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Jan/Feb 2016 | Volume 18 | Number 4The official newsletter of Xavier High School
Principal‘s Corner: 2 | Dates to Remember & Business Office
Update: 4 | Kids Against Hunger: 5 | Foundation News: 6 | Campus
Ministry Update: 7 | XHS Receives Archbishop Kucera Grant: 10;
Gallery: 12 | Students/Faculty of the Month: 13 “Decisions”
Saints Make Pilgrimage
to Washington D.C.;
Stand Up
for Life
Students Unite
Against Hunger
Business Appeal Kicks Off;
Parish Appeal Tops Goal
Decisions, decisions, decisions. Life is full of them. And, as with most things in life,
the more experience we have, the better we tend to be at making them. This may
explain why we may from time to time shake our heads at some of the decisions our
young people make. We search for ways to impart our wisdom through example
and advice. Unfortunately our teens aren’t always as receptive to our “wisdom” as
we might like them to be. They don’t realize that our experience is as close to a
crystal ball as they are going to get. We didn’t understand that about our parents’
experience either.
Unfortunately, some of the decisions our teens are faced with involve behaviors
which we know are dangerous and/or they are not prepared for. We have for years
tried to attack those issues with information. We have believed (as parents and as
educators) that presenting kids with the dangers of a behavior was enough to deter
them from it. In classrooms, at assemblies and at retreats addition, we share the
importance of being a person of integrity and prudence.
What we are finding out (from the teens themselves) is that our young people know
the dangers and consequences involved in drinking alcohol, using drugs, engag-
ing in pre-marital sex, and driving fast, as well as other risky behaviors. Through
discussion and conversation with you, their parents, as well as programs and classes
in grade school, middle school and high school, they are provided with enough
information to know the negative possibilities. However, some of them choose to
engage in the behavior anyway. They choose to ignore the possible negative con-
sequences because the desire for “fun” and social acceptance is so strong. Conse-
quently, even students who understand the danger of a behavior will engage in the
behavior anyway.
The issue, then, seems to be less about the behavior itself than it is about the deci-
sion. At Xavier we feel it’s important that we do our part to help our students learn
how to make good decisions, using their faith as a basis for those decisions. We
have addressed the issue at all-school gatherings. We have addressed the issue
during morning prayer and announcements. We have asked our faculty to incorpo-
rate decision-making into their classrooms.
Tom Keating
Xavier Principal
The message we are trying to send is that students must rely on their own ability to consider the possible outcomes
of the decisions they make. We are also trying to help them understand that the faster they make a decision, the less
likely they are to consider the consequences and the more likely they are to make a mistake. We are asking them to
carefully consider every decision they make, not just the ones involving potentially dangerous behaviors. By develop-
ing good decision-making habits in all areas of life, we hope that students will be less likely to make a decision that
leads to risky behavior.
I’d like to ask for your continued help in encouraging your students to develop these good decision-making habits and
to encourage them to use their faith as a guide in that decision-making. Whether the choices involve things they want
to purchase, places they want to go, school activities they may or may not want to try, or the many other areas of their
lives involving choices, encourage them to take time and examine all the factors involved. It’s also valuable, from time
to time, to visit with your son/daughter about the decisions he/she has made and how those decisions have turned out.
Most importantly, stress to them that by and large it is their behavior that determines the outcome – not the teacher,
coach, director, boss, police officer or administrator. By reviewing, students can come to realize what it takes to make
a good decision and what may lead to a decision that is regretted.
Part of the process in leading our young people toward independence is to equip them with the tools necessary to
“make it” in a world that continues to challenge the value system that their families instill and we at Xavier attempt to
reinforce. You have our commitment that we will work tirelessly to do our part.
May the Lord bless all of us as we attempt to guide the precious children he has given to us.
Tom Keating, Principal
Principal’s Corner (Continued)
Xavier Alumni, Students, Parents &
More Reflect On Catholic Education
Earlier this month, Xavier joined Catholic
schools nationwide for the celebration
of Catholic Schools Week (Jan. 31-
Feb.6). This year’s theme was “Catholic
Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowl-
edge, and Service.” We asked some
members of the Xavier community (and
beyond) to reflect on the positive impact
that a Xavier Catholic Schools’ educa-
tion has had on them.
Find these reflections at the new
Xavier Catholic Schools website at
Dates To Note & Business Office Reminders
Feb. 24 – 	 PSAT (10th Grade)
Feb. 26 – 	 In-Service (No School)
March 1 - 	 Mid-Winter Band Concert
March 1-5 - 	Girls State Basketball
March 3 - 	 Reconciliation for Seniors/
March 7 - 	 Vocal Music Concert
March 8-12 - State Boys Basketball
March 9 - 	 End of 3rd Qtr
March 12 - 	 Men’s Catholic Conference
	 at Xavier
March 23 - 	 1:45 p.m. early dismissal
March 23 - 	 Parent-Teacher Conferences
	 (Teacher invite & Walk-in)
Business Office Reminder
Tuition Assistance Reminder
If you would like to apply for tuition assistance for the
2016-2017 year, Student Aid Forms will be available in the
Main Office. Student Aid Forms are also online at www. If you would like one mailed to you,
please contact Shea Francis at 739-7307.
