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NCT Tournament
 NCT TournaN
• ARPANET, the first version of the internet,
  was originally created by

  a) Universities
  b) Hippies
  c) US Dept of Defence
  d) US Dept of Employment and Training
  e) all the above

  Answer: (a) universities
• The internet works by sending small amounts
  of information through the phone and
  related systems in the form of:
  (a) pings
  (b) bits
  (c) frames
  (d) packets
  (e) all the above

 Answer: (d) packets
• Axel Bruns notion of citizen journalism is
a) An example of produsage
b) An outcome of the Web 2.0 environment
c) Driven by the shortcomings of mainstream
d) All of the above

 Answer: (d) all of the above
• In computer terms, the concept "open source"
  refers to:
  (a) the latest movies that anyone can download
  from the internet.
  (b) software that you must pay to download
  (c) leaving the lid off the ketchup
  (d) commercial software that your friend copies
  for you
  (e) software that is free for anyone to download
  and modify
 Answer: (e) software that is free for anyone to
 download and modify
• Which of the following is NOT an example of
  (a) Saint Simon New Christianity
  (b) Samuel Butler Erehwon
  (c) William Morris News from Nowhere
  (d) William Gibson Neuromancer

 Answer: (d) William Gibson Neuromancer on
 the basis that the cyberpunk genre depicts
 futuristic dystopias
• In what ways does Axel Bruns suggest the advent of
  internet has impacted on traditional news media?
a) It has enabled the development of citizen journalists
b) It challenges that traditional gate keeping function of
   news media
c) It has challenged the traditional role of journalists
d) It encourages readers to engage with news
   information by enabling them to comment on news
e) All of the above

Answer: (e) all of the above
• Which ancient philosopher's theory
  foreshadowed our captivation to the
  representations of reality in the flicker of
  computer, television and cinema screen?
  a) Aristotle's theory of communication
  b) Plato's allegory of the cave
  c) Socrates' ironic method
  d) Diogenes' cynicism

Answer: (b) Plato’s allegory of the cave
• Messages gain meaning from all the other
  messages that you have previously received
  and sent. This is known as
   – a) intersubjectivity
     b) intertextuality
     c) interpolation
     d) interference
     e) all the above

 Answer: (b) intertexuality
• John Logie Baird was responsible for
a) Developing the first photographic image
b) Patenting the first phonograph that records
c) Transmitting the first television signal
d) Developing the first answering machine

Answer: (c) Transmitting the first television signal
(now we know where Logies come from!)
• What are the characteristics of ‘produsage’?
a) User-led Content Creation
b) A Paradigm Shift
c) When Users are also Producers
d) Things like Wikipedia
e) All the above

Answer: (e) all of the above
• Who said “a tool is an extension of the hand;
  a wheel is an extension of the leg; and a book
  is an extension of the eye.
a) Marshall McLuhan
b) Raymond Williams
c) Axel Bruns
d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Marshall McLuhan
• How would we define convergence in the context of
  New Communication Technologies?
a) The digitisation of telephone, radio, television and
   print media so that they can be accessed from a
b) the interaction of multimedia forms providing
   complex, interactive means of communication
c) businesses that engage in cross platforming content
d) all of the above
e) none of the above.

Answer: (d) all of the above
• ‘Theory-Jamming’ is
a) Slang used by hackers
b) A short story by William Gibson
c) A song by the Black Assasins
d) A critical process towards understanding

Answer: (d) A critical process towards
understanding communication
• In Sue Halpern’s book reviews, Jaron Lanier’s
  book which critiques attempts to monetize the
  internet is called
a) Mind Control and the Internet
b) The World Wide Mind: The Coming Integration
   of Humanity, Machines and the Internet
c) The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is hiding
   from you
d) You are not a Gadget: A Manifesto

Answer: (d) You are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto looks at the way businesses
such as Google have attempted to make money out of the world wide web.
• LulzSec, an offshoot of the loose online
  collective Anonymous are an example of
a) What hat hacktivism
b) Online pranksters showing off their hacking
c) Criminal acts of information theft and
d) All of the above

Answer: (b) Online pranksters showing off their hacking skills
• Adam Turing …
a) worked with Ada Byron (Lady Lovelace) on
   the development of an Analytical Engine in
   the 19th century
b) invented the first digital computer
c) developed a computer designed to break
   secret German "Enigma" codes during WW2.
d) Developed the first operating system for the
   PC in 1978.

