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Great Lakes
                                 Exploring the Mission of the GLC Part 1: Healthy = Pursuing Christ

                                           GLC Annual Celebration
                                                         April 18-19, 2013
                                      HOSTED BY– CAMP MISSION MEADOWS,
                                               DEWITTVILLE, NY	

                       Welcome! From Bryan Muecke– Executive Director, Camp Mission Meadows

Dear Friends,                                                                    Workshops & 
We are excited and blessed to have you join us for this year’s Great        conversa ons about 
Lakes Conference Annual Celebra on!  Our staff at Mission                    congrega onal health will 
Meadows, along with our friends at First Covenant and Zion                  help you evaluate and 
Covenant in Jamestown, have been busy preparing for your arrival.           discern how well you are 
I am confident that you will find your stay here to be refreshing and         ministering to your 
renewing.                                                                   community.  Addi onally, 
     That is, in part, the reason our ministries exist.  On a daily and     you will have an opportunity to see how your congrega on can 
weekly basis our church communi es are a place of refuge for the            further its mission with neighbors and friends. 
spiritually weary sojourner.  There is sanctuary to be found.  There             But most importantly, while having the  me and space in this 
is spiritual nourishment which fills one’s cup with the energy and           place, you will have an opportunity to evaluate your own health 
vision and courage to once again step out into the world to be in it,       and spiritual well‐being.  One of the founda onal ques ons of the 
but not of it ‐ to be Christ’s ambassador to ‘the least of these’.          Covenant tradi on is this, “How goes your walk with the Lord?”  
     Our camps & retreats are no different in their mission or focus.        When was the last  me anyone asked you that ques on?  When 
At Mission Meadows we Invite, Equip & Send.  That is, we Invite             was the last  me you posed that ques on to a friend?  When was 
people to join the Chris an community as followers of Jesus Christ.         the last  me you asked that ques on of yourself? 
We Equip people to use their unique, God‐given gi s and talents.                 We look forward to your arrival and the opportunity to visit 
And, we Send people out to Love God & Love Others.                          with you, to share a meal with you, to fellowship with you and to 
     The theme for the Annual Celebra on is the first of a two part          worship with you.  Un l then, may God’s grace and peace be 
series en tled Exploring the Mission of the GLC Part 1: Healthy =           evident in you and through you and to you. 
Pursuing Christ.  This is what our ministry is all about.  Not only will 
we celebrate all that God has done, we will look out & beyond to 
see what God is calling us to.                                              Bryan T. Muecke 

                                      Invitation from Superintendent Garth McGrath                                   CONTENTS:

                          It is a great pleasure to invite all of our GLC churches to send delegates to our    Welcome               Pg. 1 
                         2013 Conference Annual Celebra on at Camp Mission Meadows in 
                         Dewi ville, NY.   At our mee ng we will celebrate the many ways in which              Schedule              Pg. 2 
                         God revealed himself in and through our churches in the past year.  We will 
                         approve a budget that will fund the ministries we believe are fundamental to          Workshops             Pg. 2‐4 
                         our overall mission.  We will elect wise and gi ed men and women to serve 
                                                                                                               Hotels                Pg. 5 
        on our Conference Board.  And we will connect with other lay persons and pastors of churches 
        throughout our conference.  All the while, we will focus our a en on on what it means to be            Registra on Info      Pg. 6 
        “healthy” followers of Jesus: healthy individuals who are pursuing Christ in personal ways, and 
        healthy churches who are pursuing Christ together in corporate ways.  I look forward to                Registra on Form      Pg. 7 
        gree ng your delegates in person on the beau ful shore of Lake Chautauqua April 18‐19, 2013 
        so that we can pursue Christ with one another for the sake of ministry throughout our                  Area Map              Pg. 8 

    But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the
      goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14
APRIL 18-19, 2013 GLC ANNUAL CELEBRATION                                                Page 2


Thursday, April 18, 2013                                          Friday, April 19, 2013
 12:00pm-5:00pm Registration for Ministerial                     7:30am-9:00am Registration
    Association and the GLC Annual Celebration                     8:30am-12:30pm GLC Business Meeting/Annual
 2:00pm-5:00pm Ministerial Association Meeting                     Meeting *
 6:00pm Combined Ministerial Association and GLC                 12:30pm-1:00pm lunch pick up to go to Workshop
    Dinner and GLC Award Presentations                               or Service Opportunity
                                                                   1:00pm-6:00pm Camp Service Opportunity *
 7:30pm-9:00pm Combined Ministerial Association
    and GLC Worship Service *                                      1:00pm-3:45pm Ministerial Association and GLC
                                                                     Workshops “A” *
                                                                   1:00pm-2:15pm Ministerial Association and GLC
                                                                     Workshops “B”- Session I *
*Limited Child Care to age 5 is available for the Thursday         2:30pm-3:45pm Ministerial Association and GLC
worship service and the Friday GLC business meeting,                 Workshops “B”- Session II *
workshops, and camp service opportunity– this is not a drop        7:00pm Barbecue and Fun (optional event)
in service, all children must be registered in advance with the
conference office (734-451-4670) by April 5, 2013.

