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The Anglican Church of St. Nicholas
1512 Kingston Road, Toronto, Ontario, M1N 1R7
To contact the wardens directly, email:
Prayers for the Week
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering persevere in prayer.” Rom 12: 12
For the world: For all those suffering in the midst of war, civil unrest or disaster
For the Global Church: The Church in North West Australia
For the Diocese: The Parish of St. Philip’s On-The-Hill Unionville
Parish Ministries: The ministry of our Chalice Bearers
Parish Families: Jack Cargill, Sue Cochrane, The Collins Family
The sick or those in need: John Aman, Anne Moir, Doug Goss, Mabel Hogan, Deb
Chapman, Cassandra Brake, Jack Pound, Mary Harris, Sheila Boutilier, Beverley
Spencer; Doone Warner; Marie-Louise Lister; Vernon Smitz.
Thanksgivings – please add your personal thanksgiving.
Special Prayer – We pray especially today for Michael Pollesel as he is Consecrated
as Bishop for the Diocese of Uruguay and pray for the people of the Diocese and the
Province of the Southern Cone.
Prayers – If you desire prayers for yourself, family, or friends, please contact the
prayer chain. Members of the prayer chain will uphold your name (s) in daily
prayer for 30 days. The prayer chain contact is Elaine Fisher 416- 281-9659
Daily Devotions – Copies of Forward Day by Day are also available at the back
of the church. This devotion includes a short passage of scripture, a brief
reflection and a prayer focus for each day of the week.
Newcomer / Visitor Form
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Trinity Sunday
We warmly welcome those who are visiting with us today. Please introduce yourself
to the clergy, fill out the “Newcomer / Visitor” Information form (on the back page of
this bulletin) and place it in the offertory plate. Please also join us for refreshments
following the 10:30am service.
This Week at St. Nicholas’…
Tuesday 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayer
7:00 p.m. St. Nick’s Knights vs. St. Peter’s at Corvette
(East off Kennedy south of Eglinton)
Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Thursday 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayer
5:30 p.m. Executive Meeting
7:30 p.m. Choir Practice
Saturday 8:00 a.m.–1pm Plant Sale at 115 Cornell Ave
9:00 a.m. Parish Breakfast
Sunday 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m. Sung Eucharist
12 Noon Farewell for Rev. Alison
Scripture Readings for Sunday June 2nd, The 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
1 Kings 18: 20-21, 30-39 Psalm 96 Galatians 1: 1-12 Luke 7: 1-10
Gluten free wafers are available for communion. To indicate your need, please pick
up a purple card from a sidesperson. With the purple card in your hand at the altar
rail, the communion minister will know that you require a gluten free wafer.
All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination or age, are invited to receive
Communion in the Anglican Church. If you do not wish to receive the bread and wine,
please come to the Altar, and cross your arms over your chest to receive a blessing.
Children are welcome at St. Nicholas’! Children are invited to attend our Church
School Program downstairs during the 10:30am service.
If you are new to our parish, or you are visiting, we invite you to
complete this form. Please place it on the Offering plate, or give it to one
of the Sidespeople at the back of the church.
You are a Newcomer You wish a Pastoral Visit
You wish to have Offering Envelopes
Postal Code____________ Phone#_________________________________
e-mail address ________________________________________________
Welcome to our guest musicians! The students that are playing in the string
orchestra this morning are from Highland Junior High School in the Don Mills
and Steeles area, where our own Carmine Lappano is their music teacher.
They are currently in Grade 9, and are ready to move on to the secondary
institution A.Y. Jackson which boasts one of the finest strings programs in the
province. We are very pleased that they are able to join us this morning
Kitchen Shower – today after the 10:30 a.m. Service. Thank you to all those who
so generously contributed to the Kitchen Shower. Your kindness has helped us re-
equip the kitchen with much needed items that make the kitchen more functional and
safe. All are warmly invited to attend a special Kitchen Shower Coffee Hour, hosted by
The Outreach Committee, following the 10:30 a.m. service.