Answer: (c) developed a computer designed to break secret German "Enigma" codes
during WW2
• Who proclaimed “video games an art form
  for the digital age”
a) Gilbert Seldes
b) James Newman
c) Alan Grossman
d) Henry Jenkins

Answer: (d) Henry Jenkins
• Who first defined the communication model
  as The speaker produces a message that is
  heard by the listener.
  a)    Raymond Williams
  b)    Plato
  c)    Aristotle
  d)    Shannon and Weaver

 Answer: (c) Aristotle
• Shannon & Weaver ‘s Mathematical Theory of
  Communication is deficient in its failure to account for
a) Intertextuality in which messages gains meaning from
   all the other messages that person has previously
   received and sent.
b) Interactivity in which communication is usually acted
   out as a two way process
c) Intersubjectivity where receivers of messages
   interpret them according to their own experience.
d) Intermediation where communication takes place
   through various forms of technology
e) a & c
f) b & d

Answer: e) a & c
• Auguste and Louis Lumière were responsible
a) The invention of the first movie camera and
   the first commercial cinematic screening
b) The invention of the first Calculating machine
c) Inventing the first working telephone
d) Inventing the telegraph and laying the first
   telegraph line from Paris to London.

Answer: a) the invention of the first movie camera and the first
commercial cinematic screening
• What did Walter Benjamin, Raymond Williams,
  Louis Althusser and Stuart Hall have in
a) They all subscribed to media effects theory
b) They all contributed to the understanding of
   communication in animals
c) They were all interested in the political and
   cultural role of media and communication in
d) None of the above

Answer: c) They were interested in the political and cultural role of media and
• Jean-Luc Goddard …
a) Is the key character in the French film Alphaville
b) Developed the discipline of semiotics as a way of
   theorizing the role of signs in social life
c) Was an important figure in French New Wave
d) All of the above

 Answer: c) Was an important figure in French New Wave cinema (He was
 also the director of Alphaville)
• Charles Babbage …
a) invented the first digital computer
b) created a machine called the difference engine
c) conceived the Analytical Engine in the form of a
   massive, brass, steam-powered, general-
   purpose, mechanical computer
d) all of the above
e) b and c
f) none of the above

Answer: d) all of the above
• Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
a) Were members of the “home brew” club
b) Were two computer nerds
c) Founded the computer company Apple
d) Developed the first personal computer
e) All of the above

Answer: e) all of the above
• Who was responsible for the idea of the internet
a) A group of computer nerds known as the “home
   brew” club
b) A group of academic, government, and industry
   researchers concerned about what would
   happen to communications if a nuclear bomb
   was dropped.
c) The IBM/Microsoft partnership
d) Tim Berners-Lee in the early 1990s.
Answer: b) This group was called the RAND Corporation
• What does IRC stand for?
a) International Rand Corporation
b) Internet relay chat
c) Internet relay communication
d) Internet response code

 Answer: b) Internet relay chat
• The world wide web is …
a) another name for the internet
b) a network of computers
c) a software system that shares all information
   accessible as part of a seamless hypertext
d) All of the above

Answer: c) the network of computers that is called the internet is not
the same as the world wide web which is part of the software
• Cyberspace is …
a) A good example of a meme
b) a spatial metaphor that represents the
   symbolic or informatic environment of the
c) the collective imagination of internet users
d) all of the above

Answer: d) all of the above
• Burning Chrome’ in William Gibson’s short
  story refers to
a) amphetamine abuse
b) cyberpunk slang for the fusing of organic and
   mechanical elements in the human body
c) cyberpunk slang for computer hacking
d) hacking into the computer system of a
   criminal money launderer.

