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                               SUMMER, 2011

                                                               Music, soccer
                                                               are Carmineʼs
                                                               big passions
                                                              The way Carmine Lappano sees it,
                                                              when your vocation is your vacation,
                                                              things are working out pretty well in
                                                              your life.
                                                                  “Even if it didn’t work out with
                                                              professional soccer,” Carmine says
                                                              with a laugh.
                                                                  It did, however, work out with
                                                              music and that, in turn, has worked out
                                                              quite nicely for us here at St. Nick’s.
                                                              Starting Sept. 1, Carmine will replace
                                                              the dynamic duo of Bill Goodfellow and
                                                              Joan Waters-Garner as our esteemed
                                                              music director. And while following in
                                                              those shoes might be considered a
                                                              daunting task, Carmine is up for the
                                                              job. He already juggles the
Father Kevinʼs message:                                       responsibilities of being a Grade 3-4
                                                              teacher at William G. Miller Public
Tending our garden                                            School, a father to five-year-old
                                                              Joseph and three-year-old Samuel
Dear friends,                  and their gardens – lots of    and, until he joins us in September,
    One of the joys of         rain and, more recently,       the music director at Guildwood
summer is spending time in     plenty of sunshine. The        Presbyterian.
the garden. I enjoy other      seeds and seedlings that
                                                                 “But the beauty of it is, especially
people’s gardens very much,    were planted weeks ago have
                                                              with church, is that it doesn’t feel like
though I confess my own is a   now exploded into life. Many
                                                              work to me,” Carmine says. “Not that
bit of a jungle!               of us have been busy
                                                              my day job isn’t rewarding, but it can
   While this summer got       planting, fertilizing,
                                                              be very difficult at times.
off to a slow start, it now    watering, pruning and
seems ideal for gardeners      Continued on page 2
                                                              Continued on page 2

                                                                                        PAGE 1
                                   SUMMER, 2011

    Continued from page 1         have to do with “passionate
                                  spirituality” and “needs-           Continued from page 1
 repotting, and this is all
essential if we want a nice       oriented evangelism”, we need           “But playing in church and
garden.                           to spend more time and energy.      leading choirs and creating
                                      Passionate spirituality is      music for a congregation is what
    Our job is to provide the
                                  concerned with our knowledge        I love.”
right environment, but
ultimately only God can give      and understanding of the Bible,        Raised as a Roman Catholic
the growth.                       our commitment to prayer, and       and trained as a pianist, he has
                                  our ability to proclaim our         been a music director in
    The same is true of the
                                  faith. Needs-oriented               Presbyterian and United
Church. Our task as Christians
                                  evangelism is about sharing our     churches. But it was a stint in
is to plant seeds and nurture
                                  faith with others, including        the tenor section of the men’s
them. In our parish, we tend
                                  those who have no idea what         and boys’ choir at St. James
the community of faith by
                                  we believe or why we believe it.    Cathedral from 2002 to 2005
caring for it and giving it the
                                      A group of people from our      that the graduate of the faculty
best conditions to thrive. One
                                                                      of music at the University of
of the ways we have done that parish has been working closely
                                  with our NCD coach, Bill            Toronto was first exposed to
is through a process called
                                  Benson, to help us tend our         Anglicanism.
“Natural Church
Development” (NCD).               garden more effectively. We              “I completely fell in love
                                  are striving to bring greater       with the Anglican church and
    As its name suggests, this
                                  health to the weaker areas of       the Anglican tradition,
resource helps churches to
                                  our parish life, while continuing   especially with the music part of
develop in natural and organic
                                  to affirm and support the           it,” Carmine says.
ways. Our recent NCD survey
                                  many, many things that are              He met his wife, Michelle,
suggests that our parish
                                  strong and healthy.                 through music and says she’s a
garden is very healthy,
especially in the areas of            We hope to undertake our        “fantastic singer.” And how do
“loving relationships” and “gift- next NCD survey next winter,        you like this for intertwined?
based ministry”.                  to see if we’ve been able to        Michelle is a vocal teacher at a
                                  create new conditions for God       west end high school and music
    This affirms what many of
                                  to bring about even more            director at Holy Redeemer
us already know: that members
                                  growth.                             Catholic Church in Pickering.
of our community care deeply
for one another, and that the         The other NCD team                  Carmine loves the soccer
ministries we undertake are       members are Joan Wilson,            pitch, but feels most at home
closely connected with the        Andrew Reeves and Freda             when he’s behind a keyboard.
gifts that God has given us.      Gearing. If you have questions         “I haven’t had too many
These parts of the garden are or suggestions, please speak            Sunday mornings off,” Carmine
lush and healthy, and our task with us.                               says. “But I would be there
is to keep nurturing them.           Have a great summer. See         anyway. There’s nothing I love
   Other parts of the garden      you in church!                      more than being in a church
are less healthy. In the             - The Reverend Kevin             making music.”
corners of the garden that        Robertson

