area IV leased from                    (DTSC) criticized the Rocketdyne survey
                                          mail to:,                            Rocketdyne. ETEC was established by                   of radiological contamination, which
                                          telephone: 202–586–4600, leave a                        the AEC on this parcel in the early                   the EA relied upon, as being insufficient
                                          message at 1–800–472–2756, or fax:                      1960s as a ‘‘center of excellence’’ for               for not addressing multiple exposures to
                                          202–586–7031.                                           liquid metals technology.                             radiological contamination,
                                             This NOI will be available on the                       A total of 10 small reactors were built            contamination through combinations of
                                          internet at:                     for various research activities over the              radiological and chemical
                                          NEPA and at http://                                     years of operation. The most notable of               contamination, and contamination from
                                , click on the Area                  the reactors was the Sodium Reactor                   different radionuclides. They also
                                          IV EIS link on the toolbar. Further                     Experiment (SRE). SRE was an                          expressed concern that there was no
                                          information about SSFL Area IV can be                   experimental development-stage                        plan to examine SSFL Area IV beyond
                                          found at and                 sodium-cooled nuclear reactor that                    the 90 acres of ETEC, that groundwater
                                          click on the SSFL Area IV EIS link in                   operated from April 1957 to February                  contamination was not addressed, and
                                          the toolbar.                                            1964 at the SSFL. SRE was the first                   that there was a failure to address past
                                             Reading rooms with information                       commercial nuclear power plant to                     releases of contamination.
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                                          about the SSFL Area IV are available to                 provide electricity to the public                        The City of Los Angeles and local
                                          the public and are located in:                          (powering the City of Moorpark in                     community members expressed concern
                                             • Simi Valley, California: Simi Valley               1957). An accident occurred at the SRE                that DOE did not adequately consider
                                          Library, 2969 Tapo Canyon Road, (805)                   in July 1959 when there was an                        the effects of releases and remediation
                                          526–1735;                                               accidental blockage of sodium coolant                 on the surrounding communities.

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 96 / Friday, May 16, 2008 / Notices                                            28439

                                          Senator Barbara Boxer expressed                         section 25187. This Order requires the                under CERCLA. Consequently, EPA sent
                                          concern with proposed waste disposal                    respondents to clean up all chemically-               a letter dated December 6, 2007, to the
                                          methods and with the intention to leave                 contaminated soils at SSFL by 2017 or                 Governor of California requesting his
                                          a substantial amount of radioactive soil                earlier, provides the option for DTSC to              concurrence in the listing. In response,
                                          in place. The Committee to Bridge the                   require additional work to be conducted               the California Environmental Protection
                                          Gap criticized DOE for assuming the site                offsite of SSFL Area IV to assess air,                Agency, in a letter dated January 15,
                                          would be suitable in the future for                     soil, and water contamination and                     2008, asked that EPA defer for six
                                          residential development. Local                          requires the preparation of an                        months the decision regarding whether
                                          community members were concerned                        Environmental Impact Report (EIR),                    to propose listing for this site. EPA
                                          with what DOE proposed as an                            pursuant to the California                            Region 9 agreed to defer listing SSFL
                                          acceptable rate of increased cancer risk.               Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).                     until July 2008.
                                             DOE is now preparing an SSFL Area                    DTSC may use information in the EIS in                   As part of the FY 2008 appropriations,
                                          IV EIS in response to the U.S. District                 its preparation of the EIR.                           Congress mandated that DOE shall use
                                          Court of Northern California’s May 2,                      DOE issued an Advance Notice of                    a portion of the funding for ETEC to
                                          2007, ruling in the case Natural                        Intent (ANOI), 72 FR 58834 (October 17,               enter into an interagency agreement
                                          Resources Defense Council v.                            2007), to prepare an EIS for SSFL Area                (IAG) with EPA to conduct a joint
                                          Department of Energy Slip Op. 2007 WL                   IV and to conduct Public Involvement                  comprehensive radioactive site
                                          2349288 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 15, 2007),                      Activities in order to inform and request             characterization of Area IV and ensure
                                          which held that DOE’s decision to issue                 early comments and assistance. Informal               that all aspects of the cleanup of the
                                          a FONSI and conduct cleanup and                         discussions resulting from publication                radioactive contamination comply fully
                                          closure on the basis of DOE/EA–1345                     of the ANOI with both members of the                  with CERCLA. DOE and EPA are
                                          was in violation of NEPA. The Court                     public and other stakeholders aided in                negotiating the terms of the IAG, and the
                                          ordered DOE to prepare an EIS for SSFL                  the development of this NOI.                          associated scope of the site
                                          Area IV in accordance with NEPA. The                       DOE has conducted interviews with                  characterization.
                                          Court further prevented the DOE from                    interested parties. The purpose of these                 DOE is collecting updated
                                          transferring ownership or possession, or                interviews was to learn about concerns                information that it will incorporate into
                                          otherwise relinquishing control over                    with the proposed remediation of SSFL                 the EIS analysis. A data gap analysis
                                          any portion of SSFL Area IV, until DOE                  Area IV as well as the public’s                       was conducted to evaluate the usability
                                          completes the EIS and issues a Record                   preferences for being involved during                 and acceptability of existing data, and to
                                          of Decision pursuant to NEPA. In                        the development of the EIS. This broad                identify any additional data that may be
                                          response to requests from DTSC and the                  cross section of individuals includes                 needed to support the EIS. Results of the
                                          California Congressional delegation,                    neighbors of the SSFL, individuals who                data gaps analysis will be shared with
                                          DOE suspended the physical demolition                   have been active in previous SSFL                     interested parties in June 2008, and will
                                          and removal activities for the remaining                actions, former employees, elected and                also be made available on the Web site
                                          facilities at ETEC, except for those                    appointed local, state, and Federal                   (, click on
                                          activities necessary to maintain the site               officials, representatives of local and               Area IV EIS in the toolbar) . A follow-
                                          in a safe and stable configuration. DOE                 national environmental groups,                        on field analysis and sampling plan will
                                          will continue surveillance,                             members of local neighborhood                         be developed and will also be shared
                                          maintenance, and environmental                          associations, organizations, and the                  with interested parties in August 2008.
                                          monitoring, including soil and                          business community. This sampling of a                Dates, locations and times for these
                                          groundwater characterization required                   wide range of perspectives is enhancing               workshops on the draft gap analysis and
                                          under the Resource Conservation and                     the development of future public                      availability of the subsequent draft
                                          Recovery Act (RCRA), the California                     involvement activities. The report of                 sampling and analysis plans will be
                                          Health and Safety Code section 25187,                   these interviews and associated                       announced through the site mailing list,
                                          and DOE Orders, while it prepares the                   recommendations for improvements in                   the local media, and on the Web site.