Answer: d) Chrome is the name of the money launderer
• Web 2.0 refers to
a) an evolved stage in the use capacity of the
   world wide web.
b) Greater interactive engagement with the
   world wide web
c) The development of social networking sites,
   user created web sites, self-publishing
   platforms, tagging, and social bookmarking.
d) All of the above
Answer: d) all of the above
• Who posed the notion that 'the medium is
  the message'?
a) Shannon and Weaver
b) Aristotle
c) Marshall McLuhan
d) Plato

Answer: c) Marshall McLuhan
• What is a MUD?
a) massive multiuser online role playing game
b) an acronym for Multiple User Dungeon
c) a computer program that responds to text
   commands only
d) all of the above
e) none of the above
Answer: d) all of the above
• Where was the first continuous full length
  feature film produced?
a) New Jersey
b) Australia
c) New York City
d) France

Answer: b) Australia – The film was the Story of the Kelly Gang (1906)
• What are some of the reasons that James
  Newman (2004) puts forward for studying
  computer games?
a) The size of the video game industry
b) The popularity of video games
c) Because it is a cultural form evolving from
   human–computer interaction.
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
Answer: d) all of the above
• What term do you use for activities such as
  signing petitions on-line, Get-up political
  campaigns organised through emails and the
  web, or emailing your local member of
  parliament about issues that concern you?
a) Cyberpolitics,
b) A waste of time
c) eDemocracy
d) all of the above

Answer: c) eDemocracy
• In Lister, Martin et al (2009) popular culture is
  defined as
a) The commercially produced artefacts of
   entertainment (television programs, films.
   Videogames etc)
b) The lived practices, experiences and contexts in
   which these artefacts are engaged with and
c) All of the above
Answer: c) all of the above
• Who explained the mathematical theory of
  communication as the process where the
  speaker produces an effect on the transmitter
  which sends a message that may be affected by
  noise but nevertheless is intercepted by the
  receiver which converts it into an effect that is
  heard by the listener?
  a) Marshall McLuhan
  b) Aristotle
  c) Jorge Luis Borges
  d) Shannon and Weaver

Answer: d) Shannon and Weaver
• David Cronenberg is
a) The author of the science fiction book Do
   Androids dream of Electric Sheep?
b) The director of Blade Runner
c) The director of eXistenZ
d) Director of The Matrix trilogy

Answer: c) the director of eXistenZ
• Copyright is a legal system that
a) Gives the copyright holder the exclusive right
   to reproduce their work
b) Prohibits non-copyright holders the right to
   use the images, ideas and information
   embedded in copyrighted material
c) All of the above
Answer: a). The second option is incorrect because you cannot
copyright ideas or information
• What is the formal term you use for the
  ordering of actions and events as they
  actually appear in a film?
a) Story
b) Plot
c) Narrativisation

Answer: b) plot
• Lister, Martin et al (2009) New Media: a critical
   introduction offers concepts that are useful for
   the study of technocultures; such as
 a) The notion that everyday life is the site in which
    meanings and uses of NCT are worked out
 b) Cyberspace has evolved to become a separate
    virtual and emancipatory domain separate from
 c) All of the above
 d) None of the above
Answer: a) the notion that everyday life is the site in which the meanings and
use of the NCT are worked out
• Film genres are defined by
a) Audience expectations
b) content
c) the type of actors used to portray characters
d) stylistic strategies including sound track
e) narrative structure
f) all of the above
Answer: f) all of the above
• What is usually referred to by the term mise
   en scene?
 a) filming techniques such as camera angle,
    movement, and editing
 b) cinematic framing
 c) everything that is heard within the film
 d) everything that is seen within the frame
 e) narrative composition

Answer: d) everything seen within the frame
• Who first defined the Law of Produsage?
a) Raymond Williams
b) William Gibson
c) Stephen Stockwell
d) Axel Bruns
e) Marshall McLuhan
Answer: d) Axel Bruns
• Melanie Swalwel’s article on the first micro-
  computers of the 1980s focuses on
a) The critical role of university researchers in
   developing the personal computer
b) The importance of Depart. Of Defence funding
   in the development of early computer
c) The activities of computer hobbyists in Australia
d) None of the above
Answer: c) the activities of computer hobbyists in Australia
• The end of the silent era came in 1927 with
  which movie?
a) The Jazz Singer
b) The Kelly Gang
c) Gone with the Wind
d) Intolerance

