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Network Neutrality Policy Summary
"Changes in technology have given network providers an unprecedented ability to control
applications and content on their network. In the absence of network neutrality rules, our ability to
use the lawful Internet applications and content of our choice is not guaranteed. The Internet's value
for users and society is at stake. Network neutrality rules will help us protect it" (van Schewick, 34,
2009). This is the general idea of the article written by Barbara van Schewick as stated by
themselves. This, as stated by the opposing author is written as, "The ability of consumers and
business to access the content and applications of their choice, without interference, is vital to the
continued evolution of the Internet and the innovation, social ... Show more content on ...
Few even knew what a search engine was, for example, or had used Instant Messaging or viewed a
video online. All this happened because the internet has not been subject to slow, cumbersome
regulatory processes of government. Inserting government into questions around network
management and the evolution of the Internet[s] underlying technologies and applications will
simply erode the cooperative spirit that has driven its evolution, substituting instead fillings,
charges, and countercharges." (Farber, 36, 2009). This, the general idea of the article written by
David Farber as written by Farber is trying to convey to the reader that the internet has developed
into an unbiased network available to all on its own, it has not needed any government intervention
to get it to where it is now. With what the government is trying to do with it will only deter from the
"cooperative spirit" that has brought it to its current state. Through the use of such examples as the
Telecommunications Act of 1996, and the FCC regulations, Farber conveys the notion on how the
internet does not respond well to external regulations, likewise how further development would be
halted by government interference. What Farber sticks to, unlike van Schewick, is the consumer side
of regulation, while the other sticks to corporate side. The idea of consumer power and influence is
talked about
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Network Neutrality
The Internet is an amazing thing. Despite being around for less than fifty years, the Internet has
grown unbelievably immense and widespread. It connects people from all over the world, and gives
its users access to information on virtually any topic imaginable. This is a huge asset in the
development and advancement of humankind. However, having a resource of its magnitude brings
great responsibility. Part of the reason the Internet has thrived is its open nature. Anyone can create
content and anyone can access that content. Both creators and consumers know that the content
they're making or consuming will being equally as accessible as any other content out there. This
concept has come to be known as Network Neutrality. The benefits society ... Show more content on ...
Network Neutrality, also known as Net Neutrality, is defined as "the principle that Internet providers
('broadband providers') should allow access to all content and applications equally, irrespective of
what the source of the content is" (Cano, 2016, p. 1). Net Neutrality works to keep an open Internet,
which is characterized by three things. The first characteristic is there are no gatekeepers. This
means no one can stop someone else from making something. The second characteristic is "the
technology supporting the flow of traffic would be indifferent to the 'substance, functionality, and
content of that traffic'" (Cano, 2016, p. 21). The final characteristic of an open Internet is the
network is available to anyone and anyone can contribute to the infrastructure. Net Neutrality cannot
be discussed without also mentioning the three terms which describe all parties involved in the
Internet: edge providers, end users, and broadband providers. An edge provider is defined as "a
person or organization that provides or creates 'content, services, and applications over the Internet';
this includes providers
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Net Neutrality Essay
The concept of network neutrality (more commonly referred to as net neutrality) has been a fixture
of debates over United States telecommunications policy throughout the first decade of the twenty–
first century. Based upon the principle that internet access should not be altered or restricted by the
Internet Service Provider (ISP) one chooses to use, it has come to represent the hopes of those who
believe that the internet still has the potential to radically transform the way in which we interact
with both people and information, in the face of the commercial interests of ISPs, who argue that in
order to sustain a competitive marketplace for internet provision, they must be allowed to
differentiate their services. Whilst this debate has ... Show more content on ...
Yet at the same time, these two sets of companies compete for customers, creating a glaring conflict
of interest. Whilst these issues seemed to be resolved by the middle of the twentieth century, the
advent of the internet introduced a whole new set of problems. The term net neutrality, first coined
by Tim Wu, Professor of the Columbia University Law School in 2003, came to represent a question
that had long been perceived as being of relatively little concern – is unfettered access to the internet
a right, or a privilege? (Cheng and Bandyopadhay 2011: 60) (Greenstein 2007: 61, 85) The debate
around internet regulation and net neutrality first gained traction in 2002, when the United States
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) controversially ruled that broadband internet was to be
classed as an information service rather as a telecommunications service, and thus made it exempt
from a considerable range of content and conduct regulations that it would otherwise have been
subject to. For those Americans, as exemplified by organizations such as the Electronic Frontier
Foundation, who saw the internet as a space of uninhibited free expression that needed to be
protected from the influence of corporate meddling, this decision was very frustrating. As promoted
by Wu and others, net neutrality came to represent the belief that 'internet data packets should move
nondiscriminatorily' – that is, the data ('packets' essentially being a technical
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Notes On Net Neutrality And Neutrality
Net Neutrality
SubbaReddy Alla
Wilmington University List of Contents
What do we know about Net Neutrality?...........................................................3
Significance of Net Neutrality and issues related to it...........................................4
Little awareness on Net Neutrality..................................................................5
Net Neutrality today...................................................................................6
SOPA & PIPA vs Net Neutrality....................................................................7
Campaigning on Net Neutrality......................................................................7
Introduction World Wide Web, throughout the decades it has gotten to be dependable to the point
that it has turned into a part of one 's life like an essential ... Show more content on
On the other hand, if the administration does not act quickly now, gone will be the days for Net
Neutrality. Benefits and corporate disfavor of questionable points of view or battling organizations
can change both the way of relationship of clients with the web and what we see over the World
Wide Web. (Lefebvre, 2010)
What do we know about Net Neutrality? Net Neutrality is a marvel which makes Internet clients to
be in control of content which they see and the applications which are utilized by them. In short we
can say that Net Neutrality alludes to no preference. In prior days, taking into account this lack of
bias guideline internet has worked. Later on, Neutrality helped numerous organizations like Google
and so forth. To launch, expand and enhance. Basically, unhindered internet is giving equivalent
access to all clients who access Internet. Net Neutrality is the main reason why the internet has
evolved in to economic revolution and a free online power. Unhindered internet helps in securing
customer 's rights to utilize any gadget, content, administration without partiality of impedance from
system supplier. Internet fairness ' real part is to move information, however it doesn 't give to pick
higher quality administration.
Significance of Net Neutrality and Issues related to it Congress is starting now drafting a charge that
would upgrade and overhaul the 1996 Telecommunications Act. The current draft does area
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Net Neutrality Research Paper
What Does Net Neutrality Mean For The Future Of IT?
Techby Phil Bickerton – Apr 7, 2015
Twitter 0Facebook 1LinkedIn 17 inShare 17Google+ 0
Consider this; you're in the supermarket and the lines are really long and slow moving. Then you
notice a separate till at the end. The queue is much smaller and the customers are moving through
the checkout really quickly, at a pace of almost double that of the regular tills.
When you look closer, you notice a sign – pay extra to move faster through the checkout. Sighing,
you settle back into your long line to wait your turn patiently.
If the tills were internet service providers, the quick moving queue would be the equivalent of online
companies paying extra for a quicker delivery of their content. Which ... Show more content on ...
Big wireless companies feel that this could make congestion on their networks harder to manage,
which could lead to data issues and have a knock–on effect on different service plans.
Effect on IT
Small technological companies and mobile app developers have never been able to compete with the
big guns when it comes to developing infrastructure and positioning on the internet. However, with
the new rules in place regarding net neutrality there is more likelihood of an equal playing field, as
everyone will have access to the same bandwidth.
IT professionals use bandwidth in a variety of ways: through API Access, streaming videos, audios
and photographs, business software – the list is endless. Ideally, if net neutrality finds its footing, the
costs of providing these services should remain low or perhaps reduce. This ensures costs are kept
down for the customers and enables more professionals to access the ever–expanding world of IT
services. This could open up further IT development, make way for new start–ups, and create all–
around greater
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Network Neutrality Research Paper
Net neutrality which is also known as net neautrality which ensure that no discrimination on the web
services and network access by Internet Service Providers and some other government organisation.
A uniformity and Neutrality is to be maintained.
Some Internet service providers like Comcast and AT&T are against this system. Comcast slows
down the services like peer to peer access and downloads.
Network Neutrality:
Network neutrality is one of the principle in which all Internet traffic that should be treated equal.
According to professor of Columbia Law School Tim Wu, explained network neutrality is a public
information network that will end up being most useful if all sites, content and platforms are treated
equal.. ... Show more content on ...
They cannot differentiate between the different groups.
Net neutrality has remained a core democratizing tenet of the internet since the time it came into
Net neutrality protects innovation and if big companies like Google and Netflix could pay to get
exceptional treatment, more bandwidth, faster speeds, the new start–up firms would be at a
It will also negatively affect freedom of speech. In absence of net neutrality, the big companies
could give priority to TV networks from videos it owns and slow down the signals from its peers.
Net neutrality supports competitive marketplace and provides chance to every firm, from big
companies to small start–ups to take part in it.
If net was not neutral, Google, Facebook or Zomato would not have been able to reach where they
are today. Curbing netizens right to a neutral net will be a big blow for the budding entrepreneurs.
Times have changed. Today YouTube and Netflix clog the pipes with huge amounts of data. The
users download insane amount of software, music and movies illegally. The changes will put a
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Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality is allowing users to free and open access of internet irrespective of sources or internet
providers demanding special charges in order to use services provided by them. Now a days Internet
is one of the essential part for everyday communication in life. Several services were used in our
day to day life for example GPS tracking, google, Wikipedia, Netflix etc., and we can't imagine a
day without the internet. Internet Service providers combining with corporations were utilizing this
and trying to make profit out of this by imposing more charges on the user in order to utilize the
services needed for him with more speed and flexibility. There are several discussions and debates
supporting and opposing net neutrality. ... Show more content on ...
For example, if user orders a book from amazon through prime, the delivery should be delivered to
user with in two days. Most of the deliveries of amazon are taken care by FedEx services. If the
delivery was late there may be chance of user complaining about it and loss of reputation for
company. This situation advantage will be taken by FedEx and asks deal with the amazon to pay
extra charges like shipping tax. There should be a win–win opportunity between both sided as if
amazon chooses other service there may be loss of business for FedEx. Also up to certain amount
will be paid by company and if there is any extra user has to shipping charges for product delivery to
reach in time. Same case will reflect in internet service as well. There will a win–win situation deals
between the internet service provider and corporations in–order to provide proper services to user.
Internet service provider acts as a keeper so that it can allow the services with more bandwidth and
speed who has deals with them and imposing more traffic and reduce speed for
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The Effects Of Net Neutrality
Net neutrality has been around for quite some time but it was up until now when that us internet
users really pay attention to it because our President Donald Trump wants to pass a new net
neutrality rule/bill that makes people pay to use apps that were meant to be free like Facebook and
Twitter that millions use. "June 2003 Tim Wu coins the phrase network neutrality which was later
shortened to net neutrality". (Tim Wu) According to this quote net neutrality has been around since
the summer of 2003 but didn't really take any effect until "February 2004 when the U.S. Federal
Communications Commission introduced four principles of network freedom". (ProQuest Staff)
now therefore net neutrality did not affect communities until February of 2004.
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The Pros And Cons Of Network Neutrality
Network neutrality is something that almost all people have an opinion on. Very few people could
think about the idea of all information on the internet being neutral, without getting an instant
opinion. The idea that companies, government, and organizations would have the ability to sensor
and choose what comes up on any internet searches. The two sides are as stated: everything that
comes up on the internet should be unbiased (thus resulting "neutral"). The other side states that the
internet, companies, etc should be able to use our past internet searches to "help" us and make the
results more "relatable" our lives. This concept, that most don't think about, has been debated for
over a decade; at this point, there is still no definitive
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Net Neutrality
Network neutrality can be also called as network neutrality, Internet neutrality is the rule that
Internet service providers and governments should not give any discrimination on the data and treat
them equally in the case of cost and usage to each and every communities.
The term was names by law professor of Columbia University media Tim Wu in 2003, for an
extension of the long withstanding concept of a common carrier. The Internet service provider
Comcast slows down the peer to peer file sharing system.
Network Neutrality:
Network neutrality is one of the principle in which all Internet traffic that should be treated equal.
According to professor of Columbia Law School Tim Wu, explained network neutrality is a public
information network that will end up being most useful ... Show more content on ...
Sponsored content and sometimes "pay–to–play" schemes may go against the net neutrality spirit,
while they can help companies in improving the overall service sthey offer. Heavier internet users
may be charged more than other users.In that case that extra money ISPs have the way to increase
the bandwith for all internet users.
Thanks to sponsorships some mobile telecom operators may offer free internet access to some
contents. This may enable those who don't have data contracts on their smartphones to surf some
areas in the internet for free. Similarly, it would reduce the consumption of other users' data
Regulationon on net neutrality may limit the tools of governments and ISPs to fight against online
"piracy". Material infringingcopyright laws can be easilty shared using P2P software. ISPs or
governments cannot be able to block or filter these contents, if net neutrality is fully respeced.
