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Quirky. Fun. Carefree.
No, we’re not talking about Zooey Deschanel.
We’re talking about Snapple. And whether
you’re working 9AM to 5PM or studying from
9PM to 5AM, we get that adulting is hard.
From taxes to mortgages, sometimes life just
doesn’t seem as carefree as it was when your
biggest question was which Lunchable to
bring to school. And sometimes, you need to
add a little of that lighthearted quirkiness to
your day to day life.
Our Snapple consumers live in a corporate
world that sometimes makes them put
their inner child in time out. We’re here to
change that. Cue and enter the Kid at Heart
campaign, designed to let you take a break
from adulting and unleash your inner child.
Whether you’re Mischievous at heart, Playful
at heart, or Picasso at heart, we’re here for
the Young at heart. From print, to out of
home, to digital, we’re headed from New
York to adults nationwide. Through a holistic
marketing campaign, Ready2Drink Agency
will communicate the need and opportunity
for our target of 18-49 year olds to unleash
their inner child. The Kid at Heart campaign
will position Snapple as the fun, quirky, and
carefree beverage that adults will turn to
for a break from the strain of “adulting” and
a chance to quench their inner child’s sense
of liveliness. The Kid at Heart campaign will
help Snapple claim its title as the brand of
the Young at heart, the dance break, and the
millisecond macarena.
However, there’s a catch: our friends in the
Heartland know and love us, but a lot of
people in the non-Heartland don’t know that
we should be BFFs. We aren’t too worried,
though, because even our non-Heartland
friends deserve a break from adulting. We’re
the life of the party and can’t wait to bring a
little fiesta action all over the country.
13-21 	 CREATIVE
Our group set out to tackle a few questions about Snapple, its competitors,
and whether or not the Heartland and non-Heartland consumers differed
substantially. Primary and secondary research allowed us to learn about
consumer behaviors, competitors, and RTD tea and juice industry trends. It
was clear that Snapple is positioned as the quirky and fun member of the
highly competitive RTD tea and juice family. One-on-one interviews led us to
realize that people love the functional benefits of Snapple’s cap and bottle,
but dislike how sugary it is.
All of our research indicated a connection between the brand and childhood
memories of consumption. Additionally, childhood was associated with less
stress and rigid responsibilities. However, focusing our integrated campaign
on childhood alone would be too sentimental for a brand as upbeat and lively
as Snapple. Focus groups led us to shift our research towards exploring
Snapple as a break in consumers’ days.
While we saw clear proof that Snapple could be the break in a busy day for
many consumers, the connection to childhood we had found kept popping up
in all of the research methods. When we realized we needed to combine the
two, our insight was born. What is it? Stay tuned to find out.
• Determine if there is a difference between
Heartland & non-Heartland consumers’
demographics, psychographics, and
consumption patterns
• Familiarize ourselves with the RTD tea
and juice industries and the customer
• Understand the space Snapple and
competitors occupy in consumers’ minds
• Gather generational, regional, and
overall tea and juice consumer trends to
better understand how our segment lives
and interacts with products
• Understand how our target perceives
health, sugar, sweetness, and natural
flavor. Are these associated with positive
or negative feelings when it comes to
of tea/juice drinkers are familiar
with current campaign[1]
Snapple has extremely high brand recognition as the quirky, upbeat brand
in the RTD industry, and currently captures 10% market share. However,
it’s not all sunshine and rainbows in Snapple’s branding world, as its current
campaign is failing to gain awareness and traction with consumers.
Consumers may not be aware of Snapple’s current campaign, but they are
very vocal about opinions of its taste: sugary. And typically they thought this
was a bad thing.
But, a blind taste test against AriZona and Gold Peak clearly showed that
while Snapple was still the brand perceived to have the highest sugar content,
it was also picked as the overall preferred brand in taste[3]
. This contradiction
indicates that people like Snapple despite negatively associating the product
with high levels of sugar.
We know our Snapple drinkers are health conscious but not obsessed, and
Snapple has a great tasting product, but also a perception problem[4]
. Snapple
has the opportunity to refresh its brand as the (un)official sponsor of the
“healthy is a state of mind” mentality by leveraging its already established
fun and playful persona. This is a positioning that Snapple can own, as no
competitors are currently positioning themselves in this way. Our goal is to
change consumers’ perceptions of the brand.
“It’s so sweet that it tastes artiFIcial to me… The
flFLavors just don’t appeal to me because it seems fake.“
- zahra, 21[2]
Brooklyn Hips
Joe with a Positiv
dgy Sports Fa
uirky Optimist
Snapple has asked us to explore a dual strategy to target consumers in
the Heartland and non-Heartland. However, as we explored databases and
conducted focus groups, interviews, and surveys, we found no fundamental
differences between Heartland and non-Heartland consumers. Because of
these findings, we will use one integrated campaign.
Using the Simmons database, we compared indexes of these psychographic
variables for both regions. Findings from Simmons further strengthened our
belief that these consumers are fundamentally very similar. Data from our
survey also indicated that RTD tea and juice consumers from both regions
exhibit similar needs when it comes to beverage purchasing decisions.
• Where consumers frequently
purchase RTD tea and juice
• When consumers tend to
consume RTD tea and juice
• The importance of brand name
in consumer purchasing decisions
• Influence of new trends on
purchasing decisions
• How important health and
wellness is to consumers
• How frequently consumers use
special offers and discounts
• Whether consumers are likely
to try new brands for variety and
• Willingness to pay more for an
environmentally-friendly products
Most frequently purchase tea
& juice in grocery/convenience
stores and gas stations[6]
Heartland (41%) non-Heartland (42%)
Heartland (52%) non-Heartland (63%)
typically consume tea&juice
during breakfast and lunch[7]
most important rtd tea&juice
1. Price	 2. Taste	 3. Convenience
AGES 18-25
• Do not consider their diet to be very healthy
• Prefer to buy things that their friends or
neighbors would approve of[9]
• Think their lives are more complicated or
stressful than it was when they were kids
• Think of their childhood as a carefree time
• Post the most frequently about their
childhood on social media because it is a
time they look back on fondly[10]
AGES 30-49AGES 22-35
Snapple targets the young at heart, the positive person that doesn’t mind pausing to celebrate the little burst of happiness in their day.
They appreciate the occasional spinach salad and yoga class, but they’re also not afraid to reach for an extra large slice of cake on their
friend’s birthday, or after a particularly successful day of working out. They’re the first to hit the dance floor, and always responsive
to a funny joke. They’re not afraid to be weird, and hate being bored. But with ages ranging from 18-49, Snapple’s drinkers have a
lot of stressors and rigid routines. With a sunny outlook and Snapple bottle to match, Snapple consumers are energetic, enthusiastic
and see Snapple as a ray of sunshine and spontaneity in their day to day lives. So go ahead, eat, drink and be merry, Snapple lovers.
• Their children have a significant impact on
the brands they choose
• Friends or neighbors do not influence their
purchasing decisions[13]
• Feel their lives are busier and more
complicated than when they were younger
• Believe that because of their busy lifestyle,
they don’t take care of themselves as well as
they should[14]
MARKET SIZE: 33,395,000MARKET SIZE: 32,098,000MARKET SIZE: 37,505,000
• People come to them for advice before buying
new things[11]
• Think their lives are less fun, exciting, and
imaginative than it was when they were kids
• Think of their childhood as a carefree and
adventurous time
• Feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities
from time to time[12]
a day in the life of our target consumers;
10:00 AM : *hits snooze twice*
12:30 PM : Carly grabs a sandwich and a Snapple
from one of the delis near her campus. On her
walk to class, Carly can’t help but marvel at how
beautiful her school is this time of year, and takes
a Snapchat of a particularly pretty tree.
5:00 PM : Carly finishes her term paper, and pats
herself on the back.
6:00 PM : Carly curls up on her couch with some
Chinese takeout and an episode of Gilmore Girls for
a break before heading to the library with enough
snacks to feed an army, a 5 Hour Energy, and of
course, a Snapple.
10:00 PM : Somehow, our muse has gotten lost in a
sea of Buzzfeed articles, but hey! The work always
gets done, and there’s always tomorrow.
collegiate carly
7:00 AM : Toast in hand, Pat has a mini dance
party with his wife while they get ready for work.
