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New Strategies Needed to Ensure Simpler, More Efficient
Data Protection for Complex Enterprise Environments
Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast on new solutions to growing need for more reliable and
less cumbersome data backup in increasingly data-intensive environments.

Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes. Sponsor: Quest Software

Dana Gardner: Hi, this is Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions, and you're
              listening to BriefingsDirect.

                Today, we present a sponsored podcast discussion on enterprise backup, why it’s
                broken, and how to fix it. We'll examine some major areas where the backup of
                enterprise information and data protection are fragmented, complex, and
                inefficient. And then, we'll delve into some new approaches that help simplify
               the data-protection process, keep costs in check, and improve recovery
confidence. [Disclosure: Quest Software is a sponsor of BriefingsDirect podcasts.]

Here to share insights on how data protection became such a mess and how new techniques are
being adopted to gain comprehensive and standard control over the data lifecycle is John
Maxwell. He is the Vice President of Product Management for Data Protection at Quest
Software, now part of Dell.

Welcome back to the show, John.

John Maxwell: Hey, Dana. It’s great to be here.

Gardner: We're also here with George Crump. He is the Founder and Lead Analyst at Storage
Switzerland, an analyst firm focused on the storage market. Welcome, George.

George Crump: Hey. Thanks for having me.

Gardner: John, let’s start with you. How did we get here? Why is it that something seemingly as
straightforward as backup has become so fragmented and disorganized?

Maxwell: Dana, I think it’s a perfect storm, to use an overused cliché. If you look back 20 years
               ago, we had heterogeneous environments, but they were much simpler. There
               were NetWare and UNIX, and there was this new thing called Windows.
               Virtualization didn’t even really exist. We backed up data to tape, and a lot of
               data was in terabytes, not petabytes.

                Flash forward to 2012, and there’s more heterogeneity than ever. You have
                stalwart databases like Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle, but then you have
                new apps being built on MySQL. You now have virtualization, and, in fact,
we're at the point this year where we're surpassing the 50 percent mark on the number of servers
worldwide that are virtualized.

Now we're even starting to see people running multiple hypervisors, so it’s not even just one
virtualization platform anymore either. So the environment has gotten bigger, much bigger than
we ever thought it could or would. We have numerous customers today that have data measured
in petabytes, and we have a lot more applications to deal with.

And last, but not least, we now have more data that’s deemed mission critical, and by mission
critical, I mean data that has to be recovered in less than an hour. Surveys 10 years ago showed
that in a typical IT environment, 10 percent of the data was mission critical. Today, surveys show
that it’s 50 percent and more.

Gardner: George, did John leave anything out? From your perspective, why else is it a little
different now?

Crump: A couple of things. I would dovetail into what he just mentioned about mission
criticality. There are definitely more platforms, and that’s a challenge, but the expectation of the
user is just higher. The term I use for it is IT is getting "Facebooked."

High expectations

I've had many IT guys say to me, "One of the common responses I get from my users is, 'My
                Facebook account is never down.'" So there is this really high expectation on
                availability, returning data, and things of that nature that probably isn’t really
                fair, but it’s reality.

                 One of the reasons that more data is getting classified as mission critical is just
                 that the expectation that everything will be around forever is much higher.

                  The other thing that we forget sometimes is that the backup process, especially a
                network backup, probably unlike any other, stresses every single component in
the infrastructure. You're pulling data off of a local storage device on a server, it’s going through
that server CPU and memory, it’s going down a network card, down a network cable, to a switch,
to another card, into some sort of storage device, be it disk or tape.

So there are 15 things that happen in a backup and all 15 things have to go flawlessly. If one
thing is broken, the backup fails, and, of course, it’s the IT guy’s fault. It’s just a complex
environment, and I don’t know of another process that pushes on all aspects of the environment
in one fell swoop like backup does.

Gardner: So the stakes are higher, the expectations are higher, the scale and volume and
heterogeneity are all increased. What does this mean, John, for those that are tasked with
managing this or trying to get a handle on it as a process, rather than a technology-by-technology
approach, really looking at this at that life cycle? Has this now gone from being a technical
problem to a management or process problem?

Maxwell: It's both, because there are two issues here. One, you expect today's storage
administrator, or sysadmin, to be a database administrator (DBA), a VMware administrator, a
UNIX sysadmin, and a Windows admin. That’s a lot of responsibility, but that’s the fact.

A lot of people think that they are going to have as deep level of knowledge on how to recover a
Windows server as they would an Oracle database. That’s just not the case, and it's the same
thing from a product perspective, from a technology perspective.

Is there really such thing as a backup product, the Swiss Army knife, that does the best of
everything? Probably not, because being the best of everything means different things to
different accounts. It means one thing for the small to medium-size business (SMB), and it could
mean something altogether different for the enterprise.

We've now gotten into a situation where we have the typical IT environment using multiple
backup products that, in most cases, have nothing in common. They have a lot of hands in the
pot trying to manage data protection and restore data, and it has become a tangled mess.

Gardner: Before we dive a little bit deeper into some of these major areas, I'd like to just visit
another issue that’s very top of mind for many organizations, and that’s security, compliance, and
business continuity types of issues, risk mitigation issues. George Crump, how important is that
to consider, when you look at taking more of a comprehensive or a holistic view of this backup
and data-protection issue?

Disclosure laws

Crump: It's a really critical issue, and there are two ramifications. Probably the one that strikes
fear in the heart of every CEO on the planet is all the disclosure laws that exist now that say that,
when you lose a customer’s data, you have to let him know. Unfortunately, probably the only
effective way to do that is to let everybody know.

I'm sure everybody listening to this podcast has gotten more than one letter already this year
saying their Social Security number has been exposed or this has been exposed, things like that. I
can think of three or four I've already gotten this year.

So there is the downside of legally having to admit you made a mistake, and then there is the
legal requirements of retaining information in case of a lawsuit. The traditional thing was that if I
got a discovery motion filed against me, I needed to be able to pull this information back, and
that was one motivator. But the bigger motivator is having to disclose that we did lose data.
And there's a new one coming in. We're hearing about big data, analytics, and things like that. All
of that is based on being able to access old information in some form, pull it back from
something, and be able to analyze it.