S E R V I C E O P P O R T U N I T Y (FRIDAY 1:00PM-6:00PM)
1. Camp Mission Meadows– there are several projects available involving demolition, painting, and/or cleaning.

W O R K S H O P S “A” (FRIDAY 1:00PM-3:45PM)

1. Discovering Your S.H.A.P.E.- Michael Rice, Associate Pastor, Life Church, Canton, MI

S.H.A.P.E. is an acronym for Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences. The S.H.A.P.E. class is
designed to help you and those in your church explore their S.H.A.P.E and see how God has uniquely wired us to
make a difference for Him. Join us as we explore how God has uniquely S.H.A.P.E.d all of us, and how this tool
could help you better equip others for ministry in your church. Each registrant for this workshop will receive a set
of personal assessments to fill out and bring to the workshop.

2. Practices for an Abundant Life:The Upward, Inward, and Outward journey into healthy relational intimacy with
God, self, and others - Jennifer Andersson, Lay Pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Wixom, MI and Pam Pangborn,
Associate Pastor, Hope Community Church, Detroit, MI

This workshop will explore spiritual practices that connect us to God, develop emotional honesty with self, and
build authentic community with others. Both teaching and experientials will be included. We will also address the
importance of establishing a rhythm of spiritual practices to encourage our continued growth in Christ.
Page 3           APRIL 18-19, 2013 GLC ANNUAL CELEBRATION

W O R K S H O P S “A” (FRIDAY 1:00PM-3:45PM) (CONT.)

3. LIVING THE WORD: Reaffirming the Authority of Holy Scripture in the Life of the Beloved Community- Kenneth
   Harris, Senior Pastor, Detroit Baptist Temple, Detroit, MI; soon to be adopted into the ECC as Detroit Bible
   Tabernacle: an Evangelical Covenant Church. Dr. Harris (PhD), is also the Academic Dean of ETS (Ecumenical
   Theological Seminary) in Detroit and Professor of Biblical Studies.

This workshop will review and explore the role of Holy Scripture as the believer's preeminent authority for faith and
practice. The workshop will consist of two distinct, yet related sessions:

 Part One will carefully review what Holy Scripture reveals about its authority and how the Church has historically
    reaffirmed that authority.
 Part Two will discuss how adherence to scriptural authority impacts the spiritual life and health of the individual
    believer, local assemblies, and the Covenant. If time permits, there will be a short Bible study exercise.

W O R K S H O P S “B”              SESSION I (FRIDAY 1:00PM-2:15PM)

1. The Vitality Pathway– Steve Armfield, Director of Church Vitality, Great Lakes Conference

Congregational vitality is a journey of life, energy, passion, discovery, and hope. Vitality is nothing less than a spir-
itual awakening in Christ, and is about thriving, growing, and depending on God to lead us deeper in Christ and fur-
ther in mission. The VITALITY PATHWAY is a congregational journey that explores and experiences the multi-
faceted adventure to health. Every organism that thrives is constantly adapting, growing, discovering … by walking
the pathway a congregation can experience the adventure of missional health.

2. Healthy Leadership Teams (and Councils) - Larry Sherman, Associate Superintendent and Director of Church
   Planting, Great Lakes Conference

Have you ever wished your leadership team or council could have more productive meetings? Have you ever
hoped that your meeting times could develop you as a spiritual leader? Has your church seen an increase in mis-
sional health as a result of how the leadership team is working?
This workshop will start with the definition of spiritual leadership and then apply this definition to leadership meet-
ings in the local church. We will talk about how healthy spiritual leadership can result in more effective meeting
agendas, how meetings can build leaders, and how to increase communication between leadership and the
church. A "Ministry Flow Chart" will be presented to help you discern how to apply your constitution and bylaws in
ways that result in clear role definitions and in more focused ministry.