12:30 PM : Pat grabs a sub and Snapple to go from
his favorite deli, and heads back to his office for a
lunch meeting.
3:00 PM : Lost in a sea of spreadsheets, Pat takes
a quick 10 minute walking break to stretch his legs
and enjoy the beautiful day.
6:00 PM : Pat heads to his favorite sports bar to
catch his alma mater’s big game with his college
buddies. He orders a burger and beer, and high
fives the bartender.
10:00 PM : Pat’s wife kisses him goodnight and asks
if he will go to her friend’s housewarming barbecue
this weekend. He says of course, and thinks about
how great the weekend will be.
professional pat
7:00 AM : Good morning, world! Dan grabs breakfast
to-go and hits the road.
8:30 AM : Dan starts making his to-do list for the
day…… *deep breath*
10:00 AM : Dan takes a moment to admire the
Picasso-esque doodle that resulted on his notepad
when he spaced out for a minute in a meeting.
3:00 PM : In a mid-afternoon lull, Dan heads to
the small cafe on the first floor of his business’s
building and enjoys a Snapple and bag of potato
6:00 PM : Dan leaves the office, excited to catch
the end of his son’s middle school soccer game.
Dan drives to the game with his windows down,
listening to “Hey Jude.”
7:00 PM : Dan takes his son and wife out to dinner
at Denny’s to celebrate his son’s big win.
dad dan
“I remember playing with the cap and
reading the snapple facts during
lunchtime” - Ali, 21[17]
“I would go get a Snapple when I was
tired from work and needed a break”
- caitie, 22[18]
• The assessment of psychographics and
purchasing behaviors indicate that there is
no clear distinction between the Heartland
and Non-heartland consumer of tea and
Of the people surveyed:
• 82% Heartland and 71% non-Heartland
associate Snapple with their childhood[15]
• 80% enjoy listening to “throw back” music
• People still partake in activities they
participated in as kids (eg. laser tag, sleepovers,
bowling etc.) because it is fun[16]
• Growing popularity of Buzzfeed articles
and other user generated content reflects
the desire to take a break from the
responsibilities of adulthood
• 93% of participants surveyed indicated
that they would appreciate “a day off where
they could shed all responsibilities”[19]
Facebook is the most popular social
platform in the world, with 1.55 billion
monthly active users.[20]
Skimming through
the posts that use #adulting, it is clear
that these posts are slightly more positive
than those on Twitter, with most posts
celebrating the comical, small victories
of adulting. For example, these posts
celebrate moving into a new house, or
putting on real pants instead of sweatpants
after a lazy day.
Across virtually every social platform, conversations around the concept of “adulting” are already happening. From Twitter, to Buzzfeed,
to blog posts, people are celebrating its highs and poking fun at the lows. Snapple has the opportunity to be the only major brand to own
this hashtag, and the larger conversation around adulting that extends beyond social media. Our target is extremely digitally savvy, and
makes up a large majority of the user bases of the most popular social media platforms. Not only can Snapple leverage and interact with
existing natural content, but it can also add to the conversation.
A social media behemoth, Twitter has 320
million monthly active users.[21]
There are
already thousands of organic tweets that
use this hashtag. Users are poking fun at
their adulting fails, such as burning dinner
or finally getting kicked off of their family’s
cell phone plan.
Instagram is one of the fastest-growing
social platforms in the world, up to 300
million monthly active users by 2015 from
200 million in 2014.[22]
With such a focus
on providing sharable glimpses into users’
lives, it’s unsurprising that #adulting
conversations on Instagram depict
snapshots of users winning at the game
of adulting. Whether helping their friends
move into a new apartment, or setting
up their first Christmas tree, people are
celebrating the most photogenic of their
adulting adventures.
Adulting is hard for the young at heart.
Taxes, deadlines, and responsibilities
sometimes make even the Snappliest
of consumers put their inner child in
timeout. Until now. Introducing the
cure-all for even the most serious case of
adulting blues: the Kid at Heart campaign.
Designed to allow consumers to unleash
their inner child, it shows that Snapple
is the (un)official sponsor of the young at
heart, the dance break, and the millisecond
macarena. Whether you’re forever young
at heart, quirky at heart, or a speed racer
at heart, our integrated campaign lets you
take a break from your day to day routine
and spice things up.
the big idea
Make Snapple the
partner-in-crime for
the young at heart that
need a break from the
strains of adulting. We
will develop this image
through the integrated
Kid at Heart campaign
over digital, video, print,
out-of-home, direct mail,
partnerships, and point-
of-sale activations.
This campaign interacts
with every sense, even
smell, to create as
many touch points with
consumers as possible.
The tagline “____ at
heart” will help tie our
campaign together
across our platforms.
Our strategy leverages the childhood
associations with Snapple by allowing
consumers to unleash their inner child.
This allows Snapple to continue to voice
its quirky and playful brand personality.
Snapple already reminds at least
71% of surveyed participants of their
. By encouraging Snapple
drinkers to take a break from their daily
lives and embrace their inner child,
we’re inviting Snapple drinkers to allow
themselves to be free, different, and fun.
Additionally, this campaign allows us to
shift the focus away from the unhealthy
sugar content of Snapple towards the
concept that a little bit of fun is healthy,
and healthy is a state of mind.
Because every once in awhile, we need
to be reminded that fun is healthy. Fun
is what the best stuff in life is made of.
And while we recognize the importance
of health and wellness,
“it’s just not fun to eat spinach and kale all
the time.” -alex, 22[24]
Sometimes you gotta stir things up and
let it all hang out. And whether that’s
racing your best friend to the car, laying
on your back and making shapes with the
stars, or letting out a barbaric yawp, the
point is that Snapple will be there to help
remind you of the quirky, playful, fun lover
you’ve always been inside. After all...
“A little nonsense now and then is relished by
the wisest men.” - Willy Wonka[25]
And who are we to deny that?
This is why we present to you,
Our interactive and amusing print ads highlight Snapple’s lighthearted
brand voice and playful nature. These executions will remind users
of the mischievous and exciting escapades that comprised their
childhood, and raise brand awareness. Since Snapple’s customers
most frequently purchase Snapple at convenience stores, groceries,
and gas stations,[26]
we will work with our retailers to understand
which magazines are sold by checkout areas. Our ads will be
strategically placed in these impulse buy magazines.
One series of our ads will feature a scratch ‘N sniff component,
in which we will prompt readers to scratch the Snapple bottles.
The ad prompts viewers to tweet their favorite scented
flavor at the Snapple twitter page. These ads will increase
awareness, informing our audience of the wide variety of
flavors that Snapple offers.
A series of ads will feature playful childlike situations.
One execution will dipict a famous painting with a drawn
on mustache. An adult is pictured standing before it with a
Snapple in hand and Sharpie in his/her back pocket. The
tag-line for this activation is, “Mischievous at Heart.”
RTD products are frequently impulse buys.[27]
Because of this, point
of sale activations are crucial to our campaign. Since our target
buys beverages at convenience stores, grocery stores, and gas
stations, we will invite consumers to unleash their inner child in
these locations. To do this, we will leverage components of stores
in which Snapple is sold to drive our message and tell our story.
These point of sale executions will use lightbox displays, shopping
carts, and floor decals.
Snapple will use lightbox displays showing
our print ads on the side of beverage
fridges at grocery store checkout lines to
target impulsive shoppers on their way
out. These lightbox display ads will use
the last point in the consumer journey to
encourage shoppers have a little break
from shopping for necessities and let
themselves have some fun.
Snapple will encourage consumers to unleash their inner child by
creating branded handles for shopping carts that help consumers
relive a time when they pretended shopping carts were their
own personal racecars. Dividers at check-out will playfully ask if
consumers have safely parked their shopping carts.
Snapple will use hopscotch floor decals in the middle of the beverage
aisle to help point would-be Snapple consumers towards the source
of the Best Stuff on Earth.
Out-of-home is important to our campaign, as our target spends time commuting to and from work or school, and also enjoy exploring and enjoying their
cities when they aren’t at work. We will have a thorough out-of-home component to our campaign, with eye-catching signage on buildings, ATMs, bus stops,
and billboards. Additionally, we will execute the more interactive components of this aspect of our campaign that are listed below.
Snapple will place digital piano keys on high traffic areas
in urban cities, such as Times Square, or similar areas in
cities like Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Nashville.