That is leading many, many organizations to not delete anything. If you don't delete anything,
how do you store it? A disk-only type of solution forever, as an example, is a pretty expensive
solution. I know disk has gotten a lot cheaper, but forever, that’s a really long time to keep the
lights on, so to speak.

Gardner: Let's look at this a bit more from the problem-solution perspective. John, you've
gotten a little bit into this notion that we have multiple platforms, we have operating systems,
hypervisors, application types, even appliances. What's the problem here and how do we start to
develop a solution approach to it?

Maxwell: The problem is we need to step back, take inventory of what we've got, and choose the
right solution to solve the problem at hand, whether you're an SMB or an enterprise.

But the biggest thing we have to address is, with the amount and complexity of the data, how can
we make sysadmins, storage administrators, and DBAs productive, and how can we get them all
on the same page? Why do each one of these roles in IT have to use different products?

George and I were talking earlier. One of the things that he brought up was that in a lot of
companies, data is getting backed up over and over by the DBA, the VMware administrator, and
the storage administrator, which is really inefficient. We have to look at a holistic approach, and
that may not be one-size-fits-all. It may be choosing the right solutions, yet providing a centered
means for administration, reporting, monitoring, etc.

Gardner: George, you've been around for a while in this business, as have I, and there is a little
bit of a déjà vu here, where we're bringing a system-of-record approach to a set of disparate
technologies that were, at one time, best of breed and necessary, but are increasingly part of a
more solution or process benefit.

So we understand the maturation process, but is there anything different and specific about
backup that makes this even harder to move from that point solution, best of breed mentality, into
more of a comprehensive process standardization approach?

Demands and requirements

Crump: It really ties into what John said. Every line of business is going to have its own
demands and requirements. To expect not even a backup administrator, but an Oracle
administrator that’s managing an Oracle database for a line of business, to understand the
nuances of that business and how they want to keep things is a lot to ask.
To tie into what John said, when backup is broken, the default survival mechanism is to throw
everything out, buy the latest enterprise solution, put the stake in the ground, and force
everybody to centralize on that one item. That works to a degree, but in every project we've been
involved with, there are always three or four exceptions. That means it really didn’t work. You
didn't really centralize.

Then there are covert operations of backups happening, where people are backing up data and
not telling anybody, because they still don't trust the enterprise application. Eventually,
something new comes out. The most immediate example is virtualization, which spawned the
birth of several different virtualized specific applications. So bringing all that back in again
becomes very difficult.

I agree with John. What you need to do is give the users the tools they want. Users are too
sophisticated now for you to say, "This is where we are going to back it up and you've got to live
with it." They're just not going to put up with that anymore. It won't work.

So give them the tools that they want. Centralize the process, but not the actual software. I think
that's really the way to go.

Gardner: So we recognize that one size fits all probably isn’t going to apply here. We're going to
have multiple point solutions. That means integration at some level or multiple levels. That
brings us to our next major topic. How do we integrate well without compounding the
complexity and the problems set? John?

Maxwell: We've been working on this now for almost two years here at Quest, and now at Dell,
and we are launching, literally in a matter of weeks, something called NetVault XA. “XA” stands
for Extended Architecture. We have a portfolio of very rich products that span the SMBs and the
enterprise, with focus on virtual backup, heterogeneous backup, instantaneous snapshots and
deep application recovery, and we’re keenly interested in leveraging those technologies for the
DBAs and sysadmins in ways that make their lives easier and make sure they are more

NetVault XA solves some really big issues. First of all, it unifies the user experience across
products, and by user, I mean the sysadmin, the DBA, and the storage administrator, across
products. The initial release of NetVault XA will support both our vRanger and NetVault Backup,
as well as our NetVault SmartDisk product, and next year, we'll be adding even more of our
products under NetVault XA as well.

So now we've provided a common means of administration. We have one UI. You don’t have to
learn something different. Everyone can work on the same product, yet based on your login ID,
you will have access to different things, whether it's data or capabilities, such as restoring an
Oracle or SQL Server database, or restoring a virtual machine (VM).

That's a common UI. A lot of vendors right now have a lot of solutions, but they look like they're
from three, four, or five different companies. We want to provide a singular user experience, but
that's just really the icing on the cake with NetVault XA.
If we go down a little deeper into NetVault XA, once it’s is installed, learning alongside vRanger,
NetVault, or both, it's going to self identify that vRanger or NetVault environment, and it's going
to allow you to manage it the way that you have already set about from that ability.

New approach

We're really delivering a new approach here, one we think is going to be unique in the
industry. That's the ability to logically group data and applications within lines of business.

You gave an example earlier of Oracle. Oracle is not an application. Oracle is a platform for
applications, and sometimes applications span databases, file systems, and multiple servers. You
need to be looking at that from a holistic level, meaning what makes up application A, what
makes up application B, C, D, etc.?

Then, what are the service levels for those applications? How mission critical are they? Are they
in that 50 percent of data that we've seen from surveys, or are they data that we restored from a
week ago? It wouldn’t matter, but then, again, it's having one tool that everyone can use. So you
now have a whole different user experience and you're taking up a whole different approach to
data protection.

Gardner: This is really interesting. I've seen a demo of this and I was very impressed. One of
the things that jumped out at me was the fact that you're not just throwing a GUI overlay on a
variety of products and calling it integration.

There really seems to be a drilling down into these technologies and surfacing information to
such a degree that it strikes me as similar to what IT service management (ITSM) did for
managing IT systems at a higher level. We're now bringing that to a discrete portion backup and
recovery. Does that sound about right, George, or did I overstate it?

Crump: No, that's dead-on. The benefits of that type of architecture are going to be substantial.
Imagine if you are the vRanger programmer, when all this started. Instead of having to write half
of the backend, you could just plug into a framework that already existed and then focus most of
your attention on the particular application or environment that you are going to protect.