Farewell Reception for The Reverend Dr. Alison Falby – Sunday June 2nd,
following the 10:30am service. Please join us for a special celebration to mark the
blessing of Rev’d Alison’s ministry with us as Assistant Curate over the past two years.
June 2nd will be Rev’d Alison’s last day at St. Nicholas. She will begin her new ministry
as Incumbent of St. Martin’s Bay Ridges on July 8th. Her service of Induction will take
place at St. Martin’s on September 22 at 4:00pm. Please uphold Alison in your prayers
during this transition.
Our Annual Plant Sale will be held on Saturday June 1st from 8am – 1pm.
Marcia Parum will have plants etc. for sale at her home – 115 Cornell Ave. As
you’re working on your gardens in the next couple of weeks, if you could pot up
any extra plants, to donate to the sale they will be gratefully accepted. You can
drop off any plants at Marcia’s, leave them on the driveway if she’s not at home. All
proceeds from the Plant Sale will be forwarded to support Indigenous Youth
Initiatives through The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
Parish Breakfast – Saturday, June 1st at 9 a.m. All members of the Parish are
warmly invited to the June Parish Breakfast with guest speaker, Dennis Newman.
The Date has been set!! Our annual Bazaar will be on Saturday November 2nd this
year, and we have a new Bazaar Committee. Julia Hanson, Brian Jones and
Suzanne Lehtinen, have agreed to organize the big day this year. Thank you to them,
and to Doreen Moffat and the retiring Bazaar Committee for the many years of
leadership they gave to the Bazaar.
Golf Tournament Saturday June 15 Please join us for a fun golf day at Lakeridge
Golf Course with BBQ following at the home of Brian and Betsy Jones. $ 60.00 per
person. Please add your name to the sign up list on Manderley Bulletin Board.
Garden Lovers Have Rake will help. If you could help out with a spring spruce up
of the garden, please contact Sonia at 416-698-9449 or We
want to make sure the gardens stay looking as lovely as they did last year. If you
would be willing to help on an ongoing basis, speak to Sonia.
Why has the response to the readings changed? Through the season of
Pentecost, the Reader’s proclamation “The Word of the Lord” has been changed to
“Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.” The phrase “Listen to what
the Spirit is saying to the Churches” comes from the Book of Revelation. It serves as
a reminder and witness to the power of the Spirit at work in our life calling us to new
awareness of God’s word, activity and salvation.
Bach Children’s Chorus Concert for the Foodbank – June 23rd at 3 p.m. If you
missed the concert by the Bach Children’s Chorus last year, and the opportunity to
help out the Foodbank, you’re in luck, they’re coming back on June 23rd at 3:00 pm
to do another concert. All proceeds will go to the foodbank. We raised $2,600 last
year, let’s try to surpass that this year. Tickets are $20 each and will be on sale
today and through the week from the church office. If you are willing to post flyers
in your neighbourhood, please speak to Janet Baron in the Church Office.
The Alzheimer’s Society and St. Nicholas’ are partnering to host a special
Men’s Cooking and Support Group. The group is a free, four week beginner’s
cooking class and support group for male partners caring for someone with dementia.
It runs each Tuesday in June from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Participants will have a hands on
cooking experience, prepare a simple easy to learn recipe, enjoy lunch together and
take home two heart healthy meals. If you, or someone you know, is interested in
participating in the group, and meeting other caregivers, please contact, Eleni
Siliveridis at 416-322-6560 or by email at
Security Concerns: Over the past few weeks, security concerns have emerged in
respect to individuals entering the building via the Manderley doors both during the
week and during the 10:30 a.m. Service. We want to ensure that St. Nicholas is a
welcoming community for all. This, however, needs to be balanced with the assurance
that St. Nicholas is a safe community – especially for members and teachers of the
Sunday School. As such, over the month of May we will be monitoring the Manderley
doors during the 10:30 a.m. Service.. If concerns continue, or new ones emerge, we will
be locking the Manderley doors at 10:45 a.m. on Sunday, and posting a sign asking
individuals to enter the Church via the Kingston Road entrance. This proposal will not
only assist in assuring security but also enable us to provide help to individuals should it
be required. If you have concerns, or comments, about this proposal, please speak to
Rev. Janet or one of the Wardens. Finally, if you are entering the building during Office
Hours, please let your presence be known by saying “hello” in the Office. Thank you.
