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No Shortage of Talent:
How the Global Market is Producing
the STEM Skills Needed for Growth
By Elizabeth Craig, Robert J. Thomas, Charlene Hou and Smriti Mathur

September 2011

                                                           Research Report
No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth

The talent power needed for global economic growth
comes from men and women armed with STEM
skills – advanced knowledge of science, technology,
engineering and mathematics. Many experts have
raised the alarm to highlight looming shortages of such
talent, raising the possibility of a diminished capacity
for innovation and slower growth. But Accenture
research shows that the supply of STEM talent is
growing rapidly. The key is learning how to find it.

Scientists, technologists, engineers,                            managers believe that they won’t be         Instead, the problem is one of location
mathematicians: these are the high-end                           able to find enough trained people to       mismatch: talented people are
knowledge workers who turn the                                   meet their needs.3                          available but not always in the places
wheel of the global economy.                                                                                 where they are needed. For example,
Collectively, they share at least one                            Consider that India produces one            there may be a shortage of chemical
thing in common, the STEM skills that                            of the largest pools of engineers           engineers in Germany but a large and
are critical to economic growth. How                             each year, but software association         growing supply in China. What we
critical? As the authors of a recent                             NASSCOM says that only 25 percent           are witnessing is the emergence of
report put it: “Just as we would be                              of them are readily employable.4            a truly global labor market for STEM
unable to expand industry if we lacked                           In the UK, two-thirds of senior             talent – but one that lacks essential
the natural resource materials to build                          executives from science, high-tech and      mechanisms for matching demand
the factories (e.g., cement), or energy                          IT firms say they can’t find the STEM       and supply of critical skills across
to power the plants, we cannot expand                            talent that they need.5 And in the US,      geographic boundaries.
our technology economy without the                               concerns about the country’s ability to
needed human resources, in this case                             “sustain its scientific and technological   Location mismatch will force
high-quality STEM graduates.”1                                   leadership” prompted a group of 15          individual companies to venture
                                                                 prominent business organizations to         well beyond their traditional hunting
Many business leaders fear shortages                             join together with the goal of doubling     grounds – and the cost of search can
of STEM talent in the coming years.                              the number of science, technology,          be quite high. Gaps in labor market
For example, countless studies contend                           engineering and mathematics                 institutions will make it difficult for
that the lack of people with the                                 graduates with bachelor’s degrees           even well-heeled companies to find
right skills could hold back economic                            by 2015.6                                   and keep STEM talent. For those
growth, especially in developed                                                                              reasons, we believe that there is a
economies.2 And surveys show that                                However, our research suggests that         real opportunity for new “labor
                                                                 the problem is not one of shortages.        market intermediaries” (LMIs) to
                                                                                                             intercede in global labor markets.

2 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth

Explosive demand                                                 Figure 1: Projected growth in the size of the US labor
                                                                 force 2008 – 2018 (percentage increase in employment)
for STEM skills
                                                                 Employment in STEM occupations is projected to grow
With global economic growth expected                             almost two times faster than the average for all occupations.
to be driven by the life sciences,
alternative energy, aging populations
and consumption in emerging markets,                                 All Occupations 10%
the demand for STEM talent is set to
explode in the next decade.7 In the                                  All STEM Occupations 19%
United States alone, employment
in STEM occupations is projected to                                  Life Scientists 27%
grow almost twice as fast between
2008 and 2018 than employment in                                     Computer and Mathematical 22%
other occupations. (See Figure 1.) The
size of India’s tech sector will grow                                Physical Scientists 15%
more than sixfold in seven years.8 The
South Korean government is pumping                                   Engineers 11%
$200 billion into a new green smart
                                                                 0              5              10           15          20             25            30
grid project that is expected to create
500,000 tech jobs.9 In the UK, experts                                                              Percent Change

forecast an 80 percent increase                                  Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections, 2010, as reported in Atkinson and Mayo, 2010.
in demand for biological science
graduates and a 49 percent increase in
demand for mathematical science and                              analysts and software engineers. There                       utilities industry, which is scrambling
computing graduates between 2007                                 is also swelling demand for STEM skills                      to find enough electrical engineers just
and 2017.10                                                      in nascent industries like business                          to meet increasing demands for power,
                                                                 analytics services, a market that has                        never mind to invent, design and
Companies that rely on STEM skills are                           seen remarkable growth in the past                           operate clean energy and smart grid
already in a frenzied grab for talent.                           three years and will exceed $53 billion                      technologies.16 The utilities’ and
In the United States, tech companies                             globally by 2013.13                                          insurance companies’ main competition
like Facebook, Amazon, Cognizant                                                                                              for STEM graduates? The more alluring
and Apple will need to fill upwards                              High-tech companies are not the only                         technology companies like Apple,
of 650,000 new jobs by 2018 to meet                              ones in search of STEM skills – though                       Samsung and Twitter – not to mention
their growth projections. Two-thirds                             they may have the advantage of a                             others such as Zynga, Solar Winds and
of the new hires will be STEM talent.11                          more modern image. Many of the                               Riverbed Technologies that are only
Google already announced it would                                skills needed by flourishing Internet                        now in their infancy.17
“aggressively recruit” more than 6,200                           companies are also coveted by
workers in 2011 – mostly computer                                established financial services, utilities
engineers.12 In China, companies such                            and chemical companies like John
as Baidu, Alibaba and Renren are                                 Hancock, AES, and Dow. For example,
swallowing up programmers, systems                               in the insurance industry employers
                                                                 are searching for math, finance,
                                                                 physics and engineering graduates
                                                                 who can do sophisticated predictive
                                                                 analytics and comprehensive risk
                                                                 modeling.15 The same is true for the

3 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth

"My biggest talent imperative today and
going forward is to ensure that our skills are
sourced globally and not just locally. The
right talent could be anywhere in the world."

— Rohit Tandon,
	 Worldwide head of analytics for HP

To complicate things further,                                    have been positioning themselves to
developed market companies may                                   compete in the much more profitable
increasingly find themselves in direct                           prescription or patent drug business.
competition with emerging market
companies for the same STEM talent.                              Second, economic growth in developing
Two factors are important here. First,                           economies inspires entrepreneurship
shifts in the global economy have led                            and creates new professional
many emerging market companies to                                opportunities. Evidence of this can be
think seriously about moving into                                found in the returning diasporas: the
more profitable segments of the                                  increased number of Indian, Chinese
market by competing on product                                   and Koreans who went abroad for
features rather than on labor-cost                               education but have returned home to
differentials. Pharmaceuticals in India                          work.18 Even if the highly skilled are
are a case in point: for many years                              inclined to move, national governments
global majors like Pfizer and GSK                                may impose limits on their mobility
sourced their products from generics                             or create incentives (such as have
manufacturers in India, but lately                               been initiated in Malaysia) to keep
the latter (for example, Dr. Reddy)                              them inside their borders.19 Developed
                                                                 market countries that rely heavily on
                                                                 high-skill foreign STEM talent – the
                                                                 US awards more than 50 percent of
                                                                 engineering and computer science
                                                                 doctorates to foreign students—may
                                                                 find it more difficult to attract the
                                                                 world’s best and brightest STEM talent.