                                          EIS.                                                    public involvement activities will be                 The draft gap analysis, field analysis,
                                             In addition to the investigation and                 posted on the Web site listed in the FOR              and sampling plans will all be available
                                          evaluation of individual soils                          FURTHER INFORMATION SECTION of this                   in the public reading rooms listed
                                          contamination areas under the                           NOI.                                                  above. Printed copies of documents may
                                          requirements of RCRA, DOE, Boeing and                      In October 2007, California Senate                 be obtained from Ms. Jennings at the
                                          NASA also are required to investigate                   Bill 990 (SB 990) was signed into law.                location listed in the above ADDRESSES
                                          and evaluate the groundwater for                        SB 990 requires the DTSC to certify that              section.
                                          development of potential cleanup or                     the SSFL has been completely
                                          interim actions. The EIS will address                   remediated so that the cumulative risk                Purpose and Need for Agency Action
                                          groundwater contamination and                           of exposure from residual chemical and                  DOE needs to complete remediation
                                          contributors to the contamination                       radiological contamination does not                   of SSFL Area IV to comply with
                                          related to Area IV. All prior and                       exceed a risk range premised on future                applicable requirements and for
                                          currently planned interim corrective                    land use of either suburban or rural                  radiological and hazardous
                                          action activities under the DTSC                        residential. Until this certification is              contaminants.
                                          administered Consent Order are located                  completed, the land at SSFL cannot be
                                          outside of Area IV and will be evaluated                transferred or sold.                                  Alternatives
                                          to determine if any impact on the                          In December 2007, the EPA                            In the EIS, DOE will describe the
                                          groundwater plumes within Area IV                       announced the results of a Hazard                     statutory and regulatory requirements
                                          exist.                                                  Ranking Survey it had conducted at                    for each remediation alternative and
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES

                                             In August 2007, DTSC issued a RCRA                   SSFL beginning in Spring 2007.                        whether legislation or regulatory
                                          Consent Order to DOE, NASA, and                         Although EPA could not reveal the final               modifications may be needed to
                                          Boeing (as respondents) pursuant to its                 score, EPA indicated that the score                   implement the alternative under
                                          authority over hazardous waste under                    exceeded the threshold for listing SSFL               consideration. The EIS will present the
                                          the California Health and Safety Code                   on the National Priority List for cleanup             health and environmental consequences

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28440                            Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 96 / Friday, May 16, 2008 / Notices

                                          of the alternatives in comparative form                 analysis in the SSFL Area IV EIS. This                of the ANOI with both members of the
                                          to provide a clear basis for informed                   list is presented to facilitate comment               public and other stakeholders aided in
                                          decision making. In summary, DOE                        during the public involvement activities              the development of this NOI.
                                          proposes to evaluate the alternatives                   on the scope of the EIS. These impacts                   DOE is issuing the NOI, pursuant to
                                          listed below:                                           include:                                              40 CFR 1501.7 and 10 CFR 1021.311, in
                                             • Alternative 1: No Action—This                         • Potential health and safety impacts              order to inform and request comments
                                          alternative involves the cessation of all               to the general population, and to                     and assistance from Federal and state
                                          DOE management and oversight of SSFL                    workers, and to the environment from                  agencies, state and local governments,
                                          Area IV. The buildings would remain                     radiological and non-radiological                     natural resource trustees, the general
                                          and would not be monitored or                           releases;                                             public, and other interested parties on
                                          maintained. Unmitigated natural                            • Potential transportation impacts                 the scope of the EIS, environmental
                                          processes, including erosion,                           from the shipment of radiological and                 issues, alternatives to be analyzed, and
                                          groundwater transport of contamination                  non-radiological wastes to disposal                   the potential environmental impacts
                                          and concrete degradation, would be                      sites;                                                related to DOE’s potential activities at
                                          assumed to occur. The purposes of                          • Potential impacts from accidents                 this site. The NOI is also being issued
                                          evaluating this alternative are to                      that might occur (e.g., accidents                     to notify the public and other
                                          establish the baseline against which the                associated with removal and                           stakeholders of the scoping meetings to
                                          environmental impacts from all other                    transportation of contaminated media);                be held as described. In addition, DOE
                                          alternatives are compared and to justify                   • Potential impacts from intentional               will provide progress updates to the
                                          the proposed action. NEPA regulations                   destructive acts;                                     public and other stakeholders
                                          require analysis of a no action                            • Land use impacts;                                throughout all phases of the EIS process.
                                          alternative.                                               • Socioeconomic impacts;                              DOE will consult with appropriate
                                             • Alternative 2: No further cleanup or                  • Impacts to ecological resources                  Federal and state agencies regarding the
                                          disposition of buildings and no                         (endangered and protected species                     environmental and regulatory issues
                                          remediation of contaminated media at                    [Braunton’s milk-vetch, Santa Susana                  germane to the proposed remediation
                                          SSFL Area IV—DOE would continue                         tarplant, Southern California black                   alternatives for analysis in the EIS and
                                          environmental monitoring and maintain                   walnut, Mariposa lily, Coast Horned                   the environmental issues to be analyzed.
                                          security of SSFL Area IV.                               Lizard], floodplain and wetlands);                    DOE invites those agencies with
                                             • Alternative 3: Onsite Containment                     • Cultural, historical and                         jurisdiction by law or special expertise
                                          at SSFL Area IV—Containment onsite of                   paleontological resources impacts;                    to be cooperating agencies.
                                          buildings, wastes, radiological and                        • Irretrievable and irreversible                      Public scoping meetings will be held
                                          chemical contaminants, aligned with                     commitment of resources;                              at the locations and times listed in the
                                          potential future land use scenarios                        • Potential disproportionately high                ADDRESSES section of this Notice.