You can be releasing the equivalent of vRanger 6 on vRanger 1, because you wouldn’t have to go
write this backend that already existed. Also, if you think about it, you end up with a much more
reliable software product, because now you're building on a library class that will have been well
tested and proven.

Say you want to implement deduplication in a new version of the product or a new product.
Instead of having to rewrite your own deduplication engine, just leverage the engine that's
already there.
Gardner: John, it sounds a little bit like we're getting the best of both worlds, that is to say the
ability to support a lot of point solutions, allowing the tools that the particular overseer of that
technology wants to use, but bringing this now into the realm of policy.

It's something you can apply rules to, that you can bring into concert with other IT management
approaches or tasks, and then gain better visibility into what is actually going on and then tweak.
So amplify for me why this is standardization, but not at the cost of losing that Swiss Army knife
approach to the right tool for the right problem?

One common means

Maxwell: First of all, by having one common means, whether you're a DBA, a sysadmin, a
VMware administrator, or a storage administrator, this way you are all on the same page. You
can have people all buying into one way of doing things, so we don't have this data being backed
up two or three times.

But the other thing that you get, and this is a big issue now, is protecting multiple sites. When we
talk about multiple sites, people sometimes say, "You mean multiple data centers. What about all
those remote office branch offices?" That right now is a big issue that we see customers running

The beauty of NetVault XA is I can now have various solutions implemented, whether it's
vRanger running remotely or NetVault in a branch office, and I can be managing it. I can manage
all aspects of it to make sure that those backups are running properly, or make sure replication is
working properly. It could be halfway around the country or halfway around the world, and this
way we have consistency.

Speaking of reporting, as you said earlier, what about a dashboard for management? One of our
early users of NetVault XA is a large multinational company with 18 data centers and 250,000
servers. They have had to dedicate people to write service-level reports for their backups. Now,
with NetVault XA, they can literally give their IT management, meaning their CIO and their
CTOs, login IDs to NetVault XA, and they can see a dashboard that’s been color coded.

It can say, "Well, everything is green, so everything is protected," whether it's the Linux servers,
Oracle databases, Exchange email, whatever the case. So by being able to reduce that level of
complexity into a single pane of glass -- I know it's a cliché, but it really is -- it's really very
powerful for large organizations and small.

Even if you have two or three locations and you're only 500 employees, wouldn’t it be nice to
have the ability to look at your backups, your replicas, and your snapshots, whether they're in the
data center or in branch offices, and whether you're a sysadmin, DBA, storage administrator, to
be using one common interface and one common set of rules to all basically all get on the same
Gardner: Let's revisit the issue that George was talking about, eDiscovery, making sure that
nothing falls through the cracks, because with Murphy’s Law rampant, that's going to be the
thing that somebody is going to do eDiscovery on. It seems to me you're gaining some
confidence, some sense of guarantees, that whatever service-level agreements (SLAs) and
compliance regulatory issues are there, you can start to check these off and gain some automated

Help me better understand John why the NetVault XA has, for lack of a better word, some sort of
a confidence benefit to it?

Maxwell: Well, the thing is that not only have we built things into NetVault XA, where it's going
to do auto discovery of how you have vRanger and NetVault set up and other products down the
road, but it's going to give you some visibility into your environment, like how many VMs are
out there? Are all those VMs getting protected?

I was just at VMworld Barcelona a couple of weeks ago, and VMware has made it incredibly
simple now to provision VMs and the associated storage. You've got people powering up and
powering down VMs at will. How do you know that you're protecting them?

Dispersed operations

Also at an event this week in Europe, I ran into a user in an emerging country in Eastern
Europe, and they have over 1,000 servers, most of which are not being protected. It's a very
dispersed operation, and people can implement servers here and there, and they don't know what
half the stuff is.

So it's having a means to take an inventory and ensure that the servers are being maintained, that
everything is being protected, because next to your employees, your data is the most important
asset that you have.

Data is everywhere now. It’s in mobile devices. It certainly could be in cloud-based apps. That's
one of the things that we didn’t talk about. At Quest we use seven software-as-a-service (SaaS)-
based applications, meaning they're big parts, whether it's or our helpdesk
systems, or even Office 365. This is mission-critical corporate data that doesn’t run in our own
data center. How am I protecting that? Am I even cognizant of it?

The cloud has made things even more interesting, just as virtualization has made it more
interesting over the past couple of years. With NetVault XA, we give you that one single pane of
glass with which you can report, analyze, and manage all of your data.

Gardner: Do we have any instances where we have had users, beta customers perhaps, putting
this to use, and do we have any metrics of success? What are they getting from it? It's great to
have confidence, it's great to have a single view, but are they reducing expenses? Do they have a
real measurement of how their complexity has been reduced? What are the tangibles, John?
Maxwell: Well, one of the tangibles is the example of the customer that has 18 data centers,
because they have a finite-sized group that manage the backups. That team is not going to grow.
So if they have to have two or three people in that team just working on writing reports, going
out and looking manually at data, and creating their own custom reports, that's not a good use of
their time.

Now, those people can do things that they should be doing, which is going out and making sure
that data is being protected, going out and testing disaster recovery (DR) plans, and so forth.
Some people were tasked with jobs that aren’t very much fun, and that’s now all been automated.

Now they can get down to brass tacks, which is ensuring that, for an enterprise with a quarter
million servers, everything is protected and it's protected the way that people think they are
going to be protected, meaning the service levels they have in place can be met.

We also have to remember that NetVault XA brings many benefits to our Ranger customer base
as well. We have accounts with maybe one home office and maybe two or three remote labs or
remote sales offices. We've talked to a couple of vRanger customers who now implement
vRanger remotely. In these shops, there is no storage administrator. It's the sysadmin, the
VMware administrator, or the Windows administrator. So they didn’t have the luxury like the big
accounts to have people do that.

Now, this person can focus on ensuring that operating systems are maintained, working with end
users. A lot of the tasks they were previously forced to do took up a lot of their time. Now, with
NetVault XA, they can very quickly look at everything, give that health check that everything is
okay, and control multiple locations of vRanger from one central console.