3. Alpha Marriage Course– Bruce (Associate Pastor) and Barbara Baehr, Grace Evangelical Covenant Church, Clay,
Looking for new ways to reach out to your community with the love of Christ? Consider running The Marriage
Course. Like the Alpha course, The Marriage Course is open and accessible to all couples, with or without a Chris-
tian faith or church background, addressing the relevant issues of marriage.
APRIL 18-19, 2013 GLC ANNUAL CELEBRATION                                               Page 4


1. 10 Marks in Measuring the Health of Your Church- Steve Armfield, Director of Church Vitality, Great Lakes
How do we effectively measure ‘success’ in our congregation? Is there something deeper and more helpful than
counting bricks, bodies and bucks?! Yes, there is! This workshop explores how we can measure what matters
most. We aim at being healthy (pursuing Christ) and missional (pursuing Christ’s priorities in the world). So, what
are the marks of a healthy missional church? And how can they be measured in the life of our congregations?

2. Intentionally Shaping Culture: Creating a Context for Vision and Mission to Thrive- Shaun Marshall, Executive
    Pastor, Citadel of Faith Covenant Church, Detroit, MI

Leaders put lots of energy into crafting impressive vision statements, designing flashy logos or building cool
websites...but the most significant and most overlooked aspect of any organization's success is not vision, strategy
or appearances; it’s CULTURE. Culture deals with the norms, values, habits and attitudes of an organization. In his
book, "Cracking your Church's Culture Code", Dr. Samuel Chand states that no matter how powerful a leader's
vision might be, an unhealthy culture will "eat that vision for lunch"! This workshop will review content from Dr.
Chand's book, help leaders learn how to diagnose the health of their organization's culture, and give them a
practical framework for intentionally creating a cultural context that supports the vision and mission of the

3. When You Talk, Are People Changed?– Alex Rahill, Lead Pastor, Life Church, Canton, MI

As people who share God’s Word that’s our goal-that people are changed. We know God’s Word is powerful. But if
we are honest we have often found ourselves communicating in a way that hasn’t connected with the people we
are actually ministering to. Join Alex as he shares principles from Andy Stanley’s book--Communicating for a
Change and make your teaching ministry better.
Page 5               APRIL 18-19, 2013 GLC ANNUAL CELEBRATION


The GLC Annual Celebration teams at Zion Covenant Church and First Covenant Church in Jamestown, NY have
kindly set aside blocks of rooms at the following hotels. Please note the block name and expiration date for each
hotel. If you do not wish to use one of these hotels you are free to make other arrangements.

Camp Mission Meadows                                            Chautauqua Suites
5201 E. Lake Rd. (Route 430)                                    215 West Lake Road
PO Box 42                                                       Mayville, NY 14757
Dewittville, NY 14728                                           716-269-7829;
716-386-5932                                                    Approx. 7 miles from Mission Meadows

Dorm and cabin-style lodging with bunk beds and community       Each suite features:
bathrooms. You will be housed with people of the same gen-
der – there is no “couples-housing” available. Note: you must
                                                                 1 and 1/2 baths, featuring a double wide walk-in show-
bring your own bedding to fit a twin-size bed, pillow, towels       er.
and toiletries.                                                  Separate living area with a second television & custom
$41 per night                                                       designed Sofa sleeper bed.
Amenities:                                                       Crisp linens and soft hypoallergenic pillows on a custom
   Breakfast is included                                          made queen mattress.

   Acres of natural beauty at your doorstep                    Individual digital climate control for personal comfort.
   Gymnasium available for recreation
                                                                 Free high speed internet access, including wireless in
                                                                    every room.
   Free wireless high speed internet onsite
                                                                Rate is $109.99 per night. Use "Great Lakes Conference"
                                                                when booking. The block will be held until April 3, 2013

Hampton Inn and Suites                                          Aríel's Bed & Breakfast
4 West Oak Hill Road                                            4351 West Lake Road
Jamestown, NY 14701                                             Mayville, NY 14757
 716 484-7829                                                   440-552-3280;               Approx. 11 miles from Mission Meadows
Approx. 14.5 miles from Mission Meadows                         $129 a night for king or queen-sized beds
                                                                $109 for full or twin
   Business center and meeting room                           includes a full breakfast.

   Indoor swimming pool
   37-inch televisions in every room with HD
   Hampton's free hot breakfast
   Free WiFi in every room
   Fitness room use

$105 per night (+tax) for 2 queen beds, $125 (+tax) for 1
king bed (+sleeper sofa). Use "Great Lakes Conference"
when booking (use “GLC” when booking on line with The block will be held until April 3,
APRIL 18-19, 2013 GLC ANNUAL CELEBRATION                                                  Page 6

                                       REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS

To register and pay on line for the Ministerial Association Meeting and the GLC Annual Celebration, go to to the homepage and click on the link. You may also go directly to the registration portal at ; go to the bottom of the page and click on the
appropriate event. The cost of registering on line is slightly higher to cover the on line fees.

