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Monroe Doctrine
Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine can be considered as the United States first major declaration to the world as a fairly new nation. The Monroe
Doctrine was a statement of United States policy on the activity and rights of powers in the Western Hemisphere during the early to mid 1800s. The
doctrine established the United States position in the major world affairs of the time. Around the time of the Napoleonic Wars in the 1820s, Mexico,
Argentina, Chile and Colombia all gained their independence from Spanish control ("Monroe Doctrine" 617). The United States was the
first nation to recognize their independence from Spain. The European powers had still considered the new nations as still belonging to Spain. The
Americans had more content...
Jefferson had said with Great Britain, "on our side, we not fear the world" ("Monroe Doctrine" 617). Although Great Britain
and the United States were on the same track, they had differences. The United States had recognized the colonies as new nations and Great Britain
had not (Perkins 37). George Canning said that Great Britain would use their powerful Royal Navy to stop European intervention whether or not they
had a joint declaration ("Monroe Doctrine" 617). Then on October 12th, 1823 Canning had a number of meetings with Prince Jules de
Polignac who was a French ambassador in London. Their meetings concluded with the Polignac Memorandum, saying that France would not help
Spain regain her lost colonies. All of this hindered the action toward cooperation. John Q. Adams had opposed the issue of a joint statement with the
British (Migill 595). Adams asked, "Why should the United States appear as a cockboat in the wake of a British man–of–war?" (Perkins
51). With the guaranteed backing of the British Royal Navy and the Polignac Memorandum the United States did not need the British in the statement.
The United States would not have to share the glory with the British. Monroe, convinced by Adams' arguments, agreed to go on their own. Canning
twice on September 18th and 26th offered again and twice the United States turned him down. Canning had suggested that Great Britain
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Effects Of The Monroe Doctrine
In 1823, President Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine, creating the basis for future foreign policy. The Monroe Doctrine stated that "the American
continents are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers" (1). This means that Europe can not claim
anymore land in the Americas, protecting the US from being encroached upon from other foreign countries during this period of colonization. Even
though the US would not be able to militarily defend the doctrine and itself from European Powers, this fake image of power kept Europe out for the
most part. The Doctrine was issued due to occurring events and existing ideas in the 1800s.
During the 1800s, the Age of Enlightenment was well and alive, inspiring colonies and settlements to revolt against their home countries in Europe.
Apart of this, many colonies in South America were in a revolution against the Spanish Rule. Monroe was worried that Spain and France may seek to
stake claim back in their colonized lands (1). By issuing this doctrine, it would help keep unwanted powers out of the Americas and protect the US
from being invaded.
Also, in 1821, the "Russian czar proclaimed that any area north of the 51st parallel and extending 100 miles into the Pacific would be off–limits to
non–Russians" (1). The US government would not accept this statement, but felt threatened by Russia's advances. This proclamation by Russia created
a bigger push for the Monroe Doctrine to be issued.
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The Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe served as the fifth President of the United States. The United States was an independent country with the goals of becoming a great
nation. The country was growing, and its citizens shared a common belief of advancing the well–being of America. During his administration, President
Monroe begins his efforts of promoting the growth of America by removing the Cherokee from a treaty and failing to recognize them as an independent
nation. Furthermore, the Monroe administration created the Monroe Doctrine to extend the United States Sphere of Influence in the Western
Hemisphere. Monroe was correct in performing both actions because it advanced the interests of America by paving the way for future expansion and
establishing the United States dominance over the Western Hemisphere. The United States were looking to advance the nation interests by expanding
its land territory. For America to thrive, more land would be needed for the future existence of the country. However, the Cherokee, an Native American
tribe owned land across the Southeastern region of North America. In previous years there were treaties between the government and the Cherokee
people, which recognized them as a sovereign nation. The Cherokee occupied land in Georgia, which many in the state requested the federal
government to abandon the agreement and remove the Native Americans from the land. The state of Georgia believed the Cherokee impeded upon the
future expansion and the use of resources
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Monroe Doctrine Analysis
After watching this video, it seems as if the United States had no respect for the Monroe Doctrine because they did the opposite on various occasions.
Which is sad. Some of the things that the United States did is completely devastating and degrading. The idea that the United States feels that they can
do whatever they please using national security interest is nonsense. One event where the United States interfered in European colonization was when
they played a major part in overthrowing Salvador Allende who was democratically elected just to replace him with Pinochet who was a monster who
committed heinous crimes because he believed that the end justified the means. He tortured and killed thousands of people. The United States had a
school in Georgia named the United States Army School of America where they taught Anti–communism and counterinsurgency training. Within the
training, Major Joseph Blare taught Pinochet's military members about the values that America shares along with interrogation and torture techniques.
The training these military members were taught were used in the most horrific ways, they would kidnap people and take them to a place that was the
size of a dog kennel in width and keep them separate and torture more content...