Completed Student Aid Forms must be mailed directly to
Private School Aid Service on or before March 24, 2016. A
copy of your tax return is mandatory; therefore, it is critical
that you have your 2015 return prepared promptly.
Tuition Payment Date Reminder
March 10: Fourth quarter tuition due
We thank the majority of families who fulfill their financial
obligation promptly.
Unfortunately, some of our families do not make their pay-
ments in a timely manner. If at any time your circumstances
change and will not allow you to complete your obligation
as indicated on your tuition contract, please contact Shea
Francis at 739-7307.
Alumni Inducted in to
Hall of Fame
On February 12th, alumni Sara Clancy (X06), Neil Ryan (L98) and
John Willenborg (R59) (pictured L-R) were inducted in to the La-
Salle-Regis-Xavier Alumni Hall of Fame. Clancy was an oustanding
multi-sport athlete during her time at Xavier and earned a scholar-
ship to play soccer at the University of Minnesota. Ryan excelled
in football, basketball and track & field at LaSalle High School and
went on to be a three-year starter at the University of South Da-
kota. WIllenborg was an exceptional athlete at Regis High School
in baseball and played a major role in establishment of the Regis
Class of ’59 Endowed Scholarship for the Xavier Foundation in
2014. Full biographies for these alumni can be found at
Kids Against Hunger
As part of Catholic Schools Week activities, Saints came together after
school on February 4th for a Kids Against Hunger drive to help starving
families. Working in multiple assembly lines, students packaged a total of
6,000 meals which will be shipped to Haiti to feed the hungry. Great work,
Saints and a special thank you to XHS junior, Sam Martin, for organizing this
outstanding example of service!
XHS Students Host
Mini Dance Marathon
The Xavier High School student senate will host a Mini
Dance Marathon to support families and children with
cancer on Friday, Feb. 26 from 7-10 p.m. in the Mercy
Practice Gym at Xavier High School. Xavier students
are asked to procure at least $20 in pledges in order to
participate in the Mini Dance Marathon. All proceeds will
go to support the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital.
Parents of participating students are asked to complete a
waiver and to encourage their student(s) to participate in
garnering pledges. Those who can not attend the event
can still contribute to the event by sending in checks
(made payable to “Xavier High School”). This event is a
lock-­in. No students will be admitted after 7:15 p.m. and
no one will be allowed to leave prior to 9:45 p.m.
Waivers/pledge forms available at
Annual Appeal Updates
Submitted by Lynn Jump
Annual Fund Director, Xavier Foundation
On Tuesday, February 9th at 7 a.m.,
there was a little snow falling and
the temperature on Xavier’s sign
read 12 degrees. If you have been
around for a while, you would know
the snow and cold means it was time
for the Xavier Foundation to kick-
off the 2016 Business Appeal with
a continental breakfast in Xavier’s
band room. Former Xavier parents
chairman Don Chizek, and associate
chairman, Duane Jasper are lead-
ing 66 volunteers in an effort to raise
$150,000 for Xavier High School. We
could not raise these funds without
dedicated volunteers. Current Xavier
parents volunteering to solicit funds
from area businesses are:
Jim Angstman, Heidi Brown, Liz Eft-
ing, Mike Esker, Michael Fettkether,
Chris Fischer, Kevin Giles, Brian Glo-
bokar, Jeff Hines, Lorie Hines, Todd
Holverson, Glen Jasper, Tom Keat-
ing, Maureen Kenney, James Klein,
Bruce Kramer, James Lemke, John
Locher, Sue Lowder, Bill McCartan,
Stephen Noonan, Tom Richardson,
Doug Ropp, Kirk Sadilek, Eric Schmit,
Duane Schulte, Max Smith, Ted
Steger, David Stoltenberg, and Tim
Vipond. Volunteers will visit with two
hundred seventy-eight metro area
businesses to share Xavier highlights
and ask for their financial support.
We are truly blessed and grateful
for the generosity of our metro
business community and to the
volunteers that make the annual
appeal a success!
Xavier Foundation 2016 Business Appeal
2015 Parish Appeal Exceeds Goal!
We are pleased to announce we have raised more than
$475,000 and have surpassed the 2015 Parish Appeal
Goal. The success of the Appeal does not just happen.
It is because of the leadership of our parish pastors,
along with parishioners, dedicated volunteer parents,
faculty, alumni and students that we are able to cel-
ebrate the success of the 2015 Parish Appeal! We are
most grateful for your support.
<<< Business Appeal Chair, Don
Chizek (top) and Associate Chair,
Duane Jasper (bottom), address
appeal volunteers at the February
9th kickoff breakfast.