4 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth

Booming supply of                                                Figure 2: Share of STEM talent: Emerging and developed economies

STEM skills                                                      The three largest emerging economies already produce more STEM talent than
                                                                 three of the world’s largest developed economies, claiming a higher percentage
Despite general recognition of global                            every year.
growth in demand, it’s highly unlikely
that universities in developed economies                                                                                      Developed economies       Emerging economies
                                                                                                                              (US, UK, Japan)           (Brazil, China, India)
will be able to simply turn up the dial
and produce more STEM graduates                                             7

in the next decade. Consider that                                           6
the US graduated 88,000 visual and                                                                                                                         88%
performance arts majors in 2008 but                                         5                                                         87%
only 69,000 engineers.20 The number                                                                       86%

of STEM graduates in the US would                                           4    85%

need to increase by 20 to 30 percent
between 2006 and 2016 to meet the
country’s projected growth in science                                       2
and engineering employment alone.21
That would require a collective effort                                      1
on par with the one fueled by the                                                15%         15%          14%           14%           13%         13%      12%
space race between the United States                                             2009        2010         2011         2012           2013       2014     2015
and the Soviet Union in the late 1950s
                                                                 Source: Accenture Institute for High Performance analysis.
and early 1960s. And as many have
observed, it would also require consid-
erable innovation in STEM education                              Figure 3: STEM degrees as a percentage of all degrees (2011)
and training – a challenge that some
institutions are trying to meet. (See                            In China, more than 40 percent of all degrees awarded are STEM degrees. In the
“Higher education: Producing                                     US, just one in eight is a STEM degree.
‘business-ready’ STEM talent.”)

The STEM talent situation looks very
different when we take a global view.
China, India and Brazil are producing
more and more of the world’s STEM                                          40%
graduates. (See Figure 2.) In China,
41 percent of all new university
degrees awarded are in science and
engineering.24 Comparable figures are
13 percent in the US, and 22 percent
in the UK.25 (See Figure 3.)
                                                                           20%                                   22%
The emerging market economies
are accelerating their production of
STEM graduates much faster than                                            10%
the US and other developed coun-
tries. According to our projections,
the number of engineering degrees
awarded in China will grow from
                                                                                 China%           India          UK           Japan          Brazil       US

                                                                 Source: Accenture Institute for High Performance analysis

5 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth

Higher education: Producing                                      Today there are more than 230 PSM                           or more job offers. Over 90 percent
“business ready” STEM talent                                     programs at 110 institutions in the                         were placed in jobs by graduation
                                                                 United States. Total enrollments are                        for the fourth straight year despite a
One way to quickly produce more                                  still relatively small, however, with                       lagging economy. Given its success,
business-ready STEM talent is through                            about 2,600 students enrolled per year.23                   the Institute is doubling the size of the
innovation in education. In the 1990s,                                                                                       program from 40 to 80 students
a new credential was introduced in                               Entirely new courses of study can also                      in 2012.
the US higher education system: the                              help fill market needs for STEM talent.
Professional Science Master’s degree,                            At North Carolina State University                          Clearly, these new types of programs
or PSM. These degree programs                                    in Raleigh, students can complete a                         and courses of study are only making
integrate science courses with business                          Master’s of Science in Analytics at                         small dents in the talent-supply
courses at about a 70 percent-30                                 the Institute for Advanced Analytics.                       problem so far. Over time, however,
percent ratio. An umbrella organization                          Founded in 2007, the Institute was                          such innovations could do much
for PSM programs characterizes them                              designed to equip students with the                         more to fill the global need for STEM
as “science plus” and notes that they                            quantitative analysis and team-based                        graduates who are also ready to
emphasize writing and communications,                            decision-making skills increasingly                         step into business roles.
and generally require students to                                needed in the business world. Employer
complete a team project as well as a                             demand for the Institute’s graduates
“real world” internship at a business                            has risen every single year. Students in
or in the public sector.22                                       the class of 2011 secured an average
                                                                 of 14 job interviews, and more than
                                                                 70 percent of the class received two

2.6 million in 2010 to 3.6 million in                            Figure 4: Technical/associate, graduate, post-graduate and doctoral STEM
2015.26 (See Figure 4.) Chinese and                              degrees (in millions), 2010 and 2015
Indian universities may not all be of
comparable quality to each other, let                            China and India lead the way.
alone to top universities in developed
countries, but they still graduate most
                                                                 4.0                                                                       2015
of the world’s STEM talent.
Brazil has seen a tenfold increase in                            3.5
the number of PhD degrees awarded in
the last two decades.27 The country’s                            3.0
new engineering graduates, though
dwarfed in numbers by India and
                                                                 2.5        2.63
China, will grow 68% between 2009
and 2015, with the number of new
PhDs estimated to more than double
in that time (to 8,800, as compared
to 9,933 in the US).28 In fact, by our                           1.5
estimates, Brazil will produce more
PhD engineers than the US by 2016.                               1.0                              1.19

Of course, there are persistent debates
                                                                 0.5                                           0.04
about how many STEM graduates from
                                                                                                               0.42           0.06
universities in developing countries                                                                                                        0.01         -0.01
                                                                 0.0                                                          0.15          0.16          0.11
are actually qualified for employment
with domestic firms, let alone global                                     China               India            US             Brazil        UK           Japan
                                                                 Source: Accenture Institute for High Performance analysis

6 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth

multinationals.29 Even if just one in                            our skills are sourced globally and not     that the country is churning out new
five STEM graduates in China will be                             just locally. The right talent could be     engineers. But actually reaching those
suitable for global employment (that                             anywhere in the world.”33                   people is extraordinarily difficult in
is, approximately 720,000 would be                                                                           practice without any “boots on the
candidates to work for multinationals),                          Of course, finding talent on a              ground.” While it is possible to find
China is still producing more qualified                          global scale and then employing it          STEM skills around the world, many
STEM talent than the US, which will                              productively is not a simple chore. The     employers lack the competency to
award 460,000 science, technology,                               costs of searching for skills in a global   search effectively in a global
engineering, and math degrees                                    talent market can be prohibitive. And       labor market.36
in 2015.31                                                       the risks associated with setting up
                                                                 outposts in countries with unsettled        On the other hand, even when
Given this growth in supply, an                                  governing institutions will give even       companies know where STEM skills
absolute shortage in STEM talent                                 the most adventurous executives a           are available, accessing those skills
does not appear to exist. The real                               reason to pause.                            can be problematic. Individuals’
problem for employers is a location                                                                          preferences are an important
mismatch: talent may not reside                                                                              constraint; some people won’t want
where it is needed. Accenture’s 2010                                                                         to move, for example. However, there
High Performance Workforce Study                                                                             are also systemic barriers, such as
revealed that in companies where                                 The real problem:                           government policies, employment and
R&D is a critical workforce, 24 percent                          location mismatch                           immigration laws, and infrastructure
of executives said that STEM skills                                                                          inadequacies that render skills in
were located in countries other than                                                                         remote locations inaccessible.
those in which they are needed.32 Only                           Companies face twin challenges as
21 percent said that the supply of                               they seek to source talent globally:        The information and access problems
skilled talent they need is extremely                            an “information problem” in which           are classic ones but they illustrate how
small or non-existent. For employers                             they often lack the information about       the local focus of most companies
relying most on STEM talent, location                            where skills are located and an “access     leads them to declare the existence
mismatch is already a bigger problem                             problem” in which they may know             of a shortage when labor supplies dry
than shortage. And as companies                                  where skills exist but have difficulty      up in their home markets. And they
expand their global footprint,                                   getting access to it.                       illustrate the relative immaturity of
location mismatch is likely to                                                                               thinking and experience about global
become a problem for any company                                 Many CEOs see the challenge of              labor markets.37
that relies on STEM talent.                                      locating and forecasting talent
                                                                 availability in emerging markets as a       Perhaps not surprisingly then,
So, despite what we anticipate to be                             major hurdle to growth.34 For instance,     most companies judge themselves
a growth in the supply of STEM skills                            the CEO of a large international            ill-equipped to solve the location
globally, the challenge for developed                            consumer goods company has said             mismatch of talent demand and
and emerging market companies alike                              that “finding the appropriate talent to     supply on their own. For example, an
will be finding and gaining access                               take advantage of the growth prospects      Accenture study featuring electronics
to talent that resides in different                              of emerging markets is one of the           and high tech firms reveals that
countries. Rohit Tandon, worldwide                               biggest challenges we face."35 The          few – only 17 percent – feel they
head of analytics for HP, notes that                             COO of a global airline echoed that         are well-positioned to source talent
“my biggest talent imperative today                              complaint to us when he said that the       worldwide.38 The rest will struggle to
and going forward is to ensure that                              lack of information about engineering       find the STEM talent they need in their
                                                                 talent in key emerging-market cities        home markets.
                                                                 made it difficult to forecast his
                                                                 company’s expansion to new growth
                                                                 centers with any level of confidence.
                                                                 A company seeking to open an office
                                                                 in Sao Paulo may know at a high level