Mobile devices

Gardner: Just to be clear John, this console is something you can view as a web interface, and
I'm assuming therefore also through mobile devices. I'm going to guess that at some point, there
will perhaps be even a more native application for some of the prominent mobile platforms.

Maxwell: It’s funny that you mentioned that. This is an HTML5-based application. So it's very
new, very fresh, and very graphical. If you look at the UI, it was designed with tablets and
laptops in mind. It's gotten to where you can do controls with your thumbs, assuming you're
running this on a tablet.

In-house, and with early support customers, you can log into this remotely via laptops, or tablet
computing. We even have some people using them on mobile phones, even though we're not
quite there yet. I'm talking about the form factor of how the screens light up, but we will
definitely be going that way. So a sysadmin or storage administrator can have at their fingertips
the status of what’s going on in the data-protection environment.
What's nice is because this is a thin client, a web UI, you can define user IDs not only for the
sysadmins and DBAs and storage administrators, but like I said earlier, IT management.

So if your boss, or your boss’ boss, wants to dial in and see the health of things, how much data
you’re protecting, how much data is being replicated, what data is being protected up in the
cloud, which is on-prem, all of that sort of stuff, they can now have a dashboard approach to
seeing it all. That’s going to make everyone more productive, and it's going to give them a better
sense that this data is being protected, and they can sleep at night.

Gardner: George, we spoke earlier about these natural waves of maturation that have occurred
throughout the history of IT. As you look at the landscape for data protection, backup, or storage,
how impactful is this in that general maturation process? Is Quest, with its NetVault XA, taking a
baby step here, or is this something that gets us a bit more into a fuller, mature outcome, when it
comes to the process of data lifecycle?

Crump: Actually, it does two things. Number one, from the process perspective, it allows there
to actually be a process. It's nice to talk about backup process and have a process for protection
and a process to recover, but if you don’t have a way to manage and see all of your data
protection assets, it's really just a lot of talk.

You can't run a process like we are talking about in today’s data center with virtualization and
things like that off of an Excel spreadsheet. It's just not going to work. It's nowhere near dynamic
enough. So number one, it enables the fact of having a conversation about process.

Number two, it brings flexibility. Because the only other way you could have had that
conversation about process, as I said before, would be to throw everything out, pick one
application, and suffer the consequences, which would be not ideal support for every single

To sum it up, it's really an enabler to creating a real data-protection process or workflow.

Gardner: Okay. We're going to have to wrap it up pretty soon, but we've mentioned mobile
access, and cloud. I wonder if there's anything else coming down the trend pike, if you will, that
will make this even more important.

The economy

I come back to our economy. We're still not growing as fast as many people would like, and
therefore companies are not just able to grow their top line. They have to look to increase their
bottom line through efficiency and deduplication, finding redundancy, cutting down on storage,
cutting down energy cost, simplifying, or centralizing data centers into a larger but more efficient
and therefore fewer facilities, etc.
Is there anything here, and I will open this up to both John and George, that we can look to in the
future that strikes some of these issues around efficiency and productivity, or perhaps there are
other trends that will make having a process approach to a data lifecycle and backup and
recovery even more important?

Maxwell: Dana, you hit on something that's really near and dear to my heart, which is data
deduplication. We have a very broad strategy. We offer our own software-based dedupe. We
support every major hardware based dedupe appliance out there, and we're now adding support
for Dell’s DR Series, DR4000 dedupe appliances. But we're still very much committed to tape,
and we're building initiatives based on storing data in the cloud and backing up, replicating,
failover, and so forth.

One of the things that we built into NetVault XA that's separate from the policy management and
online monitoring is that we now have historical data. This is going to give you the ability to do
some capacity management and capacity planning and see what the utilization is.

How much storage are your backups taking? What's the most optimum number of generations?
Where are you keeping that data? Is some data being kept too long? Is some data not being kept
long enough?

By offering a broad strategy that says we support a plethora of backup targets, whether it's tape,
special-purpose backup appliances, software-based dedupe, or even the cloud, we're giving
customers flexibility, because they have unique needs and they have different needs, based on
service levels or budgets. We want to make them flexible, because, going back to our original
discussion, one size doesn’t fit all.

Gardner: I think we can sum that up as just being more intelligent, being more empowered, and
having the visibility into your data. Anything else, George, that we should consider as we think
about the future, when it comes to these issues on backup and recovery and data integrity?

Crump: Just to tie in with what John said, we need flexibility that doesn’t add complexity.
Almost everything we've done so far in the environment up to now, has added flexibility, but
also, for every ounce of flexibility, it feels like we have added two ounces of complexity, and it's
something we just can't afford to deal with. So that's really the key thing.

Looking forward, at least on the horizon, I don't see a big shift, something like virtualization that
we need to be overly concerned with. What I do see is the virtual environment becoming more
and more challenging, as we stack more and more VMs on it. The amount of I/O and the amount
of data protection process that will surround every host is going to continue to increase. So the
time is now to really get the bull by the horns and institute a process that will scale with the
business long-term.

Gardner: Well, great. We've been enjoying a conversation, and you have been listening to a
sponsored BriefingsDirect podcast on new approaches that help simplify the data-protection
process and help keep cost in check, while also improving recovery confidence. We've seen how
solving data protection complexity and availability can greatly help enterprises gain a
comprehensive and standardized control approach to their data and that data’s lifecycle.

So I would like to thank our guests, John Maxwell, Vice President of Product Management for
Data Protection at Quest. Thanks, John.

Maxwell: Thank you, Dana.

Gardner: And also George Crump. He is the Lead Analyst at Storage Switzerland. Thank you,

Crump: Thanks for having me.

Gardner: This is Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions. Thanks to you, our
audience, for listening, and do come back next time.
Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes. Sponsor: Quest Software

Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast on new solutions to growing need for more reliable and
less cumbersome data backup in increasingly data-intensive environments. Copyright Interarbor
Solutions, LLC, 2005-2012. All rights reserved.

