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Narrative Essay Guidelines
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Narrative Essay Guidelines" poses a unique set of
challenges. Firstly, the task demands a deep understanding of narrative elements, as well as the
ability to seamlessly weave a compelling story. The writer must not only adhere to conventional
essay structures but also skillfully employ literary techniques to captivate the reader's attention.
The difficulty intensifies when considering the need for a strong, engaging narrative arc.
Establishing a coherent storyline, developing well-rounded characters, and maintaining a logical
sequence of events require not only creativity but also meticulous planning. Striking the right
balance between description and action is crucial, as excessive detail may overshadow the plot,
while insufficient elaboration may leave the audience disconnected.
Moreover, conveying a personal experience within the confines of essay guidelines adds an
additional layer of complexity. Striking the right emotional tone, ensuring authenticity, and
sharing insights that resonate with readers are pivotal aspects. The narrative must not only serve
as a vessel for personal expression but also as a universal story that can resonate with a broader
Incorporating the guidelines for a narrative essay necessitates a delicate interplay of creativity
and structure. The writer must navigate the fine line between self-expression and adherence to
formal conventions. Achieving this balance while delivering a captivating narrative that adheres
to the guidelines demands a high level of skill and finesse.
In conclusion, composing an essay on "Narrative Essay Guidelines" is a challenging task that
requires a blend of literary prowess, adherence to structural guidelines, and the ability to convey
personal experiences with universal appeal. It is a task that demands a writer's utmost dedication
and skill to produce a narrative that is not only engaging but also adheres to the prescribed
For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, consider exploring the services
available at Their expert writers can provide support in crafting well-
structured and engaging narratives, ensuring that your essay meets the required guidelines.
Narrative Essay Guidelines Narrative Essay Guidelines
Analysis Of The Film The Flies By F. Scott Fitzgerald
Artistically speaking, this film is beautiful. There was a lot of thought put into
every detail from the actors to the camera shots. The film seems to flow in
beautiful manner from one scene to the next. One piece of art in the film is the use
of symbols. Each symbol is delicately placed in order to make sense to any viewers
that can pick up on them. One symbol is Nick s obsession with his Peace Lily. It
represents his obsession with the job. It is the only other thing he cares for because
its needs are simple and by the books. When he breaks it, it is supposed to symbolize
his change of heart; that somebody has taken the place of the lily. Another symbol in
the filmis the number 3. There are 3 murders that take place before people believe
Nicholas. There are 3 people Nick tries to talk to in order to get out of being sent to
Sanford. Many lines are repeated 3 times over. This could be in reference to
fairytales always using the number 3, since this plot seems far fetched like a
fairytale. However, it could also be in reference to the trilogy of films that Wright
and Pegg made together. Then, there is the swan symbol. Swans typically symbolize
grace, beauty, and peace. In the film, though, the swans symbolize an overbearing
distraction. Nicholas is constantly surrounded by them in the hotel he stays at, which
is rightly called The Swan Hotel . He is also charged with the task of catching an
escaped swan. This causes him to miss many chances to catch the perpetrators of
PICO Research Paper Tap water vs. Saline
Proper cleansing is perhaps the key component for acute and chronic wound
management. Cleansing methods differ among health care providers and
institutions, and many times is based on an individual s experience and preference.
Many cleansing solutions exist today. In this research, the author focused on the use
of tap water versus sterile cleansing solutions such as Normal Saline and sterile
water. Many cleansing solutions are safe and have been proven to provide effective
results, whereas others may damage the tissue, destroy cells, increase infection rates
and delay the healing process.
Normal saline is regarded as the most appropriate and preferred cleansing solution by
health care providers because it is ... Show more content on ...
Article #2 Water is Safe and Effective.
A level 3 research study.
Weiss, E. (2012). Water is a safe and effective alternative to sterile normal saline for
wound irrigation prior to suturing: a prospective, double blind, randomized, and
controlled clinical trial. British Medical Journal.
/e001504.full DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen 2012 001504.
This was a single centre, prospective, randomized, double blind controlled trial. The
wound solution type was computer randomized and allocation was done on a
sequential basis. The patients were older than 1 year of age, who presented to the
emergency room with a soft tissue laceration requiring repair. The primary
outcome measure was the difference in wound infection rates between the two
randomized groups. During the 18 month study period, 663 consecutive patients
were enrolled, but only 631 were used for the study. From the 631, 318 were
randomized into the Tap Water (TW) group and 313 into the Sterile Saline (SS).
There were a total of 20 infections (6.4%) in the SS group compared to 11 infections
(3.5%) in the TW group. Indicating that there is no difference in infection rate of
wounds irrigated with either TW or SS solution, with clinical trends towards fewer
wound infections in the TW group, making it easy to conclude that tap water is a
safe and cost effective alternative to
For this assignment I read the book reviews Limits of...
For this assignment I read the book reviews Limits of Endurance Defiant, by Alvin
Townley; He Accused An Officer and a Spy, by Robert Harris; Breaking In The
Burglary, by Betty Medsger. For the book review Limits of Endurance Defiant, by
Alvin Townley the reviewer seem to have thought fondly of this book while writing
majority positive things about this novel. The reviewHe Accused which went over
the novel An Officer and a Spy, by Robert Harris seemed to be majority mixed to
the point where there are good and bad things through out this review. Lastly the
review Breaking In that went over The Burglary, by Betty Medsger seemed to have
had a positive review.
After reviewing the three professional reviews I could tell that the ... Show more
content on ...
The reviews liked several different things that were in the book. Some of the things
in the book Book Thief were Liesel reading to the neighbors sitting terrified in a
basement waiting for the bombs to fall around them, A snowball fight in a
basement, and Mama arriving at school to yell at Liesel. Some of the events in this
book have made many people love this book. People love have this book because
of the hope, the advancement of characters, and the complexity of the read. For the
book The Maze Runner (Maze Runner Series #1) the reviews are mostly negative.
People that read this book have negative reviews because they compare it to stories
that they really love but this story have none of those aspects. ktpetals felt that the
plot was not developed fully and it had holes through out the story. The characters
seemed to be flat and I made it seem like they were not real in any way. According
to my uncle he reads to learn and get away from real world problems. Focuses you
on the characters problems, and away from your own petty problems. This is used
so that people can have a relief form everything and enjoy themselves. He also said
that people love them more than reality because people
The Book Thief, And The Book Thief By Lois Lowry
Christopher McCandless, American traveler, once said So many people live within
unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation
because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all
of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality, nothing is more
damaging to the adventurous spirit. This quote is far more universal than originally
thought to be. Throughout one s life, one will undoubtedly experience some form
of conformity. The driving factor for a majority of these moments is fear; fear of
not fitting in, or of not living up to society s expectations. The only thing that lets
one escape conformity is the memories one holds, the deeper emotions not often
revealed. This idea is supported by two books, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and
The Giverby Lois Lowry. The Book Thief revolves around a young German girl
named Liesel living in Nazi Germany with her papa, Hans Hubermann, and his wife,
Rosa. Throughout her papa s life, his beliefs have been forced upon him, but it s his
past memories that help him stay true to his beliefs. In The Giver, the main character,
Jonas, has been living in a strict utopian society where breaking the rules is frowned
upon, but it s past memories that help Jonas break free. While fear may cause people
to contravene their identity, memories are what keep people from conforming. Both
authors utilize character development, setting, and foreshadowing in their
Shirley Temple Personality
Shirley Temple s mother did Shirley s hair in exactly 56 curls for every movie.
Shirley was a young actress that is best known for her stardom in many films at a
young age I chose Shirley Temple Black for my admirable person because I have
always admired her for her outgoing personality. Shirley has always captured my
attention, she is best known for her stardom at a young age. She starred in over
forty one films, such as Little Princess and Kid in Africa . She was admirable
because she was responsible, loyal, and dependable.
The first reason Shirley Temple was an admirable person is, she was very
responsible. From 1969 1970, Shirley served as a Representative to the 24th General
Assembly of the United Nations ( Peters). The Representative ... Show more content
on ...
Shirley Temple thought of others more that herself. She did great amounts of
charity work and spoke on behalf of breast cancer and the Multiple Sclerosis
Foundation(Dolls). Her brother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, this was
when she started talking on behalf of the foundation. Shirley was diagnosed with
breast cancer in 1972 and she spoke to the public often to cheer up all the other
women who were going through tough times. She has made many lives better
because of her effort and time given to cheering up those who were less fortunate than
Ann Brashares The Sisterhood Of Traveling Pants
In the book, The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants, by Ann Brashares, the story
explains the importance of friendship and how friends will do anything for each
other. The song, One Call Away by Charlie Puth, is quite similar to the book in
which both discusses how anyone and everyone can depend on their friend, even if
the only way of connection and communication is writing letters. Specifically, after
Carmen discovered that her father was ready to get married with a different family,
she became heart broken, and her emotions dispersed into anger and sadness; this
caused her to leave to her mother back to Washington D.C. without saying goodbye.
Puth composed, Reaching out to you, so take a chance, No matter where you go, you
know you re
American Literature
American Literature through Time To find out more about a particular literature
time period, click on the links below: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· Puritan
Times Rationalism/Age of Enlightenment American Renaissance/Romanticism
Gothic Realism Naturalism Modernism Harlem Renaissance Postmodernism
Contemporary Puritan Times period of American Literature 1650 1750 Content:
п‚· п‚· п‚· errand into the wilderness be a city upon a hill Christian utopia Genre
/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· sermons, diaries personal narratives captivity narratives
jeremiads written in plain style Effect: п‚· п‚· instructive reinforces authority of the
Bible and church Historical Context: п‚· п‚· a person s fate is determined by God all
people are corrupt and must... Show more content on ...
Genre/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· short story, novel characters usually lower class or
lower middle class fictional world is commonplace and unheroic; everyday life is a
dull round of daily existence characters ultimately emerge to act heroically or
adventurously with acts of violence, passion, and/or bodily strength in a tragic
ending Effect: п‚· this type of literature continues to capture audiences in present
day: the pitting of man against nature Historical Context: п‚· writers reflect the
ideas of Darwin (survival of the fittest) and Karl Marx (how money and class
structure control a nation) Modernism period of American Literature 1900 1946
Content: п‚· п‚· п‚· dominant mood: alienation and disconnection people unable to
communicate effectively fear of eroding traditions and grief over loss of the past
Genre/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· highly experimental allusions in writing often refer to
classical Greek and Roman writings use of fragments, juxtaposition, interior
monologue, and stream of consciousness writers seeking to create a unique style
Effect: п‚· common readers are alienated by this literature Historical Context: п‚· п‚·
п‚· overwhelming
Mathematical Constants Are Useful For Programming Essay
Programmatically Computing Mathematical Constants
Many mathematical constants are useful for programming. For instance, if you need
to use the transcendental number pi, you need to calculate it somehow. I set out to
create a library of sorts to calculate as many mathematical constants as I could.
Explanation and Code
Alladi Grinstead constant
The Alladi Grinstead constant is defined as ec 1, where ck=21kln(kk 1). To do
summation (), one has to use a for loop with precision limiting behavior.
This code uses an interchanged summation using the Riemann zeta function (n), this
converges much faster than the technical definition above, which is essential to
optimizing the code.
The value of the Alladi Grinstead constant is:
ApГ©ry s constant
This is simply the value of the Riemann Zeta function at 3. So, (3).
The entire program uses an external library called Boost, which provides extended
precision (theoretically arbitrary precision) and inherent mathematical functions. The
line that begins with return is what returns the value to be used for further purposes.
The value of ApГ©ry s constant is:
Catalan s constant
Catalan s constant, like almost all other constants, can be defined in many ways. One
way is through the Dirichlet beta function (2), another
Marketing Pl River Island And Dorothy Perkins
As part of my secondary research, I have analysed four dresses which are either
from my client Topshop or direct competitors such as River Island and Dorothy
Perkins. This research will enable me to gain knowledge on what my TMG looks
for when buying special occasion dresses and what other companies do to make their
products stand out and be successful in such a big market. I will take this knowledge
into consideration when I design my dressand it will help me to incorporate features
which other companies use to sell their products.
I have decided to look at this dress from River Island as the store is a direct
competitor to Topshop. The shop is popular amongst 14 25 year old females but
their prices are a bit higher than what my client offers. This is shown throughout the
company and in their products. River Island sells a variety of special occasion dresses
so the store is one of the first places that my TMG would look at; by looking at
specific aspects of their garments, I will be able to understand what features make it a
successful company and how they make their clothing commercially viable. This
dress costs ВЈ75 which is reasonable for the high quality of the product. Most special
occasion dresses are with in the ВЈ50 ВЈ100 price bracket. The price ensures that the
garment is suitable for its TMG and it reflects the high quality of the dress. The
garment is made from 100% polyester which is a good material as it resists
The City Of Ladies By Christine De Pizan
Christine De Pizan s The City of Ladies is acknowledged as one of the earliest and
most impactful feminist texts. The character of Lady Reason relays numerous
rousing tales of significant, powerful female rulers with the intention of helping
Christine build the City of Ladies, a sanctuary for women in a world bound by the
laws of maledominance. Each story Lady Reason tells Christine attempts to
expunge the propagated lies men have insisted upon to maintain their patriarchy.
Lady Reason also states that the stories will serve as a foundation for the city
walls; it will be the city s base of protection. An argument can be made about how
the city s exclusivity and selective admittance of only worthy women insinuates that
Lady Reason s accepts of the sexist principals propagated by men. This assumption,
however, is incorrect, as it does not take into account the possibility that some
women are denied entrance into the city because of past deeds, such as committing
crimes of homicide and theft. The role of stories in The City of Ladies is essential to
the development and execution of the story, which brings to light modern day issues
with gendersocialization and inequality. Christine De Pizanutilizes herself as the
main character in the story, The City of Ladies. Not unlike the reality of her
situation, the character Christine is well read, and clearly an intellectual who values
the pursuit of knowledge. However, she faces a crisis of identity following a
Persuasive Essay On Vegetarianism
7.3 million people in the U.S alone, are vegetarians. Those people, of course, are
missing out on many amazing things such as: sausage, hamburgers, pork and
something no one can ever forget, bacon. Although, those 7.3 million people are
missing out of those tasty items, they may not exactly be doing themselves or the
environment a favor. Vegetarianismbegan because people did not want to kill or harm
animals in any possible way. Some thought it was inhumane how the animals where
kept, treated and killed for their meat. Society also thought it to be a healthier way of
living, and of course for the most obvious reason, it became a new trend and
everyone became a vegetarian because their friends and family where. Some religious
cultures also do not eat meat because it is against their religion, such as; Hindus,
Muslims, Buddhists, Jains and many other religious groups. As I said earlier, people
became vegetarians because they thought it was healthier, that may indeed not be
completely true. Vegetarianism should not be practiced in America because it lowers
nutrients, is more expensive, and harmful to the environment.
Previously I stated that being a vegetarian is not necessarily healthier. For those of
you who do not know what a vegetarian is, it is someone who does not eat meat,
fish, and some of the time no animal products. Completely cutting out meat will
lower your protein and can lower your iron. There are vitamins you can take to get
those needed ingredients in your
Climate Change In Mississauga, Canada
Climate change is a real issue that is currently impacting every single region of the
world. The world is a very large place with many different regions. Every region in
the world is experiencing unique effects of climate change but we are all
experiencing some form of it, nonetheless. The global average temperature has risen
0.74 degrees celius over the past 100 years (Climate). We all contribute to the effects
of climate changeand we are all responsible for helping reverse it. I live in
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Mississauga is Ontario s third largest city and
Canada s sixth largest city, which is unique for a suburban residential area. With a
population over 700,000 (and growing), Mississauga is a chief contributer to the
climate change... Show more content on ...
Missisauga and the Greater TorontoArea is littered with pollution, has poor air
quality, is over populated and contributes negatively to climate change more than
any other region in Canada. While there are many factors that add to a regions
contribution to climate change, I firmly believe that over population is the root of
factors. Over population and the urbanization of smaller regions will produce double
the greenhouse gases, pollution and contaminants of any other regions. While the
GTA and Ontario is doing what it can to provide incentives for residents and help
reverse the effects of climate change through mandated proposals, anything that is
done will only slow the effects, never will they reverse or stop what is to come.
Focus on ways to spread out the populations and conseve non renewable resources is
the only way to begin preventing further destruction to the
Don Giovanni The Sextet
Don Giovanni is an opera performed by Mozart where the main character Don
Giovanni murders a man, seduces women, and in the end receives his awaiting
fate. The sextet, which is when the remaining of the characters sing, takes place at
the finale of the opera. Everybody else runs onstage...and there is a quick lively
finale, where each character announces what he or she will do next find a new
master, join a convent, get married. That, they sing, is the end for those who do evil.
(Pg. 199). This finale was a major part of the Don Giovanniplay before directors
during the nineteenth century began to cut that performance out. The sextet served
as an epilogue for the audience. The audience is able to get a glimpse of what the
remaining characters life might look like... Show more content on ...
With this finale the audience does not leave the play feeling completely dismal as a
result of Don Giovanni s punishment. In addition, the message behind the opera is
still clear as it would have been without the sextet. But the seriousness of the
message is not conveyed as well at could be. The opera is supposed to have moments
of comedy and moments of seriousness, especially regarding the anticipated fate of
Don Giovanni. However, because of the sextet the significance of the intended
message could lose its meaning.
