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Native Code, Off-Heap Data & 
JSON Facet API for Solr 
Yonik Seeley 
Apachecon EU 2014 
Budapest, Hungary
My Background 
• Creator of Solr 
• Heliosearch Founder 
• LucidWorks Co-Founder 
• Lucene/Solr committer, PMC member 
• Apache Software Foundation member 
• M.S. in Computer Science, Stanford
Heliosearch Project 
• The Next Evolution of Solr 
• Forked from Solr, Developing at github 
– Started Jan 2014 
– Well aligned community 
– Open Source, Apache licensed 
• Bring back to Apache in the future? 
• Currently drop-in replacement for Solr at the HTTP-API level 
– A super-set… we continually merge in upstream changes 
– Latest version of Heliosearch includes latest Solr 
• Current Features: Off-heap filters, Off-heap fieldcache, facet-by- 
function, sub-facets, native code performance 
Garbage Collection
Garbage Collection Basics 
Eden Space 
Survivor Space 1 
Survivor Space 2 
Tenured Space 
Permanent Space 
 New objects allocated in Eden 
 Find live objects by tracing from GC 
“roots” (threads, stack locals, etc) 
 Make a copy of live objects, leaving 
“garbage” behind 
 Eden + Survivor Space copied 
together to other Survivor space 
 Tenured from Survivor when old 
 “stop-the-world” needed when GC 
can’t keep up 
 Out of memory when too much time 
spent in GC 
Java Memory Waste 
- Need to size for worst case scenario 
- OS needs free memory to cache index files 
- JVMs aren’t good at “sharing” with rest of the system 
- mmap allocations managed by OS, can be immediately reused on free 
OS Real Memory 
max heap 
Unused Heap 
Heap in use 
max heap 
Unused Heap 
Heap in use 
mmap alloced mmap alloced 
Unused Heap 
C Heap in use 
C Process 
Unused Heap 
C Heap in use 
C Process 
“Free” Memory 
includes buffer 
cache, important 
to cache index files
GC Impact 
 GC Reduces Throughput 
Time to copy all that memory around could be spent 
 Stop-the-world pauses 
Seconds to Minutes long 
Pause time proportional to heap size 
Still exists in all Hotspot GCs… CMS, G1GC, etc 
Breaks Application SLAs (request timeouts, etc) 
Can cause SolrCloud Zookeeper session timeouts 
 Reducing max pause size normally means reduced 
 Non-graceful degradation 
if you don't size your heap big enough… BOOM!
GC Tuning 
GC Reduction 
 Reuse objects – cause less garbage 
 Move certain things off-heap (invisible to GC) 
 Option1: Direct ByteBuffers 
Limited to “int” (2GB) 
No way to directly “free” – still relies on GC 
 Option2: sun.misc.Unsafe 
malloc() + free() + direct memory access 
Supported on all major JVMs 
Widely used: Java (nio, concurrent),JSR166, Google 
Guava, objenesis (which is used in Kyro, which is used 
in Twitter Storm), Apache DirectMemory,Lightning, 
Hazelcast, snappy, gson, … 
Being considered for Java 9
Off-Heap Filters 
50M docs 
(3.8 GB index) 
20K requests 
8 req threads 
500 filters 
JVM Options: 
-Xmx4G (solr)
Off-Heap title 
Filters Test 
Observed max process sizes 
Solr : 3.8GB – 4.3GB 
Heliosearch: 3.6GB – 3.7GB
Off-Heap FieldCache 
Normal (on-heap) FieldCache 
 Typically the largest data structures kept on the heap 
 Used for sorting, function query values, single-valued faceting, 
 Uses weak references 
Heliosearch nCache (n is for “native”) 
 Allocated off-heap 
 First-class managed Solr cache 
 Configure size, warming policies 
 View statistics 
 Per-segment (NRT friendly) 
 No weak references
nCache admin stats 
item_id:{ "field":"id", "uses":8, "class":"StrTopValues", 
"refcount":2, "numSegments":7, "carriedOver":6, "size":612} 
item_popularity:{ "field":"popularity", "uses":5, 
"class":"IntTopValues", "refcount":2, "numSegments":7, 
"carriedOver":6, "size":106} 
"uses":0, -- the number of top-level uses for searcher 
"numSegments":5, -- number of segments populated 
"carriedOver":5, -- number of segments carried over from last searcher 
"size":272 -- size in bytes for all populated segments 
Off-Heap Integer Field 
 50M document index 
 Sorting on 6 different integer fields (10,100,1000,10000,1M unique values) 
 4 request threads 
 42% faster sorting 
 73% faster functions
String Field Sorting 
 10M document index 
 10 different string fields, each field 80% populated 
 Median latency
String Field Sorting Throughput 
 Concurrent throughput sorting on random fields in random order (asc/desc) 
 ~50% performance gain
Native Code
Native Code 
 The Idea: create native accelerators for CPU hotspots 
Faceting anyone? 
