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Lauren Bozarth - Lauren Hasse - Haley Henning - Clara Kohrs - Claire Taylor - Hailey Yeakle
Jamie Flink,Abigail Gray, Deb Nanus, and Newman’s Own
Secondary Research………………………….………….5
Social Listening……….………………….…8
Primary Research…………………….……………….11
Primary Research Methods……………..12
Qualitative Research Goals……………………..……13
Focus Group Discussion Guide……………………..15
Focus Groups Findings……………..……17
The Target Profile ………….……..……22
Consumer Insights…………….……….……………26
Barriers & Opportunities…….….……………..….…33

Newman’s Own is a brand that gives all
profits to charity. It has 27 different
salad dressings on the market. It also
has products such as pizza, wine and

It was our goal to pinpoint what
Millennials, specifically people 18-29
years-old, want as a consumer in
general and as a salad dressing user.
Instead of being too narrowly focused
we challenged ourselves to examine all
their purchasing habits.
Over the last three months we have
lived and breathed the consumer and
tried to strip our preconceived notions
in order to be active listeners and
learners.Through secondary research
and various primary research
techniques, we have tapped into some
helpful insights that we hope can make
a difference at Newman’s Own.
While it does face several threats in the
highly competitive salad dressings
market, Newman’s Own also has many
exciting opportunities ahead of it. The
Millennials are in reach. Newman’s Own
might just need to make some changes
to harness them.
Newman’s Own
Secondary Research
Newman’s Own has been in business since 1982.
It was founded by actor, husband and father Paul Newman.
Newman’s Own has given over $450 million to charity in the past 30 years.
It produces over 200 individual products across 20 categories.
“Let’s give it all away” - Paul Newman
1925 - 2008
Newman’s Own prides itself
in good, quality food. While
it isn’t the cheapest on the
market, one has to pay for
the quality of goods one
receives. Its founder, Paul
Newman, pushed for this
same quality from day one.
Paul was humble in saying
he felt “he had been lucky in
life, and helping others was
just the right thing to do.”
Newman’s Own is surprised
by its own success, but
ensures it will not stop
here, and it will continue to
serve charities with its
profits.The brand itself
delivers all of its profits to
the Newman’s Own
Foundation, and it is
responsible for donating the
money. Newman’s Own
Foundation does not
maintain an endowment,
raise funds, or even accept
donations. Its values are:
common purpose, freedom
to dream, trust and respect,
quality, and serious fun. It
strives to live out Newman’s
philanthropic legacy for him.
- Millennials are an ethnically diverse generation.
- Only 30 percent of Millennials are married.
- 47 percent of Millennials hold some form of higher education.
- Millennials say the most important things in their lives will be: being a good parent, having a successful
marriage, and helping others in need.
- Millennials are 60 percent white, 20 percent hispanic, 14 percent black, and 5 percent asian.
- Facebook and Twitter are where Millennials turn to for information.
- By 2025, 3 out of every 4 workers globally will be Millennials.
- By 2018, Millennials will have the most spending power of any generation.
- In the last 5 years, 87 percent of Millennial workers took on management roles.
- Millennials have been shaped by technology.
- Millennials value community, family and creativity in their work.
- 1/3 of Millennials said packaging is important - more so than any other generation.
- 62 percent of Millennials are frequently influenced by cause-related marketing.
- Millennials want a connection to the brand.
- Millennials shop by meal and recipe, not by list.
- Millennials use four or more sources to decide what to purchase.
- Millennials want to give back through their purchases, and 75 percent expect a company to have a
charitable component.
- 63 percent of Millennials prefer to make frequent trips to the grocery store rather than one large trip.
- Millennials are more likely than other generations to indicate that single-serve packaging would
influence them to purchase one product over another.
Newman’s Own social presence is active but lacking. The company is present on all social media platforms,
but its strategy is not clear. On multiple platforms there are Newman’s Own and Newman’s Own Foundation
accounts that create confusion amongst the consumers when they are tagging the company.
NOF: 214
31 posts
NOF: 75 followers,
279 pins
NO: 7 followers,
11 articles posted
Last post: May 2015
Average of 43.2
comments per post
NOF: 2,455 likes
NO: 66,411 likes
By having a page on BuzzFeed, Newman’s Own can reach a younger audience. But the account has not
been active in four months, and the links in the articles go to various blogs.The reactions to the BuzzFeed
posts vary.
People engage most with Newman’s Own on this platform, commenting about Paul, recipes, and why they
love its products. Posts including Paul Newman receive up to 430 likes, compared to posts that include the
product receive 50 on average.The company often replies to positive and negative comments made by
While Newman’s Own isn’t very active on Pinterest, consumers tagging Newman’s Own are. Pinners often
pin recipes including Newman’s Own dressing, post about its charities, and even have boards dedicated to
Newman’s Own.
@NewmanOwnFdn is the most popular twitter account - tweeting/retweeting about the charities the
company donates to. It does not respond to people who tweet them, but favorites tweets that they are
tagged in.The @NewmansOwn account has not tweeted.
Newman’s Own is not active on Instagram, while the Foundation is.The account posts pictures from
different charitable events, but consumers are tagging the foundation in pictures of food with Newman’s
Own products.
Consumers love engaging with Newman’s
Own on social media, and on certain
platforms it appears that
consumers love engaging
with Newman’s Own more
than Newman’s Own loves
engaging with consumers.
This is apparent on Instagram - where
consumers are most likely to post
pictures of their food. Newman’s Own
does not have an active account to reply.
People resort to tagging Newman’s Own
Foundation in their pictures of food.
Consumers engage the most with
Newman’s Own through Facebook. People
share about their love of Paul Newman,
the products, and the charity. Newman’s
Own often replies to the comments on
Facebook, creating a conversation with
the consumer.

By being available on Amazon
Newman’s Own makes itself available
to digital shoppers.
With 44 percent of shoppers
shopping less at supermarkets, and 42
percent of shoppers saying they have
bought groceries online, digital
grocery shopping is a new trend.
Millennials, specifically men, are most
interested in buying groceries online.
By being available for purchase on
Amazon, Newman’s Own is at the
front of the digital shopping trend.
There is also a positive forum on
Newman’s Own products on Amazon.
People comment extensive,
informative, and positive reviews,
encouraging others to try the
63 percent of
Millennial men and 53
percent of Millennial
women have bought
groceries online in the
past 12 months and
would do so again.
Primary Research

Research Methodologies
For our primary research, we needed participants who were
both men and women between the ages of 18-29. In our focus
groups we talked to both users and non-users.We were looking
for participants who had bought salad dressing in the past three
In order to discover these participants, we created a screener
consisting of seven questions. Using Qualtrics we were able to
insert skip logic into the survey.This allowed us to choose
several questions where the answers given defined whether or
not the participants were applicable for our research.The
criteria were age and whether or not the surveyor had
purchased salad dressing in the past three months. All of the
team members distributed the screener through social media,
email and by word-of-mouth to friends, family and peers.
We received 332 responses to the screener with 107 people
meeting the requirements for participation.We ended up with
three focus groups of six people and four shop-a-longs.

