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Nov 2010
  Volume 4, Issue 11                     Inspiring Teachers
                                 Driving educational change through excellence in teaching

                                 Editor’s Comments
                                                                      assess our performance and     this time we have given
                                 This month we have a new
                                                                      plan for growth. There are     announcements of a
                                 author – Bhagirathi Behera.
                                                                      some ideas that need to be     number of conferences
                                 He is a very motivated teacher
Pic above: Six-day                                                    validated from all of you.     related to teaching and
workshop at Learnium             who has entered this career by
School, Hyderabad                                                     They are in the covering       learning.
                                 choice and who wants to be
                                                                      mail.                          Our regular humour section
                                 heading a school in another
Articles this month:                                                  Please visit our website       and some pictures from the
                                 few years. He has put together
Classroom Management                                                  regularly and answer the       Inspiring Teacher Awards
  Tips – Editor                  a list of qualities for the school
                                                                      poll question. We find         event are other offerings.
……………..….2                       leadership of 21st century.
                                                                      surprising answers!
School Leadership for the        We are almost coming to the
  21st century – Behera                                               Coming back to this issue,
                                 end of 2o10 and it is time to

Upcoming Conference –
  Sunanda Verma
……………….4                         October and November at Teacher’s Academy
Humour - KV Jayakumar       1.     Sessions for Effective Teaching
……………….5                                                                         What they say after adopting
                                   Skills for CfBT’s programs at
                                   Aditya Engg College and
                                                                                 techniques from the training
                                   Swarnandhra Engg College
                                                                         Mr Salim, Principal, Adam’s High School
                            2. Effective Teaching Skills – six
                                                                         says all his teachers started using graphic
                                   day workshop at Learnium
                                                                         organizers (mind maps) after training by
                                   School, Banjara Hills,
                                                                         Teacher’s Academy and their students are also
                                   Hyderabad Oct 4th to 9th
                                                                         making them now.
                            3. 4th batch of Teacher Training             Vasu Krishna, N Srinivasulu and others in
                                   Program at Enhance Edu, IIIT-         Nalla Malla Reddy Engg College have started
                                   H from Nov 1st to Dec 5th.            sharing learning objectives with students and find
                            4. Next technique training at                that it is a very effective way to generate clarity
                                   Adam’s High School, Hyderabad and focus in the students thereby improving
                                                                         interest and understanding.
Inspiring Teachers                                                   Page 2 of 5

                          Classroom Management Tips                                            Uma Garimella
                          How to handle latecomers         the same rules (believe it    then don’t keep up the
                          Latecomers disrupt the           or not!).Since they are the   conversation - It takes one
                          learning of the rest of the      ones who made the rules       fool to backtalk. It takes two
                          class, give negative             this works much better        fools to make a conversation
                          attention to the latecomer,      than teacher posting rules    out of it. If you don’t keep
                          disrupt the teacher's train of   without input from them.      talking, the back talk will
                          thought, often become            You may ask them to get       not continue – for obvious
                          disruptive talkers after they    into small groups,            reasons. Just give your
                          sit down, and then ask           brainstorm and come up        instructions and ask the
                          questions about what you         with a list, which can be     back talking student to
                          just explained…so here is a      posted on the blackboard.     follow them.
                          way to handle themLeave          Review it, rephrase if        Noisy or disruptive
                          five or ten empty chairs by      necessary, vote on            behaviour: Usually
                          the front or back door for       contradicting rules and       teachers ask questions to
                          latecomers. Students who         you should have some          students who haven’t been
                          are late are not to walk in      basic standards set for the   paying attention. This
                          front of the room or to go to    class.                        doesn’t work for two
                          their regular seats. They        Handle backtalking            reasons:
One of our poll
questions on who is       must take one of the "late       students – either in your     1.   The student can’t
your best teacher –
                          seats" by the door. This will    room or in the class: Here         answer the question and
more than 70% voted
for a teacher ‘who        prevent latecomers from          we are not only talking of         he/she feels humiliated
encourages you to go
                          disturbing the class already     arrogant students but also    2. Since anyway the
beyond the syllabus’.
‘explains well’ came      in progress. Do not talk to      those who keep explaining          student has been
third, after ‘makes you
                          latecomers. Don't accept an      why your comment about             caught, there is no
work so that you learn’
Think about it!           explanation during class.        them is wrong – for                further motivation to
                          Ignore them as they come.        example you tell a student         pay attention.
                                                           to concentrate on her         Instead, it may be a good
                          Establish classroom rules        work and not talk, she        idea to ask questions to
                          Use the first class in your      answers that she’s not        students who are sitting
                          academic session to involve      talking or that her           close to this group, but who
                          students to form simple          neighbor is disturbing her    are paying attention. Since
                          rules of behavior and            and then you respond and      the focus of the class has
                          academic issues that will be     it goes on. There are two     come near them, the
                          followed. This activity works reactions – in the first few     disruptive group is likely to
                          because students also want       seconds stay calm. And        come back to the class flow.
Page 3 of 5                                             Inspiring Teachers

