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Nature Vs Nurture Debate Case Study
1.The nature versus nurture debate is a controversial issue questioning whether or not human behavior is a result of biology. Nature is the idea that
genetics and biology determine an individual's behaviors and thoughts. The scientific study of how behavior is affected by biology is known as
sociobiology. On the other hand, nurture is the idea that human thoughts, feelings and actions are the result of society and culture. In this argument,
human behavior is learned through the influence of society, thus can be changed as societies change. In recent times, most scientists support
geneā€“culture evolution. They believe that biology and culture are interrelated; biology is shaped by culture just as culture is shaped by biology. This more content...
Erving Goffman's dramaturgical approach is an example of interactionist perspective. This involves using a smaller idea, such as actors putting on a
play, to understand the bigger picture, society. In this approach, each person involved in a play represent individuals in a society. Just as each person
has a part to make the play successful, each individual in real life has a role to maintain society. The front stage is where the performance happens; it
is where the props and actors are shown to the audience. Conversely, the backstage involves the hidden preparation for the performance. In order for
the play to be successful, the people involved in the play must work together to create a performance that the audience will enjoy. Similarly, individuals
use impression management and faceā€“work to have a certain image appropriate in
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Nature Vs Nurture And Gender Identity Essay
Nurture plays a greater role than nature on the formation of an individual's gender identity, influenced by: parental, environmental experiences and
taught behaviours through media. Family guidance proves to influence one's individuality throughout the early years of childhood. Newā€“borns require
billions of nerve cells primarily made in the first three years of a human's life; making the important connection, which determines a person's
intellectual, emotional, and social makeā€“up. These connections are the fundamental bases, influencing an individual's gender identity and whoever and
whatever comes in contact with the child will have an effect on them. Similarly to how family influences the early stages of a child's brain
development, environmental
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Nature Vs. Nurture : Addiction
Nature vs. Nurture: Addiction Introduction Psychology is a developing science which studies the mental functions, processes, and behaviors of an
individual. In the science of psychology, many debates arise; nature vs. nurture is one of the most popular ones. These psychological debates are
followed by research, backing up either nature or nurture or both. Nature suggest heredity impacts human psychological development; nurture suggests
the environment impacts our psychological development. Addiction plays a large role in nature vs. nurture. Addiction is defined as a person being
attached to a certain activity or item; an addict is one who has a dependency on particular substances or activity. There are many debates on whether
addiction is caused by genes or the environment. Many researchers believe if they had the answer of addiction being a genetic condition or an
environmental factor, they would be able to resolve the problem of addicts, or so they believe. Nature Aspect on Addiction Addiction has been proven
to be in the genes of humans. "Addiction is a notorious treatmentā€“resistant psychiatric disorder characterized by the impairment of selfā€“monitoring, loss
of interest in other targets of pleasure, and uncorrectable impulsive/compulsive drugā€“seeking behaviors"(Todo, 2012,para.1).
Susan Ferguson stated that the basal ganglia system and the striatum are thought to create positive and negative
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Nature Vs. Nurture Issues
The nature vs. nurture issues is the most important study of human development for many reasons. In fact, both issues play an important role in human
development over time. One main reason why nature vs. nurture is an important study in psychology today is because of its developmental traits. Traits
are characteristics inherited from your parents. Also, a trait is something that is passed down from generation, such as a person's personality. The article
stated many different interactions between nature and nurture. One nurtures interaction the article stated was that human traits are biologically pasted
down by parents. I agree with the fact that some traits are biologically pasted down by parents. In fact, some traits can become adopted
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Essay on Nature vs Nurture Debate
Nature vs Nurture Debate
Nature versus Nurture is the issue of the degree to which environment and heredity influence behavior and development. In this issue nature can be
defined as, behaviors due to heredity. Which means behaviors are based on the genetic makeup of an individual and is an influence of the individuals'
growth and development throughout life. On the other hand nurture are causes of behaviors that are environmental. Which means the influence is
from, parents, siblings, family, friends and all other experiences to which the individual is exposed to.
Throughout my childhood, I didn't grow up free of environmental influences nor did I develop without being affected by my inherited genetic makeup.
I more content...
In reading stories about identical twins my point of view is easily understood. Various types of psychologist have analyzed the study of identical twins.
It shows that individuals with the same genetic makeā€“up can be totally different, when it comes to personality. Nurture promotes the twins to grow up
as separate individuals. Its a lot better if a twin has his or her own personality rather than the same exact personality of the other half. I think this great
debate weighs heavier on the nurture side. As a child my parents, and sibling overshadowed my genetic makeā€“up. No matter how much I thought my
physical traits made me behave. It did not affect me more than the things that I had seen and been exposed to. The more things that I had seen around
and experienced made me the person that I am today. If my genetic makeā€“up was totally different, to a certain extent, I am sure that I?d behave the
same way that I do presently. There are exceptions to that. For instance if I were six foot five and one hundred and ninety pounds, I?d most likely
be in the NBA and be really rich. I think if I was really rich and in the NBA I wouldn?t have the same worries that I have today. Even if before I were
in the NBA I would have lots of attention and have a lot more confidence. So to an extent I would change a little if my genetic makeā€“up were different.
In a sense, genetic makeā€“up is just a competitor to the environmental factors
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Nature Vs Nurture Perspective Essay
Nature and nurture go hand in hand when it comes to explaining the behaviors and characteristics that a person has and the ones that will be developed
later in life. The nature perspective reasons that certain behaviors and characteristics are due to genetic inheritance. The nurture perspective sees the
environment as the main cause of behaviors that are developed. The behaviors are brought on by environmental triggers and are learned. Since the
nature and nurture perspectives are both needed to explain behavior they are more commonly used together by psychologists. The nature perspective is
mainly that biological factors predetermine a person's route of development and personality traits. Genetics also play a large role as it is believed that a
person's characteristics is due to evolution. Nativist believe that, "an inner biological clock switches on or off types of behavior in a preā€“programmed
way" (McLeod 2007). So if one's genetics determine that a behavior should not appear then the biological clock switches that specific behavior off. The
nature perspective explains characteristics such as nearsightedness as there is often a genetic reasoning more content...