Campus Ministry Update
Submitted by Jody Esker
XHS Campus Ministry
Forty two students and six adults from
the Xavier community attended the
March for Life in Washington D.C. last
month. This pro-life pilgrimage includes
Mass at the Basilica of the National
Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
and the Rally and March up Constitution
Avenue to the steps of the Supreme
Court. Due to severe winter weather
conditions, Saints were forced to return
prior to the march itself, but being
present in Washington sends a power-
ful message to our legislators, Supreme
Court Justices, and our President about
overturning the decision to legalize
abortion. This also is a powerful witness
to other students about the importance
of standing up for life.
Kairos #23 will was held earlier this
month at the American Martyrs Retreat
House in Cedar Falls. It was a powerful
weekend of growth in relationship to
Christ and to each other. Father Dennis
Juhl served as the spiritual director of
Kairos 23. Thank you for your prayers
in support during this retreat. The final
Kairos of the year will be March 31-April
3. Father Mark Ressler will serve as the
spiritual director for Kairos #24. At this
time the retreats are full but we are add-
ing interested students to a waiting list.
Mass is held in the Chapel every Friday
morning that school is in session at
7 a.m. All are welcome! Mass is fol-
lowed by adoration until 3:30 p.m. Stop
in anytime and spend sometime with
the Lord. Additionally, we are offering
an optional mass every Wednesday at
12:30 p.m. Typically this falls during the
Xcel hour but even on early dismissal,
Father Vu will offer Mass. Student,
faculty, staff and visitors are always wel-
come. (If you are coming from outside
the building a quick call to Peggy to
verify that Mass is happening would be
recommended. Occaisionally, Mass will
be cancelled due it scheduling conflicts.)
LENT 2016
The Lenten focus is on the Jubilee Year
of Mercy. We continue to spend time
in prayer and reflection coming to a
deeper understanding of Mercy. Specifi-
cally we are practicing the corporal and
spiritual works of mercy.
The Corporal and Spiritual Works of
Mercy are actions we can perform that
extend God’s compassion and mercy to
those in need.
The Corporal Works of Mercy are
these kind acts by which we help our
neighbors with their material and
physical needs.
• feed the hungry
• give drink to the thirsty
• clothe the naked
• shelter the homeless
• visit the sick
• visit the imprisoned
• bury the dead
The Spiritual Works of Mercy are acts
of compassion, as listed below, by
which we help our neighbors with
their emotional and spiritual needs.
• counsel the doubtful
• instruct the ignorant
• admonish sinners
• comfort the afflicted
• forgive offenses
• bear wrongs patiently
• pray for the living and the dead
Campus Ministry (Continued)
Communal Reconciliation will be available during Lent at various
parishes. March 15 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton at 7 PM; March
17 at Immaculate Conception at 7 PM; March 19 at St. Jude at
10:30 AM
The sacrament of Reconciliation is available by appointment
anytime Father Vu is in the building. He is typically at Xavier
Wednesday and Friday’s. Just stop by his office and let him
know you are interested. (There will be reconciliation offered
on Thursday March 3 at Xavier for the seniors and freshmen, or
anyone else who desires to go. The juniors and sophomores
had their class reconciliation service 1st semester.)
Ellen Miller, a representative for Mary’s Meals is coming to speak
to sophomore theology classes on March 2. More information
about Mary’s meals can be found here. Magnus McFarlane
Barrow, the founder of Mary’s Meals and auther of the book “A
Shed that Feed a Million Children” will be speaking at Xavier
September of 2017.
For Lent, Xavier morning prayer is using the book Rediscover God
by Matthew Kelly. There are a few copies still available for free.
You can also find daily videos and reflections here. In this year of
mercy it is encouraged to use the corporal and spiritual works of
Mercy as a way to draw into a deeper relationship with Chirst.
“‘Put on Christ!’ in your life,and you will find
a friend in whom you can always trust;‘put on
Christ’ and you will see the wings of hope spread-
ing and letting you journey with joy towards the
future;‘put on Christ’ and your life will be full of
his love; it will be a fruitful life.”
--Pope Francis at World Youth Day Rio 2013
Saints Qualify for MOS
National Competition
Congratulations to XHS students, Josie Fuhrman (X17) and
Ethan Lowder (X18) who have qualified for the 2016 Mi-
crosoft Office Specialist (MOS) National Championships!
Josie placed 2nd in the Microsoft Word 2013 test and Ethan
placed 2nd in the Microsoft Excel 2013 test during the fall
qualifying round. Both Josie and Ethan now have the oppor-
tunity to compete at the MOS U.S. National Championships
June 28-30 in Orlando, FL. Josie and Ethan are both stu-
dents who are currently enrolled in Mr. Tim O’Brien’s Com-
puter Business Applications course, which has rapidly devel-
oped a strong track record of equipping Saints with excellent
technical skills in the arena of various computer programs. Ekland Honored with
“Big Check”
Longtime XHS strength and conditioning
coach, Tom Ekland (L78), was recognized
at halftime of the Linn-Mar boys basketball
game on February 9th. Ekland was pre-
sented with a “big check” by XHS Activi-
ties Director, Mike Winker, of $18. Winker
promised Ekland that he would pay him $1
each year for his services (because “volun-
teers” could not be given building keys).
With Winker stepping down at the end of
this school year, Ekland was paid in full for
services rendered thus far at Xavier. We
thank Tom for his previous service at LaSal-
le High School and his continuing service to
the students of Xavier High School -- we are
truly blessed to have him here! ‪
Gerke Earns Win #100
Xavier Wrestling’s Josh Gerke (145 lbs.) won his 100th career
match late last month at Iowa City HIgh. Gerke went on to
join team mates, Clint Lembeck (138 lbs.) & Keegan Schults-
chik (120 lbs.) to qualify for the state wrestling tournament.
Xavier High School is the recipient of $8,060 from the
Archbishop Kucera Grant Awards from the Archdiocese of
Dubuque Educational Development Fund. The grant was
awarded for tuition assistance to those families who can
least afford the cost of attending a Catholic School. A por-
tion of the grant was also directed towards tuition assis-
tance for minority students who qualify for Federal School
Lunch Program. Awards for these two programs totaled
$500,000 for the 2015-16 school year.
The Archbishop Kucera Grant Awards annually provides
$80,000 for faith formation resources and leadership de-
velopment for faith formation leaders, catechists, Catholic
school administrators and teachers. The grant also covers
one third of the program cost for adults enrolled in the
Archdiocesan IMPACT Program.
The Archdiocesan Educational Development Fund was
developed for the purpose of supporting the educational
programs of the Archdiocese. This is the twenty-eighth year
that grants have been awarded. Over 8.9 million dollars
have been distributed since the Archdiocesan Educational
Development Fund was established. Grants are made pos-
sible through the generous donations of contributors and
parishioners throughout the Archdiocese.
Archbishop Daniel Kucera
Xavier Awarded Archbishop Kucera Grant
for Tuition Assistance
Nominate XHS Teacher/Staff for XITA/XISA Awards
The Xcellence in Teaching Award and Xcellence in Staff Support Award is presented to an outstanding teacher and
an outstanding staff member (non-teaching) who has made a significant impact on students by challenging them
with high expectations and assisting them in meeting those expectations. These teachers/staff demonstrate a com-
mitment to students, to Xavier High School and to Catholic Education. They are professional in their behavior and
serve as Christian role models. All current Xavier High School students and parents of all Xavier students are eligi-
ble to nominate a teacher and a staff member (non-teaching). Nomination forms can be found at
Annual Xavier Band Garage
Sale and Bake Sale Fundraiser
Saturday, April 23, 2016 - 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. -
In The Commons
Donations of small household items, toys, games books, and
clothing are to be delivered to the school on Friday, April 22,
2016 between 3 & 6 p.m. Proceeds from the sale will assist the
Xavier Band Department in purchasing new equipment.
For further information contact Carol Vester at cavester@mchsi.
com or (319) 329-4566.
Mark your calendars for Xtravaganza 2016 on Saturday,
March 5th, featuring twelve middle school show choirs
from Cedar Rapids, Marion, Solon and Dubuque, with
exhibition performances by Xavier show choirs Xuber-
ance and Xhilaration. Doors open at 9 a.m. Schools will
compete throughout the day with day awards at 5:15
p.m. and evening finals at 7 p.m.
Adults: $10. Students ages 6 and up: $5.
Children 5 and under Free.
Programs $2
Entrees, snacks, beverages and desserts will be offered all
day. Hamburgers, grilled chicken sandwiches, hot dogs,
brats, pizza, dancing tacos, chips, fruit, veggies, home-
baked goods, candy, “Xtreme ice cream” and much more
will be served including Chinese entrees for dinner.
2016 Middle School Show Choir Competition
Saturday, March 5th | Xavier High School
Come and enjoy an “Xciting” day of
music, food and fun at Xtravaganza !
Principal Tom Keating
distributes ashes to senior
Daniel Richardson during
Ash Wednesday Mass.
The new Technology Enabled Activity Learning (TEAL) Lab is beginning to take shape as
part of LMC enhancements.
The XHS Poms
advanced to the
national small
varsity jazz semi-
finals in Orlando,
FL and earned
their highest
National Dance
Team Champion-
ship score ever.
Dancing with
the Saints con-
testant Tami Lux
and her coach
Derrick Murray
showcase their
dancing skills at
last month’s live
Saints stopped
by Meth-Wick
for a second
round of “chair
volleyball” with
the residents as
part of an ongo-
ing series of stu-
dent-led service
Part of Catholic
Schools Week fes-
tivities featured
“Super Hero Day”
where students
could dress up as
their own heroes.
Many students
chose to dress as
their real heroes:
XHS teachers.XHS student body president, Mitchell Young, helped
to deliver needed items to St. Vincent de Paul as
part of collections during Catholic Schools Week.
Xavier High School • 6300 42nd Street NE • Cedar Rapids, IA 52411 • (319) 294-6635 •

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Navigator: Jan./Feb. 2016

  • 1. Jan/Feb 2016 | Volume 18 | Number 4The official newsletter of Xavier High School Inside Principal‘s Corner: 2 | Dates to Remember & Business Office Update: 4 | Kids Against Hunger: 5 | Foundation News: 6 | Campus Ministry Update: 7 | XHS Receives Archbishop Kucera Grant: 10; Gallery: 12 | Students/Faculty of the Month: 13 “Decisions” Principal‘s Corner: Saints Make Pilgrimage to Washington D.C.; Stand Up for Life Students Unite Against Hunger Business Appeal Kicks Off; Parish Appeal Tops Goal
  • 2. Decisions. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Life is full of them. And, as with most things in life, the more experience we have, the better we tend to be at making them. This may explain why we may from time to time shake our heads at some of the decisions our young people make. We search for ways to impart our wisdom through example and advice. Unfortunately our teens aren’t always as receptive to our “wisdom” as we might like them to be. They don’t realize that our experience is as close to a crystal ball as they are going to get. We didn’t understand that about our parents’ experience either. Unfortunately, some of the decisions our teens are faced with involve behaviors which we know are dangerous and/or they are not prepared for. We have for years tried to attack those issues with information. We have believed (as parents and as educators) that presenting kids with the dangers of a behavior was enough to deter them from it. In classrooms, at assemblies and at retreats addition, we share the importance of being a person of integrity and prudence. What we are finding out (from the teens themselves) is that our young people know the dangers and consequences involved in drinking alcohol, using drugs, engag- ing in pre-marital sex, and driving fast, as well as other risky behaviors. Through discussion and conversation with you, their parents, as well as programs and classes in grade school, middle school and high school, they are provided with enough information to know the negative possibilities. However, some of them choose to engage in the behavior anyway. They choose to ignore the possible negative con- sequences because the desire for “fun” and social acceptance is so strong. Conse- quently, even students who understand the danger of a behavior will engage in the behavior anyway. The issue, then, seems to be less about the behavior itself than it is about the deci- sion. At Xavier we feel it’s important that we do our part to help our students learn how to make good decisions, using their faith as a basis for those decisions. We have addressed the issue at all-school gatherings. We have addressed the issue during morning prayer and announcements. We have asked our faculty to incorpo- rate decision-making into their classrooms. 2 Tom Keating Xavier Principal
  • 3. The message we are trying to send is that students must rely on their own ability to consider the possible outcomes of the decisions they make. We are also trying to help them understand that the faster they make a decision, the less likely they are to consider the consequences and the more likely they are to make a mistake. We are asking them to carefully consider every decision they make, not just the ones involving potentially dangerous behaviors. By develop- ing good decision-making habits in all areas of life, we hope that students will be less likely to make a decision that leads to risky behavior. I’d like to ask for your continued help in encouraging your students to develop these good decision-making habits and to encourage them to use their faith as a guide in that decision-making. Whether the choices involve things they want to purchase, places they want to go, school activities they may or may not want to try, or the many other areas of their lives involving choices, encourage them to take time and examine all the factors involved. It’s also valuable, from time to time, to visit with your son/daughter about the decisions he/she has made and how those decisions have turned out. Most importantly, stress to them that by and large it is their behavior that determines the outcome – not the teacher, coach, director, boss, police officer or administrator. By reviewing, students can come to realize what it takes to make a good decision and what may lead to a decision that is regretted. Part of the process in leading our young people toward independence is to equip them with the tools necessary to “make it” in a world that continues to challenge the value system that their families instill and we at Xavier attempt to reinforce. You have our commitment that we will work tirelessly to do our part. May the Lord bless all of us as we attempt to guide the precious children he has given to us. Sincerely, Tom Keating, Principal Principal’s Corner (Continued) Xavier Alumni, Students, Parents & More Reflect On Catholic Education Earlier this month, Xavier joined Catholic schools nationwide for the celebration of Catholic Schools Week (Jan. 31- Feb.6). This year’s theme was “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowl- edge, and Service.” We asked some members of the Xavier community (and beyond) to reflect on the positive impact that a Xavier Catholic Schools’ educa- tion has had on them. Find these reflections at the new Xavier Catholic Schools website at 3
  • 4. Dates To Note & Business Office Reminders Feb. 24 – PSAT (10th Grade) Feb. 26 – In-Service (No School) March 1 - Mid-Winter Band Concert March 1-5 - Girls State Basketball March 3 - Reconciliation for Seniors/ Freshmen March 7 - Vocal Music Concert March 8-12 - State Boys Basketball Tournament March 9 - End of 3rd Qtr March 12 - Men’s Catholic Conference at Xavier March 23 - 1:45 p.m. early dismissal March 23 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (Teacher invite & Walk-in) 4 Business Office Reminder Tuition Assistance Reminder If you would like to apply for tuition assistance for the 2016-2017 year, Student Aid Forms will be available in the Main Office. Student Aid Forms are also online at www. If you would like one mailed to you, please contact Shea Francis at 739-7307. Completed Student Aid Forms must be mailed directly to Private School Aid Service on or before March 24, 2016. A copy of your tax return is mandatory; therefore, it is critical that you have your 2015 return prepared promptly. Tuition Payment Date Reminder March 10: Fourth quarter tuition due We thank the majority of families who fulfill their financial obligation promptly. Unfortunately, some of our families do not make their pay- ments in a timely manner. If at any time your circumstances change and will not allow you to complete your obligation as indicated on your tuition contract, please contact Shea Francis at 739-7307. Alumni Inducted in to Hall of Fame On February 12th, alumni Sara Clancy (X06), Neil Ryan (L98) and John Willenborg (R59) (pictured L-R) were inducted in to the La- Salle-Regis-Xavier Alumni Hall of Fame. Clancy was an oustanding multi-sport athlete during her time at Xavier and earned a scholar- ship to play soccer at the University of Minnesota. Ryan excelled in football, basketball and track & field at LaSalle High School and went on to be a three-year starter at the University of South Da- kota. WIllenborg was an exceptional athlete at Regis High School in baseball and played a major role in establishment of the Regis Class of ’59 Endowed Scholarship for the Xavier Foundation in 2014. Full biographies for these alumni can be found at
  • 5. 5 Kids Against Hunger As part of Catholic Schools Week activities, Saints came together after school on February 4th for a Kids Against Hunger drive to help starving families. Working in multiple assembly lines, students packaged a total of 6,000 meals which will be shipped to Haiti to feed the hungry. Great work, Saints and a special thank you to XHS junior, Sam Martin, for organizing this outstanding example of service! 5 XHS Students Host Mini Dance Marathon The Xavier High School student senate will host a Mini Dance Marathon to support families and children with cancer on Friday, Feb. 26 from 7-10 p.m. in the Mercy Practice Gym at Xavier High School. Xavier students are asked to procure at least $20 in pledges in order to participate in the Mini Dance Marathon. All proceeds will go to support the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. Parents of participating students are asked to complete a waiver and to encourage their student(s) to participate in garnering pledges. Those who can not attend the event can still contribute to the event by sending in checks (made payable to “Xavier High School”). This event is a lock-­in. No students will be admitted after 7:15 p.m. and no one will be allowed to leave prior to 9:45 p.m. Waivers/pledge forms available at
  • 6. Annual Appeal Updates Submitted by Lynn Jump Annual Fund Director, Xavier Foundation On Tuesday, February 9th at 7 a.m., there was a little snow falling and the temperature on Xavier’s sign read 12 degrees. If you have been around for a while, you would know the snow and cold means it was time for the Xavier Foundation to kick- off the 2016 Business Appeal with a continental breakfast in Xavier’s band room. Former Xavier parents chairman Don Chizek, and associate chairman, Duane Jasper are lead- ing 66 volunteers in an effort to raise $150,000 for Xavier High School. We could not raise these funds without dedicated volunteers. Current Xavier parents volunteering to solicit funds from area businesses are: Jim Angstman, Heidi Brown, Liz Eft- ing, Mike Esker, Michael Fettkether, Chris Fischer, Kevin Giles, Brian Glo- bokar, Jeff Hines, Lorie Hines, Todd Holverson, Glen Jasper, Tom Keat- ing, Maureen Kenney, James Klein, Bruce Kramer, James Lemke, John Locher, Sue Lowder, Bill McCartan, Stephen Noonan, Tom Richardson, Doug Ropp, Kirk Sadilek, Eric Schmit, Duane Schulte, Max Smith, Ted Steger, David Stoltenberg, and Tim Vipond. Volunteers will visit with two hundred seventy-eight metro area businesses to share Xavier highlights and ask for their financial support. We are truly blessed and grateful for the generosity of our metro business community and to the volunteers that make the annual appeal a success! Xavier Foundation 2016 Business Appeal 2015 Parish Appeal Exceeds Goal! We are pleased to announce we have raised more than $475,000 and have surpassed the 2015 Parish Appeal Goal. The success of the Appeal does not just happen. It is because of the leadership of our parish pastors, along with parishioners, dedicated volunteer parents, faculty, alumni and students that we are able to cel- ebrate the success of the 2015 Parish Appeal! We are most grateful for your support. <<< Business Appeal Chair, Don Chizek (top) and Associate Chair, Duane Jasper (bottom), address appeal volunteers at the February 9th kickoff breakfast. 6
  • 7. Campus Ministry Update Submitted by Jody Esker XHS Campus Ministry MARCH FOR LIFE Forty two students and six adults from the Xavier community attended the March for Life in Washington D.C. last month. This pro-life pilgrimage includes Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and the Rally and March up Constitution Avenue to the steps of the Supreme Court. Due to severe winter weather conditions, Saints were forced to return prior to the march itself, but being present in Washington sends a power- ful message to our legislators, Supreme Court Justices, and our President about overturning the decision to legalize abortion. This also is a powerful witness to other students about the importance of standing up for life. KAIROS #23 Kairos #23 will was held earlier this month at the American Martyrs Retreat House in Cedar Falls. It was a powerful weekend of growth in relationship to Christ and to each other. Father Dennis Juhl served as the spiritual director of Kairos 23. Thank you for your prayers in support during this retreat. The final Kairos of the year will be March 31-April 3. Father Mark Ressler will serve as the spiritual director for Kairos #24. At this time the retreats are full but we are add- ing interested students to a waiting list. FRIDAY MORNING MASS IN THE CHAPEL Mass is held in the Chapel every Friday morning that school is in session at 7 a.m. All are welcome! Mass is fol- lowed by adoration until 3:30 p.m. Stop in anytime and spend sometime with the Lord. Additionally, we are offering an optional mass every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. Typically this falls during the Xcel hour but even on early dismissal, Father Vu will offer Mass. Student, faculty, staff and visitors are always wel- come. (If you are coming from outside the building a quick call to Peggy to verify that Mass is happening would be recommended. Occaisionally, Mass will be cancelled due it scheduling conflicts.) LENT 2016 The Lenten focus is on the Jubilee Year of Mercy. We continue to spend time in prayer and reflection coming to a deeper understanding of Mercy. Specifi- cally we are practicing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. WORKS OF MERCY The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are actions we can perform that extend God’s compassion and mercy to those in need. CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY The Corporal Works of Mercy are these kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their material and physical needs. • feed the hungry • give drink to the thirsty • clothe the naked • shelter the homeless • visit the sick • visit the imprisoned • bury the dead SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY The Spiritual Works of Mercy are acts of compassion, as listed below, by which we help our neighbors with their emotional and spiritual needs. • counsel the doubtful • instruct the ignorant • admonish sinners • comfort the afflicted • forgive offenses • bear wrongs patiently • pray for the living and the dead 7
  • 8. Campus Ministry (Continued) RECONCILIATION Communal Reconciliation will be available during Lent at various parishes. March 15 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton at 7 PM; March 17 at Immaculate Conception at 7 PM; March 19 at St. Jude at 10:30 AM The sacrament of Reconciliation is available by appointment anytime Father Vu is in the building. He is typically at Xavier Wednesday and Friday’s. Just stop by his office and let him know you are interested. (There will be reconciliation offered on Thursday March 3 at Xavier for the seniors and freshmen, or anyone else who desires to go. The juniors and sophomores had their class reconciliation service 1st semester.) MARY’S MEALS PRESENTATION Ellen Miller, a representative for Mary’s Meals is coming to speak to sophomore theology classes on March 2. More information about Mary’s meals can be found here. Magnus McFarlane Barrow, the founder of Mary’s Meals and auther of the book “A Shed that Feed a Million Children” will be speaking at Xavier September of 2017. MORNING PRAYER For Lent, Xavier morning prayer is using the book Rediscover God by Matthew Kelly. There are a few copies still available for free. You can also find daily videos and reflections here. In this year of mercy it is encouraged to use the corporal and spiritual works of Mercy as a way to draw into a deeper relationship with Chirst. 8 “‘Put on Christ!’ in your life,and you will find a friend in whom you can always trust;‘put on Christ’ and you will see the wings of hope spread- ing and letting you journey with joy towards the future;‘put on Christ’ and your life will be full of his love; it will be a fruitful life.” --Pope Francis at World Youth Day Rio 2013 JOIN US FOR THIS INSPIRING ONE-WOMAN PLAY ABOUT ONE OF THE 20th CENTURY’S MOST INFLUENTIAL CATHOLICS!
  • 9. Saints Qualify for MOS National Competition Congratulations to XHS students, Josie Fuhrman (X17) and Ethan Lowder (X18) who have qualified for the 2016 Mi- crosoft Office Specialist (MOS) National Championships! Josie placed 2nd in the Microsoft Word 2013 test and Ethan placed 2nd in the Microsoft Excel 2013 test during the fall qualifying round. Both Josie and Ethan now have the oppor- tunity to compete at the MOS U.S. National Championships June 28-30 in Orlando, FL. Josie and Ethan are both stu- dents who are currently enrolled in Mr. Tim O’Brien’s Com- puter Business Applications course, which has rapidly devel- oped a strong track record of equipping Saints with excellent technical skills in the arena of various computer programs. Ekland Honored with “Big Check” Longtime XHS strength and conditioning coach, Tom Ekland (L78), was recognized at halftime of the Linn-Mar boys basketball game on February 9th. Ekland was pre- sented with a “big check” by XHS Activi- ties Director, Mike Winker, of $18. Winker promised Ekland that he would pay him $1 each year for his services (because “volun- teers” could not be given building keys). With Winker stepping down at the end of this school year, Ekland was paid in full for services rendered thus far at Xavier. We thank Tom for his previous service at LaSal- le High School and his continuing service to the students of Xavier High School -- we are truly blessed to have him here! ‪ 9 Gerke Earns Win #100 Xavier Wrestling’s Josh Gerke (145 lbs.) won his 100th career match late last month at Iowa City HIgh. Gerke went on to join team mates, Clint Lembeck (138 lbs.) & Keegan Schults- chik (120 lbs.) to qualify for the state wrestling tournament.
  • 10. 10 Xavier High School is the recipient of $8,060 from the Archbishop Kucera Grant Awards from the Archdiocese of Dubuque Educational Development Fund. The grant was awarded for tuition assistance to those families who can least afford the cost of attending a Catholic School. A por- tion of the grant was also directed towards tuition assis- tance for minority students who qualify for Federal School Lunch Program. Awards for these two programs totaled $500,000 for the 2015-16 school year. The Archbishop Kucera Grant Awards annually provides $80,000 for faith formation resources and leadership de- velopment for faith formation leaders, catechists, Catholic school administrators and teachers. The grant also covers one third of the program cost for adults enrolled in the Archdiocesan IMPACT Program. The Archdiocesan Educational Development Fund was developed for the purpose of supporting the educational programs of the Archdiocese. This is the twenty-eighth year that grants have been awarded. Over 8.9 million dollars have been distributed since the Archdiocesan Educational Development Fund was established. Grants are made pos- sible through the generous donations of contributors and parishioners throughout the Archdiocese. Archbishop Daniel Kucera Xavier Awarded Archbishop Kucera Grant for Tuition Assistance Nominate XHS Teacher/Staff for XITA/XISA Awards The Xcellence in Teaching Award and Xcellence in Staff Support Award is presented to an outstanding teacher and an outstanding staff member (non-teaching) who has made a significant impact on students by challenging them with high expectations and assisting them in meeting those expectations. These teachers/staff demonstrate a com- mitment to students, to Xavier High School and to Catholic Education. They are professional in their behavior and serve as Christian role models. All current Xavier High School students and parents of all Xavier students are eligi- ble to nominate a teacher and a staff member (non-teaching). Nomination forms can be found at 10
  • 11. Annual Xavier Band Garage Sale and Bake Sale Fundraiser Saturday, April 23, 2016 - 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. - In The Commons Donations of small household items, toys, games books, and clothing are to be delivered to the school on Friday, April 22, 2016 between 3 & 6 p.m. Proceeds from the sale will assist the Xavier Band Department in purchasing new equipment. For further information contact Carol Vester at cavester@mchsi. com or (319) 329-4566. Mark your calendars for Xtravaganza 2016 on Saturday, March 5th, featuring twelve middle school show choirs from Cedar Rapids, Marion, Solon and Dubuque, with exhibition performances by Xavier show choirs Xuber- ance and Xhilaration. Doors open at 9 a.m. Schools will compete throughout the day with day awards at 5:15 p.m. and evening finals at 7 p.m. Admission Adults: $10. Students ages 6 and up: $5. Children 5 and under Free. Programs $2 Entrees, snacks, beverages and desserts will be offered all day. Hamburgers, grilled chicken sandwiches, hot dogs, brats, pizza, dancing tacos, chips, fruit, veggies, home- baked goods, candy, “Xtreme ice cream” and much more will be served including Chinese entrees for dinner. 2016 Middle School Show Choir Competition Saturday, March 5th | Xavier High School Come and enjoy an “Xciting” day of music, food and fun at Xtravaganza ! 11
  • 12. Gallery 12 Principal Tom Keating distributes ashes to senior Daniel Richardson during Ash Wednesday Mass. The new Technology Enabled Activity Learning (TEAL) Lab is beginning to take shape as part of LMC enhancements. The XHS Poms advanced to the national small varsity jazz semi- finals in Orlando, FL and earned their highest National Dance Team Champion- ship score ever. Dancing with the Saints con- testant Tami Lux and her coach Derrick Murray showcase their dancing skills at last month’s live event. Saints stopped by Meth-Wick for a second round of “chair volleyball” with the residents as part of an ongo- ing series of stu- dent-led service projects. Part of Catholic Schools Week fes- tivities featured “Super Hero Day” where students could dress up as their own heroes. Many students chose to dress as their real heroes: XHS teachers.XHS student body president, Mitchell Young, helped to deliver needed items to St. Vincent de Paul as part of collections during Catholic Schools Week.
  • 13. Xavier High School • 6300 42nd Street NE • Cedar Rapids, IA 52411 • (319) 294-6635 • 131313