LOOKING AHEAD…more info in paragraphs below
June 3 7:00 pm Parish Council Meeting
June 9 Guest Speaker: Chris Jones. Please join us as we welcome
(back) St. Nick’s former Youth Leader
June 15 Golf Tournament
June 18 9:00 am Bus Trip – “Oliver”
June 22 10:00 am Consecration of Bishop Elect Peter Fenty -St. James’ Cathedral
June 23 3:00 pm Bach Children’s Chorus Foodbank Fundraiser
Rev. Janet is available for conversations about life or faith, and to respond to
pastoral situations and pastoral emergencies. Please don’t hesitate to contact her
via email at or by calling the church office 416-691-
0449 ext. 223 or in the case of an emergency at 416-648-1418.
The Feast of Pentecost – Sunday, May 19th: Please join us next Sunday, May 19th as
we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. Both Services will be taken from the Book of
Alternative Services. (Our regularly scheduled 10:30 a.m. Service of Mattins and Choral
Eucharist from the Book of Common Prayer will return on the third Sunday of June.)
In our reading from the Book of Acts, the Holy Spirit is described as descending like
“tongues of fire.” To celebrate the gift of the Spirit all are warmly invited to wear yellow,
orange and red.
Kitchen Shower- Wow!! What a great response
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the kitchen shower. For those of you
who have not had an opportunity yet, there are still some items remaining to be
purchased. Members of the outreach committee will do all of the shopping and the
items will be purchased on your behalf. The Outreach Committee will be sponsoring
a special coffee hour on the 26th of May to thank everyone for their donations. At this
time all the donated items will be on display. If you have any questions please speak
to Pauline Glasgow, Sonia Halloran or Deb Chapman.
Stay Connected with Twitter -Submitted by Andrew Reeves @greeneggs_drew
The social media service Twitter is a great way to share and stay connected with your
church family and the wider family of God. Share how God is at work in your life using
the hashtag #stnicksbc. For more information, talk (or tweet) with Andrew Reeves.
This morning, we offer the Rite of Healing at both services. For those who wish, this is
an opportunity to pray specifically for healing. Since Biblical times, this prayer has been
accompanied by anointing with oil. At 8:30am, please proceed to the chancel steps
after you have received Communion. At 10:30am, please proceed to St. Andrew’s
chapel after you have received Communion.
The Bus Trips are fully booked, but if you are still interested in going, let Joan Alkerton
know, and your name will be placed on a waiting list.
Found! We have acquired some assorted eye glasses, a jacket, odd earrings a
bracelet, and some old photo’s in a card that someone, maybe you, has lost. If you
think they might be yours please contact Janet in the parish office.
Stay Connected with Twitter
Submitted by Andrew Reeves @greeneggs_drew
The social media service Twitter is a great way to share and stay connected with your
church family and the wider family of God. I would like to encourage those of you
currently using Twitter to share the work of God in your life using the hashtag
#stnicksbc. Whether it’s for healing of a loved one or just getting that parking space
close to the mall share your thanksgivings and prayer requests.
If you are not already, you may want to follow some of the following @generalsynod ,
@anglicandioTO , @shelrev , @RevDrAlison , @iamepiscopalian , @UnvirtousAbbey
Share more of your Twitter church friends and resources using the #stnicksbc.
If you are not already a twitter user it is easy to become a member. Go to
and signup. You must choose a password and you will be asked to create a “twitter
handle” or username. Then search for topics or users you find interesting. There are
also many helpful online tutorials available.