Since the nineteenth century decided to remove the sextet the finale of the opera
becomes more dramatic. The opera ends on the scene of Don Giovanni being
engulfed by the flames of hell without the sextet. The meaning, sinners are going to
be punished, is clear to the audience and is not taken lightly. The audience will most
likely remember the finale of the play more than anything else. Allowing the opera to
not only be remembered for its humor but its ability to blend a dramatic storyline
with hints of comedy. But the impression the opera leaves on its audience might be
APIs and Future Enterprise Information
APIs and Future of Enterprise Information
Algorithmic Revolution2
Stepping Back In Time Service Orientation4
From Transactions to Digital Relationships4
Moving Towards Connected, Composable Businesses6
Potential Solutions for Governance Issues6
Singularity SOA, APIs, and XaaS8
Conclusion Enterprise Transformation through XaaS10
Technology is embedded in almost every aspect of business today. Information
technology has now become a primary driver of market differentiation, business
growth, and profitability. This new Internet led the evolution of the ubiquitous Web
2.0 that is capable of integrating physical and virtual world entities. Web 2.0 was
characterized by specialized, publicly available data sources (e.g. mapping data,
weather information, etc.) accessible via light weight APIs (Application
Programming Interfaces) that can be used to create value added services in the form
of Mashups. The propagation of Web APIs has transformed the Web into a platform
for collaborative development and information sharing. The core of this story on the
services transformation is not about the scale of the services nor is it about the
revolution in digital technology. Rather, this story is about how the application of
rule based information technology tools to service activities is transforming the
services component of the economy and mutating the web to become a nimble,
dynamic programming platform.
Algorithmic Revolution
Emily Dickinson Poetry Analysis
Uplifting, longing, and passionate are all feelings that a reader will recognize when
he reads one of Emily Dickinson s poems. When talking about nature, Dickinson uses
emotional and exceptional diction to describe what she feels. In her poems, she uses
the theme of nature to give her poems a certain feeling that makes the reader never
forget about it. Although some critics think that her work expresses her fears,
actually Emily Dickinson expresses her unique love for naturethat gives her poems an
uplifting, longing, and passionate feel that make the reader want to experience the
Having the love for reading, Emily Dickinson has always found herself in the world
of a story, from her childhood to her deathbed. This love for reading... Show more
content on ...
Amherst was controlled by the church and college near the tiny town ( Emily ).
She lived in Amherst practically all of her life ( Dickinson ). Her home was full of
nature which later gave her inspiration, for it she loved it ( Emily ). Some of her
influences are: John Keats, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert and Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, Isaac Watts, and the biblical prophets ( Emily ). No matter where
Dickinson had grown up, she would still have a love for nature, but living in
Amherst made her who she is, and because it was filled with nature, it encouraged
her to let her love for nature blossom. Dickinson later died of Nephritis, a disease
which causes the kidneys to be inflamed, in Amherst on May 15, 1886 ( Emily ).
Although practically living in Amherst al of her life, Emily found inspiration and
would always find herself outside with a good book.
Always having a love for reading, Emily explains what happens to her whenever
she reads a book, in her poem A Book ; in fact, her poem talks about the nature of
someplace new, that only the reader of the book can see. A Book talks about taking
the reader on adventures to distant lands far away, especially in the line: There is
no frigate like a book (Dickinson, A Book l.1). This means that there is no better
way to travel than a book. It is said that it will take the reader on a ride, and as soon
as someone thinks of a ride, they think of a new adventure. Monro claims that
Persuasive Essay On Privacy
These days cyber attacks are one of the top crimes in the world. We all connected
online in some way. I have personally been a victim of a cyber hack when my bank
card was stolen and sold on the dark web. In a matter of minutes my card made
multiple purchases in several different states. This has made me more aware of my
digital footprint. Based on my own actions and the actions of the institutes I choose to
occupy. Cyber security and surveillance has become a constant challenge for any
person, company, institution and country. Even our own governmenthas taken
measures to protect the nation s information.
I strongly believe every person should monitor their personal information. Each
person should be aware of the websites and devices they are putting their
information on. If the websites and device are unsecure each person is responsible
for monitoring there accounts and personal information. But most people do not
do this. They will order items online without checking if the website or vendor is
secure. The other side of this is what if the website in secure and trust worthy. Can
it be vulnerable to a cyber attack? If a company that is popular and operates with a
secure website is hacked, does it matter where your information is? In the case of
Facebook, when you buy items online through a Facebook post, does the Facebook
privacy mode protect your data? Facebook is a prime example of a person images
being semi private and semi protected (Perez). Cyber security is a growing business
for the consumer and for major companies.
Even the government has made strong arrangements to protect the nation
infrastructure. Some Americans feel like their privacy is being violated when the
government makes arrangements to use surveillance to monitor crimes and cyber
activity. In a recent interview with The New York Times a retired teacher from
Rochester, N.Y. said I don t have a problem with cameras as long as they are
public, but wiretapping without a warrant goes too far (Landler, Sussman). If the
government is watching you physically or just your cyber movements most people
feel a litter violated. Others feel like it is necessary in today s economy. Cyber
criminals have grown from the early 2000 where they use
Minotaur Research Paper
The myth of the Minotaur comes from the Island of Crete. King Minos of Crete
was the son of Europa and Zeus, but King Asterion still raised Minos as his own
along with his two brothers. To become king after Asterion had passed, Minos
prayed to the God Poseidon to provide him with a spectacular white bull to sacrifice
to the god. Poseidon granted Mino s wish, showing the people, he was the rightful
ruler over his two brothers. Minoshowever, did not sacrifice the bull and chosen a
lesser one in its place. Poseidon became angry over Mino s disobedience. Mino s
wife, Pasiphae, was installed with lusting desire for the white bull by Poseidon as
revenge. With the help of Daedalusand Icarus, Pasiphae became pregnant by the
animal. The name of Minotaur
Benefits Of Attending A Community College
Students nowadays face many challenges when it comes to obtaining a college
education. We evaluate an institution s quality based on what we need the most. The
qualities sought out may vary by each person s personal point of view. However, as a
student, I ve found that most students seek for an institute that benefits them the
most. Attending a community collegehas been an enormous advantage towards my
education. I have been attending San Bernardino Valley College for the last two
semesters. I have come to respect their philosophies and values. The institution has
now been in business for 87 years. They venture to encourage both students and
faculty towards high standards of achievement and progress into exceptional
members of the society. They now offer a variety of degrees, transfer programs and
certificates for a wide range of students. San Bernardino Valley College has an
accomplished staff, student support services and technological tools that pave the
road towards the conquest of a quality education.
Benefits of attending a community college as opposed to a traditional university tend
to be overlooked by potential students. They are either unaware of its advantages or
do not fully understand how this type of education can benefit their cause. Year after
year large amounts of students choose to go straight from high school and in to four
year universities. The problem with this particular situations is that universities in
general tend to have 50 400 students in one
Common Type Of E. Coli
Most strains of E. coli are not pathogenic; however, some types of E. coli cause
infections and diseases. Although E. coli resides primarily in the intestinal tract,
pathogenic E.
coli strains can affect all parts of the human body. The bacteria is mainly spread
contaminated food and water; affecting the victim within 8 days of consuming the
organism. The
most common type of E. coli related illnesses is E. coli infection; its symptoms
abdominal cramps, fever and bloody diarrhea. The vast majority of E. coli related
illnesses do
not require medical attention and pass within a week, but severe infections such as
urinary tract
infections, bloodstream infections, respiratory illness, and hemolytic uremic ... Show
more content on ...
Shiga toxin
producing E. coli (STEC) are categorized into two main divisions, the E. coli
O157:H7 strain and
the other STEC strains. Non 0157 STECs are the main cause of hemolytic uremic
(HUS) among pathogenic E. coli strains; HUS causes kidney failure and can often
prove fatal.
Usually, E. coli related illnesses are produced by the STEC O157 strain, but other
common non
O157 STEC strains include O45, O121, and O1455 (Centers for Disease Control and
Pathogenic E. coli strains are most often transmitted through food; however, the
can also spread through person to person contact, water, and animal contact. E. coli
O157:H7 is
most often found in the gastrointestinal tracts of livestock, commonly cattle. Raw
meat is often
contaminated when the meat of an animal comes into contact with an infected animal
s intestinal
contents during slaughter and meat processing. Other foods that E. coli transmit from
raw milk, prepackaged cookie dough, and fresh greens such as bean sprouts, lettuce,
and green
onions. The spread of pathogenic E. coli is most prevalent in daycare centers in
nursing home,
with persons younger than 9 or older than 50 being more at risk to contract the
illness. Contact
with animals such as in farms, petting zoos, or county fairs is a prime source of E. coli
transmission; the bacteria from infected livestock contaminates any surrounding food
Socrates Impiety Analysis
Athenian citizens, I implore you to understand Socrates guilt within the matter of
impiety. Impiety is lacking respect for a god or gods. Actions or words that go
against the status quo of religious activity would certainly fall under the category of
impious behavior. This includes the unnamed divine voice within Socrateshead.
Those that accused him may not have done so for the right reasons, but it does
nothing to prove he is innocent of impiety. One relevant argument Socrates makes
quite well is the fact that those bringing charges against him clearly dislike his
character and actions. Socrates openly dissenting with political figureheads such as
Meletus and Anytus which spurred their disdain for him. He uses this as a ploy to
help his jury find him innocent. Though he is correct in asserting the charges against
him are brought because his enemies want to see him dealt with, he is not correct in
assuming they are inherently wrong in... Show more content on ...
Delphi s oracle conveyed to Chaerephon (who passed the words on to his brother)
that, ... no one was wiser [than Socrates] (Plato, The Apology, В§21a). Socrates
makes no mention of the oracle asking him to take action, though he launches his
own investigation. Though this is not enough to call Socrates impious, Socrates
then goes on to lie about the god asking him to take action. Socrates says that, ... in
my investigation in the service of the god I found that those who had the highest
reputation were nearly the most deficient, while those who were thought to be
inferior were more knowledgeable (Plato, The Apology, В§22a). This I would
argue is an impious action. Lying about what a god tells you to do, or in this case
not to do, is not a pious action. It goes against showing the respect a god deserves by
fabricating what the god wants from its subject because it fits what the subject
Athena In Homer s The Odyssey
In Homer s, The Odyssey, Athena emerges as a hero because of her continuous
guidance of Odysseus throughout his odyssey home. Not only did she plead to other
gods for their sympathy, ensuring Odysseus safe return home, but also changing
identities to help Odysseus make the right decision.
Athena, the greek goddess of Wisdom, the daughter of Zeus, the most powerful god
and of the Sky. She looked out for Odysseus throughout his journey home to Ithaca
from Troy. On his trip home, as told by fate, Odysseus lost all of his crew members
and barely made it home to his loyal wife, Penelope, who had been avoiding her
suitors who had infested her home for years now as they prayed for Odysseus to
never return home or for word of his death, and son, ... Show more content on ...
Odysseus s cunning thoughts that had allowed him to escape from the cyclops s
cave holding him and some of his crew members captive, but it was Odysseus s
egotistical self that revealed his true identity to Polyphemus as he sailed away and
resulted in almost drowning his ship and everyone aboard. After hardly escaping,
Polyphemus prayed to his father, Poseidon, the god of the seas, . . . hear me
Poseidon, god of the sea blue mane who rocks the earth! If I really am your son
and you claim to be my father come, grant that Odysseus, raider of cities, Laertes
son who makes his home in Ithaca, never reaches home. Or if he is fated to see his
people once again and reach his well built house and his own native country, let him
come home late and come a broken man all shipmates lost, alone in a stranger s ship
and let him find a world of pain at home! (Homer 228).
And Poseidon was already unquestionably set on getting revenge on Odysseus, but
now he had a new fire in his heart. Athena already had plead to gods in council to
assure Odysseus s life. (Homer 153) And saved him when he shipwrecked, per
Poseidon s storm, to Nausicaa s home (Homer 166). If Athena had not saved
Odysseus from the storm, he would ve died a broken
Character Analysis Of Blackie In The Destructors
Blackie s Character in The Destructors In the story, The Destructors, Blackie changes
from being the dominant protagonist character to being the somewhat antagonistic
character in the story. Considering the three criteria that are necessary for developing
a convincing character, Blackie is a very compelling character throughout The
Destructors that helps with his development into a very credible character throughout
the story. The criteria necessary for developing a convincing character that Blackie
follows closely are that the character must be consistent with the individual s
characterization as dramatized in the story, the character must be sufficiently
motivated by the circumstances in which the character is placed, and the story must
offer sufficient time for a change to take place and still be believable. A change in the
protagonistas the result of some crucial situation in his or her life leaves an impact on
the story. A character must be consistent with the individual s characterization as
dramatized, or portrayed, in the story. Blackie is the founder of the Wormsley
Common gang. The gang meets every morning at an impromptu car park, the site of
the last bomb of the first blitz during World War II. Blackie claimed to have heard
the bomb fall, and no one was precise enough in his dates to point out that he would
have been one year old and fast asleep on the down platform of the Wormsley
Common Underground
Miazga 2
Station. Not being questioned by the gang shows Blackie s control and leadership in
the group. The gang acquired a new recruit named Trevor who has been in the
gang since the beginning of the holidays, and there were possibilities about his
ominous silence that everyone recognized. He never wasted a word even to tell
his name until that was required of him by the rules. When he said his name was
Trevor it was a statement of fact, not as it would have been with the others a
statement of shame or defiance (Greene 111). Trevor was called T. by the gang
because otherwise they had no excuse not to laugh. Blackie is a just leader who has
the heart to keep his group intact and together, and he will do whatever it takes to
keep that vision. Blackie has responsibilities
Little Pine Tree Essay
Manuscript for : 696832 Anjelena Cook
Pen name: Anjelena Ellett
Title: Little Pine Tree s Awakening
Little Pine Tree was about three feet tall with bright green needles on all his
branches. His favorite color was red. He always wore a thick, red scarf around the
trunk of his tree. He was a curious little tree. He noticed the many different colors of
the world.
(Insert image 1: Little Pine Tree with red scarf standing all alone)
He loved the bright blue sky, the fluffy white snow, the yellow sun, and the brown
bark of the trees. But most of all, he loved the colors of all the ornaments that the old
pine trees wore. They were so beautiful.
Some glittered and shimmered.
Some lit up like glowing lights.
And some just made him feel all happy and tingly inside when he looked at them.
(Insert image 2: Three Pine Trees standing together)
One ... Show more content on ...
He was so tall and thin. Mister, stated Little Pine Tree as loud as he could, Come
here please. As Tall Pine Tree approached, Little Pine Tree noticed he had some
great ornaments of his own. Do you have a question for me that I can help you learn
something? I am trying to grow my own ornaments? asked Little Pine Tree.
Tall Pine Tree looked down and replied, Ornaments come over time. As you grow
and learn valuable life experiences you will begin to grow your own ornaments, and
each one will be special to you. You cannot force them to grow. Relax and enjoy
being young. Begin to appreciate and be thankful for any ornament you grow. Think
about how good you feel every time you grow a new one. And remember with more
ornaments comes more weight on your branches.
(Insert Image 7: Tall pine tree looking down at little pine tree)
Weight? What was he talking about? The ornaments could not be heavy could they?
They are too beautiful for such a thing. He had to go talk to Grand Pine Tree again.
Off he ran to find Grand Pine Tree who was still planted in the
Red Cloud s Revenge Essay
Red Cloud s Revenge
Red Cloud s Revenge is a historical novel about the grim recollection of detailed
events and days/months before the showdown between the US Cavalry Sioux
Indians on the northern plains of 1867. Fetterman, Brown Grummond rode out
ahead of seventy eight soldiers that day on December 21st 1866. In hopes of driving
out some Sioux Indians and bring some scalps home. Many soldiers guard was down
when Fetterman s entire force disappeared over Trail Lodge Ridge. None of them
were ever seen alive again.
Seven months after the tragic bloodshed of the Fetterman Massacre by a band of
Lakota; Sargent Seamus Donegan was stationed near Fort Phil Kearney recovering
from the horror and bloodbath in which he participated. ... Show more content on ...
Gunfire had erupted in a scuffle between Lakota forces and US Cavalry troops.
Soon both forts under siege as well as camps nestled along the route from the
advancing Indians. Red Cloud and Crazy Horse were determined their warriors to
crush the white settlers to returning their land and departing forever.
Using an ancient tactic of warfare, the Sioux waited until troops thought the
fighting had halted. Setting up decoys and the strategy plans, Red Cloud was
ready to see the white man s blood fall on the plains. When US Calvary men began
to advance outside their fort range in search of a plea or peace treaty. Red Cloud
gave the order for Crazy Horse to commence a raid. White men were butchered like
cattle on the battlefield where they lay. A Lakota named Roman Nose took the
command from Crazy Horse to burn down the wagons and dead. Cleanse this land of
the white man s stain. Purify this land once again, no white men may leave here alive
or in ashes.
In the end, the Wagon Box Flight took many men to their deaths and renewed the
terror of the Lakota. Captain Samuel Marr was returned to Fort C.F. Smith after
being shot in the leg by friendly fire. Private Thompson was knocked out cold in the
field and left for scalping in the blazing firefight. He survived the close encounter
and didn t remember what happened or where he was for a few days. While battered
and wrecked, Sargent Seamus
Donegan traveled with Captain
An Analysis Of Gennifer Choldenko s Al Capone Does My
Gennifer Choldenko s Al Capone Does My Shirts is the story of Moose Flanagan
adjusting to his new home, Alcatraz Island. This story is during the 1930 s, the time
when Alcatraz was host to some of the most notorious criminals in history, such as Al
Capone. Although there are may strict rules prohibiting the children from coming in
contact with any of the prisoners, Moose meets and befriends many other children on
the island, including Piper. Piper is the warden s daughter, yet she devises many
crazy schemes to make money and entertain herself. Many of her schemes involve
breaking the rules, and many fail. When mooses only friend wants a con baseball, he
spends hours searching through the brush trying to find one. In this time, he finds, his
Latino Culture, Culture And Culture In The Latino
The Latino community is not just a group of people with the same heritage, but a
family who works together to give others a better life and success. Being a Latina
in such a world where minorities do not have as many opportunities as the
privileged majority is very difficult. Especially in these times where minorities aren
t able to have a say in their government and are attacked for their heritage. However,
standing together as a community against oppression can be just as powerful as a
united whole. It is our responsibility to bring a voice to the people of our community
and join together.