See Registration Form on the Opposite Page (page 7)

1. Please read the registration form carefully.
2. Fill in the personal information.
3. Choose to register as one of the following: Ministerial Association only, Ministerial Association and GLC Delegate,
   GLC Delegate only, or GLC Participant only.
4. Determine whether or not you are an “early bird” registrant.
5. Indicate meals in which you would like to participate.

6. Choose to attend the workshops or participate in the camp service opportunity for Friday afternoon.

7. If you choose to attend the workshops, circle either– one workshop during the workshop “A” time frame of 1:00pm-
    3:45pm or two workshops from the “B” time frame, one from session I (1:00pm-2:15pm) and one from session II

8. Do you need child care? Limited Free Child Care to age 5 is available at Mission Meadows for the Thursday wor-
   ship service and the Friday GLC business meeting, workshops, and camp service opportunity. Children must be
   registered by April 5th. Call the conference office at 734-451-4670 to register your child(ren).
9. Add up the registration fees and the cost of any meals you choose and place the total in the blank at the bottom of
   the registration page.
10. Enclose registration form and check in an envelope and mail it to:

Great Lakes Conference
6900 N. Haggerty Rd., Suite 90
Canton, MI 48187
10. Registrations may also be faxed to the GLC office at 734-451-4672.
11. For questions call 734-451-4670 or email or go to the GLC website at
Page 7            APRIL 18-19, 2013 GLC ANNUAL CELEBRATION

                                                                  GLC Delegate- A person chosen by their
Name_________________________________________________             church to attend the events of the GLC
                                                                  Annual Celebration and to be an official
Street_________________________________________________           voting representative at the 2013 GLC
                                                                  Annual Meeting. Delegates will receive delegate information
City___________________________St.______Zip____________           prior to and during the Friday Annual Meeting.
                                                                  GLC Participant- A person who, although not an official
Daytime phone (_____)__________________________________
                                                                  representative of their church, wishes to participate in the
Email_________________________________________________            GLC activities. They may attend the GLC Annual Meeting
                                                                  but they will not receive the delegate information for the
Church_______________________________________________             Annual Meeting nor may they vote.
                                                                  * anyone may attend the Thursday night worship service or
Cell Phone________________________________________                purchase a ticket for the Thursday night dinner.

2013 GLC Annual Celebration and GLC Ministerial Association Registration Fees: place check mark next to dollar
amount (early bird registration or the later registration) of the desired type of registration below.
□ Ministerial Association only- Early Bird registration (by 3/15/13):$20 _____ ; registration after 3/15/13: $30_____
(includes Ministerial Association Meeting and Workshops or Service Opportunity)
□ Ministerial Association and GLC Delegate- Early Bird registration (by 3/15/13): $50 ____; registration after 3/15/13:
$65____ (includes Ministerial Association Meeting, GLC Annual Meeting, and Workshops or Service Opportunity)
□ GLC Delegate only- Early Bird registration (by 3/15/13): $40 _____; registration after 3/15/13: $50 ____ (includes
GLC Annual Meeting and Workshops or Service Opportunity)
□ GLC Participant only- Early Bird registration (by 3/15/13):     $10 _____; registration after 3/15/13: $15____ (includes
Workshops or Service Opportunity)

Meals                                                        If You Choose the Friday Workshops:
□ Thursday Banquet- $16.00 ……………….$________                  Circle one workshop from section “A” or two work-
□ Friday Boxed Lunch- $10.00……….…….$________                 shops from section “B” (one for each session)
□ Friday Evening Barbecue- $12.00………...$________             A. 1:00pm-3:45pm
□ No Meals…………………………………...________                           1. Shape

If You Choose the Friday Service Opportunity:                2. Practices for an Abundant Life
place a check mark in space provided                         3. Living the Word

1. Camp Mission Meadows service project _______              B. I (1:00pm-2:15pm); II (2:30pm-3:45pm)
Limited Free Child Care to age 5 is available at Mission     Session I
Meadows for the Thursday worship service and the Friday      1. Vitality Pathway
GLC business meeting and workshops.                          2. Healthy Leadership Teams
Children must be registered by April 5th. Call the confer-   3. Alpha Marriage Course
ence office at 734-451-4670 to register your child(ren).     Session II
                                                             1. Marks in Measuring the Health of Your Church
        Please Make all checks payable to:                   2. Intentionally Shaping Church Culture
        “Great Lakes Conference”  
                                                             3. Communicating for Change
        Total Due $___________                               Not doing a Workshop or the Service Opportunity..______
Camp Mission Meadows                 
5201 E. Lake Rd. (Route
PO Box 42
Dewittville, NY 14728