Pennies from Heaven – While the Canadian Mint may say “no” to pennies, we are
saying “yes”! Pennies can bring blessings and we are collecting them for the ministry
and mission of St. Nicholas! So go through your pockets, check the bottom of your
purses, and bring in all those no longer needed pennies. There is a bucket marked
“Pennies from Heaven” at the back of the church to collect them in. Thank you!
And they came, everyone whose heart was stirred up, and everyone whom the Spirit
made willing, and they brought the Lord’s offering” 2013 Weekly Offertory
Envelopes are available for pick up at the back of the Church. St. Nicholas’ Anglican
Church is a financially self-sustaining church family. The prayerful support and
generosity of members and friends allows us to carry out, and strengthen, our
ministry of Worship, Christian Education, Children’s Ministry, Pastoral Care,
Outreach, Property Stewardship and much more. St. Nicholas also offers an
opportunity for individuals to support the Parish’s ministry through monthly Pre-
Authorized Giving (PAG). PAG Brochures, highlighting the benefit of the program to
you and the Parish, have also been made available at the back of the Church.
St. Nicholas Bus Trips: The St. Nicholas’ Social Committee has planned a series of
bus trips for 2013. Please contact Joan Alkerton at 416-691-4387 for more
information or to book one of these trips.
April 12th Shaw Theatre “Guys and Dolls” June 18th Penetanguishene “Oliver”
October 18th Stratford “Blithe Spirit” Dec. 5th St. Jacobs “Legends in Harmony”
Altar Flowers Each week the flowers on both Altars can be given in memory of a
loved one or in celebration of a significant life event. (Anniversary, Birthday, Baptism
etc.) If you would like to do this, please write your name and phone number on the
calendar at the back of the church. As the week approaches Iris Hogan will give you
a call to see if you have any colour requests, and also to get the wording for the
bulletin. Payment of $60.00 can be put in an envelope, clearly marked “For Altar
Flowers” and placed on the collection plate. It’s OK for more than one person/family
to sign up for the same week.
This past summer the City of Toronto began charging all churches and non profit
organizations for garbage pickup.
At the beginning of this year we received a notice from the city that we will not be
charged for garbage pickup this year after all. They are going to look into the impact
of such charges on charitable organizations and then decide what course of action to
take. So… while for this year sorting our garbage doesn’t make a difference to our
costs, it is still an environmentally responsible thing to be doing, and it very well
may again become a cost issue.
Please be aware of what you’re putting in the Green Bins, Recycling Bins and
In the kitchen there is a green bin – just like the one you put out to the street at your
house – it’s for organic material, coffee grounds, food waste, tissues, napkins, paper
towels, there is a list posted in the kitchen. Milk cartons, and packaging DO NOT go
in the green bin. There is a recycling bin just outside the kitchen door, and a garbage
bin in the kitchen. If you’re not sure what bin to put something in, please check the
list. Thank you
This morning, we offer the Rite of Healing at both services. For those who wish, this is
an opportunity to pray specifically for healing. Since Biblical times, this prayer has been
accompanied by anointing with oil. At 8:30am, please proceed to the chancel steps
after you have received Communion. At 10:30am, please proceed to St. Andrew’s
chapel after you have received Communion.
Ministry of Hospitality Opportunity-
In the letter to the Romans, Paul encourages us as a community to practice
hospitality. If you would like to participate in the ministry of hospitality by helping with
Coffee hour after the 10 a.m. service…
There is a new Coffee Hour list posted on the Manderley Bulletin Board. Please
consider taking a turn to prepare coffee, tea, and goodies. It doesn’t have to be a big
spread, a loaf or two or some cookies, or cheese and crackers, would be just fine. If
several people went together it makes it much easier, - and fun. All you have to do is
bring milk and cream, and whatever food you want to provide. The sugar, coffee and
tea are here. Then take what you spent on the items you brought out of the proceeds
from the basket on the table.
Why has the response to the readings changed? Through the season of
Pentecost, our response to the reading “The Word of the Lord” followed by “Thanks
be to God” has been changed to “Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the
Churches” followed by “Thanks be to God.” The phrase “Listen to what the Spirit is
saying to the Churches” comes from the Book of Revelation. It serves as a reminder
and witness to the power of the Spirit at work in our life calling us to new awareness
of God’s word, activity and salvation.