Making friends in the Latino(a) community is the best part. Helping each other with
problems within our understanding about the minority issues we all face as a whole
and individually is emotionally and physically draining. It is great to know others
feel the same way you do and want to make just as much as a difference, in
representing ourselves with pride as the latino(a) community. Many of us gathered to
form a class in our school designed to educate about the culture, history, and origins
of the Mexican American, Latino(a), hispanic, Mexican, chicano(a), and however
other minorities identify themselves as. Many have joined hoping to learn about the
civilizations, societies, traditions, cultures, and heritage this course has to offer to
enlighten their minds of the Latino(a) community.
My heritage has shaped my life completely, had it not been for the hispanic culture,
my mind would
Sherlock Holmes Personality
While the reasons for Sherlock Holmes popularity in the nineteenth century and the
beginning of the twentieth are comprehensible enough in the light of the
abovementioned facts, the explanation for Sherlock`s continuing success requires a
more detailed analysis. Many characters that were popular at the time of their
creation are forgotten today; at the same time some images developed hundreds of
years ago are still famous and have become iconic in modern culture. Such characters
as Batman, Robin Hood, Harry Potter, Hobbits, and definitely Sherlock Holmesare the
obvious examples of such phenomena of popularity.
According to the plot created by Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes worked as a
detective for 23 years, living in Victorian London on Baker... Show more content on ...
With the development of psychological and psychiatric fields, where statistics show
that practically every fifth person suffers from depression, and every second
sufferer needs the help of a psychotherapist, the topic of mental disorders is very
popular and in some way even fashionable nowadays. Many researchers and
Sherlock s fans started searching for mental problems in the detective`s personality
which can explain his eccentric behavior. The possible symptoms vary from
Asperger s Syndrome and autism to Bi polar disorder and schizophrenia (Kalogjera
Sackellares 96 98). The question whether Sherlock really had psychological
problems or Conan Doyle just wanted to make his character more multi faceted
concerns a lot of Holmes`s
The Life of Henry Knox
The life of Henry Knox
Early Life
Henry Knox was born on July 25, 1750 in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the
seventh of ten children to William Knox and Mary Knox. In 1759 William Knox a
migrant captain died at the age of fifty after suffering financial difficulties. Three
years after the death of his father and at the age of twelve, Henry Knox was forced to
leave the Boston Latin Grammar school and went to work to support his family.
He was hired as a apprentice to a bookseller were he mastered the trade and opened
his own shop, The London Book Store at the age of 21. Henry was an enthusiastic
reader and spend his time reading about military topics focusing on artillery.
In 1770 Knox was involved in the Sons of ... Show more content on
The guns and mortars were then transferred by ox drawn sleds across Massachusetts.
This process took them fifty six days to complete this journey in the bitter winter
weather. When they arrived in Boston, Washington place the guns on top of
Dorchester Heights which commanded the city and harbor. Rather than face
bombardment, the British evacuated the city on March 17, 1776 .After the victory at
Boston, Knox was sent to Rhode Island and Connecticut to supervise the construction
of fortifications.
After the return of the Continental army, Knox became Washington s chief of artillery.
That fall
Knox was present during the American defeat around New York , Knox retreated
across New
Jersey in December with what was left of the army. Knox was made overseer of the
army s crossing of the Delaware river during the attack on Trenton. With the
assistance of Colonel John
Glover, Knox successfully completed the crossing on time. After his success Knox
was promoted to Brigadier General. During the winter break, Knox returned to
Massachusetts with a plan to improve weapons production. He traveled to
Springfield armory and became a key producer of American weapons for almost
two centuries. In the winter at Valley Forge, Knox helped in securing supplies and
assisted Baron von Steuben in drilling the troops. For the next two years, Knox was
sent north to secure supplies for army and in 1780 served on the court martial of
British spy Major John Andre.
Bus615 Midterm Essay
True / False Questions (2 points each/20 points total) 1. Top managers use social
intelligence to define the future of the business, analyzing markets, industries and
economies to determine the strategic direction the company must follow to remain
2. A variable is a business intelligence characteristic that stands for a value that cannot
change over time.
3. Business process management systems evaluate and improve processes that include
both person to person workflow and system to system communications.
4. BPM systems include advanced features such as enhanced process modeling,
simulation, execution, and monitoring, providing a high level of flexibility while
reducing costs.
5. ... Show more content on ...
Calculating, locking, and firewalls
C. Content prohibiting, and cookies
D. None of the above
Fill in the Blank Questions (2 points each/20 points total)
21. Michael Porter identified pressures that can hurt potential sales. Knowledgeable
customers can force __________ prices by pitting rivals against each other.
22. The Porter s Five Forces Model analyzes the competitive forces within the
environment in which a company operates to assess the potential for __________ in
an industry.
_________ profitability _______________________________
23. Executive information systems are starting to take advantage of _____________
intelligence to support strategic decision making, by stimulating human thinking and
_______________ artificial _________________________
24. A shopping ______ bot _________ is software that will search several retailer
websites and provide a comparison of each retailer s offerings including price and
25. The main challenge to ebusiness is the lack of growth in some sectors due to
product or service _________.
26. One of the main challenges that ___________ face is ensuring consumer
protection, guarding them against unsolicited goods and invasion of privacy.
_________________ ebusiness _______________________
27. The
Importance Of Gift Giving In Beowulf
Beowulf is an Old English epic which tells a story of a Geatish Warrior, Beowulf,
who comes to help Hrothgar, King of the Danes, and his people from two monsters,
Grendel and his mother. Beowulf s battle against Grendel was fought unarmored in
Heorot, a mead hall. He tore off Grendel s arm leaving him fatally wounded. Beowulf
s battle against Grendel s vengeful mother was fought in her underwater lair, in
which he slayed her with a giant sword. Beowulf returns to Geatland with an
abundance of treasure, later becoming King of the Geats. He rules for a peaceful
50 years until he is forced to fight a dragon. With the help of Wiglaf, a servant, they
kill the dragon leaving Beowulf wounded. He soon dies and is buried by sea with
treasure. The central idea is loyalty is above all virtues. To interpret Beowulf, one
must understand gift giving in Anglo Saxon culture, the theme of a good king, and
Beowulf as a character. To read Beowulf, the readers need to understand the
importance of gift giving during the Anglo Saxon time period. Treasures such as
gold and rings were gifted to warriors as a reward and honor of their success. For
example, the day after Beowulf fought Grendel, Halfdane s son presented Beowulf
with a gold standard as a victory gift, an embroidered banner; also breast mail and a
helmet; and a sword carried high, that was both precious object and token of honor
(lines 1019 1023). Beowulf was gifted with treasures, some with valuable meaning, as
an exchange of
Positioning and Differentation
Positioning and Differentiation Paper
For Referencing Only Do Not Copy
Positioning and Differentiation Paper The positioning and differentiation strategies
of two nearby hospitals, St. Francis Hospital located in Roslyn, New York and the
Schneider Children s Hospital in New Hyde Park, New York will be discussed in
this article. These two institutions are located in Long Island, New York and are
approximately 5.2 miles apart from each other, servicing the nearby counties of
Queens, Nassau and Suffolk. These renowned facilities are recognized for their
specialty services throughout New York as well as the United States. The intent of
this article is to examine the positioning and differentiation marketing strategies of
these ... Show more content on ...
Special services are provided for Lyme disease, the deaf, food allergies, immunology,
human genetics, cardiac surgery, emergency and trauma. The facility proclaims to be
a destination hospital for children across the United States and around the world
(Schneider Children s Hospital, n.d., para. 1). SCH is the only hospital located on
Long Island dedicated to the care of children. It has prided itself on being named
one of America s best children s hospitals for two years in a row by the U.S. News
and World Report (Best Children s Hospitals: General Pediatrics, 2009). These
rankings are based on good community standing, patient outcomes and care related
issues as patient volume, nursing care, advanced technology and recognition by
outside organizations. The hospital has several consultation centers throughout Long
Island and New York Cityto offer specialized healthcare to children right in their
own community. The Centers provide specialized services for a broad range of
medical conditions such as heart disease, neurological disorders, cancer, Lyme
disease, growth deficiencies, and other childhood illnesses. The main marketing
strategy to attract it target audience is through a community newsletter, its
participation in community events and sponsorships, a pediatric mobile unit for the
uninsured, television, radio and newspaper advertisements. The institution asserts that
it provides the only pediatric emergency
The Demon Haunted World And Silent Spring
In the books The Demon Haunted World and Silent Spring, the authors write about
large issues facing the public in the time period. Rachel Carson faces the issue of pest
control in the middle of the twentieth century. Insecticides are used in excess,
permeate the environment, and it is commonly accepted that they have no ill
consequences. Carson compiled the research of many scientists and showed, despite
fierce opposition, that insecticides pose a high risk of destroying the environment and
are harmful to humans. Carl Saganwrites about his concerns about the path society is
taking away from scientific thinking into superstition and pseudoscience. He debunks
popular thoughts about UFO s, hallucinations, dogmatic con men, and anti science...
Show more content on ...
Carl Sagan s book The Demon Haunted World covers why people think the way they
do about paranormal claims, UFO s, and pseudoscience. Sagan demonstrates that the
pattern of thinking uncritically is not limited to fringe claims, but is practiced
throughout society to its detriment. Carl Sagan argues that it is critical that people
change their habits But if we don t practice these tough habits of thought, we cannot
hope to solve the truly serious problems that face us and we risk becoming a nation
of suckers, up for grabs by the next charlatan who comes along (Sagan 38). Peter
Barton Hutt and Gregory Frantz argue that corporations have abused the critical
faculties of Americans to promote a lifestyle of consumption and conformity to social
spending: In other words, the same human propensity for uncritical thought and
conformity that has historically been exploited by religions and governments is today
being capitalized upon by corporations to promote consumerism (Hutt 83). Their
position is reinforced by Sagan writing, throughout the book, that it is often profitable
to those who provide the beliefs for others and it is in their best interests to
discourage individual thoughts. Silent Spring is a detailed analysis of the damages
caused by pesticides to the environment. Rachel Carson explains that through the
blind, unquestioning consumer culture, companies have sold deadly poisons with
unapparent warning as a catch all cure for any
Cas Vromans Research Paper
The Houses of Parliament, Cas Vromans
The Palace of Westminster is the meeting spot of the House of Commons and the
House of Lords, the two homes of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Generally
known as the Houses of Parliament after its inhabitants, it is otherwise called the
heart of British legislative issues . The Palace lies on the north bank of the River
Thames in the City of Westminster, in focal London.
The principal illustrious castle was based on the site in the eleventh century, and
Westminster was the main living place of the Kings of England until flame decimated
a great part of the complex in 1512. After that, it served as the home of the Parliament
of England, which had been meeting there since the thirteenth century, furthermore as
the seat of the Royal Courts of Justice, situated in and around Westminster Hall. In
1834, a considerably more noteworthy fire desolated the vigorously remade Houses
of Parliament, and the main huge medieval structures to survive were Westminster
Hall, the Cloisters of St Stephen s, the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft, and the Jewel
Its name, which gets from the neighboring Westminster Abbey, may allude to both of
two structures: the Old Palace, a medieval building complex obliterated by flame in
1834, and its substitution, the New Palace that ... Show more content on ...
The Elizabeth Tower, specifically, which is regularly alluded to by the name of its
fundamental ringer, Big Ben, is a famous point of interest of London and the United
Kingdom when all is said in done, a standout amongst the most prominent vacation
destinations in the city, and an image of parliamentary majority rule government.
The Palace of Westminster has been a Grade I recorded working since 1970 and part
of an UNESCO World Heritage Site since
To The Virgins By Robert Herrick
The poem, To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time, dramatizes the importance of
living your youth to the fullest before you become elderly. The speaker as
expressed by Robert Herrick, describes getting older as horrible and sad. The poet
sends a message to all virgins in their youth to get married and make use of their
youth before they lose it forever. The speaker most likely is in his older years and
misses his younger days and regrets not living life more when he was younger and
more able. This poem dramatizes the conflict between youth and old age. The poet
illustrates that we are getting older from the day we are born and must not waste it
away, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying (Lines 3 4).
The speaker clearly
Research Paper On Violence Among African American
Violence among African American Males in Schools
Senior Seminar
Breon Hall
North Carolina A T State University
March 26, 2017
Adolescent Black males throughout the years have been subject and victim to
numerous economic, socioeconomic, and environmental disadvantages. In many
inner city neighborhoods, these disadvantages have led to an increase in violence
among these adolescent African Americanmales, especially in the educational
system. Violence among African American males in schools is something that
increases tremendously each year; a 2010 study in Education Week showed that over
70% of the students involved in school related arrests or referred to law enforcement
were African American students. This can be explained... Show more content on ...
For example, in Orange Country Florida, where black students only make up 27%
of the public school s population, black students represent over 50% of the
students getting suspended (Lynch, 2016). This can be the effect of
discrimination in the school system as young black males are already viewed as
trouble makers. This alone can also create violence in black males because they
recognize the unfair treatment which leads to resentment and anger. This soon
manifests into even bigger problems within the self. Exposure to aggressive
experiences, in school and outside school, can profoundly affect mental health,
including adjustment at school, (Basch, 2011). Also found in this article, a recent
study showed more than 42,000 11 17 year old s that were affected by school
violence were associated with having experienced internalizing behaviors such as
depression, anxiety, sadness and more. Depression, anxiety, sadness are all ways
for a child to cause aggression behavior because that s the only way they know to
express themselves. This all stems back to the environment in which these young
African American males are subjected to (Farrell et al, 2010) as well as their place
in society and how they are viewed. If all they see and experience is negativity in
their communities, homes and schools, it is what
Female Dominance In The Wife Of Bath s Tale
The role of women in society, and the power in which women have, has always
been a controversial and changing subject. The Wife of Bath s Tale speaks greatly
about female dominance during this point and time. Chaucer uses a strong Christian
viewpoint while telling the story of the Wife. He uses an explanation considering
how the apostle Paul speaks about how God put man in the position to serve as a
guide for women, not to command them. Men may counsel a womanto be single, but
/ counseling is not commanding; he left it to our own judgment (Chaucer 68). This is
saying that it is our judgment as to what is right or wrong. Through this example and
many others, Chaucer speaks about the Wifes strong personality and opinions on the
role of women in society.... Show more content on ...
The Wife shows her authority through her radical experiences. She comments that
since she was 12 years old, she has had 5 husbands. I have had five husbands at the
church door (Chaucer 5). She justifies herself that although Jesus Christ attended a
wedding ceremony once, which was at the Cana of Galilee, he did not specify the
number of husbands that a woman should have. According to her, it would also be
true that Jesus did not mention the number of wives that a man should have. She
even goes ahead and uses the case of King Solomon to extend her justification. She
states that King Solomon had many wives and was a great man in the Bible.
According to the Wife, it is acceptable to have several partners, if at all God
allowed King Solomon to prosper having all the women he had. She argues that the
rule of marriage is to procreate and fill the earth, as God commanded Adam and Eve
in the Garden of Eden. I do not find it sensible or acceptable that the more sexual
partners a person has, the more children that are
Character Analysis Of Hialmar Hedvig
This play Wild duck by Henrick Ibsen revolves around hialmar ekdal and how his life
specficly comes to a halt in act 4 and spins down the drain. The basic character
traits hialmar posses is that thinks of himself as he has integrity. He also feels that
he is the sole provider for his family consisting of his daughter (Hedvig), his beloved
wife (Gina) and his father (old Ekdal).
Hialmar Ekdal is also known for being melodramatic as he leaves the house after
finding out about the affair between his wife and Mr. Hakon Werle. He also found
his sanity by being around the garret where the wild duck resided while seeking
inspiration for his invention so his father can redeem his lost status or respect.
Gregers wrongly contemplating that he would be helping Hialmar, shares the bitter
truth he had uncovered about his father and Gina leaving Hialmar in a spiral of chaos
which he left the house to collect his thoughts.
Gina being the partial source of income of the household because of her illegitimate
past relationship with Mr. Werle(being the source). Hialmar s views about her went
from a perfect wife to a source of supplement for the household via Mr. Werle.
Hedvig is the most naive character in ... Show more content on ...
Later on Mr Relling underscores the presence of their daughter Hedvig and
emphasizes whatever happens between Hialmar and Gina must not in any way
affect Hedvig , they must protect the child. Hedvig is portrayed as an object of
pity and as the name of the play suggests she is like a wild duck who has been shot.
Later on after the arrival of Mrs Sorby and the tension grows further when Hialmar
learns that Hedvig is not his daughter and being morose and dejected he left the
scene walking out of the house and little hedvig crying for her as her father has
Relationship Between Gsas And School Level Characteristics
1. Identify all of the basic research questions and null hypotheses.A basic research
question is: There is a relationship between GSAs and school level characteristics.
The null hypothesis is: There is no relationship between GSAs and school level
Another basic research question is: There is a relationship between schools in each
state with GSAs and state level characteristics.