The two ideas can not be separated from one another because they are both essential when it comes to explaining behaviors. According to McLeod, "
nature and nurture do not operate in a separate way but interact in a complex manner" (McLeod 2007). Genetics could very well predetermine a
mental disorder but the disorder could also be explained by possible environmental triggers that led the person to having the disorder. Genes and the
environment affects every trait that a person develops throughout their lifetime (Berger 2014). When there is a genetic reason behind a specific trait
there is almost always an environmental explanation as
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College Essay On Nature And Nurture
Throughout my nineteen years of living I have gone through many events and have had many influences, both good and bad. Only a few of these
events I would consider significant. I believe that both nature and nurture played a role in these significant events. Nurture had the biggest impact in
my life and how I am today.
In my personal opinion nature and nurture both had a role in my depression and anxiety disorder. At the end of eight grade I started to get very sick.
My gallbladder had stopped functioning properly. I went back and forth to different doctors and the hospital. They would tell me that it is all in my
head. We finally found adoctor that believed me, and he ran test on me. It wasn't in my head, it was really happening to me.
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Nature vs. Nurture Paper
Nature vs. Nurture
How has nature vs. nurture affected my life? Nature and nurture affect my life every day and it has affected me all my life, its everywhere. The
family I was born into, the friends I hang out with, the television I watch, and the beliefs I have. All that is Nature vs. nurture, and now I am going to
give you some examples. Nature: refers to heredity, the genetic makeup an individual carries from the time of conception to the time of death. This
notion of nature refers to the biologically prescribed tendencies and capabilities individuals possess which may unfold themselves throughout the
course of life. Some examples are hair color, height, body type and eye color. I was born into a largerfamily, my mom and more content...
This is where I met most of my friends, they all played one sport or another and to this day they still are my friends and some are my best friends.
My friends had a big impact on what I do, because I wanted to do stuff they were doing like sports and buying the latest gaming system to the type
of clothes and shoes I buy, I wanted to fit in with them. To complicate matters even further, the factors in each of these layers influence and are
influenced by elements within and outside of these layers. Like the parents view of acceptable playmates, housing policies, race relations,
entitlement programs. My parents view of acceptable friends was never a problem, because I always stuck with the same group, and that group
was all athletes and was always doing something in a sport causing us to not drink or do drugs because that would result in not being able to play the
sport anymore, or a penalty of some sort that we didn't want. But I would get in trouble if I didn't clean my room, which to this day I still clean my
room because I have growing up and developed into a tidy person and not being messy it also has caused me to be organized, all because of that one
rule. As you can see Nature vs. Nurture has a big role in my life, it's how I was developed and how I live my life. To the family I was born with and
who I grew up with to the media and my schools I've been
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The Concept Of Nature Vs. Nurture
The concept of "nature vs. nurture" is wellā€“discussed in both society and sociological communities, in the context of personality, mental health
disorders, and sexuality, amongst other topics. Regardless of one's personal philosophies on the subject, it can be argued that conditions of one's
life have impact on who they may be and what they may become. If a child enjoys math and science in school, he or she may pursue careers
involving those subjects, a decision impacting the child's whole life. If a child has divorced parents, he or she is more likely than his or her peers
without divorced parents to get a divorce later in life, something that dramatically alters a person's standing in society and among their peers
(Dennison). The purpose of this paper is to call attention to the correlation between life events and aspects of a person's personality, specifically sexual
identity. Although sexuality is thought to be innate in humans, negative life events and conditions, such as abuse and neglect, disabilities, and
substance use disorders, correlate with one's "sexually diverse" identity. To clarify before proceeding: in this thesis, "negative" is meant to refer to
having poor effects on the social standing, social skills, and mental health of a person. In addition, the definition more content...
The philosophy of this "intersection" of identities is often overlooked because of society's tendency to categorize people into merely one identity. This
can result in the asexualizing of disabled people and the assumption that all sexually diverseā€“identifying people are ableā€“bodied (Higgins). Despite
these conclusions about people with disabilities, "LGBT adults...were more likely to have disabilities, and were more likely to demonstrate mental
health problems than heterosexual adults" (Richmond
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The Importance of Nature and Nurture Essay
The nature versus nurture debate has lasted centuries due to the difficulty of separating genetic and environmental factors in humans. Studies on
behavioral genetics measure similarity between subjects, but cannot locate its origin. For this, a control must be present, leading scientists to twin
research. Identical twins have the exact same DNA, differing from fraternal twins with only 50% similarity, no greater than average siblings. Identical
twins offer a natural experiment that allows researchers to separate the influence of genes from experience (Segal 87). A famous study conducted by
the University of Minnesota reunited Jim Springer and Jim Lewis, identical twins separated from birth. Springer and Lewis were raised in entirely more content...
A methyl group of atoms attaches to the DNA, turning genes off or on (Campbell 567). The epigenome is influenced by environmental factors to
regulate genes. The effects of external forces on gene regulation was studied by Dr. Dana Dolinoy at Duke University. Two twin Agouti mice were
separated at birth and raised by unrelated mothering mouse. One mother showed her affection and care toward the young mouse, while the other
ignored its presence, forcing it to become independent. This sole variable was responsible for many changes in the mices' DNA, including the
changing of genes linked to furā€“color and obesity. The mouse raised by the neglecting mother had underwent a furā€“color change from brown to yellow.
Most surprising is that this same mouse developed a complete lack of motivation and activity, becoming severely obese. When the gene was located
and reā€“activated by geneticists, the mouse lost its yellow coat and began to lose weight ("Epigenetics"). This study has had a large impact on the nature
versus nurture debate because, for the first time, evidence suggests that there is a direct correlation between genes and the environment. Genes are no
longer considered innate, or separate from their environment; they work together to shape an individual and can change over time.
Epigenetics and the influence of one's surroundings impact genes even before birth. Prenatal effects of nature can begin to form traits based on the
health and
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Nature Vs Nurture Research Paper
Nature vs. nurture has been a major debate throughout the ages, it I one of psychology's oldest debates. Nature is what you were born with, and
nurture is how you are raised. There are obvious traits that you obtain from DNA such as, eye colour, hair colour, and the pigmentation of one's skin.