They also assisted and gave financial support to a group of people who were part of the coup who tried to overthrow Hugo Chavez just because he did
not share the same democratic view as the United States. The United States army invaded Venezuela and kidnapped Hugo Chavez and replaced him
with Someone who shared the same views. Unfortunately for the United States, that did not last long. Forty–two hours after being kidnapped and
replaced by Pedro Carmona, Hugo Chavez was returned to power. The United States interfered, but there was no way for them to predict that the
loyal followers of Chavez who believed in him and what he was doing for his people would rebel and fight for his
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Monroe Doctrine And Self-Interest
The Monroe Doctrine: When American Self Interest Overrides All
The term "democracy" etymologically derived from the Greek words 'demos which means 'the people' and 'kratos' which means 'the power'. Thus
when an individual shouts out democracy, they mean power of the people. From the footprints of colonial soldiers to the imprints of national
newspapers, power to the people or democracy, has be the revitalizing force in the country of the United States. In the early 1820s, two prominent
threats emerged in the Americas that could possibly threat democracy; Russians in the west, and Spanish recolonization in Latin American. After
denying alliance with Britain to defeat such forces, on December 2nd ,1823 President James Monroe declared that from henceforth, the Americas were
off limits to European colonization and that "any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere" would cause the United
states to intervene. Some politicians believe the Monroe Doctrine was a bold stance against European colonization. However, it is evident that the
Monroe Doctrine was solely an act to fulfill American self–interest, as prior to the doctrine the United States did not support the new republics, the
Monroe doctrine promoted dominance in the western hemisphere, and the Monroe Doctrine arose from Anglophobia. First point:
The Monroe Doctrine selfishly satisfied American self–interest because the United States did not support the new
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Monroe Doctrine Research Paper
The United States has tried to stay out of foreign affairs for the majority of it's history. Desire for non–involvement goes as far back as the nation's
creation in the 18th century. The most prominent policy for this topic is the Monroe Doctrine. This particular policy stated that the United States would
recognize the internal affairs of European nations or their colonies but not get involved (Monroe). The mentality of a non–intervention was extremely
prevalent in pre–World War II America. Not only did most citizens want to not go to war, but the people in high offices wanted to avoid the conflict.
United States policies from 1937 to 1941 regarding foreign aggression focused on economics, national security, and democratic values in an effort more content...
The United States Congress still held on to the ideals presented in the Monroe Doctrine. They believed that getting involved with nations outside
of the Americas would invoke a lack of peace in the realm of the western hemisphere (US Congress). Yet it was becoming more apparent as time
past that if the United States did not get involved, there would be a possibility that other democratic nations would be taken over by the power of
Nazi Germany and Japan. The New York Times explains how America was ultimately the one power that could face these enemies and if they did
not, the planet would become dominated by fascist regimes (New York Times). President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried and succeeded in getting the
American people to want to go to war by promoting the ideal of spreading democracy. He states, "'We Americans are vitally concerned in defense of
freedom. We are putting forth our energies, our resources and our organizing powers to give you the strength to regain and maintain a free world'"
(Roosevelt). Effects of wartime rallying calls like this can be still seen today, as many of the wars since World War II have been fought in an attempt
of spreading democracy. Another way of promoting democracy was seen after America joined the war. As the United States started laying the
groundwork for how future Europe would be after victory they were able to create policies to make the nations of the continent more democratic.
According to the Atlantic Charter penned by Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt, their respective nations did not want to see any sort of
territorial changes unless the people of the area consented (Churchill, Roosevelt). This showed that they wanted the citizens to ultimately decide the
fate of their nation's, culture, and way of life. Promoting and spreading democracy
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Monroe Doctrine Dbq Essay
James Monroe's presidency was comprised in the field of foreign policies and international affairs. An everlasting proclamation called The Monroe
Doctrine possessed immense political power to open the obstacles for the United States for further domination later down the road, and to set the belief
of "Americas for the Americans" (Hart). The Monroe Doctrine was no doubt the correct response to international pressures at the time with lasting
influence to the present day. For starters, the Monroe Doctrine further clarified the position of the United States, and shared an initial response when the
problem arose about settlements within North America. Since 1821, Britain and Russia's movement along the Pacific caught President Monroe's eye. more content...
President Monroe resisted any action, which would create the impression of the United States clarifying a position to Great Britain. Moreover, agreeing
on a declaration together alongside Britain would leave a substantial pledge against the United States when Texas or even Cuba tried to solicit a union
with the States in periods of conflict (Lancaster). If the States were to openly support Britain upon their decision to make public denouncements about
colonization in the Americans, the States would have been questioned about its intentions when the government formed an alliance alongside another
American territory or country. Although President Monroe was indecisive when replying to Britain's proposal, for fear Europe would discover former
colonies in South America, (Lancaster) he did not hesitate to begin the initial draft of his famous message to the Congress. Regardless of Britain's new
offer, the United States made a stand with an empowered voice and took more control over the delivery of this noteworthy
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Monroe Doctrine Research Paper
The policy of the Monroe doctrine was made by the 5th U.S. president, James Monroe aided by John Quincy Adams. The document emerged
sometime in 1823. It was written in fear of European countries hampering on American ground America stayed out of European problems. Its
importance has played a major part in guiding future discrepancies with their neighbors especially with the Spanish American War at hand. The war
to free Austria from Germany was aided by Prussia, but Prussia also acted on the conflict to try and unify Germany as well. Most of the fighting took
place in Germany and Italy. In the end, Prussia won and Austria was its own nation, and Prussia gained new colonies. Since the war was so quick, it
played out well for Prussia. It took
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Monroe Doctrine Dbq Essay
1.The circumstance for the Monroe doctrine was to that European powers would be obligated to respect the land they brought from them in Louisiana
purchase as property of the United States. The Monroe Doctrine had three part to it First, the U.S. would not let Europeans influences settle in
American. Secondly, the U.S. would not get involved in wars in Europe. Lastly Monroe issued a warring to Europeans authorities not to get involved
with American. AlsoUnited States American felt that the only way to gain power and independence was to flee from aid from other European countries.
2.He feared Spain and France would try to regain its Latin American colonies after the Louisiana purchase so Adams created the Monroe doctrine to
serve as a basic
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History Of The Monroe Doctrine Of 1823 Essay
The History of the Monroe Doctrine of 1823
Israel Cordero
Central High School
November 9, 2015
3rd Period Abstract The Monroe Doctrine had a great impact due to its strict policy towards the European powers. It wanted to keep the U.S. trade safe
from European powers and colonization. Without this important doctrine/document the Europeans would have most likely colonized, interfered with,
and disrupted the western hemisphere and also the trade systems connected with them. The U.S. also would not be a balanced nation and have a
balanced foreign policy without the Monroe Doctrine, which was also known as the back bone of the U.S. foreign policy.