7 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth

Connecting talent                                                That leaves most companies today
                                                                 forced to buy STEM skills on the open
                                                                                                            him hire 20 or 30 PhDs. But, with a
                                                                                                            prize offered in that amount, “you’re
supply and demand:                                               market – a task already fraught with       going to get a lot more than 20
                                                                 information and access challenges that     people participating.”42
The new                                                          will become increasingly difficult as
intermediaries                                                   more employers join the hunt in what’s
                                                                 arguably a “massive, messy, moving”
                                                                                                            Another new intermediary is
                                                                                                            YourEncore, which focuses on
What can companies do to secure                                  global talent market.39                    engaging a growing segment of
the STEM skills they need? Companies                                                                        experienced talent: retirees.
have a few basic strategies for                                  In the short run, there is a real          YourEncore maintains a network of
acquiring skills: build them internally                          opportunity for new intermediaries         “Experts” – retired scientists and
through investments in training                                  to intercede in the labor market and       engineers – who are called on to work
and development; buy them on the                                 improve employers’ ability to find         on projects at more than 50 companies,
external labor market (this could, at                            and access STEM talent wherever it         such as P&G, Eli Lilly, and General
times, involve “borrowing” skills from                           is available. In some cases, these         Mills. One YourEncore Expert, a retired
other firms by means of alliance or                              labor market intermediaries will           chemical engineer who had spent 35
joint venture); or substitute for them                           be entirely new entities; others,          years specializing in color for Kodak,
with technology or work simplification.                          however, will be new combinations          helped a consumer-products client
                                                                 of familiar organizations.                 solve a color challenge with a new
Substitution is difficult because the                                                                       hair-care product.43
flexibility, creativity and judgment that                        Companies have long relied on
makes STEM talent so productive is                               labor market intermediaries such           More and more, innovative interme-
impossible to program into software. In                          as staffing agencies and online job        diaries like Kaggle and YourEncore
the long run, it is possible to imagine                          boards to help them find employees.40      are helping employers find the talent
more STEM skills being simplified – in                           However, over the past decade,             they need, especially STEM talent. In a
much the same way that analytical                                several new types of intermediaries        world of mismatch between supply and
skills have been programmed into                                 have emerged.                              demand, labor market intermediaries
advanced diagnostic equipment in the                                                                        will be an essential component of the
pharmaceuticals business. But that is                            An example is Kaggle, an online            most successful companies’ global
in a very long run.                                              platform to which companies post           sourcing strategies.
                                                                 data sets and problems to be
To date, companies have largely                                  analyzed and answered by Kaggle’s
focused on “build” or “buy” solutions,                           global community of more than
but neither solution is particularly                             10,000 scientists.41 Founded in
satisfying. With the extended period                             2010 in Australia, Kaggle draws in
of learning and preparation needed                               scientists from quantitative fields
to acquire advanced STEM skills,                                 such as computer science, statistics,
it would simply take too long for                                econometrics, maths and physics,
companies to build advanced STEM                                 and from over 100 countries and 200
skills internally.                                               universities. The Heritage Provider
                                                                 Network, a California physicians group,
                                                                 has partnered with Kaggle to offer
                                                                 a $3 million prize to the contestant
                                                                 who creates the algorithm that best
                                                                 predicts which patients are likely to be
                                                                 hospitalized in the coming year; the
                                                                 aim is to help Heritage offer preventive
                                                                 care. An executive with the physician’s
                                                                 group notes that $3 million might let

8 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth

Looking ahead:                                                   countries. The industries – banking,
                                                                 insurance, communications technology,
                                                                                                            Some, like the US, the UK and Japan,
                                                                                                            are likely to face a shortfall in the
A research plan                                                  oil and gas, pharmaceuticals and           domestic supply of analytical talent.
                                                                 analytics services – are all major users   Others, like China, India, and Brazil
The Accenture Institute for High                                 of analytical talent. The countries        are likely to become net exporters of
Performance has embarked on a study                              – US, UK, Japan, Singapore, China,         analytical talent – unless, of course,
of demand-supply mismatch and                                    India and Brazil – represent a mix of      their own indigenous demand exceeds
new labor market intermediaries in                               developed and developing economies         local supply. For each country, we will
the global market for STEM talent.                               and, more important, each is both a        describe the landscape of talent creation
The intent of this investigation is                              producer and a consumer of                 and assess the major institutions that
not simply to document the problem                               analytical talent.                         produce analytical talent.
of location mismatch or to explain
how labor market intermediaries may                              We are collecting new data in              Matching mechanisms. Once we
bring about a better match between                               four ways:                                 have completed the analysis of
demand and supply. It is to show how                                                                        supply and demand, we will examine
the use of widely scattered data and                             Talent supply mapping on a global          alternative strategies that companies,
new analytical techniques can help                               scale. We are examining current            governments and social-sector
employers and policymakers                                       supplies of two analytical talent pools    organizations can use to resolve the
understand how and where to find,                                in each of the seven target countries.     location mismatch in the market for
access and develop essential talent.                             First, we are tracking the analytical      analytical talent, with a particular
                                                                 talent already present in the six          focus on understanding the role of
Given the wide variety of occupations                            industries in each country. Second, we     new labor market intermediaries. This
and skills that fall under the STEM                              are tracking the fresh talent coming       assessment will provide a dramatically
category and the scarcity of data that                           out of universities with bachelor’s,       new look at the STEM skill situation on
would allow for meaningful comparisons                           master’s and PhD degrees in math,          a global scale.
on a global scale, we narrowed our                               statistics, operations research and
empirical investigation to a slice of the                        other quantitative fields. We then use     Whatever their form and function,
STEM talent pool: analytical talent. By                          economic forecasts and data from           institutions that aid individual
analytical talent, we mean people who                            employers and universities to              employers and job seekers in finding
use statistics, rigorous quantitative                            estimate the supply of and demand          a match of appropriate skills and
analysis and information-modeling                                for analytical talent over the next five   talent are poised to become important
techniques to shape and make                                     years in each country and industry.        players in global labor markets in the
business decisions.44 Because math                                                                          next decade. For individual firms and
plays a “rapidly increasing role as a                            Industry case studies. Company             global economic growth alike, their
universal language for science,” people                          records, interviews with labor market      role in resolving the location mismatch
with advanced quantitative skills                                experts, and secondary sources will        of STEM talent will be critical.
participate in perhaps the closest thing                         help us ground the investigation in an
to a truly global labor market.45                                industry and individual enterprise
                                                                 context. Our industry-specific
We are collecting previously unavailable                         approach will add unique perspectives
data in order to test our hypothesis                             on the exact nature of the talent
about the existence of a “location                               mismatch as well as provide insights
mismatch” in the market for analytical                           for firms that want to know what kind
talent in six industries and seven                               of analytical talent they need and
                                                                 where supplies are located.

                                                                 Country analyses. Each country offers
                                                                 a different vantage point on the supply
                                                                 of and demand for analytical talent.