 But…. JNI Sucks! (and it’s GC’s fault again) 
jint *buf= (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arr, 0); 
for (i=0; i<len; i++) { 
sum += buf[i]; 
 GetArrayElements() – makes a *copy* of the array! 
 GetPrimitiveArrayCritical() – blocks garbage collection! 
Tons of other restrictions… it’s a “critical section” 
 Defeats the purpose of going to native code in the first place 
 But… our data is already off-heap, we’re good! 
Native Single Valued String Faceting 
 Top-Level off-heap String cache 
Improves Sorting and Faceting speed 
Eliminates FieldCache “insanity” 
 Native Code 
Written in C++, compiled with GCC 4.7, 4.8 
Currently supports 64 bit Windows, OS-X, Linux (x86) 
static compilation avoids JVM hotspot warmup period, 
mis-compilation bugs, and variations between runs
Native Faceting Performance
Terms Query Optimization
New Facet Module
Facet Module Goals 
 Replace the aging “SimpleFacets” 
 First class JSON support 
 Easier programmatic construction of complex nested facet 
 Canonical response format that is easier for clients to 
 First class analytics support 
 Cleaner distributed search support 
 Fully pluggable 
 Better base for integration of other search features 
Heliosearch is a Solr super-set, so you can still chose to 
use the old faceting or mix-n-match.
API Comparison 
Old Style New JSON API 
age_ranges: { // facet name 
range: { // facet type 
field : age, // facet params 
start : 0, 
end : 100, 
gap : 10 
price_ranges: { 
range: { 
field : price, 
start : 0, 
end : 1000, 
gap : 50 
Facet Functions 
 Sort/Report by things other than “count” 
Aggregation Functions / Stats: 
any “function query” that yields a 
numeric value! 
sum(mul(num_units, unit_price)) 
 Stats are calculated “per bucket” 
 Buckets created by Query, Range, or Terms (field) facets
Simple Request + Response 
$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/query -d 'q=widgets& 
{ // Comments can help with clarity 
/* traditional C-style comments are also supported */ 
x : "avg(price)" , // Simple strings can occur unquoted 
y : 'unique(brand)' // Strings can also use single quotes 
"facets" : { 
"count" : 314, 
"x" : 102.5, 
"y" : 28 
Number of documents in 
the facet bucket
Terms Facet Example 
field: shoe_style, 
sort: {x : desc}, 
x : "avg(price)", 
y : "unique(brand)" 
"facets": { 
"count" : 472, 
"shoes": { 
"buckets" : [ 
"val" : "Hiking", 
"count" : 34, 
"x" : 135.25, 
"y" : 17, 
"val" : "Running", 
"count" : 45, 
"x" : 110.75, 
"y" : 24, 
Executed per-bucket
Any facet that produces buckets can have sub-facets 
(terms/field, range, query) 
Sub-facets can have facet functions (stats) or their 
own sub-facets (no limit to nesting). 
A subfacet can be any type (field, range, query) 
Multiple subfacets can be added to any given facet 
Subfacets are first-class facets - can be configured 
independently like any other facet. 
Different offsets, limits, stats, sorts, etc
Sub-Facet Example 
field: shoe_style, 
sort: {x : desc}, 
x : "avg(price)", 
y : "unique(brand)", 
colors :{terms:color} 
"facets": { 
"count" : 472, 
"shoes": { 
"buckets" : [ 
"val" : "Hiking", 
"count" : 34, 
"x" : 135.25, 
"y" : 17, 
"colors" : { 
"buckets" : [ 
{ "val" : "brown", 
"count" : 12 }, 
{ "val" : "black", 
"count" : 10 
}, […] 
} // end of colors sub-facet 
}, // end of Hiking bucket 
"val" : "Running", 
"count" : 45, 
"x" : 110.75, 
"y" : 24, 
"colors" : { 
"buckets" : […] 
Short-form for terms facet simply 
specifies the field. Sorts buckets 
by count descending.
Terms Facet 
Terms facet creates buckets of docs with the same value in a field 
- field – The field name to facet over. 
- offset – Used for paging, this skips the first N buckets. Defaults to 0. 
- limit – Limits the number of buckets returned. Defaults to 10. 
- mincount – Only return buckets with a count of at least this number. Defaults to 1. 
- sort – Specifies how to sort the buckets produced. “count” specifies document count, 
“index” sorts by the index (natural) order of the bucket value. One can also sort by any 
facet function / statistic that occurs in the bucket. The default is “count desc”. This 
parameter may also be specified in JSON like sort:{count:desc}. The sort order may 
either be “asc” or “desc” 
- missing – A boolean that specifies if a special “missing” bucket should be returned that is 
defined by documents without a value in the field. Defaults to false. 
- numBuckets – A boolean. If true, adds “numBuckets” to the response, an integer 
representing the number of buckets for the facet (as opposed to the number of buckets 
returned). Defaults to false. 