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Announcements 26 May 2013

  • 1. The Anglican Church of St. Nicholas 1512 Kingston Road, Toronto, Ontario, M1N 1R7 416–691–0449 To contact the wardens directly, email: Prayers for the Week “Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering persevere in prayer.” Rom 12: 12 For the world: For all those suffering in the midst of war, civil unrest or disaster For the Global Church: The Church in North West Australia For the Diocese: The Parish of St. Philip’s On-The-Hill Unionville Parish Ministries: The ministry of our Chalice Bearers Parish Families: Jack Cargill, Sue Cochrane, The Collins Family The sick or those in need: John Aman, Anne Moir, Doug Goss, Mabel Hogan, Deb Chapman, Cassandra Brake, Jack Pound, Mary Harris, Sheila Boutilier, Beverley Spencer; Doone Warner; Marie-Louise Lister; Vernon Smitz. Thanksgivings – please add your personal thanksgiving. Special Prayer – We pray especially today for Michael Pollesel as he is Consecrated as Bishop for the Diocese of Uruguay and pray for the people of the Diocese and the Province of the Southern Cone. Prayers – If you desire prayers for yourself, family, or friends, please contact the prayer chain. Members of the prayer chain will uphold your name (s) in daily prayer for 30 days. The prayer chain contact is Elaine Fisher 416- 281-9659 Daily Devotions – Copies of Forward Day by Day are also available at the back of the church. This devotion includes a short passage of scripture, a brief reflection and a prayer focus for each day of the week. Newcomer / Visitor Form NNiicckk’’ss NNeewwss –– PPlleeaassee ttaakkee tthhiiss hhoommee SSuunnddaayy MMaayy 2266tthh ,, 22001133 Trinity Sunday We warmly welcome those who are visiting with us today. Please introduce yourself to the clergy, fill out the “Newcomer / Visitor” Information form (on the back page of this bulletin) and place it in the offertory plate. Please also join us for refreshments following the 10:30am service. This Week at St. Nicholas’… Tuesday 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 7:00 p.m. St. Nick’s Knights vs. St. Peter’s at Corvette (East off Kennedy south of Eglinton) Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Thursday 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 5:30 p.m. Executive Meeting 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice Saturday 8:00 a.m.–1pm Plant Sale at 115 Cornell Ave 9:00 a.m. Parish Breakfast Sunday 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist 10:30 a.m. Sung Eucharist 12 Noon Farewell for Rev. Alison Scripture Readings for Sunday June 2nd, The 2nd Sunday after Pentecost 1 Kings 18: 20-21, 30-39 Psalm 96 Galatians 1: 1-12 Luke 7: 1-10 Gluten free wafers are available for communion. To indicate your need, please pick up a purple card from a sidesperson. With the purple card in your hand at the altar rail, the communion minister will know that you require a gluten free wafer. All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination or age, are invited to receive Communion in the Anglican Church. If you do not wish to receive the bread and wine, please come to the Altar, and cross your arms over your chest to receive a blessing. Children are welcome at St. Nicholas’! Children are invited to attend our Church School Program downstairs during the 10:30am service. If you are new to our parish, or you are visiting, we invite you to complete this form. Please place it on the Offering plate, or give it to one of the Sidespeople at the back of the church. You are a Newcomer You wish a Pastoral Visit You wish to have Offering Envelopes Name___________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ Postal Code____________ Phone#_________________________________ e-mail address ________________________________________________ Welcome to our guest musicians! The students that are playing in the string orchestra this morning are from Highland Junior High School in the Don Mills and Steeles area, where our own Carmine Lappano is their music teacher. They are currently in Grade 9, and are ready to move on to the secondary institution A.Y. Jackson which boasts one of the finest strings programs in the province. We are very pleased that they are able to join us this morning
  • 2. Kitchen Shower – today after the 10:30 a.m. Service. Thank you to all those who so generously contributed to the Kitchen Shower. Your kindness has helped us re- equip the kitchen with much needed items that make the kitchen more functional and safe. All are warmly invited to attend a special Kitchen Shower Coffee Hour, hosted by The Outreach Committee, following the 10:30 a.m. service. Farewell Reception for The Reverend Dr. Alison Falby – Sunday June 2nd, following the 10:30am service. Please join us for a special celebration to mark the blessing of Rev’d Alison’s ministry with us as Assistant Curate over the past two years. June 2nd will be Rev’d Alison’s last day at St. Nicholas. She will begin her new ministry as Incumbent of St. Martin’s Bay Ridges on July 8th. Her service of Induction will take place