In order to better understand the potential Newman’s Own consumer, we created a set
of qualitative research goals to guide our primary research.
• Learn how the consumer chose and use their salad dressings.
o Do they use it for marinades? Strictly for salads? Dipping? What’s their primary
use for salad dressing?
• Understand how consumers feel about philanthropic companies.
o Do they trust companies that claim they give to charity? Does it sway their
purchasing choices?
• Discover how the consumers gets their health information and how they determine
what is healthy.
o Do they get it from their friends? Family? Does healthy mean organic or calorie
• Learn if health influences the consumer’s purchasing behavior.
o Do they buy certain products because they perceive them to be healthier? Why
do they perceive it to be healthier than other brands/foods?
• Uncover attitudes and feelings toward salad dressing as a product.
o Are their feelings positive or negative? Do they perceive salad dressing as
something that’s healthy or is it their guilty pleasure?
• Uncover attitudes and feelings toward Newman’s Own salad dressing as a brand.
o What do they know about Newman’s Own salad dressing? What are some of
the things that come to mind when they think of it? Are they aware of its
charitable aspects?
Based off of these goals we chose several different primary research methods.The
majority of our research came from focus groups.We also conducted shop-a-longs to
complement the insights we gathered from the focus groups.We used these goals to help
structure our discussion guide as well.
1. How old are you? 
o 17 or younger
o 18 to 20
o 21 to 23
o 24 to 26
o 27 to 29
o 30 or older
2. What is your gender? 
o Male
o Female
o Prefer not to answer
3. Have you purchased salad dressing in the past 3
o Yes
o No
4. On average, how much do you spend weekly on groceries?
o $0-$25
o $26-$50
o $51-$100
o $101-$150
o $151-$200
o $201 or more
5. Which of the following salad dressings have you purchased? Check all that apply.  
o HiddenValley
o Kraft
o Wish-Bone
o Newman's Own
o Store Brand
o Other (please specify)

6. How much do you value brands that give back/donate to charities?
o Highly unimportant
o Unimportant
o Neutral
o Important
o Highly important
7. If selected, would you be willing to participate in further research?You will be rewarded
for your time.
o Yes
o No
332 Screened
58 % Newman’s
Own users
107 Passed
Purpose: To uncover the attitudes and opinions of Millennials towards the salad dressing
category, notably the brand Newman’s Own, and their level of brand awareness.The
information collected will be used to develop consumer insights and drive creative strategy
and a brief.
Introduction: Hello, I’m Hailey and I would like to thank you for coming to our discussion
today.  We will be talking about charitable giving in the food category. All answers are valid so
do not feel afraid to speak up. We hope to hear from everyone this afternoon. Don’t worry
about the people taking notes as they are just helping me remember what is said. Please feel
free to get snacks at any point during our meeting.
It’s going to be weird, but let’s get emotional!
Warm Up (5 -10 minutes)
What is your typical meal? Write it down.
What do you eat when you want to feel healthy? Draw and label it.
In-Depth Discussion
1. Eating Healthy
1. Does anyone or anything influence your grocery shopping?
Probe for: natural ingredients, generational encouragements, food for a cause
Listen for: health consciousness, where sources of info come from (blogs, magazines,
2. What grocery items are you willing to splurge on?
Probe for: what constitutes a splurge?Why these foods in particular?
        Listen for: condiments, name brands
3. What constitutes healthy for you, and why do you think you think that?
Probe for: calories, protein, vegetables, sugar, carbs
Listen for: where they get it from?  
2.     Eating Salads
Exercise: Please describe your idea of a perfect salad. Also, write it down.
Probe for: Is there salad dressing on it? How large or small is the salad? Is there a
difference between the perfect salad and a healthy salad? Perfection = satisfying or
Listen for: type of salad dressing (lite dressings, no dressings). Why is this your perfect
1. Why do you eat a salad?
Probe: protein, health, yumminess
2. What are your salad rituals?
Probe: Is salad the main dish or a side? How often do you eat salad?
3. Where do you buy your salad?
Probe: make salad, pre-packaged salad, whom you’re with

3.     Salad Dressing Consumption
Exercise: Draw someone who consumes salad dressing.
1. What do you use salad dressing for?
Probe for: alternative uses besides those known (marinades, pizza/veggie dip)Which
salad dressing is used for what dish
Listen for: food groups paired with dressing
2. What role does salad dressing play in your salad?
3. What type of dressing do you consume?
4. Salad Dressing Purchasing
1. Where do you buy your dressing - what section of the store?
2. What influences salad dressing purchasing decision?
       Probe for: price, brand
5. Charity
1. How do you feel about brands that give money to charity?
Probe for: which charities they care about
Listen for: names of companies and charities
2. What brands do you know of that give back to charity?
3. Name the top three causes you care about - write them down.
6. Newman’s Own
1. What do you know about Newman’s Own?
Probe for: where it is bought/sold, who buys?
Listen for: why they buy it, feelings about price
2. Draw Newman’s Own consumer - who is it?
3. Talk about Newman’s Own then ask: Does knowing this information potentially change
your purchasing behavior?
Organizing Focus Groups
Plan for
Talk to a
Speak to all
types of
per group
Eating healthy is about feeling good, physically and mentally, during and after a meal.
• “I eat a salad to feel healthy. Whenever you eat something bad you never feel good after.” -
• “When I eat salads I feel physically better and get the satisfaction of eating healthy and get that
‘go me!’ feeling.” - Dalton
Many young people want quick and easy meals to go along with their
busy schedules.
• “Now that I’m in college I’m all about convenient meals. I don’t
want to spend more than 5 minutes in the kitchen.” - Molly
• “If I’m spending more than 15 minutes making something then it’s
not worth it.” - Jack
Dressing makes or breaks the taste and health factor of a salad. It’s the
most important part of this meal.
• “ The dressing is the most important part of a salad. I’m not going
to eat just leaves.” - Meagan
• “The dressing defines the taste and the health aspect.” - Kourosh
Newman’s partnership with McDonald’s may be hurting the brand’s image.
• “Whenever I think of Newman’s I associate them with McDonald’s
dressing. So I just associate them with being cheaper. It affects my perception of
the brand negatively.That’s really the only thing I know about them.” - Henry
Attractive packaging may have a positive affect on purchase behavior.
• “I’m a really visual person and if it’s packaged really well I will
purchase it over bad packaging regardless of the product.” - Lyndie
Many people are hesitant to fully trust brands’ charitable causes.
• 5 out of 6 of the focus group members felt this way.
In one focus group, not a single member knew who Paul Newman was.
There is a comfort in purchasing brands that parents used.
• “My family always used Ken’s Light Caesar, so I always buy
Ken’s Light Caesar.” - Jennifer
Most Millennials perceive the Newman’s Own user as an older, more
affluent person.
Many Millennials are not yet brand loyal to a specific salad dressing brand, and they do seek variety.
• “There’s definitely brands I’m more familiar with, like HiddenValley, but I’ll try out new dressings if
they look good.” - Brianna

Drawing #1: This focus group member,
Henry, brought up some important
insights. On the right side of the page,
he mentioned the partnership with
McDonald’s and Newman’s Own.This
caused him to assume Newman’s was a
less expensive product as well as an
unhealthy one, since it is associated
with a fast-food restaurant.
Drawing #2: This focus group member,
Megan, was first asked to draw a salad
consumer, which depicted just a
“regular woman.” The second drawing
was when she was asked to draw a
Newman’s Own consumer. Here she
used words like “giving, happy and
knowledgeable.” This showed the
perception a consumer of salad
dressing has of Newman’s Own.
Drawings #3: In this drawing by Nina
and in the majority of the drawings
from our focus groups we saw a similar
trend.When asked to describe their
perfect salad, dressing was always listed.
The members told us that whether
thinking of a healthy salad or their
favorite salad, dressing was most of the
time a deciding factor. Often times, the
healthy and the perfect salad