- allBuckets – A boolean. If true, adds an “allBuckets” bucket to the response, representing 
the union of all of the buckets. For multi-valued fields, this is different than a bucket for all 
of the documents in the domain since a single document can belong to multiple buckets. 
Defaults to false. 
- prefix – Only produce buckets for terms starting with the specified prefix.
Query Facet 
Query facet creates a single bucket of documents matching the 
{ // simple example 
highpop:{ query:{ q:"inStock:true AND popularity[8 TO 10]" } } 
{ // example with multiple sub-facets 
highpop:{ query:{ 
q : "inStock:true AND popularity[8 TO 10]", 
facet : { 
average_price : "agv(price)", 
available_colors : { terms : color }, 
price_ranges : { range : { 
field:price, start:0, end:200, gap:10 
Range Facet 
Creates buckets over ranges on a numeric or date field 
Parameter names/values "in sync" with Solr range parameters: 
field – The numeric field or date field to produce range buckets from 
start – Lower bound of the ranges 
end – Upper bound of the ranges 
gap – Size of each range bucket produced 
hardend – A boolean, which if true means that the last bucket will end at “end” even if it is less than “gap” wide. If false, 
the last bucket will be “gap” wide, which may extend past “end”. 
other – This param indicates that in addition to the counts for each range constraint between facet.range.start and 
facet.range.end, counts should also be computed for… 
– "before" all records with field values lower then lower bound of the first range 
– "after" all records with field values greater then the upper bound of the last range 
– "between" all records with field values between the start and end bounds of all ranges 
– "none" compute none of this information 
– "all" shortcut for before, between, and after 
include – By default, the ranges used to compute range faceting between facet.range.start and facet.range.end are 
inclusive of their lower bounds and exclusive of the upper bounds. The “before” range is exclusive and the “after” range is 
inclusive. This default, equivalent to lower below, will not result in double counting at the boundaries. This behavior can 
be modified by the facet.range.include param, which can be any combination of the following options… 
– "lower" all gap based ranges include their lower bound 
– "upper" all gap based ranges include their upper bound 
– "edge" the first and last gap ranges include their edge bounds (ie: lower for the first one, upper for the last one) 
even if the corresponding upper/lower option is not specified 
– "outer" the “before” and “after” ranges will be inclusive of their bounds, even if the first or last ranges already 
include those boundaries. 
– "all" shorthand for lower, upper, edge, outer
Sub-Facets + Facet-Functions 
Business Intelligence / Analytics
Fantasy ($1045) 
Top Authors 
$423 George R.R. Martin 
$347 Brandon Sanderson 
$155 JK Rowling 
Top Books 
$252 A Game of Thrones 
$113 Emperor of Thorns 
$101 Nine Princes in Amber 
$82 Steel Heart 
Sci-Fi ($898) 
Top Authors 
$321 Iain M Banks 
$218 Neal Asher 
$155 Neal Stephenson 
Top Books 
$113 Gridlinked 
$101 Use of Weapons 
$93 Snow Crash 
$82 The Skinner 
Mystery ($645) 
Top Authors 
$191 James Patterson 
$145 Patricia Cornwell 
$126 John Grisham 
Top Books 
$85 One for the Money 
$77 Angels & Daemons 
$64 Shutter Island 
$35 The Firm 
Filter By 
$852 NJ (14 stores) 
$658 NY (11 stores) 
$421 CT (8 stores) 
$984 Amazoon (14 stores) 
$734 Houses&Royalty (9 stores) 
$387 Books-r-us (7 stores) 
$108 Amazoon Branchburg 
$93 Books-r-us Bridgewater 
$87 H&R NYC 
Number of Books 
201K Houses&Royalty 
183K Amazoon 
98K Books-r-us 
193K H&R NYC 
77K Books-r-us Bridgewater 
68K Amazoon Branchburg
date_breakout : { range: { 
field: sale_date, 
start : ..., 
end : ..., 
gap : "+1MONTH”, 
facet : { 
top_genre : { terms : { 
field : genre, 
sort : "revenue desc", 
limit : 4, 
facet : { 
revenue : "sum(sales)" 
by_chain: { terms : { 
field : chain, 
facet : { 
revenue : "sum(sales)" 
Creates series of facet 
buckets based on date 
For each date bucket, facet by genre, taking 
the top 4 by revenue 
For each genre bucket, report revenue
Fantasy ($1045) 
Top Authors 
$423 George R.R. Martin 
$347 Brandon Sanderson 
$155 JK Rowling 
Top Books 
$252 A Game of Thrones 
$113 Emperor of Thorns 