9 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth

About the authors                                                Robert J. Thomas (robert.j.thomas@
                                                        is the executive
Elizabeth Craig (elizabeth.craig@                                director of the Accenture Institute for is a research fellow                              High Performance. He is the author or
at the Accenture Institute for High                              co-author of seven books on leadership
Performance. She is the author, with                             and organizational change, including
Peter Cheese and Robert J. Thomas,                               Crucibles of Leadership: How to
of The Talent Powered Organization:                              Learn from Experience to Be a Great
Strategies for Globalization, Talent                             Leader (Harvard Business Press, 2007);
Management and High Performance                                  The Talent Powered Organization,
(Kogan Page, 2007). Her work has also                            (Kogan Page, 2007); and The
been published in the Wall Street                                Organizational Networks Fieldbook
Journal, Strategy & Leadership, Talent                           (Jossey-Bass, 2010). He holds a PhD
Management, Strategic HR Review                                  from Northwestern University.
and elsewhere. She holds a PhD from
the University of Pennsylvania.                                  Charlene Hou (charlene.hou@
                                                        is an analyst
                                                                 with the Accenture Institute for
                                                                 High Performance.

                                                                 Smriti Mathur (smriti.mathur@
                                                        is a senior analyst
                                                                 with the Accenture Institute for
                                                                 High Performance.

10 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth

Notes                                                            15 	 nthony O’Donnel, “Demand for Sophisticated
                                                                    A                                                        	 Wadhwa, Ben Rissing, and Ryan Ong, “Getting the
                                                                 	 Risk Management Capabilities Increasing,” Insurance       	 Numbers Right: International Engineering Education
                                                                 	 & Technology, April 15 2010. See http://www.              	 in the United States, China, and India,” Journal of
1 	 Robert D. Atkinson and Merrilea Mayo, “Refueling                   	 Engineering Education, 2008.
	 the U.S. Innovation Economy: Fresh Approaches to               	 The UK Chartered Insurance Institute’s survey of          30 	 . Farrell, M. Laboissière, J. Rosenfeld, S. Stürze
	 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics               	 university students revealed that only 1 percent          	 and F. Umezawa, “The emerging global labor market:
	 (STEM) Education,” The Information Technology &                	 were interested in working in insurance after             	 Part II—the supply of offshore talent,” McKinsey
	 Innovation Foundation, December 2010.                          	 graduation, compared with 15 percent who were             	 Global Institute, 2005.
2 	 Examples: The National Academies Press, Rising               	 interested in finance and banking and 22 percent          31 	Estimated based on educations statistics in the
	 Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and                      	 likely headed into professional services. See The         	 three countries: People’s Republic of China Ministry
	 Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future,              	 Chartered Insurance Institute, “Insuring a better         	 of Education (MOE), 2009; National Center for
	 2007; Atkinson and Mayo, “Refueling the U.S.                   	 future: how to attract the best students into             	 Education Statistics (NCES), 2008; Higher Education
	 Innovation Economy”; Confederation of British                  	 insurance,” June 22, 2010. See      	 Statistics Agency (HESA) 2010.
	 Industry and Education Development International,              	downloaddata/Insuring_a_better_future.pdf.                 32 	 ontrast that with the numbers for other work
	 Building for Growth: Business Priorities for                   16 	 ccenture, “Talent management at peak capacity:
                                                                    A                                                        	 forces: sales (9%), manufacturing (16%), and
	 Education and Skills – Education and Skills Survey             	 The utilities industry’s challenge and the way            	 finance (14%).
	 2011; Manpower Group, Talent Shortage 2011                     	 forward to achieve high performance,” 2008.               33 	nterview with Arnab Chakraborty and Rohit Tandon
	 Survey Results.                                                17 	 ohn Ray, “Fastest Growing Tech—Q1 Update,”
                                                                    J                                                        	 on April 25, 2011.
3 	 Confederation of British Industry and Education      , April 6, 2011. See http://blogs.forbes.       34 	 Growth reimagined: Prospects in emerging markets
	 Development International, Building for Growth. See            	com/johnray/2011/04/06/fast-start-for-fast-tech-           	 drive CEO confidence.” PwC 14th Annual Global                                                 	in-the-first-quarter/.                                     	 CEO Survey 2011. See also: Accenture, The Future
4 	 NASSCOM, Up-skilling the Talent Pool, August 2010.           18 	 ee “Thriving economy lures NRIs back to India,” The
                                                                    S                                                        	 of Electronics and High Tech, Developing
	 See                                           	 Economic Times. http://economictimes.india                	 international operating models for the next era of
5 	 Confederation of British Industry, SET for Growth:               	 competition, 2010.
	 Business Priorities for Science, Engineering and               	lures-nris-back-to-india/articleshow/8112599.              35 	 Growth reimagined: Prospects in emerging markets
	 Technology, August 2010.                                       	 cms?intenttarget=no. April 29, 2010. China Daily,         	 drive CEO confidence.” PwC 14th Annual Global CEO
6 	 US Chamber of Commerce, Tapping America’s                    	 “Overseas Chinese return for growing opportunities,”      	 Survey 2011
	 Potential, July 2005. See              	 May 13, 2011. Woo-sok Soh, “Korean Americans              36 	 eter Cappelli, “Is There A Shortage of
	about/TAP_report2.pdf.                                          	 rush to return home,” The Korea Daily, January 6,         	 Information Technology Workers?” A Report to
7 	 Accenture Institute for High Performance, New                	2010.                                                      	 McKinsey and Company, June 2010.
	 Waves of Growth, January 2011.                                 19 	 Incentives for Malaysian Experts Abroad to Return
                                                                    “                                                        37 	Ibid.
	 See                                         	 to Work in Malaysia,” Official Website of the             38 	 ccenture, The Future of Electronics and High Tech,
8 	 Wadhwa Vivek, “The Future of Indian                          	 Ministry of Finance Malaysia,” March 31, 2010. See        	 Developing international operating models for the
	 Technology,” November 13, 2010. See http://                                          	 next era of competition, 2010.                     20 	 ational Center for Education Statistics. “Bachelor's
                                                                    N                                                        	 See
	technology/.                                                    	 degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions,        39 	 aniel Pink, “The Talent Market,” Fast Company, July
9 	 Tomoko A. Hosaka, “Japan looking to sell ‘smart’             	 by sex, race/ethnicity, and field of study: 2007-08.”     	1998.
	 cities to the world,” Associated Press, October 7,             	 See                                   40 	 hris Beener, Laura Leete, and Manuel Pastor.
	2010.                                                           21 Robert D. Atkinson and Merrilea Mayo, “Refueling         	 Staircases or Treadmills? Labor Market
10 	Rob Wilson, “The Demand for STEM Graduates:                  	 the U.S. Innovation Economy: Fresh Approaches to          	 Intermediaries and Economic Opportunity in a
	 Some Benchmark Projections,” Warwick Institute for             	 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics          	 Changing Economy. New York: Russell Sage
	 Employment Research, January 2009.                             	 (STEM) Education,” The Information Technology &           	 Foundation, 2007. Bernhardt et al, 2000. “Moving
11 	Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor,        	 Innovation Foundation, December 2010.                     	 the Demand Side: Intermediaries in a Changing
	 Career Guide to Industries, 2010-11 Edition,                   22 	 ee
                                                                    S                                                        	 Labor Market.”
	 Computer Systems Design and Related Services.                  23 	 obert D. Atkinson and Merrilea Mayo, “Refueling
                                                                    R                                                        41 	Jeremy Shapiro, “Interview with,” April
	 See                      	 the U.S. Innovation Economy: Fresh Approaches to          	 25, 2011. See
	 Retrieved January 29, 2011.                                    	 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics          	interview-with-kaggle-com/.
12 	 ssociated Press, “Google to Hire More Than 6,200
    A                                                            	 (STEM) Education,” The Information Technology &           42 	 ennifer Valentino-Devries, “May the Best Algorithm
	 Workers This Year,” January 26, 2011.                          	 Innovation Foundation, December 2010                      	 Win…” Wall Street Journal, March 16, 2011. See
13 Accenture Analysis. Sources: IDC, Evalueserve,                24 	 alculated based on education statistics published 	
	 Forrester Research.                                            	 by the Ministry of Education of the People’s 		           	4662604576202392747278936.html.
14 Robert D. Atkinson and Merrilea Mayo, “Refueling              	 Republic of China, 2009.                                  43 	 Old heads, New ideas,” 100thoughts HSBC. http://
	 the U.S. Innovation Economy: Fresh Approaches to               25 	 alculated based on education statistics in the two
	 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics               	 countries: National Center for Education Statistics       	HSBC-100-Thoughts.pdf.
	 (STEM) Education,” The Information Technology &                	 (NCES), 2008; Higher Education Statistics Agency          44 	 homas H. Davenport, Jeanne G. Harris, and Robert
	 Innovation Foundation, December 2010.                          	 (HESA) 2010.                                              	 Morison. Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions,
                                                                 26 	 ata for 2009 graduates is taken from the higher
                                                                    D                                                        	 Better Results. Boston: Harvard Business Press,
                                                                 	 education statistics published by the Ministry of         	 2010; and Jeanne G. Harris, Elizabeth Craig and
                                                                 	 Education of the People’s Republic of China; see          	 Henry Egan, 2010, “How successful organizations
                                                          Forecasts for subsequent          	 strategically manage their analytical talent”,
                                                                 	 years are estimated based on government expendi           	 Strategy & Leadership, vol. 38 no. 3, pp 15-22.
                                                                 	 ture on education (historical and projected), popula      45 	 orld Science Forum in Budapest (November 2009).
                                                                 	 tion growth rate in cohort group, changes in the
                                                                 	 gross enrolment ratio, and socio-economic indica
                                                                 	 tors such as urbanization, growth in real per capita
                                                                 	 income, and literacy rates.
                                                                 27 	 Go south, young scientist: An emerging power in
                                                                 	 research,” The Economist, January 6, 2011.
                                                                 28 	 ccenture analysis.
                                                                 29 	 or a review of this topic, see Gary Gereffi, Vivek