Chautauqua Suites
215 West Lake Road
Mayville, NY 14757

Aríel's Bed & Breakfast
4351 West Lake Road
Mayville, NY 14757

Hampton Inn and Suites
4 West Oak Hill Road
Jamestown, NY 14701
716 484-7829

Great Lakes Conference
 Of Evangelical Covenant Churches


  6900 N Haggerty Rd
  Suite 90
  Canton, MI 48187

  Phone: 734-451-4670
  Fax: 734-451-4672

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2013 GLC Annual Meeting brochure

  • 1. Great Lakes Conference Exploring the Mission of the GLC Part 1: Healthy = Pursuing Christ GLC Annual Celebration April 18-19, 2013 HOSTED BY– CAMP MISSION MEADOWS, DEWITTVILLE, NY Welcome! From Bryan Muecke– Executive Director, Camp Mission Meadows Dear Friends,       Workshops &  We are excited and blessed to have you join us for this year’s Great  conversa ons about  Lakes Conference Annual Celebra on!  Our staff at Mission  congrega onal health will  Meadows, along with our friends at First Covenant and Zion  help you evaluate and  Covenant in Jamestown, have been busy preparing for your arrival.   discern how well you are  I am confident that you will find your stay here to be refreshing and  ministering to your  renewing.  community.  Addi onally,       That is, in part, the reason our ministries exist.  On a daily and  you will have an opportunity to see how your congrega on can  weekly basis our church communi es are a place of refuge for the  further its mission with neighbors and friends.  spiritually weary sojourner.  There is sanctuary to be found.  There       But most importantly, while having the  me and space in this  is spiritual nourishment which fills one’s cup with the energy and  place, you will have an opportunity to evaluate your own health  vision and courage to once again step out into the world to be in it,  and spiritual well‐being.  One of the founda onal ques ons of the  but not of it ‐ to be Christ’s ambassador to ‘the least of these’.  Covenant tradi on is this, “How goes your walk with the Lord?”        Our camps & retreats are no different in their mission or focus.   When was the last  me anyone asked you that ques on?  When  At Mission Meadows we Invite, Equip & Send.  That is, we Invite  was the last  me you posed that ques on to a friend?  When was  people to join the Chris an community as followers of Jesus Christ.   the last  me you asked that ques on of yourself?  We Equip people to use their unique, God‐given gi s and talents.        We look forward to your arrival and the opportunity to visit  And, we Send people out to Love God & Love Others.  with you, to share a meal with you, to fellowship with you and to       The theme for the Annual Celebra on is the first of a two part  worship with you.  Un l then, may God’s grace and peace be  series en tled Exploring the Mission of the GLC Part 1: Healthy =  evident in you and through you and to you.  Pursuing Christ.  This is what our ministry is all about.  Not only will  we celebrate all that God has done, we will look out & beyond to  Bryan see what God is calling us to.  Bryan T. Muecke  Invitation from Superintendent Garth McGrath CONTENTS:  It is a great pleasure to invite all of our GLC churches to send delegates to our  Welcome  Pg. 1  2013 Conference Annual Celebra on at Camp Mission Meadows in  Dewi ville, NY.   At our mee ng we will celebrate the many ways in which  Schedule  Pg. 2  God revealed himself in and through our churches in the past year.  We will  approve a budget that will fund the ministries we believe are fundamental to  Workshops  Pg. 2‐4  our overall mission.  We will elect wise and gi ed men and women to serve  Hotels  Pg. 5  on our Conference Board.  And we will connect with other lay persons and pastors of churches  throughout our conference.  All the while, we will focus our a en on on what it means to be  Registra on Info  Pg. 6  “healthy” followers of Jesus: healthy individuals who are pursuing Christ in personal ways, and  healthy churches who are pursuing Christ together in corporate ways.  I look forward to  Registra on Form  Pg. 7  gree ng your delegates in person on the beau ful shore of Lake Chautauqua April 18‐19, 2013  so that we can pursue Christ with one another for the sake of ministry throughout our  Area Map   Pg. 8  Conference.  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14