The History of the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 In this essay I will be explaining to you all on how the Monroe Doctrine came to be, who the document
was authored by and how they gained the inspiration and where he got his ideas for this document from. I will explain what nations were affected by
the policies of the Doctrine which I will explain in a little bit. I will explain how this document helped the Mexican President Juarez in successfully
revolting against the Emperor Maximillian of the French. I will also cover how the British affected the document and also how President Roosevelt
wanted to extend the Doctrine with his "Roosevelt Corollary."
This document all began with the 5th president of the United States, James Madison. He tried to come up with some ideas to prevent Spain from
repossessing the Western Hemisphere. So he
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Monroe Doctrine Dbq Essay
During the early year of the nineteenth century, aside from Mexico, almost every other important colony in Latin America gained independence from
its Mother country in Europe. However, as this occurred, certain powerful monarchies in Europe threatened to stamp out representative governments if
they developed in the old colonies. That was the reason that in 1823, President James Monroe issued his now–famous policy statement called The
Monroe Doctrine. In it, Monroe warned the European power that he would considered any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of
this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. In other words, the Monroe Doctrine warned the European monarchies that they could expect a
strong response from
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Monroe Doctrine Research Paper
The Monroe Doctrine
In your opinion, does the United States still follow this policy?
Do you think that such a policy should be followed in the modern world?
The Monroe Doctrine was written in 1823 by James Monroe the president of the United States at that time. At first it was a way to reassure Americans
that Europe would not affect the government but then it became more. It became a warning to the Europeans that the United States would not tolerate
further colonization or puppet monarchs. This document was originally an annual letter to congress but later became a document that would help
shape America today. This paper will be about my opinion on if the United States still follows this policy today, and if policies like the Monroe Doctrine more content...
Some official documents form the 1700s and 1800s are no longer fallowed and many new laws have been formed. But not only has America changed
but the world has changed. The changes that have been brought on have been by war and trials. United Nations was formed and that is the foundation
of many alliances in the world. A policy like the Monroe Doctrine should not be fallowed today in the modern world if it were things would be very
different. Alliances mode now would not exists because the Monroe Doctrine is a very big document. Relationships with other countries would also
vanish. What would replace these relationships is unknown my belief is that the United States would be extremely different in the way the government
is run, the type of government, and the treatment of the people. Without the influence of the Europeans, although the Doctrine is about limiting their
influence, the nation wouldn't be as it is. The Monroe Doctrine stopped the Europeans from further influencing the new nation into becoming what
many people wanted to get away from. Today we don't need that influence but instead an influence to help shape us into a better fair nation. We do get
those influence form the world but we need a more focused
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Monroe Doctrine Research Paper
In the year of 1823, President James Monroe gave his annual message to congress as president. In his speech he stated "... that the American continents,
by free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by
and European powers" (Foner 362). This address to congress, titled the Monroe Doctrine, was the United States first key declaration to the rest of the
world that the Americas and all it free colonies will no longer be subjected and ruled by European powers. The foundation for the doctrine was the
response to the threat posed by European nation like Spain in their attempts to restore their past settlement throughout the Western Hemisphere. Years
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Pros And Cons Of The Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine is a policy made after the War of 1812, and it warns European powers not to get involved in the affairs of the Western
Hemisphere. It is issued by the fifth president James Monroe but it was written by the Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. It was issued on
December 7th 1823. It is one of the major foreign policy statements. The Monroe Doctrine also warns European nations to not create new colonies in
America. It is sometimes called America's diplomatic declaration of independence. The doctrine was actually invoked in 1865 because The United
States government exerted diplomatic and military pressure in support of the Mexican president Benito Juarez. In 1962 it was actually invoked again.
The Monroe Doctrine has three major points. The first being European countries could no longer form colonies in North or South America. It also says
that the political systems of America were separate from the political systems in Europe. The third main point is The United States would consider any
attempt by Europe to influence politics in America as a threat to its "peace and safety." Lastly, The United States would not mess with the European
governments or their more content...
It follows George Washington's advice to not form alliances with foreign countries. If you support it then it would set a precedent in foreign policy for
the United States. It is an example of America "flexing its muscles and expressing nationalistic feelings." There was an increase of the involvement in
North America by Europe, and President Monroe wanted to do something about it. It is a fair doctrine because the United States said it would interfere
with European colonies and governments. Lastly, you should support the doctrine because it helps send the message that the United States is a strong
and independent
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Monroe Doctrine Dbq
The Monroe Doctrine is actually an extremely interesting document in both how it came to be and how important it would become. During this time in
American history a lot was going on in Latin America that plays into the drafting of this document. Basically most colonies had gained their freedom
from their mother countries. This meant that mercantilism did not play into trades with these new countries. Both Britain and America wanted them to
stay free democracies, however with the Napoleonic Wars finally coming to an end they had concerns that the mother countries would step in and
stamp out any rebellions. This would have been bad for trades in both countries. It was beneficial to have trades with them however if they were
reinstated with their mother more content...