School Leadership for the 21st Century                                     Bhagirathi Behera

An educational leader is          essential for a leader or         services in schools of
one who willingly makes all       manager as technical              other towns and districts,
efforts for achieving             skills, human skills and          upgrading evaluation,
institutional goals by            conceptual skills.                studying problems and
influencing and making                                              setting new schemes with
                                  Educational leader are to
other strive for the same. It                                       successful
                                  improve the learning
involves the achievements                                           implementation,
                                  situations by working with
of organizational goals and                                         managing reward systems         Caption describing
                                  teachers, to help teachers                                        picture or graphic.
working with people. But in                                         for teachers, providing a
                                  grow as professional, to
21st century educational                                            vision for the staff and
                                  develop materials for
organization are socio-                                             faculty. This means
                                  instructions and learning,
technical systems, unique                                           helping the teachers and
                                  to improve curriculum and                                       Above: Break time on Teacher’s
organizations whose basic                                           other persons concerned
                                  to arrange for in-service                                       Day
components are the                                                  to see teaching as a
                                  education for teachers and
individuals and technology.                                         larger picture with a
                                  other persons. Other tasks
In order to be successful                                           number of interrelated
                                  are looking at instructional
three types of skills are                                           activities.

Strong leaders are key to turning around poorly performing schools, by
implementing reforms, and motivating teachers and students.

The nature of educational           the least, many persons to        processes of teaching       Above:
leadership in 21st century is       lead the education field in       and learning including      N Chandrasekhar Reddy from
totally different from              place of one person.              knowledge of new            NMREC, Hyderabad, touching
                                                                                                  his guru K Srinivasa Rao’s feet
traditional supervision                                               teaching methods,
                                    The job of a school leader is                                 before the award was
leadership. Pragmatic study                                           student construction of
                                    multidimensional and the                                      presented. Mr Rao, who now
and analysis instead of                                               knowledge, and skills in    works in Viveka Vardhini
                                    skills they must have are for
inspection; total teacher-                                            problem solving. In         College, was the man to whom
                                    (1) instructional leadership;
learning situation in place of                                        addition, they must         Chandrasekhar’s father handed
                                    (2) management; (3)                                           over the responsibility of
teacher focused learning;                                             devote a large portion of
                                    communication,                                                grooming him. From a child who
many diverse functions                                                their time and energy to    was below average in school,
                                    collaboration, and
instead of visits and meeting;                                        improving teaching and      Chandraskehar got counted as
                                    community building; and
organized and planned                                                 learning. They should       one of the brighter students
                                    (4) vision development, risk
                                                                                                  after he came under Mr Rao.
objectives in place of poorly                                         be able to provide
                                    taking, and change
understood objectives;                                                informed feedback,
cooperative manager in place                                          guidance and support to
of imposing and                     Thus, principals must have        professional
                                    a deep understanding of the
authoritarian; and last but not                                       development activities.
Inspiring Teachers                                                        Page 4 of 5
                                       School leadership……(cont’d)
                                       Good leaders must have a           addition, good leaders         is the ability of the school
                                       vision for their school, a         must be good at managing leader to see what strategy
                                       plan for reaching it, and          people (teachers and other suits his/her school and
                                       an ability to communicate          staff, and stakeholders),      keep reviewing its
                                       that vision effectively. But       time, and facilities.          effectiveness. If something
                                       on the way, they must              Rather than telling people     is not useful, it is necessary
                                       also know about finance            what to do, effective          to change it, rather than
    Siddhartha Ghosh of                and be able to drive               leaders share their vision     take it as a failure or taking
     GNITS, Hyderabad,                 successfully through               and let people set goals       it as a prestige issue.
      speaking in Telugu               difficult political                aligned to that goal. And                         Mr Bhagirathi
   during a JAM session                                                                                                 Science Teacher
                                       situations filled with             they motivate them to
  on 2nd Oct. His mother                                                                                          Shantiniketan Vidyalaya
       tongue is Bengali!              competing interests and            achieve those goals.
                                       demands for resources. In          Most important in all this