$101 Nine Princes in Amber 
$82 Steel Heart 
Sci-Fi ($898) 
Top Authors 
$321 Iain M Banks 
$218 Neal Asher 
$155 Neal Stephenson 
Top Books 
$113 Gridlinked 
$101 Use of Weapons 
$93 Snow Crash 
$82 The Skinner 
Mystery ($645) 
Top Authors 
$191 James Patterson 
$145 Patricia Cornwell 
$126 John Grisham 
Top Books 
$85 One for the Money 
$77 Angels & Daemons 
$64 Shutter Island 
$35 The Firm 
top_genres:{ terms:{ 
field: genre, 
facet : { 
rev : "sum(sales)", 
top_authors:{ terms:{ 
field : author, 
sort :"rev desc", 
limit : 3, 
facet : { 
rev : "sum(sales)" 
top_books:{ terms:{ 
field : title, 
sort : "rev desc", 
limit : 4, 
facet : { 
rev : "sum(sales)" 
Filter By 
$852 NJ (14 stores) 
$658 NY (11 stores) 
$421 CT (8 stores) 
$984 Amazoon (14 stores) 
$734 Houses&Royalty (9 stores) 
$387 Books-r-us (7 stores) 
$108 Amazoon Branchburg 
$93 Books-r-us Bridgewater 
$87 H&R NYC 
state_breakout:{ terms:{ 
field: state, 
sort: "rev desc", 
facet : { 
rev : "sum(sales)", 
num_stores : "unique(store)" 
chain_breakout:{ terms:{ 
field: chain, 
sort: "rev desc", 
facet : { 
rev : "sum(sales)", 
num_stores : "unique(store)" 
}} , 
store_breakout:{ terms:{ 
field: store, 
sort: "rev desc", 
facet : { 
rev : "sum(sales)", 
Misc Features
Parameter Substitution 
 Parameters / macros substituted across whole request 
 Happens before any parsing, so usable in any context 
q=price:[ ${low} TO ${high} ] 
 Default values 
q=price:[ ${low:0} TO ${high:100} ] 
 Nested 
&price_query=${price_field}:[ ${low} TO ${high} ] AND inStock:true 
New Query Parser Features 
 Filters in queries - just like “fq” parameters, but may appear 
anywhere in a query 
q=(text:elephant –(filter(*:* -price:[ 0 TO 100 ]) OR 
filter(date[0 TO 2013]) ) 
 Constant Score Queries 
q=color:(blue OR green)^=1 text:shoes 
 Comments in Queries (can nest) 
q=+text:elephant /* the main query */ /* boosting part – WIP 
{!func}mul(pop,rank)^10 */
Thank You 
Help Develop the Next Generation of Solr! 

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Native Code, Off-Heap Data & JSON Facet API for Solr (Heliosearch)

  • 1. Native Code, Off-Heap Data & JSON Facet API for Solr Yonik Seeley Apachecon EU 2014 Budapest, Hungary
  • 2. My Background • Creator of Solr • Heliosearch Founder • LucidWorks Co-Founder • Lucene/Solr committer, PMC member • Apache Software Foundation member • M.S. in Computer Science, Stanford
  • 3. Heliosearch Project • The Next Evolution of Solr • Forked from Solr, Developing at github – Started Jan 2014 – Well aligned community – Open Source, Apache licensed • Bring back to Apache in the future? • Currently drop-in replacement for Solr at the HTTP-API level – A super-set… we continually merge in upstream changes – Latest version of Heliosearch includes latest Solr • Current Features: Off-heap filters, Off-heap fieldcache, facet-by- function, sub-facets, native code performance enhancements
  • 5. Garbage Collection Basics Eden Space Survivor Space 1 Survivor Space 2 Tenured Space Permanent Space  New objects allocated in Eden  Find live objects by tracing from GC “roots” (threads, stack locals, etc)  Make a copy of live objects, leaving “garbage” behind  Eden + Survivor Space copied together to other Survivor space  Tenured from Survivor when old enough  “stop-the-world” needed when GC can’t keep up  Out of memory when too much time spent in GC Thread
  • 6. Java Memory Waste - Need to size for worst case scenario - OS needs free memory to cache index files - JVMs aren’t good at “sharing” with rest of the system - mmap allocations managed by OS, can be immediately reused on free OS Real Memory max heap Unused Heap Heap in use JVM max heap Unused Heap Heap in use JVM mmap alloced mmap alloced Unused Heap C Heap in use C Process Unused Heap C Heap in use C Process “Free” Memory includes buffer cache, important to cache index files
  • 7. GC Impact  GC Reduces Throughput Time to copy all that memory around could be spent better!  Stop-the-world pauses Seconds to Minutes long Pause time proportional to heap size Still exists in all Hotspot GCs… CMS, G1GC, etc Breaks Application SLAs (request timeouts, etc) Can cause SolrCloud Zookeeper session timeouts  Reducing max pause size normally means reduced throughput  Non-graceful degradation if you don't size your heap big enough… BOOM!