There were several reasons that Quincy felt it was best if we did not join Britain in this declaration. The first, the war of 1812 was still a bit of a
sore spot with Americans. Secondly, Quincy felt if the declaration was going to be issued we should do it alone so as not to appear to be riding the
coattails of Britain. When Quincy took the idea to President Monroe one of the points that were discussed was how they were going to enforce this
doctrine without Britain backing it. It was eventually decided the doctrine would be sent by America alone. Monroe, his advisors, and Adams knew
that Britain would back the America regardless because they did not want to lose the open trade. So after much discussion the Monroe Doctrine stated
three things. The first was that America would no longer be open to European colonization. This meant that European powers could no longer just
come in and set up colonies wherever they like. This topic covered not just Europe but all of their allies as well. This was a real fear at the time since
Russia and France were encroaching in the North and the
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Before considering Professor X's assertion that the Roosevelt Corollary actually corrupted the Monroe Doctrine's "benevolent intent," it is worth
considering whether or not the Monroe Docterine was as benevolent as the unnamed professor seems to suggest. Professor X considers Monroe's 1823
Doctrine an act of benevolence, in which an increasingly dominant world power generously extends protection over its continental neighbors. Yet the
Professor ignores the inherently imperialistic subtext that is contained within the Doctrine, and thus his comparison of the Monroe Doctrine to the
Roosevelt Corollary omits a fundamental aspect of America's colonialist history.
Monroe wrote that Spain and Portugal's efforts "to improve the condition more content...
They become, as Deborah Poole claims, an "imperial subject," the focus of the "anxious and interested spectators" whose "racial discourses,
administrative habits, historical narratives, and spatial configurations... form and legitimate imperial power". With the public political protection of
these nations assured in the eyes of other international "spectators" as a result of the Monroe Doctrine, the citizens of these nations felt an increased
sense of protection that resonated throughout the region. Yet as the century progressed and America began using the Doctrine as the basis of
militaristic action, these countries struggled to reconcile the idea of America as an ever–present force of veiled imperialism within their own national
identity. This deceptively paternalistic hierarchy produced an evaluative system that relegated the recipient of such political protection as inferior, and
fundamentally undermined any larger political benevolence the Monroe Doctrine contained.
Thus, Professor
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Monroe Doctrine Essay
On December 2, 1823, President James Monroe articulated his seventh annual message to Congress. This message presented Americans with a
statement that changed the way the Western Hemisphere would be view and how international affairs toward the new Latin colonies would be handle
from this point forward. It addressed European nations in particular and stated that "the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet
nations" The Monroe Doctrine was initially designed to protect the Latin colonies but later President Theodore Roosevelt extended the Doctrine to
include the United States would be the policing powers of the Western Hemisphere, this became known as the Roosevelt Corollary. Roosevelt stated
that the more content...
We feel it is our duty to implement a standard of conduct for the world to follow in order for a common sense of unity and security. Often times I will
here an American state that we are not the world police, but on the contrary we are the Western Hemisphere police.
There have been many different occasions in history that the Monroe Doctrine has been exercised to settle unrest, usually ending with Marines being
sent it to fortify unrest. Three of the main events that have required the U.S. to take action according to the policy are in 1904 involving the Santo
Domingo, 1911 with Nicaragua and in 1911 during the Haiti crisis.
The U.S. involvement in the Santo Domingo affair happened when U.S. interests were being affected by the fighting between government and rebels
troops. The interests were sugar plantations that were owned by Americans that were suffering damage by the fighting forces. U.S. naval troops
patrol the hostile coasts and while patrolling the Caribbean Sea the USS Yankee witnessed the fighting and decided to send soldiers ashore to make
contact with the Dominicans. As soon as the soldiers left the USS Yankee they incurred firing from the rebels and a soldier was shot and killed. The
young soldier was a Seaman by the name of J.C. Johnston, and was buried in Santo
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Monroe Doctrine Dbq Essay
Since the founding of the United States the Monroe doctrine was one of the first foreign policy disagreements in history. The Colonies began to
establish themselves as an independent nation that could dominate world affairs. Initiated by James Monroe, the Monroe Doctrine was formed in
alliance with Britain to stop Latin America from colonizing in the northern hemisphere. The doctrine was a cornerstone of American Foreign policy by
setting the political precedent that American will not let European powers oppress them, socially by becoming the "police of the world", and by
learning how to cultivate positive relationships.
The United States will not tolerate any hostile acts made by European colonies against them. America took a stand that more content...
In the official Monroe Doctrine, it states that the United states did not seek to control any other countries they merely wanted to protect smaller
countries against other major countries that wanted to imperialize them (Document K). The purpose of this document is to announce that America will
no longer abide to the wishes of other countries, that they will assert their own opinions and take control on matters. The Americans used to be
dominated by Britain and understand the struggle of being an effect of imperialism and have now made it their job to protect other countries who have
a disadvantage. Richard Rush in the Memoranda of a Residence of the Court of London explains that America does not want Latin America to remain
under the control of Spain, any other country, or themselves they want Latin America to govern themselves (Document B). The intended audience of
his letter was the courts of London in an attempt to gain their support to help make Spain secede their right to the Latin American colonies. The United
States wanted to charter more support behind their actions to help protect Latin American and thought that London would make a good ally un
suppressing Spain. While the Monroe Doctrine was being proposed, other major powers did not want to interfere with Latin America's colonization in
fear that they would no longer be allies with Spain. In conclusion, America has a precedent in becoming involved in other countries affairs since
implementing the Monroe
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The Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine expressed the idea that new countries should be allowed to develop without interference from any stronger nations. The Monroe
Doctrine is a doctrine that European nations should not interfere with American nations or try to acquire more territory in the Western Hemisphere. The
Monroe Doctrine was derived from President James Monroe's message in Congress on December 2, 1823 and became a part of the United States
foreign policy. Earlier in the Unit they asked me to give the 4 key points made in the Monroe Doctrine. And these are the points President James
Monroe made. One that America never took apart of the European power struggles, neither did it agree with the policy they had to do so. Two they had
not interfered with the other European colonization. Three that the American continents had not nor would they interfere with the other European
power. Four, finally they would consider any attempt by any European power dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States of America.