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New Strategies Needed to Ensure Simpler, More Efficient Data Protection for Complex Enterprise Environments

  • 1. New Strategies Needed to Ensure Simpler, More Efficient Data Protection for Complex Enterprise Environments Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast on new solutions to growing need for more reliable and less cumbersome data backup in increasingly data-intensive environments. Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes. Sponsor: Quest Software Dana Gardner: Hi, this is Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions, and you're listening to BriefingsDirect. Today, we present a sponsored podcast discussion on enterprise backup, why it’s broken, and how to fix it. We'll examine some major areas where the backup of enterprise information and data protection are fragmented, complex, and inefficient. And then, we'll delve into some new approaches that help simplify the data-protection process, keep costs in check, and improve recovery confidence. [Disclosure: Quest Software is a sponsor of BriefingsDirect podcasts.] Here to share insights on how data protection became such a mess and how new techniques are being adopted to gain comprehensive and standard control over the data lifecycle is John Maxwell. He is the Vice President of Product Management for Data Protection at Quest Software, now part of Dell. Welcome back to the show, John. John Maxwell: Hey, Dana. It’s great to be here. Gardner: We're also here with George Crump. He is the Founder and Lead Analyst at Storage Switzerland, an analyst firm focused on the storage market. Welcome, George. George Crump: Hey. Thanks for having me. Gardner: John, let’s start with you. How did we get here? Why is it that something seemingly as straightforward as backup has become so fragmented and disorganized? Maxwell: Dana, I think it’s a perfect storm, to use an overused cliché. If you look back 20 years ago, we had heterogeneous environments, but they were much simpler. There were NetWare and UNIX, and there was this new thing called Windows. Virtualization didn’t even really exist. We backed up data to tape, and a lot of data was in terabytes, not petabytes. Flash forward to 2012, and there’s more heterogeneity than ever. You have stalwart databases like Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle, but then you have new apps being built on MySQL. You now have virtualization, and, in fact,
  • 2. we're at the point this year where we're surpassing the 50 percent mark on the number of servers worldwide that are virtualized. Now we're even starting to see people running multiple hypervisors, so it’s not even just one virtualization platform anymore either. So the environment has gotten bigger, much bigger than we ever thought it could or would. We have numerous customers today that have data measured in petabytes, and we have a lot more applications to deal with. And last, but not least, we now have more data that’s deemed mission critical, and by mission critical, I mean data that has to be recovered in less than an hour. Surveys 10 years ago showed that in a typical IT environment, 10 percent of the data was mission critical. Today, surveys show that it’s 50 percent and more. Gardner: George, did John leave anything out? From your perspective, why else is it a little different now? Crump: A couple of things. I would dovetail into what he just mentioned about mission criticality. There are definitely more platforms, and that’s a challenge, but the expectation of the user is just higher. The term I use for it is IT is getting "Facebooked." High expectations I've had many IT guys say to me, "One of the common responses I get from my users is, 'My Facebook account is never down.'" So there is this really high expectation on availability, returning data, and things of that nature that probably isn’t really fair, but it’s reality. One of the reasons that more data is getting classified as mission critical is just that the expectation that everything will be around forever is much higher. The other thing that we forget sometimes is that the backup process, especially a network backup, probably unlike any other, stresses every single component in the infrastructure. You're pulling data off of a local storage device on a server, it’s going through that server CPU and memory, it’s going down a network card, down a network cable, to a switch, to another card, into some sort of storage device, be it disk or tape. So there are 15 things that happen in a backup and all 15 things have to go flawlessly. If one thing is broken, the backup fails, and, of course, it’s the IT guy’s fault. It’s just a complex environment, and I don’t know of another process that pushes on all aspects of the environment in one fell swoop like backup does. Gardner: So the stakes are higher, the expectations are higher, the scale and volume and heterogeneity are all increased. What does this mean, John, for those that are tasked with managing this or trying to get a handle on it as a process, rather than a technology-by-technology
  • 3. approach, really looking at this at that life cycle? Has this now gone from being a technical problem to a management or process problem? Maxwell: It's both, because there are two issues here. One, you expect today's storage administrator, or sysadmin, to be a database administrator (DBA), a VMware administrator, a UNIX sysadmin, and a Windows admin. That’s a lot of responsibility, but that’s the fact. A lot of people think that they are going to have as deep level of knowledge on how to recover a Windows server as they would an Oracle database. That’s just not the case, and it's the same thing from a product perspective, from a technology perspective. Is there really such thing as a backup product, the Swiss Army knife, that does the best of everything? Probably not, because being the best of everything means different things to different accounts. It means one thing for the small to medium-size business (SMB), and it could mean something altogether different for the enterprise. We've now gotten into a situation where we have the typical IT environment using multiple backup products that, in most cases, have nothing in common. They have a lot of hands in the pot trying to manage data protection and restore data, and it has become a tangled mess. Gardner: Before we dive a little bit deeper into some of these major areas, I'd like to just visit another issue that’s very top of mind for many organizations, and that’s security, compliance, and business continuity types of issues, risk mitigation issues. George Crump, how important is that to consider, when you look at taking more of a comprehensive or a holistic view of this backup and data-protection issue? Disclosure laws Crump: It's a really critical issue, and there are two ramifications. Probably the one that strikes fear in the heart of every CEO on the planet is all the disclosure laws that exist now that say that, when you lose a customer’s data, you have to let him know. Unfortunately, probably the only effective way to do that is to let everybody know. I'm sure everybody listening to this podcast has gotten more than one letter already this year saying their Social Security number has been exposed or this has been exposed, things like that. I can think of three or four I've already gotten this year. So there is the downside of legally having to admit you made a mistake, and then there is the legal requirements of retaining information in case of a lawsuit. The traditional thing was that if I got a discovery motion filed against me, I needed to be able to pull this information back, and that was one motivator. But the bigger motivator is having to disclose that we did lose data.