Similarly net neutrality rules make more difficult to monitor and control controversial adult
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Internet Neutrality (CIRA)
Impacts of the Changes
By putting internet alongside the same services are telecommunications, the laws regarding net
neutrality would be clear and concrete for ISPs, especially the rules on blocking and throttling
connections, which is overall beneficial for maintaining net neutrality in the United States. The
vague statements in the Open Internet Order would become clearer and ISPs would be held
accountable for breaking its principles. These regulations would further improve the user
experience, as section 224 of the Communications Act would make internet service a universal
service. This meant that ISPs would have to provide affordable internet services, as well as
preventing ISPs from tracking the online behaviours of their users, as explained ... Show more
content on ...
This is because the United states is a major trading partner for Canada. Therefore, there net
neutrality laws will have some impacts on Canadian internet consumers, when it comes to trading
packets across the border. An article by the Canadian Internet Registration (CIRA) discussed the
potential impacts for Canadians the 'Title II' changes will have (Holland, 2017). Many of website
and services Canadians use, have servers located in the United States, such as Netflix. Canadian
ISPs will not throttle the traffic to the United States, the traffic eventually needs to travel along
United States ISPs. These ISPs may choose to block or throttle the traffic going through them, and
as mentioned before, the speed of the overall network connection is determined by the slowest
speeds. This means that Canadians could have a direct impact on their internet experiences because
of the net neutrality laws in the United States.
This also applies to the connection coming to Canada, as Canadian companies, especially startups,
may lose potential clients from the United States because of the poor internet experiences of
American users. On the other hand, an article by the CBC, says that these changes can have an
positive impact for the Canadian economy (Stastna, 2014). It states that online entrepreneurs from
the United States, would find Canada favourable as the operation location due to its strict net
neutrality laws, and thus provide more jobs for Canadians in their related
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Net Neutrality
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Net Neutrality
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Autor: anton November 11, 2010 680 Words (3 Pages) 326 Views
Page 1 of 3
As someone who has had some sort of web presence for over ten years , I am completely and
unequivocally in favor of net neutrality. Google defines net neutrality as "the principle that Internet
users should be in control of what content they view and what applications they use on the Internet.
" What net neutrality means to me, is that the content I have to share (however mundane it may be)
has an equal opportunity of reaching any Internet user as any ... Show more content on ...
Yahoo!, Vonage,[74] eBay, Amazon,[75] IAC/InterActiveCorp. Microsoft, Twitter, Tumblr, Etsy,
Daily Kos, Greenpeace, along with many other companies and organizations, have also taken a
stance in support of net neutrality.[76][77] Cogent Communications, an international Internet
service provider, has made an announcement in favor of certain net neutrality policies.[78] In 2008,
Google published a statement speaking out against letting broadband providers abuse their market
power to affect access to competing applications or content. They
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Online Economic Uncertainty
Netflix has announced its partnership with Comcast to the public. Now, Netflix users that use
Comcast as their internet service provider will have smoother streaming over other internet service
providers. The deal that was agreed upon has allowed Netflix to pay Comcast so that their services
will be more reliable for Comcast users on Netflix (Wyatt and Cohen). This recent deal has brought
about a significant deal of controversy that has customers, companies, and corporations alike
discussing whether or not this violates network neutrality. Network neutrality is a fairly new term
that has come about in the last decade because of the world's recent reliance on technology and the
internet. This term defines how internet service providers should enable equal opportunity to all
sources on the internet without bias. With Netflix gaining an advantage over other services the
equality portion of network neutrality has been violated. Although most people have come to the
conclusion that network neutrality was clearly violated, the topic of discussion now is whether deals
like this will benefit the online economy or retard it. There are many arguments claiming that
foregoing network neutrality would actually stimulate the economy. This claim is largely recognized
in the article "Subsidizing Creativity through Network Design: Zero–Pricing and Net Neutrality," by
Robin Lee and Tim Wu. The authors explain how the economy would actually benefit if network
neutrality were to be
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Arguments Against Net Neutrality
What is net neutrality you may ask? Well net neutrality or open internet is legal content and/or
applications that internet service providers give you on an equal basis. They cannot have any
favorite websites and block others.In my opinion in favor net neutrality. It makes sure every web site
is treated equally. This goes for all video,audio,etc. in my future I want to be a entrepreneur and net
neutrality helps people get access to broadband networks without any problems! Big companies like
Apple, Microsoft, google (and more) also go for net neutrality. As well as those companies there are
some that are against net neutrality. Companies such as AT&T, comcast, cox, and verizon are against
net neutrality. They said "The rules are too heavy–handed and could stifle investment and
innovation." Again in my opinion i think net neutrality is a great thing because i think everyone
should be treated equally and should have the same chance and votes should have a fair play and
have no cheating. Of course pirating is extremely illegal and should be corrected, many web sites
are being copyrighted and stealing people's identities and these innosite people are getting banked
ruped and losing there jobs for using these websites. Net neutrality is basically the human rights but
on computers people need and deserve them.For the people that are against net neutrality, a new
FCC chairman, ajit pai,worked as a lawyer for verizon and plans to get rid of net neutrality which
would be a big win for
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Network Neutrality Network Tier
Network Neutrality or Network Tier?
Network neutrality has offered entrepreneurs the ability to start up a new business using the internet
as a passage for advertising and gaining a customer base. It has allowed for individuals to surf the
World Wide Web to read articles, look at photos and watch video's all from the convenience of their
home or portable electronic device. While there are two sides to every coin, there are two opinions
about the internet and whether it should be managed on the current net neutrality concept or a more
tiered approach. While both sides have valid points, it must be decided which approach is for the
better good for society.
What is Network Neutrality? Why is the Internet Running this way?
According to Agusti, ... Show more content on ...
As President Obama stated in a letter dated November 10, 2014, "We cannot allow Internet service
providers (ISPs) to restrict the best access or to pick winners and losers in the online marketplace for
services and ideas" (para. 2). "...neither the cable company nor the phone company will be able to
act as a gatekeeper, restricting what you can do or see online" (para. 4). If the government did not
impose rules to adhere to, internet service providers would take that opportunity to exploit the
opportunity to gouge the users by restricting access to certain sites or information unless they paid
the top tier which would be at a premium price. People and many businesses cannot afford high
price internet service and only the one percenters would afford the luxury of all access
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What Are The Arguments Against Net Neutrality
Next to EPP there are four major players in Net Neutrality topic. Telecom operators, content
providers, European Commission and other bigger political forces.
Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments regulating the Internet
must treat all data on the Internet the same, not discriminating or charging differentially by user,
content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication.
[1]Article 3 of EU Regulation 2015/2120[111] sets the basic framework for ensuring net neutrality
across the entire European Union.
Arguments in favour of Net Neutrality
Proponents of net neutrality include consumer advocates, human rights organisations, online
companies and some technology ... Show more content on ...
Among corporations, opponents include Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, IBM, Intel, Cisco, Nokia,
Qualcomm, Broadcom, Juniper, D–Link, Wintel, Alcatel–Lucent, Corning, Panasonic, Ericsson, and
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt states that, while Google views that similar data types should not be
discriminated against, it is okay to discriminate across different data types–a position that both
Google and Verizon generally agree on, according to Schmidt.[173][174]
Several civil rights groups, such as the National Urban League, Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH, and
League of United Latin American Citizens, also oppose Title II net neutrality regulations,[175] who
said that the call to regulate broadband Internet service as a utility would harm minority
communities by stifling investment in underserved areas.[176][177]
Opponents say that net neutrality would make it more difficult for Internet service providers (ISPs)
and other network operators to recoup their investments in broadband
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Net Neutrality Essay
The emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web brought upon a medium of communication
with a range of opportunities for the world. However, this medium is, in due course, subject to the
control of a few major companies. The enigma of information flow is the central concern of net
neutrality. Consumers, competition and network owners would benefit directly from the regulation
of network neutrality because it would provide a positive impact to those parties as well as provide
The Internet came to be because of the user. Without the user, there is no World Wide Web. It is a set
of links and words all created by a group of users, a forum or a community (Weinberger 96). The
concept of net neutrality is ... Show more content on ...
These lanes will be beneficial to an individual company but is not good for customers who will have
deal with inconsistencies (The Economist). Net Neutrality proposes a consumer–happy approach
which is the main concern for network owners.
In this field, competition refers to network owners (ISP). Their differential in pricing and control of
information alters the competition. Anti–competitive acts by network owners would be barred due to
the impact of net neutrality (St. Petersburg). The major companies (telecom and cable) could
enforce a fee for faster Internet or prefer content that is associated with their partnered
conglomerates. The cause would be a halt in innovation and end up giving larger companies the
power to nudge aside the smaller start–ups from expanding (Linux Journal). Also, net neutrality
saves the internet as an ideal marketplace. For the previous 10 years, the Internet has been a public
marketplace where privatized companies are able to expand and grow, and this reputation will
continue to serve (Opposing Views). More importantly, without net neutrality in affect, price
discrimination risks start–ups from emerging out of their cocoons. Net neutrality once paved the
concept of free market endeavors. Without these regulations, innovators are at the hands of network
owners and building new online entrepreneurships or
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The Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality
Since the invention of the Internet, there has been an idea among the creators that information that
was transmitted, would be treated fairly and equally. In the United States (U.S.), the debate goes on
for Internet communications services that "must remain open for commerce, innovation, speech,
consumers, innovations by application developers, content companies, expansion, and investment by
broadband developers" (Friedlander 924). Since the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC's)
2015 Open Internet Order, net neutrality has come under multiple threats and is in more danger than
ever. Without net neutrality, Internet service providers (ISP's) may continue to discriminate against
specific online services or websites. This paper first describes the net neutrality background, then
the potential impacts on education and minority communities, and finally the most recent debates ...
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All data on the Internet is the same, where there is no discrimination or charging differences based
on the user, website, device, equipment, content, application, etc. Basically, the Internet treats all
content equally no matter how it is delivered or where it comes from. A good example is how you
access Amazon's website should be no different than a small local business website or downloading
a video. The debatable issue is where ISPs would create a concept of "fast lane" access, where big
companies would pay to ensure they remain competitive with faster transmission speeds. Within an
ISP network, companies like Amazon and Walmart may compete to access a ISPs fast lane,
ultimately leaving one to conduct business on the slow lane. ISPs view the Internet as a luxury
because big companies have deeper pockets to stay in the "fast lane" which in turn will generate
more revenue for ISPs. The loss of net neutrality means small business and certain websites may no
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Lawrence Lessig Net Neutrality
On December 30, 2015, Lawrence Lessig, Professor of Law and Ethics at Harvard University, who
had announced his candidacy for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination the previous month,
told the Wall Street Journal that, "...When push comes to shove, if certain services are not available
to you because of privacy restrictions, you back out of restrictions...Where I can protect privacy at
very low cost, people will want to protect privacy" (The CIO Report RSS). Lessig was referring to
the controversial concept of "net neutrality," which is essentially the idea that ISPs, or Internet
service providers, should allow the public to access any amount of content on the Internet the same
way, which is what currently the case, but some parties have ... Show more content on ...
Many individuals still believe in the progressive ideals that the Internet was founded upon, and want
to see that it continues to be a place for innovation, where information is free and available. They
don't want large corporations having very strict control over that. Only a few days ago, the House of
Representatives passed a bill in an attempt to limit the FCC's authority on net neutrality. The debate
on net neutrality is far from over, and no one knows how the Internet will operate a decade from
now. One thing is clear, however: the American people have a huge influence on what will
ultimately happen, so if they want to maintain the privacy and freedom that they desire, they need to
continue to make their voices
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Essay on Mis535 Midterm
Question Type: | # Of Questions: | # Correct: | Multiple Choice | 5 | 4 | Essay | 4 | N/A | | | Grade
Details – All Questions | 1. | Question : | (TCO A) Domino's upgraded Pulse Evolution system
incorporated a Pizza Tracker functionality that shows the progression of individual pizza orders.
This is an example of using information systems to achieve which business objective? | | | Student
Answer: | | Customer and supplier intimacy | | | | Survival | | | | Improved decision making | | | |
Operational excellence | | Instructor Explanation: | pp. 52–53 | | | | Points Received: | 10 of 10 | |
Comments: | | | | 2. | Question : | (TCO A) Networking and ... Show more content on
An information system: supports decision making, coordination, and control helps employees
analyze problems helps employees visualize complex subjects helps create new products @ pp. 15–
16 | | | | Points Received: | 25 of 25 | | Comments: | | | | 7. | Question : | (TCO B) How have mobile
devices and social media changed the work environment? | | | Student Answer: | | The ever advancing
technology of mobile devices have affected almost every aspect of our everyday lives. Mobile
devices have made it easier to communicate. With the way mobile devices right now, people are able
to multitask and increase effectiveness of their business. Our devices can search, pay for
merchandise and connect you to a business conference on the golf course. In today's business world,
people are expected to do more in a lesser amount of time, making devices that can handle this type
of behavior more of a necessity. Storage of information can be done on portable (flash) drives and
taken with you anywhere you go, making it possible to have information at your fingertips without
being tied to an office or home computer. You can send emails from your phone or a tablet making
the virtual office a place of regular business. Social media has not only impacted our personal lives,
but it has definitely invaded the work environment as well. With the use of Facebook
... Get more on ...
The Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality
Net neutrality has become a huge topic in today's society full of internet users, however nobody
really knows whether it should pass or not. America is a capitalist country and supports free–market
expansion and competition, however net neutrality is the exact opposite. Net neutrality has
communistic views in which every website gets equal treatment and equal internet speed. As ABC
states "Net neutrality is the principle that ISPs treat all content equally and not give preference to
some digital content providers. That means the consumer can load every website, app, video, .gif,
etc., equally, regardless of where the content is hosted." (para. 3) Net neutrality is intended to
regulate the internet and treat it like a common carrier such as television or telephone. Up until 2015
the internet was classified as an information service, meaning that the FCC could not control it and
had no bearing over what happens on it, but after, then–president Barack Obama passed a bill stating
that the internet would be treated as a common carrier, which is a person or company that transports
goods or people at a fixed rate. This caused the FCC to control over the internet, regulating speeds,
dictating what ISPs (Internet Service Providers) are able to do, and transforms private internet
cables into public. Until 2015 the internet was built on a primarily free–market framework and was
constantly upgrading. More and more websites were forming, going to ISPs to increase their speeds,
... Get more on ...
Netflix Persuasive Essay
Josh Jacobsen
Mrs. King
English III K
20 October 2014
Persuasive RD:
Imagine if the internet was not "open and free" like it is today. How would you like to pay more for
internet access just because you like to use Netflix? Currently the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) regulates telephone and cable companies that provide internet service in the
United States. Currently, all internet service providers are prohibited from blocking any content on
the internet. Unless you live under a rock, you have probably at least heard the term "net neutrality".
Net neutrality is a principle that Internet service providers (ISP's) should treat all network traffic
equally. This means ISPs like Comcast, AT&T or Verizon should not restrict or slow down access to
any website or other internet content. Companies like Comcast want to do this to make their own
services more desirable than those of their competitors because they are more easily accessible, but
not necessarily better. Internet service providers should not have the right ... Show more content on ...
Companies who will don't pay for their content to be accessed through the fast lane of that ISP will
be placed in the slow lane, which in the case of video streaming services like netflix will be slow.
internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon will likely charge companies like Netflix and
Hulu lots of money to ensure that their content will be placed in the fast lane to ensure their content
will be available to customers at decent speeds. Companies affected by this will not just pay the fee
and deal with it on their own, they will likely pass those costs down to you, resulting in a higher cost
for these services. This also hurts smaller startup companies because they will not likely be able to
pay the fees imposed to have fast access, therefore there is no competition among companies and
just a select few control that
... Get more on ...
Network Neutrality Case Study
Prior to this case study, I had only heard of network neutrality on social media. I wasn't sure what it
meant or what it entailed, until beginning my research for this assignment. While researching this
topic, I immediately stumbled across a Burger King commercial that was written about by the LA
Times and released this month. The LA Times (2018) stated that the Burger King commercial was
used to inform customers about network neutrality based on differing prices for a Whopper. The
franchise advocated that it would charge various prices to customers based on the speed of
processing the hamburgers. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (2017), network
neutrality means "...applying well–established "common carrier" rules to the internet in order to
preserve its freedom and openness." In essence, network neutrality forbids carriers from tampering
with the data that is being transferred. The ACLU supports network neutrality because they feel that
ending it would be an infringement on free speech. I agree with the ACLU. I am in favor of network
neutrality. Network neutrality provides equal access for all and eliminates pay to play schemes. The
threat of internet service providers (ISP) and private business firms charging whatever they want
could result in a financial impact ... Show more content on ...
As an example, in order to remedy paying a higher price for traveling a specific roadway, citizens
can choose an alternative route of travel. In addition, public utilities are governed by a Public Utility
Commission (PUC). The PUC helps control the prices and the financial impact on consumers. For
the internet, there is no such commission to provide protection. In addition, unlike multiple
roadways into and out of a city, the internet is controlled by a few select big corporations and
individuals will not have a choice on choosing an
... Get more on ...
Network Neutrality Rules Research Paper
In the late 2010, U.S. Federal Communication commission imposed "network neutrality" regulations
on broadband access providers, both wired and wireless. Networks cannot block subscribers' use of
certain devices, applications, or services, or unreasonably discriminate, offering superior access for
some services over others. The commission argues that such rules are necessary, as the internet was
designed to bar "gatekeepers". Networks routinely manage traffic and often bundle content with data
transport precisely because such coordination produces superior services. A truly "open internet"
allows consumers, investors, and entrepreneurs to choose among many models, discovering
effeciencies. the FCC mistakes the benefits ... Show more content on ...
net neutrality rules restrict how companies may price and package computer network services. The
rules prohibit bargains or bundles that are seen to discriminate among applications. Regulators see
danger lurking in your broadband ISP, the cable TV system putting you online via a cable modem,
or the telephone carrier connecting you via a digital subscriber line (DSL) or fiber to the home
(FTTH) networks. The operator, left to its own devices, is feared to maximise its profits not just by
taking your monthly subscription fee but by then skimming an unearned surcharge.
By "covertly blocking or degrading internet traffic" to sites affiliated with rival content suppliers,
the ISP is seen to be in position to favour those of its partners. There will be a fast lane on the iternet
for those apps your "last mile" provider prefers – and a traffic jam for everyone else. The innovation
in the garage does not enjoy the size, scope, or cash in the bank to buy its way inn discouraging
grassroots innovation. "the harms that could result from threats to openness are significant and likely
irreversible", warns the
... Get more on ...
Impacts of Not Preserving Net Neutrality: Tiered Internet...
Impacts of Not Preserving Net Neutrality: Tiered Internet Service 1 INTRODUCTION Net
Neutrality is the principle that Internet users should be able to access any web content or use any
application without restriction or limitation from their internet service provider [1]. Net neutrality
can be further broken down into four core concepts as described by Daniel J. Weitzners, non–
discriminatory routing of packets, user control choice over service levels, ability to create and use
new services and protocols without approval of network operators and nondiscriminatory peering of
backbone network [1]. A tiered internet service is a structure that allows user to choose and pay for
the amount of bandwidth that best suits their need [2]. This paper ... Show more content on ...
2. 2 What is the impact of not preserving Net Neutrality? Our driving question is attempting to
answer the question "What are the impact of not preserving Net Neutrality? ", by analyzing the
different components of net neutrality, and how they affect the different parties involved. We also
look at the argument which support and oppose net neutrality. One of the main focuses of net
neutrality revolves around a tiered internet service. Net neutrality was created in order to stop ISPs
from offering these tiered services. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a tiered internet?
3. TIERED INTERNET SERVICE Tiered internet service is a business model that separates the
quality of internet traffic by the price the users pay. User who pay more money receive more traffic
and have better service as opposed to users who choose the minimum payment plan and pay less for
a lesser quality of service and lower speed. 3.1 Tiered Services Tiered services exist in many other
industries such as travel. For example airline companies divide the customers between classes, first
class getting better service than coach. Pharmaceutical companies also have different payment plan
based on geographical locations. For the most part the internet has been priced in two tiers, users
pay for their level of connectivity (which is usually a flat rate), while
... Get more on ...
Net Neutrality Rules
Throughout the span of 2008–2010, another net neutrality bill was introduced in congress regarding
Comcast blocking files but, Comcast sued the FCC saying that the FCC has no authority over their
internet service. . The FCC attempted to apply a cease and desist order against Comcast but
eventually they canceled it. The outcome of this dispute created an Open Internet Order by
Democrat Julius Genachowski (Reardon, 2015). This is very significant because this is what made
the net neutrality rules official in the FCC regulation. This order explains that people can access
content to the Internet without experiencing blocking or slowing down. In addition, broadband
providers have to be clear about their management networks and practices.
In 2014, ... Show more content on ...
Silicon Valley Congresswoman Anna Eshoo says, it's time to dump "Net Neutrality" and replace it
with something more descriptive and energizing. "Suggestions so far included "Net Equality,"
"Freedom to Connect," the "Equal Data Act," the "Digital Anti–Discrimination Act," "One Free
Internet," the "Digital Freedom Act," the "Toll–Free Internet," "Unaltered Universal Internet
Access," the "Fair and Equal Internet Act," the "Fair–Net," and "The Old MacDonald Act: Equal
Internet for Everyone Involved Online (EIEIO)" (Perry, 2014).
In the IEEE CTN issue of June 2014, It was noted that "evolution and technological innovation in
communication systems, digital media, and user behavior may challenge Net Neutrality principles
and question if or how Net Neutrality can be sustained in a new word of data–hungry applications
such as on–demand video, online gaming, and music streaming" (IEEE, 2014). In the same CTN
issue, specific Net Neutrality principles included, among others, no connection blocking, bandwidth
transparency, universal connectivity, and best effort
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Essay On Net Neutrality
The commencement of the internet was more than just a technological advancement, like most new
and innovative ideas it came with its problems. Net neutrality, is just one of the many strings
attached to the internet, and in return we have structured laws, which have caused arguments
concerning what should and should not be monitored. For over 50 years, this has been a recurring
theme with no end in sight. In recent months, people have thought there could possibly be an end,
but to no avail as it seems to be going in the same exact pattern as the past. What is the reason to
bring up Net Neutrality again today from previous years? Think about it, the internet is the biggest
source of information in the world today. It is the most used form of entertainment, research,
socialization. ... Show more content on ...
The reality though is that this change is not for the better. The whole idea with the internet changing
is frightening to most, but a lot of people don't realize what exactly is happening to Net
Neutrality.With the internet being so widely popular and important in this day and age, information
and exploration on Net Neutrality is an essential topic to be informed on. (Brightlinks)
First in order to be informed on Net Neutrality we need to understand the history behind it. Since as
early as 1926, Net Neutrality has been around, yes you read that right, before the internet, it wasn't
always known as Net Neutrality though. Before the internet was created the beginning of Net
Neutrality began in 1926 with the Federal Radio Commission agency, it was later renamed in 1934
to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The Federal Communications Commission
only regulated the radio from 1926 to 1969 when it took up its second project which was the
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Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality Regulation Pros As previously stated, net neutrality is a complex subject and it has
many layers. One issue of major of concern is that of "fast lanes" and the establishment of net
neutrality would prevent ISPs from forming these types of connections. Simplified, a fast lane is line
of service that provides faster upload and download speeds. A fast lane would allow ISPs to charge
companies such as Netflix, Skype, PlayStation Plus, and other streaming services for faster
connections that would allow consumers to access the services easier and faster. Proponents of net
neutrality worry that the extra expenses for fast lanes could become a formidable challenge for
startups and small business owners. Large corporations typically ... Show more content on ...
Many neutrality proponents contend that failing to develop and enforce net neutrality will lead to the
ability of ISPs to block access to content. Currently, there is a freedom of choice in that ISPs are
unable to obstruct certain sites or contents over others but that hasn't always been the case. There
have been several cases over the last few years where ISPs have moved to block internet content.
Comcast is probably the best known culprit. In the early–to–mid 2000's, Comcast monitored
network traffic patterns and began blocking certain websites (Ammori, 2014). The sites that were
targeted were those that are known as peer–to–peer. Peer–to–peer (P2P) sites utilize technology that
allow users to share data without having a centralized server. There have been instances where
illegal data has been shared but it would be impossible for an ISP to determine that simply from
traffic patterns. Peer–to–peer sites are not the only ones that have been targeted. In 2005, an ISP in
North Carolina moved to block traffic that allowed users to access Vonage, an application that
allows users to make telephone calls via the internet. AT&T had a contract with Apple that asked
AT&T to block all applications that offered video chat over a cellular network. This allowed Apple's
application, Facetime, to become the preferred application of iPhone
... Get more on ...
Net Neutrality Vs Open Internet Essay
Along with consumer advocates and human rights organization, many internet application
companies like Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, Vonage etc. support net neutrality regulation. Google
published a statement in 2008, opposing market power of broadband providers to control access to
content and other applications. They further compared the situation to that of the telecommunication
market, where companies are not allowed to control who their customers call or what those
customers are allowed to say. The Sites which favor net neutrality propose to have an equal platform
for every content on the Internet, in short they demand 'Open Internet.Net neutrality is a highly
important component for open internet. The idea of an open internet reflects that anyone ... Show
more content on ...
This means that cable companies would be required to allow Internet service providers free access
to cable lines, like the model used for dial up Internet. They also intend to make sure that the cable
companies cannot screen, disrupt or filter Internet content without a court order. This in turn would
allow FCC (Federal Communications Commission) to enforce rules of net neutrality effectively.
Furthermore, Net neutrality advocates argue that allowing cable and telecommunication to act as
gatekeepers i.e. being able to control speed of loading of websites, as well as letting them to demand
a toll on quality of service would create an exploitative business model and would also slow down
innovation in online services. Further, they also argue that by charging certain sites, ISP's may be
able to block those who are unable to pay. Also, the advocates assert that every content on the
Internet must be treated same and must move at the same speeds. Presently, the order is meant to set
a precedent that all ISP's as well as communication companies cannot impede customers from using
their networks the way they desire unless there is a valid
... Get more on ...