  • 8. GC Tuning UseSerialGC UseParallelGC UseParallelOldGC UseParallelOldGCCompacting UseParallelDensePrefixUpdate HeapMaximumCompactionInterval HeapFirstMaximumCompactionCount UseMaximumCompactionOnSystemGC ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterMean ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterStdDev UseParallelOldGCDensePrefix ParallelGCThreads ParallelCMSThreads YoungPLABSize OldPLABSize GCTaskTimeStampEntries AlwaysTenure NeverTenure ScavengeBeforeFullGC UseConcMarkSweepGC ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent UseCMSBestFit UseCMSCollectionPassing UseParNewGC ParallelGCVerbose ParallelGCBufferWastePct ParallelGCRetainPLAB TargetPLABWastePct PLABWeight ResizePLAB PrintPLAB ParGCArrayScanChunk ParGCDesiredObjsFromOverflowList CMSParPromoteBlocksToClaim AlwaysPreTouch CMSUseOldDefaults CMSYoungGenPerWorker CMSIncrementalMode CMSIncrementalDutyCycle CMSIncrementalPacing CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin CMSIncrementalSafetyFactor CMSIncrementalOffset CMSExpAvgFactor CMS_FLSWeight CMS_FLSPadding FLSCoalescePolicy CMS_SweepWeight CMS_SweepPadding CMS_SweepTimerThresholdMillis CMSClassUnloadingEnabled CMSCompactWhenClearAllSoftRefs UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction CMSIndexedFreeListReplenish CMSLoopWarn CMSMarkStackSize CMSMarkStackSizeMax CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanLoops CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime CMSAbortablePrecleanMinWorkPerIteration CMSAbortablePrecleanWaitMillis CMSRescanMultiple CMSConcMarkMultiple CMSRevisitStackSize CMSAbortSemantics CMSParallelRemarkEnabled CMSParallelSurvivorRemarkEnabled CMSPLABRecordAlways CMSConcurrentMTEnabled CMSPermGenPrecleaningEnabled CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled CMSPrecleaningEnabled CMSPrecleanIter CMSPrecleanNumerator CMSPrecleanDenominator CMSPrecleanRefLists1 CMSPrecleanRefLists2 CMSPrecleanSurvivors1 CMSPrecleanSurvivors2 CMSPrecleanThreshold CMSCleanOnEnter CMSRemarkVerifyVariant CMSScheduleRemarkEdenSizeThreshold CMSScheduleRemarkEdenPenetration CMSScheduleRemarkSamplingRatio CMSSamplingGrain CMSScavengeBeforeRemark CMSWorkQueueDrainThreshold CMSWaitDuration CMSYield CMSBitMapYieldQuantum UseGCLogFileRotation NumberOfGCLogFiles GCLogFileSize LargePageSizeInBytes LargePageHeapSizeThreshold PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime OnOutOfMemoryError ClassUnloading BlockOffsetArrayUseUnallocatedBlock RefDiscoveryPolicy ParallelRefProcEnabled CMSTriggerRatio CMSBootstrapOccupancy CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly HandlePromotionFailure PreserveMarkStackSize ZeroTLAB PrintTLAB TLABStats AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine DefaultMaxRAM DefaultMaxRAMFraction DefaultInitialRAMFraction UseAutoGCSelectPolicy AutoGCSelectPauseMillis UseAdaptiveSizePolicy UsePSAdaptiveSurvivorSizePolicy UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMinorCollection UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMajorCollection UseAdaptiveSizePolicyWithSystemGC UseAdaptiveGCBoundary AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy AdaptiveSizePausePolicy AdaptiveSizePolicyInitializingSteps AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval UseAdaptiveSizePolicyFootprintGoal AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight AdaptiveTimeWeight PausePadding PromotedPadding SurvivorPadding AdaptivePermSizeWeight PermGenPadding ThresholdTolerance AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin YoungGenerationSizeIncrement YoungGenerationSizeSupplement YoungGenerationSizeSupplementDecay TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement TenuredGenerationSizeSupplement TenuredGenerationSizeSupplementDecay MaxGCPauseMillis MaxGCMinorPauseMillis GCTimeRatio AdaptiveSizeDecrementScaleFactor UseAdaptiveSizeDecayMajorGCCost AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale MinSurvivorRatio InitialSurvivorRatio BaseFootPrintEstimate UseGCOverheadLimit GCTimeLimit GCHeapFreeLimit PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy DisableExplicitGC CollectGen0First BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs UseGCTaskAffinity ProcessDistributionStride CMSCoordinatorYieldSleepCount CMSYieldSleepCount PrintGCTaskTimeStamps TraceClassLoadingPreorder TraceGen0Time TraceGen1Time PrintTenuringDistribution PrintHeapAtSIGBREAK TraceParallelOldGCTasks PrintParallelOldGCPhaseTimes MaxHeapSize MaxNewSize PretenureSizeThreshold MinTLABSize TLABAllocationWeight TLABWasteTargetPercent TLABRefillWasteFraction TLABWasteIncrement MaxLiveObjectEvacuationRatio OldSize MinHeapFreeRatio MaxHeapFreeRatio SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB MinHeapDeltaBytes MinPermHeapExpansion MaxPermHeapExpansion QueuedAllocationWarningCount MaxTenuringThreshold InitialTenuringThreshold TargetSurvivorRatio MarkSweepDeadRatio PermMarkSweepDeadRatio MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount PrintCMSStatistics PrintCMSInitiationStatistics PrintFLSStatistics PrintFLSCensus DeferThrSuspendLoopCount DeferPollingPageLoopCount SafepointSpinBeforeYield UseDepthFirstScavengeOrder GCDrainStackTargetSize ThreadSafetyMargin CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace MaxDirectMemorySize PerfDataMemorySize AggressiveHeap UseCompressedStrings UseStringCache HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError HeapDumpPath PrintGC PrintGCDetails PrintGCTimeStamps PG1HeapRegionSize G1ReservePercent G1ConfidencePercent PrintPromotionFailure PrintGCDateStamps -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=n -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=n -XX:ConcGCThreads=n -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=70 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=n -XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC
  • 9. GC Reduction  Reuse objects – cause less garbage  Move certain things off-heap (invisible to GC)  Option1: Direct ByteBuffers Limited to “int” (2GB) No way to directly “free” – still relies on GC  Option2: sun.misc.Unsafe malloc() + free() + direct memory access Supported on all major JVMs Widely used: Java (nio, concurrent),JSR166, Google Guava, objenesis (which is used in Kyro, which is used in Twitter Storm), Apache DirectMemory,Lightning, Hazelcast, snappy, gson, … Being considered for Java 9
  • 10. Off-Heap Filters 50M docs (3.8 GB index) 8GB RAM 20K requests 8 req threads 500 filters JVM Options: -Xmx4G (solr)
  • 11. Off-Heap title Filters Test Observed max process sizes Solr : 3.8GB – 4.3GB Heliosearch: 3.6GB – 3.7GB
  • 12. Off-Heap FieldCache Normal (on-heap) FieldCache  Typically the largest data structures kept on the heap  Used for sorting, function query values, single-valued faceting, grouping  Uses weak references Heliosearch nCache (n is for “native”)  Allocated off-heap  First-class managed Solr cache  Configure size, warming policies  View statistics  Per-segment (NRT friendly)  No weak references
  • 13.
  • 14. nCache admin stats item_id:{ "field":"id", "uses":8, "class":"StrTopValues", "refcount":2, "numSegments":7, "carriedOver":6, "size":612} item_popularity:{ "field":"popularity", "uses":5, "class":"IntTopValues", "refcount":2, "numSegments":7, "carriedOver":6, "size":106} item_price:{ "field":"price”, "uses":0, -- the number of top-level uses for searcher "class":"FloatTopValues", "refcount":2, "numSegments":5, -- number of segments populated "carriedOver":5, -- number of segments carried over from last searcher "size":272 -- size in bytes for all populated segments }
  • 15. Off-Heap Integer Field  50M document index  Sorting on 6 different integer fields (10,100,1000,10000,1M unique values)  4 request threads Results  42% faster sorting  73% faster functions
  • 16. String Field Sorting  10M document index  10 different string fields, each field 80% populated  Median latency
  • 17. String Field Sorting Throughput  Concurrent throughput sorting on random fields in random order (asc/desc)  ~50% performance gain
  • 19. Native Code  The Idea: create native accelerators for CPU hotspots Faceting anyone?  But…. JNI Sucks! (and it’s GC’s fault again) jint *buf= (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arr, 0); for (i=0; i<len; i++) { sum += buf[i];  GetArrayElements() – makes a *copy* of the array!  GetPrimitiveArrayCritical() – blocks garbage collection! Tons of other restrictions… it’s a “critical section”  Defeats the purpose of going to native code in the first place  But… our data is already off-heap, we’re good! }
  • 20. Native Single Valued String Faceting  Top-Level off-heap String cache Improves Sorting and Faceting speed Eliminates FieldCache “insanity”  Native Code Written in C++, compiled with GCC 4.7, 4.8 Currently supports 64 bit Windows, OS-X, Linux (x86) static compilation avoids JVM hotspot warmup period, mis-compilation bugs, and variations between runs
  • 23.
  • 25. Facet Module Goals  Replace the aging “SimpleFacets”  First class JSON support  Easier programmatic construction of complex nested facet commands  Canonical response format that is easier for clients to parse  First class analytics support  Cleaner distributed search support  Fully pluggable  Better base for integration of other search features Heliosearch is a Solr super-set, so you can still chose to use the old faceting or mix-n-match.