                                                                                           PAGE 2
                                 SUMMER, 2011

      Wardens’ Report
    Dear Parishioner
       These last few months
    have certainly been busy
    for your Wardens and
    members of Executive and
    Parish Council.
        We are appreciative of
    your prayers and support
    over these past months. At
    the time of this newsletter,
    we are nearing the end of
    the waterproofing of the
    foundation walls on the east
    side of the church. This has
    been an extensive project,
    and will result in greater
    insulation in the church
    basement as well as the         able to undertake major         pleasure to have her in our
    opportunity to landscape        capital projects, and hire      midst. If you haven't
    the south and east side of      additional staff.               already done so, please
    the church.                                                     introduce yourself to
                                        We have also renovated
        Thank you for your          the church office to better     Alison. Alison is with us for
    patience and understanding      utilize our existing space.     the next two years on a
    as various pathways and         This project, while modest      part time basis and we look
    entrances to the church         in cost, has made a major       forward to having her with
    have been unavailable           change in the office space.     us.
    during this project.            A new office was created           The Churchwardens
        Through the Our Faith-      for clergy, and new flooring,   thank our ministry leaders
    Our Hope Campaign, St.          paint and furniture make        and all Parishioners for the
    Nick's has raised 138           for a very pleasant space.      time, talent and treasure
    percent of our goal. Thank          If you haven't checked      each of you devote to our
    you for your support of this    out the results of this         Parish life. Wishing you and
    incredible initiative, and to   renovation, please feel free    your families a pleasant,
    the leaders in our parish of    to do so.                       restful and blessed
    this campaign. This                                             summer...
                                       We welcomed the Rev.
    campaign, and our own                                              The Churchwardens -
                                    Dr. Alison Falby as our
    capital campaign has put us                                     Doug Goss, Sonia Halloran,
                                    Assistant Curate early in
    in a position where we are                                      Anne Moir and Brian Todd.
                                    May, and it has been a

                                                                                          PAGE 3
                                 SUMMER, 2011

    ...our new Assistant Curate, The Reverend Dr. Alison Falby
Are you a part of the Trinity College mafia            Margaret Visser’s The Rituals of Dinner.
here at St. Nick’s?                                 What inspires you?
     Trinity College, yes; mafia . . . ?               Many things: Nature; children’s delight
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where          and truthfulness; and anyone who recognizes
are you from originally? Where did you go           that we inhabit a broken world and yet lives
to school? What’s your family background?           with hope and love.
   I grew up in Toronto and went to                 What’s your idea of a perfect evening?
University of Toronto Schools (UTS) on Bloor           Dinner with good friends and family.
Street. My family
                                                                               Do you think the
background is Western
                                                                               Leafs will make
European mongrel.
                                                                               the playoffs next
Tell us about the                                                              season? (Hint:
journey you’ve taken.                                                          Answer no.)
What led you to pursue
                                                                               We live in hope.
the Anglican
priesthood?                                                                    If you could
    I grew up in the                                                           have dinner with
Anglican church and was                                                        any three people
drawn to the idea of                                                           in history, dead
ordained ministry from a                                                       or alive, who
young age. I delayed                                                           would they be
pursuing ordained                                                              and why?
ministry for many                                                            Jesus, for obvious
reasons: it seemed really uncool; I wasn’t sure     reasons; Desmond Tutu, because I’m inspired
my faith and sense of call were strong              by his faith and commitment to social justice;
enough; and I wanted to try out the academic        and Tina Fey, because I think she’s hilarious.
                                                    What is your guilty pleasure?
    But I didn’t find academic life as fulfilling      The New York Times Sunday Crossword.
as I’d hoped, I grew in my faith and sense of
                                                    What are your pet peeves?
call, and I got over the uncoolness factor.
                                                       Um, people who say “let there be light"
So you’re a doctor, eh? It hurts when I
                                                    every time any light switch is flipped on?
try to stick my leg around the back of my
head. What should I do?                             So you’re the chaplain at Havergal. What
                                                    do you enjoy most about that work?
  Try yoga. Or is that what you’re doing?
What book are you reading at the moment?               Watching the girls grow spiritually.