                                       Upcoming Conferences                               Sunanda Verma, EnhanceEdu, IIIT-H

                                                                Submissi                           Dates of
                    Conference Name                                               Venue                                  Topics
                                                                   on                             Conference
                                                                Oct 25,        Mumbai,
IC4E 2011                                                          Jan 2011         e-Learning, e-Education
                                                                2010           India
                                                                Oct 25,        Wuhan,         Nov 27 - 28      Education Training and
ETT 2010
                                                                2010           China          2010             Technology
                                                                               Noordwijkerh                    Learning/Teaching
                                                                Oct 25,                     May 6 - 9,
CSEDU 2011                                               out, The                        Methodologies And
                                                                2010                        2011
                                                                               Netherlands                     Assessment
                                                                Oct 30,        Las Vegas,     April 11 - 13,   Software Engineering
ITNG 2011
                                                                2010           USA            2011             Education Track
                                                                                                               Learning Environments and
EDUCON 2011                                                                    Amman,         April 4 - 6,
                                                                Oct 31, 2011                                   Ecosystems in Engineering                                          Jordan         2011
                                                                Nov 10,        Guiyang,       Jan 26 - 28,
ICIET 2011                                                                               Education Technology
                                                                2010           China          2011
CSEET 2011                                                      Nov 29,                       May 22 - 24,     Software engineering
                                                                               Hawaii, USA          2010                          2011             Education
                                                                                                              Adv Learning Technologies
ICALT 2011                                                                                    Jul 6 - July 8,
                                                                Jan 17, 2011 Athens ,USA                      and Technology-enhanced                                                      2011
                                                                February       Chennai        July 14 - July
T4E 2011                                                                               Education Technology
                                                                27, 2011       ,India         16, 2011
                                                                March 25,      Changchun,     July 15 - 16,    Innovative Pedagogies,
ICETC 2011
                                                                2011           China          2011             Learning Models
Page 5 of 5                                     Inspiring Teachers
 Teacher’s Academy             Thinking in Indian and speaking in English                   e-mail fwd KV Jayakumar

                               #Inside the Class:
        Hyderabad              * Open the doors of the window. Let the Air Force come in.
                               * Cut an apple into two halves - take the bigger half.
                               * Shhh...Quiet, boys...the principal just passed away in the corridor.
       97011 41118             * You, meet me behind the class. (Meaning AFTER the class)
                               * Both of you three gets out of the class.
                               * Close the doors of the windows please... I have winter in my nose today.
         E-MAIL:               * shhh... quite, the principal is rotating in the school.    * (Facing the Board), Dont talk in front of my back.

                               # About his family:
                               * I have two daughters. Both of them are girls....(?)

                               # At the ground:
                               * All of you, stand in a straight circle.
                               * There is no wind in the ball.

                               # Giving a punishment:
                               * You, rotate the ground four times...
                               * You, go and under-stand the tree...
                               * You three of you, stand together separately.

                              About Teacher’s Academy…
                               Started three years ago,         Please do leave your        If anyone is passionate
                               already 1600 teacher             feedback on workshops on    about changing the
        See us at:
                               members on-line, 28              the site About Us           education scenario to
                               colleges and 15 schools          Clients say                 work with me can send
                               touched by the training.                                     resume and talk to me.
                                                                Share articles, useful
                               Long term projects are           links, teaching resources   --Thanks
                               being taken up for schools       and tips for effective      Uma Garimella
                               and colleges. Continuous         teaching with a growing     Founder
                               support and multiple             community of our teacher
                               initiatives will be included     mailing list.
                               for holistic and
                               sustainable change.