Advertisements placed in Times Square can expect almost 1.5
million impressions per day.[28]
Participants will step on the
keys, prompting Snapple cap “pops” at different pitches to play
from speakers nearby. “Mozart at heart.” will be spraypainted
on a wall adjacent to the piano keys display. Leveraging this
display, breakdancers will perform on the keys, creating a beat
with their dance moves. Participants in Times Square will be
lived streamed onto a billboard overlooking the activation.
At restaurants in urban areas, touchscreens
on tables will allow participants to fingerpaint
on the dinner table. This is reminiscent of
drawing on tablecloths as children. The tagline
for this activation is, “Finger Painter at heart.”
This activation will take place in restaurants
where tea and juice drinkers overindex in terms
of frequency of attendance, like Denny’s and
Cracker Barrel.
Over the course of 1 year, Snapple will host scavenger
hunts throughout eleven of America’s major cities,
leveraging a temporary microsite.
Over the span of 12 hours, 12 locations will open
up on an hourly basis. The web page and Snapple’s
other social media accounts will actively market the
next upcoming city during the month leading up to
the scavenger hunt for each location. Each scavenger
hunt stop will allow participants to release their inner
child. Examples of locations include a bounce house,
child-inspired photo ops optimized for Instagram, and
a pop-up golf cart track. These locations will be in
high traffic areas that are also near office buildings.
Taglines will be unique to each location. For example,
the tagline at the pop up golf cart track will be,
“Speed Racer at heart.” Free samples of Snapple will
be available at each scavenger hunt location.
New York City
Los Angeles
washington d.c
Snapple’s social media followers surpass even the
tea industry leader, AriZona. We know that our tar-
get of 18-49 year olds is very digitally-connected.
We will leverage these high levels of engagement
with social media to create additional digital touch-
points with the Snapple brand. The goal of our social
media strategy is to increase brand relevance and
top of mind brand awareness.
Snapchat has over 100 million daily
active users, and over half of these
users fall within our targets’ age ranges.
We will leverage a national Snapchat
filter. This filter will show water balloons
being thrown and exploding on the face
of the Snapchat user. The tagline for this
activation is “Kid at heart.”
Buzzfeed is an incredibly popular online platform, receiving 4,220,428
unique visitors per day,[29]
the majority of which are millenials.
Buzzfeed’s contributors are already creating organic content on the
concept of “adulting.” Just a few titles of these articles include “12
Places to Hide When You Just Can’t Adult Anymore,” and “12 Ways to
Have a Quick Break in the Office.” We will have writers create content
focused on the concept of adulting. Examples of potential articles
include, “10 Signs You Need a Break From Adulting,” “What Childish
Thing Should You Do Right Now To Take a Break From Adulting?”
and “Tell Us Your Favorite Ways to Take a Break From Adulting.”
Snapple’s Facebook page has more likes and followers than both its Twitter and Instagram channels.
Currently, Snapple posts gifs, as well as quirky and engaging product shots on this channel. We will create
gifs and other assets focused on the concept of “adulting.” Additionally, we will create a Facebook app that
allows users to unleash their inner child in their profile picture by overlaying animated mustaches, paint
splatters, and other fun graphics on their profile pictures. This social campaign will have a philanthropic
component -- Snapple’s logo, as well as United Way’s logo, will be placed on each modified profile picture.
Snapple works with United Way to improve the communities where its employees live and work. For every
profile picture created with this app, Snapple will donate $1 to United Way.
Interactivity is the key to our digital strategy. From trivia questions
that unlock free Wi-Fi, to augmented reality at bus and subway stops,
to finger painting touch screens at restaurants, every component of
our digital strategy not only celebrates the kid at heart, but also is
totally interactive.
Even our billboard displays across the country will have a digital
component. If consumers scan billboards that show a static waterslide,
their phones will show people, beach balls and other items floating down
the slide. If users turn the volume on their smartphones on, they will
hear individuals floating down the slide shouting ecstatically.
In urban cities with public transportations, we will
create augmented reality displays at subways,
metros, train stops, bus stops etc. The display will
show emoji apparel items that users can virtually
play dressup with. The tagline will be, “Fashionista at
heart.” This activation will be in both the Heartland
and non-Heartland.
This activation will take place in both the Heartland and non-Heartland. Snapple tea and juice drinkers overindex on
public transportation use. In urban areas without Wi-Fi, consumers will be able to play a Snapple-developed platform. In
order to unlock Wi-Fi, users will be prompted to answer a series of fun trivia questions. Every question that they answer
correctly will provide 5 minutes of free Wi-Fi. The tagline for this activation will be “Know-it-all at heart.” This activation
will be in both Heartland and non-Heartland.
snapple wi-FI
Adult coloring books have been increasing in popularity in recent years, with
demand skyrocketing in recent months. Why have these become so popular?
“Between childhood and adulthood, many people lose their connection to
creativity, but the coloring book can present a non-threatening way to
experience creativity… This might encourage people to pursue more creative
endeavors which can help increase self-esteem and with self-reflection.”[33]
We will partner with the well-established
adult coloring book company, Blue Star
Coloring, to create a Snapple themed coloring
book. Each page will be black and white,
and feature a Snapple cap and a fun fact
on a psychedelic background. Additionally,
these pages will highlight aspects of New
York’s skyline. These books will be available
online through Google Play. Consumers can
download and print the pages.
There will be an online contest via a
microsite on Consumers will
upload pictures of their best completed
pages. The top 10 submissions with the
most votes on the microsite will become
finalists. The top 3 submissions will be
selected by Wendy Kaufman, Kristen Wiig,
and Ellen Degeneres.
Snapple, will also have a corporate
contest. 100 large banners of a
coloring page will be to businesses
across America, focusing on
innovative tech companies and
well-known brands. Each page will
have the hashtag “Kid at Heart” in
large letters. For two weeks, these
companies will allow employees to
color on these pages. At the end
of the two weeks, the top five
submissions will be recognized on
a press release, and by blogs paid
to write about the event, as well
as given free Snapple.
Engagement is the key to our direct mail strategy. A large percentage
of juice and tea drinkers are prompted to purchase by direct mail.
However, direct mail can often go unnoticed by recipients, or users
may forget about the promotion or not use it. All of our strategies
are designed to not only engage consumers with our promotions, but
to also build brand equity.
In line with our campaign, our direct mail will be designed to bring
out the recipient’s inner child. What does this mean? We’ll be sending
consumers branded cookie jars that include the tagline, “Cookie
monster at heart.” The cookie jars will contain a promotion for a pack
of Snapple if the recipient is a heavy user, or a promotion for an
individual Snapple if the recipient is a light or non-user. Consumers will
be able to use the cookie jar repeatedly, strengthening the association
of Snapple with childhood activities like taking cookies out of cookie
12 MONTH[35]
We will execute a series of scratch off promotions through direct mail.
In these ads, readers can scratch off a layer with a coin, similar to
what is done with lottery tickets, to uncover a discount for 6-pack of
Snapple. A few interview participants noted that they enjoy scratch
off lottery cards, with one participant saying he loved them as a child.
“It’s cathartic to scratch off the silver stuff.” -Alex, 20[36]
This scratch component serves as a cathartic break that differentiates
this series of ads. The promotion will prompt them to go to a microsite
on, and redeem the code found on their mailed promotion.
Once they redeem their codes, the mini-site will inform them whether
or not they have won tickets to a nearby amusement park, vouchers
for a bowling alley, or tickets to a movie theater. The microsite will
prompt visitors to go to’s home page after they have
discovered whether or not they have won a giveaway. We will send
these coupons to heavy users in the heartland and light users in the
non-heartland. A portion of these executions will be advertised in
Each video in the campaign will showcase Snapple used in different real life scenarios to take a break from adulting and inspire the
young at heart to keep their inner child alive. This spot illustrates one such scenario where Snapple as co-conspirator calls two
co-workers and their older supervisor to have a little fun. This spot and others in the campaign will be shown on TV and YouTube.
The video opens on two co-workers Juan
and Alex in an office seemingly bored.
Our YouTube ad will utilize the lower right hand corner skip button. The skip button will double as a “self-destruct” control, that the actors in the ad are
shouting at viewers not to click. Once the 5 second skip period is over, the ad continues and the actors quickly thank viewers for allowing the button to
defuse! The situation is followed with the campaign tagline as the advertisement comes to a close.