at St. Martin’s on September 22 at 4:00pm. Please uphold Alison in your prayers during this transition. Our Annual Plant Sale will be held on Saturday June 1st from 8am – 1pm. Marcia Parum will have plants etc. for sale at her home – 115 Cornell Ave. As you’re working on your gardens in the next couple of weeks, if you could pot up any extra plants, to donate to the sale they will be gratefully accepted. You can drop off any plants at Marcia’s, leave them on the driveway if she’s not at home. All proceeds from the Plant Sale will be forwarded to support Indigenous Youth Initiatives through The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund Parish Breakfast – Saturday, June 1st at 9 a.m. All members of the Parish are warmly invited to the June Parish Breakfast with guest speaker, Dennis Newman. The Date has been set!! Our annual Bazaar will be on Saturday November 2nd this year, and we have a new Bazaar Committee. Julia Hanson, Brian Jones and Suzanne Lehtinen, have agreed to organize the big day this year. Thank you to them, and to Doreen Moffat and the retiring Bazaar Committee for the many years of leadership they gave to the Bazaar. Golf Tournament Saturday June 15 Please join us for a fun golf day at Lakeridge Golf Course with BBQ following at the home of Brian and Betsy Jones. $ 60.00 per person. Please add your name to the sign up list on Manderley Bulletin Board. Garden Lovers Have Rake will help. If you could help out with a spring spruce up of the garden, please contact Sonia at 416-698-9449 or We want to make sure the gardens stay looking as lovely as they did last year. If you would be willing to help on an ongoing basis, speak to Sonia. Why has the response to the readings changed? Through the season of Pentecost, the Reader’s proclamation “The Word of the Lord” has been changed to “Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.” The phrase “Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches” comes from the Book of Revelation. It serves as a reminder and witness to the power of the Spirit at work in our life calling us to new awareness of God’s word, activity and salvation. Bach Children’s Chorus Concert for the Foodbank – June 23rd at 3 p.m. If you missed the concert by the Bach Children’s Chorus last year, and the opportunity to help out the Foodbank, you’re in luck, they’re coming back on June 23rd at 3:00 pm to do another concert. All proceeds will go to the foodbank. We raised $2,600 last year, let’s try to surpass that this year. Tickets are $20 each and will be on sale today and through the week from the church office. If you are willing to post flyers in your neighbourhood, please speak to Janet Baron in the Church Office. The Alzheimer’s Society and St. Nicholas’ are partnering to host a special Men’s Cooking and Support Group. The group is a free, four week beginner’s cooking class and support group for male partners caring for someone with dementia. It runs each Tuesday in June from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Participants will have a hands on cooking experience, prepare a simple easy to learn recipe, enjoy lunch together and take home two heart healthy meals. If you, or someone you know, is interested in participating in the group, and meeting other caregivers, please contact, Eleni Siliveridis at 416-322-6560 or by email at Security Concerns: Over the past few weeks, security concerns have emerged in respect to individuals entering the building via the Manderley doors both during the week and during the 10:30 a.m. Service. We want to ensure that St. Nicholas is a welcoming community for all. This, however, needs to be balanced with the assurance that St. Nicholas is a safe community – especially for members and teachers of the Sunday School. As such, over the month of May we will be monitoring the Manderley doors during the 10:30 a.m. Service.. If concerns continue, or new ones emerge, we will be locking the Manderley doors at 10:45 a.m. on Sunday, and posting a sign asking individuals to enter the Church via the Kingston Road entrance. This proposal will not only assist in assuring security but also enable us to provide help to individuals should it be required. If you have concerns, or comments, about this proposal, please speak to Rev. Janet or one of the Wardens. Finally, if you are entering the building during Office Hours, please let your presence be known by saying “hello” in the Office. Thank you. LOOKING AHEAD…more info in paragraphs below June 3 7:00 pm Parish Council Meeting June 9 Guest Speaker: Chris Jones. Please join us as we welcome (back) St. Nick’s former Youth Leader June 15 Golf Tournament June 18 9:00 am Bus Trip – “Oliver” June 22 10:00 am Consecration of Bishop Elect Peter Fenty -St. James’ Cathedral June 23 3:00 pm Bach Children’s Chorus Foodbank Fundraiser Rev. Janet is available for conversations about life or faith, and to respond to pastoral situations and pastoral emergencies. Please don’t hesitate to contact her via email at or by calling the church office 416-691- 0449 ext. 223 or in the case of an emergency at 416-648-1418.