  • 26. API Comparison Old Style New JSON API &facet=true &facet.range={!key=age_ranges}age &f.age_ranges.facet.range.start=0 &f.age_ranges.facet.range.end=100 & &facet.range={!key=price_ranges}price &f.price_ranges.facet.range.start=0 &f.price_ranges.facet.range.end=1000 & { age_ranges: { // facet name range: { // facet type field : age, // facet params start : 0, end : 100, gap : 10 } }, price_ranges: { range: { field : price, start : 0, end : 1000, gap : 50 } } }
  • 27. Facet Functions  Sort/Report by things other than “count” Aggregation Functions / Stats: count sum(function) avg(function) sumsq(function) min(function) max(function) unique(string_field) any “function query” that yields a numeric value! Example: sum(mul(num_units, unit_price))  Stats are calculated “per bucket”  Buckets created by Query, Range, or Terms (field) facets
  • 28. Simple Request + Response $ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/query -d 'q=widgets& json.facet= { // Comments can help with clarity /* traditional C-style comments are also supported */ x : "avg(price)" , // Simple strings can occur unquoted y : 'unique(brand)' // Strings can also use single quotes } ' […] "facets" : { "count" : 314, "x" : 102.5, "y" : 28 } Number of documents in the facet bucket
  • 29. Terms Facet Example json.facet={ shoes:{ terms:{ field: shoe_style, sort: {x : desc}, facet:{ x : "avg(price)", y : "unique(brand)" } } } } "facets": { "count" : 472, "shoes": { "buckets" : [ { "val" : "Hiking", "count" : 34, "x" : 135.25, "y" : 17, }, { "val" : "Running", "count" : 45, "x" : 110.75, "y" : 24, }, Executed per-bucket
  • 30. Sub-Facets Any facet that produces buckets can have sub-facets (terms/field, range, query) Sub-facets can have facet functions (stats) or their own sub-facets (no limit to nesting). A subfacet can be any type (field, range, query) Multiple subfacets can be added to any given facet Subfacets are first-class facets - can be configured independently like any other facet. Different offsets, limits, stats, sorts, etc
  • 31. Sub-Facet Example json.facet={ shoes:{ terms:{ field: shoe_style, sort: {x : desc}, facet:{ x : "avg(price)", y : "unique(brand)", colors :{terms:color} } } } } "facets": { "count" : 472, "shoes": { "buckets" : [ { "val" : "Hiking", "count" : 34, "x" : 135.25, "y" : 17, "colors" : { "buckets" : [ { "val" : "brown", "count" : 12 }, { "val" : "black", "count" : 10 }, […] ] } // end of colors sub-facet }, // end of Hiking bucket { "val" : "Running", "count" : 45, "x" : 110.75, "y" : 24, "colors" : { "buckets" : […] Short-form for terms facet simply specifies the field. Sorts buckets by count descending.
  • 32. Terms Facet Terms facet creates buckets of docs with the same value in a field - field – The field name to facet over. - offset – Used for paging, this skips the first N buckets. Defaults to 0. - limit – Limits the number of buckets returned. Defaults to 10. - mincount – Only return buckets with a count of at least this number. Defaults to 1. - sort – Specifies how to sort the buckets produced. “count” specifies document count, “index” sorts by the index (natural) order of the bucket value. One can also sort by any facet function / statistic that occurs in the bucket. The default is “count desc”. This parameter may also be specified in JSON like sort:{count:desc}. The sort order may either be “asc” or “desc” - missing – A boolean that specifies if a special “missing” bucket should be returned that is defined by documents without a value in the field. Defaults to false. - numBuckets – A boolean. If true, adds “numBuckets” to the response, an integer representing the number of buckets for the facet (as opposed to the number of buckets returned). Defaults to false. - allBuckets – A boolean. If true, adds an “allBuckets” bucket to the response, representing the union of all of the buckets. For multi-valued fields, this is different than a bucket for all of the documents in the domain since a single document can belong to multiple buckets. Defaults to false. - prefix – Only produce buckets for terms starting with the specified prefix.