Alex drinks a Snapple and goes to Juan’s
cubicle, infecting him with the desire to play
with water and nerf guns.
Once Juan is suddenly soaked by Alex,
supervisor Frank catches them in the act
and disapproves.
Alex and Juan look at each other not
knowing what to do, Alex hands Frank
a Snapple and he drinks it.
Suddenly he is one of them too, the three of
them pop their heads out of a cubicle.
Alex and Juan race to the “break room”
where they have a standoff shooting each
other with darts and water.
We saw an opportunity to move past traditional advertising through audible
platforms. Catching the attention of our customers with recognizable
sounds and advertisements connects listeners to our Kid at Heart theme
in an unconventional way.
Shazam, the music recognition app, extended its
offerings in 2011 to let users Shazam TV program
and ads to get specials offers and more information
on the company or product being advertised.[37]
In 2014, over 30 percent of U.S. users Shazamed
soundbites on TV.[38]
Snapple will use this platform
to advertise Snapple cap sounds. One-on-one
interviews and focus groups showed that the cap
“pop” is iconic to Snapple. Snapple will create a
jingle using cap pops similar to KitKat’s “Give Me
A Break” tune. Customers that hear the jingle on
any given advertisement can Shazam the sound on
the app and have access to digital coupons on their
next Snapple purchase. The creation of this jingle
could be used across virtually any platform moving
Online music sites have grown in popularity over the past decade.
In 2015, Spotify reached more than 20 million subscribers and
more than 75 million active users.[39]
Snapple will purchase
available advertisement slots on platforms like Spotify to gain
more awareness. Since these slots are usually “un-skippable” and
more likely to hold a listener’s attention involuntarily, Snapple
can afford to be more creative with these audio segments.
Creating audio clips of “childhood sounds” such as a bustling
schoolyard at recess or a roller coaster ride timeline followed by
a short mention of Snapple with our custom made Kid at Heart
tagline for the specific clip. These ads are linked to Snapple’s
home page.
More than half of Americans ages 12 and older have listened to online radio in the past month, according to 2015 survey data from Edison Research[40]
– a clear
indication that online listening continues to grow. Snapple will purchase radio commercial slots across national stations ideal for our demographic target of 18-49.
Each 30 second slot script will address the need to release one’s inner child because of the stress of adult life. One execution of this features an employee frustrated
about sitting at work all day. Sounds of phones ringing, fax machines buzzing, and nagging co-workers can be identified in the clip. Halfway through, the familiar pop
of an opened Snapple is heard followed by drinking sounds. Suddenly all the stressful noises fade and are quickly replaced with a school bell and happy children being
released for recess. The stark difference in sounds will be followed by Snapple’s campaign tagline, “Snapple, for the Kid at Heart.”
We hope to drive purchases and increase brand relevance by allowing
consumers to unleash their inner child with Snapple. Ready2Drink
will conduct concurrent testing and post-testing to monitor the
effectiveness at meeting our objectives and to ensure the long-term
success of the campaign.
Reposition Snapple as the brand that
promotes fun is healthy and healthi-
ness as a state of mind
Increase consideration of Snapple’s
consumers in the Heartland
from 50% to 60%
Increase sales of Snapple among heavy
users from 9x to 10x in the Heartland
and light users from 1x to 3x in the
Increase consideration for product
purchase in the non-Heartland
from15% to 25%
Conduct pre and post campaign
focus groups and surveys to measure
Snapple’s brand equity score
Measure digital engagement on our
social media accounts, microsite,
videos, views on Buzzfeed and
Snapchat, and use of “#ADULTING”
Partner with major gas stations,
convenience stores, supermarkets,
and mass market retailers to track the
number of single bottles and 6 and 12
packs sold
Measure pre and post campaign
average sales, engagement, and top of
mind awareness in the non-Heartland
through focus groups and interviews
Increase in the target’s positive
perception of the Snapple brand
and brand equity score
Increase in number of shares and
followers by 15%
Grow market share of Snapple in
RTB category from10% to 12%
Increase in redemption of coupons,
awareness and positive perception
of Snapple
The Kid at Heart campaign leverages one of Snapple’s strongest brand assets:
its quirky and playful voice. Through this campaign, consumers will come to see
Snapple for what it really is: the RTD drink that is the (un)official sponsor of
their inner child. We get that adulting is hard, and sometimes life can get even
the Snappliest of consumers down. But whether you’re a Know-It-All at heart, a
Speed Racer at heart, or Mozart at heart, we’re here for the Young at heart. Our
integrated and innovative campaign provides consumers with the opportunities
to take short breaks from adulting, and embrace their inner child that society
sometimes tries to put in time out.
Through a comprehensive mix of traditional and nontraditional executions, the
campaign will reach 18-49 year olds in the places that they are already present.
More importantly, many of these online and offline communities are where
conversations around the concept of adulting are already taking place. Not only
can Snapple plug into these conversations, but it can also become the only
brand to own this conversation.
There is a reason that our campaign -- a fun, playful, and authentic approach
-- is just as unique as Snapple. It is because we understand that for the young
at heart, adulting is hard, and Snapple is just the ray of positivity that they need
in their day to day lives.
1. Class Survey
2. Interview. Zahra. September 3, 2015.
3. “Millennials drive food trends despite lag in spending Read More: http://supermarketnews.
com/blog/millennials-drive-food-trends-despite-lag-spending#ixzz3tOmxyyGE.” Supermarket
News. Ed. David Orgel. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. <
4. Taste Test.
5. Simmons.
6. Class survey.
7. Class survey.
8. Class survey.
9. Simmons.
10. Childhood survey.
11. Simmons.
12. Childhood survey.
13. Simmons.
14. Childhood survey.
15. Class survey.
16. Childhood survey.
17. Interview. Ali. October 7, 2015.
18. Interview. Caitie. October 7, 2015.
19. Childhood survey.
20. “Number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 3rd quarter 2015 (in millions)
.” Statista. N.p., n.d. Web. <
21. “Company.” Twitter. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.
22. “Number of monthly active Instagram users from January 2013 to September 2015
(in millions) .” Statista. N.p., n.d. Web. <
23. Childhood survey.
24. Interview. Alex. November 2, 2015.
25. Wilder, Gene, perf. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. 1971. Web. <https://video.;_ylt=A2KLqIIzhmNWBlEA8yUsnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWc-
26. Class survey.
27. Interviews.
28. “Advertising and Sponsorships.” Times Square: The Official Site of Times Square . N.p.,
n.d. <
29. “ - Info.” Hype Stat. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.
30. “Advertising.” N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2015. <
31. “Introduction to Subway Ridership.” MTA. N.p., n.d. Web. < “Know the Audience: Profile:
Iced Tea Drinkers.” AdMall for Agencies. N.p., n.d. Web. <
boosters/audience_rpt.cfm?isreport=Y&MediaType=22&AIAGroupID=All&AIACatID=D28>. >.
32”S.F. has among nation’s highest public transit use among commuters.” San Francisco
Business Times. N.p., 2 Mar. 2004. Web. <
33. Couillard, Lucie. “Coloring books: the sensation drawing in the adult nation .” New York
Daily News. N.p., 2 Sept. 2015. Web. <
34. “Know the Audience: Profile: Iced Tea Drinkers.” AdMall for Agencies. N.p., n.d.
Web. <
35. “Know the Audience: Profile: Smoothie/Fruit Juice Drinkers.” AdMall for Agencies. N.p.,
n.d. Web. <
36. Interview. Alex. December 1, 2015.
37. Dredge, Stuart. “Shazam: ‘TV advertising is going to become our primary revenue
stream’.” The Guardian. N.p., 27 Feb. 2013. Web. <
38. Greenfield, Rebecca. “The New Shazam Is an Advertising Bug for Your House.” Yahoo!
News. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2013.