The null hypothesis is: There is no relationship between schools in each state with
GSAs and state level characteristics. 2. Identify all of the major dependent and
independent variables and the level of measurement for each variableThe dependent
variable for the first research question is the presence or absence of GSAs (Fetner
Kush, ... Show more content on ...
The mean number of overall schools with GSAs is 6.6 percent of the schools
studied (Fetner Kush, 2008). The range of Schools with Gay Straight Alliances by
Region is 14.5 percent (West) to 2.3% (South) with an overall range difference of
12.2% (Fetner Kush, 2008). The percentage range of schools Gay Straight Alliances
ranges from a high of 11.6% (Urban) to a low of 2.0% (Rural) with an overall range
difference of 9.6% (Fetner Kush, 2008).
4. Identify all of the figures and tables (if any) and briefly explain what each
convey/report. Table 1: Gay Straight Alliances by Urban/Rural Setting: The report
convoys percentages where GSA are located whether in Rural 2.0%, Town 2.3%,
Suburban 12.1% and Urban at 11.6% (Fetner Kush, 2008). Schools in more
populated areas are more likely to adapted rural areas (Fetner Kush, 2008).
Table 2: Gay Straight Alliance by Region:
The report conveys percentages of regions of South 2.3%, Midwest 3.8%, East
11.4%, and West 14.5% (Fetner Kush, 2008). The report indicates that there are more
GSAs in the West, and East to that of South and Midwest (Fetner Kush, 2008).
Table 3: Logistic Regression Analysis:
The report conveys shows a positive relationship between urban/rural settings, free or
reduced lunches and regions of the country with GSAs (Fetner Kush, 2008). Regions
from South to West will
Columbine High School Shooting Analysis
In April 20, 1999, was when the Columbine High School Massacre occurred in
Littleton, Colorado. Michael Moore leads us to the events that lead up to the massacre.
At the beginning of the video, Michael Moore showed us that if you opened up an
account at this particular bank, you would get a gun. One of the lady s that worked
there said that they have over 500 firearms in their vault at the bank. It was crazy
that a bank would do that, and give away guns if they signed up for an account there.
As long as their background check came back clear, they were able to take that gun
home with them.
As I was watching the events unfold the day of the shooting at the High School, it was
very heartbreaking to see the footage they got from the cameras that were ... Show
more content on ...
Even though I was not there, it made it real by watching what happened that day
inside the school and what these children went through. It was hard to hear the
people on the phone who were there that day, but it was even harder to see the two
shooters on that film. The two gunmen killed 12 students and one teacher and
wounded many others. Then, the two boys turned the gun on themselves. After the
shooting was done and over with, it was sad to see the victims talk about what
they saw and heard. Students were getting shot right beside them, and they had to
watch that student die. One girl said that she had to watch a black boy die because
he was black. There was racism going on in this massacre because they killed a
student because he was black. This footage was unbearable to watch because of all
the violence that was going on. So many families who lost a loved one will forever
remember this sad day where they lost their child because of two students getting
revenge on bullies. Now, many people are blaming the NRA for allowing children to
get their hands on guns. They said that the boys got their guns from gun shows, etc.
Because of all the violent acts that have
Allegory and Metaphor in the Legend of Bagger Vance for...
The film The Legend of Bagger Vance, based on the novel of the same name by
Steven Pressfield, is a movie that transports the philosophical Hindu text, the
Bhagavad Gita, from a celebrated battlefield, approximately during the 4th century
BCE, in India to a fictional southern golf course in Savannah, Georgia during the
Great Depression. The predominant theme of dharma (or duty) is a major point that
both these works focus on. The Legend of Bagger Vance is told from the point of
view of Harvey Greaves, an old man reminiscing about a legendary golftournament
that was held in Savannah during his youth. The story begins with Greaves as an old
man having his fifth heart attack while he is on a golf course. He goes onto explain his
... Show more content on ...
Adele and a townsman chastise Bagger about his caddy skills, to which Bagger
replies that Junuh is not his own self entirely and implies that he is trying to help
Junuh realize who he is and overcome adversity. Junuh continues to play badly, but
during an intermission he does lecture the young Hardy (whose father is forced to
sweep streets after losing his store during the depression) for being embarrassed of
his father s profession. Junuh speaks of duty and character, saying that Hardy s
father overcame adversity and that Hardy should be proud. Hardy then explains
that his love for the game of golf is due to the fact that it is fun, hard, solitary, and
incorporates morality. When Junuh returns to the field, Bagger says that it is time
for Junuh to see the field . There is only one shot that is in perfect harmony with
the field ... [one] authentic shot...there s a perfect shot out there trying to find each
and every one of us. All we got to do is get ourselves out of its way, to let it choose
us....everything that is becomes one. You ve got to seek that place with your soul,
says Bagger. Junuh starts to play extraordinarily well after this revelation by
Bagger. Junuh s success, however, goes to his head and he gets cocky four holes
before the end of playing for the day, and subsequently ignores Bagger s advice to
play safely, attempting to make a dubious play. After this incident, Junuh s playing is
once again disappointing and
The Impact Of Media On New Media
With the globalization of the temporary world,people have been stepped into
electronic information age.The ways and channels of information propagation are
totally different.Several years ago,people received information and news through
paper based media,like newspapers,magazines and books.Owing to the appearance of
mobile phones and IPADs,people can look through news easily and
conveniently,paper based medianeed to innovate and reform.This assignment will
present the status quo of paper based media,it will explain the combination of new
media and paper based media,the significance of paper based media innovation.
McLuhan Marshall said that media are the basic motivation of social development
and a symbol of different social formation,every new media are created and applied
that announce people step into a new generation. Due to the development of new
media,paper media are facing unprecedented challenges that sponsors,circulation and
readers decrease,less profit and effect.However,there are some advantages than new
media do not have.Firstly,trust values are essential for releasing news.In new media
age,all kinds of information are full of the Internet that rumors are emerged in
endless.Even though readers see this kind of information,they are afraid to believe
and find evidence from paper based media.Paper based media always regard
reliability as principle so that the majority of people choose to trust them.Secondly,the
originality is necessary.Paper based media have
Love In A Midsummer Night s Dream Essay
In William Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream, the concept of love is
explored as a foolish and quite silly thing, with exaggeration and imagery used to
display the ridiculousness of the whole thing. It makes good use of reversed
Shakespearean love quadrangles, interchangeable love interests, faerie magic, and
metaphors for the blindness of loveto weave a wonderful satire of the silliest of mortal
We start by observing the dynamic between Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia, and Helena
. At the start of the play, both Lysander and Demetrius are in love with Hermia.
Hermia is in love with Lysander, and Helena, oft forgotten, is in love with Demetrius.
After some faerie trickery and love magic, however, both men are suddenly in love
with ... Show more content on ...
Many a student reading this play complain of not being able to tell the two women
apart. Their names are quite similar, and there is little to distinguish one from the
other in character as well. In the beginning, and in the end, the love quadrangle is
nearly identical, differing only by three letters.
Thus, the entire affair is absurd and pointless and therein lies the comedy. Next, let
us talk about the affair between Bottom and Titania. Titania is the Queen of the
Faeries, a most important figure, and the partner of the Faerie King Oberon.
Oberon is jealous of a particular Indian boy of Titania s, but she won t just give
him up. So he sends Puck out to drug Titania with love potion, so when she awakes
she ll fall in love with the first thing she sees, no matter how horrid. Then, Puck goes
a wandering, and finds an enterprising young thespian, with the unfortunate name of
Bottom, and wryly decides to give him the head of a donkey. The pun is not lost on
many readers. When Titania awakes, she sees a monstrous creature, a human man
with the head of an ass...and falls deeply in love with him. Methinks I was
enamoured of an ass ,
Effective Cervical Jm Dosage Is A Common Condition,...
Neck pain is a common condition, ranking as the fourth most burdensome disease
worldwide. Evidence suggests that rates of recurrence and chronicity are high
(Borghouts et al., 1998; Hoving et al., 2001), which results in considerable
functional and economic implications (Vos et al., 2012). Joint mobilization (JM) is
widely acknowledged as an effective intervention (Childs et al., 2008). However, a
Cochrane review indicated that the most effective cervical JM dosage has yet to
be determined (Gross et al., 2010). Multiple studies have established a sympatho
excitatory effect resulting from cervical JM (McGuiness et al., 1997; Vicenzino et
al., 1998; La Touche et al., 2013). On the contrary, Yung et al. (2014) developed a
distinctive dose using anterior to posterior pressures (AP) of the cervical spine that
resulted in a reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and heart rate (HR),
suggesting a sympatho inhibitory effect. Therefore, it is indeterminate whether
cervical JM results in sympatho excitatory or sympatho inhibitory effect if the dosage
(Yung et al., 2015) is different from the traditional 3 sets of continuous 30 90 second
Maitland s (Maitland et al., 2005) unilateral posterior to anterior glide (PA) is an
entry level form of JM commonly used by physiotherapists worldwide; and it appears
to be more efficacious for pain relief and outcomes in patients with unilateral neck
pain compared to other JM techniques such as transverse pressures and
Preview of Iidfc
Acknowledgments It is necessary to know the relevance between theoretical and
practical knowledge. So a student can only claim himself as a student of true
knowledge by virtue of preparing such kind of internship report. It is time to thank
all who helped me to complete this project successfully. First of all, I offer my
heartfelt gratitude and thanks to Almighty Allah who has given me the learning
power in the earth. Shibli Noman Khan, School of Business, Independent University
Bangladesh, is my academic supervisor. I am grateful to him for the flexibility in the
work scope he provided me. His encouragement and advice worked as a foundation
stone for this report. I convey my gratitude for his time and continuous support. Mr.
Uzzal Kumar... Show more content on ...
To conduct the operational activities prudently and provide the profits and growth
which will assure IIDFC s ultimate success. To ensure the sharing and caring inner
world of IIDFC. To keep the professionalism in recruiting the officials and others.
To keep full respect on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). IIDFC believes its
cent percent successful achieved by its valued employees. 1.4 Objective of
IIFDC: The objective of IIDFC is to promote and finance investments in
infrastructure and I ndustrial sector. 1.5 IIDFC at present: IIDFC has stepped into
its tenth years of consecutive commercial operation in April 2010. So far it has
been able to achieve creditable success in the past years. IIDFC has built a
reputation for being an excellent provider of financial services. The development
of such kind of reputation has been possible not just because IIDFC only provides
excellent financial services but also the clients after sales service in the form of
quality advisory services and comprehensive financial packages. Only within a span
of mere six years the company has been able to register a substantial growth because
of its attitude to develop a long term professional relationship with the clients and
nourish them. Presently, IIDFC is working with an efficient and active management
team. The management team is headed by the Managing Director of the company,.
The major activities of IIDFC are divided in into three
A Master s Degree Of Counseling Psychology
approximately the same time to complete. (Long Island University) For some
students their goal may be to achieve a master s degree in counseling psychology to
increase their acceptance to a Ph.D, or Phs.D program. (Capella University) Other
students may choose to enter the workforce with a master s in Counseling Psychology
. The licensing process varies from state to state, but most graduates will expect to
prove how they have met educational requirements, ability to practice, completion of
fieldwork, and examination. (Capella University) Capella University has a master s
degree in counseling psychologythat is offered online. The requirements for possible
program admittance are a prior bachelor s degree from a school that has been
accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. (Capella University) Also required
are the transcripts of the bachelor s degree and a minimum grade point average of
2.3 on a 4.0 scale. (Capella University) Earning the master s degree in counseling
psychology is a good building block for those who wish to peruse the Ph.D or Psy.D
after completion. Capella offers students the opportunity to study counseling theory,
diagnostics, research methods, testing, assessment, and interventional methods for
group and individuals. (Capella University) The program requires completion of
online coursework, residency, and in the field training. (Capella University) The
average student will complete Capella s master s degree in counseling psychology s
The Natural Disasters
Tsunami is not just a single giant wave, it may even consist of ten or more waves
which is then termed as: Tsunami Wave Train . Tsunami possesses kinetic energy and
a mass of water which can cause devastation through kineticism and flooding. There
is an international tsunami warning system and certain regional tsunamiwarning
systems are also in placed.
Pakistan is shielded to a greater extent from the Tsunami of the Pacific Ocean and
Bay of Bengal due to the Indian land mass, however, Tsunamis accruing in the Indian
Ocean do effect us. In 1935 a Tsunami struck the Pakistan coast killing nearly 4000
Cyclone is basically a low atmospheric pressure region surrounded by high
atmospheric pressure due to which there are powerful winds accompanied by rain.
These are normally found in the tropical and temperate regions of the world.
Cyclones are also known as Typhoons, Hurricanes and Tornadoes. Cyclones are
normally found in the sea and finish off in the sea, however, certain cyclones intrude
inland and cause death and destruction.
Pakistan has been lucky that Cyclones in this part of the world are not very
frequent. This may have in part to do with the makeup of the Arabian Sea. However,
Cyclones which have occurred in the past did cause considerable damage to the
coastal areas affecting the livelihood of the people living on the coast.
Flood is a state in which water level rises above normal along river banks and the
coastal areas. They cause land
Which Stakeholders Can Currently Be Considered to Be
which stakeholders can currently be considered to be part of the the company for the
purpose of the director s duty to act in the best interests of the corporation?
Company is a form of corporation and regulated by the Corporations Act. The legal
significance of being as a company is it exists as a separate legal entity and
dependent upon human beings to make decisions on their behalf. The person who
makes or participates in making decisions that affect the whole or a substantial part
of the company s business can be defined as a director. The legal definition of
director is stated under section 9 of the Corporations Act[1] which indicates that, it is
more appropriate to look at the function of the people rather than at the job title ...
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Firstly, a company is a separate legal entity[5]. Therefore, the debt of the company
is separated from its directors and shareholders. In addition, the money borrowed
will be recorded under the name of the company and the creditor will sue the
company if there is any unpaid account. However, creditor is playing an important
role in providing funds to assist company to manage its cashflow and expansions.
Hence, it can be said that creditor is the stakeholder and can effect the action of the
business. Nevertheless, according to the passage Re New World Alliance Pty Ltd
(1994) 122 ALR 531 at 550,[6] there is not direct duty owed by the director and
officer to the creditors because their duties are owed to the company. However, in
the situation when the directors of company consider a high risk project or it is in a
financial distress, the creditor has to occupy a weakness position. This is because, if
the project fails, shareholder will lose nothing but the money they have invested due
to the limited liability then the risk of filature will shift to the creditor. Hence, it
seems unfair for creditor who has not fiduciary protection and whose right is limited
by the contract. On the other hands,
Air Raid On Pearl Harbor
telegram read when it was sent out to the US Naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii on
December 7, 1941. The attack on Pearl Harbor led to the involvement of the
Americans in World War II. The telegram was sent by a Lt. Cmdr. Logan Ramsey
from Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941 (Rothman, 2015). When this red piece of paper
was delivered, it had included a message that said AIRRAID ON PEARL
HARBOR X THIS IS NO DRILL . This message was classified as urgent in the
bottom left corner of the telegram and was addressed to ALL US NAVY SHIPS
PRESENT HAWAIIN AREA . The reason of the attack on Pearl Harbor was due to
the reduction of negotiations regarding trading with the US and Japan. The US
began to restrict trade with the Empire and the only result was Japan s refusal to
cooperate (Pearl Harbor, 2016). After the tension began to rise, Japan decided that
the best way gain an advantage in the trading industry would be to deliver a blow
to the biggest threat, the US Naval fleet. Although Japan was intent on performing
a surprise attack, the Americans had also gained an advantage by discovering that
Japan had ordered the attack by using a decoding device to decipher Japan s radio
transmissions (Pearl Harbor, 2016). Even though the US was able to make last
minute preparations, it proved to not be of much help due to the bloodshed caused
by the clustered Japanese airstrikes. At the end of the day, over 2,403 Americans were
Differences Between Football And Sports
Football is a sport that is highly regarded all around the globe. The sport has
immense popularity where the UEFA Champions League final attracts an estimated
of 350 million viewers each year]. Football has had great success globally where
there is an estimated of 250 million Football players worldwide]. Despite the sport s
tremendous influence and popularity, various countries have found it difficult to
integrate Football as a regularly played sport, and two notable countries are the
United Statesand Ireland. Both the United States and Ireland have had similarities,
with similarities ranging from both countries sense of differentiation from that of
Britain, and differences such as their overall attempts to be involved with the sport,...
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Similarly, Ireland had the same situation with the sport of Football. After being
conquered by the British empire in the 16th century, Ireland developed resentment
towards the British because of the mistreatment and the dominance Britain tried to
impose over Ireland. Regardless of the sensation of nationalism in Ireland, British
culture was heavily influential, but one man realized that Ireland needed a cultural
revitalization. In 1984, Michael Cusack, founder of the Gaelic Athletic Association,
sent a letter between him and Archbishop T.W. Croke which was published in both
The Nation and The Freeman s Journal. In the letter, Cusack asked Croke if he was
willing to become a patron of the GAA; willingly, Croke supported the association.
Croke makes importance of why Ireland should disband from British culture as he
explains we had better once, and publicly, adjure our nationality, clap hands for joy
at the sight of the Union Jack, and place England s bloody red exultingly above the
green. ] Croke highlights that if Ireland continue in the same direction, Ireland is
submitting to the British and their culture. If this is case, then Ireland should
completely disregard their culture and exchange their flag for Britain s Union Jack.
He believes that
The Story Of The 12 Spies
The story of the 12 spies seems to be a story of doubtfulness. Everyone has a sense
of doubt because we are human beings. Life is full of obstacles that you must get
over. All obstacles are able to be conquered, however our most mighty warrior is
God. He must learn to not doubt his ability to bring us through the many storms he
places before us. He uses these storms to test our faithfulness in Him.