In my opinion, I do not believe that we follow the Monroe Doctrine as the foreign policy as the way President Monroe would have intended it or
meant it to be used as. One of the reasons I believe this is because during the time that this was created all the stronger European nations at the time,
Spain, Great Britain, and France, were looking for new territories to expand their country into. This was also during the time the Americans had just
claimed their independence from
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Monroe Doctrine

  • 1. Monroe Doctrine Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine can be considered as the United States first major declaration to the world as a fairly new nation. The Monroe Doctrine was a statement of United States policy on the activity and rights of powers in the Western Hemisphere during the early to mid 1800s. The doctrine established the United States position in the major world affairs of the time. Around the time of the Napoleonic Wars in the 1820s, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia all gained their independence from Spanish control ("Monroe Doctrine" 617). The United States was the first nation to recognize their independence from Spain. The European powers had still considered the new nations as still belonging to Spain. The Americans had more content... Jefferson had said with Great Britain, "on our side, we not fear the world" ("Monroe Doctrine" 617). Although Great Britain and the United States were on the same track, they had differences. The United States had recognized the colonies as new nations and Great Britain had not (Perkins 37). George Canning said that Great Britain would use their powerful Royal Navy to stop European intervention whether or not they had a joint declaration ("Monroe Doctrine" 617). Then on October 12th, 1823 Canning had a number of meetings with Prince Jules de Polignac who was a French ambassador in London. Their meetings concluded with the Polignac Memorandum, saying that France would not help Spain regain her lost colonies. All of this hindered the action toward cooperation. John Q. Adams had opposed the issue of a joint statement with the British (Migill 595). Adams asked, "Why should the United States appear as a cockboat in the wake of a British man–of–war?" (Perkins 51). With the guaranteed backing of the British Royal Navy and the Polignac Memorandum the United States did not need the British in the statement. The United States would not have to share the glory with the British. Monroe, convinced by Adams' arguments, agreed to go on their own. Canning twice on September 18th and 26th offered again and twice the United States turned him down. Canning had suggested that Great Britain Get more content on
  • 2. Effects Of The Monroe Doctrine In 1823, President Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine, creating the basis for future foreign policy. The Monroe Doctrine stated that "the American continents are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers" (1). This means that Europe can not claim anymore land in the Americas, protecting the US from being encroached upon from other foreign countries during this period of colonization. Even though the US would not be able to militarily defend the doctrine and itself from European Powers, this fake image of power kept Europe out for the most part. The Doctrine was issued due to occurring events and existing ideas in the 1800s. During the 1800s, the Age of Enlightenment was well and alive, inspiring colonies and settlements to revolt against their home countries in Europe. Apart of this, many colonies in South America were in a revolution against the Spanish Rule. Monroe was worried that Spain and France may seek to stake claim back in their colonized lands (1). By issuing this doctrine, it would help keep unwanted powers out of the Americas and protect the US from being invaded. Also, in 1821, the "Russian czar proclaimed that any area north of the 51st parallel and extending 100 miles into the Pacific would be off–limits to non–Russians" (1). The US government would not accept this statement, but felt threatened by Russia's advances. This proclamation by Russia created a bigger push for the Monroe Doctrine to be issued. Get more content on
  • 3. The Monroe Doctrine James Monroe served as the fifth President of the United States. The United States was an independent country with the goals of becoming a great nation. The country was growing, and its citizens shared a common belief of advancing the well–being of America. During his administration, President Monroe begins his efforts of promoting the growth of America by removing the Cherokee from a treaty and failing to recognize them as an independent nation. Furthermore, the Monroe administration created the Monroe Doctrine to extend the United States Sphere of Influence in the Western Hemisphere. Monroe was correct in performing both actions because it advanced the interests of America by paving the way for future expansion and establishing the United States dominance over the Western Hemisphere. The United States were looking to advance the nation interests by expanding its land territory. For America to thrive, more land would be needed for the future existence of the country. However, the Cherokee, an Native American tribe owned land across the Southeastern region of North America. In previous years there were treaties between the government and the Cherokee people, which recognized them as a sovereign nation. The Cherokee occupied land in Georgia, which many in the state requested the federal government to abandon the agreement and remove the Native Americans from the land. The state of Georgia believed the Cherokee impeded upon the future expansion and the use of resources Get more content on
  • 4. Monroe Doctrine Analysis After watching this video, it seems as if the United States had no respect for the Monroe Doctrine because they did the opposite on various occasions. Which is sad. Some of the things that the United States did is completely devastating and degrading. The idea that the United States feels that they can do whatever they please using national security interest is nonsense. One event where the United States interfered in European colonization was when they played a major part in overthrowing Salvador Allende who was democratically elected just to replace him with Pinochet who was a monster who committed heinous crimes because he believed that the end justified the means. He tortured and killed thousands of people. The United States had a school in Georgia named the United States Army School of America where they taught Anti–communism and counterinsurgency training. Within the training, Major Joseph Blare taught Pinochet's military members about the values that America shares along with interrogation and torture techniques. The training these military members were taught were used in the most horrific ways, they would kidnap people and take them to a place that was the size of a dog kennel in width and keep them separate and torture more content... They also assisted and gave financial support to a group of people who were part of the coup who tried to overthrow Hugo Chavez just because he did not share the same democratic view as the United States. The United States army invaded Venezuela and kidnapped Hugo Chavez and replaced him with Someone who shared the same views. Unfortunately for the United States, that did not last long. Forty–two hours after being kidnapped and replaced by Pedro Carmona, Hugo Chavez was returned to power. The United States interfered, but there was no way for them to predict that the loyal followers of Chavez who believed in him and what he was doing for his people would rebel and fight for his Get more content on