39. Katz, Candice. “Introducing Spotify for Brands Video Ads.” Spotify News . N.p., 8 Sept.
2014. Web.. <
40. Vogt, Nancy. “Audio: Fact Sheet.” PewResearchCenter. N.p., 29 Apr. 2015. Web.
41. Snapple case

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Snapple "Kid at Heart" Campaign Book

  • 2. OBJECTIVES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Quirky. Fun. Carefree. No, we’re not talking about Zooey Deschanel. We’re talking about Snapple. And whether you’re working 9AM to 5PM or studying from 9PM to 5AM, we get that adulting is hard. From taxes to mortgages, sometimes life just doesn’t seem as carefree as it was when your biggest question was which Lunchable to bring to school. And sometimes, you need to add a little of that lighthearted quirkiness to your day to day life. Our Snapple consumers live in a corporate world that sometimes makes them put their inner child in time out. We’re here to change that. Cue and enter the Kid at Heart campaign, designed to let you take a break from adulting and unleash your inner child. Whether you’re Mischievous at heart, Playful at heart, or Picasso at heart, we’re here for the Young at heart. From print, to out of home, to digital, we’re headed from New York to adults nationwide. Through a holistic marketing campaign, Ready2Drink Agency will communicate the need and opportunity for our target of 18-49 year olds to unleash their inner child. The Kid at Heart campaign will position Snapple as the fun, quirky, and carefree beverage that adults will turn to for a break from the strain of “adulting” and a chance to quench their inner child’s sense of liveliness. The Kid at Heart campaign will help Snapple claim its title as the brand of the Young at heart, the dance break, and the millisecond macarena. However, there’s a catch: our friends in the Heartland know and love us, but a lot of people in the non-Heartland don’t know that we should be BFFs. We aren’t too worried, though, because even our non-Heartland friends deserve a break from adulting. We’re the life of the party and can’t wait to bring a little fiesta action all over the country. GROW BRAND RELEVANCE AND HEAVY USER BUYING RATES THROUGH ENGAGEMENT TACTICS WITH EXISTING HEAVY SNAPPLE USERS DRIVE TRIAL AND GROW LIGHT USER BUYING RATES THROUGH TACTICS AIMED AT GROWING RELEVANCE AND TOP OF MIND AWARENESS heartland EXECUTIVE SUMMARY non-heartland OBJECTIVES 2-7 RESEARCH 8 INSIGHT 9-10 ADULTING 11 CAMPAIGN MANIFESTO 12 BIG IDEA 13-21 CREATIVE 22 EVALUATION 23 CONCLUSION 24 WORKS CITED
  • 3. 2RESEARCH Our group set out to tackle a few questions about Snapple, its competitors, and whether or not the Heartland and non-Heartland consumers differed substantially. Primary and secondary research allowed us to learn about consumer behaviors, competitors, and RTD tea and juice industry trends. It was clear that Snapple is positioned as the quirky and fun member of the highly competitive RTD tea and juice family. One-on-one interviews led us to realize that people love the functional benefits of Snapple’s cap and bottle, but dislike how sugary it is. All of our research indicated a connection between the brand and childhood memories of consumption. Additionally, childhood was associated with less stress and rigid responsibilities. However, focusing our integrated campaign on childhood alone would be too sentimental for a brand as upbeat and lively as Snapple. Focus groups led us to shift our research towards exploring Snapple as a break in consumers’ days. While we saw clear proof that Snapple could be the break in a busy day for many consumers, the connection to childhood we had found kept popping up in all of the research methods. When we realized we needed to combine the two, our insight was born. What is it? Stay tuned to find out. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 650+SURVEY RESPONSES ACROSS 50 STATES 50+ONE-ON-ONE INTERVIEWS 3FOCUS GROUPS 2TASTE TESTS 4HRS OF IN-STORE OBSERVATIONS 2RETAIL STORE MANAGER INTERVIEWS 20SNAPPLES CONSUMED OBJECTIVES • Determine if there is a difference between Heartland & non-Heartland consumers’ demographics, psychographics, and consumption patterns • Familiarize ourselves with the RTD tea and juice industries and the customer journey • Understand the space Snapple and competitors occupy in consumers’ minds • Gather generational, regional, and overall tea and juice consumer trends to better understand how our segment lives and interacts with products • Understand how our target perceives health, sugar, sweetness, and natural flavor. Are these associated with positive or negative feelings when it comes to beverages?
  • 4. PERCEIVED MOST SUGARY 3RESEARCH FAVORITE TEA BASED ON TASTE BRAND of tea/juice drinkers are familiar with current campaign[1] Snapple has extremely high brand recognition as the quirky, upbeat brand in the RTD industry, and currently captures 10% market share. However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows in Snapple’s branding world, as its current campaign is failing to gain awareness and traction with consumers. Consumers may not be aware of Snapple’s current campaign, but they are very vocal about opinions of its taste: sugary. And typically they thought this was a bad thing. But, a blind taste test against AriZona and Gold Peak clearly showed that while Snapple was still the brand perceived to have the highest sugar content, it was also picked as the overall preferred brand in taste[3] . This contradiction indicates that people like Snapple despite negatively associating the product with high levels of sugar. We know our Snapple drinkers are health conscious but not obsessed, and Snapple has a great tasting product, but also a perception problem[4] . Snapple has the opportunity to refresh its brand as the (un)official sponsor of the “healthy is a state of mind” mentality by leveraging its already established fun and playful persona. This is a positioning that Snapple can own, as no competitors are currently positioning themselves in this way. Our goal is to change consumers’ perceptions of the brand. “It’s so sweet that it tastes artiFIcial to me… The flFLavors just don’t appeal to me because it seems fake.“ - zahra, 21[2] OPPORTUNITY The Brooklyn Hips ter Average Joe with a Positiv eOutlook TheE dgy Sports Fa natic Q uirky Optimist 6% SNAPPLE (53%) GOLD PEAK (17%) ARIZONA (30%) SNAPPLE (43%) GOLD PEAK (17%) ARIZONA (40%)
  • 5. 4RESEARCH Snapple has asked us to explore a dual strategy to target consumers in the Heartland and non-Heartland. However, as we explored databases and conducted focus groups, interviews, and surveys, we found no fundamental differences between Heartland and non-Heartland consumers. Because of these findings, we will use one integrated campaign. Using the Simmons database, we compared indexes of these psychographic variables for both regions. Findings from Simmons further strengthened our belief that these consumers are fundamentally very similar. Data from our survey also indicated that RTD tea and juice consumers from both regions exhibit similar needs when it comes to beverage purchasing decisions. non-heartland heartland • Where consumers frequently purchase RTD tea and juice • When consumers tend to consume RTD tea and juice • The importance of brand name in consumer purchasing decisions • Influence of new trends on purchasing decisions • How important health and wellness is to consumers • How frequently consumers use special offers and discounts • Whether consumers are likely to try new brands for variety and novelty • Willingness to pay more for an environmentally-friendly products PURCHASING BEHAVIORS & PSYCHOGRAPHICS SIMILAR ACROSS BOTH REGIONS[5] : Most frequently purchase tea & juice in grocery/convenience stores and gas stations[6] Heartland (41%) non-Heartland (42%) Heartland (52%) non-Heartland (63%) typically consume tea&juice during breakfast and lunch[7] HEARTLAND VS. NON-HEARTLAND most important rtd tea&juice factors[8] 1. Price 2. Taste 3. Convenience