In this part of the book of Numbers, the spies are sent to look into the land that had
been promised to His people. The part that stood out was the two different stories
that came back and how the ten spies had no faith in the ability of God s promise.
Time after time, God proved to the people of Israel that nothing could defeat them if
they just believed in His word and be faithful to His will. The Lord promised
Abraham that his people would be a mighty nation, Abraham believed and was one of
God s most faithful servants.
God used Moses to bring the people out from under the enslavement of Pharaoh. He
brought them through the Red Sea, however the people still doubted that God was
powerful enough to bring them to their own inheritance that waited for them.
The people of Israel, just like people of today, were impatient. Everyone wants
instant gratification. In my workplace, we have new employees that have worked
there less than six months and feel they are entitled to the same things as the
employees that have put in work for ten years and over.
I feel this was one of the

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Narrative Essay Guidelines.pdf

  • 1. Narrative Essay Guidelines Crafting an essay on the subject of "Narrative Essay Guidelines" poses a unique set of challenges. Firstly, the task demands a deep understanding of narrative elements, as well as the ability to seamlessly weave a compelling story. The writer must not only adhere to conventional essay structures but also skillfully employ literary techniques to captivate the reader's attention. The difficulty intensifies when considering the need for a strong, engaging narrative arc. Establishing a coherent storyline, developing well-rounded characters, and maintaining a logical sequence of events require not only creativity but also meticulous planning. Striking the right balance between description and action is crucial, as excessive detail may overshadow the plot, while insufficient elaboration may leave the audience disconnected. Moreover, conveying a personal experience within the confines of essay guidelines adds an additional layer of complexity. Striking the right emotional tone, ensuring authenticity, and sharing insights that resonate with readers are pivotal aspects. The narrative must not only serve as a vessel for personal expression but also as a universal story that can resonate with a broader audience. Incorporating the guidelines for a narrative essay necessitates a delicate interplay of creativity and structure. The writer must navigate the fine line between self-expression and adherence to formal conventions. Achieving this balance while delivering a captivating narrative that adheres to the guidelines demands a high level of skill and finesse. In conclusion, composing an essay on "Narrative Essay Guidelines" is a challenging task that requires a blend of literary prowess, adherence to structural guidelines, and the ability to convey personal experiences with universal appeal. It is a task that demands a writer's utmost dedication and skill to produce a narrative that is not only engaging but also adheres to the prescribed guidelines. For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, consider exploring the services available at Their expert writers can provide support in crafting well- structured and engaging narratives, ensuring that your essay meets the required guidelines. Narrative Essay Guidelines Narrative Essay Guidelines
  • 2. Analysis Of The Film The Flies By F. Scott Fitzgerald Artistically speaking, this film is beautiful. There was a lot of thought put into every detail from the actors to the camera shots. The film seems to flow in beautiful manner from one scene to the next. One piece of art in the film is the use of symbols. Each symbol is delicately placed in order to make sense to any viewers that can pick up on them. One symbol is Nick s obsession with his Peace Lily. It represents his obsession with the job. It is the only other thing he cares for because its needs are simple and by the books. When he breaks it, it is supposed to symbolize his change of heart; that somebody has taken the place of the lily. Another symbol in the filmis the number 3. There are 3 murders that take place before people believe Nicholas. There are 3 people Nick tries to talk to in order to get out of being sent to Sanford. Many lines are repeated 3 times over. This could be in reference to fairytales always using the number 3, since this plot seems far fetched like a fairytale. However, it could also be in reference to the trilogy of films that Wright and Pegg made together. Then, there is the swan symbol. Swans typically symbolize grace, beauty, and peace. In the film, though, the swans symbolize an overbearing distraction. Nicholas is constantly surrounded by them in the hotel he stays at, which is rightly called The Swan Hotel . He is also charged with the task of catching an escaped swan. This causes him to miss many chances to catch the perpetrators of
  • 3. PICO Research Paper Tap water vs. Saline Introduction Proper cleansing is perhaps the key component for acute and chronic wound management. Cleansing methods differ among health care providers and institutions, and many times is based on an individual s experience and preference. Many cleansing solutions exist today. In this research, the author focused on the use of tap water versus sterile cleansing solutions such as Normal Saline and sterile water. Many cleansing solutions are safe and have been proven to provide effective results, whereas others may damage the tissue, destroy cells, increase infection rates and delay the healing process. Normal saline is regarded as the most appropriate and preferred cleansing solution by health care providers because it is ... Show more content on ... Article #2 Water is Safe and Effective. A level 3 research study. Reference Weiss, E. (2012). Water is a safe and effective alternative to sterile normal saline for wound irrigation prior to suturing: a prospective, double blind, randomized, and controlled clinical trial. British Medical Journal. /e001504.full DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen 2012 001504. This was a single centre, prospective, randomized, double blind controlled trial. The wound solution type was computer randomized and allocation was done on a sequential basis. The patients were older than 1 year of age, who presented to the emergency room with a soft tissue laceration requiring repair. The primary outcome measure was the difference in wound infection rates between the two randomized groups. During the 18 month study period, 663 consecutive patients were enrolled, but only 631 were used for the study. From the 631, 318 were randomized into the Tap Water (TW) group and 313 into the Sterile Saline (SS). There were a total of 20 infections (6.4%) in the SS group compared to 11 infections (3.5%) in the TW group. Indicating that there is no difference in infection rate of wounds irrigated with either TW or SS solution, with clinical trends towards fewer wound infections in the TW group, making it easy to conclude that tap water is a safe and cost effective alternative to
  • 4. For this assignment I read the book reviews Limits of... For this assignment I read the book reviews Limits of Endurance Defiant, by Alvin Townley; He Accused An Officer and a Spy, by Robert Harris; Breaking In The Burglary, by Betty Medsger. For the book review Limits of Endurance Defiant, by Alvin Townley the reviewer seem to have thought fondly of this book while writing majority positive things about this novel. The reviewHe Accused which went over the novel An Officer and a Spy, by Robert Harris seemed to be majority mixed to the point where there are good and bad things through out this review. Lastly the review Breaking In that went over The Burglary, by Betty Medsger seemed to have had a positive review. After reviewing the three professional reviews I could tell that the ... Show more content on ... The reviews liked several different things that were in the book. Some of the things in the book Book Thief were Liesel reading to the neighbors sitting terrified in a basement waiting for the bombs to fall around them, A snowball fight in a basement, and Mama arriving at school to yell at Liesel. Some of the events in this book have made many people love this book. People love have this book because of the hope, the advancement of characters, and the complexity of the read. For the book The Maze Runner (Maze Runner Series #1) the reviews are mostly negative. People that read this book have negative reviews because they compare it to stories that they really love but this story have none of those aspects. ktpetals felt that the plot was not developed fully and it had holes through out the story. The characters seemed to be flat and I made it seem like they were not real in any way. According to my uncle he reads to learn and get away from real world problems. Focuses you on the characters problems, and away from your own petty problems. This is used so that people can have a relief form everything and enjoy themselves. He also said that people love them more than reality because people
  • 5. The Book Thief, And The Book Thief By Lois Lowry Christopher McCandless, American traveler, once said So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality, nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit. This quote is far more universal than originally thought to be. Throughout one s life, one will undoubtedly experience some form of conformity. The driving factor for a majority of these moments is fear; fear of not fitting in, or of not living up to society s expectations. The only thing that lets one escape conformity is the memories one holds, the deeper emotions not often revealed. This idea is supported by two books, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and The Giverby Lois Lowry. The Book Thief revolves around a young German girl named Liesel living in Nazi Germany with her papa, Hans Hubermann, and his wife, Rosa. Throughout her papa s life, his beliefs have been forced upon him, but it s his past memories that help him stay true to his beliefs. In The Giver, the main character, Jonas, has been living in a strict utopian society where breaking the rules is frowned upon, but it s past memories that help Jonas break free. While fear may cause people to contravene their identity, memories are what keep people from conforming. Both authors utilize character development, setting, and foreshadowing in their
  • 6. Shirley Temple Personality Shirley Temple s mother did Shirley s hair in exactly 56 curls for every movie. Shirley was a young actress that is best known for her stardom in many films at a young age I chose Shirley Temple Black for my admirable person because I have always admired her for her outgoing personality. Shirley has always captured my attention, she is best known for her stardom at a young age. She starred in over forty one films, such as Little Princess and Kid in Africa . She was admirable because she was responsible, loyal, and dependable. The first reason Shirley Temple was an admirable person is, she was very responsible. From 1969 1970, Shirley served as a Representative to the 24th General Assembly of the United Nations ( Peters). The Representative ... Show more content on ... Shirley Temple thought of others more that herself. She did great amounts of charity work and spoke on behalf of breast cancer and the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation(Dolls). Her brother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, this was when she started talking on behalf of the foundation. Shirley was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1972 and she spoke to the public often to cheer up all the other women who were going through tough times. She has made many lives better because of her effort and time given to cheering up those who were less fortunate than
  • 7. Ann Brashares The Sisterhood Of Traveling Pants In the book, The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants, by Ann Brashares, the story explains the importance of friendship and how friends will do anything for each other. The song, One Call Away by Charlie Puth, is quite similar to the book in which both discusses how anyone and everyone can depend on their friend, even if the only way of connection and communication is writing letters. Specifically, after Carmen discovered that her father was ready to get married with a different family, she became heart broken, and her emotions dispersed into anger and sadness; this caused her to leave to her mother back to Washington D.C. without saying goodbye. Puth composed, Reaching out to you, so take a chance, No matter where you go, you know you re
  • 8. American Literature American Literature through Time To find out more about a particular literature time period, click on the links below: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· Puritan Times Rationalism/Age of Enlightenment American Renaissance/Romanticism Gothic Realism Naturalism Modernism Harlem Renaissance Postmodernism Contemporary Puritan Times period of American Literature 1650 1750 Content: п‚· п‚· п‚· errand into the wilderness be a city upon a hill Christian utopia Genre /Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· sermons, diaries personal narratives captivity narratives jeremiads written in plain style Effect: п‚· п‚· instructive reinforces authority of the Bible and church Historical Context: п‚· п‚· a person s fate is determined by God all people are corrupt and must... Show more content on ... Genre/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· short story, novel characters usually lower class or lower middle class fictional world is commonplace and unheroic; everyday life is a dull round of daily existence characters ultimately emerge to act heroically or adventurously with acts of violence, passion, and/or bodily strength in a tragic ending Effect: п‚· this type of literature continues to capture audiences in present day: the pitting of man against nature Historical Context: п‚· writers reflect the ideas of Darwin (survival of the fittest) and Karl Marx (how money and class structure control a nation) Modernism period of American Literature 1900 1946 Content: п‚· п‚· п‚· dominant mood: alienation and disconnection people unable to communicate effectively fear of eroding traditions and grief over loss of the past Genre/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· highly experimental allusions in writing often refer to classical Greek and Roman writings use of fragments, juxtaposition, interior monologue, and stream of consciousness writers seeking to create a unique style Effect: п‚· common readers are alienated by this literature Historical Context: п‚· п‚· п‚· overwhelming
  • 9. Mathematical Constants Are Useful For Programming Essay Programmatically Computing Mathematical Constants Many mathematical constants are useful for programming. For instance, if you need to use the transcendental number pi, you need to calculate it somehow. I set out to create a library of sorts to calculate as many mathematical constants as I could. Constant Explanation and Code Alladi Grinstead constant The Alladi Grinstead constant is defined as ec 1, where ck=21kln(kk 1). To do summation (), one has to use a for loop with precision limiting behavior. This code uses an interchanged summation using the Riemann zeta function (n), this converges much faster than the technical definition above, which is essential to optimizing the code. The value of the Alladi Grinstead constant is: 0.809394020540639130717931880594091317215953992425000304242028715042999012516 ApГ©ry s constant This is simply the value of the Riemann Zeta function at 3. So, (3). The entire program uses an external library called Boost, which provides extended precision (theoretically arbitrary precision) and inherent mathematical functions. The line that begins with return is what returns the value to be used for further purposes. The value of ApГ©ry s constant is: 1.202056903159594285399738161511449990764986292340498881792271555341838205786 Catalan s constant Catalan s constant, like almost all other constants, can be defined in many ways. One way is through the Dirichlet beta function (2), another
  • 10. Marketing Pl River Island And Dorothy Perkins As part of my secondary research, I have analysed four dresses which are either from my client Topshop or direct competitors such as River Island and Dorothy Perkins. This research will enable me to gain knowledge on what my TMG looks for when buying special occasion dresses and what other companies do to make their products stand out and be successful in such a big market. I will take this knowledge into consideration when I design my dressand it will help me to incorporate features which other companies use to sell their products. RIVER ISLAND: PINK EMBELLISHED MAXI DRESS I have decided to look at this dress from River Island as the store is a direct competitor to Topshop. The shop is popular amongst 14 25 year old females but their prices are a bit higher than what my client offers. This is shown throughout the company and in their products. River Island sells a variety of special occasion dresses so the store is one of the first places that my TMG would look at; by looking at specific aspects of their garments, I will be able to understand what features make it a successful company and how they make their clothing commercially viable. This dress costs ВЈ75 which is reasonable for the high quality of the product. Most special occasion dresses are with in the ВЈ50 ВЈ100 price bracket. The price ensures that the garment is suitable for its TMG and it reflects the high quality of the dress. The garment is made from 100% polyester which is a good material as it resists
  • 11. The City Of Ladies By Christine De Pizan Christine De Pizan s The City of Ladies is acknowledged as one of the earliest and most impactful feminist texts. The character of Lady Reason relays numerous rousing tales of significant, powerful female rulers with the intention of helping Christine build the City of Ladies, a sanctuary for women in a world bound by the laws of maledominance. Each story Lady Reason tells Christine attempts to expunge the propagated lies men have insisted upon to maintain their patriarchy. Lady Reason also states that the stories will serve as a foundation for the city walls; it will be the city s base of protection. An argument can be made about how the city s exclusivity and selective admittance of only worthy women insinuates that Lady Reason s accepts of the sexist principals propagated by men. This assumption, however, is incorrect, as it does not take into account the possibility that some women are denied entrance into the city because of past deeds, such as committing crimes of homicide and theft. The role of stories in The City of Ladies is essential to the development and execution of the story, which brings to light modern day issues with gendersocialization and inequality. Christine De Pizanutilizes herself as the main character in the story, The City of Ladies. Not unlike the reality of her situation, the character Christine is well read, and clearly an intellectual who values the pursuit of knowledge. However, she faces a crisis of identity following a revelation
  • 12. Persuasive Essay On Vegetarianism 7.3 million people in the U.S alone, are vegetarians. Those people, of course, are missing out on many amazing things such as: sausage, hamburgers, pork and something no one can ever forget, bacon. Although, those 7.3 million people are missing out of those tasty items, they may not exactly be doing themselves or the environment a favor. Vegetarianismbegan because people did not want to kill or harm animals in any possible way. Some thought it was inhumane how the animals where kept, treated and killed for their meat. Society also thought it to be a healthier way of living, and of course for the most obvious reason, it became a new trend and everyone became a vegetarian because their friends and family where. Some religious cultures also do not eat meat because it is against their religion, such as; Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Jains and many other religious groups. As I said earlier, people became vegetarians because they thought it was healthier, that may indeed not be completely true. Vegetarianism should not be practiced in America because it lowers nutrients, is more expensive, and harmful to the environment. Previously I stated that being a vegetarian is not necessarily healthier. For those of you who do not know what a vegetarian is, it is someone who does not eat meat, fish, and some of the time no animal products. Completely cutting out meat will lower your protein and can lower your iron. There are vitamins you can take to get those needed ingredients in your
  • 13. Climate Change In Mississauga, Canada Climate change is a real issue that is currently impacting every single region of the world. The world is a very large place with many different regions. Every region in the world is experiencing unique effects of climate change but we are all experiencing some form of it, nonetheless. The global average temperature has risen 0.74 degrees celius over the past 100 years (Climate). We all contribute to the effects of climate changeand we are all responsible for helping reverse it. I live in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Mississauga is Ontario s third largest city and Canada s sixth largest city, which is unique for a suburban residential area. With a population over 700,000 (and growing), Mississauga is a chief contributer to the climate change... Show more content on ... Missisauga and the Greater TorontoArea is littered with pollution, has poor air quality, is over populated and contributes negatively to climate change more than any other region in Canada. While there are many factors that add to a regions contribution to climate change, I firmly believe that over population is the root of factors. Over population and the urbanization of smaller regions will produce double the greenhouse gases, pollution and contaminants of any other regions. While the GTA and Ontario is doing what it can to provide incentives for residents and help reverse the effects of climate change through mandated proposals, anything that is done will only slow the effects, never will they reverse or stop what is to come. Focus on ways to spread out the populations and conseve non renewable resources is the only way to begin preventing further destruction to the
  • 14. Don Giovanni The Sextet Don Giovanni is an opera performed by Mozart where the main character Don Giovanni murders a man, seduces women, and in the end receives his awaiting fate. The sextet, which is when the remaining of the characters sing, takes place at the finale of the opera. Everybody else runs onstage...and there is a quick lively finale, where each character announces what he or she will do next find a new master, join a convent, get married. That, they sing, is the end for those who do evil. (Pg. 199). This finale was a major part of the Don Giovanniplay before directors during the nineteenth century began to cut that performance out. The sextet served as an epilogue for the audience. The audience is able to get a glimpse of what the remaining characters life might look like... Show more content on ... With this finale the audience does not leave the play feeling completely dismal as a result of Don Giovanni s punishment. In addition, the message behind the opera is still clear as it would have been without the sextet. But the seriousness of the message is not conveyed as well at could be. The opera is supposed to have moments of comedy and moments of seriousness, especially regarding the anticipated fate of Don Giovanni. However, because of the sextet the significance of the intended message could lose its meaning. Since the nineteenth century decided to remove the sextet the finale of the opera becomes more dramatic. The opera ends on the scene of Don Giovanni being engulfed by the flames of hell without the sextet. The meaning, sinners are going to be punished, is clear to the audience and is not taken lightly. The audience will most likely remember the finale of the play more than anything else. Allowing the opera to not only be remembered for its humor but its ability to blend a dramatic storyline with hints of comedy. But the impression the opera leaves on its audience might be too
  • 15. APIs and Future Enterprise Information APIs and Future of Enterprise Information Introduction2 Algorithmic Revolution2 Stepping Back In Time Service Orientation4 From Transactions to Digital Relationships4 Moving Towards Connected, Composable Businesses6 Potential Solutions for Governance Issues6 Singularity SOA, APIs, and XaaS8 Conclusion Enterprise Transformation through XaaS10 References11 Introduction Technology is embedded in almost every aspect of business today. Information technology has now become a primary driver of market differentiation, business growth, and profitability. This new Internet led the evolution of the ubiquitous Web 2.0 that is capable of integrating physical and virtual world entities. Web 2.0 was characterized by specialized, publicly available data sources (e.g. mapping data, weather information, etc.) accessible via light weight APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that can be used to create value added services in the form of Mashups. The propagation of Web APIs has transformed the Web into a platform for collaborative development and information sharing. The core of this story on the services transformation is not about the scale of the services nor is it about the revolution in digital technology. Rather, this story is about how the application of rule based information technology tools to service activities is transforming the services component of the economy and mutating the web to become a nimble, dynamic programming platform. Algorithmic Revolution