  • 2. APRIL 18-19, 2013 GLC ANNUAL CELEBRATION Page 2 SCHEDULE Thursday, April 18, 2013 Friday, April 19, 2013  12:00pm-5:00pm Registration for Ministerial  7:30am-9:00am Registration Association and the GLC Annual Celebration  8:30am-12:30pm GLC Business Meeting/Annual  2:00pm-5:00pm Ministerial Association Meeting Meeting *  6:00pm Combined Ministerial Association and GLC  12:30pm-1:00pm lunch pick up to go to Workshop Dinner and GLC Award Presentations or Service Opportunity  1:00pm-6:00pm Camp Service Opportunity *  7:30pm-9:00pm Combined Ministerial Association and GLC Worship Service *  1:00pm-3:45pm Ministerial Association and GLC Workshops “A” *  1:00pm-2:15pm Ministerial Association and GLC Workshops “B”- Session I * *Limited Child Care to age 5 is available for the Thursday  2:30pm-3:45pm Ministerial Association and GLC worship service and the Friday GLC business meeting, Workshops “B”- Session II * workshops, and camp service opportunity– this is not a drop  7:00pm Barbecue and Fun (optional event) in service, all children must be registered in advance with the conference office (734-451-4670) by April 5, 2013. S E R V I C E O P P O R T U N I T Y (FRIDAY 1:00PM-6:00PM) 1. Camp Mission Meadows– there are several projects available involving demolition, painting, and/or cleaning.   W O R K S H O P S “A” (FRIDAY 1:00PM-3:45PM) 1. Discovering Your S.H.A.P.E.- Michael Rice, Associate Pastor, Life Church, Canton, MI S.H.A.P.E. is an acronym for Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences. The S.H.A.P.E. class is designed to help you and those in your church explore their S.H.A.P.E and see how God has uniquely wired us to make a difference for Him. Join us as we explore how God has uniquely S.H.A.P.E.d all of us, and how this tool could help you better equip others for ministry in your church. Each registrant for this workshop will receive a set of personal assessments to fill out and bring to the workshop. 2. Practices for an Abundant Life:The Upward, Inward, and Outward journey into healthy relational intimacy with God, self, and others - Jennifer Andersson, Lay Pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Wixom, MI and Pam Pangborn, Associate Pastor, Hope Community Church, Detroit, MI This workshop will explore spiritual practices that connect us to God, develop emotional honesty with self, and build authentic community with others. Both teaching and experientials will be included. We will also address the importance of establishing a rhythm of spiritual practices to encourage our continued growth in Christ.
  • 3. Page 3 APRIL 18-19, 2013 GLC ANNUAL CELEBRATION W O R K S H O P S “A” (FRIDAY 1:00PM-3:45PM) (CONT.) 3. LIVING THE WORD: Reaffirming the Authority of Holy Scripture in the Life of the Beloved Community- Kenneth Harris, Senior Pastor, Detroit Baptist Temple, Detroit, MI; soon to be adopted into the ECC as Detroit Bible Tabernacle: an Evangelical Covenant Church. Dr. Harris (PhD), is also the Academic Dean of ETS (Ecumenical Theological Seminary) in Detroit and Professor of Biblical Studies. This workshop will review and explore the role of Holy Scripture as the believer's preeminent authority for faith and practice. The workshop will consist of two distinct, yet related sessions:  Part One will carefully review what Holy Scripture reveals about its authority and how the Church has historically reaffirmed that authority.  Part Two will discuss how adherence to scriptural authority impacts the spiritual life and health of the individual believer, local assemblies, and the Covenant. If time permits, there will be a short Bible study exercise. W O R K S H O P S “B” SESSION I (FRIDAY 1:00PM-2:15PM) 1. The Vitality Pathway– Steve Armfield, Director of Church Vitality, Great Lakes Conference Congregational vitality is a journey of life, energy, passion, discovery, and hope. Vitality is nothing less than a spir- itual awakening in Christ, and is about thriving, growing, and depending on God to lead us deeper in Christ and fur- ther in mission. The VITALITY PATHWAY is a congregational journey that explores and experiences the multi- faceted adventure to health. Every organism that thrives is constantly adapting, growing, discovering … by walking the pathway a congregation can experience the adventure of missional health. 2. Healthy Leadership Teams (and Councils) - Larry Sherman, Associate Superintendent and Director of Church Planting, Great Lakes Conference Have you ever wished your leadership team or council could have more productive meetings? Have you ever hoped that your meeting times could develop you as a spiritual leader? Has your church seen an increase in mis- sional health as a result of how the leadership team is working? This workshop will start with the definition of spiritual leadership and then apply this definition to leadership meet- ings in the local church. We will talk about how healthy spiritual leadership can result in more effective meeting agendas, how meetings can build leaders, and how to increase communication between leadership and the church. A "Ministry Flow Chart" will be presented to help you discern how to apply your constitution and bylaws in ways that result in clear role definitions and in more focused ministry. 3. Alpha Marriage Course– Bruce (Associate Pastor) and Barbara Baehr, Grace Evangelical Covenant Church, Clay, NY Looking for new ways to reach out to your community with the love of Christ? Consider running The Marriage Course. Like the Alpha course, The Marriage Course is open and accessible to all couples, with or without a Chris- tian faith or church background, addressing the relevant issues of marriage.