                                          including, but not limited to,                          and adverse effects on low-income and                    DOE will designate a presiding officer
                                          agricultural, residential, and open                     minority populations (environmental                   for the scoping meetings. At the opening
                                          space.                                                  justice); and                                         of each meeting, the presiding officer
                                             • Alternative 4: Offsite Disposal of                    • Cumulative impacts from                          will announce procedures necessary for
                                          SSFL Area IV Materials—Demolition of                    radiological and non-radiological                     the conduct of the meeting. At the
                                          buildings, removal of contaminated                      contamination both onsite and offsite of              beginning of the scoping meetings, a
                                          media aligned with potential future land                SSFL Area IV, and from both                           brief presentation by DOE officials will
                                          use scenarios including, but not limited                radiological and non-radiological                     be given explaining DOE’s proposed
                                          to, agricultural, residential, and open                 contaminants.                                         approach to alternatives, issues to be
                                          space. Transportation of non-                                                                                 addressed, and impacts that will be
                                                                                                  Preliminary Identification of Issues                  analyzed in the EIS. This presentation
                                          radiological wastes to approved disposal
                                          or treatment facilities and radiological                  The following issues have been                      will be followed by a question and
                                          wastes to an approved out-of-state                      tentatively identified for consideration              answer session. Following the question
                                          disposal facility.                                      in the EIS. This list is not intended to              and answer session, the public will be
                                             • Alternative 5: Combination On-Site/                be all-inclusive, but is presented to                 given the opportunity to provide
                                          Off-Site Disposal Alternative for SSFL                  facilitate public comment during the                  comments orally. This part of the
                                          Area IV—Demolition of buildings, on-                    public scoping period:                                scoping meetings will not be conducted
                                          site containment of contaminated media                    • Best methods to obtain accurate                   as an evidentiary hearing, and there will
                                          aligned with potential future land use                  information on radiological and                       be no questioning or cross-examination
                                          scenarios including, but not limited to,                hazardous contamination;                              of the speakers. DOE personnel,
                                          agricultural, residential, and open                       • Compliance with applicable                        however, may ask for clarifications to
                                          space. Transportation of non-                           Federal, state and local requirements;                ensure that they fully understand the
                                          radiological wastes from building                         • Long-term stewardship and                         comments and suggestions. The
                                          demolition to approved disposal or                      institutional controls; and                           presiding officer will establish the order
                                          treatment facilities and radiological                     • Mitigation measures to avoid or                   of the speakers, and will ensure that
                                          waste from building demolition to an                    mitigate potentially significant                      everyone who wishes to speak has a
                                          approved, out-of-state disposal facility.               environmental impacts.                                chance to do so. Oral comments will be
                                             These preliminary alternatives will be                                                                     limited in duration at the discretion of
                                                                                                  Scoping Process                                       the presiding officer based on the
                                          refined and further developed as part of
                                          the scoping process through public and                    DOE issued an Advance Notice of                     number of commenters and the time
                                                                                                  Intent (ANOI), 72 FR 58834 (October 17,               available. DOE is especially interested
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES

                                          other stakeholder input.
                                                                                                  2007), to prepare an EIS for SSFL Area                in learning from the public any
                                          Preliminary Environmental Impacts for                   IV and to conduct public involvement                  additional issues or alternatives that
                                          Analysis                                                activities in order to inform and request             should be considered. Comment cards
                                            DOE has tentatively identified the                    early comments and assistance. Informal               will also be available for those who
                                          following environmental impacts for                     discussions resulting from publication                would prefer to submit written

                                     VerDate Aug<31>2005   16:18 May 15, 2008   Jkt 214001   PO 00000   Frm 00017   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:FRFM16MYN1.SGM   16MYN1
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 96 / Friday, May 16, 2008 / Notices                                             28441

                                          comments. Persons who wish to speak                     11:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 3 p.m.                   Issued at Washington, DC on May 12, 2008.
                                          may sign up to speak before each                        to 3:15 p.m.                                          Rachel Samuel,
                                          meeting at the reception desk. Oral and                   These times are subject to change;                  Deputy Committee Management Officer.
                                          written comments will be considered                     please contact the Federal Coordinator                [FR Doc. E8–11006 Filed 5–15–08; 8:45 am]
                                          equally in the preparation of the EIS.                  (below) for confirmation of times prior               BILLING CODE 6450–01–P
                                          See the ADDRESSES section of this Notice                to the meeting.
                                          for the times and locations of these
                                          meetings.                                               ADDRESSES:  AmeriTel Inn, 645 Lindsay                 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
                                             DOE will make transcripts of the                     Boulevard, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402.
                                          scoping meetings and other                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      Federal Energy Regulatory
                                          environmental and SSFL Area IV related                  Robert L. Pence, Federal Coordinator,                 Commission
                                          materials available for public review in                Department of Energy, Idaho Operations                [Project No. 12551–001]
                                          the reading rooms listed in the FOR                     Office, 1955 Fremont Avenue, MS–
                                          FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT [section                    1203, Idaho Falls, ID 83415. Phone (208)              Salvatore and Michelle Shifrin; Notice
                                          of this Notice]. This information will                  526–6518; Fax (208) 526–8789 or e-mail:               of Application Accepted for Filing and
                                          also be available through the project          or visit the Board’s               Soliciting Motions To Intervene and
                                          web site at,                 Internet home page at: http://                        Protests
                                          click on Area IV EIS in the toolbar.          
                                                                                                                                                        May 9, 2008.
                                          Draft EIS Schedule and Availability                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                               Take notice that the following
                                            DOE will provide a public comment                       Purpose of the Board: The purpose of                hydroelectric application has been filed
                                          period of at least 45 days from the                     the Board is to make recommendations                  with the Commission and is available
                                          publication of the EPA’s Notice of                      to DOE in the areas of environmental                  for public inspection.
                                          Availability (NOA) of the Draft EIS in                  restoration, waste management, and                       a. Type of Application: Exemption
                                          the Federal Register and will hold at                   related activities.                                   From Licensing.
                                          least one public hearing. DOE will                                                                               b. Project No.: P–12551–001.
                                                                                                    Tentative Topics (agenda topics may                    c. Date Filed: January 25, 2008.
                                          separately announce in the Federal                      change up to the day of the meeting;
                                          Register and local media information on                                                                          d. Applicant: Salvatore and Michelle
                                                                                                  please contact Robert L. Pence for the                Shifrin.
                                          the public hearings schedule and                        most current agenda):                                    e. Name of Project: Mansfield Hollow
                                          location. DOE expects to issue the Draft
                                                                                                    • Tour Cleanup Areas/Projects on the                Hydro Power Project.