  • 4. And there's a new one coming in. We're hearing about big data, analytics, and things like that. All of that is based on being able to access old information in some form, pull it back from something, and be able to analyze it. That is leading many, many organizations to not delete anything. If you don't delete anything, how do you store it? A disk-only type of solution forever, as an example, is a pretty expensive solution. I know disk has gotten a lot cheaper, but forever, that’s a really long time to keep the lights on, so to speak. Gardner: Let's look at this a bit more from the problem-solution perspective. John, you've gotten a little bit into this notion that we have multiple platforms, we have operating systems, hypervisors, application types, even appliances. What's the problem here and how do we start to develop a solution approach to it? Maxwell: The problem is we need to step back, take inventory of what we've got, and choose the right solution to solve the problem at hand, whether you're an SMB or an enterprise. But the biggest thing we have to address is, with the amount and complexity of the data, how can we make sysadmins, storage administrators, and DBAs productive, and how can we get them all on the same page? Why do each one of these roles in IT have to use different products? George and I were talking earlier. One of the things that he brought up was that in a lot of companies, data is getting backed up over and over by the DBA, the VMware administrator, and the storage administrator, which is really inefficient. We have to look at a holistic approach, and that may not be one-size-fits-all. It may be choosing the right solutions, yet providing a centered means for administration, reporting, monitoring, etc. Gardner: George, you've been around for a while in this business, as have I, and there is a little bit of a déjà vu here, where we're bringing a system-of-record approach to a set of disparate technologies that were, at one time, best of breed and necessary, but are increasingly part of a more solution or process benefit. So we understand the maturation process, but is there anything different and specific about backup that makes this even harder to move from that point solution, best of breed mentality, into more of a comprehensive process standardization approach? Demands and requirements Crump: It really ties into what John said. Every line of business is going to have its own demands and requirements. To expect not even a backup administrator, but an Oracle administrator that’s managing an Oracle database for a line of business, to understand the nuances of that business and how they want to keep things is a lot to ask.
  • 5. To tie into what John said, when backup is broken, the default survival mechanism is to throw everything out, buy the latest enterprise solution, put the stake in the ground, and force everybody to centralize on that one item. That works to a degree, but in every project we've been involved with, there are always three or four exceptions. That means it really didn’t work. You didn't really centralize. Then there are covert operations of backups happening, where people are backing up data and not telling anybody, because they still don't trust the enterprise application. Eventually, something new comes out. The most immediate example is virtualization, which spawned the birth of several different virtualized specific applications. So bringing all that back in again becomes very difficult. I agree with John. What you need to do is give the users the tools they want. Users are too sophisticated now for you to say, "This is where we are going to back it up and you've got to live with it." They're just not going to put up with that anymore. It won't work. So give them the tools that they want. Centralize the process, but not the actual software. I think that's really the way to go. Gardner: So we recognize that one size fits all probably isn’t going to apply here. We're going to have multiple point solutions. That means integration at some level or multiple levels. That brings us to our next major topic. How do we integrate well without compounding the complexity and the problems set? John? Maxwell: We've been working on this now for almost two years here at Quest, and now at Dell, and we are launching, literally in a matter of weeks, something called NetVault XA. “XA” stands for Extended Architecture. We have a portfolio of very rich products that span the SMBs and the enterprise, with focus on virtual backup, heterogeneous backup, instantaneous snapshots and deep application recovery, and we’re keenly interested in leveraging those technologies for the DBAs and sysadmins in ways that make their lives easier and make sure they are more productive. NetVault XA solves some really big issues. First of all, it unifies the user experience across products, and by user, I mean the sysadmin, the DBA, and the storage administrator, across products. The initial release of NetVault XA will support both our vRanger and NetVault Backup, as well as our NetVault SmartDisk product, and next year, we'll be adding even more of our products under NetVault XA as well. So now we've provided a common means of administration. We have one UI. You don’t have to learn something different. Everyone can work on the same product, yet based on your login ID, you will have access to different things, whether it's data or capabilities, such as restoring an Oracle or SQL Server database, or restoring a virtual machine (VM). That's a common UI. A lot of vendors right now have a lot of solutions, but they look like they're from three, four, or five different companies. We want to provide a singular user experience, but that's just really the icing on the cake with NetVault XA.
  • 6. If we go down a little deeper into NetVault XA, once it’s is installed, learning alongside vRanger, NetVault, or both, it's going to self identify that vRanger or NetVault environment, and it's going to allow you to manage it the way that you have already set about from that ability. New approach We're really delivering a new approach here, one we think is going to be unique in the industry. That's the ability to logically group data and applications within lines of business. You gave an example earlier of Oracle. Oracle is not an application. Oracle is a platform for applications, and sometimes applications span databases, file systems, and multiple servers. You need to be looking at that from a holistic level, meaning what makes up application A, what makes up application B, C, D, etc.? Then, what are the service levels for those applications? How mission critical are they? Are they in that 50 percent of data that we've seen from surveys, or are they data that we restored from a week ago? It wouldn’t matter, but then, again, it's having one tool that everyone can use. So you now have a whole different user experience and you're taking up a whole different approach to data protection. Gardner: This is really interesting. I've seen a demo of this and I was very impressed. One of the things that jumped out at me was the fact that you're not just throwing a GUI overlay on a variety of products and calling it integration. There really seems to be a drilling down into these technologies and surfacing information to such a degree that it strikes me as similar to what IT service management (ITSM) did for managing IT systems at a higher level. We're now bringing that to a discrete portion backup and recovery. Does that sound about right, George, or did I overstate it? Crump: No, that's dead-on. The benefits of that type of architecture are going to be substantial. Imagine if you are the vRanger programmer, when all this started. Instead of having to write half of the backend, you could just plug into a framework that already existed and then focus most of your attention on the particular application or environment that you are going to protect. You can be releasing the equivalent of vRanger 6 on vRanger 1, because you wouldn’t have to go write this backend that already existed. Also, if you think about it, you end up with a much more reliable software product, because now you're building on a library class that will have been well tested and proven. Say you want to implement deduplication in a new version of the product or a new product. Instead of having to rewrite your own deduplication engine, just leverage the engine that's already there.