We did four shop alongs with two men and two women.With this, we wanted
to continue to acknowledge the fact that men and women are the equal targets
in this matter.Through our shop-a-longs we found several commonalities in our
subjects, including the fact they all chose to go to Hy-Vee.
1) Salad Kits are the thing to buy, especially for Millennials that are still in
college.They haven't quite perfected how to make their mom’s “house salad”
and a salad kit just about gets the job done. Also, it is easy and convenient. If
they are a variety seeker, which many claim to be, salad kits give them the
option to not commit to a full bottle of dressing - each salad can be a whole
different meal.
2) Point-of-purchase advertising and sampling works on Millennials. Our
shoppers were all very visual people. If there was a sample, they were going
to try it. If there was a display in store, it was noticed.This speaks to
Millennials’ visual nature.
3) Our subjects each looked at the back of products for the ingredient list
frequently. What was going into their food was important to them, and
while their trips were all relatively short, each being under 25 minutes, they
didn't mind spending time addressing the product information.
4) Based on our focus group finding we weren't surprised our participants
compared prices on items while they were shopping. Price was very
important to them, and the red “SALE” labels were particularly attractive as
they selected items to buy.
5) Our shoppers were all Newman’s Own users. Even if they did not purchase
the brand on this specific trip, they had in the past. However, two of our
shoppers did claim to own other types of salad dressing brands as well. Our
shoppers spent an average of $87 on groceries, purchasing an average of 20
6) None of the shoppers had a written list and were simply going off a mental
list. Their trips seemed routine and memorized rather then a search for
particular items.They knew the aisles well, and they seemed confident in
their purchases.
The Target

The Striving Soul Seeker is embracing their independence.They are in the
stage of getting their life together to the best of their ability. Since their life
is in transition, they find value in belongings that offer them a sense of
stability. They are looking for more out of life than half-hearted friends and
one-night stands – they are searching for a genuine life. They are over
caring about what others think of them – what do they think of themselves?
They want to be confident in the person they are. This is a new chapter of
their life and a new opportunity to make things right.They are not only
healthy because they exercise and eat well. They are healthy because their
soul is healthy – they are a healthy being. The Striving Soul Seeker wants
purchases that reflect their mindset. They want to genuinely feel good
about the money they spend. For the first time in their life it is their money
to spend and their decisions to make.
The Striving Soul Seeker

What is
the Soul

This Year’s Bucket List

- Run a half marathon
- Donate blood at least twice to the Red Cross
- Master mom’s homemade lasagna
- Cut MSG out of my diet
- Call mom & dad at least once a week
The Striving Soul Seeker always
loved coming home from school to
dad making chocolate chip cookies.
The recipe hadn’t changed since
great grandma first wrote it down.
The Striving Soul Seeker thinks back
fondly on the memories of after-
school snacking, but is also looking
forward to the new memories and
recipes to be made. Recipes, like
brands, that have been around and
have stayed true to tradition are
important to the Striving Soul
Seeker. For them, longevity shows
quality.They trust brands that have
stood the test of time just like they
always trust great grandma’s cookies
to be delicious.
The Striving Soul Seeker cares
about others and wants to do their
part in improving the community.
They know about different
charities and have a diverse set of
non-profit groups they like. Special
Olympics and American Red Cross
are a few of their favorites, and
they are always looking for more.
A Closer Look At Our Target…
Worth of Well-being

After I come back from the gym, I want to eat something that doesn’t destroy my
workout but is still satisfying. When I eat, I don’t just feed my appetite; I feed my soul.
Whatever I put into my body needs to nourish me from the inside out. I would like for
the foods I eat to be three ingredients or less – the closer it is to the source the better.
Heart of the Insight
“I did a lot of research into healthy diets this summer because I was really overweight for a
long time. So I read a lot of material online…I mainly just searched for recipes on Google…I
would usually do shopping first and then figure out recipes based on what I have.”
- Chris
“You feel physically better and get the satisfaction of eating healthy and get that ‘go me!’
- Alex

Heart of the Insight:
“I just started grocery shopping for [Newman’s Own] this summer. I noticed that all of his
stuff is donated to charity, which I didn’t know, so I thought I would do that and be a good
person.” - Chloe
“I’d pick the brand that gave to charity over the other one.” - Jack
Purchase with a Purpose
I don’t just want to feel good physically; I want to feel good about myself as a person. I
want to buy more than a brand. I want to buy into a better world. I don't have a lot of
money, but if I’m already purchasing something the money might as well be going to
Comfort in Longevity
As I’m going through this ever-changing journey, I’ve learned the value of tradition.While
there are a lot of things changing around me, it’s nice to know there are things out
there that can stand the test of time.
Heart of the Insight:
“I only buy OceanSpray brand Craisins, that is all I buy, because it just doesn’t taste the
same. It might taste the exact same and be all in my head, but I always grew up with that.”
- Natalie
“I feel like living at home over the summer is usually what I base [my eating] off of, what my
parents are eating.” - Amy
“My parents influence me a lot. I don’t eat fast food or anything like that. I try to eat as healthy
as possible.” -Sarah
Purchase with a Purpose
I eat a salad to feel and be healthy, but I do put dressing on my salad. It just isn’t perfect
without it. I know that it isn’t super healthy, but I feel that everything else in the salad
outweighs the “bad” in the dressing.
Social Norm: Eating salad to be “healthy.”
Consumer Behavior: A perfect salad is one with good leaves and good dressing, but perfect
doesn’t mean healthy.
-  “I can’t eat salad without dressing even though sometimes it isn’t the healthiest.” -
- “My perfect salad, I wouldn’t say it was unhealthy, but it probably has no nutritional
value.” - Alex
- “I eat salad when I go out, looking for something lighter to eat. I feel healthy. I don't
think I’m healthy.” - Alyssa
- “My favorite salad is the Caesar salad kit from Hy-Vee because it has the best stuff in
it. But it’s not a healthy salad.” - Bridget

I like brands that give to charity, but I’m not sure I completely trust brands that say they give.
I’ll buy the product, but there’s always that seed of ‘what if?’ I need proof.
Consumer Perception: Likes brands that give back to charity.
Consumer Behavior: Cautious about buying brands that claim to give back to charity
as there is doubt in whether or not the brand really does donate.
“People cop out of giving to charities by buying charitable items at the grocery stores.”
- Jack
“They donate all the purchases to charity, but I have no idea what charity it goes to.” -
Barriers & Opportunities

In our primary research we
noticed that consumers are
more critical of companies
that claim to give to
charities. It was mentioned
in a focus group that some
charities didn't give as much
back as consumers had
thought.This negatively
influenced the participants’
views on other charities.
Most of our participants
agreed that brands that give
to charities are looked at
more harshly now than in
the past. In the slogan,“all
profits to charity,” the word
“charity” is vague and
leaves a lot of consumers
wondering to whom or
what causes Newman’s
Own gives.The fact that it
doesn’t have one
benefactor seems to hinder
the company. However, we
believe that it has
opportunities with its
current situation. By using
social media, it can make its
monthly charity donations a
big event as currently the
message is not getting to
the consumer. Millennials
want to see exactly where
their money is going and
catering to this need will be
beneficial to Newman’s