  • 5. Monroe Doctrine And Self-Interest The Monroe Doctrine: When American Self Interest Overrides All Introduction: The term "democracy" etymologically derived from the Greek words 'demos which means 'the people' and 'kratos' which means 'the power'. Thus when an individual shouts out democracy, they mean power of the people. From the footprints of colonial soldiers to the imprints of national newspapers, power to the people or democracy, has be the revitalizing force in the country of the United States. In the early 1820s, two prominent threats emerged in the Americas that could possibly threat democracy; Russians in the west, and Spanish recolonization in Latin American. After denying alliance with Britain to defeat such forces, on December 2nd ,1823 President James Monroe declared that from henceforth, the Americas were off limits to European colonization and that "any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere" would cause the United states to intervene. Some politicians believe the Monroe Doctrine was a bold stance against European colonization. However, it is evident that the Monroe Doctrine was solely an act to fulfill American self–interest, as prior to the doctrine the United States did not support the new republics, the Monroe doctrine promoted dominance in the western hemisphere, and the Monroe Doctrine arose from Anglophobia. First point: The Monroe Doctrine selfishly satisfied American self–interest because the United States did not support the new Get more content on
  • 6. Monroe Doctrine Research Paper The United States has tried to stay out of foreign affairs for the majority of it's history. Desire for non–involvement goes as far back as the nation's creation in the 18th century. The most prominent policy for this topic is the Monroe Doctrine. This particular policy stated that the United States would recognize the internal affairs of European nations or their colonies but not get involved (Monroe). The mentality of a non–intervention was extremely prevalent in pre–World War II America. Not only did most citizens want to not go to war, but the people in high offices wanted to avoid the conflict. United States policies from 1937 to 1941 regarding foreign aggression focused on economics, national security, and democratic values in an effort more content... The United States Congress still held on to the ideals presented in the Monroe Doctrine. They believed that getting involved with nations outside of the Americas would invoke a lack of peace in the realm of the western hemisphere (US Congress). Yet it was becoming more apparent as time past that if the United States did not get involved, there would be a possibility that other democratic nations would be taken over by the power of Nazi Germany and Japan. The New York Times explains how America was ultimately the one power that could face these enemies and if they did not, the planet would become dominated by fascist regimes (New York Times). President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried and succeeded in getting the American people to want to go to war by promoting the ideal of spreading democracy. He states, "'We Americans are vitally concerned in defense of freedom. We are putting forth our energies, our resources and our organizing powers to give you the strength to regain and maintain a free world'" (Roosevelt). Effects of wartime rallying calls like this can be still seen today, as many of the wars since World War II have been fought in an attempt of spreading democracy. Another way of promoting democracy was seen after America joined the war. As the United States started laying the groundwork for how future Europe would be after victory they were able to create policies to make the nations of the continent more democratic. According to the Atlantic Charter penned by Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt, their respective nations did not want to see any sort of territorial changes unless the people of the area consented (Churchill, Roosevelt). This showed that they wanted the citizens to ultimately decide the fate of their nation's, culture, and way of life. Promoting and spreading democracy Get more content on
  • 7. Monroe Doctrine Dbq Essay James Monroe's presidency was comprised in the field of foreign policies and international affairs. An everlasting proclamation called The Monroe Doctrine possessed immense political power to open the obstacles for the United States for further domination later down the road, and to set the belief of "Americas for the Americans" (Hart). The Monroe Doctrine was no doubt the correct response to international pressures at the time with lasting influence to the present day. For starters, the Monroe Doctrine further clarified the position of the United States, and shared an initial response when the problem arose about settlements within North America. Since 1821, Britain and Russia's movement along the Pacific caught President Monroe's eye. more content... President Monroe resisted any action, which would create the impression of the United States clarifying a position to Great Britain. Moreover, agreeing on a declaration together alongside Britain would leave a substantial pledge against the United States when Texas or even Cuba tried to solicit a union with the States in periods of conflict (Lancaster). If the States were to openly support Britain upon their decision to make public denouncements about colonization in the Americans, the States would have been questioned about its intentions when the government formed an alliance alongside another American territory or country. Although President Monroe was indecisive when replying to Britain's proposal, for fear Europe would discover former colonies in South America, (Lancaster) he did not hesitate to begin the initial draft of his famous message to the Congress. Regardless of Britain's new offer, the United States made a stand with an empowered voice and took more control over the delivery of this noteworthy Get more content on
  • 8. Monroe Doctrine Research Paper The policy of the Monroe doctrine was made by the 5th U.S. president, James Monroe aided by John Quincy Adams. The document emerged sometime in 1823. It was written in fear of European countries hampering on American ground America stayed out of European problems. Its importance has played a major part in guiding future discrepancies with their neighbors especially with the Spanish American War at hand. The war to free Austria from Germany was aided by Prussia, but Prussia also acted on the conflict to try and unify Germany as well. Most of the fighting took place in Germany and Italy. In the end, Prussia won and Austria was its own nation, and Prussia gained new colonies. Since the war was so quick, it played out well for Prussia. It took Get more content on
  • 9. Monroe Doctrine Dbq Essay 1.The circumstance for the Monroe doctrine was to that European powers would be obligated to respect the land they brought from them in Louisiana purchase as property of the United States. The Monroe Doctrine had three part to it First, the U.S. would not let Europeans influences settle in American. Secondly, the U.S. would not get involved in wars in Europe. Lastly Monroe issued a warring to Europeans authorities not to get involved with American. AlsoUnited States American felt that the only way to gain power and independence was to flee from aid from other European countries. 2.He feared Spain and France would try to regain its Latin American colonies after the Louisiana purchase so Adams created the Monroe doctrine to serve as a basic Get more content on