  • 7. Gardner: John, it sounds a little bit like we're getting the best of both worlds, that is to say the ability to support a lot of point solutions, allowing the tools that the particular overseer of that technology wants to use, but bringing this now into the realm of policy. It's something you can apply rules to, that you can bring into concert with other IT management approaches or tasks, and then gain better visibility into what is actually going on and then tweak. So amplify for me why this is standardization, but not at the cost of losing that Swiss Army knife approach to the right tool for the right problem? One common means Maxwell: First of all, by having one common means, whether you're a DBA, a sysadmin, a VMware administrator, or a storage administrator, this way you are all on the same page. You can have people all buying into one way of doing things, so we don't have this data being backed up two or three times. But the other thing that you get, and this is a big issue now, is protecting multiple sites. When we talk about multiple sites, people sometimes say, "You mean multiple data centers. What about all those remote office branch offices?" That right now is a big issue that we see customers running into. The beauty of NetVault XA is I can now have various solutions implemented, whether it's vRanger running remotely or NetVault in a branch office, and I can be managing it. I can manage all aspects of it to make sure that those backups are running properly, or make sure replication is working properly. It could be halfway around the country or halfway around the world, and this way we have consistency. Speaking of reporting, as you said earlier, what about a dashboard for management? One of our early users of NetVault XA is a large multinational company with 18 data centers and 250,000 servers. They have had to dedicate people to write service-level reports for their backups. Now, with NetVault XA, they can literally give their IT management, meaning their CIO and their CTOs, login IDs to NetVault XA, and they can see a dashboard that’s been color coded. It can say, "Well, everything is green, so everything is protected," whether it's the Linux servers, Oracle databases, Exchange email, whatever the case. So by being able to reduce that level of complexity into a single pane of glass -- I know it's a cliché, but it really is -- it's really very powerful for large organizations and small. Even if you have two or three locations and you're only 500 employees, wouldn’t it be nice to have the ability to look at your backups, your replicas, and your snapshots, whether they're in the data center or in branch offices, and whether you're a sysadmin, DBA, storage administrator, to be using one common interface and one common set of rules to all basically all get on the same plane?
  • 8. Gardner: Let's revisit the issue that George was talking about, eDiscovery, making sure that nothing falls through the cracks, because with Murphy’s Law rampant, that's going to be the thing that somebody is going to do eDiscovery on. It seems to me you're gaining some confidence, some sense of guarantees, that whatever service-level agreements (SLAs) and compliance regulatory issues are there, you can start to check these off and gain some automated assurance. Help me better understand John why the NetVault XA has, for lack of a better word, some sort of a confidence benefit to it? Maxwell: Well, the thing is that not only have we built things into NetVault XA, where it's going to do auto discovery of how you have vRanger and NetVault set up and other products down the road, but it's going to give you some visibility into your environment, like how many VMs are out there? Are all those VMs getting protected? I was just at VMworld Barcelona a couple of weeks ago, and VMware has made it incredibly simple now to provision VMs and the associated storage. You've got people powering up and powering down VMs at will. How do you know that you're protecting them? Dispersed operations Also at an event this week in Europe, I ran into a user in an emerging country in Eastern Europe, and they have over 1,000 servers, most of which are not being protected. It's a very dispersed operation, and people can implement servers here and there, and they don't know what half the stuff is. So it's having a means to take an inventory and ensure that the servers are being maintained, that everything is being protected, because next to your employees, your data is the most important asset that you have. Data is everywhere now. It’s in mobile devices. It certainly could be in cloud-based apps. That's one of the things that we didn’t talk about. At Quest we use seven software-as-a-service (SaaS)- based applications, meaning they're big parts, whether it's or our helpdesk systems, or even Office 365. This is mission-critical corporate data that doesn’t run in our own data center. How am I protecting that? Am I even cognizant of it? The cloud has made things even more interesting, just as virtualization has made it more interesting over the past couple of years. With NetVault XA, we give you that one single pane of glass with which you can report, analyze, and manage all of your data. Gardner: Do we have any instances where we have had users, beta customers perhaps, putting this to use, and do we have any metrics of success? What are they getting from it? It's great to have confidence, it's great to have a single view, but are they reducing expenses? Do they have a real measurement of how their complexity has been reduced? What are the tangibles, John?
  • 9. Maxwell: Well, one of the tangibles is the example of the customer that has 18 data centers, because they have a finite-sized group that manage the backups. That team is not going to grow. So if they have to have two or three people in that team just working on writing reports, going out and looking manually at data, and creating their own custom reports, that's not a good use of their time. Now, those people can do things that they should be doing, which is going out and making sure that data is being protected, going out and testing disaster recovery (DR) plans, and so forth. Some people were tasked with jobs that aren’t very much fun, and that’s now all been automated. Now they can get down to brass tacks, which is ensuring that, for an enterprise with a quarter million servers, everything is protected and it's protected the way that people think they are going to be protected, meaning the service levels they have in place can be met. We also have to remember that NetVault XA brings many benefits to our Ranger customer base as well. We have accounts with maybe one home office and maybe two or three remote labs or remote sales offices. We've talked to a couple of vRanger customers who now implement vRanger remotely. In these shops, there is no storage administrator. It's the sysadmin, the VMware administrator, or the Windows administrator. So they didn’t have the luxury like the big accounts to have people do that. Now, this person can focus on ensuring that operating systems are maintained, working with end users. A lot of the tasks they were previously forced to do took up a lot of their time. Now, with NetVault XA, they can very quickly look at everything, give that health check that everything is okay, and control multiple locations of vRanger from one central console. Mobile devices Gardner: Just to be clear John, this console is something you can view as a web interface, and I'm assuming therefore also through mobile devices. I'm going to guess that at some point, there will perhaps be even a more native application for some of the prominent mobile platforms. Maxwell: It’s funny that you mentioned that. This is an HTML5-based application. So it's very new, very fresh, and very graphical. If you look at the UI, it was designed with tablets and laptops in mind. It's gotten to where you can do controls with your thumbs, assuming you're running this on a tablet. In-house, and with early support customers, you can log into this remotely via laptops, or tablet computing. We even have some people using them on mobile phones, even though we're not quite there yet. I'm talking about the form factor of how the screens light up, but we will definitely be going that way. So a sysadmin or storage administrator can have at their fingertips the status of what’s going on in the data-protection environment.