Should Net Neutrality Be Repeal
Should net neutrality be repeal? Many people don't know or care about net neutrality, but the reality
is that it's actually a big deal than you think. net neutrality first became a thing in the 1990s, but
became noticeable in the 2003. The reason why net neutrality became something is because there
were inequality connection speed between the provider and the consumer. Now in 2018, net
neutrality will officially end in April, 23, 2018 if there are not enough votes. The definition of net
neutrality is when a consumer can go through any website without facing any restriction from the
In the year 2003, is the year when the term net neutrality was created by a law professor Tim Wu,
which became an something very important because it ... Show more content on ...
"The FCC Just Repealed Net Neutrality Protections. Here's How It Will Impact You.." HuffPost, 22
Nov. 2017,–net–neutrality–could–affect–
you_us_5a15e086e4b04cdf4de5ed1b. Accessed 7 Mar. 2018
Mcmillan, Brad. "How Will The Repeal Of The Net Neutrality Rules Affect You?." Forbes, 18 Dec.
neutrality–rules–affect–you/. Accessed 7 Mar. 2018.
La Corte, Rachel / Ap. "Washington Becomes First State to Approve Net Neutrality." Time,–net–neutrality–rules/. Accessed 28 Mar. 2018.
Lee, Timothy B.. "What is network neutrality?." Vox, 11 Apr. 2014,–neutrality/whats–network–neutrality. Accessed 22 Mar. 2018.
Simon, Felix. "Most People Don't Care About Net Neutrality – Felix Simon – Medium." Medium,
10 Dec. 2017,–no–one–seems–to–care–about–net–
neutrality–b4b7fb9f85a8. Accessed 18 Apr. 2018.
Sutori. "The History of Net Neutrality in the U.S. ." Sutori, 11 Feb. 2015,–history–of–net–neutrality–in–the–u–s. Accessed 18 Apr. 2018.
Twitter. "Comcast User on Twitter." Twitter, Accessed 18 Apr.
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Network Neutrality Nuances Summary
The internet is a resource with ever expanding content and applications for everyone to use however,
net neutrality rules on the free use of internet remains a debated topic. The "Point/Counterpoint:
Network Neutrality Nuances" presents Barbara van Schewick's supportive argument on the
applications of net neutrality rules, and the consequences of failing to do so. Schewick's engaging
justifications are well researched with arguments containing significant amounts of examples, strong
and simplistic diction to reach her audience, and clean and smooth transitions to move between
Schewick begins the argument supporting the idea of implicating net neutrality rules to allows the
free use of the internet without internet service providers controlling what is available. She explains
that providers wish to create a controlled system where they can modify content and application
through ... Show more content on ...
The audience of the article is anyone who uses the internet, thus the people who care about the
content and applications available to them. Several terms and concepts about internet usage may not
be known by those who use the internet, which gave reason for Schewick to use diction to meet the
general audience to inform the benefits of net neutrality rules. This allows anyone of any age, that
cares about the free use of the internet to be able to read and understand her reasoning. Her simple
diction allows the reader to be engaged throughout the piece while easily understanding the message
of the requirement of net neutrality laws. The engaged audience would be able to read and
understand the article without having to learn or look up definitions. The engaged audience is able to
maintain focus, thus increases the article's persuasion. The easy to read diction allows the author to
display her arguments effectivity to those with the access to the
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Persuasive Essay On Net Neutrality
The Net Neutrality Dispute
If you have been listening to any news recently you might have heard a bit about net neutrality, the
FCC, and something about Internet freedom. Net neutrality has been a long, simmering battle for the
past decade, and, even more so, ever since the FCC announced its upcoming plans to repeal the
existing rules around net neutrality. If you're anything like me, you might have been initially
confused about what the heck Net neutrality is and slightly off–put at all the posts flooding your
social media. However, once I understood what the fuss was all about and the implications of the
outcome of the upcoming decision, the issue suddenly seemed relevant and concerning.
Something important to note is cable providers, broadband providers, internet service providers
(ISPs), telecommunications companies, telecom generally refers to the same thing. (Comcast,
AT&T, Time Warner, Verizon, etc.)
So, what is net neutrality anyway?
In a nutshell, net neutrality is the right to do what you want and go where you want on the Internet
without your broadband provider getting in the way. It means your broadband provider can't block
websites, throttle services or charge you premiums if you want to reach certain online content.
What does the FCC have to do with it? The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is a
government agency created to regulate interstate and international communications by radio,
television, wire, satellite, and cable. Most recently in 2015, a
... Get more on ...
Argumentative Essay On Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality is a widely debated topic that comes with not only great support but also logical
opposition. While looking at net neutrality you must consider several ideas that impact the topic.
Before looking at any ideas though, you must first understand what net neutrality is. First, it is an
abbreviation of network neutrality which is "the idea, principle, or requirement that Internet service
providers should or must treat all Internet data as the same regardless of its kind, source, or
destination" as stated by the Merriam–Webster Dictionary. A few of those ideas previously
mentioned are how will the consumers, economy, internet service providers, content providers, and
others be impacted by having net neutrality or taking away net neutrality. Appealing net neutrality
and how it would occur is another very large topic. How difficult that would be is very important.
Net neutrality is a subject that has so many influential factors that it is hard to come to a single right
answer, and that is why the thorough research of this issue is so greatly needed.
Net Neutrality is an argument that has been highly debated for years, but in the past several months
it has come back contentious as ever. To give a bit of background, you should know that the FCC is
an acronym for the Federal Communications Commission. It is a government committee that
watches over both interstate and international communications by all communications such as radio,
television, wire, satellite,
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Isp Pros And Cons
Net Neutrality is just a term, there is not an established legal definition of how it incorporated. In
short, individual rights groups, governments and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) all have different
proposals for what net neutrality is to them. The debate of Net Neutrality is much about keeping the
Internet where it is now or how much to allow ISPs, specifically broadband providers, to manage
their specific networks. However, this debate is more political than technical, therefore the issue is
the Internet has grown so large and to the point that the government is now involved in setting
regulations. ISPs, such as, Verizon, Comcast and others have very little interest in just installing the
cable into homes, however, the interest is in what data you consume, and from whom and how
much, merely there is a lot of money at stake. Nevertheless, ISPs do need to manage their networks;
Quality of Service (QoS) practices and techniques have been around for a long time, basically since
inception of computer networking. Bandwidth is not unlimited, but finite, and it is not scarce either,
it is fairly plentiful. However, ... Show more content on ...
In other words, take email versus 911 emergency Voice over IP (VoIP) call. Technically, a spam or
any type of malicious traffic has the same priority as a 911 VoIP call, this being at the IP transport
layer of the Open System Interconnection model (OSI model). If these examples are treated the
same, the 911 VoIP calls will be dropped or interrupted in some cases. Therefore, the question is
how is fairness decided and under what authority is it enforced. The intent of Net Neutrality is that
the IS'Ps should not have interest in the content going over the network, and they should only be a
"common" carrier. However, the reality is this is not true, nor will it be anytime
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Network Neutrality Paper
With network neutrality as such a heavily debated and controversial topic, there exists a large
number of literature and viewpoints on the topic. This paper discusses the viewpoints brought up
within an article authored by two people. The article acts as a debate between the authors,
containing points and counter points, and this paper goes over the main ideas and conclusions
brought up within the article, while acting as a good overview for the reader to start their search for
their own personal conclusions.
Network Neutrality as defined by a University of California student is, "a network design paradigm
that argues for broadband network providers to be completely detached from what information is
sent over their networks."(Lin, 1) Put into layman terms, it is the act of ISPs to not provide a ...
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With the increased access for individuals to allow their messages and ideas to be heard on a larger
scale (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc.), more and more individuals are becoming more aware of
the major events and milestones behind Network Neutrality. Large companies have invested a lot of
money on the infrastructure that makes up the basis of what we know to be as the internet, and it
makes sense that they should have some sort of say in what goes on. With the complexity and
vastness of the internet, it is hard to create legislation that effectively protects the internet in what it
is today, and not offend others in the process. The events in the most recent years have brought forth
an increased amount of public and media attention on the subject, and has been the center of a large
number of debates. Throughout all of these debates, the general public opinion has been that "Public
opinion was overwhelming pro net neutrality" (KnightFoundation, 5). What this meant was that the
general public was beginning to catch onto the general idea of Network Neutrality, and were starting
to side with those much more for rather than
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Essay On Net Neutrality
The internet was first included in the broadcast and spectrum allotment by the Telecommunications
Act of 1996. This considerable change to the original Telecommunications Act lead to the internet to
be regulated by the government for the first time in history. During late 2003, the term "Net
Neutrality" was then adopted for this act (The History of). As time went on, Net Neutrality became
one of the internet's guiding principles, there for, obligating Internet providers to supply open
networks by not manipulating with any applications or content (Press, Free. "Net). Although the
internet has been operating with Net Neutrality for the last two decades, there has been recent
movements to remove the protections in which keep Net Neutrality in motion. In the U.S., this topic
as become controversial, due to people wanting equal rights to the internet ... Show more content on ...
Many claim that the majority of the United States' population depend on the internet for numerous
reasons. With the end of Net Neutrality, comes the compromise of that dependency. "The
consequences will be particularly devastating for marginalized communities media outlets have
misrepresented or failed to serve" stated by Free Press. Minority groups such as the LGBTQ
community, People of color and Indigenous groups use the internet as a vital tool in fighting back
against systemic discrimination (Press, Free. "Net). Net Neutrality is also crucial for local
businesses, startups and entrepreneurs who depend on an open internet to advertise their businesses.
Some states are passing specific laws that would ensure individuals would have access to free
content, protect businesses from having to pay in order to reach online users while also protecting
diversity (Kang, Cecilia. "States). Net Neutrality supporters claim that the attempts to protect the
system is to ensure that everyone has free and equal rights to the
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Netflix Persuasive Essay
Josh Jacobsen
Mrs. King
English III K
20 October 2014
Persuasive RD:
Imagine if the internet was not "open and free" like it is today. How would you like to pay more for
internet access just because you like to use Netflix? Currently the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) regulates telephone and cable companies that provide internet service in the
United States. Currently, all internet service providers are prohibited from blocking any content on
the internet. Unless you live under a rock, you have probably at least heard the term "net neutrality".
Net neutrality is a principle that Internet service providers (ISP's) should treat all network traffic
equally. This means ISPs like Comcast, AT&T or Verizon should not restrict or slow down access to
any website or other internet content. Companies like Comcast want to do this to make their own
services more desirable than those of their competitors because they are more easily accessible, but
not necessarily better. Internet service providers should not have the right ... Show more content on ...
Companies who will don't pay for their content to be accessed through the fast lane of that ISP will
be placed in the slow lane, which in the case of video streaming services like netflix will be slow.
internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon will likely charge companies like Netflix and
Hulu lots of money to ensure that their content will be placed in the fast lane to ensure their content
will be available to customers at decent speeds. Companies affected by this will not just pay the fee
and deal with it on their own, they will likely pass those costs down to you, resulting in a higher cost
for these services. This also hurts smaller startup companies because they will not likely be able to
pay the fees imposed to have fast access, therefore there is no competition among companies and
just a select few control that
... Get more on ...
IS 535 Essay
(TCO A) Cloud computing (Points : 10) is the same as e–commerce. reduces the size of IT
organizations. increases business costs. requires special software, other than a browser, to be
installed on each computer.
2. (TCO A) Maintaining the organization's financial records is a central purpose of which main
business function? (Points : 10) manufacturing and accounting finance and accounting sales and
manufacturing finance and sales
3. (TCO B) The value chain model (Points : 10) categorizes five related advantages for adding value
to a firm's products or services. sees the supply chain as the primary activity for adding value. ...
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Why or why not? (Points : 25)
Information systems (IS), technically are a set of interrelated components that collect and retrieve
information, process and store it and support the organization in decision making. Information
Technology (IT) is a shared technology and provides the platform for specific information. It
consists of hardware and software for a business to achieve their objectives. Included is the
computer systems, the computer, any hand–held devices, software the company needs to operate and
storage. (20)
"The research on IT and business performance has found that (a) the more successfully a firm can
align information technology with is business goals, the more profitable it will be." (111)
Laudon, K. L. a. J. Management Information Systems, 12/e for DeVry University (12th ed). Pearson
Learning Solutions. Retrieved from
Electronic business, or e–business or "electronic commerce"(55) has increased exponentially
because so many businesses are on digital networks. Major business transactions are completed on
the enterprise. Digital networking is transforming businesses relationships with the companies
customer, their employees and relationships with suppliers and partners in business. E business
technology is also improving the way business is done in the government. The government uses the
Internet to enable and increase business
... Get more on ...
The Debate Over Net Neutrality Laws Essay
In 2005, Vonage, a phone company that transmits telephone calls over the internet or voice over
internet protocol, complains to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about an unknown
service provider blocking their telephone service. The FCC investigated the complaint and found
that Madison River, a telephone company, was responsible and ordered them to stop blocking data
sent from Vonage (Higginbotham, 2010). This incident was one of the first cases of an internet
service provider discriminating against data sent over the internet because Vonage and Madison
River are competing telephone service companies. Because of this, the FCC proposed a set of
principles which sparked the beginning of net neutrality legislation that has been ... Show more
content on ...