  • 3. The Feast of Pentecost – Sunday, May 19th: Please join us next Sunday, May 19th as we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. Both Services will be taken from the Book of Alternative Services. (Our regularly scheduled 10:30 a.m. Service of Mattins and Choral Eucharist from the Book of Common Prayer will return on the third Sunday of June.) In our reading from the Book of Acts, the Holy Spirit is described as descending like “tongues of fire.” To celebrate the gift of the Spirit all are warmly invited to wear yellow, orange and red. Kitchen Shower- Wow!! What a great response Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the kitchen shower. For those of you who have not had an opportunity yet, there are still some items remaining to be purchased. Members of the outreach committee will do all of the shopping and the items will be purchased on your behalf. The Outreach Committee will be sponsoring a special coffee hour on the 26th of May to thank everyone for their donations. At this time all the donated items will be on display. If you have any questions please speak to Pauline Glasgow, Sonia Halloran or Deb Chapman. Stay Connected with Twitter -Submitted by Andrew Reeves @greeneggs_drew The social media service Twitter is a great way to share and stay connected with your church family and the wider family of God. Share how God is at work in your life using the hashtag #stnicksbc. For more information, talk (or tweet) with Andrew Reeves.
  • 4. This morning, we offer the Rite of Healing at both services. For those who wish, this is an opportunity to pray specifically for healing. Since Biblical times, this prayer has been accompanied by anointing with oil. At 8:30am, please proceed to the chancel steps after you have received Communion. At 10:30am, please proceed to St. Andrew’s chapel after you have received Communion. The Bus Trips are fully booked, but if you are still interested in going, let Joan Alkerton know, and your name will be placed on a waiting list. Found! We have acquired some assorted eye glasses, a jacket, odd earrings a bracelet, and some old photo’s in a card that someone, maybe you, has lost. If you think they might be yours please contact Janet in the parish office. Stay Connected with Twitter Submitted by Andrew Reeves @greeneggs_drew The social media service Twitter is a great way to share and stay connected with your church family and the wider family of God. I would like to encourage those of you currently using Twitter to share the work of God in your life using the hashtag #stnicksbc. Whether it’s for healing of a loved one or just getting that parking space close to the mall share your thanksgivings and prayer requests. If you are not already, you may want to follow some of the following @generalsynod , @anglicandioTO , @shelrev , @RevDrAlison , @iamepiscopalian , @UnvirtousAbbey Share more of your Twitter church friends and resources using the #stnicksbc. If you are not already a twitter user it is easy to become a member. Go to and signup. You must choose a password and you will be asked to create a “twitter handle” or username. Then search for topics or users you find interesting. There are also many helpful online tutorials available.