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No Shortage of Talent

  • 1. No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth By Elizabeth Craig, Robert J. Thomas, Charlene Hou and Smriti Mathur September 2011 Research Report
  • 2. No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth The talent power needed for global economic growth comes from men and women armed with STEM skills – advanced knowledge of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Many experts have raised the alarm to highlight looming shortages of such talent, raising the possibility of a diminished capacity for innovation and slower growth. But Accenture research shows that the supply of STEM talent is growing rapidly. The key is learning how to find it. Scientists, technologists, engineers, managers believe that they won’t be Instead, the problem is one of location mathematicians: these are the high-end able to find enough trained people to mismatch: talented people are knowledge workers who turn the meet their needs.3 available but not always in the places wheel of the global economy. where they are needed. For example, Collectively, they share at least one Consider that India produces one there may be a shortage of chemical thing in common, the STEM skills that of the largest pools of engineers engineers in Germany but a large and are critical to economic growth. How each year, but software association growing supply in China. What we critical? As the authors of a recent NASSCOM says that only 25 percent are witnessing is the emergence of report put it: “Just as we would be of them are readily employable.4 a truly global labor market for STEM unable to expand industry if we lacked In the UK, two-thirds of senior talent – but one that lacks essential the natural resource materials to build executives from science, high-tech and mechanisms for matching demand the factories (e.g., cement), or energy IT firms say they can’t find the STEM and supply of critical skills across to power the plants, we cannot expand talent that they need.5 And in the US, geographic boundaries. our technology economy without the concerns about the country’s ability to needed human resources, in this case “sustain its scientific and technological Location mismatch will force high-quality STEM graduates.”1 leadership” prompted a group of 15 individual companies to venture prominent business organizations to well beyond their traditional hunting Many business leaders fear shortages join together with the goal of doubling grounds – and the cost of search can of STEM talent in the coming years. the number of science, technology, be quite high. Gaps in labor market For example, countless studies contend engineering and mathematics institutions will make it difficult for that the lack of people with the graduates with bachelor’s degrees even well-heeled companies to find right skills could hold back economic by 2015.6 and keep STEM talent. For those growth, especially in developed reasons, we believe that there is a economies.2 And surveys show that However, our research suggests that real opportunity for new “labor the problem is not one of shortages. market intermediaries” (LMIs) to intercede in global labor markets. 2 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
  • 3. No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth Explosive demand Figure 1: Projected growth in the size of the US labor force 2008 – 2018 (percentage increase in employment) for STEM skills Employment in STEM occupations is projected to grow With global economic growth expected almost two times faster than the average for all occupations. to be driven by the life sciences, alternative energy, aging populations and consumption in emerging markets, All Occupations 10% the demand for STEM talent is set to explode in the next decade.7 In the All STEM Occupations 19% United States alone, employment in STEM occupations is projected to Life Scientists 27% grow almost twice as fast between 2008 and 2018 than employment in Computer and Mathematical 22% other occupations. (See Figure 1.) The size of India’s tech sector will grow Physical Scientists 15% more than sixfold in seven years.8 The South Korean government is pumping Engineers 11% $200 billion into a new green smart 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 grid project that is expected to create 500,000 tech jobs.9 In the UK, experts Percent Change forecast an 80 percent increase Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections, 2010, as reported in Atkinson and Mayo, 2010. 14 in demand for biological science graduates and a 49 percent increase in demand for mathematical science and analysts and software engineers. There utilities industry, which is scrambling computing graduates between 2007 is also swelling demand for STEM skills to find enough electrical engineers just and 2017.10 in nascent industries like business to meet increasing demands for power, analytics services, a market that has never mind to invent, design and Companies that rely on STEM skills are seen remarkable growth in the past operate clean energy and smart grid already in a frenzied grab for talent. three years and will exceed $53 billion technologies.16 The utilities’ and In the United States, tech companies globally by 2013.13 insurance companies’ main competition like Facebook, Amazon, Cognizant for STEM graduates? The more alluring and Apple will need to fill upwards High-tech companies are not the only technology companies like Apple, of 650,000 new jobs by 2018 to meet ones in search of STEM skills – though Samsung and Twitter – not to mention their growth projections. Two-thirds they may have the advantage of a others such as Zynga, Solar Winds and of the new hires will be STEM talent.11 more modern image. Many of the Riverbed Technologies that are only Google already announced it would skills needed by flourishing Internet now in their infancy.17 “aggressively recruit” more than 6,200 companies are also coveted by workers in 2011 – mostly computer established financial services, utilities engineers.12 In China, companies such and chemical companies like John as Baidu, Alibaba and Renren are Hancock, AES, and Dow. For example, swallowing up programmers, systems in the insurance industry employers are searching for math, finance, physics and engineering graduates who can do sophisticated predictive analytics and comprehensive risk modeling.15 The same is true for the 3 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
  • 4. No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth "My biggest talent imperative today and going forward is to ensure that our skills are sourced globally and not just locally. The right talent could be anywhere in the world." — Rohit Tandon, Worldwide head of analytics for HP To complicate things further, have been positioning themselves to developed market companies may compete in the much more profitable increasingly find themselves in direct prescription or patent drug business. competition with emerging market companies for the same STEM talent. Second, economic growth in developing Two factors are important here. First, economies inspires entrepreneurship shifts in the global economy have led and creates new professional many emerging market companies to opportunities. Evidence of this can be think seriously about moving into found in the returning diasporas: the more profitable segments of the increased number of Indian, Chinese market by competing on product and Koreans who went abroad for features rather than on labor-cost education but have returned home to differentials. Pharmaceuticals in India work.18 Even if the highly skilled are are a case in point: for many years inclined to move, national governments global majors like Pfizer and GSK may impose limits on their mobility sourced their products from generics or create incentives (such as have manufacturers in India, but lately been initiated in Malaysia) to keep the latter (for example, Dr. Reddy) them inside their borders.19 Developed market countries that rely heavily on high-skill foreign STEM talent – the US awards more than 50 percent of engineering and computer science doctorates to foreign students—may find it more difficult to attract the world’s best and brightest STEM talent. 4 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