                                          EIS in early 2009. Comments on the
                                                                                                  Idaho National Laboratory (INL);                         f. Location: On the Natchaug River in
                                          Draft EIS will be considered and
                                                                                                    • Progress to Cleanup;                              Tolland County, Connecticut. The
                                          addressed in the Final EIS, which DOE
                                                                                                                                                        project would occupy United States
                                          anticipates issuing in the fall 2010. DOE                 • Accelerated Decontaminating and
                                                                                                                                                        land managed by the U.S. Army Corps
                                          will issue a Record of Decision no                      Decommissioning Plan;
                                                                                                                                                        of Engineers.
                                          sooner than 30 days from EPA’s NOA of                     • Calcine—Nuclear Regulatory                           g. Filed Pursuant to: Public Utilities
                                          the Final EIS.                                          Commission Licensing Update;                          Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, 16
                                            Issued in Washington, DC, on May 13,                    • Integrated Waste Treatment Unit                   U.S.C. 2705, 2708.
                                          2008.                                                   Project;                                                 h. Applicant Contact: Salvatore or
                                          Ines R. Triay,                                            • Savannah River/INL Spent Fuel                     Michelle Shifrin, 78 Bricktop Road,
                                          Acting Assistant Secretary for Environmental            Transfer.                                             Windham, CT 06280, (860) 423–7709.
                                          Management.                                                                                                      i. FERC Contact: Tom Dean, (202)
                                                                                                    Public Participation: The meeting is                502–6041.
                                          [FR Doc. E8–11033 Filed 5–15–08; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                  open to the public. Written statements                   j. Deadline for filing motions to
                                          BILLING CODE 6450–01–P
                                                                                                  may be filed with the Board either                    intervene and protests: 60 days from the
                                                                                                  before or after the meeting. Individuals              issuance date of this notice.
                                          DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                    who wish to make oral presentations                      All documents (original and eight
                                                                                                  pertaining to agenda items should                     copies) should be filed with: Kimberly
                                          Environmental Management Site-                          contact Robert L. Pence at the address                D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy
                                          Specific Advisory Board, Idaho                          or telephone number listed above. The                 Regulatory Commission, 888 First
                                          National Laboratory                                     request must be received five days prior              Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
                                                                                                  to the meeting and reasonable provision                  The Commission’s Rules of Practice
                                          AGENCY:   Department of Energy.                         will be made to include the presentation              require all intervenors filing documents
                                          ACTION:   Notice of open meeting.                       in the agenda. The Deputy Designated                  with the Commission to serve a copy of
                                                                                                  Federal Officer is empowered to                       that document on each person on the
                                          SUMMARY:   This notice announces a                      conduct the meeting in a fashion that                 official service list for the project.
                                          meeting of the Environmental                            will facilitate the orderly conduct of                Further, if an intervenor files comments
                                          Management Site-Specific Advisory                       business. Individuals wishing to make                 or documents with the Commission
                                          Board (EM SSAB), Idaho National                         public comment will be provided a                     relating to the merits of an issue that
                                          Laboratory. The Federal Advisory                        maximum of five minutes to present                    may affect the responsibilities of a
                                          Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463, as                       their comments.                                       particular resource agency, they must
                                          amended) requires that public notice of                   Minutes: Minutes will be available by               also serve a copy of the document on
                                          this meeting be announced in the                        writing or calling Robert L. Pence,                   that resource agency.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES

                                          Federal Register.                                       Federal Coordinator, at the address and                  Motions to intervene and protests may
                                          DATES: Thursday, May 29, 2008—8                         phone number listed above. Minutes                    be filed electronically via the Internet in
                                          a.m.–5 p.m.                                             will also be available at the following               lieu of paper. The Commission strongly
                                            Opportunities for public participation                Web site:                    encourages electronic filings. See 18
                                          will be held Thursday, May 29, from                     meetings.html.                                        CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the

                                     VerDate Aug<31>2005   16:18 May 15, 2008   Jkt 214001   PO 00000   Frm 00018   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:FRFM16MYN1.SGM   16MYN1