But how can you tell whether or not one's personality is inherited or acquired has been a major question. Or even is one's sexuality is inherited or
acquired. Some aspects of life are determined by nature and others are determined by nurture. There are many different aspects of life that depend on
nurture, and there are others that depend on nature. There are even unexplained human behaviour such as twin studies, and unethical experiments such
as ' more content...
In an overall sense, nature plays more of a roll then nurture. The environmental factors include how you are raised, especially in terms of child
development (McLeod 2007). When a baby forms an attachment to something, it is showing its love to that certain being, or object. When it is to a
human, for example their parents, that attachment is responding to the love and attention that it has received. (McLeod 2007). Therefore some of
their personality shows when they develop as a baby. There is a term called tabula rasa, which means a blank state, in which when you are first born
you do not have a personality (McLeod 2007). Then once you gain experience throughout your life, you start to gain more of a personality. Growing
up in different home environment, also may alter your personality. Such as growing up in an orphanage or a foster home, compared to living in a high
class, or well off family. If you are brought up in such different households, you that will tend to change the way you think and act. There are studies
that prove that perfectionism in personality is a result of environmental factors, this shows in young athletes, and how they are treated by their parents,
such as their parents wanting them to get A's (Haskingsā€“Winner 2011). If a child who is shy, is pushed by their parents to be more outgoing they will
be less shy when they are older. Also if the child has more protective parents, they tend to be
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Nature Vs Nurture Research Paper
Both Nature and Nurture have a strong influence in our behavior. Nature is something that you can't control. I heard about a family that adopted a
baby boy, they taught him how to behave in a proper way and they gave him a good education. But as he grew up he was becoming harder to control
and he was a violent guy. This family started asking themselves what was happening to their son, they were sure they raised him good. So they went
to ask the people that gave them the kid about his real parents, and an investigation was started. They found out that his real dad was in prison for
murder, and his mom had been one of the victims. Maybe this boy acted like that because it was in his genes, his nature was stronger than his nurture.
But nurture
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Nature vs. Nurture Essay
Nature vs. Nurture
When we look at the world around us today, we are struck by the amazing diversity that we see in people. There is a vast diversity in the
characteristics of people that are immediately obvious: short, tall; fat, thin; Asian, Caucasian; and many other characteristics. Each person as an
individual is unique, be it in physical outlook or character. How is it that of the 6 billion people on Earth, there are no 2 individuals who are exactly
alike? Every persons physical and psychological characteristics are determined by many factors, and these can be divided into 2 main groups: our genes
and our environment, or nature and nurture.
What are our genes? Genes are the chemical blueprint unique to each person. more content...
This shows that even in similar environments, differences will still arise regardless of their genetic constitution, i.e. minor variations will result in large
differences in phenotype regardless of genotype.
Human behaviour is a complex interaction between genes and the environment. In its more advanced forms, behaviour is not determined by genes. For
example, the most common behaviour found in adults of any race is the use of language, whereas in newborns, language must be taught. If it was
genetically determined, then the baby should be able to speak once born: the tongue and throat would not have to distort into positions they are not
used to. Primitive behaviour is more likely to be genetically programmed into an individual. For example, the sucking and grasping reflexes of a
newborn infant are present even in the womb, before any interaction with the environment is possible. These behavioural traits may involve reflex arcs
present only in newborns because after some time, the individuals no longer behave in this manner. Perhaps cultural influences cause an inhibition of
the neural pathway (such as the mother telling the infant to stop sucking it's thumb). The majority of behavioural traits are acquired later in the
development of an individual. Most people go through very strange behavioural changes in the course of their development, especially during
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Nature Or Nurture: Personal Statement
Nature or Nurture an age old debate in psychology some argue that nature the objective that genetic inheritance contains the most influence on an
individual's life, in contrast some would say nurture, environmental factors are the most influential factors in one's life. However, I feel a contribution
of both featuring objectives contributes to the total makeā€“up of the individual as a whole. In saying this being raised by a single mother, leadership
skills were present and seen at an early age. Growing up in this atmosphere I was not only surrounded by a leader but also taught to become one. In
addition as a student with three sisters I was intrigued by the concept of a discipleship program, connecting with other individuals in order to grow and
gain new acquaintances. Beginning in elementary school and continuing to present day discipleship programs such as more content...
I am no longer apprehensive of open praise and worship, in addition to spoken prayer. Therefore, just as I was presented with an opportunity in which I
could express myself, I am motivated to help students identify their voice in an atmosphere in which they can strive in.
The church atmosphere has shaped my dreams and aspirations through revealing my destiny.
Some would describe Sunday morning as a day of rest while others consider it a quick stop to secure sanity for another week, however to me church
means so much more. Listening to the word is only part of the purpose I attend church on Sunday morning, the other purpose is to have an encounter
with God that will contribute positively in my life forever.
This ministry has perfected me in ways unimaginable. Being a part of the dance ministry has enhanced and improved me not only physically, mentally
and spiritually but it has also opened doors for me that I have only
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Nature vs Nurture Essay
Nature or Nurture?
The Determination of Human Behaviour
The nature versus nurture debate has spanned over decades, and is becoming more heated in the recent years. Following the mapping of the human
genome, scientists are pursuing the possibility of controlling human behaviour such as homicidal tendencies or insanity through the manipulation of
genes. Is this possible for us to ensure that humans behave in certain ways under certain circumstances in future?
This is highly doubtful, as the determination of human behaviour depends not only on genes (nature), but also on the environment (nurture). It is usually
the "joint product of genes and environment", one of the first principles in Leda Cosmides and John Tooby in " more content...
Behaviour genetics include twin studies, family studies and adoption studies. Adoption studies focused on how people with different genetic makeā€“up,
brought up in a similar environment may or may not share similar behavioural patterns and family studies on people with the same genetic makeā€“up.
The results are not conclusive, although it is found that the possibility of people who are genetically similar, sharing similar behavioural traits is higher.
Twin studies remain our interest. Identical twins have 100% identical genes and the same sharedā€“environment (same home, same parents, same
siblings, etc) , and thus any differences between them will be the nonā€“shared environment (individual friends, own perceptions).