  • 5. No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth Booming supply of Figure 2: Share of STEM talent: Emerging and developed economies STEM skills The three largest emerging economies already produce more STEM talent than three of the world’s largest developed economies, claiming a higher percentage Despite general recognition of global every year. growth in demand, it’s highly unlikely that universities in developed economies Developed economies Emerging economies (US, UK, Japan) (Brazil, China, India) will be able to simply turn up the dial and produce more STEM graduates 7 in the next decade. Consider that 6 the US graduated 88,000 visual and 88% 87% performance arts majors in 2008 but 5 87% 86% only 69,000 engineers.20 The number 86% 85% Millions of STEM graduates in the US would 4 85% need to increase by 20 to 30 percent 3 between 2006 and 2016 to meet the country’s projected growth in science 2 and engineering employment alone.21 That would require a collective effort 1 on par with the one fueled by the 15% 15% 14% 14% 13% 13% 12% space race between the United States 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 and the Soviet Union in the late 1950s Source: Accenture Institute for High Performance analysis. and early 1960s. And as many have observed, it would also require consid- erable innovation in STEM education Figure 3: STEM degrees as a percentage of all degrees (2011) and training – a challenge that some institutions are trying to meet. (See In China, more than 40 percent of all degrees awarded are STEM degrees. In the “Higher education: Producing US, just one in eight is a STEM degree. ‘business-ready’ STEM talent.”) 50% The STEM talent situation looks very different when we take a global view. China, India and Brazil are producing more and more of the world’s STEM 40% 41% graduates. (See Figure 2.) In China, 41 percent of all new university degrees awarded are in science and 30% engineering.24 Comparable figures are 13 percent in the US, and 22 percent 26% in the UK.25 (See Figure 3.) 20% 22% The emerging market economies 18% are accelerating their production of STEM graduates much faster than 10% 14% 13% the US and other developed coun- tries. According to our projections, the number of engineering degrees 0 awarded in China will grow from China% India UK Japan Brazil US Source: Accenture Institute for High Performance analysis 5 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
  • 6. No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth Higher education: Producing Today there are more than 230 PSM or more job offers. Over 90 percent “business ready” STEM talent programs at 110 institutions in the were placed in jobs by graduation United States. Total enrollments are for the fourth straight year despite a One way to quickly produce more still relatively small, however, with lagging economy. Given its success, business-ready STEM talent is through about 2,600 students enrolled per year.23 the Institute is doubling the size of the innovation in education. In the 1990s, program from 40 to 80 students a new credential was introduced in Entirely new courses of study can also in 2012. the US higher education system: the help fill market needs for STEM talent. Professional Science Master’s degree, At North Carolina State University Clearly, these new types of programs or PSM. These degree programs in Raleigh, students can complete a and courses of study are only making integrate science courses with business Master’s of Science in Analytics at small dents in the talent-supply courses at about a 70 percent-30 the Institute for Advanced Analytics. problem so far. Over time, however, percent ratio. An umbrella organization Founded in 2007, the Institute was such innovations could do much for PSM programs characterizes them designed to equip students with the more to fill the global need for STEM as “science plus” and notes that they quantitative analysis and team-based graduates who are also ready to emphasize writing and communications, decision-making skills increasingly step into business roles. and generally require students to needed in the business world. Employer complete a team project as well as a demand for the Institute’s graduates “real world” internship at a business has risen every single year. Students in or in the public sector.22 the class of 2011 secured an average of 14 job interviews, and more than 70 percent of the class received two 2.6 million in 2010 to 3.6 million in Figure 4: Technical/associate, graduate, post-graduate and doctoral STEM 2015.26 (See Figure 4.) Chinese and degrees (in millions), 2010 and 2015 Indian universities may not all be of comparable quality to each other, let China and India lead the way. alone to top universities in developed countries, but they still graduate most 4.0 2015 of the world’s STEM talent. 2010 Brazil has seen a tenfold increase in 3.5 0.94 the number of PhD degrees awarded in the last two decades.27 The country’s 3.0 new engineering graduates, though dwarfed in numbers by India and 2.5 2.63 China, will grow 68% between 2009 and 2015, with the number of new 2.0 PhDs estimated to more than double in that time (to 8,800, as compared to 9,933 in the US).28 In fact, by our 1.5 0.37 estimates, Brazil will produce more PhD engineers than the US by 2016. 1.0 1.19 Of course, there are persistent debates 0.5 0.04 about how many STEM graduates from 0.42 0.06 universities in developing countries 0.01 -0.01 0.0 0.15 0.16 0.11 are actually qualified for employment with domestic firms, let alone global China India US Brazil UK Japan Source: Accenture Institute for High Performance analysis 6 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
  • 7. No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth multinationals.29 Even if just one in our skills are sourced globally and not that the country is churning out new five STEM graduates in China will be just locally. The right talent could be engineers. But actually reaching those suitable for global employment (that anywhere in the world.”33 people is extraordinarily difficult in is, approximately 720,000 would be practice without any “boots on the candidates to work for multinationals), Of course, finding talent on a ground.” While it is possible to find China is still producing more qualified global scale and then employing it STEM skills around the world, many STEM talent than the US, which will productively is not a simple chore. The employers lack the competency to award 460,000 science, technology, costs of searching for skills in a global search effectively in a global engineering, and math degrees talent market can be prohibitive. And labor market.36 in 2015.31 the risks associated with setting up outposts in countries with unsettled On the other hand, even when Given this growth in supply, an governing institutions will give even companies know where STEM skills absolute shortage in STEM talent the most adventurous executives a are available, accessing those skills does not appear to exist. The real reason to pause. can be problematic. Individuals’ problem for employers is a location preferences are an important mismatch: talent may not reside constraint; some people won’t want where it is needed. Accenture’s 2010 to move, for example. However, there High Performance Workforce Study are also systemic barriers, such as revealed that in companies where The real problem: government policies, employment and R&D is a critical workforce, 24 percent location mismatch immigration laws, and infrastructure of executives said that STEM skills inadequacies that render skills in were located in countries other than remote locations inaccessible. those in which they are needed.32 Only Companies face twin challenges as 21 percent said that the supply of they seek to source talent globally: The information and access problems skilled talent they need is extremely an “information problem” in which are classic ones but they illustrate how small or non-existent. For employers they often lack the information about the local focus of most companies relying most on STEM talent, location where skills are located and an “access leads them to declare the existence mismatch is already a bigger problem problem” in which they may know of a shortage when labor supplies dry than shortage. And as companies where skills exist but have difficulty up in their home markets. And they expand their global footprint, getting access to it. illustrate the relative immaturity of location mismatch is likely to thinking and experience about global become a problem for any company Many CEOs see the challenge of labor markets.37 that relies on STEM talent. locating and forecasting talent availability in emerging markets as a Perhaps not surprisingly then, So, despite what we anticipate to be major hurdle to growth.34 For instance, most companies judge themselves a growth in the supply of STEM skills the CEO of a large international ill-equipped to solve the location globally, the challenge for developed consumer goods company has said mismatch of talent demand and and emerging market companies alike that “finding the appropriate talent to supply on their own. For example, an will be finding and gaining access take advantage of the growth prospects Accenture study featuring electronics to talent that resides in different of emerging markets is one of the and high tech firms reveals that countries. Rohit Tandon, worldwide biggest challenges we face."35 The few – only 17 percent – feel they head of analytics for HP, notes that COO of a global airline echoed that are well-positioned to source talent “my biggest talent imperative today complaint to us when he said that the worldwide.38 The rest will struggle to and going forward is to ensure that lack of information about engineering find the STEM talent they need in their talent in key emerging-market cities home markets. made it difficult to forecast his company’s expansion to new growth centers with any level of confidence. A company seeking to open an office in Sao Paulo may know at a high level 7 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