  • 16. Emily Dickinson Poetry Analysis Uplifting, longing, and passionate are all feelings that a reader will recognize when he reads one of Emily Dickinson s poems. When talking about nature, Dickinson uses emotional and exceptional diction to describe what she feels. In her poems, she uses the theme of nature to give her poems a certain feeling that makes the reader never forget about it. Although some critics think that her work expresses her fears, actually Emily Dickinson expresses her unique love for naturethat gives her poems an uplifting, longing, and passionate feel that make the reader want to experience the same. Having the love for reading, Emily Dickinson has always found herself in the world of a story, from her childhood to her deathbed. This love for reading... Show more content on ... Amherst was controlled by the church and college near the tiny town ( Emily ). She lived in Amherst practically all of her life ( Dickinson ). Her home was full of nature which later gave her inspiration, for it she loved it ( Emily ). Some of her influences are: John Keats, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Isaac Watts, and the biblical prophets ( Emily ). No matter where Dickinson had grown up, she would still have a love for nature, but living in Amherst made her who she is, and because it was filled with nature, it encouraged her to let her love for nature blossom. Dickinson later died of Nephritis, a disease which causes the kidneys to be inflamed, in Amherst on May 15, 1886 ( Emily ). Although practically living in Amherst al of her life, Emily found inspiration and would always find herself outside with a good book. Always having a love for reading, Emily explains what happens to her whenever she reads a book, in her poem A Book ; in fact, her poem talks about the nature of someplace new, that only the reader of the book can see. A Book talks about taking the reader on adventures to distant lands far away, especially in the line: There is no frigate like a book (Dickinson, A Book l.1). This means that there is no better way to travel than a book. It is said that it will take the reader on a ride, and as soon as someone thinks of a ride, they think of a new adventure. Monro claims that
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Privacy These days cyber attacks are one of the top crimes in the world. We all connected online in some way. I have personally been a victim of a cyber hack when my bank card was stolen and sold on the dark web. In a matter of minutes my card made multiple purchases in several different states. This has made me more aware of my digital footprint. Based on my own actions and the actions of the institutes I choose to occupy. Cyber security and surveillance has become a constant challenge for any person, company, institution and country. Even our own governmenthas taken measures to protect the nation s information. I strongly believe every person should monitor their personal information. Each person should be aware of the websites and devices they are putting their information on. If the websites and device are unsecure each person is responsible for monitoring there accounts and personal information. But most people do not do this. They will order items online without checking if the website or vendor is secure. The other side of this is what if the website in secure and trust worthy. Can it be vulnerable to a cyber attack? If a company that is popular and operates with a secure website is hacked, does it matter where your information is? In the case of Facebook, when you buy items online through a Facebook post, does the Facebook privacy mode protect your data? Facebook is a prime example of a person images being semi private and semi protected (Perez). Cyber security is a growing business for the consumer and for major companies. Even the government has made strong arrangements to protect the nation infrastructure. Some Americans feel like their privacy is being violated when the government makes arrangements to use surveillance to monitor crimes and cyber activity. In a recent interview with The New York Times a retired teacher from Rochester, N.Y. said I don t have a problem with cameras as long as they are public, but wiretapping without a warrant goes too far (Landler, Sussman). If the government is watching you physically or just your cyber movements most people feel a litter violated. Others feel like it is necessary in today s economy. Cyber criminals have grown from the early 2000 where they use
  • 18. Minotaur Research Paper The myth of the Minotaur comes from the Island of Crete. King Minos of Crete was the son of Europa and Zeus, but King Asterion still raised Minos as his own along with his two brothers. To become king after Asterion had passed, Minos prayed to the God Poseidon to provide him with a spectacular white bull to sacrifice to the god. Poseidon granted Mino s wish, showing the people, he was the rightful ruler over his two brothers. Minoshowever, did not sacrifice the bull and chosen a lesser one in its place. Poseidon became angry over Mino s disobedience. Mino s wife, Pasiphae, was installed with lusting desire for the white bull by Poseidon as revenge. With the help of Daedalusand Icarus, Pasiphae became pregnant by the animal. The name of Minotaur
  • 19. Benefits Of Attending A Community College Students nowadays face many challenges when it comes to obtaining a college education. We evaluate an institution s quality based on what we need the most. The qualities sought out may vary by each person s personal point of view. However, as a student, I ve found that most students seek for an institute that benefits them the most. Attending a community collegehas been an enormous advantage towards my education. I have been attending San Bernardino Valley College for the last two semesters. I have come to respect their philosophies and values. The institution has now been in business for 87 years. They venture to encourage both students and faculty towards high standards of achievement and progress into exceptional members of the society. They now offer a variety of degrees, transfer programs and certificates for a wide range of students. San Bernardino Valley College has an accomplished staff, student support services and technological tools that pave the road towards the conquest of a quality education. Benefits of attending a community college as opposed to a traditional university tend to be overlooked by potential students. They are either unaware of its advantages or do not fully understand how this type of education can benefit their cause. Year after year large amounts of students choose to go straight from high school and in to four year universities. The problem with this particular situations is that universities in general tend to have 50 400 students in one
  • 20. Common Type Of E. Coli Most strains of E. coli are not pathogenic; however, some types of E. coli cause painful infections and diseases. Although E. coli resides primarily in the intestinal tract, pathogenic E. coli strains can affect all parts of the human body. The bacteria is mainly spread through contaminated food and water; affecting the victim within 8 days of consuming the organism. The most common type of E. coli related illnesses is E. coli infection; its symptoms include abdominal cramps, fever and bloody diarrhea. The vast majority of E. coli related illnesses do not require medical attention and pass within a week, but severe infections such as urinary tract infections, bloodstream infections, respiratory illness, and hemolytic uremic ... Show more content on ... Shiga toxin producing E. coli (STEC) are categorized into two main divisions, the E. coli O157:H7 strain and the other STEC strains. Non 0157 STECs are the main cause of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) among pathogenic E. coli strains; HUS causes kidney failure and can often prove fatal. Usually, E. coli related illnesses are produced by the STEC O157 strain, but other common non O157 STEC strains include O45, O121, and O1455 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Pathogenic E. coli strains are most often transmitted through food; however, the bacteria can also spread through person to person contact, water, and animal contact. E. coli
  • 21. O157:H7 is most often found in the gastrointestinal tracts of livestock, commonly cattle. Raw meat is often contaminated when the meat of an animal comes into contact with an infected animal s intestinal contents during slaughter and meat processing. Other foods that E. coli transmit from include raw milk, prepackaged cookie dough, and fresh greens such as bean sprouts, lettuce, and green onions. The spread of pathogenic E. coli is most prevalent in daycare centers in nursing home, with persons younger than 9 or older than 50 being more at risk to contract the illness. Contact with animals such as in farms, petting zoos, or county fairs is a prime source of E. coli transmission; the bacteria from infected livestock contaminates any surrounding food
  • 22. Socrates Impiety Analysis Athenian citizens, I implore you to understand Socrates guilt within the matter of impiety. Impiety is lacking respect for a god or gods. Actions or words that go against the status quo of religious activity would certainly fall under the category of impious behavior. This includes the unnamed divine voice within Socrateshead. Those that accused him may not have done so for the right reasons, but it does nothing to prove he is innocent of impiety. One relevant argument Socrates makes quite well is the fact that those bringing charges against him clearly dislike his character and actions. Socrates openly dissenting with political figureheads such as Meletus and Anytus which spurred their disdain for him. He uses this as a ploy to help his jury find him innocent. Though he is correct in asserting the charges against him are brought because his enemies want to see him dealt with, he is not correct in assuming they are inherently wrong in... Show more content on ... Delphi s oracle conveyed to Chaerephon (who passed the words on to his brother) that, ... no one was wiser [than Socrates] (Plato, The Apology, В§21a). Socrates makes no mention of the oracle asking him to take action, though he launches his own investigation. Though this is not enough to call Socrates impious, Socrates then goes on to lie about the god asking him to take action. Socrates says that, ... in my investigation in the service of the god I found that those who had the highest reputation were nearly the most deficient, while those who were thought to be inferior were more knowledgeable (Plato, The Apology, В§22a). This I would argue is an impious action. Lying about what a god tells you to do, or in this case not to do, is not a pious action. It goes against showing the respect a god deserves by fabricating what the god wants from its subject because it fits what the subject
  • 23. Athena In Homer s The Odyssey In Homer s, The Odyssey, Athena emerges as a hero because of her continuous guidance of Odysseus throughout his odyssey home. Not only did she plead to other gods for their sympathy, ensuring Odysseus safe return home, but also changing identities to help Odysseus make the right decision. Athena, the greek goddess of Wisdom, the daughter of Zeus, the most powerful god and of the Sky. She looked out for Odysseus throughout his journey home to Ithaca from Troy. On his trip home, as told by fate, Odysseus lost all of his crew members and barely made it home to his loyal wife, Penelope, who had been avoiding her suitors who had infested her home for years now as they prayed for Odysseus to never return home or for word of his death, and son, ... Show more content on ... Odysseus s cunning thoughts that had allowed him to escape from the cyclops s cave holding him and some of his crew members captive, but it was Odysseus s egotistical self that revealed his true identity to Polyphemus as he sailed away and resulted in almost drowning his ship and everyone aboard. After hardly escaping, Polyphemus prayed to his father, Poseidon, the god of the seas, . . . hear me Poseidon, god of the sea blue mane who rocks the earth! If I really am your son and you claim to be my father come, grant that Odysseus, raider of cities, Laertes son who makes his home in Ithaca, never reaches home. Or if he is fated to see his people once again and reach his well built house and his own native country, let him come home late and come a broken man all shipmates lost, alone in a stranger s ship and let him find a world of pain at home! (Homer 228). And Poseidon was already unquestionably set on getting revenge on Odysseus, but now he had a new fire in his heart. Athena already had plead to gods in council to assure Odysseus s life. (Homer 153) And saved him when he shipwrecked, per Poseidon s storm, to Nausicaa s home (Homer 166). If Athena had not saved Odysseus from the storm, he would ve died a broken
  • 24. Character Analysis Of Blackie In The Destructors Blackie s Character in The Destructors In the story, The Destructors, Blackie changes from being the dominant protagonist character to being the somewhat antagonistic character in the story. Considering the three criteria that are necessary for developing a convincing character, Blackie is a very compelling character throughout The Destructors that helps with his development into a very credible character throughout the story. The criteria necessary for developing a convincing character that Blackie follows closely are that the character must be consistent with the individual s characterization as dramatized in the story, the character must be sufficiently motivated by the circumstances in which the character is placed, and the story must offer sufficient time for a change to take place and still be believable. A change in the protagonistas the result of some crucial situation in his or her life leaves an impact on the story. A character must be consistent with the individual s characterization as dramatized, or portrayed, in the story. Blackie is the founder of the Wormsley Common gang. The gang meets every morning at an impromptu car park, the site of the last bomb of the first blitz during World War II. Blackie claimed to have heard the bomb fall, and no one was precise enough in his dates to point out that he would have been one year old and fast asleep on the down platform of the Wormsley Common Underground Miazga 2 Station. Not being questioned by the gang shows Blackie s control and leadership in the group. The gang acquired a new recruit named Trevor who has been in the gang since the beginning of the holidays, and there were possibilities about his ominous silence that everyone recognized. He never wasted a word even to tell his name until that was required of him by the rules. When he said his name was Trevor it was a statement of fact, not as it would have been with the others a statement of shame or defiance (Greene 111). Trevor was called T. by the gang because otherwise they had no excuse not to laugh. Blackie is a just leader who has the heart to keep his group intact and together, and he will do whatever it takes to keep that vision. Blackie has responsibilities
  • 25. Little Pine Tree Essay Manuscript for : 696832 Anjelena Cook Pen name: Anjelena Ellett Title: Little Pine Tree s Awakening Little Pine Tree was about three feet tall with bright green needles on all his branches. His favorite color was red. He always wore a thick, red scarf around the trunk of his tree. He was a curious little tree. He noticed the many different colors of the world. (Insert image 1: Little Pine Tree with red scarf standing all alone) He loved the bright blue sky, the fluffy white snow, the yellow sun, and the brown bark of the trees. But most of all, he loved the colors of all the ornaments that the old pine trees wore. They were so beautiful. Some glittered and shimmered. Some lit up like glowing lights. And some just made him feel all happy and tingly inside when he looked at them. (Insert image 2: Three Pine Trees standing together) One ... Show more content on ... He was so tall and thin. Mister, stated Little Pine Tree as loud as he could, Come here please. As Tall Pine Tree approached, Little Pine Tree noticed he had some great ornaments of his own. Do you have a question for me that I can help you learn something? I am trying to grow my own ornaments? asked Little Pine Tree. Tall Pine Tree looked down and replied, Ornaments come over time. As you grow and learn valuable life experiences you will begin to grow your own ornaments, and each one will be special to you. You cannot force them to grow. Relax and enjoy being young. Begin to appreciate and be thankful for any ornament you grow. Think about how good you feel every time you grow a new one. And remember with more ornaments comes more weight on your branches. (Insert Image 7: Tall pine tree looking down at little pine tree) Weight? What was he talking about? The ornaments could not be heavy could they? They are too beautiful for such a thing. He had to go talk to Grand Pine Tree again. Off he ran to find Grand Pine Tree who was still planted in the
  • 26. Red Cloud s Revenge Essay Red Cloud s Revenge Red Cloud s Revenge is a historical novel about the grim recollection of detailed events and days/months before the showdown between the US Cavalry Sioux Indians on the northern plains of 1867. Fetterman, Brown Grummond rode out ahead of seventy eight soldiers that day on December 21st 1866. In hopes of driving out some Sioux Indians and bring some scalps home. Many soldiers guard was down when Fetterman s entire force disappeared over Trail Lodge Ridge. None of them were ever seen alive again. Seven months after the tragic bloodshed of the Fetterman Massacre by a band of Lakota; Sargent Seamus Donegan was stationed near Fort Phil Kearney recovering from the horror and bloodbath in which he participated. ... Show more content on ... Gunfire had erupted in a scuffle between Lakota forces and US Cavalry troops. Soon both forts under siege as well as camps nestled along the route from the advancing Indians. Red Cloud and Crazy Horse were determined their warriors to crush the white settlers to returning their land and departing forever. Using an ancient tactic of warfare, the Sioux waited until troops thought the fighting had halted. Setting up decoys and the strategy plans, Red Cloud was ready to see the white man s blood fall on the plains. When US Calvary men began to advance outside their fort range in search of a plea or peace treaty. Red Cloud gave the order for Crazy Horse to commence a raid. White men were butchered like cattle on the battlefield where they lay. A Lakota named Roman Nose took the command from Crazy Horse to burn down the wagons and dead. Cleanse this land of the white man s stain. Purify this land once again, no white men may leave here alive or in ashes. In the end, the Wagon Box Flight took many men to their deaths and renewed the terror of the Lakota. Captain Samuel Marr was returned to Fort C.F. Smith after being shot in the leg by friendly fire. Private Thompson was knocked out cold in the field and left for scalping in the blazing firefight. He survived the close encounter and didn t remember what happened or where he was for a few days. While battered and wrecked, Sargent Seamus Donegan traveled with Captain
  • 27. An Analysis Of Gennifer Choldenko s Al Capone Does My Shirts Gennifer Choldenko s Al Capone Does My Shirts is the story of Moose Flanagan adjusting to his new home, Alcatraz Island. This story is during the 1930 s, the time when Alcatraz was host to some of the most notorious criminals in history, such as Al Capone. Although there are may strict rules prohibiting the children from coming in contact with any of the prisoners, Moose meets and befriends many other children on the island, including Piper. Piper is the warden s daughter, yet she devises many crazy schemes to make money and entertain herself. Many of her schemes involve breaking the rules, and many fail. When mooses only friend wants a con baseball, he spends hours searching through the brush trying to find one. In this time, he finds, his
  • 28. Latino Culture, Culture And Culture In The Latino Community The Latino community is not just a group of people with the same heritage, but a family who works together to give others a better life and success. Being a Latina in such a world where minorities do not have as many opportunities as the privileged majority is very difficult. Especially in these times where minorities aren t able to have a say in their government and are attacked for their heritage. However, standing together as a community against oppression can be just as powerful as a united whole. It is our responsibility to bring a voice to the people of our community and join together. Making friends in the Latino(a) community is the best part. Helping each other with problems within our understanding about the minority issues we all face as a whole and individually is emotionally and physically draining. It is great to know others feel the same way you do and want to make just as much as a difference, in representing ourselves with pride as the latino(a) community. Many of us gathered to form a class in our school designed to educate about the culture, history, and origins of the Mexican American, Latino(a), hispanic, Mexican, chicano(a), and however other minorities identify themselves as. Many have joined hoping to learn about the civilizations, societies, traditions, cultures, and heritage this course has to offer to enlighten their minds of the Latino(a) community. My heritage has shaped my life completely, had it not been for the hispanic culture, my mind would
  • 29. Sherlock Holmes Personality While the reasons for Sherlock Holmes popularity in the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth are comprehensible enough in the light of the abovementioned facts, the explanation for Sherlock`s continuing success requires a more detailed analysis. Many characters that were popular at the time of their creation are forgotten today; at the same time some images developed hundreds of years ago are still famous and have become iconic in modern culture. Such characters as Batman, Robin Hood, Harry Potter, Hobbits, and definitely Sherlock Holmesare the obvious examples of such phenomena of popularity. According to the plot created by Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes worked as a detective for 23 years, living in Victorian London on Baker... Show more content on ... With the development of psychological and psychiatric fields, where statistics show that practically every fifth person suffers from depression, and every second sufferer needs the help of a psychotherapist, the topic of mental disorders is very popular and in some way even fashionable nowadays. Many researchers and Sherlock s fans started searching for mental problems in the detective`s personality which can explain his eccentric behavior. The possible symptoms vary from Asperger s Syndrome and autism to Bi polar disorder and schizophrenia (Kalogjera Sackellares 96 98). The question whether Sherlock really had psychological problems or Conan Doyle just wanted to make his character more multi faceted concerns a lot of Holmes`s
  • 30. The Life of Henry Knox The life of Henry Knox Early Life Henry Knox was born on July 25, 1750 in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the seventh of ten children to William Knox and Mary Knox. In 1759 William Knox a migrant captain died at the age of fifty after suffering financial difficulties. Three years after the death of his father and at the age of twelve, Henry Knox was forced to leave the Boston Latin Grammar school and went to work to support his family. He was hired as a apprentice to a bookseller were he mastered the trade and opened his own shop, The London Book Store at the age of 21. Henry was an enthusiastic reader and spend his time reading about military topics focusing on artillery. In 1770 Knox was involved in the Sons of ... Show more content on ... The guns and mortars were then transferred by ox drawn sleds across Massachusetts. This process took them fifty six days to complete this journey in the bitter winter weather. When they arrived in Boston, Washington place the guns on top of Dorchester Heights which commanded the city and harbor. Rather than face bombardment, the British evacuated the city on March 17, 1776 .After the victory at Boston, Knox was sent to Rhode Island and Connecticut to supervise the construction of fortifications. After the return of the Continental army, Knox became Washington s chief of artillery. That fall Knox was present during the American defeat around New York , Knox retreated across New Jersey in December with what was left of the army. Knox was made overseer of the army s crossing of the Delaware river during the attack on Trenton. With the assistance of Colonel John Glover, Knox successfully completed the crossing on time. After his success Knox was promoted to Brigadier General. During the winter break, Knox returned to Massachusetts with a plan to improve weapons production. He traveled to Springfield armory and became a key producer of American weapons for almost two centuries. In the winter at Valley Forge, Knox helped in securing supplies and assisted Baron von Steuben in drilling the troops. For the next two years, Knox was sent north to secure supplies for army and in 1780 served on the court martial of British spy Major John Andre.