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  • 1. Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 96 / Friday, May 16, 2008 / Notices 28437 DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, May 20, 2008, project in the Port of Long Beach. The the hills between Chatsworth and Simi 4 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Corps is considering an application for Valley, CA, was developed as a remote PLACE : Corporation for National and Section 404 and Section 10 permits to site to test rocket engines and conduct Community Service; 8th Floor; 1201 conduct dredge and fill activities nuclear research. Area IV was New York Avenue, NW., Washington, associated with the proposed established at the SSFL in 1953 and DC 20525. consolidation of Piers D, E and F into a occupies 290 acres of the SSFL. The STATUS: Open. single 345-acre marine terminal with a DOE Energy Technology Engineering 4,250-foot-long wharf at build-out. This Center (ETEC) is located on 90 acres MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: would include redevelopment of 294 within SSFL Area IV. I. Chair’s Opening Comments acres of existing land, creation of 10.7 DOE is preparing the EIS in part as a II. Consideration of Previous Meetings acres of new open water and the response to a May 2, 2007, decision by Minutes placement of dredged material in 65.3 the U.S. District Court of Northern III. CEO Report acres open water for a net gain of California that DOE was in violation of IV. Committee Reports approximately 54.6 acres of new land in NEPA for its 2003 decision to issue a • MAG Committee the consolidated terminal. The new Finding of No Significant Impact • Program Committee terminal, which would be constructed (FONSI), and to conduct remediation of • Strategic Partnerships Committee over a 10-year time period, is intended the ETEC site, on the basis of an V. Impact of AmeriCorps Week and the to accommodate increasing cargo environmental assessment (EA) rather Longitudinal Study volumes being produced by the new than an EIS. Presentation by Millicent Williams, generation of larger container vessels, Executive Director, Serve DC and DOE recognizes the need to follow the and would include four deep-water NEPA process and will evaluate the Sally Prouty, President and CEO of berths, a container terminal yard, and an The Corps Network range of reasonable alternatives for intermodal rail yard. remediation of SSFL Area IV. DOE will VI. Public Comments FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: evaluate alternatives for disposition of Accomodations: Anyone who needs Comments and questions regarding radiological facilities and support an interpreter or other accommodation scoping of the Draft EIS/EIR may be buildings, remediation of the affected should notify the Corporation’s contact addressed to: U.S. Army Corps of environment, and disposal of all person by 5 p.m. on Monday, May 19, Engineers, Los Angeles District, resulting waste at existing, approved 2008. Regulatory Branch, ATTN: File Number sites. DOE will consider the cumulative FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa 2004–01053–AOA, P.O. Box 532711, impacts from exposure to chemical and Guccione, Office of the CEO, Los Angeles, California 90053–2325. radiological constituents in SSFL Area Corporation for National and Comments or questions can also be sent IV from future land uses. Community Service, 10th Floor, Room to Stacey Crouch, Port of Long Beach, DOE invites public comment on the 10207, 1201 New York Avenue, NW., P.O. Box 570, Long Beach, CA 90801– scope of this EIS during a scoping Washington, DC 20525. Phone (202) 0570. Phone messages or questions period that will end August 14, 2008. 606–6637. Fax (202) 606–3460. TDD: should be directed to Antal Szijj at 805– During this period, DOE officials will (202) 606–3472. E-mail: 585–2147. conduct public scoping meetings in the Dated: April 29, 2008. region surrounding the SSFL and in Dated: May 13, 2008. Mark Durham, Sacramento, California, to provide the Frank R. Trinity, Acting Chief, Regulatory Division, Los public and other stakeholders with an General Counsel. Angeles District, Corps of Engineers. opportunity to comment on the scope of [FR Doc. 08–1269 Filed 5–13–08; 4:33 pm] [FR Doc. E8–10908 Filed 5–15–08; 8:45 am] the EIS. DOE recognizes the value of the BILLING CODE 6050–$$–P BILLING CODE 3710–KF–P public’s perspectives, and will inform, involve, and interact with the public during all phases of the EIS process. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DOE is issuing this Notice of Intent (NOI) in order to inform and request Department of the Army, Corps of Notice of Intent To Prepare an comments and assistance from Federal Engineers Environmental Impact Statement for and state agencies, state and local Remediation of Area IV of the Santa governments, Tribal Nations, natural Notice of Availability for the Draft Susana Field Laboratory and Conduct resource trustees, the general public, Environmental Impact Statement/ Public Scoping Meetings and other interested parties on the Environmental Impact Report for the appropriate scope of the EIS, Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project AGENCY: Office of Environmental alternatives, environmental issues, and of the Port of Long Beach, Los Management, Department of Energy. the environmental impacts related to Angeles County, CA ACTION: Notice of Intent To Prepare an DOE’s remediation activities for SSFL Environmental Impact Statement and Area IV. DOE invites those agencies AGENCY: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Conduct Public Scoping Meetings. with jurisdiction by law or special Los Angeles District, DoD. SUMMARY: The Department of Energy expertise to be cooperating agencies. ACTION: Notice of Availability (NOA). (DOE) announces its intent to prepare DATES: The public scoping period starts SUMMARY: The U.S. Army Corps of an Environmental Impact Statement May 16, 2008 and will continue until Engineers, Los Angeles District (Corps) (EIS) and conduct public scoping August 14, 2008. DOE will consider all sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES in coordination with the Port of Long meetings under the National comments received or postmarked by Beach has completed a Draft Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for August 14, 2008, in defining the scope Environmental Impact Statement/ remediation of Area IV of the Santa of this EIS. Comments received or Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL Area IV). postmarked after that date will be for the Middle Harbor Redevelopment The SSFL, approximately 2,852 acres in considered to the extent practicable. VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:18 May 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM16MYN1.SGM 16MYN1
  • 2. 28438 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 96 / Friday, May 16, 2008 / Notices ADDRESSES: Public scoping meetings • Woodland Hills, California: Platt in some of the reactor coolant channels will be held to provide the public with Branch Library, 23600 Victory Blvd., resulting in the partial melting of the an opportunity to present comments on (818) 340–9386; and fuel cladding in 13 of the 43 reactor fuel the scope of the EIS and to learn more • Northridge, California: California assemblies. Radioactive gases from the about the proposed action from DOE State University Northridge Oviatt accident were contained within the officials. Public scoping meetings will be Library, 2nd Floor, Room 265, (818) facility. Over a period of two months, held at the following locations on the 677–2285. the gases were vented and released to following days and times: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: the atmosphere. The controlled releases • Simi Valley, California: Grand Vista Background were always below those levels allowed Hotel, 999 Enchanted Way, July 22, by requirements in existence both then 2008, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to SSFL, located on approximately 2,852 and today. Following cleanup, the 9:30 p.m.; acres in the hills between Chatsworth facility was refueled, brought back • Northridge, California: World and Simi Valley, CA, was developed as online, and operated until February Vision Church, 19514 Rinaldi Street, a remote site to test rocket engines and 1964. All SSFL reactor operations ended July 23, 2008, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 6:30 conduct nuclear research. The Atomics in 1980 and nuclear research work was p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; and International Unit of Rockwell completed in 1988. Cleanup of ETEC International’s Canoga Park-based began in the 1960s and was performed • Sacramento, California: Sacramento Rocketdyne Division began testing in in an ongoing manner as unnecessary Central Library, 828 I Street, July 24, 1947. An estimated 17,000 open-air facilities were decommissioned. 