  • 8. No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth Connecting talent That leaves most companies today forced to buy STEM skills on the open him hire 20 or 30 PhDs. But, with a prize offered in that amount, “you’re supply and demand: market – a task already fraught with going to get a lot more than 20 information and access challenges that people participating.”42 The new will become increasingly difficult as intermediaries more employers join the hunt in what’s arguably a “massive, messy, moving” Another new intermediary is YourEncore, which focuses on What can companies do to secure global talent market.39 engaging a growing segment of the STEM skills they need? Companies experienced talent: retirees. have a few basic strategies for In the short run, there is a real YourEncore maintains a network of acquiring skills: build them internally opportunity for new intermediaries “Experts” – retired scientists and through investments in training to intercede in the labor market and engineers – who are called on to work and development; buy them on the improve employers’ ability to find on projects at more than 50 companies, external labor market (this could, at and access STEM talent wherever it such as P&G, Eli Lilly, and General times, involve “borrowing” skills from is available. In some cases, these Mills. One YourEncore Expert, a retired other firms by means of alliance or labor market intermediaries will chemical engineer who had spent 35 joint venture); or substitute for them be entirely new entities; others, years specializing in color for Kodak, with technology or work simplification. however, will be new combinations helped a consumer-products client of familiar organizations. solve a color challenge with a new Substitution is difficult because the hair-care product.43 flexibility, creativity and judgment that Companies have long relied on makes STEM talent so productive is labor market intermediaries such More and more, innovative interme- impossible to program into software. In as staffing agencies and online job diaries like Kaggle and YourEncore the long run, it is possible to imagine boards to help them find employees.40 are helping employers find the talent more STEM skills being simplified – in However, over the past decade, they need, especially STEM talent. In a much the same way that analytical several new types of intermediaries world of mismatch between supply and skills have been programmed into have emerged. demand, labor market intermediaries advanced diagnostic equipment in the will be an essential component of the pharmaceuticals business. But that is An example is Kaggle, an online most successful companies’ global in a very long run. platform to which companies post sourcing strategies. data sets and problems to be To date, companies have largely analyzed and answered by Kaggle’s focused on “build” or “buy” solutions, global community of more than but neither solution is particularly 10,000 scientists.41 Founded in satisfying. With the extended period 2010 in Australia, Kaggle draws in of learning and preparation needed scientists from quantitative fields to acquire advanced STEM skills, such as computer science, statistics, it would simply take too long for econometrics, maths and physics, companies to build advanced STEM and from over 100 countries and 200 skills internally. universities. The Heritage Provider Network, a California physicians group, has partnered with Kaggle to offer a $3 million prize to the contestant who creates the algorithm that best predicts which patients are likely to be hospitalized in the coming year; the aim is to help Heritage offer preventive care. An executive with the physician’s group notes that $3 million might let 8 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
  • 9. No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth Looking ahead: countries. The industries – banking, insurance, communications technology, Some, like the US, the UK and Japan, are likely to face a shortfall in the A research plan oil and gas, pharmaceuticals and domestic supply of analytical talent. analytics services – are all major users Others, like China, India, and Brazil The Accenture Institute for High of analytical talent. The countries are likely to become net exporters of Performance has embarked on a study – US, UK, Japan, Singapore, China, analytical talent – unless, of course, of demand-supply mismatch and India and Brazil – represent a mix of their own indigenous demand exceeds new labor market intermediaries in developed and developing economies local supply. For each country, we will the global market for STEM talent. and, more important, each is both a describe the landscape of talent creation The intent of this investigation is producer and a consumer of and assess the major institutions that not simply to document the problem analytical talent. produce analytical talent. of location mismatch or to explain how labor market intermediaries may We are collecting new data in Matching mechanisms. Once we bring about a better match between four ways: have completed the analysis of demand and supply. It is to show how supply and demand, we will examine the use of widely scattered data and Talent supply mapping on a global alternative strategies that companies, new analytical techniques can help scale. We are examining current governments and social-sector employers and policymakers supplies of two analytical talent pools organizations can use to resolve the understand how and where to find, in each of the seven target countries. location mismatch in the market for access and develop essential talent. First, we are tracking the analytical analytical talent, with a particular talent already present in the six focus on understanding the role of Given the wide variety of occupations industries in each country. Second, we new labor market intermediaries. This and skills that fall under the STEM are tracking the fresh talent coming assessment will provide a dramatically category and the scarcity of data that out of universities with bachelor’s, new look at the STEM skill situation on would allow for meaningful comparisons master’s and PhD degrees in math, a global scale. on a global scale, we narrowed our statistics, operations research and empirical investigation to a slice of the other quantitative fields. We then use Whatever their form and function, STEM talent pool: analytical talent. By economic forecasts and data from institutions that aid individual analytical talent, we mean people who employers and universities to employers and job seekers in finding use statistics, rigorous quantitative estimate the supply of and demand a match of appropriate skills and analysis and information-modeling for analytical talent over the next five talent are poised to become important techniques to shape and make years in each country and industry. players in global labor markets in the business decisions.44 Because math next decade. For individual firms and plays a “rapidly increasing role as a Industry case studies. Company global economic growth alike, their universal language for science,” people records, interviews with labor market role in resolving the location mismatch with advanced quantitative skills experts, and secondary sources will of STEM talent will be critical. participate in perhaps the closest thing help us ground the investigation in an to a truly global labor market.45 industry and individual enterprise context. Our industry-specific We are collecting previously unavailable approach will add unique perspectives data in order to test our hypothesis on the exact nature of the talent about the existence of a “location mismatch as well as provide insights mismatch” in the market for analytical for firms that want to know what kind talent in six industries and seven of analytical talent they need and where supplies are located. Country analyses. Each country offers a different vantage point on the supply of and demand for analytical talent. 9 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
  • 10. No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth About the authors Robert J. Thomas (robert.j.thomas@ is the executive Elizabeth Craig (elizabeth.craig@ director of the Accenture Institute for is a research fellow High Performance. He is the author or at the Accenture Institute for High co-author of seven books on leadership Performance. She is the author, with and organizational change, including Peter Cheese and Robert J. Thomas, Crucibles of Leadership: How to of The Talent Powered Organization: Learn from Experience to Be a Great Strategies for Globalization, Talent Leader (Harvard Business Press, 2007); Management and High Performance The Talent Powered Organization, (Kogan Page, 2007). Her work has also (Kogan Page, 2007); and The been published in the Wall Street Organizational Networks Fieldbook Journal, Strategy & Leadership, Talent (Jossey-Bass, 2010). He holds a PhD Management, Strategic HR Review from Northwestern University. and elsewhere. She holds a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. Charlene Hou (charlene.hou@ is an analyst with the Accenture Institute for High Performance. Smriti Mathur (smriti.mathur@ is a senior analyst with the Accenture Institute for High Performance. 10 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