  • 6. TARGET 5RESEARCH TOTAL TARGET: collegiates professionals workingparents AGES 18-25 103M • Do not consider their diet to be very healthy • Prefer to buy things that their friends or neighbors would approve of[9] • Think their lives are more complicated or stressful than it was when they were kids • Think of their childhood as a carefree time • Post the most frequently about their childhood on social media because it is a time they look back on fondly[10] AGES 30-49AGES 22-35 Snapple targets the young at heart, the positive person that doesn’t mind pausing to celebrate the little burst of happiness in their day. They appreciate the occasional spinach salad and yoga class, but they’re also not afraid to reach for an extra large slice of cake on their friend’s birthday, or after a particularly successful day of working out. They’re the first to hit the dance floor, and always responsive to a funny joke. They’re not afraid to be weird, and hate being bored. But with ages ranging from 18-49, Snapple’s drinkers have a lot of stressors and rigid routines. With a sunny outlook and Snapple bottle to match, Snapple consumers are energetic, enthusiastic and see Snapple as a ray of sunshine and spontaneity in their day to day lives. So go ahead, eat, drink and be merry, Snapple lovers. • Their children have a significant impact on the brands they choose • Friends or neighbors do not influence their purchasing decisions[13] • Feel their lives are busier and more complicated than when they were younger • Believe that because of their busy lifestyle, they don’t take care of themselves as well as they should[14] MARKET SIZE: 33,395,000MARKET SIZE: 32,098,000MARKET SIZE: 37,505,000 • People come to them for advice before buying new things[11] • Think their lives are less fun, exciting, and imaginative than it was when they were kids • Think of their childhood as a carefree and adventurous time • Feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities from time to time[12]
  • 7. 6RESEARCH a day in the life of our target consumers; HOW SNAPPLE FITS INTO THEIR DAY 10:00 AM : *hits snooze twice* 12:30 PM : Carly grabs a sandwich and a Snapple from one of the delis near her campus. On her walk to class, Carly can’t help but marvel at how beautiful her school is this time of year, and takes a Snapchat of a particularly pretty tree. 5:00 PM : Carly finishes her term paper, and pats herself on the back. 6:00 PM : Carly curls up on her couch with some Chinese takeout and an episode of Gilmore Girls for a break before heading to the library with enough snacks to feed an army, a 5 Hour Energy, and of course, a Snapple. 10:00 PM : Somehow, our muse has gotten lost in a sea of Buzzfeed articles, but hey! The work always gets done, and there’s always tomorrow. collegiate carly 7:00 AM : Toast in hand, Pat has a mini dance party with his wife while they get ready for work. 12:30 PM : Pat grabs a sub and Snapple to go from his favorite deli, and heads back to his office for a lunch meeting. 3:00 PM : Lost in a sea of spreadsheets, Pat takes a quick 10 minute walking break to stretch his legs and enjoy the beautiful day. 6:00 PM : Pat heads to his favorite sports bar to catch his alma mater’s big game with his college buddies. He orders a burger and beer, and high fives the bartender. 10:00 PM : Pat’s wife kisses him goodnight and asks if he will go to her friend’s housewarming barbecue this weekend. He says of course, and thinks about how great the weekend will be. professional pat 7:00 AM : Good morning, world! Dan grabs breakfast to-go and hits the road. 8:30 AM : Dan starts making his to-do list for the day…… *deep breath* 10:00 AM : Dan takes a moment to admire the Picasso-esque doodle that resulted on his notepad when he spaced out for a minute in a meeting. 3:00 PM : In a mid-afternoon lull, Dan heads to the small cafe on the first floor of his business’s building and enjoys a Snapple and bag of potato chips. 6:00 PM : Dan leaves the office, excited to catch the end of his son’s middle school soccer game. Dan drives to the game with his windows down, listening to “Hey Jude.” 7:00 PM : Dan takes his son and wife out to dinner at Denny’s to celebrate his son’s big win. dad dan
  • 8. “I remember playing with the cap and reading the snapple facts during lunchtime” - Ali, 21[17] “I would go get a Snapple when I was tired from work and needed a break” - caitie, 22[18] THE YOUNG AT HEART NEED A BREAK 7RESEARCH • The assessment of psychographics and purchasing behaviors indicate that there is no clear distinction between the Heartland and Non-heartland consumer of tea and juice. Of the people surveyed: • 82% Heartland and 71% non-Heartland associate Snapple with their childhood[15] • 80% enjoy listening to “throw back” music • People still partake in activities they participated in as kids (eg. laser tag, sleepovers, bowling etc.) because it is fun[16] • Growing popularity of Buzzfeed articles and other user generated content reflects the desire to take a break from the responsibilities of adulthood • 93% of participants surveyed indicated that they would appreciate “a day off where they could shed all responsibilities”[19] OUR RESEARCH LED US TO UNCOVER THREE KEY FINDINGS WHICH ULTIMATELY LED TO THE INSIGHT: THE YOUNG AT HEART NEED A BREAK FROM ADULTING. THIS INSIGHT FORMS THE BASIS OF THE KID AT HEART CAMPAIGN. 02. SNAPPLE-ITES ARE YOUNG AT HEART 01. HEARTLAND = NON-HEARTLAND 03. SNAPPLE-ITES NEED A BREAK FROM ADULTING FROM ADULTING AND AN INSIGHT WAS BORN:
  • 10. #adulting 9RESEARCH Facebook is the most popular social platform in the world, with 1.55 billion monthly active users.[20] Skimming through the posts that use #adulting, it is clear that these posts are slightly more positive than those on Twitter, with most posts celebrating the comical, small victories of adulting. For example, these posts celebrate moving into a new house, or putting on real pants instead of sweatpants after a lazy day. Across virtually every social platform, conversations around the concept of “adulting” are already happening. From Twitter, to Buzzfeed, to blog posts, people are celebrating its highs and poking fun at the lows. Snapple has the opportunity to be the only major brand to own this hashtag, and the larger conversation around adulting that extends beyond social media. Our target is extremely digitally savvy, and makes up a large majority of the user bases of the most popular social media platforms. Not only can Snapple leverage and interact with existing natural content, but it can also add to the conversation. A social media behemoth, Twitter has 320 million monthly active users.[21] There are already thousands of organic tweets that use this hashtag. Users are poking fun at their adulting fails, such as burning dinner or finally getting kicked off of their family’s cell phone plan. Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social platforms in the world, up to 300 million monthly active users by 2015 from 200 million in 2014.[22] With such a focus on providing sharable glimpses into users’ lives, it’s unsurprising that #adulting conversations on Instagram depict snapshots of users winning at the game of adulting. Whether helping their friends move into a new apartment, or setting up their first Christmas tree, people are celebrating the most photogenic of their adulting adventures. SNAPPLE: 3.5M FOLLOWERS SNAPPLE: 97.3K FOLLOWERS SNAPPLE: 8.7K FOLLOWERS
  • 11. kidmanifesto @he art Adulting is hard for the young at heart. Taxes, deadlines, and responsibilities sometimes make even the Snappliest of consumers put their inner child in timeout. Until now. Introducing the cure-all for even the most serious case of adulting blues: the Kid at Heart campaign. Designed to allow consumers to unleash their inner child, it shows that Snapple is the (un)official sponsor of the young at heart, the dance break, and the millisecond macarena. Whether you’re forever young at heart, quirky at heart, or a speed racer at heart, our integrated campaign lets you take a break from your day to day routine and spice things up.