Fraternal twins share about 50% of their genes and the same sharedā€“environment. Studies made by comparing behavioural traits in these twins are once
again not conclusive: about 40% of the variance in these traits are genetic, 35% nonā€“shared environment and 5% shared environment.
("The Nature/Nurture Controversy, Frank Fujita. Attached)
The chances of similar genes creating similar behaviour is never 100 percent. The one thing that can be concluded, therefore, is that it takes a
combination of nature and nurture to create behavioural patterns as adherent to our thesis. To make it more evident that nature alone cannot determine
human behaviour, we
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Nature Vs Nurture Gender Essay
Gender can be defined as the personal identity of an individual that they express outwardly, despite the persons actual biological sex and sexual
preference. Put simply, gender is 'the state of being male or female' (Oxford Dictionary, 2015). The academic study of gender first emerged in the
1960's, alongside the rise of second wave feminists and women's movements. Over the years, research has developed in many ways ā€“ with people
beginning to study how gender differs from sex and developing that research into what causes people to defy their gender norms and how gender and
sex can be completely unrelated.
This ongoing research has led to a 'nature vs nurture' debate on whether you are born a gender as well as sex, or whether your gender is taught and
learned through your environment (your family, your culture, your experiences etc.). Most people agree that we are shaped as a person by both natural
and social influences. (Holmes, 2007, pg18)
Section 1 ā€“ science ā€“ 560 words
There are many theories and approaches to gender in terms of biology and science in general, which aim to suggest or prove that gender is natural and
inherent. The first of these is the effect of hormones, specifically more content...
Klinefelter's syndrome affects 1 in approximately every 600 males. Sufferers of Klinefelters have both an additional X and Y chromosome, which
leads to an XXY arrangement. Sufferers will physically still appear male, although most have less male pattern body hair and underā€“developed sex
organs. The condition often becomes apparent during early childhood, as sufferers usually have poor or later developing language skills. The
temperament of males with Klinfelters' is described as passive, calm and even shy (, 2015). This could suggest that level of aggression in
males is caused more primarily by biological factors rather than their environment or social
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Essay about History of Nature and Nurture
Abstract Nature vs. nurture has been discussed by philosophers in the past and by scientists most recently. Philosophers such as Plato argued that all
knowledge was inherited through your parent and when you were told something you didn't learn it you were just reminded of it. Aristotle however
argued that all humans were born with a blank slate and built on it with influence from there environment. In the 1700's the empiricists and the
internalists took over the argument. They fought through letters explaining there point of views and denouncing the others. This leads to Pavlov
coming up with the idea of behaviorism in the early 1900Š’ā€˜s. Behaviorism became the new wave of Psychology and influenced a lean towards the
nurture side. It more content...
Two philosophers, G.W. Leibniz and John Locke, were main representatives of their respected explanations. Leibniz promoted the internalism point
of view. Cowie states, "...Leibniz's position on this issue is, of course, that the tabula is far from rasa: Š’ā€˜The soul inherently contains the sources of
various notions and doctrines, which external objects merely rouse up...' " (Cowie, 1999, p. 7). Leibniz argued against Locke and other empiricists
stated that "...there is no way ideas which come into the mind from outside can be formed into beliefs and judgments without the operation of specific
internal mechanisms" (Cowie, 1999, p. 17). At the same time, John Locke and his fellow philosophers campaigned for empiricism. Like Aristotle, the
philosophers believed that humans' thoughts and actions were determined not by innate factors, but by the their unique experiences (Ashcraft, 1998).
Locke argued against the internalists by examining different human processes such as logic and reasoning. He would ask how it was possible to use
logic and reasoning if people were born with all of the knowledge they would ever acquire (Cowie 1999, p. 19). The contrasting views of the two
groups had begun the nature vs. nurture debate, which would linger in the fields of philosophy and psychology for decades. A point should be made
that even though the interalists and empiricists felt strongly about their theories, the
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Nature Vs Nurture Essay
Nature vs. Nurture It is a matter of concern whether human behaviors and characteristics are determined by nature or nurture. If a person's behavior is
inherited directly from the genes of his/her parents or other biological factors, then it is the nature that determines his character. But if the environment
that a person grew up in, affects his behavior, then it is the nurture that determines his/her character. It became a great matter of controversy among
scientists, psychologists and sociologists. Previously, many people believed that human behavior was instinctive. It can neither be taught nor learned.
But later some psychologists came to the conclusion that human behavior is learned throughout the lifetime which is not more
This may not be because of particularly being a black man, but because of the culture he has adopted since his childhood. Here he somehow takes the
side of nurture. Many black people are assumed to be criminals. People judge them just by their appearance and the impression black people have
made in today's world. But this does not always mean that every black people are criminals and it's their biological factor that makes them do
crimes. We can take the example of Brent Staple. Even though he was an educated and good person, many people and especially white women fear
of him. But he was neither an uneducated person nor a criminal. He was brought up in a good family and properly nurtured by his parents. Therefore,
nurturing became the factor for his behavior. Similarly, there are examples given by another author Amy Cunningham in her essay, "Why Women
Smile". Although she focuses primarily on a smile, she tends to explain the actual cause of one's behavior. She explains that a smile or particularly a
women's smile comes from both natural happiness as well as the hope of people living around them, "The behavior seems to be an equal blend of
nature and nurture" (Cunningham 190). She further explains that both a normal baby and a blind baby smiles, although it may take a little longer for
the blind one. It means that the smiles are natural and should not be taught in all cases. However, there are situations where
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Relationship Between Nature And Nurture
Crystal Joseph
There are 7 major perspectives in psychology. Compare and contrast how these perspectives would explain the relationship between nature and nurture
in the psychological development of humans.