Through our primary and secondary
research, we found that most
Millennials didn’t know who Paul
Newman was or what he was about.
Leveraging Paul Newman’s fame does
not add value to the brand in the
eyes of Millennials.While the image
of Paul Newman on the packaging
was recognized by consumers, they
didn’t recognize it as being Paul
Newman – they couldn’t put a name
to the face.We don’t believe
Newman’s Own should change its
packaging, but it should be aware of
the fact that Millennials aren’t drawn
to the Paul Newman facet of the
brand, but to the charitable
Our primary research uncovered that
Millennials do not see themselves as the
current consumers.When prompted, they
drew their idea of a Newman’s Own
consumer as an older, more affluent person.
This idea in the target consumer's mind, that
they are not the ones who are or should be
buying Newman’s Own, can be countered by
using social media to appeal to the target’s
soul-seeking lifestyle. Newman’s Own can
gain Millennial attention by implementing
stronger advertising for its natural
ingredients and stressing its commitment to
charity on social media and on its packaging.

To best benefit Newman’s Own we
suggest that the company apply additional
advertisement to its dressing bottles
stating which charities proceeds are
going to at a given time. For example:
“This bottle’s purchase goes towards
helping military families.” Newman’s Own
could be more transparent by allowing the
consumer to see exactly where the money
is going.
We also suggest that Newman’s Own add
quick, easy recipes that require its salad
dressings to the backs of its bottles. Recipes
that are easy to make are enticing to
Millennials who want fast and efficient meals.
All of this new content added onto the
current label could make for a clustered
bottle.This should be avoided as focus group
participants discussed how packaging
influenced their purchasing decisions.To
minimize clutter, we suggest removing the
legends on the backs of the labels.
Newman’s Own should then use that space
for the recipes.
Along with these suggestions, repositioning the “All Profits to Charity” slogan from the bottle’s
cap to the top of the front of the label would allow the message to have a longer life as its current
position does not allow the slogan to be seen after the cap has been removed.
Moving away from labeling, we suggest that Newman’s Own branches into a new, yet
complementary, category – salad kits. Primary research informed us that Millennial consumers
want quick and healthy meals that do not take longer than 15 minutes to prepare. By providing
consumers with a Newman’s Own salad kit, the brand is satisfying this need.
It has been mentioned that Newman’s Own struggles with its social media presence.While the staff
is very small and the budget is limited, we recommend that Newman’s Own hire a remote or non-
remote social media intern.The position can be unpaid, as Millennials looking to bulk up their
résumés will likely work for free.This way, Newman’s Own will have regular content posted that is
also designed by and for Millennials.
Also, we think Newman’s Own needs to move away from the humor aspect. We mentioned
removing the legend, but the brand as a whole makes a lot of jokes.What they are doing is amazing,
but there is nothing funny about it. Newman’s Own would be taken more seriously if it took itself
more seriously. Millennials want the facts, and the facts work. Where is their money going and how
can they use this dressing? This is what Millennials want to know.
Positioning Statement:
To the Striving Soul Seeker who is working toward becoming the best version of themself,
Newman’s Own salad dressing provides a wholesome, philanthropic, and timeless product
that allows the mind, body, and soul to feel satisfied.
Hailey Y:“The Newman’s Own qualitative research project allowed me to better understand how agencies discover a target
consumer, uncover insights and conduct meaningful primary research. By far, the most eye-opening experience was leading
the focus groups. I learned how to ask questions that made people think more deeply about their actions, I saw how
important word choice is, and more than anything I learned more about myself as a researcher and communicator.
Moderating the focus groups gave me confidence in my communication skills and now I am confident that I am in the right
career field!”
Clara K: “The Newman’s Own Brand Project taught me a lot about team work and time management. Being blessed with a
good team is something that is not to be taken for granted, but collaboration takes a lot of work. From working on the book,
I learned a lot about my creative eye, and I thoroughly enjoyed illustrating our thoughts visually and linguistically. I feel a
sense on ownership of Newman’s Own and feel passionate about making a difference for the brand. I might just be inclined
to send them an email…”
Lauren B: “This Newman’s Own project has provided me with a deeper understanding of the extensive, yet rewarding work
that goes into account planning.Watching the evolution of our team’s work has been such a great experience. It is so exciting
to have the opportunity to showcase all of our efforts and findings.Throughout this assignment, each team member’s efforts
flowed seamlessly and ultimately led to the success of the project. As this journey comes to an end, I can confidently say that
I possess greater knowledge of effective teamwork, qualitative research, consumer insights, and consumers’ connections to
the brand.”
Haley H: “Working on the Newman’s Own brand project has taught me many different things this semester, but most
importantly how to work with a team efficiently. Great time management was extremely important during the project and
we executed it to our full extent. On top of teamwork, I was immersed into many aspects of account planning. My skills in
primary and secondary research, focus groups, and consumer insights have been expanded to a level where I feel comfortable
taking this knowledge into the work force. I also have a greater respect for account planners as a whole because I know how
much effort and client involvement goes into their job.”
Claire T: “Through identifying Newman's Own target consumer I learned the simple complexity of insights.The insights, like
a salad not having to be a 'healthy salad,’ is a simple thought, but very insightful into how our target consumers view salad
dressing. Our insights allowed our team to build out a target profile to represent the Newman's Own consumer. This project
allowed me to gain insight into the larger picture of account planning.The Striving Soul Seeker resonated with our whole
team, and I imagine in five years we will all be drinking red wine watching the news in our cozy apartments!”

Lauren H: “After working on this project I have been able to learn a lot about primary research. I had never actually
conducted primary research before and I have been able to learn about actually conducting the different forms of research
and how to analyze it afterwards. I also gained a better understanding of what a consumer insight actually is.This experience
has shown me a different aspect of the advertising process that I didn’t really know about before.”

Thank you to our Focus Group
Natalie Tatum
Bridget Kelleher
Brooke Branham
Alyssa Black
Jennifer Manning
Jack Frank
Alex Blodgett
Chloe Ridgley
Christopher Dade
Megan Barnes
Sarah Wynn
Amy Dryden
Molly Stoops
Molly De Jong
Amy Dryden
Henry Gentle
Dalton Knes
Brianna Donahue
Lyndie Fischel
Kali Kilcher
Meagan Heaney
Molly Foos
Casey Hurley
Kourosh Mobl
& our Shop-A-Long Participants;
Dalton Knes
Jack Frank
Molly Stoops
Caitlin Fryer
%20Brand%20Book%202.pdf (Team 2 Book)

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Newman's Own Salad Dressing Consumer Insight Project

  • 1. 1 RESEARCH & CONSUMER INSIGHTS Lauren Bozarth - Lauren Hasse - Haley Henning - Clara Kohrs - Claire Taylor - Hailey Yeakle
  • 2. 2 THANK YOU Jamie Flink,Abigail Gray, Deb Nanus, and Newman’s Own
  • 3. 3 Introduction……………………………….4 Secondary Research………………………….………….5 Social Listening……….………………….…8 Primary Research…………………….……………….11 Primary Research Methods……………..12 Qualitative Research Goals……………………..……13 Screener………………………………….14 Focus Group Discussion Guide……………………..15 Focus Groups Findings……………..……17 Shop-a-Longs…………………………………….……20 The Target Profile ………….……..……22 Consumer Insights…………….……….……………26 Tensions……………………………………30 Barriers & Opportunities…….….……………..….…33 Conclusion……………..……………….…38 Sources…………………………….…………….….39 TABLE OF CONTENTS