  • 12. the big idea THE KID AT HEART CAMPAIGN Make Snapple the partner-in-crime for the young at heart that need a break from the strains of adulting. We will develop this image through the integrated Kid at Heart campaign over digital, video, print, out-of-home, direct mail, partnerships, and point- of-sale activations. This campaign interacts with every sense, even smell, to create as many touch points with consumers as possible. The tagline “____ at heart” will help tie our campaign together across our platforms. THE OPPORTUNITY WHY IT WORKS Our strategy leverages the childhood associations with Snapple by allowing consumers to unleash their inner child. This allows Snapple to continue to voice its quirky and playful brand personality. Snapple already reminds at least 71% of surveyed participants of their childhood[23] . By encouraging Snapple drinkers to take a break from their daily lives and embrace their inner child, we’re inviting Snapple drinkers to allow themselves to be free, different, and fun. Additionally, this campaign allows us to shift the focus away from the unhealthy sugar content of Snapple towards the concept that a little bit of fun is healthy, and healthy is a state of mind. Because every once in awhile, we need to be reminded that fun is healthy. Fun is what the best stuff in life is made of. And while we recognize the importance of health and wellness, “it’s just not fun to eat spinach and kale all the time.” -alex, 22[24] Sometimes you gotta stir things up and let it all hang out. And whether that’s racing your best friend to the car, laying on your back and making shapes with the stars, or letting out a barbaric yawp, the point is that Snapple will be there to help remind you of the quirky, playful, fun lover you’ve always been inside. After all... “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” - Willy Wonka[25] And who are we to deny that? This is why we present to you,
  • 13. 12CREATIVE: PRINT ADS Our interactive and amusing print ads highlight Snapple’s lighthearted brand voice and playful nature. These executions will remind users of the mischievous and exciting escapades that comprised their childhood, and raise brand awareness. Since Snapple’s customers most frequently purchase Snapple at convenience stores, groceries, and gas stations,[26] we will work with our retailers to understand which magazines are sold by checkout areas. Our ads will be strategically placed in these impulse buy magazines. One series of our ads will feature a scratch ‘N sniff component, in which we will prompt readers to scratch the Snapple bottles. The ad prompts viewers to tweet their favorite scented flavor at the Snapple twitter page. These ads will increase awareness, informing our audience of the wide variety of flavors that Snapple offers. SCRATCH ‘N SNIFF A series of ads will feature playful childlike situations. One execution will dipict a famous painting with a drawn on mustache. An adult is pictured standing before it with a Snapple in hand and Sharpie in his/her back pocket. The tag-line for this activation is, “Mischievous at Heart.” PRINT AD
  • 14. 13CREATIVE: POINT OF SALE RTD products are frequently impulse buys.[27] Because of this, point of sale activations are crucial to our campaign. Since our target buys beverages at convenience stores, grocery stores, and gas stations, we will invite consumers to unleash their inner child in these locations. To do this, we will leverage components of stores in which Snapple is sold to drive our message and tell our story. These point of sale executions will use lightbox displays, shopping carts, and floor decals. Snapple will use lightbox displays showing our print ads on the side of beverage fridges at grocery store checkout lines to target impulsive shoppers on their way out. These lightbox display ads will use the last point in the consumer journey to encourage shoppers have a little break from shopping for necessities and let themselves have some fun. LIGHTBOX DISPLAYS Snapple will encourage consumers to unleash their inner child by creating branded handles for shopping carts that help consumers relive a time when they pretended shopping carts were their own personal racecars. Dividers at check-out will playfully ask if consumers have safely parked their shopping carts. SPEEDRACER AT HEART Snapple will use hopscotch floor decals in the middle of the beverage aisle to help point would-be Snapple consumers towards the source of the Best Stuff on Earth. IN-STORE FLOOR DECALS
  • 15. 14CREATIVE: OUT OF HOME Out-of-home is important to our campaign, as our target spends time commuting to and from work or school, and also enjoy exploring and enjoying their cities when they aren’t at work. We will have a thorough out-of-home component to our campaign, with eye-catching signage on buildings, ATMs, bus stops, and billboards. Additionally, we will execute the more interactive components of this aspect of our campaign that are listed below. Snapple will place digital piano keys on high traffic areas in urban cities, such as Times Square, or similar areas in cities like Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Nashville. Advertisements placed in Times Square can expect almost 1.5 million impressions per day.[28] Participants will step on the keys, prompting Snapple cap “pops” at different pitches to play from speakers nearby. “Mozart at heart.” will be spraypainted on a wall adjacent to the piano keys display. Leveraging this display, breakdancers will perform on the keys, creating a beat with their dance moves. Participants in Times Square will be lived streamed onto a billboard overlooking the activation. MOZART AT HEART At restaurants in urban areas, touchscreens on tables will allow participants to fingerpaint on the dinner table. This is reminiscent of drawing on tablecloths as children. The tagline for this activation is, “Finger Painter at heart.” This activation will take place in restaurants where tea and juice drinkers overindex in terms of frequency of attendance, like Denny’s and Cracker Barrel. FINGERPAINTER AT HEART
  • 16. 15CREATIVE: OUT OF HOME Over the course of 1 year, Snapple will host scavenger hunts throughout eleven of America’s major cities, leveraging a temporary microsite. Over the span of 12 hours, 12 locations will open up on an hourly basis. The web page and Snapple’s other social media accounts will actively market the next upcoming city during the month leading up to the scavenger hunt for each location. Each scavenger hunt stop will allow participants to release their inner child. Examples of locations include a bounce house, child-inspired photo ops optimized for Instagram, and a pop-up golf cart track. These locations will be in high traffic areas that are also near office buildings. Taglines will be unique to each location. For example, the tagline at the pop up golf cart track will be, “Speed Racer at heart.” Free samples of Snapple will be available at each scavenger hunt location. SCAVENGER HUNT New York City Los Angeles seattle dallas chicago atlanta philadelphia phoenix washington d.c nashville miami LOCATIONS
  • 17. 16CREATIVE: SOCIAL MEDIA Snapple’s social media followers surpass even the tea industry leader, AriZona. We know that our tar- get of 18-49 year olds is very digitally-connected. We will leverage these high levels of engagement with social media to create additional digital touch- points with the Snapple brand. The goal of our social media strategy is to increase brand relevance and top of mind brand awareness. Snapchat has over 100 million daily active users, and over half of these users fall within our targets’ age ranges. [30] We will leverage a national Snapchat filter. This filter will show water balloons being thrown and exploding on the face of the Snapchat user. The tagline for this activation is “Kid at heart.” Buzzfeed is an incredibly popular online platform, receiving 4,220,428 unique visitors per day,[29] the majority of which are millenials. Buzzfeed’s contributors are already creating organic content on the concept of “adulting.” Just a few titles of these articles include “12 Places to Hide When You Just Can’t Adult Anymore,” and “12 Ways to Have a Quick Break in the Office.” We will have writers create content focused on the concept of adulting. Examples of potential articles include, “10 Signs You Need a Break From Adulting,” “What Childish Thing Should You Do Right Now To Take a Break From Adulting?” and “Tell Us Your Favorite Ways to Take a Break From Adulting.” Snapple’s Facebook page has more likes and followers than both its Twitter and Instagram channels. Currently, Snapple posts gifs, as well as quirky and engaging product shots on this channel. We will create gifs and other assets focused on the concept of “adulting.” Additionally, we will create a Facebook app that allows users to unleash their inner child in their profile picture by overlaying animated mustaches, paint splatters, and other fun graphics on their profile pictures. This social campaign will have a philanthropic component -- Snapple’s logo, as well as United Way’s logo, will be placed on each modified profile picture. Snapple works with United Way to improve the communities where its employees live and work. For every profile picture created with this app, Snapple will donate $1 to United Way. FACEBOOK BUZZFEED SNAPCHAT
  • 18. t 17CREATIVE: DIGITAL Interactivity is the key to our digital strategy. From trivia questions that unlock free Wi-Fi, to augmented reality at bus and subway stops, to finger painting touch screens at restaurants, every component of our digital strategy not only celebrates the kid at heart, but also is totally interactive. BILLBOARD EXECUTION Even our billboard displays across the country will have a digital component. If consumers scan billboards that show a static waterslide, their phones will show people, beach balls and other items floating down the slide. If users turn the volume on their smartphones on, they will hear individuals floating down the slide shouting ecstatically. AUGMENTED REALITY In urban cities with public transportations, we will create augmented reality displays at subways, metros, train stops, bus stops etc. The display will show emoji apparel items that users can virtually play dressup with. The tagline will be, “Fashionista at heart.” This activation will be in both the Heartland and non-Heartland.