Nurture versus nature is a common argument on how people psychologically develop. Although some support that innate characteristics are the crucial
factor towards how people mentally advance, the environment we live in and the people we are surrounded by does play a significant role in how we
progress. Aspects of nature and nurture are observed in each of the current psychological perspectives, but how each one helps with the psychological
development of humans can be similar yet different. Neuroscience is a psychological perspective that focuses on the interaction between the brain and
the body and the neural relay of messages throughout the body. In nature, the brain releases different messages to provide emotions for people. For
example, the brain sometimes releases serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects a person's attitude and arousal (Myers, 2010). In terms of nurture, the
way people are raised and how they interact with the environment certainly affects their brain. For example, the broken windows theory mentions how
abandoning the environment can promote criminal activities. In The Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference, Gladwell explains how
human behavior is sensitive and easily affected by the environment, and the broken window theory
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Nature Vs Nurture Debate Case Study

  • 1. Nature Vs Nurture Debate Case Study 1.The nature versus nurture debate is a controversial issue questioning whether or not human behavior is a result of biology. Nature is the idea that genetics and biology determine an individual's behaviors and thoughts. The scientific study of how behavior is affected by biology is known as sociobiology. On the other hand, nurture is the idea that human thoughts, feelings and actions are the result of society and culture. In this argument, human behavior is learned through the influence of society, thus can be changed as societies change. In recent times, most scientists support geneā€“culture evolution. They believe that biology and culture are interrelated; biology is shaped by culture just as culture is shaped by biology. This more content... Erving Goffman's dramaturgical approach is an example of interactionist perspective. This involves using a smaller idea, such as actors putting on a play, to understand the bigger picture, society. In this approach, each person involved in a play represent individuals in a society. Just as each person has a part to make the play successful, each individual in real life has a role to maintain society. The front stage is where the performance happens; it is where the props and actors are shown to the audience. Conversely, the backstage involves the hidden preparation for the performance. In order for the play to be successful, the people involved in the play must work together to create a performance that the audience will enjoy. Similarly, individuals use impression management and faceā€“work to have a certain image appropriate in Get more content on
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  • 3. Nature Vs. Nurture : Addiction Nature vs. Nurture: Addiction Introduction Psychology is a developing science which studies the mental functions, processes, and behaviors of an individual. In the science of psychology, many debates arise; nature vs. nurture is one of the most popular ones. These psychological debates are followed by research, backing up either nature or nurture or both. Nature suggest heredity impacts human psychological development; nurture suggests the environment impacts our psychological development. Addiction plays a large role in nature vs. nurture. Addiction is defined as a person being attached to a certain activity or item; an addict is one who has a dependency on particular substances or activity. There are many debates on whether addiction is caused by genes or the environment. Many researchers believe if they had the answer of addiction being a genetic condition or an environmental factor, they would be able to resolve the problem of addicts, or so they believe. Nature Aspect on Addiction Addiction has been proven to be in the genes of humans. "Addiction is a notorious treatmentā€“resistant psychiatric disorder characterized by the impairment of selfā€“monitoring, loss of interest in other targets of pleasure, and uncorrectable impulsive/compulsive drugā€“seeking behaviors"(Todo, 2012,para.1). Susan Ferguson stated that the basal ganglia system and the striatum are thought to create positive and negative Get more content on
  • 4. Nature Vs. Nurture Issues The nature vs. nurture issues is the most important study of human development for many reasons. In fact, both issues play an important role in human development over time. One main reason why nature vs. nurture is an important study in psychology today is because of its developmental traits. Traits are characteristics inherited from your parents. Also, a trait is something that is passed down from generation, such as a person's personality. The article stated many different interactions between nature and nurture. One nurtures interaction the article stated was that human traits are biologically pasted down by parents. I agree with the fact that some traits are biologically pasted down by parents. In fact, some traits can become adopted Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Nature vs Nurture Debate Nature vs Nurture Debate Nature versus Nurture is the issue of the degree to which environment and heredity influence behavior and development. In this issue nature can be defined as, behaviors due to heredity. Which means behaviors are based on the genetic makeup of an individual and is an influence of the individuals' growth and development throughout life. On the other hand nurture are causes of behaviors that are environmental. Which means the influence is from, parents, siblings, family, friends and all other experiences to which the individual is exposed to. Throughout my childhood, I didn't grow up free of environmental influences nor did I develop without being affected by my inherited genetic makeup. I more content... In reading stories about identical twins my point of view is easily understood. Various types of psychologist have analyzed the study of identical twins. It shows that individuals with the same genetic makeā€“up can be totally different, when it comes to personality. Nurture promotes the twins to grow up as separate individuals. Its a lot better if a twin has his or her own personality rather than the same exact personality of the other half. I think this great debate weighs heavier on the nurture side. As a child my parents, and sibling overshadowed my genetic makeā€“up. No matter how much I thought my physical traits made me behave. It did not affect me more than the things that I had seen and been exposed to. The more things that I had seen around and experienced made me the person that I am today. If my genetic makeā€“up was totally different, to a certain extent, I am sure that I?d behave the same way that I do presently. There are exceptions to that. For instance if I were six foot five and one hundred and ninety pounds, I?d most likely be in the NBA and be really rich. I think if I was really rich and in the NBA I wouldn?t have the same worries that I have today. Even if before I were in the NBA I would have lots of attention and have a lot more confidence. So to an extent I would change a little if my genetic makeā€“up were different. In a sense, genetic makeā€“up is just a competitor to the environmental factors Get more content on