                                                                                         PAGE 4
                         SUMMER, 2011

What would you be doing with
your life if you weren’t an
Anglican priest?
   I would certainly still be
doing some kind of ministry:
teaching in a Divinity school,
How do you like your new
    Love it.
What kind of music do you
have on your iPod?
    An eclectic mix: blues, folk,
classical, rock, jazz…
What aspect of your ministry
do you most enjoy?
    Seeing people see God.          * To our ministry team, musical directors, choir,
                                      servers, chalice bearers, sacristans, sidespeople,
What aspect do you find
                                      greeters, readers, intercessors, altar guild members,
most challenging?
                                      for making our worship services so meaningful.
   Making time for myself to
pray.                               * To Reg McRae and George Sczepanski for their work
What is your all-time                 and results in the renovation of the church office.
favourite motion picture and        * To all those involved in the ongoing maintenance and
why?                                  care of all of our property.
    “Dr. Zhivago,” because I
love the book and the movie         * To Arlene McGuire and Marcia Parum for hosting the
brings it to life beautifully.        Annual St. Nick's plant sale again this year, raising
                                      over $2,000 for the Nikibasika Learning and
Has Father Kevin regaled you
                                      Development Project in Uganda and Faithworks.
yet on what a fine golfer he
is?                                 * To Brian and Betsy Jones for organizing the Annual
    No, but I can talk his ear        Golf Tournament and hosting the BBQ afterward.
off about what a fine rummy
                                    * To all those who continue to support and participate in
player I am.
                                      Coffee Hour, thank you for your ongoing efforts.
What do you hope to gain out
of your experience at St.           * And finally, to Bill Goodfellow and Joan Waters-
Nick’s?                               Garner, for their musical leadership, inspiration and
    To learn how to be the kind       hard work in their ministry as musical directors. No
of priest that can nurture a          amount of thanks can show our gratitude for the job
wonderful congregation like St.       you have done. Thanks and enjoy your retirements.

                                                                                 PAGE 5
                                   SUMMER, 2011

Reverend Charles Etienne Luce
First Rector of St. Nicholas Church
    By Dennis Newman               businessman (railway              who offered the use of his
   Born on May 16, 1881 in         equipment), Presbyterian, and     stable. The first service was
Gloucester, England, Charles       YMCA enthusiast, and they         held on his lawn on June 25 of
Luce was the eldest son                                                      that year.
(and one of 13 children)                                                           Following the
of Alice C. Luce (Stubbs)                                                     frame building’s
and John James Luce,                                                          renovation, St
the evangelical vicar of                                                      Nicholas’ Church was
St Nicholas’ Church,                                                          dedicated by the
Westgate Street.                                                              bishop of Toronto on
    After attending                                                           Aug. 9. Expanded in
(1896-99) a well-known                                                        1914, but burned in
evangelical public school,                                                    1916, the church was
Dean Close School in                                                          rebuilt that year on
Cheltenham, Charles                                                           its present site, at
spent “some years in                                                          Manderley Drive and
business.” He immigrated                                                      Kingston Road.
to Canada, subsequently                                                            During his time in
settled in Toronto, and                                                       Scarborough, St.
in 1906 entered                                                               Nicholas’ congregation
University College at the                                                     had grown rapidly, and
University of Toronto,             took up residence at                     on 10 Oct. 1922, with
from which he graduated in         Scarborough Junction. In 1913     some 335 families, it became a
classics (BA) in 1911.             Luce received his diploma in      separate parish.
    Ordained deacon on June        theology from Wycliffe, and           Charles E. Luce died
2, 1912, Luce was officially       was made a priest that year on    unexpectedly on Sept. 21, 1927
appointed incumbent of             June 8.                           in Providence, Rhode Island, on
Scarborough Junction (Church            At the beginning of his      his way to Toronto for the
of the Epiphany) and Agincourt     charge, Luce had also been        50th anniversary of Wycliffe.
(St Timothy’s Mission Hall)        taking steps to set up a church   Following a service in its
three days later. Thus             in the emerging, semi-rural       chapel, he was buried in
established, on Sept. 23 in        village of Birch Cliff, east of   Toronto’s Mount Pleasant
Eglinton village, North Toronto,   Toronto on Kingston Road. On      Cemetery.
he married Helen Emma,             June 12, 1912 he called a             His wife – they had no
daughter of John J. Gartshore,     meeting at the home of            children – stayed in Toronto
a prominent Toronto                businessman George F. Davis,      and lived until 1967.