  • 10. History Of The Monroe Doctrine Of 1823 Essay The History of the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 Israel Cordero Central High School November 9, 2015 3rd Period Abstract The Monroe Doctrine had a great impact due to its strict policy towards the European powers. It wanted to keep the U.S. trade safe from European powers and colonization. Without this important doctrine/document the Europeans would have most likely colonized, interfered with, and disrupted the western hemisphere and also the trade systems connected with them. The U.S. also would not be a balanced nation and have a balanced foreign policy without the Monroe Doctrine, which was also known as the back bone of the U.S. foreign policy. The History of the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 In this essay I will be explaining to you all on how the Monroe Doctrine came to be, who the document was authored by and how they gained the inspiration and where he got his ideas for this document from. I will explain what nations were affected by the policies of the Doctrine which I will explain in a little bit. I will explain how this document helped the Mexican President Juarez in successfully revolting against the Emperor Maximillian of the French. I will also cover how the British affected the document and also how President Roosevelt wanted to extend the Doctrine with his "Roosevelt Corollary." This document all began with the 5th president of the United States, James Madison. He tried to come up with some ideas to prevent Spain from repossessing the Western Hemisphere. So he Get more content on
  • 11. Monroe Doctrine Dbq Essay During the early year of the nineteenth century, aside from Mexico, almost every other important colony in Latin America gained independence from its Mother country in Europe. However, as this occurred, certain powerful monarchies in Europe threatened to stamp out representative governments if they developed in the old colonies. That was the reason that in 1823, President James Monroe issued his now–famous policy statement called The Monroe Doctrine. In it, Monroe warned the European power that he would considered any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. In other words, the Monroe Doctrine warned the European monarchies that they could expect a strong response from Get more content on
  • 12. Monroe Doctrine Research Paper The Monroe Doctrine In your opinion, does the United States still follow this policy? Do you think that such a policy should be followed in the modern world? The Monroe Doctrine was written in 1823 by James Monroe the president of the United States at that time. At first it was a way to reassure Americans that Europe would not affect the government but then it became more. It became a warning to the Europeans that the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs. This document was originally an annual letter to congress but later became a document that would help shape America today. This paper will be about my opinion on if the United States still follows this policy today, and if policies like the Monroe Doctrine more content... Some official documents form the 1700s and 1800s are no longer fallowed and many new laws have been formed. But not only has America changed but the world has changed. The changes that have been brought on have been by war and trials. United Nations was formed and that is the foundation of many alliances in the world. A policy like the Monroe Doctrine should not be fallowed today in the modern world if it were things would be very different. Alliances mode now would not exists because the Monroe Doctrine is a very big document. Relationships with other countries would also vanish. What would replace these relationships is unknown my belief is that the United States would be extremely different in the way the government is run, the type of government, and the treatment of the people. Without the influence of the Europeans, although the Doctrine is about limiting their influence, the nation wouldn't be as it is. The Monroe Doctrine stopped the Europeans from further influencing the new nation into becoming what many people wanted to get away from. Today we don't need that influence but instead an influence to help shape us into a better fair nation. We do get those influence form the world but we need a more focused Get more content on
  • 13. Monroe Doctrine Research Paper In the year of 1823, President James Monroe gave his annual message to congress as president. In his speech he stated "... that the American continents, by free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by and European powers" (Foner 362). This address to congress, titled the Monroe Doctrine, was the United States first key declaration to the rest of the world that the Americas and all it free colonies will no longer be subjected and ruled by European powers. The foundation for the doctrine was the response to the threat posed by European nation like Spain in their attempts to restore their past settlement throughout the Western Hemisphere. Years prior Get more content on
  • 14. Pros And Cons Of The Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine is a policy made after the War of 1812, and it warns European powers not to get involved in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. It is issued by the fifth president James Monroe but it was written by the Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. It was issued on December 7th 1823. It is one of the major foreign policy statements. The Monroe Doctrine also warns European nations to not create new colonies in America. It is sometimes called America's diplomatic declaration of independence. The doctrine was actually invoked in 1865 because The United States government exerted diplomatic and military pressure in support of the Mexican president Benito Juarez. In 1962 it was actually invoked again. The Monroe Doctrine has three major points. The first being European countries could no longer form colonies in North or South America. It also says that the political systems of America were separate from the political systems in Europe. The third main point is The United States would consider any attempt by Europe to influence politics in America as a threat to its "peace and safety." Lastly, The United States would not mess with the European governments or their more content... It follows George Washington's advice to not form alliances with foreign countries. If you support it then it would set a precedent in foreign policy for the United States. It is an example of America "flexing its muscles and expressing nationalistic feelings." There was an increase of the involvement in North America by Europe, and President Monroe wanted to do something about it. It is a fair doctrine because the United States said it would interfere with European colonies and governments. Lastly, you should support the doctrine because it helps send the message that the United States is a strong and independent Get more content on
  • 15. Monroe Doctrine Dbq The Monroe Doctrine is actually an extremely interesting document in both how it came to be and how important it would become. During this time in American history a lot was going on in Latin America that plays into the drafting of this document. Basically most colonies had gained their freedom from their mother countries. This meant that mercantilism did not play into trades with these new countries. Both Britain and America wanted them to stay free democracies, however with the Napoleonic Wars finally coming to an end they had concerns that the mother countries would step in and stamp out any rebellions. This would have been bad for trades in both countries. It was beneficial to have trades with them however if they were reinstated with their mother more content... There were several reasons that Quincy felt it was best if we did not join Britain in this declaration. The first, the war of 1812 was still a bit of a sore spot with Americans. Secondly, Quincy felt if the declaration was going to be issued we should do it alone so as not to appear to be riding the coattails of Britain. When Quincy took the idea to President Monroe one of the points that were discussed was how they were going to enforce this doctrine without Britain backing it. It was eventually decided the doctrine would be sent by America alone. Monroe, his advisors, and Adams knew that Britain would back the America regardless because they did not want to lose the open trade. So after much discussion the Monroe Doctrine stated three things. The first was that America would no longer be open to European colonization. This meant that European powers could no longer just come in and set up colonies wherever they like. This topic covered not just Europe but all of their allies as well. This was a real fear at the time since Russia and France were encroaching in the North and the Get more content on