  • 33. Query Facet Query facet creates a single bucket of documents matching the query. { // simple example highpop:{ query:{ q:"inStock:true AND popularity[8 TO 10]" } } } { // example with multiple sub-facets highpop:{ query:{ q : "inStock:true AND popularity[8 TO 10]", facet : { average_price : "agv(price)", available_colors : { terms : color }, price_ranges : { range : { field:price, start:0, end:200, gap:10 }} }} }
  • 34. Range Facet Creates buckets over ranges on a numeric or date field Parameter names/values "in sync" with Solr range parameters: field – The numeric field or date field to produce range buckets from start – Lower bound of the ranges end – Upper bound of the ranges gap – Size of each range bucket produced hardend – A boolean, which if true means that the last bucket will end at “end” even if it is less than “gap” wide. If false, the last bucket will be “gap” wide, which may extend past “end”. other – This param indicates that in addition to the counts for each range constraint between facet.range.start and facet.range.end, counts should also be computed for… – "before" all records with field values lower then lower bound of the first range – "after" all records with field values greater then the upper bound of the last range – "between" all records with field values between the start and end bounds of all ranges – "none" compute none of this information – "all" shortcut for before, between, and after include – By default, the ranges used to compute range faceting between facet.range.start and facet.range.end are inclusive of their lower bounds and exclusive of the upper bounds. The “before” range is exclusive and the “after” range is inclusive. This default, equivalent to lower below, will not result in double counting at the boundaries. This behavior can be modified by the facet.range.include param, which can be any combination of the following options… – "lower" all gap based ranges include their lower bound – "upper" all gap based ranges include their upper bound – "edge" the first and last gap ranges include their edge bounds (ie: lower for the first one, upper for the last one) even if the corresponding upper/lower option is not specified – "outer" the “before” and “after” ranges will be inclusive of their bounds, even if the first or last ranges already include those boundaries. – "all" shorthand for lower, upper, edge, outer
  • 35. Sub-Facets + Facet-Functions = Business Intelligence / Analytics
  • 36. Fantasy ($1045) Top Authors $423 George R.R. Martin $347 Brandon Sanderson $155 JK Rowling Top Books $252 A Game of Thrones $113 Emperor of Thorns $101 Nine Princes in Amber $82 Steel Heart Sci-Fi ($898) Top Authors $321 Iain M Banks $218 Neal Asher $155 Neal Stephenson Top Books $113 Gridlinked $101 Use of Weapons $93 Snow Crash $82 The Skinner Mystery ($645) Top Authors $191 James Patterson $145 Patricia Cornwell $126 John Grisham Top Books $85 One for the Money $77 Angels & Daemons $64 Shutter Island $35 The Firm Filter By State $852 NJ (14 stores) $658 NY (11 stores) $421 CT (8 stores) Chain $984 Amazoon (14 stores) $734 Houses&Royalty (9 stores) $387 Books-r-us (7 stores) Store $108 Amazoon Branchburg $93 Books-r-us Bridgewater $87 H&R NYC Number of Books Chain 201K Houses&Royalty 183K Amazoon 98K Books-r-us Store 193K H&R NYC 77K Books-r-us Bridgewater 68K Amazoon Branchburg
  • 37. date_breakout : { range: { field: sale_date, start : ..., end : ..., gap : "+1MONTH”, facet : { top_genre : { terms : { field : genre, sort : "revenue desc", limit : 4, facet : { revenue : "sum(sales)" } }}, by_chain: { terms : { field : chain, facet : { revenue : "sum(sales)" } }} […] Implementation Creates series of facet buckets based on date For each date bucket, facet by genre, taking the top 4 by revenue For each genre bucket, report revenue
  • 38. Fantasy ($1045) Top Authors $423 George R.R. Martin $347 Brandon Sanderson $155 JK Rowling Top Books $252 A Game of Thrones $113 Emperor of Thorns $101 Nine Princes in Amber $82 Steel Heart Sci-Fi ($898) Top Authors $321 Iain M Banks $218 Neal Asher $155 Neal Stephenson Top Books $113 Gridlinked $101 Use of Weapons $93 Snow Crash $82 The Skinner Mystery ($645) Top Authors $191 James Patterson $145 Patricia Cornwell $126 John Grisham Top Books $85 One for the Money $77 Angels & Daemons $64 Shutter Island $35 The Firm top_genres:{ terms:{ field: genre, facet : { rev : "sum(sales)", top_authors:{ terms:{ field : author, sort :"rev desc", limit : 3, facet : { rev : "sum(sales)" } }}, top_books:{ terms:{ field : title, sort : "rev desc", limit : 4, facet : { rev : "sum(sales)" } }} […]
  • 39. Filter By State $852 NJ (14 stores) $658 NY (11 stores) $421 CT (8 stores) Chain $984 Amazoon (14 stores) $734 Houses&Royalty (9 stores) $387 Books-r-us (7 stores) Store $108 Amazoon Branchburg $93 Books-r-us Bridgewater $87 H&R NYC state_breakout:{ terms:{ field: state, sort: "rev desc", facet : { rev : "sum(sales)", num_stores : "unique(store)" }}, chain_breakout:{ terms:{ field: chain, sort: "rev desc", facet : { rev : "sum(sales)", num_stores : "unique(store)" }} , store_breakout:{ terms:{ field: store, sort: "rev desc", facet : { rev : "sum(sales)", }}}
  • 41. Parameter Substitution  Parameters / macros substituted across whole request  Happens before any parsing, so usable in any context q=price:[ ${low} TO ${high} ] &low=100 &high=200  Default values q=price:[ ${low:0} TO ${high:100} ]  Nested q=${price_query} &price_query=${price_field}:[ ${low} TO ${high} ] AND inStock:true &price_field=specialPrice &low=50 &high=100
  • 42. New Query Parser Features  Filters in queries - just like “fq” parameters, but may appear anywhere in a query q=(text:elephant –(filter(*:* -price:[ 0 TO 100 ]) OR filter(date[0 TO 2013]) )  Constant Score Queries q=color:(blue OR green)^=1 text:shoes  Comments in Queries (can nest) q=+text:elephant /* the main query */ /* boosting part – WIP {!func}mul(pop,rank)^10 */
  • 43. Thank You Help Develop the Next Generation of Solr! Resources:   !forum/heliosearch !forum/heliosearch-dev