  • 10. What's nice is because this is a thin client, a web UI, you can define user IDs not only for the sysadmins and DBAs and storage administrators, but like I said earlier, IT management. So if your boss, or your boss’ boss, wants to dial in and see the health of things, how much data you’re protecting, how much data is being replicated, what data is being protected up in the cloud, which is on-prem, all of that sort of stuff, they can now have a dashboard approach to seeing it all. That’s going to make everyone more productive, and it's going to give them a better sense that this data is being protected, and they can sleep at night. Gardner: George, we spoke earlier about these natural waves of maturation that have occurred throughout the history of IT. As you look at the landscape for data protection, backup, or storage, how impactful is this in that general maturation process? Is Quest, with its NetVault XA, taking a baby step here, or is this something that gets us a bit more into a fuller, mature outcome, when it comes to the process of data lifecycle? Crump: Actually, it does two things. Number one, from the process perspective, it allows there to actually be a process. It's nice to talk about backup process and have a process for protection and a process to recover, but if you don’t have a way to manage and see all of your data protection assets, it's really just a lot of talk. You can't run a process like we are talking about in today’s data center with virtualization and things like that off of an Excel spreadsheet. It's just not going to work. It's nowhere near dynamic enough. So number one, it enables the fact of having a conversation about process. Number two, it brings flexibility. Because the only other way you could have had that conversation about process, as I said before, would be to throw everything out, pick one application, and suffer the consequences, which would be not ideal support for every single platform. To sum it up, it's really an enabler to creating a real data-protection process or workflow. Gardner: Okay. We're going to have to wrap it up pretty soon, but we've mentioned mobile access, and cloud. I wonder if there's anything else coming down the trend pike, if you will, that will make this even more important. The economy I come back to our economy. We're still not growing as fast as many people would like, and therefore companies are not just able to grow their top line. They have to look to increase their bottom line through efficiency and deduplication, finding redundancy, cutting down on storage, cutting down energy cost, simplifying, or centralizing data centers into a larger but more efficient and therefore fewer facilities, etc.
  • 11. Is there anything here, and I will open this up to both John and George, that we can look to in the future that strikes some of these issues around efficiency and productivity, or perhaps there are other trends that will make having a process approach to a data lifecycle and backup and recovery even more important? Maxwell: Dana, you hit on something that's really near and dear to my heart, which is data deduplication. We have a very broad strategy. We offer our own software-based dedupe. We support every major hardware based dedupe appliance out there, and we're now adding support for Dell’s DR Series, DR4000 dedupe appliances. But we're still very much committed to tape, and we're building initiatives based on storing data in the cloud and backing up, replicating, failover, and so forth. One of the things that we built into NetVault XA that's separate from the policy management and online monitoring is that we now have historical data. This is going to give you the ability to do some capacity management and capacity planning and see what the utilization is. How much storage are your backups taking? What's the most optimum number of generations? Where are you keeping that data? Is some data being kept too long? Is some data not being kept long enough? By offering a broad strategy that says we support a plethora of backup targets, whether it's tape, special-purpose backup appliances, software-based dedupe, or even the cloud, we're giving customers flexibility, because they have unique needs and they have different needs, based on service levels or budgets. We want to make them flexible, because, going back to our original discussion, one size doesn’t fit all. Gardner: I think we can sum that up as just being more intelligent, being more empowered, and having the visibility into your data. Anything else, George, that we should consider as we think about the future, when it comes to these issues on backup and recovery and data integrity? Crump: Just to tie in with what John said, we need flexibility that doesn’t add complexity. Almost everything we've done so far in the environment up to now, has added flexibility, but also, for every ounce of flexibility, it feels like we have added two ounces of complexity, and it's something we just can't afford to deal with. So that's really the key thing. Looking forward, at least on the horizon, I don't see a big shift, something like virtualization that we need to be overly concerned with. What I do see is the virtual environment becoming more and more challenging, as we stack more and more VMs on it. The amount of I/O and the amount of data protection process that will surround every host is going to continue to increase. So the time is now to really get the bull by the horns and institute a process that will scale with the business long-term. Gardner: Well, great. We've been enjoying a conversation, and you have been listening to a sponsored BriefingsDirect podcast on new approaches that help simplify the data-protection process and help keep cost in check, while also improving recovery confidence. We've seen how
  • 12. solving data protection complexity and availability can greatly help enterprises gain a comprehensive and standardized control approach to their data and that data’s lifecycle. So I would like to thank our guests, John Maxwell, Vice President of Product Management for Data Protection at Quest. Thanks, John. Maxwell: Thank you, Dana. Gardner: And also George Crump. He is the Lead Analyst at Storage Switzerland. Thank you, George. Crump: Thanks for having me. Gardner: This is Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions. Thanks to you, our audience, for listening, and do come back next time.   Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes. Sponsor: Quest Software Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast on new solutions to growing need for more reliable and less cumbersome data backup in increasingly data-intensive environments. Copyright Interarbor Solutions, LLC, 2005-2012. All rights reserved. You may also be interested in:  • New Levels of Automation and Precision Needed to Optimize Backup and Recovery in Virtualized Environments • Ocean Observatories Initiative: Cloud and Big Data come together to give scientists unprecedented access to essential climate insights • Case Study: Strategic Approach to Disaster Recovery and Data Lifecycle Management Pays Off for Australia's SAI Global • Columbia Sportswear extends deep server virtualization to improved ERP operations, disaster recovery efficiencies • Virtualization Simplifies Disaster Recovery for Insurance Broker Myron Steves While Delivering Efficiency and Agility Gains Too