Answer: a) The Jazz Singer

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Nct tournament

  • 1. NCT’s NCT Tournament NCT Pre-exam NCT TournaN Tournament
  • 2. • ARPANET, the first version of the internet, was originally created by a) Universities b) Hippies c) US Dept of Defence d) US Dept of Employment and Training e) all the above Answer: (a) universities
  • 3. • The internet works by sending small amounts of information through the phone and related systems in the form of: (a) pings (b) bits (c) frames (d) packets (e) all the above Answer: (d) packets
  • 4. • Axel Bruns notion of citizen journalism is a) An example of produsage b) An outcome of the Web 2.0 environment c) Driven by the shortcomings of mainstream media d) All of the above Answer: (d) all of the above
  • 5. • In computer terms, the concept "open source" refers to: (a) the latest movies that anyone can download from the internet. (b) software that you must pay to download (c) leaving the lid off the ketchup (d) commercial software that your friend copies for you (e) software that is free for anyone to download and modify Answer: (e) software that is free for anyone to download and modify
  • 6. • Which of the following is NOT an example of Utopia? (a) Saint Simon New Christianity (b) Samuel Butler Erehwon (c) William Morris News from Nowhere (d) William Gibson Neuromancer Answer: (d) William Gibson Neuromancer on the basis that the cyberpunk genre depicts futuristic dystopias
  • 7. • In what ways does Axel Bruns suggest the advent of internet has impacted on traditional news media? a) It has enabled the development of citizen journalists b) It challenges that traditional gate keeping function of news media c) It has challenged the traditional role of journalists d) It encourages readers to engage with news information by enabling them to comment on news stories e) All of the above Answer: (e) all of the above
  • 8. • Which ancient philosopher's theory foreshadowed our captivation to the representations of reality in the flicker of computer, television and cinema screen? a) Aristotle's theory of communication b) Plato's allegory of the cave c) Socrates' ironic method d) Diogenes' cynicism Answer: (b) Plato’s allegory of the cave
  • 9. • Messages gain meaning from all the other messages that you have previously received and sent. This is known as – a) intersubjectivity b) intertextuality c) interpolation d) interference e) all the above Answer: (b) intertexuality
  • 10. • John Logie Baird was responsible for a) Developing the first photographic image b) Patenting the first phonograph that records sound c) Transmitting the first television signal d) Developing the first answering machine Answer: (c) Transmitting the first television signal (now we know where Logies come from!)
  • 11. • What are the characteristics of ‘produsage’? a) User-led Content Creation b) A Paradigm Shift c) When Users are also Producers d) Things like Wikipedia e) All the above Answer: (e) all of the above
  • 12. • Who said “a tool is an extension of the hand; a wheel is an extension of the leg; and a book is an extension of the eye. a) Marshall McLuhan b) Raymond Williams c) Axel Bruns d) None of the above Answer: (a) Marshall McLuhan
  • 13. • How would we define convergence in the context of New Communication Technologies? a) The digitisation of telephone, radio, television and print media so that they can be accessed from a computer. b) the interaction of multimedia forms providing complex, interactive means of communication c) businesses that engage in cross platforming content d) all of the above e) none of the above. Answer: (d) all of the above
  • 14. • ‘Theory-Jamming’ is a) Slang used by hackers b) A short story by William Gibson c) A song by the Black Assasins d) A critical process towards understanding communication Answer: (d) A critical process towards understanding communication
  • 15. • In Sue Halpern’s book reviews, Jaron Lanier’s book which critiques attempts to monetize the internet is called a) Mind Control and the Internet b) The World Wide Mind: The Coming Integration of Humanity, Machines and the Internet c) The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is hiding from you d) You are not a Gadget: A Manifesto Answer: (d) You are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto looks at the way businesses such as Google have attempted to make money out of the world wide web.
  • 16. • LulzSec, an offshoot of the loose online collective Anonymous are an example of a) What hat hacktivism b) Online pranksters showing off their hacking skills c) Criminal acts of information theft and sabotage d) All of the above Answer: (b) Online pranksters showing off their hacking skills