  • 6. Nature Vs Nurture Perspective Essay Nature and nurture go hand in hand when it comes to explaining the behaviors and characteristics that a person has and the ones that will be developed later in life. The nature perspective reasons that certain behaviors and characteristics are due to genetic inheritance. The nurture perspective sees the environment as the main cause of behaviors that are developed. The behaviors are brought on by environmental triggers and are learned. Since the nature and nurture perspectives are both needed to explain behavior they are more commonly used together by psychologists. The nature perspective is mainly that biological factors predetermine a person's route of development and personality traits. Genetics also play a large role as it is believed that a person's characteristics is due to evolution. Nativist believe that, "an inner biological clock switches on or off types of behavior in a preā€“programmed way" (McLeod 2007). So if one's genetics determine that a behavior should not appear then the biological clock switches that specific behavior off. The nature perspective explains characteristics such as nearsightedness as there is often a genetic reasoning more content... The two ideas can not be separated from one another because they are both essential when it comes to explaining behaviors. According to McLeod, " nature and nurture do not operate in a separate way but interact in a complex manner" (McLeod 2007). Genetics could very well predetermine a mental disorder but the disorder could also be explained by possible environmental triggers that led the person to having the disorder. Genes and the environment affects every trait that a person develops throughout their lifetime (Berger 2014). When there is a genetic reason behind a specific trait there is almost always an environmental explanation as Get more content on
  • 7. College Essay On Nature And Nurture Throughout my nineteen years of living I have gone through many events and have had many influences, both good and bad. Only a few of these events I would consider significant. I believe that both nature and nurture played a role in these significant events. Nurture had the biggest impact in my life and how I am today. In my personal opinion nature and nurture both had a role in my depression and anxiety disorder. At the end of eight grade I started to get very sick. My gallbladder had stopped functioning properly. I went back and forth to different doctors and the hospital. They would tell me that it is all in my head. We finally found adoctor that believed me, and he ran test on me. It wasn't in my head, it was really happening to me. Get more content on
  • 8. Nature vs. Nurture Paper Nature vs. Nurture How has nature vs. nurture affected my life? Nature and nurture affect my life every day and it has affected me all my life, its everywhere. The family I was born into, the friends I hang out with, the television I watch, and the beliefs I have. All that is Nature vs. nurture, and now I am going to give you some examples. Nature: refers to heredity, the genetic makeup an individual carries from the time of conception to the time of death. This notion of nature refers to the biologically prescribed tendencies and capabilities individuals possess which may unfold themselves throughout the course of life. Some examples are hair color, height, body type and eye color. I was born into a largerfamily, my mom and more content... This is where I met most of my friends, they all played one sport or another and to this day they still are my friends and some are my best friends. My friends had a big impact on what I do, because I wanted to do stuff they were doing like sports and buying the latest gaming system to the type of clothes and shoes I buy, I wanted to fit in with them. To complicate matters even further, the factors in each of these layers influence and are influenced by elements within and outside of these layers. Like the parents view of acceptable playmates, housing policies, race relations, entitlement programs. My parents view of acceptable friends was never a problem, because I always stuck with the same group, and that group was all athletes and was always doing something in a sport causing us to not drink or do drugs because that would result in not being able to play the sport anymore, or a penalty of some sort that we didn't want. But I would get in trouble if I didn't clean my room, which to this day I still clean my room because I have growing up and developed into a tidy person and not being messy it also has caused me to be organized, all because of that one rule. As you can see Nature vs. Nurture has a big role in my life, it's how I was developed and how I live my life. To the family I was born with and who I grew up with to the media and my schools I've been Get more content on
  • 9. The Concept Of Nature Vs. Nurture The concept of "nature vs. nurture" is wellā€“discussed in both society and sociological communities, in the context of personality, mental health disorders, and sexuality, amongst other topics. Regardless of one's personal philosophies on the subject, it can be argued that conditions of one's life have impact on who they may be and what they may become. If a child enjoys math and science in school, he or she may pursue careers involving those subjects, a decision impacting the child's whole life. If a child has divorced parents, he or she is more likely than his or her peers without divorced parents to get a divorce later in life, something that dramatically alters a person's standing in society and among their peers (Dennison). The purpose of this paper is to call attention to the correlation between life events and aspects of a person's personality, specifically sexual identity. Although sexuality is thought to be innate in humans, negative life events and conditions, such as abuse and neglect, disabilities, and substance use disorders, correlate with one's "sexually diverse" identity. To clarify before proceeding: in this thesis, "negative" is meant to refer to having poor effects on the social standing, social skills, and mental health of a person. In addition, the definition more content... The philosophy of this "intersection" of identities is often overlooked because of society's tendency to categorize people into merely one identity. This can result in the asexualizing of disabled people and the assumption that all sexually diverseā€“identifying people are ableā€“bodied (Higgins). Despite these conclusions about people with disabilities, "LGBT adults...were more likely to have disabilities, and were more likely to demonstrate mental health problems than heterosexual adults" (Richmond Get more content on
  • 10. The Importance of Nature and Nurture Essay The nature versus nurture debate has lasted centuries due to the difficulty of separating genetic and environmental factors in humans. Studies on behavioral genetics measure similarity between subjects, but cannot locate its origin. For this, a control must be present, leading scientists to twin research. Identical twins have the exact same DNA, differing from fraternal twins with only 50% similarity, no greater than average siblings. Identical twins offer a natural experiment that allows researchers to separate the influence of genes from experience (Segal 87). A famous study conducted by the University of Minnesota reunited Jim Springer and Jim Lewis, identical twins separated from birth. Springer and Lewis were raised in entirely more content... A methyl group of atoms attaches to the DNA, turning genes off or on (Campbell 567). The epigenome is influenced by environmental factors to regulate genes. The effects of external forces on gene regulation was studied by Dr. Dana Dolinoy at Duke University. Two twin Agouti mice were separated at birth and raised by unrelated mothering mouse. One mother showed her affection and care toward the young mouse, while the other ignored its presence, forcing it to become independent. This sole variable was responsible for many changes in the mices' DNA, including the changing of genes linked to furā€“color and obesity. The mouse raised by the neglecting mother had underwent a furā€“color change from brown to yellow. Most surprising is that this same mouse developed a complete lack of motivation and activity, becoming severely obese. When the gene was located and reā€“activated by geneticists, the mouse lost its yellow coat and began to lose weight ("Epigenetics"). This study has had a large impact on the nature versus nurture debate because, for the first time, evidence suggests that there is a direct correlation between genes and the environment. Genes are no longer considered innate, or separate from their environment; they work together to shape an individual and can change over time. Epigenetics and the influence of one's surroundings impact genes even before birth. Prenatal effects of nature can begin to form traits based on the health and Get more content on