  • 16. Before considering Professor X's assertion that the Roosevelt Corollary actually corrupted the Monroe Doctrine's "benevolent intent," it is worth considering whether or not the Monroe Docterine was as benevolent as the unnamed professor seems to suggest. Professor X considers Monroe's 1823 Doctrine an act of benevolence, in which an increasingly dominant world power generously extends protection over its continental neighbors. Yet the Professor ignores the inherently imperialistic subtext that is contained within the Doctrine, and thus his comparison of the Monroe Doctrine to the Roosevelt Corollary omits a fundamental aspect of America's colonialist history. Monroe wrote that Spain and Portugal's efforts "to improve the condition more content... They become, as Deborah Poole claims, an "imperial subject," the focus of the "anxious and interested spectators" whose "racial discourses, administrative habits, historical narratives, and spatial configurations... form and legitimate imperial power". With the public political protection of these nations assured in the eyes of other international "spectators" as a result of the Monroe Doctrine, the citizens of these nations felt an increased sense of protection that resonated throughout the region. Yet as the century progressed and America began using the Doctrine as the basis of militaristic action, these countries struggled to reconcile the idea of America as an ever–present force of veiled imperialism within their own national identity. This deceptively paternalistic hierarchy produced an evaluative system that relegated the recipient of such political protection as inferior, and fundamentally undermined any larger political benevolence the Monroe Doctrine contained. Thus, Professor Get more content on
  • 17. Monroe Doctrine Essay On December 2, 1823, President James Monroe articulated his seventh annual message to Congress. This message presented Americans with a statement that changed the way the Western Hemisphere would be view and how international affairs toward the new Latin colonies would be handle from this point forward. It addressed European nations in particular and stated that "the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet nations" The Monroe Doctrine was initially designed to protect the Latin colonies but later President Theodore Roosevelt extended the Doctrine to include the United States would be the policing powers of the Western Hemisphere, this became known as the Roosevelt Corollary. Roosevelt stated that the more content... We feel it is our duty to implement a standard of conduct for the world to follow in order for a common sense of unity and security. Often times I will here an American state that we are not the world police, but on the contrary we are the Western Hemisphere police. There have been many different occasions in history that the Monroe Doctrine has been exercised to settle unrest, usually ending with Marines being sent it to fortify unrest. Three of the main events that have required the U.S. to take action according to the policy are in 1904 involving the Santo Domingo, 1911 with Nicaragua and in 1911 during the Haiti crisis. The U.S. involvement in the Santo Domingo affair happened when U.S. interests were being affected by the fighting between government and rebels troops. The interests were sugar plantations that were owned by Americans that were suffering damage by the fighting forces. U.S. naval troops patrol the hostile coasts and while patrolling the Caribbean Sea the USS Yankee witnessed the fighting and decided to send soldiers ashore to make contact with the Dominicans. As soon as the soldiers left the USS Yankee they incurred firing from the rebels and a soldier was shot and killed. The young soldier was a Seaman by the name of J.C. Johnston, and was buried in Santo Get more content on
  • 18. Monroe Doctrine Dbq Essay Since the founding of the United States the Monroe doctrine was one of the first foreign policy disagreements in history. The Colonies began to establish themselves as an independent nation that could dominate world affairs. Initiated by James Monroe, the Monroe Doctrine was formed in alliance with Britain to stop Latin America from colonizing in the northern hemisphere. The doctrine was a cornerstone of American Foreign policy by setting the political precedent that American will not let European powers oppress them, socially by becoming the "police of the world", and by learning how to cultivate positive relationships. The United States will not tolerate any hostile acts made by European colonies against them. America took a stand that more content... In the official Monroe Doctrine, it states that the United states did not seek to control any other countries they merely wanted to protect smaller countries against other major countries that wanted to imperialize them (Document K). The purpose of this document is to announce that America will no longer abide to the wishes of other countries, that they will assert their own opinions and take control on matters. The Americans used to be dominated by Britain and understand the struggle of being an effect of imperialism and have now made it their job to protect other countries who have a disadvantage. Richard Rush in the Memoranda of a Residence of the Court of London explains that America does not want Latin America to remain under the control of Spain, any other country, or themselves they want Latin America to govern themselves (Document B). The intended audience of his letter was the courts of London in an attempt to gain their support to help make Spain secede their right to the Latin American colonies. The United States wanted to charter more support behind their actions to help protect Latin American and thought that London would make a good ally un suppressing Spain. While the Monroe Doctrine was being proposed, other major powers did not want to interfere with Latin America's colonization in fear that they would no longer be allies with Spain. In conclusion, America has a precedent in becoming involved in other countries affairs since implementing the Monroe Get more content on
  • 19. The Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine expressed the idea that new countries should be allowed to develop without interference from any stronger nations. The Monroe Doctrine is a doctrine that European nations should not interfere with American nations or try to acquire more territory in the Western Hemisphere. The Monroe Doctrine was derived from President James Monroe's message in Congress on December 2, 1823 and became a part of the United States foreign policy. Earlier in the Unit they asked me to give the 4 key points made in the Monroe Doctrine. And these are the points President James Monroe made. One that America never took apart of the European power struggles, neither did it agree with the policy they had to do so. Two they had not interfered with the other European colonization. Three that the American continents had not nor would they interfere with the other European power. Four, finally they would consider any attempt by any European power dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States of America. In my opinion, I do not believe that we follow the Monroe Doctrine as the foreign policy as the way President Monroe would have intended it or meant it to be used as. One of the reasons I believe this is because during the time that this was created all the stronger European nations at the time, Spain, Great Britain, and France, were looking for new territories to expand their country into. This was also during the time the Americans had just claimed their independence from Get more content on