2008, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to rocket tests that supported the space In March 2003, DOE issued an 9:30 p.m. program were conducted at the site. In Environmental Assessment for Cleanup Written comments on the scope of the 1996, Rockwell International sold its and Closure of the Energy Technology EIS should be sent to: Ms. Stephanie aerospace and defense business, Engineering Center, DOE/EA–1345. Jennings, NEPA Document Manager, including the SSFL, to The Boeing Based on the results of the EA, DOE U.S. Department of Energy, P.O. Box Company (Boeing). determined that an EIS was not required 10300, Canoga Park, CA 91309, Express SSFL is divided into four and issued a FONSI in March 2003. Mail Delivery Address: 5800 Woolsey administrative areas, Areas I, II, III, and Comments on the Environmental Canyon Road, Canoga Park, CA 91304, IV, and two undeveloped land areas. Assessment were received by DOE from telephone number: 818–466–8162, fax: Area I consists of about 713 acres, Federal and State agencies, elected 818–466–8730, or e-mail to including 671 acres that are owned and officials, and from local community (use operated by Boeing and 42 acres that are members. The comments addressed the ‘‘Scoping comments’’ for the subject). owned by the National Aeronautics and following concerns: All comments whether offered in Space Administration (NASA) and U.S. Environmental Protection person at the scoping meeting, or in operated for it by Boeing. Area II Agency, Region 9 (EPA) said that the EA writing as described above will be consists of about 410 acres that are did not clearly identify the decisions considered. owned by NASA and operated for it by that were to be made, how those Boeing. Area III consists of about 114 decisions related to each other, or how FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To acres that are owned and operated by or when the decisions would be made. request further information about this Boeing. Area IV consists of about 290 EPA also expressed concern that the EIS or about the public scoping acres that are owned by Boeing, a conclusions reached by DOE in the EA activities, or to be placed on the EIS were based upon inadequate standards portion of which it operated for the distribution list, use any of the methods and information. EPA stated: ‘‘* * * DOE. Boeing also owns a contiguous (mail, express mail, fax, telephone, or e- that the [Comprehensive Environmental undeveloped land area of 1,143 acres to mail) listed under ADDRESSES above. For Response, Compensation and Liability the south and a contiguous undeveloped general information concerning the DOE land area of 182 acres to the north. Act (CERCLA)] process should be used NEPA process, contact Carol Borgstrom, Starting in the mid-1950s, the Atomic to evaluate and select a cleanup Director, Office of NEPA Policy and Energy Commission (AEC), a alternative.’’ Compliance (GC–20), U.S. Department predecessor agency of DOE, funded EPA and the State of California of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, nuclear energy research on a 90-acre Department of Toxic Substances Control SW., Washington, DC 20585–0119, e- parcel of SSFL Area IV leased from (DTSC) criticized the Rocketdyne survey mail to:, Rocketdyne. ETEC was established by of radiological contamination, which telephone: 202–586–4600, leave a the AEC on this parcel in the early the EA relied upon, as being insufficient message at 1–800–472–2756, or fax: 1960s as a ‘‘center of excellence’’ for for not addressing multiple exposures to 202–586–7031. liquid metals technology. radiological contamination, This NOI will be available on the A total of 10 small reactors were built contamination through combinations of internet at: for various research activities over the radiological and chemical NEPA and at http:// years of operation. The most notable of contamination, and contamination from, click on the Area the reactors was the Sodium Reactor different radionuclides. They also IV EIS link on the toolbar. Further Experiment (SRE). SRE was an expressed concern that there was no information about SSFL Area IV can be experimental development-stage plan to examine SSFL Area IV beyond found at and sodium-cooled nuclear reactor that the 90 acres of ETEC, that groundwater click on the SSFL Area IV EIS link in operated from April 1957 to February contamination was not addressed, and the toolbar. 1964 at the SSFL. SRE was the first that there was a failure to address past Reading rooms with information commercial nuclear power plant to releases of contamination. sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES about the SSFL Area IV are available to provide electricity to the public The City of Los Angeles and local the public and are located in: (powering the City of Moorpark in community members expressed concern • Simi Valley, California: Simi Valley 1957). An accident occurred at the SRE that DOE did not adequately consider Library, 2969 Tapo Canyon Road, (805) in July 1959 when there was an the effects of releases and remediation 526–1735; accidental blockage of sodium coolant on the surrounding communities. VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:18 May 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM16MYN1.SGM 16MYN1
  • 3. Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 96 / Friday, May 16, 2008 / Notices 28439 Senator Barbara Boxer expressed section 25187. This Order requires the under CERCLA. Consequently, EPA sent concern with proposed waste disposal respondents to clean up all chemically- a letter dated December 6, 2007, to the methods and with the intention to leave contaminated soils at SSFL by 2017 or Governor of California requesting his a substantial amount of radioactive soil earlier, provides the option for DTSC to concurrence in the listing. In response, in place. The Committee to Bridge the require additional work to be conducted the California Environmental Protection Gap criticized DOE for assuming the site offsite of SSFL Area IV to assess air, Agency, in a letter dated January 15, would be suitable in the future for soil, and water contamination and 2008, asked that EPA defer for six residential development. Local requires the preparation of an months the decision regarding whether community members were concerned Environmental Impact Report (EIR), to propose listing for this site. EPA with what DOE proposed as an pursuant to the California Region 9 agreed to defer listing SSFL acceptable rate of increased cancer risk. Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). until July 2008. DOE is now preparing an SSFL Area DTSC may use information in the EIS in As part of the FY 2008 appropriations, IV EIS in response to the U.S. District its preparation of the EIR. Congress mandated that DOE shall use Court of Northern California’s May 2, DOE issued an Advance Notice of a portion of the funding for ETEC to 2007, ruling in the case Natural Intent (ANOI), 72 FR 58834 (October 17, enter into an interagency agreement Resources Defense Council v. 2007), to prepare an EIS for SSFL Area (IAG) with EPA to conduct a joint Department of Energy Slip Op. 2007 WL IV and to conduct Public Involvement comprehensive radioactive site 2349288 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 15, 2007), Activities in order to inform and request characterization of Area IV and ensure which held that DOE’s decision to issue early comments and assistance. Informal that all aspects of the cleanup of the a FONSI and conduct cleanup and discussions resulting from publication radioactive contamination comply fully closure on the basis of DOE/EA–1345 of the ANOI with both members of the with CERCLA. DOE and EPA are was in violation of NEPA. The Court public and other stakeholders aided in negotiating the terms of the IAG, and the ordered DOE to prepare an EIS for SSFL the development of this NOI. associated scope of the site Area IV in accordance with NEPA. The DOE has conducted interviews with characterization. Court further prevented the DOE from interested parties. The purpose of these DOE is collecting updated transferring ownership or possession, or interviews was to learn about concerns information that it will incorporate into otherwise relinquishing control over with the proposed remediation of SSFL the EIS analysis. A data gap analysis any portion of SSFL Area IV, until DOE Area IV as well as the public’s was conducted to evaluate the usability completes the EIS and issues a Record preferences for being involved during and acceptability of existing data, and to of Decision pursuant to NEPA. In the development of the EIS. This broad identify any additional data that may be response to requests from DTSC and the cross section of individuals includes needed to support the EIS. Results of the California Congressional delegation, neighbors of the SSFL, individuals who data gaps analysis will be shared with DOE suspended the physical demolition have been active in previous SSFL interested parties in June 2008, and will and removal activities for the remaining actions, former employees, elected and also be made available on the Web site facilities at ETEC, except for those appointed local, state, and Federal (, click on activities necessary