  • 17. • Adam Turing … a) worked with Ada Byron (Lady Lovelace) on the development of an Analytical Engine in the 19th century b) invented the first digital computer c) developed a computer designed to break secret German "Enigma" codes during WW2. d) Developed the first operating system for the PC in 1978. Answer: (c) developed a computer designed to break secret German "Enigma" codes during WW2
  • 18. • Who proclaimed “video games an art form for the digital age” a) Gilbert Seldes b) James Newman c) Alan Grossman d) Henry Jenkins Answer: (d) Henry Jenkins
  • 19. • Who first defined the communication model as The speaker produces a message that is heard by the listener. a) Raymond Williams b) Plato c) Aristotle d) Shannon and Weaver Answer: (c) Aristotle
  • 20. • Shannon & Weaver ‘s Mathematical Theory of Communication is deficient in its failure to account for a) Intertextuality in which messages gains meaning from all the other messages that person has previously received and sent. b) Interactivity in which communication is usually acted out as a two way process c) Intersubjectivity where receivers of messages interpret them according to their own experience. d) Intermediation where communication takes place through various forms of technology e) a & c f) b & d Answer: e) a & c
  • 21. • Auguste and Louis Lumière were responsible for a) The invention of the first movie camera and the first commercial cinematic screening b) The invention of the first Calculating machine c) Inventing the first working telephone d) Inventing the telegraph and laying the first telegraph line from Paris to London. Answer: a) the invention of the first movie camera and the first commercial cinematic screening
  • 22. • What did Walter Benjamin, Raymond Williams, Louis Althusser and Stuart Hall have in common? a) They all subscribed to media effects theory b) They all contributed to the understanding of communication in animals c) They were all interested in the political and cultural role of media and communication in society. d) None of the above Answer: c) They were interested in the political and cultural role of media and communication
  • 23. • Jean-Luc Goddard … a) Is the key character in the French film Alphaville b) Developed the discipline of semiotics as a way of theorizing the role of signs in social life c) Was an important figure in French New Wave cinema d) All of the above Answer: c) Was an important figure in French New Wave cinema (He was also the director of Alphaville)
  • 24. • Charles Babbage … a) invented the first digital computer b) created a machine called the difference engine c) conceived the Analytical Engine in the form of a massive, brass, steam-powered, general- purpose, mechanical computer d) all of the above e) b and c f) none of the above Answer: d) all of the above
  • 25. • Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak a) Were members of the “home brew” club b) Were two computer nerds c) Founded the computer company Apple d) Developed the first personal computer e) All of the above Answer: e) all of the above
  • 26. • Who was responsible for the idea of the internet a) A group of computer nerds known as the “home brew” club b) A group of academic, government, and industry researchers concerned about what would happen to communications if a nuclear bomb was dropped. c) The IBM/Microsoft partnership d) Tim Berners-Lee in the early 1990s. Answer: b) This group was called the RAND Corporation
  • 27. • What does IRC stand for? a) International Rand Corporation b) Internet relay chat c) Internet relay communication d) Internet response code Answer: b) Internet relay chat
  • 28. • The world wide web is … a) another name for the internet b) a network of computers c) a software system that shares all information accessible as part of a seamless hypertext space. d) All of the above Answer: c) the network of computers that is called the internet is not the same as the world wide web which is part of the software environment
  • 29. • Cyberspace is … a) A good example of a meme b) a spatial metaphor that represents the symbolic or informatic environment of the internet c) the collective imagination of internet users d) all of the above Answer: d) all of the above
  • 30. • Burning Chrome’ in William Gibson’s short story refers to a) amphetamine abuse b) cyberpunk slang for the fusing of organic and mechanical elements in the human body c) cyberpunk slang for computer hacking d) hacking into the computer system of a criminal money launderer. Answer: d) Chrome is the name of the money launderer