  • 4. 4 Newman’s Own is a brand that gives all profits to charity. It has 27 different salad dressings on the market. It also has products such as pizza, wine and lemonade. 
 It was our goal to pinpoint what Millennials, specifically people 18-29 years-old, want as a consumer in general and as a salad dressing user. Instead of being too narrowly focused we challenged ourselves to examine all their purchasing habits. Over the last three months we have lived and breathed the consumer and tried to strip our preconceived notions in order to be active listeners and learners.Through secondary research and various primary research techniques, we have tapped into some helpful insights that we hope can make a difference at Newman’s Own. While it does face several threats in the highly competitive salad dressings market, Newman’s Own also has many exciting opportunities ahead of it. The Millennials are in reach. Newman’s Own might just need to make some changes to harness them. Newman’s Own Introduction
  • 6. 6 Newman’s Own has been in business since 1982. It was founded by actor, husband and father Paul Newman. Newman’s Own has given over $450 million to charity in the past 30 years. It produces over 200 individual products across 20 categories. “Let’s give it all away” - Paul Newman 1925 - 2008 Newman’s Own prides itself in good, quality food. While it isn’t the cheapest on the market, one has to pay for the quality of goods one receives. Its founder, Paul Newman, pushed for this same quality from day one. Paul was humble in saying he felt “he had been lucky in life, and helping others was just the right thing to do.” Newman’s Own is surprised by its own success, but ensures it will not stop here, and it will continue to serve charities with its profits.The brand itself delivers all of its profits to the Newman’s Own Foundation, and it is responsible for donating the money. Newman’s Own Foundation does not maintain an endowment, raise funds, or even accept donations. Its values are: common purpose, freedom to dream, trust and respect, quality, and serious fun. It strives to live out Newman’s philanthropic legacy for him.
  • 7. 7 MILLENNIALS Lifestyle/Demographics/Work - Millennials are an ethnically diverse generation. - Only 30 percent of Millennials are married. - 47 percent of Millennials hold some form of higher education. - Millennials say the most important things in their lives will be: being a good parent, having a successful marriage, and helping others in need. - Millennials are 60 percent white, 20 percent hispanic, 14 percent black, and 5 percent asian. - Facebook and Twitter are where Millennials turn to for information. - By 2025, 3 out of every 4 workers globally will be Millennials. - By 2018, Millennials will have the most spending power of any generation. - In the last 5 years, 87 percent of Millennial workers took on management roles. - Millennials have been shaped by technology. - Millennials value community, family and creativity in their work. Purchasing - 1/3 of Millennials said packaging is important - more so than any other generation. - 62 percent of Millennials are frequently influenced by cause-related marketing. - Millennials want a connection to the brand. - Millennials shop by meal and recipe, not by list. - Millennials use four or more sources to decide what to purchase. - Millennials want to give back through their purchases, and 75 percent expect a company to have a charitable component. - 63 percent of Millennials prefer to make frequent trips to the grocery store rather than one large trip. - Millennials are more likely than other generations to indicate that single-serve packaging would influence them to purchase one product over another.
  • 8. 8 Newman’s Own social presence is active but lacking. The company is present on all social media platforms, but its strategy is not clear. On multiple platforms there are Newman’s Own and Newman’s Own Foundation accounts that create confusion amongst the consumers when they are tagging the company. @NewmansOwnFdn: 1287 followers @NewmansOwn: 25 followers NOF: 214 followers 31 posts NOF: 75 followers, 279 pins NO: 7 followers, 11 articles posted Last post: May 2015 Average of 43.2 comments per post NOF: 2,455 likes NO: 66,411 likes SOCIAL MEDIA STATS BuzzFeed By having a page on BuzzFeed, Newman’s Own can reach a younger audience. But the account has not been active in four months, and the links in the articles go to various blogs.The reactions to the BuzzFeed posts vary. Facebook People engage most with Newman’s Own on this platform, commenting about Paul, recipes, and why they love its products. Posts including Paul Newman receive up to 430 likes, compared to posts that include the product receive 50 on average.The company often replies to positive and negative comments made by consumers. Pinterest While Newman’s Own isn’t very active on Pinterest, consumers tagging Newman’s Own are. Pinners often pin recipes including Newman’s Own dressing, post about its charities, and even have boards dedicated to Newman’s Own. Twitter @NewmanOwnFdn is the most popular twitter account - tweeting/retweeting about the charities the company donates to. It does not respond to people who tweet them, but favorites tweets that they are tagged in.The @NewmansOwn account has not tweeted. Instagram Newman’s Own is not active on Instagram, while the Foundation is.The account posts pictures from different charitable events, but consumers are tagging the foundation in pictures of food with Newman’s Own products.
  • 9. 9 SOCIAL LISTENING Consumers love engaging with Newman’s Own on social media, and on certain platforms it appears that consumers love engaging with Newman’s Own more than Newman’s Own loves engaging with consumers. This is apparent on Instagram - where consumers are most likely to post pictures of their food. Newman’s Own does not have an active account to reply. People resort to tagging Newman’s Own Foundation in their pictures of food. Consumers engage the most with Newman’s Own through Facebook. People share about their love of Paul Newman, the products, and the charity. Newman’s Own often replies to the comments on Facebook, creating a conversation with the consumer.
  • 10. 
 10 DIGITAL SHOPPING By being available on Amazon Newman’s Own makes itself available to digital shoppers. With 44 percent of shoppers shopping less at supermarkets, and 42 percent of shoppers saying they have bought groceries online, digital grocery shopping is a new trend. Millennials, specifically men, are most interested in buying groceries online. By being available for purchase on Amazon, Newman’s Own is at the front of the digital shopping trend. There is also a positive forum on Newman’s Own products on Amazon. People comment extensive, informative, and positive reviews, encouraging others to try the products. 63 percent of Millennial men and 53 percent of Millennial women have bought groceries online in the past 12 months and would do so again.
  • 12. 12 
 P R I M A Research Methodologies Y For our primary research, we needed participants who were both men and women between the ages of 18-29. In our focus groups we talked to both users and non-users.We were looking for participants who had bought salad dressing in the past three months. In order to discover these participants, we created a screener consisting of seven questions. Using Qualtrics we were able to insert skip logic into the survey.This allowed us to choose several questions where the answers given defined whether or not the participants were applicable for our research.The criteria were age and whether or not the surveyor had purchased salad dressing in the past three months. All of the team members distributed the screener through social media, email and by word-of-mouth to friends, family and peers. We received 332 responses to the screener with 107 people meeting the requirements for participation.We ended up with three focus groups of six people and four shop-a-longs.
  • 13. 