  • 19. 18CREATIVE: DIGITAL This activation will take place in both the Heartland and non-Heartland. Snapple tea and juice drinkers overindex on public transportation use. In urban areas without Wi-Fi, consumers will be able to play a Snapple-developed platform. In order to unlock Wi-Fi, users will be prompted to answer a series of fun trivia questions. Every question that they answer correctly will provide 5 minutes of free Wi-Fi. The tagline for this activation will be “Know-it-all at heart.” This activation will be in both Heartland and non-Heartland. snapple wi-FI OF WORKERS COMMUTE ON PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IN SANFRANSISCO[31] 31% 55% OF NEW YORKERS USE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION[32]
  • 20. 19CREATIVE: PARTERNSHIPS Adult coloring books have been increasing in popularity in recent years, with demand skyrocketing in recent months. Why have these become so popular? “Between childhood and adulthood, many people lose their connection to creativity, but the coloring book can present a non-threatening way to experience creativity… This might encourage people to pursue more creative endeavors which can help increase self-esteem and with self-reflection.”[33] We will partner with the well-established adult coloring book company, Blue Star Coloring, to create a Snapple themed coloring book. Each page will be black and white, and feature a Snapple cap and a fun fact on a psychedelic background. Additionally, these pages will highlight aspects of New York’s skyline. These books will be available online through Google Play. Consumers can download and print the pages. There will be an online contest via a microsite on Consumers will upload pictures of their best completed pages. The top 10 submissions with the most votes on the microsite will become finalists. The top 3 submissions will be selected by Wendy Kaufman, Kristen Wiig, and Ellen Degeneres. COLORING PAGES Snapple, will also have a corporate contest. 100 large banners of a coloring page will be to businesses across America, focusing on innovative tech companies and well-known brands. Each page will have the hashtag “Kid at Heart” in large letters. For two weeks, these companies will allow employees to color on these pages. At the end of the two weeks, the top five submissions will be recognized on a press release, and by blogs paid to write about the event, as well as given free Snapple. BRING YOUR INNER CHILD TO WORK DAY
  • 21. 20CREATIVE: DIRECT MAIL Engagement is the key to our direct mail strategy. A large percentage of juice and tea drinkers are prompted to purchase by direct mail. However, direct mail can often go unnoticed by recipients, or users may forget about the promotion or not use it. All of our strategies are designed to not only engage consumers with our promotions, but to also build brand equity. In line with our campaign, our direct mail will be designed to bring out the recipient’s inner child. What does this mean? We’ll be sending consumers branded cookie jars that include the tagline, “Cookie monster at heart.” The cookie jars will contain a promotion for a pack of Snapple if the recipient is a heavy user, or a promotion for an individual Snapple if the recipient is a light or non-user. Consumers will be able to use the cookie jar repeatedly, strengthening the association of Snapple with childhood activities like taking cookies out of cookie jars. COOKIE MONSTER AT HEART 64% 42% OF ICED TEA DRINKERS WERE LED TO PURCHASE AN ICED TEA BY AN AD OR COUPON RECEIVED IN THE MAIL OVER THE LAST 12 MONTHS[34] JUICE OR SMOOTHIE DRINKERS WERE LED TO PURCHASE A JUICE OR SMOOTHIE BY AN AD OR COUPON RE- CEIVED IN THE MAIL OVER THE LAST 12 MONTH[35] SCRATCH OFF PROMOTION We will execute a series of scratch off promotions through direct mail. In these ads, readers can scratch off a layer with a coin, similar to what is done with lottery tickets, to uncover a discount for 6-pack of Snapple. A few interview participants noted that they enjoy scratch off lottery cards, with one participant saying he loved them as a child. “It’s cathartic to scratch off the silver stuff.” -Alex, 20[36] This scratch component serves as a cathartic break that differentiates this series of ads. The promotion will prompt them to go to a microsite on, and redeem the code found on their mailed promotion. Once they redeem their codes, the mini-site will inform them whether or not they have won tickets to a nearby amusement park, vouchers for a bowling alley, or tickets to a movie theater. The microsite will prompt visitors to go to’s home page after they have discovered whether or not they have won a giveaway. We will send these coupons to heavy users in the heartland and light users in the non-heartland. A portion of these executions will be advertised in magazines.
  • 22. 21CREATIVE: VIDEO Each video in the campaign will showcase Snapple used in different real life scenarios to take a break from adulting and inspire the young at heart to keep their inner child alive. This spot illustrates one such scenario where Snapple as co-conspirator calls two co-workers and their older supervisor to have a little fun. This spot and others in the campaign will be shown on TV and YouTube. The video opens on two co-workers Juan and Alex in an office seemingly bored. Our YouTube ad will utilize the lower right hand corner skip button. The skip button will double as a “self-destruct” control, that the actors in the ad are shouting at viewers not to click. Once the 5 second skip period is over, the ad continues and the actors quickly thank viewers for allowing the button to defuse! The situation is followed with the campaign tagline as the advertisement comes to a close. Alex drinks a Snapple and goes to Juan’s cubicle, infecting him with the desire to play with water and nerf guns. Once Juan is suddenly soaked by Alex, supervisor Frank catches them in the act and disapproves. Alex and Juan look at each other not knowing what to do, Alex hands Frank a Snapple and he drinks it. Suddenly he is one of them too, the three of them pop their heads out of a cubicle. Alex and Juan race to the “break room” where they have a standoff shooting each other with darts and water. YOUTUBE “UNSKIPPABLE” AD
  • 23. 22CREATIVE: CREATIVE AUDIO We saw an opportunity to move past traditional advertising through audible platforms. Catching the attention of our customers with recognizable sounds and advertisements connects listeners to our Kid at Heart theme in an unconventional way. Shazam, the music recognition app, extended its offerings in 2011 to let users Shazam TV program and ads to get specials offers and more information on the company or product being advertised.[37] In 2014, over 30 percent of U.S. users Shazamed soundbites on TV.[38] Snapple will use this platform to advertise Snapple cap sounds. One-on-one interviews and focus groups showed that the cap “pop” is iconic to Snapple. Snapple will create a jingle using cap pops similar to KitKat’s “Give Me A Break” tune. Customers that hear the jingle on any given advertisement can Shazam the sound on the app and have access to digital coupons on their next Snapple purchase. The creation of this jingle could be used across virtually any platform moving forward. SHAZAM ‘POP’ PROMO Online music sites have grown in popularity over the past decade. In 2015, Spotify reached more than 20 million subscribers and more than 75 million active users.[39] Snapple will purchase available advertisement slots on platforms like Spotify to gain more awareness. Since these slots are usually “un-skippable” and more likely to hold a listener’s attention involuntarily, Snapple can afford to be more creative with these audio segments. Creating audio clips of “childhood sounds” such as a bustling schoolyard at recess or a roller coaster ride timeline followed by a short mention of Snapple with our custom made Kid at Heart tagline for the specific clip. These ads are linked to Snapple’s home page. SPOTIFY/SOUNDCLOUD/PANDORA COMMERCIAL BREAKS More than half of Americans ages 12 and older have listened to online radio in the past month, according to 2015 survey data from Edison Research[40] – a clear indication that online listening continues to grow. Snapple will purchase radio commercial slots across national stations ideal for our demographic target of 18-49. Each 30 second slot script will address the need to release one’s inner child because of the stress of adult life. One execution of this features an employee frustrated about sitting at work all day. Sounds of phones ringing, fax machines buzzing, and nagging co-workers can be identified in the clip. Halfway through, the familiar pop of an opened Snapple is heard followed by drinking sounds. Suddenly all the stressful noises fade and are quickly replaced with a school bell and happy children being released for recess. The stark difference in sounds will be followed by Snapple’s campaign tagline, “Snapple, for the Kid at Heart.” RADIO ADS
  • 24. 23CREATIVE EVALUATION We hope to drive purchases and increase brand relevance by allowing consumers to unleash their inner child with Snapple. Ready2Drink will conduct concurrent testing and post-testing to monitor the effectiveness at meeting our objectives and to ensure the long-term success of the campaign. Reposition Snapple as the brand that promotes fun is healthy and healthi- ness as a state of mind Increase consideration of Snapple’s consumers in the Heartland from 50% to 60% Increase sales of Snapple among heavy users from 9x to 10x in the Heartland and light users from 1x to 3x in the non-Heartland Increase consideration for product purchase in the non-Heartland from15% to 25% OBJECTIVES Conduct pre and post campaign focus groups and surveys to measure Snapple’s brand equity score Measure digital engagement on our social media accounts, microsite, videos, views on Buzzfeed and Snapchat, and use of “#ADULTING” hashtag Partner with major gas stations, convenience stores, supermarkets, and mass market retailers to track the number of single bottles and 6 and 12 packs sold Measure pre and post campaign average sales, engagement, and top of mind awareness in the non-Heartland through focus groups and interviews EVALUATION Increase in the target’s positive perception of the Snapple brand and brand equity score Increase in number of shares and followers by 15% Grow market share of Snapple in RTB category from10% to 12% Increase in redemption of coupons, awareness and positive perception of Snapple EXPECTED RESULTS
  • 25. 24CONCLUSION The Kid at Heart campaign leverages one of Snapple’s strongest brand assets: its quirky and playful voice. Through this campaign, consumers will come to see Snapple for what it really is: the RTD drink that is the (un)official sponsor of their inner child. We get that adulting is hard, and sometimes life can get even the Snappliest of consumers down. But whether you’re a Know-It-All at heart, a Speed Racer at heart, or Mozart at heart, we’re here for the Young at heart. Our integrated and innovative campaign provides consumers with the opportunities to take short breaks from adulting, and embrace their inner child that society sometimes tries to put in time out. Through a comprehensive mix of traditional and nontraditional executions, the campaign will reach 18-49 year olds in the places that they are already present. More importantly, many of these online and offline communities are where conversations around the concept of adulting are already taking place. Not only can Snapple plug into these conversations, but it can also become the only brand to own this conversation. There is a reason that our campaign -- a fun, playful, and authentic approach -- is just as unique as Snapple. It is because we understand that for the young at heart, adulting is hard, and Snapple is just the ray of positivity that they need in their day to day lives. kid@
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