  • 31. • Web 2.0 refers to a) an evolved stage in the use capacity of the world wide web. b) Greater interactive engagement with the world wide web c) The development of social networking sites, user created web sites, self-publishing platforms, tagging, and social bookmarking. d) All of the above Answer: d) all of the above
  • 32. • Who posed the notion that 'the medium is the message'? a) Shannon and Weaver b) Aristotle c) Marshall McLuhan d) Plato Answer: c) Marshall McLuhan
  • 33. • What is a MUD? a) massive multiuser online role playing game b) an acronym for Multiple User Dungeon c) a computer program that responds to text commands only d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: d) all of the above
  • 34. • Where was the first continuous full length feature film produced? a) New Jersey b) Australia c) New York City d) France Answer: b) Australia – The film was the Story of the Kelly Gang (1906)
  • 35. • What are some of the reasons that James Newman (2004) puts forward for studying computer games? a) The size of the video game industry b) The popularity of video games c) Because it is a cultural form evolving from human–computer interaction. d) All of the above e) None of the above Answer: d) all of the above
  • 36. • What term do you use for activities such as signing petitions on-line, Get-up political campaigns organised through emails and the web, or emailing your local member of parliament about issues that concern you? a) Cyberpolitics, b) A waste of time c) eDemocracy d) all of the above Answer: c) eDemocracy
  • 37. • In Lister, Martin et al (2009) popular culture is defined as a) The commercially produced artefacts of entertainment (television programs, films. Videogames etc) b) The lived practices, experiences and contexts in which these artefacts are engaged with and consumed c) All of the above Answer: c) all of the above
  • 38. • Who explained the mathematical theory of communication as the process where the speaker produces an effect on the transmitter which sends a message that may be affected by noise but nevertheless is intercepted by the receiver which converts it into an effect that is heard by the listener? a) Marshall McLuhan b) Aristotle c) Jorge Luis Borges d) Shannon and Weaver Answer: d) Shannon and Weaver
  • 39. • David Cronenberg is a) The author of the science fiction book Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? b) The director of Blade Runner c) The director of eXistenZ d) Director of The Matrix trilogy Answer: c) the director of eXistenZ
  • 40. • Copyright is a legal system that a) Gives the copyright holder the exclusive right to reproduce their work b) Prohibits non-copyright holders the right to use the images, ideas and information embedded in copyrighted material c) All of the above Answer: a). The second option is incorrect because you cannot copyright ideas or information
  • 41. • What is the formal term you use for the ordering of actions and events as they actually appear in a film? a) Story b) Plot c) Narrativisation Answer: b) plot
  • 42. • Lister, Martin et al (2009) New Media: a critical introduction offers concepts that are useful for the study of technocultures; such as a) The notion that everyday life is the site in which meanings and uses of NCT are worked out b) Cyberspace has evolved to become a separate virtual and emancipatory domain separate from society c) All of the above d) None of the above Answer: a) the notion that everyday life is the site in which the meanings and use of the NCT are worked out
  • 43. • Film genres are defined by a) Audience expectations b) content c) the type of actors used to portray characters d) stylistic strategies including sound track e) narrative structure f) all of the above Answer: f) all of the above
  • 44. • What is usually referred to by the term mise en scene? a) filming techniques such as camera angle, movement, and editing b) cinematic framing c) everything that is heard within the film d) everything that is seen within the frame e) narrative composition Answer: d) everything seen within the frame
  • 45. • Who first defined the Law of Produsage? a) Raymond Williams b) William Gibson c) Stephen Stockwell d) Axel Bruns e) Marshall McLuhan Answer: d) Axel Bruns
  • 46. • Melanie Swalwel’s article on the first micro- computers of the 1980s focuses on a) The critical role of university researchers in developing the personal computer b) The importance of Depart. Of Defence funding in the development of early computer networking c) The activities of computer hobbyists in Australia d) None of the above Answer: c) the activities of computer hobbyists in Australia
  • 47. • The end of the silent era came in 1927 with which movie? a) The Jazz Singer b) The Kelly Gang c) Gone with the Wind d) Intolerance Answer: a) The Jazz Singer