 13 In order to better understand the potential Newman’s Own consumer, we created a set of qualitative research goals to guide our primary research. • Learn how the consumer chose and use their salad dressings. o Do they use it for marinades? Strictly for salads? Dipping? What’s their primary use for salad dressing? • Understand how consumers feel about philanthropic companies. o Do they trust companies that claim they give to charity? Does it sway their purchasing choices? • Discover how the consumers gets their health information and how they determine what is healthy. o Do they get it from their friends? Family? Does healthy mean organic or calorie count? • Learn if health influences the consumer’s purchasing behavior. o Do they buy certain products because they perceive them to be healthier? Why do they perceive it to be healthier than other brands/foods? • Uncover attitudes and feelings toward salad dressing as a product. o Are their feelings positive or negative? Do they perceive salad dressing as something that’s healthy or is it their guilty pleasure? • Uncover attitudes and feelings toward Newman’s Own salad dressing as a brand. o What do they know about Newman’s Own salad dressing? What are some of the things that come to mind when they think of it? Are they aware of its charitable aspects? Based off of these goals we chose several different primary research methods.The majority of our research came from focus groups.We also conducted shop-a-longs to complement the insights we gathered from the focus groups.We used these goals to help structure our discussion guide as well. G O A L S
  • 14. 1. How old are you?  o 17 or younger o 18 to 20 o 21 to 23 o 24 to 26 o 27 to 29 o 30 or older 2. What is your gender?  o Male o Female o Prefer not to answer 3. Have you purchased salad dressing in the past 3 months?  o Yes o No 4. On average, how much do you spend weekly on groceries? o $0-$25 o $26-$50 o $51-$100 o $101-$150 o $151-$200 o $201 or more 5. Which of the following salad dressings have you purchased? Check all that apply.   o HiddenValley o Kraft o Wish-Bone o Newman's Own o Store Brand o Other (please specify)
 6. How much do you value brands that give back/donate to charities? o Highly unimportant o Unimportant o Neutral o Important o Highly important 7. If selected, would you be willing to participate in further research?You will be rewarded for your time. o Yes o No 14 S C R E E N E R 332 Screened 58 % Newman’s Own users 107 Passed
  • 15. 15 Purpose: To uncover the attitudes and opinions of Millennials towards the salad dressing category, notably the brand Newman’s Own, and their level of brand awareness.The information collected will be used to develop consumer insights and drive creative strategy and a brief. Introduction: Hello, I’m Hailey and I would like to thank you for coming to our discussion today.  We will be talking about charitable giving in the food category. All answers are valid so do not feel afraid to speak up. We hope to hear from everyone this afternoon. Don’t worry about the people taking notes as they are just helping me remember what is said. Please feel free to get snacks at any point during our meeting. It’s going to be weird, but let’s get emotional! Warm Up (5 -10 minutes) What is your typical meal? Write it down. What do you eat when you want to feel healthy? Draw and label it. In-Depth Discussion 1. Eating Healthy 1. Does anyone or anything influence your grocery shopping? Probe for: natural ingredients, generational encouragements, food for a cause Listen for: health consciousness, where sources of info come from (blogs, magazines, friends) 2. What grocery items are you willing to splurge on? Probe for: what constitutes a splurge?Why these foods in particular?         Listen for: condiments, name brands 3. What constitutes healthy for you, and why do you think you think that? Probe for: calories, protein, vegetables, sugar, carbs Listen for: where they get it from?   2.     Eating Salads Exercise: Please describe your idea of a perfect salad. Also, write it down. Probe for: Is there salad dressing on it? How large or small is the salad? Is there a difference between the perfect salad and a healthy salad? Perfection = satisfying or healthy? Listen for: type of salad dressing (lite dressings, no dressings). Why is this your perfect salad? 1. Why do you eat a salad? Probe: protein, health, yumminess 2. What are your salad rituals? Probe: Is salad the main dish or a side? How often do you eat salad? 3. Where do you buy your salad? Probe: make salad, pre-packaged salad, whom you’re with FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION GUIDE
  • 16. 
 16 3.     Salad Dressing Consumption Exercise: Draw someone who consumes salad dressing. 1. What do you use salad dressing for? Probe for: alternative uses besides those known (marinades, pizza/veggie dip)Which salad dressing is used for what dish Listen for: food groups paired with dressing 2. What role does salad dressing play in your salad? 3. What type of dressing do you consume? 4. Salad Dressing Purchasing 1. Where do you buy your dressing - what section of the store? 2. What influences salad dressing purchasing decision?        Probe for: price, brand 5. Charity 1. How do you feel about brands that give money to charity? Probe for: which charities they care about Listen for: names of companies and charities 2. What brands do you know of that give back to charity? 3. Name the top three causes you care about - write them down. 6. Newman’s Own 1. What do you know about Newman’s Own? Probe for: where it is bought/sold, who buys? Listen for: why they buy it, feelings about price 2. Draw Newman’s Own consumer - who is it? 3. Talk about Newman’s Own then ask: Does knowing this information potentially change your purchasing behavior? Organizing Focus Groups Plan for no-shows Send frequent reminders Compensate participants Talk to a diverse group Speak to all types of learners 6-8 people per group
  • 17. 17 Eating healthy is about feeling good, physically and mentally, during and after a meal. • “I eat a salad to feel healthy. Whenever you eat something bad you never feel good after.” - Casey • “When I eat salads I feel physically better and get the satisfaction of eating healthy and get that ‘go me!’ feeling.” - Dalton Many young people want quick and easy meals to go along with their busy schedules. • “Now that I’m in college I’m all about convenient meals. I don’t want to spend more than 5 minutes in the kitchen.” - Molly • “If I’m spending more than 15 minutes making something then it’s not worth it.” - Jack Dressing makes or breaks the taste and health factor of a salad. It’s the most important part of this meal. • “ The dressing is the most important part of a salad. I’m not going to eat just leaves.” - Meagan • “The dressing defines the taste and the health aspect.” - Kourosh Newman’s partnership with McDonald’s may be hurting the brand’s image. • “Whenever I think of Newman’s I associate them with McDonald’s dressing. So I just associate them with being cheaper. It affects my perception of the brand negatively.That’s really the only thing I know about them.” - Henry Attractive packaging may have a positive affect on purchase behavior. • “I’m a really visual person and if it’s packaged really well I will purchase it over bad packaging regardless of the product.” - Lyndie Many people are hesitant to fully trust brands’ charitable causes. • 5 out of 6 of the focus group members felt this way. In one focus group, not a single member knew who Paul Newman was. There is a comfort in purchasing brands that parents used. • “My family always used Ken’s Light Caesar, so I always buy Ken’s Light Caesar.” - Jennifer Most Millennials perceive the Newman’s Own user as an older, more affluent person. Many Millennials are not yet brand loyal to a specific salad dressing brand, and they do seek variety. • “There’s definitely brands I’m more familiar with, like HiddenValley, but I’ll try out new dressings if they look good.” - Brianna FOCUS GROUP FINDINGS
  • 18. 18
  • 19. 
 19 Drawing #1: This focus group member, Henry, brought up some important insights. On the right side of the page, he mentioned the partnership with McDonald’s and Newman’s Own.This caused him to assume Newman’s was a less expensive product as well as an unhealthy one, since it is associated with a fast-food restaurant. Drawing #2: This focus group member, Megan, was first asked to draw a salad consumer, which depicted just a “regular woman.” The second drawing was when she was asked to draw a Newman’s Own consumer. Here she used words like “giving, happy and knowledgeable.” This showed the perception a consumer of salad dressing has of Newman’s Own. Drawings #3: In this drawing by Nina and in the majority of the drawings from our focus groups we saw a similar trend.When asked to describe their perfect salad, dressing was always listed. The members told us that whether thinking of a healthy salad or their favorite salad, dressing was most of the time a deciding factor. Often times, the healthy and the perfect salad overlapped.
  • 21. 