  • 31. Bus615 Midterm Essay True / False Questions (2 points each/20 points total) 1. Top managers use social intelligence to define the future of the business, analyzing markets, industries and economies to determine the strategic direction the company must follow to remain unprofitable. False 2. A variable is a business intelligence characteristic that stands for a value that cannot change over time. False 3. Business process management systems evaluate and improve processes that include both person to person workflow and system to system communications. True 4. BPM systems include advanced features such as enhanced process modeling, simulation, execution, and monitoring, providing a high level of flexibility while reducing costs. True 5. ... Show more content on ... Calculating, locking, and firewalls C. Content prohibiting, and cookies D. None of the above Fill in the Blank Questions (2 points each/20 points total) 21. Michael Porter identified pressures that can hurt potential sales. Knowledgeable customers can force __________ prices by pitting rivals against each other. _______________down_________________________ 22. The Porter s Five Forces Model analyzes the competitive forces within the environment in which a company operates to assess the potential for __________ in an industry. _________ profitability _______________________________ 23. Executive information systems are starting to take advantage of _____________ intelligence to support strategic decision making, by stimulating human thinking and behavior. _______________ artificial _________________________ 24. A shopping ______ bot _________ is software that will search several retailer websites and provide a comparison of each retailer s offerings including price and availability. ________________________________________ 25. The main challenge to ebusiness is the lack of growth in some sectors due to product or service _________. _____________________limitation___________________ 26. One of the main challenges that ___________ face is ensuring consumer
  • 32. protection, guarding them against unsolicited goods and invasion of privacy. _________________ ebusiness _______________________ 27. The
  • 33. Importance Of Gift Giving In Beowulf Beowulf is an Old English epic which tells a story of a Geatish Warrior, Beowulf, who comes to help Hrothgar, King of the Danes, and his people from two monsters, Grendel and his mother. Beowulf s battle against Grendel was fought unarmored in Heorot, a mead hall. He tore off Grendel s arm leaving him fatally wounded. Beowulf s battle against Grendel s vengeful mother was fought in her underwater lair, in which he slayed her with a giant sword. Beowulf returns to Geatland with an abundance of treasure, later becoming King of the Geats. He rules for a peaceful 50 years until he is forced to fight a dragon. With the help of Wiglaf, a servant, they kill the dragon leaving Beowulf wounded. He soon dies and is buried by sea with treasure. The central idea is loyalty is above all virtues. To interpret Beowulf, one must understand gift giving in Anglo Saxon culture, the theme of a good king, and Beowulf as a character. To read Beowulf, the readers need to understand the importance of gift giving during the Anglo Saxon time period. Treasures such as gold and rings were gifted to warriors as a reward and honor of their success. For example, the day after Beowulf fought Grendel, Halfdane s son presented Beowulf with a gold standard as a victory gift, an embroidered banner; also breast mail and a helmet; and a sword carried high, that was both precious object and token of honor (lines 1019 1023). Beowulf was gifted with treasures, some with valuable meaning, as an exchange of
  • 34. Positioning and Differentation Positioning and Differentiation Paper For Referencing Only Do Not Copy Positioning and Differentiation Paper The positioning and differentiation strategies of two nearby hospitals, St. Francis Hospital located in Roslyn, New York and the Schneider Children s Hospital in New Hyde Park, New York will be discussed in this article. These two institutions are located in Long Island, New York and are approximately 5.2 miles apart from each other, servicing the nearby counties of Queens, Nassau and Suffolk. These renowned facilities are recognized for their specialty services throughout New York as well as the United States. The intent of this article is to examine the positioning and differentiation marketing strategies of these ... Show more content on ... Special services are provided for Lyme disease, the deaf, food allergies, immunology, human genetics, cardiac surgery, emergency and trauma. The facility proclaims to be a destination hospital for children across the United States and around the world (Schneider Children s Hospital, n.d., para. 1). SCH is the only hospital located on Long Island dedicated to the care of children. It has prided itself on being named one of America s best children s hospitals for two years in a row by the U.S. News and World Report (Best Children s Hospitals: General Pediatrics, 2009). These rankings are based on good community standing, patient outcomes and care related issues as patient volume, nursing care, advanced technology and recognition by outside organizations. The hospital has several consultation centers throughout Long Island and New York Cityto offer specialized healthcare to children right in their own community. The Centers provide specialized services for a broad range of medical conditions such as heart disease, neurological disorders, cancer, Lyme disease, growth deficiencies, and other childhood illnesses. The main marketing strategy to attract it target audience is through a community newsletter, its participation in community events and sponsorships, a pediatric mobile unit for the uninsured, television, radio and newspaper advertisements. The institution asserts that it provides the only pediatric emergency
  • 35. The Demon Haunted World And Silent Spring In the books The Demon Haunted World and Silent Spring, the authors write about large issues facing the public in the time period. Rachel Carson faces the issue of pest control in the middle of the twentieth century. Insecticides are used in excess, permeate the environment, and it is commonly accepted that they have no ill consequences. Carson compiled the research of many scientists and showed, despite fierce opposition, that insecticides pose a high risk of destroying the environment and are harmful to humans. Carl Saganwrites about his concerns about the path society is taking away from scientific thinking into superstition and pseudoscience. He debunks popular thoughts about UFO s, hallucinations, dogmatic con men, and anti science... Show more content on ... Carl Sagan s book The Demon Haunted World covers why people think the way they do about paranormal claims, UFO s, and pseudoscience. Sagan demonstrates that the pattern of thinking uncritically is not limited to fringe claims, but is practiced throughout society to its detriment. Carl Sagan argues that it is critical that people change their habits But if we don t practice these tough habits of thought, we cannot hope to solve the truly serious problems that face us and we risk becoming a nation of suckers, up for grabs by the next charlatan who comes along (Sagan 38). Peter Barton Hutt and Gregory Frantz argue that corporations have abused the critical faculties of Americans to promote a lifestyle of consumption and conformity to social spending: In other words, the same human propensity for uncritical thought and conformity that has historically been exploited by religions and governments is today being capitalized upon by corporations to promote consumerism (Hutt 83). Their position is reinforced by Sagan writing, throughout the book, that it is often profitable to those who provide the beliefs for others and it is in their best interests to discourage individual thoughts. Silent Spring is a detailed analysis of the damages caused by pesticides to the environment. Rachel Carson explains that through the blind, unquestioning consumer culture, companies have sold deadly poisons with unapparent warning as a catch all cure for any
  • 36. Cas Vromans Research Paper The Houses of Parliament, Cas Vromans The Palace of Westminster is the meeting spot of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the two homes of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Generally known as the Houses of Parliament after its inhabitants, it is otherwise called the heart of British legislative issues . The Palace lies on the north bank of the River Thames in the City of Westminster, in focal London. The principal illustrious castle was based on the site in the eleventh century, and Westminster was the main living place of the Kings of England until flame decimated a great part of the complex in 1512. After that, it served as the home of the Parliament of England, which had been meeting there since the thirteenth century, furthermore as the seat of the Royal Courts of Justice, situated in and around Westminster Hall. In 1834, a considerably more noteworthy fire desolated the vigorously remade Houses of Parliament, and the main huge medieval structures to survive were Westminster Hall, the Cloisters of St Stephen s, the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft, and the Jewel Tower. Its name, which gets from the neighboring Westminster Abbey, may allude to both of two structures: the Old Palace, a medieval building complex obliterated by flame in 1834, and its substitution, the New Palace that ... Show more content on ... The Elizabeth Tower, specifically, which is regularly alluded to by the name of its fundamental ringer, Big Ben, is a famous point of interest of London and the United Kingdom when all is said in done, a standout amongst the most prominent vacation destinations in the city, and an image of parliamentary majority rule government. The Palace of Westminster has been a Grade I recorded working since 1970 and part of an UNESCO World Heritage Site since
  • 37. To The Virgins By Robert Herrick The poem, To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time, dramatizes the importance of living your youth to the fullest before you become elderly. The speaker as expressed by Robert Herrick, describes getting older as horrible and sad. The poet sends a message to all virgins in their youth to get married and make use of their youth before they lose it forever. The speaker most likely is in his older years and misses his younger days and regrets not living life more when he was younger and more able. This poem dramatizes the conflict between youth and old age. The poet illustrates that we are getting older from the day we are born and must not waste it away, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying (Lines 3 4). The speaker clearly
  • 38. Research Paper On Violence Among African American Males Violence among African American Males in Schools Senior Seminar Breon Hall North Carolina A T State University March 26, 2017 Abstract Adolescent Black males throughout the years have been subject and victim to numerous economic, socioeconomic, and environmental disadvantages. In many inner city neighborhoods, these disadvantages have led to an increase in violence among these adolescent African Americanmales, especially in the educational system. Violence among African American males in schools is something that increases tremendously each year; a 2010 study in Education Week showed that over 70% of the students involved in school related arrests or referred to law enforcement were African American students. This can be explained... Show more content on ... For example, in Orange Country Florida, where black students only make up 27% of the public school s population, black students represent over 50% of the students getting suspended (Lynch, 2016). This can be the effect of discrimination in the school system as young black males are already viewed as trouble makers. This alone can also create violence in black males because they recognize the unfair treatment which leads to resentment and anger. This soon manifests into even bigger problems within the self. Exposure to aggressive experiences, in school and outside school, can profoundly affect mental health, including adjustment at school, (Basch, 2011). Also found in this article, a recent study showed more than 42,000 11 17 year old s that were affected by school violence were associated with having experienced internalizing behaviors such as depression, anxiety, sadness and more. Depression, anxiety, sadness are all ways for a child to cause aggression behavior because that s the only way they know to express themselves. This all stems back to the environment in which these young African American males are subjected to (Farrell et al, 2010) as well as their place in society and how they are viewed. If all they see and experience is negativity in their communities, homes and schools, it is what
  • 39. Female Dominance In The Wife Of Bath s Tale The role of women in society, and the power in which women have, has always been a controversial and changing subject. The Wife of Bath s Tale speaks greatly about female dominance during this point and time. Chaucer uses a strong Christian viewpoint while telling the story of the Wife. He uses an explanation considering how the apostle Paul speaks about how God put man in the position to serve as a guide for women, not to command them. Men may counsel a womanto be single, but / counseling is not commanding; he left it to our own judgment (Chaucer 68). This is saying that it is our judgment as to what is right or wrong. Through this example and many others, Chaucer speaks about the Wifes strong personality and opinions on the role of women in society.... Show more content on ... The Wife shows her authority through her radical experiences. She comments that since she was 12 years old, she has had 5 husbands. I have had five husbands at the church door (Chaucer 5). She justifies herself that although Jesus Christ attended a wedding ceremony once, which was at the Cana of Galilee, he did not specify the number of husbands that a woman should have. According to her, it would also be true that Jesus did not mention the number of wives that a man should have. She even goes ahead and uses the case of King Solomon to extend her justification. She states that King Solomon had many wives and was a great man in the Bible. According to the Wife, it is acceptable to have several partners, if at all God allowed King Solomon to prosper having all the women he had. She argues that the rule of marriage is to procreate and fill the earth, as God commanded Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. I do not find it sensible or acceptable that the more sexual partners a person has, the more children that are
  • 40. Character Analysis Of Hialmar Hedvig This play Wild duck by Henrick Ibsen revolves around hialmar ekdal and how his life specficly comes to a halt in act 4 and spins down the drain. The basic character traits hialmar posses is that thinks of himself as he has integrity. He also feels that he is the sole provider for his family consisting of his daughter (Hedvig), his beloved wife (Gina) and his father (old Ekdal). Hialmar Ekdal is also known for being melodramatic as he leaves the house after finding out about the affair between his wife and Mr. Hakon Werle. He also found his sanity by being around the garret where the wild duck resided while seeking inspiration for his invention so his father can redeem his lost status or respect. Gregers wrongly contemplating that he would be helping Hialmar, shares the bitter truth he had uncovered about his father and Gina leaving Hialmar in a spiral of chaos which he left the house to collect his thoughts. Gina being the partial source of income of the household because of her illegitimate past relationship with Mr. Werle(being the source). Hialmar s views about her went from a perfect wife to a source of supplement for the household via Mr. Werle. Hedvig is the most naive character in ... Show more content on ... Later on Mr Relling underscores the presence of their daughter Hedvig and emphasizes whatever happens between Hialmar and Gina must not in any way affect Hedvig , they must protect the child. Hedvig is portrayed as an object of pity and as the name of the play suggests she is like a wild duck who has been shot. Later on after the arrival of Mrs Sorby and the tension grows further when Hialmar learns that Hedvig is not his daughter and being morose and dejected he left the scene walking out of the house and little hedvig crying for her as her father has renounced
  • 41. Relationship Between Gsas And School Level Characteristics 1. Identify all of the basic research questions and null hypotheses.A basic research question is: There is a relationship between GSAs and school level characteristics. The null hypothesis is: There is no relationship between GSAs and school level characteristics. Another basic research question is: There is a relationship between schools in each state with GSAs and state level characteristics. The null hypothesis is: There is no relationship between schools in each state with GSAs and state level characteristics. 2. Identify all of the major dependent and independent variables and the level of measurement for each variableThe dependent variable for the first research question is the presence or absence of GSAs (Fetner Kush, ... Show more content on ... The mean number of overall schools with GSAs is 6.6 percent of the schools studied (Fetner Kush, 2008). The range of Schools with Gay Straight Alliances by Region is 14.5 percent (West) to 2.3% (South) with an overall range difference of 12.2% (Fetner Kush, 2008). The percentage range of schools Gay Straight Alliances ranges from a high of 11.6% (Urban) to a low of 2.0% (Rural) with an overall range difference of 9.6% (Fetner Kush, 2008). 4. Identify all of the figures and tables (if any) and briefly explain what each convey/report. Table 1: Gay Straight Alliances by Urban/Rural Setting: The report convoys percentages where GSA are located whether in Rural 2.0%, Town 2.3%, Suburban 12.1% and Urban at 11.6% (Fetner Kush, 2008). Schools in more populated areas are more likely to adapted rural areas (Fetner Kush, 2008). Table 2: Gay Straight Alliance by Region: The report conveys percentages of regions of South 2.3%, Midwest 3.8%, East 11.4%, and West 14.5% (Fetner Kush, 2008). The report indicates that there are more GSAs in the West, and East to that of South and Midwest (Fetner Kush, 2008). Table 3: Logistic Regression Analysis: The report conveys shows a positive relationship between urban/rural settings, free or reduced lunches and regions of the country with GSAs (Fetner Kush, 2008). Regions from South to West will
  • 42. Columbine High School Shooting Analysis In April 20, 1999, was when the Columbine High School Massacre occurred in Littleton, Colorado. Michael Moore leads us to the events that lead up to the massacre. At the beginning of the video, Michael Moore showed us that if you opened up an account at this particular bank, you would get a gun. One of the lady s that worked there said that they have over 500 firearms in their vault at the bank. It was crazy that a bank would do that, and give away guns if they signed up for an account there. As long as their background check came back clear, they were able to take that gun home with them. As I was watching the events unfold the day of the shooting at the High School, it was very heartbreaking to see the footage they got from the cameras that were ... Show more content on ... Even though I was not there, it made it real by watching what happened that day inside the school and what these children went through. It was hard to hear the people on the phone who were there that day, but it was even harder to see the two shooters on that film. The two gunmen killed 12 students and one teacher and wounded many others. Then, the two boys turned the gun on themselves. After the shooting was done and over with, it was sad to see the victims talk about what they saw and heard. Students were getting shot right beside them, and they had to watch that student die. One girl said that she had to watch a black boy die because he was black. There was racism going on in this massacre because they killed a student because he was black. This footage was unbearable to watch because of all the violence that was going on. So many families who lost a loved one will forever remember this sad day where they lost their child because of two students getting revenge on bullies. Now, many people are blaming the NRA for allowing children to get their hands on guns. They said that the boys got their guns from gun shows, etc. Because of all the violent acts that have