Content and internet service providers spoke out as well, increasing the need for some kind of
legislation. Various forms of the original guiding principles were proposed as net neutrality
legislation; however none of them were passed. Due to the growth of the debate and increasing
numbers of complaints, the FCC has proposed their latest set of guidelines called, "preserving the
open internet", to be voted on as net neutrality legislation. Content providers such as,
Disney, Facebook, eBay, Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo, and voice over internet protocol company's
like Vonage and Skype, as well as educational or public interest groups such as Educause, Internet2,
ACE, Regional Optical Networks, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Electronic Frontier
Foundation, are all in favor of passing the "preserving the open internet" legislation. Then there are
those against "preserving the open internet" legislation such as telecommunications and cable
companies like AT&T, BellSouth, Verizon, Cablevision, Comcast, Cox, Time Warner, Charter
Communications, and hardware manufacturers such as Cisco, Nortel, and VeriSign (Greenfield,
Public interest groups and other net neutrality supporters want legislation passed to prohibit internet
... Get more on ...

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Network Neutrality Policy Summary

  • 1. Network Neutrality Policy Summary "Changes in technology have given network providers an unprecedented ability to control applications and content on their network. In the absence of network neutrality rules, our ability to use the lawful Internet applications and content of our choice is not guaranteed. The Internet's value for users and society is at stake. Network neutrality rules will help us protect it" (van Schewick, 34, 2009). This is the general idea of the article written by Barbara van Schewick as stated by themselves. This, as stated by the opposing author is written as, "The ability of consumers and business to access the content and applications of their choice, without interference, is vital to the continued evolution of the Internet and the innovation, social ... Show more content on ... Few even knew what a search engine was, for example, or had used Instant Messaging or viewed a video online. All this happened because the internet has not been subject to slow, cumbersome regulatory processes of government. Inserting government into questions around network management and the evolution of the Internet[s] underlying technologies and applications will simply erode the cooperative spirit that has driven its evolution, substituting instead fillings, charges, and countercharges." (Farber, 36, 2009). This, the general idea of the article written by David Farber as written by Farber is trying to convey to the reader that the internet has developed into an unbiased network available to all on its own, it has not needed any government intervention to get it to where it is now. With what the government is trying to do with it will only deter from the "cooperative spirit" that has brought it to its current state. Through the use of such examples as the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and the FCC regulations, Farber conveys the notion on how the internet does not respond well to external regulations, likewise how further development would be halted by government interference. What Farber sticks to, unlike van Schewick, is the consumer side of regulation, while the other sticks to corporate side. The idea of consumer power and influence is talked about ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Network Neutrality The Internet is an amazing thing. Despite being around for less than fifty years, the Internet has grown unbelievably immense and widespread. It connects people from all over the world, and gives its users access to information on virtually any topic imaginable. This is a huge asset in the development and advancement of humankind. However, having a resource of its magnitude brings great responsibility. Part of the reason the Internet has thrived is its open nature. Anyone can create content and anyone can access that content. Both creators and consumers know that the content they're making or consuming will being equally as accessible as any other content out there. This concept has come to be known as Network Neutrality. The benefits society ... Show more content on ... Network Neutrality, also known as Net Neutrality, is defined as "the principle that Internet providers ('broadband providers') should allow access to all content and applications equally, irrespective of what the source of the content is" (Cano, 2016, p. 1). Net Neutrality works to keep an open Internet, which is characterized by three things. The first characteristic is there are no gatekeepers. This means no one can stop someone else from making something. The second characteristic is "the technology supporting the flow of traffic would be indifferent to the 'substance, functionality, and content of that traffic'" (Cano, 2016, p. 21). The final characteristic of an open Internet is the network is available to anyone and anyone can contribute to the infrastructure. Net Neutrality cannot be discussed without also mentioning the three terms which describe all parties involved in the Internet: edge providers, end users, and broadband providers. An edge provider is defined as "a person or organization that provides or creates 'content, services, and applications over the Internet'; this includes providers ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Net Neutrality Essay The concept of network neutrality (more commonly referred to as net neutrality) has been a fixture of debates over United States telecommunications policy throughout the first decade of the twenty– first century. Based upon the principle that internet access should not be altered or restricted by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) one chooses to use, it has come to represent the hopes of those who believe that the internet still has the potential to radically transform the way in which we interact with both people and information, in the face of the commercial interests of ISPs, who argue that in order to sustain a competitive marketplace for internet provision, they must be allowed to differentiate their services. Whilst this debate has ... Show more content on ... Yet at the same time, these two sets of companies compete for customers, creating a glaring conflict of interest. Whilst these issues seemed to be resolved by the middle of the twentieth century, the advent of the internet introduced a whole new set of problems. The term net neutrality, first coined by Tim Wu, Professor of the Columbia University Law School in 2003, came to represent a question that had long been perceived as being of relatively little concern – is unfettered access to the internet a right, or a privilege? (Cheng and Bandyopadhay 2011: 60) (Greenstein 2007: 61, 85) The debate around internet regulation and net neutrality first gained traction in 2002, when the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) controversially ruled that broadband internet was to be classed as an information service rather as a telecommunications service, and thus made it exempt from a considerable range of content and conduct regulations that it would otherwise have been subject to. For those Americans, as exemplified by organizations such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation, who saw the internet as a space of uninhibited free expression that needed to be protected from the influence of corporate meddling, this decision was very frustrating. As promoted by Wu and others, net neutrality came to represent the belief that 'internet data packets should move nondiscriminatorily' – that is, the data ('packets' essentially being a technical ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Notes On Net Neutrality And Neutrality Net Neutrality SubbaReddy Alla Wilmington University List of Contents Introduction............................................................................................3 What do we know about Net Neutrality?...........................................................3 Significance of Net Neutrality and issues related to it...........................................4 Little awareness on Net Neutrality..................................................................5 Net Neutrality today...................................................................................6 SOPA & PIPA vs Net Neutrality....................................................................7 Campaigning on Net Neutrality......................................................................7 Conclusion.............................................................................................8 References..............................................................................................9 Introduction World Wide Web, throughout the decades it has gotten to be dependable to the point that it has turned into a part of one 's life like an essential ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, if the administration does not act quickly now, gone will be the days for Net Neutrality. Benefits and corporate disfavor of questionable points of view or battling organizations can change both the way of relationship of clients with the web and what we see over the World Wide Web. (Lefebvre, 2010) What do we know about Net Neutrality? Net Neutrality is a marvel which makes Internet clients to be in control of content which they see and the applications which are utilized by them. In short we can say that Net Neutrality alludes to no preference. In prior days, taking into account this lack of bias guideline internet has worked. Later on, Neutrality helped numerous organizations like Google and so forth. To launch, expand and enhance. Basically, unhindered internet is giving equivalent access to all clients who access Internet. Net Neutrality is the main reason why the internet has evolved in to economic revolution and a free online power. Unhindered internet helps in securing customer 's rights to utilize any gadget, content, administration without partiality of impedance from system supplier. Internet fairness ' real part is to move information, however it doesn 't give to pick higher quality administration. Significance of Net Neutrality and Issues related to it Congress is starting now drafting a charge that would upgrade and overhaul the 1996 Telecommunications Act. The current draft does area ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Net Neutrality Research Paper What Does Net Neutrality Mean For The Future Of IT? Techby Phil Bickerton – Apr 7, 2015 Twitter 0Facebook 1LinkedIn 17 inShare 17Google+ 0 Consider this; you're in the supermarket and the lines are really long and slow moving. Then you notice a separate till at the end. The queue is much smaller and the customers are moving through the checkout really quickly, at a pace of almost double that of the regular tills. When you look closer, you notice a sign – pay extra to move faster through the checkout. Sighing, you settle back into your long line to wait your turn patiently. If the tills were internet service providers, the quick moving queue would be the equivalent of online companies paying extra for a quicker delivery of their content. Which ... Show more content on ... Big wireless companies feel that this could make congestion on their networks harder to manage, which could lead to data issues and have a knock–on effect on different service plans. Effect on IT Small technological companies and mobile app developers have never been able to compete with the big guns when it comes to developing infrastructure and positioning on the internet. However, with the new rules in place regarding net neutrality there is more likelihood of an equal playing field, as everyone will have access to the same bandwidth. IT professionals use bandwidth in a variety of ways: through API Access, streaming videos, audios and photographs, business software – the list is endless. Ideally, if net neutrality finds its footing, the costs of providing these services should remain low or perhaps reduce. This ensures costs are kept down for the customers and enables more professionals to access the ever–expanding world of IT services. This could open up further IT development, make way for new start–ups, and create all– around greater ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Network Neutrality Research Paper NETWORK NEUTRALITY Net neutrality which is also known as net neautrality which ensure that no discrimination on the web services and network access by Internet Service Providers and some other government organisation. A uniformity and Neutrality is to be maintained. Some Internet service providers like Comcast and AT&T are against this system. Comcast slows down the services like peer to peer access and downloads. Network Neutrality: Network neutrality is one of the principle in which all Internet traffic that should be treated equal. According to professor of Columbia Law School Tim Wu, explained network neutrality is a public information network that will end up being most useful if all sites, content and platforms are treated equal.. ... Show more content on ... They cannot differentiate between the different groups. Net neutrality has remained a core democratizing tenet of the internet since the time it came into existence. Net neutrality protects innovation and if big companies like Google and Netflix could pay to get exceptional treatment, more bandwidth, faster speeds, the new start–up firms would be at a disadvantage. It will also negatively affect freedom of speech. In absence of net neutrality, the big companies could give priority to TV networks from videos it owns and slow down the signals from its peers. Net neutrality supports competitive marketplace and provides chance to every firm, from big companies to small start–ups to take part in it. If net was not neutral, Google, Facebook or Zomato would not have been able to reach where they are today. Curbing netizens right to a neutral net will be a big blow for the budding entrepreneurs. Disadvantages: Times have changed. Today YouTube and Netflix clog the pipes with huge amounts of data. The users download insane amount of software, music and movies illegally. The changes will put a
  • 12. ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Net Neutrality Introduction: Net Neutrality is allowing users to free and open access of internet irrespective of sources or internet providers demanding special charges in order to use services provided by them. Now a days Internet is one of the essential part for everyday communication in life. Several services were used in our day to day life for example GPS tracking, google, Wikipedia, Netflix etc., and we can't imagine a day without the internet. Internet Service providers combining with corporations were utilizing this and trying to make profit out of this by imposing more charges on the user in order to utilize the services needed for him with more speed and flexibility. There are several discussions and debates supporting and opposing net neutrality. ... Show more content on ... For example, if user orders a book from amazon through prime, the delivery should be delivered to user with in two days. Most of the deliveries of amazon are taken care by FedEx services. If the delivery was late there may be chance of user complaining about it and loss of reputation for company. This situation advantage will be taken by FedEx and asks deal with the amazon to pay extra charges like shipping tax. There should be a win–win opportunity between both sided as if amazon chooses other service there may be loss of business for FedEx. Also up to certain amount will be paid by company and if there is any extra user has to shipping charges for product delivery to reach in time. Same case will reflect in internet service as well. There will a win–win situation deals between the internet service provider and corporations in–order to provide proper services to user. Internet service provider acts as a keeper so that it can allow the services with more bandwidth and speed who has deals with them and imposing more traffic and reduce speed for ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. The Effects Of Net Neutrality Net neutrality has been around for quite some time but it was up until now when that us internet users really pay attention to it because our President Donald Trump wants to pass a new net neutrality rule/bill that makes people pay to use apps that were meant to be free like Facebook and Twitter that millions use. "June 2003 Tim Wu coins the phrase network neutrality which was later shortened to net neutrality". (Tim Wu) According to this quote net neutrality has been around since the summer of 2003 but didn't really take any effect until "February 2004 when the U.S. Federal Communications Commission introduced four principles of network freedom". (ProQuest Staff) now therefore net neutrality did not affect communities until February of 2004. ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. The Pros And Cons Of Network Neutrality Network neutrality is something that almost all people have an opinion on. Very few people could think about the idea of all information on the internet being neutral, without getting an instant opinion. The idea that companies, government, and organizations would have the ability to sensor and choose what comes up on any internet searches. The two sides are as stated: everything that comes up on the internet should be unbiased (thus resulting "neutral"). The other side states that the internet, companies, etc should be able to use our past internet searches to "help" us and make the results more "relatable" our lives. This concept, that most don't think about, has been debated for over a decade; at this point, there is still no definitive ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Net Neutrality NETWORK NEUTRALITY Network neutrality can be also called as network neutrality, Internet neutrality is the rule that Internet service providers and governments should not give any discrimination on the data and treat them equally in the case of cost and usage to each and every communities. The term was names by law professor of Columbia University media Tim Wu in 2003, for an extension of the long withstanding concept of a common carrier. The Internet service provider Comcast slows down the peer to peer file sharing system. Network Neutrality: Network neutrality is one of the principle in which all Internet traffic that should be treated equal. According to professor of Columbia Law School Tim Wu, explained network neutrality is a public information network that will end up being most useful ... Show more content on ... Sponsored content and sometimes "pay–to–play" schemes may go against the net neutrality spirit, while they can help companies in improving the overall service sthey offer. Heavier internet users may be charged more than other users.In that case that extra money ISPs have the way to increase the bandwith for all internet users. Thanks to sponsorships some mobile telecom operators may offer free internet access to some contents. This may enable those who don't have data contracts on their smartphones to surf some areas in the internet for free. Similarly, it would reduce the consumption of other users' data allotments. Regulationon on net neutrality may limit the tools of governments and ISPs to fight against online "piracy". Material infringingcopyright laws can be easilty shared using P2P software. ISPs or governments cannot be able to block or filter these contents, if net neutrality is fully respeced. Similarly net neutrality rules make more difficult to monitor and control controversial adult ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Internet Neutrality (CIRA) Impacts of the Changes By putting internet alongside the same services are telecommunications, the laws regarding net neutrality would be clear and concrete for ISPs, especially the rules on blocking and throttling connections, which is overall beneficial for maintaining net neutrality in the United States. The vague statements in the Open Internet Order would become clearer and ISPs would be held accountable for breaking its principles. These regulations would further improve the user experience, as section 224 of the Communications Act would make internet service a universal service. This meant that ISPs would have to provide affordable internet services, as well as preventing ISPs from tracking the online behaviours of their users, as explained ... Show more content on ... This is because the United states is a major trading partner for Canada. Therefore, there net neutrality laws will have some impacts on Canadian internet consumers, when it comes to trading packets across the border. An article by the Canadian Internet Registration (CIRA) discussed the potential impacts for Canadians the 'Title II' changes will have (Holland, 2017). Many of website and services Canadians use, have servers located in the United States, such as Netflix. Canadian ISPs will not throttle the traffic to the United States, the traffic eventually needs to travel along United States ISPs. These ISPs may choose to block or throttle the traffic going through them, and as mentioned before, the speed of the overall network connection is determined by the slowest speeds. This means that Canadians could have a direct impact on their internet experiences because of the net neutrality laws in the United States. This also applies to the connection coming to Canada, as Canadian companies, especially startups, may lose potential clients from the United States because of the poor internet experiences of American users. On the other hand, an article by the CBC, says that these changes can have an positive impact for the Canadian economy (Stastna, 2014). It states that online entrepreneurs from the United States, would find Canada favourable as the operation location due to its strict net neutrality laws, and thus provide more jobs for Canadians in their related ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. Net Neutrality Browse Essays/Technology Net Neutrality This essay Net Neutrality is available for you on! Search Term Papers, College Essay Examples and Free Essays on – full papers database. Autor: anton November 11, 2010 680 Words (3 Pages) 326 Views Page 1 of 3 As someone who has had some sort of web presence for over ten years , I am completely and unequivocally in favor of net neutrality. Google defines net neutrality as "the principle that Internet users should be in control of what content they view and what applications they use on the Internet. " What net neutrality means to me, is that the content I have to share (however mundane it may be) has an equal opportunity of reaching any Internet user as any ... Show more content on ... Yahoo!, Vonage,[74] eBay, Amazon,[75] IAC/InterActiveCorp. Microsoft, Twitter, Tumblr, Etsy, Daily Kos, Greenpeace, along with many other companies and organizations, have also taken a stance in support of net neutrality.[76][77] Cogent Communications, an international Internet service provider, has made an announcement in favor of certain net neutrality policies.[78] In 2008, Google published a statement speaking out against letting broadband providers abuse their market power to affect access to competing applications or content. They ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Online Economic Uncertainty Netflix has announced its partnership with Comcast to the public. Now, Netflix users that use Comcast as their internet service provider will have smoother streaming over other internet service providers. The deal that was agreed upon has allowed Netflix to pay Comcast so that their services will be more reliable for Comcast users on Netflix (Wyatt and Cohen). This recent deal has brought about a significant deal of controversy that has customers, companies, and corporations alike discussing whether or not this violates network neutrality. Network neutrality is a fairly new term that has come about in the last decade because of the world's recent reliance on technology and the internet. This term defines how internet service providers should enable equal opportunity to all sources on the internet without bias. With Netflix gaining an advantage over other services the equality portion of network neutrality has been violated. Although most people have come to the conclusion that network neutrality was clearly violated, the topic of discussion now is whether deals like this will benefit the online economy or retard it. There are many arguments claiming that foregoing network neutrality would actually stimulate the economy. This claim is largely recognized in the article "Subsidizing Creativity through Network Design: Zero–Pricing and Net Neutrality," by Robin Lee and Tim Wu. The authors explain how the economy would actually benefit if network neutrality were to be ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. Arguments Against Net Neutrality What is net neutrality you may ask? Well net neutrality or open internet is legal content and/or applications that internet service providers give you on an equal basis. They cannot have any favorite websites and block others.In my opinion in favor net neutrality. It makes sure every web site is treated equally. This goes for all video,audio,etc. in my future I want to be a entrepreneur and net neutrality helps people get access to broadband networks without any problems! Big companies like Apple, Microsoft, google (and more) also go for net neutrality. As well as those companies there are some that are against net neutrality. Companies such as AT&T, comcast, cox, and verizon are against net neutrality. They said "The rules are too heavy–handed and could stifle investment and innovation." Again in my opinion i think net neutrality is a great thing because i think everyone should be treated equally and should have the same chance and votes should have a fair play and have no cheating. Of course pirating is extremely illegal and should be corrected, many web sites are being copyrighted and stealing people's identities and these innosite people are getting banked ruped and losing there jobs for using these websites. Net neutrality is basically the human rights but on computers people need and deserve them.For the people that are against net neutrality, a new FCC chairman, ajit pai,worked as a lawyer for verizon and plans to get rid of net neutrality which would be a big win for ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Network Neutrality Network Tier Network Neutrality or Network Tier? Network neutrality has offered entrepreneurs the ability to start up a new business using the internet as a passage for advertising and gaining a customer base. It has allowed for individuals to surf the World Wide Web to read articles, look at photos and watch video's all from the convenience of their home or portable electronic device. While there are two sides to every coin, there are two opinions about the internet and whether it should be managed on the current net neutrality concept or a more tiered approach. While both sides have valid points, it must be decided which approach is for the better good for society. What is Network Neutrality? Why is the Internet Running this way? According to Agusti, ... Show more content on ... As President Obama stated in a letter dated November 10, 2014, "We cannot allow Internet service providers (ISPs) to restrict the best access or to pick winners and losers in the online marketplace for services and ideas" (para. 2). "...neither the cable company nor the phone company will be able to act as a gatekeeper, restricting what you can do or see online" (para. 4). If the government did not impose rules to adhere to, internet service providers would take that opportunity to exploit the opportunity to gouge the users by restricting access to certain sites or information unless they paid the top tier which would be at a premium price. People and many businesses cannot afford high price internet service and only the one percenters would afford the luxury of all access ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. What Are The Arguments Against Net Neutrality Next to EPP there are four major players in Net Neutrality topic. Telecom operators, content providers, European Commission and other bigger political forces. Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments regulating the Internet must treat all data on the Internet the same, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication. [1]Article 3 of EU Regulation 2015/2120[111] sets the basic framework for ensuring net neutrality across the entire European Union. Arguments in favour of Net Neutrality Proponents of net neutrality include consumer advocates, human rights organisations, online companies and some technology ... Show more content on ... Among corporations, opponents include Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, IBM, Intel, Cisco, Nokia, Qualcomm, Broadcom, Juniper, D–Link, Wintel, Alcatel–Lucent, Corning, Panasonic, Ericsson, and others.[82][160][161] Google Chairman Eric Schmidt states that, while Google views that similar data types should not be discriminated against, it is okay to discriminate across different data types–a position that both Google and Verizon generally agree on, according to Schmidt.[173][174] Several civil rights groups, such as the National Urban League, Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH, and League of United Latin American Citizens, also oppose Title II net neutrality regulations,[175] who said that the call to regulate broadband Internet service as a utility would harm minority communities by stifling investment in underserved areas.[176][177] Opponents say that net neutrality would make it more difficult for Internet service providers (ISPs) and other network operators to recoup their investments in broadband ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. Net Neutrality Essay INTRODUCTION The emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web brought upon a medium of communication with a range of opportunities for the world. However, this medium is, in due course, subject to the control of a few major companies. The enigma of information flow is the central concern of net neutrality. Consumers, competition and network owners would benefit directly from the regulation of network neutrality because it would provide a positive impact to those parties as well as provide equality. CONSUMERS The Internet came to be because of the user. Without the user, there is no World Wide Web. It is a set of links and words all created by a group of users, a forum or a community (Weinberger 96). The concept of net neutrality is ... Show more content on ... These lanes will be beneficial to an individual company but is not good for customers who will have deal with inconsistencies (The Economist). Net Neutrality proposes a consumer–happy approach which is the main concern for network owners. COMPETITION In this field, competition refers to network owners (ISP). Their differential in pricing and control of information alters the competition. Anti–competitive acts by network owners would be barred due to the impact of net neutrality (St. Petersburg). The major companies (telecom and cable) could enforce a fee for faster Internet or prefer content that is associated with their partnered conglomerates. The cause would be a halt in innovation and end up giving larger companies the power to nudge aside the smaller start–ups from expanding (Linux Journal). Also, net neutrality saves the internet as an ideal marketplace. For the previous 10 years, the Internet has been a public marketplace where privatized companies are able to expand and grow, and this reputation will continue to serve (Opposing Views). More importantly, without net neutrality in affect, price discrimination risks start–ups from emerging out of their cocoons. Net neutrality once paved the concept of free market endeavors. Without these regulations, innovators are at the hands of network owners and building new online entrepreneurships or ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. The Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality Since the invention of the Internet, there has been an idea among the creators that information that was transmitted, would be treated fairly and equally. In the United States (U.S.), the debate goes on for Internet communications services that "must remain open for commerce, innovation, speech, consumers, innovations by application developers, content companies, expansion, and investment by broadband developers" (Friedlander 924). Since the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC's) 2015 Open Internet Order, net neutrality has come under multiple threats and is in more danger than ever. Without net neutrality, Internet service providers (ISP's) may continue to discriminate against specific online services or websites. This paper first describes the net neutrality background, then the potential impacts on education and minority communities, and finally the most recent debates ... Show more content on ... All data on the Internet is the same, where there is no discrimination or charging differences based on the user, website, device, equipment, content, application, etc. Basically, the Internet treats all content equally no matter how it is delivered or where it comes from. A good example is how you access Amazon's website should be no different than a small local business website or downloading a video. The debatable issue is where ISPs would create a concept of "fast lane" access, where big companies would pay to ensure they remain competitive with faster transmission speeds. Within an ISP network, companies like Amazon and Walmart may compete to access a ISPs fast lane, ultimately leaving one to conduct business on the slow lane. ISPs view the Internet as a luxury because big companies have deeper pockets to stay in the "fast lane" which in turn will generate more revenue for ISPs. The loss of net neutrality means small business and certain websites may no longer ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Lawrence Lessig Net Neutrality On December 30, 2015, Lawrence Lessig, Professor of Law and Ethics at Harvard University, who had announced his candidacy for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination the previous month, told the Wall Street Journal that, "...When push comes to shove, if certain services are not available to you because of privacy restrictions, you back out of restrictions...Where I can protect privacy at very low cost, people will want to protect privacy" (The CIO Report RSS). Lessig was referring to the controversial concept of "net neutrality," which is essentially the idea that ISPs, or Internet service providers, should allow the public to access any amount of content on the Internet the same way, which is what currently the case, but some parties have ... Show more content on ... Many individuals still believe in the progressive ideals that the Internet was founded upon, and want to see that it continues to be a place for innovation, where information is free and available. They don't want large corporations having very strict control over that. Only a few days ago, the House of Representatives passed a bill in an attempt to limit the FCC's authority on net neutrality. The debate on net neutrality is far from over, and no one knows how the Internet will operate a decade from now. One thing is clear, however: the American people have a huge influence on what will ultimately happen, so if they want to maintain the privacy and freedom that they desire, they need to continue to make their voices ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Essay on Mis535 Midterm Question Type: | # Of Questions: | # Correct: | Multiple Choice | 5 | 4 | Essay | 4 | N/A | | | Grade Details – All Questions | 1. | Question : | (TCO A) Domino's upgraded Pulse Evolution system incorporated a Pizza Tracker functionality that shows the progression of individual pizza orders. This is an example of using information systems to achieve which business objective? | | | Student Answer: | | Customer and supplier intimacy | | | | Survival | | | | Improved decision making | | | | Operational excellence | | Instructor Explanation: | pp. 52–53 | | | | Points Received: | 10 of 10 | | Comments: | | | | 2. | Question : | (TCO A) Networking and ... Show more content on ... An information system: supports decision making, coordination, and control helps employees analyze problems helps employees visualize complex subjects helps create new products @ pp. 15– 16 | | | | Points Received: | 25 of 25 | | Comments: | | | | 7. | Question : | (TCO B) How have mobile devices and social media changed the work environment? | | | Student Answer: | | The ever advancing technology of mobile devices have affected almost every aspect of our everyday lives. Mobile devices have made it easier to communicate. With the way mobile devices right now, people are able to multitask and increase effectiveness of their business. Our devices can search, pay for merchandise and connect you to a business