 21 - SHOP-A-LONG FINDINGS We did four shop alongs with two men and two women.With this, we wanted to continue to acknowledge the fact that men and women are the equal targets in this matter.Through our shop-a-longs we found several commonalities in our subjects, including the fact they all chose to go to Hy-Vee. 1) Salad Kits are the thing to buy, especially for Millennials that are still in college.They haven't quite perfected how to make their mom’s “house salad” and a salad kit just about gets the job done. Also, it is easy and convenient. If they are a variety seeker, which many claim to be, salad kits give them the option to not commit to a full bottle of dressing - each salad can be a whole different meal. 2) Point-of-purchase advertising and sampling works on Millennials. Our shoppers were all very visual people. If there was a sample, they were going to try it. If there was a display in store, it was noticed.This speaks to Millennials’ visual nature. 3) Our subjects each looked at the back of products for the ingredient list frequently. What was going into their food was important to them, and while their trips were all relatively short, each being under 25 minutes, they didn't mind spending time addressing the product information. 4) Based on our focus group finding we weren't surprised our participants compared prices on items while they were shopping. Price was very important to them, and the red “SALE” labels were particularly attractive as they selected items to buy. 5) Our shoppers were all Newman’s Own users. Even if they did not purchase the brand on this specific trip, they had in the past. However, two of our shoppers did claim to own other types of salad dressing brands as well. Our shoppers spent an average of $87 on groceries, purchasing an average of 20 items. 6) None of the shoppers had a written list and were simply going off a mental list. Their trips seemed routine and memorized rather then a search for particular items.They knew the aisles well, and they seemed confident in their purchases.
  • 23. 
 23 The Striving Soul Seeker is embracing their independence.They are in the stage of getting their life together to the best of their ability. Since their life is in transition, they find value in belongings that offer them a sense of stability. They are looking for more out of life than half-hearted friends and one-night stands – they are searching for a genuine life. They are over caring about what others think of them – what do they think of themselves? They want to be confident in the person they are. This is a new chapter of their life and a new opportunity to make things right.They are not only healthy because they exercise and eat well. They are healthy because their soul is healthy – they are a healthy being. The Striving Soul Seeker wants purchases that reflect their mindset. They want to genuinely feel good about the money they spend. For the first time in their life it is their money to spend and their decisions to make. The Striving Soul Seeker TARGET PROFILE
  • 24. 
 24 What is the Soul Seeker 
 Striving For? This Year’s Bucket List
 - Run a half marathon - Donate blood at least twice to the Red Cross - Master mom’s homemade lasagna - Cut MSG out of my diet - Call mom & dad at least once a week
  • 25. 25 The Striving Soul Seeker always loved coming home from school to dad making chocolate chip cookies. The recipe hadn’t changed since great grandma first wrote it down. The Striving Soul Seeker thinks back fondly on the memories of after- school snacking, but is also looking forward to the new memories and recipes to be made. Recipes, like brands, that have been around and have stayed true to tradition are important to the Striving Soul Seeker. For them, longevity shows quality.They trust brands that have stood the test of time just like they always trust great grandma’s cookies to be delicious. The Striving Soul Seeker cares about others and wants to do their part in improving the community. They know about different charities and have a diverse set of non-profit groups they like. Special Olympics and American Red Cross are a few of their favorites, and they are always looking for more. A Closer Look At Our Target…
  • 27. 27 Worth of Well-being 
 After I come back from the gym, I want to eat something that doesn’t destroy my workout but is still satisfying. When I eat, I don’t just feed my appetite; I feed my soul. Whatever I put into my body needs to nourish me from the inside out. I would like for the foods I eat to be three ingredients or less – the closer it is to the source the better. Heart of the Insight “I did a lot of research into healthy diets this summer because I was really overweight for a long time. So I read a lot of material online…I mainly just searched for recipes on Google…I would usually do shopping first and then figure out recipes based on what I have.” - Chris “You feel physically better and get the satisfaction of eating healthy and get that ‘go me!’ feeling.” - Alex
  • 28. 
 28 Heart of the Insight: “I just started grocery shopping for [Newman’s Own] this summer. I noticed that all of his stuff is donated to charity, which I didn’t know, so I thought I would do that and be a good person.” - Chloe “I’d pick the brand that gave to charity over the other one.” - Jack Purchase with a Purpose I don’t just want to feel good physically; I want to feel good about myself as a person. I want to buy more than a brand. I want to buy into a better world. I don't have a lot of money, but if I’m already purchasing something the money might as well be going to charity.
  • 29. 29 Comfort in Longevity As I’m going through this ever-changing journey, I’ve learned the value of tradition.While there are a lot of things changing around me, it’s nice to know there are things out there that can stand the test of time. Heart of the Insight: “I only buy OceanSpray brand Craisins, that is all I buy, because it just doesn’t taste the same. It might taste the exact same and be all in my head, but I always grew up with that.” - Natalie “I feel like living at home over the summer is usually what I base [my eating] off of, what my parents are eating.” - Amy “My parents influence me a lot. I don’t eat fast food or anything like that. I try to eat as healthy as possible.” -Sarah
  • 31. Purchase with a Purpose 31 TENSION # 1 I eat a salad to feel and be healthy, but I do put dressing on my salad. It just isn’t perfect without it. I know that it isn’t super healthy, but I feel that everything else in the salad outweighs the “bad” in the dressing. Social Norm: Eating salad to be “healthy.” Consumer Behavior: A perfect salad is one with good leaves and good dressing, but perfect doesn’t mean healthy. Quotes: -  “I can’t eat salad without dressing even though sometimes it isn’t the healthiest.” - Brianna - “My perfect salad, I wouldn’t say it was unhealthy, but it probably has no nutritional value.” - Alex - “I eat salad when I go out, looking for something lighter to eat. I feel healthy. I don't think I’m healthy.” - Alyssa - “My favorite salad is the Caesar salad kit from Hy-Vee because it has the best stuff in it. But it’s not a healthy salad.” - Bridget
  • 32. 
 32 I like brands that give to charity, but I’m not sure I completely trust brands that say they give. I’ll buy the product, but there’s always that seed of ‘what if?’ I need proof. Consumer Perception: Likes brands that give back to charity. Consumer Behavior: Cautious about buying brands that claim to give back to charity as there is doubt in whether or not the brand really does donate. Quotes: “People cop out of giving to charities by buying charitable items at the grocery stores.” - Jack “They donate all the purchases to charity, but I have no idea what charity it goes to.” - Molly TENSION # 2
  • 34. 
 34 In our primary research we noticed that consumers are more critical of companies that claim to give to charities. It was mentioned in a focus group that some charities didn't give as much back as consumers had thought.This negatively influenced the participants’ views on other charities. Most of our participants agreed that brands that give to charities are looked at more harshly now than in the past. In the slogan,“all profits to charity,” the word “charity” is vague and leaves a lot of consumers wondering to whom or what causes Newman’s Own gives.The fact that it doesn’t have one benefactor seems to hinder the company. However, we believe that it has opportunities with its current situation. By using social media, it can make its monthly charity donations a big event as currently the message is not getting to the consumer. Millennials want to see exactly where their money is going and catering to this need will be beneficial to Newman’s Own. BARRIERS FOR NEWMAN’S OWN