                                                                                           PAGE 6

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Nicks News Summer 2011

  • 1. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS, BIRCH CLIFF SUMMER, 2011 NICK’S NEWS Music, soccer are Carmineʼs big passions The way Carmine Lappano sees it, when your vocation is your vacation, things are working out pretty well in your life. “Even if it didn’t work out with professional soccer,” Carmine says with a laugh. It did, however, work out with music and that, in turn, has worked out quite nicely for us here at St. Nick’s. Starting Sept. 1, Carmine will replace the dynamic duo of Bill Goodfellow and Joan Waters-Garner as our esteemed music director. And while following in those shoes might be considered a daunting task, Carmine is up for the job. He already juggles the Father Kevinʼs message: responsibilities of being a Grade 3-4 teacher at William G. Miller Public Tending our garden School, a father to five-year-old Joseph and three-year-old Samuel Dear friends, and their gardens – lots of and, until he joins us in September, One of the joys of rain and, more recently, the music director at Guildwood summer is spending time in plenty of sunshine. The Presbyterian. the garden. I enjoy other seeds and seedlings that “But the beauty of it is, especially people’s gardens very much, were planted weeks ago have with church, is that it doesn’t feel like though I confess my own is a now exploded into life. Many work to me,” Carmine says. “Not that bit of a jungle! of us have been busy my day job isn’t rewarding, but it can While this summer got planting, fertilizing, be very difficult at times. off to a slow start, it now watering, pruning and seems ideal for gardeners Continued on page 2 Continued on page 2 PAGE 1
  • 2. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS, BIRCH CLIFF SUMMER, 2011 Continued from page 1 have to do with “passionate spirituality” and “needs- Continued from page 1 repotting, and this is all essential if we want a nice oriented evangelism”, we need “But playing in church and garden. to spend more time and energy. leading choirs and creating Passionate spirituality is music for a congregation is what Our job is to provide the concerned with our knowledge I love.” right environment, but ultimately only God can give and understanding of the Bible, Raised as a Roman Catholic the growth. our commitment to prayer, and and trained as a pianist, he has our ability to proclaim our been a music director in The same is true of the faith. Needs-oriented Presbyterian and United Church. Our task as Christians evangelism is about sharing our churches. But it was a stint in is to plant seeds and nurture faith with others, including the tenor section of the men’s them. In our parish, we tend those who have no idea what and boys’ choir at St. James the community of faith by we believe or why we believe it. Cathedral from 2002 to 2005 caring for it and giving it the A group of people from our that the graduate of the faculty best conditions to thrive. One of music at the University of of the ways we have done that parish has been working closely with our NCD coach, Bill Toronto was first exposed to is through a process called Benson, to help us tend our Anglicanism. “Natural Church Development” (NCD). garden more effectively. We “I completely fell in love are striving to bring greater with the Anglican church and As its name suggests, this health to the weaker areas of the Anglican tradition, resource helps churches to our parish life, while continuing especially with the music part of develop in natural and organic to affirm and support the it,” Carmine says. ways. Our recent NCD survey many, many things that are He met his wife, Michelle, suggests that our parish strong and healthy. through music and says she’s a garden is very healthy, especially in the areas of We hope to undertake our “fantastic singer.” And how do “loving relationships” and “gift- next NCD survey next winter, you like this for intertwined? based ministry”. to see if we’ve been able to Michelle is a vocal teacher at a create new conditions for God west end high school and music This affirms what many of to bring about even more director at Holy Redeemer us already know: that members growth. Catholic Church in Pickering. of our community care deeply for one another, and that the The other NCD team Carmine loves the soccer ministries we undertake are members are Joan Wilson, pitch, but feels most at home closely connected with the Andrew Reeves and Freda when he’s behind a keyboard. gifts that God has given us. Gearing. If you have questions “I haven’t had too many These parts of the garden are or suggestions, please speak Sunday mornings off,” Carmine lush and healthy, and our task with us. says. “But I would be there is to keep nurturing them. Have a great summer. See anyway. There’s nothing I love Other parts of the garden you in church! more than being in a church are less healthy. In the - The Reverend Kevin making music.” corners of the garden that Robertson PAGE 2