  • 4. APRIL 18-19, 2013 GLC ANNUAL CELEBRATION Page 4 W O R K S H O P S “B” SESSION II (FRIDAY 2:30PM-3:45PM) 1. 10 Marks in Measuring the Health of Your Church- Steve Armfield, Director of Church Vitality, Great Lakes Conference How do we effectively measure ‘success’ in our congregation? Is there something deeper and more helpful than counting bricks, bodies and bucks?! Yes, there is! This workshop explores how we can measure what matters most. We aim at being healthy (pursuing Christ) and missional (pursuing Christ’s priorities in the world). So, what are the marks of a healthy missional church? And how can they be measured in the life of our congregations? 2. Intentionally Shaping Culture: Creating a Context for Vision and Mission to Thrive- Shaun Marshall, Executive Pastor, Citadel of Faith Covenant Church, Detroit, MI Leaders put lots of energy into crafting impressive vision statements, designing flashy logos or building cool websites...but the most significant and most overlooked aspect of any organization's success is not vision, strategy or appearances; it’s CULTURE. Culture deals with the norms, values, habits and attitudes of an organization. In his book, "Cracking your Church's Culture Code", Dr. Samuel Chand states that no matter how powerful a leader's vision might be, an unhealthy culture will "eat that vision for lunch"! This workshop will review content from Dr. Chand's book, help leaders learn how to diagnose the health of their organization's culture, and give them a practical framework for intentionally creating a cultural context that supports the vision and mission of the organization. 3. When You Talk, Are People Changed?– Alex Rahill, Lead Pastor, Life Church, Canton, MI As people who share God’s Word that’s our goal-that people are changed. We know God’s Word is powerful. But if we are honest we have often found ourselves communicating in a way that hasn’t connected with the people we are actually ministering to. Join Alex as he shares principles from Andy Stanley’s book--Communicating for a Change and make your teaching ministry better.
  • 5. Page 5 APRIL 18-19, 2013 GLC ANNUAL CELEBRATION HOTELS The GLC Annual Celebration teams at Zion Covenant Church and First Covenant Church in Jamestown, NY have kindly set aside blocks of rooms at the following hotels. Please note the block name and expiration date for each hotel. If you do not wish to use one of these hotels you are free to make other arrangements. Camp Mission Meadows Chautauqua Suites 5201 E. Lake Rd. (Route 430) 215 West Lake Road PO Box 42 Mayville, NY 14757 Dewittville, NY 14728 716-269-7829; 716-386-5932 Approx. 7 miles from Mission Meadows Dorm and cabin-style lodging with bunk beds and community Each suite features: bathrooms. You will be housed with people of the same gen- der – there is no “couples-housing” available. Note: you must  1 and 1/2 baths, featuring a double wide walk-in show- bring your own bedding to fit a twin-size bed, pillow, towels er. and toiletries.  Separate living area with a second television & custom $41 per night designed Sofa sleeper bed. Amenities:  Crisp linens and soft hypoallergenic pillows on a custom  Breakfast is included made queen mattress.  Acres of natural beauty at your doorstep  Individual digital climate control for personal comfort.  Gymnasium available for recreation  Free high speed internet access, including wireless in every room.  Free wireless high speed internet onsite Rate is $109.99 per night. Use "Great Lakes Conference" when booking. The block will be held until April 3, 2013 Hampton Inn and Suites Aríel's Bed & Breakfast 4 West Oak Hill Road 4351 West Lake Road Jamestown, NY 14701 Mayville, NY 14757 716 484-7829 440-552-3280; Approx. 11 miles from Mission Meadows hampton-inn-and-suites-jamestown-JHWNKHX/index.html Approx. 14.5 miles from Mission Meadows $129 a night for king or queen-sized beds $109 for full or twin  Business center and meeting room includes a full breakfast.  Indoor swimming pool  37-inch televisions in every room with HD  Hampton's free hot breakfast  Free WiFi in every room  Fitness room use $105 per night (+tax) for 2 queen beds, $125 (+tax) for 1 king bed (+sleeper sofa). Use "Great Lakes Conference" when booking (use “GLC” when booking on line with The block will be held until April 3, 2013