  • 43. Allegory and Metaphor in the Legend of Bagger Vance for... The film The Legend of Bagger Vance, based on the novel of the same name by Steven Pressfield, is a movie that transports the philosophical Hindu text, the Bhagavad Gita, from a celebrated battlefield, approximately during the 4th century BCE, in India to a fictional southern golf course in Savannah, Georgia during the Great Depression. The predominant theme of dharma (or duty) is a major point that both these works focus on. The Legend of Bagger Vance is told from the point of view of Harvey Greaves, an old man reminiscing about a legendary golftournament that was held in Savannah during his youth. The story begins with Greaves as an old man having his fifth heart attack while he is on a golf course. He goes onto explain his ... Show more content on ... Adele and a townsman chastise Bagger about his caddy skills, to which Bagger replies that Junuh is not his own self entirely and implies that he is trying to help Junuh realize who he is and overcome adversity. Junuh continues to play badly, but during an intermission he does lecture the young Hardy (whose father is forced to sweep streets after losing his store during the depression) for being embarrassed of his father s profession. Junuh speaks of duty and character, saying that Hardy s father overcame adversity and that Hardy should be proud. Hardy then explains that his love for the game of golf is due to the fact that it is fun, hard, solitary, and incorporates morality. When Junuh returns to the field, Bagger says that it is time for Junuh to see the field . There is only one shot that is in perfect harmony with the field ... [one] authentic shot...there s a perfect shot out there trying to find each and every one of us. All we got to do is get ourselves out of its way, to let it choose us....everything that is becomes one. You ve got to seek that place with your soul, says Bagger. Junuh starts to play extraordinarily well after this revelation by Bagger. Junuh s success, however, goes to his head and he gets cocky four holes before the end of playing for the day, and subsequently ignores Bagger s advice to play safely, attempting to make a dubious play. After this incident, Junuh s playing is once again disappointing and
  • 44. The Impact Of Media On New Media With the globalization of the temporary world,people have been stepped into electronic information age.The ways and channels of information propagation are totally different.Several years ago,people received information and news through paper based media,like newspapers,magazines and books.Owing to the appearance of mobile phones and IPADs,people can look through news easily and conveniently,paper based medianeed to innovate and reform.This assignment will present the status quo of paper based media,it will explain the combination of new media and paper based media,the significance of paper based media innovation. McLuhan Marshall said that media are the basic motivation of social development and a symbol of different social formation,every new media are created and applied that announce people step into a new generation. Due to the development of new media,paper media are facing unprecedented challenges that sponsors,circulation and readers decrease,less profit and effect.However,there are some advantages than new media do not have.Firstly,trust values are essential for releasing news.In new media age,all kinds of information are full of the Internet that rumors are emerged in endless.Even though readers see this kind of information,they are afraid to believe and find evidence from paper based media.Paper based media always regard reliability as principle so that the majority of people choose to trust them.Secondly,the originality is necessary.Paper based media have
  • 45. Love In A Midsummer Night s Dream Essay In William Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream, the concept of love is explored as a foolish and quite silly thing, with exaggeration and imagery used to display the ridiculousness of the whole thing. It makes good use of reversed Shakespearean love quadrangles, interchangeable love interests, faerie magic, and metaphors for the blindness of loveto weave a wonderful satire of the silliest of mortal concepts. We start by observing the dynamic between Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia, and Helena . At the start of the play, both Lysander and Demetrius are in love with Hermia. Hermia is in love with Lysander, and Helena, oft forgotten, is in love with Demetrius. After some faerie trickery and love magic, however, both men are suddenly in love with ... Show more content on ... Many a student reading this play complain of not being able to tell the two women apart. Their names are quite similar, and there is little to distinguish one from the other in character as well. In the beginning, and in the end, the love quadrangle is nearly identical, differing only by three letters. Thus, the entire affair is absurd and pointless and therein lies the comedy. Next, let us talk about the affair between Bottom and Titania. Titania is the Queen of the Faeries, a most important figure, and the partner of the Faerie King Oberon. Oberon is jealous of a particular Indian boy of Titania s, but she won t just give him up. So he sends Puck out to drug Titania with love potion, so when she awakes she ll fall in love with the first thing she sees, no matter how horrid. Then, Puck goes a wandering, and finds an enterprising young thespian, with the unfortunate name of Bottom, and wryly decides to give him the head of a donkey. The pun is not lost on many readers. When Titania awakes, she sees a monstrous creature, a human man with the head of an ass...and falls deeply in love with him. Methinks I was enamoured of an ass ,
  • 46. Effective Cervical Jm Dosage Is A Common Condition,... 1. INTRODUCTION Neck pain is a common condition, ranking as the fourth most burdensome disease worldwide. Evidence suggests that rates of recurrence and chronicity are high (Borghouts et al., 1998; Hoving et al., 2001), which results in considerable functional and economic implications (Vos et al., 2012). Joint mobilization (JM) is widely acknowledged as an effective intervention (Childs et al., 2008). However, a Cochrane review indicated that the most effective cervical JM dosage has yet to be determined (Gross et al., 2010). Multiple studies have established a sympatho excitatory effect resulting from cervical JM (McGuiness et al., 1997; Vicenzino et al., 1998; La Touche et al., 2013). On the contrary, Yung et al. (2014) developed a distinctive dose using anterior to posterior pressures (AP) of the cervical spine that resulted in a reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and heart rate (HR), suggesting a sympatho inhibitory effect. Therefore, it is indeterminate whether cervical JM results in sympatho excitatory or sympatho inhibitory effect if the dosage (Yung et al., 2015) is different from the traditional 3 sets of continuous 30 90 second regimen. Maitland s (Maitland et al., 2005) unilateral posterior to anterior glide (PA) is an entry level form of JM commonly used by physiotherapists worldwide; and it appears to be more efficacious for pain relief and outcomes in patients with unilateral neck pain compared to other JM techniques such as transverse pressures and
  • 47. Preview of Iidfc Acknowledgments It is necessary to know the relevance between theoretical and practical knowledge. So a student can only claim himself as a student of true knowledge by virtue of preparing such kind of internship report. It is time to thank all who helped me to complete this project successfully. First of all, I offer my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to Almighty Allah who has given me the learning power in the earth. Shibli Noman Khan, School of Business, Independent University Bangladesh, is my academic supervisor. I am grateful to him for the flexibility in the work scope he provided me. His encouragement and advice worked as a foundation stone for this report. I convey my gratitude for his time and continuous support. Mr. Uzzal Kumar... Show more content on ... To conduct the operational activities prudently and provide the profits and growth which will assure IIDFC s ultimate success. To ensure the sharing and caring inner world of IIDFC. To keep the professionalism in recruiting the officials and others. To keep full respect on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). IIDFC believes its cent percent successful achieved by its valued employees. 1.4 Objective of IIFDC: The objective of IIDFC is to promote and finance investments in infrastructure and I ndustrial sector. 1.5 IIDFC at present: IIDFC has stepped into its tenth years of consecutive commercial operation in April 2010. So far it has been able to achieve creditable success in the past years. IIDFC has built a reputation for being an excellent provider of financial services. The development of such kind of reputation has been possible not just because IIDFC only provides excellent financial services but also the clients after sales service in the form of quality advisory services and comprehensive financial packages. Only within a span of mere six years the company has been able to register a substantial growth because of its attitude to develop a long term professional relationship with the clients and nourish them. Presently, IIDFC is working with an efficient and active management team. The management team is headed by the Managing Director of the company,. The major activities of IIDFC are divided in into three
  • 48. A Master s Degree Of Counseling Psychology approximately the same time to complete. (Long Island University) For some students their goal may be to achieve a master s degree in counseling psychology to increase their acceptance to a Ph.D, or Phs.D program. (Capella University) Other students may choose to enter the workforce with a master s in Counseling Psychology . The licensing process varies from state to state, but most graduates will expect to prove how they have met educational requirements, ability to practice, completion of fieldwork, and examination. (Capella University) Capella University has a master s degree in counseling psychologythat is offered online. The requirements for possible program admittance are a prior bachelor s degree from a school that has been accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. (Capella University) Also required are the transcripts of the bachelor s degree and a minimum grade point average of 2.3 on a 4.0 scale. (Capella University) Earning the master s degree in counseling psychology is a good building block for those who wish to peruse the Ph.D or Psy.D after completion. Capella offers students the opportunity to study counseling theory, diagnostics, research methods, testing, assessment, and interventional methods for group and individuals. (Capella University) The program requires completion of online coursework, residency, and in the field training. (Capella University) The average student will complete Capella s master s degree in counseling psychology s requirement
  • 49. The Natural Disasters Tsunami is not just a single giant wave, it may even consist of ten or more waves which is then termed as: Tsunami Wave Train . Tsunami possesses kinetic energy and a mass of water which can cause devastation through kineticism and flooding. There is an international tsunami warning system and certain regional tsunamiwarning systems are also in placed. Pakistan is shielded to a greater extent from the Tsunami of the Pacific Ocean and Bay of Bengal due to the Indian land mass, however, Tsunamis accruing in the Indian Ocean do effect us. In 1935 a Tsunami struck the Pakistan coast killing nearly 4000 people. Cyclone Cyclone is basically a low atmospheric pressure region surrounded by high atmospheric pressure due to which there are powerful winds accompanied by rain. These are normally found in the tropical and temperate regions of the world. Cyclones are also known as Typhoons, Hurricanes and Tornadoes. Cyclones are normally found in the sea and finish off in the sea, however, certain cyclones intrude inland and cause death and destruction. Pakistan has been lucky that Cyclones in this part of the world are not very frequent. This may have in part to do with the makeup of the Arabian Sea. However, Cyclones which have occurred in the past did cause considerable damage to the coastal areas affecting the livelihood of the people living on the coast. Flood Flood is a state in which water level rises above normal along river banks and the coastal areas. They cause land
  • 50. Which Stakeholders Can Currently Be Considered to Be Part... which stakeholders can currently be considered to be part of the the company for the purpose of the director s duty to act in the best interests of the corporation? Company is a form of corporation and regulated by the Corporations Act. The legal significance of being as a company is it exists as a separate legal entity and dependent upon human beings to make decisions on their behalf. The person who makes or participates in making decisions that affect the whole or a substantial part of the company s business can be defined as a director. The legal definition of director is stated under section 9 of the Corporations Act[1] which indicates that, it is more appropriate to look at the function of the people rather than at the job title ... Show more content on ... Firstly, a company is a separate legal entity[5]. Therefore, the debt of the company is separated from its directors and shareholders. In addition, the money borrowed will be recorded under the name of the company and the creditor will sue the company if there is any unpaid account. However, creditor is playing an important role in providing funds to assist company to manage its cashflow and expansions. Hence, it can be said that creditor is the stakeholder and can effect the action of the business. Nevertheless, according to the passage Re New World Alliance Pty Ltd (1994) 122 ALR 531 at 550,[6] there is not direct duty owed by the director and officer to the creditors because their duties are owed to the company. However, in the situation when the directors of company consider a high risk project or it is in a financial distress, the creditor has to occupy a weakness position. This is because, if the project fails, shareholder will lose nothing but the money they have invested due to the limited liability then the risk of filature will shift to the creditor. Hence, it seems unfair for creditor who has not fiduciary protection and whose right is limited by the contract. On the other hands,
  • 51. Air Raid On Pearl Harbor AIR RAID ON PEARL HARBOR X THIS IS NO DRILL is what the famous telegram read when it was sent out to the US Naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. The attack on Pearl Harbor led to the involvement of the Americans in World War II. The telegram was sent by a Lt. Cmdr. Logan Ramsey from Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941 (Rothman, 2015). When this red piece of paper was delivered, it had included a message that said AIRRAID ON PEARL HARBOR X THIS IS NO DRILL . This message was classified as urgent in the bottom left corner of the telegram and was addressed to ALL US NAVY SHIPS PRESENT HAWAIIN AREA . The reason of the attack on Pearl Harbor was due to the reduction of negotiations regarding trading with the US and Japan. The US began to restrict trade with the Empire and the only result was Japan s refusal to cooperate (Pearl Harbor, 2016). After the tension began to rise, Japan decided that the best way gain an advantage in the trading industry would be to deliver a blow to the biggest threat, the US Naval fleet. Although Japan was intent on performing a surprise attack, the Americans had also gained an advantage by discovering that Japan had ordered the attack by using a decoding device to decipher Japan s radio transmissions (Pearl Harbor, 2016). Even though the US was able to make last minute preparations, it proved to not be of much help due to the bloodshed caused by the clustered Japanese airstrikes. At the end of the day, over 2,403 Americans were
  • 52. Differences Between Football And Sports Football is a sport that is highly regarded all around the globe. The sport has immense popularity where the UEFA Champions League final attracts an estimated of 350 million viewers each year]. Football has had great success globally where there is an estimated of 250 million Football players worldwide]. Despite the sport s tremendous influence and popularity, various countries have found it difficult to integrate Football as a regularly played sport, and two notable countries are the United Statesand Ireland. Both the United States and Ireland have had similarities, with similarities ranging from both countries sense of differentiation from that of Britain, and differences such as their overall attempts to be involved with the sport,... Show more content on ... Similarly, Ireland had the same situation with the sport of Football. After being conquered by the British empire in the 16th century, Ireland developed resentment towards the British because of the mistreatment and the dominance Britain tried to impose over Ireland. Regardless of the sensation of nationalism in Ireland, British culture was heavily influential, but one man realized that Ireland needed a cultural revitalization. In 1984, Michael Cusack, founder of the Gaelic Athletic Association, sent a letter between him and Archbishop T.W. Croke which was published in both The Nation and The Freeman s Journal. In the letter, Cusack asked Croke if he was willing to become a patron of the GAA; willingly, Croke supported the association. Croke makes importance of why Ireland should disband from British culture as he explains we had better once, and publicly, adjure our nationality, clap hands for joy at the sight of the Union Jack, and place England s bloody red exultingly above the green. ] Croke highlights that if Ireland continue in the same direction, Ireland is submitting to the British and their culture. If this is case, then Ireland should completely disregard their culture and exchange their flag for Britain s Union Jack. He believes that
  • 53. The Story Of The 12 Spies The story of the 12 spies seems to be a story of doubtfulness. Everyone has a sense of doubt because we are human beings. Life is full of obstacles that you must get over. All obstacles are able to be conquered, however our most mighty warrior is God. He must learn to not doubt his ability to bring us through the many storms he places before us. He uses these storms to test our faithfulness in Him. In this part of the book of Numbers, the spies are sent to look into the land that had been promised to His people. The part that stood out was the two different stories that came back and how the ten spies had no faith in the ability of God s promise. Time after time, God proved to the people of Israel that nothing could defeat them if they just believed in His word and be faithful to His will. The Lord promised Abraham that his people would be a mighty nation, Abraham believed and was one of God s most faithful servants. God used Moses to bring the people out from under the enslavement of Pharaoh. He brought them through the Red Sea, however the people still doubted that God was powerful enough to bring them to their own inheritance that waited for them. The people of Israel, just like people of today, were impatient. Everyone wants instant gratification. In my workplace, we have new employees that have worked there less than six months and feel they are entitled to the same things as the employees that have put in work for ten years and over. I feel this was one of the