  • 11. Nature Vs Nurture Research Paper Nature vs. nurture has been a major debate throughout the ages, it I one of psychology's oldest debates. Nature is what you were born with, and nurture is how you are raised. There are obvious traits that you obtain from DNA such as, eye colour, hair colour, and the pigmentation of one's skin. But how can you tell whether or not one's personality is inherited or acquired has been a major question. Or even is one's sexuality is inherited or acquired. Some aspects of life are determined by nature and others are determined by nurture. There are many different aspects of life that depend on nurture, and there are others that depend on nature. There are even unexplained human behaviour such as twin studies, and unethical experiments such as ' more content... In an overall sense, nature plays more of a roll then nurture. The environmental factors include how you are raised, especially in terms of child development (McLeod 2007). When a baby forms an attachment to something, it is showing its love to that certain being, or object. When it is to a human, for example their parents, that attachment is responding to the love and attention that it has received. (McLeod 2007). Therefore some of their personality shows when they develop as a baby. There is a term called tabula rasa, which means a blank state, in which when you are first born you do not have a personality (McLeod 2007). Then once you gain experience throughout your life, you start to gain more of a personality. Growing up in different home environment, also may alter your personality. Such as growing up in an orphanage or a foster home, compared to living in a high class, or well off family. If you are brought up in such different households, you that will tend to change the way you think and act. There are studies that prove that perfectionism in personality is a result of environmental factors, this shows in young athletes, and how they are treated by their parents, such as their parents wanting them to get A's (Haskingsā€“Winner 2011). If a child who is shy, is pushed by their parents to be more outgoing they will be less shy when they are older. Also if the child has more protective parents, they tend to be Get more content on
  • 12. Nature Vs Nurture Research Paper Both Nature and Nurture have a strong influence in our behavior. Nature is something that you can't control. I heard about a family that adopted a baby boy, they taught him how to behave in a proper way and they gave him a good education. But as he grew up he was becoming harder to control and he was a violent guy. This family started asking themselves what was happening to their son, they were sure they raised him good. So they went to ask the people that gave them the kid about his real parents, and an investigation was started. They found out that his real dad was in prison for murder, and his mom had been one of the victims. Maybe this boy acted like that because it was in his genes, his nature was stronger than his nurture. But nurture Get more content on
  • 13. Nature vs. Nurture Essay Nature vs. Nurture When we look at the world around us today, we are struck by the amazing diversity that we see in people. There is a vast diversity in the characteristics of people that are immediately obvious: short, tall; fat, thin; Asian, Caucasian; and many other characteristics. Each person as an individual is unique, be it in physical outlook or character. How is it that of the 6 billion people on Earth, there are no 2 individuals who are exactly alike? Every persons physical and psychological characteristics are determined by many factors, and these can be divided into 2 main groups: our genes and our environment, or nature and nurture. What are our genes? Genes are the chemical blueprint unique to each person. more content... This shows that even in similar environments, differences will still arise regardless of their genetic constitution, i.e. minor variations will result in large differences in phenotype regardless of genotype. Human behaviour is a complex interaction between genes and the environment. In its more advanced forms, behaviour is not determined by genes. For example, the most common behaviour found in adults of any race is the use of language, whereas in newborns, language must be taught. If it was genetically determined, then the baby should be able to speak once born: the tongue and throat would not have to distort into positions they are not used to. Primitive behaviour is more likely to be genetically programmed into an individual. For example, the sucking and grasping reflexes of a newborn infant are present even in the womb, before any interaction with the environment is possible. These behavioural traits may involve reflex arcs present only in newborns because after some time, the individuals no longer behave in this manner. Perhaps cultural influences cause an inhibition of the neural pathway (such as the mother telling the infant to stop sucking it's thumb). The majority of behavioural traits are acquired later in the development of an individual. Most people go through very strange behavioural changes in the course of their development, especially during Get more content on
  • 14. Nature Or Nurture: Personal Statement Nature or Nurture an age old debate in psychology some argue that nature the objective that genetic inheritance contains the most influence on an individual's life, in contrast some would say nurture, environmental factors are the most influential factors in one's life. However, I feel a contribution of both featuring objectives contributes to the total makeā€“up of the individual as a whole. In saying this being raised by a single mother, leadership skills were present and seen at an early age. Growing up in this atmosphere I was not only surrounded by a leader but also taught to become one. In addition as a student with three sisters I was intrigued by the concept of a discipleship program, connecting with other individuals in order to grow and gain new acquaintances. Beginning in elementary school and continuing to present day discipleship programs such as more content... I am no longer apprehensive of open praise and worship, in addition to spoken prayer. Therefore, just as I was presented with an opportunity in which I could express myself, I am motivated to help students identify their voice in an atmosphere in which they can strive in. The church atmosphere has shaped my dreams and aspirations through revealing my destiny. Some would describe Sunday morning as a day of rest while others consider it a quick stop to secure sanity for another week, however to me church means so much more. Listening to the word is only part of the purpose I attend church on Sunday morning, the other purpose is to have an encounter with God that will contribute positively in my life forever. This ministry has perfected me in ways unimaginable. Being a part of the dance ministry has enhanced and improved me not only physically, mentally and spiritually but it has also opened doors for me that I have only Get more content on
  • 15. Nature vs Nurture Essay Nature or Nurture? The Determination of Human Behaviour The nature versus nurture debate has spanned over decades, and is becoming more heated in the recent years. Following the mapping of the human genome, scientists are pursuing the possibility of controlling human behaviour such as homicidal tendencies or insanity through the manipulation of genes. Is this possible for us to ensure that humans behave in certain ways under certain circumstances in future? This is highly doubtful, as the determination of human behaviour depends not only on genes (nature), but also on the environment (nurture). It is usually the "joint product of genes and environment", one of the first principles in Leda Cosmides and John Tooby in " more content... Behaviour genetics include twin studies, family studies and adoption studies. Adoption studies focused on how people with different genetic makeā€“up, brought up in a similar environment may or may not share similar behavioural patterns and family studies on people with the same genetic makeā€“up. The results are not conclusive, although it is found that the possibility of people who are genetically similar, sharing similar behavioural traits is higher. Twin studies remain our interest. Identical twins have 100% identical genes and the same sharedā€“environment (same home, same parents, same siblings, etc) , and thus any differences between them will be the nonā€“shared environment (individual friends, own perceptions). Fraternal twins share about 50% of their genes and the same sharedā€“environment. Studies made by comparing behavioural traits in these twins are once again not conclusive: about 40% of the variance in these traits are genetic, 35% nonā€“shared environment and 5% shared environment. ("The Nature/Nurture Controversy, Frank Fujita. Attached) The chances of similar genes creating similar behaviour is never 100 percent. The one thing that can be concluded, therefore, is that it takes a combination of nature and nurture to create behavioural patterns as adherent to our thesis. To make it more evident that nature alone cannot determine human behaviour, we Get more content on