  • 11. No Shortage of Talent: How the Global Market is Producing the STEM Skills Needed for Growth Notes 15 nthony O’Donnel, “Demand for Sophisticated A Wadhwa, Ben Rissing, and Ryan Ong, “Getting the Risk Management Capabilities Increasing,” Insurance Numbers Right: International Engineering Education & Technology, April 15 2010. See http://www. in the United States, China, and India,” Journal of 1 Robert D. Atkinson and Merrilea Mayo, “Refueling Engineering Education, 2008. the U.S. Innovation Economy: Fresh Approaches to The UK Chartered Insurance Institute’s survey of 30 . Farrell, M. Laboissière, J. Rosenfeld, S. Stürze D Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics university students revealed that only 1 percent and F. Umezawa, “The emerging global labor market: (STEM) Education,” The Information Technology & were interested in working in insurance after Part II—the supply of offshore talent,” McKinsey Innovation Foundation, December 2010. graduation, compared with 15 percent who were Global Institute, 2005. 2 Examples: The National Academies Press, Rising interested in finance and banking and 22 percent 31 Estimated based on educations statistics in the Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and likely headed into professional services. See The three countries: People’s Republic of China Ministry Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future, Chartered Insurance Institute, “Insuring a better of Education (MOE), 2009; National Center for 2007; Atkinson and Mayo, “Refueling the U.S. future: how to attract the best students into Education Statistics (NCES), 2008; Higher Education Innovation Economy”; Confederation of British insurance,” June 22, 2010. See Statistics Agency (HESA) 2010. Industry and Education Development International, downloaddata/Insuring_a_better_future.pdf. 32 ontrast that with the numbers for other work C Building for Growth: Business Priorities for 16 ccenture, “Talent management at peak capacity: A forces: sales (9%), manufacturing (16%), and Education and Skills – Education and Skills Survey The utilities industry’s challenge and the way finance (14%). 2011; Manpower Group, Talent Shortage 2011 forward to achieve high performance,” 2008. 33 nterview with Arnab Chakraborty and Rohit Tandon I Survey Results. 17 ohn Ray, “Fastest Growing Tech—Q1 Update,” J on April 25, 2011. 3 Confederation of British Industry and Education, April 6, 2011. See http://blogs.forbes. 34 Growth reimagined: Prospects in emerging markets “ Development International, Building for Growth. See com/johnray/2011/04/06/fast-start-for-fast-tech- drive CEO confidence.” PwC 14th Annual Global in-the-first-quarter/. CEO Survey 2011. See also: Accenture, The Future 4 NASSCOM, Up-skilling the Talent Pool, August 2010. 18 ee “Thriving economy lures NRIs back to India,” The S of Electronics and High Tech, Developing See Economic Times. http://economictimes.india international operating models for the next era of 5 Confederation of British Industry, SET for Growth: competition, 2010. Business Priorities for Science, Engineering and lures-nris-back-to-india/articleshow/8112599. 35 Growth reimagined: Prospects in emerging markets “ Technology, August 2010. cms?intenttarget=no. April 29, 2010. China Daily, drive CEO confidence.” PwC 14th Annual Global CEO 6 US Chamber of Commerce, Tapping America’s “Overseas Chinese return for growing opportunities,” Survey 2011 Potential, July 2005. See May 13, 2011. Woo-sok Soh, “Korean Americans 36 eter Cappelli, “Is There A Shortage of P about/TAP_report2.pdf. rush to return home,” The Korea Daily, January 6, Information Technology Workers?” A Report to 7 Accenture Institute for High Performance, New 2010. McKinsey and Company, June 2010. Waves of Growth, January 2011. 19 Incentives for Malaysian Experts Abroad to Return “ 37 Ibid. See to Work in Malaysia,” Official Website of the 38 ccenture, The Future of Electronics and High Tech, A 8 Wadhwa Vivek, “The Future of Indian Ministry of Finance Malaysia,” March 31, 2010. See Developing international operating models for the Technology,” November 13, 2010. See http:// next era of competition, 2010. 20 ational Center for Education Statistics. “Bachelor's N See technology/. degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions, 39 aniel Pink, “The Talent Market,” Fast Company, July D 9 Tomoko A. Hosaka, “Japan looking to sell ‘smart’ by sex, race/ethnicity, and field of study: 2007-08.” 1998. cities to the world,” Associated Press, October 7, See 40 hris Beener, Laura Leete, and Manuel Pastor. C 2010. 21 Robert D. Atkinson and Merrilea Mayo, “Refueling Staircases or Treadmills? Labor Market 10 Rob Wilson, “The Demand for STEM Graduates: the U.S. Innovation Economy: Fresh Approaches to Intermediaries and Economic Opportunity in a Some Benchmark Projections,” Warwick Institute for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Changing Economy. New York: Russell Sage Employment Research, January 2009. (STEM) Education,” The Information Technology & Foundation, 2007. Bernhardt et al, 2000. “Moving 11 Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Innovation Foundation, December 2010. the Demand Side: Intermediaries in a Changing Career Guide to Industries, 2010-11 Edition, 22 ee S Labor Market.” Computer Systems Design and Related Services. 23 obert D. Atkinson and Merrilea Mayo, “Refueling R 41 Jeremy Shapiro, “Interview with,” April See the U.S. Innovation Economy: Fresh Approaches to 25, 2011. See Retrieved January 29, 2011. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics interview-with-kaggle-com/. 12 ssociated Press, “Google to Hire More Than 6,200 A (STEM) Education,” The Information Technology & 42 ennifer Valentino-Devries, “May the Best Algorithm J Workers This Year,” January 26, 2011. Innovation Foundation, December 2010 Win…” Wall Street Journal, March 16, 2011. See 13 Accenture Analysis. Sources: IDC, Evalueserve, 24 alculated based on education statistics published C Forrester Research. by the Ministry of Education of the People’s 4662604576202392747278936.html. 14 Robert D. Atkinson and Merrilea Mayo, “Refueling Republic of China, 2009. 43 Old heads, New ideas,” 100thoughts HSBC. http:// “ the U.S. Innovation Economy: Fresh Approaches to 25 alculated based on education statistics in the two C Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics countries: National Center for Education Statistics HSBC-100-Thoughts.pdf. (STEM) Education,” The Information Technology & (NCES), 2008; Higher Education Statistics Agency 44 homas H. Davenport, Jeanne G. Harris, and Robert T Innovation Foundation, December 2010. (HESA) 2010. Morison. Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, 26 ata for 2009 graduates is taken from the higher D Better Results. Boston: Harvard Business Press, education statistics published by the Ministry of 2010; and Jeanne G. Harris, Elizabeth Craig and Education of the People’s Republic of China; see Henry Egan, 2010, “How successful organizations Forecasts for subsequent strategically manage their analytical talent”, years are estimated based on government expendi Strategy & Leadership, vol. 38 no. 3, pp 15-22. ture on education (historical and projected), popula 45 orld Science Forum in Budapest (November 2009). W tion growth rate in cohort group, changes in the gross enrolment ratio, and socio-economic indica tors such as urbanization, growth in real per capita income, and literacy rates. 27 Go south, young scientist: An emerging power in “ research,” The Economist, January 6, 2011. 28 ccenture analysis. A 29 or a review of this topic, see Gary Gereffi, Vivek F 11 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright © 2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
  • 12. About Accenture About the Accenture Institute for High Performance Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and The Accenture Institute for High outsourcing company. Committed Performance creates strategic insights to delivering innovation, Accenture into key management issues through collaborates with its clients to help original research and analysis. Its them become high-performance management researchers combine businesses and governments. With world-class reputations with Accenture’s deep industry and business process extensive consulting, technology and expertise, broad global resources and outsourcing experience to conduct a proven track record, Accenture can innovative research and analysis into mobilize the right people, skills and how organizations become and remain technologies to help clients improve high-performance businesses. their performance. With more than 215,000 people in 120 locations, the company generated net revenues of US$21.60 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2010. Its home page is Copyright © 2011 Accenture All rights reserved. Accenture, its logo, and Accenture High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture.