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October 2017 | Volume 20 | Number 2The official monthly newsletter of Xavier High School
Principal‘s Corner: 2 | Business Office News: 3 | |
Campus Ministry News: 4 | New Website: 6 | Saints
Excel on ACT: 7 | Dancing with the Saints: 8 | New
Signage: 9 | Good News: 10 | Alumni Update: 13 |
October Gallery: 14 | Health Update: 15 | Students &
Faculty of the Month: 16
Saints Excel on
ACT Exam
Voting Opens for
with the Saints!
Good News
And More!
Principal’s Corner: Balance
By the time you are reading this month’s Navigator, we
will have put one academic quarter of the 2017-18 school
year behind us. The “newness” of the year has worn off
and we are deep into “reality” when it comes to school
work, activities and other responsibilities. Students can
begin to feel that it’s all a “grind” and that they can barely
keep up with everything. To that end and at the request
of a few parents, I am re-sharing a piece I wrote last year
regarding balance.
Balance. It’s a concept we’ve been trying to master since
we were toddlers. Early on it was standing, then walking.
We tried to master steps. We learned to ride a bike. Then
it was roller skates/blades and ice skates. Maybe we were
bold enough to get on a ski slope.
As hard as it was back then to gain our physical balance, it
seems to pale sometimes in comparison to the elusiveness
of life balance. For us as adults, that work-life
balance thing too often seems to be more
than a little out of reach. So many demands
on our time, even outside of work, that it
can seem like we are no longer in charge of
our own schedules. We are in cars and on
flights to conduct business. We go from
meeting to meeting. We rush through
meals. We run from one child’s activity
to another. We look at Mass times at
every parish to see if we can get there
between games. We find ourselves do-
ing laundry and balancing checkbooks
at midnight or squeezing in mow-
ing the lawn before dark. We have
calendars that never seem to have a
blank day on them. And who decided
we needed to be available twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week through
our mobile devices? Toss in a car prob-
lem, a water heater that goes out, or an
illness and our stress levels push the limits.
We ask ourselves, “How did things get so
out of control?” And the things that really
matter – prayer, quality time with family,
time to relax and reflect – often are pushed
to the bottom of our priority lists if they
even make the list at all.
Sadly, this challenge of finding balance in life is not unique
to adults. As principal I’m seeing more and more of it in
our students. And the results have me concerned. There
seems to be significant pressure, self-imposed in some
cases but most often imposed from others, to do more
and do it better. Xavier says, “Get involved!” Colleges
ask, “What activities have you been involved in? How
many AP courses have you taken? What were your
grades? What is your ACT score?” As parents we can cre-
ate incredible pressure on our students by pushing them
toward what I call, “resume-building.” Coaches and direc-
tors demand more and more time with them at practice,
rehearsal and off-season programs or workouts. Not only
is balance something that seems out of reach but “down
time” just doesn’t exist.
Our students often fill their day with 8 classes. Before
they even begin, many are in the fitness center lifting, at-
tending open gym, getting help from teachers or in some
cases attending scheduled lessons and/or rehearsals. Im-
mediately after school they head to practice, rehearsal or a
job. They live on fast food between activities. They come
home tired and emotionally spent, wishing they could just
shower and go to bed. Instead, they pull out their books
and their iPads and begin what for some nights can seem
like a mountain of homework or hours of preparation for
the next test, presentation or project. By the time their
head hits the pillow, they are beyond exhausted only to
hear the alarm just a few hours later, beckoning them to
start the madness over again. Weekends used to be a
time to relax. Now it seems to be a time to “catch up.”
I want to share that we are looking deeply into what we
can do to help. Our teachers are discussing ways to coor-
dinate assessment schedules (much easier said than done)
to help make the load on any one day a little more man-
ageable. We are working on ways to communicate with
students exactly what it is we want them to know and be
able to do for their assessments. We are asking coaches
and directors to consider their students’ schedules as they
plan practices, rehearsals and off-season workouts. We
are asking to give them a day off once in a while. We are
insistent that faith, family and academics take priority over
Tom Keating
Xavier Principal
Principal’s Corner (Continued)
November 1 – All Saints Mass
November 8 – Community Service Day
November 10-12 – Fall Musical,
November 13 – Discover Xavier Night
November 14 – Organizational Photo Day
November 15 – Memorial/Thanksgiving
November 17 – Casual Dress Day
November 20 – Pep Rally/Spirit Day
November 22-24 – No School
Suggested Xavier
Twitter Follows:
Business Office Updates:
November 10th 	 2nd Quarter payment due
January 11th 		 2nd Semester payment due
			 3rd Quarter payment due
March 10th		 4th Quarter payment due
May 10th		 Final EFT payment will be processed
We thank all families who pay their tuition in a timely manner!
I also want to share that we need your help. I’d ask that you have
regular conversations with your students regarding their work load.
Help them learn to prioritize and in some cases “let go” of some of
the things that are packing their schedules. They need to know it’s
ok to not have eight classes and be involved in two, three or four
activities at the same time. They need to advocate for themselves
by visiting with their teachers, coaches and directors about their
schedule on a particular day. They need to know that a “B” is not
the end of the world. They need to know that they don’t need to
take every AP or dual credit course. Most of all they need to know
that you love them regardless of what they are involved in, what
their grades are and what their “resume” looks like. I’m not pro-
posing a “don’t care” attitude by any means. But the stress levels
we are seeing in our students say the “more and better” approach
often does more harm than good.
It’s time for us to encourage our students to find that elusive “bal-
ance.” It’s time for us to let kids be kids (at least some of the time).
You often hear me say, “Keep ‘em busy; keep ‘em broke.” That
doesn’t mean every minute of the day every day of the week.
The level of academic and activities achievement at Xavier is
unparalleled. We have a way of developing incredibly successful
students. It’s also important to develop happy ones.
God bless you and your family!
Tom Keating
Respect Life
Catholics across the United States will
again celebrate Respect Life Month
throughout October. The theme for
this year is “Be Not Afraid”. During this
month Campus Ministry will be sponsor-
ing educational events, charitable ef-
forts, times of prayer, and opportunities
for public witness. We believe that such
initiatives are integral to the Church’s
ongoing effort to help build a culture in
which every human life without excep-
tion is respected and defended.
In the front lawn of Xavier for the month
of October we have 400 whites crosses.
These crosses represent the nearly
4,000 lives lost daily to abortion in the
US. There is a quote on the sign by
St. Theresa of Calcutta, it reads “It is a
poverty to decide that a child must die
so that you can live as you wish.”
Activities for Xavier Respect
Life Week October 9-13.
Other Respect Life Activities
• Visit the 40 Days for Life web page for
various community prayer
• Iowans for Life information can be
found here.
• Midwest March For Life – January 14 -
Chicago, information found here.
Every human being, at every stage
and condition, is willed and loved by
God. For this reason, every human life
is sacred. To deprive someone of life
is a grave wrong and a grave dishonor
to God. Because we are created in
the image of God, who is Love, our
identity and our vocation is to love.
Pope Benedict has called this “the key
to [our] entire existence.”
~ Flyer, Respect Life Program (2011)
During Respect Life Month, let us
rededicate ourselves to defending the
basic rights of those who are weakest
and most marginalized: the poor, the
homeless, the innocent unborn, and the
frail and elderly who need our respect
and our assistance. In this and in so
many ways we will truly build a culture
of life.
TEC is a great opportunity for seniors
to take time out to reflect on their faith
as they look at the many important
decisions they are making. There are
five TEC weekends scheduled in the
Archdiocese of Dubuque throughout
the 2017-18 school year. Seniors can
register for any of the available TEC
retreats. The structure of TEC is that it
will be a variety of high school seniors
from various schools, who attend. The
cost for the weekend is $75. Click here
for registration material.
Kairos Retreat
The Kairos Retreat weekends for juniors
will be held the following weekends
at American Martyrs Retreat House in
Cedar Falls:
K-30 Jan 18-21, 2018
K-31 March 1-4, 2018
(K-29 took place Oct 19-22)
Please pray for our student and adult
teams as they lead our juniors in deep-
ening their relationship with Christ. All
the retreats are full, but students can be
added to a wait list.
Our sophomore class retreat was held
Oct 9. We spent the day in exploring
the basis for John Paul II Theology of
the Body and how the decisions we
make in life impact our great call to
love. The day was composed of three
talks, one from Nic Davidson (a speaker
from on Theology of the Body from Min-
nesota) for each the boys and girls and
then Tom Keating and Mike Goldsmith
spoke to the boys and Alissa Sabers and
Kellie Wagner spoke to the girls. You
can learn more about Nic Davidson by
connecting to his blog here.
Campus Ministry Update
Submitted by Jody Esker
XHS Campus Ministry
• Theme: Be Not Afraid
• Baby socks to pin to backpacks for a
donation to go in support of
Bridghaven and Birthright
• Daily reflections in theology class.
• Morning Prayer offered specific to life
• Rosary in chapel daily at 7:20
• Thursday, 10/12 – Dress in Black
Students who chose to dress in black
observed a day of silence. By not talking
for the entire school day, students gave
witness to those voices who were
silenced due to a lack of respect for life.
• Friday, 10/13 – Rosary/Adoration in
the Chapel/100 year of Fatima
Campus Ministry Update (Continued)
All School Mass for All Saints Day
Nov 1:
Please join us for liturgy at 9:50.
Advent begins on Sunday Dec 3. Communal reconcilia-
tion during Advent will be December 16 at 10:30 AM at All
Saints and December 21 at 7:00 PM at St. Joseph Marion.
Campus Ministry Tip:
Looking for a great resource to enrich your faith life and
the faith life of your family? Let us recommend and online
resource called Formed. You can find the link here. This is
a great place to find Bible Studies, movies, documentaries
and articles.
“Go out to others and share the good
news that God, our Father, walks at
our side. He frees us from anonymity,
from a life of emptiness and selfishness,
and brings us to the school of
encounter. He removes us from the fray
of competition and self-absorption, and
he opens before us the path of peace.
That peace which is born of accepting
others, that peace which fills our hearts
whenever we look upon those in need as
our brothers and sisters.”
- Pope Francis, during visit to US
A Fresh Look for
Search Bar
Having trouble finding something on the site? The search bar
can help you out!
Large Home Page Slider
Users will notice a large, interactive slider on the homepage
which is designed to serve as a “front door” to our school on
the Web. This typically features content that displays what
makes Xavier a special place.
Upcoming Events
This section will typically feature major upcoming XHS events
with links to more information about each event.
Daily Announcements
Daily announcements typically include the lunch menu for the
day (updated early in the morning), any activities updates since
the last school day (updated mid-morning), and other informa-
tion such as club and organizational meetings after school.
These can be found on the home page (and are on display in the
Commons throughout the school day).
Daily Announcements
Daily announcements typically include the lunch menu for the
day (updated early in the morning), any activities updates since
the last school day (updated mid-morning), and other informa-
tion such as club and organizational meetings after school.
These can be found on the home page (and are on display in the
Commons throughout the school day).
If you’ve visited recently, you may have noticed a few
changes. While the basic structure of the website hasn’t changed (most items
are where they’ve always been), we have made a few upgrades based on
user/parent feedback and general best practices. Here are just a few of the
enhancements you’ll notice:
to Your
Many of our parents, students and supporters consume at least some
information daily on mobile devices. Xavier’s website is now responsive to
best-fit the screen of your device. Generally, desktop computer users will
see a typical desktop display while most mobile devices will display a “con-
densed” display (the main menus will be displayed as 3-bar icons, other
elements will be “stacked” into a single-column layout, etc.). This makes
for a more friendly end-user experience across multiple screen sizes.
We would like to congratulate Xavier students who scored at 30 or better on the ACT exam (or the equivalent on the SAT
exam)! Congratulations to the following Saints: Aaron Bartels, Thomas Bean, Peter Binder, Sarah Bouska, Caleb Burken, So-
phia Cataldo, Sylvia Clubb, Eva Deegan, Paige Diebold, Calvin Ford, Timothy Globokar, Erin Hassenstab, Nicholas Hentges,
William Karpick, Kathleen Kenney, Janessa Klein, Lauren Korbel, Elizabeth Kramer, Jonathan Lansing, Curt Lengemann, Ethan
Lowder, Noah Lynch, Keaton Maier (perfect 36!), Matthew Neumeyer, John Pape, Anna Parr, Abigail Pisney, Nolan Pithan,
Grant Schnoebelen, Erin Sherman, Erin Smith, Trenton Smith, Nikodimos White, Joseph Bioche, David Shema & Kirsten
Smith! A score of 30 puts these Saints in the 93rd percentile among those who took the ACT exam!
Academic Excellence
Congratulations (again!) to XHS senior
Keaton Maier who was already named a
National Merit Semifinalist earlier this fall
and has now earned a perfect score of 36
on the ACT exam! Way to go, Keaton!
Maier Scores Perfect 36 on
ACT & Named National
Merit Semifinalist
FROM OCT. 12 - NOV. 9
Hosted by Xavier High School’s Performing Arts Students
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS! Xavier Band, Choir, and Drama students
are hosting their annual sale of fir wreaths, cedar sprays, mailbox gar-
land, candy cane garland, and white, pink, red, or jingle bell colored
poinsettias! Please consider purchasing your holidaygreenery from one
of our students!
CLICK HERE to learn more!
88 88
this year’s event will raise money for new uniforms for all xhs activity programs (including marching band)
Second Annual
Earlier this month, a new 13-foot, neon-lit Xavier
halo cross logo was installed on the north side of the
theatre (facing Saints Field). This sign is the result of a
generous gift from longtime Xavier supporters, Phil &
Donna Garland and family of Nesper Sign Advertising.
The new sign is part of a series of campus branding
initiatives that continue to be implemented at Xavier.
This particular sign offers vibrant brand exposure
to Saints Field and Highway 100 to the north of the
building. We thank the Garland family for this wonder-
ful gift and their continuing support of Xavier and its
Have You Seen
The Sign?
In addition to the neon-lit hal cross a new 162-foot wind-
screen has been installed at the South end of Saints Field.
The windscreen bares “Xavier Saints” along with the logo.
Like the sign on the theatre, this effort is designed to increase
brand visibility.
New “Xavier Saints”
Windscreen >>>
Congratulations to Coach Nate Hopp and the
XHS Boys Cross Country team on qualifying
for State as a team for the 8th time in school
history on October 19th in Manchester!
The Saints were led by Jon Lansing (6th) &
John Pape (10th) and will now compete at the
state meet at Lakeside Golf Course in Fort
Dodge on Ocotber 28th!
Saints Running to State!
Good News!
Congratulations to XHS seniors, Calvin Ford
(left) & Ethan Lowder (right), who were award-
ed first place scholarships in the Cedar Rapids
Junior Achievement Titan Challenge earlier
this month!
The Challenge is a day-long competition which
places local high school juniors and seniors in
the CEO seat to help increase their understand-
ing of business while competing for college
scholarships. Calvin & Ethan were mentored by
Tom Brown of ImOn Communications.
By placing first, they each received a $1,500
scholarship for post-secondary education to
the college or university of their choice. Calvin
and Ethan were presented their awards by
Marty Wolske (middle), Director of Business
Development & Strategic Accounts for High-
way Equipment Company.
Ford, Lowder Earn 1st Place/
Scholarship in Junior
Achievement Titan Challenge!
Vocal Music
Congratulations to Saints who were selected to All-State
Chorus on October 21st: Genna Pieper, Kristen Hovda,
Tristen Perreault, Nolan Pithan, Brady Christensen
& Curt Lengemann!
All State Musicians!
Instrumental Music
Congratulations to Saints who were selected All-State
Orchestra/Band on October 21st: Gus Brown (Orchestra/
Percussion); Joseph Bioche (Band/Clarinet); Callie Fay
(Band/Flute); Caleb Burken (Orchestra/Trumpet);
Sarah King (1st Alternate/Clarinet);
and Sean Deegan (2nd Alternate/Clarinet)!
More Good News!
Math Team is #1!
Congratulations to the defending Small School State
Champion, Xavier Math Team which placed 1st overall
in the Small School Division at the Great Plains Math
League (GPML) competition on October 14th at
Cedar Rapids Jefferson!
The Xavier team consisted of Joe Iversen (X19), Lauren
Korbel (X19), Joanne Lee (X21), Justin Korbel (X21),
and Isaac Stadelmann (X22). More than 100 students
from eleven high schools throughout Eastern Iowa
competed in the opening league meet of this season.
The Saints finished 1st on the Small School Team Test.
The team of Lauren Korbel, Joanne Lee, and Isaac
Stadelmann finished 1st on the Relay Event. Individu-
ally in the Small School Division (11th Grade), Lauren
Korbel was 1st in Target and 1st in Sprint, Joe Iverson
was 2nd in Target; for 9th Grade and below, Joanne
Lee was 2nd in Target and 3rd in Sprint, Justin Korbel
was 3rd in Sprint, and Isaac Stadelmann was 1st in
Target and 2nd in Sprint. Lauren Korbel qualified for
the State Competition in April.
Xcentrics Go Unbeaten in
First League Meet
The Xavier Xcentrics Robotics Team, “The Xcentrics,”
competed in their first League Meet of the Season on
October 20th. Two alliances, of two robots each, com-
pete against each other in 2 ½ minute matches. The
Xcentrics finished the Meet with a 5-0 record as the
robot reliably scored Glyphs in the bottom row of the
Crytobox and balanced on the Balancing Stone.
Good luck to the Xcentrics at their next League Meet
Friday November 10th.
Opposing Alliance
Xavier, Jefferson McKinley, Clear Creek Amana A Won 66-32
Xavier, Regis A Harding B, Regis B Won 47-20
Xavier, Metro Regis A, Harding A Won 65-10
Xavier, McKinley Metro, Taft Won 111-24
Xavier, Harding B Jefferson, Harding A Won 107-73
Even More Good News!
Marching Saints Earn Division I Rating
Congratulations to band director, Ms. Kelli Swehla, and the Marching Saints
on earning a Division I rating at State on October 7th!
Boys Golf
Advances to
Congratulations to Coach Tim O’Brien
and the XHS boys golf team on
advancing to the state golf meet this
season! The Saints won their district
meet on October 3rd at Elmcrest
Country Club to earn their trip.
Did you have a classmate who excelled in academics, athlet-
ics or fine arts? Do you know of a LaSalle, Regis or Xavier
alum who has made an outstanding contribution through their
career or service to their community? Did you have a coach
or teacher who made a significant impact on you and your
Nominate them for induction in the LaSalle-Regis-Xavier
Hall of Fame at
Deadline for nominations for the 2018 induction is October 31,
The 2018 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will take
place at halftime of the varsity boys basketball game
on Friday, January 26, 2018.
Alumni Updates
The 10th Annual Alumni Basketball Tournament returns to
Xavier High School on Saturday, Nov. 25.
Participants in the 2017 Alumni Basketball Tournament will have the opportunity to form their own
team. Those who do not wish to be on a pre-determined team are more than welcome to sign up as
an individual and will be assigned a team on the day of the tournament.
Click here to download a registration form.
For questions, contact the Xavier Foundation Office at 319-378-4571.
October Gallery
XHS band director, Kelli Swehla, instructs XHS science teacher, Darrin Ellsworth dur-
ing “Best Lesson Day.” The October 2nd in-service day featured a “Best Lesson Day”
where our teachers were divided into small groups and were given a chance to cycle
through a school day, experiencing each teacher’s “best lesson” in that group. This
was a great opportunity for collaboration, for teachers to gain new ideas from their
peers, and for them all to be “students” for a day in other subject areas.
The Xavier Dance Team performs their glow routine at the Homecoming pep rally.
Xavier students celebrated
“America Reads” with our Xavier
Catholic School elementary
students on October 19th.
The Xavier marching band, cheerlead-
ers and football players visited all Xavier
Catholic Schools on October 6th as part of
the annual “Homecoming Tailgate Tour.”
A metal Xavier halo cross with “Class of 2018” was
on display in the Homecoming bonfire.
2017 Homecoming King and Queen:
Caleb Burken and Gracyn Chicchelly!
Health Update
Submitted by Kris Naeve
XHS Nurse
It Does Your Body Good!
Most adults in the U.S. get less sleep than needed and high
school students run a particularly high risk of sleep depriva-
tion due to erratic schedules. Our society is becoming more
sleep deprived due to our lifestyle choices. From morning
to night most Americans, including teens, feel pressured by
time commitments, such as school or work, extra-curricular
activities, family, friends and social obligations. Sleep is often
shortened in order to make time for other activities. But
sleep isn’t just a “time out” from daily life. It is an active state
important for renewing our mental and physical health each
day. Sleep deprivation can be the cause behind extreme
moodiness, poor performance in school and even lead to lack
of motivation and depression. Teens also have a high risk
of having car accidents because of falling asleep behind the
wheel. The National Sleep Foundation (www.sleepfounda- suggests 8 tips for teens regarding sleep.
1. Sleep is food for the brain. Get enough of it, and get it
when you need it. Even mild sleepiness can hurt your perfor-
mance—from taking exams to playing sports or video games.
Lack of sleep can make you look tired and feel depressed,
irritable, and angry.
2. Keep consistency in mind: Establish a regular bedtime
and wake time schedule, and maintain it during weekends (as
much as possible) and school vacations.
3. Learn how much sleep you need to function at your
best. You should awaken refreshed, not tired. Most adoles-
cents need between 8.5 and 9.25 hours of sleep each night.
Most teens get an average of 7.4 hours a night.
4. Get into bright light as soon as possible in the morning,
but avoid it in the evening. The light helps to signal the
brain when it should wake up and when to prepare to sleep.
5. Understand your circadian rhythm. Then try to maximize
your schedule throughout the day according to your internal
clock. For example, to compensate for your sleepy times
participate in activities that are interactive and avoid lecture
classes or potentially unsafe activities such as driving. Teen-
ager’s natural circadian rhythm is to stay up late and then
sleep in.
6. Avoid all products with caffeine after mid-afternoon.
7. Relax before going to bed. Avoid heavy reading, study-
ing and computer games within one hour of going to bed.
Don’t fall asleep with the television on as the flickering light
and stimulating content can inhibit restful sleep. Shut off cell
8. Say no to all-nighters. Staying up late can cause chaos
to your sleep patterns and your ability to be alert the next
day…and beyond. Remember, the best thing you can do
to prepare for a test is to get plenty of sleep. All nighters or
late-night study sessions might seem to give you more time
to cram for your exam, but they are also likely to drain your
Up Coming High School Events!
Augmented Reality Did you know that
PokemonGo was a type of augmented reality?
Would you like to create your own? Well now
you can using Metaverse. Metaverse uses
simple storyboard code to create AR (augmented
reality) games or quests that can be tagged for a
certain location. Come join us as we explore
building, coding, testing, and sharing these
games! This class is ideal for 9th-12th grade
students. Please bring a laptop with you.
Join us on October 28, 2017 from 1:00-5:00 pm
$50 per student
GirlsCode++ is a one day girls coding event takes
place twice a year (fall and spring). 8th
grade girls
will learn HTML and CSS to build their own
website, taught and mentored by women in technology
fields. A light breakfast, lunch, and
t-shirt will be included.
Join us on November 18, 2017 from 9am-3pm
$50 per student
Scholarships are available for both classes
Location: Geonetric, 415 12th
Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401
For more information contact: Kristine Sorensen, Director of K–12 Education,, 319-382-5128
Xavier High School | 6300 42nd Street NE | Cedar Rapids, IA 52411 | (319) 294-6635 |
8th Graders & 8th Grade Families –
Join Us for Discover Xavier Night!
On November 13, 2017, 8th grade students and their
parents were invited to attend the annual “Discover Xavier
Night” at Xavier High School. The evening is designed to
give future Saints and parents a glimpse of the many oppor-
tunities that await them at Xavier, featured presentations for
both parents and students, guided tours and an activity fair.
If you have questions about Discover Xavier Night, please
contact Cara Joens, Admissions & College Coordinator at
319-294-662 ext. 313 or or Tom
Keating, Principal, at 319-294-6635 ext. 305 or
Xavier Saints Xavier Saints @XavierSaints

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Navigator: October 2017

  • 1. October 2017 | Volume 20 | Number 2The official monthly newsletter of Xavier High School Inside Principal‘s Corner: 2 | Business Office News: 3 | | Campus Ministry News: 4 | New Website: 6 | Saints Excel on ACT: 7 | Dancing with the Saints: 8 | New Signage: 9 | Good News: 10 | Alumni Update: 13 | October Gallery: 14 | Health Update: 15 | Students & Faculty of the Month: 16 Saints Excel on ACT Exam Voting Opens for Dancing with the Saints! October Good News And More! “Balance” Principal‘s Corner:
  • 2. 2 Principal’s Corner: Balance By the time you are reading this month’s Navigator, we will have put one academic quarter of the 2017-18 school year behind us. The “newness” of the year has worn off and we are deep into “reality” when it comes to school work, activities and other responsibilities. Students can begin to feel that it’s all a “grind” and that they can barely keep up with everything. To that end and at the request of a few parents, I am re-sharing a piece I wrote last year regarding balance. Balance. It’s a concept we’ve been trying to master since we were toddlers. Early on it was standing, then walking. We tried to master steps. We learned to ride a bike. Then it was roller skates/blades and ice skates. Maybe we were bold enough to get on a ski slope. As hard as it was back then to gain our physical balance, it seems to pale sometimes in comparison to the elusiveness of life balance. For us as adults, that work-life balance thing too often seems to be more than a little out of reach. So many demands on our time, even outside of work, that it can seem like we are no longer in charge of our own schedules. We are in cars and on flights to conduct business. We go from meeting to meeting. We rush through meals. We run from one child’s activity to another. We look at Mass times at every parish to see if we can get there between games. We find ourselves do- ing laundry and balancing checkbooks at midnight or squeezing in mow- ing the lawn before dark. We have calendars that never seem to have a blank day on them. And who decided we needed to be available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week through our mobile devices? Toss in a car prob- lem, a water heater that goes out, or an illness and our stress levels push the limits. We ask ourselves, “How did things get so out of control?” And the things that really matter – prayer, quality time with family, time to relax and reflect – often are pushed to the bottom of our priority lists if they even make the list at all. Sadly, this challenge of finding balance in life is not unique to adults. As principal I’m seeing more and more of it in our students. And the results have me concerned. There seems to be significant pressure, self-imposed in some cases but most often imposed from others, to do more and do it better. Xavier says, “Get involved!” Colleges ask, “What activities have you been involved in? How many AP courses have you taken? What were your grades? What is your ACT score?” As parents we can cre- ate incredible pressure on our students by pushing them toward what I call, “resume-building.” Coaches and direc- tors demand more and more time with them at practice, rehearsal and off-season programs or workouts. Not only is balance something that seems out of reach but “down time” just doesn’t exist. Our students often fill their day with 8 classes. Before they even begin, many are in the fitness center lifting, at- tending open gym, getting help from teachers or in some cases attending scheduled lessons and/or rehearsals. Im- mediately after school they head to practice, rehearsal or a job. They live on fast food between activities. They come home tired and emotionally spent, wishing they could just shower and go to bed. Instead, they pull out their books and their iPads and begin what for some nights can seem like a mountain of homework or hours of preparation for the next test, presentation or project. By the time their head hits the pillow, they are beyond exhausted only to hear the alarm just a few hours later, beckoning them to start the madness over again. Weekends used to be a time to relax. Now it seems to be a time to “catch up.” I want to share that we are looking deeply into what we can do to help. Our teachers are discussing ways to coor- dinate assessment schedules (much easier said than done) to help make the load on any one day a little more man- ageable. We are working on ways to communicate with students exactly what it is we want them to know and be able to do for their assessments. We are asking coaches and directors to consider their students’ schedules as they plan practices, rehearsals and off-season workouts. We are asking to give them a day off once in a while. We are insistent that faith, family and academics take priority over activities. Tom Keating Xavier Principal
  • 3. 333 Principal’s Corner (Continued) November 1 – All Saints Mass November 8 – Community Service Day November 10-12 – Fall Musical, “Footloose” November 13 – Discover Xavier Night November 14 – Organizational Photo Day November 15 – Memorial/Thanksgiving Mass November 17 – Casual Dress Day November 20 – Pep Rally/Spirit Day November 22-24 – No School 3 @XavierSaints @PhillyBoy14 @AngelaOlson19 @XavierSaintsAD @XpressNewspaper @Xavier_Catholic @JodyEsker @SaintNickXHS @XavierBands @XavierHSdrama @CRXavier_XC @CRXavierTennis @CRXavierBBall @XHSDanceTeam @XHSVolleyball @CRXwrestling @XcentricsFTC @CRXavierFB Suggested Xavier Twitter Follows: Business Office Updates: TUITION PAYMENT DATE REMINDERS November 10th 2nd Quarter payment due January 11th 2nd Semester payment due 3rd Quarter payment due March 10th 4th Quarter payment due May 10th Final EFT payment will be processed We thank all families who pay their tuition in a timely manner! I also want to share that we need your help. I’d ask that you have regular conversations with your students regarding their work load. Help them learn to prioritize and in some cases “let go” of some of the things that are packing their schedules. They need to know it’s ok to not have eight classes and be involved in two, three or four activities at the same time. They need to advocate for themselves by visiting with their teachers, coaches and directors about their schedule on a particular day. They need to know that a “B” is not the end of the world. They need to know that they don’t need to take every AP or dual credit course. Most of all they need to know that you love them regardless of what they are involved in, what their grades are and what their “resume” looks like. I’m not pro- posing a “don’t care” attitude by any means. But the stress levels we are seeing in our students say the “more and better” approach often does more harm than good. It’s time for us to encourage our students to find that elusive “bal- ance.” It’s time for us to let kids be kids (at least some of the time). You often hear me say, “Keep ‘em busy; keep ‘em broke.” That doesn’t mean every minute of the day every day of the week. The level of academic and activities achievement at Xavier is unparalleled. We have a way of developing incredibly successful students. It’s also important to develop happy ones. God bless you and your family! Sincerely, Tom Keating Principal @PhillyBoy14
  • 4. Respect Life Catholics across the United States will again celebrate Respect Life Month throughout October. The theme for this year is “Be Not Afraid”. During this month Campus Ministry will be sponsor- ing educational events, charitable ef- forts, times of prayer, and opportunities for public witness. We believe that such initiatives are integral to the Church’s ongoing effort to help build a culture in which every human life without excep- tion is respected and defended. In the front lawn of Xavier for the month of October we have 400 whites crosses. These crosses represent the nearly 4,000 lives lost daily to abortion in the US. There is a quote on the sign by St. Theresa of Calcutta, it reads “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you can live as you wish.” Activities for Xavier Respect Life Week October 9-13. Other Respect Life Activities • Visit the 40 Days for Life web page for various community prayer opportunities: • Iowans for Life information can be found here. • Midwest March For Life – January 14 - Chicago, information found here. Every human being, at every stage and condition, is willed and loved by God. For this reason, every human life is sacred. To deprive someone of life is a grave wrong and a grave dishonor to God. Because we are created in the image of God, who is Love, our identity and our vocation is to love. Pope Benedict has called this “the key to [our] entire existence.” ~ Flyer, Respect Life Program (2011) During Respect Life Month, let us rededicate ourselves to defending the basic rights of those who are weakest and most marginalized: the poor, the homeless, the innocent unborn, and the frail and elderly who need our respect and our assistance. In this and in so many ways we will truly build a culture of life. TEC TEC is a great opportunity for seniors to take time out to reflect on their faith as they look at the many important decisions they are making. There are five TEC weekends scheduled in the Archdiocese of Dubuque throughout the 2017-18 school year. Seniors can register for any of the available TEC retreats. The structure of TEC is that it will be a variety of high school seniors from various schools, who attend. The cost for the weekend is $75. Click here for registration material. Kairos Retreat The Kairos Retreat weekends for juniors will be held the following weekends at American Martyrs Retreat House in Cedar Falls: K-30 Jan 18-21, 2018 K-31 March 1-4, 2018 (K-29 took place Oct 19-22) Please pray for our student and adult teams as they lead our juniors in deep- ening their relationship with Christ. All the retreats are full, but students can be added to a wait list. Our sophomore class retreat was held Oct 9. We spent the day in exploring the basis for John Paul II Theology of the Body and how the decisions we make in life impact our great call to love. The day was composed of three talks, one from Nic Davidson (a speaker from on Theology of the Body from Min- nesota) for each the boys and girls and then Tom Keating and Mike Goldsmith spoke to the boys and Alissa Sabers and Kellie Wagner spoke to the girls. You can learn more about Nic Davidson by connecting to his blog here. 4 Campus Ministry Update Submitted by Jody Esker XHS Campus Ministry • Theme: Be Not Afraid • Baby socks to pin to backpacks for a donation to go in support of Bridghaven and Birthright • Daily reflections in theology class. • Morning Prayer offered specific to life issues. • Rosary in chapel daily at 7:20 • Thursday, 10/12 – Dress in Black Students who chose to dress in black observed a day of silence. By not talking for the entire school day, students gave witness to those voices who were silenced due to a lack of respect for life. • Friday, 10/13 – Rosary/Adoration in the Chapel/100 year of Fatima
  • 5. Campus Ministry Update (Continued) All School Mass for All Saints Day Nov 1: Please join us for liturgy at 9:50. Advent Advent begins on Sunday Dec 3. Communal reconcilia- tion during Advent will be December 16 at 10:30 AM at All Saints and December 21 at 7:00 PM at St. Joseph Marion. Campus Ministry Tip: Looking for a great resource to enrich your faith life and the faith life of your family? Let us recommend and online resource called Formed. You can find the link here. This is a great place to find Bible Studies, movies, documentaries and articles. “Go out to others and share the good news that God, our Father, walks at our side. He frees us from anonymity, from a life of emptiness and selfishness, and brings us to the school of encounter. He removes us from the fray of competition and self-absorption, and he opens before us the path of peace. That peace which is born of accepting others, that peace which fills our hearts whenever we look upon those in need as our brothers and sisters.” - Pope Francis, during visit to US 5
  • 6. 6 A Fresh Look for Search Bar Having trouble finding something on the site? The search bar can help you out! Large Home Page Slider Users will notice a large, interactive slider on the homepage which is designed to serve as a “front door” to our school on the Web. This typically features content that displays what makes Xavier a special place. Upcoming Events This section will typically feature major upcoming XHS events with links to more information about each event. Daily Announcements Daily announcements typically include the lunch menu for the day (updated early in the morning), any activities updates since the last school day (updated mid-morning), and other informa- tion such as club and organizational meetings after school. These can be found on the home page (and are on display in the Commons throughout the school day). Daily Announcements Daily announcements typically include the lunch menu for the day (updated early in the morning), any activities updates since the last school day (updated mid-morning), and other informa- tion such as club and organizational meetings after school. These can be found on the home page (and are on display in the Commons throughout the school day). If you’ve visited recently, you may have noticed a few changes. While the basic structure of the website hasn’t changed (most items are where they’ve always been), we have made a few upgrades based on user/parent feedback and general best practices. Here are just a few of the enhancements you’ll notice: Responsive to Your Device Many of our parents, students and supporters consume at least some information daily on mobile devices. Xavier’s website is now responsive to best-fit the screen of your device. Generally, desktop computer users will see a typical desktop display while most mobile devices will display a “con- densed” display (the main menus will be displayed as 3-bar icons, other elements will be “stacked” into a single-column layout, etc.). This makes for a more friendly end-user experience across multiple screen sizes.
  • 7. We would like to congratulate Xavier students who scored at 30 or better on the ACT exam (or the equivalent on the SAT exam)! Congratulations to the following Saints: Aaron Bartels, Thomas Bean, Peter Binder, Sarah Bouska, Caleb Burken, So- phia Cataldo, Sylvia Clubb, Eva Deegan, Paige Diebold, Calvin Ford, Timothy Globokar, Erin Hassenstab, Nicholas Hentges, William Karpick, Kathleen Kenney, Janessa Klein, Lauren Korbel, Elizabeth Kramer, Jonathan Lansing, Curt Lengemann, Ethan Lowder, Noah Lynch, Keaton Maier (perfect 36!), Matthew Neumeyer, John Pape, Anna Parr, Abigail Pisney, Nolan Pithan, Grant Schnoebelen, Erin Sherman, Erin Smith, Trenton Smith, Nikodimos White, Joseph Bioche, David Shema & Kirsten Smith! A score of 30 puts these Saints in the 93rd percentile among those who took the ACT exam! Academic Excellence Congratulations (again!) to XHS senior Keaton Maier who was already named a National Merit Semifinalist earlier this fall and has now earned a perfect score of 36 on the ACT exam! Way to go, Keaton! Maier Scores Perfect 36 on ACT & Named National Merit Semifinalist ANNUAL HOLIDAY GREENERY FUNDRAISER FROM OCT. 12 - NOV. 9 Hosted by Xavier High School’s Performing Arts Students IT’S NOT TOO EARLY TO THINK ABOUT CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS! Xavier Band, Choir, and Drama students are hosting their annual sale of fir wreaths, cedar sprays, mailbox gar- land, candy cane garland, and white, pink, red, or jingle bell colored poinsettias! Please consider purchasing your holidaygreenery from one of our students! CLICK HERE to learn more! 7
  • 8. 88 88 VOTING IS NOW OPEN! VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE DANCERS AT XAVIERSAINTS.ORG/DWTS this year’s event will raise money for new uniforms for all xhs activity programs (including marching band) Second Annual 88
  • 9. 999 Earlier this month, a new 13-foot, neon-lit Xavier halo cross logo was installed on the north side of the theatre (facing Saints Field). This sign is the result of a generous gift from longtime Xavier supporters, Phil & Donna Garland and family of Nesper Sign Advertising. The new sign is part of a series of campus branding initiatives that continue to be implemented at Xavier. This particular sign offers vibrant brand exposure to Saints Field and Highway 100 to the north of the building. We thank the Garland family for this wonder- ful gift and their continuing support of Xavier and its mission! Have You Seen The Sign? In addition to the neon-lit hal cross a new 162-foot wind- screen has been installed at the South end of Saints Field. The windscreen bares “Xavier Saints” along with the logo. Like the sign on the theatre, this effort is designed to increase brand visibility. New “Xavier Saints” Windscreen >>> Congratulations to Coach Nate Hopp and the XHS Boys Cross Country team on qualifying for State as a team for the 8th time in school history on October 19th in Manchester! The Saints were led by Jon Lansing (6th) & John Pape (10th) and will now compete at the state meet at Lakeside Golf Course in Fort Dodge on Ocotber 28th! Saints Running to State!
  • 10. 1010 Good News! 10 Congratulations to XHS seniors, Calvin Ford (left) & Ethan Lowder (right), who were award- ed first place scholarships in the Cedar Rapids Junior Achievement Titan Challenge earlier this month! The Challenge is a day-long competition which places local high school juniors and seniors in the CEO seat to help increase their understand- ing of business while competing for college scholarships. Calvin & Ethan were mentored by Tom Brown of ImOn Communications. By placing first, they each received a $1,500 scholarship for post-secondary education to the college or university of their choice. Calvin and Ethan were presented their awards by Marty Wolske (middle), Director of Business Development & Strategic Accounts for High- way Equipment Company. Ford, Lowder Earn 1st Place/ Scholarship in Junior Achievement Titan Challenge! Vocal Music Congratulations to Saints who were selected to All-State Chorus on October 21st: Genna Pieper, Kristen Hovda, Tristen Perreault, Nolan Pithan, Brady Christensen & Curt Lengemann! All State Musicians! Instrumental Music Congratulations to Saints who were selected All-State Orchestra/Band on October 21st: Gus Brown (Orchestra/ Percussion); Joseph Bioche (Band/Clarinet); Callie Fay (Band/Flute); Caleb Burken (Orchestra/Trumpet); Sarah King (1st Alternate/Clarinet); and Sean Deegan (2nd Alternate/Clarinet)!
  • 11. 1111 More Good News! 11 Math Team is #1! Congratulations to the defending Small School State Champion, Xavier Math Team which placed 1st overall in the Small School Division at the Great Plains Math League (GPML) competition on October 14th at Cedar Rapids Jefferson! The Xavier team consisted of Joe Iversen (X19), Lauren Korbel (X19), Joanne Lee (X21), Justin Korbel (X21), and Isaac Stadelmann (X22). More than 100 students from eleven high schools throughout Eastern Iowa competed in the opening league meet of this season. The Saints finished 1st on the Small School Team Test. The team of Lauren Korbel, Joanne Lee, and Isaac Stadelmann finished 1st on the Relay Event. Individu- ally in the Small School Division (11th Grade), Lauren Korbel was 1st in Target and 1st in Sprint, Joe Iverson was 2nd in Target; for 9th Grade and below, Joanne Lee was 2nd in Target and 3rd in Sprint, Justin Korbel was 3rd in Sprint, and Isaac Stadelmann was 1st in Target and 2nd in Sprint. Lauren Korbel qualified for the State Competition in April. Xcentrics Go Unbeaten in First League Meet The Xavier Xcentrics Robotics Team, “The Xcentrics,” competed in their first League Meet of the Season on October 20th. Two alliances, of two robots each, com- pete against each other in 2 ½ minute matches. The Xcentrics finished the Meet with a 5-0 record as the robot reliably scored Glyphs in the bottom row of the Crytobox and balanced on the Balancing Stone. Good luck to the Xcentrics at their next League Meet Friday November 10th. Xcentrics Alliance Opposing Alliance Xcentrics Match Result Xavier, Jefferson McKinley, Clear Creek Amana A Won 66-32 Xavier, Regis A Harding B, Regis B Won 47-20 Xavier, Metro Regis A, Harding A Won 65-10 Xavier, McKinley Metro, Taft Won 111-24 Xavier, Harding B Jefferson, Harding A Won 107-73
  • 12. 1212 Even More Good News! 12 Marching Saints Earn Division I Rating Congratulations to band director, Ms. Kelli Swehla, and the Marching Saints on earning a Division I rating at State on October 7th! Boys Golf Advances to State Congratulations to Coach Tim O’Brien and the XHS boys golf team on advancing to the state golf meet this season! The Saints won their district meet on October 3rd at Elmcrest Country Club to earn their trip.