  • 16. Nature Vs Nurture Gender Essay Gender can be defined as the personal identity of an individual that they express outwardly, despite the persons actual biological sex and sexual preference. Put simply, gender is 'the state of being male or female' (Oxford Dictionary, 2015). The academic study of gender first emerged in the 1960's, alongside the rise of second wave feminists and women's movements. Over the years, research has developed in many ways ā€“ with people beginning to study how gender differs from sex and developing that research into what causes people to defy their gender norms and how gender and sex can be completely unrelated. This ongoing research has led to a 'nature vs nurture' debate on whether you are born a gender as well as sex, or whether your gender is taught and learned through your environment (your family, your culture, your experiences etc.). Most people agree that we are shaped as a person by both natural and social influences. (Holmes, 2007, pg18) Section 1 ā€“ science ā€“ 560 words There are many theories and approaches to gender in terms of biology and science in general, which aim to suggest or prove that gender is natural and inherent. The first of these is the effect of hormones, specifically more content... Klinefelter's syndrome affects 1 in approximately every 600 males. Sufferers of Klinefelters have both an additional X and Y chromosome, which leads to an XXY arrangement. Sufferers will physically still appear male, although most have less male pattern body hair and underā€“developed sex organs. The condition often becomes apparent during early childhood, as sufferers usually have poor or later developing language skills. The temperament of males with Klinfelters' is described as passive, calm and even shy (, 2015). This could suggest that level of aggression in males is caused more primarily by biological factors rather than their environment or social Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about History of Nature and Nurture Abstract Nature vs. nurture has been discussed by philosophers in the past and by scientists most recently. Philosophers such as Plato argued that all knowledge was inherited through your parent and when you were told something you didn't learn it you were just reminded of it. Aristotle however argued that all humans were born with a blank slate and built on it with influence from there environment. In the 1700's the empiricists and the internalists took over the argument. They fought through letters explaining there point of views and denouncing the others. This leads to Pavlov coming up with the idea of behaviorism in the early 1900Š’ā€˜s. Behaviorism became the new wave of Psychology and influenced a lean towards the nurture side. It more content... Two philosophers, G.W. Leibniz and John Locke, were main representatives of their respected explanations. Leibniz promoted the internalism point of view. Cowie states, "...Leibniz's position on this issue is, of course, that the tabula is far from rasa: Š’ā€˜The soul inherently contains the sources of various notions and doctrines, which external objects merely rouse up...' " (Cowie, 1999, p. 7). Leibniz argued against Locke and other empiricists stated that "...there is no way ideas which come into the mind from outside can be formed into beliefs and judgments without the operation of specific internal mechanisms" (Cowie, 1999, p. 17). At the same time, John Locke and his fellow philosophers campaigned for empiricism. Like Aristotle, the philosophers believed that humans' thoughts and actions were determined not by innate factors, but by the their unique experiences (Ashcraft, 1998). Locke argued against the internalists by examining different human processes such as logic and reasoning. He would ask how it was possible to use logic and reasoning if people were born with all of the knowledge they would ever acquire (Cowie 1999, p. 19). The contrasting views of the two groups had begun the nature vs. nurture debate, which would linger in the fields of philosophy and psychology for decades. A point should be made that even though the interalists and empiricists felt strongly about their theories, the Get more content on
  • 18. Nature Vs Nurture Essay Nature vs. Nurture It is a matter of concern whether human behaviors and characteristics are determined by nature or nurture. If a person's behavior is inherited directly from the genes of his/her parents or other biological factors, then it is the nature that determines his character. But if the environment that a person grew up in, affects his behavior, then it is the nurture that determines his/her character. It became a great matter of controversy among scientists, psychologists and sociologists. Previously, many people believed that human behavior was instinctive. It can neither be taught nor learned. But later some psychologists came to the conclusion that human behavior is learned throughout the lifetime which is not more content... This may not be because of particularly being a black man, but because of the culture he has adopted since his childhood. Here he somehow takes the side of nurture. Many black people are assumed to be criminals. People judge them just by their appearance and the impression black people have made in today's world. But this does not always mean that every black people are criminals and it's their biological factor that makes them do crimes. We can take the example of Brent Staple. Even though he was an educated and good person, many people and especially white women fear of him. But he was neither an uneducated person nor a criminal. He was brought up in a good family and properly nurtured by his parents. Therefore, nurturing became the factor for his behavior. Similarly, there are examples given by another author Amy Cunningham in her essay, "Why Women Smile". Although she focuses primarily on a smile, she tends to explain the actual cause of one's behavior. She explains that a smile or particularly a women's smile comes from both natural happiness as well as the hope of people living around them, "The behavior seems to be an equal blend of nature and nurture" (Cunningham 190). She further explains that both a normal baby and a blind baby smiles, although it may take a little longer for the blind one. It means that the smiles are natural and should not be taught in all cases. However, there are situations where Get more content on
  • 19. Relationship Between Nature And Nurture Crystal Joseph There are 7 major perspectives in psychology. Compare and contrast how these perspectives would explain the relationship between nature and nurture in the psychological development of humans. Nurture versus nature is a common argument on how people psychologically develop. Although some support that innate characteristics are the crucial factor towards how people mentally advance, the environment we live in and the people we are surrounded by does play a significant role in how we progress. Aspects of nature and nurture are observed in each of the current psychological perspectives, but how each one helps with the psychological development of humans can be similar yet different. Neuroscience is a psychological perspective that focuses on the interaction between the brain and the body and the neural relay of messages throughout the body. In nature, the brain releases different messages to provide emotions for people. For example, the brain sometimes releases serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects a person's attitude and arousal (Myers, 2010). In terms of nurture, the way people are raised and how they interact with the environment certainly affects their brain. For example, the broken windows theory mentions how abandoning the environment can promote criminal activities. In The Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference, Gladwell explains how human behavior is sensitive and easily affected by the environment, and the broken window theory Get more content on