  • 3. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS, BIRCH CLIFF SUMMER, 2011 Wardens’ Report Dear Parishioner These last few months have certainly been busy for your Wardens and members of Executive and Parish Council. We are appreciative of your prayers and support over these past months. At the time of this newsletter, we are nearing the end of the waterproofing of the foundation walls on the east side of the church. This has been an extensive project, and will result in greater insulation in the church basement as well as the able to undertake major pleasure to have her in our opportunity to landscape capital projects, and hire midst. If you haven't the south and east side of additional staff. already done so, please the church. introduce yourself to We have also renovated Thank you for your the church office to better Alison. Alison is with us for patience and understanding utilize our existing space. the next two years on a as various pathways and This project, while modest part time basis and we look entrances to the church in cost, has made a major forward to having her with have been unavailable change in the office space. us. during this project. A new office was created The Churchwardens Through the Our Faith- for clergy, and new flooring, thank our ministry leaders Our Hope Campaign, St. paint and furniture make and all Parishioners for the Nick's has raised 138 for a very pleasant space. time, talent and treasure percent of our goal. Thank If you haven't checked each of you devote to our you for your support of this out the results of this Parish life. Wishing you and incredible initiative, and to renovation, please feel free your families a pleasant, the leaders in our parish of to do so. restful and blessed this campaign. This summer... We welcomed the Rev. campaign, and our own The Churchwardens - Dr. Alison Falby as our capital campaign has put us Doug Goss, Sonia Halloran, Assistant Curate early in in a position where we are Anne Moir and Brian Todd. May, and it has been a PAGE 3
  • 4. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS, BIRCH CLIFF SUMMER, 2011 20 QUESTIONS WITH... ...our new Assistant Curate, The Reverend Dr. Alison Falby Are you a part of the Trinity College mafia Margaret Visser’s The Rituals of Dinner. here at St. Nick’s? What inspires you? Trinity College, yes; mafia . . . ? Many things: Nature; children’s delight Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where and truthfulness; and anyone who recognizes are you from originally? Where did you go that we inhabit a broken world and yet lives to school? What’s your family background? with hope and love. I grew up in Toronto and went to What’s your idea of a perfect evening? University of Toronto Schools (UTS) on Bloor Dinner with good friends and family. Street. My family Do you think the background is Western Leafs will make European mongrel. the playoffs next Tell us about the season? (Hint: journey you’ve taken. Answer no.) What led you to pursue We live in hope. the Anglican priesthood? If you could I grew up in the have dinner with Anglican church and was any three people drawn to the idea of in history, dead ordained ministry from a or alive, who young age. I delayed would they be pursuing ordained and why? ministry for many Jesus, for obvious reasons: it seemed really uncool; I wasn’t sure reasons; Desmond Tutu, because I’m inspired my faith and sense of call were strong by his faith and commitment to social justice; enough; and I wanted to try out the academic and Tina Fey, because I think she’s hilarious. life. What is your guilty pleasure? But I didn’t find academic life as fulfilling The New York Times Sunday Crossword. as I’d hoped, I grew in my faith and sense of What are your pet peeves? call, and I got over the uncoolness factor. Um, people who say “let there be light" So you’re a doctor, eh? It hurts when I every time any light switch is flipped on? try to stick my leg around the back of my head. What should I do? So you’re the chaplain at Havergal. What do you enjoy most about that work? Try yoga. Or is that what you’re doing? What book are you reading at the moment? Watching the girls grow spiritually. PAGE 4