to maintain the site officials, representatives of local and Area IV EIS in the toolbar) . A follow- in a safe and stable configuration. DOE national environmental groups, on field analysis and sampling plan will will continue surveillance, members of local neighborhood be developed and will also be shared maintenance, and environmental associations, organizations, and the with interested parties in August 2008. monitoring, including soil and business community. This sampling of a Dates, locations and times for these groundwater characterization required wide range of perspectives is enhancing workshops on the draft gap analysis and under the Resource Conservation and the development of future public availability of the subsequent draft Recovery Act (RCRA), the California involvement activities. The report of sampling and analysis plans will be Health and Safety Code section 25187, these interviews and associated announced through the site mailing list, and DOE Orders, while it prepares the recommendations for improvements in the local media, and on the Web site. EIS. public involvement activities will be The draft gap analysis, field analysis, In addition to the investigation and posted on the Web site listed in the FOR and sampling plans will all be available evaluation of individual soils FURTHER INFORMATION SECTION of this in the public reading rooms listed contamination areas under the NOI. above. Printed copies of documents may requirements of RCRA, DOE, Boeing and In October 2007, California Senate be obtained from Ms. Jennings at the NASA also are required to investigate Bill 990 (SB 990) was signed into law. location listed in the above ADDRESSES and evaluate the groundwater for SB 990 requires the DTSC to certify that section. development of potential cleanup or the SSFL has been completely interim actions. The EIS will address remediated so that the cumulative risk Purpose and Need for Agency Action groundwater contamination and of exposure from residual chemical and DOE needs to complete remediation contributors to the contamination radiological contamination does not of SSFL Area IV to comply with related to Area IV. All prior and exceed a risk range premised on future applicable requirements and for currently planned interim corrective land use of either suburban or rural radiological and hazardous action activities under the DTSC residential. Until this certification is contaminants. administered Consent Order are located completed, the land at SSFL cannot be outside of Area IV and will be evaluated transferred or sold. Alternatives to determine if any impact on the In December 2007, the EPA In the EIS, DOE will describe the groundwater plumes within Area IV announced the results of a Hazard statutory and regulatory requirements exist. Ranking Survey it had conducted at for each remediation alternative and sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES In August 2007, DTSC issued a RCRA SSFL beginning in Spring 2007. whether legislation or regulatory Consent Order to DOE, NASA, and Although EPA could not reveal the final modifications may be needed to Boeing (as respondents) pursuant to its score, EPA indicated that the score implement the alternative under authority over hazardous waste under exceeded the threshold for listing SSFL consideration. The EIS will present the the California Health and Safety Code on the National Priority List for cleanup health and environmental consequences VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:18 May 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM16MYN1.SGM 16MYN1
  • 4. 28440 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 96 / Friday, May 16, 2008 / Notices of the alternatives in comparative form analysis in the SSFL Area IV EIS. This of the ANOI with both members of the to provide a clear basis for informed list is presented to facilitate comment public and other stakeholders aided in decision making. In summary, DOE during the public involvement activities the development of this NOI. proposes to evaluate the alternatives on the scope of the EIS. These impacts DOE is issuing the NOI, pursuant to listed below: include: 40 CFR 1501.7 and 10 CFR 1021.311, in • Alternative 1: No Action—This • Potential health and safety impacts order to inform and request comments alternative involves the cessation of all to the general population, and to and assistance from Federal and state DOE management and oversight of SSFL workers, and to the environment from agencies, state and local governments, Area IV. The buildings would remain radiological and non-radiological natural resource trustees, the general and would not be monitored or releases; public, and other interested parties on maintained. Unmitigated natural • Potential transportation impacts the scope of the EIS, environmental processes, including erosion, from the shipment of radiological and issues, alternatives to be analyzed, and groundwater transport of contamination non-radiological wastes to disposal the potential environmental impacts and concrete degradation, would be sites; related to DOE’s potential activities at assumed to occur. The purposes of • Potential impacts from accidents this site. The NOI is also being issued evaluating this alternative are to that might occur (e.g., accidents to notify the public and other establish the baseline against which the associated with removal and stakeholders of the scoping meetings to environmental impacts from all other transportation of contaminated media); be held as described. In addition, DOE alternatives are compared and to justify • Potential impacts from intentional will provide progress updates to the the proposed action. NEPA regulations destructive acts; public and other stakeholders require analysis of a no action • Land use impacts; throughout all phases of the EIS process. alternative. • Socioeconomic impacts; DOE will consult with appropriate • Alternative 2: No further cleanup or • Impacts to ecological resources Federal and state agencies regarding the disposition of buildings and no (endangered and protected species environmental and regulatory issues remediation of contaminated media at [Braunton’s milk-vetch, Santa Susana germane to the proposed remediation SSFL Area IV—DOE would continue tarplant, Southern California black alternatives for analysis in the EIS and environmental monitoring and maintain walnut, Mariposa lily, Coast Horned the environmental issues to be analyzed. security of SSFL Area IV. Lizard], floodplain and wetlands); DOE invites those agencies with • Alternative 3: Onsite Containment • Cultural, historical and jurisdiction by law or special expertise at SSFL Area IV—Containment onsite of paleontological resources impacts; to be cooperating agencies. buildings, wastes, radiological and • Irretrievable and irreversible Public scoping meetings will be held chemical contaminants, aligned with commitment of resources; at the locations and times listed in the potential future land use scenarios • Potential disproportionately high ADDRESSES section of this Notice. including, but not limited to, and adverse effects on low-income and DOE will designate a presiding officer agricultural, residential, and open minority populations (environmental for the scoping meetings. At the opening space. justice); and of each meeting, the presiding officer • Alternative 4: Offsite Disposal of • Cumulative impacts from will announce procedures necessary for SSFL Area IV Materials—Demolition of radiological and non-radiological the conduct of the meeting. At the buildings, removal of contaminated contamination both onsite and offsite of beginning of the scoping meetings, a media aligned with potential future land SSFL Area IV, and from both brief presentation by DOE officials will use scenarios including, but not limited radiological and non-radiological be given explaining DOE’s proposed to, agricultural, residential, and open contaminants. approach to alternatives, issues to be space. Transportation of non- addressed, and impacts that will be Preliminary Identification of Issues analyzed in the EIS. This presentation radiological wastes to approved disposal or treatment facilities and radiological The following issues have been will be followed by a question and wastes to an approved out-of-state tentatively identified for consideration answer session. Following the question disposal facility. in the EIS. This list is not intended to and answer session, the public will be • Alternative 5: Combination On-Site/ be all-inclusive, but is presented to given the opportunity to provide Off-Site Disposal Alternative for SSFL facilitate public comment during the comments orally. This part of the Area IV—Demolition of buildings, on- public scoping period: scoping meetings will not be conducted site containment of contaminated media • Best methods to obtain accurate as an evidentiary hearing, and there will aligned with potential future land use information on radiological and be no questioning or cross-examination scenarios including, but not limited to, hazardous contamination; of the speakers. DOE personnel, agricultural, residential, and open • Compliance with applicable however, may ask for clarifications to space. Transportation of non- Federal, state and local requirements; ensure that they fully understand the radiological wastes from building • Long-term stewardship and comments and suggestions. The demolition to approved disposal or institutional controls; and presiding officer will establish the order treatment facilities and radiological • Mitigation measures to avoid or of the speakers, and will ensure that waste from building demolition to an mitigate potentially significant everyone who wishes to speak has a approved, out-of-state disposal facility. environmental impacts. chance to do so. Oral comments will be These preliminary alternatives will be limited in duration at the discretion of Scoping Process the presiding officer based on the refined and further developed as part of the scoping process through public and DOE issued an Advance Notice of number of commenters and the time Intent (ANOI), 72 FR 58834 (October 17, available. DOE is especially interested sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES other stakeholder input. 2007), to prepare an EIS for SSFL Area in learning from the public any Preliminary Environmental Impacts for IV and to conduct public involvement additional issues or alternatives that Analysis activities in order to inform and request should be considered. Comment cards DOE has tentatively identified the early comments and assistance. Informal will also be available for those who following environmental impacts for discussions resulting from publication would prefer to submit written VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:18 May 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM16MYN1.SGM 16MYN1
  • 5. Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 96 / Friday, May 16, 2008 / Notices 28441 comments. Persons who wish to speak 11:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 3 p.m. Issued at Washington, DC on May 12, 2008. may sign up to speak before each to 3:15 p.m. Rachel Samuel, meeting at the reception desk. Oral and These times are subject to change; Deputy Committee Management Officer. written comments will be considered please contact the Federal Coordinator [FR Doc. E8–11006 Filed 5–15–08; 8:45 am] equally in the preparation of the EIS. (below) for confirmation of times prior BILLING CODE 6450–01–P See the ADDRESSES section of this Notice to the meeting. for the times and locations of these meetings. ADDRESSES: AmeriTel Inn, 645 Lindsay DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DOE will make transcripts of the Boulevard, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402. scoping meetings and other FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Federal Energy Regulatory environmental and SSFL Area IV related Robert L. Pence, Federal Coordinator, Commission materials available for public review in Department of Energy, Idaho Operations [Project No. 12551–001] the reading rooms listed in the FOR Office, 1955 Fremont Avenue, MS– FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT [section 1203, Idaho Falls, ID 83415. Phone (208) Salvatore and Michelle Shifrin; Notice of this Notice]. This information will 526–6518; Fax (208) 526–8789 or e-mail: of Application Accepted for Filing and also be available through the project or visit the Board’s Soliciting Motions To Intervene and web site at, Internet home page at: http:// Protests click on Area IV EIS in the toolbar. May 9, 2008. Draft EIS Schedule and Availability SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Take notice that the following DOE will provide a public comment Purpose of the Board: The purpose of hydroelectric application has been filed period of at least 45 days from the the Board is to make recommendations with the Commission and is available publication of the EPA’s Notice of to DOE in the areas of environmental for public inspection. Availability (NOA) of the Draft EIS in restoration, waste management, and a. Type of Application: Exemption the Federal Register and will hold at related activities. From Licensing. least one public hearing. DOE will b. Project No.: P–12551–001. Tentative Topics (agenda topics may c. Date Filed: January 25, 2008. separately announce in the Federal change up to the day of the meeting; Register and local media information on d. Applicant: Salvatore and Michelle please contact Robert L. Pence for the Shifrin. the public hearings schedule and most current agenda): e. Name of Project: Mansfield Hollow location. DOE expects to issue the Draft • Tour Cleanup Areas/Projects on the Hydro Power Project. EIS in early 2009. Comments on the Idaho National Laboratory (INL); f. Location: On the Natchaug River in Draft EIS will be considered and • Progress to Cleanup; Tolland County, Connecticut. The addressed in the Final EIS, which DOE project would occupy United States anticipates issuing in the fall 2010. DOE • Accelerated Decontaminating and land managed by the U.S. Army Corps will issue a Record of Decision no Decommissioning Plan; of Engineers. sooner than 30 days from EPA’s NOA of • Calcine—Nuclear Regulatory g. Filed Pursuant to: Public Utilities the Final EIS. Commission Licensing Update; Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, 16 Issued in Washington, DC, on May 13, • Integrated Waste Treatment Unit U.S.C. 2705, 2708. 2008. Project; h. Applicant Contact: Salvatore or Ines R. Triay, • Savannah River/INL Spent Fuel Michelle Shifrin, 78 Bricktop Road, Acting Assistant Secretary for Environmental Transfer. Windham, CT 06280, (860) 423–7709. Management. i. FERC Contact: Tom Dean, (202) Public Participation: The meeting is 502–6041. [FR Doc. E8–11033 Filed 5–15–08; 8:45 am] open to the public. Written statements j. Deadline for filing motions to BILLING CODE 6450–01–P may be filed with the Board either intervene and protests: 60 days from the before or after the meeting. Individuals issuance date of this notice. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY who wish to make oral presentations All documents (original and eight pertaining to agenda items should copies) should be filed with: Kimberly Environmental Management Site- contact Robert L. Pence at the address D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy Specific Advisory Board, Idaho or telephone number listed above. The Regulatory Commission, 888 First National Laboratory request must be received five days prior Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426. to the meeting and reasonable provision The Commission’s Rules of Practice AGENCY: Department of Energy. will be made to include the presentation require all intervenors filing documents ACTION: Notice of open meeting. in the agenda. The Deputy Designated with the Commission to serve a copy of Federal Officer is empowered to that document on each person on the SUMMARY: This notice announces a conduct the meeting in a fashion that official service list for the project. meeting of the Environmental will facilitate the orderly conduct of Further, if an intervenor files comments Management Site-Specific Advisory business. Individuals wishing to make or documents with the Commission Board (EM SSAB), Idaho National public comment will be provided a relating to the merits of an issue that Laboratory. The Federal Advisory maximum of five minutes to present may affect the responsibilities of a Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463, as their comments. particular resource agency, they must amended) requires that public notice of Minutes: Minutes will be available by also serve a copy of the document on this meeting be announced in the writing or calling Robert L. Pence, that resource agency. sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES Federal Register. Federal Coordinator, at the address and Motions to intervene and protests may DATES: Thursday, May 29, 2008—8 phone number listed above. Minutes be filed electronically via the Internet in a.m.–5 p.m. will also be available at the following lieu of paper. The Commission strongly Opportunities for public participation Web site: encourages electronic filings. See 18 will be held Thursday, May 29, from meetings.html. CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:18 May 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM16MYN1.SGM 16MYN1