  • 5. Pennies from Heaven – While the Canadian Mint may say “no” to pennies, we are saying “yes”! Pennies can bring blessings and we are collecting them for the ministry and mission of St. Nicholas! So go through your pockets, check the bottom of your purses, and bring in all those no longer needed pennies. There is a bucket marked “Pennies from Heaven” at the back of the church to collect them in. Thank you! And they came, everyone whose heart was stirred up, and everyone whom the Spirit made willing, and they brought the Lord’s offering” 2013 Weekly Offertory Envelopes are available for pick up at the back of the Church. St. Nicholas’ Anglican Church is a financially self-sustaining church family. The prayerful support and generosity of members and friends allows us to carry out, and strengthen, our ministry of Worship, Christian Education, Children’s Ministry, Pastoral Care, Outreach, Property Stewardship and much more. St. Nicholas also offers an opportunity for individuals to support the Parish’s ministry through monthly Pre- Authorized Giving (PAG). PAG Brochures, highlighting the benefit of the program to you and the Parish, have also been made available at the back of the Church. St. Nicholas Bus Trips: The St. Nicholas’ Social Committee has planned a series of bus trips for 2013. Please contact Joan Alkerton at 416-691-4387 for more information or to book one of these trips. April 12th Shaw Theatre “Guys and Dolls” June 18th Penetanguishene “Oliver” October 18th Stratford “Blithe Spirit” Dec. 5th St. Jacobs “Legends in Harmony” Altar Flowers Each week the flowers on both Altars can be given in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a significant life event. (Anniversary, Birthday, Baptism etc.) If you would like to do this, please write your name and phone number on the calendar at the back of the church. As the week approaches Iris Hogan will give you a call to see if you have any colour requests, and also to get the wording for the bulletin. Payment of $60.00 can be put in an envelope, clearly marked “For Altar Flowers” and placed on the collection plate. It’s OK for more than one person/family to sign up for the same week. PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE, THE INFORMATION IN IT HAS CHANGED This past summer the City of Toronto began charging all churches and non profit organizations for garbage pickup.
  • 6. At the beginning of this year we received a notice from the city that we will not be charged for garbage pickup this year after all. They are going to look into the impact of such charges on charitable organizations and then decide what course of action to take. So… while for this year sorting our garbage doesn’t make a difference to our costs, it is still an environmentally responsible thing to be doing, and it very well may again become a cost issue. Please be aware of what you’re putting in the Green Bins, Recycling Bins and Garbage. In the kitchen there is a green bin – just like the one you put out to the street at your house – it’s for organic material, coffee grounds, food waste, tissues, napkins, paper towels, there is a list posted in the kitchen. Milk cartons, and packaging DO NOT go in the green bin. There is a recycling bin just outside the kitchen door, and a garbage bin in the kitchen. If you’re not sure what bin to put something in, please check the list. Thank you This morning, we offer the Rite of Healing at both services. For those who wish, this is an opportunity to pray specifically for healing. Since Biblical times, this prayer has been accompanied by anointing with oil. At 8:30am, please proceed to the chancel steps after you have received Communion. At 10:30am, please proceed to St. Andrew’s chapel after you have received Communion. Ministry of Hospitality Opportunity- In the letter to the Romans, Paul encourages us as a community to practice hospitality. If you would like to participate in the ministry of hospitality by helping with Coffee hour after the 10 a.m. service… There is a new Coffee Hour list posted on the Manderley Bulletin Board. Please consider taking a turn to prepare coffee, tea, and goodies. It doesn’t have to be a big spread, a loaf or two or some cookies, or cheese and crackers, would be just fine. If several people went together it makes it much easier, - and fun. All you have to do is bring milk and cream, and whatever food you want to provide. The sugar, coffee and tea are here. Then take what you spent on the items you brought out of the proceeds from the basket on the table. Why has the response to the readings changed? Through the season of Pentecost, our response to the reading “The Word of the Lord” followed by “Thanks be to God” has been changed to “Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches” followed by “Thanks be to God.” The phrase “Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches” comes from the Book of Revelation. It serves as a reminder and witness to the power of the Spirit at work in our life calling us to new awareness of God’s word, activity and salvation.