  • 13. 131313 LAST CHANCE FOR ALUMNI HALL OF FAME NOMINATIONS! Did you have a classmate who excelled in academics, athlet- ics or fine arts? Do you know of a LaSalle, Regis or Xavier alum who has made an outstanding contribution through their career or service to their community? Did you have a coach or teacher who made a significant impact on you and your classmates? Nominate them for induction in the LaSalle-Regis-Xavier Hall of Fame at Deadline for nominations for the 2018 induction is October 31, 2017. The 2018 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will take place at halftime of the varsity boys basketball game on Friday, January 26, 2018. 13 Alumni Updates H F ALUMNI, MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The 10th Annual Alumni Basketball Tournament returns to Xavier High School on Saturday, Nov. 25. MAKE YOUR OWN TEAM! Participants in the 2017 Alumni Basketball Tournament will have the opportunity to form their own team. Those who do not wish to be on a pre-determined team are more than welcome to sign up as an individual and will be assigned a team on the day of the tournament. Click here to download a registration form. For questions, contact the Xavier Foundation Office at 319-378-4571. 13
  • 14. 14 October Gallery XHS band director, Kelli Swehla, instructs XHS science teacher, Darrin Ellsworth dur- ing “Best Lesson Day.” The October 2nd in-service day featured a “Best Lesson Day” where our teachers were divided into small groups and were given a chance to cycle through a school day, experiencing each teacher’s “best lesson” in that group. This was a great opportunity for collaboration, for teachers to gain new ideas from their peers, and for them all to be “students” for a day in other subject areas. The Xavier Dance Team performs their glow routine at the Homecoming pep rally. Xavier students celebrated “America Reads” with our Xavier Catholic School elementary students on October 19th. The Xavier marching band, cheerlead- ers and football players visited all Xavier Catholic Schools on October 6th as part of the annual “Homecoming Tailgate Tour.” A metal Xavier halo cross with “Class of 2018” was on display in the Homecoming bonfire. 2017 Homecoming King and Queen: Caleb Burken and Gracyn Chicchelly!
  • 15. Health Update Submitted by Kris Naeve XHS Nurse 15 Sleep… It Does Your Body Good! Most adults in the U.S. get less sleep than needed and high school students run a particularly high risk of sleep depriva- tion due to erratic schedules. Our society is becoming more sleep deprived due to our lifestyle choices. From morning to night most Americans, including teens, feel pressured by time commitments, such as school or work, extra-curricular activities, family, friends and social obligations. Sleep is often shortened in order to make time for other activities. But sleep isn’t just a “time out” from daily life. It is an active state important for renewing our mental and physical health each day. Sleep deprivation can be the cause behind extreme moodiness, poor performance in school and even lead to lack of motivation and depression. Teens also have a high risk of having car accidents because of falling asleep behind the wheel. The National Sleep Foundation (www.sleepfounda- suggests 8 tips for teens regarding sleep. 1. Sleep is food for the brain. Get enough of it, and get it when you need it. Even mild sleepiness can hurt your perfor- mance—from taking exams to playing sports or video games. Lack of sleep can make you look tired and feel depressed, irritable, and angry. 2. Keep consistency in mind: Establish a regular bedtime and wake time schedule, and maintain it during weekends (as much as possible) and school vacations. 3. Learn how much sleep you need to function at your best. You should awaken refreshed, not tired. Most adoles- cents need between 8.5 and 9.25 hours of sleep each night. Most teens get an average of 7.4 hours a night. 4. Get into bright light as soon as possible in the morning, but avoid it in the evening. The light helps to signal the brain when it should wake up and when to prepare to sleep. 5. Understand your circadian rhythm. Then try to maximize your schedule throughout the day according to your internal clock. For example, to compensate for your sleepy times participate in activities that are interactive and avoid lecture classes or potentially unsafe activities such as driving. Teen- ager’s natural circadian rhythm is to stay up late and then sleep in. 6. Avoid all products with caffeine after mid-afternoon. 7. Relax before going to bed. Avoid heavy reading, study- ing and computer games within one hour of going to bed. Don’t fall asleep with the television on as the flickering light and stimulating content can inhibit restful sleep. Shut off cell phones. 8. Say no to all-nighters. Staying up late can cause chaos to your sleep patterns and your ability to be alert the next day…and beyond. Remember, the best thing you can do to prepare for a test is to get plenty of sleep. All nighters or late-night study sessions might seem to give you more time to cram for your exam, but they are also likely to drain your brainpower. 15 Up Coming High School Events! Augmented Reality Did you know that PokemonGo was a type of augmented reality? Would you like to create your own? Well now you can using Metaverse. Metaverse uses simple storyboard code to create AR (augmented reality) games or quests that can be tagged for a certain location. Come join us as we explore building, coding, testing, and sharing these games! This class is ideal for 9th-12th grade students. Please bring a laptop with you. Join us on October 28, 2017 from 1:00-5:00 pm $50 per student GirlsCode++ is a one day girls coding event takes place twice a year (fall and spring). 8th -12th grade girls will learn HTML and CSS to build their own website, taught and mentored by women in technology fields. A light breakfast, lunch, and t-shirt will be included. Join us on November 18, 2017 from 9am-3pm $50 per student Scholarships are available for both classes Location: Geonetric, 415 12th Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 For more information contact: Kristine Sorensen, Director of K–12 Education,, 319-382-5128 Visit:
  • 16. Xavier High School | 6300 42nd Street NE | Cedar Rapids, IA 52411 | (319) 294-6635 | 16 8th Graders & 8th Grade Families – Join Us for Discover Xavier Night! On November 13, 2017, 8th grade students and their parents were invited to attend the annual “Discover Xavier Night” at Xavier High School. The evening is designed to give future Saints and parents a glimpse of the many oppor- tunities that await them at Xavier, featured presentations for both parents and students, guided tours and an activity fair. If you have questions about Discover Xavier Night, please contact Cara Joens, Admissions & College Coordinator at 319-294-662 ext. 313 or or Tom Keating, Principal, at 319-294-6635 ext. 305 or Xavier Saints Xavier Saints @XavierSaints 16