  • 5. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS, BIRCH CLIFF SUMMER, 2011 What would you be doing with your life if you weren’t an Anglican priest? I would certainly still be doing some kind of ministry: teaching in a Divinity school, probably! How do you like your new office? Love it. What kind of music do you have on your iPod? An eclectic mix: blues, folk, classical, rock, jazz… What aspect of your ministry do you most enjoy? Seeing people see God. * To our ministry team, musical directors, choir, servers, chalice bearers, sacristans, sidespeople, What aspect do you find greeters, readers, intercessors, altar guild members, most challenging? for making our worship services so meaningful. Making time for myself to pray. * To Reg McRae and George Sczepanski for their work What is your all-time and results in the renovation of the church office. favourite motion picture and * To all those involved in the ongoing maintenance and why? care of all of our property. “Dr. Zhivago,” because I love the book and the movie * To Arlene McGuire and Marcia Parum for hosting the brings it to life beautifully. Annual St. Nick's plant sale again this year, raising over $2,000 for the Nikibasika Learning and Has Father Kevin regaled you Development Project in Uganda and Faithworks. yet on what a fine golfer he is? * To Brian and Betsy Jones for organizing the Annual No, but I can talk his ear Golf Tournament and hosting the BBQ afterward. off about what a fine rummy * To all those who continue to support and participate in player I am. Coffee Hour, thank you for your ongoing efforts. What do you hope to gain out of your experience at St. * And finally, to Bill Goodfellow and Joan Waters- Nick’s? Garner, for their musical leadership, inspiration and To learn how to be the kind hard work in their ministry as musical directors. No of priest that can nurture a amount of thanks can show our gratitude for the job wonderful congregation like St. you have done. Thanks and enjoy your retirements. Nick’s! PAGE 5
  • 6. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS, BIRCH CLIFF SUMMER, 2011 Reverend Charles Etienne Luce First Rector of St. Nicholas Church By Dennis Newman businessman (railway who offered the use of his Born on May 16, 1881 in equipment), Presbyterian, and stable. The first service was Gloucester, England, Charles YMCA enthusiast, and they held on his lawn on June 25 of Luce was the eldest son that year. (and one of 13 children) Following the of Alice C. Luce (Stubbs) frame building’s and John James Luce, renovation, St the evangelical vicar of Nicholas’ Church was St Nicholas’ Church, dedicated by the Westgate Street. bishop of Toronto on After attending Aug. 9. Expanded in (1896-99) a well-known 1914, but burned in evangelical public school, 1916, the church was Dean Close School in rebuilt that year on Cheltenham, Charles its present site, at spent “some years in Manderley Drive and business.” He immigrated Kingston Road. to Canada, subsequently During his time in settled in Toronto, and Scarborough, St. in 1906 entered Nicholas’ congregation University College at the had grown rapidly, and University of Toronto, took up residence at on 10 Oct. 1922, with from which he graduated in Scarborough Junction. In 1913 some 335 families, it became a classics (BA) in 1911. Luce received his diploma in separate parish. Ordained deacon on June theology from Wycliffe, and Charles E. Luce died 2, 1912, Luce was officially was made a priest that year on unexpectedly on Sept. 21, 1927 appointed incumbent of June 8. in Providence, Rhode Island, on Scarborough Junction (Church At the beginning of his his way to Toronto for the of the Epiphany) and Agincourt charge, Luce had also been 50th anniversary of Wycliffe. (St Timothy’s Mission Hall) taking steps to set up a church Following a service in its three days later. Thus in the emerging, semi-rural chapel, he was buried in established, on Sept. 23 in village of Birch Cliff, east of Toronto’s Mount Pleasant Eglinton village, North Toronto, Toronto on Kingston Road. On Cemetery. he married Helen Emma, June 12, 1912 he called a His wife – they had no daughter of John J. Gartshore, meeting at the home of children – stayed in Toronto a prominent Toronto businessman George F. Davis, and lived until 1967. PAGE 6