conference on the golf course. In today's business world, people are expected to do more in a lesser amount of time, making devices that can handle this type of behavior more of a necessity. Storage of information can be done on portable (flash) drives and taken with you anywhere you go, making it possible to have information at your fingertips without being tied to an office or home computer. You can send emails from your phone or a tablet making the virtual office a place of regular business. Social media has not only impacted our personal lives, but it has definitely invaded the work environment as well. With the use of Facebook ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. The Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality Net neutrality has become a huge topic in today's society full of internet users, however nobody really knows whether it should pass or not. America is a capitalist country and supports free–market expansion and competition, however net neutrality is the exact opposite. Net neutrality has communistic views in which every website gets equal treatment and equal internet speed. As ABC states "Net neutrality is the principle that ISPs treat all content equally and not give preference to some digital content providers. That means the consumer can load every website, app, video, .gif, etc., equally, regardless of where the content is hosted." (para. 3) Net neutrality is intended to regulate the internet and treat it like a common carrier such as television or telephone. Up until 2015 the internet was classified as an information service, meaning that the FCC could not control it and had no bearing over what happens on it, but after, then–president Barack Obama passed a bill stating that the internet would be treated as a common carrier, which is a person or company that transports goods or people at a fixed rate. This caused the FCC to control over the internet, regulating speeds, dictating what ISPs (Internet Service Providers) are able to do, and transforms private internet cables into public. Until 2015 the internet was built on a primarily free–market framework and was constantly upgrading. More and more websites were forming, going to ISPs to increase their speeds, causing ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Netflix Persuasive Essay Josh Jacobsen Mrs. King English III K 20 October 2014 Persuasive RD: Imagine if the internet was not "open and free" like it is today. How would you like to pay more for internet access just because you like to use Netflix? Currently the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates telephone and cable companies that provide internet service in the United States. Currently, all internet service providers are prohibited from blocking any content on the internet. Unless you live under a rock, you have probably at least heard the term "net neutrality". Net neutrality is a principle that Internet service providers (ISP's) should treat all network traffic equally. This means ISPs like Comcast, AT&T or Verizon should not restrict or slow down access to any website or other internet content. Companies like Comcast want to do this to make their own services more desirable than those of their competitors because they are more easily accessible, but not necessarily better. Internet service providers should not have the right ... Show more content on ... Companies who will don't pay for their content to be accessed through the fast lane of that ISP will be placed in the slow lane, which in the case of video streaming services like netflix will be slow. internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon will likely charge companies like Netflix and Hulu lots of money to ensure that their content will be placed in the fast lane to ensure their content will be available to customers at decent speeds. Companies affected by this will not just pay the fee and deal with it on their own, they will likely pass those costs down to you, resulting in a higher cost for these services. This also hurts smaller startup companies because they will not likely be able to pay the fees imposed to have fast access, therefore there is no competition among companies and just a select few control that ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Network Neutrality Case Study Prior to this case study, I had only heard of network neutrality on social media. I wasn't sure what it meant or what it entailed, until beginning my research for this assignment. While researching this topic, I immediately stumbled across a Burger King commercial that was written about by the LA Times and released this month. The LA Times (2018) stated that the Burger King commercial was used to inform customers about network neutrality based on differing prices for a Whopper. The franchise advocated that it would charge various prices to customers based on the speed of processing the hamburgers. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (2017), network neutrality means "...applying well–established "common carrier" rules to the internet in order to preserve its freedom and openness." In essence, network neutrality forbids carriers from tampering with the data that is being transferred. The ACLU supports network neutrality because they feel that ending it would be an infringement on free speech. I agree with the ACLU. I am in favor of network neutrality. Network neutrality provides equal access for all and eliminates pay to play schemes. The threat of internet service providers (ISP) and private business firms charging whatever they want could result in a financial impact ... Show more content on ... As an example, in order to remedy paying a higher price for traveling a specific roadway, citizens can choose an alternative route of travel. In addition, public utilities are governed by a Public Utility Commission (PUC). The PUC helps control the prices and the financial impact on consumers. For the internet, there is no such commission to provide protection. In addition, unlike multiple roadways into and out of a city, the internet is controlled by a few select big corporations and individuals will not have a choice on choosing an ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. Network Neutrality Rules Research Paper NET NEUTRALITY RULES In the late 2010, U.S. Federal Communication commission imposed "network neutrality" regulations on broadband access providers, both wired and wireless. Networks cannot block subscribers' use of certain devices, applications, or services, or unreasonably discriminate, offering superior access for some services over others. The commission argues that such rules are necessary, as the internet was designed to bar "gatekeepers". Networks routinely manage traffic and often bundle content with data transport precisely because such coordination produces superior services. A truly "open internet" allows consumers, investors, and entrepreneurs to choose among many models, discovering effeciencies. the FCC mistakes the benefits ... Show more content on ... net neutrality rules restrict how companies may price and package computer network services. The rules prohibit bargains or bundles that are seen to discriminate among applications. Regulators see danger lurking in your broadband ISP, the cable TV system putting you online via a cable modem, or the telephone carrier connecting you via a digital subscriber line (DSL) or fiber to the home (FTTH) networks. The operator, left to its own devices, is feared to maximise its profits not just by taking your monthly subscription fee but by then skimming an unearned surcharge. By "covertly blocking or degrading internet traffic" to sites affiliated with rival content suppliers, the ISP is seen to be in position to favour those of its partners. There will be a fast lane on the iternet for those apps your "last mile" provider prefers – and a traffic jam for everyone else. The innovation in the garage does not enjoy the size, scope, or cash in the bank to buy its way inn discouraging grassroots innovation. "the harms that could result from threats to openness are significant and likely irreversible", warns the ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Impacts of Not Preserving Net Neutrality: Tiered Internet... Impacts of Not Preserving Net Neutrality: Tiered Internet Service 1 INTRODUCTION Net Neutrality is the principle that Internet users should be able to access any web content or use any application without restriction or limitation from their internet service provider [1]. Net neutrality can be further broken down into four core concepts as described by Daniel J. Weitzners, non– discriminatory routing of packets, user control choice over service levels, ability to create and use new services and protocols without approval of network operators and nondiscriminatory peering of backbone network [1]. A tiered internet service is a structure that allows user to choose and pay for the amount of bandwidth that best suits their need [2]. This paper ... Show more content on ... 2. 2 What is the impact of not preserving Net Neutrality? Our driving question is attempting to answer the question "What are the impact of not preserving Net Neutrality? ", by analyzing the different components of net neutrality, and how they affect the different parties involved. We also look at the argument which support and oppose net neutrality. One of the main focuses of net neutrality revolves around a tiered internet service. Net neutrality was created in order to stop ISPs from offering these tiered services. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a tiered internet? 3. TIERED INTERNET SERVICE Tiered internet service is a business model that separates the quality of internet traffic by the price the users pay. User who pay more money receive more traffic and have better service as opposed to users who choose the minimum payment plan and pay less for a lesser quality of service and lower speed. 3.1 Tiered Services Tiered services exist in many other industries such as travel. For example airline companies divide the customers between classes, first class getting better service than coach. Pharmaceutical companies also have different payment plan based on geographical locations. For the most part the internet has been priced in two tiers, users pay for their level of connectivity (which is usually a flat rate), while ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Net Neutrality Rules Throughout the span of 2008–2010, another net neutrality bill was introduced in congress regarding Comcast blocking files but, Comcast sued the FCC saying that the FCC has no authority over their internet service. . The FCC attempted to apply a cease and desist order against Comcast but eventually they canceled it. The outcome of this dispute created an Open Internet Order by Democrat Julius Genachowski (Reardon, 2015). This is very significant because this is what made the net neutrality rules official in the FCC regulation. This order explains that people can access content to the Internet without experiencing blocking or slowing down. In addition, broadband providers have to be clear about their management networks and practices. In 2014, ... Show more content on ... Silicon Valley Congresswoman Anna Eshoo says, it's time to dump "Net Neutrality" and replace it with something more descriptive and energizing. "Suggestions so far included "Net Equality," "Freedom to Connect," the "Equal Data Act," the "Digital Anti–Discrimination Act," "One Free Internet," the "Digital Freedom Act," the "Toll–Free Internet," "Unaltered Universal Internet Access," the "Fair and Equal Internet Act," the "Fair–Net," and "The Old MacDonald Act: Equal Internet for Everyone Involved Online (EIEIO)" (Perry, 2014). In the IEEE CTN issue of June 2014, It was noted that "evolution and technological innovation in communication systems, digital media, and user behavior may challenge Net Neutrality principles and question if or how Net Neutrality can be sustained in a new word of data–hungry applications such as on–demand video, online gaming, and music streaming" (IEEE, 2014). In the same CTN issue, specific Net Neutrality principles included, among others, no connection blocking, bandwidth transparency, universal connectivity, and best effort ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Essay On Net Neutrality The commencement of the internet was more than just a technological advancement, like most new and innovative ideas it came with its problems. Net neutrality, is just one of the many strings attached to the internet, and in return we have structured laws, which have caused arguments concerning what should and should not be monitored. For over 50 years, this has been a recurring theme with no end in sight. In recent months, people have thought there could possibly be an end, but to no avail as it seems to be going in the same exact pattern as the past. What is the reason to bring up Net Neutrality again today from previous years? Think about it, the internet is the biggest source of information in the world today. It is the most used form of entertainment, research, socialization. ... Show more content on ... The reality though is that this change is not for the better. The whole idea with the internet changing is frightening to most, but a lot of people don't realize what exactly is happening to Net Neutrality.With the internet being so widely popular and important in this day and age, information and exploration on Net Neutrality is an essential topic to be informed on. (Brightlinks) First in order to be informed on Net Neutrality we need to understand the history behind it. Since as early as 1926, Net Neutrality has been around, yes you read that right, before the internet, it wasn't always known as Net Neutrality though. Before the internet was created the beginning of Net Neutrality began in 1926 with the Federal Radio Commission agency, it was later renamed in 1934 to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The Federal Communications Commission only regulated the radio from 1926 to 1969 when it took up its second project which was the internet. ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality Net Neutrality Regulation Pros As previously stated, net neutrality is a complex subject and it has many layers. One issue of major of concern is that of "fast lanes" and the establishment of net neutrality would prevent ISPs from forming these types of connections. Simplified, a fast lane is line of service that provides faster upload and download speeds. A fast lane would allow ISPs to charge companies such as Netflix, Skype, PlayStation Plus, and other streaming services for faster connections that would allow consumers to access the services easier and faster. Proponents of net neutrality worry that the extra expenses for fast lanes could become a formidable challenge for startups and small business owners. Large corporations typically ... Show more content on ... Many neutrality proponents contend that failing to develop and enforce net neutrality will lead to the ability of ISPs to block access to content. Currently, there is a freedom of choice in that ISPs are unable to obstruct certain sites or contents over others but that hasn't always been the case. There have been several cases over the last few years where ISPs have moved to block internet content. Comcast is probably the best known culprit. In the early–to–mid 2000's, Comcast monitored network traffic patterns and began blocking certain websites (Ammori, 2014). The sites that were targeted were those that are known as peer–to–peer. Peer–to–peer (P2P) sites utilize technology that allow users to share data without having a centralized server. There have been instances where illegal data has been shared but it would be impossible for an ISP to determine that simply from traffic patterns. Peer–to–peer sites are not the only ones that have been targeted. In 2005, an ISP in North Carolina moved to block traffic that allowed users to access Vonage, an application that allows users to make telephone calls via the internet. AT&T had a contract with Apple that asked AT&T to block all applications that offered video chat over a cellular network. This allowed Apple's application, Facetime, to become the preferred application of iPhone ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Net Neutrality Vs Open Internet Essay Along with consumer advocates and human rights organization, many internet application companies like Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, Vonage etc. support net neutrality regulation. Google published a statement in 2008, opposing market power of broadband providers to control access to content and other applications. They further compared the situation to that of the telecommunication market, where companies are not allowed to control who their customers call or what those customers are allowed to say. The Sites which favor net neutrality propose to have an equal platform for every content on the Internet, in short they demand 'Open Internet.Net neutrality is a highly important component for open internet. The idea of an open internet reflects that anyone ... Show more content on ... This means that cable companies would be required to allow Internet service providers free access to cable lines, like the model used for dial up Internet. They also intend to make sure that the cable companies cannot screen, disrupt or filter Internet content without a court order. This in turn would allow FCC (Federal Communications Commission) to enforce rules of net neutrality effectively. Furthermore, Net neutrality advocates argue that allowing cable and telecommunication to act as gatekeepers i.e. being able to control speed of loading of websites, as well as letting them to demand a toll on quality of service would create an exploitative business model and would also slow down innovation in online services. Further, they also argue that by charging certain sites, ISP's may be able to block those who are unable to pay. Also, the advocates assert that every content on the Internet must be treated same and must move at the same speeds. Presently, the order is meant to set a precedent that all ISP's as well as communication companies cannot impede customers from using their networks the way they desire unless there is a valid ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Should Net Neutrality Be Repeal Should net neutrality be repeal? Many people don't know or care about net neutrality, but the reality is that it's actually a big deal than you think. net neutrality first became a thing in the 1990s, but became noticeable in the 2003. The reason why net neutrality became something is because there were inequality connection speed between the provider and the consumer. Now in 2018, net neutrality will officially end in April, 23, 2018 if there are not enough votes. The definition of net neutrality is when a consumer can go through any website without facing any restriction from the provider. In the year 2003, is the year when the term net neutrality was created by a law professor Tim Wu, which became an something very important because it ... Show more content on ... "The FCC Just Repealed Net Neutrality Protections. Here's How It Will Impact You.." HuffPost, 22 Nov. 2017,–net–neutrality–could–affect– you_us_5a15e086e4b04cdf4de5ed1b. Accessed 7 Mar. 2018 Mcmillan, Brad. "How Will The Repeal Of The Net Neutrality Rules Affect You?." Forbes, 18 Dec. 2017,–will–the–repeal–of–the–net– neutrality–rules–affect–you/. Accessed 7 Mar. 2018. La Corte, Rachel / Ap. "Washington Becomes First State to Approve Net Neutrality." Time,–net–neutrality–rules/. Accessed 28 Mar. 2018. Lee, Timothy B.. "What is network neutrality?." Vox, 11 Apr. 2014,–neutrality/whats–network–neutrality. Accessed 22 Mar. 2018. Simon, Felix. "Most People Don't Care About Net Neutrality – Felix Simon – Medium." Medium, 10 Dec. 2017,–no–one–seems–to–care–about–net– neutrality–b4b7fb9f85a8. Accessed 18 Apr. 2018. Sutori. "The History of Net Neutrality in the U.S. ." Sutori, 11 Feb. 2015,–history–of–net–neutrality–in–the–u–s. Accessed 18 Apr. 2018. Twitter. "Comcast User on Twitter." Twitter, Accessed 18 Apr. ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Network Neutrality Nuances Summary The internet is a resource with ever expanding content and applications for everyone to use however, net neutrality rules on the free use of internet remains a debated topic. The "Point/Counterpoint: Network Neutrality Nuances" presents Barbara van Schewick's supportive argument on the applications of net neutrality rules, and the consequences of failing to do so. Schewick's engaging justifications are well researched with arguments containing significant amounts of examples, strong and simplistic diction to reach her audience, and clean and smooth transitions to move between ideas. Schewick begins the argument supporting the idea of implicating net neutrality rules to allows the free use of the internet without internet service providers controlling what is available. She explains that providers wish to create a controlled system where they can modify content and application through ... Show more content on ... The audience of the article is anyone who uses the internet, thus the people who care about the content and applications available to them. Several terms and concepts about internet usage may not be known by those who use the internet, which gave reason for Schewick to use diction to meet the general audience to inform the benefits of net neutrality rules. This allows anyone of any age, that cares about the free use of the internet to be able to read and understand her reasoning. Her simple diction allows the reader to be engaged throughout the piece while easily understanding the message of the requirement of net neutrality laws. The engaged audience would be able to read and understand the article without having to learn or look up definitions. The engaged audience is able to maintain focus, thus increases the article's persuasion. The easy to read diction allows the author to display her arguments effectivity to those with the access to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Persuasive Essay On Net Neutrality The Net Neutrality Dispute If you have been listening to any news recently you might have heard a bit about net neutrality, the FCC, and something about Internet freedom. Net neutrality has been a long, simmering battle for the past decade, and, even more so, ever since the FCC announced its upcoming plans to repeal the existing rules around net neutrality. If you're anything like me, you might have been initially confused about what the heck Net neutrality is and slightly off–put at all the posts flooding your social media. However, once I understood what the fuss was all about and the implications of the outcome of the upcoming decision, the issue suddenly seemed relevant and concerning. Something important to note is cable providers, broadband providers, internet service providers (ISPs), telecommunications companies, telecom generally refers to the same thing. (Comcast, AT&T, Time Warner, Verizon, etc.) So, what is net neutrality anyway? In a nutshell, net neutrality is the right to do what you want and go where you want on the Internet without your broadband provider getting in the way. It means your broadband provider can't block websites, throttle services or charge you premiums if you want to reach certain online content. What does the FCC have to do with it? The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is a government agency created to regulate interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. Most recently in 2015, a ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Argumentative Essay On Net Neutrality Net Neutrality is a widely debated topic that comes with not only great support but also logical opposition. While looking at net neutrality you must consider several ideas that impact the topic. Before looking at any ideas though, you must first understand what net neutrality is. First, it is an abbreviation of network neutrality which is "the idea, principle, or requirement that Internet service providers should or must treat all Internet data as the same regardless of its kind, source, or destination" as stated by the Merriam–Webster Dictionary. A few of those ideas previously mentioned are how will the consumers, economy, internet service providers, content providers, and others be impacted by having net neutrality or taking away net neutrality. Appealing net neutrality and how it would occur is another very large topic. How difficult that would be is very important. Net neutrality is a subject that has so many influential factors that it is hard to come to a single right answer, and that is why the thorough research of this issue is so greatly needed. Net Neutrality is an argument that has been highly debated for years, but in the past several months it has come back contentious as ever. To give a bit of background, you should know that the FCC is an acronym for the Federal Communications Commission. It is a government committee that watches over both interstate and international communications by all communications such as radio, television, wire, satellite, ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Isp Pros And Cons Net Neutrality is just a term, there is not an established legal definition of how it incorporated. In short, individual rights groups, governments and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) all have different proposals for what net neutrality is to them. The debate of Net Neutrality is much about keeping the Internet where it is now or how much to allow ISPs, specifically broadband providers, to manage their specific networks. However, this debate is more political than technical, therefore the issue is the Internet has grown so large and to the point that the government is now involved in setting regulations. ISPs, such as, Verizon, Comcast and others have very little interest in just installing the cable into homes, however, the interest is in what data you consume, and from whom and how much, merely there is a lot of money at stake. Nevertheless, ISPs do need to manage their networks; Quality of Service (QoS) practices and techniques have been around for a long time, basically since inception of computer networking. Bandwidth is not unlimited, but finite, and it is not scarce either, it is fairly plentiful. However, ... Show more content on ... In other words, take email versus 911 emergency Voice over IP (VoIP) call. Technically, a spam or any type of malicious traffic has the same priority as a 911 VoIP call, this being at the IP transport layer of the Open System Interconnection model (OSI model). If these examples are treated the same, the 911 VoIP calls will be dropped or interrupted in some cases. Therefore, the question is how is fairness decided and under what authority is it enforced. The intent of Net Neutrality is that the IS'Ps should not have interest in the content going over the network, and they should only be a "common" carrier. However, the reality is this is not true, nor will it be anytime ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Network Neutrality Paper With network neutrality as such a heavily debated and controversial topic, there exists a large number of literature and viewpoints on the topic. This paper discusses the viewpoints brought up within an article authored by two people. The article acts as a debate between the authors, containing points and counter points, and this paper goes over the main ideas and conclusions brought up within the article, while acting as a good overview for the reader to start their search for their own personal conclusions. Network Neutrality as defined by a University of California student is, "a network design paradigm that argues for broadband network providers to be completely detached from what information is sent over their networks."(Lin, 1) Put into layman terms, it is the act of ISPs to not provide a ... Show more content on ... With the increased access for individuals to allow their messages and ideas to be heard on a larger scale (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc.), more and more individuals are becoming more aware of the major events and milestones behind Network Neutrality. Large companies have invested a lot of money on the infrastructure that makes up the basis of what we know to be as the internet, and it makes sense that they should have some sort of say in what goes on. With the complexity and vastness of the internet, it is hard to create legislation that effectively protects the internet in what it is today, and not offend others in the process. The events in the most recent years have brought forth an increased amount of public and media attention on the subject, and has been the center of a large number of debates. Throughout all of these debates, the general public opinion has been that "Public opinion was overwhelming pro net neutrality" (KnightFoundation, 5). What this meant was that the general public was beginning to catch onto the general idea of Network Neutrality, and were starting to side with those much more for rather than ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Essay On Net Neutrality The internet was first included in the broadcast and spectrum allotment by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This considerable change to the original Telecommunications Act lead to the internet to be regulated by the government for the first time in history. During late 2003, the term "Net Neutrality" was then adopted for this act (The History of). As time went on, Net Neutrality became one of the internet's guiding principles, there for, obligating Internet providers to supply open networks by not manipulating with any applications or content (Press, Free. "Net). Although the internet has been operating with Net Neutrality for the last two decades, there has been recent movements to remove the protections in which keep Net Neutrality in motion. In the U.S., this topic as become controversial, due to people wanting equal rights to the internet ... Show more content on ... Many claim that the majority of the United States' population depend on the internet for numerous reasons. With the end of Net Neutrality, comes the compromise of that dependency. "The consequences will be particularly devastating for marginalized communities media outlets have misrepresented or failed to serve" stated by Free Press. Minority groups such as the LGBTQ community, People of color and Indigenous groups use the internet as a vital tool in fighting back against systemic discrimination (Press, Free. "Net). Net Neutrality is also crucial for local businesses, startups and entrepreneurs who depend on an open internet to advertise their businesses. Some states are passing specific laws that would ensure individuals would have access to free content, protect businesses from having to pay in order to reach online users while also protecting diversity (Kang, Cecilia. "States). Net Neutrality supporters claim that the attempts to protect the system is to ensure that everyone has free and equal rights to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Netflix Persuasive Essay Josh Jacobsen Mrs. King English III K 20 October 2014 Persuasive RD: Imagine if the internet was not "open and free" like it is today. How would you like to pay more for internet access just because you like to use Netflix? Currently the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates telephone and cable companies that provide internet service in the United States. Currently, all internet service providers are prohibited from blocking any content on the internet. Unless you live under a rock, you have probably at least heard the term "net neutrality". Net neutrality is a principle that Internet service providers (ISP's) should treat all network traffic equally. This means ISPs like Comcast, AT&T or Verizon should not restrict or slow down access to any website or other internet content. Companies like Comcast want to do this to make their own services more desirable than those of their competitors because they are more easily accessible, but not necessarily better. Internet service providers should not have the right ... Show more content on ... Companies who will don't pay for their content to be accessed through the fast lane of that ISP will be placed in the slow lane, which in the case of video streaming services like netflix will be slow. internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon will likely charge companies like Netflix and Hulu lots of money to ensure that their content will be placed in the fast lane to ensure their content will be available to customers at decent speeds. Companies affected by this will not just pay the fee and deal with it on their own, they will likely pass those costs down to you, resulting in a higher cost for these services. This also hurts smaller startup companies because they will not likely be able to pay the fees imposed to have fast access, therefore there is no competition among companies and just a select few control that ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. IS 535 Essay (TCO A) Cloud computing (Points : 10) is the same as e–commerce. reduces the size of IT organizations. increases business costs. requires special software, other than a browser, to be installed on each computer. 2. (TCO A) Maintaining the organization's financial records is a central purpose of which main business function? (Points : 10) manufacturing and accounting finance and accounting sales and manufacturing finance and sales 3. (TCO B) The value chain model (Points : 10) categorizes five related advantages for adding value to a firm's products or services. sees the supply chain as the primary activity for adding value. ... Show more content on ... Why or why not? (Points : 25) A Information systems (IS), technically are a set of interrelated components that collect and retrieve information, process and store it and support the organization in decision making. Information Technology (IT) is a shared technology and provides the platform for specific information. It consists of hardware and software for a business to achieve their objectives. Included is the computer systems, the computer, any hand–held devices, software the company needs to operate and storage. (20) "The research on IT and business performance has found that (a) the more successfully a firm can align information technology with is business goals, the more profitable it will be." (111) Laudon, K. L. a. J. Management Information Systems, 12/e for DeVry University (12th ed). Pearson Learning Solutions. Retrieved from B Electronic business, or e–business or "electronic commerce"(55) has increased exponentially because so many businesses are on digital networks. Major business transactions are completed on the enterprise. Digital networking is transforming businesses relationships with the companies customer, their employees and relationships with suppliers and partners in business. E business
  • 77. technology is also improving the way business is done in the government. The government uses the Internet to enable and increase business ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. The Debate Over Net Neutrality Laws Essay In 2005, Vonage, a phone company that transmits telephone calls over the internet or voice over internet protocol, complains to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about an unknown service provider blocking their telephone service. The FCC investigated the complaint and found that Madison River, a telephone company, was responsible and ordered them to stop blocking data sent from Vonage (Higginbotham, 2010). This incident was one of the first cases of an internet service provider discriminating against data sent over the internet because Vonage and Madison River are competing telephone service companies. Because of this, the FCC proposed a set of principles which sparked the beginning of net neutrality legislation that has been ... Show more content on ... Content and internet service providers spoke out as well, increasing the need for some kind of legislation. Various forms of the original guiding principles were proposed as net neutrality legislation; however none of them were passed. Due to the growth of the debate and increasing numbers of complaints, the FCC has proposed their latest set of guidelines called, "preserving the open internet", to be voted on as net neutrality legislation. Content providers such as, Disney, Facebook, eBay, Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo, and voice over internet protocol company's like Vonage and Skype, as well as educational or public interest groups such as Educause, Internet2, ACE, Regional Optical Networks, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, are all in favor of passing the "preserving the open internet" legislation. Then there are those against "preserving the open internet" legislation such as telecommunications and cable companies like AT&T, BellSouth, Verizon, Cablevision, Comcast, Cox, Time Warner, Charter Communications, and hardware manufacturers such as Cisco, Nortel, and VeriSign (Greenfield, 2006). Public interest groups and other net neutrality supporters want legislation passed to prohibit internet ... Get more on ...