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Newsletter Nov 2010

  • 1. Nov 2010 Volume 4, Issue 11 Inspiring Teachers Driving educational change through excellence in teaching Editor’s Comments assess our performance and this time we have given This month we have a new plan for growth. There are announcements of a author – Bhagirathi Behera. some ideas that need to be number of conferences He is a very motivated teacher Pic above: Six-day validated from all of you. related to teaching and workshop at Learnium who has entered this career by School, Hyderabad They are in the covering learning. choice and who wants to be mail. Our regular humour section heading a school in another Articles this month: Please visit our website and some pictures from the few years. He has put together Classroom Management regularly and answer the Inspiring Teacher Awards Tips – Editor a list of qualities for the school poll question. We find event are other offerings. ……………..….2 leadership of 21st century. surprising answers! School Leadership for the We are almost coming to the 21st century – Behera Coming back to this issue, end of 2o10 and it is time to ………………..3 Upcoming Conference – Sunanda Verma ……………….4 October and November at Teacher’s Academy Humour - KV Jayakumar 1. Sessions for Effective Teaching ……………….5 What they say after adopting Skills for CfBT’s programs at Aditya Engg College and techniques from the training Swarnandhra Engg College Mr Salim, Principal, Adam’s High School 2. Effective Teaching Skills – six says all his teachers started using graphic day workshop at Learnium organizers (mind maps) after training by School, Banjara Hills, Teacher’s Academy and their students are also Hyderabad Oct 4th to 9th making them now. 3. 4th batch of Teacher Training Vasu Krishna, N Srinivasulu and others in Program at Enhance Edu, IIIT- Nalla Malla Reddy Engg College have started H from Nov 1st to Dec 5th. sharing learning objectives with students and find 4. Next technique training at that it is a very effective way to generate clarity Adam’s High School, Hyderabad and focus in the students thereby improving interest and understanding.
  • 2. Inspiring Teachers Page 2 of 5 Classroom Management Tips Uma Garimella How to handle latecomers the same rules (believe it then don’t keep up the Latecomers disrupt the or not!).Since they are the conversation - It takes one learning of the rest of the ones who made the rules fool to backtalk. It takes two class, give negative this works much better fools to make a conversation attention to the latecomer, than teacher posting rules out of it. If you don’t keep disrupt the teacher's train of without input from them. talking, the back talk will thought, often become You may ask them to get not continue – for obvious disruptive talkers after they into small groups, reasons. Just give your sit down, and then ask brainstorm and come up instructions and ask the questions about what you with a list, which can be back talking student to just explained…so here is a posted on the blackboard. follow them. way to handle themLeave Review it, rephrase if Noisy or disruptive five or ten empty chairs by necessary, vote on behaviour: Usually the front or back door for contradicting rules and teachers ask questions to latecomers. Students who you should have some students who haven’t been are late are not to walk in basic standards set for the paying attention. This front of the room or to go to class. doesn’t work for two Surprise! their regular seats. They Handle backtalking reasons: One of our poll questions on who is must take one of the "late students – either in your 1. The student can’t your best teacher – seats" by the door. This will room or in the class: Here answer the question and more than 70% voted for a teacher ‘who prevent latecomers from we are not only talking of he/she feels humiliated encourages you to go disturbing the class already arrogant students but also 2. Since anyway the beyond the syllabus’. ‘explains well’ came in progress. Do not talk to those who keep explaining student has been third, after ‘makes you latecomers. Don't accept an why your comment about caught, there is no work so that you learn’ Think about it! explanation during class. them is wrong – for further motivation to Ignore them as they come. example you tell a student pay attention. to concentrate on her Instead, it may be a good Establish classroom rules work and not talk, she idea to ask questions to Use the first class in your answers that she’s not students who are sitting academic session to involve talking or that her close to this group, but who students to form simple neighbor is disturbing her are paying attention. Since rules of behavior and and then you respond and the focus of the class has academic issues that will be it goes on. There are two come near them, the followed. This activity works reactions – in the first few disruptive group is likely to because students also want seconds stay calm. And come back to the class flow.
  • 3. Page 3 of 5 Inspiring Teachers School Leadership for the 21st Century Bhagirathi Behera An educational leader is essential for a leader or services in schools of one who willingly makes all manager as technical other towns and districts, efforts for achieving skills, human skills and upgrading evaluation, institutional goals by conceptual skills. studying problems and influencing and making setting new schemes with Educational leader are to other strive for the same. It successful improve the learning involves the achievements implementation, situations by working with of organizational goals and managing reward systems Caption describing teachers, to help teachers picture or graphic. working with people. But in for teachers, providing a grow as professional, to 21st century educational vision for the staff and develop materials for organization are socio- faculty. This means instructions and learning, technical systems, unique