  • 6. APRIL 18-19, 2013 GLC ANNUAL CELEBRATION Page 6 REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS To register and pay on line for the Ministerial Association Meeting and the GLC Annual Celebration, go to to the homepage and click on the link. You may also go directly to the registration portal at ; go to the bottom of the page and click on the appropriate event. The cost of registering on line is slightly higher to cover the on line fees. See Registration Form on the Opposite Page (page 7) 1. Please read the registration form carefully. 2. Fill in the personal information. 3. Choose to register as one of the following: Ministerial Association only, Ministerial Association and GLC Delegate, GLC Delegate only, or GLC Participant only. 4. Determine whether or not you are an “early bird” registrant. 5. Indicate meals in which you would like to participate. 6. Choose to attend the workshops or participate in the camp service opportunity for Friday afternoon. 7. If you choose to attend the workshops, circle either– one workshop during the workshop “A” time frame of 1:00pm- 3:45pm or two workshops from the “B” time frame, one from session I (1:00pm-2:15pm) and one from session II (2:30pm-3:45pm). 8. Do you need child care? Limited Free Child Care to age 5 is available at Mission Meadows for the Thursday wor- ship service and the Friday GLC business meeting, workshops, and camp service opportunity. Children must be registered by April 5th. Call the conference office at 734-451-4670 to register your child(ren). 9. Add up the registration fees and the cost of any meals you choose and place the total in the blank at the bottom of the registration page. 10. Enclose registration form and check in an envelope and mail it to: Great Lakes Conference 6900 N. Haggerty Rd., Suite 90 Canton, MI 48187 10. Registrations may also be faxed to the GLC office at 734-451-4672. 11. For questions call 734-451-4670 or email or go to the GLC website at
  • 7. Page 7 APRIL 18-19, 2013 GLC ANNUAL CELEBRATION GLC Delegate- A person chosen by their Name_________________________________________________ church to attend the events of the GLC Annual Celebration and to be an official Street_________________________________________________ voting representative at the 2013 GLC Annual Meeting. Delegates will receive delegate information City___________________________St.______Zip____________ prior to and during the Friday Annual Meeting. GLC Participant- A person who, although not an official Daytime phone (_____)__________________________________ representative of their church, wishes to participate in the Email_________________________________________________ GLC activities. They may attend the GLC Annual Meeting but they will not receive the delegate information for the Church_______________________________________________ Annual Meeting nor may they vote. * anyone may attend the Thursday night worship service or Cell Phone________________________________________ purchase a ticket for the Thursday night dinner. 2013 GLC Annual Celebration and GLC Ministerial Association Registration Fees: place check mark next to dollar amount (early bird registration or the later registration) of the desired type of registration below. □ Ministerial Association only- Early Bird registration (by 3/15/13):$20 _____ ; registration after 3/15/13: $30_____ (includes Ministerial Association Meeting and Workshops or Service Opportunity) □ Ministerial Association and GLC Delegate- Early Bird registration (by 3/15/13): $50 ____; registration after 3/15/13: $65____ (includes Ministerial Association Meeting, GLC Annual Meeting, and Workshops or Service Opportunity) □ GLC Delegate only- Early Bird registration (by 3/15/13): $40 _____; registration after 3/15/13: $50 ____ (includes GLC Annual Meeting and Workshops or Service Opportunity) □ GLC Participant only- Early Bird registration (by 3/15/13): $10 _____; registration after 3/15/13: $15____ (includes Workshops or Service Opportunity) Meals If You Choose the Friday Workshops: □ Thursday Banquet- $16.00 ……………….$________ Circle one workshop from section “A” or two work- □ Friday Boxed Lunch- $10.00……….…….$________ shops from section “B” (one for each session) □ Friday Evening Barbecue- $12.00………...$________ A. 1:00pm-3:45pm □ No Meals…………………………………...________ 1. Shape If You Choose the Friday Service Opportunity: 2. Practices for an Abundant Life place a check mark in space provided 3. Living the Word 1. Camp Mission Meadows service project _______ B. I (1:00pm-2:15pm); II (2:30pm-3:45pm) Limited Free Child Care to age 5 is available at Mission Session I Meadows for the Thursday worship service and the Friday 1. Vitality Pathway GLC business meeting and workshops. 2. Healthy Leadership Teams Children must be registered by April 5th. Call the confer- 3. Alpha Marriage Course ence office at 734-451-4670 to register your child(ren). Session II 1. Marks in Measuring the Health of Your Church Please Make all checks payable to:  2. Intentionally Shaping Church Culture “Great Lakes Conference”   3. Communicating for Change   Total Due $___________  Not doing a Workshop or the Service Opportunity..______
  • 8. Camp Mission Meadows   5201 E. Lake Rd. (Route 430) PO Box 42 Dewittville, NY 14728 716-386-5932 Chautauqua Suites 215 West Lake Road Mayville, NY 14757 716-269-7829 Aríel's Bed & Breakfast 4351 West Lake Road Mayville, NY 14757 440-552-3280 Hampton Inn and Suites 4 West Oak Hill Road Jamestown, NY 14701 716 484-7829 GLC Great Lakes Conference Of Evangelical Covenant Churches GREAT LAKES CONFERENCE 6900 N Haggerty Rd Suite 90 Canton, MI 48187 Phone: 734-451-4670 Fax: 734-451-4672 E-mail: www.