  • 35. 
 35 PAUL NEWMAN Through our primary and secondary research, we found that most Millennials didn’t know who Paul Newman was or what he was about. Leveraging Paul Newman’s fame does not add value to the brand in the eyes of Millennials.While the image of Paul Newman on the packaging was recognized by consumers, they didn’t recognize it as being Paul Newman – they couldn’t put a name to the face.We don’t believe Newman’s Own should change its packaging, but it should be aware of the fact that Millennials aren’t drawn to the Paul Newman facet of the brand, but to the charitable component. PERCEIVED CONSUMER Our primary research uncovered that Millennials do not see themselves as the current consumers.When prompted, they drew their idea of a Newman’s Own consumer as an older, more affluent person. This idea in the target consumer's mind, that they are not the ones who are or should be buying Newman’s Own, can be countered by using social media to appeal to the target’s soul-seeking lifestyle. Newman’s Own can gain Millennial attention by implementing stronger advertising for its natural ingredients and stressing its commitment to charity on social media and on its packaging.
  • 36. 
 36 To best benefit Newman’s Own we suggest that the company apply additional advertisement to its dressing bottles stating which charities proceeds are going to at a given time. For example: “This bottle’s purchase goes towards helping military families.” Newman’s Own could be more transparent by allowing the consumer to see exactly where the money is going. We also suggest that Newman’s Own add quick, easy recipes that require its salad dressings to the backs of its bottles. Recipes that are easy to make are enticing to Millennials who want fast and efficient meals.   All of this new content added onto the current label could make for a clustered bottle.This should be avoided as focus group participants discussed how packaging influenced their purchasing decisions.To minimize clutter, we suggest removing the legends on the backs of the labels. Newman’s Own should then use that space for the recipes. SUGGESTIONS FOR NEWMAN’S OWN
  • 37. 37 Along with these suggestions, repositioning the “All Profits to Charity” slogan from the bottle’s cap to the top of the front of the label would allow the message to have a longer life as its current position does not allow the slogan to be seen after the cap has been removed. Moving away from labeling, we suggest that Newman’s Own branches into a new, yet complementary, category – salad kits. Primary research informed us that Millennial consumers want quick and healthy meals that do not take longer than 15 minutes to prepare. By providing consumers with a Newman’s Own salad kit, the brand is satisfying this need. It has been mentioned that Newman’s Own struggles with its social media presence.While the staff is very small and the budget is limited, we recommend that Newman’s Own hire a remote or non- remote social media intern.The position can be unpaid, as Millennials looking to bulk up their résumés will likely work for free.This way, Newman’s Own will have regular content posted that is also designed by and for Millennials. Also, we think Newman’s Own needs to move away from the humor aspect. We mentioned removing the legend, but the brand as a whole makes a lot of jokes.What they are doing is amazing, but there is nothing funny about it. Newman’s Own would be taken more seriously if it took itself more seriously. Millennials want the facts, and the facts work. Where is their money going and how can they use this dressing? This is what Millennials want to know. Positioning Statement: To the Striving Soul Seeker who is working toward becoming the best version of themself, Newman’s Own salad dressing provides a wholesome, philanthropic, and timeless product that allows the mind, body, and soul to feel satisfied.
  • 38. 38 CONCLUSION Hailey Y:“The Newman’s Own qualitative research project allowed me to better understand how agencies discover a target consumer, uncover insights and conduct meaningful primary research. By far, the most eye-opening experience was leading the focus groups. I learned how to ask questions that made people think more deeply about their actions, I saw how important word choice is, and more than anything I learned more about myself as a researcher and communicator. Moderating the focus groups gave me confidence in my communication skills and now I am confident that I am in the right career field!” Clara K: “The Newman’s Own Brand Project taught me a lot about team work and time management. Being blessed with a good team is something that is not to be taken for granted, but collaboration takes a lot of work. From working on the book, I learned a lot about my creative eye, and I thoroughly enjoyed illustrating our thoughts visually and linguistically. I feel a sense on ownership of Newman’s Own and feel passionate about making a difference for the brand. I might just be inclined to send them an email…” Lauren B: “This Newman’s Own project has provided me with a deeper understanding of the extensive, yet rewarding work that goes into account planning.Watching the evolution of our team’s work has been such a great experience. It is so exciting to have the opportunity to showcase all of our efforts and findings.Throughout this assignment, each team member’s efforts flowed seamlessly and ultimately led to the success of the project. As this journey comes to an end, I can confidently say that I possess greater knowledge of effective teamwork, qualitative research, consumer insights, and consumers’ connections to the brand.” Haley H: “Working on the Newman’s Own brand project has taught me many different things this semester, but most importantly how to work with a team efficiently. Great time management was extremely important during the project and we executed it to our full extent. On top of teamwork, I was immersed into many aspects of account planning. My skills in primary and secondary research, focus groups, and consumer insights have been expanded to a level where I feel comfortable taking this knowledge into the work force. I also have a greater respect for account planners as a whole because I know how much effort and client involvement goes into their job.” Claire T: “Through identifying Newman's Own target consumer I learned the simple complexity of insights.The insights, like a salad not having to be a 'healthy salad,’ is a simple thought, but very insightful into how our target consumers view salad dressing. Our insights allowed our team to build out a target profile to represent the Newman's Own consumer. This project allowed me to gain insight into the larger picture of account planning.The Striving Soul Seeker resonated with our whole team, and I imagine in five years we will all be drinking red wine watching the news in our cozy apartments!”
 Lauren H: “After working on this project I have been able to learn a lot about primary research. I had never actually conducted primary research before and I have been able to learn about actually conducting the different forms of research and how to analyze it afterwards. I also gained a better understanding of what a consumer insight actually is.This experience has shown me a different aspect of the advertising process that I didn’t really know about before.”
  • 39. 
 39 SOURCES Thank you to our Focus Group Participants: Natalie Tatum Bridget Kelleher Brooke Branham Alyssa Black Jennifer Manning Jack Frank Alex Blodgett Chloe Ridgley Christopher Dade Megan Barnes Sarah Wynn Amy Dryden Molly Stoops Molly De Jong Amy Dryden Henry Gentle Dalton Knes Brianna Donahue Lyndie Fischel Kali Kilcher Meagan Heaney Molly Foos Casey Hurley Kourosh Mobl & our Shop-A-Long Participants; Dalton Knes Jack Frank Molly Stoops Caitlin Fryer bbcswebdav/pid-2593940-dt-content-rid-26737105_1/ courses/FS2015.JOURN.4250.01/Newman%27s%20Own %20Brand%20Book%202.pdf (Team 2 Book) wpnewman02.jpg 6a00d8347d063969e2019aff2c058d970d-320wi about-buying-from-socially-responsible-brands-now- more-than-ever highlight#hit1 display/716549/ 2015/05/Newmans-Own-Salad-Dressing.jpg how_to-be-_confident_woman-e1395023987579.png a93d39a4c437685113de038ecaff34b1.jpg stats-millennials-help-chart-tomorrow- change-112531305.html Social-Media-Icons-Black-Circle-Rings.jpg paul-newman-marketing-brand-guy/131612/