helping the teachers and to improve curriculum and Above: Break time on Teacher’s organizations whose basic other persons concerned to arrange for in-service Day components are the to see teaching as a education for teachers and individuals and technology. larger picture with a other persons. Other tasks In order to be successful number of interrelated are looking at instructional three types of skills are activities. Strong leaders are key to turning around poorly performing schools, by implementing reforms, and motivating teachers and students. The nature of educational the least, many persons to processes of teaching Above: leadership in 21st century is lead the education field in and learning including N Chandrasekhar Reddy from totally different from place of one person. knowledge of new NMREC, Hyderabad, touching his guru K Srinivasa Rao’s feet traditional supervision teaching methods, The job of a school leader is before the award was leadership. Pragmatic study student construction of multidimensional and the presented. Mr Rao, who now and analysis instead of knowledge, and skills in works in Viveka Vardhini skills they must have are for inspection; total teacher- problem solving. In College, was the man to whom (1) instructional leadership; learning situation in place of addition, they must Chandrasekhar’s father handed (2) management; (3) over the responsibility of teacher focused learning; devote a large portion of communication, grooming him. From a child who many diverse functions their time and energy to was below average in school, collaboration, and instead of visits and meeting; improving teaching and Chandraskehar got counted as community building; and organized and planned learning. They should one of the brighter students (4) vision development, risk after he came under Mr Rao. objectives in place of poorly be able to provide taking, and change understood objectives; informed feedback, management. cooperative manager in place guidance and support to of imposing and Thus, principals must have professional a deep understanding of the authoritarian; and last but not development activities.
  • 4. Inspiring Teachers Page 4 of 5 School leadership……(cont’d) Good leaders must have a addition, good leaders is the ability of the school vision for their school, a must be good at managing leader to see what strategy plan for reaching it, and people (teachers and other suits his/her school and an ability to communicate staff, and stakeholders), keep reviewing its that vision effectively. But time, and facilities. effectiveness. If something on the way, they must Rather than telling people is not useful, it is necessary also know about finance what to do, effective to change it, rather than Siddhartha Ghosh of and be able to drive leaders share their vision take it as a failure or taking GNITS, Hyderabad, successfully through and let people set goals it as a prestige issue. speaking in Telugu difficult political aligned to that goal. And Mr Bhagirathi during a JAM session Science Teacher situations filled with they motivate them to on 2nd Oct. His mother Shantiniketan Vidyalaya tongue is Bengali! competing interests and achieve those goals. Shamirpet demands for resources. In Most important in all this Upcoming Conferences Sunanda Verma, EnhanceEdu, IIIT-H Paper Submissi Dates of Conference Name Venue Topics on Conference Deadline Oct 25, Mumbai, IC4E 2011 Jan 2011 e-Learning, e-Education 2010 India Oct 25, Wuhan, Nov 27 - 28 Education Training and ETT 2010 2010 China 2010 Technology Noordwijkerh Learning/Teaching Oct 25, May 6 - 9, CSEDU 2011 out, The Methodologies And 2010 2011 Netherlands Assessment Oct 30, Las Vegas, April 11 - 13, Software Engineering ITNG 2011 2010 USA 2011 Education Track Learning Environments and EDUCON 2011 Amman, April 4 - 6, Oct 31, 2011 Ecosystems in Engineering Jordan 2011 Education Nov 10, Guiyang, Jan 26 - 28, ICIET 2011 Education Technology 2010 China 2011 CSEET 2011 Nov 29, May 22 - 24, Software engineering Hawaii, USA 2010 2011 Education Adv Learning Technologies ICALT 2011 Jul 6 - July 8, Jan 17, 2011 Athens ,USA and Technology-enhanced 2011 Learning February Chennai July 14 - July T4E 2011 Education Technology 27, 2011 ,India 16, 2011 March 25, Changchun, July 15 - 16, Innovative Pedagogies, ICETC 2011 2011 China 2011 Learning Models
  • 5. Page 5 of 5 Inspiring Teachers Teacher’s Academy Thinking in Indian and speaking in English e-mail fwd KV Jayakumar #Inside the Class: Hyderabad * Open the doors of the window. Let the Air Force come in. * Cut an apple into two halves - take the bigger half. * Shhh...Quiet, boys...the principal just passed away in the corridor. PHONE: 97011 41118 * You, meet me behind the class. (Meaning AFTER the class) * Both of you three gets out of the class. * Close the doors of the windows please... I have winter in my nose today. E-MAIL: * shhh... quite, the principal is rotating in the school. * (Facing the Board), Dont talk in front of my back. # About his family: * I have two daughters. Both of them are girls....(?) # At the ground: * All of you, stand in a straight circle. * There is no wind in the ball. # Giving a punishment: * You, rotate the ground four times... * You, go and under-stand the tree... * You three of you, stand together separately. About Teacher’s Academy… Started three years ago, Please do leave your If anyone is passionate already 1600 teacher feedback on workshops on about changing the See us at: members on-line, 28 the site About Us education scenario to colleges and 15 schools Clients say work with me can send touched by the training. resume and talk to me. Share articles, useful Long term projects are links, teaching resources --Thanks being taken up for schools and tips for effective Uma Garimella and colleges. Continuous teaching with a growing Founder support and multiple community of our teacher initiatives will be included mailing list. for holistic and sustainable change.